#astrology institution
Vaastu Astro and Spiritual Academy: Astrology Institute in Delhi
Vaastu Astro and Spiritual Academy is the best astrology institute in Delhi where you can learn Astrology, Numerology, Vastu Shastra, Palmistry, Reiki Healing etc. Our experienced faculty will help you to recognize and interpret signs, symbols and aspects in the chart, gaining confidence in astrology's powerful insights.
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schneiderenjoyer · 6 months
Regulus was THIS close to attaining the ultimate enlightenment of peak mathematics and I love that for her
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theneptunianmind · 1 month
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oflgtfol · 5 days
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#DOES PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES MEAN NOTHING TO YOU PEOPLE#THE SUN ISNT EVEN IN YOUR ''SUN SIGN'' IT MEANS NOTHING !!! ITS MEANINGLESS !!!#brot posts#astro posting#'i dont know if i feel comfortable calling astrology a science' BECAUSE IT ISNT#FLAT OUT. ITS NOT.#even ignoring the fact its blatantly falsified#just . the definition of science relying on observations.#hold on let me ltierally get my fucking science research methods textbook#SCIENCE MUST BE. 1. empirical 2. systematic 3. replicable 4. self-correcting#ASTROLOGY. IS NONE OF THOSE THINGS#1. its based entirely on anecdotes 2. again its based entirely on anecdotes theres no institution no system no research#3. BECAUSE its not systematic it sure as fuck cannot be replicable#and in fact it frequently ISNT. the accuracy of astrological predictions varies so wildly from person to person#4. self correcting? well there's no institution and no repeatability and so theres no future research to constantly fact check#prior assumptions and prior research#and also even on individual cases astrologers just double down and find a loophole to work around anything that falsifies their claims#which is literally the number one sign that something is pseudoscience and not science#if you cannot feasibly falsify something without there being ten million loopholes then its just an excuse machine its not real science.#so no. just from the sheer basic definition of science and scientific research. astrology is not science.#nevermind the fact its just. its just not fucking true. nothing it predicts is true#now the OBSERVATIONS behind astrology ie the actual observing of the night sky is a different conversation#but the ASTROLOGY of it - the predictions about human beings - is pseudoscience
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megkuna · 1 year
i need to quit my addiction to looking at tags on here like yes i know fully well social media ragebaiting is a thing but like it's really hard to quit when people are saying shit like this
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townpostin · 17 days
Jyotish Acharyas Shift Focus to Vastu Shastra in Jamshedpur
Centre of Astrological Study reports growing interest in scientific approach Jamshedpur’s Centre of Astrological Study & Research announces increased focus on Vastu Shastra among Jyotish Acharyas, blending ancient wisdom with modern science. JAMSHEDPUR – In Jamshedpur, the Centre of Astrological Study & Research for Public Welfare has observed a substantial transition among Jyotish Acharyas to…
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cosmogurutimeline · 1 month
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drvinaybajrangiji · 1 month
Auspicious Day for Admission in educational institute in 2024
According to Astrology, muhurutas or appropriate timings of doing things matter a lot in all aspects of life. This is the reason that we look for Auspicious Time for carrying out important things in life.
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eleftheria-pagkalou · 2 months
On health. Explanations and suggestions.
I know, in a world that basic human needs aren t met, talking about a healthy environment is an oasis/a delusion. It d be fair to say that spaces which focus on healing, hospitals and clinics to begin with, should be doing exactly that. Provide healing. It s quite devastating to visit these places and witness how much we lack the spine to act towards loving ourselves and others. White empty…
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turian · 3 months
knowing too much about the shitty personality based pseudoscience sucks because my instinct when seeing it used is 75% to explain why the theory is racist and iirc was developed into the system it is today for use by the military in an attempt to screen for vulnerability to ptsd but also 25% of me wants to get really pedantic and be like "also you're not even using it according to the theory. like, if you must use the horrible culty business astrology you might want to actually read the foundational texts and realize how rigid it is as a system and how your interpretation is just the reskinned ocean model which i assume is also dubious tho given its fluidity i suppose not As dubious" and in part i feel that 25% is the traitor impulse because ultimately it Does Not Matter but then at the same time i'm like well maybe if people understood where this comes from and what groups they are Really sorting people/characters into they would be less inclined to carry forward with this theory. but then i'm like wait no that can't be true either because there are absolutely people who understand the rigidity of this system and yet will still excuse it. also i have to admit i sometimes find a (defanged) version of the theory useful for writing. "how is this character processing information and using that information" is a decent question to ask but even then i don't think people are so rigid as all that and if a character is nothing but an archetype. with no inconsistency. maybe they will feel less human. also (much like with joseph campbell) i think it's a terrible idea to remove something that writers deem useful from its (racist) roots, because nothing can ever exist in a vacuum. nothing is ever apolitical. anyway mentally i am forever composing an essay about the evils of mbti and enneagram is the point i guess. anything that categorizes people in such a way is primed to exploit them and minimize them. very easy to control your subjects if you can dismiss any behaviour you don't like by assigning them/that behaviour a "lesser" assortment of letters. fuck pop psychology
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Vaastu Astro and Spiritual Academy: Astrology Institute in Delhi
Vaastu Astro and Spiritual Academy is the best astrology institute in Delhi where you can learn Astrology, Numerology, Vastu Shastra, Palmistry, Reiki Healing etc. Our experienced faculty will help you to recognize and interpret signs, symbols and aspects in the chart, gaining confidence in astrology's powerful insights.
