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lua-magic · 1 year ago
Numbers secrets that brings good luck.
Avoid using numbers eight and four in your mobile, or even in bank account number because eight represents 🪐 SATURN and Saturn has the energy to slow down things, avoid using symbols of Saturn as well ie infinity ♾️ because it represents loop, it will keep you in a loop and give you result after hard work.
Four is the number of Rahu, Rahu is an illusion, it keeps you stuck in desires without giving you result, Rahu is smoke, so Rahu makes you hallucinate and delusion which keeps you away from reality. Avoid using symbols of Rahu such as snake and Dragons, as I have observed many people get such tatoo and Rahu turns their life upside down.
So, avoid using numbers like 888 and 444 because you are only giving strength to Rahu and Saturn, as I have seen Many people uses such numbers thinking it is good luck, but until and unless Rahu and Saturn are well placed in your chart avoid eighth and four.
You can choose numbers like one(sun) which represents success and authority.
Two(Moon) which is your creativity and imagination.
Three(Jupiter) which knowledge and higher learning.
Five (Mercury) which skill and travel.
Six(Venus) Which luxury and beauty.
Seven (ketu) Untill and unless you want to go deep into Astrology and occult don't use this number as ketu gives you isolation but great idea comes only when you are isolated.
Nine(9) Nine is number of Mars, Mars is good as it gives you lot of energy and passion but also makes you accident and injury prone so don't overuse this number.
Certain combination of numbers you need to avoid that is 24 because two is moon and four is Rahu and moon and rahu are enemy planets. Again this number when add comes on six which is number of Venus, but instead you can use 51.
Next is 26 because when you add two and six it will come on eighth which also represents Saturn.
Avoid using 🖤 black colour, because it is colour of Saturn.
Blue is Rahu, and Red is Mars, use in minimal quantity, especially in your House.
Don't use red bedsheet and black bed sheets it will effect your sleep and married life negatively. Avoid using blue and grey as well, as grey is ketu.
Your bed room is Venus, so use more white colour in bedroom and rose fragrance.
If you facing problems with liquid cash then your moon is afflicted, increase water elements in your house, like keep an Aquarium, or a fountain.
If you want name and fame then use picture of sun in your house.
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If you want to increase energy of Mars, then use tortoise symbol at home, because tortoise symbolises strong back which can take the load.
Tortoise symbol is good, if you are facing problems in job.
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If you want to increase Jupiter energy that for knowledge and guidance then use more yellow colour in house and keep temple inside your House and keep it clean.
Avoid using half cut photos or symbols because it represents ketu.
If you have any idol or there is someone like whom you want to become, keep his/her photo in North eastern corner, because north east is your subconscious mind
Keep north east corner always clean and avoid keeping anything there
Remember, choose your idols wisely our subconscious mind is extremely powerful so if your idol's married life is mess even your married life will go for a toss, so choose very wisely whom you follow, don't follow any successful person mindlessly.
If you want to increase energy of Mercury, or if you are facing problems in your business then keep more green plants at your home and use more green colour..
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ritish16 · 2 months ago
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Vaasthu Purusha
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blessed1neha · 2 years ago
What is Atmakaraka & How it effects the native
Planet of the soul, or atma karaka
Have you ever heard of Atma karaka?
Let's begin our study of this idea, which is a part of Jaimini astrology.
In comparison to the other planets in this natal chart, Atma karaka, or the planet of the soul, has moved through its sign the most times.
You must analyse the degrees of each of the seven planets and calculate the largest degree while paying close attention to the minutes in order to ascertain it.
In our paragraph, the relevance of the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu is not considered.
Since the Sun will always be the constant indication of the soul in the horoscope, we have found the planet with the highest degree in the chart, which will serve as the temporary Atma karaka for this life.
It is important to remember that everyone's temporary Atma Karaka will be different in their charts. For one person, it may be a planet at 29 degrees, while for another, it may be a planet at 9.
