#ask for plain text
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antifathomable-shapeshifter · 8 months ago
seeing some factually incorrect takes sooo
the reason that trans men* do not and will not have male privilege under the patriarchy is because trans men ARE NOT MEN under the patriarchy. SOCIETY DOES NOT VIEW TRANS MEN* AS MEN. People In Society may interact with Trans Men* in ways that seem to grant them male privilege. but that is only if they are steath or in a particularly progressive area.
THE PATRIARCHY VIEWS TRANS MEN* AS FAILED WOMEN. for fucks sake. the system giving out gender points doesnt give any trans* people any gender points. why are some people so desperate to be wrong.
anyway sorry for yelling peace and love to all my brothers + allies <3
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ubercharge · 2 years ago
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full colour mia ref! \o/ silver eyes as a nod to people liking the silver hair look on her, though i kept the blonde hair! i draw her tail as a pretty inconsistent size but really as long as it looks big and squishy and huggable i consider that a win
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starheirxero · 8 months ago
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hi .D.
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art fight's fun :) (vvv bonus silly)
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I will never get over this Entire Scene. the balace if intimacy and care with horror and fear..... UGHHHH FANTASTIC!!!!!! they're so inseparable in makes me sick /pos. thank u for 1 million years ^_^
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kj-beastboy · 14 days ago
Are we going to see demenica and 505 soon
highly unlikely, I don't care for anything other than Flug. Black Hat a little bit too.
Miss Heed perhaps? but I don't see enough in any other characters yet.
Masterpost for request status on Flug-unrelated things
I feel like atp I barely care for the canon cartoon at all, I just have a very strong fixation on Flug. I should really mention that. I have given up trying to stay in-character and basically use him like my OC. I would LIKE to move on and not be in fandom spaces anymore but sadly my autism does not let me. my brain just refuses; kicking and screaming; to be interested in a single other thing on earth than Flug since nearly 8 years.
it's insanity.
I have no NOTP or disliked dynamic, I will consume anything. paperlizard is cute. but it's a combination of me not being interested enough and others also not being interested enough so I feel it is not worth it to make this content rn. the fandom is ultra turbo dead.
I don't want massive attention -godspeed I don't- but an artist that doesn't get any response is a demotivated one. I know no one who is interested (enough) in these characters.
I would never make fanart of those characters alone¹, I couldn't get my unmedicated ADHD to focus on smth my heart doesn't 110% want to do from pure passion. I take no commissions, I don't draw for money.
you can basically expect to see one and the same thing for a decade straight from me
if I draw them in the future it will be heavily Flug-focused. HEAVILY.
(¹one exception is if a close friend of mine suddenly wants to see one of them)
so that's basically all you need to know! I don't consider myself a member of this fandom anymore since months
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electroniccollectiondonut · 28 days ago
I have not been in this fandom long enough to reasonably judge others' takes however. "EPIC fans are so silly to characterize odysseus as feeling guilty for his actions don't you know he's a war criminal" is definitely a wild one. like first of all to each their own so settle down and let people enjoy things ok. and secondly making choices with a bad outcome, even knowingly and deliberately, does not exclude the possibility of feeling bad about it later. in fact it makes for a much more in depth character because then you get to explore what he does or doesn't feel guilt over, and why, and if that guilt ever edges into regret or not.
