#*   ☆   CATRA   MELOG‚   image.
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manic-sapphic · 4 months ago
here it comes.. another spop rant on moments i see as mirrored~
~~very sorry but i bet most of you know what to expect from me by now.. i can't stop the spop thoughts. and tbh, i don't wanna lolol <3
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**ok adding this note here after typing out what was meant (as usual ofc) to be a rant, sure, but not to the extent of the length it became (they just grow up so fast; such proud, so shame) so if anyone just wants the main idea i managed to succinctly make clear at the very end of all this wordy rambling across various tangents tryna make the same fckin points lmao, just scroll on down lol :)
so a mirror actually reflects reality, except flipped on its vertical axis, right? so the reflection is the same image, but if you look hard enough, you realize it's really an inversion of the original.
that's kinda how i feel about what adora says to catra in the sword pt 2 vs save the cat --
- when adora takes catra's hand after already plainly stating that she's "not going home" and says to her, "come with me, you don't have to go back there..." -
- this is all happening after adora tried to sneak out in the middle of the night w/o even telling catra, who only found out cause she happened to either be awake or wake up when she left~
- and upon catching up w adora and hearing her intentions, catra immediately is like "ok cool, let's go," even sounds kinda stoked on the idea- unsurprising since she fckin hates being in the fright zone. but adora quickly shuts it down, cause she "doesn't want her getting in trouble on my (adora's) behalf"
- but then pivots to asking her to just "cover for her till she gets back," saying she'll be back before anyone knows she's gone. and tbh, the way catra's jaw kinda drops slightly as she watches adora run off, ignoring her whispered calls after her, breaks my fucking heart. you can tell she's legit terrified at the idea of being left there in the fright zone w/o adora, even if it's just for a night.
~~(and tbh, adora ignoring catra's hushed calls after her as she runs off is way too similar for me to s5 when catra, invisible w melog but def still within earshot, ignores adora when she cries out her name at the end of failsafe [and every time i hear it, i can't help imagining how much it must've broke catra in half to keep going after she hears adora do that] 💔 my heart can't handle this shit fuuuu)~~
- and then adora doesn't come back the next day. catra had no clue where she was, but still must've thought that if she hadn't come back yet, there had to be a good reason for it - and she tries to refuse shadow weaver's command for her to find adora and bring her back - only to, once again, be abused by sw's magic and threatened if she doesn't comply (so much for not "getting in trouble on my [adora's] behalf")
- so she sets off w a team of soldiers to where sw already knows she is, finds adora, and assumes from the situation that she was taken prisoner by rebels. only to have adora tell her she's found out the horde is evil (which catra justifiably said "duh" to, and was prob pretty hurt to hear adora only figured out after spending a day or two w some rebels; total strangers to catra and adora atm vs the majority of her life spent as catra's best friend; i get the feeling catra thought her and adora were on the same page about that already, since adora had been the sole witness to the worst ways catra herself was treated in the horde since their childhood. [we don't know that yet, but once you do, hindsight's 20/20 bb] )
- so when adora says to her, "come with me, you don't have to go back there -" i can understand how to catra, that must have felt like an afterthought. an offer adora was only extending cause catra had sought her out and found adora herself - rendering it impossible for catra to ever know for sure or not if adora would have come back to try n get her to go w her if she hadn't been forced to find adora in the first place.
- and once we learn later in the season just how close these two were and for how long - and, especially, that the source of the exact words catra says to adora in s1e2 - "because, it doesn't matter what they do, the two of us look out for each other" was adora herself to catra as kids when the promise was first made - well. looking back at that episode and the near instantaneous fission that occurred between them - i would think it would become easier to see how that might happen from catra's pov.
- particularly after she's attacked by adora's new rebel companions and ends up watching some intensely powerful, previously unseen princess decimate their entire squadron - before turning back into adora. who she had just had that whole conversation w only minutes ago. and adora never once bothered to mention the discovery of this new truth about herself to her lifelong best friend. catra just had to watch it happen.
--- OKAY so, i know i ranted toooo much already about that first bit, so i'll try n keep what i see as the reflection of this experience brief as i can (i'ma be so bad at it tho; bet) ---
- in save the cat, adora chooses to go back for catra in spite of what a huge risk it is for her, for everyone who's willing to sneak onto prime's ship w her, and by extension, the rest of the rebellion/etheria/aaannd possibly the entire universe if they fuck it up and can't get back out
*(not-so-quick aside i just gotta make tho to give props af to glimmer for being down for this btw; she's the only one who knows what even just being in prime's presence can feel like; she just barely escaped his clutches but is willing to go right back for catra after what that bitch did for her; she's even willing to be the one who has to walk the ship alone, [i mean tbh, somebody had to babysit entrapta lolol] attempting to find her way back to the holding cells where she was so recently held herself, tryna find catra- so i just gotta give a lil 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 for glimmer y'all)
- but ofc, prime had a nice lil surprise for adora up his sleeve, and brings out chipped catra. forcing them to fight, and very quickly taking the opportunity to let adora know - he doesn't gaf how much catra gets hurt in this fight. and catra can't gaf, no matter how much pain she's being forced to cause herself.
- from the instance early on when adora manages to get catra in a hold that renders her unable to really move much - adora says what, if you ask me, might've made all the difference in the beginning if she'd thought to say it this way:
"i am not leaving without you."
- then catra strains against her hold for another second or two before her head kinda falls and her ears droop (tbh, i always get the sense there's a tiny bit of the real catra reacting to adora saying that to her in those physical responses- just due to their history)
- but then the arm twist. omfg dude - it kinda seems like she was straight up forced by prime to dislocate her shoulder just to get out of the hold - which would explain how horrified adora is when it happens - cause not a single sound or indicator of the pain felt ever escapes catra. even as she goes on fighting, despite the fact that attempting even the slightest motion w an arm that's been dislocated is known to be extremely painful.
...fuck well - true to form, i set out to try n be somewhat brief & succinct; i rlly hoped to keep my thoughts at a somewhat endurable level lol. i should prob stop thinking i'm even capable of it at this point lmao; i just can't stfu lolol rants are my way. sorry bout that fr <3
~~but i did cover my main point, hidden above in all the garble and ramble and twists and turns of my train of thought -
---there's a big difference between:
- hearing "come with me" and not only perceiving it as a slight & an afterthought; but also feeling totally robbed of hope for any kind of confidence that they ever would have come back for you in the first place-
- and having someone be willing to throw caution to the wind cause they want to literally come back for you and tell you they're not leaving without you.
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mellisinalove · 1 year ago
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Been kicking around some post series Catra ideas for some potential fan fiction creativity. Mostly around her future in Brightmoon. Browsing images of her future costume from the end of the series, I got struck by the idea of Catra earning a title of some sort. With that cape the idea of Duke of Brightmoon came to mind. Sort of playing up on Catra’s tomboy dude. She might not jump straight to it, working her way up through some version of feudal style ranks perhaps. Starting off as a Knight maybe? Or a herald as the start, a trusted envoy of the Queen? After all, it’s not just Adora she has become friends with. That’s what I’m keen to explore. Her developing relationships and interactions with the other characters, and give Melog some more screen time of course.
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aprillikesthings · 1 year ago
hit the image limit
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ANGY KITTY (and it's not Catra for once)
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lol another one for "accidentally suggestive she-ra screenshots"
oh also Glimmer realizes the "spores" are actually magic. The spikes? are an illusion. Nice
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poor Catra is shaking
and then she sneezes, the creature becomes cat-shaped and sneezes back, Adora et al find them, and:
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OKAY THAT'S HILARIOUS because Adora you are also sometimes petting the thing that's been trying to kill you and many of your friends, which is to say, Catra
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this moment is so great because she gets frustrated AGAIN, then takes a deep breath and puts on this face:
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but yeah it glows and becomes invisible and then visible again but smaller. Adora is like "oh you're magic ha ha me too" and makes her eyes do the "transform to she-ra" glow for a moment. And now it likes her
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there's a joke in here about Adora being good at dealing with cat-like creatures
lol Catra's the only one who can hear that it's talking
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oh I've just realized--Catra being able to understand Melog is a lot like Adora being able to read First One's writing--it's a like, genetic thing
But yeah, the First Ones came and tried to mine the planet's magic, then Horde Prime came and tried to use it but couldn't defeat the magic. But Melog is the only one left of its kind.
Glimmer is excited bc now they know Horde Prime's weakness is just magic
Adora invites Melog to come back to Etheria with them because it's the last place in the universe with magic
Wrong Hordak has resolved his existential crisis and now wants to defeat Horde Prime
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Shadow Weaver: "Everything we were taught in the Sorcerer's Guild was wrong. The First Ones didn't enhance this planet's magic with their tech, they weakened it. Etheria isn't a weapon. It's a living creature. And its magic has been here the whole time, slumbering, waiting to be awakened. Prime has taken our strongest fighters, but he does not yet know what this planet really is. We can destroy the restraints the First Ones built, set the magic of Etheria free...and use it against him." Castaspella: "You just want to take the magic for yourself." Shadow Weaver: "I want to save Micah. I owe him that much, at least. Come with me. Help me undo what the First Ones did, and... stop me if I try to take the power for myself." Casta: "You better believe I will."