The planet with the highest degree will reveal the soul's deepest aspirations for this terrestrial existence.
Additionally, according to Atma Karaka, one can comprehend a native's karmic destiny and the experiences they must go through in order to realise it.
Atma karaka is thought to imply a higher level of soul growth if it is a malefic, or a naturally unfavourable planet like Saturn, Mars, or the Sun. This means that the soul has chosen a more challenging karmic job for this incarnation.
Additionally, if an individual's Atma karaka is benefic, such as Jupiter, Venus, the Moon, or Mercury, then many aspects of life will be very simple for them.
Analysis of the Atma Karaka
The sign of the zodiac in which it is positioned, the house of the horoscope from Lagna, as well as the signs that it dominates, must all be examined and analysed.
It is also feasible to obtain a chart of the native's wants by using the Atma karaka for Lagna.
Thus, if you have
Sun Atma Karaka
The inherent Atma karaka, or soul, is symbolised by the sun.
However, the signs of the temporary AK and the permanent AK might also appear together in a single natal chart.
The sun represents manly noble vitality, power, and strength.
The fact that a person entered this world with the intention of developing as a person via the acceptance of responsibility, inner strength, and self-confidence will be discussed here if the temporary AK coincided with the permanent one on the map.
A person with such an AK will not be able to stand on the sidelines; instead, he will need to develop his leadership qualities and take others around him under his wing. This is because the Sun is the King of the planetary cabinet by nature.
Additionally, the Sun in this position arouses a desire for a blissful, spiritual life.
The native will start down the path of spiritual growth and be able to guide others, perhaps even their loved ones, if their chart has the Sun in the AK sign and other favourable placements and aspects are present.
Additionally, the Sun represents the father, therefore one of the karmic obligations for those with a temporary AK Sun will be to foster better relationships with their fathers and, generally speaking, with older men, such as bosses.
The planet sun is brittle.
Along with strength, it will provide someone a lot of energy—typically more than they need—and tension in life.
Additionally, the Sun is the karaka of health and when it is strong, it can bestow wonderful health and strength upon the native.
Such a person would typically have a fiery constitution, or pitta, and a powerful digestive fire. He or she will also typically have a healthy, well-developed body.
negative characteristics
Selfishness, haughtiness, vanity, dominance, and pride will characterise this AK.
Since this will be one of this AK's karmic obligations, the native will have to overcome these obstacles.
Moon Atma Karaka
The moon stands for maternity in general and the feminine in particular.
Moon as AK creates a desire for comfort, contentment, and happiness.
Additionally, true happiness is internal and home.
The soul has chosen to experience unwavering love in this life, much like a mother's love for her child.
A person entered this world in order to understand the intensity of emotions and the honesty of true connections.
He will be intrigued by ideas like respect, caring, service, and care.
People with this AK may be troubled by their own minds and may exhibit uneasiness because the Moon is the planet of the mind and desires.
One of the karmic obligations for those with an AK Moon is to foster closer ties with their mothers.
The experience of parenthood will be another karmic responsibility for you to complete; depending on the gender of the native, you will play the role of mother or father and be the one to set the direction for their lives.
the potent attributes
Such an AK will be compassionate, charming, and soft.
These are the best kind of family men.
it's a drawback
can be characterised as touchiness or extreme attachment to the subjects of one's feelings, such as family.
A person with an AK Moon has a challenging mission ahead of them: learning to differentiate between real and fake love, caring for others without expecting anything in return, and learning to give the benefits of that love and care to the Almighty.
Such a native may have to endure disappointment from loved ones, but it will be crucial to learn how to retain emotional composure and humility in such a circumstance.
When analysing AK, it is important to take into account the zodiac sign that the Moon was in at the time, as well as the house that the horoscope falls under from the Lagna.
It is also important to pay close attention to the chart from the Chandra Lagna, as this will provide a twofold indication of the native's aspirations and help the horoscope be "read" and interpreted more accurately.
