#arue my love
dragonologist-phd · 3 months
Arueshalae or Wenduag for the Character Asks?
thank you! I gotta do my best gal Arue <3
How I feel about this character
Oh I love her so much. So much!!! She’s adorable and compassionate and earnest and has one of my favorite redemption arcs in anything and honestly one of the best portrayals I’ve seen of how guilt and regret can stay with you forever but you have to live your life despite that and keep trying to be better and god I could go on about her forever I love her so much
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Piper obviously ok I know that’s not the point! Seelah is my number one npc for her, even as I played Piper for the first time I loved how supportive they are of each other and knew I’d be shipping them in another universe
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Seelah again, because they’re also amazing as friends. She and Sosiel also have a lot of sweet moments, and of course I love how immediately accepting of her the Free Crusaders are!
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think my most “unpopular” is that I see a lot people call her naive and…I don’t think she is? She’s a demon, she’s seen a lot of bad shit, and she fully expects bad shit from other demons- she’s usually one of the companions warning a KC about demon tricks and lies! We see more of this in the Abyss, but the way she acts around other demons just does not read as naive to me
I think this idea comes from how she puts mortals on a pedestal- because yes, when it comes to them, she can be overly trusting (see her Camellia banters). But I always read that as more to do with her mentality of Demons as inherently bad and Mortals as inherently good. And that’s something that gets challenged, especially in a romance, because she has to overcome that way of thinking and realize that people are complicated so that she can accept the good and bad parts of herself, and so that she can see mortals not as playthings or symbols of unattainable goodness but as people
Also she’s autistic-coded so of course people infantilize her but that’s a rant for another day
I’ll also say that she’s such a good queer romance. Just. Her whole journey from viewing her own sexuality as something that is wrong and bad and dangerous to realizing that it can actually be a source of joy and something to celebrate is something that hits so hard. I’m not even saying that one was intentional but there’s a reason her act 5 romance scenes make me want to cry. Idk if that one is even unpopular but I feel like some people discount her romance as pure fluff but I think there’s so much to read into with it
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish her Evil route had been fleshed out more? Bad endings can give a lot of insight to a character, but from what I’ve seen of hers it doesn’t have a lot of depth. Honestly even just one strong character-focused conversation could do a lot, but I haven’t seen anything like that for Evil!Arue (I haven’t been able to check it out myself yet so maybe I’m missing something but it just seems a little empty)
GIVE ME A CHARACTER and I’ll break their ass down!
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bisexual himbo and her hot lesbian gf
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dream-of-potter · 1 year
Aruden headcanons from my previous account (summarised) + some new ones
So these were actually full fledged one shots on my previous account, but since those cannot be recovered now I thought I'd make a summary post:
Aru didn't change her surname after marriage, just so Aiden could keep calling her "shah"
For their engagement, Aiden got Aru a ring with an eye on it, because Nidra was the one who made Aiden realize he loved Aru
In their bedroom, they have a mirror whose frame is littered with colourful post- its, with little sweet messages they have written for each other, just "God, you're so beautiful" or "I love you" or sometimes sappy quotes from Aiden's fav romcoms
Aru's post its are yellow and Aiden's green
At their wedding, Aiden gave a three- hour long presentation of all the photos he'd taken of Aru over the years. Most of the guests fell asleep halfway through, but Aru was awake through it all, bawling her eyes out
Aiden hates horror movies, so whenever they're watching one (cause Aru) he'll be snuggled up beside Aru, face squished against her stomach
They have a competition going on between them to see who can plan better birthday surprises. Aru won lost year, but this time Aiden is running ahead with his field trip to Home Depot
Aiden is a mother hen. Period. Once Aru caught a cold dancing in the rain, and Aiden was straight up babying her for days
They hate fighting. When they do fight, it only lasts for a few minutes, and it always ends with cuddling while crying
Aiden's wallpaper changes pretty much everyday according to his latest fav picture of Aru he took
Aru's always trying to get Aiden to recreate all these couple poses with her which somehow always ends up with Aru on top of him and Aiden saying "why are you like this, shah" with a smile
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rollofleaf · 6 months
OC meme
Saw @arendaes doing this so I'm shamelessly stealing it! You are now subjected to my Pathfinder blorbos! Mostly focusing on how they are before the events of the game.
