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storiesofaot · 7 months ago
When Hange, Levi, and the others visit Marley in the flashback scene from season 4, we can see that in the first picture, when they meet with Lady Azumabito, Hange's tie is loose. However, later in the evening, when they find the kids, her tie is neatly tied again.
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I am sure we all know who is responsible for that 🤭 (Yes, it was Levi who tied her tie!! 😁)
[And yes, I did write a fic about it, which you can read here if you want!]
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storiesofaot · 2 months ago
Long Time No See
Day 2: Birds
Rating: G
Word Count: 1 579
Canon Divergence. Kind of angsty, post-rumbling oneshot where Hange and Levi are in different places. You're asking why Levi isn't in Marley but is back on Paradis Island? Well, it's more romantic to have an entire ocean between them. That's why haha. 🤓
The rays of sun that had been streaming through the window traveled the entire time Hange sat at her desk. Ten minutes into her task, the sun began to spill into the room, and half an hour later, the light was reflecting uncomfortably off her lenses.
There was only a small patch of light on her desk’s surface now, right next to her writing hand. She paused for a moment, running her finger over its uneven edges, making the circles smaller and smaller until she reached the centre.
Levi wouldn’t have liked this hot weather; she was certain of that. The temperatures always rose around noon and continued climbing in the afternoon sun, but she had already grown accustomed to everything feeling like a morgue. No one voluntarily set foot outside in the scorching heat, and having a siesta was a very common practice around here.
No, Levi definitely wouldn’t have liked this place.
Her current task of writing a letter to him wasn’t easy. It had been a long time since they'd last seen each other, and so much had happened. She longed to tell him everything—what she had seen, what she had experienced, and how much she missed him. More than she allowed herself to admit.
It took her several attempts, but eventually, she finished the letter - being torn between pouring out her heart to him and reassuring him that she was doing fine - and then packed away her writing things.
Hange had already visited the excavation site in the morning, and in a few hours, she was going to meet the archaeologists overseeing the current project. She had so many questions for them and was very excited—something she hadn’t hesitated to share with Levi, even though she knew he didn’t understand half of what she was saying.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, four-eyes,” was something he always used to say to her whenever she overwhelmed him with yet another gush of words. “But if it makes you happy, I’m okay.”
She knew what he meant. He had said it to her directly on the last day they’d spent together, about four months ago.
“I’ll be fine, stop thinking that I won’t be,” Levi had said to her after she had repeatedly asked him if he’d be alright. She had already shed a few silent tears, the prospect of not having him around for the unforeseen future already starting to feel heavy. But she also knew that she couldn’t stay; she had to see what was out there, had to absorb everything until her thirst for the world was exhausted.
When that would be, she didn’t know; she was going to take a trip back to Paradis Island in about eight months and see how things were then. What she did know was that her moment of going home hadn’t arrived yet. There were still things she needed to do.
“If you’re happy, then I’m happy. You need to understand that, idiot.” He always liked calling her that, but he brushed away a tear that had started to roll down her cheek with a tenderness that showed her what he truly meant. The following morning, she set out on her journey, always keeping those last exchanged words in mind.
A lot of things had happened since then.
In the evening, Hange stepped outside to the patio of the place she was staying and entered the makeshift loft she always set up at every new location. There was no postal service between Paradis Island and Marley, so she’d had to come up with another way to keep in touch with Levi.
Three grey birds sat on a bar in the wooden shelter, and as soon as they saw her, one flew onto her shoulder, cooing softly into her ear.
They were homing pigeons, already trained, which she had taken with her the day she left Paradis Island. Despite the ocean lying between them, they would always find their way back home, offering her a limited yet safe chance to reach out to Levi.
It was somewhat bittersweet, though, knowing he wouldn’t be able to send a letter in return. For the birds, home would always be the island, and that was the only place their instincts would lead them. There would be no way for her to learn how he was, or if he was doing alright. But in that moment, the thought that the letter would reach him was enough. For both of them.
“I don’t really write much anyway,” Levi had reassured her when she first shared the idea with him. “If I know what you’re up to, I’m good. So, you know… don’t hold yourself back. I’ll read everything.”
Hange poured a mixture of seeds and grains into the small feeding trough, holding up a handful to the pigeon still perched on her shoulder. Its feathers were soft and smooth as she gently stroked its chest, waiting for it to finish. The bird pecked at her now-empty hand before flying back to join its two companions at the trough.
In the evening, when she returned from her outing with the archaeologists, she rolled up the letter she had written and stuck it into a small tube. She screwed the lid to close it, making sure it sat firm, and then attached a cord to the roll.
Her fingers shook slightly as she looked down at the securely packed letter in her hands. What would his reaction be? Would it be a sign of hope for him, or would it bring memories and heavy thoughts? She didn’t know, and she probably never would. She wouldn’t be there when it reached him.
Overwhelmed by her seething emotions, she quickly pressed the roll to her forehead, closing her eyes. Please, let this reach you in good health, she thought, as if willing those words to imprint themselves onto the letter. Then, she lowered the roll to her mouth. “I miss you,” she whispered, pressing it softly against her lips.
When her hand hovered over her chest, she struggled to find the right words. Nothing seemed enough to express what she was feeling in that moment, so pressed the letter to her heart and took a deep breath, allowing herself to feel the weight of the emotions that flooded her.
The following morning, as soon as the sun rose, Hange went into the loft to feed the pigeons. She waited until Evangeline, the bird she had named and chosen as the first messenger, had finished her food before she eventually reached for her. Gently stroking its back and tickling its chest, the grey bird settled comfortably on her lap, twinkling its eyes.
“I’m gonna miss you, you know?” she said when the bird lifted its head and turned it around to her, its black eyes open again. “But you can be happy, because you’re finally going home.”
An hour later, Hange stood at the shore, clutching the pigeon close to her chest. It didn’t move, as if sensing the turmoil she was going through, waiting patiently. The breeze was fresh, ruffling both her hair and the bird’s plumage, and in the distance, she could hear the cries of a few seagulls.
She had taken off her shoes and rolled up her pant legs, wading a few steps into the water, trying to close the distance between Levi and herself. If everything went well, the pigeon would reach the other side of the sea in five hours, and another two before it found him.
“Tell him I’m okay, will you?” she murmured to the pigeon, lifting it in front of her face. It cocked its head, blinking a few times before letting out a coo that, to her, sounded something like yes.
She took this as a sign, giving the bird one last encouraging pat and making sure the small roll was securely fastened to its back. Then, she finally released it into the air, her heart caught between hope and a bittersweet ache as she watched it spread its wings with a soft rustle.
“Safe travels, Evangeline.”
It was late afternoon by the time Levi made his way home. The wheels of his wheelchair ran smoothly over the levelled ground, making it easy for him to move forward. He was already looking forward to a good cup of tea and the newspaper he hadn’t been able to finish in the morning, and the ache in his muscles reminded him that he needed to take things a little slower now.
He had almost reached the front porch when a shadow suddenly fell over him. He looked up at the cloudless sky, squinting against the sun. A bird was flying back and forth above him, but it didn’t look like the eagle he had spotted a few days ago.
It flew closer, and to his surprise, it approached the loft next to their house—the one Hange had built a little over a year ago. His eyebrows shot up as the bird, which he could now identify as a pigeon, landed on the small platform at the top of the shelter before disappearing inside.
A small smile tugged at his lips as the realisation of what had just happened began to sink in. If he was being honest, he’d had his doubts—not about her skills, of course, but about the pigeon’s reliability. But it seemed that, after all, it had worked out.
“Long time no see, Hange.”