Mars, Atma karaka
Mars represents the militancy, strength, vigour, and fieryness of the male principle.
People with AK Mars will have a major karmic burden of controlling their rage, impatience, and growing claims against those around them.
Typically, these people are placed in a suitable atmosphere to develop their already strong character and their capacity for controlled tranquilly.
It is crucial that they learn to see lessons in their surroundings and teachers in their loved ones, as well as to express thanks for these lessons.
Such individuals possess a great deal of internal fire and may have pitta, which is a fiery constitution.
They often possess a robust, healthy, and fully grown body as well as a strong digestive fire.
Mars is the planet of action, but in a weak position it can produce the opposite, up to inaction with expectations from others. As a result, people with this AK must acquire willpower and work to see projects through to completion without giving up or moving to another.
A person can also become highly sensuous when they have AK Mars, especially if Mars is in both their own and Venusian signs.
The occupants of this position of Mars are recommended to restrain their libido.
However, a person's Mars will provide him the chance to become a good organiser and leader, athlete, and protector of the weak if he is able to conquer his impatience, rage, aggression, and anger and develops willpower and internal control.
Observing the concept of non-violence towards all living animals can be helpful in overcoming the powerful emotions that this AK causes, and vegetarianism will be especially beneficial.
I would want to discuss my practical knowledge and application of this Atma Karaka.
Most people initially think that Martian emotional outbursts are uncontrollable.
Yet it isn't.
Realising that you must stop suppressing your anger and instead learn how to properly express it is the first step in preventing its internal devastation.
The second phase, which enables a person to recognise and accept their Mars and learn to draw power from this stubbornly male force, can be taken with the aid of jyotish knowledge.
But philosophy and psychology can help by exposing the opposite side of this issue for individuals for whom even this is insufficient.
What are we actually capable of managing, one could wonder?”
Physiological functions of the body, when they occur, and in the future?
The decision we make regarding our thoughts and emotions is the only thing we can truly control.
A person can change one emotional response into another in order to end the first one. By initiating this process on his own, the person can choose to live a conscious existence in which he was not "pissed off" but instead had the choice of whether to be furious or not.
Mercury, the Atman karaka
The karaka of speech, intellect, logic, erudition, and adaptability is Mercury (Buddha).
The young prince of the planetary cabinet is Mercury.
Therefore, it bestows its person with a young aspect because it is the planet of the soul.
In addition, the local can look younger than his actual age up to a respectable age.
Buddha is a karaka of speech, which can cause some speech issues for the native.
For instance, the owner of this AK may speak very rapidly or incoherently, employ intricate turns in speech that are not always clear to others, or have other obvious flaws.
Writing, reading classical literature, taking oratory lessons, and singing are all effective ways to overcome these obstacles.
Additionally, it may be suggested that you write down your speech for later hearing, organise and summarise your ideas, and keep a journal.
AK Mercury provides
while learning can be multifaceted and not always useful, there is a desire to learn.
Such individuals may become overloaded with information due to their curiosity and ease of assimilation of new material.
However, if you choose your jobs properly and deliberately, the Buddha will offer you the chance to really comprehend and enjoy everything you do.
The AK Mercury can cause its owner to go to either of two extremes: they may become reclusive and introverted, or they may become overly chatty and unable to select a social group or topics of conversation.
If any of these things exist and show up in daily life, the native must learn how to construct communications effectively by paying attention to communication hierarchy and subordination since Buddha can provide some, perhaps inappropriate, "familiarity".
Mercury, the planet of illusions, can also introduce things like a "broken phone"—that is, a phone that is not working—into the life of a native.
A person may interpret information quite differently depending on how it was delivered to him.
Buddha as Atma karaka can provide either a poor or a strong memory, but there might be some selectivity involved.
When Mercury is at its finest, its owner can benefit from the abilities of a skilled "salesman," which are in high demand right now.
Atma Jupiter aka
Jupiter is the karaka of hope, wealth, understanding, good fortune, learning, and justice.
