#artificial signs
unbfacts · 2 months
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p0kern1ght · 7 months
Lemme see Washington
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white guy be upon ye
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rosesocietyy · 20 days
amc hates iwtv bad. on my life I've never seen a network that hates its own show more
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Working in publishing, my inbox is basically just:
Article on the Horrors of AI
Article on How AI Can Help Your Business
Article on How AI Has Peaked
Article on How AI Is Here to Stay Forever
Article on How AI Is a Silicon Valley Scam That Doesn't Live Up to the Promise and In Fact Can't Because They've Literally Run Out of Written Words to Train LLMs On
#allison's work life#artificial generation fuckery#in point of fact we're lumping a lot of things into 'AI' so probably bits of them are all true#i think AI narration probably is here to stay because we've been mass training that for ages (what did you think alexa and siri were?)#i think ai covers will stick around on the low price point end unless those servers go the way of crypto#but as with everywhere they'll be limited because you can't ask an ai for design alts#(and do you guys know how many fucking passes it takes to make minute finicky changes to get exec to sign off on a cover?)#i think ai translation for books will die on the vine - you'd have to feed the whole text of your book to the ai and publishers hate that#ai writing is absolute garbage at long form so it will never replace authorship#it's also not going to be used to write a lot of copy because again you'd have to feed the ai your book and publishers say no way#like the thing to keep in mind is publishers want to save money but they want to control their intellectual property even more#that's the bread and butter#the number 1 thing they don't want to do is feed the books into an LLM#christ we won't even give libraries a fair deal on ebooks you think they're just going to give that shit away to their competitors??#but also i don't think the server/power/tech issue is sustainable for something like chatgpt and it is going to go the way of crypto#is humanity going to create an actual artificial intelligence that can write and think and draw?#yeah probably eventually#i do not think this attempt is it#they got too greedy and did too much too fast and when the money dries up? that's it#maybe I'm wrong but i just think the money will dry out long before the tech improves
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smaeemo · 17 days
I present to you (drumroll please)
(Tag yourself)
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ciggycat-art · 8 months
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OC designs I’ve been wanting to work on
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planet4546b · 1 year
literally cannot stop thinking of the possibilities of system collapse. if we’re going straight off network effect than like. EVERYONE. is here. mb is gonna be like here’s my plan to solve this problem it will probably cause me severe harm lol and art and mensah and amena and pin lee and ratthi and overse and arada and thiago and three and the whole perihelion crew are gonna be like 🤨
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themirokai · 1 year
Hey wonderful people who are waiting for the last chapter of Seven: work is kicking my ass at the moment and that’s not going to let up until Thursday, so I’m not going to be able to post until then. Even if I managed to get it posted tonight I wouldn’t be able to look at comments as they come in, which is really most of the joy of posting.
Thanks for your patience and keep an eye on your inbox Thursday evening, Eastern US time. (Sorry Europeans, probably Friday for you.)
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.hack//legend of the twilight/sign/GU remained with AI
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aidenwaites · 9 months
What if,, arlo script but instead of taking place on the station its a post-mission diagnosis with a roboticisit "interviewing" Arlo,,
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nerice · 1 year
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I get Interviewed by A.I. & tell some ghost stories (The Gate in Libertyville, Peg Entwhistle, Cecil Hotel)
Can ChatGPT help with paranormal research. Is AI worth anything at all yet. We tell some ghost stories while testing out this interesting new tech.
There’s so much conversation about A.I. lately. Does it work? Should we be afraid? How should you use it? I’m not going to say I have all the answers, but let’s check it out together. Some topics for today: – The Gate – Peg Entwhistle – Test – My interview – Test – Fun with images Time Stamps0:00 – Intro0:29 – Quantum Con / Am I afraid of AI?3:33 – Overview of topics4:43 – What does the GPT mean…
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sportsandlaughs · 1 year
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I have so many vague impressions about the natural Vs artificial in Strictly ballroom but the only coherent thing I can say is that they're not actually in opposition it's way more complicated than that also has my whole heart.
#it's like... on the one hand yes the Ballroom culture is so clearly artificial with the elaborate makeup and outfits and that is clearly#contrasted with the natural lighting at Fran's house and her much simpler look even at the end BUT#in many ways Fran's family's place is also depicted as heavily interacting with the artificial especially in that train that runs straight#past them#in the trash cans Scott knocks over#in the cramped insides we only see a few times but they're small and almost claustrophobic#equally in the rooftop scene at the studio they're dancing outside yes#but there's also the Coke sigh#*sign#and in most narratives like this the coke sign would be perhaps a criticism of the artificial and of consumerism etc#but here it's beautiful#it adds to the beauty#it turns the dance into something magical#and the studio too with all its lights and frippery is a place of much naturality and honesty with Scott's dad and Scott's secret dances#with Fran#you can't just reject the artificial as bad and the natural as Good#because dancing is fundamentally artificial#yes yes there's the whole dance from the heart thing#but Ballroom specifically is telling a story in the paso and in a number of latin dances#for all the talk about Scott's new steps he wants new STEPS not improvisation#it's still about the controlled movements the chosen choreography#it is artificial it is something created and that can be beautiful as much as it can be ugly and contrived but ONLY when it is combined#with nature#nature is a requirement for beauty but so in this case is the artificial but they must be COMBINED#idk#strictly ballroom
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learnasl · 2 years
Is It Actually Possible To Learn American Sign Language From an AI?
Just how cool would it be if artificial intelligence (AI) could learn American Sign Language? Well, there's a student in India named Priyanjali Gupta who made an AI model that turned sign language into English. Gupta was a 3rd-year engineer from India’s Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT). She developed an AI model that was able to translate American Sign Language into English in real-time. According to an Inquirer.net article, “She invented the AI model using Tensorflow object detection API that translates hand gestures using transfer learning from a pre-trained model named ssd_mobilenet.” When Gupta signed basic signs like Hello, I Love You, Thank You, Please, Yes, and No, the AI managed to translate those to English.
Despite how incredible this revolutionary invention is, one question still remains… Is learning American Sign Language from an AI ideal?
While it's wonderful we develop inventions such as AIs that are able to translate ASL to English expecting to bridge the communication gap between the Deaf and hearing people, it's probably not ideal and realistic to learn ASL from AIs for some reasons.
Check the infographic below to know why.
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