#foggy is a good bro
1rsoldiersince2012 · 1 year
Bound by Law (Matt Murdock x reader)
Words: 2714 (chapter 20)
You and Matt met in the courtroom. Now, you may think that Matt was a knight in shining armour and defended you in the name of all United States laws, but that was not the case. Matt was totally destroying your client, and you wanted to tear him into pieces right then and right there, because with Murdock as your rival, your head is on the firm's plate with each case. Did Matt care? No, he only cared about bringing justice, he was a human-machine, driven by the need to bring righteousness no matter the cost. Or was he just that? What happens when you get involved in Fisk's business and Daredevil's lies against your will?
Find my other accounts on ao3 and wattpad!
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/1rSoldierSince2012
wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/user/1rsoldierSince2012
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20. Old friends, New beginnings
Putting on a long-sleeved blouse and a gray jacket, you looked at yourself in the mirror of your bathroom. The place was still humid and warm, from all the steam of your morning shower. It was too early to get going to the new office, but you had some unfinished business in Hogarth, Chao and Benowitz. Hailey has kept your things secured at the reception, and mentioned that someone was moved to your office 'urgently'. There were many potential lawyers on your mind, and you just hoped that the best got your place. After all, having an office on the same floor as Hogarth was a matter of honour in the company. 
The whole weekend you've spent thinking over Pug's words, that it was finally time to open yourself up. Wesley has kept a constant chat, earning himself a date this week. Although you wanted nothing more than live the way you wanted and not to depend on another person, especially a man. Your arm was better and started showing signs of healing, although it still looked pretty nasty. Of course, your skills couldn't be compared to the Devil's skills, but you managed to nicely put on a fresh bandage, pulling yourself together after three pills of painkillers.
This Monday was supposed to be a chapter of new opportunities, yet you were returning to the same old place again. The spot for your car was still occupied, but deep down you knew that when you're officially done with the paperwork, someone will occupy the spot in a matter of minutes. The morning appeared to be quite chilly, causing you to button up your coat. Upon your entrance, Hailey lifts her head from the today's newspaper. 
"Morning." She greets you first, with a shy, although sad smile and puts the paper down, closing it. You catch a glimpse of the picture of a familiar building and a strange figure.
"Hey, you already know what I'm here for." You say without any usual small talk. 
"You look... Rather well." Hailey utters while rummaging though the boxes under the table. "For someone who's been through so much."
"How much exactly do you think I've been through?" You lean on the tall table, curiously watching her squat in a tight pencil skirt. The newspaper keeps attracting your attention. Hailey huffs out loud while pulling a heavy box to the side. 
"What?" Her head peeks with a confused look, but you just smile.
"Hailey, I've been here long enough to know how much gossip goes around on an ordinary day. What happened to me was nothing ordinary. So, what are they saying?" You grab the newspaper while Hailey disappears under the table again, and look at the first page. 
"Uh... Well, it appears that each floor has their own theories. Some guys have cornered Mr Benowitz, but he wouldn't speak about the matter at all."
"Hm. Interesting." You mutter after reading the headline: 'Masked man attacks lawyers in Hogarth, Chao and Benowitz: what was he after?'. Accompanied by a picture of the firm, there was a photoshopped figure of a ninja with a huge question mark on his head, and an X crossing the whole firm's building. Yeah, local newspapers never disappoint.
"What's interesting?" Hailey huffs and with great struggle finally pulls out a box with your stuff, Lady Justice statue lying on the top. 
"Benowitz's silence. Usually he's the first to open his mouth. What else people talk?" You ask, mindlessly skimming through the article. 'Was this an attempted robber or murder? Only the best lawyers of Hell's Kitchen know exactly what happened, yet they chose to stay silent for the moment. Our team is working on finding out all the details of the accident, for the time being all we know is that a gunshot was heard in the office of the head lawyer, yet no gun was found at the scene.' You read the last sentence of the last column and feel the shivers go down your spine.
"Some were saying that you were bleeding out and Benowitz rushed you to the hospital... You know, since your car is still here, there were many speculations." Hailey leans closer to you and whispers, "someone spread a rumor that the Devil guy was going after you and is actually one of your former clients that you beat in court." She pulls away again, "others said that some crazy ex has chased you, but I think this is too far-fetched." 
You bite the inside of your cheek and take a moment to understand all the crazy conspiracy theories you've heard in the span of two minutes. Hailey takes the newspaper from you.
"Did he really look like this?"
"Something like that, yeah." You answer and look at the entrance, noticing a familiar figure coming towards the building. 
"So... What really happened?" Hailey asks cautiously, but you don't get a chance to answer when Todd steps inside, and without hiding his grin, approaches the reception table.
"Morning ladies. A beautiful day, isn't it?" He stops next to you, glancing at the box full of your stuff.
"Well, you just ruined it for me." You say with a bored look on your face. 
"Ah, y/n, y/n, no one will ruin it for me. Wanna know why?" Todd leans closer to your face, "I got your office, sugar! Ah, a beautiful day, right, Hailey?"
"I don't want to be a part of this conversation, Todd." Hailey sits back down, looking at him with a sour expression. Something clearly happened between the two of them.
"Todd, could you carry this to my car? You know, since it's so heavy, and I'm still hurt... And you're in such a good mood." You smile innocently, using the people pleasing tactics for your own benefit, and saving Hailey from the conversation for the last time. "I'll swing by sometime, goodbye, Hailey." You wave with your good hand at her and step outside with Todd carrying your box.
"You have no idea how happy I am right now, y/n." Todd inhales the chilly air and sighs happily, purposely getting on your nerves.
"If you're waiting for a 'oh I'm so happy for you' shit, you're not getting it." You say, pulling the spare car keys from your pocket. 
"I don't want that, I'm content enough that you're finally leaving. Speaking of, where you're going? The madhouse perhaps?" 
"Yes, the madhouse... But you know, they sent me here with a task. I'm supposed to bring you there as well." 
"Ah, when I think about it... I'm actually going to miss you, sugar." He puts the box on the roof of your car and leans on it. "I had the perfect speech in my mind, for your funeral. Everyone thought you got shot terribly there. Oh, I'll say that I saw a ghost today, by the looks you're just as pale as a one."
"Aww, spare the pleasantries, you won't see me in a casket any time soon." You bite back and open the doors of your car, noticing that Todd has parked his black Mercedes next to you.
"That's a challenge or a promise?" He drops the box on your backseat loudly, and you're pretty sure you heard something break.
"Both, sugar, both." You turn on the ignition and sit down, holding your arm on the open doors, and pushing them open all the way with force, and the impact leaves a dent on Todd's car. "Gonna get that fixed." You smile wickedly and speed out of the parking lot, leaving black tire marks on the concrete. 
"Karen, what got you so early here?" Foggy steps inside and notices Karen already cleaning the mess on her table.
"Oh, hi. Just, you know, cleaning up."
"Are you worried about y/n?" Foggy furrows his eyebrows and drops his jacket on the chair.
"Well, she is a high class lawyer, and we're squeezed in this mess. I still don't understand where she's gonna work." Karen turns her eyes from Foggy.
"Here, with us. In the office. Sure, we don't have a separate room for another person, but she could share with Matt." Foggy suggests, already thinking of bringing another table next to Matt's.
"Why's that?" Karen furrows her eyebrows, visibly confused, and Foggy swears he heard a dash of jealousy in her voice. 
"Matt's office has the things that he's not using, like lights, so instead of wasting it on a higher bill, we can turn this to work for our benefit."
"That makes... sense." Karen squeezes out with great struggle. The thought of another woman in the office has caused her some doubts, especially when that woman has already won the sympathy of Matt.
"See, we're already thinking the same!" Foggy laughs and disappears in his office. 
The distant chatter reaches Karen's ears, and she looks at her watch - already time for Matt to come. Not like she's been following his very messy schedule. A minute later, the doors to Nelson and Murdock open and heels ring loudly in the space. Karen was expecting Matt to come alone, yet he was not the first to cross the threshold. 
"Morning everyone." You say loudly, carrying a tray with four coffees. Matt appears by your side in no time, and Karen notices how comfortably his hand slides along your left arm and finally your wrist, taking the tray with coffees. "I could've just put it down."
"You're hurt, stop acting like a child." Matt scolds with a stupid smile on his face, the same one he wore since the moment he left your apartment. 
"You call me a child again, and I'm leaving, that's a promise." You say in a hushed tone and take off your coat.
"Who's leaving? Hopefully not my favorite lawyer." Foggy appears in the lobby, and stops to look at you, grabbing the tray back from Matt's hands.
"Foggy! You look well rested, since the court." You say, coming further into the office, and put the tray on Karen's table. "I brought everyone coffee, I hope you drink coffee, Karen." You raise your eyebrows expectantly at the blonde, and Karen shakes her head slightly.
"Yes, of course."
"How you're feeling?" Foggy looks at you with a worried expression, as if checking for visible wounds. "I told Matt to wait until you're completely good, and not to rush your first day."
"I'm good, yeah, it's healing nicely, and I'm eager to make Melissa pay for what she did." 
"About that... You know that you won't participate as a lawyer in court, right?" Foggy asks, pulling a chair from his office and offering for you to sit.
"Yeah, yes, obviously. I can help a little in the shadow." You sit down in front of Karen, Foggy on your right and Matt makes himself comfortable on your left. 
"So, what do you know that we don't?" Karen asks, looking at you a little distrustfully, and you return the suspicious look back.
"I know that Benowitz will sniff where I went now, and change his approach to the case. He's kept me in the dark for most of the time, but what I know won't possibly be used against your client anymore. Now that you have that document, you have the upper hand in the conflict, he will try to sabogate and claim that it's fake, or bring to the light the fact that someone stole it from Melissa's house." You pour the words on the table, and the room becomes silent for a mere moment. Matt looks at the floor, secretly admiring your courtroom type of speeches. 
"But if the evidence turns out to be truth, it will add to the final decision, right?" Karen is the first to shake herself from the trance.
"Despite the fact of how we received it?" Foggy begins.
"With a good convincing, it could be uself." Matt finishes the thought, and you finally understand how it feels to have a partner-friend who thinks the same way you do. You and Pug were that pair in college too.
"Well, she paid to kill her husband, I say that's damn good convincing." Karen interferes with your thoughts.
"Ain't enough, we acquired the evidence in a dirty way, and it could take time to trace the real person who got paid through that mysterious window company." Foggy sighs, taking a sip of coffee. 
"Whoever did it, is a professional, maybe served in the force or special operations, you don't become a sniper in one night." You sip your coffee, looking though the window behind Karen. The view was rather dull, nothing fancy that you were used to, that's for sure.
"Does Melissa know any people from the force?" Karen asks, following your unfocused glance.
"Not that I know of. Despite marrying richest guy in Hell's Kitchen, she's been very secretive about her private life, especially her friends and family, no pictures of them on her socials too." You answer, only now understanding the significance of this fact.
Foggy's eyes widen and he shares a look with Karen and you.
"What's with that silence?" Matt reminds everyone of his presence, sensing a change of emotions in the room.
"Where's your computer?" You ask Foggy, and he quickly stands up.
"Use the one in Matt's office, we decided that you two will be sharing..." Foggy stops in front of the table and turns on the computer for you. You cautiously step inside, looking around the room which was just screaming 'I need more furniture'. Matt's table turned to face the two worn-out brown armchairs pushed to the opposite wall.No blinds on the shy windows and doors on the right, and walls so thin they could be soundproof...in another life maybe.
"Sharing one table?" You ask in disbelief, noticing the mess on his desk, mostly blank pages, that are printed in Braille.
"By the end of the day, I promise to get another one." Foggy crosses his heart and pushes the chair for you to sit. 
You sigh and sit down, going to search something about Melissa... Anything. The data system was way poorer than you expected, but Nelson and Murdock wasn't a big fancy firm either.
"Okay, it's gonna take some time, especially since the system you're using is limited and rather slow." You say apologetically, hearing how Karen explains the situation to Matt. In a matter of seconds, he's standing behind your back, leaning on the window sill like a shadow or an angel on your shoulder... except the shoulder was left one.
"Holy shit." You blurt out when the information finally loads, filling up the screen.
Foggy leans closer to the screen as well, Karen enters the room hurriedly.
"What is it?" Matt appears right next to you, feeling shivers go down his spine when your perfume hits his nostrils full force.
"Her cousin served for 5 years. In Marine Corps. As a Scout Sniper..." You fall silent, staring at the screen without blinking.
"Print that out, I'm gonna file him as a desired for questioning." Foggy fires up, feeling the coffee in his body more than ever. "Matty, you're driving with me to the court?"
"Uh," Matt suddenly gets lost, "yeah, I can, sure."
"I would drive you there, but I have to be somewhere." You notice the frown on Matt's face. "On my lunchbreak."
"You can leave whenever you need, officially, there's no record of you working here, y/n." Foggy nods at you and disappears in his office. You remain in Matt's seat for a little more, he plops down on one of the armchairs.
"Well, one boss agreed, what about the other one?" You lean back in the chair and it makes a sound. 
"Only if you tell me where you're going." Matt smiles with half lips.
"I don't know where yet, it's a surprise, appearently." You cross your legs and wait for Matt's reaction. 
Eventually, his eyebrows go over the top of his red glasses. "Really? May I know with who?"
"I think that's a little out of your authority." You tease. "He's picking me up."
"A date then?" Matt asks expectantly.
"Eh, wouldn't classify this a date. Catching up would probably be more suitable label." 
Matt feels your eyes burning through his skull. He knows you're looking at the fresh scratches and bruises on his face, which he inherited during his never-ending search of more information about Fisk. "Now I'm even more curious."
"Well, to my knowledge, you already know each other, but enough chit-chatting, Murdock, I don't get paid by the hours." You stand up and leave Matt sitting alone and slightly confused in his office. Who was coming over?
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rosy-crow · 5 months
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How many games that I like are going to have really interesting portraits on the walls of beautiful old mansions or castles that I CAN’T FUCKING GET A DECENT LOOK AT AAAAAA
Anyway thanks to people on Twitter for these shots.
This is such a cool detail. Hojo and Lucrecia back in the day…I guess their couple’s portrait? I just remembered that they were actually married according to the family trees
Really gives off old school Victorian couple vibes like:
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Also apparently Lucrecia looks so much like Sephiroth that some people thought it was him at first ahsvsvs.
Love how you can see the Shinra logo in the back…ughhhh dude I would kill for a prequel game on the people behind the Jenova project. The scientists that started it all.
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thornbushrose · 4 months
Headcanon: College!Matt pranks College!Foggy
We hear about Foggy pranking Matt in college, but you know Matt pranked him back.
So one evening they're heading back to their dorm when Matt suddenly "remembers" he needs to go to the library. He leaves Foggy at a casual pace and Foggy continues home to their room.
Where he finds Matt already there, sprawled on his bed with an earbud in his ear.
"Hey," Foggy says, looking confused. "I thought you were going to the library?"
"I did." Matt holds up the box of the audiobook he checked out this morning when Foggy wasn't around.
"But, how did you get back so fast?"
"I had already ordered it. I was just picking it up."
"But. Still. You would have had to pass me on the sidewalk."
Matt shrugs and waves at his dark glasses. "I kinda rely on you to say something when that happens, buddy."
"But that's just it. I didn't see you."
"You were obviously distracted. Did you run into Marci or Sonia or someone?"
"No. I came straight here."
Matt frowns. "You must have been walking pretty slowly."
"Why?" Foggy glances at his alarm clock, which Matt has set ahead by an hour and a half, and sputters. "What the hell? Nine o'clock???" He turns to the wall clock, which Matt has also altered. "Nine o'clock????"
"I keep telling you, you need to wear a watch," Matt says, putting his earbud back in and rolling over. "You get distracted sometimes."
Foggy stands there for a minute, staring blankly. Finally he says, "Next term, I'm not taking this many classes. It's messing with my brain."
Matt hopes Foggy won't notice his shoulders shaking in laughter.
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zushigirl · 11 months
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Fall (Aka The Repairman WIP)
Continuing @ninzied tag game! It took me a while to find this one in my WIPs…then I decided to finish the story 😆 Enjoy!
“It’s only eighty degrees!” Karen rolls her eyes playfully at Foggy.
“Only eighty degrees!?! Only eighty! Karen -” Foggy holds up a limp piece of paper from the copier. “It’s so hot in here the paper is molting!”
“Alright! Alright! I’ll call the air conditioning guy back.” She spins on her black heels as if she can’t escape the break room fast enough.
Foggy sighs, wiping the sheen of sweat off his brow. He wishes Matt hadn’t stayed on vacation in LA after that swanky legal conference was over. He needs those super senses right now.
Something is going on with Karen and he can’t figure out what it is…
…Or why the air conditioner is such a point of contention.
When the AC went out in mid-June, Karen jumped on the task of getting it repaired.
Combed through Yelp and Google reviews like she was their office manager again - not the firm’s PI. After she’d narrowed it down to her top choice, Karen did what any self-respecting millennial would do: She made an appointment with the AC company online.
Foggy was sure he’d return from LA to a cool and comfy office - not a humid, oppressive Amazon jungle.
It was…weird. Karen’s not the type of person to let things fall by the wayside.
(Though he was impressed with the indoor plants Karen bought to decorate Nelson, Murdock, & Page in his absence. There’s a tall fiddle leaf fig tree in the waiting area, some pathos hanging from the bookshelf, and the vase of white roses on Karen’s desk is a nice touch.)
“Thank you,” he calls out to her closing office door. Silence except the sound of Karen rummaging through her purse for her cell phone. Then…
He can hear her talking to someone, but the tone sounds…odd. How he wishes Matt was here to eavesdrop.
Two days later, Foggy walks into the office at 7am and practically dies of shock. Karen is already there: She’s leaning against the break room counter watering the nearby spider plant. An iced coffee and a single white rose are shielded by her purse – as though she tucked them away in hopes he wouldn’t notice.
He pretends not to; he has more important things to discuss…like the state-of-the-art Dyson Pure Cool fan in the corner.
“Where did that…Why…Why are you here so early?”
“The air conditioning guy came by. He needs a part to fix our unit. Left us the fan in the meantime.”
“But it’s seven in the morning.”
“He had a full schedule.”
