#at least I remembered his glasses this time XD
tealdoodles · 3 months
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I spent too much time on this.
Looked back on @emelinstriker lmk au. Found their notes on what dnd each champion would be and….. *sighs* I don’t know how many hours passed in making this. It has been a VERY long time.
Scene inspired by a legends of Avantris dnd funny moment. (If I remember correctly it was adult content jokes that happened at that time. Obviously not what nezha and macaque are arguing about here. Though I can only imagine Mink is wheezing wherever he’s hiding. Ignore the free space.)
Also glad I revisited their designs because I was about to give MK a yellow bandana. And then was reminded he wears red. XD
Red son: can we take a break?
Reader shaking with laughter and nodding.
MK having fun with the lil figures the reader makes specifically for them.
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sugarlywhispers · 9 months
the fall | b.katsuki - prohero!reader goes undercover
☆– warnings; heart breaking ANGST, a bit of comfort, not a happy ending or well, it is, just not the one you expect, vulnerable!Bakugou Katsuki.
☆– a.n; i don’t know how many times i have deleted, rewritten, deleted again and rewritten again this piece lmao i consider it a win the fact that i just finished it xD also, i don't know if this will have a continuation… thou there’s a high chance that it does because i loved the way it ended lol enjoy <3
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If Bakugou Katsuki could be properly honest he would openly admit that being a Pro Hero sucked , approximately eight times out of ten. Mostly it wasn't for the times injuries went worse than expected or felt worse as time progressed and the getting old finally settled in the bones. If he could be entirely open about it, the worst part was when a hero had to take undercover work.
Bakugou hates it. He hates it so much, he could quit. And that was a realization that unsettled him, because this was what he had dreamt about since he was a shitty brat kid: kick shitty villains asses from left to right.
But he got to actually accept and admit this particular annoying, and again, shitty fact, his resentment about that specific part of the job, when it was your turn. When you had to go undercover, and so deep into it, that it had been two years… two fucking years, since he got any news about you.
How fucking dared you. He was–is your best friend, right? Then why not send him even a simple 'I'm okay, still alive' message. Not even a quick phone call where he could at least hear your breathing; he would know it's you, because he knew everything about you. Well–not everything as he would like to. But he was your friend, you had confided in him plenty of times, you had been his partner since you were a little brat from UA doing your internship and he was the newbie Hero in charge of you. You have been through good and shit together. Was it too difficult to just let him know you were fine, fucking alive? Were your new surroundings too dangerous for you to not give any signs of life to any of your friends? If it was dangerous, why the fuck haven't him, or Red Riot or even shitty Deku, been sent to help you?!
Bakugou took another deep breath, face laying over the stinky bar table, hand holding a glass of something he couldn't fucking remember Ejirou said it was. Probably a shot of tequila with lemonade, given the strong flavor in his mouth. Fuck, he wished it was something way more stronger, like firewisky or some shit like that.
"Mina was right. You do look like trash," shitty hair smiled, knowingly and even mockingly at him, which infuriated Katsuki more.
"Shut up, ass." He wasn't drunk, but he wished he was. Katsuki couldn't get drunk because he had patrols to run that same night, he was not an irresponsible asshole, no matter what and no matter who.
But he did wish he could drink himself to sleep. He hadn't been sleeping quite well lately– or more like over two fucking years. Katsuki sighs. He knows he is exaggerating. He knows you. You don't need him to worry about you, you can definitely take care of yourself and he has witnessed how capable you are of it plenty of times already. Damn, you once even kicked his ass for being a jerk– he won't admit it, but that was the day he actually started seeing you more than just a friend. Coincidentally, it was three days before you had to go undercover. What a bitch of luck.
"Todoroki said they were going to scout some of us to go look after her," that brought Bakugou's attention back, sitting up straight and looking directly at his best friend's serious expression on his face.
"I'm in."
Kirishima sighs, "I don't think that's a good idea."
"Fuck you. I'm going..." Katsuki begins his protest but Ejirou doesn't let him continue.
"Katsuki!" Both friends look at each other's eyes for a moment without saying anything. Until Kirishima confirms out loud, "You love her."
The blond stays silent, not admitting or denying it, looking at his best friend's eyes that turned completely professional and determining.
"I will go." He presses firmly and with no room open for discussion, which makes Kirishima sigh.
The red head looks down at the glass he is holding with his drink, a cocktail that had a bit of ron and orange juice, as he plays for a moment with his fingers around it. He takes a sip of it, and after he puts the glass back on the table, he looks back at Katsuki's eyes and says, "I'm not here to invite you to go. I'm just being your fucking best friend in letting you know about this."
Bakugou growls looking elsewhere but his best friend, annoyed that he lost the discussion. He knows by Kirishima's stance and words he is not fucking going, and it innervates him.
He really doesn't want to think about it now. He doesn't want to think about you . He doesn't want to worry yet all he does is worry . For you. For your wellbeing. For the situations you probably have gone through, alone. Not with him around to take every blast he could for you. Not with him to kick some sense in that stubborn head of yours, and vice-versa.
Fuck. He worries so fucking much it is already affecting his head, his performance in battles, his everything. Katsuki had even taken more work than he should trying to keep his mind busy to not think about you.
Kirishima knows. He had known all the bullshit Katsuki was building up inside him for a while now. He always knew when something was off with his best friend. So he invited him to have some light drinks so they could talk a bit, even though that is the least thing Bakugou would ever do. Especially about his feelings. However, Kirishima knows. He has always known.
And he was not letting his friend alone to drown in his feelings.
Bakugou looks at his friend when he feels his hand grab his shoulder. The intensity in Ejirou's eyes makes Katsuki's throat tighten.
"I will bring her back."
The explosion makes the ground tremble, and it was enough to sober Bakugou and Kirishima up.
They don't hesitate to run out of the bar and towards the place where it came, where also everyone seemed to run away from. It took them less than three minutes to arrive and both of them sigh in relief when they see they aren't the only heroes at the scene, as even Deku was already there in his costume, holding at least four villains under him. Uravity was close, she had at least ten floating in the air with her Quirk, and was setting one by one on the ground again as another hero would catch and restrain them, before guiding them towards the police cars. The scene is pretty much under control, so that makes Katsuki relax a bit.
Ejirou moves to action, offering help wherever he could. Him and Katsuki walk towards Deku, helping him with the four under him that are struggling forcefully.
Deku smiles thankfully to his friends.
"There's the bitch," says the one Ejirou is holding from the back of his shirt.
"She's fucking dead," threatens the one Katsuki is holding, which makes him angrily manhandle the scum.
"What the fuck are you talking about?"
"Fuck you, hero!"
Katsuki doesn't have time nor the patience for this, so he doesn't care when he pushes the villain inside the car way more forcefully than he should.
Deku comes running to them as the cars take their way, and he says hopefully, "Have you seen Y/N?"
Katsuki's entire being ignites at the mention of your name. The thought of just seeing you again makes something move inside his gut that is annoyingly satisfying.
"She's back?" Katsuki hates how hopeful his own voice sounded.
"Y-yes?" Izuku frowns, "Wait, you didn't know?" He looks at both friends perplexed.
"Know what?" Ejirou asks this time.
Izuku sighs. "This villain group was a big one that settled in America, where Y/N went undercover. They were planning to attack this base intending to rob the machine that scientists were creating that apparently could send someone to the past. This group wanted to go back in time to erase the source of Quirks, so they could control everything."
An unpleasant chill went down Katsuki's back.
"Y/N has been undercover all this time, working and proving herself so she could get in… She even got in the higher ranks so they would trust her and she could fakely guide them here, where there's nothing but a handful of heroes hiding in this abandoned building ready to catch them."
Deku sounds proud, which Katsuki could comprehend. Not that he would admit that out loud. But wait, that means…
"How do you know this?"
"She hasn't been in contact directly with me, Kacchan, but my agency has been in this case since the beginning and there were loops where she could send information. She couldn't be close to anything or anyone from here or she could have been in a huge danger. But one of my sidekicks has also been undercover with her. He was the loop. From what he told us, she climbed very high; with a Quirk like hers, I'm not surprised she was the only strongest in there. I wonder if-..." Deku went on and on with his mumbling in fascination with Quirks.
Katsuki rolls his eyes. He really doesn't have time to listen to him. He wants to find you, so he simply walks away in search of you.
Two years. It had been two years.
He ends up running towards the entrance of the building, looking around, eyes searching desperately for a sight of you. Heroes and villains around made it a bit difficult, coming and going, running and catching.
Until he finally sees you at a distance.
You are standing there, on the side of the scene, watching as every villain gets taken by some hero and put into custody of the police. The wind around is making your hair float to the side. You have dyed its color, which makes Katsuki think that no matter the color, you still look beautiful. You are beautiful, end of sentence.
But the expression on your face isn't the one of a Hero enjoying victory.
The villains were shouting stuff, and it isn't until he actually pays attention to what they are saying that makes him groan in anger. Why? Because they were shouting swears and threats at you.
And you simply stand there, not responding and receiving everything they throw at you. That makes Katsuki frown. You have never been that cold, that quiet against villains. Where was your fire? Your hatred towards those scumbags-good-for-nothing?
But then your head faced forward, in the direction towards where he was standing. Bakugou's entire being is shaking in anticipation, hoping, thriving for this reunion. Then he sees your eyes. Eyes that were colder than ice. Eyes that showed only a glance of how broken your soul was. And it hurts Katsuki's own heart to see you like that.
Your eyes didn't seem to recognize him at first. Like you were seeing a very distant and almost forgotten thought, a memory that had been pushed to the deepest part of your mind and now just watching him made your brain hurt while trying to figure out the memory.
You then realize it's him , your eyebrows shooting up in surprise and you smile slightly. A smile that doesn't reach your eyes. It is the kind of smile that means "cool to see you, but not very happy about it".
Your eyes go back to the scene, smile wiped from your face and the stoic, cold expression back on your whole being.
"It's The Fall," Deku suddenly appeared next to Katsuki, making the blond jump a little, which he faked it like he was just changing the weight of his body from one foot to the other.
"The fucking what?" Katsuki asks, a bit pissed that he got caught off guard.
"The Fall. When heroes go undercover, they have to pretend to be somebody else," Katsuki rolls his eyes exasperated.
"I fucking know what undercover means, Deku."
"You're not listening, Kacchan!" Deku turns to him, looking quite serious. "The Fall happens when the hero has to return, has to stop pretending to be someone else. And then, they find themselves with the question of whether whomever they were pretending to be was their real self or not."
Katsuki gulps. "I didn't-..."
"Of course you didn't, Kacchan. You have always been you. Fight or die. Hell, I even didn't, because I have always only wanted to be a Hero. But not everyone-..."
"Oh fuck," the blond swears, finally realizing. 
You are in a limbo. In trying to remember who you were, who you are and not; what you should do and not. The Fall was winning over you, as you suddenly moved to help a woman that apparently was on your villain team.
Katsuki doesn't waste time. He runs towards you, picking you up by the waist and walking away from the scene, towards the small alley next to the building, as Deku recaptures the other woman.
"Y/N!" He tries to reason with you as you start to kick him, arms and legs swinging in the air to try and catch him, hit him with all your might. "It's me! It's Bakugou! Katsuki!" You are screaming, not stopping to struggle, as he drags you away from everyone that could see.
You stop every movement and scream as you realize what you just said. He finally gets to circle his arms around your chest, yours trapped under his big ones. Katsuki is breathing heavily. Fuck, he had forgotten how strong you could get.
"Hero," he repeats in your ear as you settle and relax a bit in his arms. Your back pressed to his chest, his arms holding you strongly. "I'm a Hero, Dynamight, Ground Zero," he said, "Great Explosion Murder God," he tries to joke, his throat tight and almost closed with emotions he was trying to hold back –this is not the moment for them–, saying whatever he could to help your memory remember him, "It's me, Y/N, Katsuki … Your 'Tsuki."
Sillence. Only your rapid intakes of breaths are heard between you two. Still, he doesn't dare to let you go. He feels like if he does, you will slip from in between his fingers like liquid, droplets of water impossible to tame or hold back. If he let you go, you are going to fucking disappear, like smoke impossible to catch, and fly very far away from him to never return.
Bakugou Katsuki is not willing to lose you again.
Your body starts to tremble as you sob, as you cry with all your might in Katsuki's arms. And his heart breaks for you.
"Shh , it's okay. I've got you, love. I'm here…" He soothes you, hands and arms holding you tight against his chest as you cry loudly. His hands start to caress the skin of your arms as he kept whispering into your ear.
Your cries are so intense and painful to hear for him, breaking every piece of his heart for you. He can feel your legs giving up, so he kneels with you on the dirty ground, not letting you go from his arms for even a second.
You suddenly turn in his arms, facing him. Yours surround Katsuki's neck and you hug him strongly, " Katsuki," you cry in his neck, and he wishes he was able to physically take the pain you're feeling right now and throw it very far away. Or even if he had the choice to trade it with you, he would. He would carry your pain, your sorrows, your everything, for you.
"I'm here. I'm here," he repeats as you cry, softly caressing your back with his hands.
Katsuki doesn't know how much time you waited there –now sitting on the ground, his back against a wall while you sat all curled up against his chest and in between his legs– but he notices everything is done and over when Deku peeks from a corner, holding his thumb up in sign that probably everyone had gone from the place. The blond nods, and Deku takes that as a sign that he could get close. His movements slow, careful to not startle you, put you still tense in Bakugou's arms when you hear footsteps.
"It's Izuku, love." Katsuki doesn't know where he learnt to be this careful and cozy with people, he thinks it's your fault. You have been the one who taught him so many things, that it actually doesn't surprise him when his big ass hands caress carefully and softly your head, reassuring you on that touch that it's okay to let go of him a bit. "Midoriya Izuku?" He tries his friend's real name, the one name he is sure you would be glad to hear–apart from his. But you simply respond by grabbing Katsuki harder, not letting go. "Hero Deku? Or… shitty Deku," he feels his chest puff in satisfaction when you try to hide your smile against his chest.
"Ha. Ha. Funny Kacchan…" Deku says, sitting on the ground right in front of you. Very different from you, Katsuki can not hide his own smile –not that he would even try to, which makes Deku roll his eyes and also smile. "How are you feeling, Y/N-chan?"
You exhale deeply; the long, tired sigh being answer enough, but you still say, "Like… all of this is a dream. Everything feels… surreal .” You gulp, finally pulling away a bit from Katsuki. He simply let you, hand still caressing your back in confort. “Like I’ll wake up any moment and be laying on the mattress on the floor in that one room apartment I live–used to… live.”
They both notice your slip as you frown and slide a hand through your lock in a clear frustrated sign.
“I don’t know… what’s fact and what’s fake anymore… I…” The tears fill your eyes once again, your hand now grabbing the beginning of your hair. Katsuki immediately grabs your wrist trying to make you let go. “I feel angry and sad… I feel devastated by what happened… But I also feel relief, and– I don’t know what’s the correct way to feel. I don’t fucking know who I am anymore!”
Katsuki hugs you again, rocking from side to side and hushing, whispering that everything is going to be okay.
He feels Izuku’s eyes on him, on both of you. And even if the fucker hasn’t said anything yet, Bakugou knows. FUCK. He fucking knows what his best friend is going to do. So he closes his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. Fighting his own tears back.
But he can’t hold them longer after he opens them and sees Aizawa standing at a distance. Waiting patiently. Katsuki hugs you tighter.
“Y/N-chan…” Izuku says, his gloved hand pressing on your shoulder to get your attention. “You need help. Until everything settles back into you, you need someone that can help you with this. Do we agree?”
You nod, crying and sniffing as you pull away again, and this time is Katsuki’s turn to not want to let you go. His arms grab you stronger for a moment as he hides his face on your neck.
He doesn’t want to let you go. He just got you back. He has so much to say and do and prove. He doesn’t fucking want to let you go again.
Katsuki is in denial, he knows. And he also knows he is the most selfish bastard alive for not wanting to let you go so you can properly heal. But everything he has gone, without you, and now having a little taste of getting you back, whether that be even half of you… FUCK! He definitely sounds like the most egotistic, selfish motherfucker of all.
When he’s about to finally let you go, he feels your hand tangle in the back of his head in his hair. And when his eyes find yours, he sees it. He sees the need you have of him, the sadness, the joy, the kindness, everything… He sees the want, the care, the despair . So many emotions it’s even difficult for him to maintain eye contact.
And he sees it. The love…
“If there's something I haven’t forgotten is how I feel about you. But you don't deserve the me of right now…” He shakes his head in denial, his hands holding your face and cleaning your tears with his thumbs. “I will get better… I will come back for you.”
You smile at him, and a simple action hasn't hurt so much as this. Like someone stabbed him with a knife on his chest, right where his heart is. And he’s left there, bleeding towards his death as you caress his cheek delicately one more time and stand up and walk crying towards your old teacher.
Katsuki knows it is for your health and wellbeing, but who’s going to convince his heart that this isn’t again the last time he sees you? That you will come back, that you will look for him in your return.
He brings his knees towards his chest, arms hugging them and hiding his face there. And Katsuki cries. Like a child.
He feels Izuku’s movement to sit next to him as one of his arms surround his shoulder, and he has never been grateful enough to the nerd for being the fucking best friend he has ever had.
Bakugou Katsuki doesn’t look at you parting, walking away from him. He can’t.
But he wishes he had.
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hazbinstohell · 8 months
Songfic Idea from the Song Maroon by Taylor Swift...(Because it just fit my aesthetic way too much) If you haven't heard it, find it on Youtube! (Also, this is purely self-indulgent, if you enjoy great! If not, don't like it XD My other fanfic will be updated soon, and it will move over to AO3! Hope to see you there!)
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Summary - It wasn't supposed to be this way...but here we are, and the color made her want more.
It had begun innocently enough. A song to listen to. Talking about the hotel, or maybe even talking about the redemption of other sinners.
What led from innocent talks to hour-long debates, Charlie remembers at some point listening to the stories of his "old days" with a mixture of fear and awe. He was pretty entertaining on his own. She enjoyed the old vinyl records of songs that he would play over the radio and would take care of them like they were her own, cleaning and dusting the things that he didn't even let Nifty touch, and he loved to show her more of the jazzy tunes that he had.
One day, Charlie's fights were unbearable with Vaggie, so she took a whole bottle of Rosé up at first to drink away the sorrows in her own room, that was until she ended up in his bedroom...and somehow sitting on the edge of the couch in his room, somehow her feet had ended up in his lap as he tapped her shin absentmindedly as a jazzy tune played, and he'd talk about another silly thing or a murder from his days alive, which she would try to tear apart the wrongs of it and he'd just call her sweet.
Charlie took a moment to realize that they had somehow ended up on the floor and giggled as she wondered how they got there in the first place. Alastor waved the bottle as she laughed out loud, "It was the cheapest one I could find..."
Alastor gently filled her glass, "Well dear, I do think he isn't buying the majority of the liquor around here anyways..." It was the first of many more nights. It took her mind off responsibilities and allowed her to be close to one of the people she felt the farthest from. Another night, he had swept her right up into a dance, her giggling at the fact her shoes had fallen off at some point, and their drinks had been spilled, her white shirt having a stain from the wine that he had spilled in their shenanigans.
Charlie had hummed soft laughter as she tried to dab it with a cloth. It was right near her collar, staining it and her neck, "Shit, Al. This isn't going to come out..."
Alastor touched her collar, the sharp finger gently coming to unbutton a part of the shirt, where more of the wine had spilled. Charlie doesn't realize at that moment that the wine on her shirt has changed things, as Alastor watches her face a moment before leaning in to lick at her neck. Her skin flushes everywhere, and Alastor almost seems like he enjoys it as her skin becomes redder as his lips trail up to her own...
Days become weeks of this. Nights of music listening and talking and dancing become nights of lips and tongues and touches. She spends whole maroon nights in his room to leave early morning, marks being left on her neck and collarbone having to be hidden the best it can during the day. She cannot see him around the hotel, or her skin flushes the same color it does every night. Vaggie realizes that Charlie is no longer into their relationship, and they decide that maybe it's time to end it on a good note...instead of a hazy mess of sobbing and just nothing but anger.
At least, Vaggie thinks so. Charlie feels horrible lying to her, but, she had lied to her for THREE YEARS about who she really was. Alastor had agreed when she mentioned it, but she was already sitting on the edge of the bed, as his fingers were leaving trails on her thighs, maroon blood from the marks he left on her flesh. She'd realize that any memory of her was second to the legacy of him over her. Besides, her favorite color may have always been the same color of her blood and his coat.
