#ask Heidi
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(note: tumblr fucking ate my original answer to this, I think because the video I tried to upload was too large or glitchy? So i've just included a link to it instead.)
ah, glad you asked!! that's what I thought too, but then I saw this video made by an ear/nose/throat surgeon demonstrating how to swab your nose correctly for a more accurate covid test, and I (nervously) tried it that way, and lo and behold it did not hurt at all!! I post this video on my ig like once every few months because it's so helpful and a lot of people aren't aware that just swabbing your nostrils can lead to false negative rapid test results.
For the most accurate covid rapid test results, you should always swab your nasal mucosa/nasal cavity, AS WELL AS your throat, cheeks, roof of mouth, and possibly your eye gunk, since the Arcturus variant appears to particularly affect the eyes!!
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jae-in-a-trenchcoat · 20 days
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I think Darius finding ao3 on Brooklynn’s computer is gold (based on this)
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saprozoicworm · 1 year
What sp character do you have the most fun drawing?
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unfortunately its craig and kyle which is why i draw them so much
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cinnamontoads · 1 year
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this was honestly super fun might do it again sometime
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Just finished Ascendance of a Bookworm 4.6 and I am cackling! Poor Syl, Kars, and Ferdi 😂 Their responses were gold. The understandable ‘how?!’ and ‘why?!’ were a delight to read.
Also I can’t believe Rozemyne wrote her reports like that. Even if others are missing some details everyone else’s report seemed like a report. But Mynes? Why did hers read like a text to a friend at the end of the day? (Spoilers)
Hey bestie, had tea with the librarian today and she apparently lives here I am jellyyyy. Got a new book from the state over isn’t that great! Maybe we should send one to the prince too? Tootles
Like I cannot her reports and neither can they 😂 🤣
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happyheidi · 3 months
My mother's name is Heidi, my grandmother is swiss, there are actually a lot of Heidi's in the family x)
Aww I love that! Yeah it’s a very Swiss sounding name eventho it’s German. I - and many others - associate it with Switzerland.maybe cus of the book and series lol but I love it. Heidi Therese is my name. They call me Theresa in Spain and I love that ! My name is hella cute I feel . Too cute for its owner haha but here we are. 🤷‍♀️😁
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Now I’m curious about all of u. WHATS YA NAMES JAMES ?? Put it in the notes!
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gravitycoill · 3 months
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the girlies of south park!!!
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matchacowbee · 6 months
Hello! Love your art <3
Could i request Lee!Bebe and Ler!Heidi please? Thanks <3
aw thank you so much anon!!
here is Lee Bebe and Ler Heidi ! Hope you enjoy 💗💗
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volterran-wine · 22 days
🖤 for Felix, Demetri and Heidi please?
🖤 - How do you react to/deal with betrayal?
𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢: Not well whatsoever, they would be dead to me.
𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱: Ah, my dear brother is of the sort that allows a person but one chance... if you squander it he will never forget. Me however, I have a calmer disposition. While betrayal stings me, I am willing to see the other side... if there is one that is.
If not there is little report to salvage with me either.
𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐢: I have been betrayed by many people in my life, because of this I rarely allow others close to my true self. It is my hope that my efforts prevent me from dealing with betrayal ever again.
― 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐲, 𝐹𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑥, 𝐷𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖 & 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑑𝑖
ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ǫᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠᴏʟᴛᴜʀɪ?
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tio-trile · 2 months
Sammy's fence at her ranch was painted in the pansexual flag's colors, was that intentional? If so, then does that confirm anything? And by "anything" I mean, does that confirm her sexuality?
Unfortunately I don't believe it was intentionally meant to be the pansexual flag -- so I asked Heidi, who said that it might be her jacket color scheme instead, as you can also see the colors switched around on the top of her gate (image credit @ i_samuelart )
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Re: Sammy's canon sexuality, Heidi also answered it in this ask here. Basically, her canon sexuality is never revealed, and you can headcanon whatever you want!
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artemisiatridentata · 2 years
hi!! read your tags on my post just now, and i was really interested in temperature snake project you mentioned!! it sounds really cool and id be delighted to know more about it if youre willing to share!!
omg yes!! so it’s basically just a silly version of a temperature scarf or blanket — where you crochet or knit a row with a color representing the maximum temperature that day, every day for a year. I’ve been wanting to make one for a while, but a blanket or scarf sounded like a big project, so when a friend of mine sent me a reel about someone making a temperature snake, I decided that sounded more fun!! so I found this pattern and have been crocheting my snake a week at a time!! It’s been a really fun, low-stakes project :)
This is Lumpy!! Each of his colors represent an 8-degree fahrenheit range, and I’ve added a green band to divide each month.
