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junplusone · 2 months ago
i'll always say it's you ; yoon jeonghan
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summary: you always used to think that even the end of the world couldn’t keep you and yoon jeonghan apart; you’d find your way back to each other somehow. ten years later, you start to wonder if that’s such a good thing after all.
contains: childhood best friends to ??? to ???, swearing, drinking (+ underage), talk of joshua and cheol's arm muscles, mention of drugs in a joke like once i think, caffeine addiction, peak delusion, jeonghan cheating in games as always, hella yearning
word count: 12.98k
a/n: this is lowkey a mess and probably kind of inaccurate loll but i hope u enjoy! feedback always appreciated xx
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the me of today hopes for the you of tomorrow
“What about you, Y/N? Have you ever been in love?”
Hearing your own name slowly zones you back into the conversation at the table. You pause at the question, a drop of soju splashing out of the glass in your hand.
“Come on, it’s just a silly question,�� the young intern says, rolling his eyes. “You’re no fun, Y/N. We’re off work right now! It’s fine,” he drawls, swaying a little in his chair.
You can’t really remember his name right now, downing the glass in one go, but his bold innocence bothers you. Maybe his demeanor, full of life and promise, is what gets on your nerves. 
Were you like that when you were fresh out of college, too? It’s so unthinkable to you now, at twenty-nine. It feels like ages in the past.
“So? Are you —”
“I hardly think this is an appropriate conversation,” you say quietly, zipping your bag shut. “I think I’m going to head out, anyways. It’s quite late already.”
“But —”
“Chan, just stop asking questions and drink this, okay?” His friends try and calm him down with a glass of water. Amidst the chatter, you decide to slip away, silently pushing in your chair and leaving the bustling restaurant. 
Dinners like this always end up making you feel worse, anyways, like an outlier at a table of people with fervent hopes and dreams of their own. 
You make it two blocks until your phone begins to buzz in your pocket, and you fumble to answer it, knowing there’s only one person who would call you at nine o’clock on a Friday night.
“Oh, you answered,” Yeonju says, evidently surprised. “I thought you’d still be at work.”
“I’m on my way home now,” you tell her. “Why, did something happen?”
“Kind of,” you hear rustling on her end of the line. “Jeonghan called.”
You had stopped abruptly at Yeonju’s words— foolishly in the middle of the road, and you rush to the sidewalk, still reeling. It’s been so long since you’ve even heard his name that it sends your mind into a tailspin when she says it again.
“I thought you knew,” she says, “He said he tried calling you first, but you wouldn’t pick up.”
“I don’t answer calls from numbers I don’t have saved,” you remind her. You haven’t had Jeonghan’s number saved on your phone in a long time. There was no need to keep it if you never used it anymore.
“I think you should talk to him.”
“Yeonju,” you shake your head. “Why would I? There’s nothing to talk about.”
“There is, and you know it, too,” she doubles down. “You won’t say it, but I know you agree with me.”
She’s right, as much as you want to pretend otherwise. When has Choi Yeonju ever been wrong about you? Sometimes it scares you how good she is at reading your mind, but as always, she delivers reality checks right when she feels like you need them.
“Maybe,” you admit begrudgingly. “But things are just easier without him.”
“Yeah, well, nothing is ever easy,” she points out, “but take your own time, no rush. And take care of yourself, Y/N.”
“I will,” you say with a faint smile.
“OK, perfect. Call if you need anything else, yeah? I gotta go now.”
“Okay, Yeonju, take care.”
She hangs up just as you unlock your front door, shutting it behind you and kicking off your shoes. The peace and quiet of your apartment welcomes you, and you sigh in relief as you sink into your couch.
Pulling out your phone again, you scroll through your call log. There are a few unsaved numbers, likely just spam calls, but when you see the same number four times in a row, there’s no doubt about who it might have been. Your finger hovers over the screen; should you? Shouldn’t you?
No, it’s easier to just stay angry. It’s easier to pretend his name means nothing to you anymore. 
But even as you toss your phone to the side, Chan’s question still haunts you, like it’s a reminder that maybe you need to retrace your steps and do something different this time. 
God, you had finally been able to go a few days without thinking about him, but today just took you right back to square one.
“Have you ever been in love?”
When you close your eyes, all you see is him.
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first time feeling my heart race, never thought it'd beat so fast
“Yoon Jeonghan, delete that right now or I’m going to kill you.”
Jeonghan shakes his head vehemently, still cackling at the picture of you on his phone. This is nothing new to you; over the years you’ve gotten used to him finding the absolute worst angles of you whenever you fall asleep in class, or on the bus, and it never fails to get you fuming. 
In fact, if Jeonghan has one talent, it’s probably pissing you off.
“Not my fault you dozed off like that during lecture! Even Yeonju would have bullied you if she was there,” he teases. “I’ve been collecting bad Y/N photos since we were sixteen and in high school, why would I stop now?”
“You’re evil.”
“Thanks, I know.”
“Dinner’s on you, by the way.”
“Do you want to keep that horrendous picture or not?”
“Okay, fine,” he concedes immediately, slipping his phone into his pocket. “But we’re going back to my dorm first because I left my wallet on my desk.”
"Why would you not have that with you? Dumbass," you scold. 
To anyone else, you might sound angry, but somewhere in the unspoken words, you and Jeonghan have already reconciled. 
The weather is chilly and perfectly November-esque, and if not for the thick scarf around your neck you’d be shivering by now. Having Jeonghan by your side adds to the warmth spreading throughout your body, a little piece of happiness found in his company. 
You’ve never needed to explain yourself to him. Somehow, whatever you’re feeling, whatever’s going on, he just knows, and it’s perfect. You couldn’t ask for anything more.
Not much to your surprise, Jeonghan’s roommate is there when the two of you walk in, blankets piled over him as he hunches over his laptop. 
“Hey, Josh,” you greet him. “Everything okay?”
“No,” he frowns, rubbing his eyes, “I may have procrastinated a little too hard on this paper and now it’s due in a couple of hours and I’m totally fucked.”
“This is why I told you to drop that philosophy class at the beginning of the semester,” Jeonghan says, pocketing his wallet. “You don’t even need to take it.”
“Just trying to knock off my humanities electives, but honestly, this one kind of backfired on me,” Joshua admits, defeated. “Where are you guys headed?”
Jeonghan points at you accusingly. “This one tricked me into buying her dinner earlier.”
“I did not!” you gasp. “You walked into that one, stop blaming me for the consequences of your actions! Also, I want ramen, which means we’re going off campus, so you’re driving.”
He narrows his eyes at you as he reaches for his car keys. “You are so evil.”
"Takes one to know one, Hannie."
What throws you off is the way Joshua’s eyes flit between the both of you as you bicker, the way he tells you to have fun in that singsong voice of his as you step back out into the cold, like he knows something you don’t. 
You still remember the day you first met him, when Jeonghan left to go grab something after introducing the two of you, and the question that immediately followed.
“Are you guys together or something?”
And of course, Joshua meant no harm — nobody ever does, when they ask something like that. You and Jeonghan have been fielding questions like that since the start of your friendship. Everyone’s wanted to know exactly what it is that you are to each other, and the answer has always come without missing a beat.
Friends, you’ve always said. 
Friends in the way that you can’t go anywhere alone in your hometown without being asked where the other one is, the way that your parents always set out an extra plate and ask if he’s joining for dinner as usual.
The right word for it would be ‘inseparable’. Sometimes, though, you wonder if that’s all that it is. 
Like now, as you notice the cold has Jeonghan trembling next to you. His teeth are chattering, long lashes framing his eyes that are now narrowed in displeasure. 
When you unravel your scarf from around your neck and reach to drape it around his, they go wide in surprise. 
“What are you doing?”
“You never wear enough layers, idiot.” You tuck the ends into his jacket and the way he’s staring at you steals the breath out of your lungs. 
You can’t run from the fact; your best friend is undeniably attractive. It’s a simple truth, down to his soft but sharp features, the slope of his cheeks, and the hair that frames his face so perfectly. It’s dark out, but Jeonghan’s eyes are lit up like stars. You don’t even realize it until you start to hear your heartbeat pounding in your ears.
“Thanks,” he says with a faint smile. “What would I do without you?”
“Freeze, probably,” you reply flippantly, but you look away, unable to take the intensity of his gaze on you.
Just think about the way he looks at you, Y/N.
Was Yeonju right? You have no way of knowing, and you don’t want to tip the scales by bringing any of it up now.
“Alright, let’s go,” you say instead, tugging him along to the parking lot. “It’s late, I’m hungry, and you promised.”
“Why do you always seem so excited to drain my bank account?”
“It’s my favorite hobby,” you quip. “Shall we go?”
“We shall, m’lady,” he says as you get to his car, pulling open the door for you with a wink. Your cheeks burn as you get in, his defined features etched into your brain.
Yes, he’s your dearest, oldest friend, but Yoon Jeonghan has a certain way of making your head spin that throws that very title into question.
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when half of me is gone, how can i live as one?
It’s been exactly three days since Jeonghan called you, and you haven’t heard from him since then. You don’t know what you were expecting. Another call? A text? 
No, it would be quite stupid to hope for such things after everything that’s happened.
It’s a quiet Monday night, and your brain decides to take an involuntary trip down memory lane. Ten years ago today, you’d probably be doing homework frantically, most definitely an assignment you’d put off until the night of. Ten years ago today, Jeonghan would be by your side. 
Oh, how some things change over time. 
After another hour of mindless TV and doing whatnot on your phone, your conscience finally wins the moral battle against your pride, and you scroll down through your call log again. Taking a deep breath, you decide to call him back before your brain can convince you otherwise.
All the words evaporate out of your mouth when he picks up on the first ring. 
God, it’s been so long since you’ve heard his voice. Just the sound of your name from him is enough to make you tear up.
“... Jeonghan?”
Silence. After a few seconds your heart sinks, thinking maybe he’s hung up on you and gone radio silent yet again. 
Then you hear it, just barely whispered into the phone: “I’ve missed you.”
Those words tug at your heart so badly you press your eyes closed to prevent your tears from welling up. “Jeonghan, don’t do this.”
“I’m sorry, I—”
“I haven’t heard from you in over a year,” you cut him off. “A year, Jeonghan. Do you really think you can just ‘I miss you’ your way back into my life whenever you want?” 
“Don’t say that,” he implores. “You’re my best friend.”
“Yeah, right.”
“It’s true. I mean it.”
“I’ve heard the exact same line from you so many times,” you tell him, the rest of your words dying in your throat. 
You have many more things to say to him, so many unspoken feelings, but now doesn’t feel like the time. Instead, you swallow your anger like you’ve done every time he finds his way back into your life.
“How… how have you been?”
“I’m okay. I wrote a new song,” he says lightly. “Shows have been pretty alright, things are looking up… just the usual.”
“Oh, I see.”
“What about you?”
“I’m okay, too.” A blatant lie. “Jeonghan… why’d you call me on Friday?”
“Oh,” he starts, like he’s surprised you even asked. “Um, I’m actually in town for a bit, so… I was just wondering if you wanted to meet and catch up again. Y’know, like old times.”
It’s the flippant edge in his voice that stings more than anything else, as if he doesn’t care that your friendship hasn’t been the same for years. Do you mean that little to him now?
But, like always, you have a hard time saying no to Yoon Jeonghan.
“Okay,” you agree. “Just tell me where, I guess. And when.”
It’s not for a few seconds that you realize your cheeks are wet. Jeonghan feels so far away now, the distance hurts like a piercing pain and you have to slap a hand over your mouth so he doesn’t hear you sob against your couch, the stoic wall you put up crumbling away with every passing moment.
“Y/N,” his voice is shaky now. “Y/N, please don’t cry.”
Feeling caught and cornered, your brain enters fight or flight mode, and promptly chooses the latter. “I’m not,” you blurt out, and immediately end the call, tossing your phone across the room so you aren’t tempted to call him again.
If time traveling was an option, you’d go back to a decade in the past without a question. For some reason it hurts more that after all this time, Yoon Jeonghan is still the one that knows you the best.
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You wake up the next morning horribly late for work, with a blinding headache and a notification from Jeonghan on your phone.
xxx-xxx-xxxx: is tonight @ semicolon cafe ok with you? after you get off work?
xxx-xxx-xxxx: i won’t take up too much of ur time, i promise
xxx-xxx-xxxx: i’m so sorry y/n
you: its ok. that works, see u then
It’s well past nine o’clock when you finally enter the office. You almost make it to your desk unnoticed until your boss glances at you sneaking in.
“You’re very late,” Seungcheol observes, leaning back in his chair. His gaze is always stern, and today it makes you even more anxious than usual.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologize. “Things just… everything kind of worked against me today. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“I believe you,” he says, casting another concerned look at you as you nearly drop your laptop going to your desk. “Is everything okay, Y/N? This really isn’t like you.”
“Yeah,” you lie through a tight smile. Damn Yoon Jeonghan and his stupid face for ruining your whole day. “Everything’s fine.”
Looking back, it’s quite impressive how you manage to keep your composure throughout your whole workday. You know you’ve accomplished a feat when even Junhui doesn’t really notice anything’s wrong. 
Despite how oblivious he comes across at first, your colleague is easily one of the most perceptive people you’ve ever met, as you’ve learned in the past five years you’ve spent at this company.
“Long day?” Junhui swivels around in his chair as he catches you taking a break from your screen.
“Yeah,” you admit, glancing at the clock. Almost five. “Even longer when we get asked to fix all of the intern’s mistakes. How do you just forget to write a whole method?!”
“God, I hope Lee Chan never gets hired as a backend developer. Love the kid, but I’m not sure how he got through college with his code looking like this.”
“Hard agree.”
“Hey, do you have plans after? Me and the rest of the team are probably gonna get dinner together. None of the interns,” he clarifies with a grin. “We need some peace and quiet. I think Wonwoo’s genuinely at his final straw, he’s been downstairs with them all day.”
As tempting as that sounds — Junhui has a knack for finding the best spots in Seoul — you have something more important on your plate for the day.
“Maybe next time,” you decline. “I have to meet someone after work.”
“Oh?” A sly grin spreads across his face. “Someone special?”
“It’s not a date,” you insist, face heating up.
“I never asked if it was, Y/N, you’re just outing yourself at this point.”
“It’s not!”
“Yeah, yeah,” he teases, turning back around. “Keep me posted!”
You roll your eyes.
The end of the day couldn’t have come any slower. Usually, you’d get so engrossed in whatever you were working on that you’d end up staying late, but today you shock everyone by packing up when the clock hits five, bidding Junhui a good night as you almost run to leave the building.
(“Someone’s in a rush,” he remarks when you turn your computer off. “Don’t be late on a first date, it’s not very polite!”
“Fuck off,” you respond, when Seungcheol is safely out of earshot.)
The walk home almost freezes your fingertips, and you have to shove your hands deep into your pockets to keep them from going numb. You make a note to dress accordingly for the biting cold later.
At least the weather matches your mood today.
The idea of a hot shower turns out to be a little too inviting, though, because when you finally step out, hair wrapped in a towel, it’s 6:28, and you have a text from Jeonghan waiting to be opened.
xxx-xxx-xxxx: i’m here, i snagged a table in the back
“Fuck,” you curse under your breath, pulling on an old sweater and some jeans. You don’t have time to fully dry your hair, so you just run your round brush through it a couple of times, hope for the best, and throw it into a claw clip, praying it stays up.
You’re officially twenty minutes late when you finally get to the cafe — it’s not too far from your apartment, thankfully, but you still had to book it — and you approach Jeonghan slightly panting and out of breath. 
(If Junhui was right and this was actually a date, you would be royally screwed.)
“Here, sit,” he pulls out your chair, a little alarmed by your flushed face. “Were you running?”
“Yeah. Sorry I’m late,” you answer, and then you look up at him and the air is knocked out of your lungs as if you weren’t already winded from getting there. He’s even more beautiful than the last time you saw him. “Wow, you…”
You’re not even sure what the rest of that sentence was going to be, the words slipping out before you could even think about them. Snap out of it. 
“Nothing,” you say quietly.
“How have you been?”
“You already asked me that.”
“I want to know more.” He’s looking at you like he’s trying to memorize your features; it’s hard to ignore. 
“I don’t have anything interesting going on,” you deflect. “Tell me about what’s going on with you. You said you wrote a new song?”
Jeonghan’s face lights up when you say it. “I did. I spent around nine months rewriting and perfecting it. It’s kind of like my child, in a way.”
“Yoon Jeonghan, a father. I never thought I’d see the day.”
He laughs, and it feels like a part of your old selves is back. “Want to listen?”
You nod, and he passes you an AirPod and his phone. “Imperfect Love,” you read out loud. “That’s deep.”
“It came from a pretty raw place,” he confesses. “Something that’s kind of been on my mind for a while.”
“Something or someone?”
Jeonghan’s face reflects something akin to panic. “What are you talking about?”
“This seems like a song about unrequited love,” you deadpan. “Doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.”
“Well, it’s not,” he huffs. “Don’t assume things.”
“This is the kind of update I was waiting for. You didn’t tell me you’d found someone!”
“I didn’t!” he insists, concealing a smile. “Will you just stop asking questions and listen already?”
“Alright, Mr. Unlucky in Love,” you tease, securing the AirPod in your ear and pressing play.
The instrumentals are beautiful, and Jeonghan’s angelic voice fills your ears a few seconds later. You haven’t heard him sing in a long time, and you’d forgotten just how ethereal he sounds when he’s pouring his heart into the mic.
The sunlight that happily illuminates this dark world 
Becomes a star when night comes
Come down to me
There are many, many things shining in this world
But among them, you’re the only one that’s precious to me
Jeonghan is watching you nervously, like he’s anxious for what you will say. You make the mistake of catching his eyes, because immediately you falter — they are gorgeous, he is gorgeous, and it feels like you lose time with every second you spend admiring him.
Even if I can’t be the perfect weather for you
Will you still love me like this?
It feels like a silent plea — you wonder what kinds of things have happened to him in the past year that you missed, all the things you don’t know about. 
