#ask katherine yo
kingofspadescos · 11 months
Astarion x Reader - All You Wanna Do
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TW - Trauma, Sexual trauma mention
So in Six we all know Katherine Howard's (the pink one) song right? '
'All You Wanna Do'
And it goes through her lovers but how they only used her for her body?
Tell me that isn't Astarion.
Imagine after escaping Cazador (or at some point) he tries to get back out into the dating pool. He just wanted something, anything to make the numb feeling go away. And he thought he found it, but every day he'd wake up to an empty bed and every time he could feel more and more of himself break. Its an endless vicous cycle that he tries desperstly to break but fails inevitably.
He gives up, slinking back to the shadows and watching from afar.
But then one day when he slips out at night to visit a midnight market he accidently bumps into someone.
And it just so happens to be you.
He tilts his head when you smile up at him
"Sorry, sir, apprantly the skill of walking has alluded me" you said.
He's dumbfounded, a snarky remark at the tip of his tongue but unable to make it past his lips. How could it? You were truly breathtaking, the moonlight reflecting off your skin in a way he could only describe as ethereal.
And the way you looked at him, oh gods your eyes had him reeling. There was no hunger in them, no want, no lust, just embarrassment and genuine kindness, something he was not used to being the target of.
He could handle pure mindless need, but this? Such a sweet innocent little thing like you? Oh, no, he couldn't handle that. Not when you looked at him like he actually mattered in the world.
He barely managed out a stangled 'its fine' before dashing back to his dwelling...where he proceeded to lock himself away for days.
What else was he supposed to do? His heart was beating to another rhythm, a time that only meant heartbreak, anger, and self loathing. He couldn't handle it, not again.
But then, after a few days, a knock sounded at his door, and with caution he had opened it to find you there, holding his blade.
"Hi! You dropped this at the market a few days ago" you said "I asked around about you so I could find you, which was tremendously easy, apprantly there is only one known vampire around here."
And there that smile was again and those same eyes that had him crumbling.
"Thank you" he had coughed out, gently grabbing the blade. He wanted you out, far away from him as possible, just so he could function normally. But then your fingers accidently brushed his and he was almost done for.
Panic, excitement, fear, and hope came down on him in waves as he looked into your eyes again. He barely manged to stop himself from taking a step back as if the adoration and happiness that were captured in your eyes had physically pushed him.
"Well I should probably get going" you said turning to walk, and a new panic rose in his chest, the fear of never seeing you again.
"Wait!" He said too quickly for his own liking "come in for some tea, won't you? It's the least I could do to repay you."
From there you two go closer and closer, spending as much time together as possible. Each second he spent with you he felt his heart reach out towards you as if to embrace you and never let go.
But the fear was still there, the fear that he would get to close and you would leave him, just like everyone else.
However, the day came when you confessed. A new dagger in one hand and a rose in the other you looked up at him with those eyes. The same eyes he had yet to act normal about and told him you liked him and wanted him to be yours and you to be his.
The cold hand of panic that crippled his heart made an appearance, twisting the fear into his body and causing his knees to buckle. God's, he felt so stupid, felt so vulnerable and useless, but then a warmth surrounded him.
Your embrace.
You held him, arms tightly woven around his body keeping him secure to you.
"You can say no, you can tell me no" you had whispered, and he almost jumped at the out "but if you're willing to let me hold your heart ill shall cherish it til' the sun no longer shines and even then I shall create my own."
You had him in tears, hands clutching at you in desperation and head burying into your neck.
The rest of the night was spent with assurance and love, you guiding him through a simple kiss that led to nothing more.
And in the morning when he awoke, he cried again when he saw you curled into his side, hand clutching his with the intent of never letting go.
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imaginefan · 3 months
Look Alike
Stefan Salvatore X Male!Reader
Word Count: 1023
Requested: Anon
Request: Hi, I don't know if you still write for tvd, if not ignore me! but could you doa stefan x male reader where him and stefan are in a great relationship and maybe silas tricks you into thinking he's stefan? Could you make reader a vamp as well? -🐺
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Stefan had spent a lot of time chasing after Elena, so much time that he didn’t even notice you at first, the one male friends that all the girls loved to hang around with, to him you were just another in the group, it was after everything settled down that you got closer, no one was really sure when the dynamic changed for the two of you. When you were turned into a vampire after one of Katherine’s rampage through Mystic Falls Stefan became even more protective of you. Stefan was the one to teach you how to control your new abilities and help you get used to the animal blood instead of human blood. The heightened emotions were what you really struggled with and that was where the official relationship started, you ended up accidentally confessing to him and he accepted the feelings.
You were a sickeningly sweet couple, while everyone else was arguing, breaking up and getting back together you were both happy and stable. The evening before everyone went off to go and look for the cure, you had been sitting in the living room with him, your head rested on his shoulder as his hand ran through your (short/long) hair. “What would you think if I wanted to be human again?” Stefan asked suddenly, you looked at him for a second and shrugged. “It’s your choice right, it doesn’t matter what I think… But for the record I’d be sad that I’d have to lose you one day.” You explained. “Would you ever go back to being human?” He asked. “I would love to do that but as far as we know there was only one cure right?” You asked. “Mmm.” He hummed as he rested his cheek against the top of your head. “If I have you I wouldn’t mind staying like this for a little while longer.” “God you two are sickening.” Damon grumbled as you jumped, Stefan making a noise of disapproval before tightening his grip on your coaxing you to relax. “Go and mope somewhere else Damon.” Stefan ordered before pressing a kiss to your forehead. “This room is occupied.”
You had decided to stay back in case anything happened in town while the others were gone, so you had no idea what had happened, everyone had gathered at Elena’s house but no one had tried contacting you yet. Oblivious to any danger and a reassuring message from Stefan only a few hours earlier kept you patient, you turned in the kitchen coming face to face with Stefan “Oh! You didn’t message to say you were on the way home.” You smiled as you walked over, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Are you okay?” You asked. “Everything is fine.” He answered, wrapping an arm around you, something didn’t feel right, you don’t know if your face gave you away one second he was holding you and the next he hand flung you across the room, with what seemed to be magic. “You're not Stefan.” You pushed yourself onto your knees, you could hear him breaking something behind you but before you could even move he drove the wood through your stomach. “Don’t worry I don’t want to kill you just yet.” He said softly as he pushed the stake further into your stomach. “Well unless they’re too busy to find you, then it’s no one's fault but their own.” He stood looking down at you. “I see why he chose you, I would have too.” He said before stepping over you and walking towards the front door, he pressed his hand to the door frame lighting it on fire before disappearing from sight.
Stefan was at Elena’s house, she was still waiting for Jeremy to wake up, something they all knew was not going to happen. His phone ringing brought him out of his thoughts, he saw your name pop up and immediately felt bad, someone should have called you “I’m sorry we meant to call- What’s that sound? (Y/N)?” He asked. “The…House… I can’t… Move-” You wheezed, you were struggling and he didn’t know why, he was sure that he could hear fire, he needed to get back to you. “Hold on, I’m coming.” He turned to leave the house Caroline close behind him. “Bonnie and Damon can stay here with Elena, we can check on (Y/N).” Caroline said, he nodded as they both headed out.
By the time that they got back to your house, it was already engulfed in flames “where is he?” Caroline asked. “Inside.” Stefan said. “You can’t go in there!” Caroline grabbed his arm as he stepped forward. “I’m not leaving him there!” Stefan snatched his arm from her running into the house “(Y/N)!” There was a crash from the kitchen. He moved quickly, they only had so long before neither of you would be able to get out, he spotted you on the floor, he could see the stake in your stomach and lifted you, you grunted. “I know I’m sorry, we’ll get that out as soon as we get out here.” From there he was careful to navigate out of the house carrying you close to his chest, Caroline waiting for you both. “Is he okay!?” She asked. “He will be.” Stefan muttered. “Alright sweetheart, I have to get this out, you have to hold on to Caroline’s hand while I pull this out okay?” “Mm.” You hummed, the chair leg was easy to pull out, he gripped the edge pulling it out fast and throwing across the road as if it burned him, he cradled you to his chest as you started to heal. “He looked just like you.” “Who did?” Stefan asked. “The one that attacked me, he looked just like you and he was using magic.” You explained. “Just rest, I’ll be right here the whole time, I won’t leave I promise, we’ll talk about this in the morning.” Stefan said, standing to walk back towards the boarding house for you to rest, he was sure that Damon could deal with Elena on his own for a few hours.
Requests and general question!
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coraline-jones353 · 6 months
I'd Love to Dance with You
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If you're going to reblog give me credit!
Prompt: Soulmate Au (You see each other in your dreams)
Pairing: Alex Walter x reader (girl)
Summary: After Jackie moved in with the Walters she really missed her best friend Evangeline. After hearing from Katherine that Jackie is having a hard time adjusting she thinks it's a good idea to pay her best friend a visit.
Warnings: angst, there will be a part 2 if anyone wants it!
Jackie had just finished talking to Evangeline and she knew she already missed her. She sighs as she goes back to living her new life and forgetting about her old.
She goes downstairs to see Katherine talking to Cole about his grades but as she comes in Katherine puts on a smile and seemingly forgets about the entire issue.
Jackie waves at the pair as she walks out the door, thinking a jog would do good for her busy mind.
But what she doesn't know is that the fight between Cole and Katherine was just a way to get her out of the house so they could continue planning.
They could tell that she was missing her old life. Katherine after overhearing a conversation of the two girls where Evie said she wished she could come to visit came up with a plan to make that happen. She will arrive tomorrow after school and stay for 2 months to help cheer up Jackie.
I can't wait to go see Jackie. I think as I pack the last of my bags for the trip. It had been paid for by Richard who wanted to help lift his nieces spirits. I was now on my way to the airport hoping Jackie wouldn't try to call me again and ruin the surprise.
Jackie's school day has been so long. I had to just sit in her room and wait for her to get home, of course with the occasional asking if I wanted anything and me being polite, said yes to just about anything I wasn't allergic to.
I start to hear multiple footsteps so I know it is time to hide. Thank goodness for the fact that Jackie isn't one to hit you because you surprised her because this will surely make her jump.
As she walks in I hear her drop her bag on the floor and plop down on her bed in a huff. She seems tired or frustrated, I don't really know I hate trying to guess emotions.
I quickly and quietly open the closet door and plop on the bed next to her, "So what's got you all in a huff?" I say jokingly as I watch her jaw drop in shock. She quickly just pulls me into her embrace and I fear she won't ever let go. I just hold her while rubbing her back to soothe her.
After our beautiful reunion she walks me downstairs to meet the Brady bunch. I am terrible at names so I try to remember features or anything different about them. I categorized them by personality or something that made them stand out. Cole: arrogant, flirty, asshole. Lee: Skater boy. Issac: Lover boy. Danny: Actor. Andrew: musician. Parker: the only girl. Benny: the youngest. Will: The oldest/about to be married. Jordan: Why won't he stop filming me?!?!!?
Also why is their family so big!??! How am I supposed to remember all these names.
There was one other kid though. He came in late apologizing for his mistake and saying he didn't know he wouldn't make it in time for dinner. As we make eye contact I look at him shocked. Jackie has been telling me about her love triangle between Alex and Cole and now seeing him and noticing who he was I was freaking out.
Alex just sat down and kept staring at me and Jackie while I tried to avoid his eyes.
That night as I was brushing my teeth in the downstairs bathroom Alex came up behind me. I knew what he wanted to discuss but I just couldn't.
I turn to look at him after putting my tooth brush away and he just stays there staring at me. "I don't know what to say." I look at him puzzled that he decided that those would be the first words he says to his soulmate.
"I've imagined this moment; when I met you for so long. But I don't know how to proceed now that I know who you are. You and Jackie have a thing going on, i'm here to help her not make it worse."
Sincerely, Coraline Jones 🐈‍⬛
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marie-swriting · 1 year
Lose This With You - Katherine Pierce
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Summary : you're in a relationship with Katherine but she's always starting fights with you even though you could have something beautiful.
Warnings : reader is a vampire, arguing, mention of Katherine's traumas, angst, good ending, consumming alcohol (be careful with your alcohol consumption), maybe some grammatical mistakes as English is not my first language so tell me if you see some or if I missed any warnings.
Word count : 2k
French version
Song inspiration : Afterglow by Taylor Swift
“Oh my God, I’m so sick of arguing with you. I just feel like I’m talking to a brick wall every time.” you exclaim, massaging your temples.
“So you think I’m the only one in the wrong in this situation ?” Katherine retorts dryly.
“I’ve never said that ! I’m sure I’m also wrong as well but it doesn’t mean you can accuse me of things I didn’t do ! Could we, for once, talk about it calmly ? The only thing we do is yell at each other then act as if nothing happened. We never solve the problem.”
“But I’ve been talking since the beginning.”
“No, since the beginning, you’ve been shouting and throwing accusations at my face, it’s different. At least, listen to what I have to say.” you beg, Katherine shakes her head.