Note: I am not a pigeon expert lol, but the internet told me its average flying speed is 80-95 kilometres/hour, and with the distance between Marley and Paradis Island apparently being 400 kilometres, and the assumption that Levi isn't living directly at the shore... that's where my numbers come from. I have no idea if it's realistic at all, but if it isn't... let's just call it creative freedom haha. I did learn a lot of homing pigeons today, we'll see if that knowledge might be useful some day 🕊
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storiesofaot · 2 months ago
Short Ramble: I came across @creativepromptsforwriting 's prompt list for February earlier today, and I ended up impulsively writing something for today's prompt. I might try and do a few of them (of varying length) since the list does look very intriguing, but we'll see how it goes. Writing has been a bit slow lately, maybe this will help? Okay, ramble is over.
Letters With Levi
Day 1: Love Letters
Rating: G
Word Count: 982
High-School AU. It doesn't really matter, but I imagined this being set in like 2007-ish.
These weren’t love letters. That’s what Levi told himself over and over. He unfolded the piece of paper Mike had just pushed toward him and started reading whatever she had scribbled on the note. They were just letters.
It had all started three weeks ago, when he and Hange were paired up for a book review project. She had been very enthusiastic about the novel they’d received, while he hadn’t been able to muster much motivation for the task. But, as expected, she had been the driving force behind their project, and to his surprise, they were done well ahead of time, leaving them with an entire period free and with nothing to do.
It was during those forty-five minutes that they started talking more intensely. She was the new student, having moved to the small town he lived in just a couple of months ago. He had mostly observed her from afar, her outgoing and jittery nature making it difficult for him to connect with her. But apart from the bits and pieces he had noticed, he hadn’t really known much about her. That all changed on that Monday morning.
During their work-free lesson, she shared all her thoughts, likes, and quirks with him, and somehow managed to worm a lot of personal information out of him in return. He didn’t understand how she did it, but he ended up sharing things he’d never told anyone before.
They were in the middle of discussing a movie they had both recently watched when their English teacher announced it was time for everyone’s presentations, which meant Levi had to move back to his seat, two rows behind her.
“I’ll write you a note. We can’t just leave this hanging,” Hange said as he stood up, waving a piece of paper in the air. When he nodded silently, she gave him a smile that made his fifteen-year-old heart stumble in a way it never had before.
As soon as the first pair stood in front of the class, Mike leant backwards and dropped a folded piece of paper into his lap. Luckily, their teacher was focused on the talking students, so Levi had all the time he needed to read through the note and reply.
That was how Mike became their message-bearer. But most importantly, it was the start of a series of passed-along notes, a routine that would continue throughout the coming weeks.
“I really liked our conversation!” Hange said at the end of the lesson, catching him at the door. “We should do that more often, don’t you think?”
He didn’t know how to reply to that, so once again, he simply nodded and wordlessly handed her their sheet of paper. As if to say, Just reach out whenever you’d like. He didn’t expect it, but she seemed to understand what he meant and laughed. And to his delight, she not only safely stored away their note but also asked him if he wanted to have lunch with her.
The following day, she sent him another note, this time during their biology lesson. She wrote about wanting to collect their little papers and mentioned she had thought of calling the series Notes with Levi. “But with the amount of text I’m writing, these aren’t just notes anymore. So I’d say Letters with Levi is a better name, don’t you think?”
It took him every ounce of willpower not to smile at that. Was he becoming a little too invested in their interactions already? He wasn’t sure he'd ever felt this way about something so... simple before.
By the end of the week, those notes had become a daily routine, and he caught himself looking forward to each class he had with her.
“Seems like you’ve got yourself a girlfriend,” Mike teased him as they walked home after school had ended on Friday afternoon. Levi shot him an annoyed glance and ignored the comment, but of course, his friend didn’t let up on him.
“I hadn’t pegged you as the romantic type, writing love letters and all that,” Mike continued, nudging his arm playfully. “But hey, it suits you. Quiet teenager who writes cheesy but deep letters to his lover. Should be a trope.”
“Shut up,” Levi grumbled, shoving his shoulder against his friend with enough force to make Mike stumble and nearly walk into a streetlamp.
That was the first time he connected his written conversations with Hange to love letters, and his ears immediately turned bright red.
Those weren’t love letters, he told himself after saying goodbye to Mike. It wasn’t even love. They were just… friends.
That was the thought he kept repeating to himself over the next two weeks, both during their written conversations and their chats at lunch. She always seemed to be around whenever she could, and without realising it, he found himself looking out for her as soon as recess started.
No, they weren’t love letters, he reminded himself once again three weeks later as he read her response to his question, already thinking about what to write back. But when he reached the last paragraph of her letter—a phone number with a few words written underneath—he couldn't help but wonder if, at some point, it might actually turn into that.
“I thought we could continue our conversations over the weekend, if you’d like. You can text me, or, you know, we could talk on the phone. I’d really like that, it’s so quiet without you. So, if you’re free and want to, just give me a call."
It took him a lot of effort to push past his nervousness, but on Saturday afternoon, he called her for the first time. He’d never forget the excitement in her voice when she recognised him, and how it made his heart trip over itself again.
And that was how Letters with Levi turned into Phone Calls with Levi.
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storiesofaot · 4 months ago
The Levihan Advent Calendar is up! 🎄
I will keep this post, with the latest chapter linked, pinned on my feed so that everyone can access the fic through here as well ✨️
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storiesofaot · 8 days ago
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[Most of these fics are oneshots or have very few chapters. It is specifically stated if the fic is a multi-chapter fic.]
☼ = Fluff; ☾ = Angst
Ao3 Fics
⚘ On A Night Like This || ☼ || Canon compliant; post-Season three. Levi and Hange spend the night at the beach, where there are a lot of things to discover.
⚘ In The Heart Of Marley || ☼, ☾ || Canon compliant; set during the Scouts' trip to Marley. Chapter 1: Hange and Levi take a walk through the park. Chapter 2: It's Hange's birthday, and they end up having some kind of slumber party.
⚘ The Levihan Mosaic || ☼, ☾ || This is where I collect all of my oneshots and ficlets from Tumblr.
⚘ A Thousand Times Nothing Happened || ☼ || Modern AU; childhood friends to lovers. The story alternates between flashbacks of Levi and Hange growing up together and the present.
⚘ The Greatest Gift Is Love || ☼ || College AU; multi-chapter fic. How Levi and Hange meet at university, become friends, and fall in love. The second half takes place around Christmas and was originally posted as an Advent Calendar, during the 24 days leading up to Christmas.
⚘ It Snowed Last Night || ☼ || Modern AU. Levi and Hange enjoy a fun and relaxing day in the snow.
⚘ Close Enough Is Still Enough || ☼ || Canon compliant; pre-canon. It's Valentine's Day, and Levi tries to surprise Hange to show her how much she means to him. Things don't go exactly as planned.
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storiesofaot · 1 month ago
Of Treehouses and Flowercrowns
Day 6: Sky
Rating: G
Word Count: 1 575
High-School AU. Fluff. I imagined this as a follow-up to this first ficlet I wrote, but it doesn't directly reference it. Also, there's no real plot, just Levi and his crush xD
"And you're telling me you've really never done something like this before?" Hange asked, surprise evident in her voice. They were lying in the grass, looking up at the sky and watching the clouds drift by.
Levi shook his head. “No, it felt so… random. And like a waste of time.” She let out an indignant Hey at that and threw the daisy she had just plucked at him. It landed in his hair, and he quickly pulled it out. But instead of throwing it aside immediately, he started rolling its stem in between his fingers.
After a short phone call that Saturday afternoon, Hange suggested it might be more convenient for them to just meet up—since they were both free anyway—and immediately invited him over to her place.
