#lucien lovera
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
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Selûne is the goddess of the moon, and her paladins are soldiers in the constant war against her dark sister Shar. They use her light to dispel darkness and relieve the pain of others.
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fenharel · 7 months ago
L? 🫶🏼
Lucien Lovera: Baldur's Gate 3
A Zariel tiefling and a paladin of Selûne, he has light azure blue skin and shoulder length white hair.  He wears silver with half-moons decorated armor and carries a great sword that glows with Selûnes holy light. Lucien is brave and compassionate and a lover of the arts and love itself. He’s charming, flirty and a silver tongue, easy to smile as much as it is easy for him to make others smile in return. He often guides lost travelers and outcast safely through the woods and protects all who cannot defend themselves. His pact to Selûne is unique, smiting down all evil doers and Sharrans who already received his ladies second chance or have otherwise sunk so low they cannot be saved anymore.
send me a letter and i will tell you about an oc i have with the initial
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radiomashupok · 7 years ago
Todos los nominados a los Premios Hugo 2017 - 2018
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Hoy se conocieron los nominados de los Premios Hugo al teatro musical. La ceremonia de la 9° entrega de premios se celebrará el próximo 11 de Septiembre de 2018 en el CCK. El Violinista en el Tejado y Sunset Boulevard arrasaron con las ternas.
A continuación, la lista completa:
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Mejor Intérprete Masculino en Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Fernando Dente - Aladín, será genial Héctor Presa - La Arena y el Agua Juan Manuel Basteiro - Cantando Sobre La Mesa Martín Ruiz - Cantando Sobre La Mesa Sebastián Godoy - El Hombre que perdió su sombra
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Mejor Intérprete Femenino en Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Georgina Barbarossa - Doña Disparate y Bambuco Irene Almus - Cosas de payasas Julieta Nair Calvo - Aladín, será genial Marta Mediavilla - Cosas de payasas
Mejor Música  Infantil y/o Juvenil
Axel Krygier - El hombre que perdió su sombra Carlos Gianni - Cantando sobre la mesa Marina Baigorria - Para andar ligero Patricia Sosa / Daniel Vila / Federico Vilas - Aladín, será genial
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Mejor Coreografía en Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Eleonora Comelli - El hombre que perdió su sombra Gastón Marioni - Cantando Sobre La Mesa Maia Roldán / Rosario Magalí Asencio - Aladín, será genial
Mejor Libro y/o Letras de Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Claudio Martínez Bel (libro)/ Silvina Reinaudi (letras) - Cosas de payasas
Eleonora Comelli / Johanna Wilhelm (libro) /Axel Krygier(letras) - El hombre que perdió su sombra
Héctor Presa - La Arena y el Agua Hugo Midón - Cantando Sobre La Mesa
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Mejor Dirección en Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Ariel Del Mastro - Aladín, será genial Eleonora Comelli / Johanna Wilhelm - El hombre que perdió su sombra
Gastón Marioni - Cantando Sobre La Mesa Héctor Presa - La Arena y el Agua
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Musical Infantil y/o Juvenil
Aladín, será genial Cantando Sobre La Mesa Cosas de Payasas El hombre que perdió su sombra La Arena y el Agua
Mejor Maquillaje
Alfredo Fiant - Sunset Boulevard Franco Friguglietti / Ignacio Friguglietti - Siddharta,buscando la verdad
Norberto Poli - Labios Negros Verónica Fox - Rock of Ages
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Mejor Intérprete Femenino en Musical Off
Andrea Lovera - La Desgracia Belén Ucar - La Desgracia Dolores Ocampo - El Puente Azul Jessica Schultz - Berlín en Buenos Aires
Mejor Intérprete Masculino en Musical Off
Juan Rodó - Papaíto Piernas Largas Luciano Crispi - Menea Para Mí Luis Longhi - Enrique Mariano Condoluci - La Desgracia Mariano Mazzei - El Puente Azul Patricio Witis - La Desgracia
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Mejor Dirección en Musical Off
Emiliano Dionisi - El Puente Azul Juan Martín Delgado - La Desgracia Lía Jelín / Matías Strafe - Papaíto Piernas Largas Marcelo Caballero - Lo Quiero Ya
Mejor Diseño Sonido Original
Eugenio Mellano Lanfranco - American Idiot Gastón Briski - El Violinista en el tejado Gastón Briski - Sunset Boulevard Kei Macias - Miedo
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Mejor Espectáculo Musical para un sólo Intérprete