“I don’t wanna listen to you.”
“Katherine-” you sigh, though she cuts you off.
“No ! Actually, I don’t want to talk to you anymore. Leave.” she orders, emotionless. 
“Really ? You don’t even want to try to sort this out ?” you ask, exasperated.
“There’s nothing to sort out. I don’t even know why I decided to get with you in the first place. I don’t even care about you.”
As soon as you hear Katherine pronounce these words, your heart tightens in your chest and you look down. Your eyes stings but you don’t let a tear roll down your cheek. You don’t want to show her she’s hurt you, though she doesn’t need to see your face to know it. Your shoulders down are enough. Even if a part of Katherine wants to take back what she just said, her anger is stronger so she keeps talking, twisting the knife in your chest.
“So leave, I don’t want to see you ever again.”
“Very well,” you start after taking a deep breath and looking up to her, “but don’t come back to me crying when you’ll realise you’ve fucked it up.”
“It won’t happen.”
“Perfect, then !”
You keep your gaze on Katherine for a few seconds before leaving your shared apartment. You slam the door and Katherine holds back her tears when she’s confronted by the silence. Your breath is heavy whilst you start crying. You wipe your tears with anger before going to the Salvatores’.
Your friendship with the two brothers is, additionally, often the object of your arguments between you and Katherine, your last altercation is no exception. You were supposed to meet them for a few hours and when she learned about it, Katherine started to scream at you while you were confused about the reasons behind her annoyance. Sure, you know they’re not the best of friends, but the tension between the three of them is not like it used to be. Furthermore, you've been friends with Stefan and Damon longer than you know Katherine. You had met them when they had just been turned into vampires. You had tried to help them thanks to your two hundred years experience as a vampire. Therefore, your friendship with the two men is important for you. As for Katherine, you met her only a few years ago and your relationship is even newer. Notwithstanding, the love you have for Katherine is just as important. For the first time in your long life, you feel like you’ve discovered the real meaning of ‘love’, however your numerous fights are slowly ruining everything. Generally, you never give up that easily when a conflict erupts. You tried giving her space and coming back to her later and even leaving her alone until she’s calmed enough to settle everything, yet there’s nothing to do. As soon as a tough time is behind you, she finds you a new flaw. 
Over time, you got used to the disputes. You’ve already said awful things to each other, you’ve already stayed several days without talking until you make the first step. Yet, you’re more and more tired of this situation and knowing she doesn’t want to see you anymore doesn’t help to save your relationship. The more time goes by, the more you tell yourself it’s destined to fail. You can’t spend forever arguing. It’s not what you want. So you decide to give up. You tried but she doesn’t want to make an effort so what’s the point of trying so hard ?
Once you’re at Stefan and Damon’s, you pour yourself a glass of Bourbon before greeting them. They instantly understand what happened. Damon doesn’t even react when he sees you pouring another glass. He knows his bottle is doomed for the night, this one and the next one he has in stock.
While you explain to them your last fight, Katherine hasn’t moved yet. She’s still in the middle of your living room, overwhelmed by her emotions. This time, she tells herself she probably took things too far. Deep down, she’s aware she’s the reason behind all of your problems in your relationship, even if she refuses to admit it to you. The look on your face when she implied she never cared about you is still engraved in her mind. She hates seeing you in pain and yet, she feels like she’s almost always the cause of it. Well, it’s not just a feeling, she knows she is. And she hates herself for it. Katherine doesn’t understand why she persists to destroy your relationship. You do everything to make it work. You love her, more than you should, according to her, and she loves you. You give your all for her and in return, she only gives you back baseless accusations. 
Katherine lets a small sob leave her lips before breaking down. Just like you, Katherine is tired of this situation. But above all, she doesn’t want to lose you. However, with what she told you and the way you left, she thinks it’s already too late. She keeps crying the whole night, mad at herself for everything she put you through. Katherine wishes to erase what she said, start all over again, however it’s not possible. She knows you guys have the potential to be something beautiful, if she wouldn’t let her fears speak. At first, Katherine is desperate, certain she has destroyed everything, then she tells herself she might have a small chance to fix your relationship if, for the first time in her life, she doesn’t run away. Determined, but scared nonetheless, Katherine leaves your apartment to find you. She doesn’t have to think to know you’re at the mansion. You always go to them after a fight. Katherine only hopes they won’t close the door to her face and you’ll like to listen to her.
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You wake up when you feel someone shaking you. When you open your eyes, you see Stefan in front of you. Without a word, he points at something behind him and you notice Katherine on the doorstep, looking at you with an awkward and sorry expression on her face. You sigh loudly before meeting her. You cross your arms on your chest to show your annoyance. 
“May we talk ?” she enquiries with a small voice.
“I don’t know, you told me you didn’t want to do it anymore yesterday.” you retort, drily.
“Please. It’ll only take a few minutes. I really need to talk to you.”
When you see her pleading look, you decide to do it, not without rolling your eyes at your incapacity to go up against her.
“Alright, but not here, I don’t want any prying ears.”
Katherine steps aside to let you walk out of the mansion whilst you close the door behind you. You both walk in the forest nearby. 
On top of being silent, with your stance, we can tell you’re on the defensive, ready to attack if Katherine says something wrong. This doesn’t help Katherine to muster up her courage, but she knows she needs to do it. She needs to talk to you. She’s ruined everything, so she has to be the one to do the right thing.
“I am sorry.” Katherine starts, looking you in the eyes.
“‘Sorry’ doesn’t mean anything if you don’t fix your behaviour.”
“I am deeply sorry. Not only for yesterday, but also for all the other times. You’re right, we never talk. Or more precisely, I never allow us to communicate.”, she admits, surprising you, “Everytime we finish arguing or rather when I finish screaming, I act as if nothing happened, I don’t take responsibility for my mistakes and it’s not the thing to do. Besides, I know I’ve been hurting you since the beginning of our relationship. I’m always searching for every unpleasant vice to use against you, I do everything to push you away and I think this time, I’ve succeeded, but it’s not what I want. I care about you, more than you know. I don’t know why I always have to break what I love so much. I want to stop ruining our relationship, I don’t want to hurt you anymore.”
“It’s all well and good what you’re saying, but how can I be sure those aren’t empty promises ?”
“Yesterday, when you left, I realised I’m destroying our relationship and I want it to stop. It’s just, I’m not used to having a bit of happiness so whenever I do, I’m afraid to lose it. I always lose everything, since the day my daughter was taken away from me and I’m scared you’re going to give up on me or you’ll end up hurting me, so I prefer to attack first. I know it’s not an excuse, I shouldn’t put my fears and my traumas on you, it’s not fair. You deserve that I treat you as well as you do. I don’t want to keep hurting you. I love you and I don’t want to lose this with you.”, Katherine continues as she waves between you two, “If it’s not too late, I’d like to have one last chance to prove to you I can be better. And for that, I need to apologise first. I am sorry that I hurt you. And I am sorry for always avoiding conversations, for giving you the silent treatment when you tried to talk to me, but above all, I am sorry to not allow myself to trust you while you do everything for me. I’m to blame and I’m taking responsibility for all my faults now. If I have already destroyed everything, you can tell me. However, I hope I’m still yours like you’re still mine and I hope you can tell me we’ll be alright, even when I lose my mind and, despite all the times I broke your heart, I’m still all you want. If it’s not the case, I’ll understand. I didn’t do anything to avoid this situation.” she states with teary eyes.
“First of all, I appreciate seeing you come to me and I’m glad you’ve realised a few things. I want to believe you really want to change, but how can I know it’s true ? How can I know, two weeks from now, we won’t be at each other’s throat again like we’ve been doing since the beginning ?” you ask, sceptical, “I don’t want to stay in a relationship where we slowly kill each other.”
“I promise you, from now on, I want to and I will make an effort. I love you too much to see you go.” she says, taking your hands, “Yesterday was enough to make me realise I won’t be able to live without you. Give me one last chance and if I keep blowing things out of proportion, still blame you for things that aren’t true, I’ll let you go. But I believe this love is worth the fight and I want to do it now.”
When you hear her determined tone, you can’t help but admit with this discussion, Katherine just proved to you she’s genuine in her promise. She really wants to make an effort for you, for the both of you. A part of you still fears it’s only a temporary promise yet you want to believe in Katherine, you want to believe she really wants to try with you.
“I can’t deny, you seem sincere. For the first time in our relationship, we’re talking and I’m happy about it. I don’t want to lose this with you either. I’d like to try one last time.” you smile, stroking her cheek.
“You won’t regret it, I promise.”
And you never did.
{This is my side blog so I'll be answering comments under the username @marie-sworld}
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satansapostle6 · 8 months
The Man Who Sold The World | Luke Castellan
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Spotify Playlist Link
Katherine. She was the one who started it all for Luke Castellan, the reason he did what he did.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Violence. Smut. Oral(both receiving.) Face-fucking. Fingering. Mommy kink. Degradation. Spanking. Slight choking. Switch dynamic.
A/N: I’m so high, this isn’t really written I just pushed the buttons so the letters would jump out
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty: Rotting Away
After a couple of a weeks or so of resting and relaxation, Katherine found herself feeling good for the first time since everything that happened. She was calm, and she was content. Everything between her and Luke seemed to be almost normal again.
Luke was also getting to a place of comfort after everything they’d went through together. He’d finally began to feel less awful for his argument with Katherine before she’d left. She’d noticed that he’d started to feel more comfortable with her again, not afraid to spoon her at night when he woke up feeling cold, or kiss her all over as she lay next to him.
Katherine also noticed that, as they spent most of their time in a hotel room and in bed, Luke’s mannerisms would become a bit suggestive at times, the way they used to be. She could tell that his sex drive was starting to return again, but he just didn’t know how to ask for what he wanted, considering the argument that they’d had before.
His little tells were very subtle, but Katherine knew him in and out. She knew that when he would start to want her as they watched TV or slept together, he’d start to gently squeeze her thigh, or nuzzle his face into her chest, or even slowly press himself into the back of her as they slept. It wasn’t too obvious, but it was apparent to Katherine, who knew Luke’s behavior.
That night, however, it was very obvious that he was thinking about her. Before he’d gotten into the shower, he’d seemingly made it a point to leave the door wide open the entire time, and even going so far as to come in and out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel on around his waist, looking for something that undoubtedly didn’t exist.
Deciding she’s bait him, she made sure that she was wearing his T-shirt, taking her shorts off so that all she had on under was a pair of panties. She even took a seat at the edge of the bed, waiting patiently for him. Luke eventually came out of the bathroom, in nothing but his briefs. Katherine chuckled darkly, her eyes washing over him, taking her time to take him in.
Despite the briefs, she was drawn to his upper body, admiring his strong, lean build and scarred ribcage and back.
“What?” Luke questioned with a smile on his face, standing there in front of the bed like a Calvin Klein model.
“Nothing,” she shrugged nonchalantly, watching as he gradually stepped in front of her, until his legs were touching her knees.
She looked up at him, trying not to giggle as she utilized the most explicit blowjob eyes.
“Aw, baby,” Luke cooed, hand playfully lifting her chin up to look at him, “Don’t look at me like that…”
She could tell he was growing more confident.
“Like what?” she teased.
“You know like what,” he reminded her. “You know what you’re doing. Wearing nothing but my shirt.”
“I’m wearing more than you’re shirt,” she promised him.
He watched, completely stunned as he a black pair of lace underwear fall to the floor.
“Now I’m just wearing your shirt,” she grinned, looking for a challenge.
“Is that your angle?” he asked roughly, hand suddenly wrapped around her throat. “Talk like a whore so I shut you up?”
He knew how to make her see stars, pressing the pads of his fingers just slightly on the pressure points.
“That’s usually how it works,” Katherine said pointedly, her brown eyes full of lust as he gripped her throat.
“Well, not this time. You’re not gonna get what you want just by being a little slut,” he told her, fully committing.
He released her throat, taking a second to consider his options.
“Or maybe you will get what you want by being a nasty little slut,” he decided, slapping her across the face as she grinned.
It was soft enough to be fun, but just hard enough to really excite her.
“Take off my shirt and lay down. Facing me, on your elbows,” he ordered. “And stick your ass up in the air.”
“Yes, sir,” she teased, tossing the shirt aside as he stared hungrily.
She got on her hands and knees, looking straight up at him as she slowly arched her back, ass in the air just as he’d instructed. He grinned mischievously, hands moving down her body until he reached her ass, squeezing each cheek hard before giving them two rough slaps.
“Look at you,” he smirked cockily, hand harshly slapping her pussy. “Already wet… Such a fucking whore. I’m gonna fuck that pretty face til you cry,” he murmured.
She grinned as he dropped his briefs, hand running through her hair as he pulled her head up.
“How does that sound?” he asked, intentionally asking as he slowly inserted himself into her mouth.