Together we become old and worn out
Even if you come to me, who’s useless
At the end of a shining day
I’m happy that it’s you every day
The song comes to an end, and you hand Jeonghan’s phone back to him. His eyebrows raise, like a question.
“Did you like it?”
“It’s beautiful,” you tell him honestly. “I love it.”
A smile breaks out on his face. “That’s good to hear.”
“I’m still convinced you have a secret crush that you’re not telling me about.”
“Oh, not with that again,” he grumbles, waving off your curious questions. 
What you don’t tell him is that you’ve missed hearing him sing and watching him perform, that the look in his eyes when he’s doing what he loves most is something you adore. There are a lot of things like that you want to say to him, and as good as the both of you are at acting like nothing’s wrong, the situation feels awfully different this time.
“Hey.” Jeonghan has a glint in his eye, the one he usually has when he’s up to something. “Do you wanna leave and go get tteokbokki and fried dumplings at the night market stands instead?”
Your favorites, from when you were a broke college student and couldn’t afford anything nicer. How did he still remember that?
“Yeah,” you say, already grabbing your things and standing. “Let’s go.”
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You had forgotten that it was cold as fuck outside.
You had also forgotten that the food stalls were in the opposite direction of your house, so now you’re stuck walking twice the distance in the freezing weather. 
“Are you warm enough?” Jeonghan asks, a bit worried. Stop looking out for me, you want to scream at him. Stop caring. Stop making such a fool out of me.
“I am, but I know you’re not,” you scold instead. “I’ve been telling you for years to dress for the weather.”
“Eh, what’s a little bit of cold?” he jokes, but you catch him shivering violently out of the corner of your eye, and you can’t just watch as he suffers.
“Here.” You pull your scarf off of your neck and hold it out to him. “Wear it.”
“Are you su—”
“Wear it before I take it back.”
You wait until Jeonghan’s listened to you, the warm fabric wrapped around his neck. A part of you thinks you’ll always feel the urge to look after him.
Stop it.
“You still haven’t told me about yourself,” Jeonghan starts hesitantly. “I know I’ve probably missed a lot of things in the past few years.”
“Eight years,” you correct him. “We graduated and then you disappeared.”
“I didn’t disappear, things just got really hectic,” he tries to explain. “Like, all of a sudden everything was on my shoulders, and I had to spend all my time working towards what I wanted. That or it was all just gonna go to waste.”
“Right,” you leave it at that, not wanting to start an argument on the road. This always happens — you’ll run into Jeonghan somehow, you’ll somewhat reconcile, fight, make up, and then it’s radio silence from him again. A year after you graduated college, you stopped looking for news articles on him entirely, actively avoiding any headlines with his name in them. It hurt a little too much to bear. “Well, what do you want to know?”
You suck in a breath at the quick response. 
“Yeonju’s doing well,” you start, even though he probably knows that already. “She has a cat now, actually. She adopted him a couple of months ago.”
“Really? What’s his name?”
“Mandu, because she says he’s round and fat like a dumpling.”
Jeonghan snorts. “That’s like when Josh told us his dog’s name was Bingsu.”
“Oh, I remember that,” you say, faintly reminded of his college roommate. “Um, there’s not much else, honestly. Junhui is still a major pain in my ass, that definitely hasn’t changed.”
“Your work friend, right? I thought you two got along pretty well?”
“Yeah, we do,” you admit. You don’t need to explain any further, because Jeonghan knows that your sarcastic remarks are reserved for those you cherish the most.
“It’s been a really long time since you introduced us,” he muses. “But I still remember him pretty clearly.”
He remembers you, too, you think to yourself, recounting all the times you’ve ranted to Junhui about all the times Jeonghan got on your very last nerve. Just not as fondly.
“Oh! Wonwoo actually joined the same company two years ago. I think I told you this already,” Jeonghan confirms with a nod, “But it’s really nice getting to see him again, I missed when we used to hang out in college.”
“Aw, that must be really nice.”
“And the three of us still work for Seungcheol,” you conclude.
“I remember him, too. The one with the huge ass biceps,” Jeonghan says, a bit miffed. “I don’t think he liked me very much.”
“He doesn’t like randoms coming in during work hours, which is what you did, Han.”
“Oh. Right.”
Despite his short response, you know Jeonghan is smiling to himself right now, and you kick yourself mentally for letting the decades-old nickname slip. The two of you may be on a truce right now, but that doesn’t mean you’ve forgiven him.
A few minutes later, the lanterns and lights of the night market come into view. A little piece of childhood memory burrows its way into your heart. The vendors and stalls may have changed, but you used to love visiting this street with Jeonghan when you were still students. 
“I really feel so old right now,” Jeonghan remarks as he follows you through the narrow walkways. “I feel like the last time I’ve been here was when we were eighteen.”
“It probably was,” you say. “Oh! Tteokbokki!”
You don’t even realize the way you’re holding on to the sleeve of Jeonghan’s sweater as you pull him along with you in excitement. He doesn’t say anything, just chuckles to himself as he walks behind you.
“Two cups, please,” you request the vendor when you finally get to the cart, and reach for your wallet. Jeonghan stops you before you can get to your pocket.
“No way,” he says firmly. “This one’s on me.”
“That voice isn’t working on me this time.” He hands the vendor a couple of bills with a friendly smile. “Just let me buy dinner tonight.”
You cross your arms. “No.”
“Why not? You had no problem doing it back in college.”
“Don’t bring that up now,” you say sharply, stung by the familiar memory. Jeonghan senses the shift in your attitude and drops the subject immediately.
“Wait here,” he tells you. “I’ll be back in a second.”
What are you supposed to do with yourself? Oh, you’re a mess, you realize, the way your feelings haven’t been in check for the entire evening. You were supposed to be so calm and collected, and now you’re anything but.
“Here you go,” the vendor hands you two steaming cups of the spicy rice cakes. “One for you, one for your friend.”
“Thank you.”
The man nods towards Jeonghan, making his way back through the sea of people. “Never let go of someone who cherishes you that much,” he says offhandedly, stirring the tteok in the pot.
You just blink, confused. “What?”
Before the vendor can answer, Jeonghan’s already caught up to you again. “There was nobody in line for fried dumplings,” he tells you excitedly. “Here, have some.”
“Thanks,” you say as you exchange with him for the tteokbokki, ignoring the awkward encounter you’ve just had. “We should probably get out of the way and find somewhere to sit down.”
“Yeah, we should.”
There are a few benches at the corner of the street, and you pick the empty one under one of the streetlamps, a hazy yellow glow cast over it. Sitting down, you bite into the first dumpling, the flavor flooding into your mouth.
“Is this shrimp?”
“Yes?” He looks adorably confused in the dim light. “You prefer seafood over pork, right?”
Your heart feels like it’s beating at double the pace. “I do,” you reassure him. “It’s really good. Thank you.”
“Try the tteokbokki, too, it’s just the right level of spicy.”
“I will.”
Just being there and enjoying the food in silence reminds you of how easy it is to just be around Jeonghan. There’s no pressure to break the quiet; it’s comforting and peaceful. 
You watch him savor the tteokbokki sauce and smile to yourself when he winces slightly. He’s always had less of a spice tolerance than you.
“Are you going to vanish on me again when you leave Seoul?”
The question stops him in his tracks. He doesn’t seem to have the words to answer, and the lack of a response makes your heart sink.
“Why are you thinking about that right now?” he says instead, chiding you gently. “Did you finish eating?”
The way you’re looking at him now, your eyes are imploring him. Please don’t make me empty promises again. 
“It’s rude to answer a question with another question.”
Jeonghan rakes a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. “I’ve never vanished, Y/N, it’s just hard for me to leave my work that often,” he insists, “and besides, you’ve got Junhui and Yeonju and Wonwoo to entertain you in the meantime —”
“None of them are you!” Several people passing by glance over at you, but you can’t help that your voice is rising when you feel the anger bubbling up. “You’re my best friend, Jeonghan, do you have any idea how hard it’s been doing life without you?”
“Y/N, we’re past our youth,” he tries reasoning with you. “We don’t have to be attached at the hip all the time.”
Every word he says is like a knife to your chest. “You shouldn’t have asked to meet up today, then.”
“You know that’s not what I meant.” Jeonghan shuts his eyes, trying to think of the right words. “I just can’t be there for you all the time in the way that you want anymore. You’re stable, you have a solid job, but my livelihood depends on my music and whether people like me or not. That’s the harsh truth of it. And I’m not getting any younger, either.”
“I’m not asking you to be there for me all the time,” you snap. “All I ever wanted was the occasional message. A few updates. Whether you’re doing okay, how your life is going, things like that. Don’t give me bullshit excuses. I know you have thirty seconds to text me back letting me know that you’re alive.”
And stop playing with my heart, you want to add. Whether you’re aware of it or not.
“Fuck,” Jeonghan swears under his breath. “Y/N, let’s calm down and talk about this inside —”
“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down, Yoon Jeonghan.” Your fists are clenched right now. Jeonghan knows this about you; you don’t get angry quite often, but when you do, you are a force to be reckoned with. “It’s always a goddamn cycle with you. You show up, make all these promises, and then abandon me again. What am I supposed to do with that?”
You’re on the verge of tears, but you can’t cry in front of him. Anywhere but here.
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” he pleads with you. “I don’t know what more to say other than I’ve been trying my best, I really have been.”
You’re not having any of it. “Yeah, right,” you scoff, averting your eyes so you have time to blink the tears away. 
“I mean it. I want to be there for you, but…” he trails off, voice shaky. “It’s just been so difficult.”
“Save it, Jeonghan.” You don’t think you can be here for a minute longer without totally breaking down. “I should really get going now.”
“Y/N, wait —”
“If you took the subway, there’s a station down that street if you keep walking for a few minutes.”
“Wait,” Jeonghan insists, standing. “Let me at least walk you home.”
“No need,” you retort, turning around and setting off towards your apartment. It’s even colder now that it’s completely dark out, and you start to regret your choice of coat as your teeth chatter quietly. All you can do is thug it out for the remaining three blocks to your apartment building.
The wind stings your eyes and you tear up anyway, despite your attempts to keep it down for now. Why did you think today was going to go any better than every other time this has happened? 
Stupid. Your fault for thinking anything would have changed in eight years. 
It’s not until you approach the entrance to your building that you hear the quiet shuffling of footsteps. You whirl around, ready to fight, but you stop short when you see Jeonghan standing several feet behind you.
“Just to make sure you got back okay,” he says quietly, walking over to you. You accept gingerly when he places your scarf back in your hands. “It’s late.”
You don’t even know how to feel; you’re too high-strung with too many lines of thought in your brain at the same time. “Thank you.”
“One more thing.” Jeonghan hands you a small plastic bag. You peer inside.
“What is this?”
“Tiramisu,” he says, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly.
“Oh,” you’re confused. “Why?”
It should make you even more furious that he has the audacity to give you a soft smile, but for some reason it doesn’t.
“Happy birthday, Y/N.”
The realization hits you belatedly — how did you manage to forget? — that you were so swamped with work commitments, it had totally slipped your mind today. (So that was why your phone had been constantly buzzing with notifications from Yeonju before you’d put it on silent.) 
Jeonghan’s gesture, though, comes as a complete surprise, and it starts to dissipate the irritation from earlier.
“You remembered.”
“Of course,” he says simply, like it’s the most natural thing in the world. “I never forgot.”
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just friends, that's not enough for me
Normally, you are not someone who is criminally inclined. 
However, it’s currently five in the morning on a day where you don’t have class until noon, so whoever is calling you at this time is most definitely going to end up six feet under.
You answer without checking who it is first, eyes still closed. “Hello?” 
“Happy birthday!”
“Huh?” You lift your head just to be sure you heard correctly. “Yoon Jeonghan, it’s five a.m!”
“I know!”
“Why are you awake?”
“To tell you happy birthday?”
“Thank you, but cut the crap,” you tell him.
“I pulled an all-nighter to finish a project,” he admits. “Worth it, though. I’m the first person who told you, right?”
“You keep forgetting I live with Yeonju,” you point out, glancing over at your sleeping roommate.
“Damn it, Choi Yeonju!”
You grimace at his loud exclamation. “Jeonghan?”
“Do me a favor and let me go back to sleep.”
“Okay, but I’m waking you up at ten so you don’t skip your linear algebra class.”
“That class is at noon!”
“Yeah, and you take centuries to get ready, dumbass.”
When ten o’clock does roll around, you’re wide awake already. Yeonju is still fast asleep, so you try to get ready for class as quietly as possible.
jeonghan: i’m outside ur building
jeonghan: hurry up i’m hungry
you: ??? when u said u were gonna wake me up i thought u meant u would call
jeonghan: uhh surprise?
“Are you serious,” you mutter under your breath, haphazardly throwing an outfit on and rushing downstairs. Quickly, you press your key card against the reader and push the door open to the sight of Jeonghan leaning against the side wall.
“How long were you waiting?” 
“Long enough. God, you really take forever, but I guess you get a pass because it’s your birthday,” he says begrudgingly, gesturing for you to walk with him.
The weather is quite bleak, but the slight smile on Jeonghan’s face is enough to chase the dreary atmosphere away, like your very own sun.
“Did you sleep at all?” you question, noticing the dark circles under his eyes.
“I tried, but by the time I finished the project it was already seven and Joshua was up, so I just didn’t bother. That guy’s a freak, I’m telling you. I don’t know anybody else who wakes up that early just to go to the gym.”
“Well, you don’t go at all. Maybe that’s why he has those nice muscles and you don’t.”
Jeonghan’s mouth drops open in surprise. “Are you kidding? Is this why you keep coming over? To ogle Joshua Hong’s arms?”
“Yeah, cause Joshua Hong is my best friend,” you deadpan. “Is it such a crime to just appreciate a nice set of muscles?”
“Okay, okay, stop talking about Josh when you’re with me and get in the car,” he urges, fishing out his keys. “Or we’ll be late and you won’t make it to that class.”
“I don’t even go half the time,” you point out. “And you still haven’t told me where we’re going.”
“What I can do is promise you will be happy and fed by approximately half past eleven.” Jeonghan starts the car, adjusting his mirrors. “Is that good enough for you?”
It strikes you then, beneath the dim sunshine, how good he looks when he’s driving. His eyebrows are furrowed as he focuses on the road, humming along to the song playing through Bluetooth. For all the jokes you throw at him for never being seen at the gym, his arms are quite toned, subtly flexed as he makes a turn with one hand on the wheel.
God, you are so done for.
A few minutes later, Jeonghan pulls into a relatively empty lot. The building is quite unassuming, but you recognize this cafe as the one you frequent during exam season for your coffee fix.
“I love this place!” you exclaim, beaming at him. “How did you know?”
“‘Cause you never shut up about it,” he quips back, grinning.. “Stay here, I’ll just be a minute.”
You hum quietly to yourself as you wait for him to come back, content where you are. There couldn’t have been a better start to your day, aside from Jeonghan’s early morning call, and you think you’d be happy to spend the day just like this, peacefully with him and your closest friends.
In truth, you aren’t really sure how to navigate things with Jeonghan at the moment. Your relationship has always been labeled as strictly platonic, but lately there have been things that make you want to think otherwise. A few stolen glances, the way he looks out for you a little extra… you think you’re going insane. 
That, and the way your heart has been reacting when you make eye contact with him lately has been a bit unsettling.
(“Don’t be so delusional,” Yeonju had told you a week ago. “You have a lot to lose here if anything happens. Plus, it’s Yoon Jeonghan, everyone thinks he’s flirting with them.”
“Yeah,” you’d replied flatly. “You’re right.”)
But maybe you’re allowed to be a little selfish. Maybe those sunlit smiles and most vulnerable moments are memories reserved just for you.
The car door opens again, and Jeonghan pokes his head in, handing you a plastic bag as he gets in. 
“Sustenance,” is all he says. “Eat before you go to class or I’ll have to deal with your hangry whining after.”
His words sound annoyed, but his tone is soft with you, like it usually is. You flash him a grateful smile before pulling the boxes out.
“What’s this?”
“Avocado toast, but yours has egg on it.” He wrinkles his nose with displeasure at the combination. “Plus a little sweet treat for your caffeine addiction.”
“This is beautiful,” you hold up the tiramisu box. “The caffeine is speaking to me, Hannie. We are one and the same.”
“One would think you’re on drugs.”
“One would think living with a chemistry major would teach you that caffeine is a drug,” you tease, sinking your teeth into the golden toast. You hadn’t realized just how hungry you were until now — maybe you shouldn’t have skipped dinner last night. “Wow, this is good.”
“It is,” Jeonghan agrees, “but I’ll stick with no eggs for now.”
“You’re just ignorant and have bad taste.”
“Again, free pass only because it’s your birthday.” Jeonghan waits for you to swallow, then asks, “So, does twenty-one feel any different?”
“Nope,” you say decidedly. “Why would it? The only thing that’s changed is that drinking is legal now.”
“Oh, and you can gamble.”
“Right, but I don’t have enough savings to do that.”
Jeonghan laughs to himself at a stray memory. “Remember when I turned twenty-one? I’ve never had a night more disastrous than that one.”
“I do remember! Anyone would assume you were a raging alcoholic,” you snicker. “Even Soonyoung felt the need to sober up and help me get you back to your place. Do you know how impossible that is for him?”
Jeonghan looks like he’s questioning his whole life. “Yeah, that is pretty bad,” he admits. “Good thing it hasn’t happened since and I’m a responsible alcohol enjoyer now.”
“You drank a whole bottle of soju before your exam last week because you ‘needed to pregame’ or you’d fail it.”
“... Right.”
The two of you eat in silence, careful not to drop crumbs in his car, enjoying the midday quiet with each other’s company and nothing else. It’s moments like these with him that you cherish the most.
Yeonju’s Don’t be so delusional echoes in your head, like a silent rebuke.
“Hey, we should start heading back,” Jeonghan says, glancing at the time. “Let this be the day that Y/N graces the lecture hall with her presence.”