Albert Pla - Miedo Daniela Horovitz - El Dulce Amargo, Canciones de Safo Denise Cotton - Luisa Nacha Guevara - Nacha. Las canciones que nunca volví a cantar
Mejor Diseño de Luces Original
Ariel Del Mastro / Ariel Ponce - American Idiot Ariel Ponce - Siddharta,buscando la verdad Gaspar Potocnik - Aladín, será genial Gonzalo Córdova - El Violinista en el tejado Mariano Demaría - Sunset Boulevard Russo - Miedo
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Mejor Diseño de Escenografía Original
AndreaMercado - El Violinista en el tejado Jorge Ferrari - Aladín, será genial Alejandro Ferrari - Sunset Boulevard Vanesa Abramovich - Papaíto Piernas Largas
Mejor Diseño de Vestuario Original
Alejandra Ribotti - American Idiot Alfredo Miranda - El Violinista en el tejado Gabriela Pietranera - Aladín, será genial Renata Schussheim - Sunset Boulevard
Mejor Revelación Femenina
Ángeles Díaz Colodredo - Papaíto Piernas Largas Lucien Gilabert - Lo Quiero Ya Micaela Racana - Rock of Ages Sabrina Garciarena - El Violinista en el tejado
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Mejor Revelación Masculina
Cae - Rock Of Ages Diego Ramos - por la dirección de Falsettos Lucas Domínguez - Chicas de New York Máximo Meyer - Quien Retiene A Quién Nicolás Cúcaro - Enrique
Mejor Producción Integral
Diego Kolankowsky - American Idiot Julieta Kalik - El Violinista del tejado Lino Patalano / Gustavo Yankelevich - Sunset Boulevard MP Producciones / Ozono Producciones / Preludio Producciones / Aladín,será genial
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Mejor Dirección Vocal o Arreglos Corales
Eugenia Gil Rodrígues - Playbill Katie Viquiera - American Idiot Sebastián Mazzoni - El Violinista en el tejado Sebastián Mazzoni - Falsettos Sebastián Mazzoni - Rock Of Ages Vicky Loescher / Francisco Martínes Castro - La Desgracia
Mejor Intérprete Femenino en Ensamble
Andrea Lovera - El Violinista en el tejado Jimena González - Sunset Boulevard Julia Tozzi -  El Violinista en el tejado Laura Motini - Sunset Boulevard Silvina Nieto - Sunset Boulevard Sol Bardi - La Desgracia
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Mejor Intérprete Masculino en Ensamble
Damián Iglesias - El Violinista en el tejado Diego Bros - El Violinista en el tejado Federico Stegmayer - La Desgracia Franco Friguglietti - American Idiot Menelik Cambiaso - Sunset Boulevard Walter Canella - Sunset Boulevard
Mejor Actuación de Reparto Masculina
Dan Breitman - El Violinista en el tejado Marcos Rauch - Rock Of Ages Patricio Arellano - El Violinista en el tejado Rodolfo Valss - Sunset Boulevard
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Mejor Actuación de Reparto Femenina
Carla Del Huero - Sunset Boulevard Florencia Otero - El Violinista en el tejado Laura Oliva - Quién Retiene a Quién Melania Lenoir - Rock Of Ages Sol Macchia - No me digas, que ya sé
Mejor Intérprete Femenino en Music Hall, Café Concert  y/o Varieté Musical
Celeste Campos - Warangas Night Show Claudia Pisanu - Labios Negros Lidia Catalano - Bájame la lámpara Pilar Muerza - Pleybill
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Mejor Intérprete Masculino en Music Hall, Café Concert y/o Varieté Musical
Caudio Gallardou - Mandinga en el paraíso Claudio Pazos - Labios Negros Francisco Pesqueira - Labios Negros Julián Sierra - Warangas Night Show
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Mejor Actuación Protagónica Femenina
Alejandra Perluzky - Falsettos Déborah Turza - Mamá está más chiquita Julia Calvo - El Violinista en el tejado Julia Zenki - Hermanos de Sangre Valeria Lynch - Sunset Boulevard
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Mejor Actuación Protagónica Masculina
Christian Giménez - Falsettos Francisco Eizaguirre - American Idiot Mariano Chiesa - Sunset Boulevard Matías Mayer - Rock Of Ages Raúl Lavié - El Violinista en el tejado
Mejores Arreglos Musicales
Damián Malher - Hermanos de Sangre Francisco Martínez Castro / Rodrigo Martínez Castro - La Desgracia
Gerardo Amarante - Pleybill Hernán Vallejo /Alejandro Devicenzi - American Idiot Juan Concilio - Mandinga en el paraíso
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Mejor Música Original
Fernando Albinarrate - El Puente Azul Francisco Martínez Castro - La Desgracia Juan Pablo Schapira - Lo Quiero Ya Vanesa Butera - No me digas, que ya sé
Mejor Adaptación y/o Traducción de Libro y Letras
Elio Marchi / Fernando Masllorens / Federico González del Pino - Sunset Boulevard
Guastavo Zajac / Gastón Cerana - El Violinista en el tejado
Marcelo Kotliar - Falsettos Santiago Fernández / Natalia del Castillo - American Idiot
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Mejores Letras de Musical Argentino
Fernando Albinarrate - El Puente Azul Juan Martín Delgado - La Desgracia Juan Pablo Schapíra - Lo Quiero Ya Vanesa Butera - No me digas, que ya sé