He could hear her as he hit the back of her throat. She looked him right in the eyes, humming with pleasure as she bobbed her head up and down, cheeks hollowed out as she sucked.
“Fuck me,” he gasped, eyes locked on hers. “Look at my good little slut, taking me like a champ,” he teased, tweaking her nipples just to mess with her even more.
He watched, completely enamored as she went faster and faster, getting to the point where most people’s eyes would’ve began watering.
“Fuck, you’re such a slut for me, I don’t even know what to do with myself half the time,” he groaned, thrusting in and out as she gasped for air. “So beautiful…”
He saw her eyes start to water after a while, still completely focused on him. He almost came listening to her quiet whimpering as he fucked her throat as hard as he could.
“It’s okay,” he huffed, softly moving her hair out of her face, “I know, baby. I know…”
He gasped at the warm feeling of her throat, pulling out of her mouth before she came. She took a moment to catch her breath, looking at him with disappointment.
“Hey…” she whined jokingly.
He knew that she’d been genuinely enjoying it, which made him smirk.
“Uh-uh,” he shook his head. “You wanna be treated like a slut? You’re gonna be treated like a slut. Turn around,” he demanded.
He watched as she pouted, turning around on the bed, completely naked as she laid down, slowly arching her back for him to watch. He came forward, roughly forcing her head down as she stuck her ass out even higher.
“Oh, so messy, baby,” he mumbled, fingers swiping against the wetness between her legs. “All this, just from having my dick in your mouth? You fucking love me, don’t you? God, I’m a lucky man…”
She giggled as he slapped her ass out of nowhere, enjoying the genuine reactions she was getting out of him. She playfully squealed in excitement as she felt the sting of his hand smacking against her from behind, over and over again as she chuckled darkly, loving the attention he was giving her.
“Look at that,” he praised, hand slapping her pussy again. “So fucking wet… I’m gonna ruin you. You want that, huh? You want me to stretch you out and come all over you?”
Katherine had gotten exactly what she wanted.
“Ass up, baby,” Luke huffed, ignoring manners.
She obediently arched her back even further, head resting comfortably on her arms. She gasped softly as he roughly pinned her down by her hips, face buried in her from behind as he swiped his tongue up and down, devouring her savagely.
She let out an involuntary whine as he ravaged her, living for the way his strong hands dug into her hips. She was in her own world, completely unaware that Luke had even more in mind. She watched in disappointment as he pulled away after a long while of pulling various sounds out of her, sitting down beside her on the bed. She watched with curiosity as he exhausted sat down behind her, spreading his legs so that she was sitting between them.
“Come here,” he decided, his demeanor shifting. “Lemme finish you off like a princess.”
Katherine sighed contents as she slowly got up and settled in between his legs, her back resting against his bare chest. She slowly leaned into him, reaching a hand back to tangle up into his short sandy hair as his big, cool hands slowly massaged her breasts as she subconsciously spread her legs.
“That’s it, pretty girl. Spread those legs for me,” he murmured as his grip on her breasts began to intensify. “Let’s play with that pretty, hmm?”
She sighed, feeling his hands grope her desperately as she spread her legs more.
“Wider,” Luke instructed her. “Come on. I know you know how to act like a slut.”
She whimpered softly as she spread her legs as far as possible, feeling his right hand move down between her legs while the other still fondled her breast. She shut her eyes in ecstasy as she felt his hand slowly massaging the opening, hips bucking into his hand for more.
“Come on, pretty baby,” he coaxed her affectionately, “Lemme hear you.”
He began to tease the opening even more, scissoring her open with his fingers, slipping the tip of his finger in as he pulled downward, making her feel even more full. She sighed as her fingers got tangled in his hair, searching for something to hold onto.
“That’s it, baby. I wanna hear you falling apart while I’m inside, you think you could do that for me?” he asked.
She nodded quickly, moaning as he slid two of his long fingers in at once. His squeezing of her breast became more random and playful as her moans grew louder and more breathy. He smiled lovingly at the sight of her sitting in front of him, sloppily kissing on her neck as she started to come to a soft climax.
“Mmm… You’re so fucking perfect, baby,” he sighed, nose buried in her. “Fuck. Your perfume… It’s like fucking pheromones. Fuck, I wanna come so bad…”
Katherine could feel Luke unintentionally rutting into the bed beneath him, searching for any kind of friction. She gasped as his fingers thrusted in and out of her faster and faster, realizing she would probably come again. She sighed, breath heavy with lust as the lewd sound of wetness and skin filled each of their ears.
“Wait, stop,” she interrupted suddenly.
“Is something wrong?” Luke asked immediately, unable to discern her exact tone.
“No, no,” she said quickly, drunk on love. “Wanna come on your cock.”
Luke knew that Katherine normally hated that word, unless it was quite literally mid-fuck.
“Whatever you want, princess,” he nodded quickly, pulling his fingers out as she lifted her hips up.
She sat up for him to adjust, allowing him to sit down beside her as she sank down onto him, laughing hysterically with pleasure as she felt him filling her up. She felt powerful with him inside her, knowing that he was back there losing his mind behind her as she bounced up and down at her own eager pace.
“Fuck, baby!” he moaned loudly. “I’m yours… All yours…”
“You feel so good…!” she groaned. “Fuck!”
They both rode out their highs together, as Luke’s hand rested on Katherine’s thigh for support.
“Katherine?” he said softly, whining as she bounced up and down.
“Yeah?” she breathed out.
“You wanna turn around?” he gasped, trying to ease his excitement, “Wanna see your tits.”
“Oh, of course, baby,” she said quickly, stopping as she got up.
He cried out as she moved off of him, fighting to contain himself in more ways than one. He tried to catch his breath, throwing his head back as he leaned back against the headboard.
“Oh, look at you,” Katherine cooed breathily, her hand resting on his cheek.
His beautiful blue eyes stared into hers helplessly as he melted into her touch.
“Katherine,” he gasped again, still panting.
“What is it?” she asked him. “You tired?”
“No,” he shook his head, promising her it wasn’t that.
She couldn’t help but admire the desperate look in his eyes. She could tell he was about to burst. She listened intently as he started to mumble something incoherent, sounding strung out on pussy.
“What’s that?” she asked, not able to make out the words.
Luke quickly composed himself as he realized he was asking for something he’d only had to ask for himself on several occasions.
“Will you—Will you choke me?” he pleaded, silently begging the hand on his cheek to do more. “Please?”
“Oh, baby,” Katherine grinned, smoothing his hair back teasingly, “I didn’t know you were feeling like that…”
“Please, Katherine, I need it,” he gasped, “I just need you to handle me,” he said passionately, anxiously writhing beneath her.
He grew more restless as she didn’t answer immediately.
“Pretty please?” he asked hopefully.
“Well. Since you’re feeling so needy, I think we’d better get you extra comfortable, huh?” she proposed thoughtfully.
“H-How?” he asked nervously.
She smirked mischievously as she got up off the bed, walking to one of the duffle bags resting on the chair in the motel room. She reached into the side of it, pulling out a little pink toy.
“What do you say, baby?” Katherine asked. “You want me to get you nice and relaxed?”
“Oh, yes please,” he moaned at the sight of the toy, waiting for her to do something, anything at all.
She grinned as she got back on the bed, one leg draping over him as she settled. She looked down at his lap, amused by his arousal.
“Aw, so hard, baby,” she mocked him affectionately.
“It hurts,” he whimpered.
“Oh, I know… Here. Lemme help you.”
He watched her every move, gasping almost silently as she turned on her small vibrator, placing it right where he needed it most.
“Fuck,” he sniffled, slightly overstimulated.
She took his hand, placing it around the vibrator as he just held it there, waiting for her.
“Mmmmm…” he started to feel dizzy.
“You’re mine,” Katherine grinned, sinking down on him as he gasped.
He felt her hand wrapped around his throat, grasping it harshly as she played with his pressure points. He looked up at her with wide eyes as she lowered her breast to his mouth, thoroughly entertained as he wrapped his mouth around her nipple, looking her in the eyes as he sucked.
“I love you so much,” Katherine hissed as she pinned him down.
“I love you too,” he mumbled, eyes squeezed shut in ecstasy.
“Hey. Uh-uh,” Katherine shook his head, lightly slapping his face. “Look at me.”
He nodded obediently, close to tears as she rode him, pace beginning to pick up.
“Who’s the slut now, huh?” she asked as bounced up and down.
“Me, mommy!” Luke moaned, stopping in his tracks as he realized what slipped out.
His eyes widened as he remained silent, not sure whether he would even acknowledge what had slipped out, but he quickly realized she didn’t seem to mind as her grip around his throat tightened with pleasure.
“God, you’re such a needy little slut,” she sighed, leaning down to sloppily kiss his lips.
He sighed into the kiss, his resolve weakening as he felt her tongue dancing against his.
“Yes, mommy,” he gave in, hungry for kisses, “I’m a needy little slut.”
“Say it again,” she ordered, having fun with him.
Naturally, he obliged.
“I’m a needy little slut and I need mommy,” he begged her. “Please, mommy…”
“What is it, baby?” she asked him, hand moving from his throat to his hair as she rewarded him for his obedience.
“Mommy, I need you to hold me,” he whimpered, “Between your tits. Please…”
“Awwww, who am I to say no to my sweet boy?” she gushed, half doting, half mocking.
Luke was falling apart, desperately thrusting up into her out of frustration.
“Keep calling me your sweet boy,” he begged.
“You like being my sweet boy?” she asked. “You like when I pin you down and make you come?”
“Yes, mommy, so much,” he babbled a bunch of nonsense. “I love it!”
“Tell me how much you love it.”
“I love mommy’s pussy,” he whined, groping her breasts greedily, “I love playing with mommy’s tits.”
His grip tightened even more as she clenched around him.
“Look at you, falling apart,” she observed as he sucked aggressively on her nipple. “Good boy… So needy for me.”
He only responded by turning his attention to her other nipple, sucking hard.
“Such a good boy.”
“That’s me!” he whined, throwing his head back. “Your good boy…!”
“Be a good boy and come for mommy,” she teased him. “I know you can do it.”
He whimpered loudly as he felt himself getting close as she rode him.
“I need to come,” he choked out.
“Okay. You can come,” she promised him. “Go on.”
Luke suddenly grew bashful as he watched her riding him, sticking his face between her breasts before he eventually settled on whining into the crook of her neck.
“Fuck, you smell so good…”
He sounded as if he were about to cry. The mommy issues were slowly becoming more apparent.
“I love your perfume,” he sighed as he breathed her in as hard as he could. “Fuck. Gets me so hard…”
She held him close to her chest as he began to finish, listening to his adorable chokes and sobs that he would only share with her. Katherine came as she felt him pressing shy kisses to her net between moans, moving aside as he tried to catch his breath. She allowed him to lay his head on her chest as she gently wiped him off with the towel by the bed.
He threw his head back as he tried to breathe, overwhelmed by the sensation as more came out.
“Good job, baby,” she praised. “Good job…”
Luke sighed as she cleaned the both of them off, closing his eyes for a moment as he allowed her to hold him the way no one ever had before. Katherine sighed as she got rid of the towel, turning off the bedside lamp as she lay beside him.
“Hmm” she asked him.
“I, uh…” he paused for a moment as he felt tears coming to his eyes, his voice deep with exhaustion but still cracking in pain. “I just… You would’ve made the perfect mother. I wish you could’ve been one.”
He feared Katherine might interpret his thought process the wrong way, but she seemed receptive. She was silent for a moment, the pain rushing back for a brief moment as she accepted the genuine sentiment.
“Me too,” she offered, knowing that was her last chance.
Chapter Twenty-One
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robbybirdy · 6 months
Domingo's Journal Page 3: Formal Dance
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Today was prom. 
I gathered up all of my courage to asked someone to dance, but I got rejected.
But that didn’t stop me from winning Prom King. 
Someone (not Katherine) challenged me to a dance battle on the dance floor. And of course, i finished on top and the one who challenged me was not happy about it. They started a fight with me. Jeez, they were such a sore loser. 
I did think that everyone looked amazing in their suits and dresses! I couldn’t stop checking people out!
At one point during the night though I did see something strange, I spotted a three-eyed llama!
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ask-missparker · 7 months
Lord, Show Me How Say No To This | Marvel blurb
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He cheated on me with some agent named Katherine Davon. I walked into his office to talk with him about a brief meeting coming up and found them on the couch chatting—then they kissed!
My first love turned out to be my last…
All those years of love, sweat and tears showing him my world only to give it over to another woman.
I should’ve known…
From the day Katherine walked into SHIELD, she was all kind, snarky and dressed like a boss ass bitch. I knew I couldn’t completely go up against some women like her.
Nikolai must’ve heard the door slam shut as he rushed after me and into the hallway of the SHIELD main area.
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He caught me in tears as I shakes my head yelling from him to let go.
“Mia, love, let me explain.”
“Explain what? Huh? I saw what you did.”
