#me having a brief break with reality: yeah i do fit istp 8w9
turian ยท 3 months
knowing too much about the shitty personality based pseudoscience sucks because my instinct when seeing it used is 75% to explain why the theory is racist and iirc was developed into the system it is today for use by the military in an attempt to screen for vulnerability to ptsd but also 25% of me wants to get really pedantic and be like "also you're not even using it according to the theory. like, if you must use the horrible culty business astrology you might want to actually read the foundational texts and realize how rigid it is as a system and how your interpretation is just the reskinned ocean model which i assume is also dubious tho given its fluidity i suppose not As dubious" and in part i feel that 25% is the traitor impulse because ultimately it Does Not Matter but then at the same time i'm like well maybe if people understood where this comes from and what groups they are Really sorting people/characters into they would be less inclined to carry forward with this theory. but then i'm like wait no that can't be true either because there are absolutely people who understand the rigidity of this system and yet will still excuse it. also i have to admit i sometimes find a (defanged) version of the theory useful for writing. "how is this character processing information and using that information" is a decent question to ask but even then i don't think people are so rigid as all that and if a character is nothing but an archetype. with no inconsistency. maybe they will feel less human. also (much like with joseph campbell) i think it's a terrible idea to remove something that writers deem useful from its (racist) roots, because nothing can ever exist in a vacuum. nothing is ever apolitical. anyway mentally i am forever composing an essay about the evils of mbti and enneagram is the point i guess. anything that categorizes people in such a way is primed to exploit them and minimize them. very easy to control your subjects if you can dismiss any behaviour you don't like by assigning them/that behaviour a "lesser" assortment of letters. fuck pop psychology
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