Mejor Libro de Musical Argentino
Fernando Albinarrate - El Puenta Azul Jessica Schultz - Berlín en Buenos Aires Juan Martín Delgado - La Desgracia Luis Longhi - Enrique Marcelo Caballero / Martín Goldberg - Lo Quiero Ya
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Mejor Dirección Musical
Gerardo Gardelín - Sunset Boulevard Hernán Vallejo / Alejandro Devicenzi - American Idiot Mariano Cantarini - Rock Of Ages Mateo Rodó - El Violinista en el tejado
Mejor Coreografía
Elizabeth De Chapeaurouge - Sunset Boulevard Gustavo Zajac - El Violinista en el tejado Maia Roldán - American Idiot Mariana Palz  - Lo Quiero Ya
Mejor Dirección General
Ariel del Mastro - American Idiot Claudio Tolcachir - Sunset Boulevard Gustavo Zajac - El Violinista en el tejado Walter Jacob - El Astrólogo - un cuadro -
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Mejor Musical Off
El Puente Azul La Desgracia Lo Quiero Ya Papaíto Piernas Largas Varón pa´quererte mucho
Mejor Music Hall Café Concert y/o Varieté
Labios Negros Mandinga en el paraíso Pleybill Warangas Night Show
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Mejor Music Hall
American Idiot El Violinista en el tejado Falsettos Sunset Boulevard
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
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You are as thick as they come, sweetness. This is my personal play house. And you don't have an invite. Get. Out.
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
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tagged by @leviiackrman & @shadowglens to make some ocs in this picrew, thanks sm 💜 tagging @rkyloren, @baldurians, @solasan, @avallachs, @rosymorns, @thedeadthree, @queennymeria, @faerune, @alistairs, @arklay, @astarien, @stephschoices, @elluvians, @faarkas, @risingsh0t
YSABEL (bg3) ✨ LUCIEN (bg3) ✨ MELODY (p:k) ✨ ELOWEN (bg3)
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
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LUCIEN LOVERA ⚔️ you have set aside even your own purity to right wrongs and deliver justice to those who have committed the most grievous sins.
tagged by @faerune to do this cool aesthetic board for one of my ocs, thank you 💙 tagging (if you want to!) @rkyloren, @shadowglens, @thefathersbride, @stephschoices, @baldurians, @rosymorns, @marazhaiaezyrraesh, @thedeadthree, @leviiackrman, @risingsh0t, @queennymeria, @astarien & you!
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
wyll (depressed):
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the guy he's talking to:
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
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tagged by @shadowglens & @leviiackrman to make some ocs in this picrew, thank you so much 💜 tagging @rkyloren, @baldurians, @rosymorns, @solasan, @risingsh0t, @faerune, @stephschoices, @queennymeria, @thedeadthree, @arklay, @astarien, @avallachs, @chosolos, @elluvians, @alistairs & you!
ELOWEN ALENNDEAR ✨ bg3 (haunted one - hexblade warlock - wood elf)
YSABEL DO'RAHEL ✨ bg3 (noble - divination wizard - lolth sworn drow)
LUCIEN LOVERA ✨ bg3 (soldier - vengeance paladin of selûne - zariel tiefling)
SIRENA DE LA CRUZ ✨p:wotr (trickster mythic - elemental witch - dhampir)
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
tagged by @leviiackrman & @faerune to to use these uquizes (WAYDH? + WAYC) for my ocs, thank you!! tagging @rkyloren, @shadowglens, @baldurians, @stephschoices, @solasan, @risingsh0t, @rosymorns, @queennymeria, @thedeadthree, @astarien, @thedeadthree, @alistairs, @avallachs
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animal intuition
loyalty is the saint you pray to. if you ever were stabbed in the back by your beloved, you'd probably apologize. to your enemies, you're fierce. to your allies, even fiercer. you cultivate a thick inner circle built on promises and devotion, fit only for the best of the best. it's impossible for most to even begin to dissect the type of person you are, owing to your unbreakable emotional walls and confusing philosophies. dream careers? body guard, movie star, unwitting pawn. don't let people get the best of that loyalty.
thriving (for yourself)
You are beautiful, and there is a light in your eyes now. There wasn't, before. You feel light and you hug people tight because you know what loss feels like. You are sunsets and throw-your-head-back-laughs and 2-am-shopping-sprees and looking-over-your-shoulder-for-ghosts-of-the-past, but you are thriving. There are fifteen things you've never checked off your to-do list and never will, but you're determined to find your way to them anyway. You are glowing and it's admirable. You crawled your way from somewhere terrible and now you stand, breathing in the sun. You are admirable, never forget.