The Guru bestows the local with a gift for instructing and instructing others in his capacity as the Atma karaka.
Such a person is "bursting" with information, and he will have a strong desire to impart it to others.
However, the local should be conscious of tact and the futility of unnecessary advice from outsiders.
Recognise that the interlocutor needs to be prepared in order to cognitively perceive information.
Guru, like AK, won't deprive someone of information; they will unquestionably be sufficient.
However, when they are used and used in real life, problems sometimes occur.
A native with this AK may frequently feel arrogant and omniscient due to their own intelligence.
Overcoming this state will be one of the karmic challenges.
The most beneficial planet is Jupiter.
Even among the beneficiaries, it might be challenging to identify negative effects of its influence.
But even so, the Guru, in the form of Atmakaraka, will first point out issues that need improvement before recognising talents.
Excessive fanaticism in observing specific dogmas and norms is one of these "problem" areas.
The guru could present a little distorted view of life, through rose-colored glasses or with an excessively upbeat approach.
A person with AK Jupiter will also have a major karmic burden of learning how to manage money without becoming excessively wasteful.
The key is to strike a balance between the material and the spiritual without leaning too far in either direction.
Since the Guru is in charge of the children, the native with this AK might take the matter excessively seriously and not be in a rush for them to emerge in order to anticipate all the situations.
After working his Jupiter, a native with this AK is able to teach others, make a great parent, and provide information to society.
Venus, Atma karaka
Venus (Shukra) represents passion, love, marriage, creativity, and other types of partnerships.
Venus has a light, bright, pure, and imaginative vitality.
Nevertheless, it is also the energy of joy and bliss, and for those who possess this AK, one of their karmic obligations will be to restrain their cravings and uphold piety.
The proverb, "Take care of honour from a young age," certainly applies to these individuals because they are particularly susceptible to the temptation to live only for themselves.
The inner creativity of those with this AK will make an effort to manifest itself and be seen by others, although this may take time and may require teachings from the planet Venus.
In any event, Shukra as AK will make its owner feel connected to creativity and the arts.
Venus can be enhanced through creativity in any area of life, including flower-growing, culinary artistry, and even creative makeup.
Such persons should frequently travel to lovely, artistic locales with space for inspiration.
It is suggested that females pick an activity they enjoy, such as dance or sketching, and practise it on a daily basis with care.
No of how hard we attempt to discuss this AK, all of our arguments will revolve around love and relationships.
Such a person will find it difficult to believe and recognise the opposite feeling for him since he will either be extremely immersed in his sentiments, prone to idealisation, or so sceptical of others.
Shukra will benefit from being in a good position.
possessing impeccable taste, a sense of fashion, and the capacity to find beauty in everything.
In general, such people have a natural sense of beauty.
Venus, like AK, does not always make this talent apparent right away.
Natives can have somewhat odd tastes that aren't necessarily clear to outsiders.
Among other things, Shukra is in charge of the hormonal background.
For ladies, this means that taking care of your body, face, and taking baths and oil massages will undoubtedly strengthen and open your Venus.
Saturn, Atma karaka
Saturn (Shani), a hefty and chilly planet that rules over time and order, is the god of karma.
He is in charge of endurance, discipline, setbacks, challenges, pain, ailment, and grief.
When you meet someone with such an AK, the first thing you notice is his excessive seriousness, concentration, and occasionally even gloom.
Shani is responsible for a person's serious demeanour, propensity to keep his word and carry out plans that have been made in advance.
The native's look and even his facial expression are influenced by internal tension, which is the principal effect of this AK.
Others may read this expression as perpetual unhappiness or seriousness; it is a type of "mournful face" whose owner typically isn't even aware of it.
Such a person could appear older than their actual age because Saturn has an impact on appearance.
He can have a tendency to surround oneself with gloomy objects and wear dark and black clothing.
A native with this AK may attract others who are through life troubles; his primary karmic duty will be to kindly assist them.