At this point I'm not sure if Shadow Weaver actually means it? I don't know.
Melog uses magic to make the ship invisible
Glimmer: "So, just to make sure I get it, we're going to go running through a Horde blockade while relying on the magic of a creature we just met?"
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lol Entrapta tells the ship to go fast (well the actual words are "PUNCH IT, DARLA!")
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and Catra gets her first glimpse of home in a long time (and by "home," not the Fright Zone)
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did they intentionally do this for the Glitra shippers or
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Adora does a little "we made it! we're home" and roll credits :D
(BUT LITTLE DO THEY KNOW: SHIT'S FUCKED i mean they sorta know from the last time they were able to talk to Perfuma eek)
That's it for tonight folks!
s5 ep8 Shot in the dark
Off topic but while looking for fan art of Catra from the portal (ugh I need to try different tags) I instead saw a bunch of anti-Catra and anti-Catradora and anti-spop blogs and jfc people need to get a life and touch some grass and if I'm saying that--
(I mean, I did leave the house today with Saer and their mom, we went to Powell's books where I spent too much money but I got a couple of wlw manga and a Judith Butler book among a few other things, and also we went to a vintage clothing store that seemed to have NO END but I bought one thing there, a lavender satin bathrobe, the short kind; the only thing wrong with it was that it's a bit faded in some places and it's a little small on me but it's a bathrobe, and it was like $26 AND 100% SILK)
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a question many astronauts have surely asked as well!
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these two squabbling but not actually fighting always sounds like flirting, it doesn't help that a split second after that screenshot, Catra actually smiles for a second
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Look. I love them.
Bow: "Adora, Catra's right" Everyone's eyes: go wide Bow: "...that felt weird to say"
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the startled noise they all make when he starts talking lolol
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but Catra has some flashes (from when she was in the hive mind) and says Krytis is a planet, nice. There's something there Horde Prime doesn't want them to know--so they head for Krytis, roll intro theme
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oh man they really did start changing this up every episode. Look at poor Perfuma's face.
Anyway on Krytis they find an old Horde ship and everyone else is trying to figure out what happened but poor Catra is remembering what it was like to be chipped :(
there's a cute moment when she notices her tail is all fluffy from fear and smooths it out before joining the others
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there's a "crack" video where Entrapta's little walk here is dubbed with a clip from an ancient Spiderman show's theme song
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LOOK AT HER the way Bow says this is so great
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Adora laughs longer than anyone else after Catra gets the helmet off and Catra blushes and smiles and everyone stands around not wanting the ruin the moment--and then Entrapta finds something and squeals and startles the shit out of everyone and it's SO GREAT
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Catra: "So, wait, the plan is to barge ahead into the structurally unsound building to find some mystery person that we know nothing about, in hopes that they somehow know how to defeat Horde Prime?"
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Bow: "You know, we were just gonna recklessly blast our way through that blockade until you stopped us. So this whole thing is basically your idea."
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Catra's starting to realize what DORKS they all are and that good-natured teasing is just part of the deal
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the GLEE with which they are including her
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I didn't mean to get a screenshot that makes it look like Adora is staring at Catra's butt, but(t) I'm not mad about it
Meanwhile, on Etheria:
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"and yet we're still stuck with you?"
Back on Krytis Wrong Hordak is having an existential crisis as he realizes Horde Prime is not perfect
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Catra fuckin' slices a door into the wall
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Bow: dunno if that's safe Glimmer: yeah I'm not sure about this either Adora: MY GIRLFRIEND IS STRONK and has v sharp claws isn't she perfect
seriously tho Adora is BLUSHING
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Catra's face
Glimmer's too, actually
oh god it's the bit where Catra keeps sneezing at the spore things in the air and Bow is just like 🥺
Adora's reaction to this conversation is also priceless
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Anyway a second later, Catra leans on the wall and sinks into it, she shrieks and Adora yells "CATRA!!" and when they pull her out the wall starts sending out HUGE MURDER SPIKES
Back on Etheria:
Castaspella: "You said you had a plan. The only reason I'm following you is because if anyone would know about mind control, it's you." Shadow Weaver: "Mind control? Is that what they told you? No. My gifts were always far subtler."
I dunno, I think torturing kids is hardly "subtle." But abuse is often hard to spot while it's happening to you.
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y'know, like this shit
Okay in fairness she says she was less powerful as well and now he's chipped he's under control by the enemy and they're not strong enough to fight him
On Krytis, the Squad realizes they've gotten confused/turned around in the abandoned ship--"Isn't this where we started?!" There's a growling noise. The hallway somehow gets longer while they're walking in it. Creepy as fuck.
Oh and also it turns out Horde Prime and the First Ones fought over Krytis ages ago and Prime won but then abandoned the place anyway.
Entrapta: also there's someone right behind you
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yay i know who this is lol
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ALSO Catra insisting on protecting everyone is v cute
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also it took me three times to get this screenshot ahahaha
and when she tackles it they both disappear
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the audible PANIC
OH HEY i hit the image limit okay hold on
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camscendants · 3 years ago
New Stickers
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yee-t-haww · 4 years ago
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A wildly cursed image
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pennamesmith · 3 years ago
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Auntie Catra babysitting Melog's kittens!
This was what came to mind for @spop-palentines day 10 prompt Parental :)
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etherianinenine · 4 years ago
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[Image Description: Three screenshots from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018). In the first, Catra is pictured from the waist up. She stands on the left side of the screen while Melog stands on the right. Catra’s eyebrows are furrowed and she looks angry as she reaches up and places a hand on the top of Melog’s head. The caption has been modified to read, “What the hell is Shadow Weaver doing here?” In the second, Castaspella is pictured from the chest up. She has her hands balled into fists in front of her chest and she has a determined look on her face. The caption has been modified to read, “You said you wanted to reconcile.” In the third, Catra and Melog are pictured in the same spot as before but Catra’s mouth has moved. The caption has been modified to read, “I meant after she was dead. I planned on standing over her grace and yelling “I forgive you.” End Image Description.]
Image description by @heartofmara
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thatsgay-writes · 3 years ago
Catra x twin!sister reader where reader travels in alot of planets to find her sister and when she landed on etheria she explored the whispering woods and found melog, with their help she found glimmer and she led her to her castle and she finally met her sister. Catra wasn't pleased about it thinking that her family abounded her she just pushes reader away and goes to her room. Reader stays and went to deal with catra. They talked (mostly arguing) and in the end catra and reader hugs and they became very dear friends.
(I'm basically making you a nicer version of Catra with super girl powers (which you don't use in the story) and Lena Luthor as your wife because why not. I am also putting everyone in their early to late 20s... I also forgot to add Melog :( sorry.)
"Space log, day... 2000?" You mumble as you speak into the recorder on your ship. "It's been... 4 years since my son was born. 8 years since my people finally fully integrated with the civilization of our sister planet. 10 years since I renounced my royal title. 12 years since I met the love of my life. 16 years since my home world was destroyed by the Horde and my parents were killed. And... 24 years since I have last seen my baby sister." You breath out, having lost hope after so many years of things going wrong. "Lena and Madden have stayed on the planet Oa while I explore this last planet. It appeared almost 2 years ago and was the last place the Horde had ever been. Who or whatever is on the planet must be powerful." "This... This will be the final planet I explore. I have no hope of seeing my sister again." God you were so tired of the disappointment you felt every time you couldn't find your sister. "Happy 26th birthday." You mumble out as you get closer to the new planet. "End log."
"This is spaceship Kr 97. Requesting permission to land. I repeat requesting permission to land." You spoke into your radio, hoping to hear anything back. Maybe this planet didn't have the technology yet for radios? "If anyone can hear me. My name is Y/n and I come in peace. I will be landing my ship on your planet and will wait 2 days before exploring on my own." You say into your radio before putting it back where it had been hanging and controlling your ship into the planets atmosphere. It was a little bit of a bumpy landing but you landed your ship just fine on the outskirts of what seemed to be a forest. You set a 48 hour alarm on your phone. You weren't sure how the people or creatures of the planet told time, so you just stuck with what you knew. It had kept you alive so far anyways.
"Alrighty." You say to yourself as you step off of your ship. You take a deep breath as you feel the yellow sun power you up. "48 hours, let's get to work."
You spent the next two days cleaning up in and around your spaceship, setting up a camp, and watching how the forest worked so you knew what you could eat and what you couldn't. You had been sitting on the ground relaxing when you hear your timer go off. You click the loud noise off and stand up, grabbing the bag you had prepared. While learning the forest, you had seen some villages that seemingly lead towards somewhere and you had decided that the best course of action was to hop from village to village to see if their was a kingdom or something of that nature that you could get into contact with. You just hoped everyone was nice and that this wouldn't be a hard planet to navigate.