She says it so matter-of-factly that Foggy decides to drop his interrogation. He just nods and goes over to the filing cabinet to look up the notes for his upcoming deposition. It isn’t until an hour later – as he’s basking in the blessedly cool breeze of the Dyson – that he realizes how early the repairman must have stopped by.
“Hmmm?” She’s sipping her iced coffee, scanning through a stack of files.
He returns to his case preparation. So what if his friend flirts to get the AC fixed. Who is he to judge.
It isn’t until later that evening – when he pops in the bodega by Marci’s apartment to get some tomatoes for the spaghetti sauce he’s making her – that Foggy begins to suspect the cause of Karen’s absentmindedness.
Whatever Happened to the Punisher?
The New York Bulletin headline glares up at Foggy from beside the register.
Suddenly he remembers that summer day Frank Castle’s face was all over the news for escaping Metro General. He remembers Karen walking into the office half a day late with no shoes on. It’s been…however long it’s been since then doesn’t matter. The day still holds significance for Karen.
Two nights later, he runs three blocks back to the office; he almost forgot his apartment key in his desk drawer. Foggy can feel the humidity sticking to his skin and it makes him irritable. The new silk shirt Marci bought him will need to be cleaned and not even stepping back into the office will provide relief.
When the hell is that air conditioning guy going to…
Foggy stops short as he opens the door to the lobby. The first thing that hits him is the cold feeling of circulating air. The second thing is the sight of tools strewn by the AC unit. The third thing…is the realization that a broad-shouldered man in a black t-shirt and jeans is cradling Karen’s hand to his cheek.
Upon hearing the door open, Karen and the man both jump up from the couch.
“Foggy! I…this…our AC is fixed!” Karen’s face is so red she might as well have been at the beach all day.
He bobs his head, eyes blinking at the air conditioning guy.
“Counselor. Good to see you.” Frank Castle’s deep voice is still as scary as ever, but the slight pink blush of his neck helps Foggy relax some.
“I…you. The papers said you’re dead. But you’re not…You’re…here…with Karen.” And now Foggy wants to die.
Castle gives a small chuckle. “I made a…big career change…couple months back. Buddy of mine who's good with tech stuff help me set up my website…And…yeah. I’m with her as long as she’ll let me be.”
Foggy doesn’t miss the hopeful look the former vigilante shoots Karen.
Karen – composure regained – smiles. “Give me a ten percent discount and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
To his surprise they both laugh. He smiles at Karen – happy to see her happy – as pulls up a chair.
There’s a story behind all this and at least Foggy has a cool, comfy spot to listen as his friend shares.
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the-l-spacer · 2 years
chip zdarsky get better at writing characters challenge
Seriously tho the way his daredevil run likes introducing cool story ideas that have the potential for really fun character dynamics and then just. not pay that off. and just in general pretend characters have Deep and Meaningful relationships when said relationships were completely unexplored in his writing
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chxrrydrxp · 4 months
Arkham Jason is a munchhh, he's all up in the pussy like omnomnom. Bro isn't letting you go until you SQUIRT
you're so right anon like-- mmmmm he's slave to the pussy he will never get enough
I whipped this thing up and lmao it wasn't supposed to be this long but I hope you like it!
word count: 1.1k
tw: occasional spanking, squirting
ℯ𝓎ℯ𝓈 ℴ𝓃 𝓂ℯ
(Jason x fem! reader)
You had been talking to him in the kitchen, discussing dinner plans, and next thing you know he had you pressed up against the counter, with his hands roaming your thighs and your hands under his shirt.
He buried himself in your neck, licking and sucking at the skin as you whined his name helplessly.
You gripped the sides of his arms softly, rubbing your thighs together. You felt him chuckle into your neck, noticing the way you leaned your hips into his. Your hands impatiently fumbled with his belt. You needed him now.
“Not just yet..”
he mumbled into your neck moving your hands away. You groaned at him, desperation flooding your eyes. “Jay- oh!” He quickly interrupted your complaint, gripping your ass firmly and pulling you close against his hardness. You almost melted, feeling him so hard against your abdomen. He lifted you from your thighs, lips still glued to yours as he carried you to your shared bedroom. Your hands tightly pulled at the collar of his shirt as he laid you on the bed, leaning over your body. He kneeled at the bed with his knee spreading your thighs apart.
“Y'look so good like this baby.”
You felt heat rise to your cheeks as you gazed up at his towering body. He really could do whatever he wanted to you. He was huge. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you, reveling in the heat that spurred between you.
“I need you..now,” you pleaded to him, bucking your hips to his obvious bulge. He seemed to have other plans. His lips attacked your neck once again, leaving dark hickeys down your collarbone. His hands reached under your shirt, flicking his thumb over your hardened nipples.
You squirmed at the teasing, impatiently pulling at his shirt. His kisses moved down your collarbone back to your tits and he teasingly nibbled on them. Your hand rested in his hair as he moved further down to your bare stomach. Your heart dropped with your mind weighed down by the implication of the position you were in. His now wet kisses made you feel so hot, quite literally, and your mind relaxed once more.
All this build-up was driving you nuts. His calloused thumbs rubbed over your thighs slowly, while he inched his head further down. He leaned his head closer to your heat, kissing dangerously close to your clothed pussy. A soft whine escaped your lips, as you clawed at the sheets. “Jason what are you-.” You were cut off by the velvet sensation of his hand dipping into your underwear.
“Fuck..God you're so wet…just for me.”
His middle finger rubbed at your soaked clit causing you to twitch, with heavy breaths slipping from you. He leaned back up to kiss you, all while still working on your clit. Your mind went foggy, as you barely managed to kiss him back. He slipped a thick finger while still rubbing your clit with his thumb, then slipped another in. Curling his fingers, he groaned into your ear. He suddenly pulled back from the kiss to gaze into your eyes.
“eyes on me.”
Your legs trembled, as you fought to maintain eye contact. He removed his fingers, bringing them up to show you. You looked away in embarrassment, but he turned your face back to look at them.
“What a mess.”
You so wanted to slap that cocky smile off his stupid face, but your violent thoughts were interrupted as you watched him slowly lick your arousal off his fingers. His strong hands suddenly grabbed you by the waist, flipping you onto your stomach.
“ass up, princess.” You got into the humiliating position as he slid your wet shorts and panties down to your knees. Your legs trembled at the sensation of his warm breath against your cunt. Jason licked a long, warm lick from your hole, then sucked at your clit lewdly. You whimpered into the mattress, clenching the smooth sheets covering your bed.
“Jay-..oh fuck..,”
He continued teasing his tongue around your clit, licking in tight circles that had your pussy clenching around nothing. He pulled away to catch his breath, smacking your ass. “Aw c'mon..don't do that,” he cooed, noticing the way you attempted to muffle your sounds. “But I-,” you attempted to argue.
“You heard me”
His deep voice elicited a foreign sense of danger as if it was a threat. The fear sent waves of restless anticipation throughout your body, which almost had you backing your pussy onto his face again. You shamefully lifted yourself onto your elbows, obliging to his embarrassing command. He grabbed your hips tightly, getting back to work with his tongue. He slurped at your clit, with a mixture of saliva and arousal dripping down his chin, and then onto the bed where faint dampness began to form.
“That's my girl..look at you... drippin' all over my chin like this. Dirty girl.”
Your broken cries filled his ears, giving him a twisted motivation to hear you get to your breaking point. He slipped two fingers back in with ease, thrusting them quicker than before. You could hear the way your pussy clenched around his fingers, nasty sounds filling the room. You thought your voice would've given out by now from the way you helplessly gasped his name. “Fuck, ” You felt a familiar coil in your abdomen, signaling your end, and causing your whole body to shudder.
“Jay m’gonna cum..!”
He groaned into your cunt, not letting up with his fingers and tongue. Your thighs instinctively began to shut, but Jason quickly spread them back open, continuing to torture you through your orgasm. Your body convulsed uncontrollably, with rough moans escaping your swollen lip.
“Jay! That's enough I can't- fuck..!”
He smacked your ass once again, pulling back to take a breath. “You can take it ma,” he whispered, rubbing the slit with his thumb.
“I know you can.”
He spread you open, watching the slick drip down your hole, then he caught it with his tongue, resuming his sucking and licking as you whined his name continuously. Your whole body felt like it was on the verge of collapsing from all the overstimulation. You groaned into the mattress once more, as a result of the overwhelming sensitivity of your now puffed-up pussy. Jason held you tightly in place as the coil in you began to release again.
A voiceless cry left you, as your legs gave out and you collapsed onto the bed, thighs trembling. You fought to catch your breath while riding out your second orgasm. Now flat on the bed, Jason still didn't let up. His hands gripped your ass tightly as he buried his face into your cunt, pulling the orgasm from you viciously. You felt an odd release, feeling better than usual. He moaned onto your cunt, then pulled away admiring his work.
“Well this is new,” he muttered with a look of pure satisfaction with your wetness dripping down the lower half of his face. This was gonna be a long night.
wow that was a lot. hope yall enjoyed 🫶🏾
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animusrox · 5 months
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The Iron Claw
Killers of the Flower Moon
MY LETTERBOXD Grade A 11.    The Killer 12.    Beau Is Afraid 13.    Dream Scenario 14.    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 15.    Godzilla Minus One 16.    American Fiction 17.    They Cloned Tyrone 18.     Evil Dead Rise 19.    Eileen 20.    The Artifice Girl 21.   Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem 22.    Talk to Me 23.    Reality 24.    Leave the World Behind 25.    A Thousand and One 26.    Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One 27.    Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret. 28.    Theater Camp 29.   Carmen 30.    Merry Little Batman 31.    Priscilla 32.    Society of the Snow 33.    Infinity Pool 34.    Enys Men 35.    Sanctuary 36.    Rye Lane 37.    Skinamarink 38.    Monster 39.    Anatomy of a Fall 40.    Landscape with Invisible Hand 41.    Reptile 42.    Sisu 43.    Pinball: The Man Who Saved the Game 44.    No One Will Save You 45.    Tetris 46.    May December 47.    The Zone of Interest 48.    V/H/S/85 49.    Dumb Money 50.    El Conde 51.    Arnold 52.    Maestro 53.    Napoleon 54.    20 Days in Mariupol 55.    Influencer 56.    The Creator 57.    Origin 58.    Thanksgiving 59.    Next Goal Wins 60.    The Boy and the Heron 61.    Bottoms 62.    Wonka
[Press Keep Reading For The Full Graded List]
Grade B
63.   God Is a Bullet 64.    No Hard Feelings 65.    Joy Ride 66.    Fair Play 67.     Cocaine Bear 68.    NYAD 69.    Asteroid City 70.    Nowhere 71.    The Angry Black Girl and Her Monster 72.    Divinity 73.    The Equalizer 3 74.    The Last Voyage of the Demeter 75.    Venus 76.    Butcher’s Crossing 77.    Somewhere in Queens 78.    The Persian Version 79.    Boston Strangler 80.    Polite Society 81.    Miguel Wants to Fight 82.    The Color Purple 83.    The Royal Hotel 84.    Saw X 85.    All of Us Strangers 86.    Fallen Leaves 87.    Ferrari 88.    Elemental 89.    Peter Pan & Wendy 90.    Renfield 91.    Cat Person 92.    Scream VI 93.    The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes 94.    BS High 95.    Blue Beetle 96.    Huesera: The Bone Woman 97.    When Evil Lurks 98.    Dark Harvest 99.    A Good Person 100.    Final Cut 101.    Knock at the Cabin 102.    Quiz Lady 103.    Leo 104.    Air 105.    The Super Mario Bros. Movie 106.    Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham 107.    John Wick: Chapter 4 108.    Beaten to Death 109.    The Wrath of Becky 110.    Passages 111.    Transformers: Rise of the Beasts 112.    Gran Turismo 113.    65 114.    Sick 115.    Sister Death 116.    The Blackening 117.    Please Don’t Destroy: The Treasure of Foggy Mountain 118.    Flamin’ Hot 119.    Nimona 120.    Cobweb 121.    Totally Killer 122.    What’s Love Got to Do with It? 123.     Sharper 124.    Unseen 125.    Dunki 126.    Bird Box Barcelona 127.    The Marvels 128.    Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Grade C
129.   Wildflower 130.    Freelance 131.    M3GAN 132.    Strays 133.    Sympathy for the Devil 134.    Creed III 135.    Chevalier 136.    The Marsh King’s Daughter 137.    A Haunting in Venice 138.    The Little Mermaid 139.    Silent Night 140.    Master Gardener 141.    The Flash 142.    Fast X 143.    The Pope’s Exorcist 144.    Saltburn 145.    Kandahar 146.    Stand 147.    Plane 148.   Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny 149.    Fingernails 150.    Quicksand 151.    Fool’s Paradise 152.    Migration 153.    Rustin 154.    The Covenant 155.    Good Burger 2 156.    The Pod Generation 157.    Alice, Darling 158.    Insidious: The Red Door 159.    Missing 160.    Shotgun Wedding 161.    You Hurt My Feelings 162.    The Boogeyman 163.    Showing Up 164.    Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom 165.    Champions 166.    Consecration 167.    The Nun II 168.    Biosphere 169.    House Party 170.    The Exorcist: Believer 171.    Big George Foreman 172.    Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves 173.    Children of the Corn 174.    The Beanie Bubble 175.    Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Grade F
176.    Anyone But You 177.    Marlowe 178.    Paint 179.    Extraction 2 180.    It Lives Inside 181.    Deliver Us 182.    Trolls Band Together 183.    Finestkind 184.    Corner Office 185.    Wish 186.    Prisoner’s Daughter 187.    Pain Hustlers 188.    Foe 189.    The Mother 190.    Old Dads 191.    Ghosted 192.    Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken 193.    Haunted Mansion 194.    Mafia Mamma 195.    Five Nights at Freddy’s 196.    The Machine 197.    Justice League: Warworld 198.    We Have a Ghost 199.    What Comes Around 200.    Legion of Super-Heroes 201.    The Boys in the Boat 202.    Attachment 203.    Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre 204.    About My Father 205.    You People 206.    Meg 2: The Trench 207.    Pathaan 208.    Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire 209.    Assassin 210.    Dalíland 211.    Vacation Friends 2
Bottom 10
212.    Sound of Freedom 213.    Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey 214.    When You Finish Saving The World 215.    Heart of Stone 216.    Family Switch 217.    Expend4bles 218.    Sweetwater 219.    Hypnotic 220.    80 for Brady 221.    Spinning Gold
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bubbless-s · 1 month
⋅˚₊‧ ଳ⋆.Rain drops ₊˚.༄
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Request: “Could you do slytherin boys + Pansy first time showering together?”
- ʚɞ genre: fluff+comedy
- ʚɞ warnings: a little suggestive
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Tom Riddle
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• Would put the water super cold but changes it when he sees that you’re freezing.
• Pins you on the glass door.
• Became slightly clingy after the shower?
• “Come here my darling.”
• Surprise surprises he let you wash his hair.
• Suddenly got urges to play with your ass.
• Lost his cool and asked why did it jiggle this much.
Mattheo Riddle
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• Opposite of Tom he puts the water so hot that you almost fry.
• Uses all your expensive creams and products on his balls..
• Actually helps you with washing your body.
• Of course its an opportunity to touch you. Why wouldn’t he take it.
• Gets cocky and kisses your body while washing it
• Hands on your ass squeezing it as if its a stress toy.
• Without giving you love bites Mattheo isn’t Mattheo.
Theodore Nott
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• Starts talking in Italian. Bro got so amazed he switched to italian dub.
• Can’t stop smirking it kinda looks stupid like a kid who just got their Christmas gift earlier.
• Singing contest with you and the shampoo bottles.
• Probably practiced his singing infront of the mirror to impress you or sum
• Kisses all over your collar bone.
• Would also help you with your hair like shampooing it and giving it a little massage.
• After the shower Theo would help you dry your hair.
Draco Malfoy
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• WOULDNT let you touch his precious hair.
• Loud white girl 2016 music. (Also sings in your ear.)
• “Babe how do you not know the lyrics to señorita?”
• Hugs you from behind and lifts you up randomly.
• “Angel is the water fine for you?”
• Wants to kiss you under the shower to make if all romantic but as he was about to kiss you he um..slips.
• As a result you and Draco after the shower have a make out session. I don’t make the rules Draco does.
Lorenzo Berskshire
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• Would be super duper careful and slightly shy since its the first time showering together with you.
• Kisses your whole face.
• Puts on music to ease the tension.
• After calmness comes,he scoops you up while singing some random songs he put.
• Would draw dicks the foggy glass door 😭
• Got confused why you have this much products and accidentally put shower gel on your hair thinking it was shampoo.
• “Love look Im literally Elsa.”
Blaise Zabini
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• Touches your hips and waist.
• Tons of small kisses while his hands rest on your hips for some unknown reason.
• Jokingly put the water on cold pretending something was wrong with the shower instead.
• Asks you stupid questions if you get shy.
• “Darling do you think fishes don’t know what wetness is because they always live under water?”
• Tried to snuggle up with you. (mission= unsuccessful)
Pansy Parkinson
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• Is so excited to have her first shower with you.
• Would treat you like a royalty. Like she made up a new skincare routine for you in the shower.
• Queen Pansy would leave the water to your liking even tho she might not like it.
• Bought a bunch of new products to try out with you.
• “This shower gel feels nice on the skin but it doesn’t smell that good. What do you think sunshine? Do you like it?”
• If you DO like a product she will buy lots of it for you.
• Overall the showering experience with Pansy is 10/10.
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vminizzle · 10 months
Sweet lips
pairing : fuckboy!jungkook x shy nerd!f.reader
genre : SMUT, FLUFF, angst
warnings : CRINGE ASF, soft dom!jk, sub!reader, shy!reader, tattooed!jk, biker!jk, flirting, possessiveness, jealousy, pet names, teasing, making out, biting, marking, praising, corruption kink, masturbation, fingering, cybersex, sexting, penetration, unprotected sex, creampie, riding (first time), missionary, college party party yea, mention of consuming alcohol, mention of smoking, tipsy!jk, mention of throwing up, mention of period cramps
words count : 13k
A/N : Hi lovely people, I hope you've been doing good. Well, I'm finally posting. I took so much time but I had to do my best to make this as good as possible. I tried my best with that, I wish It will be good. I really wanted to add more but I wanted to post asap,, I couldn't wait anymore so yup. You ain't ready :) Enjoy. REMINDER : poor English,, I wanna apologise in advance like you guys already know English is not my first language so please don't mind the mistake. Love you guys <;3 - sunny
you can part 1 HERE
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You sighed loudly as you sat on the passenger seat making Jimin looked over at you.