Of course, Levi had agreed and, after jotting down her address, told her he’d set off right away. He took his bike out of the garage and headed to the Zoës’ house, with his heart pounding in his ears. His hand shook slightly as he rang the doorbell, the seconds stretching into minutes as he waited for someone to answer.
It was Hange’s mother who eventually opened the door. “You must be Levi,” she greeted him warmly and shook his hand. He nodded silently, his face probably flushed from both the excitement and the short drive to their home.
She told him that Hange was waiting for him in the garden and pointed towards a small side path on the right side of the house. Levi slipped past the parked car and made his way along the side passage to the garden.
That was how they ended up lying in the grass, shoulder to shoulder on a yellow and orange picnic blanket she had fetched for his sake, after he’d asked if she’d ever gotten bugs in her hair. It was a beautiful May day, with the sun shining brightly in an almost cloudless sky, warm enough for them to be outside in nothing but their long sleeves.
Hange told him everything about the treehouse she had built with her dad and brother just two weeks ago. “We didn’t have a garden in our old flat, but we do here. And it’s something both Elias and I had wished for a long time, so I’m glad my parents finally agreed!”
“It looks good,” Levi said, craning his neck to catch a glimpse of the treehouse. He had already spotted the wooden ladder leading up to the platform built on the tree in the back right corner of the garden. The railing surrounded the front, and in the back was a small house with a flat roof.
“Thank you! I’ll take you up later, but right now I’m just too lazy to move.” She punctuated her statement with a yawn and then rolled over onto her side. “My brother had some friends over last weekend, but you’re the first of my friends to see this.”
As he turned his face to look at her, he fought hard not to stare. The words she had just said, paired with the smile she was giving him, made him feel giddy, and he really hoped it wasn’t showing on his face.
“Now you’re just trying to make me feel special,” were the words that eventually tumbled out of his mouth. He had spun the little daisy so many times that part of its stem was about to break off, so he tossed the now useless flower onto the blanket. Hange immediately picked it up again and, after inspecting it for a moment, neatly detached the piece before placing the flower back onto the blanket.
“Well, you are special,” she replied. When he huffed, she quickly added, “To me, at least.”
Levi didn’t know how to respond and looked away, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks. He was probably supposed to say something nice in return, but the more he tried to find the right words, the emptier his mind became. Hange didn’t mind his awkward silence, though, and simply chuckled, leaving him to his thoughts until she announced she was going to make him a daisy crown for his hair.
He did his best to protest and refused to help her collect the little flowers, but nothing could stop her. She spent the next fifteen minutes plucking the flowers and connecting them, while he petted her black-and-white cat who had just stopped by for a visit. He learned that Stella had been a stray, coming to their house every morning until she and her brother had finally convinced their parents to keep her.
“I’m not going to wear it,” Levi said when Hange eventually sat up and proudly presented him with the floral crown.
He shifted to sit up, too, gently placing Stella, who had been lying on his chest the entire time, onto his legs instead. The young cat yawned and let out a soft miaow before getting comfortable again, curiously observing the younger couple.
“See it as your entry ticket to the tree house. If you’re not wearing it, you aren’t allowed up,” Hange playfully insisted.
“I’m pretty sure you just made that up.”
“No, I didn’t. That’s how it works.” She grinned wider as Levi cocked an eyebrow.
“And why aren’t you wearing any?” he retorted. It was a weak argument, but he had to at least try. Of course, she had an answer to everything.
“I don’t need one; I’m the owner. My treehouse, my rules.”
Hange leaned forward and placed the daisy crown on the top of his head. As she pressed it down a little to make sure it wouldn’t slip, Levi’s breath hitched. This was probably the closest they had ever been, and he felt both thrilled and uncomfortable at the same time.
He wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to hold still. But to his relief, she was done pretty soon and leaned back to take a look at him. “Nice. Congratulations, you passed the test. You’re allowed up.”
“Great,” Levi said, forcing the corners of his mouth into a mock smile, knowing it would make her laugh. When his grimace elicited the hoped-for reaction, it almost turned into a real smile, and he had to make an effort to keep control.
The sun was already setting when they finally made their way up the ladder. The treehouse was high enough for him to take in a good view of the Zoës’ small garden, where he spotted a few blooming flowers and some bushes she explained would hopefully bear raspberries in the summer.
Inside the little house were several boxes filled with outdoor games, a small, low table, and plenty of blankets and cushions scattered around. Both the inside and the railing of the treehouse were adorned with fairy lights, which she switched on, and the darker it got outside, the cosier it became inside.
Levi would be staying for dinner, and once it was time to eat, he helped Hange carry their food outside, along with a thermos of hot tea and some sweets Hange had swiped from the kitchen cupboard. They sat down on the cushions in the little treehouse, the food placed on the low table, and a fluffy blanket on each of their laps. As they ate, they listened to the radio, and Hange made him rate every single song that was played.
An hour later, they had finished and were sitting on the edge of the platform, bundled up with several blankets against the now chill evening air, legs dangling over the rim and arms holding on to the vertical branches of the railing. The little flower crown, which he only realised he had still been wearing during their meal, was sitting on the wooden floor next to him.
Hange had grown a little quieter, and after a while, he realised that she had started gazing at the sky. He mimicked her actions, tilting his head up, and soon began to notice the little stars sparkling against the blackness.
Levi wondered if he’d ever felt this content before. The entire day had felt like a dream, and yet, it had really happened—it was real. Carefully, he dared glance over at Hange, who still had her gaze lifted upwards. Her eyes sparkled just as beautifully as the stars, and the fairy lights cast such a gentle glow on her face that he almost forgot how to breathe.
The strange sensation that had been lingering for the past few weeks returned, the one he felt both in his stomach and his chest, and he had to look away for a moment, afraid of being overwhelmed by his emotions.
But then, he couldn’t resist any longer and stole another glance at her. This time, though, Hange suddenly turned and met his eyes—and immediately, his stomach dropped. She held his gaze, a soft smile playing on her lips which only grew wider after a few seconds. Something mischievous flickered across her face, and he knew he had to say something to make things at least a little less awkward.
“What?” he mumbled, as if he hadn’t been the one staring in the first place.
Her smile, which was now definitely a grin, grew a little wider, and his heart stumbled when she reached out and poked his forehead. And when she spoke again, in a teasing manner, it plummeted straight into his stomach.
“A penny for your thoughts?”
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storiesofaot · 6 months ago
(if you're still up for requests) I was wondering if you could write either an erurihan tea party flashback, or smth about Hange watching Levi living on after the rumbling from the Paths.
Dear anon, I am sorry it has been almost 10 days, but I finally managed to write your request! I went for the “Hange watching over Levi” one, since I don’t really write Erurihan, I hope that’s fine 😊 This was written in one sitting very late at night, so I really hope it’s okay (and yes, it’s kind of unbetaed, I’m sorry for all the mistakes)! I did cry a little writing it, I have to admit, because it breaks my heart when those two are separated and are longing to be together (or maybe I was just very tired lol) 😢 Theoretically, it could be read as a prequel to this little fic, but of course it can also stand alone. Enjoy! ✨
Rating: G; Word Count: 1640
Title: I’m Watching Over You, Always.
“Keep watching us.” Levi had spoken those words in the very moment her body had perished and her soul had risen up, but when Hange woke up again and opened her eyes, she could hear Levi’s voice in her head. 
“Where’s the flying boat?” she exclaimed, his voice still ringing in her ears and feeling so real that the blood rushed through her veins. But then she heard Erwin’s voice, and she immediately knew she was in another place. It was her dear Moblit who helped her up, gently squeezing her fingers as she started to ramble on.