The first town you enter seems to be a farming village. You can tell because you had to walk through fields and saw, what you assume, were the livestock on the planet. You stood behind some trees for a while as you assessed how the villagers acted. You watched as kids ran around playing with their friends, shopkeepers and homeowners leaving their windows open in the nice weather, clearly not scared of being robbed. You decide that it's safe enough to enter and you have your powers to back you up incase things go wrong. It was weird because the planet had 3 moons and only 1 sun, usually planets had the suns out number moons but it was enough. You fix your cloak over your ears and tuck them back so they wouldn't be noticeable or a defining characteristic if things went sideways.
You walk slowly through the village, having expected to get some attention from your large black robe. And you do get some curious looks but it's mainly all friendly smiles. You are almost halfway through the village, aiming to enter one of the shops and ask around, when a something hits your leg. You look down and see a ball a few inches in front of your foot. You pick it up, making sure to retract your claws, and hold it out to the toddler who was staring at you and his ball. "Here you go." You say to him as you hold the ball out and shake it a little so his attention goes to it. He waddles up to you and takes the ball from you. He stares at it for a few seconds before making motions with his hands, wanting you to hold him.
Without hesitating, you pick him up and hold him close to your chest. "Where is your mother, kitten?" You ask him as he reaches up to play with your ear that were still under your hood. "Kitty!" He squeals as he knocks the hood off your head and you hear an audible gasp from behind you. "Oh my gosh, Catra I am so sorry! We didn't think you were visiting till next week. We would have prepared a feast for you and the rest of the princesses." You turn around and see an elderly looking man, who's eyes widen at the sight of you. "Have you gotten taller and cut your hair again?" He asks confused. You give him a small smile, "I'm sorry but I'm not this Catra you speak of. Are you saying there is someone similar looking to me on your planet?" You ask and the man gives you a weird look when you call it his planet but slowly nods his head. You feel hope for the first time in years and eagerly ask the man if you could stay near the town till she came next week. He gave you a bit of a weird look, not sure who you were now and unsure of your intentions, even though your reaction was positive. "Sure."
After returning the toddler to his mother, you basically sprinted back to your ship in excitement. "Lena! Lena!" You shout happily into the radio on your ship. Time is a little different on the planet as the sun was just starting to set but it would already be completely dark on Oa. But by your clock it was only 9, so Lena and Madden should still be awake. "Y/n?" You hear your name crackle through the radio and a smile appears on your face. "Lena you'll never believe it! There is someone on this planet that supposedly looks just like me and vice versa!" You say into the radio, feeling like a kid on Nova day. "I think it's her... I hope its her." You say as you image seeing your sister again for the first time in 24 years. "I'm so happy for you y/n! We will start making preparations to join you soon." You bite your lip in thought. "Maybe you should wait... I just wouldn't want to overwhelm her, you know?" You can almost hear Lena nodding on the other end of the phone. "That makes sense, we'll plan to leave by the end of the week if everything goes well."
"Geez I love you so much." You mumble with a wide grin. "And Madden too. Is he still up?" "No he fell asleep a few minutes before you radioed, he spent all day playing." "Oh well, tell him I love him and I'll radio back in the morning." "Okay, bye." "Bye."
"We need to be very careful about this." Glimmer says as she and the best friend squad enter the village who sent a letter the day before about someone who looked like Catra in their village. "We already knew that there were other people out there but as we already know not all of them are friendly." Catra walks next to Adora, numbly nodding along. Could this be it? Could she finally learn where she came from? Everyone else in the Horde had been born into it and Adora had come through a portal but no one really knew where Catra was from. "Are you okay?" Adora asked as she squeezed Catra's hand, nervous at how silent her girlfriend was. Catra just mutely nods back.
"This planet is simply marvelous!" The group hears you laugh out after being greeted by the village leader. "They look almost just like you Catra." Bow comments as they watch your tall figure move around as you play with the kids of the village and let them climb all over you. "Y/n!" You hear someone call your name and turn to see the village leader standing with a group of people and... Catra. They watch as you freeze and let your mouth fall open in shock. You set the kids down and encourage them to go play together. You walk towards the group with a smile. You go down the line of friends shaking their hands and introducing yourself, ignoring their looks of surprise, before finally reaching Catra. "Wow..." You breathe out in absolute awe. You can feel your eyes get misty the longer you stare at her. "You look so much like mom." You say with a watery laugh that completely sets Catra off.
"Who are you?" She asks as she pushes her finger into your chest making you take a step back. "What? Catra, I'm your sibling. I thought the similarities would make that clear." She glares at you and you can feel the whole village watching the interaction. "Just because we look similar doesn't mean anything." You move quickly and grab her right hand and hold it up next to your left one, both birthmarks showing.
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You watch as Catra freezes. Her face and body come to a complete stop as her eyes flicker between the identical birthmarks and your face. "I know you must have questions and I do too. But I have spent the last 8 years going all across the galaxy looking for you and right now all I want is a hug... Please?" You get out as you let go of Catra's hand only for her to push you away one last time and storm into a temporary tent that had been set up for the best friend squad.
You take a second to take a breath before following after her. "I wouldn't follow after her, she needs time to cool down." A blonde, Adora, said to you as she placed a hand on your should to stop you. "I've dealt with people with anger issues before." You say as you brush her hand off. "I know how to handle this." You say and walk towards the tent again, not giving anyone a chance to stop you.
"You can't hide away in here sister." You say as you enter the tent, dodging a pillow that was thrown at your head. "Don't call me that." She mumbled angrily. "And why not, you are my sister are you not? I mean everyone saw the birth mark." Catra stands up angrily. "If you were my sister, you would have spent longer than 8 years looking for me! And how can you even compare me to this "mom" that I know absolutely nothing about!? Where are they anyways, huh? Where's great old mom and dad that I have spent the last 25 years not knowing about!" She unloads onto you and your feel your heartbreak at how disheveled she looked. You shouldn't have assumed everything would be smiles and laughs when the two of you first met.
"26." "Huh?" "You're... We're 26. Our birthday was 2 days ago." "So I don't even know my own birthday!" Catra explodes. "Get out." She says suddenly and quietly. "What?" "I said get out." She repeats and you shake your head at her. "I'm not leaving." You watch as Catra's hair stand up. "I am giving you one last warning, get out now or I will do something I might not regret." You cross your arms and stare her down. "I have spent the last 8 years planet hopping with my family looking for you. I. Am. Not. Leaving."
Catra jumps at you suddenly, attempting to scratch, hit, kick, do anything to make you leave the tent. Instead of doing what she wanted, you just wrapped her in a tight hug and sat on the ground. You stay like that for a while, her trying to hold back sobs and angry tears before finally letting go and you just rubbing circles on her back to try and calm her down. "Why?" Is all she says after almost an hour of being in that position. "Why what?" "Why now?" You let out a sad sigh at her question. "Mom and Dad are dead, killed by the Horde Prime and his followers when I was 10." You can feel Catra flinch at how blunt you were and the fact that she had worked for the Horde only a few years ago. "You had already been missing for 8 years at that point, multiple search teams being sent out but none could find you." You squeeze Catra tighter as you feel yourself relive all the grief that you carried for the past 16 years.
"I managed to get most of our people off the planet and to our sister planet before the Horde completely destroyed everything. Got everyone situated on that planet, met the love of my life, renounced my claim to any throne, and finally I started looking for you." It's silent for a few minutes as Catra absorbed everything you said. "So..." You asked as you wiped your tears off your face. "What about you?"
You and Catra spent the rest of the night and next day sharing stories about your childhood and how differently but similar the two of you had grown up. You even got to tease her about Adora and the fact that you were, technically, her older sister by 2 minutes. You were also very excited when you got to show Catra around the ship you had taken to get to Etheria.
"So I am guessing everything went well?" Lena asked over the radio after you finally called her about coming to Etheria. "It was a little rocky at the beginning but we smoothed things over... She's great Lena, you guys are gonna love each other." You say with a giant smile on your face as you look at Catra who was relaxing in the copilot seat next to you.
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unknownmorsel · 4 years ago
[Image ID:]
[Panel 1 - Catra is staring off into the distance, appearing despondent with her ears flattened on her skull. There is a small blush on her cheeks and a broken heart next to her face. Her left hand rests on top of Melog’s head. There’s a speech bubble right above Melog, who is saying “That’s rough, buddy.”]
[Panel 2 – Catra has now turned towards Melog, sporting an incensed expression. Her right hand is raised towards the heavens, showing her claws, and her ears are now raised. She says “Understatement of the fucking year!” Melog looks unimpressed with a “…” appearing right by their head.]
[End ID]
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couldnt stop thinking bout finns stellar hc…..
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etheriadearie · 4 years ago
Visual parallels:: and how the ✨Dream✨ is canon Catradora romance 💓💫💞🏳️‍🌈
::A SPOP quick study of this theory. Also, SPOILER ALERT if you haven't finished the show! 🚨🚨🚨
Save the Cat and Heart Part 2 are highly parallel episodes- in fact, they're mirrored. Including, but especially, the dream itself-
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The message? That we're actually seeing Catra in the dream with Adora, and it is a canon romantic moment for us to appreciate. 💞🏳️‍🌈
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Catra is in the dream with Adora - as the dream is actually a simulation, like the ones that Catra and Adora shared together during Promise. And what Catra is doing is trying to cheer Adora back to life- just like Adora did for Catra when she was teetering on the edge of the platform in Save the Cat.
