#and the guy who has to sign for my company is in another state and technologically incompetent
themirokai · 1 year
Hey wonderful people who are waiting for the last chapter of Seven: work is kicking my ass at the moment and that’s not going to let up until Thursday, so I’m not going to be able to post until then. Even if I managed to get it posted tonight I wouldn’t be able to look at comments as they come in, which is really most of the joy of posting.
Thanks for your patience and keep an eye on your inbox Thursday evening, Eastern US time. (Sorry Europeans, probably Friday for you.)
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enhastolemyheart · 2 months
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pairing. boyfriend!jake x reader
genre. est. relationship, fluff
synopsis. being in a long distance relationship is hard. But, all works out in the end knowing your boyfriend Jake will come right back to you.
warning(s). kissing, jake and yn being cute, none really lmao, not proofread
word count. 0.8k
networks. @.hyfenet @k-films @kflixnet
note. hey!! it'd been a while lmao i forgot how to do this format thing 😭😭😭 but nonetheless, i had this sweet idea and hope you guys enjoy!!
banner by @cafekitsune
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As you take your regular Saturday stroll through your favorite park nearby your complex, enjoying the fresh air and the calming ambiance. Birds are chirping, the are children running around, people's dogs are chasing squirrels and frisbees, there are the daily fitness people chasing their 10k steps and of course, you cannot miss the lovely elderly couples on their romantic walks.
Growing up in this area for the last thirteen years, this park has been a second home to you. You knew almost everyone here. You watched this park at its highest and lowest. You loved coming here, anytime and any day. One thing that has only enhanced your love for this place is the amount of time you spent here with your boyfriend of 2 years, Jake sim.
You both spend everyday together, but that has come to a temporary end when you both had to long distance. Jake to move to another state to take care of his sick grandmother. He stayed there longer then he'd expected but you knew and had faith that the relationship between you both would only get stronger once you reunite.
As you turn around the corner of the trail, you stop dead in your tracks tracks when a handsome man steps in front of you. Your handsome man. It's your boyfriend Jake, who you hadn't seen in eight months. Your eyes widen and your feet are stuck in place, your breath hitches and tightens. You can feel tears welling in your eyes at the sight of him.
He is so handsome, his hair has grown alot, looking like a mini mullet which looks so good on him. His eyes are just as bright as you seen him last and that adoring smile not wavering for a second. He opens his arms to you, lips in a smirk, "did you miss me, baby?"
His voice. I think my heart just skipped a beat.
That angelic voice was the final recall that he was here, he was finally here in your sight. You run up to him and he wraps his strong arms around your frame, melting in his embrace and basking in his scent. he release a sigh, almost as a sign of content and relief.
He pulls away, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, lips in a soft smile, "I miss you so much, honey, you have no idea"
"i missed you too Jake, so much,"
And that was it, until he pulls you in for a much needed kiss, his lips in a smile causes yours to smile as well. He holds you very close to him in a gentle but firm grip, not wanting to let go. And you don't want him to, hands on the back of his neck, playing with the grown hair there.
He pulls away, looking into your eyes with full of love, "I love you yn."
you smile ad you kiss his cheek, "And I love you."
As the afternoon turns into evening and the sun slowly sets, You and Jake sit down at one of your favorite spots in the park. You are against a tree, your back warmed up with his chest, arms enveloped around you like a blanket, watching the leaves rustle in the breeze and listening to the birds chirping.
We spend an hour or two just talking, catching up on everything that's happened in the past few months. He tells me that his grandmother is doing much better now and that they hired a woman to take care when his parents cannot. I tell him about my internship at work, it was for the journaling field of a reputed magazine company. We laugh, we tease, and we just enjoy each other's company.
He kisses your temple every so often, and realization dawns upon you that you missed this. You missed this feeling of doing nothing but everything at the same time. You missed his warm hold and his silly, cute laugh, you missed him.
Jake places a kiss on the top of your head before asking you to turn to him, a smile playing on his lips.
"Remember when we first met?" he asks, his eyes twinkling with nostalgia.
You nod, a smile forming on your own lips and you lean the side your face on his shoulder.
"Of course I do," You reply, giggling slightly. "Who could forget meeting the boy of their dreams in a park on a Saturday afternoon?"
Jake laughs, and you share a look of shared understanding. Your time apart may have been long, but our bond feels stronger than ever.
"I love you baby, till death do us apart." Jake says with sincerity.
you smile only widens till your cheeks are hurting, you placed a gently, shaking hand on his cheek and your foreheads meet.
"I love you Jake, till death do us apart."
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perm taglist: @jak-ey ; @snoowhore ; @hsgwrld ; @seungiesluv ; @1-800shutthefuckup ; @heeseungshim (send an ask to be added)
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renee-ckstrong · 1 month
My Favourite Wrestling Match of all Time
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In 2006, a Canadian wrestler became Captivated by a Japanese man for whom standard limitations on human athleticism don't apply. Twelve years later, they had the greatest professional wrestling match of all time.
I'll keep the background explanation brief because there is already a better explanation than I could ever do. Read here if you do not know the story of the Golden Lovers: https://medium.com/we-need-to-talk-about-wrestling/that-one-tweet-thread-about-the-golden-lovers-annotated-e9fc604e3a7f
Now Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi have wrestled each other three times in their lives. And their second match from 2012 is arguably better than their the 2018 match that I am supposed to be looking at. So why would I say that the best match is worse than another one from six years prior. Well the twenty twelve match back in DDT is generational, and the greatest spectacle of athleticism in wrestling ever. The 2018 is far more emotional. With six more years of context they put on a match that made me feel more than any other match.
An important thread in the plotline of their story is this, Kenny Omega has never beaten Kota Ibushi. And because of that there is an unconfirmed insinuation that Kenny Omega can't beat Kota Ibushi. And it was because of this that Kenny grew resentful of how much better Kota was than him, and he turned to the dark side.
Kenny Omega is a fighter who compromised his morals to become the best in the world.
Kota Ibushi is a fighter who ran away from a fight and lost his chance to become the best in the world.
Kenny would join the Bullet Club, which at the time was like a villainous biker gang. He not only joined Bullet Club but he also distracted Kota costing him the top men's singles championship in all of Japan. After this Kota left New Japan Pro Wrestling unable to face the person his boyfriend Kenny was becoming. Kota did have some success in his absence, including but not limited to getting to the final of WWE's Cruiserweight Classic (but it has come out since that the plan was for him to win but the plan was changes when he expressed that he didn't want to sign with WWE). But he wasn't achieving success to the level he perhaps could. Kenny on the other had become THE GUY. The first non-Japanese person to win the annual G1 Climax tournament, won the IWGP Heavyweight Championship and had a match against Kazuchika Okada that broke the scales of how good wrestling matches could be.
So that is the state of play going into this match. Kota Ibushi had returned to NJPW after Kenny had taken over the Bullet Club and become the top star in the company. It is during the 28th G1 Climax tournament and these two have been matched up to fight each other. Kenny Omega is the best wrestler in the world right now, so can he beat Kota Ibushi now.
Another important detail is that the two men (in storyline at least, I can't speak for them in real life) are in love. Like genuinely actual queer storytelling, and it's not shit if you can believe it. So they obviously want to win but they don't want to hurt each other. They are worried that they will go to far.
And that's I think the beauty of it. The question of whether Kenny has surpassed Kota or whether he's still unable to beat his boyfriend even after all he's done. And the question of how far they'll go without wanting to do permanent damage to the other. Like their 2012 match is technically more impressive simply because men in their 20s can do feats of athleticism that men in their 30s can't. But that helps build the plot of the G1 match. In their 2012 match they do a disgusting spot where Kenny takes a hurricanrana of the top rope to the floor. In the 2018 match they tease doing it again but both men know that it isn't the kind of thing that either of their bodies can take these days.
It's brilliant. It's really beautiful. And I want to talk about the result of the match but I shan't because I want anyone reading this who hasn't seen it to go watch it. You can probably find it in full somewhere if you search 'omega vs ibushi g1'
So yeah that's my favourite wrestling match. It's pretty cool.
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mackenzielovee · 1 year
gray area (1) — bucky barnes
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summary — you meet your new neighbor, Bucky, along with his friends and his son.
wc — 4k
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You stand in the middle of your new driveway, staring up at the townhome that you now hold the keys to. You’d signed your name on the dotted line last week, and although it feels like forever since then, a part of you can’t believe it’s actually happening. 
“Still not sure why you’re so against moving in with me,” Natasha, your best friend, grumbles as she grabs another box out of the truck of your car, “I mean, yeah, there’s a few bad things about my apartment complex, but—”
“Your next door neighbor shot his girlfriend last week,” you argue, then add, “And, half of the people that live there are selling drugs!”
“Okay,” Natasha rolls her eyes, “One, that girl was a bitch. She also survived, so it’s fine. And, honestly, Y/N, everyone is selling drugs these days.”
“I’m not,” you reply, sticking your tongue out at her. 
“Right. You’re too much of a workaholic to be selling — or doing — drugs, anyway. I’m surprised they haven’t paged you—”
“Oh!” you exclaim, “I actually should go check my work phone. Can you get the rest of the boxes out?”
Being a nurse in the critical care unit of one of the best hospitals in your state, you have no choice but to be constantly thinking about your job. Natasha, who runs her own company, understands your need to be available 24/7, although she rarely expresses it. She thinks you hold yourself too accountable, but you disagree. 
Being responsible is the reason you’re able to afford to live on your own at twenty four. Being responsible has landed you a great job, salary, and benefits. Sure, you’ve had to sacrifice to get it, and Natasha thinks you’re lonely, but you’re happy for the most part. 
You check your phone and find nothing, then breathe in a happy breath. That means you’ll get to spend the remainder of the day unpacking and moving in. The boxes are lining the walls and starting to feel overwhelming; the clutter too much for you to handle.
Natasha comes strolling in a few minutes later, holding nothing but a lamp in her hand. You raise a brow, and she smirks. 
“Seriously? That’s all you could carry?” you tease. 
She shrugs, “I found some reinforcements.”
Before you can ask what she means, two men come strolling into your living room, both with boxes in their arms. Your jaw falls as Natasha laughs beside you, shamelessly checking them out as their muscles flex against their tight tee shirts. 
“Where do you want ‘em, Natasha?”
Natasha whips her head over to you, “Babe?”
You swallow when both men look over to you. Up and down their eyes go, taking in your sundress and curled hair before respectfully looking back up at you. They smirk when you stutter under their gazes, then point to the free corner of the living room. 
“Um, over here is fine,” you say, “Thank you so much, I didn’t—”
“It’s okay, Y/N,” Natasha interrupts, tugging on your elbow, “I already told them how we needed two big, strong guys to help us.”
The blonde sets his boxes down first, then steps forward and extends a hand. You give him a friendly, shy smile and shake it, ignoring the way his large hand engulfs yours. 
“I’m Steve,” he says, “One of the big, strong guys your friend recruited.”
Your smile widens, “Hi, Steve. Thank you very much for being willing to help.”
“No problem, I—”
The other man shoves Steve’s shoulder, then grins at you and extends a hand of his own. 
“Sam Wilson,” he informs you, squeezing your hand, “It’s such a pleasure. We’ve been wondering who was gonna take this place.”
“Now we know,” Steve cuts in, “So, what’s your—”
Your phone buzzes on the counter, and before you even realize what you’re doing, you turn and rush to it. 
“Ouch,” Sam whispers, nudging Steve’s chest before turning to Natasha, “Boyfriend?”
“Worse,” Natasha rolls her eyes, “Job.”
“That’s why I retired years ago,” Sam grins, “Right, Cap?”
Steve’s eyes haven’t left you yet; watching as you slump your shoulders when you realize the alert is just a routine message from the hospital. 