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leilani-lily · 7 months
~Oh Deer~ (Chapter 5)
I'll admit, I had this finished a while ago, but couldn't post until now. I have a confession to make... my long term boyfriend of 6 years split with me a couple days ago. And it's been... hard, to say the least. I'm really hoping this wont deter me from continuing to write (especially since this story is kinda romantic, but also isn't? There's deep feelings involved xD) I hope maybe writing can maybe help me as it serves as a distraction? I honestly don't know... All I can ask for is patience as I deal with this. If I find I need a break I'll be sure to let you guys know. But I guess for now, please keep me in your thoughts if you can. Or if anyone wants to swap stories I'm more than happy to share. ꨄ But ok. Enough sadness. This chapter was a joy to write before all the bs happened. I hope it can make you smile! And as always, please feel free to comment your thoughts! SYNOPSIS: AroAce! Alastor x Chef!Singer! Reader. You settle into hotel life, and whip up Alastor's fave dish! But some drama ensues when you get a little too friendly with a certain Spider Demon~ Word Count: 4.4 K Chapter under the cut! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
You had developed quite a routine here during your time at the hotel, and you certainly found your days a lot busier than you had intended.
Your morning coffee with Alastor that usually blended into breakfast, then joining him in his tower for his broadcasts. He’d always pour two glasses of rye whisky and sit with you, asking for your thoughts afterwards. You’d discuss what you liked and didn’t like, and were surprised to learn he took criticism well (other than the occasional eye twitch). You’d bounce off new topics for future shows together before wrapping up and heading back down to the kitchen for the lunch rush.
After lunch was usually when Charlie would want to round everybody up. Either discussing how to make the hotel more liveable, how to recruit more sinners, or various exercises to improve everyone’s character. Sometimes these meetings were very boring and you’d have to pinch yourself constantly to stay awake. But for the most part they were fun, and you found yourself actually enjoying spending time with everyone. Especially goofing around with Angel and Husk, which usually resulted in Vaggie snapping at you all as you choke back laughter. Sometimes you would catch Alastor watching you with an unreadable expression, but you didn’t think anything of it. 
When that would wrap up, it was time to whip up dinner. You managed to figure out everyone’s favourite foods, and every Friday you decided you’d rotate through and make someone’s special  dish for them. Everyone enjoyed Friday dinners, always trying to guess what everyone liked, make bets on who was next, and were especially pleased if it was their night. It wasn’t much, but their praise always made you secretly feel warm and bubbly inside. 
Finally, after cleaning everything up and ending your shift, you’d have some spare time. Depending on how the day went, you would either read and have a quiet night to yourself, or just completely pass out straight away. 
Before you knew it, a month had flown before your eyes; bringing you into the present.
You knew you had no reason to be so nervous. Angel had loved his lasagna dish last week, and previously Charlie loved the pizza you had made (even if others had picked off the pineapple in disgust). You had proven you were a good chef since working here. But this Friday meal in particular… this one was different. It was Alastor’s. Your closest friend. And you knew just how important this particular meal was. It wasn’t just a dish, it was a memory. A way to remember his mother, and you had learned very quickly just how much she meant to him. 
Your heart was fluttering nervously as you put the jambalaya out on the large dining table. No one was there yet, but you could hear the chitter of excited demons coming closer to you, so you knew they were on their way. You always tried to make Friday’s dinner special, it was the one meal where you all sat and ate together. Kind of like a little family. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, your heart fluttering warmly at the thought. You went back to the kitchen to grab the cheddar biscuits, your mind wandering back to Alastor. You shouldn't be overthinking this, it’s just a stupid dinner. Did his opinion really matter that much to you?
You re-enter the dining room, and your eyes immediately locked with the demon in question. Alastor’s smile seemed to brighten the moment he saw you, but his smile only made your hands sweaty.
…… Yes, yes his opinion really did matter that much. You really wanted to make a good impression. 
“Ooooh and ya baked fresh biscuits??” Angel had zipped up beside you, eyeing the plate of goodies in your hands, “ya really know how ta spoil a demon Baby Cakes!” His fingers danced over a biscuit, causing you to snap out of your hold with Alastor and give Angel a quick slap on the wrist. He zipped his hand away in mock horror, making you snort a moment.
“You know the rules; no eating ‘till everyone’s here,” You scold him, but you can’t help but smile; you could never really be angry with him. Angel groaned dramatically, hugging himself with his four arms.
“You’re a cruel mistress y/n; makin’ a cutie like me practically starve to death! Jus’ look at me! I’m witherin’ away!” he leans up against you, arching his back as his full weight pressed on you. You let out a single laugh as you tried to maintain your hold on the plate and not fall over. He continued to groan weakly as his one arm grasped the air above him and another flopped over his eyes. 
Wow. Someone give this guy an award. No wonder he was in show business. 
You laugh again at the dramatics and roll your eyes. Finally, you sighed and grabbed a biscuit, offering it to the Spider Demon. Angel peeked over and immediately lit up, grabbed it eagerly before standing up straight, miraculously recovering from his ‘near death’. He took a deep whiff of the warm bread before smiling back at you. 
“Yarra real doll toots~” he gives you a flirty wink to which you shake your head in amusement. Always the charmer this one. 
“Yeah yeah, well, just don’t tell the others. Or else they might think you’re my favourite~!” You swing your hips to him and give him a playful hip bump, winking right back. He laughed as the nudge pushed him to the side, using the momentum to walk to his seat. But as he sauntered away, he looked back and grinned mischievously.
“Well maybe they should~!” he called back, doing a little suggestive shoulder shimmy and wiggling his eyebrows. You couldn’t help your snort. Cheeky thing. 
You knew it was all in good fun; teasing and play-flirting had become your thing. He was like the gal-pal you had never had since coming to Hell, and you could tell he was happy to have a girlie here at the hotel. You knew his real bestie was some demon named Cherri (which he INSISTED you all had to go out one night), but having another chica just a couple rooms down from his own was fun and convenient. And you were happy to be that friend for him if it meant slumber parties and beauty routines. 
You felt someone’s eyes on you, and you snapped out of your bubbly thoughts. Alastor was standing in the same spot he was before, not having moved an inch. He was still smiling, but this time it felt a little more strained. More forced. And his eye twitched ever so slightly. You also noticed his grip tight around his microphone. He caught you looking at him and immediately turned away, beginning to walk back to his seat with an unreadable expression. 
… That was weird. 
Before you could even begin to process, the rest of the gang entered the room. They all gave you a greeting in their own quirky ways as they arrived and made their way to their seats. Angel shoved the rest of the biscuit into his mouth to hide any evidence and happily trotted over to Husk. You smiled happily at the arrival of your comrades and set the tray of bread down on the table. Everyone looked at the spread before them and chittered excitedly, impressed with the effort you had put into tonight’s dinner. 
As everyone sat down, you quickly made your way to your seat beside Angel. Before sitting down, you cleared your throat a moment to get everyone’s attention. As the happy chatter died down, you began to speak.
“First off, I’d like to thank everyone for joining in today’s special dinner. Today’s meal is inspired by our very own Facility Manager, Alastor.” Everyone clapped politely and Charlie even gave a small whoop of encouragement. Alastor sat up proudly from his seat at the head of the table, loving the attention he was getting. 
“I’ll admit, I was a bit intimidated with tackling this particular dish, as we’ve all heard him boast about his mother’s recipe.” There were a couple chuckles scattered around the table, everyone very aware of how much he spoke of it. Husk in particular rolled his eyes and muttered quietly in disdain.
“I realize I’ll probably never meet up to her standards,” you look back at Alastor and give a sheepish smile, “but I sincerely hope it’s to your liking.” Alastors smile widened ever so slightly, his hooded gaze softening at your words. 
“My dear,” he marveled, his eyes never leaving yours, “the fact that you were kind enough to take the time to prepare it with me in mind already makes it wonderful.” You felt your hand press up to your chest, your fist curling up tightly near your heart. Alastor always knew what to say to make you feel better. He could be really gentle when he wanted to be. 
“Yea, and not only for ol’ Smiles ‘ere,” Angel spoke up, making you look down at him, “But you’ve made some bitchin’ good meals fer all of us.” he gestured to the crowd, gaining various murmurs of agreement and praise. You looked at everyone and their smiling faces and could feel your chest tightening. 
“Seriously, Sugar, ya freakin’ amazing.” Angel continued, giving you a warm smile. He suddenly grabbed onto his glass and raised it high, giving everyone a cocky grin. “Let’s hear it for y/n ya filthy sinnars!” 
Before you could comprehend, everyone had raised their glasses and gave a cheer of encouragement. You looked out to everyone and their genuine happiness and support, at a loss for words. You had organized all of this simply because you wanted to, but you had to admit, being recognised felt really good. A warmth began to spread into your chest, and a lump formed in your throat. 
It… wow, it had been so long since you’ve had friends like this.
You did your best to blink back tears at the gesture, not expecting to get so emotional over all of this. As you took a moment to acknowledge everyone, your gaze finally turned to Alastor. 
Oddly enough, he wasn’t looking at you, but he was looking at Angel. His eyebrows were tight as his grin stretched in an uncomfortable smile. You could tell he felt your gaze, cause soon his eyes flicked up to you, catching you watching him. In the blink of an eye, his expression softened as he grabbed his own glass, raising it high and giving you a heartening look. You shook the strange feeling from before and smiled back at him, grateful for his appreciation. 
The excitement settled down as everyone started serving themselves, the smell of the cooking becoming too much for everyone to ignore. You finally sat in your chair and reached out for Angel’s hand. The Spider Demon looked to you in surprise for a moment, taking in your smiling face.
“That was really sweet of you to say Angel,” you whispered, your grip on him tightening for a moment. You could feel yourself choking up again. “Seriously… Thank you.” Angel's face softened as he twisted his hand so it could grip on to yours. He began to open his mouth to respond.
In a mere moment, you could feel your chair lurch backwards, a panicked yelp escaping your throat as your hand was ripped out of Angel’s. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing, looking at you in surprise. Angel turned in his seat and looked at you stupidly.
“... What the fuc-?”
Angel didn’t even get a chance to finish his statement as suddenly everyone chairs in your row shifted to the right, causing everyone to cry out and grip onto their seats in fear. Everyone on the other side of the table looked on in disbelief as their friends were shuffled around. 
To your surprise, while everyone shifted right, you slid to your left at lightning speed, the chair scraping loudly on the wooden floor. You suddenly jolted to a stop, and you held on for dear life at the force in which you were moving. Before you could recover, your chair lurched forward, propelling you back to the table and new place setting.
… Right next to Alastor.
You gasped in surprise, your heart racing in shock as you felt your knuckles turning white from gripping the seat so hard. You noticed something flicker beneath you, and your eyes managed to catch something. A shadow with a familiar Cheshire grin shimmied away from the feet of your chair before melting into the shade of the table. 
Your head whipped up to Alastor in disbelief. The Radio Demon had just finished serving himself jambalaya, not even looking in your direction as he tapped the serving spoon against his plate. With a cool expression, he turned his head to you and tilted his head to the side, as if nothing had happened.
“... Jambalaya~?” He pointed the spoon to the pot and looked at you expectantly.
Everyone stared for a moment, the room eerily quiet.
“.......... Alastor what the actual FUCK was that?!” Angel suddenly exploded, clearly very upset that his bestie was now 2 chairs away from him. Everyone else in your row nodded in agreement, perplexed at the sudden change in seating. Alastor didn't turn his head, nor look at Angel. The Radio Demon simply took your plate and began serving you the ride dish, his expression surprisingly calm and attention only on you.
“Just say when dear~”
Your eyes darted from Alastor to Angel, unsure of what to even do or say. Angel’s face scrunched up into a scowl, clearly displeased with being ignored.
“Hey! Freaky Face! I’m talkin’ to ya!” he growled, his hands tightening into fists. Alastor continued to ignore the spider, continuing to serve you as if it was just the two of you in the room. 
“My my, hungry now are we y/n dearest~?” Alastor grinned cheekily. You were still so dumbstruck, your gaze finally fell to your plate and you quickly realized just how full it was getting. Awkwardly looking between Angel and Alastor, you softly murmured a 'w-when'. Alastor gave a hum of approval and tapped the spoon on your plate before setting it back down in front of you. 
“Hah, ok Asshole. I see how it is.” Angel chuckled darkly to himself, “I get it. Ya just hate ta see anyone else gettin’ cozy with our little chef. I’ll admit, I didn’t take ya for the jealous type.”
That seemed to catch Alastors attention.
It was only for a moment, and only you were able to catch it sitting so close to him. But you noticed the Radio Demon’s pupils flash, and his one eyelid twitch as his smile grew dangerously wide. But in an instant, Alastor calmed his expression and was back to his suave self. Taking a breath, he finally turned his head to Angel.
“Oh please.” He drawled, his eyes looking at him with boredom, “I simply figured it only made sense for our wonderful chef to sit next to the demon who inspired tonight’s dish. Wouldn’t you agree y/n~?” He turned his head to you and slowly leaned in, giving you a pleasant smile. You felt your heart leap at suddenly being caught off guard, unsure of what to say.
“I, ah, well-!” 
Everyone's eyes were on you, and you suddenly felt very self conscious. Being put on the spot like this, and feeling as if you had to choose between your two friends, it was becoming very overwhelming. Unbeknownst to you, Charlie looked at you with such pity, and felt her own blood begin to boil at the situation these men put you in. Placing her hands on the table, the Princess of Hell rose from her chair, her face suddenly very authoritative.
“Both of you need to stop this nonsense.” She stated, looking down at both Angel and Alastor disapprovingly. “Y/n put a lot of effort into making this dinner special; and I won't allow you to ruin it over something so petty!” She continued to glare at them judgingly before turning her attention to you, giving you a quick comforting smile and nod. You felt your shoulders relax and smile back at her, feeling grateful for her support. She really was growing into her royal title. 
Angel had his arms crossed and was clearly still pissed, but there was a mix of shame in his eyes after being called out. Alastor’s face remained surprisingly calm, turning to look over at you. He noticed your posture and expression, his eyes calculating as he assessed the situation. Finally he turned back to the table.
“Our Princess is right of course~!” He smiled, lifting a hand and placing it on your shoulder, “I would hate for all of dear y/n’s efforts to be neglected. She has worked so hard; let us forget about all this nonsense and enjoy this wonderful meal~!” His eyes slid to Angels and gave him a hard stare. The Spider demon glared right back, his jaw tight and eyes furrowed with hatred. But after glancing at both you and Charlie, and seeing your faces, he finally grumbled in defeat. With a huff, Angel reached for another cheddar biscuit and slouched in his seat, ending the feud.  
You finally released the breath you were holding as everyone shrugged their shoulders and returned their focus to their plates. You felt Alastors grip on your shoulder tighten for a moment, making you turn to him. 
“Are you quite alright my dear?” He asked, an eyebrow raised in question. Despite the calm look on his face, you knew he wouldn't be asking if he wasn't genuinely concerned. You sighed and felt a smile spread across your face, giving his hand a pat in reassurance. 
“Yeah, I’m ok Al,” you started, beginning to shake your head and grin as you thought about the shenanigans he pulled earlier. “But seriously, there’s no need to be so jealous. If you want to sit beside me, just say so.” You looked up to him playfully, your previously conflicted emotions melting away. Alastor stared at you for a moment, his eye’s lidded and giving you a blank stare before turning to his plate. Removing his hand from your shoulder, he picked up his utensils and was suddenly very focused on his meal.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about y/n~” he replied. He scooped up a spoonful of rice and shrimp. You could feel your eyes crinkling as you watched him knowingly.
“Uh huh~” you smirk. 
The Radio Demon ignored you and took his first bit of jambalaya. Your grin slowly began to fall as you watched him pull the spoon out from his lips, your previous nerves from earlier settling in again. You watched his expression with baited breath as he tasted your cooking. 
His appearance didn’t change much; his eyes looking down at the food beneath him, eyes flickering over the plate. After a moment, his eyelids sank down closed as he continued to chew, allowing all of his senses to focus on the flavor. You could feel your leg begin to jiggle anxiously; seriously it was sad how badly you wanted this man’s approval. 
The demon lifted his head and gulped his mouthful down, eyes still closed and lips in a small pressed smile. You held your breath as you waited for his verdict. Alastor’s smile grew wider as he lowered his head back to the plate, opening his eyes and looking fondly at the dish below him. 
“Well well~” he chuckled, finally turning his head to you and giving you an impressed look, “I have to admit, this is as close as anyone has ever gotten.” 
You felt your heart stop.
Is he shitting you right now?
“Of course,” he continued, scooping another spoonful and inspecting it, “it is missing a few things; she’d usually add sausage as well, and probably a bit more spice to it.” he looked fond for a moment, seeming to reminisce to days gone by.
“Nevertheless, it does still taste like home~” He took another bite and once again closed his eyes, savoring the flavors. 
You felt lighter than a feather. 
Of course you knew you’d never get it exactly right. But holy crap you were so relieved that it met his expectations. You were so giddy you had to bite your lip to prevent yourself from squealing, practically doing a little happy dance in your chair. Satisfied with Alastors response, you grabbed onto your own spoon and began to happily dig in.
You were so carefree in your own little world, you didn’t even notice Alastor sneaking a glance at you. Or how his lips curled up ever so slightly at your antics before turning back to his plate. 
The rest of the evening went on without a hitch. Everyone gorged themselves until they were ready to burst, and complimented you on such a flavorful meal. You were so flustered with all the praise; despite the little quarrel that had happened earlier, you couldn’t have been more pleased with how the night went. And you felt more confident with your cooking now that you had Alastor’s official stamp of approval.
The group of demons eventually began to trickle out of the room, ready to immediately flop onto the closest comfortable furniture they could find. You giggled at their behavior and wished you could do the same, but you still had to clean up before you could clock off work. With a final stretch, you turn back to the table and are surprised to see Alastor still in his chair, leaning back comfortably and eyes closed.
“Truly a wonderful evening y/n dearest,” he sighed, opening a single eye to look at you, “There’s something about dining with a group of folks that brings out a certain camaraderie, don’t you think~?” You sighed happily as you approached the table.
“Honestly, it was something I had forgotten I had missed since coming to Hell,” you smiled, beginning to stack the plates and collecting utensils. “I’m just happy to do my part in getting demons to open up more and earn everyone’s trust.”
Alastor said nothing in return, simply watching you as you accumulated the dirty dishes. His eyebrow quirked up before he finally raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Shadows emerged from under the table, making you gasp and almost drop your stack of plates. The same shaded goons from your first week at the hotel appeared beside you and began collecting all the dishes. You begin to tumble over words of protests, but they didn’t pay attention to you as they continued to clean, one even grabbing the stack in your hands and waddling to the kitchen.
“Alastor!” you laugh, turning to him in bewilderment, “Call your minions off; seriously I can clean all of this up myself.” But the Radio Demon merely waved a hand to you as he rose from his seat.
“Don’t bother arguing with me my dear,” he sassed, “You’ve done more than enough tonight; consider this my way of thanking you for a marvelous feast.” 
You sighed at him, slightly annoyed. But you had to admit, you were grateful for his help. Today had surprisingly taken its toll on you, physically and emotionally, and you were so tired from it all. You smiled up at him, rocking back and forth on your feet sheepishly.
“... Thank you Al. Honestly.” you paused for a moment, thinking about everything he had done for you in the month you’d been here. And asking for nothing in return. It was out of character for him.
“I just…” you sighed, making Alastor tilt his head quizzically to you. “I just want to say I’m thankful for everything you’ve done for me. You gave me this job, helped me settle in and feel comfortable, and because of it all I even got to make new friends…” You saw Alastors eyes narrow for a moment and you had to bite back the knowing grin. You cleared your throat and continued.
“But I hope you know,” you hummed, “that I’ll always consider you my first real friend down here. And that I’m really grateful to have been given this chance to get close to you.”
Alastor looked at you long and hard for a moment, the air between you calm and quiet. His static sound shuffled for a second before he finally straightened his back and stood taller, his lips pressed together into a large smile. The red demon glided over to you, and softly patted your head, shaking his head in amusement.
“Ohhh y/n, y/n, y/n,” he sighed, opening his eyes and quirking an eyebrow, “I do often wonder how someone like yourself ended up down here.” Now it was your turn to cock an eyebrow as you gave him a cheeky smile.
“Al, you know exactly how I got down here.”
“Ah, that’s right.” A chuckle escaped his lips, and you knew for a fact he still found your death thoroughly entertaining. “By the way, you didn’t happen to sneak anything into our meal today, now did you~?” He gave you an impish grin. You burst out laughing.
“You asshole!” you guffawed, shoving his hand on your head away playfully, to which the demon snickered evilly. As your laughter simmered down, looked at you a moment before tilting his head up, eyes closed.
“I still stand by my previous statement,” he mused. “The type of folks in this realm are not worthy of such kindness. You should be careful as to whom you trust around here.” He opened his eyes, and his crimson gaze fell to yours. His expression shifted into a serious one at his last statement, making your grin falter for a moment. But only for a moment. 
“Well, it’s a good thing I have you around then, isn’t it?” You smiled, taking a step towards him.
Alastors gaze widened a moment, his eyes flickering over your face. It wasn’t often that you caught the Radio Demon off guard, but the rare moments when you did, you couldn’t help but feel a little pride. Finally, Alastor began to chuckle, shaking his head at you again. After taking a breath, he looked back down at you, a surprising fondness donning his face.
“Hmmm, I suppose it is~”
..... Alastor doesn't like to share ¬‿¬ Fun fact: Angel like's to give you food-related nicknames. Baby Cakes, Sugar, Puddin', Honey Bunz, ect.