That the two scenes are so purposefully mirrored is an artistic message for us to understand-- As Catra holds her hand out to Adora in the dream, it is the mirror of Adora holding her hand out to Catra in Save the Cat.
This mirroring* of the story and visuals is shown repeatedly throughout the episodes, and not just in the dream itself. (* if confused, see below)
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Another visual parallel gives us more clues about Catra's presence: Catra's decision to stay with Adora moments before the dream is visually parallel to how she stands with Adora during the dream. Because, Catra is deciding to show her true feelings, including that she's willing to 'stand behind' Adora as the hero, something which is new as of this moment.
And in the dream, Catra shows that she stands with Adora as her loving partner, and she also shows Adora that she's in love with her.
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'I'm your idiot'
In Save the Cat, when Catra ever so fondly calls Adora an idiot, Adora completely accepts it. She's admitting that she should have understood sooner how Catra was attacked all of their lives, and that Adora not looking out for Catra, and then leaving her, was hurtful.
And in the dream, Catra shows the same love and acceptance as Adora, in this case she's admitting that she's in love with Adora. Catra is telling Adora that being in love is what makes Catra want to drop her cool collected mannerisms around Adora, and instead be vulnerable and sweet. Aka, Catra is letting herself be an idiot in love during the dream for Adora's sake.
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Ok so moving on to how the entire episodes are visual mirrors, starting from the very beginning of Heart Part 2. They mirror onward from the point when Prime touches Catra's shoulder during Save the Cat. Also, Shadow Weaver takes Prime's place because she's the overarching villain of the show.
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More very closely mirrored scenes well before the dream: Mirror, mirror, on the wall, what do I see ? Two girls mirroring their love for each other so they can save them!! 🪞💞🪞 Catra's refusing to leave Adora when she's told to is the mirror of Adora telling Catra that she's not giving up on her during Save the Cat.
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Prime's behavior also mirrors Save the Cat. And when he shocks Catra making her fall, Adora refuses to give up and instead risks jumping off the platform to save her. During the dream, Catra's intervention tells us that she must have seen Prime trap Adora- and so, Catra, too, refuses to give up, and she finds a way to reach Adora and free her. In short: Catra is able to turn Prime's own virus against him to save Adora, as Catra became infected with it along with Adora when the monster attacked her. (see Catra's right hand, above).
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More beautifully mirrored emotions and story- Note: Adora perfectly mirrors Catra's emotions (in last panel) right before she unlocks her true She-ra form to fight off Prime, but, I wanted to show continuity with the healing scene. In both scenes, Adora's "It's ok, I'm here" and then "We're going home" are very similar to Catra's "I've got you, I'm not letting go!!"
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Finally, the healing scene and the kiss are very similar as well. When Adora heals Catra, they are both enveloped by magic, and the same thing happens during the kiss. Why? Because Catra has incredible magical harmony- such as when she returns as Corrupted Catra, and her magical bond with Melog. Catra's kiss heals the virus in Adora, and their love for each other is what allows Catra to help Adora absorb the Heart's power-- 🌟❤️🏳️‍🌈
:: Hiya, and thanks for reading!! This is most of all a celebration of the incredible beauty and amazing romance we see during the dream. And yet, wouldn't it be even more beautiful if there were a way by which Catra was with Adora in her dream, whereby she romances Adora back to life? It's just a theory, I admit. But the mirroring that Noelle & Friends have put in the story with such apparent deliberateness may very well mean that we really are seeing the girls being their absolute most romantic and beautiful for each other. Either way, the dream is a ✨stunning✨ sequence.
:: So, I hope you at least enjoyed this, and please do ask questions! If you want more background on my reasoning, feel free to read my full theory post here. Either way, I welcome your questions and comments, and I will try to respond to all of them! So thank you for reading, or for even a like or a reblogg!!!
~EtheriaDearie 🏳️‍🌈💞💫
a bonus picture::
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Very clever, reflecting the girls top to bottom rather than left to right! But really, Horde Prime's monologues in each episode are very similar. That's all, and thanks for reading! ❤️
definition- ::Mirroring: when two images are arranged opposite, as if they are reflections in a mirror. For example, in Save the Cat, Adora holds out her right hand to Catra from the left, and during the dream Catra holds out her left hand to Adora from the right. ✌️😁💜
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kittyprincessofcats · 4 years ago
She-Ra S5 E09 - An Ill Wind
In which the Best Friend Squad’s back on Etheria and I’m back to writing up my thoughts about it. (The real question is whether I’ll manage to finish these posts before season 5’s one-year-anniversary.) I probably really don’t need to say this anymore, but there might be spoilers for the rest of the season in this post.
- I think it’s funny how Catra can’t stand teleporting, but what’s even more important is how visibly concerned for her Adora is each time. Have you seen how she touches Catra’s shoulders and looks at her with such a worried expression? D’awww.
- “Wow, you don’t trust the princesses? I am shocked.” No Glimmer, Catra’s 100% right. This has nothing to do with trusting the princesses; you really don’t know who’s chipped and which places are occupied by clones. Perfuma literally told you the rebellion was compromised.
- “Catra’s right.” THANK YOU, ADORA! (Also, I love Catra’s satisfied little smirk in the background when Adora says this.)
- I just paused the episode when they arrive in Erelandia and counted the Horde flags you can see hanging all over the town: 14, plus one giant Horde sign in the sky and a spire not too far away. Prime, are you compensating for something? (Also, Adora has an arm on Catra’s back again. Cute.)
- Is it a little disappointing that all the rebellions against Horde Prime on other planets got reduced to one brief exposition scene where a clone mentions they’re happening and a few quick images? Yeah. But I also get why the show just didn’t have the time for more and wanted to focus on Etheria.
- Speaking of, are those the magicats we see in the second image? Interesting… I’m not sure how I feel about the idea of Catra potentially being an alien as well. But then again, the show never clearly answers it one way or another, and there’s no reason magicats couldn’t have existed on multiple planets.
- Also, am I understanding this right: The Star Siblings started the intergalactic rebellion after meeting the Best Friend Squad? And now there are already rebels on several planets? Nice job, Star Siblings!
- “My heart aches for these misguided children.” I’m not sure if I’ve ever properly addressed the heavily religious symbolism around Horde Prime and his cult, but… that right there is *such* a Christian-extremist-coded line, holy hell…
- So Prime says he wants to use the Heart of Etheria “to bring peace to all the universe” and at this point I’m not entirely sure what his exact goal is. Does he just want to destroy all the planets with the Heart? Because I’ll be honest, I tend to find “I just want to destroy everything” a bit boring as a motivation in villains. What’s the point of him ruling the universe if there’s no one left to rule over? I mean, I know Prime had his whole “If there’s no one left, there are no wars, etc.” speech in an earlier episode, but that’s also just so dumb.
- Where did the Best Friend Squad even get those cloaks? Either way, Catra looks adorable with the outline of her ears showing under the hood. 🥺
- “I hope you, too, are full only of love for Horde Prime… and have no crippling doubt eating at your soul.” / “Brothers, there is nothing to see here!” Like I said in an earlier post, all of Wrong Hordak’s lines are absolute winners. Also, I love how the other clones just keep falling for his very obvious bluffs.
- Wrong Hordak learning to wink so quickly makes me jealous because I can’t wink. (No, I really can’t; I’ve tried. Whenever I try to only close one eye, I always end up closing both. If anyone has good advice on learning to wink, let me know.)
- I love the character designs of the mushroom people.
- Catra wasn’t wrong about the locals selling them out and not telling them anything useful. The others should listen to her more.
- Bow posing as the “average traveler passing though” is especially funny because I’m pretty sure there are no “travelers passing through” in times of Horde Prime.
Catra: “A town that hates princesses? Should I buy property here?”
Everyone else: *glares*
Catra: “Is what I would have said before I joined you. Go, team.”
😂😂😂 Catra’s quiet little “Go, team” in the end is what gets me most about this moment 😂. She’s adorable and trying her best, okay?
- I love how Wrong Hordak just calls everyone “brother” regardless of gender. Also, Adora’s little “Did you just wink at me?” / “That’s not how winking works!” moments are hilarious and adorable.
- “You’re wearing hooded cloaks, it’s highly suspicious.” Okay, mushroom lady’s not wrong, though. And I love how someone finally points this out, since hooded cloaks are so often used as “undercover” disguises in shows like this.
- That said, both she and mushroom guy earlier did try to sell the Best Friend Squad out super quickly. Like, I get that the locals are scared, but still… They could have tried to stay safe without running towards the clones to tell them everything right away.
- I’m just noticing that Erelandia has mushrooms everywhere. Obviously the people are mushrooms, but there are also mushrooms growing outside in the streets everywhere, and the shop they’re in is selling mushrooms and clothes with mushrooms on them as well.
- Both Bow and Glimmer blowing their covers almost immediately and Adora just quietly shaking her head at both of them in the background is amazing.
- Love Catra (and Melog) just casually stealing a mushroom from a mushroom lady.