Selflessness, selflessness, and service to others are not lofty ideals; rather, they describe a person with this AK's daily existence, particularly if he already leads a conscious life.
Shani, particularly in childhood, can cause feelings of loneliness and inner hopelessness.
These kids are typically raised by the family's elders and miss their mothers more frequently than other kids.
One of the responsibilities will be to conquer any inner anxieties that Saturn, as Atma karaka, bestows upon the native. These fears will primarily be connected to a fear of dying.
Additionally, this AK can cause issues with the skeletal system, joints, and different types of muscle and tendon stiffness.
Hoarding tendencies are another effect of Saturn's Atma karaka, thus it will be beneficial for such persons to schedule routine "reviews" of their possessions in order to clear the space.
As an Atma karaka, Saturn can grant its possessor a certain measured and slow pace because it is a heavy and slow planet.
Generally speaking, Shani values discipline and either rewards the native with it or punishes him by allowing total disarray to reign.
Depending on Saturn's favourable placement in the chart, such a person will either be extremely timely or perpetually late.
Regular yoga lessons, breathing exercises, pranayama, helping those in need voluntarily, and taking part in volunteer activities would be very beneficial for owners of AK Saturn.
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panditpavansharma · 2 months ago
How to Chant this Most Powerful Mrithunjaya Mantra for wealth, success & Peace
Here's the proper way to chant the most powerful Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
1. Take a Bath Before Chanting- Purify your body and mind by taking a bath. It helps cleanse physical and mental impurities, making you more focused for the chant and spiritually ready.
2. Sit on a Clean Mat- Sit on a clean mat or cloth to maintain purity. This also creates a sacred space for your practice, helping you connect deeply with the divine energy.
3. Chant Early in the Morning- The time between 4 AM and 6 AM, known as Brahma Muhurta, is ideal for chanting. The peaceful, calm atmosphere helps your mind stay focused and receptive to divine vibrations.
4. Use Japa Mala Made of Rudraksha Beads- Use a Japa Mala (prayer beads) to count the repetitions of the mantra. Rudraksha beads are highly recommended because they are considered to be the tears of Lord Shiva. They are believed to enhance spiritual energy and connect you to Lord Shiva.
5. Recite the Mantra Facing East- Face the east while chanting, as this direction is considered spiritually auspicious, bringing in positive energy and aligning you with the cosmos.
6. Keep Lord Shiva’s Image/Idol in Front- Place a Lord Shiva idol or image in front of you to help focus your mind and energy on the divine. This brings a deeper connection and aids concentration during the chant.
7. Keep Your Eyes Closed for 5 Minutes After Chanting- After completing the chant, sit with your eyes closed for 5 minutes.This quiet time enhances peace and spiritual connection. It’s a time to center yourself, reflect on the experience, and feel the divine energy enveloping you. This moment of stillness helps create a sense of peace and calm before continuing with your day.
8. Pronounce the Mantra Correctly with Devotion- Chant the mantra clearly and with full devotion. Proper pronunciation is key, as each syllable carries powerful vibrations that aid healing and spiritual growth.
NOTE: Chant 108 times everyday . Be Consistent, to get the benefits of this mantra.
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inspireandguide · 2 months ago
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astroruchi · 23 days ago
Donation at Old Age Home by Subhedar Family in the memory of Lt Subhash Subhedar arranged by AtmaSparsha Charitable Trust #oldagehome #donation #charity #seniorcitizens #loveislove #laughter
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numeroclinnic · 5 months ago
✍️ Craft Your Signature with Numerology! ✍️
Your signature is more than just a name; it holds energy that shapes your personal and professional life. Join Dr. Aneil Kkhare in Dubai as he guides you through the process of creating a powerful, balanced signature using numerology principles during the upcoming Numerology Workshop.
🗓 Date: October 26, 2024 🕛 Vastu Workshop: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 🕓 Numerology Workshop: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Discover the importance of aligning your signature with your numerological profile. Reserve your seat now and learn from one of the best in the field of numerology.
