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bbeanspr0ut · 2 years ago
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I designed some Astarion tattoos so you don’t have to get his back scar ✨
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lanaevyssmoved · 2 years ago
helloooo Afhiri sounds SO lovely. can you tell me more about how they feel at the start of act 1 about her predicament with the tadpoles, her companions, etc etc if you want!!
it might be cruel to say that they're pretty damn simple . actually no its not ive decided theyre pretty damn simple. literally wakes up and has a panic attack because where is flute?? where flute?? WHERE. FLU TE? flute was no where to be seen (depression). a very sad clown exploring this ship literally with minimum interest because flute :( flute :( this is a child who has lost their autistic hyperfixation toy.
lae'zel is hot. the sword scene is hot. hiri has immediate gay panic and forgets flute for 2 whole seconds. asks lae'zel if seen flute. lae'zel doesn't even know what a flute is.. smh. sticks around because was told to. does whats told (for now........ ominous.) so to start lae'zel is literally party lead this clown is NOT a protagonist (for now...... no im not making that joke twice)
SHADOWHEART IS HOT... absolutely ignores lae'zel to free shadowheart. literally dumbass tries to pull the door off. lae'zel ends up being the one like "maybe u should look around if u INSIST on saving this HALF ELF." frees shadowheart :) oh my god you have an autistic hyperfixation too?? your rock is so cool!!!!!!!
the flute is not rescued. please F's in chat for the lost flute of afhiri's childhood. her father made her that flute and it's DEAD. AND THERE WASN'T EVEN TIME FOR A FUNERAL.
the first thing they do after hoarding all of the fish on the beach like a little goblin creature is find gale's portal. shiny. Oh My God is that an arm without a body? that is Soooo cool...... high fives. they free him of course!!! used bard Magicks to calm that shit down and free the silly man. she finds him SOOO silly. he is such a silly little guy. his lil expressions and hand movements are SO funny. she wants to get acting classes from him so she can be just as funny and then she'll rank up in Clown. she's sure of it. (he is a clown to her. a truly excellent clown. there's real talent..........)
after that she gets knife throat by astarion :( not very nice of you :( i would have given you money if u wanted :( oh not a robbery? OH WE'RE WORM BUDDIES? friendship acquired :) they genuinely don't have any more thoughts rly at the start because he is mean and she doesn't understand its mean and looks at him stupidly like a dog who cannot understand the new word u just said. tilts head :)
their friendship stat is SO high all of a sudden. this clown has had NO friends their entire damn life (weirdo coded) and suddenly they've got SOOO many best friends oh my god they're so excited for the campfire stories hehee :)
next is oh my godd its the hot. gi..gi... Girlfriend? :) no its gith u stupid clown. get pied. ANYWAY tells the tieflings some absolute BULLSHITERY. this clown is So good at lying (this is a positive. their moral code is kinda messy.) and frees lae'zel :) shadowheart doesn't trust lae'zel but how can you Not when she's Also Green? I'm Green? You're Green? Da Ba Dee
after that its oh my god is that A GOBLIN? never seen a goblin before. finds them extremely cute. they're also kind of green (positive). and A WARG? can i PET IT? No? It'll eat me? bite off my hand? chew up my suit? this is supreme sadness. wait- flute still gone. that's supreme sadness. ALSO WYLL IS FUN!!!! wyll gives her fairytale hero prince vibes and is absolutely fascinated and thinks as a bard should sing of his tale because hes so cool (please don't trust them. they will make him sound like a fool.)
hearing about the spooky scary teeth-ling from wyll is super!! exciting!!!! a devil?? fought in devil war?? fire?? death?? epic story . we must find out more (not to kill. to talk to. must have some REALLY COOL STORIES!!!) very easy to convince wyll not to kil- OH MY GOD HOT?? HOT? ?? literally hot. this is the most Supreme Gay Panic. afhiri never thought about girls (or boys) like this before. none of the Lads give the Panik.. but these girls are a little too much (fainting vibes) also karlach is so fun :) daydreams about karlach throwing her like a javelin into battle
the tadpole though :/ they don't know!! everyone keeps saying. bad! evil! bad! removal! death! kill! and they're like :/ idk guys.. worms are kinda cute. u ever seen a worm do a lil wiggle on some mud? its so cool.. i wish i was a worm..... everyone is concerned. do not trust them with decisions (they trust them with decisions. they are All stupid.) they name the worm. the worm is named little buddy. it's not creative. it's not a name. but this is Little Buddy and she talks to her little buddy sometimes. she even wrote it a song. (she doesn't consume more little buddies. that's weird.. this is HER little buddy and those are OTHER little buddies. there's only one little buddy for her....)