- So Catra’s just chilling in a tree and eating stolen mushrooms and Entrapta wants to analyze samples that’ll be ready in 4-6 weeks – neither of them’s really helping right now. But then again, Catra wanted to leave in the first place because she thought the locals would sell them out (and she was right about that), so she probably thinks it’s not worth the effort.
- Also, you know who this scene with Entrapta and Catra is missing? Scorpia. If there is one problem I have with season 5, it’s that we didn’t get any Super Pal Trio reunion / moments with all of them on the same side now. (Or just in general, that we didn’t get to see Scorpia and Catra properly talking things out.)
- “That’s the windy one, right?” Okay, am I the only one who finds this line weird? Spinnerella literally has Adora, Bow and Glimmer trapped in a tornado as Entrapta says this. Obviously she’s “the windy one”? Entrapta can literally see that??
- “Lord Prime has given me peace.” Oh, I’m just realizing that’s just what Catra said when she was chipped. That’s got to be awful for Adora to hear again.
- Glimmer grabbing Bow and Adora’s hands and teleporting them out of the tornado was badass.
Adora: “How are we supposed to fight our own friends?”
Catra: “It never stopped you before.”
OMG. I love that Catra still considers their time as enemies as “being friends”.
- I really love Netossa’s entrance. What makes it really cool to me is that at that point the Best Friend Squad didn’t even know if there were any unchipped princesses left, so Netossa jumping in there with a casual “Welcome back, guys” was just an amazing moment.
- Also, I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but I really like that this season finally made Spinnerella and Netossa more important characters. (And I wonder how much network censorship of LGBT+ storylines had to do with them not being that important earlier on.)
- Hordak getting flashbacks of Entrapta again (while Prime looks at his older body’s memories) is just 🥺. I like how Prime talks about Etheria while Hordak slowly remembers more and more about his own life on Etheria.
- “So, the only person I’m fighting here is… my own wife.” I love the on-screen confirmation that they’re married! But also, Netossa wanting to attack Catra and Wrong Hordak at first was pretty funny.
- Catra and Glimmer’s respective expressions when they hear about Scorpia and Micah being chipped are a gut punch. Also, Netossa talking about how she has to get Spinnerella back is making me tear up.
- “Where are the rebels?” “Right beside you!” 😂😂😂 Amazing, just amazing.
- Love to see Catra taking out those bots. She’s so badass ❤️.
- “Be careful.” “Always am.” I wonder at what point Netossa started to realize what’s going on between Catra and Adora.
- Love Netossa whistling at She-Ra’s new look. Your wife’s right there, darling. But then again, who wouldn’t whistle at She-Ra’s new look?
- Honestly, why did anyone ever say Spinnerella and/or Netossa were weak? Their fight here really shows how powerful both of them are when they don’t hold back.
- “Stop holding back. She won’t.” Looking past how hard this must be for Netossa, this line really sums up why so many characters in shows like this seemingly become more powerful when they turn evil (or less powerful when they turn good): Because the bad guys have no reason to hold back.
- Adora firing a rainbow beam from her sword was amazing. I wish we’d gotten to see a bit more of She-Ra’s new powers this season.
- “Please. I love you. Come back to me.” I’m crying 😢. That’s a nice first taste of all the “I love you”s to come in the finale. And I love that it works (even if just for a bit). The whole “power of love helps you break free from mind control” thing might be a cliché, but it’s a cliché I love, so…yay, awesome!
- But also, and I’ll probably talk about this more when I get to the next episode (that I had a few problems with), I like how Netossa doesn’t only rely on the power of love, but still realizes she has to first fight Spinnerella without holding back to get her into a position where they can even have this talk.
- Yay, mushroom town is saved!
- Catra reassuring Netossa that Spinnerella will be okay was so sweet. She’s really trying to be nice and I think she’s doing great 🥺. (Also, Adora looks at her so proudly.)
- I just noticed that when She-Ra replaces the Horde symbol in the sky with her sword symbol, all the Horde flags around town are already gone, too. Did Catra, Glimmer and the others just like… take all of those flags down in between fighting the bots? Or did Wrong Hordak maybe walk around taking off the flags while the others were fighting?
- That said, the rainbow sword in the sky looks amazing.
- “I think Horde Prime is going to know She-Ra’s back.” “Good.” Love Adora’s determined expression here.
- Geez Horde Prime, no need to punch the screen. The screen didn’t do anything to you.
- Okay, so Horde Prime finally decides to go to Etheria himself, and when he announces that, Hordak looks at the crystal in his hand – it’s all coming together.
- “This is where the rebellion is hiding out?” “Yup. Why, have you been here?” The looks on Glimmer and Catra’s faces here are amazing. People have of course already written all kinds of amazing metas analyzing their expressions, but the short version is that Glimmer seems to remember their fight fondly, while Catra seems embarrassed.
- Perfuma trapping them all in vines and demanding to see their necks is not only hilarious, but also shows that the rebellion has learned from their past mistakes. 👍
- All of their reunions (Bow and Perfuma, Glimmer and Frosta, Adora and Swift Wind, Entrapta and Emily) were super sweet – I like big reunion scenes 🥺. Wrong Hordak meeting Emily was adorable. Perfuma clinging to Bow and crying about how she doesn’t want to be in charge anymore had me laughing so hard 😂.
- Okay so, I know Frosta’s punch breaks the mood a moment later, but I really think Adora wanting to officially introduce Catra to everyone after seeing her standing there alone while everyone else was having big reunions was super sweet. The way her face falls when she sees Catra standing there sadly, the way she asks her to come here so gently… it’s just so sweet. 🥺
- Also, unpopular opinion, but am I the only one who didn’t really find Frosta punching Catra funny? (And the same goes for Scorpia electrocuting her in the next episode, by the way.) I know these moments are meant to be cathartic “drag the former villain because some people are still mad at them” moments, but Catra’s whole story is largely about being a victim of physical abuse. Wasn’t there some way for the story to make fun of her without having other characters physically assault her? I like how Catra’s redemption was handled overall, but moments like those kind of rub me the wrong way. (Netossa trapping her in a net was fine though, because that didn’t actually harm her.)
- That said, Adora’s “Catra’s with us now. Okay? Hmm.” was hilarious. I love how she just gives the briefest explanation and then turns away from Frosta with a smile and little “hmm”, just completely expecting Frosta to be fine with this now.
- That ending shot of all of them together is epic.
So, what changed this episode is that Erelandia was freed, the space group has reunited with the remaining princesses, and Horde Prime is heading for Etheria. Good episode!
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aprillikesthings · 1 year ago
LOL ONE MORE for this episode (EDIT: LOL NOPE)
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"You could've taken the Failsafe yourself and gotten all the power you've ever wanted. But you didn't. Why?" Shadow Weaver: "You're being paranoid. This is the only way to stop Prime. Adora understands that well enough."
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(sorry I just like that they're still holding hands. I have a feeling Catra's got a damn near death grip on Adora right now actually.)
Catra: "Why does it have to be Adora? What is going to happen to her? What aren't you telling us?" Castaspella: "Answer the question." Shadow Weaver: "Whoever uses the Failsafe must absorb the full magic of the Heart when it is destroyed."
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"None of us are strong enough."
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Shadow Weaver: "Only She-Ra can hope to survive the process. No one else can do it." Adora: "And if I don't survive it?"
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(Shadow Weaver's still speaking here, and good lord Catra's face ;_;)
"Prime will be defeated. Your friends will be free."
Everyone starts talking at once, angrily:
Castaspella: You were planning this all along! Catra: Why are you surprised by this? Glimmer: It's not going to work! Bow: There is no way we're risking Adora like that!
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"I'll do it."
We all know she was gonna say that. UGH.
Catra: "No. What? What's wrong with you?"
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aaugh the cracking in her voice
Adora: "Because even if she is, it's better than Prime getting the Heart and destroying the universe!"
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"This is the only way." (she looks so exhausted when she says this)
And then Micah and a couple of other chipped sorcerers show up
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Micah recognizes Glimmer but of course he's fucking chipped
He still hates Shadow Weaver lolol
Big fight scene happens, and of course they're sorcerers so they're winning
oh god, Adora starts resolutely heading up the stairs to the failsafe but Catra yells "ADORA, NO!" and she turns around
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honestly this shot is just pretty
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oh god Adora's little moment of hesitation and visible...grief? I want to say? It's a split second, and then she walks into the failsafe anyway.
And Catra yells after her and gets hit by a sorcerer
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man I am not posting any screenshots of the close-up of her in there because it's obviously hurting her D:
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Adora turns and sees this all happening (and her eyes definitely linger on poor Catra)
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--which is enough to get her to transform into She-Ra! IT'S LIKE I KEEP SAYING she just has to think Catra (and her other friends) are about to fucking die. Her attachments to other people are what make her She-Ra god dammit
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(please let me get through this last ep before reblogging again omg)
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pretty, if you don't know what it is
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poor Catra oh god. she gets up and runs off with Melog without saying a word.
