#lilith mckenna lipsky
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rosetyler42 · 1 year ago
Lucy's eyes glow when she uses magic or hypnosis. Also when she turns into a bat. Her vamp mist form might have some illumination too. She's very proud of her powers and finds them cool and fun.
Lizzie's eyes sometimes glow when using "Eye of the dragon." She also transforms parts of her body or her whole body into a dragon with sometimes fiery effects. Not sure if it counts, but she can also breathe fire. Much like dad, she enjoys her powers, but has alot of responsibility.
Lily's hands glow due to inheriting her mother's powers. This can happen at will or when she's angry. Since she's had these powers since she was born, she's probably quite comfortable with them. They're tools, much like her mom and dad's powers.
Connie is surrounded by a glowing aura when using Mystical monkey power. It probably feels somewhat odd and powerful, like she's suddenly far stronger and more agile than before. It's unknown if she can do it at will. Ron's came and went, and we're not sure if he ever learned to control it. It's possible she learns to control it better than HE did, but it may still come and go when she's angry or excited.
Susan Tyler has Bad Wolf powers much like her mother, causing her eyes and hands to glow and burn. Being half time lord might give her more ability to control and sustain this power, and she might require less rest afterwards, but it normally happens when she's angry. It probably hurts a bit, less than it would for her mother. She's probably learned how dangerous it can be from her mom and dad if not first hand: Mom wiped out Daleks out of existence and Dad was killed by it (but regenerated.) It's very much a "With great power comes great responsibility" thing. Susan and her brother Alex can also regenerate when near death, being part time lord. This manifests as a large body-engulfing flash of energy as their body changes. This can be painful and taxing, as it's basically their body dying, healing, and re-arranging itself.
Do any of your OCs ever glow? If so, describe it — where on their body they glow, what causes them to glow, in which conditions do they glow, how it feels, how your OC feels about it, etc.
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rosetyler42 · 4 years ago
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My 3 year old Drakgo Mad Scientist Child OC, Lilith “Lily” Lipsky, with her modified blaster gun! https://www.instagram.com/p/CK2fphLh9Eb/?igshid=nnnfvr71oeb9
@lovelylivelyv @another-strange-user @the-one-and-only-blake-llewell @that-obsessed-gay-girl @midnightcaptions @gothicthundra @bcbdrums @sweet-or-sarcastic @animatedpixie @sharperthewriter @thenerdynightprincess13 @dailysassfromshego
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rosetyler42 · 5 years ago
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Lily with her dad!
@animatedpixie @sweet-or-sarcastic @gothicthundra @midnightcaptions @that-obsessed-gay-girl @stilldanytrash @thenerdynightprincess13 @lovelylivelyv @arachne-gorgons-web @sharperthewriter
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rosetyler42 · 5 years ago
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This is based on some WIR-Verse KP ideas from my G+ days. While on the internet, the KP gang end up in the Hotel Site District, which brings up memories for Drakgo of a short vacation they took to a Vagas Casino's power strip one day while the Arcade is closed, making out with the profits of every slot machine they could find to fund the rest of their vacay. While they're reminicing, Kim happily teases her sister and her "husband" while shipping it like crazy.
Credit for the idea of the Gomez and Morticia joke goes to @sweet-or-sarcastic . I figured if LA Kim could call her mom and nana "Team Golden Girls", why not this joke?
@midnightcaptions @aleego @gothicthundra @that-obsessed-gay-girl @thenerdynightprincess13 @3ducksandamoose @stilldanytrash @arachne-gorgons-web
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rosetyler42 · 1 year ago
Lily tried to take over the world. XD
Besides murder, what’s the worst thing your OC has done to another person?
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rosetyler42 · 6 years ago
L'Enfant Terrible's ELE Audition vid, one of my inspirations on Lily's personality and attitude.
@gothicthundra @duck-duck-duck-moose @sharperthewriter @sweet-or-sarcastic @stilldanytrash @lovelylivelyv @midnightcaptions @nyctra @benjimators @drakkenville
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rosetyler42 · 9 months ago
Simon Van Dracula:
In-universe: I decided Ericka had an ancestor somewhere named Simon. This one could go either way, but it also means Harkening, which...listening to others is something Drac needs work on. XD
Out of universe: Simon is technically named after a prior version of Johnny (and possibly Ericka) : Simon Van Helsing, a monster hunter who fell for Mavis after discovering the hotel. His name was a mix of Van Helsing from the OG Dracula and the movie with Hugh Jackman, and Simon Belmont of Castlevania.
Lucy Van Dracula:
Out of universe: Lucy I named after the girl that gets turned in the OG Dracula, Lucy Westenra. It was either this or Mina, and there are enough M names in the Drac fam and Drac Pack. Also....Mina would play too much into the whole Drac/Mina shipping. Bonus: Lucille, her full name, is similar to the classic comedienne Lucille Ball.