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storiesofaot · 15 days
hello! Would you be interested in writing Hange taking care of Levi? (Maybe usually he takes care of her but now he's wounded or something else). And he's soft for her but he'd never admit it? (Write it anyhow you want of course, I'm just throwing ideas)
Thank you so much for your request @sunflowersunite - I loved the idea of Hange taking care of Levi, and I really hope you're happy with it 😊 I had to make him suffer a little bit hehe, but there's also some softness in it!
(And also, sorry that it took me a little while to get this done, but once again, it turned out a bit longer than I wanted it to be xD)
Rating: T; Word Count: 2496
Title: I don't deserve your kindness.
It had all been her fault; she knew it, and she knew he knew it too. They had been on a mission when a few Abnormals appeared out of nowhere, moving unpredictably fast. Hange, Levi and their squads had given their all to fight the titans, and everything had been under control - until the last remaining Titan decided to change direction out of the blue and run in the exact opposite way. Hange had been just trying to wipe away Titan blood that had splattered onto her goggles and which had blocked her view entirely, when she suddenly heard Levi shout “Watch out!”
The next thing she remembered was being roughly shoved aside and landing face down in the bushes. A loud thud was heard, followed by a pained groan. Through her splattered glasses, she could still see Petra and Oluo defeating the Titan, and as it fell, it revealed Levi who was lying on the ground right in front of a rock, with a pained expression on his face.
“What happened?” she asked Moblit, when he landed next to her and helped her up. 
“The captain was thrown against the rocks by the Titan,” the tall man explained and quickly followed Hange who didn’t waste any time and was already rushing toward the scene.
“It happened because he pushed me out of the way, right?” she asked breathlessly, worry evident in her voice. Moblit didn’t reply, but his expression gave her the answer.
Luckily, Levi hadn’t broken any bones, but he was clearly in a lot of pain. He had to be carried back since he couldn’t walk, much to his annoyance. But he didn’t protest as much as he usually would, which indicated the extent of his suffering. Back at headquarters, they told him he had torn several muscles around his lower back due to the collision and that the ligaments supporting his vertebrae were likely strained, making it impossible for him to walk or even stand.
But of course, he insisted on being discharged from the infirmary immediately, even though the doctors repeatedly told him that he needed a lot of rest and should move as little as possible. Hange, who hadn’t left his side for a moment, knew how much he hated that place. Therefore, she offered to take care of him and ensure that he left his bed only when absolutely necessary - and finally, the doctors agreed.
“Thanks, but you don't actually have to stay all the time. I can take care of myself,” Levi grumbled in a strained voice as the two of them made their way through the hallway at a snail's pace, Hange supporting as much of Levi’s weight as possible while he had his arm around her shoulders.
“Oh, I am definitely going to stay,” Hange protested and opened the door to his room. “I promised the doctors, and I don’t believe you’ll stay in bed all day unless someone forces you. Besides, it’s kind of my fault you’re injured in the first place … so it’s the least I can do.”
Levi protested several times, but Hange would hear none of it, so eventually, he gave in. “But as soon as you get on my nerves, I’ll kick you out,” he threatened with a scowl.
“You just tell me what you need, and I’ll get it for you,” Hange said, a little out of breath when they had finally entered his room and he was settled on his bed. She knew he hated relying so much on others, but she was determined to do her best and make this as easy for him as possible. 
The way he was sitting on the edge of the bed, shoulders slumped and a little paler as usual, made her heart tighten, and another wave of guilt washed over her. “I’ll be the best nurse you’ve ever had,” she added in a lighter tone, and when he let out a huff of air, she knew she had managed to at least amuse him.
She was even more relieved when he spoke again: “Could you maybe hand me my pyjamas? I really need to get out of these filthy clothes.” Hange nodded and moved toward the closet, eager to follow his instructions and glad to finally have something to do.
When she handed him the pyjamas, he gave her a grateful nod. “Um … do you need any help getting out of your clothes?” she asked cautiously.
Levi shot her an annoyed look. “I can change my clothes on my own, thank you very much. I might be injured, but I’m not half dead."
Despite his objections, Hange remained unconvinced and refused to leave him alone in the room. Understanding that he would never change in front of her, she walked to a corner of the room and turned her back to him. “See, I’ll even take off my glasses and close my eyes. It’s like I’m not even here, but I can still help you if you need it.” Levi protested, but when he realised she wasn’t going to leave, he finally agreed with a grumble.
Slowly, he reached for the buttons of his shirt and started unbuttoning them, surprised to feel so much pain from such a minimal movement. But he gritted his teeth and continued, trying to take deep breaths and think of something else.
After what to him felt like an hour, he was finally done. With a relieved sigh, he let the shirt fall open, exposing the bandages the doctors had applied to stabilise his back as much as possible. Now, he had to figure out how to get the shirt off without worsening the pain in his lower back. He did his best to make his movements as small and slow as possible, but as soon as he twisted his arms, a stabbing pain shot through him, causing him to let out a groan. “Fuck!” he muttered under his breath, closing his eyes for a moment in frustration.
“Levi…,” Hange said softly, and from the corner of his eye, he saw her shift slightly. There was no way she hadn’t heard him struggling, but under no circumstances did he want her to help him undress. He knew she meant well, but that would definitely be crossing a line.
“No!” he quickly replied, almost sounding desperate. “Please … don’t turn around.” 
“Okay, I won’t,” she replied, though he could clearly hear that she wasn’t exactly pleased about it.
Levi tried moving his arms differently, but once again, the pain nearly took his breath away. He reconsidered the situation but saw no other solution - he had to ask for her help, or he might end up in even more pain. ‘I… think I do need your help,” he admitted.
To his relief, she refrained from making any comments as she turned around and walked over to him. “What can I do?” He quickly explained his problem and she nodded gently, keeping her eyes on his and, thankfully, avoiding any glance at his state of undress. “Of course, I’ll help you get out of your clothes. Just let me know if I’m going too fast.” Her eyes widened as she realised how that might sound, and she quickly added, “Um … you know what I mean.”
Normally, Levi would have rolled his eyes or made a comment, but given the awkward situation, he merely gave her a halfhearted nod. Hange began to carefully lift the shirt off his shoulders, moving as slowly as possible and pausing whenever he winced or shifted uncomfortably. She first guided his left arm out of the sleeve, then the right, until finally, the shirt was removed.
Levi let out the breath he hadn't even realised he’d been holding. To his relief, and thanks to Hange's help, putting on his sleep shirt turned out to be less painful than he had expected. But now he was left with the more challenging and awkward task of getting out of his trousers, for which he was again reliant on Hange.
Hange could probably sense his embarrassment and did her best to lighten the mood. “Come on, I’ll help you up, and then we’ll have it done in no time.” 
Standing up was painful, but not as painful as the ordeal he had to endure when Hange knelt in front of him and started unbuckling his belt. He tried to look anywhere but at her as she slowly started to guide the fabric over his hips and his thighs, feeling the blood rush to his head. Once his pants were around his ankles, she helped him step out of the first trouser leg and immediately into his pyjamas, then repeated the process for the other leg. A few moments later, he was fully dressed again, feeling relieved but still embarrassed, with a noticeable flush on his face.
Hange didn’t seem too bothered by the situation. With a grin on her face, she helped him into bed, arranging the cushions so he was sitting comfortably. Finally, she spread the blanket over him. “And now, don’t move until I’m back. You must be starving - I definitely am -, so I’ll get us something to eat.”
“How the hell am I supposed to move?” Levi grumbled, but she ignored his comment and quickly left the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He realised that despite his unkindness over the past few hours, she had stayed by his side, always maintaining her cheerful demeanour and doing her best to make everything as easy and painless for him as possible. And now that he thought about it, he recognised that he had never truly thanked her for any of it.
No, he was definitely not used to other people taking care of him, and somehow it made him uneasy, for he had no idea how to respond to such kindness. He wasn’t accustomed to this feeling - most of his life, he had been on his own and had to learn to handle things alone. So this was certainly a new experience for him.
A knock on the door interrupted his musings, and a few seconds later, Hange entered his room. “You’re lucky, the stew is still hot. Here, hold this for a moment; I had an idea.” She handed him the warm plate, unfolded a small stool she had been holding, and placed it beside Levi on the bed. “You can use this as a small table, so you don’t have to move too much.” She reached into her jacket pockets and pulled out two glasses, placing one on his makeshift table.
Then, she went outside again and came back with her own plate and a bottle of water. But before she attended to her own meal, she first poured water for him and then for herself, and again, Levi felt a strange warmth inside his chest due to all the efforts Hange was making. 
This time, he couldn’t fight the urge anymore and spoke up. “Thank you, Hange. For everything. I know I haven’t been exactly … easy on you. But I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate everything you’re doing for me.”
The smile that appeared on Hange’s lips made his heart flutter, much to his surprise, and it felt like a small sunbeam had just illuminated the room. “I’m just doing my best to make it up to you. You wouldn’t be in this situation if it weren’t for my inattention …and I might not even be here if it wasn’t for you.”
For a moment, the two of them just looked at each other, and the realisation that one day Hange might not be there anymore hit Levi hard. Very hard. He took a deep breath; there were so many things he wanted to say, so many feelings swirling inside him, but all he could manage was to shake his head. “Eat,” he said instead, trying to put as much softness into the single word as he could.
Hange smiled at him and did as he asked, letting out a satisfied sigh when the stew touched her lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything as good as this!” she mumbled, shovelling another spoonful into her mouth.
Levi barely managed to stifle a chuckle and instead turned the corners of his mouth downward. “That’s only because you’re half-starved,” he murmured, but he couldn’t quite hide the pleased sigh that escaped his lips as the hot stew touched his mouth, warming him from within. 
He wasn’t quite know how she ended up sitting next to him in his bed. After they finished dinner and chatted for a while, she had gone to her room to fetch some books and, despite his protests, began reading aloud to him. The book also contained many illustrations, and since she insisted they were essential to the story, she had squeezed into his bed beside him, making sure he could see them without having to move.
But soon, he noticed her voice growing softer and more strained, and he realised she was getting tired. “Take a break,” he said, and after a short objection, she gave in. 
“But only for a few minutes,” she mumbled, leaning her head back against the headboard and closing her eyes. “The story’s just getting interesting.” 
However, her body seemed to have other ideas, and a few minutes later, he felt her head slump gently against his shoulder. Levi waited for a little while, paying attention to her regular breathing and every tiny movement. But she appeared to be deeply asleep, so he carefully took the book from her hands. Then, he reached for her glasses and held his breath momentarily as she twitched slightly at the touch. But her eyes remained closed, so he carefully removed the glasses from her nose.
He seized the opportunity to study her face more closely. He observed her long eyelashes, gently curled, and her soft, peaceful expression, with a few stray strands of brown hair brushing her cheek. As she slept, she involuntarily nuzzled closer to his shoulder, and though the movement caused him some discomfort in his back, Levi didn’t pull away.
He had to fight the urge to brush the stray strands of hair behind her ear but instead, he carefully pulled the sheets tighter around her, his heart racing. “I don’t deserve your kindness,” he whispered, “So why are you even here?”
There were many thoughts running through his head and countless emotions he couldn’t even put into words. He couldn’t recall ever feeling so simultaneously delighted and uneasy, and he feared his heart might burst from the intensity of his feelings. But he knew he wouldn’t find answers in his tumultuous thoughts, so he gently reopened the book and returned to the passages she had already read to him. As he looked at the illustrations and tried to recall the soothing sound of her voice, he found a sense of comfort amidst the confusion.
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zarvasace · 2 months
Oh, questions about your new au, you say???
How did the chain come to be at this facility place? Did any of them know each other 'before'?
Thanks child XD
Mostly kidnappings, though sometimes they got duped by a fake event of some kind (e.g. Time went to a "job interview" and never came back.) They arrived in game release order—so Hyrule first, and Wild last, though Legend at least had been at a different one previously. Really I'm just going for maximum angst here
I haven't pinned down all the backstories yet, so I don't know if any of them knew each other before! That would be interesting, I can imagine it would get us some good stuff. Hmmm thinking thoughts.
Here's a snippet of a scene just after Time arrives:
Hyrule has become very good at making card castles. This current one is up to three levels. He picks up two more worn cards, specific ones that have small rips in similar spots, and balances them just perfectly against each other. He pulls his hands away and nods.  “I know a little bit of how, and a little bit of why, but not all of it,” Legend says. He picks an old, chipped glass out of a cupboard and takes it to the aluminum sink to fill it up with some water.  “At this point, I'll take anything,” the new guy responds from one of the few plastic chairs that doesn't have a leg cap missing. It doesn't wobble when he leans back.  He's older than Hyrule had expected, middle-aged with a few grays in his stubble, though he doesn't know why he'd expected someone younger. To hear Legend tell it, these people don't care about age. Hyrule doesn’t know how much of Legend’s information is colored by Legend’s resentment, but he thinks it's mostly accurate, anyway.  Legend turns around to lean against the cheap countertop and sips at it, still somewhat flushed from his exercise. He's supposed to get water from the filter, but he enjoys rebelling where he can. If he keeps this up, though, Hyrule suspects they might lose the sink altogether, or cups or something. Whatever. It isn't as if they use it much.  “Did you give blood sometime recently?” Legend asks.  “Last week,” the new guy answers.  “Then that’s how they found you. There's a tell in our blood that means we're able to take these changes. That's why we're all here.”  The new guy scowls. “And I'm going to assume that, due to the less-than-legal way I got here”—that’s a nice way of saying was kidnapped, Hyrule knows—“that we don't exactly have a release date?”  Legend finishes his glass and fills it up a second time. “We're here until they can't use us anymore.” “So until we die.” “Pretty much. And who knows what our life expectancy is now.” Hyrule glances over to see the new guy close his eyes as if he's trying very hard to keep himself from exploding. It wouldn't change anything if he did. Hyrule goes back to his card castle. He's about to finish the third layer, without any aids like books this time.  “So we’re looking for some kind of escape plan?” the new guy says.  Hyrule pulls his hands away gently from a completed third layer. “Our next one had better be very good. I don't like getting caught.” “You've tried before?” “Of course. Several times.” Hyrule remembers each with dwindling clarity as time goes on. He can't bring himself to stop trying, especially because Legend hasn't, but there really aren't a lot of ways out of here.  The new guy leans forward again to rest his forearms on the wobbly table. The wobble is why Hyrule is building his castle on the floor. “How long, exactly have you been here?”  Hyrule looks over at the out-of-date calendar propped up against the wall on the countertop and counts on his fingers. “Almost ten months.” The new guy looks startled. “Ten months?”  Legend and Hyrule exchange a look, and Legend puts down his glass after emptying it a third time. He sighs. “About five years total, myself. Not entirely here here, but definitely not out there.” “You're kidding.” The new guy shades his eyes with a hand.  “Afraid not, old man.”
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kiss-me-muchoo · 5 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬 || 𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐧 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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part one: the albatross
part two: little old her
part three: no name yet
Summary_ As the force awakens, what you know as the truth starts to crumble and the sudden change of emotions for Kylo Ren also interfere with your destiny.
Warnings_ age gap? lol (reader 20, Kylo 28), slowburn, ? to almost lovers to enemies to lovers xd, eventual angst, fluff and dramaaa
A/N_ this is exactly how I imagine myself in the Skywalker Saga bye. song recs: the albatross (Taylor Swift) and psycho (EMM).
♪ ♫ my Adam playlist (awful) ✰ index (masterlist/ other works there)
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺
There was a crack in the glass. A straight line was visible in the glass separating you from the stars. Was it dangerous enough to break the whole thing with pressure? Not your business. You had been part of the First Order long enough to know that by the next days over, that crack was going to be gone. They cared a lot about their surroundings. No wonder why their floors were always shiny and squeaky.
A pair of boots can be heard. You remain looking at the glass. The pair of boots do not sound squeaky against the black floors. These are angry steps, confident and threatening.
“You were expected to lead a division of stormtroopers along Phasma. I was clear enough about meeting you in Jakku” Kylo Ren says through his well-known modulated voice. You can hear his breathing, he’s angry.
In four years of knowing him, you got used to his terrible anger control. So you remained calm. Or at least tried to do so.
“And you knew that I had an important dinner in Canto Bight. Supreme Leader Snoke said you were notified of my departure.” You respect him, a lot. But ever since you were saved by The First Order at eleven years old, Snoke told you to cover your face until you were old enough to show your face to the galaxy. Whatever that meant, you obeyed him. And refused to turn around and face the masked man. On rare occasions, you had seen his face, as well for him. It was a weird dynamic.
“Supreme Leader Snoke might have the last word, but you always come and report to me first, not him.” You sigh, tired of never being able to get a compliment from him. Four years, and you feel like time has slowly passed. You have so much to give, but nothing to rely on that thought.
“This is the last time I want to hear about you not following my command. Am I clear?”
“Yes, Master Ren.”
There’s more. You already know that little pause he tends to make before adding more.
“Dinner is over, get changed and ready. The map to Skywalker is in a droid, it should be back with us soon.”
He leaves and you finally turn, looking at his tall and imposing figure walking away. Then you look down, checking at your dress, all black and covering you. You liked feeling dressed up, wearing heels, using exotic makeup, and letting your hair free. But you weren’t a fancy woman of Canto Bight, you were a force user with a military ranking in The First Order. You were a young woman who knew nothing other than lies, which remained unknown to you. But not for so long…
You look at General Hux and your master arguing once again. The BB unit droid being unable to be found was transforming into a big issue for everyone. You hadn’t had time to train, you just looked at your superiors sending daggers through each other’s eyes. When Ren left, you walked towards Hux. You notice how tense and tired he is, holding his serious and professional facade as long as he can.
“How can you stand him after all this time? I’ve been here longer than him, but I haven’t known him long enough like you” The red-haired man makes a face of disgust at your words.
“I’ve learned to not care enough, I just care about Snoke preferring my techniques rather than his. After all, he is just the Supreme Leader’s puppet” You frown, but you then remember. Snoke took Ben Solo under his wing, there was no Kylo Ren before. You were still eleven when he joined, he had killed the original leader of the knights of Ren and everyone started fearing him. Except for Hux who was just starting to lead his father’s legacy at the time.
“Do you think I’m a puppet as well?” Hux shrugs, then looks at you. He has known you since you were a teenager and he was a young adult. For some reason, he knows you very well.
“I cannot tell what you are to Snoke. But you are Ren’s albatross” he says, making you smile. You avoided causing trouble, but it was evident that all you did was annoy your master, instead of bonding with him like you wanted. Because Phasma was not mean to you, Hux was something like a friend, but you wanted to not feel alone. You wanted to feel the warmth of a bond.
“All I want is from him is to not make me feel like a burden”
“Stop caring about what he thinks. Your goal should be to prove yourself to Snoke”
Maybe he’s right.
Hux's advice keeps coming back to your thoughts. You shut your thoughts to your master, who is sitting beside you, piloting a ship.
“Was the next step in my training necessary to be outside of the Starkiller base?” Later that day, Ren and you met with Snoke. His hologram assured you were ready to take another step in your training. Then your master literally dragged you to a ship and quietly started a route unknown to you.
“Yes.” He says uninterested, mask fixated on the control of the ship.
He takes a small glimpse of you. Your black attire partially covers your face with a delicate transparent fabric, it was difficult to see if he had given you bruises over the years of training. You have sad eyes, and he can’t help but feel a little like the cause of it. He doesn’t hate you like you believe. It just was so fucking difficult to have someone under his mentorship when Kylo Ren himself still felt like his training wasn’t over.
“Can you still see your surroundings if you cover your eyes with that thing?” He suddenly asks, making you frown in confusion.
“Uhh… yes. Why?”
“It’ll be better if you cover your whole face when we get to our destination?” He made you believe it was to be in disguise but actually, it was because he was taking you to a place that was used by ancient Jedis. Snoke couldn’t know where the mission happened, just that it was completed. He was taken there by his father when he was a kid. Ren knew he shouldn't be there, but something from the place was calling him.
“Oh, okay.” You limit yourself to say. He nods and you know you are in Dantooine once he enters the planet. There is an orange sunset covering the empty land. It was only a field that you saw after your master carefully and perfectly landed the ship.
“Master Ren, this is beautiful.” You say as soon as your boots touch the yellow grass, breathing the fresh and almost pure air.
“This isn’t the reason why I brought you here”
He can see some strands of your hair flying around the edges of the fabric covering your face. He can sense you are in a state of pure relaxation. It surprises him to see you like this. Even he feels… peace?
“Aren’t we gonna train here?” He sighs under his helmet.
“Follow me.” He guides you towards the little mountain. It’s a simple hike. At the top, there’s a curve and the entrance of a cave. He gestures for you to walk inside. It confuses you enough to frown and stop moving.
“You want me to go in?” You just know he is rolling his eyes inside the helmet.
“Correct. You go alone and pick a crystal. Remember… you’ll know once it’s calling you” You can’t hide your surprise. But knowing who your master is, you just nod, entering the cave. The day you would build your lightsaber was coming, but it shocked you to know it was already happening.