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yeah that's gotta sting
anyway the chipped sorcerers are all tied up and struggling on the floor as everyone else runs out, too
She-Ra makes the entrance to the room collapse--but just as she does so, Micah's eyes glow white in that way that means Horde Prime jumped into his body for a moment, fuckity fuck
Back at headquarters, Entrapta is still typing away looking for a solution to the chip, and looks affectionately at an image of Hordak
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oh just get in the same bed already lol
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(on a humorous note, we did put a spot up high for Mal, our actual cat, and he loves it up there)
But look at Melog oaahghhghgh Catra can't cuddle Adora so Melog is doing it for her and Catra is like, cuddling herself basically, I'm gonna chew my fingers off
FOUR MINUTES left on this episode and Daci came upstairs to sleep so now I'm downstairs with headphones
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I hate this. I get it. but I fucking hate it.
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Melog is so confused, this poor baby is like "but your Adora is right here??"
But Melog leaving is enough to make Adora wake up, sit up, look at the empty bed next to her, and--
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poor Melog, they're so confused
Adora chases Catra down and tackles her, and they fight like they haven't in uhhh most of a season?
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Catra: "I'm doing you a favor. I'm a distraction, right?"
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Adora: "No, that's not true. Don't listen to Shadow Weaver. This isn't about her." Catra: "Why? Why are you like this?"
(me: uh, Shadow Weaver?)
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"When do you get to choose? What do you want, Adora?"
AND I RAN OUT OF IMAGES AGAIN fucking christ okay hold on ONE MORE REBLOG
can I finish this before I gotta get ready and leave for the Maundy Thursday service let's find out lol
(Edit: Nope.)
s5 ep11 Failsafe
someone hold me
I have to actively suppress the urge to read the synopses of the episodes at this point
oh also lol this is just funny to me, I saw a post Elsewhere Online where someone watched all of spop the first time and they HATED the dumb names everyone has, and I think they mentioned Castaspella specifically.
And like FIFTY PEOPLE responded with "dude they had to use the original names from the 1980's series" and I was the only one there old enough to have watched the original series and I had to point out: the original series was made to sell toys. The vast majority of cartoons in 1985 were only made to sell toys. They gave everyone those dumbass names because it was easy for kids to remember and beg for the toys."
That's also why all the female characters in the original series have the exact same body type. Yeah the body shape itself was due to 1980's-era sexism, but also? It was so much cheaper to animate the show AND make the toys that way!
But also, it's hella ironic to me that the 2018 show has so little official merch!
And now, back to crying over cartoon lesbians:
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good question
ugh I hate her
Shadow Weaver: "While you were traipsing around in space,"
OH MY GOD they were saving a few people's LIVES and it was kind of IMPORTANT but WHATEVER
"--some of us have been working to stop the Heart of Etheria from falling into Prime's hands. And we discovered the same thing you did. Rumors of a Failsafe that will break the restraints the First Ones built and set the stolen magic free." Glimmer: "Are you kidding? After everything that happened last time, you're still going after the Heart of Etheria? And you're helping her?" Castaspella: "We're trying to free the magic for all of Etheria so we can be strong enough to fight Prime. I'm doing this for your father and for you. Shadow Weaver is the lesser of two evils."
I love that she says this right in front of Shadow Weaver. Like "girl I hate her too"
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okay ngl I have mixed feelings about this one because unfortunately she's not entirely wrong here but also, shut the fuck up
(something something people are responsible for their own actions but also she wouldn't have done all that godawful shit if Shadow Weaver hadn't been such a shitty parent)
but yeah Catra gets up like she's about to fucking throw some hands and Adora's like It's okay bb
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but also they do need the information Shadow Weaver and Castaspella have
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so it turns out Mystacor was built on top of a First Ones' citadel? huh
Castaspella: "Beneath Mystacor, there are many secret tunnels and rooms, forgotten and sealed off. No one has been able to access them in centuries, but there are whispers of what they contain." Shadow Weaver: "An artifact known as the Crystal of Arxia, hidden there by a group of traitorous First Ones." Castaspella: "You said I could do it!"
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lol they bicker like old marrieds
Adora: "If you figured it out on your own, why come back here? Why do you need us at all?" Shadow Weaver: "Because Mystacor is controlled by Micah, who, you may recall, is controlled by Horde Prime."
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they've been TRYING
"If he seizes the Heart, it will all be over."
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oh god Adora turns around to ask Catra to help out--and she's gone
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YOU'RE THE REASON SHE'S FUCKING "SULKING" and you fucking know it, why are abusers always so god damned surprised to find out their kids don't want to be anywhere near them
(I mean I know why, they think they should be able to control you forever)
aaahahaha Adora's just like Nah I'mma go look for her tho
anyway roll intro!
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omg look at Netossa and Spinny on the bottom left awwwww
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she looks so sad
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well okay sad and angry
their conversation here is so good, because Catra's fully aware of why Adora's doing this, but is really struggling to push past how much she (justifiably!) hates Shadow Weaver and hates being around her
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I actually do kinda wish I'd kept a list of all the times Adora does the self-sacrificial thing, separated into "someone asked her to do it" vs "nobody asked her to do it" lol
BUT ADORA EXPRESSES A NEED oh nice that's progress
Adora: "Hey, she can't do anything to us anymore. Please, come. We--I-could really use your help."
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two things I really love about this: One, she doesn't say that she doesn't like Adora, just that it's not the reason she's going. Two, I feel like Adora knows damn well Catra's not being 100% honest here.
Like, to some extent Catra's saying this as a way of attempting to protect herself a little. She's taking baby steps towards vulnerability, and it's terrifying! And I think Adora can see that and is fine with it--not JUST because she's like "any crumbs are better than nothing" but ALSO because she doesn't want to push Catra.
Because yeah, if there was any actual doubt that Catra does like Adora--
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Entrapta was able to get Spinerella's chip out but says it had started fusing with her nervous system and they're running out of time to safely un-chip everyone.
But she's been digging around the network that connects all the chips to Prime, hoping to figure out how to disconnect everyone at once, and Bow gives her a little encouragement, it's really sweet.
OKAY so everyone who can, teleports to Mystacor with Melog making them invisible. (Apparently Catra doesn't get motion sick from it anymore which is nice lol)
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I love the way they animated them being invisible
oh GOD okay
Catra turns around and says "looks like there's no sorcerers here" while, unfortunately, a sorcerer walks into the room. Shadow Weaver grabs Catra and puts her hand over her mouth to keep her quiet, and Catra (understandably!! but unfortunately!!) jerks away in fury and yells
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And her fury causes Melog to drop the invisibility
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And now the chipped sorcerer knows they're all there
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they manage to duck the attack but Adora goes to transform into She-Ra--and can't do it
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she had this issue last episode aaaugh it's not from being near Shadow Weaver she wasn't there
okay but also Adora runs behind a pillar to hide from an attack with Catra and it's cute
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girl help why is this giving me so many emotions
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y'know it's funny how often I've bumped into posts of people who are confused as to why Adora starts trusting Catra again so quickly, and I frequently wonder if they forget all the childhood flashback scenes of these two. To varying extents they both spent their entire childhoods seeing the other as their only consistent source of comfort and (something resembling) safety, and with some notable exceptions Adora's spent the last four seasons (which was like three or four years) visibly holding out hope that one day she could trust Catra again. This despite the fact that she now has other sources of safety and comfort and love!!! Being with Glimmer and Bow and everyone else was healing, sure; but it never erased her grief over losing Catra. She always, always held out the tiniest flame of hope that Catra would change sides.
And Catra basically tried lighting her own grief on fire (metaphorically and kinda literally) over and over and it just didn't go away, and I feel like when she saved Glimmer and apologized to Adora she had sort of come to terms with the fact that her grief over losing Adora couldn't be burned away, but of course by then she figured she'd fucked up so bad Adora would never forgive her or trust her again. And rather than take it out on other people or suffer any longer she was willing to just die, instead. She really did think that sending Glimmer to Adora was going to be her last act, and she wanted Adora to know she was sorry before she fucking DIED. And I don't think her saving Glimmer was consciously meant to be proof that she meant her apology, but it was. And that's part of why Adora trusts her again.
The fact is, even after everything that happened, both of them had a hole in their hearts shaped like the other. ;_;
And that's why Adora runs and hides behind the same pillar as Catra. (I mean yes, it was also closer, but that's not tHE POINT)
Anyway, this is all why, as I previously noted, Adora's not being pushy. That failed on her, spectacularly; the couple of times she tried it. Asking Catra to come along on this mission is the closest she's come. And even then, it wasn't "you're a good person deep down and you should change sides because I think I know you better than you know yourself," It was "please do this for me, because I need your help." And Catra is fully aware of how hard that is for Adora.
And these two still have a lot to work out post-canon (like, Catra has still got to deal with her need to not just be seen as Adora's sidekick/shadow, and lbh right now some of the rebellion is like "we're only putting up with you for Adora's sake" as if Catra was Yoko Ono) but that's part of why I'm writing a fic lolol
I have so many feelingssss on a related note I spent like fifteen solid minutes last night in bed having taken an edible and listening to my playlist and staring at this gifset lolol
ANYWAY Castaspella knocks out the chipped dude and they run for it
AAAND lol I gotta get ready to go to church. There's still 17:30 left on this episode. Pfft.