“There’s time now. We can talk about it,” Erwin said, reassuringly putting an arm around her shoulders and guiding her to where the rest of her fallen comrades were standing, all dressed in their scout uniforms. But even though she knew everything had happened the way it was supposed to happen, the painful yearning for Levi remained. 
A few hours later, for there wasn’t such a thing as day and night in that otherworldly place she was, she finally had the chance to talk to Erwin alone. “I was wondering, is there any chance we can … see the people on earth?” she asked carefully, mentally preparing for a negative response. But to her surprise, Erwin nodded.
“Good that you’re asking. Yes, there is a possibility, but it’s probably not what you were hoping for.” Hange’s eyes widened, and Erwin took it as his cue to continue. “Theoretically, you can see everyone who is still alive from here. You can’t talk to them, can’t interact with them, and it doesn’t always work. But there is a way you can, in a sense, watch over them from here.”
Watch over us. She could clearly hear Levi’s voice in her head again, and she felt how her chest tightened painfully at the remembrance. “Please, Erwin, tell me about it,” she urged him on, and the tall man smiled. 
“It doesn’t work with everyone; the deeper the bond between you was during your life, the better the chances. That means, it is unlikely to be able to see people you roughly knew, but it’s more likely if it’s a family member, or let’s say, a loved one.” He paused for a moment, and Hange swallowed hard. Levi and her hadn’t exactly been ‘loved ones’, and she had never had the chance to ask him what exactly their relationship had been. But she had always hoped that the special bond she had felt between them meant that he liked her, if not as a lover, then at least as a friend. Though it was clear to her that what she felt for that man was so much more than just friendship. 
“The process itself isn’t really that difficult. You just have to close your eyes and concentrate on them and on the feeling you had when you were around them, and if your bond is strong enough, you’ll be able to see them. The first few times you may struggle, so don’t give up too quickly. Because the more you try, the longer and quicker it works the following times.”
Erwin had been right: the first time she tried, nothing happened. She had retreated to a calm place, where no one would disturb her, and she had really, really given her best - but it didn’t work. After sitting there for hours, she had been about to give up - maybe her bond with Levi just hadn’t been strong enough? But then, out of the blue, a picture appeared before her inner eye. It wasn’t very sharp, a little blurry, and yet she could immediately recognize that it was him.
Levi was sitting in a wheelchair, slumped and a little pale, his characteristic frown between his brows - but the familiarity was so overwhelming that it almost hurt. He was being pushed by Onyankopon who was currently saying something to him. The building behind them looked like a hospital, and Hange assumed that he was just being discharged. Levi nodded, pointed at something, and said something in return. But then, the picture went black.
The next time Hange tried, she succeeded much more quickly. Perhaps it was because she was confident that their bond was strong enough for it to work, and that thought motivated her. Now, Levi sat at his desk with a pen in hand and a few blank sheets of paper in front of him. He seemed troubled, continually running his hand through his hair, tousling it slightly before attempting to smooth it down again, only to mess it up once more. Finally, he began to write.
She was curious about what he was writing, but felt hesitant to intrude, so she focused instead on his body language. It was clear that whatever he was writing was causing him a lot of distress. His lips were pressed tightly together, forming a thin line, and he was tapping his free hand against the tabletop. Over the next half hour, she watched him crumple and toss aside numerous sheets of paper, and with each discarded attempt, his frustration became more evident. Oh, how she wished she could say something - anything - to ease his pain. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, Levi,” she whispered, even though she knew he couldn’t hear her.
To her surprise, he suddenly looked up as if he had heard her. Hange held her breath and kept watching him. It seemed a thought had struck him because, after a moment, he dipped his pen back into the ink bottle and made another attempt. This time, his hand flew across the page, and in less than five minutes, he had filled it with his handwriting. He quickly reached for another sheet and continued to scribble down more and more words. Soon, he was finished, and after ensuring the ink had dried, he folded the sheets together and shoved them into an envelope.
Her next encounter with Levi came not long after, and this time they found themselves outside. In the distance, she could see a few young people walking away from what she now realized was a cemetery. If she wasn’t mistaken, she thought she spotted Armin and Connie among them, though she wasn’t entirely sure. Her attention returned to Levi, who was sitting in his wheelchair right in front of a gravestone, with Onyankopon standing a little further away. For a long time, nothing happened as she simply observed Levi, who was gazing wistfully at the grave adorned with fresh flowers.
Then, she saw how he pushed himself out of the wheelchair with his hands and dropped roughly to his knees right in front of the gravestone. Onyankopon looked as if he were about to rush over to help, but Levi quickly waved him off. “No, no, I’m fine, don’t worry.”
His fingers gently traced the beautifully sculpted stone, feeling every edge and curve, and only then did Hange notice that her name was engraved on it. The mix of sorrow and tenderness in his gaze surprised her, and she felt a lump rising in her throat. She instinctively reached out her arm, but of course, she couldn’t touch him, even though she wished she could at that moment.
Levi reached into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulled out a letter that looked strangely familiar to her: it was the same letter he had written not long ago. For a while, Levi silently studied the piece of paper in his hands, running his fingers over the edge where he had sealed it. Then he brought it to his lips, and in the most tender gesture she had ever seen from him, he gently pressed a kiss to its front.
Hange’s breath caught in her throat, and tears welled up in her eyes as she imagined his lips pressing against her forehead instead. His gesture was so incredibly tender that her heart swelled from such devotion, and she could hardly believe it was truly meant for her.
“Hange … I regret all the opportunities we missed to share together in this life. I truly wish things had ended differently; there are so many things I would have liked to tell you…” Levi’s voice faltered, and she could hear the strain in his effort to maintain his composure. He quickly tucked the envelope beneath the bouquet of flowers and gently caressed it one last time before releasing his grip.
Her heart ached painfully as she saw a single tear roll down his cheek, and as if an invisible string connected them, a tear slipped down her own cheek as well. “I’ll be waiting for you, Levi. Live a little, enjoy yourself, and don’t worry too much. And when it’s your time, I will be here. I promise.”
Hange watched him navigate through the stages of his remaining life. She saw how he gradually gained strength until he could walk with just a walking stick. How with the arrival of spring and the blossoming of life around him, he regained a sense of hope and happiness. And how a few years later, he opened a tea shop alongside Gabi and Falco.
She was there every time he looked up at the sky, directing a few words to her, always ready to offer a response even though he would never hear it. And she was with him whenever he visited her grave, kneeling in front of it for hours, only to rise and complain that it was her fault his legs had gone numb.
Hange watched him grow old, slowly becoming weaker and a bit more cantankerous, yet never alone, even though he spoke very little in his final six months on Earth. Though she didn’t witness his departure, she was there, waiting for him in the grass among beautiful trees when he finally returned to her.
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storiesofaot · 6 months ago
hello! Would you be interested in writing Hange taking care of Levi? (Maybe usually he takes care of her but now he's wounded or something else). And he's soft for her but he'd never admit it? (Write it anyhow you want of course, I'm just throwing ideas)
Thank you so much for your request @sunflowersunite - I loved the idea of Hange taking care of Levi, and I really hope you're happy with it 😊 I had to make him suffer a little bit hehe, but there's also some softness in it!
(And also, sorry that it took me a little while to get this done, but once again, it turned out a bit longer than I wanted it to be xD)
Rating: T; Word Count: 2496
Title: I don't deserve your kindness.
