#but Ballroom specifically is telling a story in the paso and in a number of latin dances
I have so many vague impressions about the natural Vs artificial in Strictly ballroom but the only coherent thing I can say is that they're not actually in opposition it's way more complicated than that also has my whole heart.
#it's like... on the one hand yes the Ballroom culture is so clearly artificial with the elaborate makeup and outfits and that is clearly#contrasted with the natural lighting at Fran's house and her much simpler look even at the end BUT#in many ways Fran's family's place is also depicted as heavily interacting with the artificial especially in that train that runs straight#past them#in the trash cans Scott knocks over#in the cramped insides we only see a few times but they're small and almost claustrophobic#equally in the rooftop scene at the studio they're dancing outside yes#but there's also the Coke sigh#*sign#and in most narratives like this the coke sign would be perhaps a criticism of the artificial and of consumerism etc#but here it's beautiful#it adds to the beauty#it turns the dance into something magical#and the studio too with all its lights and frippery is a place of much naturality and honesty with Scott's dad and Scott's secret dances#with Fran#you can't just reject the artificial as bad and the natural as Good#because dancing is fundamentally artificial#yes yes there's the whole dance from the heart thing#but Ballroom specifically is telling a story in the paso and in a number of latin dances#for all the talk about Scott's new steps he wants new STEPS not improvisation#it's still about the controlled movements the chosen choreography#it is artificial it is something created and that can be beautiful as much as it can be ugly and contrived but ONLY when it is combined#with nature#nature is a requirement for beauty but so in this case is the artificial but they must be COMBINED#idk#strictly ballroom
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