“She came at me! She came into my office and asked for help on a assignment..and I did..then we started talking.”
“How long has this been happening?”
“I wish I say it was the first time..but it became a past time..”
“Y-yo—you been doing this for weeks?! You come home every night to me and when I’m out of sight, she’s there..”
He stopped for a moment, hearing how hurt she sounds as he answered, “Yeah, she is…you have been gone for weeks, I was alone and tired..”
“I beg you to take a break and you refused to! You told you to come with me, you said no…I was sad without..” She replies with a sigh.
“But not sad enough to pull me out of my office huh?”
“I..um, you are blaming me? Okay, fine..I hope she treated you better than I thought...”
“Well, her mouth were on mine and I couldn’t say no.”
That one line caught a rift of silence between the two of them. No words could describe the fact that they were heartbroken..
I couldn’t remember if I saw him smile as he said those words or not. But all I remember is that his eyes were laced with a pain and sorrow, as if he regrets his actions but proud of them all the same.
After a moment I spoke, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean come off as strong as I did…I am so sorry if I messed up as your girlfriend.. but it doesn’t change how I feel about you..”
“..that you hate me for cheating on you?” He asked me, fixing his collar.
“No..I mean, yes..but I still love you. Despite my thoughts, I love you…”
“You should know, it started weeks before that mission..she was my partner a couple of months before during a long trip to Russia..we were alone and we talked..but I never once stopped to wondered what you would think of me for it..”
“…does anyone else know?”
“No. I didn’t know how to say no to it.”
“Just me and her..if it makes you feel any better, I still love you, Mia, please know that..”
“I know you do..I will try to do better..I will stop going on missions, take less hours and be just there..”
“Mia, don’t. I won’t cost you to cut your hours in half for me. I made a mistake! I didn’t come to you when I should have.
“I know, but you need to make the decision Nik..are you still here with me on this? Can you say no her?”
With that, Nik was silent again. I couldn’t tell you what was going on his head, even if I tried. I know I messed up here, not coming in to check on him as often as possible. I called those weeks I was gone and he always talked me with on his day, how he was feeling and such.
But he lied to me how he truly felt. I knew I could be forgetful but want to handle everything at times, but i would have like to see him make the effort to balance the weight of the situation.
But instead, he kept to himself. It wasn’t worth standing in the middle of the halls waiting for his answer.
All I knew is that I had to do better. I broke a promise.
We both did.
I pressed a hand on his chest and kissed his cheek as I mumbled softly, “I’ll see you at home.”
With that I walked away.
// Soooo what we think?
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel @gcthvile @rickb-chaos s @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh @rooster-84 @thecavalrywife @cherrysft and etc
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every1studio · 2 years
"enchanted" [ateez: yunho + ???] PART 1 of valentine special
genre: FLUFF + slight angst
ficstyle: bulletpoints + mini series [PART 1] [PART 2]
prompt: (could be g/n) fem y/n transfer student catches the attention of the school's rich prince, yunho but does it work out? // slight trigger warnings: anxiety // inspired by enchanted by taylor swift and we didn’t even date by katherine li
note: I'm just writing for fun and to relieve stress // enjoy~ 
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༶•┈┈⛧┈┈⛧┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈⛧┈┈⛧┈┈•༶
it was autumn
you were transferring to a new school and that was scary to you
making friends was always something that you struggled with
how other people could make friends just by smiling never made sense to you
the thought of someone hanging out with you made you break out into cold sweat
what if they didn't like who you were?
what if they just wanted to get to know you to make fun of you?
the list of “what if's” continue
but for some reason, there was one person that broke your shell and helped you out of your cocoon
that person was jeong yunho
after your initial class introduction, no one really went out of their way to talk to you
after a while, yunho walked up to you and introduced himself
only after that, did the others do the same
he was that guy that everyone adored; both guys and girls alike
the handsome, rich, talented and kindhearted trendsetter
yunho was irritated that they waited for him to talk to you first to do the same
as soon as you walked into the class, you could say he was enchanted
never has he ever felt the feeling of being mesmerized by the first glance
it was like a filter of aurora-colored bubbles filled the air around you and the dazzling light was shining behind you like an angel
the sight of you tugged at his heart
it made him smile immediately
was this what love at first sight felt like?
just by looking at you, he knew that you were the shy type
the way you fidgeted at the hem of your sleeves to calm down
the way you looked everywhere but the eyes of your future classmates
he just knew that he was the one that had to stand up for you
he wanted to see your real smile and not the one you forced at the front of the class
all of these thoughts flooded his mind for the whole 11 minutes and 28 seconds since you walked into the room
after giving your classmates the shortest answers you possibly could, they lost interest and went their separate ways
except yunho
you kept looking at your desk, occasionally glancing at him to see if he would leave
the way his classmates flocked over to you after he initiated a conversation made you realized that he was of the popular kind
someone like that would be bored with someone like you
you were expecting him to leave
but he didn't
"so.. can I call you by your first name? or is that too casual?" yunho smiled as he shoved his clammy hands in his pockets
"you can call me by my first name.. I don't mind.." you softly sighed, hoping that he'd leave after that
"cool! so.. that makes us friends right?"
yunho thought that he needed to take baby-steps to have someone like you warm up to him
you were generally confused on why someone like him would want to be friends with you
"yunho.. you seem like nice guy.. but you would be wasting your time being friends with me.."
it was better to cut the problem at the bud
but yunho stood his ground
"I would like to find that out for myself"
and that was the beginning of an annoyingly comforting friendship
at first, yunho was just your classmate
he would go over what was expected for the semester and just talk about general school work
occasionally, offering to eat with you at lunch or chill with you during breaktime
only occasionally though because others would ask to hang out with him during those times before he had the chance to ask you first
although he did like you, he didn't want others knowing that he liked you just yet
you didn't mind being alone
but you also didn't mind being around yunho
just like how you usually like the cloudy and gloomy days but the change of seeing the sun wasn't too bad
which wasn't too bad since it was the beginning of winter
"y/n~" yunho placed his hand on your shoulder
you turned around and to your surprise, your cheek squished against his finger
he almost passed out from how surprised and how cute you looked with your cheeks squished
"yunho.. please stop bothering me.. I'm trying to study.." you mumbled as you turned back to your studies
he doesn't miss how pink your ears got while you rubbed your cheek
"okay~ so I'll stop bothering you on one condition.." yunho said this while seating in seat in front of you, facing you with his hands cupping his face on his propped up arms
you sighed in a (slightly) fake annoyance, "what is the condition?"
he puts his hand out like he's asking for something
"the condition is that you give me your number so that I can bother you when you have the chance to look at your phone.."
"that's it?" you asked with your head tilted
yunho wanted to screenshot that moment of you tilting your head in his heart forever
"yup that's it.. I know that when you study, you turn your phone on silent.. I'll bother you when you have time hehe.." yunho was so proud at his approach in getting your number
we're not going to talk about how long he's been working on "plan-get-y/n's-number"
"why do you have to bother me so much, yunho? don't you have other friends to bother?"
you were always the one to pushed him away; scared that once you get closer to him, he's going to leave
but he always stayed
yunho leaned in closer to you, even though he was scared that you could hear how loud his heart was beating
"because out of all of my friends, you're the only one I love to bother the most.."
yunho hoped that you didn't notice him slip in the word love
while you hoped that he didn't notice you slowly fall for him, all you could do was just nod and go back to studying
as the days got colder, yunho would offer to walk you to and from school after he found out that you two almost had the same route to school
"yunho.. you don't have to walk me to and from home... don't you have a chauffeur? I can walk myself home.."
yunho would ruffle your hair, ever so slightly so that he doesn't mess up your hair. "what if I'm just walking you to and from your home since it's a great way to get some exercise in? geeezz y/n, why must everything be about you?"
whenever yunho teased, it made you turn pink because you weren't good with comebacks
"I didn't mean it like that.." you pouted through the pink hue across your face
you were just too cute in yunho's eyes; how could he not tease you?
he always had to calm himself down from smiling too hard at the sight of you before continuing
"I know," he'd say while softly pinching your cheeks, "I know"
being with you made yunho forget that he was the heir to his parent’s ever growing company
you made him remember that he can be a regular-smegular human around you
you didn’t treat him like a prince
you treated him like how he’s always wanted to be treated 
to be known for himself, instead of his status 
the last day of december rolled around and you got sick
you weren't replying to yunho's messages after you told him that you were sick
the first couple days was quite peaceful, all you had to do was focusing on getting better
it was a great time to yourself; doing whatever you wanted in the comfort of your own home and not worrying about what others might think of you
your parents were out at another relative's house to celebrate new year's eve; you insisted that they went or that you would be upset with them, you wanted them to have fun~
since you napped all day, you had energy at night to celebrate new year's eve however you wanted to
and that was harry potter marathons with sparkling cider by the kotatsu with just yourself and your golden retriever
while setting up, you heard heavy thuds on your door
you turned white with fear
your parents would've called if they were heading home so you knew it wasn't your parents
the knocking grew louder
you plucked up the courage to open the camera that was installed at the door
"YUNHO?!" your raspy voice rang as you saw the tall figure behind the door 
he was scared to meet the eyes of your parents and was more relaxed to see you open the door for him
he couldn’t help but show a cheesy smile towards you 
you were in your fluffy, sherpa robe that had bunny ears 
your cheeks were flushed from still being sick but he secretly wishes that he was the one that made your cheeks pink
you noticed that he had a basket of luxury assorted teas, honey and vitamin c-enriched fruits 
“I got these for you so that you can get well soon~” yunho shoved them into your arms before you could get a word in
“thanks..” you muttered
you both just stood there at the doorway, waiting for someone to speak next
yunho was getting nervous, he wants you to invite him in but he would understand if you didn’t
he was ready to spin around and go home before your voice stops him in his tracks
“you can come in.. it’s cold out here..” you spoke softly, hoping that he didn’t notice the change in your voice from being sick
“oh.. thanks y/n...”
yunho didn’t want to seem noticeably excited when those words left your lips so he just said the next thing that came up, “nice husky voice.. you should join a rock band..”
you turned around so quick to smack him in the arm, “it’s not THAT husky”
that made you both giggle
seeing you comfortably hit made yunho happy in a strange way
maybe he was slowly opening the door to your heart
or maybe you just felt comfortable since you were in the comforts of your own home
either way, he was just happy to see you
“nice house,” yunho murmured, checking out your house
“sorry our house is probably small compared to what you’re used to..”
“it’s not small, it’s cozy...”
you raised your brows at him, “cozy is what rich people say about commoner houses..” 
yunho gasped, pretending to clutch at his pearls, “nooo, that’s not true at all! this is the perfect house.. so.. are your parents home?”
“no, we usually celebrate new year’s eve at my relative’s house but I didn’t want them to miss out because of me so I made them go without me..”
“woowww.. you MADE them go?” yunho smirked
it was interesting to see you have some dominance 
you ignored his question
“do you want anything to drink or eat?” you asked as you placed the basket down on the dining room table, keeping in eye out on your shy and weary dog who wasn’t 100% with yunho yet
yunho took out some things from the basket, “how about I make you some tea?”
“but you’re a guest in my home-” you tried to protest but yunho blocked you from entering the kitchen
“but YOU’RE sick, that holds more importance right now.. just tell me where things are in the kitchen~” 
you and yunho were in the kitchen gathering things to whip up this fancy concoction 
“the mugs are right here..” you reached up to get them but yunho got to them first
you could feel his breath hover over you and that was when you noticed that he’s got you caged in; one of his arm was holding onto the counter on your left side and the other was reaching up to get the mugs 
you two just stood there for a little before yunho pulled away to place the mugs onto the counter
“do you have a teapot or a kettle?” he barely spoke above a whisper but you heard him very clearly 
you just nodded as you slithered away from under him to get it 
everything you both did in the kitchen was in silence 
the tension in the kitchen was so thick you couldn’t even cut it with the sharpest knife 
all you could focus on was the tension 
you weren’t paying attention when you held the kettle by the spout and not the handle, causing you to yelp in pain 
yunho rushed you over to the sink to submerge the burn under cold running water
in a split second, your dog ran over and tried to pounce on yunho; believing that he was the villain 
that broke the silence and made you all laugh
“tiny~ it’s okay, baby~ he’s not a bad guy okay??” you patted your dog to try to calm him down and get him off of yunho
that soft, reassuring side of you made yunho feel like he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you 
yunho got down to your dog’s level and tried to reassure them as well and as if tiny didn’t get pounced on yunho to protect you, tiny now pounced on yunho to lick his face 
“dogs really love me you know?” yunho smiled at you while playing with tiny
“I can tell..” you said softly as you gently ran your fingers over your burn
yunho got up and inspected your hand
“I’m no good in the kitchen..” you were embarrassed 
“finally! you have one flaw!” he jeered to lift up the mood
“what do you mean?! I have many flaws!”
he shook his head, “nope this is the only one, I swear on my heart~”
he went back to examining your hand, “you let go of the spout fast enough so it doesn’t look too bad.. we should put some ointment and bandaid on it..”