You groan, not wanting to spend another hour and a half trying not to doze off listening to who is possibly the most boring professor at your entire university. Jeonghan pats your back empathetically.
“It’s okay,” he consoles you, “Just think about how you’ll feel later when it’s all over and done with.”
“I’ll feel like it was a huge waste of time and I could have just asked Wonwoo to catch me up,” you grumble. 
Jeonghan’s smile falters a little bit at the mention of your classmate, one of Soonyoung’s friends and therefore a part of the friend group. You still can’t figure out why Jeonghan isn’t too fond of him, but you  just assume they haven’t had the opportunity to connect as much and brush it off.
“He got me through data structures last semester,” you offer, trying to defend your point. “Or I’d probably have failed.”
“Right, I remember,” Jeonghan says absentmindedly. You don’t say anything more until you’re back on campus again, picking up on his sensitive mood. When you start making your way to your lecture hall, he follows you, and you let him.
“I’ll walk you to class, I have to print something out at the student center, anyways,” he explains, bag on one shoulder. “Also, you left this in the car. Eat it after class, or whenever.”
You take the plastic bag he hands you, the faint scent of coffee filling your nose. “Thanks.”
Jeonghan fills your ears with silly stories about his friends over the short walk and you listen carefully, always happy to hear about the boys. It’s been a while since you’ve seen them anyways; you’ve been swamped with work, and time that all of you have free together is quite rare.
“I should go in now,” you tell him when you reach the hall. You wish you didn’t have to be here, but you might as well, and Jeonghan can easily read the annoyance written on your face. He pats your shoulder gently.
“It’s okay,” he consoles you. “Come over later so we can all eat cake and listen to you rant about your god-awful professor.”
“And so you can get an eyeful of Joshua’s arms, you freaking pervert.”
You gasp. “Am not!” you screech, punching his arm.
“Take it back!”
“Not afraid to speak my truth,” Jeonghan says instead, feigning injury. “This is literally abuse.”
You roll your eyes. “Get out.”
“Go in.”
“Fine,” you huff, pulling open the double doors, but you look back over your shoulder before you let them close behind you. “See you later?”
Jeonghan nods, a twinkle in his eye. 
(You won’t know it now, but this is the look on his face that you’ll remember for the rest of your life.) 
 “See you later.”
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Choi Yeonju is, you discover, the lightweight of all lightweights.
That title had belonged to Soonyoung up until now, but tonight even he’s watching her in disbelief from where he’s perched on Joshua and Jeonghan’s couch.
“I only gave her a shot,” he promises you, eyes big and pleading. “I swear on my life.”
“I know,” you sigh, grabbing her sleeve and pulling her away from the wall she’s about to faceplant into. “It’s okay, I’ve got an eye on her.”
“Sorry,” Soonyoung offers sheepishly. “I know you were planning on getting wasted tonight.”
You were not, in fact, planning on that at all. “Who told you that?”
“That evil bastard.”
The evil bastard in question is currently deeply immersed in a card game with a couple of others at the small kitchen table. The subtle flush on his face tells you he’s a couple of drinks in, and if you squint enough, you can see the silhouette of cards hidden in the sleeve of his jacket. Typical.
“Y/N!” Yeonju taps your shoulder urgently. “I need to tell you something.”
“Yeah? What’s up?”
She grins. “I wanna go to the bathroom.”
“Alright, come on. You gotta stand up,” you inform her gently when she doesn’t budge from her spot on the sofa.
“Comfy,” is all she says, mumbling into the furniture.
“Do you still need to go to the bathroom?”
Soonyoung just looks at you in total confusion and shrugs. 
“Nothing to do about it until she asks again,” he says before sinking into the couch beside her. He still looks relatively sober — sober enough to handle the situation if Yeonju decides to walk into a wall again — so you tell him you’ll be right back and decide to check in on the game going on.
You walk in on a crime scene.
“You!” Seungkwan throws an accusing finger at Jeonghan, who you can tell is playing innocent through his surprised expression. “You rigged the game!”
“I didn’t do anything! I won fair and square!”
“Count the cards,” Seungkwan tells Wonwoo vengefully. “There won’t be fifty-two, I’m telling you!”
Jeonghan stands suddenly, laying his hand on the table. Everyone else is too busy yelling amongst themselves, and Wonwoo seems to be content with watching them argue, but you catch the way Jeonghan slips the cards in his sleeve into the pile unassumingly.
“Excuse me, boys,” he says smugly, “but I’m going to go on a little victory walk. Don’t mind me, enjoy!”
Seungkwan grumbles, but lets him go in favor of helping Seokmin back into the chair he’s just fallen off of. In the meantime, Jeonghan sidles up to you, faintly smelling of tequila.
“You seem very sober,” he observes.
“I am,” you laugh. “Not entirely, but sober enough to notice the cards you stashed during the game.”
Jeonghan’s face morphs into one of surprise, then mirth. “Shh,” he winks, placing a finger on your lips. That alone short-circuits your brain, so you nearly miss his next words. “It can be our little secret.”
“Oh, you are tipsy tipsy,” you murmur, resting a hand on his shoulder. “I don’t know if you’re up for that victory walk you were talking about.”
“I am! I’m so up for it,” he announces, tucking his arm in yours. “Let’s go take a walk outside.”
“Are you sure?”
“What’s four plus four?”
He rolls his eyes. “Ninety-two,” he says sarcastically. “Please, I’m not a lightweight like the rest of our friends.”
You cast a glance at the couch; Soonyoung has been roped into listening into whatever story Yeonju’s telling him very animatedly, sitting attentively with his back unnaturally straight. He looks a little scared of her energetic narration, which is a first for someone like him.
They should be fine, right? You don’t plan on being gone for long — usually you wouldn’t think twice about leaving Soonyoung and Yeonju together, but in their current state you’re not sure how chaotic they’ll get.
“They’ll be fine.” Jeonghan mirrors your thoughts as if he’s read your mind. His voice feels a little too close, like his lips are right by your ear. Too close, too close — you’re faintly aware of your breathing accelerating, heart running on sheer adrenaline.
By the time you snap out of it, he’s already at the door, turning to find you when he realizes you’re not next to him. “Are you coming?”
“Yeah,” is all you can manage before you grab your coat off the hook and follow him out the door. A part of you wishes Yeonju was sober so she could slap the delusion out of you.
Jeonghan opts for the stairs — “We’re only on the second floor!” — and is waiting patiently at the main door for you. The smile he greets you with is blinding, and his eyes crinkle a little more when you return it. 
“Did you bring your keys?”
“Right here.” Jeonghan pats his pocket reassuringly and pulls the door open. “After you, m’lady.”
“Thank you, kind sir,” you laugh, reveling in the moment. 
It’s windy outside, and you glance over at Jeonghan, satisfied to see that he’s dressed warmly for once. His hands are stuffed in his pockets and for a man his size, his thick sweater is draped over his body in a way that makes him look a little smaller. It’s adorable, and it just makes you want to reach over and squish his cheeks.
“You’re awfully quiet for a man who just won a game against Boo Seungkwan,” you tease gently. Jeonghan chuckles, rubbing his hands together to warm them up.
“Nothing new,” he says. “Seungkwan just has bad strategy and won’t admit it.”
“Or you just enjoy cheating a little too much.”
He gives you a knowing smile. “Touché.”
You’re not exactly sure where you’re going; you don’t think Jeonghan does, either, but the two of you fall in step together perfectly on the sidewalk. It’s not too late yet, maybe nine or ten, and the streets are relatively crowded, as expected for a college city.
“Do you think we’ll be really different when we’re thirty?”
You look at Jeonghan, a bit surprised at the question. “What do you mean?”
“Like, we’re twenty-one now,” he explains, “Remember when we were sixteen? We had so many ideas about what we were gonna be, and we’re already there. Five years passed so quickly.”
You nod, reminiscent of your childhood days. “We’re gonna hit thirty before we know it.”
“Do you think I’ll be bald by thirty?”
“If you are, I’ll take lots of pictures of you and your shiny head,” you joke. “For memories.”
“Noo, not my hair,” Jeonghan laments theatrically. “My gorgeous, gorgeous hair.”
You can’t even counter that, because it’s true: Jeonghan must have won the gene pool because his hair has always been soft and silky. It’s longer now than it used to be, curling a little bit just under his ears and brushing the back of his neck.
“Soonyoung’s been campaigning for you to go platinum blond,” you inform him. “He keeps saying if you do it, he’ll dye his whole head bright yellow.”
“Highlighter Soonyoung is really not something I want to see.”
The more the wind picks up, the tighter Jeonghan has his arm looped around yours. His lips are pursed, like he’s preoccupied with something else.
“Are we still gonna be friends when we’re thirty years old?”
The subtle, vulnerable tone in his voice surprises you a little bit. Drunk words are sober thoughts, you suppose.
You try to cheer him up, saying, “Why, did you think you could get rid of me that easily?”
“No,” he shakes his head firmly. “Everything is so much easier with you.”
Don’t be delusional, don’t be delusional, is the mantra in your head as you attempt to ignore your rapid heartbeat. The truth is that you agree — the way Jeonghan just gets you makes things so uncomplicated and free.
It’s been this way since middle school, when twelve-year-old you found home in the boy who always helped you sneak snacks from your desk during class when the teacher wasn’t watching. 
Jeonghan has always been the first person you think of in a sticky situation; he’s always been reliable, above all, because he knows you would do the same for him without even needing to think about it. He’s been by your side for so long, you can’t even picture what a life without him would look like now.
Your next words would never see the light of day had Jeonghan been sober, but you suppose you can get away with erring on the side of honesty.
“Me too,” you tell him quietly, holding onto him just a little bit tighter. “I like life a little better when it’s with you.”
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because i love you, because saying i love you isn't enough
The office is quiet when it’s late at night; there aren’t many people who enjoy staying past their stated hours, but you figure it can’t hurt to finish some additional tasks when you don’t really have much to go home to. You can’t remember the last time you had a day to yourself without worrying about deadlines; the lines of code haunt you in your sleep and fill every waking hour. Every night spent working overtime is a testament to your determination, though it crumbles it a little each time.
Today, though, you’re joined by Junhui and Wonwoo, the three of you working under the dim light. The rest of your team packed up and left hours ago, so it’s just you on this floor of the building.
“I feel like my eyes are melting in their sockets,” Junhui complains, stretching for the first time in what you think is a solid eight hours. “I don’t know how Wonwoo does it.”
“He’s a machine,” you joke. He’s got headphones on, most probably noise canceling, so you know he can’t hear you two. (Or he’s choosing not to.) “I just don’t want to go home with this stuff unfinished because I know I won’t stop thinking about it all night.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time you’ve pulled an all-nighter in the office.”
Junhui frowns. “You need to take time for yourself,” he expresses. You let him lecture you, even though he’s younger. “Do stuff that you enjoy that doesn’t involve writing code. You know, enrich your personal life.”
“Maybe,” you sigh, putting your head in your hands. “There’s barely any time as of now.”
“Speaking of personal lives, I still can’t believe you won’t tell me about your date,” he sulks. “You’ve always come back with stories about your dates.”
“There haven’t even been that many,” you say at the same time Wonwoo turns around with his headphones off of one ear, asking, “Date? Really?”
You give the man a look. “You didn’t hear us say your name, but that was what caught your attention?”
“Well, Jun’s always talking, but the last time you went on a date was two years ago, so this is news to me.”
“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Junhui reasons. “Everyone has bad dates. It’s a universal experience.”
“Okay, first of all, it was not a date,” you clarify. “I just met up with a friend from college.”
This piques Wonwoo’s interest. “Wait, really? Who?”
“Right, I keep forgetting you guys went to college together,” Junhui mutters under his breath.
“Did you see Yeonju again?”
“It was nobody,” you lie through your teeth, kicking yourself internally for your choice of words. As much as both men know about your ongoing tug-of-war situation with Jeonghan, you don’t really want to bring it up in conversation, and definitely not now of all times. “It went fine, just some catching up.”
“So it wasn’t a date?”
“You really need to stop believing everything Junhui tells you without fact checking it first.”
“Damn,” he says. “And we thought you were finally getting some action.”
The conversation is interrupted by the low rumble of your stomach in the few seconds of silence that pass afterwards. Both men turn to look at you expectantly.
“I haven’t eaten all day,” you admit, a little embarrassed. “I’m starving.”
“I’ll order takeout,” Wonwoo volunteers, already reaching for his phone. “Is kimchi fried rice okay with you guys?”
“Fine by me.”
“With pork?” Junhui asks hopefully.
The three of you promptly get back to work, aiming to maximize the amount of work you get done before the food arrives and you inevitably break focus. By the time the delivery notification goes off on Wonwoo’s phone, you’ve knocked off about three quarters of your to-do list for the day.
Good enough, you reassure yourself, pulling the sticky note off of your desk and flicking it into the trash can. 
Junhui eats in a record time of ten minutes — you swear you’ve never seen him scarf down food this fast before — and starts packing up at his desk, dropping off a couple of notes on Seungcheol’s desk for tomorrow morning’s meeting.
“My girlfriend is going to be so upset if I’m not home soon,” he says ruefully, slinging his bag over one shoulder. “Take care, guys! And thanks for dinner, Wonwoo, I owe you one.”
“Yeah, no problem.”
You and Wonwoo finish not too long after, and you take your time cleaning up the place, making sure everything is thrown away and in its place. 
“Are you ready to lock up and go?”
“Yeah, let’s head out.”
It’s not until you’re in the elevator, heading to the parking garage, that Wonwoo speaks up again. A little hesitantly at first, but the concern in his tone is still evident.
“Hey, has everything been good with you lately?”
“Hm?” You look at him curiously, wondering what it was that made him ask. “Yeah, why?”
He shrugs, looking down at you through thick-rimmed glasses. “Just haven’t checked in with you in a bit. Seungcheol’s needed me all over the place lately, so it’s been a while since I caught up with you guys.”
“Right, you’ve been in back to back meetings with the design team,” you muse. “Seolhwa was talking about how chaotic it’s been in the restroom earlier.”
“Yeah, it’s been pretty tough.”
The elevator opens with a ding! and you follow him out, fishing for your keys that are probably somewhere in one of your pockets.
“I parked a little far,” you tell him, “so I’ll get going now. But I’ll see you at tomorrow’s meeting, right?”
Wonwoo just looks at you gently, like he’s seeing right through you. 
“Jeonghan’s the one you met up with, isn’t he?”
You freeze. “What?”
“I had a feeling, but it was a little more obvious when you started getting defensive,” he chuckles. “Plus, I think you forget I’ve known you for nearly a decade now.”
You allow yourself to breathe, relaxing the taut muscles in your neck. “I didn’t want to make it awkward,” you admit. “I know you said you guys still keep in touch sometimes. I don’t want to make it weird.”
Wonwoo raises his eyebrows. “Just for birthdays and things like that. We weren’t really that close in college, either.”
Not really knowing what to say, you stay silent, eyes glued to the ground. He seems to sense this and drops the matter, reaching over to pat your shoulder.
“I won’t pry,” he says lightly, “But if you ever want to talk about it, just know you can always call up an old friend.”
You smile. “Thanks, Wonwoo.”
“Take care, Y/N. Get home safe.”
The drive home is numbing. The playlist you have on dulls into background noise as you focus on the road, fighting the urge to yawn. It’s nearly eleven o’clock at night, and all you want is to be back in your bed.
At the back of your mind, all you can think about is the text you woke up to this morning.
yoon jeonghan: hey, i just wanted to tell you tomorrow is my last day in seoul 
yoon jeonghan: i don’t know if you want to see me or not, but i’ll be at semicolon cafe working for most of the day. pls drop by if you have some free time. i really miss you.
So typical of him, to leave it up to you to go find him. And yet, you would — if it came down to it, you would go to the ends of the earth if he asked you to. 
Yeonju would be furious if you told her you were even considering it, you scold yourself. After all, she’d only told you to speak to him once for your own peace of mind. Last week should have given you all the closure you needed. 
Still, your conscience is swayed at the idea of being able to see him again. 
You shake the thoughts out of your head, as if the subtle action could erase the pain and longing you’ve felt for the past eight years. 
The traffic light turns green. You step on the gas and don’t look back.
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even if i can't be the perfect weather for you, will you still love me like this?
Jeonghan has been in the studio for hours.
Nothing seems to sound right, and the frustration makes him want to pull his hair out. He can’t even remember the last time he got out of the chair, but he doesn’t want to lose even a little bit of whatever workflow he’s managed to maintain while he’s been in here.
Occasionally, when the weather is just a little dull and time seems to tick by too slowly, he wonders if he made the right choice. Maybe he should have stuck with his career, actually put his degree to use, instead of setting it aside in the name of passion.
He’s vocalized these thoughts to his manager many times, and Jihoon is awfully good at raising his spirits, but the self doubt seeping into his soul is very hard to ignore.
Reluctantly, he presses the play button again, whatever he’s conjured up in the last couple of hours playing in his headphones again. It doesn’t sound any better this time. 
Yes, he could swallow his pride and ask Jihoon for help, but after a year and a half of unsuccessful ventures in the music industry, he wants to be able to do something on his own.
Prove himself; to Jihoon, the world, and you.
Jeonghan will never forget your only words to him when he’d first revealed his plan to switch career paths, just a month or two before graduation. 
(“I always believe in you,” you’d said, following it up with a comforting hug. 
And when you said that with such conviction, placing all of that trust and belief in his hands, he knew there was no way he could turn back on what he’d set his sights on. In truth, on days where things just seem so bleak, you are his strength, and he wishes he could tell you that.
But when your name comes through on his phone, he falters.
What is he supposed to say? All he can give is excuses, that nothing’s really worked, nothing has panned out in his favor yet. As it is, the two of you haven’t spoken that much since graduating, both of you occupied with your own goals and careers, and at times like these he feels your absence a little extra.
Is this what it means to grow up and grow apart?
For now, he ignores the buzzing, telling himself he’ll come back when he’s snagged his first real achievement. You’ll be proud of him, and he’ll finally make something of himself.