#and thirdly i actually find it fascinating the way EPIC had him take a very conscious role in the greying of his morality#it's interesting to me because from my point of view odysseus in the odyssey is almost a passive player in his own myth#and i enjoy taking that very active moral choice and applying it to some of his non EPIC actions#odysseus#epic the musical#uh what is the tag for the epic cycle#as far as I'm aware it's#tagamemnon#?#idk i just think that if you were to ask your character what they would do differently the answer should not be ''nothing lol''#that is either a character who needs wayy more development or a storyteller who needs wayy more practice#also. WAR CRIMES DIDN'T FUCKING EXIST IT WAS THE BRONZE AGE#regardless of how socially acceptable or not his actions may have been#none of those men on the plain of fucking troy was about to sit down and agree on what constituted a crime of war#like if achilles can get away with flaunting straight up deliberate corpse desecration#i don't think anyone gets to say a word against odysseus for being a sneaky underhanded bastard who doesn't fight fair#coming back an hour later to add yet another point. the point of the people with this take is ''haha dont you know hes a bad person''#which fine yes by modern moral standards he is and even by contemporary standards* some of the stuff he does is super yikes man#but that STILL does not preclude him from feeling guilt. 'bad people' can feel guilt#gonna go ahead and explain those quotes around 'bad person' btw um i do not believe in morality like that. no one is fully good or bad#i shant speak on THAT further unless someone asks though#*contemporary is an iffy word here i feel because the default is to call the time of the penning of the text contemporary#despite the events in the text taking place several centuries earlier.#in this particular case because i am speaking from a point of textual analysis i will use the former#however i think that the latter is also a useful reference point
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squishysphealgirl · 2 months ago
christmas kink
hohoho! you're such a jolly little girl for ol' saint nick~
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ask-team-misfit · 5 months ago
[ previous ]
Hazel: “You… y–you heard enough, right? W-wouldn’t want to give you nightmares.”
Fenninkou: “I-I’m not scared!”
Back with Hazel and Fenninkou, the former finally stopped to catch her breath. Most notably, she chose a spot with plenty of shrubbery and shade, quite a ways from the well-traveled road.
Another thing most notable, that the scrawny Fenninkou could easily tell, being in her arms–Hazel was shaking.
The Rigtretoon was glancing to and fro as if worried they were being followed, and she was trembling.
Hazel: “Not yet, you aren’t.”
Rue: “Fenninkou… F-Fenninkou…”
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Rue shown from her left side, staring downwards with wide, teary eyes. Above her, taking up most of the image, is a gradient with the text in question; asks sent by anons. Rue's appearance is as described here. End ID ]
Rue: “Th-this is all my fault…”
Pikavee: “Rue, answer me…!”
It hadn’t held her form for very long. The two women had watched, horrified, as it quickly fell apart and became black sludge.
It still moved–it ballooned and bubbled, forming a round shape with blank eyes that shifted around and never quite stayed in one place. Sometimes extra eyes appeared; sometimes they disappeared.
Pikavee: “Wh-what’s going on? Why did it look like Fenninkou–”
Her fur tingled. The previous feeling of dread became fully realized.
Her life flashed before her eyes–but in reverse.
She saw herself and Rue in this same spot, surrounded by void shadows. She saw herself being attacked and swarmed. Rue would be lost in the chaos.
She saw herself lying on the ground, on the verge of fainting. It would end here–just before she was presumably finished off.
And with a blink and a gasp, she was back in reality.
Rue: “She’s gone, Pikavee… t-that’s the only way it could have…”
The Vuling trailed off. She was too distraught to explain her conclusion further.
Pikavee: “W-what–??”
Before Pikavee could question this, a headache briefly and severely flared, enough to stagger her. It only ebbed once she tried to calm herself down and steady her breathing, though it didn’t completely go away.
She came to just enough to notice movement on the void-matter’s surface. More of them were emerging.
The sight made the Twileon step away even more in fear. Instinct, foresight–whatever it was, it didn’t relent.
It told her to run.
[ next ]
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eveninhelltheresdebths · 26 days ago
w0ah......y∅u l⁰⁰k d¡ff3r€nt f®⁰m th3 m@f1⁰$∅ ¡'v3 b3€ⁿ t0|d @b∅ut!?1!!1!!?1 m⁰®€ ®3$€@®¢h ⁿ3€d€d...
h¥p0th3t¡©@ll¥ w⁰u|d ¥⁰u |1k3 th¡ⁿg$ t⁰ g∅ b@¢k t0 h∅w th3¥ w€®€???? Wh¥ ???
~ @the-silly-anon
— ❝ ... Back home? ❞
— ❝ We... would like that. As boring as it gets, it was feeding us n' our families. Just... wandering around till we're called in for a target. It's a slow job, but.. at least there we have things to do other then this. ❞
— ❝ Standing guard gets boring when the threat has enough decency to leave us be outside of the job, y'know? ❞
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existencebringsonlypain · 2 months ago
do you have any TOH neurodivergent HCs?