“Let’s go get the rest of the boxes,” Steve grunts, grabbing Sam by the shirt collar. 
Natasha follows the men outside, and after a minute, you do, too. Steve is in the middle of pulling another box from the trunk when you appear outside, dress swaying in the slight breeze. Sam elbows Steve in the chest when he catches him looking, and the men exchange a silent glare before getting back to work. 
“You guys really don’t have to do this,” you gush, placing a gentle hand on Steve’s bicep to stop him, “It’s okay, we can handle it. It’s only a few more, right, Nat?”
Natasha smirks, then shrugs innocently, “I don’t see the harm in letting them help, Y/N. You can always thank them properly later.”
Steve blushes at Natasha’s comment, but doesn’t play into the innuendo in the slightest. Instead, he turns toward you and gives you a gentle smile. 
“We really don’t mind,” he says. 
“Yeah, and he speaks for both of us, now,” Sam grunts. 
You laugh and drop your hand from Steve’s arm as if to give him silent permission to continue. Just as his hands reach around the next box, all of you hear the loud, screeching voice of a toddler. 
“Jamie incoming!”
Sam turns with just enough time to catch the four year-old launching himself into his arms, grinning from ear to ear at the promise of a hug from his uncle. 
“What’s goin’ on, Jay-Man?” Sam asks, gripping the boy tight. 
“Nothin’,” he smiles. 
“I don’t believe you for a second,” Sam laughs, “Where’s your—”
“Jamie, you’ve gotta put shoes on before you run outside. You know better.”
You swallow at the sight of the man stepping off the porch of the house next door and into the grass, where he eyes the toddler resting in Sam’s arms. He’s wearing gray sweatpants and a tee shirt, sports messy brown hair, and has stubble that you’d bet is only there because he hasn’t gotten around to shaving. 
“Relax, Buck, he’s a kid,” Sam replies, “Tell him, Jay.”
“I’m a kid,” Jamie repeats, grinning widely. 
The man, the one who left the house following the boy, lets his eyes travel from his friends to you. He gives you a gentle smile and you do the same back to him, feeling your stomach twist and turn the longer his eyes remain on you. 
“Aww!” Natasha squeals, stepping over to Sam and Jamie, “How old is he?”
“He’s four,” Sam states proudly, “You think he’s cute? He’s got my eyes, doesn’t he?”
You continue to stare, knowing you should stop but completely unable to. When his eyes — those devastatingly blue eyes — leave yours to travel down your body, you swallow. You hope he likes what he sees, but you don’t question where that thought comes from. The male gaze has never been one you’ve longed for, but right now, you can’t remember why. 
His jaw ticks as he breaks into a smile, raising a hand and conducting a small, shy wave. You bite down on your bottom lip to conceal your own grin, waving back. 
“So, he’s your son?” Natasha’s voice draws you back into reality.
Sam shrugs, “I mean, I take care of the rugrat, you know what I mean?”
Natasha nods, her eyes moving toward Steve when he scoffs, “Jamie is not Sam’s kid.”
As if to prove it, Jamie starts to squirm in Sam’s grasp, then makes grabby hands as he reaches for Bucky. 
“Daddy,” he frowns, “Is it snack time?”
Bucky nods and steps forward, reaching out to collect Jamie from Sam, who sighs, now that his cover has been blown. 
“C’mere, buddy,” Bucky says as he takes hold of his son, who immediately cuddles himself into his dad, “We can have a snack if you’re hungry.”
Your heart rate seems to speed up at the image of a father caring for his son so outright — something you never experienced so openly. Shyly, his eyes find yours as he adjusts his son in his hold, giving you a more forced, pained smile. You try to smile back in hopes of telling him that you find Jamie to be cute; that you’re happy to have them next door. 
“C’mon, Sarge, you gotta meet the new neighbor, first,” Sam lectures, pointing over to you, “This is Y/N, even though she never actually introduced herself to us. Y/N, this is Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, and his son, Jamie.”
“It’s just Bucky,” he immediately corrects, giving you another small smile as he offers his free hand out to you, “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you, too,” you reply, holding his gaze for a beat too long before your eyes catch on the little boy in his arms, “And it’s very nice to meet you, Jamie.”
He grows shy in his father’s arms and hides in his chest, earning a laugh from both you and Bucky. 
“Sorry,” Bucky says quietly, “He’ll open up eventually.”
You shake your head, “No need to apologize. He’s very cute.”
As if the compliment was meant for him, Bucky’s cheeks grow pink. To try and conceal it, he looks down at Jamie and tries to get him to talk, but the boy refuses. 
You try to think of something to say; a way to start up a conversation with Bucky, but Steve steps behind you — close enough that you can feel his body heat through your dress — and clears his throat. 
“Want me to take the kid for a snack, Sarge?” Steve questions, noting Bucky’s blushing cheeks. 
“Can we play superheroes, too?” Jamie asks his uncle, perking up. 
“Of course, dude. We can fly on the trampoline and everything.”
Jamie grins and immediately reaches for his uncle, changing grips yet again. Steve laughs and grabs hold of the toddler, then looks down at you. 
“Good to meet you, Y/N,” he says politely, then steps away and pats Bucky on the back, “You got this.”
Bucky’s face burns under the not-so-quiet encouragement from his best friend. Sam and Natasha grab more boxes from the car while simultaneously shamelessly flirting, which leaves you and Bucky outside in the cool air, alone. 
“Sorry about them,” Bucky says quickly, “They make quite the first impression.”
You nod in agreement, “They do. Do all of you live over there?”
Bucky’s eyes widen and he shakes his head quickly, so quickly that you try not to laugh. 
“God, no. The guys just come over to help me take care of Jamie. It’s, uh, just me over there. And Jamie, obviously.”
You laugh at the way he shakes his head, trying to collect his thoughts and stop himself from rambling. When he sees you laughing, he relaxes and even offers a chuckle at himself.
“Anyway,” he changes the subject, “What brings you to the neighborhood?”
“New job,” you answer proudly, “I’m a nurse at West County General.”
He cocks up a brow, “No kidding. Bet that keeps you busy.”
“It sure does,” you agree, “But, it’s really rewarding. I love it.”
He smiles as you smile, and when you see the tips of his ears grow pink, your grin widens. Sam and Natasha emerge from the house then, and they seem to burst whatever bubble you and Bucky have formed for yourself. 
“I should check on Jamie,” he mumbles, already taking a step back, “It was nice to meet you, Y/N. Welcome to the neighborhood.”
You grin, giving him a shy wave, “Thank you, Bucky.”
He returns your smile and wave, letting it linger between the two of you for a second too long before he turns and hurries back inside his house. 
When you turn around, Sam and Natasha are leaning up against your car, standing a little too close and looking a little too friendly. Clearing your throat loudly, you earn your best friend's gaze. 
“We should be getting ready, huh?” you ask her, giving her a subtle eyebrow raise. 
She sighs, “Yes. Thanks for the help, Sam. Hope we see each other again soon.”
He winks at her, then gives you a warm smile and a nod before taking a few steps back, inching toward Bucky’s house. 
“Nice to meet you, ladies,” he calls, offering a wave before he turns his back and heads away. 
“God, he’s so hot,” Natasha groans, “Like, did you see those muscles?” 
You chuckle and grab her, pulling her toward your new home, “Come on. Wanda’s gonna be pissed if we’re late.”
“Oh, who cares,” Natasha mumbles, but follows your lead, anyway. 
     The bar that Wanda planned for the three of you to go to is loud and crowded by the time you and Natasha arrive. To celebrate your new move and career, Wanda demanded a night out with you. Naturally, Natasha caught wind of the plans and invited herself — which was fine with you, because you always feel safer having her around while you’re drinking. Wanda, on the other hand, wasn’t wild about the inclusion of your best friend. They put up with each other, but they aren’t fans. And to you, it’s obvious. 
“Y/N!” Wanda squeals, “What do you think of this place? I thought it was cool, kinda has a retro vibe to it.”
“So retro,” Natasha quips, offering Wanda a smug smile. 
You nudge Natasha in the side and look around, taking the place in. It reminds you of Wanda in a way that you’d expect her to like it,  but you don’t necessarily care one way or another. A new area means new bars, new restaurants, and you know you have to figure out what you like and what you don’t. 
“It’s nice,” you smile, “Thank you so much for setting this up.”
“Of course,” she beams, “Let me get us a round. They have a killer lime mojito.”
“Oh, bummer,” Natasha pouts, “I’m actually on this new no-lime diet. Mind getting me a vodka soda?”
Wanda takes a calculated breath, “Sure. Be right back.”
You snort as soon as Wanda disappears and turn around to Natasha, who is smirking proudly at herself. When she catches your raised eyebrows, she feigns innocence and shrugs her shoulders. 
“What?” she teases, “It’s a real diet.”
“Mhm,” you hum, “Sure it is.”
“It is!” she laughs, then nudges you over to the two available barstools. You set your purse down on the bar and Natasha sits while you remain standing, not wanting Wanda to feel left out, “It’s new. I’m on a no-lime, all-new neighbor Sam diet.”
You let out a loud laugh, “Oh, right. He doesn’t even live over there, you know.”
“He doesn’t?”
“No,” you shake your head, “Bucky told me—”
“Bucky told you?” she gasps, grabbing your arms, “Oh, tell me exactly what Bucky told you.”
You huff, “Stop teasing me.”
“I’m not!” she protests, “I just want to know what your sexy new neighbor told you.”
“Stop, what?”
You both turn and find Wanda standing there with three drinks in her hands, looking like she could use some help. Immediately, you grab one of them and set it down on the bar, then trade Natasha her drink for yours. 
“Oh, Y/N’s got this really hot neighbor,” Natasha fills her in, sipping her drink, “Total DILF.”
“Nat,” you hiss, then turn to Wanda, “He’s just a nice guy. He’s got a four year old son.”
“Look at you, remembering details,” Wanda teases, and suddenly, she and Natasha are laughing together — like they’re actually friends. 
“Oh, please,” you huff, downing half of your drink and listening to Natasha cheer you on before you speak again, “I’m sure he has someone, anyway.”
“He was blushing hard,” Natasha points out. 
“He was?” Wanda gasps. 
“Stop!” you demand, laughing as you take another sip, “Nat, why don’t we gossip about you and Sam, instead.”
She grins mischievously, “Yeah, I’ve definitely got my eye on him. But, that’s not as fun as watching you squirm.”
Wanda laughs, “Totally.”
You roll your eyes and finish off your drink, knowing Natasha is about to start in again, and you’re much too sober for it. 
“Wanda, you should’ve seen the way Bucky’s friend, Steve, was flirting with her, too,” she continues, “He carried in boxes, and I’ll be damned, she even put her hand on his arm! And that man is all muscles. She loves to play innocent, but I think she knows what she’s doing.”
“She definitely does,” Wanda agrees, “I’m sure you’ve got both of those guys in a chokehold already. This will be interesting.”
You sigh, “Anyway.”
“Aw, don’t get all pouty,” Nat teases. 
“I’m just not looking for that right now,” you explain casually, waving down the bartender for another drink, “I want a quiet life. My own house, my job, and my weekend outings with you guys. I don’t need some guy.”
They both soften as they stare at you, listening closely as you explain your feelings to them. They know how you’ve been handled by men in the past, and they understand that you’re not like them. You can’t let it roll off your back the way you do; you take it personally. You get hurt when you shouldn’t. You attach meaning to things where others don’t. Now, with your job and your improved mental state, you don’t feel like risking any of it over a man. 
“Well, cheers to that, then,” Wanda breaks the silence, holding her cup up in the air, “Let’s get fucking drunk.”