It had all been her fault; she knew it, and she knew he knew it too. They had been on a mission when a few Abnormals appeared out of nowhere, moving unpredictably fast. Hange, Levi and their squads had given their all to fight the titans, and everything had been under control - until the last remaining Titan decided to change direction out of the blue and run in the exact opposite way. Hange had been just trying to wipe away Titan blood that had splattered onto her goggles and which had blocked her view entirely, when she suddenly heard Levi shout “Watch out!”
The next thing she remembered was being roughly shoved aside and landing face down in the bushes. A loud thud was heard, followed by a pained groan. Through her splattered glasses, she could still see Petra and Oluo defeating the Titan, and as it fell, it revealed Levi who was lying on the ground right in front of a rock, with a pained expression on his face.
“What happened?” she asked Moblit, when he landed next to her and helped her up. 
“The captain was thrown against the rocks by the Titan,” the tall man explained and quickly followed Hange who didn’t waste any time and was already rushing toward the scene.
“It happened because he pushed me out of the way, right?” she asked breathlessly, worry evident in her voice. Moblit didn’t reply, but his expression gave her the answer.
Luckily, Levi hadn’t broken any bones, but he was clearly in a lot of pain. He had to be carried back since he couldn’t walk, much to his annoyance. But he didn’t protest as much as he usually would, which indicated the extent of his suffering. Back at headquarters, they told him he had torn several muscles around his lower back due to the collision and that the ligaments supporting his vertebrae were likely strained, making it impossible for him to walk or even stand.
But of course, he insisted on being discharged from the infirmary immediately, even though the doctors repeatedly told him that he needed a lot of rest and should move as little as possible. Hange, who hadn’t left his side for a moment, knew how much he hated that place. Therefore, she offered to take care of him and ensure that he left his bed only when absolutely necessary - and finally, the doctors agreed.
“Thanks, but you don't actually have to stay all the time. I can take care of myself,” Levi grumbled in a strained voice as the two of them made their way through the hallway at a snail's pace, Hange supporting as much of Levi’s weight as possible while he had his arm around her shoulders.
“Oh, I am definitely going to stay,” Hange protested and opened the door to his room. “I promised the doctors, and I don’t believe you’ll stay in bed all day unless someone forces you. Besides, it’s kind of my fault you’re injured in the first place … so it’s the least I can do.”
Levi protested several times, but Hange would hear none of it, so eventually, he gave in. “But as soon as you get on my nerves, I’ll kick you out,” he threatened with a scowl.
“You just tell me what you need, and I’ll get it for you,” Hange said, a little out of breath when they had finally entered his room and he was settled on his bed. She knew he hated relying so much on others, but she was determined to do her best and make this as easy for him as possible. 
The way he was sitting on the edge of the bed, shoulders slumped and a little paler as usual, made her heart tighten, and another wave of guilt washed over her. “I’ll be the best nurse you’ve ever had,” she added in a lighter tone, and when he let out a huff of air, she knew she had managed to at least amuse him.
She was even more relieved when he spoke again: “Could you maybe hand me my pyjamas? I really need to get out of these filthy clothes.” Hange nodded and moved toward the closet, eager to follow his instructions and glad to finally have something to do.
When she handed him the pyjamas, he gave her a grateful nod. “Um … do you need any help getting out of your clothes?” she asked cautiously.
Levi shot her an annoyed look. “I can change my clothes on my own, thank you very much. I might be injured, but I’m not half dead."
Despite his objections, Hange remained unconvinced and refused to leave him alone in the room. Understanding that he would never change in front of her, she walked to a corner of the room and turned her back to him. “See, I’ll even take off my glasses and close my eyes. It’s like I’m not even here, but I can still help you if you need it.” Levi protested, but when he realised she wasn’t going to leave, he finally agreed with a grumble.
Slowly, he reached for the buttons of his shirt and started unbuttoning them, surprised to feel so much pain from such a minimal movement. But he gritted his teeth and continued, trying to take deep breaths and think of something else.
After what to him felt like an hour, he was finally done. With a relieved sigh, he let the shirt fall open, exposing the bandages the doctors had applied to stabilise his back as much as possible. Now, he had to figure out how to get the shirt off without worsening the pain in his lower back. He did his best to make his movements as small and slow as possible, but as soon as he twisted his arms, a stabbing pain shot through him, causing him to let out a groan. “Fuck!” he muttered under his breath, closing his eyes for a moment in frustration.
“Levi…,” Hange said softly, and from the corner of his eye, he saw her shift slightly. There was no way she hadn’t heard him struggling, but under no circumstances did he want her to help him undress. He knew she meant well, but that would definitely be crossing a line.
“No!” he quickly replied, almost sounding desperate. “Please … don’t turn around.” 
“Okay, I won’t,” she replied, though he could clearly hear that she wasn’t exactly pleased about it.
Levi tried moving his arms differently, but once again, the pain nearly took his breath away. He reconsidered the situation but saw no other solution - he had to ask for her help, or he might end up in even more pain. ‘I… think I do need your help,” he admitted.
To his relief, she refrained from making any comments as she turned around and walked over to him. “What can I do?” He quickly explained his problem and she nodded gently, keeping her eyes on his and, thankfully, avoiding any glance at his state of undress. “Of course, I’ll help you get out of your clothes. Just let me know if I’m going too fast.” Her eyes widened as she realised how that might sound, and she quickly added, “Um … you know what I mean.”
Normally, Levi would have rolled his eyes or made a comment, but given the awkward situation, he merely gave her a halfhearted nod. Hange began to carefully lift the shirt off his shoulders, moving as slowly as possible and pausing whenever he winced or shifted uncomfortably. She first guided his left arm out of the sleeve, then the right, until finally, the shirt was removed.
Levi let out the breath he hadn't even realised he’d been holding. To his relief, and thanks to Hange's help, putting on his sleep shirt turned out to be less painful than he had expected. But now he was left with the more challenging and awkward task of getting out of his trousers, for which he was again reliant on Hange.
Hange could probably sense his embarrassment and did her best to lighten the mood. “Come on, I’ll help you up, and then we’ll have it done in no time.” 
Standing up was painful, but not as painful as the ordeal he had to endure when Hange knelt in front of him and started unbuckling his belt. He tried to look anywhere but at her as she slowly started to guide the fabric over his hips and his thighs, feeling the blood rush to his head. Once his pants were around his ankles, she helped him step out of the first trouser leg and immediately into his pyjamas, then repeated the process for the other leg. A few moments later, he was fully dressed again, feeling relieved but still embarrassed, with a noticeable flush on his face.
Hange didn’t seem too bothered by the situation. With a grin on her face, she helped him into bed, arranging the cushions so he was sitting comfortably. Finally, she spread the blanket over him. “And now, don’t move until I’m back. You must be starving - I definitely am -, so I’ll get us something to eat.”
“How the hell am I supposed to move?” Levi grumbled, but she ignored his comment and quickly left the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts. He realised that despite his unkindness over the past few hours, she had stayed by his side, always maintaining her cheerful demeanour and doing her best to make everything as easy and painless for him as possible. And now that he thought about it, he recognised that he had never truly thanked her for any of it.
No, he was definitely not used to other people taking care of him, and somehow it made him uneasy, for he had no idea how to respond to such kindness. He wasn’t accustomed to this feeling - most of his life, he had been on his own and had to learn to handle things alone. So this was certainly a new experience for him.
A knock on the door interrupted his musings, and a few seconds later, Hange entered his room. “You’re lucky, the stew is still hot. Here, hold this for a moment; I had an idea.” She handed him the warm plate, unfolded a small stool she had been holding, and placed it beside Levi on the bed. “You can use this as a small table, so you don’t have to move too much.” She reached into her jacket pockets and pulled out two glasses, placing one on his makeshift table.