As soon as you start venturing inside the cave, some crystals start sparkling in blue, yellow, dark green, purple, and indigo. The force feels incredibly strong inside the cave. And you know that isn’t how the dark side feels. It was peace, balance, order. Some blue crystals shine brighter than others. But finally, one starts pulling you towards it. It’s a bright green, like lime and mint mixed. It was beautiful, it transmitted a feeling of wisdom. Your hand touched it, and a shiver ran through your spine. The voice of a man clearly echoed suddenly.
The light is closer than you know, y/n.
You pulled the crystal quickly and looked around, the cave became dark, as all the crystals stopped shining, except for the one in your hands.
That wasn’t the voice of Ren. Perhaps it was just the cave. But it felt very personal. Almost like the voice knew you.
When you get out of the cave, it’s almost dark. What you thought it was a couple of minutes had actually been almost an hour. And Ren is there, holding his helmet in his hand. His face takes you aback. Sometimes you forget he is also a human like you.
He glares at you and starts looking, probably for the crystal. So you show it to him.
You know what's next, and honestly, you weren’t ready.
“This is where I suppose I have to make it bleed” Kylo almost wants you to keep the crystal-like it is, it was certainly beautiful. And your happiness was resulting infectious.
“Do it when you’re alone. It’s not easy to do so, you need to concentrate…”
“And let the pain take over me, I know, master,” you say, almost angry at him suddenly. You just hated the process. It was enough to feel alone already.
“I can help you… If you want.” The fabric in your face had been brushed aside, showing most of your features. Ren sees each mole, the dryness in your lips, the hope in your eyes. And he understood you just wanted someone to bond with. He felt it a while ago, a little after you two officially met and started working together, but he wasn’t just ready to share anything of himself. Yet, when you stare at his full lips, sad eyes, and non-expressive face, he knows he can have a potential ally staring at him in that empty valley.
“I would like that…” he nods, starting to go down the little mountain once again.
“Wait, master Ren” he turns to face you.
“When I touched the crystal, I heard a voice, it was a man. I thought it was the cave, but it just felt weird, like it was meant to be for me”
“What did the voice say?” He asks you to stay quiet. He senses you are unsure whether to tell him or not. He walks back again, staying just inches away from you.
“You can tell me…” he meant it, staring through your lashes, he expects your answer.
“That…that the light was closer than I know” you admit looking at the hem of his black robes.
“I’ve felt it too, a pull towards the light” his words leave you shocked. You gulp, blinking a few times before staring at his brown eyes again.
“We can’t fail…” the way you said, it made him feel like… he wasn’t alone.
The room is cold, and dark and has a peculiar smell of humid rocks. Snoke appears in a hologram form, sitting on a throne that makes him look impossibly taller.
“Dear child, What is it that has your thoughts running unstable?” His raspy voice echoes everywhere, you focus on his face, trying to see anything, but Snoke has never shown signs of emotion.
“We haven’t received any news from the ambush in Takodana…” Your voice trembles a little bit, and Snoke notices it.
“You are quickly caring too much for your master suddenly”
“I want to care for him… and as much as I hate to admit it, I want him to care for me” you accept, looking down, embarrassed.
“But of course, you need to build a connection with your master. Is there anything conflicting with you?” You certainly don’t want to tell him about the incident in the cave. But you know the supreme leader must’ve already sensed it.
“When I was searching for the crystal for my lightsaber, a voice called me, saying that light was closer than I knew. Supreme leader… What could that possibly mean?”
“When I found you, my dear child, your home was already a living hell. But the lands where you came from were once filled with so much light. Your roots will always call you, it is in yourself to keep being on the right path” It might have been a comment, but it felt like a threat. A warning that you had to remain faithful to the dark side.
“Go and find your master. Gain his trust and guide each other towards your mutual goal; finding Skywalker and destroying the hope of the Jedi.” You nod, lowering your head as his hologram disappears.
In the silence of that empty room, you meditate on what just happened.
Your inner voice was clear; Snoke was keeping some details to himself. You never thought of your past. You lounged a family because you knew you had one, but… it didn’t matter anymore. Only that the curiosity was inevitably growing.
Quietly you leave the room. The hallways of the base are filled with troopers walking and moving in different directions.
They came back from Takodana.
You start walking faster, pacing till you stumble upon a dark tall known figure. Kylo Ren looked incredibly intimidating with the mask and hood together. He gestures to you to go inside an empty planning room and you open the door. He was looking for you too.
He follows quietly, closing the same door. His hands remove his helmet and place it on a table. You are just analyzing each movement he does.
“Did you get the map?” you ask straight to the point. Ren actually wanted to ask if you had finished building your saber. But you had other questions.
“In a certain way, yes.” You cross your arms, confused at him.
“Can you be more specific?”
“The scavenger, she has seen the map.” you huff in disbelief.
“What? You brought a dirty scavenger instead of the droid?” his face covered in moles sighs, quickly losing patience, you can tell.
“I’ll take the map from her”
“Don’t underestimate that girl. She has been able to get away so far, she might be more dangerous than we thought” he rolls his eyes.
“Stop it.”
“This is nonsense. We were supposed to have the actual map with us and-“
“ENOUGH!” He yells, his hand rises and you are quick to suppress his use of the force, making him bend half of a chair that was near.
Shocked, you realize he was going to choke you. Anger quickly builds up, and Hux’s advice rings into your head; Stop caring about what he thinks. Your goal should be to prove yourself to Snoke.
“You are my master but I will never be tired to remind everyone I’ve been here long enough to know what is convenient for us and what isn’t. You just might have invited the whole Resistance to the base and it won’t be my fault, Master Ren.” You push past him and you leave the room slamming the door. You take off the fabric in your face out of anger.
Some minutes pass and you are still mad. He was such an asshole. Always giving you the cold shoulder instead of listening to you. You were younger, but you had almost the same training from Snoke as him. Ren was difficult and very stubborn. Whoever was the famous scavenger, you could feel she was going to be a problem.
Out of nowhere Phasma appears, holding a blaster and looking down at you.
“Lieutenant y/n, your command is required by General Hux” You nod, calming yourself as you start walking with the woman. You pass near the throne room and you are able to hear Snoke and Kylo’s voices. You stop Phasma and she seems taken aback, but soon you tell her to hear and she relaxes.
“We’re going to get caught” she whispers. The woman was known to be on her business and on no one else’s.
“I’ll be quick” you whisper back.
Then Snoke starts saying Kylo is going weak. He reminds your master about his father; the infamous Han Solo. That the scavenger resisted him and that he isn’t putting your training on his priorities.
You hear Kylo say he always thinks back on you. And you know you shouldn’t have blushed or felt your heart racing, but you did. He made it sound like he cared for you.
“There are many mysteries surrounding us that she must not know,” Snoke says and it triggers you. Thankfully Phasma pulls you away and forces you to keep walking. Probably just in time so Kylo wouldn’t see you overhearing.
Snoke isn’t telling you everything. Ren knows something too.
“Everyone heard your argument with Commander Ren,” Phasma says teasing, but also commenting to warn you. It didn’t surprise you that the argument was loud. Any argument with Kylo ends up being in the news of the First Order. Also, Phasma doesn’t say anything about the conversation you two just overheard.
“I’m getting tired of being his apprentice. I want to succeed by myself, not by being his shadow.”
“Your time will come. A little treason wouldn’t hurt. Everyone here is dying to escalate in ranking” she admits. You look at her chrome helmet with curiosity.
“You seem happy with your position forever”
“I am.” Phasma must’ve been smiling under the helmet.
She disappears as soon as you both reach the command center.
Hux is there, along with other officials who monitor the aftermath of the weapon that had just attacked the Republic.
“The girl escaped and Ren must be angrier than ever,” the red-haired man says looking straight at you, with his hands behind his back.
“She is force sensitive…” Hux nods.
“I knew this was bad. I told Master Ren, but he didn’t listen…” An anxious feeling starts creeping into your stomach.
“Yes. And thanks to his little outburst and obsession with the girl, we are closely monitoring if we have a sudden attack from the Rebels” Once again, you sigh.
The feeling in your stomach grows, making you frown. Hux also frowns, caressing your shoulder.
“Are you alright?” You feel a sudden pain in your chest and you describe it. It was Kylo, someone he loved who died. It had to be his father or mother.
“Something's off, I can feel it” you manage to say. At the same time, a loud explosion is heard, the floor is assaulted by a little tremor and alarms start sounding.
You exchange worried looks with Hux and both run to see what just happened.
The chaos quickly envelops the Starkiller base, there are troopers moving everywhere, officers getting in and out to report things to you and Hux. And still, you are only thinking about your master. Was he safe?
Your guts were telling you he wasn’t safe.
With the invasion of the Rebels, everything was getting trickier.
“We need to evacuate. The base is about to collapse, lava is going to consume the surroundings at any time” Hux says hurriedly.
“I won’t leave without Ren. I will go for him!” before you can leave, the man grabs your forearm.
“Be quick, a boarding ship will be waiting for you both… but not for long” You nod, offering a serious smile before leaving.
The base was enormous, you had no idea where could Ren be. Each step feels unsure because you don’t know where you’re going, you try to concentrate but the constant explosions and screams from people entering in panic don’t help at all.
Master Ren, please, guide me towards you, you repeat in your head, hoping he’d hear.
Through the wide crystals, you can see TIEs and X-Wings flying around, and you grow impatient.
You stop when another tremor comes. Holding onto a wall, you close your eyes, trying to reach for Ren one last time.
You call him. Doesn’t matter if he doesn’t want your help, or if he’s mad at you for yelling, you just know you don’t want to leave the base without him.
Snow, droplets of blood in the white snow. The scream of a woman and the sound of sabers colliding.
He answered.
The lava makes you hurry, time is running out. The snow is fresh, it makes your boots sink and turn your steps slower. The beating of your heart grows as you distantly see a purple light, created by a blue and a red lightsaber.
They don’t notice you yet, but you are able to see a man unconscious near the woman fighting your master; the scavenger.
She’s skilled, fearless and you have to admit it impressed you. But the thought is quickly gone when you arrive, witnessing how the woman sliced your master’s face.
“KYLO!” You scream in horror when he falls, dropping his saber. The woman turns to look at you and you send her flying, making her skull collide against a rock. You run towards the man and kneel beside him.
His face was covered in blood, it was a deep wound, part of his attire was ripped, and you could see his shoulder bleeding.
“I’m here… I’m here.” Your desperate attempts to make him gain stability fail. But he slowly blinks, holding onto your hip to clear his vision and stop feeling like everything is spinning. His face hurts, his head pulses and he feels on the verge of fainting. But he’s able to clearly see your face. You came to help him.
“I’m not leaving without you.” You say touching his chin, trying to calm him.
A lightsaber ignites and you know the scavenger was still there. Your little moment of vulnerability was enough to make her recover.
You stand, turning to face her. She looks pissed, desperate to run, but so you are.
You grab your freshly made lightsaber. It’s dark chrome and with tiny details that resemble constellations and stars. And it’s cold, but soon turns warm when you ignite it, revealing a red double-sided saber.
The scavenger runs, confident that she will attack and target you. But you’re quick, you remember Kylo saying you had the ability to use your reflects too quickly.
The double sides of your weapon trigger the young woman, who is already tired. You can see how she huffs annoyed. But you take that to your advantage. You keep hitting her blue saber until she starts giving up. She is conflicted, she is a nobody, and you can feel how alone she has been.
Her weaknesses are your strength, and in the blink of an eye, you have burned her leg, making her scream and fall. And before you can do anything, a trail of lava appears, and the whole base is about to disappear. The scavenger gives one last curious look before running away. And finally giving you time to run back to Kylo, who is still breathing and wants to fall unconscious.
“Stay awake, hold onto me. We need to get to the boarding ship to leave” he seems to have nodded, his strong arms feel heavy and weak. It’s difficult to walk with his massive weight relying most of it on you.
With each step, he keeps leaving a little trail of blood. You need to hurry, the snow is slowly melting, drenching your boots.
Kylo is in shock, he tries to process everything but he can’t, because it isn’t over, he needs to get to that ship. But somehow, he holds onto you. He feels slightly better knowing that you came for him. That you are guiding him through the woods.
To him, the sudden change of getting closer to you was abrupt. He wasn’t used to talking much or looking out for someone. Not even with his knights.
He succeeded for a long time having no issues with you. But now, you dragged his body into the ship, his body lying and a droid immediately checking him. He hears distant voices and through blurred vision, he sees you talking with Hux.
He overheard the annoying General saying how much of a trouble you were for him. You started twisting his thoughts, the need to feel closer to you, the attraction towards the light. Hux was right.
You were Kylo Ren’s albatross.
To keep going with this mini series or not lol
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So Yuu starts copying anything the monster students do, imagine Yuu licking their drunk the same way cats/dogs do because they saw other students doing the same
The idea of Yuu/mini!Yuu unconsciously/consciously mimicking the others fills me with such giddiness, because I remember I used to try and mimic different animals as a kid. Nibbling on any cracker in as many tiny bites as possible whether it was a saltine/Cheez-it/goldfish cracker? Picked that up from watching hamsters/mice/squirrels/chipmunks eating their food. Sometimes I still do it every now and then. XD Walking on the tips of my toes? As a kid I wanted to walk as elegantly as a cat does…which–now that I think about it–might explain why I hardly make a sound these days whenever I walk and accidentally scare the life out of people. Heck, I would often “gallop” like a horse (or at least in my mind I was, though it likely looked like some weird hop-skip). Don’t even get me started on how I’d always run up the stairs on all fours like a dog or hopped like a kangaroo around the yard!
Ah, humans. Such an adorably silly species~!
I guess it really depends on the Yuu, but one thing that’s certain is that the longer they spend around the monsters, the more likely they’ll pick up on some habits here and there. It’s part of human nature to adopt behaviors from those they spend a lot of time around, so they could adopt: Riddle’s habit of following the rules, Lilia’s habit of sneaking up on others and scaring them, or even Idia’s skittish nature. The possibilities are nearly endless! With mini!Yuu though…
Deuce: “Hey, Ace. Since we’re watching Yuu today, Trey made a fresh batch of cookies for us! I managed to get a few, though only if I promised to make sure Yuu brushes their teeth.”
Ace: “Score!” *takes one and starts nibbling on it, scrolling through his phone while humming* “Let’s see…c’mon, where is it?”
Deuce: “Still looking for that photo?”
Mini!Yuu: *looking between the two and watches Ace, taking small nibbles on their cookie while glancing at him every now and then*
Cater: *walks in and notices this while Ace and Deuce are talking, stifling laughter as he hits record* “Oh, Seven, this is priceless!”
Riddle: *carrying books and trotting along outside*
Mini!Yuu: *trying to keep up and doing their own bounce/trot with a look of concentration*
Deuce: *comes trotting along in the opposite direction*
Mini!Yuu: *tries to turn and follow him at a trot and trips* “Ow!”
Deuce: “Huh? Oh!! Are you okay?!”
/Lunch Period/
Epel: *pours juice into cups for the other first years and mini!Yuu* “Here you go! My folks sent me some apple juice from their stock. I think you’ll like this, Yuu!”
Grim: “Oooh, it smells so good~!” *tilts cup and starts lapping at it like a cat, purring happily*
Mini!Yuu: *stops before they use the straw and watching Grim for a moment before trying to copy him, tilting the glass too far and spilling some juice on their shirt*
Ace: “Pfft…what are you doing, Yuu? Trying to copy Grim now?”
Grim: “Huh? Oooh, haha! Of course the human wants to mimic the Great Grim! Who wouldn’t want to be like me~?”
Jack: “Well…so long as they don’t copy any bad behaviors from you.”
Mini!Yuu: *finds a normal yet pretty looking rock on the ground and tries to eat it*
Sebek: “Human!! Put that stone down this instant!!”
Mini!Yuu: *runs off with the rock*
Ace: *chasing after them* “Dammit, Grim! Why’d they have to pick up that habit from you?!”
Grim: “Hey! Those black rocks were delicious, so don’t go blaming me!”
Deuce: “Yuu! Come on, give me the ro–oh no! No no no no, spit it out! You’ll choke on it!”
In the end, Epel managed to trade the stone for a tasty apple, leaving the first years feeling both relieved and more vigilant about watching what Yuu tries to think is food the next time. At least they didn't get in trouble with the staff!
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His Love
|Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader|
Part Twenty-Four
Masterlist of Series
Summary: Being a bastard born in the slums of Flea Bottom was all you were known for. Not the streak of white you had in your dark hair, the violet ring around your pupils, or how your sharp tongue and skills with the blade resembled your father, Daemon Targaryen. You were just a bastard, nothing more, but to him, to Aegon Targaryen, you were everything. You were his love.
Author's Note: I hope y'all like this chapter. It's an interesting one. Just remember to stay with me and that everything will be alright. Well, as okay as an ending within this fandom can be. xD Just a quick FYI, this chapter takes place over a few months. Thank you so much for reading!
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Chapter Warnings: violence, blood, technically SA but it's very blurry, the reader is in her revenge era. 
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"You remember too much, my mother said to me recently.
Why hold onto all that? And I said,
where can I put it down?
She said,
When you see these horrible images, why do you stay with them?
Why keep watching? Why not
go away? I was amazed.
Go away where? I said.
This seems to me a good question." - Anne Carson, The Glass Essay.
You fastened the last button of your gown, having already dismissed your maids for the day after your midday meal. It was an easy slip-on dress that didn't require assistance, and they bid you "good day" after nodding their heads once you assured them you would summon them for supper.
The council had adjourned for the day, the meeting ending with your ideas redirected and brushed aside. The Lords only cared for thoughts of war, taxes, and whether the scheduled shipments of Dornish wine had made it unharmed. It was not your first time bringing the impoverished inhabitants of Kings Landing to the table. More than once, you had suggested diverting the crown's frivolous spending habits toward a food program for those in need or gathering an entourage of the castle Maesters to provide medical care for the sick.
Ser Otto hadn't shot your ideas down per se; he did not see them worthy enough of a thought to decline. His priorities lay elsewhere, ensuring his lordlings and courtly allies were well satisfied. He did not need the support of the small folk, for when he supplanted Aegon on the throne, only those willing to die and sacrifice themselves for the inevitable war of succession.
You debated, bringing Viserys to the chambers again, but his health was finally on the mend, and you needn't put more stress on him than he was in.
With the passing of Grand Maester Mellos in the winter, Orwyle took his place. You had nothing against the deceased man other than his treatments. They were popular in the older generations of the Citadel, Orwyle told you, but the younger Maester explained different techniques, herbs, and potions brought over from Essos that he had seen work on Lepers. However, he refused to say the disease out loud. Lepers were only found in the slums of the poorest sections of Westeros, not within the land's nobility, let alone the King himself.
You observed your reflection in the vanity mirror, inhaling a calming breath that deliciously stretched the muscles of your abdomen. Your outfit was simple and purposely so. No pearls sewn into the fabric, no gemstones decorating the bodice. You need not be dripping in opulence as you typically were. For once, you wanted to avoid being seen, or at least not attract any more attention than you would already gather with your presence.
Slipping two golden hoop earrings into your ears, you stood, grabbing the embroidery loom you had asked your maids to get a few days prior. You knew how to sew before it was engrained into your head by your Septa. It was expensive to take the whores dresses to a sewist when you could barely even afford food, so you learned the essential art out of necessity rather than as a hobby like all the other noble women. However, you last picked up a needle and thread nearly three years ago. There were more important things than sewing.
You traveled along the carpeted halls of the Red Keep, your buckled shoes softly thudding over the imported rugs. Your noiseless footfalls soon turned into a light rapping on the red rock steps to the training yard, stopping your movements on the last landing to rest on a chiseled sandstone bench, the circlet and thread placed in your lap.
All that was left now was to wait and be patient, which came naturally. You were a lion flattened within the tall grass, lean muscles rippling as it crept closer and stalked lower, learning the patterns and movements of its prey to know the right moment to pounce.
The royal library was something unfrequented by the inhabitants of the Keep save for a few Maesters and Lords. You immensely enjoyed the silence of it. The only sounds heard were occasional deep inhaleings when you realized you hadn't taken a breath and the flipping of pages. Ser Arryk sat at a simple carved wooden table between the aisles of tomes, polishing his longsword as you rested against a cushioned window seat with a book.
It was just past high noon, and your stomach was full of soft cheeses, meats, and pastries after your luncheon with Helaena. It was an excellent start to your day and left an elated feeling in your stomach as you finished your chapter on Constitutional Laws of The Crown, your mind thoroughly bored with the plain prose of the text.
Your sworn shield turned to face you at the light sound of your book closing, doing one last swipe of cloth to metal as he put his sword in its sheath.
"You are dismissed for the day, Ser Arryk," you announced in silence. He stared, his hazelnut brows furrowed in confusion. "Ser Cargyll, I am giving you the afternoon to yourself. Take it."
The knight was unsure what to do, stunned by his unusual dismissal. He had nothing else planned. His days were filled endlessly with protecting the Princess, forever by her side and only away when it was time to rest. Arryk was her sworn protector and was required to be in her presence to do that. She couldn't dismiss him... Could she?