“What is it?” he asked making you shake your head.
“I repeat my question. What is it?”
“Nothing.” you said looking outside.
“It’s that Jungkook dude, right?” you gulped denying again.
“Oh c’mon, after seeing him you were literally lost. You weren’t focused on the movie. Usually when I’m ogling over my favorite actor you would glare at me with a disgusted face and make fun of me, but tonight, you just nodded silently and kept on sighing. What happened? Did he say something that ruined your mood? Tell me.”
Jimin said putting his hand on yours gently.
“No no no, not at all. He didn’t do anything.”
“You were with him earlier, before I came to pick you up, weren’t you?” he stared at you, already knowing the answer.
“hm, no?” you pursed your lips, still looking outside.
“Oh c’mon bro! You really thought I wouldn’t notice that big ass hickey on your neck? That man literally devoured your throat.”
“Jimin!” you gasped, finally facing him making the man huffed.
“I already told you to stay away from him.” you looked down to your lap defeated.
You were about to speak when you noticed a group of friends exiting the cinema, they were saying their goodbyes as they parted away.
You easily spotted him-
“bruh, isn’t that mister muscle?”
You heard Jimin said making you gulp.
“wait for me.” he said calmly as he open his car door.
“Jimin! Stop it!” you pulled on his wrist, pulling him back inside, the door closing in the process.
“Don’t, please.” you pleaded making him scoff.
“I was just about to tell him to stay away from my best friend.”
“I told you already... I know what I’m doing.. I will just... well-” looking back toward Jungkook, you furrowed your eyebrows as you noticed the girl from earlier.
“who’s that?” Jimin whispered.
“I don’t know.” you whispered back.
“why are we whispering?”
“I don’t know, I mean since we spying on him.” he joked.
“ha. ha. ha.” you rolled your eyes.
Jungkook was leaning back on his bike, the girl standing just before him. They were too close for your liking.
Your heart picked up the pace as she approached him, her hand raised on his shoulder. You stopped breathing when she tilted her head to the side, her lips getting way too close to his face.
You panicked as you suddenly press on the honk.
Jimin bent down abruptly to hide himself, you doing the same.
“and now why the fuck did you do that?” he whisper-yelled.
“sorry, I just, just panicked.”
“girl..” Jimin started before shaking his head slightly.
You peeked up slowly, staying careful to stay discreet as you heard the whirring of the bike.
“what is it?” Jimin asked curiously.
“they left... together.”
You just watched as he drove away, her arms wrapped around his body as she sat on the back.
You finished drying your body, putting your underwear as you stared at yourself in the foggy mirror of your bathroom.
“What an idiot?” you groaned frustrated, being mad at yourself.
“I hate him!” you exited your bathroom, stomping to your wardrobe.
“hate who?” you heard a deep voice startling you as you turn around only to notice Jungkook sitting on your bed, back leaned against the bed head.
“you look good.” he smirked.
The words making you tripped over your feet, landing on your ass.
“Jungkook?! What are you doing here?”
“your windows were opened, I took it as an invitation for me to come here.” he explained nonchalantly, pushing his black hair back, revealing his eyebrows piercing.
“I know you did it on purpose.” he licked his lips before you gave him a -what do you mean- look.
“you missed me, huh?” his eyes wandering over your half naked body as you finally stood up.
“no... I mean yes? Well, you.. you ... what are you doing here Jungkook?” you looked toward the open windows, putting your arms in front of your chest to cover you a bit.
“you forgot your glasses at home.” he pointed to the glasses he left on the bedside table.
“oh! You could have give it back to me next week. It wasn’t that important for you come here this late.” you smiled at him, feeling soft at the gesture.
“but thank you, I appreciate it.”
“wanted to see you before sleeping.” he added shrugging making your heart skipped a beat.
You stood there silent, not knowing what to do or what to say.
“come here.” he patted his thigh making you gulp.
“let me just grab my pajamas first-”
“no need, c’mere.” he extended his hand for you.
“If you’re cold, I’ll warm you up.”he said with a stupid smirk plastered on his face.
You walked to him slowly, his eyes not leaving you as you approach the bed.
Taking your hand in his gently, he made you sit on his lap facing him.
“how was your movie?” he started, laying his cold hand on your thigh, goosebumps raising all over your skin.
You hated the way your body reacted to his touches, reacted to him.
Wait, did you really hate it?
“The movie was...”
Oh, you didn’t even watched it, you weren’t focused at all.
How was you supposed to reply to his question when you spent the whole time thinking about him.
“well, it was good.” you cleared your voice making him nod.
You stared at him, wondering if he meant what he said earlier – he wanted to see me? You furrowed your eyebrows confused.
“You’re not gonna ask me how was mine?” he raised an eyebrow making your thoughts came to a stop.
“ah yea yea... how was your movie?” you let a breathy laugh passed by your lips.
“good! I liked it. My friends were scared. It was funny. One of them almost jumped on me and had to hold my arm the whole movie.” he laughed making you smile.
You loved his laugh, he was just so cute. The way he scrunches his nose when laughing made your heart melt.
But- who was he referencing to? Was it the girl you saw him with at the cinema.
“we should definitely go watch a horror movie together. I want to see you scared and hold my hand.” he grinned making you roll your eyes.
“by the way, you looked good with my jacket tonight.” he said, one of his hand caressing your side.
You looked down, playing with your fingers nervously.
“thank you.” you whispered timidly.
“I should let you borrow my clothes more often.”
Gosh, why is he like that? You screamed internally, his words making you want to jump around happily.
Jungkook sat up, his face now closer as he did so. 
“Look at me.” he demanded.
“C’mon, what is it?”
“huh? Nothing?”
“you seem off.”
“no no I’m fine.”
“yes.” you smiled at making him hum.
“cool then.”
“are you tired?” he asked biting on his bottom lip.
“not really?” you replied hesitantly.
Jungkook’s lips were ghosting over yours, his hands sliding down your hips.
“your lips smell like.. cherry? You used it again, the same lip balm?” he asked whispering, his minty breath hitting your face.
You were about to reply when he connected his lips with yours, surprising you.
He sucked on your bottom lip making you moan into the kiss.
Parting away, he pursed his lips “taste good.” he grinned as you look away from him.
“you should use that lip balm everyday.” his thumb sliding over your lips as he speak.
“I like it.” he murmured.
“a lot.”
You were feeling hot, even if you could feel the light breeze from the windows caressing your skin, his presence was enough to make you feel weak and ready to suffocate.
You just wanted to kiss him, feel him again.
“you know, I find you so quiet tonight. If you don’t say anything, I’ll try to find a way to make you talk.” his fingers ghosted over your panties waistband.
“still silent? I’ll start thinking you don’t want me to be here.” he started kissing on your neck.
“no, no it’s not that.. I mean, I don’t know what to say y’know.” you closed your eyes, enjoying the softness of his lips against your warm skin, kissing the hickeys he painted earlier.
You shivered when he bite on the sensitive skin.
“Jungkook.” you whimpered, his hand traveling down between your legs.
“tell me princess, did you miss me?” he licked the abused skin, your hands sliding up his broad shoulders.
Jungkook laid you on your back, hovering above your body.
“did you think about me?” he pressed two of his fingers on your lightly covered core earning a moan from you.
“If you’re not replying I will have to stop. Is that what you want, angel-”
“no no please.” you whined as he rubbed on your clit painfully slowly.
Your bottom lip was caught between your teeth as Jungkook bite on your collarbones.
“so? Did you miss me?”
You nodded, your hands flying to his hair as you pulled on them when he started moving faster.
“Jungkook I-”
“Tell me.”
“I missed you, I missed you!” one of your hand gripping on the soft sheet under you.
“are you close baby?” he asked against your skin.
“y-yes, Jungkook.”
“do you want to cum?” you nodded throwing your head back as he went faster.
“Come, come for me baby.”
He captured your lips in a sloppy kiss as you came in your panties, hips bucking against his palm.
You breathed heavily, closing your eyes as you felt a small droplet of sweat sliding down your temple.
“I hope you will sleep well tonight.” he pinched your cheek making you open your eyes again.
After helping you get dressed with your pajamas, Jungkook stretched his arms a loud yawn escaping his mouth.
“well, I think I gotta go now.” you watched as he walk to the windows.
“shut the windows after me.”
“well, just shut your windows when you’re alone, at night or whatever. You don’t want to get robbed or kidnapped? Aren’t you afraid one day I come kidnap you when you’re sleeping?” he joked, a smirk decorating his pretty pink lips.
He turned around one last time tilting his head to the side making you raised your eyebrows curiously.
“I stole these while you were showering.”
He grabbed something from his back pocket making you open your mouth speechless as he showed you-
“my panties?! But why-”
“For me. Personal use.” he said burying it back into his pocket.
“Well, good night, i’ll get going. Don’t think too much about me, or I won’t be able to sleep tonight*” he said before disappearing.
(*well, here, people saying that sometimes when you can’t sleep it’s because someone is thinking about you.)
“you could have just exited by the front door...” you trailed out quietly.
You let your body fell back on your mattress, sighing loudly.
“what do you want from me, Jeon Jeongguk.” you whispered defeated.
[ monday – lunch time ]
“ah I love eating lunch with you.” you smiled as you sat next to Jimin at the wooden table outside the college.
“me too.” he smiled cutely.
“I’m glad your boyfriend is not the jealous type and don’t keep you away from me.” you joked before biting on your sandwich.
“I have the best boyfriend, that’s simple.” he pushed his hair back.
Jimin was gossiping and telling you about that girl he has a beef with in his science class when he suddenly stop making you confused.
“are you okay? What is it?” you put your drink down on the table, waving your hand in front of his face.
“isn’t that the girl we saw at the cinema Friday night?” he pointed behind you making you turn around curiously.
“ah... yea that’s her.” you started at the tall girl, the wind pushing her long brown hair behind, revealing more of her face, her dress showing off her long legs..
“she is so pretty.” you muttered..
“not prettier than you girl.” Jimin said before snatching your drink between your hand to sip a big gulp of it.
“argh stop lying.” you huffed throwing your head back as you felt a slap on your shoulder.
“I’m not lying bro.” he shrugged making you pout.
“thanks chim.”
“y’welcome.” he grinned.
“hm.. but quick question, what is she doing here?” your best friend spoke again.
“I’ve never seen her around.” he added making you think about it.
“yea you right... do you perhaps think she is a new student?” you suggested - not wanting it to be true.
“I don’t think so.” Jimin pursed his plump lips unsure.
“I mean, where’s her bag?” he kept munching on his sandwich.
“maybe she left it somewhere with some friends?”
“yea maybe.”
Sitting in the empty amphitheater, you jumped when someone snatched your phone away from your hands.
“hey!” Jungkook laughed.
“I finally found you.” he pinched your cheek making you sigh in relief.
“did I scared you?” he grinned making you shake your head.
“No, not at all. I was ready to kick you in the face.” you said turning to the side to face him.
“oh I see.” he sat on the table looking down at you.
“you were reading to pick up a fight with a boxer.” he teased making you gulp.
“yea, everything for my precious phone.” you replied confidently making him laugh.
“well, speaking of it. I noticed you were really focused on that screen.” he pointed out.
“what were you doing?” he asked curiously.
“nothing.. I was just... just reading.” you said too nervously for your liking.
“reading what?” he asked again, as he looked at the foreign application on your phone.
“an article!” you grabbed your phone back panicked between the hands of the man.
It was silent for a short moment before Jungkook started talking again.
“what are you doing here?” he tilted his head to the side.
“what do you mean? We have a course here.” you rested your head on your arm as you laid it on the table.
“oh darling.” Jungkook chuckled as he caressed your hair.
“I see no one told you.”
“told me what?” you furrowed your eyebrows looking up at him unsure.
“Mr Kang is not here today. He postponed his course for next week since he is sick.” he explained.
“so you’re telling me I’ve been sitting here for about an hour waiting for his course and no one told me he wasn’t here today?”
“Basically, I just did.” he pursed his lips ready to laugh but try not to as you sighed. 
“Didn’t you wonder why no one was here?”
“no, since I usually come before everyone so I can rest a bit in silence before the course start.” you huffed irritated, letting your head fall back onto the table. 
Jungkook just stared at you silently, hands still on your hair, mindlessly playing with them. 
“you hungry?” 
You lifted your head up to look at the man getting off the table.
“a bit.” 
“what do you wanna eat?”
You were about to reply when he continued talking.
“If it’s me that you wanna eat, sorry to disappoint but we will have to eat a real meal first since I’m starving cause I didn’t eat lunch earlier” he sighed, pushing his hair behind his ear.
“But you can have me for your dessert darling.” he smirked putting his hands in his pockets.
You covered your flustered face with your hands not knowing what to say at his burst. 
“argh you’re stupid.” you laughed standing up from your seat, grabbing your bag from the floor.
“stupid?” he raised his eyebrows laughing too.
“yea.” you pushed him on his shoulder playfully, passing by him before he suddenly grab on your wrist pulling you to his strong body.
You gasped when you collide against his chest, looking up at him, his eyes staring deeply into yours.
“say it again.” he bent down, face closer to yours.
You gulped, heart picking up the pace as he place his other hand on your waist. 
You shook your head slowly before letting a breathy laugh pass by your lips.
“I was joking.” you waved your hand in front of you, making him grinned knowing you were feeling awkward now.
“Well whatever. Let’s just go eat something.” you grabbed on his hand pulling him with you as you walk before him, the unusual gesture surprising him.
Oh, little did he know that you were surprised too. The simple action was considered bold for you.
“gosh I’m full.” Jungkook stretched his body, leaning back on his chair, throwing his head back. 
You were reading the book you’ve borrowed from the library last week, the attractive man sitting at the opposite seat of you was long forgotten as you focus on the ending of the book.
Jungkook stared at you, trying to get your attention as he tap his fingers on the table.
The café was pretty empty today. You were sat at the table at the back, a group of students were sat chatting and working at some tables away.
“you’re cute when you’re reading.” he stole the book between your hands surprising you.
“what?” you asked confused, glasses resting at the bridge of your nose making him smile as he shake his head slightly.
“nothing.” he pushed the glasses back up, your eyes widening a little when his thumb swipe over your cheek softly.
“there was a little something on your cheek.” 
“oh.. thanks.” you felt your cheeks heat up at the gesture.
“you’ve been reading that shit for awhile now, let’s go eat something sweet.” he suggested, closing the book as he sat more comfortably on the chair.
“what do you wanna eat?” 
“you.” he smirked, before biting on his pierced-lip.
You looked around you panicked as he say it loud enough for the whole area to hear.
“Why are you talking so loud?” you whisper-yelled embarrassed earning a cute laugh from the man.
“C’mon let’s go eat some ice cream. I know you like that.” he stood up, putting his cap back on his head.
“weren’t you full?” you arched an eyebrow teasingly as you pack up your things.
“Oh so you heard me? And you didn’t even react?” he gasped in a playful way acting offended.
“so?” you stood up facing him.
“are we gonna eat that ice cream?” you smiled cutely making him nod.
Walking next to you, Jungkook was about to pinch your cheek when his phone suddenly ring making him huff annoyed, his sweet little time with you being ruined by whatever idiot that disturbed him.
“Sorry.” he apologized looking at the screen checking the id.
“I have to take that call.”
You just nodded acknowledging his words as he picked up the phone. He furrowed his eyebrows listening to the other line, nodding silently as he stopped in his track. You stayed in place, observing him, his facial expression changed. He didn’t look nor excited nor annoyed.
“fine, see you.” you heard him speak.
“hey!” he approached you, putting his hands on your shoulders.
“mmh, so I can’t huh, for the ice cream right now. I have to go. I promise next time, I will make it up, and we will grab ice cream together.” he said calmly hands sliding down to his sides again.
“oh… it’s ok, don’t worry.” you forced a smile feeling a bit disappointed about the sudden canceling.
“I will give you some money so you can buy one.” he started searching in his jacket’s pocket but you grab on his arm stopping him.
“no no no worries! I…changed my mind! I don’t wanna eat ice cream anymore.. I was hesitating because it was getting cold and I don’t.. well yea.” you gulped, feeling weird for lying like that, you knew you were a bad liar so you really hoped that he would believe.
“are you sure?” 
“yea yea no worries.” you nodded immediately, your slightly shaky hands playing with the strings of your hoodie. 
“cool then, see ya’!” he patted your head with a smile, before rushing away.
You watched as he exited the park, your heart beating slowly as you felt sad? It was weird… you hated that feeling - you hated feeling that way for such a thing…and especially - because of him.
“y/n?!” you heard someone call loudly from behind making you turn around.
“Jimin? what are you doing here?” you smiled.
“I can ask you the same, girl.” he put his hand on his hips.
“are you alone?” he asked looking around, searching for someone he probably know that could hang out with you.
“I can ask you the same, bro.” you imitated your best friend, putting your hands on your hips aswell.
“I was with my boyfriend. Since I was near the park I wanted to come buy ice cream. I’m hungry.” he crossed his arms over his chest sassily.
“Yea why?”
“I came to buy ice cream too!” you said smiling a bit.
“let’s eat together then.”
[ later ,, monday evening ]
“fuck it!” you yelled out loud annoyed.
You threw your body on your bed, a large pillow placed under your lower stomach as you try to find the best position to get comfortable because of the cramps.
“are you ok?” your best friend entered your bedroom with a glass of cold water.
You grabbed on your sheet tightly the pain getting unbearable as you shake your head tears in your eyes.
“I hate being on my period.” you whined rolling on your back, closing your eyes.
“yea I see that. Here take that.” Jimin handed you the fresh liquid as you sit up.
 “that was sudden.” he sighed.
“what do you mean?”
“your period. Like we were having a good time and then you got nauseous out of nowhere.”
“oh man, if only we could get a “notification” before having this shit.” 
“I think feeling nauseous was the notification.” he shrugged before dropping on your desk chair.
“yea but days earlier would have been better.” you huffed before gulping the water.
“I feel like throwing up.. right now.” you put the glass on the floor trying to get off the bed, head spinning,
“now?” Jimin jumped out the chair abruptly.