     You wake the next morning with regret, anxiety, and one big, fat headache. You groan and curse out loud at yourself, then climb out of the bed to get some coffee and aspirin in you. Briefly, you consider food, but the thought makes your stomach turn. 
You spy a note on the counter in Natasha’s handwriting, which is the first thing that clues you in that she isn’t here. 
Thanks for last night! Had to run. Chores to do at home. Still coming on Tuesday night with Chinese to help you unpack, so you better not be called in to work. 
You smile at it as you fire up the coffee maker, then dig through the open box on your counter until you find the bottle of aspirin you always keep handy. You recap the night in your mind; the teasing about the neighbors, the drinks, the dancing, the drinks, the karaoke, the drinks. You hadn’t planned on drinking so much, but you wanted to let off some steam. Given that you work a fourteen hour shift tomorrow, you feel like you deserved it. Now, you’re not so sure. 
     After a few hours, your headache starts to subside and your stomach growls. Knowing you don’t have any food in the house and refusing to do an entire grocery store run, you resort to picking up takeout. 
As you pull down the newly familiar street with a bag of food sitting on your passenger seat, you notice motion at the house next to yours. Steve is out in Bucky’s front yard, tossing a foam football around with Noah. You smile at the sight, then let your eyes travel a little further left. Bucky is pushing a mower down his lawn, shirtless, sweaty, and showstopping. 
You groan when you realize you’re in shorts and a giant sweatshirt with messy hair; not at all presentable for him. Then, you scold yourself for even thinking that way. 
We’re just neighbors. That’s it. 
Regardless, you still try to fix your hair before you get out of the car. Steve recognizes your vehicle and waves over to Bucky, who stops the mower and walks over to his garage, where he grabs a cloth to wipe up his sweat. 
You climb out of the car shyly, wondering if you should clear out your garage today just so this could be avoided in the future. Before you even lock the doors, Steve’s voice carries across the yard. 
“Go ahead, buddy. She’s right there.”
You furrow your brows, gripping your food a little tighter. 
“Good afternoon, Miss Y/N.”
You can’t help but grin as soon as you hear his little voice, and you forget all about your hangover and the bag of grease in your hand as you spin around. 
“Good afternoon, Jamie,” you reply, watching the little boy’s cheeks grow pink, “Are you kicking your uncle’s butt in football?”
You gesture to the foam ball in Jamie’s palms, and shyly, he nods his head. 
“Yes,” Jamie grins, “He’s not very good.”
“Excuse me,” Steve cuts in, “I’ve taught him everything he knows.”
Your eyes move from Jamie and Steve to Bucky, who is approaching with a teasing grin. You stare as he brings his cloth around the back of his neck and wipes his sweat away, then drags his eyes from his friend over to you. 
His muscles in his chest flex then, and you visibly swallow and look away. You swear you hear Steve’s low chuckle, but you don’t dare look over out of fear that the men will see right through you. 
“Hi, Y/N,” Bucky greets you, watching as you hesitantly look back up at him again. 
“Hi, Bucky,” you reply, trying to figure out what to follow up with, only to blurt, “Yard looks good.”
Steve snorts and you clamp your lips together, wishing silently that you could snatch the words right out of the air and back into your mouth. 
Even so, Bucky’s lips tip up into a genuine smile, and you swear you see the high points of his cheeks go pink — just like Jamie’s. 
“Thanks,” he says sheepishly, “I’m happy to help you out with yours anytime you need it.”
He watches as you recoil at his kindness, letting your shoulders drop and a pout form on your lips. Steve sighs audibly, but neither of you even glance his way. 
“Thank you very much, I appreciate that,” you smile. 
“You’re welcome.”
The two of you grow stuck in a trance of sorts as you explore him with your eyes; his tan skin, his chest, his softening belly that makes your knees feel physically weak, and his messy hair. His soft brown eyes that work all over your body, too. 
“Wouldn’t want that food to get cold, Y/N,” Steve says knowingly, drawing you and Bucky away from each other. 
“Right. I’ll let you guys get back to it,” you give Bucky a nod and he returns it, then you move your eyes down to Jamie, “Nice to see you, Jamie. Keep beating him, okay?”
Jamie grins, “Okay.”
Steve and Bucky both laugh and so do you, and with a wave to Steve, you disappear inside your house. You try not to replay the entire thing in your head as you set your food out to eat. You turn on a show on the TV that is only half hooked up, and just as you start to eat, you hear the lawnmower fire up again. 
With minimal hesitation and refusal to think twice, you hurry over to your window — the one that faces Bucky’s — and watch as he pushes the mower down the side of his house. He’s focused, sweaty, and tan, and it stirs something inside of you. Careful not to get caught, you let your food get cold on the coffee table, Steve be damned. Bucky is a sight to see, and you find nothing wrong with indulging. It means nothing, you tell yourself. It means nothing. He’s just nice to look at, that’s all.
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a/n: pleeeease let me know if i should continue writing this or not! so curious what your thoughts will be! reblogs are appreciated and thank you for reading <3
*i no longer have a tag list. follow @mackupdates to see every time i post something new!
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bangtansocean · 1 year
Roommate's Prohibited List: Two
Content Table: 01 l 02 l 03 l 04 l 05
“Oh, I’m not sure where she is, but I can assure you she lives here.” The faint sound of a voice wakes you up from your slumber, realizing the sun is up again. Fuck, I slept for too long, you mentally scold yourself. 
You check your phone to see the time, jumping out of bed when you see 3 missed calls from the moving company, and one text from last night. Beomgyu texted you saying he and Yeonjun went out to eat with his classmates and left some pizza for you in case you didn’t have anything for dinner. 
“We need her signature. Otherwise we have to take the boxes with us.” Another foreign voice echoes in the hallway, your brain connecting the dots: your boxes are here!
Shit shit shit, you jump out of bed and throw a hoodie on, freshening your face with a makeup remover wipe before making your way down the hallway, meeting a tall black haired guy speaking with two other men who had the moving company’s logo on their shirt. 
The three men turn to look at you, the silence in the room growing awkward as you notice your boxes are already inside, perfectly organized by Beomgyu’s room. “Are you Miss Y/L/N ?” One of the company’s workers asks. 
“Uhh, yes. That’s me.” You walk closer to them, handing them your I.D with a small bow. Your cheeks turn red with embarrassment when you realize you are wearing your Hello Kitty pants, and the Monsters Inc. slippers Monica bought you as a gift when you went to Disney together during spring break. 
The black haired guy in a white hoodie giggles next to you, making you turn your face to see him staring at your slippers, which makes you feel even more embarrassed. You notice the dimples on his cheek, and his eyes that have a very peculiar tone of brown, almost gray. 
“Are you wearing contacts?” You ask, surprising both you and him at the random question. He nods with a shy smile before the workers call for your attention again, taking your ID back with another small bow. 
“Please sign here,” They give you a small paper that basically states that everything has been delivered, which you sign quickly and thank them for the help. 
“Have a good day,” you say, closing the door behind them. A deep sigh escapes your lips as you rest your head against the main door.
“You slept a lot,” The hoodie guy’s voice is soft, and very quiet. “We got you some dinner yesterday, we even knocked on your door but you were long gone.” He smiles at you. “The pizza is in the fridge in case you still want it?” He asks. 
You follow him with your eyes as he makes his way to the kitchen, opening the fridge and taking out the takeaway packaging that had your name written on top of it with a black marker. 
He leans into the kitchen counter as he stares at you, his eyes dancing between you and the takeaway, “would you like me to heat it up for you?” He smiles sincerely to which you smile back, feeling stupid at how incompetent you must look right now. 
“No.” You quickly say, “You’ve already done so much.” You shake your head, walk towards him and grab the box. You open it and place the slices of pizza on a plate before throwing it into the microwave. Unsure of how to make the situation less awkward. “Thank you for receiving my boxes, sorry if they woke you up.” You thank him shyly as he makes his way to the living room, letting his body fall into the couch. 
He lays down on the couch, facing you as he crosses his arms in front of his chest. “No worries, I actually met them on my way here.” He shrugs. 
“Yeonjun, right?” You ask right before the microwave beeps. 
You turn around to take the pizza out when he lets out the loudest laugh you’ve ever heard. “Oh God, No.” He laughs again. 
You are confused at why that’s so funny, quickly becoming curious of the stranger that’s randomly chilling in your new apartment. “Jesus Christ I would hate to be Yeonjun, I’m Soobin.” Just as he presents himself, Beomgyu walks out of his bedroom and greets you both good morning.
 “Lovely Pj’s” He compliments you in an almost sarcastic tone which makes you and Soobin laugh. Beomgyu walks past you and serves two cups of coffee before making his way to Soobin. “Did you finish the orientation form?” He asks his friend before offering him the second cup of coffee, forcing him to sit up to take it.
“Yeah, I left my charger here though. My laptop died before I could print it.” Soobin replies, both of the guys indulging in their coffee as they continue to make small chit chat about uni stuff. 
You eat your pizza standing by the counter, watching the two friends exchange words as you try to guess their career since you never saw them around campus. Hell, you didn’t even see them at any of last year’s parties or study halls!
“You’re also a third year student, right?” Beomgyu asks, snapping you out of your trance and nodding. You bite the pizza as they exchange a confused look between them. 
“How come we’ve never seen each other?” Beomgyu asks again, which confirms they are just as curious and confused as you are. 
“I’m not sure,” you speak with pizza still in your mouth, swallowing before speaking again. “What are you guys studying?” 
“Engineering,” They say at the same time, both of them looking at you as they sip on their coffees. “What about you?” Soobin asks, his eyes scanning you diligently, almost like he’s trying to guess your major based on what you look like.
“Business,” You shrug, both making an ‘ahh’ expression, which explains why you’ve never crossed paths before. 
“Makes sense,” Beomgyu adds before downing his coffee at the same time as you take your last bite of pizza.
You notice Soobin’s eyes glued on you, a big smile on his face as he watches you chew the last bits of the pizza they got you. You grow nervous as he continues to stare, so you avoid eye contact as you look past him and into the window’s view. 
“Okay! I’ll get my stuff, your charger, and then we head to the library?” Beomgyu asks Soobin, who just hums a positive reply as his eyes keep dancing between you and his coffee. 
You are back alone with Soobin, who stands up and grabs both coffee cups, walking to the kitchen with one on each hand. You freeze in place as he makes his way behind you, your backs facing each other as he places both cups on the sink. You swallow nervously as you feel his presence behind you, his arm now stretching in front of you as he picks up your now empty plate and places it on the sink too. 
“Thank you,” you whisper, feeling slightly warmer than you did just a few seconds ago. “And thank you for the boxes again, and the pizza.” You speak in a rushed tone, the nervousness exuding from you which makes him huff teasingly. 
You turn around to find him watching you with his hands inside his hoodie pocket, his lower back resting against the sink. “Anytime,” He says in a whisper, a soft smile appearing on his lips. 
You stare at each other in silence for a while (which felt like an eternity!) before he lets out a sigh, breaking eye contact as he shakes his head, walking back to the living room without a word. 
You are mesmerized by him. He looks so familiar yet so foreign to you, a very particular beauty to him that intrigues you more than you want to admit. 
I hope he’s not a free pass friend, you surprise yourself at the impulsive thought, panicking internally as Beomgyu makes his way back to the living room. 
“Ready bestie?” He asks Soobin, who just nods as he takes his backpack from the floor. You notice how Soobin has a keychain identical to the one Beomgyu gave you, which means Soobin has an extra key. He’s definitely his free pass friend. 
“We’ll see you later, y/n” Beomgyu greets you with a small wave as he makes his way to the front door, Soobin walking right behind him with his eyes still glued to yours. 
You can feel your heart skip a beat when he winks at you, a flirty grin directed at you as he disappears through the door, leaving you hot and bothered.