extra: GUARDIAN. oooohhhhh my god .. never seen someone soooooo CLOWN. (this is false. guardian looks nothing like a clown. theyre projecting HARD. guardian plays along because this is clearly going to work better than being Hot and Mysterious). trust them explicitly (reminder: not smart), treats like another Best Friend like the squad. gets sad they don't ever join them in camp for her performances. does private performances sometimes :)
DOUBLE EXTRA: the possession.. of Flute 2.
a daring tale of (gale takes some of the squads money and buys them a flute. cannot bare to see the sad puppy dog eyes any longer.) AN INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE OF PERIL AND DANGER... THERE WAS GNOLLS AND GOBLINS AND MAYBE A BEHOLDER!!!!! gale.. an incredibly brave adventurer.. this is going in his next song
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gautiersylvain · 2 years ago
Helloooooo sorry to come in here like a FREAK. but if it isn’t weird, can I ask for some extra Katarina lore and backstory 👀👀👀
this is the least weird thing ever because when i'm not thinking about the actual bg3 characters i'm thinking about my OWN characters and would love to info dump about them
PLEASE be mindful of potentially triggering content below (violence, sexual assault) but at the same level covered in the game
looking back at what i wrote and it kind of devolved into a narrative rather than relaying backstory sorry! hopefully at least some of this is coherent

so katarina is a drow, originally lolth sworn and born in menzoberranzan a little over 200 years before the events of bg3 (about 1285). she was a commoner, but her storm sorcery manifested at an extremely young age and attracted the attention of several powerful clerical orders within the city. katarina's mother leveraged this - trading katarina to one of the orders for a position of privilege and wealth in a noble family's court.
katarina was raised by clerics devoted to lolth in semi-seclusion for the next 30 or so years. they believed the strength of the weave in her blood would allow her to survive a powerful ritual that would allow lolth to inhabit her body. knowing nothing else and longing to serve, katarina devoted herself to her studies and practice of magic to become the avatar for the spider queen.
it was only after the ritual was completed that she realized the mistake she had made. while lolth possessed her, she was but a puppet. katarina could do nothing but watch. watch and listen and feel as the goddess used her body to kill and kill and kill and touch and hurt - tearful red eyes glared back up at her as lolth brought another man under her and she tried to cry or scream or anything but instead she laughed-
she woke up later, covered in blood and bruises and her own vomit. the head cleric told her she did well and katarina struck her over and over with lightening until only ashes remained.
katarina remembers little of her escape from menzoberranzan after that. of her escape from the underdark. when she awoke on the surface weeks later, it was the middle of winter and she was hungry and tired but she was free and she was clutching a glowing symbol of eilistraee in her hand.
a few days later, she was caught trying to steal food from a trading caravan - and was thus taken in by her adoptive father, euri, who was working as a caravan guard. he was a human mercenary well into his 50s who lived in baldur's gate and brought katarina back to the city with him when the caravan reached rivington.
although technically an adult, katarina knew essentially nothing about the surface world. euri taught her to speak, write and read common and how to get by in the city. he taught her how to fight with her fists or a dagger, should she ever be without her magic. he led by example, treating others with respect and trying to help where he could. he asked her what she thought, her opinions, before making decisions. for the first time in her life, katarina felt like she mattered to someone for more than her ability to serve.
after her father died, katarina distanced herself from most people. she had friends and contacts and people she worked with in the city, but the grief was too strong to consider forming a close bond again. so she used her magic and her clerical abilities to make a living and help where she could - and then the mindflayers came.
i think the truth is katarina sees a little bit of herself in all of the origin companions, but astarion most of all. although their situations were largely different and a considerable amount of time has passed for her - she hasn't forgotten. she hasn't forgotten how it felt, the hurt and the shame and the anger. knowing that you were hurt and you hurt other people because of forces beyond your control. she also remembers the relief of being free, of being treated like a real person for the first time in....gods you can't even remember the last time someone treated you like a person instead of a body that could give them what they wanted.