Then, she went outside again and came back with her own plate and a bottle of water. But before she attended to her own meal, she first poured water for him and then for herself, and again, Levi felt a strange warmth inside his chest due to all the efforts Hange was making. 
This time, he couldn’t fight the urge anymore and spoke up. “Thank you, Hange. For everything. I know I haven’t been exactly … easy on you. But I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate everything you’re doing for me.”
The smile that appeared on Hange’s lips made his heart flutter, much to his surprise, and it felt like a small sunbeam had just illuminated the room. “I’m just doing my best to make it up to you. You wouldn’t be in this situation if it weren’t for my inattention …and I might not even be here if it wasn’t for you.”
For a moment, the two of them just looked at each other, and the realisation that one day Hange might not be there anymore hit Levi hard. Very hard. He took a deep breath; there were so many things he wanted to say, so many feelings swirling inside him, but all he could manage was to shake his head. “Eat,” he said instead, trying to put as much softness into the single word as he could.
Hange smiled at him and did as he asked, letting out a satisfied sigh when the stew touched her lips. “I don’t think I’ve ever tasted anything as good as this!” she mumbled, shovelling another spoonful into her mouth.
Levi barely managed to stifle a chuckle and instead turned the corners of his mouth downward. “That’s only because you’re half-starved,” he murmured, but he couldn’t quite hide the pleased sigh that escaped his lips as the hot stew touched his mouth, warming him from within. 
He wasn’t quite know how she ended up sitting next to him in his bed. After they finished dinner and chatted for a while, she had gone to her room to fetch some books and, despite his protests, began reading aloud to him. The book also contained many illustrations, and since she insisted they were essential to the story, she had squeezed into his bed beside him, making sure he could see them without having to move.
But soon, he noticed her voice growing softer and more strained, and he realised she was getting tired. “Take a break,” he said, and after a short objection, she gave in. 
“But only for a few minutes,” she mumbled, leaning her head back against the headboard and closing her eyes. “The story’s just getting interesting.” 
However, her body seemed to have other ideas, and a few minutes later, he felt her head slump gently against his shoulder. Levi waited for a little while, paying attention to her regular breathing and every tiny movement. But she appeared to be deeply asleep, so he carefully took the book from her hands. Then, he reached for her glasses and held his breath momentarily as she twitched slightly at the touch. But her eyes remained closed, so he carefully removed the glasses from her nose.
He seized the opportunity to study her face more closely. He observed her long eyelashes, gently curled, and her soft, peaceful expression, with a few stray strands of brown hair brushing her cheek. As she slept, she involuntarily nuzzled closer to his shoulder, and though the movement caused him some discomfort in his back, Levi didn’t pull away.
He had to fight the urge to brush the stray strands of hair behind her ear but instead, he carefully pulled the sheets tighter around her, his heart racing. “I don’t deserve your kindness,” he whispered, “So why are you even here?”
There were many thoughts running through his head and countless emotions he couldn’t even put into words. He couldn’t recall ever feeling so simultaneously delighted and uneasy, and he feared his heart might burst from the intensity of his feelings. But he knew he wouldn’t find answers in his tumultuous thoughts, so he gently reopened the book and returned to the passages she had already read to him. As he looked at the illustrations and tried to recall the soothing sound of her voice, he found a sense of comfort amidst the confusion.
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storiesofaot · 6 months ago
Hello. Would you, please, write smth about Hange and Levi's eventual reunion in the afterlife?
Hi Anon! Of course; I’ve wanted to write Levihan reuniting in afterlife for quite some time now, so thank you for giving me the opportunity!! 🤭 Here it is!
Title: Our Eternity; Rating: T; Word Count: 1137
With one final breath, Levi's eyes fluttered shut, leaving this world behind. For a moment, there was nothing - only darkness and an unbearable quietness enveloping him. 
But then, something changed, and the weight suddenly disappeared. A warmth that blossomed within him took over, spreading from his heart over his entire body. His eyes remained shut, but he knew that he was in another place - a world untouched by the scars of his past, where only peace reigned. 
He took a deep breath, feeling life rush back into him - though not in the same way as before. It felt different, lighter somehow, as if being alive carried a new meaning in this place. Underneath his body, he could feel the crisp grass touching his arms and neck, while a warm breeze brushed his face and tickled his bare feet.
Slowly, he opened his eyes and was immediately blinded by dazzlingly bright light, which was overwhelming at first. But he continued to breathe in the sweet air, listening to the rustling of the leaves around him and gradually, the light softened into a warm, golden hue, revealing the canopy of a tree.
Levi allowed himself to linger in that peace for a moment longer, savouring the tranquillity. Suddenly, a rustling reached his ears, which definitely didn't come from the leaves. Propping himself on his elbows, he sat up slightly - and instantly froze in place, his breath catching in his throat.  
He blinked a few times, certain that his eyes were playing tricks on him. But the sight in front of him remained - a familiar face he hadn't seen in what felt like a lifetime. 
Hange was sitting a little distance away from him, crossed-legged in the grass, looking down at her hands as she fiddled with a dandelion. A soft light surrounded her, casting a gentle glow on the serene moment before his eyes. She seemed to sense his gaze and looked up, and when their eyes finally met, time seemed to stand still.
A soft smile appeared on her lips, and she dropped the dandelion. “Look who’s finally here. I've been waiting for you.” She unfolded her legs and knelt down next to him, her knees almost brushing his elbow. 
“Hange?” he gasped, her name a sweet sound to his ears. He quickly shifted into a sitting position, afraid to break eye contact for fear she might disappear.
She chuckled and cocked her head. “Yeah, it’s me. Time works differently here, that's why I don't look all wrinkled and worn out.” 
Levi allowed himself a moment to take in her face. She looked young and full of life. Her skin was smooth and unscarred, her hair open and falling over her shoulders in gentle waves, and she was looking at him with a pair of chestnut brown eyes. He raised his hand to his right cheek and ran his fingertips over it - there were no scars.
“You're right; injuries and imperfections don’t exist up here. No pain, no illness. That’s why I’m not wearing any glasses,” she explained with a grin. She slowly lifted her hand to his face, pausing over his right eye before finally running her fingers over the spot where she had once stitched him up. It was only with the feeling of her skin against his that he truly understood she was actually there, and that after so many years apart, they were finally reunited.
In that moment, it didn't matter to him that his feelings were probably written all over his face. He might make a fool of himself, but he didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was that she was there, that he was there, and that they were given a second chance. Together. “I missed you so much,” he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion. 
“I missed you too.” Her hand gently caressed his face - a simple touch, but it was enough to set his heart on fire. A single tear rolled down his cheek, then another, and she wiped them away with the back of her fingers. 
He gave in to the overwhelming urge and leaned forward, pressing his forehead against her shoulder. Her hands moved reassuringly over his back, and then, finally, she pulled him into a warm embrace. His arms instinctively wrapped around her waist as he returned the gesture, drawing her as close as possible.
There was one thing, though, that he still needed to do. He had already spent half his life regretting not having dared to take the first step. But now he was given a second chance, and he was determined to make it right. Carefully, he pulled back just enough to look her straight in the eyes, their foreheads still pressed together. Shaky fingers reached for her cheek, and he gently brushed a lock of her hair back behind her ear. 
Hange seemed to sense what he had in mind, and her eyes widened slightly, but she didn’t pull back. Her eyes flickered from his lips up to his eyes again, and anticipation coiled in his stomach.
Levi wanted to say something, to tell her how he felt, but the words caught in his throat. He had never been good with words, and it seemed that even in a place like this he couldn’t find the right ones to express everything he wanted to say. “Hange, I..."