👉 Call +971 50 594 7781 or visit www.numeroclinnic.com to secure your spot!
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bhagyagastro2 · 4 months ago
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rudraastrologycenter · 5 months ago
Aries Year 2025 I Precis: Ambition and Reflection
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This year will be dynamic and transformative for you. Opportunities and challenges in the different areas of life, including career, finances, health, and relationships, will be there due to the involvement of Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. Planetary transits will push you to embrace ambitions and inner growth.
Career and Professional Growth
Ambition will lead to growth in professional life this year. Jupiter will be in the 12th house at the beginning of the year, encouraging introspection and plans for the future. You may feel like reassessing your long-term career goals. Research, creative work, and related activities will be done perfectly behind the scenes. The time will suit you to prepare for future opportunities by focusing on personal and professional development.
As the Jupiter transits in your 1st house after 14th May, you will feel confident, charismatic, and able to take on leadership roles. You will get recognition from seniors, and your efforts will be appreciated by everyone around you. The second half of the year will be favorable for job changing, starting a new business, or related things.
From March, the transit of Saturn into the 11th house will encourage you to focus on building a solid professional network. You may join organizations that align with your long-term goals, or collaborations may take place. Slowing down the progress is the natural behavior of Saturn. You will have to keep patience and persistence. Make sure to take care of balancing the professional life while being ambitious.
Financial Prospects
Managing finance should be done with dedication. You will notice increased expenses related to travel, education, or spiritual pursuits because of Jupiter being in the 12th house. Budget carefully and avoid unnecessary expenditures.
The financial condition will improve and bring opportunities to generate income through promotions, business ventures, or creative projects after Jupiter moves to your 1st house after 14 May. During this period, you can invest in yourself, like education, personal development, or career advancement. The support of Saturn through the 11th house supports long-term financial plans and aids in building a stable foundation for the future.
Rahu may introduce unexpected expenses related to travel or health after May, when it transits in the 12th house. It will be vital to maintain financial discipline and avoid impulsive decisions. A balanced financial plan should be created with seriousness, which should support your short and long-term needs.
Health and Well-being
Saturn’s influence in the 11th house and Rahu’s transit into the 12th house indicate health care attention. You will experience fatigue, stress, and sleep disturbances if you overthink about your professional life. You should prioritize rest and relaxation to keep your mental and physical condition in fine condition.
Your vitality will improve when Jupiter influences the 1st house after May. Regaining energy and motivation will happen. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and mindfulness practices to maintain balance should be adopted for a healthy lifestyle. Do not stress over anything and take breaks when needed.
Sleeping patterns can get impacted by Rahu’s influence in the 12th house. Find out a calming environment for rest and build a consistent routine for it. Prefer health check-ups and preventive care to stay in the best health condition.
Love and Relationships
It will be the period of transformation for relationships. The first half of the year may bring challenges in personal relationships if left unresolved; emotional baggage will create stress as Jupiter transits in the 12th house. Be patient and open to communication to maintain harmony during this period.
Jupiter will shift into your 1st house, and after May, your charm and magnetism will get enhanced; the period will become favourable for new relationships or improving the existing ones. Singles may attract potential partners through social or professional networks. Those in relationship will be able to encourage and experience deeper emotional connections.
Shifting of family dynamics may shift due to Saturn’s transit into the 11th house. You may have to deal with changes in your social circle, and additional responsibilities within your family are likely to overburden you. Try balancing personal aspirations and family commitments to maintain harmony. 
Education and Personal Development
Significant opportunities for growth and achievement are waiting this year. Introspection and personal development will be encouraged during the 1st half of the year with Jupiter in the 12th house. The period is amazing for focusing on research, creating projects, and studying spirituality. You may get successful after May if you are preparing for competitive exams or higher education.
Transit of Jupiter into the 1st house will increase your confidence and motivation, which will help you in pursuing academic and personal goals after May. The influence of Saturn in the 11th house will indicate discipline and hard work, but you will be rewarded for the efforts. From the viewpoint of skill development, learning new subjects will be favourable to enhancing your career.