In-Universe: It's probably a mix of a feminine version of Lucifer and the fact it means "Light" or "Little light." I wanted Drac to have a chance to name a kid since Martha named his past one. I also figured Lucy was too informal for him to pick so I went with Lucille, shortened to Lucy as a nickname.
As for Van Dracula, I saw Ericka's name listed that way on the wiki, and I liked it. It's a nice middle ground between changing her name and keeping it, so I used it for the twins. Seemed a nice way to show Drericka's now mixed legacy.
Megera Ritchi
Not only does Megera start with Meg, but Megera from Disney's Hercules is much like Roxanne Ritchi/Lois Lane in some ways!
As for her last name...Megaminf doesn't really have one, so I imagine he takes Roxanne's name, and thus so does Meg.
Elvis Pelekai:
This one is pretty easy. Lilo and Stitch are both Elvis fans, so it makes sense that Stitch and Angel's singing son be named after the King.
Maui Pelekai:
Lilo and Stitch live in Hawaii, which the demigod Maui is a big character in polynesian/Pascific Islander myth. (Moana being out around the time I created them helped.) Plus, it fit for a strong yet coldhearted troublemaker.
Nala Pelekai:
I kinda named her both after Nala from the Lion King, and of course the phrase "Meega Nala Queesta!" It seemed fitting for a mischievious daughter to Stitch's.
Aloha Pelekai:
The baby of the family amd perhaps the most good and innocent of the pups and the best example of what upbringing can do, her name literally means "Love, Hello, and Goodbye!"
As for their last names: Stitch most likely takes Lilo's last name since he's part of their family, as does Angel. So, the kids do too.
James Felonius Wilde-Gru:
James is from James Bond, and I decided to re-use Gru's first name.
Since Lucy works at the AVL, I figured she kept her name, and hyphenated it with Gru.
Lilith "Lily" McKenna Lipsky:
I wanted to play on her being a villain, so her name is literally from a demon, but it also can be shortened to Lily like the flower, playing off Drakken's flower power and Shego's tendency for nicknames. McKenna means fire.
Aaron Ronald Stoppable:
Aaron not only is a bible/Hebrew name, but it fits the "Unstoppable" pun Ron's name does. Ronald comes from his dad.
Connie Ann Stoppable:
Connie means steadfast, works in the "Unstoppable" pun, and Ann comes from Kim's name.
As a love interest character for Rufus, her name compliments his: Rufus' name means Red-haired, while Kelly means fair-haired.
Jaren Arthur Long:
The only boy name I could think of that would mean anything to Rose aside from Jake is Jaren, after Jaren McArthur. His middle name comes from Arthur Spudinski, Jake's friend, and also works as a Jaren McArthur reference.
Elizabeth "Lizzie" Fu Long:
This name was inspired by @ebevkisk . Elizabeth shortens to "Lizzie" or "Liz," which fits a girl who can turn into a giant reptile. Fu comes from Fu Dog, Jake and Grampa's faithful animal guardian.
And of course, Long is chinese for dragon.
Susan Tyler:
This one's named after The Doctor's Grandaughter Susan.
Alex Tyler:
Alexander means "Defender of mankind" which seems fitting for a son of The Doctor.
As for Tyler, Like Megamind, The Doctor technically doesn't have a last name that we know of. (Closest is the alias "John Smith.") So I gave him Rose's. Plus...kinda fits him to break convention anyway.
Why is your OC named what they're named? Is there a different reason in-universe than out-of-universe?