so if she's more patient with him than someone else might be, well, the wounded recognize the wounded or whatever. i see you i'll be your mirror etc etc
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fenharel-archived · 2 years ago
45 & 46 for the OC of your choice!!
i'll do this for my bg3 oc ysabel :3
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? 
yes and no. she has a good amount of confidence and i think she would agree when other people would see her as beautiful and smart. cunning and wicked. throughout her journey she does things others would undeniably call kind, heroic even. but i think she has a lot of trouble ever seeing herself that way. there is too much old hatred and guilt over things she has done that she focuses on instead. there are some who see her as somewhat of an asshole or even cruel which she does agree with lmfao.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
she can absolutely make a good first impression towards other drow, but with people from the surface? not… always lmao. she understands people, and is somewhat of a social chameleon. if she makes a bad impression, it’s usually on purpose. (tho there is a time in her backstory where she wasnt fully in control of herself - this isnt the case anymore since the tadpole so i won't digress djddsf) anyway, on the surface, she is sometimes perceived as a bit strange, considering she has almost no knowledge of how to behave up there, and old habits of her matriarchal upbringing or views and customs only really normal in the underdark slip out of her. she’s very much an actress, the first impression you get from her will rarely reflect who she truly is. she’s much more open about herself later in her story though, living on the surface with astarion :3.
super detailed questions about your oc
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druidgroves · 1 year ago
35, 38, and 40 for the characters of your choosing!
super detailed questions about your OCs this has been in my drafts for a month my apologies OTL thank u for sending tho !! <3
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Dianthe's biggest guilty pleasure is terribly written pulp novels (the smuttier the better). She's always been a big reader to try & compensate for not following in her siblings' footsteps as a wizard, so she needed something to entertain her in between thick tomes on arcane theory and world history. She gets along swimmingly with Wyll & Shadowheart in this aspect lmao.
Her unguilty pleasure is jewelry! She has such an eye for it due to studying gemology and being a jeweler for her father's business that it's hardly a vanity or money thing; she is enamored by the craft as a whole & adores well-crafted pieces with personality & maybe a useful enchantment or two.
Feron's guilty pleasure are these specific little cheese pastries she used to get in Hill's Edge. She'd gorge herself on them if she could and she thinks about them every god damn day. She's never had anything as good since she got abducted (sorry Gale).
Her unguilty pleasure is hunting (out of wild shape). Taking to the trees with her bow instead of as an animal are times when she feels closest to Salus' spirit, and takes the chance without guilt when she can, even if she was supposed to be doing something else.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Dianthe admires those who are able to stand confidently in themselves. She's always had issues with how she presents herself--constant self criticizing, always aware of how she looks/speaks/etc even if she's "good" at it by virtue of a sorcerer's innate charisma--so to see someone who knows who they are, knows what they want, she almost gets a little jealous that it seems to come so easy! It's always based in admiration though, because the things we want to be always look easier when someone else is doing them.
Feron truly admires anyone who can talk their way out of a paper bag. She's always had such a hard time relating to people and talking to them like a normal person. Wyll confuses and astounds her. She knew something was up with him re: pact shit very early on, there's no way a man with that much charisma doesn't have a devil on forced speed dial.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Dianthe likes a sweet treat every now and again and looooves coffee. I imagine the first week post nautiloid crash everyone quickly learned that she was not a morning person and to keep extended conversations with her before 9 am to a minimum.
Feron has a secret sweet tooth. It's sooo bad. Like if she were a real person I think half her teeth would be rotted out of her head. This is the consequence of never having a sweet treat in your youth & being specifically denied them. You tend to over indulge as an adult. Hates coffee though, despises the taste and doesn't see the appeal. She can stay awake just fine on her own (it's not caffeine, it's paranoia!).
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pinkfey · 2 years ago
hmmmmmm orin the red for blorbo bingo 👀💕
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magebastard · 2 years ago
21 & 23 for the character of your choice!
thank you sm for asking im sorry this is so delayed!!!