“right now.” you nodded putting your hand over your mouth.
You ran to your bathroom dropping in front of the toilet as Jimin turn on the light for you, staring with a disgusted face waiting for you to get everything out.
“Is everything alright?” he asked approaching you a little hesitantly.
Don’t get him wrong. It’s not that he didn’t want to help you but he didn’t really handle seeing someone throw up or he will throw up too. He is a really sensitive boy.
“I can’t throw up… I mean I can’t get it out.” you whined irritated.
“Should I do something to help? You want me to.. hm tap on your back? or… argh I don’t know.” he furrowed his eyebrows feeling lost.
“no no it’s ok.” you sighed, getting up slowly feeling dizzy.
“Let me help you to bed, you need to rest.”
Jimin covered you with the soft blanket, pushing your hair back from your sweaty forehead.
“be right back.” he went downstairs to search for painkillers and a bottle of water to leave on your bed side table.
Coming back to you, your best friend realized that you were already sleeping, curling into the blanket, discomfort painted all over your face even in your sleep.
“good night love.” Jimin whispered before leaving a soft peck on your temple.
[ Tuesday  ] 
You weren’t feeling too good to go to your classes today. You didn’t like missing courses but you couldn’t risk fainting or throwing up in front of everyone.
Early in the morning you noticed a little note Jimin left for you, explaining that he had to go home last night and couldn’t stay. You also noticed the painkillers and water he put on your desk making you smile a little. 
After your bath, you decided to stay in bed all day to rest.
You woke up time to time to go to the bathroom, feeling uncomfortable - always having that feeling of being stained by blood or whatever. 
It was around 3 when you decided to take a very little nap. (lie.)
You sighed pleasantly, the warm sensation on your neck making you hummed. You started feeling hot, chest raising up and down as warm air caress your cheek. 
You imagined Jungkook close to you, hands caressing your hair, making you furrowed your eyebrows not wanting to open your eyes - you didn’t want to wake up from -what you defined as a- dream.
“J-Jungkook.” you moaned softly.
“I’m glad I’m the one you’re thinking about when sleeping.” you heard a deep voice making you open your eyes only to see Jungkook sat on your bed next to you.
“what are you doing here?” you sat up abruptly, a grimace making its way on your face.
The man narrowed his eyes at you before pointing to the open windows.
“I told you to close your windows.”
“sorry, I was feeling hot earlier… so yea, I opened them.” you explained.
You pushed your hair back, rubbing your eyes a yawn escaping your mouth.
“you look dead. Did you sleep all day?” he asked as he made himself confortable on your bed, laying down on his back. 
“I tried reaching you, when I couldn’t find you in the campus and noticed your friend alone.” he continued.
“oh sorry I didn’t check my phone.” you apologized as you grabbed your phone.
“6?!” you gasped when you saw the time.
“yup m’aam it’s 6 and you spent your day in bed doing nothing while I was busy studying.” he acted tired making you scoff.
[ 9 new messages ]
[ 5 missed calls ] 
                   || 🐥 dramaboy  || 
[ 10:18 am ] dramaboy : hello, are you awake?
[ 10:56 am ] dramaboy : well, I guess you’re resting. Take care bub. 
[ 12:07 pm ] dramaboy : bro eat something when you wake up. You still sleeping?
[ 2:05 pm] dramaboy : damn girl, you better be awake now. Stay hydrated!! I’ll call you later I have a course in a few minutes xoxo
                   || 🐰 jungkook  ||
[ 1:07 pm ] jungkook : hi, you good? you’re not coming today? 
[ 4:37 pm ] jungkook : you’re ignoring me?
jungkook  (4) missed calls
[ 5:38 pm ]jungkook : y/n, are you ok?
jungkook  (1) missed calls
[ 5:43 pm ]jungkook : I’m kinda worried you’re not answering. You’re at your house? 
[ 5:43 pm ]jungkook : i’m coming.
“oh… wow, I’m sorry for not answering. I was so exhausted today I wanted to rest-“
“wait!” he sat up again.
“are you on your girl bloody days?”
“oh, that’s why!” he exclaimed.
“are you feeling better now?”
“did you drink some water today? If you need anything just let me know.” he spoke making you feel so confused and soft inside. And also weird because-
“I’m feeling dizzy.” you blurted out.
“Huh? Is it because of what I said? I know I’m a nice guy you k-“
“no no I meant it ! I don’t feel good!” you threw the blanket aside, falling off the bed on the carpeted floor when you tried to get off.
“oh shit!” Jungkook rushed to you helping you getting up.
“you alright? Let me help you.” he slid his arm behind your back to hold you close, walking to your bathroom.
You dropped on your knees in front of the toilet, finally releasing everything you wanted to let out since last night.
Jungkook kneeled behind you, holding your hair for you as you started crying.
“It’s ok angel.” he rubbed your back gently, looking down.
After a few minutes, you flushed the toilet before washing your face.
“please don’t look at me, I’m horrible.” you sniffed looking down when Jungkook approached you.
You heard him clicked his tongue “what the fuck you saying now?”
You felt him stand behind you, his hand rubbing your arm reassuring you.
“y’know what, just take a warm shower. You’ll relax and I’ll just go find something for you to eat since I’m sure you didn’t today.” he stared at you in the mirror as you keep looking down. 
“You have to eat something. I don’t want you to faint or whatever. Call me if you don’t feel good and I’ll come right away, ‘kay?” 
You nodded silently before feeling his lips on your skin. Leaving a gentle kiss on your shoulder, you watch as he exited the bathroom closing the door behind him.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, your mind going crazy.
why are you like that Jungkook? Why are you doing this? What do you want from me? 
Going downstairs you met Jungkook in the kitchen, this one filling a glass with lemon water. 
Sitting at the kitchen counter, you rest your head on your arm laying on the table. 
“hey, you here? how you feeling?”
“much better.” you replied making him hummed.
“well, I did a little research and found out that noodles are anti- nausea, did you know?” he looked up at you with big eyes the information fascinating him a bit too much. 
You chuckled shaking your head.
“Well, so I made noodles. Let’s eat now.”
Jungkook admired you from your desk chair as you speak with Jimin on FaceTime.
🐥 : bro I’m so sorry for not coming. I’m such a bad best f-
“Oh c’mon shut up.” you laughed making Jimin laugh too.
🐥 : I’ll come visit you tomorrow, I promise.
“fine! I’ll wait for you then.”
🐥 : I’ll bring ice cream. 
“you’re good at apologizing.” you joked.
As you were saying your goodbyes to your bestfriend, Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed.
“hey.” you started.
“I wanted to thank you for everything. I’m so sorry for worrying you. And I’m sorry for disturbing you too. I mean you stayed here with me and it’s so late already.” you sat on your knees facing him. 
“don’t apologize. I decided to do it.” he smiled playing with the silver ring adorning his middle finger.
“well, I’ll let you rest then. Like you said, it’s late. I don’t want to disturb-“
“oh you’re never disturbing!” you blurted out without thinking twice.
“I mean, I.. well, good night!” you cleared your voice - you just wanted to throw your body on the floor. 
Why are you always so embarrassing y/n? you yelled internally.
“Good night darling.” he got off the bed ready to leave but you grab on his wrist.
You just wanted to kiss him before he leave.
You just wanted to hug him before he leave.
You just wanted to feel him before he leave.
You just wanted to tell him that you felt touched for everything he did for you tonight.
You wanted to let him know that you always feel happy when you’re with him. 
Jungkook looked down at you, raising an eyebrow as you open your mouth, no words coming out.
y/n, what the fuck! do something! 
You were about to panicked, why the fuck did I do that?! you whined internally.
“what is it?” 
“I want to… to hm well, I wanted to know… ah! No no I wanted to give your jacket back.” You let go of his wrist abruptly. 
“Ah, well it’s ok I’ll get it another day.” he smiled as you nod.
He was about to walk out the room when he stop turning around.
“for tomorrow, let’s just cancel.”
“what?” you tilted your head to the side.
“tutoring, we will do it another time, just rest. See ya’” he waved before leaving.
“See you…” you trailed out.
[ Wednesday ]
Today, you luckily didn’t have any courses. Your cramps were still bothering you but less than yesterday.
Early in the afternoon, Jimin visited you without forgetting ice cream like he promised.
Jimin was such a great friend, you considered him like a brother. The big brother everyone dream to have. He was always there for you, supporting you with whatever you’re doing. He reprimanded you when needed to. You didn’t seem like it but you’re really silly sometimes. Jimin meant so much for you, and the same goes for him, you meant a lot to him.
You laid on your couch, scrolling on your phone mindlessly. Everything was boring today. Even outside, the sky wasn’t as blue as usual. 
A pout made its way on your dried lips, forgetting to hydrate them today. You couldn’t stop thinking him. You couldn’t stop thinking about what he did last night.
Why all of this? It was so unnecessary? well it was really kind, way too kind. He acted so like a…
“boyfriend?” you said aloud making you stare at the ceiling.
Why do I keep feeling so bubbly when I’m with him? 
“Do I have feelings for him?” you talked to yourself.
“No, no not at all!” you kept on talking, voice resonating in the empty room.
“I can’t!” you put your hands over your face trying to calm down, the thought of liking him killing you inside.
You knew you couldn’t. 
You knew what type of guy he was.
But the way he was acting with you was so, seemed so natural?
You whined kicking your feet in the air.
You felt so affected by today’s canceling. It was weird not being to deal with him today.
You’re so used to him now…
[ Thursday ]
You courses unexpectedly went pretty fast today. Your day was going good, even if you were bleeding like you’ve been stabbed in the lower stomach.
For once, Jungkook wasn’t the one searching for you but you.
You were the one looking for him.
You didn’t even realize it as you keep on walking around the campus, earphones buried in your ears, the music accompanying you everywhere as you hoped to come across the man.
You arrived home later in the afternoon, smile pretty absent on your face the whole day.
You didn’t even get to see him today. Not even from afar.
No messages. 
It was so weird - you hated it.
You kind of miss him. You tried your best to ignore every single thoughts travelling through your mind.
[ Friday ] 
You were on the phone with Jimin debating about what you were about to do tonight.
“Friday night, movie night is an option today. Because hell nah we ain’t going to watch any of the movies at the theatre, they all seem bad.” Jimin huffed annoyed making you chuckled.
“So what do you wanna do tonight? Sleepover? Movie night at home? Gaming night?” you suggested earning a sarcastic laugh from your best friend.
“I’m not in the mood to be stay-at-home tonight.” he replied making you roll your eyes.
“What about a nice dinner at this restaurant we went last month. It was good!” he exclaimed.
“you fine with it?”
“good for me.”
“Hello?!” you heard Jimin gasped.
“I see you girl.” he smiled widely, eyes travelling up and down your body.
“you look so good, I’m speechless.” he kept on complimenting you.
“Shut up.” you laughed when he took your hand to guide you to his car.
“you know I’m a taken man, right?” he joked making you roll your eyes.
“If you’re trynna seduce me it won’t work. I love my man.” he started the engin as you slap his arm playfully.
“Stop it, you look good too Park.” you flattered him smiling.
“I know.” he smirked pushing his hair back, making you purse your lips.
“Let’s go.”
“Allons-y Madame.”
“Oh the French accent ?!” you gasped amazed. 
“My boyfriend studies french, what did you except?” he smiled proudly.
“oh man, I love this restaurant.” 
“Let me guess, he take you there often?” you raised an eyebrow teasingly.
“Well, yea but not totally, cause the dishes are so good here.” his eyes focused on the menu. 
“Good evening, I’ll be your waiter for tonight.” 
Both Jimin and you turned to the young man standing before you.
“Can I start off with something to drink?” he asked politely.
“Yes, I’ll have a red wine and for my friend..” he looked to you waiting for your choice.
“hm, for me it will be iced tea please, peach iced tea.” 
“Good, are you ready to order or do you need a few minutes?”
After ordering, the waiter disappeared making you glare at Jimin.
“red wine?” you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Oh c’mon it’s Friday night, let’s relax a bit.”
“yea yea whatever.” you sighed.
Jimin moaned loudly as he chewed on the grilled meat making you widen your eyes.
“damn that’s so fucking delicious.” he hummed as you agree.
“so what were you saying?” you kept munching on your food.
“Ah, yea he invited me to go with him in Paris for holiday!” he said excited.
“no way! that’s so cool!” you exclaimed before sipping on your fresh drink.
“I know.” he nodded happily.
“and guess what?”
You wait for him to continue.
“About that girl in my class, I stole her pencil and throw it in the bin when she went out to the bathroom.” he said feeling proud of himself.
“aren’t you ashamed?” you bursted out laughing taken aback.
“She stole my answer and said it loudly in class. And you want me to forgive that?” he watched you in disbelief.
“And she really d- oh hell nah, he really everywhere I’m done.” Jimin grabbed his glass gulping the fourth wine he ordered annoyed.
Turning around you noticed Jungkook standing at the bar, probably waiting for a drink. He looked so good. Seeing him after so long ( two days ) made your heart beat faster.
“I will start thinking he is following us every Friday.” he stated as you turn to him again.
“We met him only twice what do you mean ‘every Friday’” you chuckled at his words.
Jimin sighed heavily before grabbing his phone checking his messages, a smile appearing on his plump lips.
“It’s him huh?” you smirked kicking his leg under the table to tease him.
“oh shut up.” He put his hand over his mouth, putting his phone in his pocket.
“Okay, now let’s get out of here. He spoiled my evening.” he stood up grabbing his jacket.
“Oh c’mon bro, he didn’t even do anything.”
“His face is enough to annoy me.” he admitted dramatically.
“We will get dessert somewhere else.” 
Jimin and you walked to the front of the restaurant to pay.
“what!? I only had four glasses!” he gasped loudly.
“why are you making me pay for six?!” 
“Sir, the waiter reported s-“
“What? I don’t care what he reported! Let me talk to your manager!” he kept on fighting making you sigh.
“Jimin let me just pay, so we can go.”
“Hell no! I won’t allow that.” he shook his head pushing your hand away as you took your credit card out of your bag.
“Let me take care of that, go outside and wait for me.” he pushed you away, handing you his car keys.
You watched as he followed the person he was arguing with, at the back of the place.
“ah gosh.” you groaned tiredly.
You jumped when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Good evening, pretty girl.” you hear a deep voice whispering behind you.
Jungkook walked in front of you, a smile plastered on his face.
“You’re so beautiful tonight angel.” he complimented, eyes travelling all over your body. 
You found yourself wordless. Not knowing what to say as you gulp.
“are you on a date?” 
“no! I’m not !” you finally spoked denying immediately.
“I’m with Jimin. We came to eat dinner together. We’re friends! He is taken so it’s not a date? Well, we just ate and yea.” you cried internally, cursing yourself.
You’re sure you were born to be the most embarrassing person on earth.
“I know he’s your best friend, y/n.” Jungkook laughed.
Oh, the way your name dropped from his mouth made your knees buckled slightly. And his laugh, gosh just pin me against the wall and- 
“Where is he?” 
“He really left his pretty best friend alone without worrying someone might steal her.” his hand coming up to arrange the strap of your black velvet dress.   
You wanted to fall down on your knees, melting under his feet. The man knew how to make you weak.
“He… he is coming back. He has to take care of something before we leave.” you explained playing with your necklace nervously making him nod.
Jungkook approached you, his body getting really close to yours. You stopped breathing when he bent down to whisper in your ear.
“I would had really loved to fuck you right here, right now, if you could. You look really exquise tonight princess.” he bit on your earlobe, a soft moan begging to pass by your lips.
“Jungkook I-“
“Enjoy your night pretty girl.” he laid a soft kiss on your neck, a smirk decorating his tempting lips as he moved away.
Your body was on fire. You were really about to fall if you don’t freshen up a bit.
You pushed the restroom’s door open, entering the -too elegant - place for a restroom.
You splashed water slightly on your burning cheeks, breathing in and out slowly trying to stay cool.
“he’s such an idiot.” you breathed out smiling like an idiot yourself.
“are you talking about Jungkook?” you heard a unfamiliar feminine voice from behind you tearing you up from your thoughts.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” you spoke before turning around facing the girl Jimin and you saw at the cinema last week.
You stayed silent when you recognize her. 
She was prettier closer.
“I’m warning you, stay away from him.” she said before exiting the restroom leaving you speechless.
“And what the fuck is her problem?” you furrowed your eyebrows in shock.
“and where the hell were you?” you noticed a worried Jimin near the car.
“restroom, sorry.”
“I tried to call you, it’s ok.” 
“about the dessert?”
“let’s go home, I have ice cream and cookies. I bought them this morning.” you replied 
“I saw her.” you blurted out making Jimin look down at you curiously from the couch.
“the girl at the cinema.”
“at the restaurant earlier.”
“Oh, Jungkook was there too. Do you think they went together?” Jimin supposed making you pushed your plate further on the table as you laid on the carpet defeated.
“Please don’t say that.” you groaned.
“She talked to me.” you spoke again.
“What did she say?” Jimin sat down next to you on the carpet.
“She told me stay away from him…”
“She said that?”
You hummed pouting when Jimin think for a moment.
“I agree with her.”
You slapped his thigh making him shrugged.
“But why?” he asked seriously this time.
“I don’t know.”
“Maybe she’s one of his bitches.” Jimin yawned unbothered.
“I’m one of his bitches too.” you sighed.
“I’m sure you are thee bitch.” he pinched your tummy making you sigh.
“You still fucking with him huh?” he rolled his eyes knowing the answer.
“nah because I’m telling you again baby, take your distance. He’s not a good guy. I mean he’s not a guy for you. You deserve better than this, you deserve the best.” he flicked your forehead making you glare at him.
“Jimin..” you started quietly after a long silence.
“I think I appreciate him.”
“bruh, I think we all already knew that.”
“nah but I mean… a lot. More than I should.”
“damn bro… I’m sorry for you then.” 
“I’m serious Chim.” you looked into his eyes as he make the -oh - face.
“y/n…” he noticed the tears building in your eyes.
“aw no don’t cry, come here.” he took you into his embrace, patting your back.
“I’m bleeding.” you sniffed.
“It’s normal to feel like your heart bleeding when you're feeling a bit down.” he caressed your head.
“no I mean it. I’m bleeding.”
“Girl you serious.” he laughed making you laugh too.