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Full name: Hilde Svalksdottir
Gender: Cis Woman
Sexuality: Demisexual Lesbian
Pronouns: She/Her
Family: Svalk Axechill (Father, deceased), Astrid Daughter of Muses (Mother, deceased), Tallak Svalksen (Half-Brother)
Birthplace: Land of Linnorm Kings
Job: Poet, Singer, Mercenary
Phobia: Loosing control, loosing herself to rage
Guilty Pleasures: Long naps
Hobbies: Writing, sparring, bird-watching
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Sins: Wrath, Envy
Virtues: Chastity, Temperance
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert 
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Hilde/Arueshalae
Acceptable Ships: Hilde/Aranka, Hilde/Seelah, Hilde/Nenio
OT3: Hilde/Arueshalae/Aranka (Aranka is also dating Wallflower and Thall separate from Hilde and Arue)
Brotp: Hilde/Woljif, Hilde/Ulbrig
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(art not mine, this is just my general ref for her)
Full name: Sakura Redpetal
Gender: Femme-leaning Non-binary
Sexuality: Pansexual (also a monsterfucker)
Pronouns: She/They
Family: Willow of Calm Reeds (adoptive mother)
Birthplace: Valashmai Jungle, Tian Xia
Job: Sacred prostitute
Phobia: Loneliness, persecution
Guilty Pleasures: Telling people off, violence
Hobbies: Gardening, reading
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Sins: Lust, Gluttony
Virtues: Patience
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert 
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Sakura/Camellia
Acceptable Ships: Sakura/Daeran, Sakura/Arueshalae, Sakura/Woljif Sakura/Vellexia (theres the crack ship)
OT3: Sakura/Camellia/Daeran
Brotp: Sakura/Wenduag, Sakura/Woljif
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Full name: Ethyn Roseveil
Gender: Cis Woman
Sexuality: Pansexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Family: Ayra Roseveil (Mother), Cathran Roseveil (Father), Adula Roseveil (Older Sister), Satinder Roseveil (Older Brother)
Birthplace: Vigil, Lastwall
Job: Artist, Paladin
Phobia: Loosing people she loves, having to kill
Guilty Pleasures: Sweets
Hobbies: Painting, Singing
Alignment: Lawful Good
Sins: Pride
Virtues: Charity, Patience, Kindness
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert 
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded 
Calm / Anxious / Restless 
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between 
Cautious / Reckless / In between 
Patient / Impatient / In between 
Outspoken / Reserved / In between 
Leader / Follower / Flexible 
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between 
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist 
Traditional / Modern / In between 
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: Ethyn/Nyrissa
Acceptable Ships: Ethyn/Valerie, Ethyn/Tristian, Ethyn/Linzi
OT3: Ethyn/Octavia/Regongar
Brotp: Ethyn/Nok-Nok
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maitaiwiththecorpses · 7 months
@burntchickennugget2468 @hazellevessque @casually-dying-in-the-corner i know you’re online go read begin again
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hazellevessque · 1 year
The Other Side of the Door (Taylor’s Version) is so book 5 Aruden
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taraneeno · 1 year
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POV: you summon the demon on your shoulder and then you *accidentally* fall in love with them
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red-dyed-sarumane · 8 months
marshall maximizer is a series song right. i think thats the only one ive listened to (yet), un:c did a good cover of it ...... what are ur thoughts on it whats it about . kicking my legs in the air
YES YES MARSHALL MAXIMIZER IS A SERIES SONG. theres so much going on in it u have no idea yes the song fucks verily but holy shit is it so important to the story.
okay so i think i need to give like. a quick reminder of the story here right. so u have "a certain world" & basically these people onset the destruction of said world such that it basically crumbles to pieces & then disappears. tragic. okay. but theres a catch. they get more than one chance to try. when one iteration of the world ends instead of really dying they kind of just. wake up in a new version. the world's still going to end in the day, but they get another chance to try and save it. the only real thing about it is any given person still has to have sight of their own goals or they aren't allowed to wake up next time & they disappear as well. this is, in the original song and afterwords referred as as being a "person" and having "one's self" or not having your self & being a "thing".