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cauterizing rage
the house has burned around you, and you’re the only one left standing. is it gratifying to be the survivor? fear and anger are weapons in your capable hands, used only to serve your agenda of fighting back when deemed necessary. you're a powerful person, built from the ashes of your despair and your family's mistakes. with time, you'll bloom into someone softer, like the full blossoms that grow each spring and wither away with the leaves in fall. they won't disappear if you take your eyes off of them. you're enough.
drowning (for the sake of it)
You are restless ambition and caffeinated nights. You are dancing-in-the-rain and record-player-breaking-down and god-I-knew-this-would-happen. The world made you the cynic and you cursed the world. You stomped in the mud and now you shout at the sky, but fear it not because you are so much stronger. You must persevere, and survive this night. The next and the next. By and by. You are so much stronger than you think you are. You have a purpose to find within yourself, and it doesn't come from the work you're doing now.
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behind the mask
you aren’t slick about whatever you think you’re hiding. glass shatters in your midst, blood spills, children scream. like some of your friends, your personality of choice is entirely artificial. the difference between you and them is that you can get away with it. you’re unknown, perhaps even to yourself, and your goals are complex and unknown. anyone stupid enough to fall for you is setting themselves up to be frustrated and confused, owing to your being ultimately unknowable. i hope you can find an identity that makes you comfortable.
atoning (for someone else)
You are sweet, sweet sorrow. Parting ways at an intersection, an angel's footsteps walking side by side with your own, the shadows of the past looming, looming. You are apologetic-moon-light and loiter-at-the-back-of-the-classroom and stilted-silence and rich-with-life. You are stepping-on-eggshells your way through life, be less careful. Be less careful. You make mistakes, you made mistakes, and you will make mistakes, but imagine growing from them without the wish to go back. Stop restricting yourself. Take a breath of the clean air. Stop breathing in your own secondhand smoke.
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fenharel-archived · 2 years ago
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tagged by @baldurians & @shadowglens to make some ocs in this picrew, thank you! tagging @rkyloren, @thefathersbride, @arlathen, @stephschoices, @denerims, @solasan, @queennymeria, @faarkas, @astarien @risingsh0t, @leviiackrman, @necroticpetals & you!
the bg3 gang: ysabel do'rahel ✨ elowen alenndear ✨ lucien lovera ✨ willow
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fenharel-archived · 2 years ago
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tagged by @faerune, @shadowglens & @leviiackrman to make some ocs in this picrew! i made my bg3 trio 🥰 tagging @rkyloren, @arlathen, @baldurians, @stephschoices, @astarien, @solasan, @thedeadthree, @risingsh0t, @necroticpetals, @thefathersbride & you!
ysabel ✨ elowen ✨ lucien
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
my paladin told balthazar that he wants to kill him basically. then balthazar got so offended he went "idiot." and attacked him. this has no business being this funny
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
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the local paladin has entered the chat
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
my favourite au to think about lately is the one where all my bg3 ocs are together in the same playthrough :3
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fenharel-archived · 2 years ago
my bg3 ocs (so far 🤭🐦)
ysabel, a lolth sworn drow divination wizard (💜 astarion)
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elowen, a wood elf, her class is still pending (💜 gale)
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lucien, a tiefling oath of vengeance paladin (💜 shadowheart)
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(and PERHAPS, willow, my drow spores druid, IF halsin should sweep me off my feet in the full release)
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fenharel-archived · 1 year ago
saskia i am on my hands and knees begging for some lucien lore please 😭💖🙏
[leaving sloppy grandma kisses all over your face] i will tell you anything you want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
lucien is the son of a farmer and a mother who was a cleric of selûne. he grew up on his fathers farm at the outskirts of baldur’s gate tending to the animals, walking with the family goose to school and becoming a squire to a knight at the age of 14 when said knight saw him play fight with fake swords in the front yard with his mother.
personality wise, he’s incredibly brave and incredibly charming, known for his lopsided smirk that shows off his pointy tiefling canines. he’s stubborn. he’s a romantic, always in love with something or someone. he’s a lover of the arts, the moon, the stars, life.
he always knew he was gonna serve selûne in one way or another, and he was almost ready to take his paladin oath when drow of the do’rahel house pillaged his village and took him into the underdark. there, he was branded as a slave of the do’rahels (they use their house glyph, it looks similar to a broken sword, and mark it into their slaves necks) and was forced to be one of their warriors and at some point became ysabels personal guard. he escaped the underdark many years later when ysabel released him after they fell in love. the time there shaped him a bit, he realized that sometimes it’s not enough to save the innocent and guide them into the light. sometimes, you have to make sure darkness is defeated for good, no matter the costs, no matter if it kills him in the end. he made his paladin oath to selûne a couple months into his captivity in the underdark.
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