“we?” that was the only word that stuck out to you 
yunho froze for a second before saying, “you go take care of your burn and I’ll finish your tea, okay? holler for me if you need any help..”
after yunho made your tea, he just sat there playing with tiny
you sat quietly at the dining table, trying to put your bandaid on with your non-dominate hand
“here, let me help..” 
you just gave it to him without saying anything but, “okay”
the ongoing silence was too unbearable, you were used to yunho talking non-stop and keeping the conversation going 
“yunho.. why did you come visit me?”
yunho firmly pressed on the bandage so that it was properly stuck on; you thought he didn’t hear you at first 
“I wanted to see you... I heard you were sick and I couldn’t stop wondering if you were okay or not.. you weren’t messaging me back so...”
“oh..” was all you could manage to say back 
you looked everywhere but yunho, your eyes landed on the clock in the kitchen
it was 11:59 pm
yunho’s eyes followed yours and saw the clock 
without a word, he pulled in you his arms and searched your eyes for any sign of discomfort
there wasn’t any but you were surprised
“I don’t want you sick..” you whispered as you covered your lips
yunho leaned in without breaking eye contact 
and when your phone rang at exactly 12, he kissed your forehead 
“happy new years, y/n..”
you stood there for the whole time the phone rang, just looking at him in shock
when it rang again, you fumbled your way out of his arms and picked up the phone
“y/n! sweetie! we called to say happy new years, why didn’t you pick up right away?” your mother was yelling, you could tell she was drunk
“I was in the bathroom..” you lied 
“well we’re on our way home now~ see you soon~” your dad chimed in, from the sound of his voice, he was struggling to keep your mom up 
“bYE baB-” 
the call ended right there
“I guess that’s my cue to leave..” yunho’s voice broke the silence 
you just nodded and led him to the door
“text me when you get home okay?” you couldn’t look up at him, you didn’t want him to see how red your face had become
but if you did, you would see how red his face was too 
he softly ruffled your hair, “I will.. good night y/n”
“good night yunho”
the rest of your winter break was a blur 
you focused it on getting better and hanging out with your parents
when they questioned the basket of goodies, you just told them you won a giveaway 
february was the start of the new school year
you were nervous to go back and socialize again
but you were also nervous to see yunho
you texted each other regularly but neither of you talked about the forehead kiss or the tension you both experience at your house 
the second you saw yunho, you started feeling like your heart was filled with sparkling heart-shaped butterflies dancing around
yunho couldn’t help but smile when he saw you
he approached you and cupped at your cheeks with so much love in his eyes, “hey there, little one..”
you didn’t have the strength to push him away anymore, you wanted him to stay so you just let him cup your face
“hey there..”
“yunho? who’s this?” an unfamiliar voice came from behind yunho
it belong to the prettiest girl you’ve probably ever since in person
yunho let go of your face and introduced you to his childhood friend, “y/n, this is roxanne, my childhood friend.. and roxanne, this is y/n... my-”
he paused for a second because he didn’t know what to call you as
his crush?
his soon-to-be-lover-once-he-asked-you-out?
“your what?” roxanne seemed impatient, wanting to know more about you
“I’m his friend..” you smiled as you stuck your hand out for her to shake it
she just looked at your hand and then looked back at your face, sending you a superficial smile, “hm.. nice to meet you, y/n..”
she turned her attention back to yunho, “yunho~ you have to show me around~ I don’t know where anything is~” 
yunho agreed to help her out and smiled at you, “see you in class”
you just nodded at him and watch her cling onto him as they both walk away from you
you couldn’t help but feel the butterflies that were fleeting 
the next couple of days, you just kept to yourself; knowing that yunho was always pulled away from his childhood friend who was a year younger than the both of you whenever she go the chance
yunho wasn’t seated next to you in class so it was hard to talk to you during class
and whenever there was a break or lunch, roxanne would take him away to a place where there wasn’t you
you were now the one initiating texting yunho
yunho tried to text you as much as he could
but whenever roxanne saw him smiling at his phone, she would distract him away from his phone
she knew he was texting you 
roxanne didn’t like you and you knew that from the first encounter you had with her
roxanne always loved yunho 
her parents and yunho’s parents were friends before roxanne and yunho were even a thought 
from the moment roxanne saw yunho, she knew he was the one for her
he was her perfect prince
the matching ken to her barbie
so if there was anyone that was in the way, she will do everything she can to have him to herself 
it was now valentine’s day
you weren’t planning to do anything but the days leading up to valentine’s day, you couldn’t stop thinking about yunho
maybe you could bake him some cookies and leave in on his desk
that was enough for you 
you just wanted to show him that you still cared about him
being in the kitchen was never your strongest suit 
but for him.. you’ll give it a go
these days without him made you realized, that you like him
love him even
that you would fight for him
roxanne was just another person fighting for his love 
the night before the 14th, you cut yourself countless of times while making him these “simple” cookies
you even burned yourself countless of more times 
they weren’t perfect but they tasted good
the cookies reminded you of yourself; you may not be the best at a lot of things but you still have worth 
your hands were clammy holding the bag of homemade cookies
maybe you should’ve just bought him a box of chocolate instead 
when you saw him in the hallways, you just thought that you might as well give it to him 
that was until roxanne came around the corner with a small crowd
her arm was linked with yunho’s
and that was when you saw a ring on her left ring finger
roxanne saw you at the end of the hall and spoke out to the crowd
“you know yunho’s parents thought that I would make such a great wife for yunho, so we’re arranged to be married~ it’s that great?” she showed off her ring to the crowd
yunho was looking so glum the whole time, he couldn’t look up the whole time roxanne was making a scene
but there was something that made him look up
and he saw you holding a bag of cookies
and he saw the many bandages on your hands
without thinking he took a step forward, but roxanne pulled him back
“yunho? baby?” 
yunho looked back at roxanne
he couldn’t believe that she made her father talk his parents into a forced marriage; even if he didn’t like her like that, it was for the benefit of the company
it was always status with yunho’s parents and roxanne used that and her father’s devotion to his daughter’s love to her advantage
that’s what made you turn to run away; the way they looked like the perfect couple
how could you even think of being with him at all?
he was out of your league
as much as he was enchanted by you, you grew to be find him enchanting
you didn’t want him to have someone waiting on him
you didn’t want him to be in love with someone else
but most importantly, you didn’t want him to see you cry 
you didn’t want to be apart of this fairytale where the only one who has a sad ending is you
the moment you ran, yunho ran after you
pushing through the crowd to get to you
you heard him call out to you 
you heard his footsteps running towards you 
but you didn’t stop running
you were clenching the bag of cookies so hard, you were sure it was mashed up
the cookies were probably in a better state than your heart was
you ran down the stairs and hid in a classroom
holding your sobbing breath; scared that he could find you
yunho got to the same floor as you; trying to call out for you and then continued to run down more flights of stairs
as his footsteps faded away, you slumped into the ground 
you didn’t even date, you might as well have
maybe it’s your fault, you got attached and called it love
you didn’t date but you wished that you have
but he wasn’t yours, he never will be 
you couldn’t help but continue to sob into your arms 
why did you let him into your life? 
you knew that one of you would be leaving the relationship you two built, you just didn’t know who, when and how
you totally forgot about the bag of cookies you made until you heard the crinkling of the bag
“wow these are completely destroyed..” 
the voice of a guy you didn’t know checked the bag you didn’t let go until now
he opened the bag and reached in for a piece of a cookie
“wait!” you reached out for the bag through your tears before he was able to take a bite
“were these cookies for someone?”
 you dropped your arm, “they were...”
“did you get rejected?” 
the sheer nonchalant tone of the question threw you off guard
“um.. well.. there’s no chance for me with this person anymore.. so there’s no point in trying”
“but how do you know?” you didn’t notice that the guy crouched down to look to see if you were okay
“he’s kind of.. engaged now..”
“ohh... it’s that yunho guy huh...”
you looked up at him with glossy eyes, “how do you know about yunho?”
the guy was a little startled at your reaction; but also was startled at how pretty you looked while crying
“well.. it’s kind of hard not to when that girl, roxanne, keeps on shoving her ring and her new man in everyone’s faces as soon as she showed up at school..”
you got quiet again
you didn’t want to talk about yunho anymore
and as if the guy read your mind, he said, “you know these cookies are quite good..”
“even though, they aren’t pretty?”
he chuckled, “who cared about that? if anything, you gave the cookies some character.. they still taste good whether you break them in half or keep them as a whole..”
you smile at his words, “that’s a good way of thinking..”
for some reason when he saw you smile, he smiled too
“so...” the boy held his hand out for you to use to help you get up from your spot, “what’s your name?”
“I’m y/n.. what your’s?”
༶•┈┈⛧┈┈⛧┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈⛧┈┈⛧┈┈•༶
To be continued...
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Where I Belong Series
Summary: Let’s get small glimpses of Eddie, Salem and Fox’s daily lives. No order required, read it as you wish.
Pairings: Eddie Kingston x Fox (reader), Salem (daughter)
Tag: @theworldofotps , @writtingrose , @aerynscrichton , @daddyhausen , @melissahausen , @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin , @sophiewolfheart-blog , @sultryfandoms , @new-zealand-chic , @crowleysqueenofhell , @thealliasylum , @legit9thlunaticwarrior , @baysexuality , @josiewrites , @seeingstarks , @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch , @whenimakeitshine1234 , @moxkindagirl
Eddie answers one of the ultimate feared question
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“Daddy, what is sex?” Salem asked as she continued to color her dinosaur a bright shade of pink
Eddie froze in place and suddenly wished for the ground to open up beneath his feet so he didn’t have to answer that question.
“Well…Ummm” Eddie spotted you entering through the front door and sighed in relief “Yo, fox! Come here for a sec”
You placed the grocery bags on top of the kitchen island before giving a quick kiss on Eddie’s lips and a kiss on Salem’s hair “Wow, that looks beautiful, Lemmy”
“Thank you” The little girl beamed with pride and looked over at Eddie “Daddy, you didn’t answer my question”
“Mommy can answer your question, chickadee” He rushedly answered
You chuckled with curiosity “And what question is that?”
“What’s sex?” Your daughter repeated nonchalantly
“What’s sex, Eddie?” You looked over at him with a wicked grin “Please explain it to us”
Eddie’s eyes narrowed your way before he mouthed “You gotta be fucking kidding me, I’m not answering that!”
“Oh baby, please. Just be honest. It’s not a big deal” You spoke loudly
“To you! It is a big fucking deal to me”
“Language, Eddie”
“Sorry” He groaned “Fox, I’m not answering that!”
“Just rip it off, babe. Like a band-aid” You shrugged
“I cannot explain that to her! I don’t know what to say, damn it”
“Language” You reprimanded once again “You know the questions will only get worse from now on, and you’ll have to explain it eventually. It's safer for her to learn things from us than from some random stranger on the street, Eddie”
“I know! I promise I’ll answer the next one. Please, fox, c’mon” He begged
“You’re so dramatic” You rolled your eyes before looking over at your daughter “Lemmy, could you look at mommy, please?”. The little girl quickly obeyed and kept her green eyes focused on you.
“Thank you. Where did you learn that word?” You asked
“From Katherine. She said that sometimes her mom screams very loudly and it sounds like she’s in danger or hurt but that in reality, she’s just having sex with the gardener” Your daughter answered, unphased by Eddie’s shocked face.
“Told you she had an affair with the gardener” You murmured to your husband “You owe me $20 bucks by the way”
“I don’t want you hanging around with that little punk anymore” Eddie pointed at Salem and groaned “Damn it! I could’ve sworn it was the delivery guy”
You chuckled quickly before answering the oh-so-feared question “Okay so, sex. Sex is something that two consenting adults do when they’re in love”
“What does consenting mean?” The little girl asked while sipping on her juice box
“Means that they both want to do it, they agreed to do it together”
“Oh” Salem gasped “And how do they do it, mommy?”
“Well, that’s something that you’re still too little to know and understand, but once you’re old enough mommy will explain it to you, ok?”
“Okay, thank you” Your daughter shrugged and returned her focus to the half-colored dinosaur as if nothing ever happened.
“See? Just like a band-aid” You teased with a wink before making your way back to the garage to grab the last few bags of food.
And just like a bad taste joke of life, Salem chose that moment to ask Eddie “Daddy, where do babies come from?”
Eddie groaned before yelling “Yo, fox!”
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raedroid · 9 months
The Star Covers Meets The Phantom Of The Park
The crowd was wild and the screaming was intense. Katherine looked over at her fellow band mates as they wrapped up their concert. Tanya threw her bright blue drumsticks out for fans to catch, each pair sporting a dark blue star and signed signature. Cassie waved her fans with one ear covered. Her ears were more sensitive than the rest of them so it was common for her to be covering them. Veena waved to the fans and even gave blow kisses out to the audience members. Some of the boys were screaming how much they loved her and the girls almost fainted when Veena gave them a wink. Classic behaviour of Veena. Katherine smiled gently as she threw her purple guitar picks out for more fans to get.