Oh, you’re so fucked. 
a/n: Thank you for reading everyone <3 I decided to give tag lists a try, so comment below if you want to be added. you'll be mentioned every time I update the ff c:
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rainbowsky · 1 year
There are some things that have been on my mind lately that I feel the need to talk about, because I think it is helpful for fans to have a broader context on certain topics.
Warning, this is a political, depressing topic.
Disclaimer: Everything that I say here is a reflection only of my own views and understanding of the topics discussed, and cannot be taken as anything beyond that.
As we saw tonight, the drama that was thought to begin airing has been postponed. People are wondering why dramas do not seem to be getting promoted properly, and air dates are not scheduled in advance.
There is a bit of buzz building about all of this, and I'm seeing more and more talk about it. It appears that the government is beginning another round of crackdowns on the entertainment industry.
The rumor is that all dramas that were to air are being put on hold and will have to face censorship review again, those that are airing are not allowed to be promoted, and any drama that contains traffic stars will not be aired. The government is likely going to be coming out with more rules and restrictions around all of this.
The drama we were hoping to see is not the only one to have been put on hold. This has been happening for a while now, and other dramas that were expected to air have also been postponed.
There is some speculation that this has at least partly been prompted by a scandal involving a popular comedian who made a joke in his routine talking about some stray dogs that he adopted, saying that they had a military work ethic in chasing squirrels. He used a phrase that the leader used to refer to the army, and he and the company he worked for were fined the equivalent of $2 million US for it, and the guy has essentially been canceled and his contract terminated.
Edit: there appears to be some confirmation that this is at least somewhat related to the comedian, because apparently everybody from the company that the comedian worked with has been blacklisted and all of the dramas, projects and variety shows they are a part of are deleting any scenes involving those artists. If that is true, that is the single harshest consequence I have ever seen for one person's supposed misstep.
This has led to a lot more rhetoric around the entertainment industry's obligation to promote core socialist values and embody righteous, state-approved thought, action and interaction.
In other news, the last remaining major LGBTQ support organization in Beijing was closed down last week. The shutdown came shortly after Taiwan announced legislation that will enable gay people full adoption rights. Given the tension between China and Taiwan right now, the timing was interesting.
I've long believed that a big part of why authoritarian regimes always seek to conquer and assimilate democratic, progressive neighbors that share a similar language and culture to them is because such nations pose a threat to their authoritarian power. They cannot tolerate their own population getting any ideas about what to expect in terms of rights and freedoms, and nothing gives people ideas like watching 'cousins' getting something they don't have.
Progressive neighbors like that can become breeding grounds for dissent and even revolution. Political action and protests that happen in one region can rapidly spread to others. We saw that with the Arab Spring.
And it does seem that China is preparing for war. Whether it's just posturing, or more than that, remains to be seen.
One of the big ways that all nations - not just authoritarian ones - prepare for war is through ideological and social engineering, ensuring that the population is kept in line with the government's agenda. So another big crackdown on the entertainment industry would not come as a surprise at this point in time. Especially not given the extreme ideological approach of this particular leader.
There are other signs that China might be preparing for war. The military situation in the region has been ratcheting up more and more every week. Military personnel and equipment are being moved into position and the military activity in the area has become more aggressive.
The government has been dealing very harshly with a shortage of grain as well, which - while it's a problem that has been brewing for a while and would be a problem whether there was a war or not - the extreme brutality with which they have been converting land to grow rice, corn, etc. seems to speak to a sense of urgency. Could it be that they are preparing for the inevitable sanctions that a war would bring?
Whether they go to war or whether they are simply shoring up their power, it is clear that this government is extremely serious - in major life and death ways - about what people do, say and think. They are not afraid to put force behind that effort, or to cut down anything that stands in their way (if you don't believe me, read the article about the grain shortage - warning, it is extremely disturbing, especially the videos).
I'm not saying all of this to stress people out or upset anyone. I just think that it's worthwhile for people to understand the context in which those we love are operating. It is helpful for us to understand that a great deal of what happens to them has absolutely nothing to do with them, nor is it personal to them in any way.
I know fans tend to get really stressed out and worried about why projects aren't moving forward in the way we expect, and I think it is valuable for everyone to remember there are far bigger forces at work, and while it is upsetting, there is really nothing that anyone can do to change the situation.
There are a lot of fans who do not like thinking about politics, and that is totally understandable. However, there is a price to be paid for sticking our head in the sand. If we do not pay attention to what is happening politically, we are missing important context that might help us better understand - and therefore hopefully better cope with - the various setbacks we are inevitably going to encounter as fans who are following this industry.
An important point that I want to close on: these are my views as a western outsider, and they in no way reflect anything that has come from following the stars that I follow. My political views and values come from my own experience, research and background, not from my idols.
I want to remind all fans to be exceptionally careful about how we talk about our politics. Never, ever bring their names into a discussion of politics at this point in time, it is simply not safe to do so. Our views are our own, and should never be connected to them, for their own safety.
Alongside that, I want to remind everyone that they come from a completely different world from us, and their views likely reflect that. It would be naive for us to think that they share our politics in the major ways we would hope.
They are not at liberty to discuss their personal views, but if they were to discuss their views, my hope would be that they would come down very strongly on the side of the views they are supposed to hold, for their own safety.
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miramis248 · 3 months
My Au - Updating, Introducing OC'S and plot divergence
Hey, how ya'll doing? It's been a while... My work schedule is unforgiving at the moment 🙃
So, i've been working on my Au for the past few weeks whenever I had the opportunity. It is inspired by multiple fanfictions that I've read, and here's how it's going so far:
Jake Sully
When Jake arrived, he was taken aback by how things were being run at Hells gate, lower Ranked workers were being overworked and underpaid, he also heard through the grape vine that many were being threatened and blackmailed into silence by superiors and SEC-OPS about shandy stuff that had been happening, such as the deviation of funds from the mining safety regulation programs towards more poaching equipment, weapons and bigger equipment for intensive mining, as well as lining the pockets of superior assets to the company, he was less than pleased, but what strengthen his resolve was watching how the scientists were being treated by Selfridge, he hates the guy, especially after the accident...
When Jake was in the Avatar for the first time, he had a "seizure", at least that's what the science guys told him, and his human body went into a comatose, almost dead like state, while his mind was stuck in the Avatar, most likely permanently...Selfridge immediately goes into self-preservation mode and tries to make excuses, half-assed apologies, and then just straight-up blames Jake
"You read the contract. You knew the risks. This is all on you."
Now Jake reeeeeeeally wants to screw this guy over, and hopefully find a way to help the other workers and scientists along the way as well, so he starts hatching a plan, he talks to Grace and promises her he'll help them "get out" if they want to, he's leaving, but that doesn't mean he'll leave them high and dry, Grace and the other scientists are apprehensive of the idea, but decide to give Jake a set of Comns for safety and updates on how well his plan will work out.
He stays for around 3 months, getting a feel for his new body, working out, preparing himself...a few days before leaving, Trudy came to him with a serious request. She overhead him speaking to Max and Grace and needed help for a friend. She promised to keep his escape plans a secret.
Trudy took him to a room, there he finds Paz Socorro, an exhauted looking woman, who begs for him to help her, she has an health condition that only seems to be getting worse and she has another problem, Spider...
Spider is born a hybrid, the first human baby on pandora, born with a kuro and faded stripes along his body, covered in light freckles with the cutest little nose and pointy ears, Jake is as shocked as he is smitten by the little guy...how that happened...Paz saw the fruit growing outside, and her cravings got the best of her, they supposedly weren't dangerous for humans... Paz tells him that she might not survive because the human resources and insurance assholes that work for Selfridge keep making excuses as not to help pay for the surgery or having it at all on base, Paz has a heart condition discovered during her pregnancy, without proper help she will get sicker and most likely die, but they rather take their chances and send her back to earth even though she could also die in cryo and Spider would be left parentless, she's also worried about her son, selfridge knows about Spiders "condition" and she scared of what might happen to him.
She begs Jake to take her son, he can breath pandoran air, so he'll be fine, Jake is a bit worried about this decision but Paz tells him this might be the only way to keep her baby safe, he can't say no to that little face,so he accepts and is surprised when Paz pull out official papers
(Paz "His father is a dangerous man, he refused to sign the birth certificate, but I need to be sure he can't get him through any loopholes"
Jake "You're...adoption papers!? Paz, are you sure? Isn't it better to make me like a babysitter guardian guy or whatever? I mean we just met, and you asking me to take your kid, you dont know me!..."
Paz "No, this needs to be ironclad, I need this to be official. He will never get his hands on my baby boy, and I KNOW enough Sully, I know you offered others help to get out, so here i am accepting on the behalf of my son"
Jake "Ok!...ok, just...Jesus..."
Paz "i might not see either of you again...with the way things are going for me..."
Jake "I will take care of him...i promise you this, this kid is gonna be the happiest little guy"
Paz "You better you dumbass, or my spirit will haunt your blue ass")
And so, with the help of Truddy, Jake steals a bunch of supplies, including weapons and ammo, Grace helps cover up for him during their trip to look for samples. From there, with little Spider hidden in his backpack, he slowly shys away into the forest where he starts their new journey...
Still working out how he'll end up stumbling into Omatikaya territory...
So far, I've also been working on some of my Human OC'S that will be relevant to the AU, like the Viperwolf Hunters, we now also have
Maya Aguillar
Maya is an Avatar Driver, she worked in the labs, delved into Bioengineering, making prosthetics for both human nd na'vi alike, along with other medical devices built with Unobtainium, her search was defunded however because Harding's poaching was more profitable and she didn't exactly have the power to protest this decision, with her research on hold, she was then given the job of outside maintenance on her base(she only met Harding and Mercer once when she arrived, she she was tranfered to a lab a bit far out from the main base), Maya was sick and tired of all the excuses for not being able to fund her research, the mistreatment by higher ups and just the overall work conditions, when news of Jake Sullys escape and disappearance got out, aswell as learning that many others started leaving too, including some old friends, she made a risky decision and bounced, she had knowledge of a long abandoned mobile link inside a mountains wall far way, she took a jeep, hid her avatar in it and waited for nightfall, then she was gone... But that just the beginning because what she didn't realise is that the mobile link is very close to the Aranahe Clan, who didn't take long to notice their new neighbour...
(Had the time to doodle her)
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John Maverick
Basically, it's a cowboy that came to Pandora, and now drives an Avatar.
Veterinary, big and small port animals, Pandoran Fauna and Flora enthusiast/expert, he was on animal care in a projet to study Pandoran animals, had to restrain himself from finding and strangling both Harding and Mercer after seeing the conditions in which the animals were being kept...he found a way to leave, as a human first, then busting open the gates on the back of an angstik he named Bluebell (like the cow he raised back home has a kid, his best friend), middle fingers up for the cameras with more than 15 heads of Catle and three funny and charismatic Pa'li that love to nip his ears... this man disapears, he finds a place(thank god thes people just abandon mobile links everywhere) where he can safely use the link unit, now he roams the plains with his herd of animals, he keeps them happy and safe, totally decked out in Cowboy fashion, hat and all (I imagine this man looping a rope on one of the bulls because they panic or something, throws himself on top of them rodeo style, lets them tire out and then just spends time sitting there calming this huge creature down with pats on their back and treats till the convince them to join the herd again) he's living his best life...in Zeswa lands...guess he thought the kites where just pretty decorations...(still working on drawing him)
That's it for now, but I'm still working in these OC'S, I'll don't more indept backgrounds for them later on.