BACK FROM CHURCH I washed someone's feet, they washed mine, they stripped the altar, I go back at one or two in the morning for the overnight vigil
In the meantime: gonna finish this episode
(what is my life sometimes)
Entrapta plans to find a bunch of clones so she can figure out how their signals to Horde Prime work. Swift Wind is like Ugh, fine, I'll go with you, someone's gotta save your ass
Entrapta: "Thanks, bird horse!"
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lol how many times have they had that convo
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A family can be a sorcerer and her evil ex, a girl and a boy, two traumatized lesbians, and a cat
But also it looks like something out of an episode of Scooby Doo
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Shadow Weaver opens a magic door
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ngl that's PRETTY. like it's obviously about the Heart of Etheria but wow!
(and there's a dinosaur???)
Adora notices how stressed out Catra is and says "It'll be okay...Trust me." ;_;
Shadow Weaver: "There's no time to waste!"
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The disturbance was your fault, dumbass. I am reminded of all the times my dad got angry at us for being afraid of him. And would hit us. For being. Afraid of him. Because y'know. That's how you stop a kid from being afraid of you. By hitting them.
In any case Shadow Weaver is still trying to get between them and separate them and I just really need this bitch to stop.
(Yes yes I remember she dies later)
Castaspella: "We're on the right path. The Crystal of Arxia was rumored to be the key to reaching deep magic within Etheria."
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"But those who hungered for more power have long sought other ways to obtain the deep magic...with disastrous results."
HIT THE IMAGE LIMIT lemme reblog
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multaes · 4 years ago
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      TAG  DROP  PART  3
#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA‚   image.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA‚   answered.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA‚   aesthetic.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA‚   character   study.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA‚   in   character.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA‚   starter.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA‚   desires.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA‚   headcanon.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA   &   CATRA   MELOG‚   dynamics.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA   &   GLIMMER   OF   BRIGHT   MOON‚   dynamics.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA   &   MASTER   ARCHER   BOW‚   dynamics.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA   &   THE   PRINCESS   ALLIANCE‚   dynamics.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA   &   THE   BEST   FRIEND   SQUAD‚   dynamics.#*   ☆   ADORA   ETERNIA   &   THE   HORDE‚   dynamics.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS‚   image.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS‚   answered.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS‚   aesthetic.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS‚   character   study.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS‚   in   character.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS‚   starter.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS‚   desires.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS‚   headcanon.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS   &   SEA   HAWK‚   dynamics.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS   &   PRINCESS   PERFUMA‚   dynamics.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS   &   ADORA   ETERNIA‚   dynamics.#*   ☆   MERMISTA   OF   SALINEAS   &   THE   PRINCESS   ALLIANCE‚   dynamics.
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shera-dnd · 4 years ago
A Day at a Time - Recovery
After an unreasonably long hiatus and an even more unreasonable amount of rewrites, it is finally fucking done, the final chapter of my modern au glitradora fanfic.
As usual here’s the AO3 link if you’d rather read it there and let us move on with the show
Catra woke up to Melog licking her face, bright and early like he usually did. She groaned and grumbled, still exhausted from the past couple of days, but still gave her boy plenty of pets and kisses. He had pretty much saved her life, after all.
Yesterday still felt hazy to her, like it hadn’t really happened. That had been her lowest point since she started therapy and taking meds. It was like slipping in and out of a dream all day, with barely any energy to even acknowledge how awful she felt, let alone get up and do anything about it. It took Glimmer and Adora showing up to get her to even eat.
“I must have really scared you, huh Melog?” She commented, sitting up on her bed “I’m sorry. Mommy didn’t mean to make you worry.”
The cat splayed himself on top of Catra’s lap, begging for more pets, which Catra happily gave.
“I’m glad things got better too.” She offered him a weak smile. “Thank you for getting them. I don’t know what I would do without you”
Seemingly satisfied with the pets and now full of energy to burn, Melog tried to drag his mom out of bed so they could eat and play.
“Yeah, let’s not dwell on that...” She chuckled at herself a little, before finally getting out of bed.
Using her bathroom and looking in the mirror every morning was always a pain even when she looked her best - fuck gender dysphoria and fuck her beard for coming back all the time - but today it felt extra bad, because she looked like absolute garbage. That’s what crying in bed for several hours does to you.
She sighed, took her meds and washed her face.
Nope, still looked awful. Apparently being accepted and cared for by the people she loved wasn’t enough to cure her deep-seated self image issues. Looks like all those romance novels lied to her. Well, one step at a time.
And the next step was breakfast, so she made herself a nice meal and left some extra tuna for Melog. She had barely sat down to enjoy that meal, when she heard a knock on the door.
“Hey, Catra,” She heard Adora calling from outside. “Are you ready to work out?”
Catra put her food aside and did her best to look annoyed about this. Being interrupted this early in the morning was a pain in the ass, but it was vastly overshadowed by how excited she was that Adora really came back. They said they’d try to spend more time with her now, but she still worried that they were only saying it to make her feel better.
So today was a little harder for her to put on her grumpy act as she opened the door to greet her crush “Hey, Adora.” She grumbled “Not sure if you can tell, but it’s raining outside. How exactly do you plan on jogging like that?”
“I think we’ve had enough cardio for now.” Adora answered “It’s about time we did some weight exercises!”
“Why do I have a feeling I’m gonna hate this?” She groaned.
“Oh we are,” Adora somehow managed to shoot Catra a beaming smile as she said that. “But we’re gonna look hot as hell, so it’s gonna be all worth it!”
Catra did not understand how Adora wasn’t aware of how insanely hot she already was, but she wasn’t gonna say that outloud. Instead she decided to mess with her “Are you saying that I’m not hot as hell already?”
“I- What? No!” That seemed to be enough to short out Adora and deeply amuse Catra “I already…” She lowered her voice considerably. “I already think you’re really hot”
Catra was certainly not expecting that earnest response and it certainly had an effect on her poor heart. “H-hey I was just joking!” She awkwardly replied. “Just come on it. Let me finish my breakfast and then we can start.”
Catra didn’t know who invented planks, but she hated them with a passion. She wanted to say that she hated Adora too for putting her through that hell for what felt like an hour - it was only a minute - but she was pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to hate her even if she tried.
After this gruelling workout routine, the only thing Catra wanted was to lay down on the yoga mat and maybe pass out for a bit. Unfortunately that request was denied by another person knocking on her door.
“I can get it if you-”
“I’m fine, thanks.'' Catra interrupted, forcing herself up. Fuck, her abs were so sore, but maybe now she would get actual abs. “Hey.” she greeted as she opened the door.
“Hey, Catra I- Oh wow.” Glimmer seemed to freeze for a second as she tried to process Catra and Adora in their workout clothes, covered in sweat.
“That bad, huh?” Catra joked, looking unbearably smug.
“Oh shut up!” Glimmer complained “I wanted to check in on you, but it looks like you’re doing just fine.”
“Oh come on, Sparkles,” Catra smirked, making way for her to enter. “At least stay for a glass of water, you look like you need it.”
“Very funny.” She rolled her eyes as she walked into the apartment, stopping to give Adora a kiss on the cheek on the way in.
Catra tried not to feel bad about that, but it was harder than she’d like to admit. They had said they wanted her to be a part of their relationship and she was happy for that, but it still felt like their affection was always more directed at each other than at her.
Glimmer seemed to notice. She gave Catra a comforting smile, before walking up to her and giving her a matching kiss. Her lips were soft and Catra couldn’t help the awkward smile that formed in her face. Her expression evolved into a full on flustered blush as she noticed that Adora was not only watching, but giving them both the brightest smile she had ever seen.
“What’re you looking at!?” Catra bit back, trying to sound annoyed.
“Nothing...” She replied, with the goofiest smile she could muster.
Catra grumbled a little more, refusing to acknowledge how happy this made her. “Sparkles, your girlfriend is being weird.”
Glimmer chuckled at that “Do you want her to stop?”
No, Catra absolutely did not want her to stop. She couldn’t even begin to describe how much she yearned for their affection. What she also couldn’t do is be honest about that feeling. It took her worst relapse in a long time for her to open up to them yesterday and she certainly didn’t wanna go through that again.
She couldn’t say no, but saying yes would mean that Adora wouldn’t be a big adorable goof around her anymore. So she settled with the only other option she had left, and glared daggers at them both.
Catra couldn’t tell what led her to that conclusion, but Adora seemed to assume that giving her and Glimmer a big sweaty hug was the perfect thing to do in response to that.
“Eww eww eww!” Glimmer complained, struggling to escape her arms. Catra was already sweaty, but still strained to escape the open display of affection.
When they finally managed to break free, Glimmer pointed at the door and ordered “Shower! Now!”
Adora chuckled “Alright alright.” She leaned in to give Glimmer a kiss on the cheek, before she turned to Catra and asked “Mind if I get back here after that?”
Catra didn’t know what to say. She still had a hard time grasping that people might want to spend time with her and that she isn’t just forcing them to endure her presence, and this situation did not help her one bit. Part of her was still afraid that this would crumble to dust in front of her if she made a single mistake.
Still, if this was gonna disappear at any moment, then the least she could do was try to enjoy it while it lasted.