“I know. Me too,” she whispered softly, not even letting him struggle to find the right words. He let out a huff of air, and the corners of his lips turned up just a little. 
His heart was pounding very fast when he finally reached for her head, burying his fingers deep in her hair, but there was no turning back now. He leaned in, closing the small gap between them, and gently pressed his lips to hers. 
The warmth that rushed through his body at that touch was overwhelming, but it also felt incredibly good. Everything about the kiss felt right - how her soft lips moved against his as she returned the kiss, how her hands rested on his chest, one directly over his pounding heart, and how her fingers were buried in his hair as she deepened the kiss, gently scratching the back of his neck. Kissing her was both exhilarating and thrilling, and in that moment, he had never felt so profoundly loved.
What he had intended to be just one kiss turned into several, and when they finally pulled away, both were breathing heavily, their cheeks flushed but smiles wide. 
“I should’ve done this sooner,” he murmured, gently tracing her jawline with his thumb.
“Oh, definitely,” Hange chuckled, playfully nudging his nose with hers. “But I don’t care. Now we have an eternity to make up for everything.” With those words, she leaned in again and drew him into another kiss.
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storiesofaot · 4 months ago
As already teased in the WIP Tag Game: here is a little song fic which could also be described as “Hange and Levi have been best friends for forever, but suddenly something shifts, and one night changes it all” ✨
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storiesofaot · 1 month ago
Flash Fiction February 🌹
(You can find the prompt list here, created by @creativepromptsforwriting )
Day 1: Love Letters
Day 2: Birds
Day 6: Sky
Day 9: Rainbow
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storiesofaot · 1 month ago
Close Enough Is Still Enough
A Levihan Valentine’s Day fic, which you can read here on Ao3. (For some reason, Tumblr isn’t letting me add the link like usual, so I’m doing it this way.)
Somehow, Levi finds himself trying to surprise Hange for Valentine’s Day. But of course, and unfortunately also because of her, things don’t go the way he had planned. Will he still be able to pull it off in the end? ✨
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! 💌
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storiesofaot · 4 months ago
This multi-chapter Advent calendar is something I’ve been working on for a little while now. It’s a college AU that follows Hange and Levi’s friendship (or is there something more? 😉) over the course of one year, with one chapter per day from December 1-25. For more details, check out the introduction I posted today - I’d be very happy if you follow along! 🥰🎄
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storiesofaot · 4 months ago
Fanfic Writer Interview 📝
Thank you so much for the tag, @quillsandblades - I am still a little stunned that people see me as a writer hehe 🫶🏼 So let's get started! ✨️
How Many Works Do You Have On AO3?
5 little babies hehe 😁 We'll see what additions 2025 will bring!
What's your total AO3 word count?
40 780 - I've always gone through fairly short phases of writing a few little fics for a fandom, but they've almost only ever been very short oneshots. Levihan has a special grip on me haha, so I am very happy about that number! 😁
Your top 5 stories by kudos/likes.
...which are my only 5 stories hehe (even though one of them technically can't be called a story yet, because the only thing I uploaded is the preface lol xD)
5. The Greatest Gift Is Love - A Levihan Advent Calendar: The Christmas college AU which until now only features the preface I mentioned above 😂 The "real" story will start soon, with one chapter per day from December 1 - 25. It follows Hange's and Levi's friendship over the course of one year, with lots of wintery/Christmassy content especially in the second half! 🎄
4. A Thousand Times Nothing Happened: I had a blast writing this because it was such an out of the blue decision xD A TV show brought a well known German song to my attention, and suddenly the lyrics sounded Levihan coded to me and it all went from there. It's a modern AU songfic which switches between Levi and Hange meeting when they are 4 years old, and growing up together, and the present time where, at 28 years, they suddenly and very unexpectedly cross the line of friendship 🤭 I think this is my personal favourite; I'm very, very happy about how this turned out hehe.
3. The Levihan Mosaic (Tumblr Drabbles & Prompts): The title is very self-explanatory haha, that's where I upload everything I originally post on Tumblr. Which reminds me that I still need to transfer one story... oops? 🙊
2. In The Heart Of Marley: I originally wanted to keep this a one-chapter fic, but then Hange's birthday came up and I though - why not have her spend her birthday in Marley? Chapter one features Levihan taking a walk in the gardens of the Azumabuto mansion, with Hange worrying about the relationship between Eldians and Marleyans, and Levi offering support (and tying Hange's tie 😁). Chapter two is baiscally a Levihan slumber party haha, with lots of board games, food and definitely more lighthearted than the first chapter.
1. On A Night Like This: The very first fic I wrote for the AOT fandom, and it is another songfic. It is set right after the ending of Season 3, when the Scouts take their trip to the beach for the first time. At night, Hange leaves to take a walk on the beach, and of course, worried Levi follows her. It's mostly fluff with Hange causing Levi distress by making him do (little) things he doesn't want to do 😂 (Because, of course, Levi hates the beach!)
That was so much fun, and thanks to everyone who's reading, leaving kudos and commenting 🥺 No pressure tagging @starshower1215 @satsuki92 @sunflowersunite @youre-ackermine 💫
Have a wonderful day/night everyone! 💕
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storiesofaot · 7 months ago
In honour of it being Hange Zoe’s birthday today, this is Chapter 2 of my little Levihan in Marley fic! 🥳
“It’s Hange’s birthday the following day, and what started as a small idea turned into a series of unexpected events that Levi never imagined he’d be part of. To his surprise, he ends up enjoying them more than he thought he would, and along the way, he comes to realise just how much he actually likes Hange.”
Be ready for lots of fluff and some birthday silliness 😆
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storiesofaot · 6 months ago
Hello! I was hoping to have a closure for Hange in season 4 because I just feel that there are so much that she had to go through and there doesnt seem to be a lot of support for her (her shorty, unfortunately, is stuck with the monkey in the forest).
Wondering if I can send in a request for a short fic. My thoughts are below:-
1) I like to think of Hange as the Survey Corp princess who dare to challenge things. And all the big brothers in SC will just allow her to do any "nonsense" - Levi, Miche and Erwin, while still being protective over her like the little sister.
2) With this in mind, I have this thought of an oyster or mussel which either she found/ or was gifted. And there is a moment of reflection, whether is her own introspection or a dialogue with Levi, after she became commander.
3) The dialogue came to to a discovery of a pearl. And then she reflected how she was a pearl, being protected and smoothed by all the people around her (who had since dead). May include how she reflected about her own shortcomings and annoyance etc but I leave it to you.
4) This pearl/ oyster thing became a comfort for her after Eren grabbed her collar and when she had that moment of self-doubt in Season 4.
5) Bonus: if somehow Levi felt something at that moment while he is in the forest??
Thanks so much. Hope it is not a lot. I just wanted Hange in season 4 to have some comfort and support.
Thank you so much for your request, @eueuphoriaz ! An oyster as a metaphor for Hange’s development was such a beautiful and also fitting idea - I hope I did justice to it! 🥺
Rating: G ; Word Count: 1851
Title: The Pearl Within
Hange’s mind was overflowing with countless thoughts as her gaze swept over the horizon, where only a faint stripe of purple remained visible above the water’s surface. Had the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers really come with the intention of joining forces, or was this merely a setup by Marley to weaken them from within before launching their attack?
It all sounded very convincing, of course it did. Yet now it was up to her to determine if they were telling the truth or if they were trying to lead them into a trap. It might seem like a minor decision at the moment, but it could impact the entire future of Paradis Island and determine whether they would end up in a war or not.
