ask-the -curtis-gang
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hey yall!! welcome to the Curtis home got questions?? we'll clear em up best we can come hang out
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 5 minutes ago
idk if this has already been answered but who's everyone's favorite music artists?
OH OH WAIT I LOVE THIS. hold up. lemme go first. ok. my favorites have GOTTA be. well. Elvis of course but he's obvious so we'll skip him. The temptations (my girl was worn out in the first week) Herman's hermits (their stuff is ALWAYS a hoot) n hmm. the animals. (the house of the risin sun? take my word. that is GOIN all the way)
music? I ain't picky really. Elvis. of course. did soda already say that? yeah. for sure. the rollin stones. man. I can't get no satisfaction? goddamn. that is one tuff ass song. damn. the hollies too. long cool woman? goddamn. I guess anythin with a good base.
oh oh oh. wait. Elvis. yeah. like all his shit. you can't go wrong with Elvis man. but hmm. also For What it's Worth by Buffalo Springfield. or the turtles. (WAIT I FORGOT THEM I LOVE THEM. some boysss love to run aroundddd. but this boyyy-) (soda keep your concerts to YOUR part of the note) ( :( ) also. like. anythin by the association. or Simon n Garfunkel. man. those guys are poets. the kind you read about.
I mostly just listen to whatever the curtis' got on record (lots a Elvis. good amount of the beatles) but I like the association a whole bunch!! windy has gotta top the charts this year man. or ode to Billy Joe? tuff ass keys in that song man. I like the monkees too man. they got some good ass albums.
well. I guess I don't gotta say it (but I will anyway cause the king is ALWAYS worth repeatin HA) Elvis. all the way. the poor side of town by Johnny rivers is always worth the listen. man. that song gets me. Herman's hermits of COURSE. n the monkees. I know most of em don't like em but the beach boys have some real funky tunes man. I like em (if my opinion goes far HA)
the animals. the rollin stones. the hollies. the zombies. (damn Dallas ain't you just so chatty tonight.) (fuck off. my head hurts)
(Darrys asleep) (unfortunately:() (but he REALLY likes the beatles. for some god awful reason. don't look here)
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 34 minutes ago
so curly feels the same way about pony right?
hell if I know. but shit. best I can tell the two of em are sweet on each other yeah. -Tim S
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 1 hour ago
tim can you like help out pony and curly? i think they're like oblivious
help em? oh hell no. well. I could. but whatever the fuck they got goin on is way funnier- Tim S
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 1 hour ago
Darry! Your kids are plotting again!!
SHUSH. good fuckin lord almighty yall got bigger mouths then pony (hey) (sorry.) (but for REAL. he went to bed. yall are gonna get our ASSES KICKED. for WHAT. cmonnn. we're just havin a bit of fun)
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 1 hour ago
doin what?? damn I see why dal was about to blow a goddamn gasket. doin nothin man. or anythin. everythin. we've been fightin n beatin the ever lovin shit outta each other n gettin thrown in the cooler together n holdin up stores n rollin drunks. we're busy people. we get around. - Tim S
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 1 hour ago
oh well MY bad. goddamn. hold on. I'll fuckin find one for ya since ya clearly like them SO much better. (oh shit tim accidently answered our mail huh) (tim doncha know answerin another body's mail is a CRIME) (oh n we wouldn't want that now would we curtis) (HA) (anyways. hmmm. I dunno. Dar's real vain) (he ain't VAIN. he's just real picky about how he looks. yknow. gotta put off a certain impression) (that's what vain means soda) (nuh uh! vain's like. what's the word. conceited? yeah. naw he ain't that) (same difference.) (nuh uh) (anyway. either way I think if we did that we'd never see the outside of this house again) (n were young!! we got places to meet! people to see!) (...) (I mixed that up didn't i) (close enough)
You should dye Darry's hair dark purple
ME? look. man. I know it don't seem it sometimes. but I DO value my life. at least a lil. n I'd like to keep hold of it a lil longer. I ain't gonna accomplish that by fuckin with Darry Curtis. no siree.- Tim S
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 1 hour ago
You should dye Darry's hair dark purple
ME? look. man. I know it don't seem it sometimes. but I DO value my life. at least a lil. n I'd like to keep hold of it a lil longer. I ain't gonna accomplish that by fuckin with Darry Curtis. no siree.- Tim S
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 1 hour ago
how do you feel about curly being in love with pony?????
in LOVE? goddamn. didn't know curly knew how to do that. but I knew pony had a think for curly. Jesus christ. I figure you'd have to be blind to miss it. don't bug me none. good for em. tho I guess play your taps for darry curtis. he's gonna need em HA. - Tim S
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 2 hours ago
sir. y’all have been doin what..? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN??
doin huh? oh. heh. nothin. nothin. since WHEN? God. me n dal bein rasin hell since. goddamn. since forever I guess. I can't really remember a time BEFORE Dallas Winston. n if there was one. god. I bet it was awful fuckin borin- Tim S
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 2 hours ago
Sorry Mr Darry uh sir
I didn’t mean to be a bad influence. I’d just heard of the boys going to races and thought they’d like to know. I’ll keep any racing info to myself from now on!
NOOOO. I've been sittin on this ALL afternoon (literally. he didn't get off the couch for four hours til Dar went to bed) PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE KEEP US ON THE WIRE ABOUT THE DRAGS. (shit. that last one was a gas man. worth the lecture) (n the groundin) (n the wrap) (ehhh) (well obviously would PREFER it without) look. we'll just have to be real on the low about it. but seriously. if you hear somethin? let us know. PLEASE.
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 4 hours ago
WAIT tim how do u feel about dallas?😉
about dal? shit. ain't that easy to sum up. me n dally have been runnin together for. what. years n years now. I'd sooner break his fuckin jaw then tell him. but he's a good pal. a damn good one.- Tim S
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 4 hours ago
that might’ve not been for you.. he may have a tiny. crush? on you? I DIDNT SAY ANYTHING.
CRUSH. HA. God ain't that a hoot. did HE fuckin say that?? goddamn. MAN. that's just a RIOT. Dallas n I have been f- (AHEM) ...friends. (don't clear your throat at me Curtis.) for. god. forever. but a CRUSH. HA. someone point me in the direction of ol dal. I got somethin to show him HA.
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 6 hours ago
i support. dally and tim y’know
uh. I dunno how this works exactly. I just dropped by to pick up somethin from dar n check on Dallas (I hear some bug damn near killed his scrawny ass. n he deserves it.) but the kid gave me this n said if dallas saw another one of these he might actually make someone swallow lead about it. so uh. support us WHAT. the fuck has dallas been tellin yall.- Tim S.
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 7 hours ago
dally, do you have a broad swimmin around your head right now?
a broad?? naw. last broad was Sylvie n. yeah. she don't occupy none of my damn time anymore. (maybe not a broad but-) (two if you don't BUTTON it RIGHT now)
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 7 hours ago
dally can you tell us a story about new york or jail (either works)
... ain't none of em good kid. Just take me at that. you don't wanna know.
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 7 hours ago
dallas your my role model, i want to be as tuff as you 😔🙏🏻
HA. finally someone with good taste. well. damn kid. good luck. that's real tuff. (but. seriously man. I ain't no role model. I'd recommend pickin someone else. if you know what's good for ya.)
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ask-the-curtis-gang · 7 hours ago
question. is dally always this huffy-puffy when sick? or is he just butt-hurt over somethin?
hes always like that. (naw he's MORE like that cause he's sick. he really ain't that bad when he ain't sick. n to be fair. I think he's kinda pissed about havin not one but TWO secrets out there.) naw. he's always like that. (well. ok.)
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