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richardmurrayhumblr · 4 months
The 22nd edition of the 2024 Richard Murray Newsletter topics ->The fifty-fourth of the Cento series. A cento is a poem made by an author from the lines of another author's work. In the series I place my cento and a link to the other authors poem. -> Ten word story ->Superheroes or supervillains synthography -> six word horror story ->Contest 5 (and) 7 is 1 (and) 2 is 3 ->Honest Artist Challenge q&a ->self survey q&a ->creative side commercial -> Goggled Woodpecker
Dates- astrology
IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR: Kerner Commission ; Flickr's 20th birthday ; Amsterdam News advertising ; Ode to WInston Ford ; Davida Siwisa James tour dates ; Views on gender and sexuality from Kai Decadence ; Shakar Eye of the Midnight God
U.R.L. https://rmnewsletter.over-blog.com/2023/10/06/02/2024-rmnewsletter.html
#rmnewsletter #rmaalbc
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poetess-trobadour · 4 months
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"It's a mean world that I've known
Never got no good doin' what I'm told"
My (unpopular) take on zodiac vibes, part 6♍️✨️
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vimalsoodastrology · 11 months
Testimonials | Vedic Astrology Coach | Vimal Sood Astrology
Vimal was introduced to Vedic Astrology by Komila Sutton in 2004 and very quickly found his natural gift in this great science of light. 
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hypnotherapyschool · 11 months
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Remedial Measures are techniques to remove negative planetary influences and increase positive planetary influences. Vedic remedial measures should not be taken lightly or without proper guidance from a learned astrologer and good help from Gemologist (one who deals with stones all the time). It is good to receive direct instruction from a qualified and experienced Vedic Astrologer who knows how to execute, prescribe and measure results. Proper prayers have to be offered before wearing stones. Good astrologer takes into consideration behavioral tendencies, one’s attitude, understanding, the past, observing the present and weighing the expectation for the future.
This ability to analyze the behavior and predict events gives the astrologer the ability to counsel the individual to change or modify his/her actions and reactions. The purpose of such guidance is to find the right balance between the individual and nature. Even negative event has its purpose and proper understanding is required of that event and Vedic Astrology provides ways to find and understand that purpose. Vedic Astrology allows an individual to maximize the potential of any given moment. Vedic Astrology helps us to anticipate the approach of good period in life and likewise unfavorable periods in life. It builds up resistance to deal with negative periods in life. Gemstones are not a quick fix solution. You still have to consider the root cause of the problem. We have a free will to respond to our karmas, change our ways for the sake of better future. Remedial measures possesses power but some issues will repeat if the individual has not changed his/her ways before the Upaye was undertaken. One should adopt change along with remedial measure to take advantage of all life’s opportunities.
Gemstones as a remdial measures can be expensive and it very important not to burden the person with expensive or complex remedies that are beyond a persons financial or physical capacity. Intention of an astrologer is crucial. Appropriate time to wear the gemstone is important to get the most effective results. It is very important to know where the gem comes from along with if the gem has been altered in some way. Many gems have been altered with different techniques to mask flaws in the gems and make them appear to be a higher grade then they actually are. Good gemologist and integrity and reputation of a gem dealer is imperative or otherwise there is no guarantee of getting what you are paying for.
Read the complete Blog Here : Vimal Sood Astrology
Website : Online Yoga Classes in Reseda,CA
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astrology12 · 1 year
Astrology Online: Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars
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Astrology has fascinated humanity for centuries, offering insights into our lives and the world around us. With the advent of the internet, astrology has found a new medium to reach people across the globe. In this article, we will explore the realm of online astrology courses, its benefits, how to find reliable astrologers, the services they provide, limitations, and how to make the most of this fascinating discipline.