Jihoon walks into the room, closing the door quietly, right when he’s about to listen to the track for maybe the hundredth time.
“Oh, hey.” Jeonghan can hear the exhaustion in his own voice. “What’s up?”
“Wondering when the last time you slept was.” Jihoon sinks into the chair beside him, trying to lighten the mood. “You look like a zombie.”
“Yeah, I feel like one.”
“You need to spend less time in here,” Jihoon advises gently. “Or you’re going to lose your mind. Trust me, I’ve been there.”
“I just can’t figure out what it is I’m missing,” Jeonghan sighs, evidently frustrated. “It’s like, almost there, but not really. It’s been killing me for days.”
“You know, these things do take time.”
“Or maybe I’m just not cut out for this and I should just go work for a news channel instead.”
Jihoon watches him carefully, picking up on his slumped shoulders and tired eyes. “And then you’ll spend the rest of your life wondering what would have happened if you held on just a little bit longer. Do you really want that?”
Jeonghan doesn’t really know what else to say. He’s been hearing the same things from everyone around him — his parents, his sister; everyone talks of a future where he’s already succeeded, but that isn’t set in stone. Nothing is promised, he knows.
“I need a miracle,” he mumbles instead.
“You need to eat,” Jihoon corrects. “I just placed an order for dinner, and I know you like sundubu-jjigae, so you have no excuse to bail on me this time.”
Jeonghan considers this for a moment, then gives in. “Fine,” he says, “but I can’t stay too long.”
“Good.” Jihoon rises, and then places a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. “I’m proud of you. You’ve been working really hard.”
“Thank you.”
He’s alone again, when the door closes behind the shorter man. It’s something he’s had to get used to; he’s learned to rely on himself over the past year or so, but when the reality of loneliness sinks in, it breaks his heart just a little. 
Even more so knowing that it’s his fault that he’s pushed everyone away, including you.
Your name is still burned into Jeonghan’s brain, and his fingers itch to respond, but he ignores the urge. His phone is left forgotten as he slips his headphones on again, tinkering with the unfinished track.
And the thought of you dissolves into the music.
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we used to be best friends, i remember you said you can be yourself when i'm around
Today is the day that Choi Seungcheol learns that you are full of surprises.
In all your five years of working for him, he’s never once had you call in sick for work or ask for a day off. You’ve always been hard-working, maybe too much at times, but he sounds like he definitely didn’t anticipate this.
“Oh,” is all he says when you request the morning off. “Yeah, sure. Are you feeling alright?”
“Not really, but I will be before the client meeting at three, so I’ll be present for that.”
“Oh, all right. We’ll see you then.”
“See you.”
It weighs on your conscience that the first time you request time off also happens to be the first time you blatantly lie to your boss, but you’ve already deliberated this enough with Yeonju over call last night.
(“I’ve been such an honest worker,” you said dramatically, “and now I’m running all that to the ground.”
“Don’t be so theatrical. Choi Seungcheol can afford to give you half a day of paid leave.”)
Now that you’ve settled that, you grab your heavy winter coat, setting out into the morning cold. Damn Yoon Jeonghan for making you move your whole day around for him. You had predicted correctly that Yeonju would berate you for it — you sat through a lecture over the phone last night — but that hadn’t deterred your resolve to see him again.
Who knows? His behavior is so erratic that even you, who knew him like the back of your hand at one point, can’t predict him anymore. Today could very well be the last time you see him for another few years until he decides he has the time for you again.
Whatever, you huff to yourself as you walk briskly, knowing that as upset as you get, the soft spot you harbor for him will never go away.
You had worried that it would be a little too early, since it’s only eight in the morning, but you have no problem finding Jeonghan in the sea of caffeine-deprived corporate workers getting their fix in the small establishment. He’s engrossed in his laptop, and he doesn’t realize you’re there until you take the seat across from him, waiting for him to look up.
“Oh,” is all he says, pushing his screen down. “I didn’t think you’d come.”
You sigh. “Yeah, I didn’t think I would, either.”
Jeonghan gives you a sorrowful look, hair fluffy like a halo around his face. “I’m trying, I really am.”
“Jeonghan —”
“I’m juggling so many things at once,” he says quietly. “And I never wanted you to think any less of me. I wanted you to be proud of me..”
“I was. I still am.”
“But I still haven’t done anything.” He sounds more agitated as he speaks. “I haven’t gotten anywhere, I’ve barely made a name for myself. Nothing I do is paying off.”
“You’re trying, though,” you tell him. It saddens you to see him like this. It’s not often that Jeonghan talks about how he feels, especially not now that you’ve grown so distant. “And you don’t have to go off and accomplish great things for me to be proud of you. I already am.”
He’s quiet, like he’s dwelling on something.
“I’m sorry,” he says a few seconds later. “It’s just all been such a mess.”
“That’s okay.”
In the silence between those two words are many more that don’t need to be spoken for him to understand. You’re doing okay. Everything will turn out okay.
“I wish things could go back to the way they were,” he says again, eyes a little shiny when he looks back at you. 
Nostalgia fills your brain, all of those treasured memories with him resting in a well-lit corner of your heart. 
“You know, it really hurts, Han, to keep doing this push and pull with you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry, too.”
“Don’t apologize,” he laughs wistfully, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Shit, I never meant to hurt you, Y/N, honestly. And I’m really trying to be better about it. Things are looking up now, I think. It’s getting a little easier than before.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” You offer him a reassuring smile. “I knew you could do it.”
“How…” Jeonghan starts tentatively. “How long are you here for?”
“I’m not sure,” you reply, fidgeting with one of your bracelets. “Not too long.”
“Are you going to have something to eat?” An olive branch.
“I have food I meal-prepped at home.” A subtle denial.
The silence is loud. You try to think of something, anything to say to fill it, but you come up blank. There’s not much else to be said in the fraught air between the two of you. Not now, anyways.
“I’m sorry, I should let you get back to work,” you say suddenly, eyes landing on his half shut laptop. “I didn’t mean to take time out of your day.”
“That’s okay,” he says softly. “I’m really glad I got to see you.”
“Have a safe trip to… wherever you’re going.”
He chuckles. “Just Jeju, but thank you.”
Before you leave, you reach for the scarf loosely wrapped around your neck — your favorite one you’ve had since college, the plaid cream-colored one — and you set it down on the table. He just looks at you questioningly.
“It’s cold,” you say with a faint smile. “You haven’t changed, Yoon Jeonghan.”
“Thank you.”
You take the time to memorize him — the curve of his face, the soft look in his eyes, the one reserved for you and the ones he holds close. If you could etch his features in your brain here and now, you would.
“Well,” you start, swallowing the lump in your throat. “Don’t be a stranger, Han. The next time I see your name, it better be a call from you instead of another news headline.”
Jeonghan nods, eyes forming crescents. “I’ll do my best.”
And there is something to be said about the love in looking back, for sure, but there is also love in not looking back, in choosing to keep your eyes trained on the path before you. There is love in knowing your weaknesses, that if you turn around you might not be able to walk away after all. 
You don’t release the breath you’re holding until you walk out the door. It’s raining, you realize with a start, the previously clear sky clouded over. It seems that your overcast heart has been mirrored by the earth.
The rhythmic droplets provide a strange sense of comfort as you let yourself get soaked, for lack of an umbrella. It works in your favor, anyway, because nobody will assume anything’s amiss if your face is already drenched.
Pit, pat. The smell of wet soil rises in your nostrils, and you let the tears fall.
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no matter where i am in the world, i'll say it's you
The lights are blinding, and the sounds of the camera shutters are incessant. But this is the life Jeonghan has always dreamed of, so he doesn’t dare complain.
In truth, he doesn’t care for a lot of the interviews he’s been asked to do — he can’t be bothered by the mundane, mind-numbing questions he gets asked over and over again. Nothing ticks him off like the insensitive digs into his personal life they always ask him, searching for information he doesn’t wish to disclose.
But he does it, anyway, because what choice does he really have? It’s good for your image, Jihoon always tells him, adding another event to his schedule. It’s for your public platform.
“So, you’ve come out with another hit single,” the interviewer starts, beaming at him. His teeth are so artificially white, they seem to reflect the bright studio lights. “How does it feel to accomplish such a success yet again?”
“It’s really great,” Jeonghan answers honestly. “I’m very grateful to my manager, producer, and my beloved family. And, of course, all of the wonderful fans. I couldn’t have done any of this without them.”
“A touching answer as always, Jeonghan-ssi.” The man flashes a smile at the cameras. “Your new single To You was really well received by fans, especially for its fresh and passionate take on what it feels like to be in love.”
The blazer feels stiff now, under the heat of the lights. Jeonghan tries not to dwell too deeply on the true inspiration for the song he’d written late at night a couple years ago, overcome by his own heart.
“I’m really glad that everyone’s been enjoying it so much. That really was the intention,” he says, “to have a song that makes you feel like you’re floating.”
“And it does!” the interviewer laughs. “A lot of viewers really appreciated the sincerity of feelings that was conveyed through the song. Which raised the question; have you ever been in love before?”
Something akin to a late realization suddenly hits Jeonghan right there in the hot seat, under all those lights and cameras. His hand comes up to toy with the end of the scarf he’s wearing, a keepsake of treasured memories.
“Maybe,” he says with a wistful smile.
Wherever you are in the world right now, there’s a small part of him that dares to hope you’re watching.
“Maybe I have.”
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thank you for reading! if you have any feedback, i'd love to hear it :) much love, ashi xx
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strwbrychffoncke · 18 days ago
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"you'll feel it deep down whenever you're alone,, 1.1k words synopsis: caleb can't find it in himself to regret this if its something you've always wanted ,too contains: nsfw! (+ angst?) ,lnds caleb x afab!reader ,wouldn't call it 'forbidden love' but just playing w the idea of yearner!caleb (& coming to terms w being able to have u) ,caleb wrestling w guilt over his feelings ,reassurance from reader (u both want this) ,you sit on his lap ,confession ,kissing ,touching ,implied first time (more for caleb than for reader) ,hand holding ,unprotected sex ,piv ,caleb is kinda possessive right at the v end ,i think thats it note: (unedited!) knew this song was perfect for him but had to try had to write smth that would fit too.... this is lowkey a character study disguised as a fic :x also thought ab this + this art while writing which helps convey the feeling i was going for here (go support the artist they mean sm to me)
caleb knows he shouldn't feel like this.
he's known since he first realized his feelings back then.
how many years has it been now? he couldn't tell since he's loved you for as long as he could remember.
he's known he shouldn't feel like this, he does, but when you asked him so sweetly, sitting on his lap, testing the waters, pressing yourself against him and finding a shred of boldness to spill what's been on your mind all of these years, what could he do but comply with your desires?
"i'm in love with you, caleb. i always have been. i need you to know. i... i need you, more than anything. you're the only one that i want."
his hands caress the apples of your cheeks and he reminisces about your baby fat from when you were younger, admiring the current softness of them, unable to resist the urge to squish them just slightly.
he watches you nuzzle into his familiar touch, eyes fluttering shut at the comforting warmth of his hands.
his breathing picks up ever so slightly.
how many times have you been in this sort of situation right now? so close in proximity, breaths beginning to intermingle with one another, wondering who will make the next move.
a thumb glides over your lips, caressing the plushy flesh.
how many times has he held you like this, wanting more than anything to close the distance, but unable to find it in himself, hesitating before pulling back altogether?
your eyes crack open, looking directly into his.
'don't look at me like that.'
you lean forward ever so slightly, eyes locked with his.
he feels your warm breath on his lips, so close that if he leans forward just slightly, he'll meet you.
'don't say it....'
"kiss me."
your words are a whisper against his lips, and his eyes are wide, looking back into yours, so close yet unwilling to make the move if he really isn't willing.
you've never made it easy for him.
his thumbs brush over your cheeks.
"are you sure?"
"i'm sure."
his forehead rests against yours.
"you've really thought about this?"
"more than anything."
he inhales a shaky breath.
he closes the distance.
the kiss slowly escalates to now, his fingertips traveling slowly down your skin, hands trembling at your sides, torn between holding you in his firm grasp and pulling away completely.
you were the worst kind of drug to him.
but he could never stay away.
noticing his hesitation you gently rested your hands over his, pushing them flat against your abdomen.
"its okay," your voice was soft, too soft, too sweet right now.
don't say it like that.
"you can touch me, caleb."
his breath hitched.
don't say that so easily.
"i want this, too," you breathed out, offering a kind, reassuring smile devoid of the usual teasing you two were used to engaging each other with.
and he felt what little restraint he had left, snap.
he took a deep breath, planting his hands firmly onto your stomach, feeling the soft material of your shirt under his fingertips before he started dragging his hands up and down.
he looked up at your face.
you nodded. keep going.
his touch moved up, feeling your breasts through your shirt.
you hummed under the kneading of his large hands, and he felt his heart lurch.
he was really touching you like this.
you were so soft, just how he'd imagined you'd be. his heart hammered in his chest, unable to tear his eyes away from you, unable to tear his eyes away from the face that he was the one corrupting you this way.
even so, even if he felt like he was ruining you under the touch of his fingertips...
"caleb, take it off."
when your sweet reassurances were all that continued to spill from your lips, looking up at him pleadingly and longingly, how could this possibly be wrong?
caleb is taken aback at the sight of your body in all of its beauty.
sure, he had grown up with you, watching you grow in return, and would often be reminded of just how much you'd grown from back then.
this was a sight he'd only dreamed of.
he realized he'd been staring for too long when you squirmed under his gaze, looking to the side and shielding yourself with your arms.
"dont just stare.... i know i'm—"
"you're beautiful, pipsqueak," he breathes out.
you meet his eyes staring right back into yours, and watch as his hands reach for your wrists, removing your arms from your center and gently pinning them to the mattress.
his eyes rake over your body again, his hands inching up to intertwine his fingers with yours.
"i just.. can't believe i really get to have you like this."
you heart thrums, small smile curling on your lips. you knew exactly what he meant.
"me too," you whisper.
caleb lets out a shaky breath.
he feels you squeeze his hand.
"kiss me, caleb."
he doesn't think twice this time, leaning down to capture your lips with his, the depths of his feelings pouring directly into you, and you can feel it, feel how badly he's wanted this, how badly he wants it, and you're only filled with relief that the sentiment is shared.
when you break away and urge him to keep going, he does so with little hesitation.
each touch of his is spurred on by your pleased sounds and urges of "just like that" and "there" as he explores your body, learning about what exactly makes you feel good, committing it to memory for future reference of this repeated time together.
when you urge him on, whining about how you need him inside, caleb is slipping out of his shorts and boxers and tossing his shirt over his head, wasting no time in pumping himself with one hand and caressing your stomach with the other before lining himself up with your awaiting entrance.
he looks up at you again, another look.
"are you sure?"
and you grab onto his arms, eyes full of determination and desire.
"yes, wanted this for so long, please caleb!"
a relieved sigh.
"me too, pipsqueak."
when he sheathes himself into you for the first time, he can't bring himself to feel guilty anymore, not when this feels so right, not when you feel so good.
and when he begins moving within you, thrusting in and out and setting a steady pace, your sounds of pleasure filling his ears, the sight and feel of you enveloping his sense, he leans down to kiss you again, thinking that maybe, just maybe, you two were always meant to be together like this.
he wouldn't let you go. he would make you his properly, and you would always be together: caleb would make sure of it.
a/n: i know i know im behind... working on the other fics as we speak :x
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marscantread7 · 26 days ago
Idk where I'm going w/ this but mdni😭🙏🏾
But like, basically js imagining u finally convince all the LIs to have one crazy orgy w/ u. Like, honestly here's what I'm thinking.
Rafayel and Sylus would be like a little jealous and confused bc like??? 😭⁉️ ur my girl, wtf do u mean an orgy w/ 5 other men, two being ur childhood best friends???? But they live w/ the mindset of "if u like it, I love it ig" and they'd agree to it. They're both some really horny, freaky fucks and not to be on that cuck shit, but they'd lowkey really enjoy watching u get fucked by the other guys bc they're js freaky like that idk. And ngl, Rafayel getting passed around too, Sylus having the honor of fucking the brat out of him first😛😛😛
Caleb and Xavier would flat out refuse bc??? Bitch do u even know me😭⁉️ I'M CRYING AT THE SCANDALIZED LOOK THEY'D GIVE U. Like??? Bro ur insane for even asking that, genuinely. But then they think on it, and they're like actually tweaking out, Xavier crashing out the worst, but then it's like... lowkey it might be kinda hot... bc like... idk they freaky like that too. Like honestly, as long as they can constantly touch u at any point or u touch them, they might be able to handle it. I can imagine Caleb and Zayne bumping heads for whatever bs reason, and Xavier side eyeing Sylus the whole time. Rafayel and u wondering wtf these niggas got beef for when y'all not even naked yet😭⁉️ I imagine Xavier would also be passed around too tbh.
Zayne would honestly be the most chill w/ it. Like, "Is this what u really want?" And ur js like, "I mean, it'd be cool to have u all in the same room, doesn't necessarily have to be sex." And he js shrugs and is like, "Nothing against ur other friends, but I think we should all use protection." And u readily agree😭🙏🏾 anyways, Zayne would be chill w/ all of them. He thinks Rafayel is a little annoying, and he doesn't quite know where tf u found Sylus at, and he's almost asked to check Xavier's vitals like 20 times within the first fice minutes, but they're cool. Where his problem lies is Caleb... bc why is bro tryna size him up??? Buddy we were childhood friends too what😭⁉️ I think Zayne would eventually get sick of it and put Caleb in his place bc let's be honest... Zayne topping in that relationship, let's not be dumb...
Anyways, let's js say evb would leave w/ e/os numbers and a gc would be made, private messages would be sent, secret link ups that really aren't that secret bc all these niggas suck at lying😭😭😭 especially Rafayel. "Hey raf! I didn't give u that hickey?" "A turtle bit me." "Okay man."