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nothingunrealistic · 6 months
1, kleinsen
1. “I love you, please don’t go.”
“And as soon as the new car gets delivered, the minivan is mine for good.” Jared flops onto his back so that he’s lying across the entire foot of Evan’s bed, legs dangling over the side. “The Jaredmobile is gonna hit these streets harder than —”
“Are you really calling it that?” Evan has ridden in Jared’s mom’s minivan, soon to be Jared’s minivan, and it is mobile, but that’s kind of a low bar. It probably shouldn’t be hitting anything hard.
“Haven’t decided. But I know what bumper sticker is going on there first.” Jared sticks his phone in Evan’s face. “Check it.”
“‘Caution: This vehicle makes frequent stops at your mom’s house.’”
“It’s gonna be true. Especially at your mom’s house.”
“You mean my house?”
“Is your name on the property deed? I don’t think so.” Jared grimaces, wriggles around, and nearly whacks Evan in the face with his phone as he pulls out a mechanical pencil he was lying on. “And when, after I’ve spent another week chauffeuring your sorry ass around, she invites me to stay the night —”
“Mom works nights.”
“— is it gonna be you saying ‘please, I love you, please don’t go’ in the morning?” He rhythmically raps Evan’s knee with the pencil. “I. Don’t. Think. So.”
“You’re gross. And that’s my pencil.”
“Finders keepers, bro.”
“Boys?” Mom knocks on the door and opens it half a second later; in that half second, Jared shoves himself upright and slaps the pencil into Evan’s hand, and something that sounds a lot like Jared’s phone hits the floor. “Everything okay? Is that project coming along?”
“Going great, Mrs. H.,” Jared says, over top of Evan’s “Fine, Mom.”
“Good. That’s good. Well, I’m heading out to work.” She already looks as frazzled as if she just came back from a shift. “There’s money on the table so you two can order dinner. I think Domino’s is doing their half off deal again, but make sure you check. Jared, will your mom be able to pick you up? I’ll be back too late to give you a ride home.” And suddenly Evan is terrified that Jared will say some stupid thing about Mom giving him a ride, and she’ll get mad and tell him to go home now, and Evan will have to finish this English project on his own, and he’ll probably get a terrible grade, and Jared will be mad at him even though it’ll be Jared’s fault in the first place, and —
“Won’t be a problem,” Jared says, perfectly polite.
“Great. Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, Evan, I love you.”
Mom walks back out, but she doesn’t shut the door, so Evan counts to five before he says, “Thank you for not saying anything weird.”
“To your mom? What, do you think I’m some kind of male chauvinist pig? Thanks for nothing, Billie Jean.”
“Is that what that song’s about?”
“What — no. Never mind.” Jared bends over and retrieves his phone from the floor. “I’m hungry. Let’s get some shitty half-price pizza. Which is a ridiculous deal, by the way.”
“I think it’s a March Madness thing.”
“In April?”
“Maybe it’s an extra-long deal.”
“Madness is right. How much money are we working with here?”
“Probably twenty dollars.” An engine starts outside; Evan shifts over on the bed to look out the window, watching to confirm that it’s Mom’s car, until it turns left and vanishes from sight. “But, uh, when the pizza gets here —”
“Yes, I’ll get the door so you don’t have to have a breakdown about it. Never fear.”
(angst/fluff prompt list)
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arl1n-e · 14 days
How much does Heidi like Connor?
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Not at home rn so can't draw with my drawing tablet just yet 😔
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gloomingstar · 4 months
i’d love to see you draw HP Clyde or Heidi! ^^ they’re so cute
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Day 37...😇💚
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mountainscouts · 1 year
Can you please please PLEASE show us more art of gary and heidis friendship 🙏 they look like an amazing power duo (platonic ofc) and THEYRE SO CUTE AND I LOVE THE WAY YOU DRAW THEM ‼️
HI ANON YES I CAN SHOW U… although it’s just a little doodle
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god i actually love their silly little friendship so much. they would be such a funny duo in the context of the show. just rays of sunshine and probably constantly get shat on but they simply do not care bc they have EACHOTHER♡♡♡.
they're like, that one pair you suspect are dating but are totally 100% aren't and are just REALLY good friends. i have a headcanon that when heidi was getting close to gary, she developed a crush on him but was let down after he confessed he wasn't into girls. heidi was a little heartbroken but because she just loves being around gary, she was totally okay with just being besties!! also it's kinda funny for that to happen to her considering her luck with dudes 😭😭
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happyheidi · 3 months
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gotta love when one ask answers another on accident! Especially when it’s a name sis! Heidi’s unite 🙌
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