I mean. they're all ND to me. Luz with the obvious ADHD, but I'd also tack on autism, anxiety, and depression. Amity is autistic, from her father's side. Hunter I'd pin as autistic, and the clear PTSD, though that's an acquired trait. Maybe anxiety or depression as well, but those might just be symptoms of said PTSD. I also like the idea of him having BPD or another personality disorder, though I wouldn't say it's canon-based. Gus as autistic, maybe also ADHD. Willow actually seems pretty normal? Maybe depression.
Who else... I'm thinking Camila is also autistic and has anxiety. I really love the idea of Belos being autistic, but he channeled that into really horrible outlets. I think King is probably neurotypical and just a child. Eda has ADHD. That's pretty much it.
this is a lot of diagnosing, but hey, this is a very neurodivergent show
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snailifier · 1 month ago
snailvester snaillone
@=: my first snask!! Not snure what it means though...
[snail emoticon] my first ask! Not sure what it means though...
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dunmeshiminimumwage · 9 months ago
question for any and all the mods. Off the top of your head, weirdest fucking thing a customer has asked or said to you?
also, sorry about the cunty lion
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well personally its a tie between two separate things that both happened on the same day. so this drunk guy walks up to me with his dog, asks if his friends can rent a boat for one lap around the lake and then be done. we only rent in 2 hour blocks and i tell him this. it takes maybe half an hour to do a lap around the lake at most. he shouldnt even really be renting a boat because hes drunk as hell. he says hell talk to his friends. he calls the shop phone 5 minutes later while im trying to do something else and asks again if he can rent a boat for a single lap. i point out again we only rent the boats in 2 hour blocks. and he puts me on hold for 5 minutes before wordlessly hanging up.
anyways later that day some lady drove up in a golfcart and asked for a lighter. we dont have any lighters. my coworker jokingly grabbed a blowtorch. which she took to light her cigarette before getting out of the golfcart and walking around on our beach
thanks for your condolences
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If you manage to stop being so miserable without killing your worldview, please post about it I'd be curious what the secret is.
It'd be difficult for me to be a terf considering I am trans. Girlblogging probably feels adjacent to terfism because they are both misandrist (as am I), but the synergy just isn't there. Like, a coquette is "a woman who endeavors without sincere affection to gain the attention and admiration of men" it's not radfem style at all. Girlblogging is also an activity for miserable people, there isn't really content for angry nonsad women. Dead on about white women though, now way to beat that allegation.
But yeah, I can come in and say any manner of unhinged sounding things unprompted, get completely humiliated in an argument, and still feel good about myself afterwards <3
1) trans people can absolutely hold te.rf-like beliefs, and you are clearly 100% a ra.dfem, if nothing else. you literally call yourself a misad.rist. are you trans fem? it would be weirder if you werent but i dont know you so who knows.
2) they may not be te.rfs, but coq.uettes are still bioesstialist, and thats really what im complaining about in the post.
2.5) girl.bloggers do absolutely post about their fem.ale anger, that was what inspired my vent. i found their posts in the rage.core tag.
3) you are still very weird and i hope you arent doing to this to various people because thats just sad.
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Have a good rest, Pep. Hope you have sweet dreams. (Do you dream? Do you remember dreaming? Oh no what if you have nightmares?)
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Pep: "Buonanotte Brick. Buonanotte Poco Peppino."
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(Pep and Brick are asleep.
So back to those guys?)
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arttsuka · 5 months ago
Petition to start explaining things better and more accurately because some of us tend to take them too literally.
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whumpuary · 3 months ago
So excited for this!!!
Please please please, if you can, post the prompts list today, so I can spend my Sunday in the best possible way by planning and creating for this event😁😇😁😇😁
(But honestly, take your time, I absolutely don't want to rush you🥰)
will likely post it tonight!
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gushingveins · 8 months ago
how do you deal with people being stupid OTHER than putting them in a trap or some shit .
“ Fuck, I don’t know. ”
He shrugged.
“ If you’re referring to someone being genuinely stupid, I usually just berate them ‘till they get whatever point i’m trying to make through their thick skulls. With assholes like Adam or Strahm, I argue with them. It doesn’t matter if I’m wrong. They give up eventually. ”
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