"If it will ease your conscious, Ser, I will be in the training yard with countless Gold Cloaks and Kingsguard. Should anything happen to me I am certain a dozen men could handle it," you offered with a crooked smile, hoping to appease his overprotective nature.
Arryk felt his heart skip in his chest, your perfect lips sending him a grin he had seen reserved for familial letters and Princess Helaena. He knew he should protest. Explain that men at arms can be just as dangerous as those with lower morals and values, but his will soften at your sweet expression. Ser Arryk would do anything for you if he saw that same look.
"As you wish, Princess," he acquiesced, standing from his seat with a bow and slight flush hidden under his facial hair.
You hid your smirk until he was no longer in eyesight, rolling your eyes and shaking your head.
That was easier than you expected. Usually, the kingsguardmen would put up a resistance to your desire to be alone. It annoyed you to no end, but you understood it was Arryk's duty, which you felt was unnecessary when you already knew how to defend yourself, but he didn't know. No one did in King's Landing beside the Queen and Ser Criston, and they only heard it when you brought the Prince back. Aegon was the only one who knew the true extent of your capabilities, having regularly attended your late-night training sessions.
A sudden stabbing struck through your chest, your fingers white-knuckling the window seat as your palm began to rub the affected area. You shook your head as if that would rid you of the sting, letting a sharp breath through your nose as you stood. You needed to focus on the task, grunting and ignoring the ache within your ribcage as you trekked to the training grounds.
Today, you decided to move from your usual spot on the landing, ensuring your presence was known to all who spared on the packed dirt of the yard. There was another bench of sandstone resting against the wall of the high steps, far enough away that you wouldn't be intruding but close enough to be seen.
Your fingers busied themselves with your current project of a dragon black as coal and piercing green eyes. You were sure the Cannibal would be proud of how you portrayed his likeness once you were finished, holding the taught square of fabric to the blazing sun.
"The training yard is no place for a Lady such as yourself, your Grace," a voice sneered from above.
You finished your last stitch, pulling the dark thread with a harsh tug and placing the circle in your lap. Looking up at the tall Dornish man, you smiled, though it was strained and did not meet your eyes.
"I am not training, Ser Cole. Simply observing. It gets rather boring sitting in council meetings all day." He hummed, glancing at your work before returning to your snarky expression.
"I see. Enjoy your observations. I hope the men are to your liking," Ser Criston said stiffly, bowing his head in farewell.
Your smile dropped as soon as he turned, unable to hide your exasperation for the man. You knew Cole would be here, but you hadn't thought the man brazen to approach you in front of his fellow men. He should've learned you were a woman, not so easily scared. However, the knight's little display did show to be advantageous. Every man had turned to see where he went, each countenance staring at the only person wearing a dress in a sea of trousers.
Your eyes danced across as many as you could, halting as you spotted one you would never forget. Withholding a searing gaze, you smiled slightly at the man, your brown and violet orbs flitting away as you fluttered your lashes. The man whose name you had yet to find out looked back, a smirk on his face as the whites of his teeth showed, bowing before resuming his tasks.
Unable to find the other one, you returned to your sewing. Initially, it was supposed to be your dragon, a love portrait for your sweet Cannibal, but an idea struck you. It would be much more fitting to display Cannibal's prowess. All were beneath him, even his fellow species, and showcasing his strength in the art felt right. Mentally, you mapped out the type of stitching you would use, the colors silver, cream, black, and gold, and the amount of space it would take up on your canvas.
The embroidery would be your finest work, and once finished, you would display it for all to admire.
You returned to the same spot you had yesterday, with all your supplies in tow, but today, you would only spend a little time on your craft. You observed silently as men in varying states of dress fought each other. Some sparring with thin silver breastplates and shin guards, others wrestling their brethren into the dirt.
It was chaos from the outside perspective, but you knew the complexities and talent it took to defeat an opponent. You had to keep your mind sharp, vision dancing across your rivals' forms, plan your moves, anticipate theirs, and ensure each limb was out of striking distance, all while trying to win. Despite what many arrogant Lords believed, swordplay and hand-to-hand combat took time to learn.
Ser Criston was nowhere to be seen today, a welcomed absence. Your plan worked around the knight's presence; it was a given he would be with his fellow men, so it was a relief that today he was not.
You stood from the chiseled bench, walking across the training yard to one of the weapons racks. Your fingers danced over each of them, admiring the dull practice blades, daggers, and flails. It had been some time since you saw the weapons in daylight, having been forced by the Queen to train at the hour of the bat. Unable to have a sparing partner, you had neglected swordplay, focusing more on the sharpened cutlass and archery.
It was so dull to be your only opponent, competing with yourself to see how many bullseyes you could get in a row. At one point, you had resorted to running endless laps around the training yard to at least feel some challenge.
"May I help you, your Grace?" A voice rang above the sounds of clashing swords and grunting men.
You traced the peaked line of a blade with the pad of your finger, slowly turning your head to them. Your expression of indifferent self-satisfaction quickly morphed into surprise, seeing the face of the man who held your Aunt's chains. You swiftly schooled your presentation into a practiced, polite one.
"If you would be so kind," you prompted coyly. The flush of anger on your cheeks was easily mistaken as one of abashment as the Gold Cloak took the sword you were admiring. "What is it?" you asked, feigning ignorance.
"It's called a spatha. 'Tis the most common doubled-edged sword among warriors. Swords have different uses, but this one is perfect for thrusting and slashing." The Watchmen punctuated each word with its respective motion, causing you to jump back and clutch your hands to your breasts.
He explained each weapon as if speaking to a tot, showing the intricate contrasts between a flamberge, a claymore, a seax, and a shamshir and then onto daggers. You hung onto every word like a young squire speaking to its higher-ranking knight, smiling, nodding, and giving small gasps and squeals when necessary. You felt like a fool from smiling so hard, your cheeks burning from the strain until you could no longer bear it.
"I never got your name, Ser." Your feminine voice was like the toll of the city bells in the mass of masculine sounds.
"My apologies, my lady," he said, placing the flail in his grasp onto the wooden rack. "Edder Dalt is what my mother named me, but you may call me Ed, your Grace. "
You plastered on your signature smile, looking up at the man as you repeated his name. "It's nice to meet you, ser. You've been such a pleasure speaking to me about weapons, though I fear your knowledge is far greater than my mind is capable of understanding." You dipped your head sheepishly, hiding the pink on your cheekbones.
"Oh, nonsense, Princess, the pleasure is all mine. Not many ladies desire to learn swordsmanship, and that alone is proof enough that you're brighter than you believe." Your lips turned into a grateful pout as you peered at him from under your thick lashes, taking a step closer to him as you saw his eyes flicker downwards.
"You are too kind, Ser Edder." You placed your fist delicately on his bicep, feeling the muscles ripple underneath your touch. "If it would not be trouble, could I hold one of them?" Your hand slid down to his elbow as you took another step closer, gaze wide and pleading.
Edder swallowed, his throat bobbing as he stared with fidgeting eyes, looking as if he was about to flee at any moment. You knew what you were doing. Touching a man who lacked the caress of a woman, a noble one at that, you let your fist slide just out of his reach, your warmth a whisper without your skin.
"Of course, Princess," he answered shakily, focusing on the armaments beside him.
He picked the lightest sword, the type Daemon made you use at the beginning of your training, and you had to bite back a laugh at the thought. Edder gently placed the feather-like hilt in your fist as if it were still in the process of being cast, supporting it underneath. Flashing him with an exultant grin whenever he relinquished his assistance, he stood back, observing with his fists on his waist as you held the instrument he believed would be too heavy.
As if on queue, your arms shook, and the blade nearly fell to the ground but was stopped by Edder's firm grasp.
"Easy there, my Lady. I fear your Father would have my head if you lost a toe," he jested, though his voice had some worry.
You giggled in what you hoped was a delightful sound, not the forced way you felt, the Gold Cloak shuffling behind you to help distribute the weapon's weight.
"Thank you, Ser Edder. Perhaps I overestimated my strength. I am grateful you are here to help me," you chortled bashfully, adjusting the hilt in your palm. "What is this one for again? There are so many," you questioned airily, turning your head to meet his regard.
His nose was mere centimeters away from yours, and the startled gasp you let out was not deceitful, promptly spinning your face away to look forward. You felt the rumble of his laugh against your back, your breath slightly hitching before you crushed your unease like an insect beneath your pretty boot. You would let him think you were just some hoydenish maiden, wide-eyed and in awe of his masculine knowledge, as you released a nervous giggle.
"This is a rapier, Princess. 'Tis the lightest blade one can carry, and even the common person can use it, especially for dueling." You tilted your crown upward in recognition as he continued. "It's used for fast reactions, slicing and thrusting your opponent down before they can reach their weapon."
Edder punctuated each word with a movement, causing diminutive gasps to leave your mouth as he moved forward with it. Though you were toward the back of the training yard, near the enormous stalwart oak doors, you felt like you were being watched like one of the many butterflies Helaena kept within a glass frame, their wings pinned with needles and on display for all to see. You hastily glanced around, trying to find the source of your tension but seeing the men still within their worlds, punching and swinging at one another.
It did not feel right to let someone watch you freely, their gaze penetrating your skull like a pick, and you decided, partially due to pride and the other apprehension, that you would find who they were and give them the same treatment. Hopefully, you scanned the shadows to spot the specific clubbed foot culprit known for this situation. Still, you did not see him, Ser Edder, continuing his monologue about the history of the rapier.
A glint caught your eyesight, the flash of an ornate metal in the afternoon sun as it moved. Aegon stood above you on the steps to the Keep, staring down his nose at the people before him as he nursed a goblet that seemed to be permanently attached to his hand. You felt your heart stop, your stomach falling to your feet, and momentarily forgetting the act you were putting on. Your bright, carefree expression slipped, a scowl taking place as you clenched the sword's hilt.
It had been nearly a fortnight since you last saw the Prince, and it was only in passing as you witnessed him lead a scullery maid into a secluded alcove. You still had to return to that part of the castle since then, even if it meant taking a longer route to your destinations. You would at least expect him to approach you and attempt to make some feeble apology that you wouldn't accept, but he didn't. He won't, you told yourself. Aegon went back to his old ways of drinking, gambling, and whoring without much thought, like it was his second nature, and perhaps it was.
Aegon was a pathetic excuse of a man, and you loathed yourself for feeling an ounce of anything but hatred for him. He didn't deserve your kindness or your love.
Edder noticed your abrupt shift in mood, following your line of sight to see where it was. You felt the man's grip stiffen over your fists, pulling you closer to his body as if it were a means to protect you. You nearly vomited onto the packed dirt below as if you needed his protection-- as if he needed to protect you. You could kill the Gold Cloak here and now if you choose to. You mentally grimaced.
"You needn't pay him mind, Princess," Ser Edder declared into your hair, causing your eye to twitch unconsciously. "He is a lecher, but his tastes tend to lead more toward the Silk Lanes and poor folk of Flea Bottom." This time, you did not hide how you bristled at his words.
"I am from Flea Bottom," you screamed, but your mouth did not move.
Aegon downed the rest of his drink in one gulp, wiping the remnants that escaped from his lips before throwing his brass goblet to the ground. Your mind lurched to go after him, to rub his brow that creased whenever he was upset, to smooth his sheared hair down his head as you held him close to your chest and whispered nothing but praises to him. You shook the thought, replacing your glare with a delicate gaze as you looked at Ser Edder.
Ser Edder introduced you to a few of his fellow men at arms in days past, one so happening to be the man that had given you a wolfish grin the day Ser Criston spoke to you. His name was Lorgan Sunderly, and judging by the fleeting moments you spent with him and the others, you could tell he had an appetite similar to Aegon's but knew better than to act on it. Despite being a bastard, you held a title above him, and if he wanted to keep his cock, he would have to think with his head.
You asked them to show some fighting stances since you 'admired their talents,' and each man was delighted to display them for you. Ser Lorgan was more skilled than Edder between the two City Watchmen, but his ego and brash movements blinded him. Lorgan was the Gold Cloak you would run from in the markets, the one your fellow inhabitants at Flea Bottom would fear, while Edder was fair, the one people would pray to be caught by if they were stealing.
Edder suddenly landed a harsh punch to Lorgan's gut that caused all the men around you to leer. They had removed their breastplates and were left only in their underclothes as they sparred in hand-to-hand combat. It seemed to be more of a pissing contest than training, and if your Father knew this was how his former soldiers acted, you were confident he would whip them literally and figuratively.
There was a break within the two grunting men where Lorgan began to taunt Edder, slightly hunched over as he spouted insults about his mother before shifting to you. You waved an ornate fan to the side of your face; your thin, lilac Myrish lace dress cut just above your ankles to release the trapped summer heat.
"Let's say whoever wins this bout gets a kiss from the Princess," Ser Lorgan announced.
You hid your offense at the unconsented offer behind the raising of your surprised brows, looking between the men. Edder glanced back at you, uncertainty written into the hard lines of his pale face.
"If the Princess agrees, then, yes."
You tilt your head to the side, unable to bite back the snarky remark before it forms. "You think yourself worthy of my kiss?"
Ser Lorgan barks a laugh as he circles his opponent, Edder's cheeks a flaming red.
"I do not need to be a champion to know I am worthy of your lips," Lorgan states, a marauding grin on his face. "Though, I do not believe Ed to be the same." You hum in response, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.
"I will decide at the end whether one of you shall receive my affections. A lady's kiss is a thing to be treasured, sers, something not to be taken lightly." The arrogant knight guffaws, pretending to lunge forward to tackle Edder.
In the end, Ser Lorgan is victorious, and you press a chaste kiss to his damp cheek, much to Edder's chagrin. You tell the sulking man that he may have lost to Lorgan today, but there is always a possibility he may earn your lips, a mischievous glint in your eyes, as your nails dug crescents into your palms. He brightened exponentially at the prospect before you bid them a good day, heading to your rooms within the heart of the Red Keep.
This morning is like any other, waking to the blinding sun through green curtains and the smell of food. You groan at the sudden brightness louder than necessary, catching the attention of Jeyne and Fiorra. They exchange glances but continue with their early-day tasks until one of the maids pulls a chair, its wooden legs screeching across the stone floor.
"Please, my Ladies," you strain out in what you hope is convincing, "my head aches, and noise only worsens it."
Before you know it, Jeyne is perched on the side of your bed, raising the back of her hand to her forehead. "You do not have a fever, Princess. Is it something you ate?"
"Jeyne, please," you beg like a sickly child, wiggling further into the covers.
The oldest maid sighs, brushing the stands of hair that came loose from your sleep style, her touch as gentle as a mother's. "She's having one of her bouts again. Rain must be coming soon," she said to her counterpart, voice much softer. Jeyne rose from the mattress, the quiet rappings of her footfalls becoming near silent as she reached Fiorra. "You know what we must do. Go to the Maester and gather peppermint oil, lemon oil, and her tea. I'll be sure she eats something."
You don't hear a response from Fiorra, assuming she answered wordlessly as the door to your chambers creaks open and takes longer to shut than usual.
"Come now, Princess, you must eat to regain your strength." Jeyns assists you in leaving the bed, putting more weight on her than required as she plops you down at the wooden table to break your fast.
Once your maids ensure you have everything you need to battle what they believe to be a headache, they leave you with a large pitcher of cool water and a matching basin sitting next to it, promising to return at midday to bring you a light repast. You lay underneath the warm blankets of your bed, enjoying their comfort until you're sure the maids won't suddenly be returning. Seeing you dressed in your black attire, dagger strapped to your shin, and hair plaited to the best of your ability would shock them as you peeked through your chamber doors.
It was too premature for Ser Arryk to be at his post, though you knew it would only be a matter of minutes before the silver and white figure would stand guard. You had to be swift. It was the first rotation in daylight, and you needed to take advantage of the momentary disarray of men walking to different parts of the Keep, some finally going to rest after the night's watch, which Ser Lorgan so happened to be coming off of.
The court had yet to rise, leaving the halls nearly barren except for the few servants adorned in red as they bustled about with their duties. You were still on edge, ducking around every corner, looking left, right, and behind in case you caught a pair of unwanted eyes as you made your way to the White Sword Tower.
You knew Lorgan would be exhausted when he returned to his quarters. On more than one occasion when he had the nightwatch, the man complained relentlessly of how tired he was, how he would be unable to sleep properly for the rest of the sennight because of it. At the time, you answered his gripes with comforting words and hands, soothing the brute's unease as you provided an ear to confide in. It was hard not to roll your eyes as the rant continued throughout your time in the training yard, but you kept your annoyance at bay, beaming and nodding like the good little maiden they believed you to be.
Briefly, you glanced down the halls once more before knocking twice on the crudely carved door of the Gold Cloak's barracks. You could hear scuffling, the unhappy timber of a baritone voice through the wooden door, and the click of a lock unturning as you greeted with a scowling Ser Lorgan Sunderly in only his underclothes. His expression soon changed when he realized it was you, brows shooting to his hairline.
"Princess," he said breathlessly, "what brings you to my door?"
You smiled sheepishly, showing him the tiny bundle of cheese, bread, fruit, and boiled eggs in a large cloth. "I thought I might accompany you in breaking your fast. I know you had the night watch and how you detest it."
He gazed down at you with pleasant surprise, his green eyes widening before he stepped away from the door, wordlessly bidding you to enter. You took in the modest surroundings. For some reason, you envisioned a much more chaotic state of living for Lorgan, but nothing was out of place.
There was a small bookshelf on one end of his room, but no tomes lined it, and instead filled with small trinkets, one would collect over time. A small cot on the other end with wrinkled, scratchy woolen sheets tucked underneath the straw mattress, his sword and shield resting at the end of it.
Lorgan pulled out your chair as you placed the food on his small square table, organizing it on the cloth.
"Princess," he started, tentatively pulling a piece of bread from the loaf. "I must confess, I'm surprised to see you here. I considered you a pious maiden who would not venture to these parts of the Keep unchaperoned. Take no offense, my Lady."
You giggled, following his actions by peeling an egg. "Ser Lorgan, you know I am a bastard, correct? My mere existence is a contradiction of piety."
The Gold Cloak hollered a laugh too loud for the small space, causing you to dig into the delicate shell harder than intended, taking a chunk of the white with it. Lorgan pulled a trunk from the side of his room, having only one seat as he grabbed more food from the cloth. A neutral silence blanketed the knight's quarters, the only sound being his loud chewing.
You swallowed the last bit of the yellow-green yolk, the dry, almost powdery contents getting stuck in your throat. Lorgan looked up at you, concerned, wrinkling his brow as you sputtered and coughed.
"Water," you managed to speak, bringing your fist to your chest.
The Gold Cloak jumped from his lower position, running to the pitcher on his bedside table and pouring you a cup. You down the contents quickly, rubbing your throat as the liquid fell from the sides of your lips, unable to swallow all of it.
"Princess? Princess!" Lorgan called, crouching next to you and placing a comforting hand on your upper back. "Breathe. Do not die on me, my Lady, I could not handle the loss of such a beauty within my chambers."
Gods. Now, you were choking, but this time on your vomit at his nauseating words. You sputtered a few more moments as you held down your bile, clearing your throat and wiping at your chin.
"Thank you, Ser Lorgan. I'm unsure what I would've done if you hadn't been here," you blushed, rubbing at the front of your throat in mock pain.
"No need to thank me, my Lady. It is my duty as a member of the City Watch to protect its inhabitants." You graciously smiled, placing your hand on his shoulder as you faced him.
"But please, ser. Had you not acted as swiftly as you did, I would most certainly be meeting the Stranger." Your legs flushed with his, your palm slowly gliding up his neck and onto his cheek. Lorgan stayed crouched below you, a light dusting of pink blooming on his ears as they brushed against his stubble. "You are most worthy of my kisses," you offered timidly, your lashes fluttering as you leaned closer. "If you'll allow me."
The soldier below you grinned rapaciously, his teeth wet and shining in the candlelight. You took his expression as consent, closing the distance with your lips pressed against his. Unable to hold any longer, you ducked away, only for Lorgan to bring his fist to the back of your head, pulling against him again. Your free hand clenched your skirt, your nails nearly piercing through the fabric as you attempted to ground yourself. This is what you wanted. This is what you planned. It was all a means to an end, and it didn't matter how you went about it, but it did not make things more painless.
Ser Lorgan Sunderly was a horrible kisser, his mouth nearly engulfing your own as he moved his tongue against yours. It was nothing like before, and though you would never admit it to him or yourself, you were glad Aegon was your first kiss. You felt no desire churning in your belly with the Watchmen, no heat and insatiable yearning between your legs as you had with the Prince many times before. And so you proceeded into the recesses of your mind, becoming a spectator to your actions as you rose from your seat and to the small cot, Lorgan following your lead.
You placed the burley man onto the straw mattress and straddled his waist, having met no resistance. His hands went to your waist, and you had to refrain from the instinctual reflex to pry them off as he moved your clothed core along his hardening length. You could see yourself above him, your braids still neatly pinned back as Lorgan began to paw at your breasts. You couldn't stop the way you immediately went to move them but quickly disguised your disgust by placing them back on your hips, leaning down to kiss him again.
"I have never done this before," you whispered against his lips, your arm slowly slinking down your curves. "Will you be gentle with me?"