“Don’t make me laugh bro, it’s getting worst.” you exclaimed making the man part away.
[ Tuesday ]
                || 🐥 dramaboy || 
y/n : guess what!
🐥 : ??
y/n : my period is over!!
🐥 : …
🐥 : I mean … why the need to tell me that?
y/n : sharing my happiness with my best friend is a crime now?? ☹️
🐥 : ahhh well, good for you I guess.
y/n : what are you doing?
🐥 : I’m still at college. I’m waiting for him 😩
y/n : it’s so late dude
🐥 : I know !! His French classes end up so late but I really wanted to wait for him.
y/n : aw what a sweetheart 🤭
🐥 : shut up!
[ Thursday ] 
A notification from your phone was what disturbed you from your - night personal - reading.
You groaned as you got up to grab your phone, checking which idiot disturbed you. You really thought you put it on not disturb mode.
You almost fell on your knees when you opened the message.
                     || 🐰 Jungkook ||
🐰 : you looked so fucking good today. I can’t stop thinking about you. 
🐰 : couldn’t stop thinking about how great you would feel on my dick.
🐰 : couldn’t stop thinking about the way I’d fuck u on Mr. Choi’s desk in front of everyone.
🐰 : u made me so hard.
🐰 : [ attachment ] 
It was the last straw. You really did fell on your knees, hand over your mouth when you  clicked on the attachment.
fuck was the only word coming out of your mouth.
He is insane.
Oh the way your felt your inside twitch when you stare at the picture he just sent you.
The -oh so - familiar feeling between your legs making you whine.
Jungkook sent a picture of himself, pants unbuttoned, hand resting on the bulge over his black Calvin Klein boxer.
🐰 : [ attachment ] 
🐰 : baby I need you so bad right now.
You threw your phone away when your phone indicated the incoming FaceTime.
“no way!” you gasped panicked.
“What do I do? Oh my gosh!” you bit on your fingers.
Taking a deep breath you clicked on the green button, heart skipping a beat when you saw his face.
He was so… attractive, it’s sick.
“hey darling.” his deep voice turning you on even more.
“hi Jungkook.” you forced a smile as you notice he was in his bed… shirtless, a smirk decorating his pretty lips.
Your eyes were glued on the screen as you stare at him silently, his smirk growing up.
“like the view baby?” he teased making you avoid his eyes.
“I… hi! how are you!?” you cleared your voice feeling embarrassed.
“I’m horny.” he admitted right away.
You were speechless.
The man was so bold, it’s insane. The way he was always so direct, always spitting everything out so easily.
What should I say?
“You were pretty today. Just wanted to let you know.” he said before you could talk. watching as you got shy.
“thanks.” you smiled seeing him shift, sitting up, back leaned back on the bedhead.
“I also wanted to let you know that you were so damn pretty that I had to walk around the campus with a big boner.” he continued, eyes getting darker.
“I suffered all day because of you.” 
“But.. I didn’t even do anything.” you protested shocked at his words.
“those pretty lips around that fucking lollipop was enough to turn me on.” he groaned also desperately.
“I thought about the way they would look around my cock.” he sighed.
“Jungkook.” his name leaving your mouth with a soft and quiet moan as your body started heating up.
Oh you were about to lose it if he kept on talking like that.
“angel.” he started again catching your attention again.
“can you do something for me?”
“anything.” You whispered with a nod.
“I m-mean what?” you tried to save a bit of your dignity.
The “anything” leaving your mouth so swiftly was enough to make his cock twitch.
“touch yourself for me.” 
You choked on your own saliva not expecting that.
“I’m not forcing you, if you’re not confortable doll.”
“no no, it’s not that but I’ve never.. y’know done it like that.” you pointed between you and the phone.
“I don’t know how I should do or.. well, I don’t know at all.” you admitted with a sigh.
Jungkook just chuckled, loving the fact that you’re so foreign with the phone sex.
He always loved to be your first times at every single new activities of yours.
“gosh you’re so…” he sucked on his bottom lip, the little rings disappear into his mouth as he do so.
“I’m more than glad to help you with that then.” he said voice laced with lust.
You were feeling so nervous when you see him move, setting his phone on his bedside table.
You watched as he got off the bed, standing just before his phone.
What is he doing?
You gasped when he started sliding his jeans down his legs, revealing his muscular thighs.
“What are you doing!?” you turned your face away giving him some kind of privacy making him laugh loudly.
“Don’t act like you’ve never seen me naked before baby.”
“I know you like it.” 
“no no it’s not that!” you looked back at the screen, your jaw ready to drop on the floor.
Here he was, standing proudly naked for your eyes.
“close that pretty mouth princess, you trynna catch flies?” he bent down, grabbing his phone back sitting on his bed again.
“your turn now kitten.” he put an arm behind his head waiting for you to do something,
“me? my turn?” you panicked, legs bouncing anxiously.
“undress yourself.”
“right now?”
Can someone save me please, I wanna throw myself away, the embarrassment is so high right now.
“yea, right now.” he waited.
Your head was about to explode with all the thoughts running through your mind at the same time. Were you really ready to try this?  Maybe. Were you willing to try it? Hell yea. But what’s blocking you right now is shyness. Undressing yourself in front of him was already a big thing you, but imagining doing it from afar is weirdly difficult for you.
Jungkook noticed your hesitation as he spoke.
“Angel, if you’re not comfortable it’s ok, don’t do it. I don’t want to pressure you or whatever.”
You shook your head denying his words.
“no don’t worry, I’m just.. just thinking where I should put my phone.” 
Stepping closer to your bed, you decide to mimic Jungkook.
You placed your phone on your bedside table, walking backward until your whole body was visible for him to see.
Your hands went down to the hem of your shirt, pulling it up to your head revealing your bare chest.
Jungkook sat up, watching attentively as you strip yourself for him, only him.
Just that thought made his cock throb.
If only you knew how excited you got him. 
Looking down to your feet, your hands nervously travelled down to the waistband of your pajamas short.
Jungkook’s heart started beating faster in excitement. Oh knowing all of this was your first time and he was the one making you experience this was enough to satisfy his ego for a whole week.
It was a boost for him.
He loved corrupting you.
You took a deep breath, sliding the soft cotton material down your beautiful legs, panties falling with it at your ankles.
You were left in nothing, and Jungkook, him, was left in amazement.
He’s used of seeing you naked for him, but tonight hit differently. There is something exciting but he couldn’t really know what.
Your thighs looked so smooth, your legs enough to make him go crazy. Your body was just a masterpiece for me.
“you’re so fucking pretty kitten.” he complimented making you get your phone back, sitting on your bed awkwardly.
You thanked him, staying still not knowing what you should say, what you should do.
“and now?” you asked hesitantly.
“and now, you’re gonna show me how you touch yourself when you’re thinking about me.” he looked into your eyes through the screen, his words making you feel hot.
It was like your body was set on fire.
“w-what?” you couldn’t think straight.
How should your start? How should you do it? Should you lower your phone a bit?
Gosh why did I put myself in this situation?
“do you think about me when pleasuring yourself angel?” he asked lowly.
You bit on your tongue, this man definitely don’t have filter because how the hell can your say such a thing so straight? No shame at all. He is really a thing.
“I don’t… d-“
“you don’t?” he raised an eyebrow surprised.
“no! It’s not that, I meant that… I don’t do.. that.. hmm I don’t do that by myself.” you confessed feeling embarrassed.
“you’ve never pleasured yourself? Like you've never masturbated?” he furrowed his eyebrows not expecting this answer.
You shook your head, a tiny pout making its way on your lips without realizing it.
Jungkook‘s eyes darkened, the new piece of information exciting him even more.
“Oh my dear y/n.” he smirked.
“what an innocence girl.” he tilted his head, eyes glued on your flustered face. 
“I will help you then.” he continued.
“you still good with that?” he made sure you were down with it, not wanted you to do something you don’t want to do.
“yes, I’m still good.”
“good. let’s start then.”
“Let’s go easy. Set your phone against something, so it doesn’t move and I can see you. Both your hands would be free and it’ll be comfortable for you.”
You did as he say, resting the back of the phone against a large pillow, your body on full display for him to admire. 
“lay down.” 
You followed every steps he tell you to do.
“you good?” you nodded as you look toward the screen seeing the shirtless man shifting.
"make yourself comfortable."
He was too attractive, it was hard to not look at him but hard to keep eye contact.
“let’s start slowly angel.”
“Caress your body gently.”
Jungkook’s eyes lingered on you, paying close attention at every of your movements.
Teasing yourself, you just slid your fingertips on the soft skin of your stomach, goosebumps raising after the soft touch of yours.
Your fingers went up your front, up along your cleavage.
“Cup your breast, stay soft and flick your nipple with your thumb.” 
“Do it like I always do baby.”
Jungkook watched as your played with your hardened bud, fingers pinching on your sensitive nipple.
Soft moans passing by your lips, as you rub your thighs together.
The pleasurable sensation throughout your body when you tug on the erected bud made your head spin as you close your eyes trying to focus on everything going on.
“Take your time.” you heard him say.
“Jungkook, I need you.” you whispered.
“Oh darling, unfortunately not tonight, but I’ll try my best to help you.” he sighed as bothered as you.
“Slide your hand delicately down your body slowly.” 
You couldn’t helped but imagine his hand on your skin, the soft feeling of his fingertips dancing down your skin. Gosh you wanted him so bad.
“Open your legs for me baby, I wanna see you.” he demanded.
Spreading your legs for him without a second thought, your hand went to massage your clit slowly, bottom lip caught between your teeth as your pointer and middle fingers slide up and down between your glistening lips.
The slow rhythm made you feel good as you forget everything around you.
“are you wet enough darling?” his deep voice waking you up. 
“Put a finger inside if you think it’s good, do it slowly.”
Sliding a finger in like he said, you furrowed your eyebrows at the feeling.
“Put another one.” he bit on his bottom lip waiting for you to execute his words. 
“Imagine your fingers are mine. Remember the way mine are buried deep inside you, fucking you slowly when I’m with you.”
“d-doesn’t feel the same.” you whined making him chuckle.
“Twist your wrist baby, keep going in and out.”
The way your fingers moved inside you fascinated him. He couldn’t just stay still and watch. You were just so hot for him.
“I’m going to stroke myself while imagining I’m fucking you deeply.” he breathed out making you let out a soft moan at his words.
Jungkook grabbed on his erection, the warmth of his hand enveloping around it.
“yea just like that darling.”
Jungkook groaned when you increase the speed, hand moving faster.
“you’re doing so well.” he praised breathlessly as he started moving his fist faster too, trying to catch up with your pace.
“you’re such a good girl for me, aren’t you?” 
You applied a heavy pressure on your bud of nerves with your palm as you felt the sparkling feeling in your lower stomach.
“tell me baby.”
“are you a good girl for me? Only for me, right?” he tightened his grip around his cock.
“Yes, only for you.” 
“I’m so close Jungkook.” you whimpered.
Jungkook’s hand stroked faster as his eyes followed your hand sliding up your breast, fingers playing with your nipple, your other hand still working on hitting on your g-spot. His thumb sliding over the head of his cock, trying to push him over the edge.
You closed your eyes as you felt your orgasm coming.
Moaning his name loudly, you came on your fingers, thighs shaking slightly, the wave of pleasure exhausting you.
Jungkook cummed after a few strokes, cursing as let his head fall back on his pillow.
“fuck look what you did.” you heard Jungkook said as you open your eyes to grab your phone.
He licked his lips before lowering his phone showing you the white ribbons covering his lower stomach making you swallow hard, cheeks warming up as you look away.
“you did so well.” he said with a soft smile.
[ later that night ] 
                 || 🐰 jungkook  ||
[ 11:47 pm ] jungkook : you sleeping?
[ 11:48 pm  ] y/n  : not yet
[ 11:48 pm ] y/n : you ok?
[ 11:49 pm  ] jungkook : yup. Just wanted to ask you if you’re coming to tomorrow’s party?
[ 11:49 pm ] y/n : ngl I didn’t know there is a party tomorrow.
[ 11:50 pm  ] jungkook : you should come
[ 11:50 pm ] y/n : I’m not into parties sorry
[ 11:50 pm  ] jungkook : oh c’mon, it’s gonna be fun! And it’s Friday, you need to get this week’s stress off.
[ 11:51 pm ] y/n : I’m busy on Fridays
[ 11:51 pm  ] jungkook : oh c’mon, let’s change a bit. It is your besties night thingy? Or I don’t know what shit?
[ 11:51 pm ] y/n : hey! Don’t say it like that! And yes it’s my special time with my best friend.
[ 11:52 pm  ] jungkook : Park will understand. C’mon come. My friend Jay said I can invite who I want, so you’re my guest.
[ 11:53 pm  ] jungkook : Tell Park to come with you. He will be your guest.
[ 11:53 pm ] jungkook : please pretty please.
[ 11:56 pm  ] y/n : I’ll think about it.
[ 11:56 pm  ] jungkook : I take that as a yes. See you tomorrow.
[ Friday ]  
After mentioning about the party with Jimin during one of your classes in the morning, you found out his boyfriend also invited him. Funny thing, both you and him didn’t want to go to the event but wanted to accept the invitations to be nice.
Later in the afternoon, you found yourself struggling in front of your wardrobe.
"What should I even wear? "
Jimin turned around on his stomach on your bed, looking up at you from his phone.
"Just go like that." he struggled playfully.
"Ah ah ah, you’re so funny." you rolled your eyes, as you tightened the knot of the white comfy robe wrapped around your body. 
"Just put whatever your want.”
“You’re not helping.” you sat on the edge of the bed defeated making Jimin get off of it.
“ok let me see what you have in there.” he hummed as he analyzed your wardrobe.
“what about that pretty skirt you got there?” he grabbed the black skirt that was hidden behind all your hoodies.
“and you put this low cut shirt, with a black jacket over it. Taadaaa.” he grinned with both hands on his hips feeling proud of himself.
[ Friday end of the afternoon ] 
“C’mon dadd-“
“bruh, I told you not to call me like that.” Jungkook grimaced as he buttoned his pants.
“where are you going?”
“I gotta go.”
“my friend throwing a party and I’m invited.” he replied annoyed, buckling his belt rapidly as he looked down at his watch checking the time.
“It’s a party, there is no exact time to get there. Why do you seem in hurry?“
“I don’t have to give you explanations. Bye, have a  good ev-“
“you seeing her, huh?”
Jungkook stopped in his track, before turning around curiously.
“y/n. You seeing that chick tonight right?” 
“none of your business.” he said after a few seconds, walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him annoyed.
“gosh I don’t like parties.. I feel weird.” you muttered grumpily, as you held onto Jimin’s arm near his parked car, the cold air hitting your legs.
“me too. I feel unwelcome.” he sighed agreeing with you. 
“Same but y’know I don’t have nothing against parties.. but there are too much people.” you groaned.
“yea I get it.”
“what if we go back home? or we can just going out just the two of us?” you said making Jimin shake his head, denying the ideas.
“We already said yes to come here. My boyfriend is already waiting for me inside or I don’t know.”
“Wait! You letting me alone?” You gasped. 
“Jungkook was the one who invited you. So I guess, you staying with him.” Jimin smirked teasing you.
“Jimin! No please! He just told me to come if I want with who I want. And it’s you! Jungkook will probably be with his friends.” you grabbed on his hand panicked.
“I’m playing, of course we staying together. Like just imagine if he let me alone, girl. And you know I don’t like when you’re with that man but I fear he might steal you from me tonight.” Jimin sighed as you both started walking to the big house reluctantly.
Gulping, you walked through the ocean of sweaty people grinding against each other, half-empty red cups in their hands.
You tightened your grip on Jimin waist as you both tried to find a less crowded place.
“gosh it smells! Can’t they put some perfume or deodorant before coming there!” you heard a disgusted Jimin yelled.
You laughed, slapping his arm.
Standing in the corner of the room, Jimin texted his boyfriend, letting him know that he was there.
After a few minutes, your best friend was with his boyfriend - you decided to give them some time together as you went to sit outside alone, even if both of them insisted for you to stay with them. 
You kept on checking your phone, perhaps hoping to get a message from the one that invited you. 
Looking around, you noticed Jungkook sat with a group of friends all around a table full of alcohol and other things you didn’t even know the name of.
They were smoking, laughing together.
Not only, you disliked him smoking but the girls sitting at each sides of him being too close for your liking. Especially the way their hands were on his thighs made your blood boiled. You hated that feeling. 
You looked down at the ground, feeling a bit insecure. You didn’t even know why you were feeling like that way so suddenly. It was definitely not the best place to be. You weren’t having fun, you didn’t even know anyone here. It was such a bad idea to come here.
“fuck what am I even doing here?” you groaned standing up, before grabbing your phone to send a text to Jimin letting him know you were going back home. 
As you started walking away, you heard a voice from behind you.
"Leaving already?"
Turning around, you were met with the person you hoped to see tonight, the only reason why you came. 
"I really thought you wouldn’t come."
"Well, there is a first at everything." You looked up at him. 
The man nodded approvingly.
"Are you gonna stand there all night? Come with me." He grabbed your hand as he guided you to where he was sat.
You didn’t know what to say, what to do as you forced a smile greeting his friends - one of them offering you an adorable gummy smile.
You stood next to him awkwardly not knowing where to sit since there was no place left. No one making a move to make some place for you to sit. Before you could do anything, Jungkook grabbed your waist pulling you down to sit on his lap making you widen your eyes in utter shock.
In front of everyone? you panicked internally as you stayed still. 
"Confortable?" he asked earning a small nod from you. 
You could feel eyes on you and let’s say, you didn’t enjoy it a lot. 
"Who is she? Is she in our college?" The girl sat on your left asked, looking you up and down. 
"My friend." He replied as he took a long puff of - what seemed like - a  cigarette.
Perhaps, Is that weed? It smelt so much different from cigarettes?
Gosh, you’ve never felt more uncomfortable. 
Jungkook laid his back against the couch as he started chatting with his friends again, but something didn’t go unnoticed by him as he pulled you closer to his chest. He didn’t appreciate the way one of a boy sat on the opposite couch look at you. He didn’t like the way his eyes were going up and down your legs, or the way he stared down toward your skirt that ride up your thighs when Jungkook shifted a bit when he started feeling you pressed harder on his lap. His tattooed hand slid to rest on top of your thigh, fingers sliding just a little down to rest on the inside of your thigh catching the man’s attention. Locking eyes with Jungkook, he knew he was fucked up. 