marshall maximizer is the explanation of this phenomenon (the later song laboratory being the demonstration of this concept btw to build off what this song says) among other things.
ill get to the lyrics in a second but the thing that always gets me about this song is the text in the middle of the video that's a conversation between two people. idk how to even go about this i just want to quote the whole thing at u. the beginning of its the narrator (perhaps not the same one as the lyrics but i cant prove or disprove this) trying to figure out the whole thing and the person working with them- referred to as "doctor"- basically says choosing who u are is an impossibility and if u cant prove ur alive of ur own volition then u arent even truly "alive" & won't have a place in heaven or hell. the narrator then asks the doctor to prove if he's alive for himself to which he doesnt answer and the narrator goes "Doctor, you have the appearance of a human. But, what of the possibility you're a 'thing' someone created?" to which the doctor answers "and if im not a 'person'?" and the narrator continues "Just as an example. Doctor, you said 'I chose this job in order to go to heaven.' And the reason you stay here is because 'if i can go to heaven, then it's fine to die,' right?" after this the doctor still cant give a solid answer and when the narrator looks for him again, he's disappeared entirely. which is nearly one to one with what the girls in the songs are going through. the doctor wasnt really doing it for himself he was doing it simply to achieve an end, with no real strong desire or goal along the way, which essentially turns him into a mere tool or 'thing' to achieve that end. much like the girls in the songs; they have to have something in it for themselves or they're a mere "thing" to be used, and at that point they'll disappear entirely.
theres also flashing text of 2 kanji words at the end that are a lot less profound but do give some insight on the series. the terms are broken up a series of three question marks & im willing to bet its describing the timelines in the story. the first 5 words regarding observing the failures of the past, the next 11 dealing more with what sounds like the more modern songs & all the confusion & rash decisions bringing them to their end, and then the last 15 words possibly being from the sort of future or at the very least whatever point in time the first song takes place in as it seems to lineup the most with shoushitsu itself. but its not like its as important to this song's understanding as the mini novel in the middle is.
so whats up with the lyrics then. as u can guess its not as fun as the song sounds. theres a lot of mentions of experiments in this song & ive seen people say its like the demon core thing irl, but i need u to understand the while series been talking about science experiments the whole time. like. all of aru sekai shoushitsu is talking about it, kyuuyaku is talking about it, shuuen touhikou is to some extent talking about it, oumen is, apoptosis is, etc etc this is just par for the course okay, but it does show maximizer in particular does have direct influence on experiments being performed or at least attempted. she is pretty casual about how she talks about it btw the character in this song gives me a very easy going type of vibe with how she talks which is probably why the song itself is the way it is and not like something that fills u with dread the entire time. though i would argue parts of the instrumental do sound like theres a bit of weight in them and its not ALL party time vibes.
one thing i do want to point out in regards to both the lyrics and the people vs thing topic, are the lines "ki ga kuruu HITO no furi wo shiteiru KIMI wo miteiru" (observing You pretending to be a Person gone mad) and "ki ga kuruu HITO no mane wo shiteiru KIMI e" (to You who's imitating a person gone mad) where both the words for person and you are in katakana drawing emphasis to it as well as mirroring how the "people' vs "thing" is written in both the background texts & previous songs. which is to say the narrator here is very aware of this other person not actually being a person. the implications here that since its "pretending to be a person" the "you" is a…. perhaps less direct way of calling out that its a "thing" or in completely transparent terms, is a person not acting on their own will and doomed to disappear. similar to this is the most recognizable lyrics in this song the "tabete sugu nete ushi ni naru/ okite mata nete hito de nashi?"(eating, falling right asleep, becoming a cow/ waking up, sleeping again, is that so inhuman?) is also calling on that "person" aspect, although not as strongly as hito uses the kanji this time rather than katakana. in any case she's still making the claim that despite all the horrors going on she's still acting as she pleases so she should still count as a person……right?(spoilers she does)(this isnt really spoilers because its told to u by the fact the nami no ne no motif is in the song) but it DOES show she's a little worried about it. not enough to full out panic but she sees other people no longer counting as people it makes sense she's going to worry about herself.