And if this ends in one giant poly relationship then well. Uhm. Idk man, that's between y'all and God or smth idk💀💀💀
Oh yeah, and in this, u don't have an established relationship w/ any of the boys. Ur literally friends w/ all them and js so happen to be a little more than friends and u decide to spice things up😛😛😛 js silly thoughts that I have😭😭😭 ik some of these might be ooc, but it's js lil headcanons and thoughts LMFAOO
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sillyuin · 4 months ago
if your requests are in, I was wondering who in Svt would give u up for friendship and who would fight for u till the end ( if two of the members were interested in someone). I really like your style of writing and think it’s super super cute so I would love it if you could make this idea come to life: thank you and keep writing xxx🫶🏽
Hi anon! Sorry for keep you waiting but here it is. I struggled a little bc is the first time writing something likes this, but it was also fun, thank you ♥
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Seventeen reactions (ot13) - Fight or Flight?
Yuin's note: barely proofread. I'm still stuck with write's block so I don't know how my attempt at comedy turned out.
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Scoups: He’d be troubled. Seungcheol really, really wants to be with you and thinking about losing you is something that just can’t think of. So, he would just let it flow, no matter how hard it was, and do his best not to lose his mind. (but we all know he already did it and he’d kill to have you just for him).
Jeonghan: He'd be with a "I’ve got this” attitude and like he trust himself, but lowkey, Jeonghan is terrified about what could happen. This is not a Going Seventeen episode (and he hates to admit it) so he just can’t cheat like is a game, but probably will use all the cards he has up his sleeve.
Joshua: Maybe he has too much self-confidence or just don’t want to rush things over, but Joshua would be very chill about it. He will be your friend no matter what happens and will be there whenever you need him, so what happens it’s completely up to you. Good luck!
Jun: That would be a big surprise, not a pleasant one, and saying that he's just distressed is little for how he'd really feels about it. Jun loves you as you are, but he needs some space to collect his thoughts so he might be a distant for a time :(
Hoshi: Okay, this man would do anything for you so he won't give in so easily. Hoshi doesn’t matter anyone but you, so he will exhaust all the resources available to him, but also trying his best not to overwhelm you in the process (and we all know he’s fighting for his life lol).
Wonwoo: He'd prefer staying in his comfort zone and is okay with just a friendship, letting the path clear for the other person but also leaving the door open. (As soon as he's alone he would drown his sorrows by playing animal crossing and dissociating).
Woozi: Just like Wonwoo he'd prefer to keep it as a friendship, a little of you is better than nothing, open to possibilities but also without really looking for them. However, we all know him and would be so blue that will probably write a song about it (the next SOFT if you ask me).
Minghao: Despairing will not help and he knows that, so he'd try to push further than a friendship. Hao is patient but also dedicated, the last thing he wants is to do something that might hurt you, the best option is to walk at a slow and safe pace.
Dokyeom: Ugh, that would break his heart, he can't imagine his world without you but at the same time, Dokyeom knows that he can't tie you. So, whatever makes you happy would make him happy too... At least on the surface (We all know he'd be tossing and turning in bed trying not to think about it).
Mingyu: Sulky Mingyu just entered the chat because yes, a situation like that is very frustrating. But on the top of that is you. So, as long as you follow your heart, he would respect that decision, lowkey crossing his fingers behind his back for you to choose him.
Seungkwan: Probably too much for him to handle. Seungkwan would feel his emotions on the surface, unable to think properly. He'd prefer to step back for a time, maybe some days, at least until he can look at the others without looking like he wants to slap them.
Vernon: He wouldn't flinch we all know that for sure lol. He enjoys spending time with you and your silly jokes always makes his days a little brighter. No matter what happens, Vernon would be there to share more happy memories with you.
Dino: He'd probably freak out and scream on the inside because a love triangle wasn't on his bingo for this year. However, he's not quitting. If you end up just being friends then he will accept it, but no one can say that Chan wouldn't give his best to get you
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punksocks · 7 months ago
Astrology Observations: No.29
*only based on my observations, only take what resonates
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(Oml I didn’t realize that I haven’t written out a proper observations post since May?? I’m so sorry y’all life has been crazy b u s y and the world has been on fire due to colonialism, but I’m going to write more again 🙃 I love astrology but existence is wild y’all)
-I had a client say Geminis always get Gemini tattoos.. while getting a Gemini tattoo lol (and they were right!!) (Leo suns are second most likely imo)
-mutable venuses like changes in fashion a lot, they tend to go through fashion phases
-Every Pisces sun I’ve met has said they don’t really like being a Pisces at least once. Which is so interesting because Pisces sun isn’t a placement in determent, Libra is ! And I think 9 times out of 10 Libras will say they love being Libras (or it’s a huge part of their personality fr)
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-My favorite thing I’ve heard from a Libra sun I knew was that they hated doing all of the things that made them appear socially functional so I said “why do you do it? why not just stop doing what you hate?” and they just looked blank like they couldn’t even imagine not conforming (even though they were an aqua moon)
-Ok so I’ve been wondering why I’ve had repetitive instances of some people being passive aggressive and w e i r d at my main job when I literally own the business and I’m their boss?? But it’s that Lilith in 10th. No one is neutral about your energy and you can rub folks the wrong way just by minding your business. I don’t like it but especially at work bc I’m a Capricorn and this isn’t productive >:/ lol
-Oh another Lilith touching Asc observation is when people start a conversation with me like 60-75% of the time they try to challenge me or ask lowkey rude questions (sneak diss shit lol) like 3 different people asked me what tattoo I regret the most and I was like ??? Hello? Who are you? Lol these streets oml…
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-cancer placements can be really centered on defending their self, their perspective, their family, their community (they don’t have to be but it can be a common trait). I just noticed the pattern after ages of wondering why cancer was associated with nationalism on a wide scale. (Pluto in Cancer generation and the rise in nationalism after ww2 for example)
-I feel like Sagittarius placements (especially the big 3) will always be ready to do something new and life changing at any age (moving abroad, going on vacation and exploring new places, getting their first tattoo, anything that seems like it’ll open the door to a set of new experiences)
-Strong mars and mercury energy can make someone brutal in arguments (air mars, Virgo and Gemini mars, even Kendrick is an example he destroyed Drake- and Kendrick has mars conjunct Mercury and a Gemini sun)
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-Sag Venus culture is being clingy because you need a lot of attention/stimulation and suddenly ditching when you don’t get enough attention/stimulation to keep your interest 🥴 (even more with sag mars since they’re action oriented, they’re in the same camp imo lol)
-I blame America’s Aquarius moon for the cultural phobia of being too “irrational” or “emotionally expressive” ….while being known as being too passionate and irrational in many non US cultures (also the US and the emotional detachment for the sake of “progress”, dark side of this placement but thematic nonetheless)
-imo when sun’s transiting your Lilith you can feel like a lot of attention is on you, sometimes good but often pretty scrutinizing. I also feel like you can achieve some impossible things during this transit due to Lilith’s energy (she’s built for rebellion, so when a lot of criticism is pointed her way she finds an unconventional way to come out on top)
-I have so much writing to do but if there are specific placements you want me to do observations on, let me know in the comments and my inbox!
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hijackalx · 1 year ago
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
hes such a dick if ur a one night stand LMAO understandably tho. understandably..... but yeah if hes not really feeling u he just kind of dips out after coming up with some wack ass rehearsed excuse to protect ur feelings. totally different story if he loves u though. i feel like he gets sooo lovey-dovey post nut OMG like soo much praise and so many kisses. post nut clarity with his S/O consists of him enjoying the many wonders of the world 😭😭  that shit will have him watching the sunset
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
i think he likes his hands. i mean its one of the things he can see so like. but they are really nice. long and nimble fingers and smooth palms. his hands look like poetry lowkey. anyway if ur AFAB he loves titties. any titty. loves to mark them up and watch them bounce while u ride him. if ur AMAB its ur shoulder/collarbone area especially if its dainty and delicate looking but regardless he wants to bite around there. youll see him looking at them a lot
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he wants to come on ur face or inside u. his two go-tos. if hes about to nut he'll ask u really quick which u want and u have like 3 seconds to answer LMAO. takes a while to get to that point tho so u have some time to think about it beforehand 😭😭
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he got hard asf the first time u let him drink from u LMAOO he walked away and jerked off IMMEDIATELY
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
hundreds of years of experience is enough for me yeah
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
oooooooooooo gurl. ugh hold on theres so many it could be. ok so theres two. 1. he likes to sit u in his lap (the back of ur head on his shoulder or maybe even sitting sideways with ur legs off the side ??? idk however yall want) and finger/jerk u off. it makes him feel sooo in control 🤤 and 2. he lovesss eye contact so any positions where he can stare into ur soul 👁️👁️ yall why am i only seeing missionary rn...... or planking i guess lol
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
i think hes pretty serious. he might even get pissed off if u start acting too goofy lol like hes playful but not going to start cracking jokes 😹😹
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
this pains me to say...... but i dont think elves get body hair if any (like canonically)....... but i think its weird to be completely bald so im going to say hes got a little bit of pubic hair, armpit hair, and of course leg/arm hair. its just not very long or thick. he basically never has to trim or anything
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
my boy is a romantic at heart yall. will kiss u a lot and hold u very close. i think its rlly important for him to have some sort of emotional connection thru sex.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
honestly dont feel like he ever does normally LMAO when u reject him or push him away during the first romance scene and he says he'll go beat off i think hes just saying that to make u feel bad 😹😭  when u let him drink from u it was probably the first time he jerked off in a longggg time. i can see him thinking hes above doing something like that lol so its an ego thing
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
ok did u guys see the little church looking building at the first campsite in act 3??? i think if yall were to smash there he'd never forget it. like something about that turns him on so much. probably bent u over the altar. even after u guys are long gone he still thinks abt it.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
suck on his fingers omg. but also really likes to use sex to put u in ur place so if u guys argue or just dont get along at some point he will use that as a build up to sex. so he will purposely push ur buttons A LOT. cuz its like, how dare u raise ur voice at him ?? 😤
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
if u dont go along with what he wants to do he kind of gets pissy after a while. he only ever really wants to be in control and thats it. also wont do anything extreme or ridiculous either 😭😭 anything that makes him feel humiliated is a big no
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
for AFAB like ive said before he is the self-proclaimed coochie eating champion of faerun. sooooo good at it its not funny. will also kiss it and leave more kisses/bites on ur thighs. makes u feel like ur coochie is the most divine coochie in the world LMAO omg also will want to eat u out every time ur on ur period......... i think thats like one thing he will absolutely beg for OOP
if ur AMAB its basically the same just with a dick lol
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he can do both. probably likes to be a little rougher than most people though
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
yeah if hes in the mood i can see him scouting the area for a place to smash LMAO which probably happens pretty often. doesnt mind giving up the romantic aspect as long as yall still fuck for real every once in a while.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
i think he would need to be convinced. willing to hear u out at least
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
TOO LONG. HE LASTS WAY TOO LONG. i mean after u been suckin and fuckin for that many years how do u not take forever to nut 😭😭  u will get urs tho dont worry. also perfect situation for u to have multiple orgasms so dont get discouraged besties 🤘🏻
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
allllll the timeeeee. he wants u to need him more than anything else before he fucks u. u need to need this man like u need oxygen. like a fish needs water. like a plant needs the sun. like a
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
grunts and groans but when he gets closer to finishing he'll start moaning. he doesnt make an effort to stay quiet but also wont do anything embarrassing 😹
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
emmmmm i wanna say he can go a pretty long time without sex. but if he has a partner he is sexually attracted to his libido can be pretty high. but lets remember he is getting into his erectile dysfunction years ☝🏻 JOKINGGGG LMAO
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
well he meditates technically. but he gets into that lil meditation pose fast as fuck boy 🧘 do not interrupt him either he'll be grumpy 😭
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pinguwrites · 1 year ago
could u write a tommy or maybe neil x sister reader? i just saw that c.ai bot and it got me thinking
i got you
Drabble: Tommy wishes you were his
Pairing -> thomas shelby x sister!reader
Warnings: kinda dark, age-gap (not specified, but reader's in her early twenties and tommy late twenties/early thirties), incest (half siblings/stepcest, whatever you want), possessive!tommy, mention of arranged marriage, reader's lowkey insecure
Disclaimer: Peaky Blinders characters, plots, quotes, etc. do not belong to me and belong to the rightful owner(s). This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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Tommy thought he could do this. Arrange a marriage for you to some perfumed ass looking to have an exotic wife as a possession, all while getting connections to the Shelby Company Limited, and Tommy himself a pathway into the world of luxury and all things fine. But after seeing the way you frowned upon hearing the news, the way he heard you cry in your room late at night when you thought no one could hear, it broke his heart.
He didn't want to see you get married to someone else. You were always so innocent and sweet and kind, you deserved to find true love, but in a world like this, he couldn't risk the chance of someone taking advantage of you. The best thing for you was to marry you off to a rich man, one Tommy knew would treat you good. It was no fairytale, but it was enough to keep him satisfied. Enough to help him push down that aching feeling in his heart that told him it was he who should marry you, he who should fill your belly with his children, he who should be your man.
He rapped on your bedroom door lightly. He knew you were in there. He had just heard you sneak down into the kitchen to get a snack, and was carefully listening to your movements to find the right time to approach you.
You opened the door. You were wearing a nightgown, your nipples perked through them. When you noticed Tommy staring at your breasts, licking his lips, you covered them with your hands.
"What do you want?" you asked, your voice quiet, but he could detect the underlying sadness.
Tommy made his way inside, closing the door and locking it shut. He looked at your body again — oh, how he loved looking at you.
He gestured to your chest, "Remove your hands. It's only me in the room."
Reluctantly, you did as he said, noticing his eyes glance down there again.
You both sat down on your bed. You played with the hem of your dress, waiting for Tommy to say something, when he finally spoke.
"It isn't official," he said. "I'm not forcing you to get married. I only want what's best for you, sweetheart."
He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you close to his body, his warmth passing over to you.
“I know, I just . . .” You hesitated before continuing. "I don't want to disappoint you, Tommy. Everyone else already has a life, a partner. And you're going to find one, too. It's just a matter of time. I don't want to be alone," you admitted.
"No," he cooed, running his hand up and down your back in a soothing manner. He couldn’t believe what you were saying. "You're never going to be alone. Not while your big brother is here."
You nodded and leaned into his touch. You were feeling better already. Tommy always knew how to lift your mood. "Can I sit on your lap?" you asked tentatively.
He couldn't say no. "Of course."
He guided you onto him. You moved up, right where his bulge was. Tommy let out an involuntary groan as you settled yourself on that part, wondering if you were doing that on purpose. You couldn't be that naive.
"Can you give me a kiss?" you begged. "Just one? Like you used to?"
Tommy's cheeks dusted a light pink, barely visible.
He kissed your forehead, soft and tender, a kiss he poured of all of his forbidden love and affection into. He wished it could be your lips, but he didn't dare make a move. It was agonizing for him to just sit there, not able to do anything about his yearning for you. Sometimes, he wished you would make a move first, to actually like him back in that way, but he knew he was reaching too high into the stars.
"I'll stay here until you fall asleep, alright?" Tommy said, looking deep into your eyes.
You tried to hide your smile, but couldn't.
"Okay, Tommy. And you promise — I'll always be your first girl? Even after you marry? You won't leave me?"
"I'll never leave you," he said sternly. "And yes, you'll always be my girl, my one and only."
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winniefrezcomics · 2 months ago
I got reminded of these when I saw a repost
A mini comic you drew a while ago shows Iris in jail with Perry talking to him through glass. Perry has a smile and is guessing what they charged him on in a joking manner, also based on the wording of Perry and Iris conversation it isn't the first time he has been arrested.
So I was wondering if there was a pacific event that did lead him to getting arrested and i'm so curious what Perry's reaction was to seeing or being told his boyfriend was arrested.
Sorrry this is so long I just love your AU! And character designs 💙💜 (*´ ˘ `*)
AWH TYSM!! 🥺💕❤️ dw i love long questions dbdbddhjd, ranting incomprehensibly abt my AU satiates the hyperfocus demons 😂😂
Tbh for a second I got confused bc I thought u were talking abt a doodle comic I never finished or posted, but then I remembered this magma doodle exists 😂😂
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Dug that comic out to finish it for this ask too tho bc I lowkey forgot I was almost done w it ☠️☠️ ty for the reminder mwah mwah 😚
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SO UH- I feel like in a human AU, it would only make sense for Irep to have an EXTENSIVE criminal record, starting even back in elementary school 😂😂
Infodump under cut- (Cw for incarceration, false imprisonment, and a VERY brief mention of child abuse at the end- spoiler: Iris rocks an abusers shit HARD and goes to prison for it but jokes on them bc Perry and Iris then adopt his daughter and give her the loving parents she deserves 💙💜)
Kid Iris probably got sent to Juvie a few times but never stayed long because his rich daddy would either bail him out or prevent him from being emitted entirely- same story for his teen years- as far as WHAT lands him in juvie/jail in his youth, the general answer is “doing whatever the fuck he wants and having no concern over the consequences” wheeze
Vandalism, fist-fights, petty theft, grand theft auto, trespassing, breaking and entering- that sort of thing- his parents will always forgive him, so Iris has VERY little forethought when it comes to what actions may lead to getting him in legal trouble ☠️
HOWEVER, once Iris turned 18 and was legally an adult, his dad had more trouble bailing him out every time, so he had to serve a few short sentences here and there, but just sort of got used to the pattern of “do whatever the fuck I want, serve jail time if the cops catch me, go back to doing whatever the fuck I want�� 😂😂
Perry is never PLEASED to hear that Iris has been arrested again, but he’s also never surprised. usually Perry will either just sigh and reschedule thier upcoming dates, or if Iris has pissed him off recently, break up w him for the hundredth time only to inevitably take him back once Iris is released and stands outside his window w a boombox in the pouring rain or some other equally dramatic romantic gesture 😂
(Sidenote: I think another reason (anti) Cosmo starts to have trouble keeping Iris out of the hands of the law is that HE HIMSELF starts to get into hot water for stuff like tax fraud and embezzlement wheeze)
Unfortunately my friend you have activated my ANGST TRAP CARD w this one- check out below the cut for a huge infodump abt Iris’ Jailtime; specifically the worst ‘breakup’ he and Perry EVER had, that took them years to reconcile from! 🥰
His LONGEST sentence (the one where Perry LOST TRACK of him for multiple years) happened after Iris and Perry had a fight about Perry being “too boring” and “always trying to smooth down his edges” so they kind of sort of decide to go on a break, and Iris is too mad to even give his boyfriend a kiss goodbye (a decision he would come to regret for his ENTIRE LIFE).