There's also my concept of humans adapting to Pandora with Eywa's help. Basically, the Great Mother is loving and mischievous, and she'll use her children to guide these humans who long for a new life, for example, my take on humans being able to breath and eat and LIVE on Pandora will be because she'll use her Atokirina, or maybe animals to guide humans to flowers, moss or fungi, that when exposed to without a mask, changes their biology. Maybe they fall and break their mask and breath in spores or polen, maybe the animal suddenly pulls the mask from their face(A human guided by this nice, cute Syaksyuk getting their mask ripped of and face shoved into a flower) and then boom, they breath and eat from Pandora with no trouble!
Eywa will take to making humans See and learn, but also learn from them and adapt, so that everyone is happy 😊
There, that my Au so far, see ya'll later!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
this news is about them signing their group contracts not their solos contracts that's a whole different thing will likely come out later by next year when jhope and jin exit the military.
See what I mean about akgae assertions made entirely to soothe their anxieties whether or not it's based in fact?
Anon, the fact is you have no idea how their contracts are structured. You don't know if each member's contract includes clauses for both group and solo projects and management. You don't know if the contracts are structured collectively or not. You don't even know if another set of contract signings related only to solo careers will be announced when Jin and Hobi are discharged. In fact the only reference to 2Seok in the main press release, is in the signing of the same contract renewals that were announced today, those two singled out only because they cannot physically sign the document until they're out of the military.
And this is aside the fact that BigHit has a fiduciary responsibility to not misrepresent anything about the nature of these contract renewals to their investors. Meaning if they were aware the members are signing solo contracts with other companies, undercutting the exclusivity HYBE enjoys managing the artists that account for 60% of their topline, they could get sued to hell and back by their investors for it.
So, in response to news that the members have agreed to renew with Bighit, you're already filling in the blanks to create a scenario in which the member you want to leave and sign with another company can still do so. I mean, it's possible theoretically speaking, but the point is neither you nor me has any basis or evidence to support that assertion. The member you bias choosing to remain with BigHit to manage his solo career, is an anxiety you have, that you've now created a scenario to soothe yourself.
My little unsolicited advice: It's been a hellish six months. I get it. Many things happened and are still unexplained and people just want the absolute best for the members they love. But these guys are not rookies. The industry is ruthless and corporations have their agendas, but if their company was out to sabotage them, BTS as a group would've been dead in the water long before you ever heard about them (just look at the trainwreck k-pop has been in all year). The members are the only people who know what they want, they have significantly more information about the state of their careers than anybody telling you anything on Tumblr.com. Take a page from our resident muggle Jimin and step away from the internet for a bit.
Stream his music, buy his album for your niece or dad, introduce your friends to those Ethereal Beauty Jimin videos on Youtube.
While their mouths are still agape, hit them with the MV:
Good luck and borahae ami.
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So! Matpat has finally rejoined us!
Welcome back to the theorist crew, Matty. We've been busy in your absence.
Now the council will decide whether your theories are truly what we've been waiting for. ('The council' being, well, uh, just me, I guess.)
(At the time of writing this, Ranboo has not reacted to this video. If at any point he does, I will follow up on this post.)
If you have not already seen it, here's the link to his video:
(long post you know the drill)
The first section the video is Matt just recapping his past theory, about the two factions which he has now labelled as being Showfall and Generation Loss. These two factions have been fighting over who gets to say what in the media we're shown, with the Gen Loss crew overwriting Showfall's content with cutaways, red writing (origin of my Red Writing tag), and other such edits.
Note: I can understand Matpat's reasoning for calling that group Showfall. I wouldn't, I'd probably associate these guys with who I've been calling GIC's, but for the sake of clarity and consistency, I will be using Matpat's naming conventions. If I need to make a distinction between Matpat's names and Showfall the company or Generation Loss the show, the latter two will be highlighted in red and/or otherwise clarified.
Matpat states that he's done exactly what we've been tasked to do, and found The Founder. I will admit that I was very interested and dubious in this, given we have barely touched on that here. The most we have is that the Video taper showcased at the end could potentially be our guy, but that hasn't been set in stone as The Theory.
Matpat goes back to discussing the videos, specifically going back to T_2: The Inauguration, which he clarifies is about inaugurating us, the viewer, into the Generation Loss group.
Here's a link to a previous post about this particular video by @ozzybutweirdthistime
OP of that post had interpreted it as a way for picking out the cast members for Showfall, whereas Matt has taken it as being a sort of recruitment for Generation Loss. I find this difference of opinion so entertaining, because in that case, both parties what you willing to kill another human being for the cause. Sounds about right! As for which one I think is true, well.... I kinda side more with Mat Pat on this one. The video, for one, is a Gen Zero video and Showfall (the company, not the GIC's) isn't part of this generation according to Ranboo (last I checked).
Still, it could apply to either group, and I really like that ambiguity.
The next thing Matpat discusses is The Social Experiments, giving a quick recap on what it was, that Hetch was supposedly helping him only to turn out to be Showfall, that we killed Ranboo live, (live). Only he thinks Ranboo didn't die, and that Ranboo is actually The Founder.
His reasoning and evidence for this is the following:
Ranboo, whilst trusting Hetch, didn't take Hetch's advice to do as the audience says, rather picking the wrong code so the alarm would be activated and the show could continue how Showfall planned it.
Ranboo purposely doesn't take the first exit sign post button push, rather he heads for Hetch door.
We were asked to kill the Founder, and who did we vote to kill in the end? RANBOO!
Ranboo purposely picked the wrong exit in the Closet, leading to Ethan's death.
Ranboo knows that Sneeg has been there for Six years, and accidentally slips this when they free him.
The Puzzler is scared of Ranboo and was scared that he killed Ranboo too early, which wasn't what was meant to happen, and he apologized for that. Also, the line "Well that's for you to know and me to find out".
Ranboo wants the audience to kill him, in a mix of " hey look at me I'm so christ-like!" and dying for your sins/getting us to do what we need to do to survive.
The Cutaways require Ranboo to be alive post-production in order for them to happen.
Ranboo is reorganising the footage for release as the founder's cut, making it sadder (MANIPULATION), and to change and add certain details to make it better (REWRITING THE TRUTH/CANON). also Ranboo may quietly delete the original VODs so they no longer can speak their truth (GASLIGHTING)
Now. Here's why I disagree with Matpat on this.
The reason Ranboo didn't take Hetch's advice was not because they wanted the show to go on and knew that "theorists" would hinder that by choosing the correct option. Rather, he didn't want to take advice from a faceless audience who have been the one's controlling his life for a long as he remembers. He isn't even aware that the audience is actively trying to save him the best they can, he just thinks they want him for entertainment. Hence, he makes the decision for himself with a 75% chance of failure and ends up setting off the alarm.
As for why Ranboo ignored the first exit sign, my own mask theory gives the reason for this: Ranboo was almost always being controlled or at the very least, having their perception altered so that the story would go as it was supposed to.
We've killed and/or seen the deaths of seven people over the course of this series (some even twice, or three times over!), and sure, Ranboo's death was a very big focal point, I don't think that meant they were the FOUNDER. if he was, I'm pretty sure that would of meant Gen Loss was over, done, we did the thing we were supposed to do and now can go on with our lives. But no, the show goes on. Ranboo was just the focal point of this particular story. (it's been mentioned by Hetch that this cast selection normally happens off-camera, but because of the novelty of this version, their gets to be live)
Ranboo picking the wrong door. Simple, he was being mind controlled then, which we know because of the lights and also the NPC voice going on then. I find it really interesting that Matt hasn't once mentioned the mind control aspects of the show, in any form it came up as. During those moments, yes they were continuing the story in a story way, but not because they were the one in control.
The Sneeg thing- I'm like 90% sure this was just Ranboo improv-ing, plus he said it in a questioning tone and followed it up with "I don't- I don't know..?" Idk, it sounds just a little to me that he doesn't know.
Now for the Puzzler. Dude's just incompetent at being a Saw guy, man. He did actually kill Ranboo in that moment, according to Ranboo (source: Going through my favourite bits!), so the "nearly killed his boss" is a bit of a iffy thing (even if the filter doesn't let him realise that he did actually kill Ranboo). he's just genuinely sorry about it as is. (again, he's just a goofy guy, who is heavily filtered like everyone else). Although I will admit that the "that's for you to know" line is definitely something. Personally, I'd like to think it was Showfall speaking through the Puzzler to the audience, without the puzzler realising the deeper meanings.
The reasoning for Ranboo dying. Matpat calls it as Ranboo making himself out to be Jesus like (and while, yeah CC Ranboo is basically doing that cause hell yeah), I think of it as Showfall showing off how in control they are, mimicking religious imagery (almost mockingly) and their apparent control over life and death. How God-like they are. So, we have similar ideas around this particular one, only we just differ on the one sending the message.
Matpat then compare's The Social Experiments to those of Stanley Milgram (who, coincidentally, A friend told me about the day this video was uploaded). And I agree! There are definitely a lot of similarities. The subjects are forced into a situation by an authority figure (the experimenter) of deciding the fate of another subject, to the point of inflicting pain that could cause death (only for the pain to be fake, and the whole situation fabricated).
Matpat and I agree, that Ranboo's death was faked. Well, sorta. But for veryyyy different reasons. Matt says it's because he's the Founder and needs to stay alive, while I say it's because Showfall like to reuse everything, so why waste a perfectly good body? (Clarification: Ranboo the person is dead. But their body is reused, either like Frank or as one of the Employees.)
With the cutaways? I think they were filmed before. Ranboo is completely under their control, so it's easy enough to make pre-prepared cutaways and then make their actors do certain things that make the cutaway make sense/relate to the show. especially with how meticulously planned this particular show is. Especially since this show is completely Live apart from the obviously cinematic stuff, but again, pre-recorded (either in-universe or because of IRL health and safety laws requiring that actors don't actually get smashed by anvils).
His whole founder's Cut idea is certainly something. However, the main reason for the founder's cut is to remove a lot of the livestream-y stuff, add in some of the things that got missed out the first time around because it just got skipped over in the live performance, and just tweaking a few things here and there so that we get the experience of Gen Loss we were always supposed to get. (yeah yeah it's rewriting the current Canon but not in THAT WAY). I actually have a couple of friends waiting on the founder's cut release purely because I suggested they do due to just how long and sometimes a little stuck in places the og is (as much as the first episode was great, they were in the kitchen for a LONG time, hell even the YouTube VOD skips out the Create a Creature bit). Also i would like to see Ranboo even TRY gaslighting us. Have you SEEN the amount of edits, scene packs, small detail discussions (my own Masterpost of small details for one.)
Final Notes
Now I don't know why Matpat didn't mention the whole mind control aspect, or why he wasn't apparently aware of certain details that Ranboo himself has confirmed, but honestly, even I'm not caught up on everything going on. I've got a private playlist on YouTube called "gen loss to watch" and wow I have not watched half of those. I also have the benefit of being focused on Gen loss, and not managing four channels each with a wide range of things to cover. That and the fact I'm constantly in the loop with all of you, and seeing what you all think.
AHFG anyways. No theory is a bad theory, and it was really nice to hear Matpat's thoughts on this, no matter how differing. Don't spread hate to him, and don't interpret this post as me hating on him. We're all just trying to solve this thing, and by god are we going to do it.
But hey. It's just a theory. A GAM- wait.
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cowboymenace · 7 months
Speculating About Ric Flair
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Now I doubt that Ric Flair or his people will find this write up but I'm gonna be using the word allegedly a lot because I will be speculating about what Ric Flair is really doing in AEW.