likewise the lines in the chorus "nante koto da! shindeshimau!"(what the hell is this! we'll die!" is much more likely referring to the fact if they arent "people" they disappear and are REALLY dead & is kind of worrying over that. like the line later what the hell is this! we'll live! is not really rejoicing at a percieved break in the case so much as realizing she DOES have her own goals in it and she's not about to disappear just yet.
and then of course i cannot overlook that this is also Sunk Cost Fallacy:The Song. the whole "sunk coster, sunk costess! 'i want to return to the isotope we had at the end!' 'we're falling to the worst of hell! falling!' but a dazzling unbalance diverged farway!" like on top of all of this she's still going to run the experiments that are risking her literal self to whatever extent that she invests herself in them. she cant give up yet. they've put so much into trying to correct this disaster, lost so many people, endured so much trauma, even when continuing is a sin, there's no other option but to continue at this point. even when they know it's pointless, even when they can see (to take imagery from kanon) the scales have been upset & the outcome will never be good, theres no other option.
theres a bit more to it but that requires getting sources from other songs & its not overly huge details its probably fine to leave them out for now this is long enough as is. one thing i do want to mention is its one of the side songs(songs that are not directly linked to aru sekai shoushitsu itself/not one of the kanji songs that links to certain lyrics in it) that has alliteration in the title (ma ma) as a way of keeping with the "repeating fractals" theme in the series. which to me implies this situation is not particularly unique to this character as some other songs are (oumen especially, touhikou, ashura, etc)(apoptosis i have an argument to make about but thats another topic entirely) and while maybe not 1:1 it can also be applied to other chara's experiences, or maybe implies its happened at other parts of the timeline as well. which makes sense since its common knowledge among the charas that some people are not "people" anymore so yeah i can imagine them keeping watch on coworkers they think are losing or have lost their selves. that doesnt make maximizer a general song though this is still VERY MUCH a subjective song from a particular chara's perspective & leaves things out & emphasizes others accordingly.
anyway my opinion on this song is that its VERY good and VERY important to get a good look at the story. the instrumental behind the tabete sugu nete ushi ni naru parts scratches my brain & the inclusion of the series "this chara lives" motif drives me insane.10000/10 everyone should like this song.
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owocontroversy · 1 year
aiden acharya
that is all
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edwinas · 4 months
Something I love about Unmet is that adults act like adults so there's no unnecessary drama and the plot can move forward.
The main example is Sanpei and Miyabi. He's always pushing her out of her comfort zone. Miyabi could have easily shut him out until some big on screen reconciliation. Instead she's skeptical but considers his words, listens to others and reaches her own conclusion. That sort of introspection and maturity is so rare in today's media.
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did someone say...pretty hira?
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crows-of-buckets · 3 months
Sometimes all of my ocs decide they wanna do laps in my head all at the same time so I just end up sitting there like "I want to draw tyrian and Daeran, and Aviae and Morrigan, and Lucio and Anders, and Selene and Sera, and my other Hawkes and my other warden and-" and then none of it happens
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That Time Mat Went Batshit (part one of/???)
Point proven, love is indomitable, don't question me ~ever again~
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I love how it never occurs to Aiden to ask Rudy for help in Song of Death. They need to sneak into the freaking Naga kingdom and Rudy would most definitely be into sneaking them in for bragging points, but instead they use public transport.
And if that isn’t indicative of their relationship than I don’t know what is.
(Don’t worry they become besties [aiden reluctantly of course])
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parrotxx · 1 year
Krithika and Suyodhana played the Pitch Perfect soundtrack for Aru to fall asleep to instead of Beethoven and those other classical music composers
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 month
ik my layout rn is rime bc shes also very important to me but if im not the person obsessed with an obscure & obtuse vocaloid song series to everyone else then whats even the point. my favorite character ever rn has one single piece of official art & a 3 & a half minute song with weirdly specific wording and like 30 different possible interpretations & thats it thats all that exists of her. her creator never speaks of her (or any of the other characters from the series or even the series itself for that matter). she's referenced in other songs as only a sacrifice/victim with no extra details about her character. the amount of fan art of her minus my own is in the very low double digits & several of those are because i got my friends to draw her for me. u may be insane for ur fave character but are u strong enough to subsist off exactly two things of them for 4 years & love them just as much if not more than when u first saw them.
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