Iris drags Sammy Sweetsparkle on an INSANE party binge in Tijuana or something- at some point losing track of Sammy, but deciding he’s having too much fun to stop now…. Only to end up taking the fall for a stranger in a HUGE drug bust of some kind, and getting thrown into a prison in MEXICO with NO SPANISH FLUENCY and no way to contact his friends and family back home ☠️☠️
Perry spends YEARS trying to find his boyfriend, losing weight, barley sleeping, and just generally making himself SICK with worry to the point that Timmy and his parents had to BEG HIM to just move on with his life, bc they couldn’t stand to see him wither away like that.
Despite having been dating thier son for multiple years, Perry actually didn’t have a very close relationship with Iris’s parents at the time, so even though at first he was constantly calling them for updates, by the time AC and AW actually FOUND thier son years later, they’re weren’t sure if Perry’s number was correct anymore, so when Wanda called Perry to excitedly tell him that they had FINALLY found Iris, unfortunately it’s TIMMY that happens to answer the phone.
Perry is staying with his brother for a short time to get back on his feet after finally giving up on finding his boyfriend and starting to apply for teaching jobs (something he got a college degree for but took a few years to pursue bc dating mid-20s Iris was a full time fuckin job tbh). Timmy is so glad that his brother is finally doing better, and, though secretly relived to hear Iris isn’t DEAD like Perry had been assuming, Timmy makes a hard (maaaaybe wrong as hell of him) decision… he tells Wanda she has the wrong number, and to never call again. 🙃
Lemme know if yall wanna hear about thier eventual reunion! Trust me, this peice makes it look WAY less traumatic and messy than it was 😬☠️ Iris basically does EVERYTHING WRONG HE POSSIBLY COULD HAVE to delay thier eventual reconciliation 😔
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Iris serves one more long sentence AFTER he and Perry make up and start dating again, but the reason is actually a noble one this time, and iris turns himself in willingly to prove to Perry that he’s not a killer, and he IS trying to be better (Iris found out one of Perry’s students had a horrifically abusive father and beat him within an inch of his life 💙 they later adopted said student)
which I mention here only so that I can ALSO post this art of thier SECOND post-jail reunion, which is MUCH more joyful and sappy than the first sobs- thier daughter is definitely present for this, just so itty bitty she’s off-screen lmao
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Ty for the question! I actually dug most of this infodump out of a discord server, but I’m glad to have it archived here now too uwu
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shinyrhinestones · 3 months ago
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Youthful Hearts
Part one
Series summary: Readers new around town, and therefore doesnt know the place or people. However, she ends up befriending the most chaotic people she could find.
Warnings: Idk let me know if u spot any. (Also this isn’t historically correct bc i want it my way ig).
Pairing: Billie Joe X Fem!Reader
A/N: Alright so I’m bored and I’m gonna apparently explore different fandoms, cause heres a Billie Joe fic. However I lowkey dont know where to go with this fic so I’ll only post this part for now, and to my surprise there isn’t a lot of fics within this fandom..
On a regular day at the week you found yourself in a whole new place. You were actually here for studying, but it was gonna be a long year if you didn’t make any friends or connections at all. Now, making new friends isn’t all that easy, which is why at first you settled with s cat. A male cat who would keep you company. He was cuddly, but also took care of himself, like all cats pretty much do.
But at one point you had to face the fact that you didn’t do well without social contact. Yes, you still called back home, not only to your family but also friends. But who would be there for you when you hung up? Exept for your cat of course.
You really didn’t know how to meet new people. What kind of communities were there in your area? And how did you join?
For being a 21 year old, on your own in a new place, you really hoped that there was communities for your age. And interests. One to mention could be music. Music means a lot to many people, including you.
You pondered and wondered but you just physically couldn’t come up with anything. So you gave up.
A week later, walking down a street you weren’t familiar with. You were on your way home, and unfortunately couldn’t go the way you always did, when coming home from a long day at your school. You weren’t all to familiar with your surroundings yet, and therefore mostly only felt safe walking the known path, you had to walk pretty much every day.
But this time you were stressed out because the path you always walk, was unfortunately closed down. In a sense that an accident had happened, down that specific street. Ambulances and police cars parked down that street, with flashing lights everywhere. You knew you couldn’t just find your way around, but you tried walking down other Streets to see if anything was looking familiar.
But you only got more stressed as you felt completely lost. Your mind was racing with a thousands thoughts at once. What was gonna happen now? You were starting to get sweaty under your jacket, which was even more frustrating cause it was already hot outside. You wore a dark coloured summer jacket, cause every now and then the summer breeze would hit, in such a relieving way. But instead of standing and not knowing what to do you kept walking around. Walking down a street where you a bunch young people hanging around. It was little funny, so hang on here.
By a pair of stairs, leading down into what normally would look like a shop. But you could tell this wasn’t a shop. A few youths sitting or standing by the stairs, chilling. Most of them with a cigarette in between their fingers.
You hesitated walking down the street, because not only did this look like a closed off space, but you weren’t that well around people your age. Why? Not sure, but maybe its the way its so easy to get wronged by people you thought would understand you.
At first you thought you’d just walk past them, but what if you had to go past them again, cause you walked in the wrong direction, like you’ve been doing for some time now. Your stomach churned.
You then decided to go up and ask them for directions, since it was probably what you should’ve done for so long now.
You probably looked extremely nervous walking up to them by the way your lips curved into an awkward smile, and your slightly shaky voice.
“Uhm..Hello. I’m new around here and I seem to be a little lost..” You were trying to explain your situation as you were facing completely new humans. From what you could tell they were all men. It only made you more nervous to talk to them, as you also took in completely new appearences.
Most of them had unnatural hair colours. Blue and green. Tattoos and piercings. By a first impression, you’d think they were open-minded. And you tried to calm yourself with that. Maybe they wouldn’t judge you, like you always worried would happen anyways.
You felt like they had such an intense gaze but when a stranger approaches you, that will probably be an outcome.
“Yeah so, this is the street I’m headed.” You pulled out a piece of paper from your pocket. A piece of paper you had kept on you ever since you moved in, because of the fear of exactly this scenario.
One of the guys with with a tatto on his arm, and an earring hanging from his earlobe tried to reach out for it before one the others snatched it out of your grip. You took a look at the guy who tried, but failed. His hair was dark but not black. Quite lighter actually. And he was probably the tallest one, but you couldn’t exactly tell when most of them were sitting down. His face had a few sharp features. Like the shape of his face was sharp and somewhat bony. He had a long nose and a long face in general. His hair was messy.
He gave the other nameless guy a look, which you couldn’t read. You figured it was just normal teasing among friends.
The man holding and reading the piece of paper, was the one sitting on the top step of the stairs. His hair was blue, a quite bright one.
He read it, as the other ones let their eyes get a glimpse of the writing. He stood up and you could tell that he was definitely shorter than the other one. Now you got a better look at his face. His eyebrows were a bit long and black. His face oval and his eyes were green. But you noticed how he had small dark circles under his eyes, and you yourself knew what that was like. He probably didn’t get that much sleep, and if he did it wasn’t enjoyable.
He started explaining the directions for you but you could barely keep up. You had never been good at directions, or finding your way around. You really tried to understand, and you didn’t wanna make a fool of yourself.
You felt like giving up and just letting yourself wander around for hours again. But what good would that do? When he was done explaining he was looking at you. His eyes squinted from the suns rays. Which made a Line appear between his eyebrows, and a subtle scrunched nose. You gave him an awkward smile and shrugged. “Thank you for the help.” You said, but he could sense the insecurity beaming out of you.
“Alright, come here.” He walked down to the end of the street as you followed behind. When he reached the corner, he started pointing to a bunch of directions while explaining. You were finally understanding, and he gave you back the piece of paper. “No problem.” He replied after you thanked him a second time. He kept standing for a moment by the end of the street, watching you for a few seconds as you made your way home. He turned away, and walked back to where he came from.
His friends had been joking around, and sounds of laughter escaped the young men. He sat down by stairs again, as one of his friends shoved him. “Should’ve asked for her nummer while you were at it.” A goofy tone echoed in his friends voice.
“Yeah, you snapped that piece of paper so quickly, I didn’t stand a chance.” His other friend joked along.
The blue haired guy shook his head, and reached for his friends cigarette box. “Hey!” He exclaimed in protest, but didn’t snatch it back. “You owe me now.” He gave a faint smile, and lit the cigarette with a black lighter.
For you, you couldn’t shake off the fact that this was the longest and most helpful conversation you had had in your everyday life outside of school yet. Not only that, but they were interesting guys. They looked different and probably on purpose. And to be honest they were interesting to you. What a bummer this is how it went.
if anyone is actually interested and wants a part more let me know (: also there’s probably spelling mistakes sorry! English is not my first language guys. I’ll probably right one anyway but at the same time i would need something to be motivated for like be fr.
You can find the other parts here
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heartilywrites · 8 months ago
Omg! I lowkey kinda binged all of your KorraxReader stories lol! I was wondering if you can write about Korra and the reader having a daughter (pregnant + birth if that’s okay with you ;)). Idk how to describe it but the spirits somehow allowed reader to become pregnant with Korras child and Tenzin confirming that it’s possible because it happened to Kyoshi and Rangi.
،، 𝓐 Glimpse of Us ; Korra
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request guide | masterlist
resume: where the spirits gave you the best gift you could ask for.
content warning: domestic ; fluff ; Korra x fem!reader ; the whole fic is about pregnancy !! ; tw for vomit ; ephemeral mention of sex ; no nation nor bending status mentioned ; no use of y/n
wc: 3.6k
a/n: hi darling!!! im glad u like my fics akdhsj the partner cravings, heartburn and belly shapes are just superstition/beliefs I know around pregnancy because in my country is believed to be true and I wanted to share because I love the those ideas <3 this one was definitely one of my favorites to write, i love domestic fics <3 THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING, ENJOY:D
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“ I will be protect you from all around you, I will be here, don't you cry.
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Sitting beside the ceramic seat, you were almost laying down with one hand over your stomach after throwing up everything you had in, you were sure even your ideas got mixed with the vomit.
Something you ate had fucked with your stomach, you thought, but what could it be? All the foods you ingest that week were homemade, maybe the strawberry candies Korra had brought?
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “My spirits, you look like you saw a ghost.” your partners voice got your attention. “Here, I bought an electrolyte and I'm making a soup for you to eat... I think we should go to the doctor.”
You shook your hand, straightening back up and taking the bottle on your shaky palms. “I'm okay, something just...” you shut yourself up and opened again the toilet to keep returning the last pieces you had on your stomach, the girl's hands held your hair.
It was safe to say after staying another three minutes in the bathroom, Korra took you to the doctor against your will. At first they said it could be a stomach flu since there was an epidemic going on about it, but he wanted to make sure by examining you.
When you described your symptoms, you saw an eyebrow raised your way and the pen was quick to write down. The doctor had asked you to do some exams to be sure, hours had gone by and Korra was sat by your side holding your hand at the waiting area.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Maybe this is a sign for me to stop buying you sweets.” she joked to break the silence, you looked at her funny.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “On the contrary, I'm sure it's a sign that you don't buy me enough sweets.” your eyebrow was raised and she giggled.
She was about to attack again when the doctor coming in asking you to step in their office cut her off. Once they saw you settle in the seats, a couple of papers where brought up. “Okay, the results just came in and what I suspected was confirmed.” hands held together, the doctor's gaze was on you now. “Congratulations, ma'am, you're expecting.”
Any and all traces of calm smiles were dropped from both faces, Korra's gaze showed confusion your way while yours was uncertain, a mix of panic and confusion.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Wh– okay, wait, are you sure?” you asked however you could formulate. “Is this even my record? Didn’t you confuse me with someone else?”
The professional read your name out loud on the folder, you nodded. “Then it is you, miss, I would recommend you to start looking for a obstetrician or a doula, is really up to your comfort...” you zoned out, not being able to hear the rest.
The walk back home, both Korra and you were quiet trying to digest what just happened, walking one beside the other. At half of the trail, you stopped the girl with your hand on her arm.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I didn’t cheat, I swear.” you were quick to clarify, bitting the inside of your cheek, she blinked surprised.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Darling, I know... We spend like twenty-five of the twenty-four hours of the day together.” her eyes softened and took your hands. A small sigh left her lips. “I just... I don't get it...”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Fingers do get you pregnant.” you joked, feeling your face a bit warmer and Korra giggled.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “If that was the case I'm sure we should have at least a football team by now.” she smiled flirty. Now you felt your face hot, you pushed her softly. “...Do you think maybe Tenzin can help us?”
After a shrug from you, the avatar made the way for you two to go at the Air Temple Island to pay a visit to the master.
Upon arriving, everyone welcomed the two of you with open arms and excitement to see you. Korra asked the older man for a private conversation as it was important, when the three of you were alone she explained the whole situation to the man and even when both thought that he was going to think you two were crazy, his face stood calmed, a bit surprised by the end.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I see...” you took Korra's hand in yours, nervous. “Listen, kids, it's not the most common thing, but this had happened before.”
A wave of relief washed over you, thanking the universe at least maybe you had references from the past to understand this whole situation.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “How so?” the avatar asked, frowning a little bit.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Back at avatar Kyoshi's times, the spirits gifted her and her partner, Rangi, the opportunity to be mothers,” he began, you frowned a little bit. “It was... They conceived a child with their features, a biological child.”
Your eyes shot at Korra, she was already looking your way with excitement shining in her gaze. Her hand squeeze yours and she smiled. Tenzin smiled fondly at the two of you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “All I can say now is congratulations, girls.” he finished walking up to you two and hugging both. “I know you will be such great mothers to this fortunate child.”
After that visit and staying over for dinner, you two went back home with a bunch of tips and stuff Pema had given you for the journey the second she stopped hugging you so tight, happy about the news.
You still felt a bit confused at the whole situation, by the time you lay besides Korra at bed, she hold you close.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Mothers... Can you believe it?” you asked looking back at her, she opened one of her eyes and then both of them.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It feels surreal.” she answered, her free hand moved a strand of hair out of your face. “A weird gift from the spirits, but if it's with the love of my life I know it was the best decision made.”
You stood up a bit to exchange a sweet kiss with the girl. “We need to start moving our ass if we want to be ready on time for when our child gets here.” you whispered on her lips, she smiled.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I love how that sounds, our child.” now her arms hugged your neck to pull you back on top of her.
The next weeks, Korra and you started to look up for the most important things you needed at the early stage of the pregnancy. A doula was contacted and named the family's, you bought books on pregnancy and started to buy things to make a nursery on one of the guest rooms in your house.
The first trimester the one that suffered the cravings was all Korra, you remembered reading a book on how in some pregnancies the person carrying the child wasn't the one with cravings, but their partner and when that fragment popped up in your memory you found yourself giggling while Korra was eating fire flakes with a sweet sauce, she looked at you confused.
Your belly wasn’t showing much at the first half of the trimester, but you were amaze at how a tiny group of cells were taking such toll on you. You found yourself tired most of the time, always napping when you had the chance, there were foods you couldn't stand even smelling, you hated that part so much because of the nausea you were experimenting half of the time.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “My boobs hurt.” you said one night preparing for bed, pouting a little bit.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Want me to give you massage?” the girl's eyebrows played before giggling.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You just ate fire flakes, I'm not letting you touch me with those fingers.” Korra let out an offended sound, you laughed with closed eyes. “Let's sleep, my three hours nap didn't work.”
By the beginning of your second trimester, you felt changes; you passed from being tired all the time to being active shopping stuff for the baby, almost as if you weren't fatigued a week prior.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “That's my little strawberry,” Korra was talking to your belly while you were laying down looking fondly at her. It was beginning to be a tradition for her to talk to the baby every night before going to sleep. She also had started to call the baby strawberry after remembering how you two blamed the candies with said flavor she bought for your sickness. “We're so excited to meet you, baby, you have no idea what we just bought for you.”
You giggled. “And what your uncles will buy you when they learn about you.”
Before the beginning of your fourth month, Korra and you came to an agreement of not saying anything to your friends for a little bit while you got settle with the important details and thankfully your baby was also part of the agreement by not showing much, you also were grateful with the fact that the clothes you used was a bit more loose from your shape.
You two hosted a dinner for the group as a way to announce the news to them and after eating and chatting for a little while, Korra broke the news to them with the whole explanation following. The three had such surprised expression that it was funny looking, but after some questions and giving them time to assimilate the situation, they were quick to hug both.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “That baby will have the best uncles and aunt in the world.” Mako said, pulling away from you, you smiled and nodded teary-eyed by the mix of hormones and the situation.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Do you have names? Oh! Can I suggest? Bolin is such a strong name.” the earthbender said, making you all laugh a bit.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “This is so sudden, I'm so glad you told us! I will finally be the rich aunt.” Asami talked now, you hugged her with a smile.
After that announcement, Korra had made a letter to send to her parents writing exactly what she said to her friends and the context. Saying how she was excited for this new chapter in her life, how they would be the best grandparents and telling them you two would visit after the baby was born for them to meet; the two southerners sent back a letter congratulating and some of Korra's toys and clothes from when she was a baby along with a necklace from the water tribe.