The concert rounded up and they walked over to the side steps leading to their trailer. Their tour manager Greg Nolans was cheering them on happily while Alan Robinson, their manager, simply smiled and said nothing. Their manager was known for being judgmental and hard to talk to and the girls did their best to ignore it. Eventually, they got down to the last steps and were blinded by the lights of cameras from journalists and photographers of all kinds. Katherine simply smiled and waved at them while Tanya gave a thumbs up to everyone, Cassie hyped up the crowd and Veena posed for each shot. They were only turning 11 and they were already on top of the world.
However, as they get their photos taken, Katherine noticed something odd in the crowd of reporters. Someone taking photos with a blank look on his face with dirty blond hair and a bright blue shirt. Another odd note in the crowd was a young woman rushing in, security guards holding her back
“Ma’am please you can’t be back here!” One of them ordered. The woman seemed young, at least early 20s, and was frantic. Katherine looked over at the scene and elbowed Veena standing next to her and she alerted Tanya and Cassie standing in front of them. They looked over concerned about the situation in front of them
“No please! I must get through please! I have to find him! He’s in there somewhere!” She pleaded. Katherine looked at the woman and recognized her. She was looking for someone earlier. They bumped into each other at a merchandise stand in the afternoon. Katherine recognized her and knew what she had to do
“Wait let her go! Please!” She asked the guards. When they didn’t hear her, she got more angry. “Hey! Let her go!” She shouted. In a panic, she bumped into Veena and she accidentally released her magenta laser beam out of her eye that hits the group and traps them in a magenta trance. They looked at her in shock as Veena rubbed her eye annoyed. The fans and reporters surrounding the area looked on in surprised, amazed by Veena’s laser attack, but the woman was more mesmerized than anything else and slowly walked towards the group.
“She’s been trying to get backstage girls! You need to kick her out!” Alan growled at them.
“Not now Alan.” Veena replied. Katherine looked over at the woman and smiled as best as she could.
“No wonder you were freaking out earlier. You must the girl I saw at the merchandise stand this afternoon right?” She asked.
“You were Katherine Peterson this whole time?” The woman asked surprised.
“Yeah. You’re looking for someone. But it’s not us isn’t it?” Veena asked warmly. The woman nodded, nervous for her life as she stared at the young stars.
“Yes. My fiancé Sam went missing. I told you about that when we bumped into each other. I’m pretty sure he was taking pictures of you” She replied. A security guard came over and gripped the woman by the shoulder
“Listen there are plenty of photographers out here. How can any one of these be-“ he was cut off by Veena, who raised her hand to stop him. He rolled his eyes in response.
“You said he was taking photos of us?” Veena asked and the woman nodded. “Well he’s definitely still around. I mean there’s no way he flew up into space or something.” She laughed a bit. “Can you describe him for us?” She asked
“Yeah dirty blonde hair, blue shirt, about this tall.” She described
“Yeah he was here.” Katherine said
“This is ridiculous.” The security guard responded before Cassie and Tanya shot him a death glare at him, making him gulp in nervousness.
“Hey. Don’t worry. I’m sure he didn’t went too far from here. I know you’ll be able to find him. There’s not really that much we can do at the moment but if you ever need us, we can give free backstage passes to our next concerts and we can talk then. Everything’s gonna be ok.” Katherine assured. The girls walked past and gave her a sincere smile with their managers trailing behind them. Everyone else stared on dumbfounded by Katherine’s suggestion
“Are you kidding me!” Alan shouted, smacking Katherine at her head. “You can’t just give free passes to people like that! Are you insane! What kind of a girl are you? That woman is crazy in her head.” Alan blabbered on but Katherine didn’t back down from her decision
“She has been wandering around the park aimlessly for probably hours. I think she needs help.” Katherine reaffirmed herself
“Yeah. But if you really wanted to help her, send her to a mental hospital instead of giving her a free pass. Or do you need to go there too?” Alan joked
“Hey how about you don’t make fun of Katherine like that?” Tanya asked and Alan laughed off
“Well I think it’s pretty clear that’s what you should do. Now get some sleep because you got a long autograph signing session tomorrow and a giant press conference.” Alan informed. They nodded in silence before walking over to their trailer, Katherine looking back, worried about that woman.
“Come on Cassie! You got it!” Tanya shouted excitedly. Once they went to their trailer, they immediately started playing Super Smash Bros Brawl as they were trying to defeat the final boss of the story mode. It was Cassies turn and she was trying the best she could with her character
“Look out for that stupid sound wave thing!” Veena screamed before Cassie’s character was killed in the game.
“Come on.” Cassie groaned defeated
“Hey no worries. I don’t think anyone is able to dodge that one.” Tanya reassured her as she gently patted her back. “Now then, my turn.” She announced, taking the controller from her hand and started selecting her character. Katherine smiled at her friends before she got lost in her thoughts, thinking of the woman. She didn’t get her name but she was certain she wanted to help her. She was reminded of the afternoon meeting with this woman
It was a clear and bright afternoon. Katherine dressing up in more blending clothes than her usual outfits and closet. As much as she adored being a rockstar, she found comfort and even amusement of blending into crowds and nobody knowing who she was. She scoped out the merchandise and admired the cute shirts and the dolls designed by a fan turned merchandise designer from Japan. As she admired the products, a hand grabbed her shoulder and whirled her around
“Sam!” A voice cried happily. She turned and saw a young woman in her early twenties with brown hair and soft blue eyes in beautiful pink top and blue jeans. She blushed embarrassed as she saw who was standing there. “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.” She apologized before walking off gloomily
“Hey is everything alright?” She asked politely.
“Oh it’s nothing. I was looking for my fiancé. We were supposed to go to the concert tonight but I haven’t seen him in a long time.” She explained
“Oh I’m sorry about that. But I’m sure he’s not too far away. Does he work here or something?” Katherine asked
“Yeah he works with this guy named Abner Devereaux. Abner’s kinda old you see and Sam’s trying to help him out a lot”
“Abner Devereaux? Like from Kiss Meets The Phantom Abner?”
“You know that movie?”
“Of course! I love cheesy mess movies! But seriously is it the same Abner?”
“Not sure. But he’s been on the news a lot lately. Theres been a lot of problems going on at the park and that’s why Sam’s going over to help him out.” Katherine was surprised to hear that but she brushed it off.
“Look I promise everything will be fine. I’m sure you’ll find him somewhere.” Katherine assured and the woman smiled.
“Thank you. I better get going. Maybe I should talk to Abner. Thank you again.” She watched the woman run off and Katherine looked on, worried about the woman’s safety
“Katherine? Katherine wake up!” Katherine was brought back to reality by Veena calling her name. She looked around and saw the others looking at her worried and confused. She looked around the room and almost completely forgot that she was back in their trailer. The room was large with a set of bunk beds on both sides of the trailer, with one being closest to a stove and mini fridge and the other being close to the tv and gaming consoles. The room had a small but cute carpet in the centre and there was a large bookcase consisting of movies to watch and books for Cassie and Tanya to indulge in.
A record player sits on top of the bookcase with shelves on the walls holding their records, mostly consisting of Kiss, Duran Duran, The Beatles, The Monkees, and more. There are photos on the wall of the girls on their travelling endeavours across their tour and posters of their favourite bands. Once Katherine got a look at the room, she started feeling better
“Are you ok? You kinda zoned out there?” Tanya asked, sitting next to her and patting her back.
“Yeah I’m alright. I just can’t stop thinking about that woman from the concert. She seemed really-“
“Melissa.” Veena spoke and the others looks at her confused. “Her name is Melissa.” She repeated.
“How do you know that?” Cassie asked
“I don’t know. When I hit her with the laser eye, that information just kinda entered my mind instantly. It’s weird.” She answered.
“What are you a mind reader?” Cassie questioned surprised
“No! I don’t know! It just happened! I was not in control of that situation!” She shouted, throwing her arms up
“Never mind guys. Melissa is still looking for her boyfriend and she was looking for him for hours. There’s definitely something going on here.” Katherine considered
“Do you think it has something to do with those things we found randomly? Those Talentments?” Tanya questioned.
“Possibly.” The Talentments were four magical objects in the shapes of a music note, a mist swirl, a heart and a lightning bolt. They were resting in a small red case, hidden in one of their drawers of the trailer.
“And what else did you learn from meeting her?”
“This might sound crazy but Sam works with Abner Devereaux.” Katherine said confused.
“Ok Deja Vu?” Tanya asked. “Melissa running around the park, her fiancé is missing, a rock and roll band in an amusement park? Not to mention us finding some strange magic space rocks.”
“If this is Kiss meet the phantom all over again, can I make extremely cringy and terrible cat puns?” Cassie asked
“Well at least you won’t have a terrible reverb effect on your voice.” Katherine remarked
“At least you won’t be overdubbed by Michael Bell!” Cassie retorted
“At least you won’t have the worst actor in the whole goddamn film.” Veena joked
“At least you guys actually get lines. Also I thought you love Paul Vee?” Tanya retorted
“I do but I can admit his flaws. Just like how I do it to Alan every five minutes.” They all laughed hard and soon their door opens.
“Ok girls. Settle down already. You’re gonna give me a bigger headache than I have already.” Alan shouted
“Speaking of which, learn to knock next time buddy. What if we were changing in here?” Veena groaned
“Doesn’t sound like you were changing. It sounded like you were lazing around when you should be focusing on making songs!”
“We’re kids. Can we at least play video games?” Cassie questioned
“We went over this countless times. You can’t let your family down. You won’t be able to be better musicians and performer if you keep on lacking around doing nothing. They would be very ashamed of themselves if I were them. You don’t want to affect our record company and disappoint your family right?” He threatened. The girls sat there looking down ashamed while he smirked at their faces.
“We.. didn’t mean to make you upset.” Katherine murmured before he goes over and strokes her cheek.
“Now don’t worry. The more you work, the better. I don’t mean to sound cruel but that’s just how the world works. If you don’t, then you’ll never get anywhere. Everyone is looking up to you so don’t let these little things keep you distracted from what’s important ok? You girls are legends and you have to work hard so you need to sacrifice some things for this job.” He said and Katherine looked at his hand in nervousness before nodding.
“We’ll do better.” She muttered softly
“Good.” He replied and patted her on the shoulder. “Do not let this happen again. Goodnight girls. We’ll be over at our residence in 30 minutes. Sleep well you legends.” He leaves the room and Katherine looks down at the ground in worry
“I’d figure our manager would be a lot better than this right?” She said nervously.
“Hey look. We need to talk to someone about this. I’m sure someone will understand.” Veena reassured.
“But we should get some sleep because Cassie, you look like you’re about to pass out.” Tanya pointed out. They look over to Cassie, leaning against the wall almost falling into a pillow
“Hey I look great. Don’t judge me.” She groaned, grabbing the pillow and throwing it at her and they let out a laugh before Tanya grabs her and pulls her up. “Hey! Let me go! You’re not my mom!” She countered.
“You’re right Katherine is!” She responded.
“Hey don’t drag me into this!” Katherine said and they laughed more as Cassie was plopped onto her bed and Tanya tucked her in and climbed up onto her top bunk bed
“Come on. You need sleep too.” Veena suggested and gently pushed Katherine onto her bed
“Yes your highness.” She joked rolling her eyes.
“I mean it. We’re gonna have a long day tomorrow and if you want to help Melissa, we’re gonna have to get up pretty early before Alan comes in and kills us.” Veena noticed Katherine stiffen as she mentioned Alan. Alan always put more pressure on her because she was the front woman of the group. She immediately regretted mentioning him to her.
“Look everything’s gonna be ok. We’ll help out with Melissa tomorrow morning. She’s a lot like you I feel like. She doesn’t seem like the type to give up easily just like you and I’m sure she will come back tomorrow to see where he went.” She comforted and they both looked and smiled at each other and soon Veena grabbed her blankets and tucked her into bed. “Goodnight girl! Let me know if you need anything alright darling.”
“Darling? I thought you only say that at concerts?” Katherine remarked
“I don’t know, it’s my new saying I guess. Goodnight.” She called out.
“Thanks sweetie.” She replied. Katherine saw her jump up onto her top bunch bed. Katherine felt the trailer move off as a driver pulled them off to their current residence for the time being. As she goes to sleep, all of the thoughts in her head went wild but she just squeezed the edge of her blanket and slowly her breathing evened out and she felt more safe than before as she remembered her 3 band mates who have become a part of her family, finally peacefully falling asleep.