Suddenly, she could hear some footsteps from behind, and when she turned around, she saw Levi approach her at a leisurely pace. “What are you doing here all alone?” he asked when he came to a stop next to her, eyeing her with a mix of curiosity and concern.
Hange sighed and let her gaze drift over the sea again. “Nothin. Just … thinking.” For a little while, the two of them remained standing next to each other in comfortable silence, him not pushing her to talk while she tried to sort through her thoughts.
“I am not sure if we can trust them,” Hange finally said, looking back at Levi. “What they say does make sense … but with Zeke involved, I fear they might have plans they’re not letting us in on. I mean, they practically admitted that they won’t tell us their full plan until we officially agree to work with them.”
Levi snorted with disdain, his expression growing darker. “I wouldn’t trust anything that stupid monkey says. He’s definitely the one pulling the strings, and I’m sure he wouldn’t hesitate to betray us, even if the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers claim to be our allies. I believe -“
He broke off when he noticed a group of Marleyans nearby, being escorted into another tent by two Scouts, their curious gazes lingering on them. “Let’s talk somewhere else,” he murmured, nodding towards the rocky beach. 
Hange agreed, and together they climbed down the stony incline until they stood on smaller pebbles not far from the water, where they were safe from curious ears. “But I wonder,” she continued, “if they might be our only chance to reach the same level of technological advancement as the rest of the world. We’re significantly behind in that regard, and I’m not sure we’d find anyone else willing to help us with that.”
Levi tilted his head, seeming to ponder her words. Eventually, he broke the silence. Eventually, he broke the silence. “Advancements are great, but let’s not kid ourselves into thinking they solve everything. Even if we know how to use their stuff, they might still use it against us. I doubt they are willing to share all their information with us.”
They continued their discussion for a while, but all they ended up with were numerous arguments for and against an alliance. Once again, Hange felt fear and frustration tightening around her chest, and as night fell, she sensed that a shadow had also fallen over the hope she had once held.
“I’m not sure if Erwin chose the right person to be commander,” she said bitterly. “What if I make the wrong decision, and instead of making things better I put us in an even more dangerous position?”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself; even Erwin would have struggled with the decision,” Levi said, his voice unusually soft. “You’ve learned a lot from him and from the past, and he trusted you for a reason. You’ve got the grit and the brains to make the right call; he wouldn’t have made you commander if he didn’t believe you were capable of it.”
Hange bit her lip, reflecting on what Levi had just said. He was right in a way - Erwin had significantly influenced her approach to problems and her thinking in general. They had first met as cadets, and their camaraderie had continued when he became Section Commander. It had evolved into a friendship when she had followed him, and persisted when he was promoted to Commander. Throughout all these stages, Erwin had always supported and encouraged her. Of course, he had had his doubts and concerns about her sometimes unconventional ideas, but if she could convince him that something felt right, he would relent and let her take the lead. No, she knew she wouldn’t have come this far without his guidance, nor without the support of her other fellow comrades who, simply with their presence, had allowed her to develop and grow into the woman she was today.
A sudden warmth flushed through her as she remembered all the people who had been by her side throughout her life, and she hoped that wherever they were now, they could feel her gratitude for having met them.
She had been silent for quite a while, but when Levi suddenly moved beside her, it was as if she was abruptly pulled from a dream back into reality. Levi pulled something from his jacket pocket that Hange couldn’t immediately identify. It was oval-shaped, with a muted greyish tone and a slight sheen, but it wasn’t until he held it out to her that she realised what it was: an oyster shell.
Almost instinctively, she reached for it and gently weighed it in her hand, intrigued by the small object. She had never actually held one before and only had seen pictures of them. “Where did you find this?”
“At this beach,” Levi replied. “This morning, while I was on watch and doing my rounds, I found it lying among the stones. I suppose it must have been washed ashore.”
“You know it’s extremely rare for oysters to be found onshore? Normally, you’d have to go out to sea to catch them - you must’ve been very, very lucky!” Hange tried to return the oyster, but he shook his head.
“No, I didn’t know that. But that’s why I’m not supposed to keep things like this - I’d never appreciate them properly,” Levi replied with a shrug.
“Oh … thank you!” Hange smiled, feeling a soft flutter in her chest at his kind gesture. But once again, Levi just made a dismissive gesture, as if it were no big deal. 
“Don’t stay out here for too long; it’s getting pretty chilly,” he finally said after a brief pause, turning to leave. Hange grinned to herself; that was the Levi she knew. Always retreating when things got a bit too cosy for his liking.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back before frostbite kicks in,” she teased, very pleased to see him roll his eyes - one of her favourite reactions from him. “Oh, and by the way, could you send some of that luck my way? I think I could really use it in the near future.”
“Sure, I'll pack it into a little package, with a ribbon and everything, and leave it on your desk.” To anyone else, his voice might have sounded as serious as always, but Hange could detect the faintest hint of playful irony in it, and it delighted her. Giving her one final nod, Levi turned around completely and disappeared.
She remained standing at the beach for a while, absentmindedly playing with the oyster. It was slightly cracked open, and when she tried to peek inside, she glimpsed a hint of the nacre, shimmering white with pale blue highlights. Curiously, she ran her finger over the opening and then tapped lightly on its shell - and to her surprise, she could hear a faint sound, as if something was moving inside. A surprised gasp escaped her lips. Could it be that there was actually a pearl inside? The chances were slim, yet she couldn’t resist the urge to find out.
Carefully, she attempted to pry the two halves of the shell apart, her fingers working gently to create a small, widening gap without breaking it. Once the gap was large enough, she turned the shell around and, to her astonishment, she felt something small fall into the palm of her hand. With delight, she gazed at the smooth, creamy-beige pearl, holding it between two fingers before letting it fall back into her palm again.
What wonders Mother Nature worked. A foreign object entered the oyster’s shell, triggering the production of nacre as the oyster protected itself. Over months or years, it built up layer after layer around the irritant until a pearl was fully formed.
For some reason, Hange felt a connection with this process: her journey had begun with her own internal struggles and challenges. She had always had a clear vision of what she wanted, but often people didn’t take her seriously and sometimes even laughed at her. However, over time, the influence and support from her comrades - especially Erwin and Levi - their wisdom, experience, and guidance, had enveloped her, smoothing her rough edges and shaping her into the person and leader she was now. Of course, her insecurities remained; deep down, she was still the same. But she had acquired the means to handle them and tackle difficult situations, and it was only then that she realised how much those she had left behind continued to live within her.
“I’ll do my best, Erwin,” she whispered, her gaze fixed on the pearl. “I don’t know if I’ll succeed, but I’ll at least try.”
Over the next few years, she always kept the oyster with the pearl in her jacket pocket, as a kind of good luck charm, but also as a comforting reminder of all the people she had to leave behind, who had such a profound impact on her life.
When her heart ached from having to arrest Floch and his followers, dealing with their radical ideologies, and she felt like everything around her was starting to crumble amidst the growing division and dissatisfaction, she reached into her pocket and began to fumble with the oyster shell, thinking about Levi and the fortunate day he had found it and hoping that some of his luck would rub off on her.
And when she broke down in front of the cellar door after her confrontation with Eren, feeling a growing sense of desperation because, although his methods were undeniably wrong, she could understand the source of his strong feelings, she reached into her pocket and clenched the pearl in her fist, hiding it within her closed fingers, its pressure against her palm a reminder that, amidst the chaos she was enduring, there were traces of Erwin within her that she just needed to find.
Little did she know that, some distance away in the forest, Levi was thinking about her, as if he sensed her struggle and wished he could do more than just silently support her. Although she was unaware of it, she felt a small spark of comfort igniting within her at that moment. And it was enough to keep her going.
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