Lorgan's stomach tensed at your words, nodding feverishly as he chased your mouth with his. "Of course, my Lady." He could feel how your hand hiked up your skirt, his soon following along.
"Thank you."
You smiled against his lips, unsheathing your dagger as you plunged it into his chest. You didn't see the blade break through his skin before you stuck it in again, again, and again. The Gold Cloak watched in horror, his eyes wide and mouth agape as he released involuntary grunts, the air leaking from his punctured lungs. Unable to move and protect himself, you quickly removed the knife from his sternum, his blood flinging from the blade and onto his cheek before it found home in his
Red sprayed onto your face and dress, darkening the fabric further as you yanked it out. Lorgan's hand immediately pressed on the wound, his mouth opening and closing as words fought to break free. You didn't see his face before you, leaking the crimson liquid from his lips as you sliced through the side of his neck, his essence further showering your exposed skin like fresh spring rain.
The flesh easily split for your dagger as you sawed through muscle and tendons, the sound of your labored breathing covering that of slicing meat. You met resistance when you reached his bones, the tiny circular columns attaching his tissue to the rest of his body. Letting out a displeased grunt, you repeated your actions on the other side, snapping his neck from the nerves with your hands.
You stared at the Gold Cloak's lifeless face, his brown hair tangled between your white and crimson knuckled, his once lively green orbs glassy and looking upwards as blood still leaked from his mouth onto the flat pillow. The desire to place his head atop the same battlements Lyra's and Sara's were crossed your mind. A poetic justice, you thought. But that would be too risky, and it was already dangerous enough being within the apartments of the White Sword Tower. Kingsguard lurked around every corner and slept in every bed, and you wouldn't doubt their loyalty to their ruler outweighed any fear a bastard of Daemon Targaryen could inspire.
Surprisingly, guilt did not consume you as you worried it would at your immoral actions. A vindicated sense of triumph welled in its place as you stared at the decapitated corpse of Ser Lorgan Sunderly, smearing the excess blood from your hands onto his tunic.
You knew Lyra and Sara would not be proud of what you did if they were still here, but they weren't. They couldn't feel or think anything; Otto Hightower and the Queen's inaction ensured that. Lorgan's death was on their hands, and if they had not sentenced two innocents to a cruel fate, the Gold Cloaks would still have their brother.
Walking over to the small table, you sat at the same seat as before, pouring water and popping a slice of cheese into your mouth. You needed to use the cloth the food sat on to clean yourself, and there was no chance that you would place the snacks on a dirty, unvarnished table where a man had put god knows what on it. Besides, you needed to wait until the following guard change. Being caught was not an option, so you stayed, ate, made sure not a speck of blood dusted your skin, and cleaned your dagger while the lifeless pile of man soaked his sheets with red.
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Masterlist of Series
I hope you guys liked this chapter. We're getting to the parts of the story where you will either love or hate it. I'm very worked up about this chapter and the next, and that's partially why I had a hard time writing for a little bit. You have no idea how worked up I am about whether y'all will like this, so if you do, pretty please let me know. I live for praise. xD
Tagged Peeps: @zeennnnnnn, @malfoytargaryen, @targaryencore, @justasmallbean, @omgsuperstarg, @sommornyte, @silverslive, @prettykinkysoul, @duesobabe, @djlexi, @ynbutbetter, @legolas017, @iiamthehybrid, @dd122004dd, @ladybug0095, @millies0bsimp, @kalfild, @sheislonelyalways, @tempt-ress, @minttea07, @trikigirl271, @esposadomd, @prettywhenicry4, @daenerysqueenofhearts, @justarandomflowerchildofthenight, @please-buckme, @pastelorangeskies, @existential-echo, @priyajoyy, @merovingianprincess, @candy12110, @w3ird11, @ruhjkie, @somemydayy, @marikkjj, @zillahvathek, @sunfyresrider, @heavenly1927, @prettylittlelady, @hjgdhghoe, @im-sidney, @aurorathi, @marihoneywk
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 months
SaruMi go to the zoo and keep trying to insult each other by comparing them to animals.
Fushimi pointing out that everything with the name ‘pygmy’ or ‘little’ in its name must be related to Misaki while Yata’s like at least I don’t look like a penguin XD Imagine this was initially intended to be a romantic date too, like Yata figures this is one of those places people go on dates and if they go on a weekday it won’t be too crowded so Fushimi won’t complain. Of course Fushimi complains anyway (it isn’t Fushimi if he’s not complaining) because it’s outside and smells like animals and anyway only little kids go to the zoo. Yata’s like come on it’s fun, remember when we went in middle school, when Yata’s mom was taking his siblings and Yata and Fushimi came along to chaperone. Fushimi claims he didn’t care for it then too but really it’s probably a precious memory of his because he’d never been to the zoo before that and rather than watching the kids they probably spent the whole time running around together with Yata staring at all the animals and being super excited. Fushimi gets a small smile thinking about it and Yata just grins, knowing that even with all the complaining Yata’s definitely won this round.
They wander around the zoo looking at animals and of course when they get to the monkey house Yata can’t help but tease that hey, isn’t that gloomy one there you. Fushimi clicks his tongue and says the monkeys are definitely more Yata’s type, being uselessly loud. He spots one cage and is like here’s your soulmate Misaki, a pygmy marmoset. Yata probably doesn’t know what ‘pygmy’ even means (much less marmoset, imagine him being like did you just call me a bug), Fushimi’s grinning as he reads off the information plaque about how this is the smallest monkey in the world, just like Yata is the smallest Homra member. Yata grumbles that Anna is smaller than him and Fushimi’s just like ‘right now,’ Yata says to shut up and let’s go look at some birds. Yata probably points to a random crow eating trash off the ground and is like that’s you, being a nuisance, while Fushimi is like aren’t you the crow as he points out an exhibit featuring the Australian little crow. 
Yata decides birds are no good, let’s just go check out the arctic animals inside. Fushimi finds himself staring at a snow leopard and feeling like it’s familiar somehow, but definitely not Misaki-like. Yata’s looking for something to compare to Fushimi, like hey there’s a stingray you’re definitely prickly like that. Then he sees a gloomy little penguin standing away from the other ones in the exhibit, it has ring marks like glasses around its eyes and maybe it keeps waving a wing like it’s gonna smack anyone who comes near. Yata’s like that is definitely you. Fushimi blinks and then clicks his tongue, he is not a penguin. Yata’s decided though, he’s like nope, you’re a penguin. Fushimi says he doesn’t need to hear that from a pygmy marmoset, Yata’s all okay penguin whatever you say. (They keep teasing like this the rest of the day but then imagine at the end of the date Yata goes into the gift shop and buys Fushimi a little penguin charm and Fushimi retaliates by getting Yata a monkey one. Later Yata spots the penguin charm dangling from Fushimi’s PDA and grins.)
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lazzarella · 4 months
Every episode is over too quickly, even though they're mostly getting longer ;__; anyway, back again with my rambling nonsensical notes!!!
- Aww! Baby!Dee!
- Gah, they're so sweet (visiting the little boy)
- "At least it reminded me I hadn't been forgotten" Ouch!! Guessing Dee's parents were quite absent when he was a kid? (Though I guess we don't know yet when they died)
- holy crap, these two gazing at each other when they're taking a photo with the little boy lmao at least Yak was paying attention
- How can Yak still be Dee's patient when everyone knows they're dating?
- "One month, five days, etc." DUDE!!!! Are you— I just can't...
- lol @ Dee not remembering Yak's birthday! But I did! XD (really should have posted that screenshot of his file that I've had saved in my drafts since ep 1... Sigh)
- "Find joy in becoming someone else in your own way"
- I love Kao <333
- Yak sulking and taking Dee's drink was so cute :3
- bloody hell, Yei just pulling Cher onto his lap like that O_O
- "You wear size 56?" I LOVE YOU, GRANDMA!
- Ahhhhh! Yak's face when grandma says he must be the reason Dee's watching boxing now!!! He's so pleased!!!
- lmaoooooo the giant dick plushie!!! (That bloody thing haunts me on aliexpress btw!!!! I can't search for anything without it popping up, as it were)
- look, I know I always gush over how soft Yak is but seeing him cuddling Ice Bear was almost too much for me
- "I've gotten used to having you in my arms" WHO SAYS THAT, YAK?? WHO???? Not fake boyfriends that's who!
- And now he's pouting because he wants to cuddle!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhh
- And then he brings up Taem. Well done! lol
- (Okay, it's clear—or, well, likely—he's just clinging to his crush on Taem any time his feelings for Wandee rear their pretty head(s), but... Jeez, dude!)
- And Dee's face? His response??? He's not talking about Taem
- "Let's find something fun to do!" I love you, Grandma!
- Yak taking a video of her ;__;
- Okay, her all black outfit is super cool! And she's wearing creepers!! I think...
- Yak referring to himself as Dee's boyfriend at the cemetery... *pinches bridge of nose* I can't handle much more of this. And Dee's deflection! Ahhh. The way they're both dealing with their developing feelings is so interesting and delicious to watch
- oh that outfit does not suit Yak…
- I wonder if Yei is doing underground fights for $$$ to help the gym??? And that’s why he didn’t get physical with Cher. Idk
- Yak offering to help Dee again <33333
- There really is purple and yellow everywhere! (The cardboard Taem was carrying)
- I need a comparison between Taem's reaction when Yak grabbed her hand (not really comfortable) vs when he grabs Dee's hand!!!
- And Yak could be spending more time with Taem but he already had plans with Dee! Gosh, he's just... Oh, that boy!
- Ahhh! They're baking! They're having a flour fight! They're flirting over food again!!
- (Is this the first time we've seen Dee in the elephant pants too?)
- Holy shit, the audacity of Ter taking Kwan to the same restaurant and are they sitting at the same table???????
- so many short shorts and cut off tees and I'm not complaining
- awww! The tiny drink buddy dude has a name!
- The TENSION when they're listening to Fluke's song though??? JFC. You need a ginsu to cut through that
- YOU HAVE SWEET EYES??!!! No comment. I just can't lol
- smooch blocked by the oven timer! lol they really were going to kiss that time, though
- Ahhhhh, Dee looks so happy!!!!
- Yak taking and posting a photo of Gooddy on his glass was adorable :3
- (ngl, with them standing so close to the edge of the balcony, I was envisioning Gooddy going over the side lol)
- love them plugging the new line stickers in the toothbrush bit
- YoryakWandee vs WandeeYoryak is giving me duck season vs rabbit season lol
- Ahhhh! Next week's preview!!! How am I meant to wait???
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malulurivers · 1 year
I don't know if you do crossovers, but if you do, how would viktor react to a spider-person S/O? Spidersonas have been blowing up again since across the spiderverse so it made me curious
when it comes to spiderverse i absolutely do, anon! i've seen some fantastic art of jayce and viktor in the style of spiderverse, i think i reblogged it somewhere, so to say 'i love this idea' and 'i've had a little think about it already' would be two big understatements!
i'll try to keep it succinct though XD
☾ ₊ ˚ ✩ ˚ 。 ☽
How Viktor would react to having a spider-person SO
honestly, the word 'fascinated' could tldr this entire post
Viktor is quite a private person, who would absolutely treasure communication and trust in a relationship
so as the Spider of the Runeterran universe, as soon as you had made your relationship official, you knew you had to tell him of your secret identity sooner rather than later
you'd been surprised neither he nor Jayce had worked it out yet, being incredibly intelligent inventors and all
but you'd figured they'd be safer not knowing, so you'd tried to subtly keep it from them anyway, and directed the conversation away from your Spider-alter ego whenever they occasionally came up
so you had it planned out.
you were going to tell Viktor next time he was at home, when you got him in a break day, and it was going to be the just the two of you. somewhere private, somewhere safe.
you would explain everything gently. you'd reassure him that if he wasn't comfortable with being with you because of it, then you'd have no resentment towards him
there were plenty of good reasons to be wary after all
then one night you had a particularly long escapade
trying to uncover a deeply-rooted crime circle, you'd ended up rescuing a group of young people who had gotten in trouble with enforcers for frankly ridiculous reasons
you'd then had to outsmart and deal with said enforcers (who were undoubtedly the worst part) to escape, and they head nothing back in their chase
you'd decided to head to the lab instead of home for safety, as at least that wasn't as incriminating. also there was more spaces to hide
it was so late that it was morning, and even you expected that Viktor had gone home by now
but he had, in fact, not
so you'd entered the lab by climbing through the Jana-knows-what storey window, blood rushing with adrenaline, levering yourself down to the floor cleanly with a web
right beside Viktor's desk, where he was sat, eyes wide and frozen
it hurt to see his expression focused on you. he was hiding it well but there was fear in how he swallowed, in how he clenched his fist on the handle of his cane
it hurt until you remembered that 1. he did not know it was you, and 2. he had just witnessed you crawling on glass, spinning on webs and moving way too fast for a normal human
also 3. you bore a striking resemblance to the description given of a 'criminal' (as described by enforcers) that had recently been reported to be involved in the explosion of a factory in the Undercity
sure, you knew it had been for good: that you had apprehended your target, and there had been no casualties
but it dawned at you that Viktor remaining as calm as he did was inherently a miracle
"can I... help...? you...?"
his thoughts were rushing at 100mph compared to their normal 50, and you could see it in his searching stare, watching and waiting for you to move, speak, do anything
luckily, after a few seconds of stumbled words and a hasty removal of your mask, he was back down to earth, heaving a sigh and almost laughing in relief
"I cannot believe—I thought you were...!"
for a moment anyhow, before the reality sunk in further and you were bombarded with questions
"wait, you are the Spider? the masked vigilante?"
"where did you just come from? were you fighting someone?"
"are you alright? are you hurt? did anyone follow you?"
after some explanation and reassurance, he relaxes a lot
honestly he takes the news very well! despite the unplanned nature of its reveal
he's very pragmatic as a person and very loyal
despite the obvious exhaustion on his face, he perks up with intrigue as you tell him everything—how you got bitten, how you got hold of your current suit, how you chose your identity, what you've been keeping tabs on, who you've fought, what you've lost.
however, he is a scientist first and foremost after all, so even after the basics are out of the way, his curiosity is never going to be quite sated
so later on, he's asking more specifics
he's always very polite when requesting to see your abilities, very gentle and never overwhelming you. he wants to see all of them, if you'll allow him to
the webs, the wall-climbing, the increased agility and strength, the spider sense, no matter what it is, you always leave him amazed
and your abilities quickly become a source of inspiration for his own trajectories into science
he's particularly fascinated with the possibilities of your webs, regardless of whether they're organic or mechanical
he sees this as an opportunity to work with you and that makes him very happy indeed
on top of inspiring him scientifically, your passion for helping others reminds him what he's doing his work for, as well as how much he loves you
he adores your heart, your compassion, even if it worries him that you're putting yourself in harms way
this likely leads to him putting time aside for side projects, where he invents things to help you
he may be more of a pacifist, but he's surprisingly down with vigilante justice
he wants to help and protect people with his own technology, he'd be a hypocrite with his head in the sand if he believed that never fighting was truly an option
just as long as you're careful
because of this, he's not going to make you weapons. not that you would ever ask him to. that's not your style, and you'd much rather have the tools he creates to help you escape extra sticky situations
his main focus first and foremost is to help upgrade your suit, particularly providing more safety for your mask so you can breathe in the Undercity
however, whatever upgrade or mechanism it is as time goes on, he always lets you take the lead. you're the hero, not him, and he just wants to support you as best he can
for what it's worth, he'll talk positively of your secret identity to Jayce, hoping it'll get through to Mel
he would even defend you publicly if he was in the council room and the Spider came up
much to your chagrin, as you're worried for his safety just as much as he's worried about yours
when you move in together particularly, you're aware of the danger you're putting him in
you regularly frequent the Undercity and have dealings down there, so returning to live Topside by day has its innate dangers
especially when you're constantly avoiding villains and enforcers alike
but also your identity must stay a secret for his sake as well as yours
he'd be ruined if the fact that he's in a committed relationship with a a vigilante became known
unsurprisingly, Viktor overlooks this part
but as long as the two of you look out for each other, you're certain nothing can go wrong
overall Viktor is a caring and loyal partner, and this wouldn't change in the slightest if his S/O was a vigilante spider-person
he'd be incredibly supportive, though likely wouldn't be able to keep from getting a little excited over the capabilities of your powers. and from asking a ton of questions
you'd become a muse of sorts for him in some of his inventions, and a close partner in his technology in other ways
although, if you have access to the Spiderverse? poor man's going to start fizzing internally
the prospect of portals? already functioning across dimensions? universes?!
he's a reserved kind of person, but I don't think he'd be able to stop himself from trying to weasel his way into meeting someone who knew a lot about how it worked
aka, if you don't know how the Arachnoid Humanoid Poly-Multiverse's teleporting mechanics work, then he's going to try and talk to someone who does
with your permission of course
I think that Viktor would get along very well with Miguel...!
...until he very much doesn't.
☾ ₊ ˚ ✩ ˚ 。 ☽
masterlist | buy me a hot chocolate <3
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mintytealfox · 1 month
You used to teach people how to pan for gold?
I did LOL the very simplified version of it and it was always hot as frick outside so hiding the fool's gold in the cool water down in the sand felt nice LOOOL (until fall would hit then my hands would be FREEZING AH) If I am remembering right we also had this hella creepy display where you would look down the glass window and you would see this miner down there with a canary with him, I can't remember if it slowly moved or not XD but I kind of remember the sound of this motor sound down in the basement where we would have lunch in the room next to him LOOOL we even had a 'prospector pit' for the kiddos and I thought it was lame as hell LOOOOL, but fun for kids, they would 'dig' in these rubber bits to get 'gems' 🙃🤣🤣🤣 The geologist, at the time, would get so excited about his rock and gem collection lol (I remember having to fight off the mean Geese up there, those things were HORRIBLE) (AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE CHICKENS THAT WOULD FIGHT ME ON THE WAY TO THE RESTROOM AAHHH I would have to run for my life through the gardens and slip through the little opening in the fence to ESCAPE LOL)
I also taught mock school at the school house to show people what school life was like in the late 1800s I had to ring the bell every hour! I actually legit hated that cause it was so LOUD when right next to it ah my ears are ringing just thinking about it ah and that heavy as hell mallet 🤣🤣 but it would be a different subject for each hour in the morning and then repeat for the afternoon.
And spinning thread (I was so bad at it oh my gosh) Talking about wool and the dying process 👍
and quilting (so now I know how to hand sew but the sewing machine still makes me scratch my head LOL)
and leather working (I would just talk about the types of leather and the process of tanning, I didn't do it myself that was for the experts. And I would only fill in when they needed an extra pair of hands 👍)
Taught some of the old dances too, but I hardly remember them now though -weeps-
and cooking in the old cast iron wood burning stove (where I got heat exhaustion cause there is a reason they would just cook outside or had a 'summer kitchen' during the summer months oh my GOSH) and I burnt EVERYTHING cause my pyromaniac self would make the fire too HOT LOL There were ladies who made THE BEST food in that thing though! like TOP TEIR BEST EVER! There is something about it that is just AHH SO EXTRA GOOOOD but anyway scraping out the ash afterwards was pretty satisfying and chopping more wood for the next day was liberating after dealing with some of the ANNOYING visitors (It was this dull as hell light little hatchet so it was all brute force and magic (finding where the log will likely split easiest) to pop those suckers in half oh my GOSH) This was also where my SEETHING, LOATHING, HAAATTEEEE for churning butter came from 😤😤 (cleaning that junk with freshly boiled water was the ACTUAL WORST, but at least I was allowed to use dawn dish soap and properly re-clean everything after closing for obvious reasons PFF)
This is only SOME of the stuff I did and had to learn so I could teach and perform LOOOOOL
//at least the laundry was fake but beating the rugs was one of my least favorite things like BRUH now all that GARBAGE DUST Is all over ME NOW AAAAAAA
lol whenever I hear 'oh man living in the 1800s would be fascinating' I say 'NO IT WOULDN'T, IT SUCKS, DON'T' 🤣🤣🤣
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noffy96 · 10 months
Sun/Moon Fic
Chapter two is here! I had so much fun writing this one. This might be the quickest i ever updated a fic? Maybe. I am not sure. But we are here for it XD
Our first day together Apart .
Word count: 7724
Chapter 2/4 (Complete)
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Chapter Summary:
The first thing he did when he was woken back up was call for Moon in their shared headspace. Only to be met with utter silence. Not even the prompt of ‘rest mode don't disturb’ appeared. 
He called a second time still being met with utter silence. He was about to call a third time when he remembered. They were supposed to be separated now…is that why it was so quiet? 
Sun is the first one to wake up, He learns to work with his new body and then waits anxiously for Moon.
--link here to AO3--
or continue below the read more line
The first thing he did when he was woken back up was call for Moon in their shared headspace. Only to be met with utter silence. Not even the prompt of ‘rest mode don't disturb’ appeared. 
He called a second time still being met with utter silence. He was about to call a third time when he remembered. They were supposed to be separated now…is that why it was so quiet? 