Origins and History of Astrology
Astrology traces its origins back thousands of years, with its roots in ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece. The practice of studying celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs can be found in ancient texts and manuscripts from these civilizations.
In Mesopotamia, the birthplace of astrology, priests known as "Astrologer" observed the movements of the planets, stars, and other celestial bodies and correlated them with events on Earth. They believed that these celestial movements held significant meaning and could provide insights into human destinies, natural phenomena, and the overall order of the universe.
The ancient Egyptians also had a deep fascination with the stars and their connection to the divine. They associated certain gods and goddesses with specific celestial bodies and believed that the movements of these heavenly entities influenced human life and events on Earth.
The Greeks further developed and expanded the study of astrology. Renowned philosophers and scholars such as Ptolemy and Aristotle explored the connection between celestial bodies and human affairs. Astrology became an integral part of Greek culture, and its influence spread across Europe and the Middle East.
Over time, astrology evolved and incorporated elements from various cultures and civilizations. It gained prominence in different regions, including India, China, and the Arab world, each contributing their unique interpretations and practices.
Astrology has continued to thrive throughout history, adapting to different cultural and societal contexts. Today, it remains a popular discipline, with people seeking astrological guidance to gain insights into their personalities, relationships, and life paths.
The ancient origins and rich history of astrology provide a foundation for the practice as it exists today. It serves as a reminder of humanity's enduring fascination with the cosmos and the belief that celestial movements can offer profound insights into our lives.
Basic Principles of Astrology
Astrology operates on the belief that there is a correlation between celestial patterns and human behavior. It is based on the concept that the positions of the planets and stars at the time of a person's birth can provide valuable insights into their personality traits, life events, and relationships.
One of the fundamental principles of astrology is the idea that the cosmos is interconnected, and the celestial bodies in our solar system exert influences on Earth and its inhabitants. Each planet represents different energies and qualities, and their positions in the birth chart are believed to reflect certain aspects of an individual's character and life experiences.
The birth chart, also known as the natal chart, is a snapshot of the sky at the moment of an individual's birth. It shows the exact positions of the planets, the Sun, the Moon, and other significant celestial bodies in relation to the Earth. The birth chart is divided into twelve houses, each representing different areas of life such as career, relationships, and personal growth.
Astrologers interpret the birth chart to gain insights into an individual's personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life patterns. They examine the relationships between planets and the angles they form with each other to understand the dynamics at play in a person's life. This analysis can offer guidance on various aspects of life, including career choices, relationships, and personal development.
Astrology also recognizes the concept of transits and progressions. Transits refer to the ongoing movements of the planets in the present, while progressions involve the symbolic advancement of the birth chart over time. These astrological techniques are used to track the potential influences and significant life events that an individual may encounter at different stages of their life.
It's important to note that astrology does not claim to determine a person's destiny or provide absolute predictions. Instead, it offers insights and possibilities, serving as a tool for self-reflection and understanding. Astrology encourages individuals to take an active role in their lives, making conscious choices based on the insights gained from their birth charts.
Understanding the basic principles of astrology allows individuals to explore the deeper layers of their personalities, gain clarity about their life's purpose, and navigate the opportunities and challenges that come their way. By embracing the symbolism and wisdom of the stars, astrology provides a unique lens through which individuals can gain self-awareness and find meaning in their experiences.
Benefits of Online Astrology
Online astrology has become increasingly popular due to its accessibility and convenience. Through digital platforms, individuals can connect with experienced astrologers from around the world and access a wide range of astrological services. Here are some of the key benefits of online astrology:
· Accessibility: Online astrology breaks down geographical barriers, allowing individuals to consult astrologers regardless of their location. It provides access to a diverse pool of astrologers with different backgrounds, specialties, and approaches, giving people the opportunity to find the right fit for their needs.
· Convenience: Online astrology offers convenience and flexibility. It eliminates the need for in-person appointments, allowing individuals to receive astrological guidance from the comfort of their own homes. Online consultations can be scheduled at convenient times, accommodating busy schedules and different time zones.
· Wide Range of Services: Online astrology platforms provide a variety of services to cater to different needs. These services may include birth chart analysis, horoscope readings, compatibility assessments, predictive astrology, and more. Individuals can choose the specific services that resonate with their interests or concerns.