On October 25th, 2023 Ric Flair would be revealed as Tony Khan's gift to Sting as a part of Sting Retirement Story. Sting and Flair are one of the most iconic rivalries in Wrestling History, the two even wrestled on the very last Nitro. This should have been met with rejoicing, right? No. Many online fans voiced their displeasure with the signing of Flair citing the sexual assault that occurred on the infamous plane ride from hell. This incident became much more well known due to the Darkside of the Ring series covering the whole ordeal. There's also Teddy Long going on the record stating that Flair had said heinous slurs to him and has yet to apologize
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What's even worse in my opinion is Tony Khan dunking on Vince McMahon's alleged history of sexual misconduct, and yet still bringing in Flair anyways. It makes it apparent that Tony does not care about the victims, and was scoring a cheap dig against his competitor.
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Another layer to this, is the promotion of Flair's brand of energy drink. I will not be mentioning its name nor its image since that would be indirectly promoting it as well. Each week now, there's a portion of the entrance stage dedicated to promoting the drink. The commentary desk has three cans of different flavors on display. It feels so bleak and dare I say carny. This is a major strike against Tony Khan's credibility about a promoter.
On the November 29th episode of Dynamite, Ric Flair would cut a promo backstage. The promo went on and on, you just can't help but to feel some iota of sadness watching this shell of a man trying to recapture faded glory. Watch for yourself if you wish, just be warned it's bleak.
The reaction was brutal. So much so that now Flair is threatening to leave. Fellow veterans like Chris Jericho (who punched a female fan in 2008) and Stone Cold Steve Austin (who beat Debra, something he pleaded no contest to) voiced their support. Something something birds of a feather.
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On Jericho's end, this is insane. He narrated each episode of Darkside of the Ring. He read out loud what Flair did. This makes him incredibly scummy, but I digress. Back to Flair
Flair has also stated that younger talents have not approached him for advice. This is adding to the criticism of the AEW lockerroom being full of young guys who do not take older veterans' advice, but Taz has dispelled that.
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If anything, this tells us that no one wishes to interact with Flair. Why should they? They know about his history and how he seems to not have atone for it. Why is this man getting a paycheck in a company that is trying its hardest to remove toxicity from the lockerroom? I do not blame those avoiding him like the plague.
So this seems like a misreading of the room by Tony Khan, and a huge waste of time for Ric right? But what if this was the goal?
In 2009 Ric Flair was brought into ROH as an authority figure. Flair had just finished his retirement run in the WWE and was moving on. However, Flair would No-Show after being paid
Flair was paid 35K for the position and was going to get 10K per appearance. He took the money and left. ROH then responded by announcing a lawsuit.
Recently Ric Flair was on an episode of Kill Tony, a comedy show where a panel of veteran comedians and celebrities would judge one minute sets by amateurs. His appearance was odd. He was slurring his words and would not engage with the show. He would ramble on about donating time and he then went on to leave in the middle of the show. It was bizarre, could it have been he was not anticipating how mean the show is to participants. Or did he figure he got paid anyway and just dip? Now I am merely speculating, I am not sure if Tony paid him or this was a favor. I can imagine anything with Flair requires payments but again I'm just speculating.
Now this brings us to Flair in AEW. Is Flair looking for an exit after getting some money out of Tony Khan, who happily gave it to him? This is what I believe is Flair's current move. He has a history of not fulfilling his commitments, and he may just be doing it again, allegedly, parody, in minecraft. Satire.
If Flair does leave I hope that this is a lesson to Tony never meet your heroes, they may try to rip you off (Allegeldy!!!!)
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mysticmellowlove · 6 months
Yan x fem sub
She wants to take a trip…alone. It’s not like she’s going to another country or anything she’s just going to another state for a spa weekend get away retreat. She owns her own companies and has a lot of stress from handling all of them this year so she just wants to go away for a few days to relax and sign off. So she wants to plan it but wants to tell/ask him first. More so tell. She is sitting with him one day or goes up to him and tells her his plans. How I picture it: “I want to go on a trip to a spa this weekend just to to three days.” Him being happy about going on another trip with her “…but….alone.” He immediately gasps on the inside confused lol.
a/n; this is just a little something something because I feel a little guilty about my output at the moment. i want to write but the words ain't wording you know?
warnings; mentions of sex
"Alone? As in like all alone?" He questioned as you took a sip of your wine. The week had been ruthless, it's always ruthless. Owning and successfully running multiple businesses are two different things after all. All day every day you have people coming after you, asking for money or free jobs. There are men at all the conferences you go to asking where your husband is (he's at home of course building his model ships and uploading the videos to his dedicated YouTube fanbase.) accompanied by their wives who look like they're about to fall asleep.
That's when your assistant suggested a weekend away, just for you.
It was a perfect idea, basically all of her ideas were perfect though. The only problem was your boyfriend himself, he was more than needy... he was insatiable. When you weren't at work he was by your side, chatting away and gently running his hands over your thighs. You knew he was imagining fucking his cock into them, it was one of his favourite things to do after all.
When you were at work? He was texting your phone constantly, updates on the house, updates on the cats next door, his little vege garden and of course updates on his models. Sometimes if you were lucky he'd send a nude of himself posing in front of the mirror.
"Yeah. like a little getaway. You know I've been working so hard recently and all of it has really gotten to me, I just need some time alone." You hummed as you looked at him, his fork was stabbed into his steak fingers tense around the metal.
"Yeah...yeah, alone." He muttered almost to himself. You could see his teeth grit as his jaw hardened, eventually, he gave in and loosened his death grip on the fork.
"Fine, I mean that sounds reasonable." He hummed as he looked over at you, there was a certain glint in his eyes though. One you recognised well. You raised your eyebrow as you studied him intently, he didn't give anything away but he didn't need to.
Your partner had a dark past. The only reason you had taken him in at all was because he was threatening to do something drastic, something that should and will be left in the past. You knew he had plenty of tricks up his sleeves that no one would expect from a docile guy like him. That's why you didn't believe him when he agreed.
"So that means no appearing out of nowhere, or tracking my phone or hiring someone to follow me." You scoffed as you bit into your own steak. He nodded his mind obviously elsewhere. He held his hands up in agreement and to placate you. A sigh left your mouth, so it had been decided. You'd be taking a break at an exotic spa all alone and your boyfriend was definitely not going to show up there and ruin everything.
Your lips pursed, you'd leave your vibrator behind and swap it for lube, seeing as there was no way he was going to sit here at home. His dick was always better than a vibrating toy anyway...
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mercurytrinemoon · 1 year
A fresh perspective on the lunar nodes
I had a sudden flash of thoughts about the nodes in the last few days that seem to made me finally start grasping their meanings. I've been learning astrology for years but I always brush off the nodes cause I never really vibed with the whole "north node is what you're supposed to strive for and south node is what you should cut off" outlook. Firstly, because it's too easy and black and white and secondly, it never really made sense looking at my own and other people's charts.
You guys probably know already that I love to watch/listen to the astrology podcast. Austin Coppock, who's the regular guest, always says that in vedic astrology, the north node is a malefic. And he said that again a while ago and something clicked in my brain: my ex-friend has an EXACT Mars-north node conjunction in Aquarius. She's an Aries Sun but her cardinal energy is weak: she was always passive, she would always whine whenever she was supposed to take any action or make a decision, she was scared to fight for herself etc. Like, that's NOT a martian personality. Also, whatever she started, was failing miserably (probably also because of her lack of motivation and consistency).
I remember how Alyssa Sharpe said that the north node makes people powerful and she gave an example of Elon Musk who has the north node-Mars conjunction in Aquarius as well (but with much wider orb than my friend). I always compared these two examples and that modern north node-whatever planet combo didn't make sense. And now I'm thinking, right, Elon has a LOT of money but it's because of his rich parents, he himself has founded a lot of various companies throughout his life but most of them flopped and even now, he makes flops after flops (who remembers the "unbreakable" Tesla glass window fiasco lol) and he still to this day wastes a disgustingly ridiculous amount of money (like, really, google that). So, like, is he really that powerful and succesfull?
But then I thought about a few people I know that have the north node conjunct nice planets (benefics or Sun or whatever) and those people seem to be moooore than fine. So I thought, hmm, is it really that malefic?
And this is when I found an article with quotes from the hellenistic astrologer Abu Ma'shar. He said:
"The nature of the Head of the Dragon is increasing, indeed if it were a lucky planet, it addst to the good; but if there were a malevolent star in it, it addst to the bad; (...) the Head is good with a good one, bad with a bad one".
So, the north node strenghtens whatever it touches - if it's a benefic, it becomes more benefic; if it's a malefic - it becomes more malefic. A Venus conjunction can bring a lot of love, admiration or money. A Jupiter conjunction can bring more luck and popularity. He also said that the south node has the opposite effect - it minimises the effect of the malefics but also of the benefics.
That leads me to another celebrity example I've been thinking about recently A LOT - Hayley Williams (Paramore's return equals the return of my heart eyes for her). I've been pondering on her rising sign (and by pondering I mean desperately looking for any clues as to where her ascendant is) because we don't have her birth time, BUT what we do have is her Moon sign (she was born on the day Moon changed signs) and she's a Virgo Moon (not Leo, as some sources state). That makes her Moon conjunct the south node. Now, Moon is a fluctuating energy already, wherever you have your Moon, that's the area where a lot of changes might occur (for example I have it in the 3rd house and I've changed schools and class groups a few times in my life). If the south node has a diminishing character and it's paired with a luminary that symbolizes your emotions and the people (yes, Moon is also the people), that means a bit of a trouble. The changeability leans more towards a disruption and bumps on the road. Vettius Valens said that (and I quote THIS ARTICLE): "the nodes conjunt the Moon are not good for starting projects as it will make them unstable and have unpredictable outcomes".
And what do we have? A succesful lead singer (her Moon is nicely aspected tho) in a band that had quite a few sudden lineup changes and all of them were full of drama. Not to mention, her failed marriage. (And in this very moment I'm once again frustrated that I don't have her full chart because the aspects scream for themselves but man, I wish I knew the house placements).
Another example is actually one of my favorites cause I absolutely love Sun-Jupiter contacts, especially if they're in signs friendly to at least one of them. And it's... my cousin, lol. He was lucky enough to be born in '87 when both Jupiter and the north node were in Aries - and, you've guessed it, he's an Aries Sun. So he has them all conjunct. Sun is exalted in Aries, Jupiter is exalted there by triplicity - add north node to the mix and you have a beautiful combination. Now, his chart is not perfect and it shows his obstacles but this aspect alone made him travel the world as a young kid, as well as being in a choir and performing abroad and now he has a very successfull career in IT and he actually moved abroad permanently (the conjunction is in his 4th house). Not to mention, he was just born into a pretty wealthy family.
I'm talking about conjunctions here - and those count the most. But if your nodes are alone in the house, or on one of the axis, they might work similarly to some extent. I'll give an example of my own chart cause I have mine on the asc-dsc axis and it finally makes sense that having the north node on the ascendant (or within one degree but in a different sign, depending if you use true or mean node; ugh the struggle) makes me constantly focused on development and working on myself, whether it's my craft or my body, and having the south node on the descendant is stripping me from having good and lasting relationships with others (especially romantic ones).
Sooo, idk, this has put the nodes in a different, more clear light for me.
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punkgemjasper · 2 months
Fun fact about me, I love pissing off scammers. Usually it's one of the hundreds of fucks trying to prey on people's heart strings and good nature. Asking for false donations and such. But today it was a scam I get a lot more of...
Survey scammers.
Usually they ask you to do a quick survey to get personal details out of you. Usually under the guise of a 'household survey', which DOES happen, at least in the UK. The government will randomly call you and ask if you would want to take part in some survey or another but here is where spotting the real from the fakes lie.
Real ones, usually, have a really clear phone line, they will tell you a bunch of information, who they are collecting on behalf of ect. And then state that you can refuse. I refuse often. I just can't be arsed unless it's a chance to put the Tories on blast. Or if it's for a specific thing (like owning your home) I just have to say I don't own my home and they politely hang up.