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
jens is great at maintaining a calm demeanor when she’s upset/angry but as a storm sorcerer, her anger is almost always accompanied by sounds of thunder or a dark cloud literally manifesting right over her head. her patience is tied to a need to understand and empathize with people, but when someone is being directly cruel or is blatantly disrespecting her family name or her friends, she will either plot to destroy a whole reputation OR cut u to ribbons with vicious words
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
she has a very long and painfully vivid memory :-)
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cowboyan · 1 year ago
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lil xmas exchange gift for @astarien! :-)
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okaymeg · 2 years ago
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SCREAMING yes i couldnt agree more. id say of anything you ever see from him before the Confession in act 2 this one interaction was the biggest misdirection as to his character for me of anything.
obviously like anyone i thought that when he comes onto you the first time, he was just laying it on a little thick in order to sleep with you, but this scene almost felt so CRUEL for exactly the reasons you described. hes lying, he knows tav knows he's lying, and he does it anyway, because he knows tav is falling for him and just hearing the words come out of his mouth is gonna have an effect on tav, even when they both know full well that it means literally nothing.
its just such a mean thing to do to someone. its basically like "wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if i felt something for you, haha imagine," to someone who obviously feels something for you and doesnt think its funny at all.
so yes even though i knew he was a little bastard before this scene this was the first moment in the game where i was like i wonder if there's even a happy ending here. and when The Confession happened it was the first thing i thought of. just layers on layers on layers of context to deconstructing this like, one tiny moment.
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camillathe6th · 1 year ago
Fanfic Writer Questions
@askweisswolf tagged me, thank youuuuu for thinking of me ♡
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Huh, 12 apparently? A lot of them are shorts and gifts, though.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
66,495???? When did THAT happen (I have never opened the statistics tab before can you tell)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly and forever Fallen Hero my beloved, but I have one (1) foray into Baldur's Gate 3.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Hmmm, my "main" fics really: 1. Splinters (Fallen Hero, Una and Ortega's relationship's turning points) 2. Dialogue Box (Fallen Hero, people having conversations) 3. Hopefully, No Biting (I can't believe this is in the top three JKLHGLKHGLH. Probably the oral sex helped.) 4. Hauntings (Fallen Hero, little mindfucks and experimental chapters) 5. The Heist, a three-part gift about Hollow Ground and @kittlesandbugs Sidestep, Riley. This one was a passion project, very happy to find it (surprisingly) in the top 5.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Usually, yes, if I can't reply directly to the commenter on another platform! If people are lovely enough to take the time to write, you know... Right back at them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
No endings to my fics, really, but the angstiest as a rule is Hauntings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
No endings to my fics, really, but I think my happiest / sweetest / peacefullest might be one of my recent ones--Shipname: Burnt to the Ground (it's sex, but not sad babygirl sex, you get me?)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No.......... But if you want to go and hate on Hollow Ground when they appear in my fic please be my guest lads I'm right there with you.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not sure my sex scenes count as smut considering I'm firmly rooted in the suggestive rather than explicit territory. I write metaphors for fucking, more like.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not really! I'm such a one-trick pony man, all my money's on Los Diablos.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not! I do like to fuck around with language and I have translated part of my fics once or twice and then back again just to throw a punch into the English and its pacing though. And I used to translate fics out loud for my friends who couldn't read English when I was, like, a teen.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Started to, didn't finish, but the idea's there somewhere—co-writing with @astarien is the heights of existence obviously.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
... Chargestep. I guess. I guess they're alright. Whatever.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
If I want to finish a work I do—but there's nothing I'm gunning to end yet, except for shorts, which I finish in one-go.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hm, I don't really know... I enjoy dialogue, action scenes, and fucking up pace, musicality, analogy, words and format so that language says more than it usually does, or shows more than it usually does—goes further than it wants to go if you don't give it a shake—and makes you FEEL. That's what's in my brain when I write.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Fucking... plot. Logical pathways. Lore. I do not have a brain.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Love it! I gesture at it but keep it in English when I don't know the language (too scared of fucking it up, and not enough control over tone / nuances / connotations), but if I do know the language then absolutely.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
In my little notebooks when I was 8? A French Child Fantasy book I loved. But the only fandom I've written seriously for is FHR.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
My darling, though not my easiest, is Splinters. The hard-hitting writing moments are compiled there, I usually break out of a chapter a little brain-weird and all rabbit-hearted, it's always a blast to get to work on it.