Rahu will be present in the 12th house and inspire you to discover unconventional areas of study or travel for educational purposes. Make sure to stay focused on your priorities and avoid distractions. 
Spiritual Growth and Self-Reflection
In the first half of the year, Jupiter’s influence in the 12th house will keep you inclined towards spirituality. Introspection, meditation, and spiritual exploration will become part of your life during this period. You also may feel like connecting with your higher self through yoga and charitable activities.
Jupiter will move into the 1st house, so after May, you will realize a new sense of purpose and alignment related to your spiritual beliefs. The period is fruitful for nurturing your soul, spiritual retreats, and self-reflection. You may feel tempted to experience some new spiritual practices or philosophies similar to your personal journey.
Key Dates and Transits
March 29, 2025: Saturn enters the 11th house, resulting in networking and long-term goals.
May 14, 2025: Jupiter moves into the 1st house, increasing confidence and personal growth.
Post-May 2025: Rahu transits into the 12th house, promoting spirituality and unexpected expenses.
July 2025: Ketu shifts into the 6th house, encouraging introspection and discipline in daily routines.
This is the year of transformation, as it offers opportunities for personal growth, career advancement, and financial stability. The first half will be spent in introspection and planning, while the second half will bring opportunities related to leadership, success, and personal satisfaction. Embrace the right approach for relationships and health to maintain balance.
by - Acharya Sumedh Narayan Soni
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astrologerkhusboo005 · 1 year ago
Astrology is a range of divinatory practices, recognized as pseudoscientific since the 18th century,[1] that claim to discern information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the apparent positions of celestial objects. Different cultures have employed forms of astrology since at least the 2nd millennium BCE, these practices having originated in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to interpret celestial cycles as signs of not all, cultures have attached importance to what they observed in the sky, and some—such as the Hindus, Chinese, and the Maya—developed elaborate systems for predicting terrestrial events from celestial observations. Western astrology, one of the oldest astrological systems still in use, can trace its roots to 19th–17th century BCE Mesopotamia, from where it spread to Ancient Greece, Rome, the Islamic world, and eventually Central and Western Europe. Contemporary Western astrology is often associated with systems of horoscopes that purport to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict significant events in their lives based on the positions of celestial objects; the majority of professional astrologers rely on such systems.
Throughout most of its history, astrology was considered a scholarly tradition and was common in academic circles, often in close relation with astronomy, alchemy, meteorology, It was present in political circles and is mentioned in various works of literature, from  and to William Shakespeare, Lope de Vega, and Calderón de la Barca. During the Enlightenment, however, astrology lost its status as an area of legitimate scholarly pursuit Following the end of the 19th century and the wide-scale adoption of the scientific method, researchers have successfully challenged astrology on both : 249and experimental grounds, and have shown it to have no scientific validity or explanatory power. Astrology thus lost its academic and theoretical standing in the western world, and common belief in it largely declined, until a continuing resurgence starting in the 1960s. In India, belief in astrology is long-standing, widespread and continuing.
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quickastroo · 6 months ago
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If you are facing many problems....consult with India's best astrologers. Share your details on 92175-80001 we offer all astrological solutions for your house, family, job, marriage, vacation, company, and so forth.
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lua-magic · 1 year ago
Intresting Astrology facts
Natives who have good Jupiter gets house, that have good ventilation and air flow, and gets house near temple or some religious place
Native who has good Mercury stays in house with lots of green plants and has beautiful drawing room and takes care of his books alot
Native who has good Venus, stays in house that are well organised especially take care of his/her clothes and bed room, especially their bedroom life would be good.
Native who has good moon, stays near some water body.
Native who has good Saturn they will have too many shoes, but they take care of their shoes alot
Native who has good sun, their house would be warm and full of natural lights
Native who has good rahu, will have beautiful toilets.