She leaned forward and kissed Adora’s cheek “You better.”
Adora’s goofy smile returned to her in full force as she nearly hopped and skipped her way out of the apartment. Catra couldn’t help but smile at that.
“Wow.” Glimmer started, in a joking tone “That bad?”
“Oh shut up!” She laughed and playfully shoved Glimmer. Only when she recoiled did Catra realize just how sweaty she was.
“Oh no.” Was Sparkles’ only response as Catra shot her evilest grin. She barely had a second to run before Catra came after with her arms spread wide.
“Come on, Sparkles,” Catra laughed as she ran after her. “Don’t you want some affection?”
“No!” She yelled, “No! Eww!” Unfortunately for her, the apartment was small and Catra was far more accustomed to it than she was and soon she was brought into her sweaty embrace “Ugh, I hate you.”
“Aww love you too, Sparkles!” The whole sentence escaped Catra’s mouth before she even processed what she was saying “I mean- I uh-”
Glimmer pulled her into a kiss and softly spoke “I know. I like you too.” Catra hated how easy it was to stun her with simple things like these. “Now let me go before I kick your ass.” She added, playfully.
“Alright alright.” Catra laughed as she let go of her.
“How about you follow Adora’s lead and go take a shower too?” She suggested.
“Wouldn’t it be a bit weird for me to just leave you alone in my apartment while I’m showering?”
“But you aren’t leaving me alone,” She replied, “I have Melog.” As if on cue, he climbed onto the sofa and began staring at the both of them.
Catra rolled her eyes and turned to Melog. “You make sure she behaves while I’m gone.”
He showed no signs of understanding, but her comment still fulfilled its goal of earning a little laugh from Glimmer. That was definitely a sound she could get used to hearing every day.
By the time she walked out of the shower Adora had already returned. They were both seated on her couch, with Melog doing his best to sprawl onto the both of them for maximum pets and scritches.
“I see you two have made yourselves comfortable.” She commented as she made her way into the room.
“Yeah,” Adora agreed. “Melog made sure we felt very welcome”
“I’m sure he did.” She rolled her eyes as she leaned back against the wall.
In that moment the silence that followed didn’t feel awkward, it felt strangely comfortable. It was like her life was taking a long content sigh at all that had just transpired. Of course this strange and new found peace made Catra immediately suspicious, especially when there was so much uncertainty still in the air.
“So… what now?”
“Well I was thinking I could make you guys some lunch,” Glimmer began. “And then we can maybe binge something on Netflix.”
Catra sighed. “I mean what about us?” she asks, finally admitting her worries. “What are we? What do we do now?”
That seemed to cast the room into a far more uncomfortable silence. Catra couldn’t help but worry that this was that dreaded fuck up that would undo everything.
“I have no idea,” Adora eventually answered, with a shrug. She got up - being careful with Melog as she did - and walked up to Catra “I only just figured how where things stood between me and Glimmer.”
With that Glimmer took her side, arms hooked around her midriff.
“All I know is that I really like the both of you and I wanna be with you two.” She continued, resting one hand on Glimmer’s shoulder and offering her the other. “And we can figure everything else as we go, if you want to.”
She gently took Adora’s hand, just to be yanked forward into a lung crushing hug. A yelp escaped her along with the last of her breath.
“Adora, let her breathe!”
Glimmer’s request only seemed enough for the hug to loosen just enough for her to breathe, while still being extremely tight, and warm, and comforting. It was easy for Catra to, just this once, leave her anxieties aside and lean into this silly little display of affection.
She could do this, she could just be with them and not worry about the future. Just love them and let herself be loved. She knew this wouldn’t fix every problem in her life, but now when those got too much for her to handle, she knew she wouldn’t be doing it alone. Now she had the two of them.
Melog meowed, annoyed that none of that affection was directed at him.
Okay, she had the three of them.
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tempestwind · 5 years ago
There are so many themes that span the 5 seasons of this show, so I plan on introducing each one and breaking them down by the character who represents them.
One of the major themes in this series is: "Nearly all people can be redeemed. But it is not YOUR duty to redeem them. Redemption has to come from the inside, it has to be an effort, and it can be messy."
Of course, Catra is central to this theme. Between Shadoweaver's toxic influence and Catra's difficulty maintaining friendships, Adora was the one stable, positive thing in her life. When Adora left the Horde, Catra couldn't help reading that as abandonment. It felt like a betrayal, even as Adora begged her to join the rebellion.
Betrayed and abandoned, there came that resentful side to Catra: the one that wanted to prove that she could do things on her own. That she could live up to, and exceed, Adora's image.
With the toxic environment, the punishments for failures, the mind games and the manipulation, Catra became a product of her upbringing and her surroundings. She weaponized the tactics used against her, and utilized them to control, to manipulate, and to put fear into the people around her. All the while, she became more and more scared of showing a sign of weakness or vulnerability, which could risk cracking her facade.
Upon Shadoweaver's betrayal, she learned that vulnerability was something to be ashamed of, something that would get punished. She became so obsessed with her image as a person in control with no visible weaknesses that any threat to that image was treated as a threat to her life.
She began obsessing over how Adora was the perfect child, the loved child. And she decided the reason for this was because everything always happened in Adora's favor. Catra then came to the conclusion that if she were to come out on top, then she would have finally earned the good things in life that Adora always had handed to her. And if Catra failed? Well, Adora always got her way.
She "othered" Adora, projecting upon her this internal battle of self-worth. And she became so destructive that she literally tore reality apart. And she still wasn't done, because she needed to keep scapegoating Adora for all the terrible things Catra did to retaliate against her.
This, and the loss of Scorpia as a friend, led to Catra's massive breakdown. She took all the power, all the control, and reaped none of the rewards for it. She realized all her destruction was for nothing. And then she lost what she had left.
A captive of Horde Prime, Catra was alone, she was scared, and she had no one except a fellow captive, Glimmer. The time they shared, out of desperation and a need to be around other people, led to a connection. And that connection resulted in the magic words, "Do something good for once in your life."
Those are the same words Catra uses on Shadoweaver, and it works. Catra had only worked to serve herself and her goals for years. She took the action. She made the sacrifice. She had reasons for being so guarded and terrorizing the people around her, but she set aside her pride and her own well-being to save Glimmer.
Catra could not have undergone a redemption arc if not for that first action. That action let herself know that she was capable of doing something good. It let Glimmer know that Catra could be an excellent ally and trustworthy. And it let Adora know that Catra was no longer a lost cause.
Catra's redemption arc isn't pretty. It's not clean. She doesn't change right away. Every two steps she takes forward, she takes one step back. It's not until she meets Melog -- her "therapy lion" as @asterose and I call her -- that she sees her own emotions reflected back at her. That's when Catra decides to start working on her anger, which has always been based in fear.
Catra took these actions. While it was Adora and the others who freed her from Horde Prime's control, it was Catra's decisions that kept her by their side. They gave her a second chance and Catra fought her instincts to earn it. She learned how to be a friend, how to stop lashing out, and how to support the people she cares about. And she learned to love, which is a pretty big deal for someone who learned love could only end in pain.
As someone who had a rough childhood and became a product of that environment for many years, I related to Catra's specific type of anxiety: the lash-out, push-away, make-yourself-bigger fear that perpetuated my life and engulfed my friendships. I used to be so scared of showing even an ounce of weakness because that was punished by my peers or used against me by people I trusted. I had been manipulated so much that I got relatively good at weaponizing that too. My childhood was marked with constant battles, and most of my memories are painful.
I got therapy starting at age 10. I learned to cope with the anger that came from anxiety. I learned not to let the feelings control me. But it would be years before I began letting myself trust my friends. And in my late 20's, my closest confidant used my weaknesses against me, to manipulate and hurt me.
When that friendship ended, I decided that, rather than hiding from everyone, I would put my weaknesses out in the open. People couldn't hurt me with my secrets if they weren't secrets anymore. I learned to love myself again and I forced myself to trust my friends. The ensuing friendships came more easily than most of the friendships I'd earned in my life.
The reason I think most people are redeemable is because I had my own damn redemption arc and I fucking earned it. That doesn't mean everyone who knew me in the past can accept me as I am now. And that's fine. I didn't do it for them: I did it for myself, for my friends, and my future.
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etherianinenine · 4 years ago
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[ID: Five screenshots from She-Ra edited to have incorrect quotes. In the first, Adora is shown with a worried look on her face saying, "Look, I know you don't like Shadow Weaver, but can you at least try and be nice? For me?"
The next shows Catra saying, "Okay, I'll be nice." She looks angry but shrugging, while Adora smiles at her, both sitting on the ground. Melog is beside Catra.
The third shows Shadow Weaver from the back, in front of Catra, who is holding Adora's wrist. Adora looks, suprised, at Catra, who says, "I wish you were dead, you lousy son of a bitch!"
The fourth is a closeup of Adora, frowning and saying, "You said you were gonna be nice!" The next shows Catra again, still looking at Shadow Weaver while replying, "I lied so I could say the 'son of a bitch' thing." /End ID]
Image description courtesy of @pepto-bismol-veins - thank you
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