Inside the laboratory, the lights were dimmed and gave off a cold blue colouring. The only visible light was the light of the moon shining through the ceiling window above, one of the most exquisite part of the building. In the main room, Abner sat alone, looking over photographs that were taken of the girls, onstage and off. As he examined them, another figure entered the room. Abner turned to see him and smiled
“Ah Sam. Had fun tonight? Your pictures were perfect. I suggest finding a good place to rest up. I will call you when I need your assistance.” He ordered calmly and watched Sam leave the room. “Now then, to continue my experiments. And this time-“
As he spoke, one of his computer screens lit up and he turned to look at it, seeing the tall and dangerous figure on the screen. He dusted himself off and bowed before her
“Crimson Witch, my liege. How may I serve you?” He questioned. He heard a sigh from the screen and he looked worried. “Is there something wrong my liege?” He asked
“Abner? Where the hell are you? I thought I told you to head back to the palace at once. Why are you back on the filthy planet? It’s revolting.” She responded rudely.
“My apologies I will return soon. I just got some major news that I hope to get for you.” He answered
“It better be good. I don’t have the patience for you to be wasting my time.” She groaned
“My liege, the Starterian Talentments, there are nearby the park. I identified them the other night when I returned back to my lab. I wanted to inform you on the matter. Additionally, I have captured some people to help me steal back the Talentments” Once he mentioned the talentments, her eyes lit up in interest
“Interesting. Now you’ve caught my attention. For once in your pathetic life. But frankly, I don’t trust you to get these talentments. You’ve gotten a lot more older and crazier since the last stunt you pulled here back in 1978. And after that, I’m struggling to find your potential.” She revealed.
“Please this time I have a plan and this time, it’ll work. I’m begging you my liege, give me another chance please. Besides the holder of the Talentments are a bunch of 10 year old girls. It’ll be so easy to take them away from those brats.” He pointed out.
“Really? Well, I suppose you’re right. Alright, I believe this should be easy for you. I’ll leave you to it my good sir.” She answered and he let out a sigh of relief. “However, make no mistake. If I find out that you have lost to those children and failed miserably to a bunch of nobodies again, I will recondition you. Understand?” She threatened. Abner sweat in nervousness. After the amount of failures that the generals of the Dark Clipse, she has been much more harsher and crueler than usual.
“Yes my liege. Without you, I am nothing.” He murmured. She smirked at the obedience of this man before turning off the camera. Abner shot up and looked at his robots, more technically advanced than his projects of the past. He could feel their eyes staring at him and he started hyperventilating and crumbled to the floor. He had dedicated his time and energy into the Dark Clipse and had devoted himself completely to The Crimson Witch and she accepts no mistakes. He can’t disappoint her again otherwise he’ll end up in a pile of bodies out the palace of the Crimson Witch. He slowly got up after a few seconds and wiped his tears away
“I’m fine. You have to be fine. For your leader.” He muttered to himself. He returned to his table and began studying the girls photographs intensely, checking every detail of their appearance, pulling out a FlamePhone and beginning schematics of each of the girls.
“Those girls will never ruin my reputation like those four kissterian imposters.”
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malka-lisitsa · 1 month
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I put drafts in front of Katherine and she threw the plate on the floor so I don't think I will be getting any more of those done today lmfao. Think Imma take a break to game a little bit and then I'll see if she wants to do drafts a little later.
Drafts: 5
asks: Mind yo business
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genshinemblem564 · 1 year
Chapter 4: New Friends
After you and the traveler turned in the imposter, the two of you are met with a hefty reward and due to it being a wide spread crime the reward was handled by the Adventurer's Guild and Katherine seems to be back at it again
Katherine: Rebooting.
(Y/N): (thoughts) Why does she say that all the time?
Traveler: Hello Katherine
Katherine: Ah, Traveler and Paimon, I assume you're here for the reward?
Paimon: Eh!? How'd you know?
Katherine: Half of Liyue has already heard the wonderful news. Hm? And this is?
Paimon: Oh this is one of Liyue's special guests, something to do with summoning.
(Y/N): I'm the tactician of Askr's Order of Heroes.
Traveler: They're the one who helped bring down the imposter.
Katherine: I see, so the reward will be split between you, then may I ask for your name for proper documentation?
(Y/N): It's (Y/N) (L/N).
Paimon: EH!? That's your name!?
(Y/N): (stern) Is that a problem?
Traveler: Oh right you wouldn't know being from another world, that's the name of the deity that criminal was trying to impersonate, even before their grace was rediscovered their name was quite common, so there was no law put in place about it, however after the imposter appeared everyone with that name was kept under serious restraint, so I guess you could call this poetic justice.
Paimon: Sorry if you were worried, Paimon was just surprised is all.
(Y/N): It's alright, thanks for the explanation.
As the Traveler was speaking, Katherine had returned with two small chests.
Katherine: Here you go.
Traveler: Thanks Katherine.
(Y/N): How much is this by the way?
Katherine: Due to just how elusive this particular criminal was combined with the crime committed, the initial reward was five million mora.
(Y/N): Huh? S-So this is t-two and a half million!?
You felt like you'd faint from the shock, but you were shaken from your thoughts by some new voice entering the conversation.
Hu Tao: Ah ha! There they are, the Traveler and Paimon.
Zhongli: It's been some time.
Paimon: Ah, Zhongli, Hu Tao.
Traveler Long time no see.
Hu Tao: Too true, well are you going to introduce us?
One explanation later
Zhongli: I see, I must apologize, you were meant to be Liyue's guest and ended up wrapped up in our affairs.
(Y/N): It's no trouble, they attacked me after all, I just acted in self defense.
Hu Tao: Even still this calls for celebration, why don't you join us for dinner my treat.
Traveler: Best just give in now, once Hu Tao has made up her mind you're going along for the ride.
You were about to contest this until you remembered this girl managed to convince Adeptus Xiao to attend the Lantern Rite festival, and so you gave in as you were walking with the group you couldn't help but notice a few scenarios. Xingqiu and Chongyun watching stunned as Raphael wolfs down even the strangest dishes made by Xiangling, Annette and Dorothea listening intently to Xinyan's rehearsal, Hilda being upset because she can't go on a shopping spree as gold and mora, while similar, are not the same, and Ashe listening intently to one of Liyue's storytellers. Halfway to the restaurant something catches your eye, this doesn't go unnoticed by Hu Tao.
Hu Tao: Ah, has that Casket of Tomes caught your eye
Feigning ignorance you give a confused look and Hu Tao gives an explanation.
(Y/N): So it's for a card game
Paimon: Yeah! It's really fun you should learn how to play.
(Y/N): I'd like to, but we're only in Liyue for a few days and this game doesn't exist in Askr.
Balthus: Yo, Summoner, what's up
You fill Balthus in on the card game.
Balthus: so you're in need of an opponent, then you're in luck, you won't find a finer card duelist than Leicester's King of Grappling.
(Y/N): Says the man who's lost every bet he's placed.
Balthus: HEY! They don't need to know that.
Paimon: Why does this feel familiar.
Hu Tao: Well, you have your opponent. Shopkeeper, two Casket of Tomes please.
You receive your card case and arrive at the restaurant you all place your orders and decide to play a match while waiting for the food. Hu Tao explains the rules and you and Balthus get cracking, and, unsurprisingly, Balthus loses, again.
Balthus: Oof, you're something else summoner, leave it to you to have a strategy for this already.
Traveler: Just out of curiosity, does he really lose all the time?
(Y/N): Not all the time, in combat he's matched only by his closest friend, when it comes to using his head however.
Balthus: Hey, I can use my head just fine, it's just that people around tend to be more adept with their head than I am.
Your food arrives and you all dig in, and have many energetic conversations, soon everyone has eaten their fill.
(Y/N): Thanks for this Hu Tao, that was great.
Hu Tao: No problem.
Balthus: Just out of curiosity, this was a thanks to the summoner am I right?
Paimon: Eh? How'd you know?
Balthus: Heh, the summoner's always getting into trouble whether they look fo it or not, trouble just seems to find them, anyways I'm not too keen on owing anyone.
(Y/N): Except for everyone you lost a bet to.
Balthus: ANYWAY, if we ever run into each other again, just remember you've got a favor you can call in.
Hu Tao: I'll be sure to remember that.
With that you leave the restaurant and bid your new friends farewell.
(Y/N): Hmm, a lot has happened today, I should probably find Sharena and Alfonse and fill them in.
Hey sorry this took so long to post, the weather has been crazy over here and I've also been dealing with family matters recently, so needless to say things have been pretty hectic.
Note: I don't hate Balthus I just felt like making (Y/N) a menace
I feel bad for Zhongli I introduced him and did nothing with him, the next chapter or the one after will have to focus on him in some way
Also I'm considering turning asks on, I want know my followers better without stalking their pages
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter
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rogerhamleys · 3 months
Ask game: 8, 29, 31
8. What is your dream job?
okay I’m in school learning to be a film editor but I also do love writing so I’d also be happy as an author or screenwriter. hopefully I’ll have a chance to do all three at different points!! :D
29. Favorite song lyrics right now?
“you’re not Dylan Thomas, I’m not Patti Smith, this ain’t the Chelsea Hotel, we’re modern idiots” 🤠 and:
“¿yo qué sé dónde va, donde vive? / y todo está mal / y siempre es igual / ¿y yo qué sé? yo no soy detective / la paso fatal / mi chica de humo” — from “La Chica de Humo (Girl of Smoke) (1989) by Emmanuel ✨✨
31. Describe yourself with 3 singers.
Hmm, I guess TSwift, Laufey, and Katherine Li! (it’s that hopeless romanticism 🤌🏼)
ask game
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lime-sketches114 · 7 months
Ok ok I have decided to open back up my requests to do Final Fantasy requests due to Rebirth coming out recently. I will open up to other fandoms but most likely just a few (don't wanna overwhelm myself again)
I will have rules for this bc I don't like doing REALLY nasty stuff. I see enough as is... besides it's fun seeing wholesome lovey dovey bs or a good fight every once in a while.
Below will be the rules and fandoms and feel free to give me prompts/ prompt ideas as long as they're not complicated. I also do headcanons. I also listed my Original story characters below and what race they are. I'd be SO HAPPY if you guys would get excited for em.
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Be nice and don't come after me if your prompt/request is not finished within the timeframe you thought it'll be done. Just be patient.
No nasty prompts! Keep it to very minimum. I will do blood, weapons, fights etc etc. no gore unless it's like a severed arm in a fight or something idk. I will do just about any gender/sexuality (within reason, no complicated ones)
Keep your requests to one or two at a time. Don't spam me with a lot of ideas. I know you're excited but also tell me WHO you want so it's also easier.
I'll do characters as long as it's APPROPRIATE. Some of these characters are/maybe are under age/close to 18 yo. Only wholesome like for them (no nasty, fights/sparring are an exception.) Under age/close to 18 and questionable characters that I've listed are marked by this color
I will do request for my own OCs too. Either with other characters or a headcanon to get to know them better. I'll put the people in mostly ship them with in the list to give a jump off. OCs are this color
I'm giving a small list BUT I have a link to my introduction post so you know what fandoms I'm mostly into/I know if you have a different request.
Below are the Request characters I can do. Feel free to ask about my ocs/original stories if you want. I also linked my introduction post. Please Like and Share!
Final Fantasy
FF7 (ages as of remake/rebirth)
Red 13
Andrea Rhodea (yas queen)
Madam M
Chocobo Sam
Kait Sith
Raven Fujiwara (around age 30 as of FF7 RM/RB)
Seraphina (Seri) (younger sister to Sephiroth by blood relation, above age 21 as of FF7 RM/RB) (Is 7 years younger than Sephiroth)
(I don't necessarily have a lot of specific OCS for FFXV but I mostly use my common OCS)
Weiss (Ardyn's daughter I made, is over 21 yo, this version is if she was freed before Noctis' birth/around when Ardyn was freed)
Kingdom Hearts
(most of these characters are canonically under aged/below 18 so this area is a bit iffy) (mostly basing age off as of KH3)
Riku (he is 18 as of KH3 from my research)
Org 13 (Xion and Roxas)
Luxu (within the game he is in he seems to be around 18 ish but eh idk)
Foretellers (in the same boat as Luxu, idk going off looks)
Ansem SOD
Ansem the Wise
Xehanort (depends on which)
Eraqus (depends on which)
Below are characters in Golden Hearts and Silver Stars Story
Katherine Hearts (is 18 as of KH3, is a guardian Keyblade wielder) (Braig/Xigbar is her dad)
Ayla Hearts (is the mother of Katherine and Neon Hearts) (is from the age of fairytales, same boat as Luxu but not the body stealing part) (from a different world)
Neon Hearts (is 25+ like Isa and Lea) (is a Keyblade wielder and is a special case)
The Guiding Stars (most are of age but I'll list names and mark accordingly) (Mystral, Sten, Zolt, Eira, Nina)
Below is the OCs for the story KH: Rewritten
Venus (is not a part of the Hearts' story) (is from the age of Fairytales) (Keyblade Wielder and knows potion making) (was a part of the Unicornis Union and liked Luxu, she soon time traveled to Radiant Gardens where she met Braig) (Chosen Dandelion)
Poppy (Venus' BFF) (A part of Vulpes Union, a Keyblade Wielder) (also got time traveled to Scala Ad Caelum, met Eraqus and Xehanort, now resides with Eraqus as his partner) (Dandelion)
Juno (is a boy) (Venus and Poppy's friend) (Anguis union member, Keyblade wielder) (got time traveled to the time before Xehanort's birth/when Scala ad Caelum was new???) (maybe he's Xehanort's father who knows~) (Not a Dandelion)
Last Pegasus (My Comic)
This is mostly OC territory BUT I am making a comic for them. It should be out by summer (I hope...) (I also use these guys as my normal OCs bc I love them so much.) Feel free to ask about the races too. I'd be happy to explain. I'm also happy to explain Guardians too.