Fakes, scammers, use bought phone numbers, or use programs to spoof them, but they are not based in the country the number is from. For example, I'd get a number from the UK show up. I answer unknowns because of important calls from often unknown numbers, so I have learnt to spot this next bit, the connection is DOG SHIT. You can barely hear them, or it's a broken line in someway, if you can hear them, listen out for other calls in the background, that has caught them out a few times.
Or if what they are trying to sell you is baffling or if the survey sounds weird. I got offered insurance once by an American only insurance company. Today it was a survey on 'nuclear family'.
But it gets better, today was a special one, because today I discovered the other sign of a scammer -
When you refuse, they get angry and try to intimidate you into taking the survey. It's like a total flip of attitude. This guy was polite at first, as soon as I declined, which he said I was free to do, he got pissy, asked me why and called me a bitch before hanging up in a huff after I called him out.
Scammers come in all flavours, I once had a guy claim to be from an Internet service provider I wasn't with, argue that I was with them and then threatened to 'turn off my internet', when it's not their line to begin with. Soon as I said my provider would love to hear all about that...he swiftly hung up.
Malicious compliance, freak them out, call them out. Scammers are scum. End of.
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
I find it a little funny that you state Jensen's soulmate has not been found. I read your post and connected the episode with the writer's name which is, of course, Ellie. Which happens to also be your name. Do you think you're Jensen's soulmate? I mean, what are the chances?!
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. So there's definitely a lot of women named Ellie out there for sure. Very good on correctly interpreting the seers' message by the way! My name does happen to be Ellie yes and I do happen to have communicated with Jensen's higher selves on almost a daily basis for close to 3 years now. I did however write about soulmates versus Divine Matches versus soul crossings in a more recent post with someone asking me for details about Jensen's soulmate here. I talked about how we need to be very careful with what we wish for when we ask about our soulmate. What we should be asking about is our Divine Match NOT soulmate. I mentioned the definition of soulmate according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary being:
"A close friend or romantic partner with whom one has a unique deep connection based on mutual understanding and acceptance". The second definition states "a person who shares the save beliefs or opinions as another person" and also "something likened to a soulmate in being very similar to or being a typical companion to another thing". By this definition, you can see that soulmates can be a close friendship, family members, lovers, teachers/mentors, pets, even acquaintances or strangers.
I'm assuming when you say soulmate you mean romantic partner. I and the psychic guy I've been talking to (who by the way made a comeback to my DMs, yay!) and I both know that whether Jensen gets to be with a romantic partner is up in the air, as his destiny is broken this lifetime. He and his teacher did see one woman that was in his astrology chart, which was broken by Danneel's black magic. When I think of Jensen's situation, I am reminded of one of Taylor Swift's new songs "The Prophecy". As Taylor Swift (who by the way is a big time Faye seer and a good one in that!) said about this album, "And now the story isn’t mine anymore… it’s all yours". Below are the lyrics for the entire song and also a YouTube lyrics video for this song:
Hand on the throttle Thought I caught lightning in a bottle Oh, but it's gone again And it was written I got cursed like Eve got bitten Oh, was it punishment?
Pad around when I get home I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope A greater woman wouldn't beg But I looked to the sky and said
PleaseI've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo The prophecy?
Cards on the table Mine play out like fools in a fable, oh It was sinking in Slow is the quicksand Poison blood from the wound of the pricked hand Oh, still I dream of him
Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo The prophecy?
And I sound like an infant Feeling like the very last drops of an ink pen A greater woman stays cool But I howl like a wolf at the moon And I look unstable Gathered with a coven round a sorceress' table A greater woman has faith But even statues crumble if they're made to wait I'm so afraid I sealed my fate No sign of soulmates I'm just a paperweight In shades of greige Spending my last coin so someone will tell me It'll be ok
Please I've been on my knees Change the prophecy Don't want money Just someone who wants my company Let it once be me Who do I have to speak to About if they can redo The prophecy?
Who do I have to speak to To change the prophecy?
Hand on the throttle Thought I caught lightning in a bottle, oh But it's gone again
Pad around when I get home I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope A greater woman wouldn't beg But I looked to the sky and said Please
As for why Jensen is not my Divine Match aka romantic soulmate just based on what I know of him, I will say personally Jensen seems like overall he could be a very nice man and from what I've heard is down-to-Earth with fans in encounters. I have my criticisms of just about everyone, Jensen and others included (no one escapes from me lol). However, I believe that he is a bit too temperamental at times, as is evident with stories like when he broke down the hotel room door. Also he seems very private with public displays of affection "PDA". I personally dream of a man who has no qualms with things like holding my hands in public, will stand behind my chair at a bar and play with my hair or rub my shoulders, sometimes kiss in public (not all the time or making out but nothing wrong with a KISS in public once in a while not a MISS ha ha), etc., which is not really Jensen's thing.
I also would like for someone to be home with me more than he would be. I'm a pretty independent woman for the most part and have been single for the better portion of a few years. BUT at the same time, I am not okay with the idea of living 2 very separate lives to the point of barely seeing my significant other. I also want someone who is more playful at heart; I think Jensen can be at times but he also seems very serious during times I would be more playful and I could see this being one fundamental difference. Also, he is more or less a bit of a conformist socially. Although he's spoken of reading struggles from when he was younger and perhaps to this day is one area we may be able to relate on in ways, I am much more lax when it comes to social norms. If I were a celebrity, I'd probably be "cancelled" so fast because I am who I am and I have no problems telling people how things really are. I am who I am and I have no problems calling people out on their BS and also march to my own beat a lot.
Jensen's Divine Match does happen to be named Ellie. His destiny this lifetime is up in the air, as this is a redemption lifetime of his. Many souls on Earth do NOT get to be with their Divine Matches this lifetime. I am also aware that who our soulmates are can actually change, or in other words the so called "soul crossings" concept. I am aware he and I are in the same soul family on another note. I mentioned in a less commonly read post of mine here about who my Divine Match is. I'm here to tell you right now Jensen is NOT the Earth incarnation of this man, who is actually the Faye King named Civlon. I am meant to marry Civlon's Earth incarnation; it is when we "ascend" off of Earth is when he and other souls that will be "crossing" to Civlon's current physical immortal body by essentially "going" to this soul that is Civlon's. It's a very complicated situation, mine and Civlon's...
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1rsoldiersince2012 · 1 year
Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x reader)
Words: 2714 (chapter 20)
You and Matt met in the courtroom. Now, you may think that Matt was a knight in shining armour and defended you in the name of all United States laws, but that was not the case. Matt was totally destroying your client, and you wanted to tear him into pieces right then and right there, because with Murdock as your rival, your head is on the firm's plate with each case. Did Matt care? No, he only cared about bringing justice, he was a human-machine, driven by the need to bring righteousness no matter the cost. Or was he just that? What happens when you get involved in Fisk's business and Daredevil's lies against your will?
Find my other accounts on ao3 and wattpad!
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/1rSoldierSince2012
wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/1rsoldierSince2012
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20. Old friends, New beginnings
Putting on a long-sleeved blouse and a gray jacket, you looked at yourself in the mirror of your bathroom. The place was still humid and warm, from all the steam of your morning shower. It was too early to get going to the new office, but you had some unfinished business in Hogarth, Chao and Benowitz. Hailey has kept your things secured at the reception, and mentioned that someone was moved to your office 'urgently'. There were many potential lawyers on your mind, and you just hoped that the best got your place. After all, having an office on the same floor as Hogarth was a matter of honour in the company. 
The whole weekend you've spent thinking over Pug's words, that it was finally time to open yourself up. Wesley has kept a constant chat, earning himself a date this week. Although you wanted nothing more than live the way you wanted and not to depend on another person, especially a man. Your arm was better and started showing signs of healing, although it still looked pretty nasty. Of course, your skills couldn't be compared to the Devil's skills, but you managed to nicely put on a fresh bandage, pulling yourself together after three pills of painkillers.
This Monday was supposed to be a chapter of new opportunities, yet you were returning to the same old place again. The spot for your car was still occupied, but deep down you knew that when you're officially done with the paperwork, someone will occupy the spot in a matter of minutes. The morning appeared to be quite chilly, causing you to button up your coat. Upon your entrance, Hailey lifts her head from the today's newspaper. 
"Morning." She greets you first, with a shy, although sad smile and puts the paper down, closing it. You catch a glimpse of the picture of a familiar building and a strange figure.
"Hey, you already know what I'm here for." You say without any usual small talk. 
"You look... Rather well." Hailey utters while rummaging though the boxes under the table. "For someone who's been through so much."
"How much exactly do you think I've been through?" You lean on the tall table, curiously watching her squat in a tight pencil skirt. The newspaper keeps attracting your attention. Hailey huffs out loud while pulling a heavy box to the side. 
"What?" Her head peeks with a confused look, but you just smile.
"Hailey, I've been here long enough to know how much gossip goes around on an ordinary day. What happened to me was nothing ordinary. So, what are they saying?" You grab the newspaper while Hailey disappears under the table again, and look at the first page. 
"Uh... Well, it appears that each floor has their own theories. Some guys have cornered Mr Benowitz, but he wouldn't speak about the matter at all."
"Hm. Interesting." You mutter after reading the headline: 'Masked man attacks lawyers in Hogarth, Chao and Benowitz: what was he after?'. Accompanied by a picture of the firm, there was a photoshopped figure of a ninja with a huge question mark on his head, and an X crossing the whole firm's building. Yeah, local newspapers never disappoint.
"What's interesting?" Hailey huffs and with great struggle finally pulls out a box with your stuff, Lady Justice statue lying on the top. 
"Benowitz's silence. Usually he's the first to open his mouth. What else people talk?" You ask, mindlessly skimming through the article. 'Was this an attempted robber or murder? Only the best lawyers of Hell's Kitchen know exactly what happened, yet they chose to stay silent for the moment. Our team is working on finding out all the details of the accident, for the time being all we know is that a gunshot was heard in the office of the head lawyer, yet no gun was found at the scene.' You read the last sentence of the last column and feel the shivers go down your spine.
"Some were saying that you were bleeding out and Benowitz rushed you to the hospital... You know, since your car is still here, there were many speculations." Hailey leans closer to you and whispers, "someone spread a rumor that the Devil guy was going after you and is actually one of your former clients that you beat in court." She pulls away again, "others said that some crazy ex has chased you, but I think this is too far-fetched." 
You bite the inside of your cheek and take a moment to understand all the crazy conspiracy theories you've heard in the span of two minutes. Hailey takes the newspaper from you.
"Did he really look like this?"
"Something like that, yeah." You answer and look at the entrance, noticing a familiar figure coming towards the building. 
"So... What really happened?" Hailey asks cautiously, but you don't get a chance to answer when Todd steps inside, and without hiding his grin, approaches the reception table.
"Morning ladies. A beautiful day, isn't it?" He stops next to you, glancing at the box full of your stuff.
"Well, you just ruined it for me." You say with a bored look on your face. 
"Ah, y/n, y/n, no one will ruin it for me. Wanna know why?" Todd leans closer to your face, "I got your office, sugar! Ah, a beautiful day, right, Hailey?"
"I don't want to be a part of this conversation, Todd." Hailey sits back down, looking at him with a sour expression. Something clearly happened between the two of them.
"Todd, could you carry this to my car? You know, since it's so heavy, and I'm still hurt... And you're in such a good mood." You smile innocently, using the people pleasing tactics for your own benefit, and saving Hailey from the conversation for the last time. "I'll swing by sometime, goodbye, Hailey." You wave with your good hand at her and step outside with Todd carrying your box.
"You have no idea how happy I am right now, y/n." Todd inhales the chilly air and sighs happily, purposely getting on your nerves.