· Privacy and Anonymity: Some individuals may feel more comfortable exploring personal matters through online astrology due to the privacy and anonymity it offers. Online consultations allow individuals to discuss sensitive topics openly without the fear of being recognized or judged.
· Multiple Communication Channels: Online astrology platforms utilize various communication channels to connect individuals with astrologers. These may include video calls, voice calls, chat-based consultations, or email exchanges. Individuals can choose the communication method that suits their preferences and comfort level.
· Flexibility in Service Selection: Online astrology platforms often provide options for one-time consultations or ongoing support. Individuals can choose the level of engagement that aligns with their needs, whether they prefer occasional readings or continuous guidance for personal growth and development.
· Extensive Resources: Online astrology platforms often offer a wealth of educational resources, including articles, blog posts, and recorded webinars. These resources allow individuals to deepen their understanding of astrology, expand their knowledge, and explore different aspects of the practice.
· Affordability: Online astrology services can be more cost-effective compared to in-person consultations. With online platforms, individuals have the flexibility to choose from a range of pricing options, making astrology more accessible to a wider audience.
Online astrology provides a convenient and accessible way for individuals to explore astrological guidance, gain insights into their lives, and navigate important decisions. It empowers individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth, all while enjoying the benefits of technology and the wisdom of the stars.
Finding Reliable Online Astrologers
· Research and Reviews: When seeking an online astrologer, it's crucial to conduct thorough research. Read reviews and testimonials from other clients to gauge the astrologer's reputation and the accuracy of their predictions. Look for astrologers who have consistently positive feedback and a track record of providing insightful and helpful guidance.
· Credentials and Experience: Ensure that the astrologer you choose has the necessary credentials and experience. Look for certifications or affiliations with reputable astrology organizations. Experienced astrologers bring a depth of knowledge and understanding to their readings, increasing the chances of receiving accurate and valuable insights.
· Trustworthiness and Ethical Practices: Ethics and trustworthiness are essential when dealing with any form of guidance or advice. Seek astrologers who follow ethical practices and prioritize their clients' well-being. Avoid astrologers who make grandiose claims or guarantee specific outcomes, as astrology is not a precise science but rather a tool for self-reflection and understanding.
Online Astrology Services and Offerings
· Birth Chart Analysis: One of the fundamental services provided by online astrologers is the analysis of a birth chart. A birth chart is a personalized map of the positions of celestial bodies at the time of your birth. Astrologers interpret this chart to gain insights into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life patterns.
· Horoscope Readings: Astrologers create horoscopes based on the birth chart, providing forecasts and predictions for various aspects of your life. Online astrologers can generate personalized horoscopes, giving you a glimpse into upcoming opportunities, challenges, and potential areas of growth.
· Compatibility Assessments: Online astrology platforms also offer compatibility assessments, which analyze the astrological compatibility between individuals. Whether it's for romantic relationships, friendships, or business partnerships, these assessments can provide insights into the dynamics and potential challenges of the relationship.
· Predictive Astrology: Predictive astrology focuses on forecasting future events and trends based on astrological patterns. Online astrologers can provide predictions regarding career prospects, relationships, health, and other important aspects of life. However, it's important to remember that these predictions are not set in stone but serve as potential indicators.
· Remedial Measures: Online astrologers often suggest remedial measures to help individuals navigate challenging periods or enhance positive energies in their lives. These measures may include gemstone recommendations, rituals, meditation practices, or other personalized actions to bring harmony and balance.
How to Make the Most of Online Astrology
· Clear Intentions and Questions: Before consulting an online astrologer, it is helpful to have clear intentions and questions in mind. This clarity allows the astrologer to focus on specific areas and provide more accurate insights. Prepare a list of questions or concerns you wish to address during the session to make the most out of your consultation.
· Open-Mindedness and Skepticism: Approach online astrology with an open mind, allowing room for exploration and self-discovery. While it's important to maintain a healthy level of skepticism, being overly skeptical can hinder the experience. Embrace the possibilities astrology offers and be receptive to the insights it may provide.
· Taking Responsibility for Choices: Astrology can provide guidance and shed light on potential paths, but ultimately, the choices lie with the individual. Take responsibility for your decisions and actions, using astrology as a tool for self-reflection rather than relying solely on it for making important life choices.
Vedic Astrology Course has revolutionized the accessibility and availability of astrological guidance. It offers convenience, a wide range of services, and the opportunity to connect with experienced astrologers from around the world. While online astrology has its limitations, it can provide valuable insights and support personal growth. Approach it with an open mind, take responsibility for your choices, and embrace the possibilities that astrology offers.
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