I have listed who is under age but mostly everyone is over 20+ unless otherwise. Not all are listed bc they're either OCs I need to work on OR don't have names but have ideas for em.
Races: Yoitzens, Scavens, Al'bineans, Sirens, Drakens
Katerina Wolfe (middle child, Twin of Flash) (next in line to be the Guardian of Freedom)
Flash Wolfe (aka Felix) (we all know this MF hehehe) (next in line for Guardian of Power) (shape shifts)
Terri Wolfe (engaged) (2nd oldest) (next in line for Guardian of Bravery)
Ally Wolfe-Cornelius (is married) (first born) (next in line for Guardian of Protection)
Ava Wolfe (youngest, has no tattoo) (unknown future)
Gavin Pravus (adopted brother to Wolfe fam) (3rd oldest) (next in line for Guardian of Balance but since is Uncle is Banished he has to figure out on his own)
Daphnes Wolfe (husband to Marina, father of Wolfe fam) (King of Yoitz)
Marina Wolfe (wife to Daphnes, mother of Wolfe fam) (Queen of Yoitz)
Laurence Wolfe (uncle, brother of Daphnes) (Guardian of Freedom, Leader)
Viktor Cornelius (Ally's husband)
Atla (Laurence's wife) (Guardian of Bravery)
Julius (Guardian of Protection and a Military officer of his country)
Ma'ato (Guardian of Power and protector of dragons)
Athena (Guardian of Knowledge, deceased)
Leonardo Pravus (Guardian of Balance, The Beast, Uncle to Gavin, Banished)
Scarlett Harrison (Flash's BFF, is a sky draken from the southern island of Furor) (she also has a family of brothers with her mom and dad) (she middle child)
Reynard (6 tailed Fox, Messenger God, Husband to Azura) (was once mortal) (acts like an uncle to the Wolfe fam)
Celene (Terri's fiance)
Forrest, Du'Fous(Doofus), and Roc (Flash's Friends and members of the Black Fangs)
Azura (Goddess of Memories, loves to rhyme) (lives near the Tree of Songs) (Guardian goddess of the Tree of Songs)
Morgana (Goddess of Dark Magic, whereabouts unknown)
Titania (Fae mother, Goddess of Light magic) (whereabouts unknown)
Modig the Gryffin (Guardian Deity of the Amber of Bravery, Golden Gryffin)
Cordelia the Siren Mother (Guardian Deity of the Sapphire of Protection)
Zergos the Elder Dragon (Guardian Deity of the Ruby of Power, in deep slumber)
Pharos the Great Phoenix Mage (Guardian Deity of the Emerald of Knowledge)
Unera the Great Mother (Goddess of Magic and Unity, asleep in the Tree of Songs in the Oasis)
Byrus the Great Beast (God of Creation and Destruction, asleep as a Statue in the Beast's Grotto, location unknown)
Faaldir the Wandering Wolf (the Wanderer God) (Grandfather of Urion and Faafnir) (Giant Grey wolf)
Urion (Wolf partner of Kat, Twin of Faafnir) (Grandson of Faaldir) (large Snowy Grey wolf)
Faafnir (walf partner of Flash, Twin of Urion) (Grandson of Faaldir) (reddish black wolf)
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isabellehemlock · 2 years
15 Questions & 15 Tags
Thank you @boutiquetraveltravelboutique for tagging me on this one!  I was telling @nalyra-dreaming how I had seen her reply to these and I was like, “OHHH I want to do it” and then planned on it doing once I was back full time and then here I was getting tagged for it while I was away - how lucky am I <3
So here we go!
Are you named after anyone?  Sort of.  Basically, Katharina is a fairly common German name version of Katherine, and my mom does have a Tante Katharina who is turning 90 this year!  But I think it was more “I like the name” vs. being named after them.  However, both my middle names are for my paternal and maternal grandmothers.
When was the last time you cried?  What kind?  I definitely have no problem sharing the “my joy overfloweth” kind of crying at any time - literally got an emote of my bday face from like two years ago being all happy crying at digital gifts and well wishes lol - but the sad, or anxiety kind?  Nah.  I’ll dip before anyone gets to see that.  Let’s blame my Scorpio vibes and not the c-ptsd. 
Do you have kids?  I do!  I have (in my belief system) one child in Heaven from a pregnancy loss and two AMAB kiddos I refer to as my rainbow babies.  I consider them precious gifts that I hope I never take for granted <3   
Do you use sarcasm a lot?  In person, I can easily dip into a Vince Vaughn kind of sarcasm lol (you can even get glimpses via VC chats haha), but online??  My brain reads very literally, I’ll blame the ND codedness, so I use tone indicators and sometimes do ask for them - and happy to provide them if asked, too.  
What's the first thing you notice about people?  Oh!  That’s an interesting question - hm, if given the opportunity (say, a large gathering) I tend to observe how they treat others, especially people who cannot do anything for them - are they kind to the staff?  To the retail worker?  Do they put the cart back?  Do they roll their eyes at someone herp derping and having a (harmless) good time?  Do they snicker and sneer?  Do they speak to people in a kind way? 
When meeting someone directly for the first time, I try to observe what their comfort level is when it comes to personal space and eye contact - everyone is different - so still observing, approaching slowly, smiling, just doing what I can to help create a comfortable safe space before introducing myself with name, and pronouns and (though certainly not implying pressure that they have to share theirs), allowing them to know I’m a safe space if they’d like to share :)  
You can really tell my human services/mediation training is shining through lol  
What's your eye colour?  Blue and green with gold colored central heterochromia 
Scary movies or happy endings?  Both, but if I have to pick one, scary movies!
Any special talents?  Tbf some of it this might have more to do with practice vs talent lol, but essentially, all the art things - writing, drawing, singing, some dancing, etc.  Because of chronic lung disease the last two are obviously impaired, but at my peak health days of my youth I competed in nationals for show choir and was a lyrical soprano - I can still hit the notes on good breathing days :) 
Where were you born?  Fulda, Germany 
What are your hobbies?  Most recently consistent?  Fandom works: writing, digital art, doing fandom events.  I’ve also enjoyed various crafts (mostly paper media, but some mixed media as well).  I’ve gotten compliments on my digital prints via my old etsy store, and made Saint peg dolls, and mini Saint altar shrines - I still make the occasional ones for parishioners as requested.  But yeah, most of my hobbies are digital <3 
Do you have any pets?  Too sensitive to pet dander, ammonia, and all related pet things lol - however my mom and brother have animals upstairs in their apartment (two dogs, and three cats), and my kiddos have two guinea pigs (and I haven’t been able to be in their room for more than five minutes at a time since) lol
What sports do you play/have you played?  I was the sick kid in school lol.  I did have a couple stable years in my mid teens, so I did show choir which involved dancing and singing show tunes haha
How tall are you?  Five feet and five and a HALF inches - the half is very important also Marilyn Monroe was the same height, and as a fellow curvy gal I’m like yesssss
Favourite subject in school? English and History :)
Dream job?  Kindergarten teacher, or an art teacher - but especially anything related to children’s services - I went to school for it and am grateful to have had opportunities to work with children in the past <3
1516 people (though no pressure of course) . . . 
@energievie @timidkoala @cosima-nova @actualmermaid @thirdspin @wrenaspun @werebearbearbar @yourlazyturtle @you-came-back @sunray-sunray @dominicknight @prouvaireafterdark @angelicmousegirl @nicolos @nicelytousled @ongreenergrasses
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justjessame · 4 months
Light Through the Darkness: Chapter 54
If Damon knew how much fun Abigail was having in Chicago, he might have felt more than a little put out. Especially as Elena was pulling an arrow out of his back that an over eager, trigger happy assistant, whatever she was to Isobel the birth mother from Hell shot at his very shoddy nursemaid.
She was pussyfooting it, and it was pissing him off. “Pull it out, I can’t reach it, Elena.” Nothing, and it was irritating on multiple levels. “Just pull the damn thing out, it hurts.” There appeal to her soft side. She yanked it out and he made a noise that he hoped no one else heard. “That bitch is dead.”
He didn’t kill Vanessa, because Ric and Elena wouldn’t allow it, of course. Plus she was in a more helpful mood now that she’d been corrected in her error about Elena’s identity. Katherine Pierce once again rears her head and makes Damon’s life miserable. They’d come to Duke to check out a theory he had, about Mason Lockwood and just what he REALLY was, even if Ric thought it was farfetched. Werewolves, like it was that big of a stretch, since he was talking to a vampire.
“Aztec legend mentions the Curse of the Sun and the Moon.” Vanessa explained. The Sun of course was the one involving vampires, the Moon werewolves. And the kicker? If a werewolf got nibbly on a vampire it was fatal for the vamp. Great, that was great, since it was a full moon and Stefan was on newborn vamp duty with Caroline.
Elena checked in with Stefan while Damon found a tome on Katherine Pierce’s history, family, and the like. The assistant mentioned the term doppelganger, but Damon knew that knowing more about Katherine would ease Elena’s mind, so he handed it to her, a peace offering for killing her little brother. Even if it fell short, as he knew it did when she confirmed it at the end of their roadtrip, after he’d laid bare the truth about not knowing that Jeremy was wearing the family ring that would keep him safe if he died by supernatural means.
“You and Katherine have a lot more in common than just your looks,” he’d said it without thinking, a jab, as Stefan had accused him of lashing out when hurt, but it didn’t make the words less true. She’d manipulated him, just like her predecessor.
Gloria shook her head as she stared at the petite, yet oh so powerful woman standing in front of her saying goodbye. “Why you want to go back to that town,” Abigail Morgan could pull up stakes and make a life anywhere, her path wasn’t set, she’d told her that, yet here she was ready to go right back to where she’d begun. “Stay here, do you know how good my ledger looks with you behind the bar every damn night?” She was only partially teasing. The other woman, still learning to harness her power, didn’t realize the pull of her persuasion. How her laughter seemed to urge people to congregate, to stay, to buy another round. The nights grew longer with her holding court.
“I miss Cat,” Abi wasn’t lying, the longer she was away, the more she missed the rumble of the animal’s purr at night. The quiet companionship. It wasn’t the same to talk to an empty room, that was sad and slightly crazy, but if you had a pet, well then you could barter it down to eccentricity. “And I did just buy a house, I’d like to live in it a bit.”
Gloria knew those weren’t the only reasons, but she also knew they were the only ones that Abi would cop to. Pulling the diminutive woman to her, she cupped her face and stared deeply into her eyes. “Remember this, Abigail Morgan, YOU hold the power. Not the Salvatores, not the doppelgangers, and NOT the Mikaelsons.” Doppelgangers? Abigail almost asked, but thought better of it, she had almost 800 miles to cover again, and she wanted to get started while she still had light. “Stay safe,” Gloria ordered, tipping Abi’s chin up so she was forced to maintain eye contact with the other witch. “I don’t just mean bodily, do you hear me?”
“Loud and very clearly.” Abigail smiled. “And I’ll call, to check-in and make certain you are as safe as I.” She hugged the other woman, tightly, feeling a comradery and a feeling of loss at leaving her. “I’ll miss you,” she mumbled into her neck.
“Me too,” Gloria answered, and then Abi pulled away, the time had come.
No more delays. Home called to her, as loudly as Gloria’s warnings. Mystic Falls beckoned, and Abigail Morgan felt the urge to heed its call.
Practice makes everything more bearable. Even driving a metal box of death on wheels. Abigail made better time, while still being careful and taking caution. She stopped for gas, food, and sleep. She took photos with her phone, ignoring Marcel’s demands, which were soon backed by Gloria’s, for “selfies”, instead content with the scenery that flashed past as she drove. She didn’t warn Ric or Bonnie of her impending arrival, she wasn’t trying to surprise them, she just wanted to slip in and get accustomed without fanfare. And honestly, she wasn’t even sure they heard half of what she said past “hello” and “how’s Cat?” anymore.
As she drove past the “Welcome to Mystic Falls” sign, she felt the tension build deep inside. Instead of feeling like she was coming home, she felt like what Damon must have as he marched off to war. The building fear, terror that she was walking into the unknown, which made little sense. What more could be wrong after all?
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