"Gimme that pretty?" He pointed to the plate placed before you on the table.
"I didn’t know you like brownies." You smiled cutely handing him one of the little cakes. 
"Oh darling. You’re so cute." He laughed, his dark eyes, quite red, staring deep into yours. 
"That’s not brownies." He took a very tiny bite of it making you furrow your eyebrows. 
"Space cakes." He muttered against your neck, goosebumps raising after the warm air caressing your skin. 
Turning around more, you give him a confused look as a smirk made its way on his pretty lips.
"Angel, when eating one of these.. you just.. boom! You’re traveling into another galaxy."
"It tastes so good." 
"Wanna try?" He cupped your cheek softly making you shake your head hesitantly.
"Pot brownies." You heard the guy with the pretty gummy smile say as he gulped his beer. 
"Brownies made with butter that has been infused with cannabis." He explained making you raise your eyebrows at the new piece of information. 
"Oh, I didn’t know about these." You replied making him smile.
Moving forward, Jungkook’s hand went to grab one goblet full of vodka. You watched as he gulped the liquid, his tattooed hand still resting on your bare thigh. 
"Want some?" He asked tilting his head to the side as you deny again. 
"I don’t drink." You pursed your lips innocently.
"C’mon, just a bit."
"Just for tonight." He stroked your thigh gently.
"Like you said, there is a first at everything."
You hesitated for a strong minute debating on what to do.
What if something happen to you?
What if you pass out?
“You’re with me, so don’t worry too much.” he kept on persuading you.
Even though his red eyes definitely show off how high he was, you wanted to try it.
You have one life, right? You nodded giving him the green light.
Lifting the red cup to your lips, you sip a little bit of it. The strong liquid burning your throat as you gulp it down.
"Fuck." You coughed putting your hand over your mouth as Jungkook grinned. 
Jimin will definitely beat your ass when he’ll know you had your first ever drink without him. He’s been asking, more like begging- about drinking alcohol with him so many times. 
He will especially break your hand when he will found out your first drink was with Jeon Jungkook.
Sending a quick text to Jimin, you turn your phone off with a sigh.
|| y/n : I fell like I’m gonna do something stupid tonight.
Jungkook was a really touchy guy. He loved physical contact.
And when he wasn’t sober or high, his hands couldn’t help but get more daring. 
You started feeling him pulling you closer to him, his arms snaking around your front, holding you tight. 
One thing about him, he hated sharing. What his, is his. And let’s say he didn’t get over how the guy sat at your opposite was ogling at you. He hated when other men look at you the same way he looks at you when you’re together alone. 
He snuggled his face into the crook of your neck, making you feel hot, body warming up as you felt his soft lips against your skin. 
"Jungkook, what- what are you doing?" You whispered feeling timid and uneasy at the fact that you weren’t alone.   
"Nothing." he hummed lowly, the tip of your ears burning as you sensed a little wet kiss being placed on your neck. 
"I want you." He whispered into your ears after a few seconds, your body heating up even more as he stood up, hands on both of your sides. 
"Right now." He looked at you with hooded eyes. 
"you leaving?" one of his friends ask with a knowing smirk.
"yea, see ya later." he grabbed on your wrist gently walking back inside the loud and crowded house.
Walking upstairs, he walked through the corridor leading you to the - luckily empty - bedroom at the end of it.
Pushing the door open, he locked it immediately after shutting it.
"Now, I have you all to myself." he tilted his head to the side, approaching your frozen body in the middle of the low enlightened room.
He was way too attractive right now, the small amount of alcohol in your system enough to make you feel lightheaded at the combination.  You could felt that little boost of confidence when you pulled him closer to you by the collar of his shirt, lips mere centimeters away.
"I need you so bad." you whined quietly biting on your bottom lip earning a "fuck" from him. 
"You’re so sexy." He muttered with a wide smile on his face.
Closing the distance between you two, you envelope his lips in a heated kiss, sucking on his bottom lip making him smirk.
Your hands slid down his covered chest tugging on the hem of it, a silent request for him to get rid of it.
Undressing each other's impatiently, Jungkook couldn't help but to enjoy this side of you. He kind of liked this side of you, trying to make the first move.
He sat on the edge of the bed admiring your naked figure standing timidly just before him, between his spreaded legs.
"do you want me baby?" he teased leaning back on his elbows.
You nodded playing with your fingers nervously, guess the bit of alcohol you consumed wasn't enough for you to not be shy around him tho.
"words baby." he wanted you to say it again.
"Jungkook, I need you." you obeyed shamelessly right away making him lick his lips.
"Let's try something new tonight, hm?" he pursed his lips noticing you gulp not expecting that.
"what?" you asked hesitantly.
"oh my princess." he started, the words "my" affecting you a bit too much, you felt like your heart did a backflip.
"don't be nervous." he pulling you to sit on his lap, thighs at each sides of him.
He pushed your hair back behind your ear, before decreasing the space between your faces as he went to whisper into your ear.
"I want you to ride me." he bit on your earlobe, erupting goosebumps all over your body.
"ride you?" you repeated trying to process his words, you've never done that, what if you couldn't-
"don't worry too much, I'll guide you." his hands came down to rest on top of your thighs.
You felt like your body was set on fire. Your body was so reactive to him, to his words, to his touches.
Taking a deep breath, you raised your hips, Jungkook's hands on your hips helping positioning yourself above his hard cock, precum already leaking from it.
Your heart started pounding inside your rib cage as you lower down on his erection.
"ah shit." Jungkook cursed as your walls slowly swallowed his cock in, the warmth engulfing around him making him bite on his bottom lip, the plump flesh turning white.
"Jungkook." you whimpered when you feel his cock buried so deep into you, you could feel him all.
You started rolling your hips slowly, as he guided you like he told you.
Your hand flew up to hold on his broad shoulders for support, your other hand traveling up to tangled up in his hair.
He enjoyed the way you would pull on his hair when he thrust his hips up to meet yours.
You groaned when you feel his teeth nibbling on the sensitive skin of your neck, leaving pretty marks there.
He loved marking you. It's like he wanted to show everyone that you were already with someone even though it wasn't the case.
He always ignored this weird feeling of jealousy he felt when he see a man near you, interacting with you or even for looking at you a bit too long.
"you're mine." he licked on the fresh reddish spot on your skin making you shiver at the friction.
He often said that to you. Especially during the intimate session you have.
Why? He didn't even realise it.
"look at me baby." you heard him breath out, hand coming up to your chin lifting your face so he could see you.
"say that you're mine."
"I'm yours, Jungkook." you whined, when he grabbed on your thigh roughly thrusting up into your hips, your sweaty body falling on his strong one, your face resting in the crook of his neck.
"only yours." you whispered with a soft whimper into his ear, earning a low moan from him aswell.
"move faster darling." he demanded as you raised up before slamming down on his cock again, the head of it hitting directly on that spot that could make you pass out.
You felt him so deep inside you, it was unbelievable.
"it feels so good." you blabbed against his skin making him chucked.
"ah yea?" he asked making you hummed, your hand pawed on his back when you try moving faster, thighs burning from all the efforts.
You couldn't help but whimpered, the feeling of your hard sensitive nipples rubbing on his muscular chest.
Jungkook let breathy grunts pass by his lips, when he felt your nails buried into the flesh of his back, scratching the skin leaving a pleasant burning sensation.
You felt the knot in your stomach tightened when he kissed you, tongue entering your mouth, before sucking on yours.
"I can't." you cried out, as your movements slowed down, muscles aching.
"c'mon darling, keep going." he grabbed on your hips, helping you as you shake your head, a tear sliding down your cheek.
"keep going, I know you can." you were about to whine when he spoke again.
"look at me."
You furrowed your eyebrows, looking into his eyes, still red from his little puff session, you noticed his gaze softened as he take in your exhausted face.
"fuck!" he groaned before switching position, flipping you on your back as he hover above your weak body.
He stayed inside you as he started thrusting into you in a way more faster way than you.
"oh god! don't stop please don't stop!" you cried out, legs trembling slightly as you hold on his bicep.
"you did so good for a first time, baby." he said between breaths looking straight into your eyes.
“you’re always doing so good for me.” he praised, his hand coming to gripped on the headbed for support as he picked up the pace, hips slamming into yours roughly.
You moaned loudly as you felt it coming. You were so close to cum and he knew it.
“c’mon darling, cream my cock.” his lips ghosting over yours, his dirty talk making you close your eyes.
Bending down, he enveloped his lips around one of the hardened bud ripping a loud moan from you as he suck on it, your chest lifting up from the mattress.
“Gosh I’m about to-“
“Come for me princess.” he muttered against the skin of your chest.
His words were the last thing needed for you to orgasm. You closed your eyes shut tight, mouth ajar as a trail of curse words escaped from it.
You felt that adrenaline running through your veins when one of your hand gripped on the sheet, legs trembling.
Jungkook could only cursed when he felt the warm essence coating his cock, dripping down between your legs.
You looked like a mess, body covered with a thin layer of sweat, hair covering your forehead a bit, chest heaving up and down as you breath heavily, but on top of that - the pretty hickeys he painted on your skin was the last push for him to cum.
“please come inside me.” you pulled him down to you by his neck, your words making him twitch inside you.
“shit! you’re so fucking hot.” he said panting as he rest his sticky forehead on yours.
Your tightness was literally suffocating his cock as he groaned, shooting his warm cum inside you, filling you up to the brim, painting your walls with white ribbons.
Jungkook took a deep breath with closed eyes, before placing a little peck on your nose.
Pulling out of you, he watched as his cum was oozing out of you, slowly down on the sheet in awe before pushing it back inside making you whimper from how sensitive you were.
He rolled on his side with a small grin displayed on his face knowing he was the one that made you look like this - your so fucked out face satisfying him way too much.
You opened your eyes, noticing Jungkook already looking at you.
"you're so pretty."
Was he still high? you wondered, heart pounding at the compliment words that came out of his mouth.
"you're so pretty like that." his hand came to caress on your throat, fingers tracing over the fresh hickeys, his red rimmed eyes showing off how proud he looked of his "art".
Dressing yourself up back, you started feeling shy rethinking about what you just did earlier. You knew a part of your mind was still disconnected, alcohol definitely the cause of it - you really should drink water or something else to try to get rid of that boost drink out of your body, you thought.
You walked to a already dressed Jungkook on the balcony, this one holding a red cup - of you didn't even know what it contained - as you stood next him catching his attention.
You both stared at the stars decorating the dark sky, the fresh air of the balcony caressing your skin gently. You felt different, there was something that you felt like doing. Saying it or not, you're not losing anything, right? It was the opportunity for you to finally confess your feelings out. Perhaps, hoping he might feel the same about you.
You cleared your voice getting the man’s attention. 
"I have to tell you something." You gulped, feeling nervous, hands getting clampsy. 
"Tell me princess."
You took a deep breath before talking. 
"Jungkook, I like you." You finally said making him smile cutely. 
"Aw kitten, I like you too." He pinched your cheek playfully. 
"No no, I mean I like you… a lot." You started playing with your fingers getting a bit anxious. 
"Me too, I really like your company and all." He started, hands on your shoulders.
"You’re one of the friends I like the most." He giggled. 
You shaked your head making him tilted his head to the side confused. You had to say it. Right now or never, you can’t back down now. 
"Jungkook, I think…"
"I’m in love with you." You whispered looking into his eyes. 
A/N : well, that was it 🤭 I honestly wanted to add so much things, add angst to get more jealous!jungkook, but I wanted to post this second part asap and I couldn't keep making you guys wait, sorry sorry - so I decided to post it like that. I really hope I didn't disappoint because I took so much time writing this and made you guys wait for a long time. I apologise for the lack of vocabulary again ; I will try to get better in the future! I really want to thank you all for reading this, really hoping you enjoyed! have a nice day and take care of yourself! love y'all <3
TAGLIST : @starstruckfangirls @jeonblisq @rebloginfics @nibi-chibi-blog @lunaiiree @jmscaffeine @kookieees-stuff @idaterosie @nostopshit @jkslaugh97 @musicisme333. @kenqki @cbugs13 @junecat18 @jeonjungukkk @starsinsky1999 @fxirytaetae @fizzaaaabs @saintsugar @lvrjjoyyy @uzispidey @thiccthighs19 @rkivemaar @cherrygukkie @burnahtsw @gyukookswhore @olimpiiaa @elmariajinn
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koqabear · 1 year
Killer Instinct
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“Beomgyu knows better than to get himself involved in that shady fight club you always warn him about— but he never listens to you, and despite how much you beg him to leave that place alone, you don’t find yourself to be too surprised when he starts bringing those same people you warned him about to you.”
MMA Fighter! Taehyun x fem!reader 
Genre: underground fight club! au, mma fighter!taehyun, enemies to lovers, thriller/action, angst, smut
Word count: 37.4K
Warnings: general violence. (This is an mma au; fighting, blood, injuries, etc.) illegal activities (underground clubs, gambling, etc) older!mc (3 years gap), use of the word “noona”, talks about family issues, single parenting, tae is a little bitch, weapons, (knives, guns), stabbing, cigarette smoking, mc is also a bitch (they’re mean to each other), medical inaccuracies probably sksjsj, a bit of jealousy… mentions of bullying, mentions of power imbalance & manipulation, alcohol consumption, mentions of death & coping, mma inaccuracies bc i am not a professional!!
Smut warnings: dom!tae, sub!mc, mc is slightly bratty, manhandling, breast play, marking, biting, oral (f. rec), bro is a pussy fiend, (service top!tae? maybe?) hair pulling, scratching, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie(s)
Notes: i’ve worked on this stupid story for so long that i don’t even want to look at it anymore. (/hj.) another warning that idk anything abt mma, so there are definitely inaccuracies! features literally the whole idol industry,,, they're scattered like easter eggs. 
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The air is thick and foggy; Taehyun can already feel the sweat beginning to form on his brow the moment he enters, pushed around like a rag-doll from the full capacity of the room. No one bothers to spare him a glance— he’s a nobody, a clueless figure that’s given away from the sheer curiosity that breaks through his eyes. The poor boy is forced to hold in a cough as someone proceeds to blow cigarette smoke in his face; he hears a few mocking chuckles around him. 
None of that matters, though. The flickering, weak lights overhead manage to spotlight his objective perfectly, his eyes lighting up with wonder as he feels a grin threatening to spread on his face; before him, two unknown men stand in a ring. 
Taehyun’s muscles twitch in attention— his mind is racing, imagining himself in their place as he watches the two slowly circle each other, wondering what he would do if he were in their place; even from here, Taehyun can see the hungry look on one of the men’s faces, a bloody grin stuck on his face as he keeps his hands up and close— his hair is tied up and out of his face as he stares his opponent down. 
It’s tense, wild even, as he finally swings, landing a punch to the other man’s stomach as the crowd around the ring roars— in approval or dread, he isn’t sure entirely. It’s a mixture of everything, men and women alike gesturing wildly as their screams blend in with the crowd; all to form a violent audience, closing in hysterically on the ring in hopes of getting a good view. 
Taehyun feels adrenaline coursing through him— it’s contagious. 
He fights the urge to try and push through, curious to see what might be going on as a sudden unanimous roar sweeps through the crowd. His eyes dart wildly, watching people celebrate, clapping each other on the backs as they cheer; others don't share the feeling, upset or even angry as he finds people being held back from trying to get on the ring— security is quick to put an end to it, though. 
And as he slowly watches the crowd scatter, he sees the same man from before circling the ring, bloody and bruised as he walks back to the referee; his arm is thrust up by the official as his supporters cheer in victory. Eyes scanning the room, his eyes briefly land on Taehyun’s before he’s back to gloating, proud despite the clear beating he took himself. 
Taehyun can feel his ambitious heart beat faster— he doesn’t know how he’ll do it, but he wants to be up there next. 
The buzz of it all is quick to calm down; it’s as though nothing happened, and he notices the way the unconscious man gets picked up and carried towards an infirmary— taking in his condition, Taehyun shudders, trying to shake it off before he looks for his target.
“‘scuse me,” Taehyun says, voice rough and as confident as he can get it to be— he hopes the referee can’t see through his act of bravery. The man barely spares him a glance before he nods, seemingly able to see what he’s here for— the small quirk of his lips is more mocking than anything to Taehyun. 
“What do you want, kid,” the unamused tone of the man before him isn’t very encouraging— for a moment, Taehyun almost feels foolish for stepping inside such a foreign ground without proper connections; he’s quick to push the feeling away, much too used to the patronizing looks he gets for being a newcomer. 
“Get me in the ring,” he can’t seem unsure now— if anything, any ounce of hesitation will get him denied immediately. Taehyun is demanding, jaw clenched and gaze hard as he stares at the older man before him; his eyes narrow at the younger’s words, and for a second Taehyun wonders if he took the wrong approach. 
“You got money to bet?” The older man’s words only bring excitement to Taehyun— he can’t hold back his eager nod, ignoring the man’s amused chuckles as he reaches into his duffle bag; carefully, he pulls out a thick wad of cash, allowing it to peek slightly out of his bag as he glances back up at the referee— judging by the smug look on his face, Taehyun is sure that what he’s brought is more than enough. 
“Good boy,” the referee whistles, but Taehyun chooses to ignore his blatant mockery as he tucks the envelope back in. 
“Jin,” the man introduces himself, offering his hand out in the introduction— Taehyun takes it, the smooth leather of Jin’s black gloves stained with blood as he holds the younger’s hand tightly; he tries to pretend that he doesn’t notice the blood smudge onto his skin, attempting to wipe it off without being noticed. “Let’s go get you on the registry, I’ll see if I can find another newbie for you.”
“Taehyun,” he says, following obediently as Jin weaves through the crowd effortlessly. Taehyun, however, isn’t as lucky, struggling to keep up as everyone seemingly goes out of their way to get in his path— it isn’t long before Taehyun resorts to pushing roughly through the faceless people. 
“Newbie? I don’t—“ Taehyun grunts as someone shoulder checks him, turning to the side roughly as he attempts to keep his sight on Jin; slowly, he’s able to catch up, “Don’t put me up against a newbie.” 
The curious glance Jin spares is enough for Taehyun to get the confidence to continue. 