Native who has good Mars, they have beautiful kitchen.
Native who has good ketu will have good meditation place.
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vedablessings · 7 months ago
Choose the Right Vastu Shastra Consultant in Punjab
Veda Blessings stands as the leading vastu shastra consultant in Punjab, renowned for its exceptional expertise in creating harmonious living and working environments. We offer a wide range of services tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Our commitment to personal service is what truly sets us apart. We believe that every space has its own energy and potential, and our consultations are designed to optimize that energy for the well-being of residents.
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Whether it's new construction, a renovation project, or an existing space in need of adjustment, we provide careful site assessment, detailed layout planning, and effective remedies for any vastu imbalances. Our holistic approach ensures that every aspect of a space is considered, resulting in an environment that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also promotes health, happiness and prosperity.
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blessed1neha · 2 years ago
Venus in various houses
Venus in a sign symbolises our romantic and sexual desires. But in real life, a person's needs are not always met by fate.
As a result, whereas the house of Venus provides a response to the question of "where and under what circumstances will our love be born/manifested," the sign of Venus just addresses the question of "how we love."
I observe that we are currently discussing those intensely trembling emotions and not at all about marriage relationships, which are examined in other indicators.
Venus is thus in:
The first house represents your innate beauty, charm, and love of your body. gives meaning to how you look. Generally speaking, people find it appealing and it has a natural sense of tact. He requires love and respect.
The second residence requires money and material comfort. Material possessions will in some manner play a significant role in both love and life in general. a sign of financial success in the field of beauty, especially when Venus is in harmony.
The third house is characterised by ease of acquaintance, a large network of relationships, the capacity to persuade others, and extensive communication. Perhaps a love of education, a passion for travel, a love of communication, and communication.
The peaceful Venus in the fourth house suggests a happy childhood filled with love and understanding. the desire to beautify your home in order to foster a cosy and loving atmosphere. Friendliness and emotional ties to the tribal structure.
Numerous books, lovers, and flirting are associated with the fifth house. adore the emotion of love. likes to have fun and celebrate holidays. It may show signs of "burning out of life." love for young people.
Sixth house: reading books at work or with coworkers. passion for dogs and regular activities. workplace adornment. If Venus is out of harmony, there may be feminine disorders or throat ailments. Workplace issues stemming from romantic interactions with an unbalanced Venus.
The seventh house represents partnerships and marriage for love. Publicity and social acceptance. diplomatic, kind, and attractive potential spouse.
Love, the eighth house, can both create and contribute to life issues. Love can erupt under 8th house settings, like road accidents, funerals, rock concerts, and anything else that could be disastrous. Acute life events tend to bring out feelings the greatest. Triangles, suspense, and risk-taking. Sexuality is crucial.
Falling in love with teachers, philosophers, religious leaders, gurus, and outsiders is a ninth house affliction. novels read when travelling, in universities, or abroad. idealised image of a spouse.
A career through romantic relationships and romances with high-ranking individuals go under the tenth house. Women support careers (in harmony with Venus). Venusian careers include those in the arts, beauty, design, business, pleasure, and romance. career progress through the use of charm, diplomacy, and compassion.
Novels with friends, novels in a variety of public organisations, and books in communities. emotional response to political and social issues. friendly emotional ties among friends.
Twelveth house - hidden connections that are secretive and secret. They frequently keep their connections and emotions hidden. a virtual partnership. love for a distant, unreachable thing. aversion to love. fantasises about ideal love.
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panditpavansharma · 1 month ago
Never Do This!!!
Never point out mistakes in food once served.
It upsets Maa Annapurna, the goddess of nourishment. cherish your meal with gratitude and let positive energy flow.
Complaining about food can create negative energy,and may bring obstacles and hardships in life
One should always accept food with gratitude and positivity
Accept food with a thankful heart and respect it is to attract abundance and prosperity
Share it with your friends and family!!!
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inspireandguide · 3 months ago
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16 Ways to Recognize 1111’s Presence
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