Annnnd I'll tag @astarien, @kittlesandbugs, @ejunkiet, @impossible-rat-babies, @rab-bitly, @witchfall, @silvery-bluish, @ladyshivs, and anyone who feels like it!
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gingerbreton · 2 years ago
I got tagged by the lovely @astarien and @sidestepping to make my Tav in this picrew
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This is Glory my nerdy research driven tiefling warlock, I’ve had her for years since an old campaign fell through so bg3 is an excellent excuse for me to dust her off and bring her out again. And I shall be chewing my arm off until September waiting for the ps5 release
Pov: you just tried to magicsplain her
Tagging @asaara-writes @pchberrytea @lexcanium @westealtoys @lykegenia and I don’t know who else I follow who is eagerly anticipating bg3 but please make your tavs and tag me I’d love to see
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deadrlngers · 2 years ago
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rules: go on pinterest and share the first celeb, outfit, quotes, and aesthetic that appears on your dash
i was tagged by @aastarion @baldursgate2 @flymmcargo @moonmothers @devilbrakers and @dekarios, thank you guys so much i'm giving each one of you a lil kiss on the cheek <3
tagging: @dameayliins @arisatominakos @margaritalaux-antille @yurgir @gortash @nuclearstorms @reaperkiller @faarkas @hibernationsuit @astarien @ncytiri @swanfey @halsin @feypacts @anoras @druidgroves @malefiicarum @florbelles @risingsh0t @celticwoman @thedeadthree @katsigian and YOU!
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lanaevyssmoved · 2 years ago
tagged by @bialanwake !!!!!! fank yew..
i am tagging @cetra @underelf @baldursgate2 @astarien @princeofhags @mercymaker @dandeyrain @transjarlaxle @dravanias :3 and you ... teehee
uquiz :3c
i did afhiri/gale.. and i am crying
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gautiersylvain · 1 year ago
3 + 8 + 11 for general for the Beloved of your choice ❤️❤️❤️
*sprinkling confetti* introducing my newest tav, vati the vengeance paladin
3. Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
vati tends to be headstrong, but not impulsive - once she has thought things through and decided on a course of action, there is little she won't do to reach her goals. she immediately takes a liking to wyll for his bold entrance at the grove gates, as well as lae'zel for her....general demeanor, perhaps. if asked, vati will express approval at recruiting them, but she's used to spending most of her time alone and is unfamiliar with voicing her opinions unprompted among strangers.
on the other hand, vati has an initial suspicion of astarion due to his confrontational introduction and shadowheart for her unwillingness to talk about herself. this doesn't last long as she gets to know them both better and even before that if asked, vati would say that they need all the allies they can get considering the circumstances.
no strong feelings upon meeting gale or karlach. does think it's funny that gale got stuck in a portal lmao.
8. What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
asked to stay in camp 1: What, sick of me already? asked to stay in camp 2: Fine, fine, you know where to find me when you change your mind.
asked to go adventuring again: Yes! (clears throat) I mean, of course - always ready to go.
11. Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner) 
in act 3, if you're able to save all of the prisoners from the iron throne, vati will have unique dialogue after speaking with obelia toobin: "We....we did it. We really did it! I can't believe we saved all of those people. And now...the chance to reunite them with their families. Let's make sure that happens, all right?" [serious, but hopeful - thinking about her own family]
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
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tagged by @leviiackrman & @shadowglens to make some ocs in this picrew, thanks sm 💜 tagging @rkyloren, @baldurians, @solasan, @avallachs, @rosymorns, @thedeadthree, @queennymeria, @faerune, @alistairs, @arklay, @astarien, @stephschoices, @elluvians, @faarkas, @risingsh0t
YSABEL (bg3) ✨ LUCIEN (bg3) ✨ MELODY (p:k) ✨ ELOWEN (bg3)
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silvery-bluish · 2 years ago
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tagged by @astarien! Thank u for the tag!! here they are!! a very tired looking Arsinoe. they've apparently let someone even out their hair and we're making do with tea instead of coffee but the eyes and nose are on POINT with this one!!
I'm gonna tag @rosaindomitus, @cigarettesandinevitablebetrayal, @m3k-fhr, and @wonda-fhr if you guys are interested! No pressure, and anyone else who wants to do this picrew should because it's Great and i want to see y'all's OCs.
Link to the picrew here!
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