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rosetyler42 · 5 years ago
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Big Sister Athena playing Peekaboo with her little sister Lily
@sweet-or-sarcastic @that-obsessed-gay-girl @aleego @midnightcaptions @3ducksandamoose @gothicthundra @stilldanytrash @thenerdynightprincess13 @arachne-gorgons-web
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rosetyler42 · 6 years ago
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The Lipsky family not long after Lily was born. Don't worry, they don't actually co sleep. I just wanted to draw the family like this. X3
@gothicthundra @midnightcaptions @sharperthewriter @dailysassfromshego @benjimators @duck-duck-duck-moose @svenshego @that-obsessed-gay-girl @thenerdynightprincess13 @benji-the-art-blog
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rosetyler42 · 6 years ago
Toddler Lily be like
How My Little Toddler Girl Conquered a Haunted Funhouse
So my daughter earned a reputation today among the Haunted Forest funhouse workers at the Renaissance Faire. She’s two, by the way. While my wife rested on a bench, I took my little girl towards the mock-up wooden castle with the skeletons perched all over it. The entrance attendant who took my money at the gate eyed my toddler in her Rapunzel outfit and gave me a side-eye. Her look said plainly, “If you want to pay $6 to have her run screaming after the first ten feet, it’s your dime.” Immediately past the ticket station, my daughter realizes she’s surrounding by skeletons and immediately laughs and points. “Skeleton! Look, Daddy, skeleton! Oh, there skeleton too!” Her grin could swallow the world. “SKELETON!” The gate attendants look at each other in confusion. These people don’t realize they’re dealing with a girl who, earlier in the day, ran up to a woman wearing a fox tail because my little Kiddo thought she’d found a werewolf. See, my daughter refuses to go in car rides without her dollar store glow-in-the-dark skeletons to play with. She hugs the monsters in pop-up books. She howls during Werewolves of London. She can name every Universal Monster and distinguish a gug from a shoggoth. The maze is unprepared for her. A few feet inside, I see a a hooded skeleton peer at us from around a corner. He’s confused. After all, this schmuck has brought a ibby bibby girl into his forest, and he has no idea what kind of experience I’m expecting him to give. My daughter waves at the reaper. “Hello skeleton! Come!” He slowly comes out. She and the ghoul make friendly small talk until she notices a zombie horse and runs off after “skeleton horsey!” This level of enthusiasm generally continues. A skeleton tied to a stake belches smoke. She laughs. A coffin shakes, hands straining to force open the lid. “Hi, ‘pire!” My daughter has found dark Disneyland, and she loves it. Well, the part where a blast of air shoot you in the butt? That she can deal without, but the monsters make her day. We approach the curtained door of a structure, and before I can think about whether I should risk entering the room three grown women push it aside and rush out of the dark. “It’s too scary!” One whispers to me as they pass, bolting for the entrance. My 2-year-old walks in and tries to make friends with the monsters. Finally we reach the exit. Standing at attention is a skeleton knight with bulging bloodshot eyeballs. The Kiddo is so damn excited to see him, she smiles and waves at him for a full minute. Then I tell her we have to go. She starts crying. Walking past later a few minutes later, I see the grim reaper talking to the attendants. He spots us, and Death himself points at my daughter. “Look, it’s that little girl!” They loved her. He lets us get a picture of her holding the scythe.
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rosetyler42 · 6 years ago
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Another adult Lily drawing! Her shirt says "Back Off Man, I'm a Scientist" XD she came out looking awesome.
@stilldanytrash @sweet-or-sarcastic @svenshego @dailysassfromshego @that-obsessed-gay-girl @thenerdynightprincess13 @duck-duck-duck-moose @gothicthundra @sharperthewriter
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rosetyler42 · 6 years ago
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Since Lily has been born, Drakgo have had to up the hazard pay of the henchmen. Dealing with a cranky baby is NEVER an easy task. Throw superpowers, sharp nails, ninja talent, and a genius intelect into the mix and things go down-hill fast.
I just imagine first time Drakgo had to have the henchmen babysit or even just HELP OUT with Lily it went something similar to Jack-Jack Attack. XD
@gothicthundra @sharperthewriter @sweet-or-sarcastic @svenshego @thenerdynightprincess13 @that-obsessed-gay-girl @duck-duck-duck-moose
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rosetyler42 · 6 years ago
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Sorry I've been off. Thibgs have been busy in RL.
Drew some evil laughing Lily.
@that-obsessed-gay-girl @thenerdynightprincess13 @sharperthewriter @gothicthundra @svenshego @duck-duck-duck-moose @sweet-or-sarcastic @stilldanytrash
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rosetyler42 · 6 years ago
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Little drawing I did of WIR-Veree Baby Lily and Athena. Need to draw Athena more.
@sweet-or-sarcastic @duck-duck-duck-moose @svenshego @dailysassfromshego @that-obsessed-gay-girl @thenerdynightprincess13 @sharperthewriter @stilldanytrash @gothicthundra
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rosetyler42 · 6 years ago
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Angry babies are always a handful for parents. Especially when they're little supervillains who inherited a temper from both sides.
@gothicthundra @sweet-or-sarcastic @svenshego @dailysassfromshego @sharperthewriter @duck-duck-duck-moose @stilldanytrash @that-obsessed-gay-girl @thenerdynightprincess13 @midnightcaptions @benji-the-art-blog @benjimators
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rosetyler42 · 6 years ago
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Pic I drew of my 3 villainous (or semi-villainous in Meg and James's case) as adults to show their relative heights. In a WIR-Verse type scenario I could see these 3 being good friends.
My idea was this was Meg's pic, hense the lightning bolt-like writing.
Lily is 5' 10", Meg is 5' 3" or 5' 4", and James is about 6' 2" or 6' 3".
@gothicthundra @sweet-or-sarcastic @svenshego @stilldanytrash @duck-duck-duck-moose @that-obsessed-gay-girl @thenerdynightprincess13
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