“Put me up with someone experienced— all or nothing.” 
Jin can’t control the laugh that escapes him at the younger’s words; his head is thrown back, briefly catching the attention of those around him as he stops before the bar. Leaning against the wooden counter, Jin’s act quickly becomes unamusing to Taehyun as he’s forced to watch as the older man attempts to regain his composure. When he does, Taehyun can feel his jaw tick— pure mockery fills Jin’s eyes.
“You even know how to fight, kid?” Taehyun says nothing, afraid of what might come out if he chooses to open his mouth. But his steely gaze is enough for Jin, who reluctantly holds his hands up in surrender—he can tell there’s still a reluctance in the man to take him seriously. 
“Fine, I’ll give you your money’s worth,” Jin mutters, glancing back at the black duffle bag that remains secured at Taehyun’s side, “from the amount you showed me, I’m sure I could get The Bear’s attention.” 
“The Bear?” Taehyun echoed, frowning at the name. Jin only scoffs, rolling his eyes at the title. 
“I know. Stupid, isn’t it? Whatever sticks, I guess,” the referee grumbled, clearly displeased at the thought of having to announce any ridiculous names— clearing his throat, Jin squared his shoulders as he shot Taehyun a smug smile. 
“The one who just won— that’s The Bear,” Jin explains, narrowing his eyes as he gauged Taehyun’s expression, “I saw you staring— you stick out badly— and I know you wanna have a go at him.”
Solemnly, Taehyun nods— Jin only sighs at that.
“Of course,” he runs a hand through his hair, seemingly unfazed by the uncleanliness of his gloves, “everyone does.”
Taehyun wondered if Jin berated every newcomer like this— he wouldn’t put it past the referee, quite honestly. It hadn’t been long since they met, but this short amount of time had Taehyun wondering if the older man even wanted to be a part of this place; slowly, a fire lights in Jin’s eyes, leaving Taehyun confused as he watches the man let out a cruel laugh; his eyes were no longer on Taehyun’s, but instead at a very distant point behind him— one glance over his shoulder and he was able to see victor from before approaching— The Bear. 
“Cocky, faceless fighters like you,” Jin calls out, bringing Taehyun’s attention back as the younger’s eyes meet his— something is threatening within them, and Taehyun wished that he didn’t feel a sense of danger lick up his body as a grin overtook the referee’s face, “I love watching them get put in their place.”
Taehyun was unable to say anything to that— Jin’s expression seemed to light up as he pushed himself off the bar, his gloved hand slapping on Taehyun’s shoulder, startling the boy as he felt himself turned around forcefully— any angry comments died on his tongue as Jin pulled him into his side, walking forward as he called out a foreign name: Beomgyu.
“Beomgyu!” Jin calls out, grinning wildly as he forces Taehyun to follow along. Like before, Taehyun is turned into nothing but a rag-doll, fighting back the urge to shake him off as they approach the man— he can feel the curious stares of the patrons dig into him, and Taehyun begins to wonder what he got himself into as Seokjin’s fingers dig into his shoulder— almost as though he were preventing him from running away. 
One look at the man before him has Taehyun’s nerves on fire— were they really going to let him fight like this? The man before him is bruised and bloody, refusing to stop at the infirmary as he shrugs on his coat; slowly, a grin overtakes his features, a slight wince stopping him as his cut lip reopens— Taehyun can hear the man curse under his breath. 
“Who’s this?” Though Beomgyu’s eyes remain on Taehyun’s, he’s not truly talking to the newcomer; Jin is quick to respond, shaking the young boy teasingly as he laughs.
“Taehyun,” Jin says, patting the boy’s shoulder as he glances at him, “says he wants to have a go at you.” 
Beomgyu quirks a brow at that— he’s clearly amused, letting out a soft huff as he’s crossing his arms over his bare torso; Taehyun can already spot dark bruises forming in certain spots, his thin and reddened fingers tapping at his bicep impatiently as he surveys Taehyun.
“I don’t know,” Beomgyu drawls, tilting his head as though he were in thought, “I don’t wanna scare the poor kid off by giving him a good beating.”
This, Taehyun decides, is about all he can put up with; shrugging Jin’s hand off his shoulder, he scoffs, stepping forward and coming face to face with Beomgyu— the man isn’t even much taller than him, and he seems to be around his age too— yet the arrogance pours off him in waves, looking at Taehyun as though he were lesser than him— yet, he hasn’t seen what Taehyun can do. 
Beomgyu doesn’t seem phased by any of this; it’s like the smug look on his face is permanent, his head held high as Taehyun takes a moment to survey him. The air is tense as the patrons at the bar become aware of what’s happening before them; it isn’t long before they’re all taunting either Taehyun or Beomgyu, encouraging them to fight in hopes that they’ll get another show.
“If anything, I should be the one worried for you,” Taehyun mutters, a fake look of sympathy crossing his face at the thought, his voice patronizing as he continues, “I wouldn’t wanna ruin your pretty face.”
A pause. Beomgyu’s jaw clenches, his eyes narrowing as he fights back the smile that itches to show; shaking his head, he scoffs, enjoying the way Taehyun’s fiery gaze seems to burn into his skin. He sighs— it’s long and labored, his head thrown back as he shakes his bangs out of his face— then he reaches out, clapping Taehyun on his shoulder as he looks at Jin, nodding in approval. 
“Get us in the next best slot,” Beomgyu says, and the spectators seem to grow more excited with his every word. Glancing back at Taehyun, he smiles; it’s mischievous and sly, but Taehyun doesn’t allow it to get to him as he stands his ground. “I need to freshen up.”
The room is buzzing with energy as everyone seems to spread out, watching Beomgyu disappear into the locker room before they begin to bet on the results; Taehyun grimaces at the number of people who are already betting against him. 
“Seems like you bit off more than you can chew,” Jin whispers, leaning in as he bumps against Taehyun playfully. “You got twenty minutes; pray if you need to.” 
Taehyun grits his teeth as Seokjin walks back to the bar, leaning in towards the bartender as they talk, glancing back at Taehyun before they’re laughing and nodding— it doesn’t take a genius to guess what they’re talking about. Readjusting the strap of his duffle bag, Taehyun has no choice but to make his way into the locker room; he just hopes The Bear can save his temper for the match. 
It wasn’t as though he wanted to provoke the man— if anything, it was the last thing he wanted to do. But, it wasn’t long before Taehyun realized that being nice wouldn’t get him anywhere; luckily for him, he didn’t truly mind. 
The locker room is small, just as Taehyun expected; the lighting is dim and there isn’t much room to move due to the benches that line the walkways— Taehyun frowns at the inconvenient layout. At the end of the wall to his left, he finds a doorway to another room— he catches a glimpse of showers and bathroom stalls; the water runs on that side of the room, and Taehyun can already guess who might be behind the flimsy wall that separates them. Sighing, Taehyun looks for the nearest empty locker.
The sound of running water fills Taehyun’s head, blocking out everything else as he begins to think— attempting to remember all the moves Beomgyu used, trying to decipher his fighting style; his mind raced with different possibilities he could use to counter him. 
“Hey,” Taehyun is ripped out of his reverie at the firm voice, his head snapping up at the realization that they were talking to him; turning around, he’s unfazed to find The Bear staring at him blankly. 
“First time in the cage?” He asks, tilting his head as he surveys Taehyun curiously. Taehyun shakes his head in response, watching as Beomgyu only nods thoughtfully at that. It’s clear he took a moment to patch himself up, but it’s still strange to Taehyun that he’s willing to go for another match so soon— his cockiness only fuels Taehyun further. 
“It sure does look like it.” Beomgyu doesn’t bother lingering around— he’s ready, clapping Taehyun on the shoulder before he’s walking away, heading back out as he spares Taehyun one last apathetic glance. “Don’t get your hopes up too much, ‘kay? I’ll even go easy on you.” 
Taehyun says nothing. He can feel his jaw clench, trying his best to bite back another comment as he watches the older man exit the locker room; His fists tighten, the feeling of his hands tightening over the material of his wraps allowing him to calm down as he takes a steady breath. Sighing, his head is tilted back, eyes surveying the dim room for a clock— it isn’t long before he spots it above the doorway, calculating how much time he has left to prepare. 
Ten minutes.
That’s more than enough for him.
The cage is freshly cleaned. It reeks of cleaner and is scuffed and old under Taehyun’s feet. He has no interest in hearing about the fight that went on before his— the bored mumblings of the spectators were enough for him to tune everything out. The seating area wasn’t that big, but it was enough for the people that were more than ready to gamble and waste away from alcohol as they watched; it didn’t take a genius to know that the regulations in the place weren’t very strict. 
There’s someone new standing in the cage— a commentator, Taehyun realizes. He looks like he could be a fighter himself, but the fire in his eyes seems to be curated more for the thrill of commentating every detail of the fights before him. Words spill rapidly from his mouth, but Taehyun can’t bring himself to tune in; his bright platinum hair is glowing, even under the flickering lights, and the commentator’s names manages to slip through the walls of Taehyun’s concentration— Taeyong, with his co-commentator, Jeno. 
It’s clear they’re here to do nothing more than build up tension, making useless comments that make the audience cheer or roar with disapproval. Taeyong is gesturing wildly, pointing to the fighter’s separate corners as he seems to be talking about them; Taehyun can feel the searing stares of the people around him.
Beomgyu stands across from him, his hair pulled back and his face gone dead as he stares at Taehyun— he doesn’t look away for a second. His hands are left at his sides, fingers clenching around his wraps as he tilts his head side to side; Taehyun hears the faint crack of his bones, even from where he stands. He frowns, beginning to feel antsy the longer the commentators take— from the corner of his eye, he sees Jin enter the ring, nodding to Taeyong and Jeno as they shake hands.
Taehyun takes a slow breath, jaw clenching as he feels his teeth bite into his mouth guard. He can feel his impatience growing the longer he stares at The Bear, watching as the man before him only smiles mischievously at him; he’s pacing around his side, eyes pinned to Taehyun as though he were a predator ready to strike. 
The Bear’s eyes light up the moment the two commentators exit the ring. 
Their voices still ring out through the speakers, spewing random things about the scene as Jin beckons the two to approach him. 
“I want a clean, fair fight.” Jin begins, reaching out to clasp the two’s shoulders, “You know the rules. Protect yourself at all times, touch gloves if you want to.” 
A beat passes as Jin glances at the two fighters— Taehyun does nothing; Beomgyu only grins at that. 
Sighing, Jin backs away from the two, clapping his hands before he points back to their respective sides. 
“Back to your corners,” Jin yells, huffing as he backs away, mumbling under his breath as he does so, “let’s get this over with.”
Taehyun’s hands come up instinctively, eyes narrowing as he waits for the familiar sound of the bell. Beomgyu does the same, his stance opening as an undeniable smile graces his lips; if Taehyun didn’t know better, he’d almost think this was nothing but a game to him.
His body tenses the moment the bell rings throughout the room, his mind racing as he watches Beomgyu begin to make his way to him.
Nothing happens at first; they circle each other, Taehyun’s feet pacing quickly around the cage as he waits for a good opening. The useless chatter of the commentators threatens to break his concentration, but he knows better than to pay attention to anything other than the man before him. 
Beomgyu throws the first punch. A sharp jab is directed toward his head, but it doesn’t land as Taehyun sharply moves away. Everything changes in an instant; the moment Beomgyu puts his arm out is the moment Taehyun begins to look for a weakness. It’s a rapid flow of punches and dodges, the commentators making a fuss over everything as nothing connects properly.
Beomgyu’s punches are strong; Taehyun’s forearms ache at the impact, jumping back the moment Beomgyu attempts to land a kick— a liver shot, Taehyun realizes with a small smile. 
The two boys are equally matched, and it isn’t long before the crowd catches onto that fact— suddenly the fight has become more interesting, and Taehyun can sense everyone’s eyes on them as he watches Beomgyu prep for another kick, the minuscule mistake of his rear hand coming down giving Taehyun the perfect opening. 
Taehyun’s body twists violently, his right hand swinging around as he aims for Beomgyu’s head; the impact sends the crowd roaring. 
He feels his fist come in contact with a wound from his previous fight, his brow splitting back open as Beomgyu winces at the feeling— he wobbles slightly from the shock, his eye squinting as blood begins to trickle down.
“You motherfucker,” Beomgyu’s lips read, snarling at Taehyun as his guard seems to be raised. His arms immediately come back up, protecting his head as another of Taehyun’s punches threatens to connect. With his body exposed, Taehyun is unable to stop the kick that shoots straight at him, at the same spot as before; He feels his vision blur for a second as his breath is knocked out of him. 
Beomgyu is coming back for more as the last counts for the round are yelled out. Jabs and kicks are exchanged in rapid fire, and it’s all lost in a blur of motion as the two attempt to weaken the other— the bell rings, signaling the end of the round. 
Back in his corner, Taehyun is surprised to find that Beomgyu has no coach. He’s just like him, forced to tend to his wounds and think of a new strategy on his own; Taehyun is surprised The Bear was able to land such strong hits with his vision impaired so badly. 
Beomgyu is a ruthless fighter; he has technique and experience, and it seems that all mercy will fly out the window the moment he catches his opponent in a vulnerable spot— Taehyun just needs to make sure to not give him the opportunity.
“Ready?” Jin’s strong yell breaks through both of the fighter’s minds, and it isn’t long before Taehyun finds himself back in the center of the ring, adjusting his mouthpiece as he doesn’t bother paying attention to Jin’s rambles. 
“Knock ‘em out Bear, get this over with,” it’s the only thing that catches Taehyun’s attention, the sharp glare he sends to Jin doing nothing as he’s told to go back to his corner— though he doesn’t miss the smug look that Beomgyu sends him. 
The new round is immediate; there’s a fire in Taehyun’s eyes, his body pumping with adrenaline as he immediately approaches Beomgyu, unsurprised to find that he does the same. His breathing is slightly labored as the exhaustion from the last round seems to be catching up to him, but Taehyun doesn’t let the feeling deter him as Beomgyu attempts to deliver another kick; Taehyun counters it with one of his own. 
Nothing seems to land properly; it’s beginning to frustrate Taehyun, but he knows not to let the feeling linger too long— he’s found himself cornered, and it isn’t long before he’s wrapped up in a clinch; The Bear’s limbs constrict his, tightening around him as he attempts to wrestle him to the ground, his punches directing jabs to his ribs and face— one connects roughly against his nose, and he can already feel the familiar liquid dripping out. It’s painful, but Taehyun doesn’t let the feeling overwhelm him as he tries to break the other’s hold on him.
Though he finds himself on the floor, he’s able to break away from The Bear’s grapple, shaking himself off as he backs away, attempting to reassess the situation before him. 
Something shifts in his opponent. 
Time is running out in the round, and they both seem to realize this as punches are delivered in a more rapid fire. Taehyun hates to think it, but The Bear’s technique is good as his hits begin to fly before him, struggling to keep up as he delivers a few of his own.
One lands against the side of Beomgyu’s head; it manages to break his concentration, the hook breaking through him as it connects harshly to the man’s jaw. Taehyun can already feel his body moving before he realizes, his body seemingly moving on its own like instinct. Beomgyu manages to get a jab of his own, but it does nothing against the next punch that has him stumbling back, his vision spinning as Taehyun continues to go after him, preparing for one final move.
A roundhouse kick— straight to his liver, stunning the man as he feels his body begin to scream at him from the impact, leaving Taehyun stumbling from his horrible footing. He’s only able to get a few more punches out before Beomgyu’s falling, the referee screaming at Taehyun to back away from him the moment he falls back.
Adrenaline fills Taehyun’s body the moment he processes everything.
The crowd roars at the spectacle; Taehyun doesn’t realize what he’s doing as he roams before Beomgyu— his wounds sting and his skin is red and bruised as he grins, teeth gritting against his mouthpiece as he smiles, not bothering to wipe away the blood that drips down from his wounds— the cage is stained with it, a mark of his territory as adrenaline courses through his veins; his eyes scan over the crowd, filled with people who were set on him losing— he can only laugh at the sight.  
“Get up,” Jin yells at Beomgyu, attempting to break through the noise as he pats his cheek, “can you get up?”
Beomgyu’s nod is slow and defeated. He’s sitting up and leaning against the cage as the bell tolls like a deadly gong around him. Peering through his heavy lids, he sees Taehyun’s celebration, in a condition no better than his as he’s stumbling to the center to meet Jin.
“Impressive,” Jin admits quietly, and just like he’s seen before, his hand is thrust up as the audience cheers wildly, the proud grin taking energy from Taehyun as his posture slouches slightly.
Despite looking down at him, Jin looks surprised— impressed, even. The thought makes Taehyun smile as he tilts his head back, squinting at the bright lights that are hot on his skin, a long exhale leaving him as he laughs once more; he was just getting started.
Taehyun’s head feels as though it’s been split open; he doesn’t really remember what happened after his win. 
He can’t bring himself to move, a deep sigh escaping him as he winces at the bright lights above him; the cot he lays on is stiff, the uncomfortable paper beneath him crinkling as he attempts to get slightly comfortable— his face is stiff with bandages.
Another fight seems to be going on outside; the annoying ramblings of the commentators seem to seep into where he is. Taehyun is too tired to linger around, so he attempts to put the last of his energy into sitting up properly— his thoughts are interrupted by the loud footsteps that approach the room. 
“Beomgyu!” The voice is angry, growling with frustration as the door swings open. Taehyun attempts to look up at the sound, but it’s futile as the curtain around his cot obscures his view. 
“Beomgyu, you fucker!” Taehyun winces— his head is throbbing at the intrusion, and his eyes shut tightly in hopes that the newcomer will shut up soon. “You little snake, you’re dead meat!”
“Can you please quiet down?” The voice that was once taunting and dripping with confidence is now gruff and tired— Taehyun can recognize that voice anywhere, and suddenly, his urge to leave is only amplified. 
“Jesus, I don’t get why you always come here screaming like that,” Beomgyu says, exhaustion sowed in his voice, “It’s not like it’ll change anything.” 
“Fuck! Look at you!” The woman pushes past all his irritated comments, and Taehyun hears both protests from Beomgyu and the crinkling of paper, “I can’t believe you, how the hell am I gonna explain this to your mother? You know she hates it when you sneak over here!” 