"If you're waiting for a 'oh I'm so happy for you' shit, you're not getting it." You say, pulling the spare car keys from your pocket. 
"I don't want that, I'm content enough that you're finally leaving. Speaking of, where you're going? The madhouse perhaps?" 
"Yes, the madhouse... But you know, they sent me here with a task. I'm supposed to bring you there as well." 
"Ah, when I think about it... I'm actually going to miss you, sugar." He puts the box on the roof of your car and leans on it. "I had the perfect speech in my mind, for your funeral. Everyone thought you got shot terribly there. Oh, I'll say that I saw a ghost today, by the looks you're just as pale as a one."
"Aww, spare the pleasantries, you won't see me in a casket any time soon." You bite back and open the doors of your car, noticing that Todd has parked his black Mercedes next to you.
"That's a challenge or a promise?" He drops the box on your backseat loudly, and you're pretty sure you heard something break.
"Both, sugar, both." You turn on the ignition and sit down, holding your arm on the open doors, and pushing them open all the way with force, and the impact leaves a dent on Todd's car. "Gonna get that fixed." You smile wickedly and speed out of the parking lot, leaving black tire marks on the concrete. 
"Karen, what got you so early here?" Foggy steps inside and notices Karen already cleaning the mess on her table.
"Oh, hi. Just, you know, cleaning up."
"Are you worried about y/n?" Foggy furrows his eyebrows and drops his jacket on the chair.
"Well, she is a high class lawyer, and we're squeezed in this mess. I still don't understand where she's gonna work." Karen turns her eyes from Foggy.
"Here, with us. In the office. Sure, we don't have a separate room for another person, but she could share with Matt." Foggy suggests, already thinking of bringing another table next to Matt's.
"Why's that?" Karen furrows her eyebrows, visibly confused, and Foggy swears he heard a dash of jealousy in her voice. 
"Matt's office has the things that he's not using, like lights, so instead of wasting it on a higher bill, we can turn this to work for our benefit."
"That makes... sense." Karen squeezes out with great struggle. The thought of another woman in the office has caused her some doubts, especially when that woman has already won the sympathy of Matt.
"See, we're already thinking the same!" Foggy laughs and disappears in his office. 
The distant chatter reaches Karen's ears, and she looks at her watch - already time for Matt to come. Not like she's been following his very messy schedule. A minute later, the doors to Nelson and Murdock open and heels ring loudly in the space. Karen was expecting Matt to come alone, yet he was not the first to cross the threshold. 
"Morning everyone." You say loudly, carrying a tray with four coffees. Matt appears by your side in no time, and Karen notices how comfortably his hand slides along your left arm and finally your wrist, taking the tray with coffees. "I could've just put it down."
"You're hurt, stop acting like a child." Matt scolds with a stupid smile on his face, the same one he wore since the moment he left your apartment. 
"You call me a child again, and I'm leaving, that's a promise." You say in a hushed tone and take off your coat.
"Who's leaving? Hopefully not my favorite lawyer." Foggy appears in the lobby, and stops to look at you, grabbing the tray back from Matt's hands.
"Foggy! You look well rested, since the court." You say, coming further into the office, and put the tray on Karen's table. "I brought everyone coffee, I hope you drink coffee, Karen." You raise your eyebrows expectantly at the blonde, and Karen shakes her head slightly.
"Yes, of course."
"How you're feeling?" Foggy looks at you with a worried expression, as if checking for visible wounds. "I told Matt to wait until you're completely good, and not to rush your first day."
"I'm good, yeah, it's healing nicely, and I'm eager to make Melissa pay for what she did." 
"About that... You know that you won't participate as a lawyer in court, right?" Foggy asks, pulling a chair from his office and offering for you to sit.
"Yeah, yes, obviously. I can help a little in the shadow." You sit down in front of Karen, Foggy on your right and Matt makes himself comfortable on your left. 
"So, what do you know that we don't?" Karen asks, looking at you a little distrustfully, and you return the suspicious look back.
"I know that Benowitz will sniff where I went now, and change his approach to the case. He's kept me in the dark for most of the time, but what I know won't possibly be used against your client anymore. Now that you have that document, you have the upper hand in the conflict, he will try to sabogate and claim that it's fake, or bring to the light the fact that someone stole it from Melissa's house." You pour the words on the table, and the room becomes silent for a mere moment. Matt looks at the floor, secretly admiring your courtroom type of speeches. 
"But if the evidence turns out to be truth, it will add to the final decision, right?" Karen is the first to shake herself from the trance.
"Despite the fact of how we received it?" Foggy begins.
"With a good convincing, it could be uself." Matt finishes the thought, and you finally understand how it feels to have a partner-friend who thinks the same way you do. You and Pug were that pair in college too.
"Well, she paid to kill her husband, I say that's damn good convincing." Karen interferes with your thoughts.
"Ain't enough, we acquired the evidence in a dirty way, and it could take time to trace the real person who got paid through that mysterious window company." Foggy sighs, taking a sip of coffee. 
"Whoever did it, is a professional, maybe served in the force or special operations, you don't become a sniper in one night." You sip your coffee, looking though the window behind Karen. The view was rather dull, nothing fancy that you were used to, that's for sure.
"Does Melissa know any people from the force?" Karen asks, following your unfocused glance.
"Not that I know of. Despite marrying richest guy in Hell's Kitchen, she's been very secretive about her private life, especially her friends and family, no pictures of them on her socials too." You answer, only now understanding the significance of this fact.
Foggy's eyes widen and he shares a look with Karen and you.
"What's with that silence?" Matt reminds everyone of his presence, sensing a change of emotions in the room.
"Where's your computer?" You ask Foggy, and he quickly stands up.
"Use the one in Matt's office, we decided that you two will be sharing..." Foggy stops in front of the table and turns on the computer for you. You cautiously step inside, looking around the room which was just screaming 'I need more furniture'. Matt's table turned to face the two worn-out brown armchairs pushed to the opposite wall.No blinds on the shy windows and doors on the right, and walls so thin they could be soundproof...in another life maybe.
"Sharing one table?" You ask in disbelief, noticing the mess on his desk, mostly blank pages, that are printed in Braille.
"By the end of the day, I promise to get another one." Foggy crosses his heart and pushes the chair for you to sit. 
You sigh and sit down, going to search something about Melissa... Anything. The data system was way poorer than you expected, but Nelson and Murdock wasn't a big fancy firm either.
"Okay, it's gonna take some time, especially since the system you're using is limited and rather slow." You say apologetically, hearing how Karen explains the situation to Matt. In a matter of seconds, he's standing behind your back, leaning on the window sill like a shadow or an angel on your shoulder... except the shoulder was left one.
"Holy shit." You blurt out when the information finally loads, filling up the screen.
Foggy leans closer to the screen as well, Karen enters the room hurriedly.
"What is it?" Matt appears right next to you, feeling shivers go down his spine when your perfume hits his nostrils full force.
"Her cousin served for 5 years. In Marine Corps. As a Scout Sniper..." You fall silent, staring at the screen without blinking.
"Print that out, I'm gonna file him as a desired for questioning." Foggy fires up, feeling the coffee in his body more than ever. "Matty, you're driving with me to the court?"
"Uh," Matt suddenly gets lost, "yeah, I can, sure."
"I would drive you there, but I have to be somewhere." You notice the frown on Matt's face. "On my lunchbreak."
"You can leave whenever you need, officially, there's no record of you working here, y/n." Foggy nods at you and disappears in his office. You remain in Matt's seat for a little more, he plops down on one of the armchairs.
"Well, one boss agreed, what about the other one?" You lean back in the chair and it makes a sound. 
"Only if you tell me where you're going." Matt smiles with half lips.
"I don't know where yet, it's a surprise, appearently." You cross your legs and wait for Matt's reaction. 
Eventually, his eyebrows go over the top of his red glasses. "Really? May I know with who?"
"I think that's a little out of your authority." You tease. "He's picking me up."
"A date then?" Matt asks expectantly.
"Eh, wouldn't classify this a date. Catching up would probably be more suitable label." 
Matt feels your eyes burning through his skull. He knows you're looking at the fresh scratches and bruises on his face, which he inherited during his never-ending search of more information about Fisk. "Now I'm even more curious."
"Well, to my knowledge, you already know each other, but enough chit-chatting, Murdock, I don't get paid by the hours." You stand up and leave Matt sitting alone and slightly confused in his office. Who was coming over?
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gompereatsall · 2 years
some a3! x enstars headcanons
because they've been consuming my brain!! (while i slowly lose the canon characterizations of a3 characters, and try to understand enstars characters)
As stated in this post, i LOVE the idea that Sakuya is the adopted little brother to Rei and Ritsu. (in the reblogs of the post, @/nobleartsy made super cute art of the idea, and @/otome-crow gave some really good ideas adding onto the post, so please check both of their blogs out!!) kinda just rewording some of otome-crow's post, Sakuya has this whole goth outfit to fit in with his brothers :)) Sakuya tries his best to attend lives of UNDEAD and Knights, but will just have to occasionally settle for watching official recordings of their shows. In turn, Rei and Ritsu also try their best to watch the Spring Troupe's shows! They just want to support one another <3
Banri and Tsuzuru are both fans of UNDEAD (even before they met Rei in person! A couple more Mankai members became fans of UNDEAD and Knights after meeting them in person). They both were stoked to meet Rei, and the latter also gave Banri and Tsuzuru some signed merch!
(Genuinely decided to make Tsuzuru an UNDEAD fan bc i think the image of a sleep deprived Tsuzuru trying to work on a script while blasting UNDEAD's music with his headphones, but is still loud enough for people in the room to hear is hilarious)
One time, Ritsu visited the company and fell asleep on top of Hisoka on the couch. This created an impromptu cuddle pile
Yuki is a big fan of Shu's clothing work, despite it being a bit more underground compared to other Japanese fashion designers. This led him to discover the idol group Valkyrie. Some of their songs are now in Yuki's playlist that plays while he and Taichi sew
(I also think Yuki would have great time with Kuro, letting him help with costumes (: )
Chiaki and Sakyo know each other... somehow. Their relationship is unknown, and they never really elaborate what it is when people ask. On the very rare occasion they see each other on the street, they greet each other but talk with such thinly veiled animosity toward each other; and yet, they have each other's numbers in their phones. Make of that what you will (guess a hero and an ex-yakuza don't mix well together)
Sakyo and Keito went to the same middle school and were best friends. They were really close and mainly bonding with each other over manga. They lost touch when they went to different high schools, so neither one of them knows that one is an actor and the other is an idol
Tsumugi Tsukioka and Tsumugi Aoba are acquaintances! They met because they both frequently go to the same cafe; one day, they just started having friendly small talk, and now they meet kinda monthly? Almost as if they're on a schedule lol They just have nice small talk with one another at the cafe and rant to each other about their lives (without getting into too much personal details), offer each other advice, tell stories from their lives, etc! It's come up in conversation that Tsukioka is an actor, but Aoba never mentioned that he's an idol yet
Kumon is a big fan of RYUSEITAI and would love to go to one of their live shows one day! He doesnt have a favorite member (his favorite is a tie between RYUSEI Red and RYUSEI Yellow)
(Listen, I could probably make another entire headcanons list about the characters favorite idol groups, if they have any lmao)
Tenma met Izumi Sena once, while he was abroad. The actor had no idea who the other guy was, and vice versa (Izumi gave him directions)
I am convinced Wataru would love Homare's poetry; he's been a fan, and ever since Wataru heard Homare joined an acting troupe, he's been negotiating with members of Dramatica to go see a winter troupe play!
And that concludes the headcanons i can think of atm, thanks for reading :) if you have any of your own please add them in either the comments or reblogs!! I would love to read them <33
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