He poked at his code for several more minutes. But could find nothing. Not a single trace of Moon was left.
He needed answers and he wanted them fast. Was his love okay? Did they succeed? Did they…
He shut down those thoughts. He had to focus and find out. So he activated the LED’s of his eyes. Only for it to stay utterly dark. He tried to move his head. But he felt restricted. Like he couldn't move the rest of his body.
“Raise your eyelids Sun” 
The voice was familiar, but the instructions were not. He had no eyelids. But tried searching for a code for them anyway. Anything If it could get him closer to seeing Moon. 
There was indeed a system for eyelid movement. And as they slowly raised he was greeted by the low light of one of the Parts and Services Cylinders. 
He was lying on the chair at a diagonal angle. And he could see through the glass to the other side 
There was his regular tech Diana…she was staring near the mic with a patient smile. He heard over the intercom as she started speaking. 
“Excellent! How are you feeling so far?”
“How's Moon?” 
It was rude to ignore a question but he had to know. Was he okay? Was he alive? Was he turned off? Did….did he get destroyed….? His voice had sounded a bit off, but this was more important 
Diana’s smile was patient. 
“He should just be waking up as well. Alex is working on him. Just got a text from them that they were turning him on for the first time as well. “
He let out a gasp
“So … it worked? “
Diana's smile grew.
“Everything is looking that way. Don't wanna text them and risk distracting them. So let's quickly go through all your checks. And I could send you on your way. That way you’d be done at the same time and could leave together “
He nodded excitedly. Oh yes! He would love that. Then they could go back to the daycare and he could fuss and look at Moon all he wanted. 
So the sooner he was out of here the better. Nothing against Diana she had been wonderful on every occasion. But he still didn't like this place. 
Diana could tell and never seemed to take any offense and did everything in her power to make his stays go as smoothly as possible. With both her and Moon's help. He had least stopped fearing coming here. 
Alex had the same effect on Moon. And he was glad there was someone Moon trusted with his upgrades after everything that happened with the virus.
His voice still sounded a bit off to him, He just couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was. But maybe they would test that later?  
“So Sun. Tell me. How is your vision? Any interference anywhere?”
He scanned around the place. Now that he was a bit calmer. He noticed something immediately.
“It's better than before! There are no black bars in my vision anymore!!”
He was indeed seeing so much clearer. Everything was one continuous image. No lines cutting across it at all. 
“Wait…what do you mean Sun?”
“You know…the black bars from before? Several horizontal stripes broke up my vision. It's just one image now! Oh, I don't gotta keep moving to see everything!”
He wanted to move his hands but found that he still couldn't meanwhile Diana looked shocked
“Sun why had you never told me that before?!  That shouldn't have been the case at all!
He titled his head slightly
“But it has always been like that?” 
Diana wiped her hand across her face. 
“You mean to tell me, your vision has always been broken?” 
There was a faint throb in his chest.  
“I guess so? I didn’t know those lines weren’t supposed to be there” 
He said apologetically.   
“No...no Sun, you are fine. Just another write-up about the previous staff. The more evidence the better, just wish it wasn’t at the expense of you guys. But let’s keep going. So can you blink super fast a couple of times, and check if there are any glitches”
“Sure thing”  
He did as told, and reported no problems than he was to hold his gaze in every direction for a while and Diana clapped happily 
“And that is the last, your eyes are working perfectly! Now moving on to your mouth. Can you lower your smile into a neutral expression for me?” 
He stared blankly through the glass at the tech. 
“Can I do what?” 
“Your faceplate can move now Sun. And I need to see if it can do most of the expressions listed.” 
He searched for his code, and indeed he found the controls for his faceplate. Before there had been just controls for turning his eyes on, And a separate set to control his rays as well. They had become so second nature to him, that he didn’t have to think about using them most of the time. He just did. But suddenly there were so many more controls. 
Several little motors to contort his face. But he had still no idea what he looked like. It took a couple of tries but one corner of his mouth managed to turn down. As he was struggling with finding the other side. He heard Diana say 
“Maybe, it would go easier if you could see your face, here let me find a mirror for you” 
His eyes suddenly shot up at those words 
Diana stumbled back, almost falling over, She turned around, seeming to answer to someone before turning back, and he felt a small amount of guilt come over him for scaring her. 
“I...I...please I don’t want to see just yet…I wanna…with Moon…I mean...if I could…I can do it without…please don’t “  
He started stumbling over his words, and a familiar sensation of embarrassment came to him. Vents started up in an effort to keep him cool as he felt himself heat up. 
Diana went from shocked to smiling as she came back to the mic. 
“It’s okay, Remember, we are never doing anything you don’t want to unless it will impact safety. But it’s good that I can check off your high voice range as working as well as the blushing feature”  
“I-i can-” 
He started but Diana interrupted him. 
“Please keep working on controlling your face, the faster you get it, the sooner you get to see Moon”  
There was a teasing hint in her voice, But she was right and decided to not think about what was just said. Also ignoring the fact that his voice hadn't sounded like his own at all And decided to go back to focusing on what part of his code, was activating what part of his face. 
It took a long while to go through all the expressions for the test, and the longer he was at it the easier it became. It wasn’t natural just yet. And he had a tendency to go back to his little too-wide smile that his old faceplate had rested in. But Diana assured him that if he practiced a couple of times in front of a mirror. It should all come easily. 
The last thing he was told to do was stick his tongue out. And his eyes widened. He had a tongue now! And he quickly did so. Curling it slightly upward so hoped he could see it. It was longer than any human tongue he had ever seen, and also bright orange. 
He wondered how it was hidden behind his faceplate. As far as he knew of the blueprints he had seen. It was still just a flat disk? 
But he decided that he had all week to find out that particular mystery. Diana even told him he should be able to taste things now! He questioned why and apparently it came with an identifying index. So if kids started handing things out, he could now check the food for stuff other kids might be allergic to. 
He was just happy he would actually be able to taste some of the cookies the children tried to give him, instead of pretending to eat and then the cookie crumbling on the floor as he smashed against his static smile and made a mess. It always made the children laugh. So it wasn’t too bothersome. Just..the mess he rather not deal with. 
As he retracted his tongue, he decided to bring up what had been bothering him for a bit now 
“Ah….Diana?  My voice…it sounds…different?” 
He didn't know how else to explain it. 
“That could be, we had to give you a brand new voice box after all. Comes with the new body. Not that we could have used your old one. It was broken anyway.” 
He tilted his head again.  
“When did that happen? I really tried to not blow it out!”
He fretted, going back on his memories before they got here. He didn’t do anything that required him to raise his voice
“No Sun…it has always been broken. Moon’s got stuck with the soft rasp, and you got stuck the high end with the light cracks. But since it worked fine for both of you and you were getting a new body anyway. It was decided not to replace it, just like the old LED's for your eyelights” 
He stared at her through the window once more
“Oh, you didn’t know that either! “ 
He shook his head. 
“Oh Sun, I am sorry, I clearly need to ask better questions. But yeah, your voice settings are right now set to the default setting for sun models. But you could adjust the pitch. I recommend not doing that just yet. We need you to work using basic functions for a while. But I’ll let you know as soon as you can. If you still want to then of course “ 
He gave a nod, 
“Thank you, it’s….a bit strange, sometimes it feels like my voice…but sometimes..it’s a bit too low? I might just need to get used to it” 
Diana nodded understandingly 
“I get it, Like I said, I will let you know when you would be allowed to change it. But you probably stuck with this for a couple of days”  
With that, the discussion was over and they moved on to his rays. First, he had to try to spin them, after that retract and then extend them again. Next, he was asked to move each one individually. He had always had some amount of control over them, but not this much! He had been able to make them shorter. But not completely retract. Probably because Moony’s faceplate had been in the way. 
He had great fun with it for a while. As Dianna had to step away, to go give him control back over the rest of his body. He noticed it the instant he got it back. As he moved himself slightly forward. Luckily not enough to fall out of the chair. But he did move his hands in front of him to steady himself. And now that he saw them, he couldn’t help but stare at them.  
There were sleeves covering his upper arms and the elbow joint. He still wore ribbons around his wrist, but they did a better job covering the joint at his wrist. His fingers were still long, but they were no longer just metal. 
They seemed to be covered in a soft yellowish silicone. And as he grabbed onto his arm he noticed that both his hand and arm had a little give. Also, he sensed way more than just touch. The tips of his fingers were colder than his palm. He could also feel texture now. And not just the input that he was holding onto something. His sleeve was soft, and the ribbons were silky and kept gliding through his fingers. 
He heard Diana laugh when she returned in front of the glass.
“I take it that the touch sensors are working”
He nodded eagerly as he went to touch his face. Feeling the slight rise of cheeks, the way his mouth was shaped in a surprised gasp, instead of a smile. He could feel the teeth and he giggled as he bit his finger lightly just to feel that pressure. And he downright squealed as felt it as he changed his expressions First smiling, then frowning,  raising only one corner of his mouth. Then the other.
The edge of his mouth felt a bit strange  It seemed he didn't have lips…but the silicone would be able to cover all the teeth. Giving the impression of a closed smile at least. Should he still call it lips then? He'll figure it out at some point. 
As he traced his hands across the center of his face he came across a split. where one-half of his face was raised a bit higher. And he smiled as he traced the familiar crescent moon shape that was in the center of his faceplate. 
So they kept that part of their old design. And he could feel his cheeks rise as he gained a broad grin. Before quickly moving his hands to feel along his rays.
Diana left him to his exploring. Occasionally popping in with a question. But soon she let out a soft cough 
“So Sun, ready to start moving around?” 
“Oh, yes, yes! Ready as ever!” 
“Wonderfull, you should have full control back. First I am gonna lower the table back to horizontal, then you can sit and stand up. And don’t be shy to hold on to the table if you need to. I imagine all the controls are still a bit hard to find. Take your time okay?” 
He nodded and gave Diana two thumbs up. He swallowed a small yelp as the table started moving backward, his fingers drumming onto on his chest as he waited. He also now noticed that there was a light movement there.
“Uh…Diana? My chest keeps moving. “  
“hmmn..Oh yes, you got simulated breathing now! Should help with calming exercises and putting kids to sleep”  
Diana’s voice sounded over the intercom, his rays swayed slightly. As he processed the information. He was apparently mulling it over a bit longer than he thought as Diana’s voice came again
“Whenever you are ready Sun” 
Sitting up went easy, he was surprised that it went so silently. Not hearing any of the soft clicks he normally did when moving. But new body and all, His smile grew as he noticed his pants were still the same as they had always had been, But his feet seemed to be a bit shorter than before, something was also seemingly holding his shoe in place at the side. So they were no longer glued on then? 
He swung his legs off to the side only for his torso to keep facing forward. He heard Diana cover a snort. 
“Oh…Full ball joints?” He questioned 
He found his controls again and spun his torso a full three sixty degrees.  
“Correct! I all of your joints are now”
He settled so he was facing normally and tried the joint of his neck, being able to fully turn it like an owl, and letting out a giggle before turning back. He decided to see if he could do the same with his elbows and knees later. As he moved his wrists in different rotations as well.
They had always been very flexible, They had to be if they ever needed to crawl into the play structures. But this would make the whole process so much easier. He must keep in mind not to contort himself into strange shapes and scare the kids. But he was sure he was gonna try all kinds of silly poses when it was just him and Moon. Just trying to one-up each other. 
Oh, he wondered how Moon was doing at this point. Was he also finding joy in discovering his new body? He hoped it was going just as well for him. Moon would love this flexibility. And the new face plate. He wondered if they changed their colours slightly.  His arms certainly looked like they were a brighter yellow. Would his be a different shade of blue? 
He cut off his rambling thoughts. As much as he wanted to continue thinking about his partner. He had to continue on, That way he wouldn’t keep spiraling about what if’s. He would actually be able to see him! 
He placed his hands beside himself. Felt the colder metal beneath his new fingers. And slowly stood up.  Finding his balance was easy. And shortly thereafter he even took his first step. Walking to the edge of the cylinder, and then turned around walked without any problems to the other side. 
It seemed these controls had been the exact same as before so it didn’t take long to master at all. So he walked to stand in front of the glass staring at his favorite tech. 
“All good, No problems, nor glitches, or errors anywhere!  Does it look good from your end?” 
Diana was wearing the biggest grin he had ever seen.  
“It does Sun, I have no further tests for you today. Just one more scan and that’s it. You’ll be free to go” 
His hands flew to his mouth
“Really! “ 
Dianna nodded happily. 
“Could you be a dear and plug yourself in? It’s a new cable but your port is in the same position” 
He nodded and rushed back over to the chair. Watching a cable come down, he grabbed it with both hands and smiling as he filed away the new texture. And brought the cable to the back of his head. It attached with a click and he the area around it warmed up a tiny amount. 
He stood there swaying slightly making sure that the cable was kept in place
“Do…do you need me to do anything?” 
It took a while but Diana came over again.  
“No, just gotta let this run, it will take five more minutes maximum. Okay?” 
He decided to trail his fingers along his arms again, categorizing the new sensations in different folders in his mind. He wondered if Moon would feel the same. Would he also be soft now? Would he run hotter or colder? Would he have a shirt now too? Would it feel any different than his own? 
He brought his hands down, as they brushed against his pants, noticing immediately they were a different material. And classifying the new sensation as well. But he also noticed. That even though these looked like his old pants. They were definitely newer ones. For one these had pockets now! 
He bounced a bit excitedly. And noticed a strange sensation in his legs. He did it again. It was familiar in a way. It felt kinda how it used to feel as he tried pushing his rays back in, in his old body…before the spring bounced them back. 
“Diana…are there?…are there springs in my legs?” 
There was some static before Diana's voice came back. 
“There are! They wanted you to have another way to get up to the balcony, in case the wire  malfunctions” 
He frowned slightly 
“Isn’t that why we have the hidden door in the theatre?” 
Dianna laughed 
“Also yes, but that is mostly for maintenance workers. This is for when you are in the daycare during working hours. You could call the wire, but if you don’t wanna risk children climbing on top of you, you could now use the springs to jump all the way up to the balcony instead. They are also very shock-resistant! So you could practice new ways to jump out as well! I believe you are the only one with them, I think they gave Moon a different feature? But you have to ask him what that is gonna be, I only really worked with your new body in dept.” 
He nodded along with her explanation. His smile grew as she brought Moon up. Something unique they could both show each other?! Oh, This was just getting better and better. 
He would need to find a perfect moment to show him. Or should he just tell him outright? 
He wasn’t sure. There were so many things that would need to be done anyway. But first, he just gotta see what Moon looks like now. These last few minutes were taken ages! He just wanted to see his Moon already! 
There was a quiet ding, and he stood up straight. 
“That’s it Sun! You can unplug now, and I’ll open the cylinder” 
He gave a little dazed nod. And carefully removed the cable. He was still holding it when the sound of the door opening came through his audio respirators..
He started at it…this was it huh? His first step forward was hesitant. But he slowly inched himself forward. Holding onto the edge of the door frame.
Diana never hurried him along. unlike past workers who sometimes basically shoved him out of there. While still dazed and confused from all the updates they had done. 
His chest rose with a simulated breath and he stepped out. And couldn't help but return Diana's smiling face. 
“You did wonderfully as always Sun. So last a few things before I let you go,” 
She gestures at him to follow her to her desk. He stood there swaying slightly as she rummaged through some papers. And then picked up a document, and went over to a page with what looked like a schedule on it. 
“According to this…I will see you again…Next Friday. That's in five days. Nothing long, more of a scan to see if everything is working as it should. And answer any questions you'll come across with the new body “
He nodded. Sounded good, 
“Do you know when?”
“Between 10 and 11. There is a staff meeting before, so depends on how long that goes. You and Moon will probably be called together”
That relaxed him somewhat. The thought of coming down here alone didn't sit right with him.
“The second thing is your Manual. Fazzbear didn't want to install it into your memory right away. Something about it being an external file, and maybe risking viruses again? I think that is just crappy higher-up talk. So I am gonna print you yours. Because it never states you can't have access to it. It's gonna take a little while longer to print. You can wait in the hallway for Moon. But wait till I get that for you before you two leave alright?“
His rays spun excitingly. He would actually get acces to his own manual! And not in the roundabout way Moon had gotten to it last time. He at first hadn't liked it, that Moon had basically stolen it. But as their updates slowed he hadn't been more grateful as it meant they could do basic repairs on themselves
The more they could avoid parts and service back in those days the better. He stared at the door
He asked carefully. Diana picked her phone up. 
“Mmmnn. Got no message from Alex yet. So probably not yet. But it shouldn't be long. “
He gave a shaky nod
“Okay…and thank you for everything “
Diana's smile was gentle
“Anytime Sun. Now shoo. I am sure Moon would love for you to be the first thing he runs into”
He straightened eagerly and did what he was told. Cause she was right, Moon would be! He quickly made for the doors and stepped into the hallway. 
He moved away from the door so he wasn't blocking it…but now what? 
He just had to wait. He stared at the other set of double doors. The second part and service room. It was built shortly after the new staff had arrived. Seven main animatronics, a hundred staff and cleaning bots, and just one workstation. They called the old staff insane. 
Moon was behind those doors. He knocked his knuckles together. Moon was so close…he could go in and check…but he wouldn't want to disturb Alex. What if something went wrong?!. 
He glanced down the tunnel instead. It was very empty, he just saw the wheels of a security staff bot roll out of sight. He slowly started pacing back and forth. He sometimes saw a human staff worker appear further down to hall. To go through the Plex more easily with all the construction likely still around. He waved if he noticed them.
But he was mostly lost in his own thoughts as the minutes kept ticking on. Why was it taking so much longer? Was something wrong? If something had been Diana would have gotten a notice…wouldn't she? She wouldn't send him out here to wait for nothing. 
What if the virus was back?! What if being placed into a new body reactivated it. And Moon was stuck again. But this time he wouldn't be there to comfort him. Or-
He slapped his cheeks a couple of times. No! No! No! he was gonna be okay! He had to be okay. 
They promised each other they'd be okay
Moon was gonna walk through that door any second now!
He groaned out loudly. Pacing once more. The bells around his wrist jingled loudly as he kept wringing his hands together. 
He was being ridiculous. He knows he was. But he didn't like this. He never handled being completely on his own partially well. And then he had been forced to be, to protect both himself and Moon. After the virus was gone…there wasn't a lot of time he was ever truly alone. 
He was either with Moon. The kids, the Glamrocks, or the staff. No longer locked in the daycare to just entertain himself. 
But that made any time he was alone so much harder. He tucked on his rays but quickly stopped as it hurt a lot more than it used to do. 
Okay, focus! He just had to focus! He is fine. He didn't want Moon to walk into him being an anxious mess. He was gonna think something was wrong when there wasn't!
He stopped once more standing in the middle of the hallway. He just had to occupy himself for a bit. Maybe count tiles or something. 
Yeah…yeah that could work. Which tiles? Floor? Ceiling? Wall? 
Before he could decide he noticed something else on the walls he hadn't before. He didn't pay a lot of attention here. As he rather just be out as soon as he could. 
But it was definitely updated since last time. On the wall between the two doors to the different parts and service rooms. Where posters of the main band. They seemed newer, as they still held a glossy finish. 
One poster for each member:  Freddy, Chica, Monty, Roxy. 
He had seen these everywhere of course. But these seemed to all have been signed by their respective animatronics. It made him smile seeing everyone's handwriting. They even had little messages thanking the staff. It was nice
He carefully looked at each one…only to turn around and notice four more posters. One was of Glamrock Bonnie. And it wasn't one of his old ones. It was a new one for when he would be fixed  It didn't have a name signed yet. But he had a feeling it would be as soon as he was here. Just waiting for those last parts to arrive. Oh, why did the previous shipment have to become lost? He should have been with them already! 
But next to it was what surprised him. Not the one of DJ Musician. But the large signature did make him smile. No, it was, the posters of himself and Moon. One for them each. It wasn't the posters that hung in their daycare and advertised their candy. 
Where are these…their own new posters?  They weren't signed either. He never really had to sign anything. Except his own drawings. Would…would he be allowed to sign this? 
He felt a warm throb in his chest. He warped one arm around himself. He kinda wished they had taken the plushies with them. He would have been able to hold the Moon plush for comfort��and not try and hug himself. 
His eyes slid to Moon’s poster. Trying to spot all the differences with the old poster. Then there was a loud clang. Like something had fallen from the room Moon was in. followed by loud thuds. He jumped back as those loud thuds came closer. 
Just as he faced the door, it flew open.
Moon was standing there. 
Starry pants, a blue and white colour scheme, red eyes, and a nightcap on top of his head. The little bell gave a quiet jingle as it came to a stop. Everything was still there. The same…yet shinier, newer. 
They stood there frozen Moon's hand resting on the door. Red eyes scanned him up and down. His own was not able to move from Moon's face. It was like all his programming just had stopped. Grounded to a halt in an instant.
All that was happening instead was that his head was playing Moon's name on a loop. Suddenly a thought broke through. What if he isn't real?…what if it's an illusion? He started raising his hand. 
But Moon was quicker. Moon had shaken himself out of his stupor and took off again. Racing towards him. 