The changes you felt were a lot, but you were so grateful to have Korra by your side in the whole journey to comfort you those nights you couldn’t sleep because your hormones were making you feel bad or because you had a lot of heartburn that was impossible for you to lay down for more than one minute
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “You know, my grandmother used to say that when you were feeling heartburn during your pregnancy was because the baby would born with a lot of hair.” she said one night, at the end of your second trimester while leaving circular caresses on your back, you had a grimace on your face.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I would love for the baby to born with a lot of hair, but this is ridiculous, I hate it.” Korra hugged you with a tiny smile, leaving you a kiss on your head.
At the end of your fifth month, your belly had grown big enough for anyone to tell that you were heavily expecting, it was getting harder to breath normally and one day you finally were able to feel your baby.
The first communication your tiny person had with you was while you two were preparing the nursery with a cradle, a changer, a rocking chair and the toys for the baby.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Holy fuck,” you said under your breath, both hands now resting on your belly. Korra got close quickly. “No way.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Are you okay? What happened?” no verbal answer was given, your hand took one of hers and left it resting on your belly. “Honey, what...?”
Korra's voice got quieter when a soft kick was felt under her palm, teary-eyed she looked at you. The baby was starting to kick, you took it as a way for them to greet you. Tearing up a little bit, Korra left a kiss on your lips, excited.
Midway your last trimester, your back was starting to hurt and your feet were swollen all the time, adding how now you got tired so easily since you had difficulty with breathing as normal.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Tenzin told me I could do something to help you with your back pain,” the southerner talked walking to you and getting behind. Both hands cupped your belly, you were confused. “Ready?”
You nodded, with a slight frown. With all the caution in the world, Korra picked up your belly; in the act, she was picking the baby, you felt instant relief when at the feeling of less weight on your back to the point where you sighed and melted in her arms, the avatar giggled before leaving a kiss on your cheek.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Thanks to the universe for Tenzin,” you said, you felt so good. “How did he learn about it?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “When Pema was expecting Ikki her back pain didn't allow her to sleep well and he simply tried it one time she was standing and thought that maybe if he picked up her belly a little bit she would rest for at least some moments.” your head nodded, it made sense for them to have the best tips on pregnancy after four kids.
By the middle of the last month, everyone reunited a last time before you got into labor to celebrate the new baby coming to the world. A small reunion with your closest friends, food and some anecdotes, a couple brought gifts for the baby even if you two insisted it wasn’t necessary, but thank them afterwards.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I think it's going to be a boy.” Mako said, taking a seat with his plate of food.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It's going to be a girl, look at her belly,” Pema counterattacked, sure of her answer. “It's round. You know what they say, round belly is a girl, low belly is a boy.”
You giggled and turned your gaze to your now big belly, small caresses were left by your hand. “It doesn't really matter, we're going love them either way.”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Yeah, as long as they're healthy we'll be good.” Korra backed you up, sitting next to you and handing a plate of food. “Strawberry will be the happiest child.”
A couple of minutes after they all left, Korra and you were picking everything up. Well, Korra was, you tried to help and she had scolded you saying that you should just relax and not worry about anything.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Korra, it's okay, I won't break water just for picking some cups.” you laughed, walking to the sink.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “No, but I don’t want you to do anything either, being pregnant with our kid is enough.” she spoke while washing the dishes, when her blue eyes looked for you and spotted you standing still in the middle of the living room, she frowned. “Did you drop something?”
Your eyes were looking at the water puddle you just made, after some minutes of silence, you turned slowly to your partner. “Don't be mad... My water did break.”
Plates and cups made noise when they dropped from the avatar's hands, drying them she run your way. “What!? Oh my fucking spirits, okay, let's stay calm, we are prepared for this.”
Still standing, a pain assimilating a cramp started to make appearance on your body, making you shut your eyes ans grunt a bit. “Honey...”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Wait, no, fuck, I forgot where is the birth bag!” the southerner started to run in circles on the house. “Where's the doula's number!?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Love..” you tried to talk, you felt out of breath at such pain extending all over your lower body.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I think I'm lightheaded,” she stopped on her tracks. “Where's the bag!?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Korra!” you screamed when the contraction stopped, she looked at you astonished. “We first go to the hospital and there we call the doula, the number is on the bag which is at the entrance.”
She nodded with a worry look, you extended your hands asking for help and she was quick to take them. Helping you to walk out of the house to the car Asami had sell you two, Korra walked at your speed, leaving strokes on your back and saying courageous words.
After that tiny panic reaction, the avatar focused in being your support during birth. Even if she didn't drive that well, Korra managed to get both of you to the hospital once she made sure everything was on the bag. She registered you and made the call while you were getting checked up. When everything was settle she sat besides you taking your hand for support and always attentive at you.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “This is happening.” she said, cleaning sweat from your forehead. “This is really happening, holy shit.”
She heard a sob coming from you and panic took over.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Are you okay, baby? Do you want me to call a nurse?” she asked quickly, looking up to see if she could catch any on the way. You pulled her a bit and when she saw you, you shook your head.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I don't think I'm ready,” you whispered, embarrassed. How come you would say that until now? “I'm scared.”
Your partner smiled with warmth and left a soft kiss on your forehead. “I'm scared too, baby... But I know we're going to be great mothers, we have the best support circle with us, you can do this, my love, I know it.”
Your frown raised a bit while a weak smile showed on your face. “I love you so m–” a grunt vibrated on your throat making you stop talking and squeeze her hand.
Even when the avatar was strong and she could handle pain, the squeeze felt a bit too much. “Oh, wow, that was a big one, huh?”
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Mh–mh,” you shook your head and found the way to talk. “It's coming, I'm sure it's coming now.”
And that was enough to make Korra call for help. Once the doula was in the room, everything else happened a bit quicker.
While you were pushing, you had the southerner by your side cheering on you and cleaning the sweat on your face, her eyes traveled from you to the professional and back to you. The last minutes felt like hours to both of you, but the sound of crying washed over relief on the both of you; with tears in the eyes, your partner was handed the tiny bulk in a blanket.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Congratulations on the girl, moms.” the doula said with a big smile, Korra's eyes widened and shot to you. Between tears, you giggled.
Your arms stretch to her asking for the baby and when you had her in your arms, it felt like you finally were complete. Accomodating the tiny human in your arms, you could see Korra's hair color in her and it made you laugh a little bit.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “She's beautiful,” the avatar said looking at the baby from your side. A kiss was left on your head. “Thank you, love, for our child.”
Bright eyes looked up to her and smiled, exchanging a sweet kiss before turning back to the newborn when she cried again. When she opened her eyes after she was cleaned up and brought back to you at birth, iced color orbs sparkle at you and from that moment you had a feeling she was going to be Korra's copy, and you weren't wrong.
As the baby grew, the avatar's features started to show. She had the same skin tone, face form, hair color, nose type and even her personality, you would always joke to her about how you just birthed a mini Korra when the two of them did something similar at the same time. The first month with the baby had been such a challenge with the sleepless nights and how you always resorted to Pema when you two needed help with the baby. But you were sure all was worth it when you saw Korra play with her and make her laugh with the southerner's actions, you were so grateful for your family.
Visiting the avatar's parents after the baby turned one month old, Senna was the most excited one to see her granddaughter.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Oh, my spirits! She looks just like Korra when she was a baby!” she exclaimed excited while her eyes were delighted at seeing your first-born in her tiny water tribe outfit they sent, you smiled proudly and turned to the mentioned.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “I told you, she's your twin.” the southerner rested an arm on your shoulders, bringing you closer while she shook her head laughing.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “What's her name?” Tonraq now asked while playing with the baby, making faces behind Senna.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Strawberry.” his daughter answer, you sighed shaking your head.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “Her name is Yui.” you said, your arms hugging your partner's waist.
‍ ‍ ‍ ‍‍ “It's the same, Yui means strawberry!” she defend, you nodded a little bit just to let her have her win and a laugh was heard from the baby making everyone melt in love for her.
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peachhcs · 1 month ago
We need a part two to the Emma and Gabe angst nowww
sooo many people asked for a part 2 so here it is!!! my beloveds ❤️❤️ as u can tell they don’t stay “mad” at one another for long and make up almost immediately or at least figure out what the issue is
(also tell me how my inbox went from 77 to 122 HAHA is that telling to how full my inbox has been and how i’m trying to get through requests. thanks for bearing with me 🙏)
(also also this is lowkey short i’m so sorry 😭 for that)
au masterlist | part 1
when emma never called gabe he went to go check on her. it was probably close to 11pm as he gave a gentle knock to her door and hoped she wasn’t asleep already. considering how late she stayed up in the library, gabe knew she couldn’t have been asleep just yet.
the door finally cracked open and he saw her familiar blonde hair peaking through, “gabe?”
“hi,” he smiled.
“what are you doing here?” she grew confused as to why her boyfriend was standing outside of her dorm so late.
“you never called me, so i wanted to make sure you were okay,” the hockey player said and for a moment, emma’s expression softened hearing him say that.
she opened the door wider, “oh. well, i’m okay. sorry, i didn’t call. i got tired. i guess,” which wasn’t a complete lie. emma did get tired once she got back to her room and she just didn’t know if she could make it back outside after the long day. she was also just trying to process everything and the way she was feeling earlier.
“it’s okay. is everything okay?” the taller boy wondered and emma hated how concerned he looked for her. his head was tilted and he stared down at her and fuck, if that look didn’t want to make her just break down right in front of him.
she wasn’t going to do that though because that would be majorly embarrassing.
“yeah, ‘m fine,” the blonde nodded. unfortunately, gabe saw right through her.
“i know you’re lying. i know you didn’t want to get dinner with me for a reason,” he said not mad or anything, but simply just pointing it out. emma bit her bottom lip and struggled to find the right words.
“you know you can talk to me, right? i promise i won’t judge you or think it’a stupid. was it about today? were the guys too much? they can get like that when we watch any type of sport,” gabe rolled his eyes a bit which finally made emma crack a smile.
“no, no. it wasn’t..it’s like..i dunno. you might think it’s stupid..” the girl’s voice became small and embarrassed that she was even feeling this way earlier now that her boyfriend was making her tell him.
“i just told you i wont think it’s stupid. i wanna know what’s wrong,” the dark-haired boy urged. emma’s gaze locked with the ground as she tried finding the right words.
“i guess it was just the whole game just like..i dunno. i didn’t really know what was going on and then like..you all have known samy for years and i haven’t and like..she seems so cool and popular..and like..” her sentences jumbled together into basically nonsense, but gabe somehow still understood.
“wait, wait..do you think i like samy? you know she’s dating will right and they’re like super in love with one another?” gabe asked and emma grew embarrassed for the second time.
“no i know i just..i don’t really know. i told you it was stupid,��� she shook her head but gave cupped her face in his hands.
“it’s not stupid, em, i promise. i know it can be weird and scary to get thrown into a friend group so fast like that. i should’ve not done that and i’m sorry. i never meant for you to feel excluded. i just wanted you to meet everyone more and hang out with us,” gabe began softly. “i promise they love you. they’re just really..rambunctious at times and maybe soccer shouldn’t have been the first thing we all did together.”
they shared a laugh.
“as for samy, i like you. you’re the one i’m dating. she’s a longtime best friend of all of us, but her and will are like in love. although, i can see your concerns because we are all pretty close, but i promise, she is just a sister to me. nothing more, ever. you’re the one i asked to help me with my econ homework,” he made her laugh again and emma blushed thinking back to that day in french class that started this whole thing.
“sorry i got all weird. your friends seem really, really cool. i guess i’ve just never had friends that were so close before like that. samy does seem really cool and i hope i can talk to her more,” emma nodded with a small smile.
“hey, don’t apologize. your feelings are valid, okay? i’m always here to talk and help you out. you’ll warm up to everyone the more you hang out with them. plus, we can always start small and then get bigger so it doesn’t overwhelm you as much. they can be a lot all together,” gabe mumbled.
“thanks, p. i did have fun today. you were right about samy being really good,” emma chuckled as she let her boyfriend further into her room so they weren’t in the doorway anymore. he grinned.
“she is amazing and i am glad you came along,” the hockey player kissed her forehead. emma melted into his touch, the anxieties she had earlier slowly melting away the longer she held onto him.
despite it being 11:30, gabe and emma got themselves comfortable in her bed to watch a movie. she snuggled in close to him to listen to his steady heartbeat against his chest to calm her even more. he helped ground her for the night while they lost themselves in the movie and each other.
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lueurjun · 1 year ago
ENHA REACTION ⋆̩ s/o that loves the gym
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🖇·˚ ༘┊ 𝐑𝐄𝐐 . anon ,, hello !! i was wondering if i could request a enhypen with gym rat s/o? i took my friends to the gym w me (they wanna beef up, their words exactly) and they were genuinely shocked when i got on some of the machines to demonstrate for them😭😭
˚ ༘💭 ·˚ message from lueurjun . . . hi sweet ! i really hope this was okay for you — this is just hyung line [ refer to my pinned post as to why ] so i hope you’re okay with this. also ! teach me your ways ! we love a talented gym icon like yourself—ps. i’m sorry for how long this took, i was caught with a serious case of writers block and just couldn’t seem to like any of the drafts i did.
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★ ! H E E S E U N G
jaw on the ground
literally unable to look away
me when i see u fr 🫨
a cute gym date where you’d work out together turned into him literally gawking at you
bro fr said🧍‍♂️
he knew you were consistent at the gym, the results were right before his eyes whenever he saw you
but he wasn’t aware of how effortless it was for you
yo he lowkey high-key loved it
let’s be honest, he spends the majority of the session just watching you
he’d still be on his first machine by the time you’re almost done
gym people have my full respect, i start seeing stars after my ten min pilaties work out
once the first wave of shock had washed off, it’s replaced with something else
a feeling in the pit of his stomach which has him seeing you in a different light
mind out of the gutter you filthy animal
he’d never been more attracted to you than when he saw you tearing it up on those machines
the way you can tell i’ve never stepped foot inside a gym before-
“are you good?”
you’d ask him, taking a moment to catch your breath
there’s slight concern creeping up your spine as you watch him
he’s just standing with his mouth half open
you: 🏋️‍♀️/🏋️ him:🧍‍♂️🫠
“me? yeah! perfectly fine”
there’s literally drool sliding down his chin and his voice is at least an octave higher
despite his obvious amazing acting skills when it comes to acting like he wasn’t about to combust
you do notice that he becomes quite clingy during your break
imagine him wrapping himself around you like a koala whilst you stand and just drink your water, holding up his weight like it’s no big deal 💪
once his clinging streak starts
yeah that break signals the end of your workout because he is not letting you go
like at all
you practically have to carry him out of the gym
that should be me 😤 you should be carrying me
★ ! J A Y
i see him being slightly competitive with you
but in a sweet romantic way
it would be your little thing!
bashing my head against a wall bc competitive romance 🫶
he was a little worried he wouldn’t be able to keep up with you at first
because you’re a warrior on those machines
but he actually manages just fine which is how it turned into a competition between you both
“bet you can’t do 6 sets”
if i got the terminology correct i want a cookie and your hand in marriage STAT if not then at least still give me a cookie
gym couple goals
jay definitely posts those pinterest aesthetic gym selfies with you
in my world he is a pinterest addict LET ME HAVE THIS
the two of you would definitely go viral on pinterest too
sometimes the other members tag along and just have to sit and watch the two of you threaten to bash each other with weights
they pretend to vomit when he kisses you after threatening to push one of the machines on top of you
that’s so romantic to me shut up
you both try to outrun each other on the treadmill
and you pretend not to notice him slowing down so you can win
you’d probs beat him even if he didn’t but we’ll let him have his moment
dabbing each others sweat away which turns into the two of you hitting each other with the towel
him holding your water bottle up to your lips and just holding it whilst you drink it
me in the back laying on the treadmill just letting it fling me off because you’re the cutest
without a doubt gym dates are your thing
and dare you say, your favourite dates of all time
★ ! J A K E
without a doubt he buys you matching gym gear
a lot like heeseung in the sense that he will spend the majority of the time just gawking at you
finds you the absolute hottest when you’re in the zone, he cannot cope
you’d be having him hyperventilating fr
supportive supportive supportive!!!
did i mention supportive?
he’s the type to stand behind you and pat your thigh, offering words of encouragement when he senses that you’re tired
“you got it! you got this! one more.”
didn’t think that through before i typed it- 😬
“i might die.”
“i’ll carry you home, you got this.”
he does in fact carry you home
likes having you in front of him when he’s doing his own work out
he claims your face gives him encouragement and who are you to deny him as such?
supportive lovers 🫶 iwillbestargazingintheroadtonight
definitely makes you lay beneath him whilst he does press-ups, making sure to kiss you every single time
does the same when you’re doing press-ups
basically press-ups = kiss central
and i personally find that rather romantic 😌
jake is the proudest boyfriend ever
loves seeing your progress and listening to you talk about it
if you’re the type to log down your workouts and meal plan then he likes to sit and read through it and will put smiley face stickers in the corner of each page
jake has a collection of stickers stashed somewhere because i said so
the gentleman he is will move the equipment after you’re done so you can get straight onto the next one
he doesn’t even work out at this point he just spends his time doting on you
celebratory ( and sweaty ) hugs once you’re done because you deserve them
★ ! S U N G H O O N
ngl i struggled with this one
i’m running off 0 sleep let me live
i like to think that he admires you from afar
he loves that you love to work out and is super proud of your process in a silent way
i can definitely see him working out with you but separately
like the two of you do your own thing but with the added comfort of knowing that the other is nearby
i’d sit on the sidelines cheering you both on like WOOOO GO SUNGHOON ! WOOO GO Y/N !! WOOOOOO ! like that 😌
sometimes when sunghoon is resting, he’ll admire you whilst taking sips of his water
you definitely make him nervous especially when you catch him watching
smirk at him and he’ll go into cardiac arrest
he’s so real for that
no but genuinely he’s so enamoured by you
enamoured 🤓
the two of you gazing at each other every now and then whilst on one of the machines
he almost dropped a weight on his foot because you winked at him and he lost all feeling in his body
not you almost breaking his foot 😭😭
protective of each other
the gym is your sanctuary so if anyone comes in and tries to ruin that by approaching you in a manner neither of you like
you’re both ready to start throwing weights around
imagine you just launch a dumbbell at someone for eyeing him up HA
forced couple selfies
as in you ask him to take one with you and he pretends like he hates it but makes the photos his lockscreen, his homescreen, his laptop homescreen, his ipad homescreen
basically any homescreen he can find
bro would plaster it on a display tv in a shop if he was allowed
yeah bro definitely hates taking couple selfies, sure sounds like he absolutely despises them 🙄
shy kisses on the cheek when the workout is over as a ‘well done, im proud of you’
gosh let me have what you two have i cannot
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nicofics · 1 year ago
hiii i saw ur requests were open so i was wondering if u could write the obey me brothers and how theyd react to a mc/reader who gets turned into a teenage mc ?
specifically where theyre really shocked about how teen!mc acts. theyre super rebellious and disrespectful and get into fights but adult!mc is so gentle and kind and mother/fatherly. and eventually it turns out that teen!mc acts that way because they dont have the greatest home life (up to you if u want to go into detail or not idrm either way ^^) and explains why adult!mc doesn't really talk about about their childhood.
𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙗𝙡𝙪𝙚𝙨
𝘮𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘰𝘯, 𝘭𝘦𝘷𝘪, 𝘴𝘢𝘵𝘢𝘯 & 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
summary: mc gets changed into a teenager, how will the brothers react to this rebellion?
notes: sorry this took so long!!! i only wrote for 4 brothers bc i felt like i was writing TOO MUCH lucifer 😭😭
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when you first get turned, mammon is particularly excited. he actually gets to see what you were like when you were younger! you never spoke about it so thats why he’d be excited. however, when he sees that you’re rude, and rebellious, its a bit of a shock for him. he doesn’t understand how someone as sweet as you could’ve ever been someone like this. due to his lack of knowledge about the situation, he asked teen you, you told him. when mammon heard what happened when you were younger he felt SO BAD. he’d do anything to make you feel better until you turn back, and when you do, he’ll be by your side
levi was lowkey kind of scared at this new you, like mammon, he couldn’t comprehend that you were once like this. he’d avoid you, but only because he didn’t know how to handle the situation! he’d feel so bad that he couldn’t be with you he’d eventually give in to his anxiety and ask you what happened. when you tell him he’ll feel relief as it wasn’t that you were angry at him, but he’d feel so bad for you, he’d offer to play games with you to make you feel better and not get into fights and stuff
satan is different from the other brothers, he’s more understanding of why you’re like this now. i feel like satan is the kind of person who will tell you how he went through the same things to not make you feel alone. satan would tell you about when the brothers first fell and how he felt being surrounded by demons who didn’t know him, trust him, or even like him for that matter. he’ll try relate his experiences to yours and when you tell him what happened to you, he’ll be proud that you told him, and offer to help find ways to make you feel better
beel is extremely different from his brothers, when you start acting different as a teenager, he’ll offer to take you to a restaurant or to the gym. he’d tell you the gym always makes him feel better and get his anger out. if you agree then you two would have a great time at the gym, and you’d feel better about everything. if you tell beel what happened in your younger years he’d be sympathetic with you, he’d offer to eat with you, anything you want!! and he’d even offer you food
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justwritingscenarios · 2 years ago
Hey there, hope ur doing alright
May I please have Sir crocodile &/or Trafalgar Law for a scenario(ig it was numb 6 but I changed it a bit) in which they're mistaken as a couple so their *partner to be* says that they're not together, but they'll correct them by lowkey being protective and saying "well not yet" or sth like that
I'm not sure if ur ok with the changes or u do two seperate characters for one scenario, so feel free to ignore it
and that's it! Thank you.
Hello~ I prefer getting a character one by one. For creative reason, simpler working for one idea at a time. So I went for Law this time but you can still sent me the request for Crocodile ! :) I wish I understood your request well. - Lara
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Scenario 2 : "no we are not together" "…at least not yet"
Trafalgar Law x GN! Mugiwara! Reader // Words : 750 // Warning : Law is a bit OC by being flirty. (no beta reader)
Luffy had once again emptied the food stock, earning a kick from Sanji, a punch from Nami and a death glare from Law. The Straw-hat boy was an expert to thwart Law’s plans. The Heart was getting used to it.
The Thousand Sunny and the Polar Tang berthed next to another on the big docks of White Castle, an island known for their marketplaces. It was the perfect place for Sanji to fill up the pantry and for everyone to do some purchases. Everyone was content with that unforeseen stop.
Law was leaning on the railings of the submarine, looking at the city.
“Are you really staying here sulking until the evening?”
He turned his head to you, standing on the quay, and smirked at your remark. “And who’s going to keep the sub if I’m leaving?”
“Close it? Moreover, Zoro’s keeping the Sunny, he can keep an eye on the Tang too. I’m suuure if there is a place you can find a medical book you don’t already have in your huge collection, it’s here.”
Law knew you were right. About Zoro. And about the book. And he found it entertaining to hang out with you. He already had before, during missions or free time on your both ships. You had many interests and hobbies, some he shared, which led you to lots of interesting conversations, sometimes with crewmates, others just the two of you. The man wasn’t naïve; he knew he had fall in love with you and that he couldn’t do anything against it but be there, enjoy your presence and protect you whenever you’d need it. And expect you feel the same. Because he wasn’t sure.
“Look, isn’t it the book you wanted the last time?” Law walked closer to you and watched the book you pointed to. You were right, he was looking for it. That was the kind of thing that made Law thought you could love him too. All those moments you would point out something he likes or wants; or despises, just to kid him with your mischievous smile.
“Yes, it is. Thanks (Name)-ya.”
Law kept looking at the medical section with you before going to the cheek out. The shop assistant registered it and asked him. “It is a gift for you (gender)friend? I can gift-wrap.” Law was wondering what made them think it would be a gift for you, that you answered. “We’re not together.” And Law, in a murmur, added “not yet”, without knowing you heard.
You went on and on with different kind of shops, through different marketplaces, until “I’m hungry.”
“Oh, so it was your tummy rumbling. I thought it was an earthquake.” You punched him lightly on the arm to which he responded with his signature smirk. “What about here?”
He showed a bakery a little forward. The both of you chose quickly and the waitress took your orders. You were still looking at the pastries in the window when she addressed Law: “We have tables for couple on first floor. It will be calmer.” “Thanks.” He simply answered before turning to your confused face. “What? You’re coming?” You nodded and followed him upstairs.
Law sat and looked around, waiting for your order to be brought. On your side, you watched him… It was the second time he implied you were a couple in the same afternoon. When he eventually looked at you, it was your turn to look around. He noticed and smirked silently, the waitress coming with your orders.
“Here. Ice teas. The tiramisu for…?”
“My boyfriend.”
Both the waitress and Law turned to you, surprised by your words. On the other hand, you were looking at him dead in the eyes; if you felt sure of yourself on the outside – which you highly doubted – you were freaking on the inside. The waitress giggled and left, with a low “thank you” from Law, that didn’t stop looking back at you.
He eventually unfreezed and let out a laugh.
“Hey, don’t laugh at me!”
“I’m not. I am not laughing at you. It’s just… Why?”
“I heard you at the book shop and that you didn’t correct her about us by a couple… So, I wanted to confirm something.” You took a sip of your drink, not seeing Law’s hand reaching for yours until he grabbed it.
“I wish your verification went well.” His thumb brushed the back of your hand, sending a shiver down your spine.
“It did.” You answered before intertwining your fingers with his.
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fairytaehl · 1 month ago
lgief rewatch ep. 6
yayyyyyy the gomoku episode <3 AH this is so precious to me. esther yu and ding yuxi seemed like they had so much fun doing this, and i had so much fun watching it over and over again!
if youd like to discuss lgief, feel free to send me asks, chats, or reply to any of these posts.
ep 1 / ep 2 / ep 3 / ep 4 pre-festival / ep 4 festival / ep 5, 5 part 2 / ep 6 / ep 7 / ep 8 / ep 9 / ep 10
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so we start the ep with all the workers leaving bc theyre not an official's residence anymore, and oh man, i love the side of miaomiao we get to see because of it.
her bargaining nature… her knowledge of how to get the best prices, what are cheaper but similar alternatives, when the best time to go is, etc. miaomiao, how often do you do this in your world? you are so funny for this. queen. im obsessed with her.
and i love her little pathetic fake stepping in place to make it seem like she was leaving, LOL. as well as how cute she is hopping on her two feet while her dad is amazed. like yaaaaah i did thattttt i know my stuff.
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screencap for her pretty hair design. i wonder if her maids did it for her one last time before leaving.
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ziqi listening to this convo goes down had me wondering why, esp with his solemn-type expression. are you just spying on her? did u have intentions on talking to her, but overheard all this so you stayed and listened? like i actually wonder if he kinda wanted to follow up on his 0% feelings from the festival? idk! but hearing this caused a fork in the road and he chose a different approach to her from what he couldve been planning.
miaomiao blaming herself for her dads death is so so sad. it must be a bit difficult at this moment to believe that the man next to her is some version of her father while thinking of her real one, and it is a little jarring to hear them both talk about him as some Other Person, instead of "no, i wouldnt have blamed you, dear," but the feeling is there all the same. at the end of the day, that is like her dad, but shes definitely trying to detach a little bit because its Not, and goes as far as calling him "old lin" to create a boundary for herself, i imagine. otherwise, she would absolutely get too attached, and thats why she also warns him if she suddenly goes back to being mean she hopes he isnt upset.
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playing with his chain, mysteriously in the darkness...
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"youre so powerful" the sarcasm is hilarioussssss. she thinks bc she reached 0% shes got some leeway. its true, she does.
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i like how she uses something similar to his lines from the map burning on him. it was not lost on me.
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whys he lowkey look unhappy when he asks if hes not welcome. like "i thought you were being nice to me. wdym we cant randomly hang out late in the evening?"
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and miaomiao realizes how wonderful of an opportunity this is to get some positivity from him! she really treats him like a quest for so long... and he goes "uh huh, right. im welcome now, i see."
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miaomiao im sorry his bitch ass eavesdropped and isnt even apologetic about it. he didnt seem so sinister when he was listening, but now hes cornering her! and she is so surprised at it too! you can see how shes processing what hes saying and what that means. oh shes so offended, even though in the imperial capital shes so for it. i love that scene there lol.
from the moment i first watched this moment, i knew ziqi had some connection to the real world. i was like, why does he care so much about this? he cares a lot. this is kinda sus. and after the Go game they definitely make it more obvious.
i wonder whats going on in his head when he asks this tho? is he thinking that she is some type of demon who can time/universe travel or something? because hes linking that to her being weird/sneaky, and i cant imagine how else he would make it make sense in his head given the universe.
fully reblogged version linked here
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l0lita-luv · 6 months ago
it would be so cute if u wrote abt reader & ellie going on a first date, how awkward and nervous they both are 😭 but maybe they end the night tg, just pure fluff they watch a movie but ellie is lowkey too scared to come off as pushy so she just misses a million cues from reader that they want a kiss 😭
Stop it because this is so cute anon! Tysm for the request!
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First Date
Nervous Ellie Williams x Nervous Fem!reader
warnings- use of y/n-Fem!reader-kissing
key terms- y/n-your name,y/n/n-your nick name, y/c-your choice
a/n- Took me a while but love how it turned out!
You and Ellie are both nervous wrecks on your first date!
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Ellie’s p.o.v
You had been taking to Ellie for a while, she was super sweet and you had thought about asking her out but you were afraid of rejection. But you weren’t the only one! Currently, Ellie is trying her best to hit the send button but kept on thinking of the worst!
Hi y/n! Uh I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?
She did it, she actually sent the message. She was contemplating whether to wait for a response or to delete it before you see it, but it was too late when she saw you were typing! She was practically dripping from sweat from the fear of rejection, the sun rays coming from her window not helping.
Hi y/n! Uh I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?
Hey Ellie! I would honestly love to, let me know where and when!
She stared at the message in disbelief, “I’m going on a date with y/n!” She shouts out having no mercy for her neighbors ears, she smiles at the message for a while before quickly looking for a restaurant, she stops when she finds a pretty classy restaurant, she sends you the information and immediately gets up already picking an outfit for tomorrow.
You were the only thing on Ellie’s mind for the whole morning, right after she ate her breakfast she went to the bathroom to shower and do everything she needed to do to look presentable. After she did that, she went to go change, for once, she didn’t just wear some regular old pants and a plain shirt, she decided on a pair of jeans, with a nice flannel.
y/n’s p.o.v
“Oh my god what do I wear!” You yelled out frustrated, you had everything planned out except for your outfit. At first, maybe a nice shirt with a skirt, but you thought that was too plain! You were rummaging through every article of clothing until you found a pretty baby pink dress, it was off the shoulder, and had pretty ruffles with lace peaking out. “Perfect.” You think to yourself.
You went into your bathroom and did very simple makeup, and brushed your hair taking two front pieces and tying it in the back, adding a matching bow to complete the look. You smile at yourself as you start to feel the nervousness shower over you. “It will go great y/n!” You keep thinking to yourself. Checking your phone, you see Ellie told you she was only three minutes away, you hurriedly put on some white heels, along with your bag that contained your belongings. Before you knew it Ellie had arrived!
Hearing the doorbell, you rush to the door met with a stiffened Ellie, “Hi Ellie!” You manage to get out, “Hi y/n!” Ellie stutters out, you both endured a couple seconds of silence before Ellie breaks it, “So you ready to go?” Ellie asks carefully, “Yup!” You respond with a light smile, she nods as you step out of the house closing the door and following Ellie to her car.
“You look beautiful by the way.” Ellie manages to say, a light tint of pink covering her face waiting for you response, “Thank you Ellie! You look really pretty you know?” You say with a little more confidence, Ellie’s heart melts at your words and manages to whisper out a “Thank you.”.
The drive was pretty silent mixed with some of Ellie’s corny humor enlightening the mood. When you both arrive, Ellie is quick to rush out of her seat to open the door for you, “Aw thank you Ellie! You’re so sweet.” You compliment her, she smiles, “No problem!”.
You both enter the noisy restaurant filled with laughter and some yelling? Ellie goes up to the front desk, “Reservation name?” The waitress asks, “Ellie Williams.” Ellie responds, “Great follow me!” The waitress perks.
You suddenly feel a boost of confidence and reach for Ellie’s hand holding it, Ellie’s eyes widen a hue of red smothering her face, she smiles at you as you both continue walking to your table. “What would you guys like to drink?” The waitress asks kindly, “I’ll have a coke.” Ellie replies, facing you once again, “Uhm I’ll have y/c!” You reply smiling at the waiter. She nods as she writes down the rest heading to the kitchen.
“So uh y/n! What are you going order?” Ellie questions trying to compose herself, “I think I might get pasta or something like that.” You respond with a light smile, Ellie couldn’t help but stare at your features, “You’re so pretty…” Ellie mutters out, Ellie soon realizes what she said wanting to crawl into a whole and never come out, you couldn’t help but blush, “Thank you Ellie, your quite pretty yourself.” You stutter out. “So are you guys ready for entrees?” The waitress asks.
The rest of the date surprisingly goes smoothly, you both really enjoyed your food. “So will you guys like to split the bill or is one person going to pay?” “I’ll p-.” Ellie cut you off, “I’ll be paying!” She quickly responded handing the waitress her card, you frown at Ellie speaking as the waitress left, “I was going to pay!” You tell Ellie, “I asked you on this date y/n, plus I had a really good time.” Ellie responds, your face softening.
“So…” You try to start a conversation, “Uhm would you like to come to my house and watch a movie or something?” Ellie asks hopeful, “Sure!” You respond quickly surprised at her question. “Great.” Ellie responds smiling, you smile back. You both make your way to the car silence filling the air, when your arrive Ellie is quick to open the door for you once again signaling you to sit down, you lightly laugh at this.
The car ride was once silent again, Ellie’s door opening once you arrived breaking it. You smile as you hear Ellie hurrying to open the door for you, as you step out, Ellie closes the door and reaching for your hand. As you both walk into her warm home she’s speaks, “Uhm do you need any clothes?” Ellie questions worrying for you, “Yes please, this dress is starting to kill me!” You respond smiling. Ellie nods, “Follow me!” She exclaims leading you to her room. She opens the door welcoming you in as she goes to her closet, coming back quickly handing you an oversized band tee with some loose sweatpants, “Thank you Ellie! But where should I change?” You question, Ellie’s eyes widen before hurriedly responding, “Uhm you can change in the bathroom!” She stutters, you only nod as you walk over to her bathroom.
When you come back, Ellie is sat on her bed having a movie picked out. “What’re we watching?” You question, “Jurrasic park if that’s ok with you?” She lets out a little embarrassed, “I always knew you loved dinosaurs but that sounds good!” You respond reassuringly. She smiles as she pats the spot next to her, with you following.
After a couple minutes into the movie, you try to make some moves! Holding her hand, sometimes even caressing it softly but she wouldn’t get the hint. Even once when she looked at you, you tried leaning in but all she did was turn away! I guess she had no clue of what you’re trying to do.
Ellie p.o.v
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!”, Ellie mentally screams at herself, “She just caressed your hand Ellie!” She thinks to herself panicking. She turns her head to you, “Are you liking the movie so far y/n/n?” She asks seeming calm, “Yeah Els! I really am enjoying it.” You respond. She notices you leaning in and out of panic she turns back to the movie. She feels you retract your hand from hers, missing your touch already. “She just tried to kiss you Ellie! Why did you turn away!” She thinks to herself panicked.
“Just do it Ellie.” She finally says to herself, “Y/n.” She says calling you, “Yes Ell-.” You get cut of by Ellie’s lips meeting yours, you smile into the kiss quickly following her lead. Ellie pulls away noticing what she just did. “I like you a lot y/n, will you be my girlfriend?” Ellie asks confidently, “Of course I will Ellie!” You smile, Ellie’s lips finding your lips once again.
wc- 1,327
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