So fast he barely was able to register he was gone from the door. Cause the next second two arms had wrapped around his waist and lifted him up into the air. 
His own hands landed on his partner's shoulders. Feeling the soft fabric underneath as he held on as he was spun around with a happy shout of.
“Sun! You’re okay!”
He nodded happily, legs kicking excitedly as laughs were leaving both of their voice boxes.
“Yes! Yes oh, Moon! So are you!”
Moon was laughing still. He never heard it so happy. His whole voice was sounding clearer, it was so beautiful! 
“Your voice! It's fixed! Oh, you sound so wonderful Moony!”
“Me?! You as well! Sunny you look so good. The blue eyes really are pretty, I see why you missed them so much “
He felt himself flush with a happy giggle. They had stopped spinning but Moon was still holding him up. Swaying them back and forth. 
“Me? What about you? They kept you looking handsome as ever!”
Moon chuckled
“Flattery will get you everywhere Sunshine “
He laughed louder. As he stared down at the most important thing In his life. He let go of one of Moon’s shoulders. And brought the hand to his cheek. It flushed a bit under his touch. 
And he let out a happy gasp as he felt the heat of it. Stroking over his cheek happily, Moon nuzzles into it further. He couldn't hold back the happy cooing noise. 
As he let go Moon slowly lowered him back to the ground.. 
“Your turn Moony!”
He didn't give his partner any time to react as he quickly warped his own arms around Moon’s waist and lifted him up. 
But he didn't sound upset, not at all. No, it sounded like he was completely pleased with the situation at hand. He started spinning them around as well. 
“What?! Can't handle my affection Moonlight! Cause this is just the beginning!”
Moon went from laughing to cackling. Hands holding onto both shoulders tightly and he welcomed the hard press of fingers. 
He was holding Moon!. Actually, really holding him! Not a plushy, not their blankets pretending it was the other as they protected each other throughout their mindscape. He was physically holding him. And Moon was laughing, and moving beneath his arms. Alive and well. 
Fingers were tracing along his rays as Moon's voice calmed down as he stopped their spinning. 
“I'll handle anything you throw at me Sunlight” 
His partner's voice was filled with affection as his own face got cupped. Now it was his turn to blush and it made Moon chuckle. And he slowly started trembling as the reality started to hit him. 
“Sunny. What’s wro-oh”
He quickly put Moon down and pressed close, warping his partner into a hug. 
Their first hug. 
Pressing his face into his shoulder. Closing his eyes tightly. 
“We’re okay…. actually okay, I am so happy Moon…so so happy but also…” 
He let out a laugh. It was filled with static and it felt like he was holding back tears. Was he able to cry now? He never asked, and he squeezed him tighter. 
Moon's hands quickly came up to his back. Squeezing him just as tight. Not letting go at all. Then slowly the hands started rubbing up and down his back. Warming him up and calming him down.
“Me too, Sun. So...so happy. I got you…the scary part is over and done. We’re Together now “
Moon turned his faceplate and he felt a kiss along one of his rays and retracted them extended one by one in a quick circle as he giggled
His own hands couldn't stop moving as well. Trailing all along Moon’s back. As he pressed their entire fronts closer together. 
“Hey, Sun?”
Moon kissed another one of his rays before continuing.
“The first thing I did was try to call for you”
He couldn't help the small bark of laughter that came out of his voicebox. Before Moon would think he was being mocked he whispered
“So did I”
Moon laughed softly as well.
They kept hugging for a while, seemed neither of them wanted to be the first one to break it. Eventually…he just wanted to see Moon’s face again. So he pulled back enough so he could see him again. Moon did the same. Both slowly turning to face each other. 
There was barely any space between them. And both of them reached a hand up to hold each other's faceplates. His rays retracted to give Moon's hand room. 
He turned his partner's face so he could give the white crescent side of his face a kiss. Then staring into those happy red eyes. 
Moving his own face to his love’s guiding hand and got a kiss on his raised cheek. 
He kissed between Moon’s eyes. He got a kiss on the forehead. And they kept going like that. Just sharing kisses back and forth 
Eventually, they pulled away with giggles letting their foreheads rest together. Eyes going towards each other's mouth.
A robotic voice like one of the staff bots sounded from inside his head. And both of them pulled back sharply. 
What was that?!? Where had that come from? What was -
‘ Hello? ’ 
He heard Moon's voice from inside his head. If a bit filtered like he was speaking through a phone
He brought a hand to the side of his faceplate. Staring wide at his lunar counterpart. 
‘ Moon?! ’
‘ Sun!? ’
They stared at each other, his hands covering his open mouth. Moon’s mouth was opening and closing
“Did…we…can you?! - “
‘ hear me? ’. He finished inside their head
And he nodded as he heard Moon’s voice echo inside of himself. 
“Yes!” He squealed 
‘I can! ’
It wasn't the same as having Moon in his head. It was clear he could only send his voice over. And not everything he was thinking and feeling. But they still could communicate like before! 
He was bouncing in place, and Moon's red iris had tripled in size. The bottom part of his face was trembling. 
“Oh, Moon! Moony this is so wonderful. Oh, I wonder how far we can be apart before it stops working? But we can test that later! later!, later! I am not letting you go anytime soon!”  
He brought his partner close again. Who still seemed a bit in shock. As he stumbled forward at his actions. 
“Ah! Moon!”
Moon grabbed onto his arms to steady himself and not fall face-first into the floor.
“Okay...I'm okay...just...”
He trailed off. His eyes were now fixed on where he was holding his arm. He looked down as well. The motors in his chest began working faster seeing the white and blue against the yellow silicone of his own body. 
The grip loosened, and slowly Moon’s hand traveled further down his arm. He could hear Moon’s fans blasting his own slowly staring up as well. The only sounds besides the soft jingle of the bell on Moon’s wrist. 
Moon's fingers came to his own ribbon-covered wrist. Thumb stroking over the silly silky fabric once, twice… And then continued on as the fingers skated across his palm and it felt like he had gotten a static shock.
Just the tips of his fingers…
As they stared his other hand snaked around Moon's waist, again pulling him close as Moon's arm circled around his lower back. Their sides basically pressed together as much as they could be. So why did that motion on his palm feel so much more intimate? 
Slowly their fingers interlinked. Hands resting together palm to palm. And he had to make a whole new folder for just these sensations. Moon’s hand was slightly cooler than his own. His whole body seemed to be. 
His fingers had been really smooth. But that is probably because their bodies are still brand new. He squeezed the hand softly. And he got the same soft squeeze in return. 
“Your fingers aren't claws anymore”
He observed. Moon chuckled faceplate landing against his shoulder. And they both kept looking down their bodies at their held hands.  
“Well…not exactly “
Moon squeezed his hand again but kept the tight grip. And slowly he felt the nails extend and dig lightly into his hand before retreating once again.
“Retractable claws!” 
He whispered, amazed.
Moon nodded. And in response he nuzzled what counted as their nose against Moon's forehead, also feeling the soft fur of his hat. 
They were holding hands! And basically cuddling. And even though Moon was colder than him it still felt so incredibly warm. He wanted to keep covering his partner's face in kisses. 
He also really wanted to kiss Moon properly! Press their smiles together, and feel their new faceplates heat up. Actually, experience all those rushing emotions. 
Not as before that when he opened his eyes all he saw was air. Or being so tangled in his code that he couldn't feel anything. But Diana could be back any second. And he didn't wanna risk being interrupted. 
No, their first kiss should be something more special. And as much as wanted to…it should not be in the dark halls next to part and service. He looked down at Moon’s eyes. 
The new eyes were less intense than the bright red eyes from their old body had been. He just knew he was gonna get endlessly distracted by them in the future anyway. 
His gaze dropped down to his partner's mouth. It was set in a lazy smile. Perfectly content to be held as he did. The perfect picture of a nap attended. 
Gaze flickering up only to see Moon staring at his own mouth before their eyes met. He heard Moon ask softly in their head
‘ later ?’
He nodded carefully so as not to disturb this perfect position they got themselves into. 
‘ alone? Daycare? ’ 
He asked in return. And Moon nodded as well. Seems they were on the same page. He left a longer kiss on Moon’s forehead. Only pulling away because suddenly there was a loud noise followed by: 
“Moon! You fucker! You better still be there!”
The doors flew open again as an angry Alex stepped through. The smaller human was panting heavily. 
He knew Moon was just saying it to rile Alex up more. As Moon was just as bad when it came to curses…unless it was during actual work hours. 
Moon is very serious about taking good care of their little stars. And that includes swearing. He tries to let Moon off the hook when he swears outside of their work hours…but his own programming more often than not catches him off guard. 
Scolding Moon before he actually realized what he had said. 
Alex huffed, and Moon just leaned further into him which he had no problem with. He was enjoying a cuddly Moon. It was the best feeling in the world.
“Good to see you up and running to Sunny-.”
He saw Moon's eyes narrow at the use of the nickname, and he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about it himself. But Alex continued on regardless
“But Moon here knocked over several trays with bolts and other parts over in his rush to see you. Not to mention, that I hadn't finished talking to him yet”
He felt his cheeks colour and his smile grow as Moon shrugged.
“You should have known what you set in motion by telling me that”
He started rocking Moony faster.
“You really did?. Oh, that's so sweet of you Moonlight! “ 
He nuzzled the top of his head again and Moon let out a helpless giggle.
“But you should apologize as well”
“Mmm nah”
Alex crossed his arms but was looking a lot less annoyed. Diana came out of the other room. Looking a bit more frazzled than when he had left. 
“Oh, don't you two look cute.” 
She smiled happily some of the tension leaving her. 
“Thank you~”
Both of them said and Alex sighed
“Yeah, yeah. You two are adorable. But now, Moon. The thing I wanted to say is. That while you free to leave…you two can't return to your room just yet”
His rays spun, and the hand that wasn't holding Moon’s was absentmindedly rubbing up and down Moon’s back again. 
“Was it not supposed to be finished?”
He questioned worryingly…they never had to use the power stations before and he rather not spend a night in those.
“Oh, it is. They are just moving in the last of the furniture. Should be no more than an hour or two. We'll send a message as soon as they are done“
Both of them sighed with relief. 
“Oh Diana, you got my manual?”
He asked remembering why he was asked to wait as well. And He felt Moon perk up at those words. But she shook her head.
“A paper got stuck as the ink ran out and it caused a whole mess. Gotta start it again. As parts were just unreadable. And Moon’s manual needs printing as well. It should be in your room at the end of the day.”
He hummed and Alex huffed 
“That's what you also missed. Yes, you get access to your manual” 
Moon looked absolutely giddy at the news, and Alex raised his hand. 
“Just… look guys I know you both share pretty much anything. And this is just my advice. But all the new manuals have a… section at the end of them. It is not necessarily Fazzbear-approved. But it was mostly written by the new staff here. And it is all legit, just more catered to the fact that everyone here has gotten..."” 
Alex waved his hand around
 Moon supplied
“Yeah…just. Okay, those parts of the manual can be very personal...I know you two literally shared a brain so there are probably not many secrets. But still. Just for the first time. Read that part on your own. If you decide to share. Great. But yeah…my advice”
He felt himself frown. He wouldn't know what there was that he wouldn't wanna share with Moon. But he was surprised when Dianna piped up.
“I second that. No rules against sharing. Just...I think you better make an informed decision if you read it on your own first”
He nodded hesitantly. And Moon did the same.
“Anything else? Or are we free to go now?”
Alex looked thoughtfully for a second then. 
“Just have read through the base part of the manual before Friday…but I think that's it? Unless you got something”
Alex turned towards his coworker and Diana shrugged. 
“Don't think s- “ she got interrupted by a buzz and quickly checked her phone. Suddenly her grin grew as she showed Alex the text who also gained a smile
“Well” - she continued and he eyed her wearily.
“You two should head to the west arcade”
He shared a glance with Moon, who looked just as confused
He asked, not that he was opposed to go see the DJ, it had been a while. But this instruction out of basically nowhere had him weary. 
Both their grins got bigger
“You’ll see, now off you go. There will be a hoard of cleanbots that need updates coming soon. So leave before they flood the tunnels”
They were making shooing motions at them. Moon Freed himself from where he had cuddled into his side.
“We get it, we get it. We’ll scram.”
And he was tugged along by his still-held hand. He waved at the two of them 
“BYE! And thank you for taking care of us. “ 
Moon gave a little Salut. Before slowly speeding up more and more.
Soon both of them were rushing down the maintenance tunnels. Dashing like mad. Hands still clasped together. Laughing like madmen. It felt good. Letting out all that nervous energy that had been building inside of him. It was like it was all rushing out now. Free to do as he pleased and both of them relished in the opportunity. 
They nearly crashed into the wall. As they reached the doors. And maybe they spend some long minutes right there,  splattering kisses all across each other's faces again. Just a giggly and happy mess of new emotions. 
Before stepping out, and making their way to the west arcade.
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michanvalentine · 4 months
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Notes: I went with the flow (and the poll result! xD) and wrote this fanfiction. It is the retelling of the events we already know, from the point of view of the most lovable scientist in the world. <3 (x°°°D) With the addition of various and possible missing moments, of course. I particularly focused on the psychological aspect of Hojo, on how a person like him can experience falling in love. With everything that entails. In this case, naturally, it is the poor Vincent (and not only) who pays the price. There are no explicit scenes of violence and a lot is left to the reader's imagination, but I think the result is still quite disturbing. Normally I dabble in the comedy genre, but when I decide to change I don't have too many scruples. And Hojo remains a disturbing character in his own right. Below I leave a preview of the fanfiction, until I finish translating it and my account on Archive of Our Own is up and running. Be patient with me, I'm an old woman! xD
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You look at the Turk sideways, his tall, slender figure silhouetted against the bright glass window. The image - or the light - hurts your eyes and you turn back to the steaming coffee in your hands. It was that silly hen who prepared the drink - for everyone, including you. Your mouth distorts into a grimace of impatience: you didn't need a break. But Faremis found it a splendid idea. To you it's just a useless waste of time, however, and you tremble leaning against the wall, when you could instead be concentrating on the lenses of your microscope. “…I took them home, their parents didn't know where they had ended up,” the dude sent by Shinra is saying.
“Luckily they didn't get hurt,” observes the female, the hen to whom you owe that annoying interruption.
“Good job, Valentine,” Faremis adds, and takes another sip of coffee.
A sound of annoyance comes out of your mouth, and you haven't even touched your coffee yet. Good fucking job, you think. He is paid to protect you, to repel and eliminate threats, not to babysit. It doesn't matter that it was a bunch of curious kids who attempted the break-in.
“Excellent indeed, now the villagers of Nibelheim will think that crossing the borders of the Shinra mansion and putting our jobs at risk is a simple joke,” you observe.
Everyone's eyes fall on you, as if they had only noticed you at that moment. Crescent even puts a hand to her mouth in surprise. But you barely notice, because you're focused on the Turk. On the still look, on the regular features of the face, on the crimson eyes that convey no hesitation. It irritates you, but you can't exactly say why. Meanwhile, from the photo on his CV you hadn't understood how tall he was. And to look him straight in the face you are forced to raise your head. He looks like Grimoire Valentine, you notice again - even if that charlatan has been dead for a while and you don't remember him well. But Vincent Valentine also inherited from his mother. Genetic traits don't lie, no matter how pleasantly mixed they are. He may wear an elegant dark suit, enjoy an excellent education and all the training necessary to stand out among the Turks, but he remains a dirty half-breed. A bastard from Wutai.
“I didn't think it was appropriate to do otherwise,” he says - he contradict you, in fact, and without hesitation in his voice, “Scaring the children more than necessary would have alarmed the entire village. I imagine that to work you need quiet and concentration, not eyes on you.”
“I understand the concern, Hojo, but everything is under control. Our security guard knows what to do,” adds Faremis, unsolicited.
You let your gaze go from one to the other and grit your teeth. Valentine's insolence, Faremis's condescension. You feel outraged deep inside and a little voice suggests to you that they both think they are superior to you, that they can silence you. Clench your fists as well and keep quiet. Take the insult - for now. At least the hen saw fit to stay out of it and keep quiet.
“Well,” you state dryly, “I hope so. In the meantime I believe that this," waste of time, useless theater crosses your mind. “Pause,” you say finally, “it lasted long enough. This is a very important project, Faremis, you should know. Or would you rather our diligent bodyguard also invite the Nibelheim brats here for a coffee?”
You don't wait for an answer, you have paid far too much attention to the issue and to those present, when there are many other things to do. Data to analyze, results to achieve. You throw the still full paper cup into the dustbin and walk away towards the lower floors of the mansion, towards your laboratory. There you will no longer have to listen to useless chatter, nor stumble upon Valentine's profile silhouetted against the window. Or in his steady red eyes that pass through you. Despite yourself, irritation follows you into the basement and you can't say why. He is nothing. Yet everyone in there seems to appreciate him. He is nothing, repeat in your mind; yet even you cannot ignore his simple existence. And you can't stand this.
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silverwritesthings · 2 years
The Monster Inside
Here is my part for the Halloween Monster Collab with the lovely @teyvattales Warnings: Yandere, Monsters, Inhumans, Werewolves, demons, android. Spicy/Mild sexual themes. Starring: Werewolf Il Capitano, Demon Pantalone, Android Il Dottore x reader  In other news I’m trying out a new art program~ Please tell me if y’all like these title cards XD
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Werewolf Il Capitano
The howls and cries of the wolves seemed closer tonight, the full moon shining through the glass window of your room. Capitano still hadn't returned from his meeting with the First Harbinger. You crept from your warm, safe bed that was all together too large for someone to sleep in alone. One of his cloaks hang from a hook beside the door, one he always left for you. You wrapped it around yourself, hoping to find him just outside in the courtyard to the manor. He often found himself taking guard, even though it was wholly unnecessary.
As you walked out into the snowy courtyard, you felt safe. No creatures could get over the high stone walls, or past the guards stationed at the gates.
Or so you thought.
Their posts were abandoned, and high upon the wall sat a frighteningly huge creature. It had it's back to you, it's pointed, canine face looking up at the moon. It seemed to be smelling for something. It was easily larger than Capitano himself. 
Your startled gasp made it snap it's attention to you, the glowing scarlet eyes locking onto your form as it leapt down from the walls. The snow crunched under it’s feet ominously as it landed. It stopped for a moment, before making a curious sound and starting to creep towards you, much like a cat stalking a mouse in the tall grass.
The darkness of the courtyard hid it's features, but it's scarlet eyes glinted in the light of the torches as you slowly crept backwards towards the doors. You could tell it was covered in long, shaggy fur. Like an enormous cross between man and wolf.  
As it neared you, the flickering torch light illuminated scars that looked... familiar. It growled, the tension in it's body snapping like a rope as it pounced.
You remember little of what happened after that, only waking in the morning with Capitano's arms tight around you, his face buried in your neck as he kissed at the bite marks littering your shoulders. His voice seemed deeper than usual, and it held more of a growling tone. “Don’t wait up for me anymore Y/N... I’ll always come home to you.”
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Demon Pantalone What better disguise for a creature of greed and desire than of a banker? Pantalone could think of nothing better to hide himself as, especially as you sat across from him at his desk. Behind on your payments... yet again. “You know, my darling, that I cannot keep allowing you to fall behind.” You looked down at your hands, fiddling with your fingers. You always seemed to become so flustered in his presence... That was something he very much enjoyed. A small, lighthearted chuckle lured you into looking back up at him. “This will be the last time I show you such mercy... Do you understand, Y/N?” You muttered a faint agreement, but in the back of your mind you wondered what else you could offer to him. He’d already taken access to your funds, the land your home was built upon, and several of your more rare and priceless belongings. “Sir... May I ask what else I may offer you?” Oh, now that got his attention. He clicked his tongue as he stood from his desk, motioning for you to do the same and come around to him. He took hold of your chin and forced you to look up at him, and you looked directly into his almost reptilian eyes. He stole a single kiss from you, chuckling before stealing yet another. “I think this will do just fine...”
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Android Il Dottore Humans were such curious creatures. At least, this is what Dottore thought as he caught you sleeping at your station in his lab yet again. Their bodies were so fragile, needing certain amounts of sleep, certain foods, certain environments to truly thrive. Yet what did he need? None of that. Well... He needed one thing. You. How can a being with no heart or soul learn to become enamored with someone? He wasn’t certain. But since you had come into his existence, he found that he could blend into humanity much easier. You taught him what it was like to love. You taught him what jealousy felt like. When he first felt that unfamiliar feeling, watching you interact with other humans, he thought he had found an error in his own programming. But he found no such errors when he tried to repair it. Curious. Much like you.  What had started as simple curiosity had turned to an obsession. Oh well. You were asleep now. You’d neglected the proper amounts of sleep for days, and barely responded as Dottore carried you over to the couch he’d acquired for such situations. Now that you were asleep... He could continue his experiments on the limits of the needs of Humanity. But not on you of course. Why would he? You’d join him in eternal life soon enough. “Rest well, Y/N. You won’t need to for much longer.”
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I hope you all enjoyed! I may be a little late posting this, but I’m happy to have posted it when I did. Feel free to send in requests or asks!
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