“Chill with that, I can handle myself just fine,” Beomgyu scoffs, “You should be more worried about the other guy, anyway— gave him a good beating.” 
Taehyun scoffs at that. 
“The other guy?” The woman says, and before Taehyun can prepare himself, he hears footsteps approaching where he lays— the curtain is ripped away without warning, and Taehyun hisses at the lights that shine in his eyes. 
“Holy shit!”
He’s not sure if he should be offended by that, but Taehyun keeps his eyes shut in hopes that the woman will simply turn her attention back to Beomgyu; he’s surprised to feel her approaching him more. 
“Jesus Christ,” she mumbles, observing Taehyun as though he were a spectacle; Taehyun takes a deep breath, hoping that his patience doesn’t run out soon, “Beomgyu, you prick!”
“Hey,” Taehyun grumbles, brows twitching in frustration as he screws his eyes shut, “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t scream in my ear.” 
“Oh shit,” The woman jumps back at his words— almost as though she hadn’t expected him to be awake. One look at his angry expression has her quieting down, whispering a soft apology before she’s turning back to Beomgyu. 
“You little snake,” she hisses, whispering angrily as she crosses her arms on her chest angrily, “you were supposed to come help unload the delivery today! You were the only strong one available that day, so imagine your mother’s surprise when you’re nowhere in sight!” 
Peeking through his lids, Taehyun is able to catch a glimpse of the woman stomping over to Beomgyu, slapping his arm roughly as he yelps in response; the sight is almost amusing. 
“I had to lie my ass off and say you were fucking studying!” Another rough smack is delivered to his arm, as though her mentioning the incident brings back pure rage, “Of course she didn’t believe me at first! So I volunteered to do it myself! My arms are so sore, you fucker!” 
“Don’t seem sore to me,” Beomgyu grumbles, rubbing his bicep as he scoots away from the violent woman. “I’ll make it up to you, ___. I promise.”
The woman, ___, only shakes her head in disappointment. Turning back around, she stalks her way back to Taehyun. 
“Sorry about his recklessness,” she says, and Taehyun’s eyes only widen as she bows in apology— he sits up, wincing as he awkwardly attempts to shake her off. Standing straight, she huffs, hands folded neatly in front of her as she sends him a polite smile.
“___,” she introduces, fishing in her pocket for something; a business card, he realizes. “Feel free to stop by for a meal— on the house. I promise we don’t condone that one’s behavior,” Beomgyu quietly dismisses her, saying that he’s not that different from me; his words don’t seem to reach her. 
The card is cool and smooth in his fingers, and Taehyun nods softly as he watches her bow again; then she’s walking back to Beomgyu, sending him a sickly sweet smile as she leans in.
“Two hours. You better be back for the dinner rush. Or else,” wordlessly, she brings up a fist, slamming it into her open palm in a clear threat. Beomgyu gulps, the action not as subtle as he wished as he nods nervously. Straightening up, she smiles, ruffling Beomgyu’s hair before she leaves— it isn’t until then that Beomgyu clears his throat, calling after her hurriedly. 
“Hey,” He yells, pointing at her accusingly— yet she doesn’t turn back around once, his words falling on deaf ears as they watch her retreat, “Stop giving out free meals like that, you’ll go broke doing this shit!” 
Swiftly, she flicks him off. 
Then, she’s gone. 
Taehyun has to stifle a laugh as Beomgyu huffs in bewilderment, clearing his throat in an attempt to hide it the moment Beomgyu sends him a killer glare. From the corner of his eye, Beomgyu runs his hand through his hair desperately, cursing quietly to himself as he stares at the doorway, then glances back up at the clock— it’s silent save for the quiet mutterings of the man next to him. 
The door opens again, and Jin walks inside.
“___ just left?” He asks, leaning against the doorway as he looks expectantly at Beomgyu; he nods, a frustrated look on his face at the very mention of the woman. Jin groans, shaking his head as he lets out a deep sigh. 
“Damn. I promised Jungkook I’d try to make her stay a while.” Beomgyu sneers at that, throwing his pillow at the referee as Jin dodges it with ease, a squeaky laugh escaping him before he throws it back at the younger man. 
“Tell him to go find her at that damn restaurant if he’s so interested,” Beomgyu snarls, rolling his eyes at Jin’s amused reaction. Laying back down, he pulls the curtains back around his cot, his voice muffled as he calls out, “And you better not be thinking about going for that free meal, newbie.”
It becomes Taehyun’s turn to sneer. 
Beomgyu is dead meat.
It’s the only thought that runs through your mind, glaring at the cutting board beneath you as vegetables fly through your hands. All the background noise dies as you allow yourself to think, glancing back at the clock in hopes that the next hour will pass by quickly. 
You’re not sure what led him to involve himself so deeply in that strange underground MMA club. It was dangerous and untrustworthy— you and his mother made sure to drill that into his head the first time you caught him messing around. 
Even so, it seems as though your efforts only fall short in the end. No matter how much you team up with his mother, telling him that he should consider taking up the business in the future, or god forbid, actually focus on college, it always ends up in him shrugging you off dumbly, or waving you off as he tells you not to worry—  he knows what he’s doing. 
You’re on autopilot as you sift through the countless orders, the small open layout of the kitchen allowing you to peek at the entrance from time to time—all in false hopes of seeing the young boy you always pestered.
Two years isn’t much of a difference, but god, Beomgyu made it feel like it was sometimes. Most of the time you felt more like an older sister than an employee at his mother’s restaurant— it wasn’t your fault the man was quite the nuisance, your schedule becoming much more consistent and forcing you to see him practically all the time, and it wasn’t long before you found yourself wrapped up in the Choi family's personal lives. 
Five minutes. You think to yourself, gritting your teeth as the next hour passes, you’ll give him five more minutes.
The next five minutes pass seamlessly. 
Honestly, was two hours not enough? You get that Beomgyu was very particular about his appearance despite his interest, but two hours was more than enough for a person to patch themselves up and come back home. You attempted to not let your frustration show, averting your eyes the moment Ms. Choi appears in your peripheral vision, mumbling in curiosity about where her son might be. 
Another five minutes pass— then, thirty. The restaurant is beginning to fill up as it always does, and you’re trying to hone your concentration in hopes that your undying rage won’t seep through your face. The sound of the bell ringing breaks through your thoughts, and you look up automatically to greet the new customer. 
Your grip on your knife tightens. 
“He—“ Ms. Choi gulps, her jaw dropping at the sight as she turns frantically to you. Taking in your expression she sighs, exasperated as she rubs at her face in frustration. “He wasn’t studying, was he?”  
Making eye contact with Beomgyu, you allow your muscle memory to take over, cutting through the vegetables effortlessly as you grit your teeth, not looking away from him for a second. 
“No ma’am.”
His mother is speechless as she scoffs in frustration, cursing at her son under her breath before she’s taking off her apron— you don’t bother glancing back at the younger boy as you turn back to your cooking, the sounds of the Choi’s hushed bickering reaching your ears as they go to the back. 
It takes a while before Beomgyu emerges, patched up and pouting as walks up behind you. 
“Where do you want me,” he says, petulant with his tone as he glances at the workers around him; they barely spare him a glance, all too used to his behaviors as they focus on their orders instead. You hum in thought, looking up from your stove as you survey the area— like always, Beomgyu has managed to sneak in toward the end of the rush hour; it’s not like you’re short-staffed in the kitchen, either. 
“Go bus tables,” you say, rolling your eyes at the way Beomgyu whines at your words. He’s as annoying as ever, pulling at your sleeves in an attempt to get your attention as you refuse to look at him; shrugging him off, you hear him groan behind you. 
“You never let me help in the kitchen,” he protests, and it takes all the strength within you to not turn around and smack him. 
“If you arrived an hour earlier, you would’ve,” you hiss, waving him off, you walk past him as he opens his mouth to protest more, “get to work.” 
His mumbles and whines still reach your ears as he exits the kitchen— and it only takes one sharp glare from you to shut him up. For the rest of your shift, all you can think is how spoiled this boy remains— he doesn’t know how lucky he is, watching as his mother finally grows soft on him, shooing him back to their home to rest as he meekly nods at her words, putting an act of weakness as he immediately leaves his position— but the smug smile he adorns as he hangs up his apron doesn’t go unnoticed by you. 
Sighing, you glance back at the clock— two more hours, then you close. 
“You’re still here?” 
You refuse to respond to that— instead, you grit your teeth, scrubbing at a stain on the bar as you continue to pre-close. Beomgyu sighs, sitting at the bar as he leans on the counter, seemingly paying no mind to the damp wood that comes in contact with his sleeves. He’s desperate to get your attention, calling your name out softly as you continue to ignore him. 
“Are you closing today? Why is it just you?”
“Sent everyone home. They helped enough.”
If the place remained as empty as it is now, the only thing you would need to do is clean the floors and machines— which takes little to no effort for you. Beomgyu shakes his head at your words, sitting up straight as he folds his hands in his lap. 
“I’ll help,” his words are immediately met with a scoff from you, his brows furrowing as he watches you shake your head in amusement— you only laugh more as he softly questions why you’re laughing. 
“Help?” You say, tilting your head as you finally look at him. Throwing the wet towel on the counter, you scoff, crossing your arms over your chest as you take a step back. 
“I asked for your help— three hours ago. Yet you still chose to be a brat and go back upstairs the moment your mother pitied you. You—“ cutting yourself off, you sigh, shaking your head before you’re picking the wet towel back off, turning your back to him, “I hope you realize how much she spoils you.” 
A twinge of embarrassment threatens to consume you due to your outburst, for the silence that follows after is entirely unexpected— usually, Beomgyu never knows when to shut his mouth. Then again, he never really knew what to say when the topic of his parent arose; he was afraid of saying something insensitive to you, you suppose. 
Yet you refuse to be the one to cave in— you refuse to even make eye contact with him, walking out of the kitchen area as you go to wipe down tables; it’s then that the small bell above the restaurant door rings. 
Mentally, you sigh— there was less than an hour left; nevertheless, you plaster on a cheery smile, straightening as you glance behind you and to the new customer; stiffening, you wince as you try to not let your surprise show through.
“Welcome,” you grit out, meeting eyes with the same man Beomgyu had beaten to a pulp a couple of hours ago— yet he seems perfectly fine, patched up and unphased as he sends you a somber nod, your worries that he’d be another bitter fighter that tracked Beomgyu down dispelled.
“You—!” Beomgyu is back to his awfully rambunctious self in a split second, twisted around in his seat as he sends the man by the entrance a sour look. “I told you not to come here!” 
Taehyun pays no mind to the dirty looks Beomgyu sends him— if anything, he smiles, ever so casual in his demeanor as he goes to sit down; next to Beomgyu, of course. 
“This place any good?” He asks, his voice gruff as he leans into Beomgyu cheekily, “you seem really eager to keep it hidden.” 
“You kidding? You’re at the hottest spot in town,” Beomgyu scoffs, puffing his chest out as he leers at Taehyun “I doubt you’ve never heard of this place.”
Their conversation becomes nothing but a muffled mess to you. Their tension is unending as they converse, their eyes filled with a fire that suggests that they might just forget about the food and fight here and now— which is why you step in, not wanting to clean up after any more messes as you take Taehyun’s order. 
At some point, you find yourself tuning back into their conversation— their rivalry is ridiculous, the tension rolling off in waves as you take a breath; Turning around, you go to place Taehyun’s order in front of him, reluctant to meet his eyes as you go to leave. 
“Hope I didn’t scare you off today,” Beomgyu goads, ever the instigator as he rests his chin in his hand cheekily, “but then again, you did ask for it.” 
Taehyun scoffs— it’s enough for you to turn back around, watching from afar in fear that Beomgyu will try to take things too far. 
“Don’t act like you left the ring all perfect,” Taehyun tilts his head, brows furrowing as he inspects Beomgyu, “Remind me, who was it that won?” 
You bite back a laugh at that, surprised to hear the results of the fight— it’s easy to do when Beomgyu is sitting up, a clear fire lighting in his eyes as he leans closer to Taehyun; his food remains untouched. You’re tense, watching carefully and waiting for a switch to flip inside Beomgyu; the last thing you want is for his mother to come down and find him in the middle of another fight. 
Instead, Beomgyu smiles; it’s a small twitch of his lips at first, his mind clearly telling him to fight it off before it overtakes him, a bewildered laugh escaping him before he’s clapping Taehyun on the shoulder, the action so rough and sudden that Taehyun is flinching from his touch. Beomgyu doesn’t say anything, lost in his thoughts as he continues to laugh— you’re unsure if he’s getting ready to throw a punch or not. 
“You…” Beomgyu grins, letting go of Taehyun with a sigh. He shakes his head, huffing in amusement before he continues, “I like you, you’ve got ambition.”
“The ring’s closed tomorrow, but it’s available for training. I’ve been needing a new sparring partner,” Beomgyu trails off, and Taehyun is quick to catch on as he frowns.
“Tomorrow?” Beomgyu nods in confirmation. It’s silent, and you’re making your way back to them as Taehyun seems to ponder it. 
“You won’t be free tomorrow Beomgyu,” you say, grabbing his attention as you send him a warning smile, “You’re helping with a catering order, remember?”
Beomgyu, shameless like always, only tilts his head in innocence. 
“Really? I don’t recall you telling me about it,” Beomgyu ponders, pouting slightly as you glare at him, “plus, I was told you would be fully staffed tomorrow— if anything, I remember my mother suggesting you give some people a day off.”
You have no patience to deal with his sly ways— your jaw clenches as you suppress the urge to jump at him from across the counter, crossing your arms over your chest as you raise a brow in disbelief. 
“If you need help, you could always keep those people on standby,” you’re unsure of what annoys you more— Beomgyu’s smug look, or Taehyun, who has finally decided to eat his food as he watches the two of you, clearly amused by what’s happening before him as he doesn’t even attempt to hide his smile.
“Good idea,” you grit out, leaning toward the younger man as you smile, “I should let your mother know you’ll be out tomorrow then; I’m sure she’ll be wondering where you went off to.”
“You know, for a mere worker, you sure are involved in our personal lives.” Beomgyu’s words are hissed out and sting like acid as your eyes widen, gritting your teeth together as you watch Beomgyu sit back in realization— as though he didn’t know what he said until now. 
“You’re right. Sorry,” you say, a gritted smile on your face as you go to fetch a takeout container; returning, you place it in front of Taehyun, ignoring his curious gaze as you send him a patient smile. 
“We closed fifteen minutes ago; sorry, but you can take the food with you if you’d like— on me. I’ll be back, if you need anything let him know,” jerking your head to Beomgyu, you ignore his attempts to call your attention back to him as you bow politely, quick to excuse yourself to the bathroom in a weak attempt to soothe your hurt and anger. 
The restaurant is quiet save for the soft ticking of a clock that hangs above them; a sound of warning as Taehyun glances subtly at the man next to him— whether Beomgyu picks up on it or not is beyond him. He’s frowning, bottom lip chewed and tugged at as he stares at the doorway which you disappeared through, a hand running repeatedly through his hair as he lets out a soft curse. 
“What was that about?” Taehyun asks— whether or not he’s crossing a boundary, he’s unsure— but he does know that he truly doesn’t care enough to gauge the older man’s reaction. He’s quick to finish his food, surprised by the quality of it as he peeks at Beomgyu from the corner of his eye; watching the way Beomgyu seems to ponder whether or not to talk, inevitably giving in as he lets out a heavy sigh. 
“I fucked up. Said something I shouldn’t have,” standing up, Beomgyu slides the stool he sat on back in, shaking his head as he goes to turn off the blaring open sign— he’s quiet, lost in thought as he carries out the usual closing duties. 
“My offer is still open, by the way,” Beomgyu calls out, and before Taehyun can say anything, he clicks his tongue in frustration, “I doubt she’ll wanna see me tomorrow.” 
Taehyun says nothing. Beomgyu doesn’t bother trying to convince him, muttering out a tired one p.m under his breath, unable to help the way his eyes travel back to the hallway you disappeared to now and then— it isn’t long before Taehyun is bidding goodbye, the offer left out in the open as Beomgyu is forced to sit with his own thoughts, ignoring the way his muscles ache or his wounds throb whenever he performs a certain task. 
It takes a while before you come back out— you refuse to look at Beomgyu as the two of you clean in silence, your face left blank and cold as Beomgyu fails to decipher what you might be thinking; even though he wishes nothing more than to take back what he said, he finds his words stuck in his throat every time he looks at you. 
You don’t bother saying goodbye when you leave.
“Were you lying when you said you’ve been in the cage before?” 
Taehyun rolls his eyes at the older man's words, a scoff escaping him as he chooses not to answer. Beomgyu watches with amusement as the man before him looks away, neck tilting side to side as he feels it crack with ease. The air is hot and there isn’t much light coming in from the small windows atop the room, cracked open to let the cool wintry air inside. Yet it doesn’t seem to help a lot, the two men in the cage weathered down and sweaty from hours of sparring. 
“You’re quite annoying, you know,” Taehyun grumbles, wiping away his sweat before he begins to stretch, preparing for another round as he looks back to Beomgyu— he seems unfazed by his comment, a smug grin overtaking him as he mimics his stretching.
“So I’ve been told,” Beomgyu pouts, straightening up as he waits for Taehyun to approach, “how long have you been doing this?” 
Beomgyu has his own guesses as Taehyun throws a careless jab— he’s tired, not putting any effort into his movements as he dodges Beomgyu’s own hits with ease. 
“Little over two years. It’s been nothing but a hobby until recently though,” Taehyun admits, stepping back as he puts his arms down, “didn’t know this place was a thing.” 
“It’s been running for four years, actually,” Beomgyu says, sighing as he lowers his guard as well; he takes this time to rest, feeling the way his body is beginning to ache from the activity, “Jin and a couple others started it for fun. It’s only recently that things turned serious.”
Taehyun thinks of the referee— and his clear bias with Beomgyu— and frowns, realizing that the very same man he met yesterday was the owner of the building. Shaking his head, he sighs— then jumps back at the unexpected jab Beomgyu sends to him in warning. 
He has no time to complain; his arms immediately come up for defense as Beomgyu seems to have regained his energy, a mischievous smile plastered on his face as he lands a hook on Taehyun— he groans at the feeling, stumbling back as he attempts to regain his composure. 
Before he can regain stability, he’s pulled into another clinch— Beomgyu’s got him good, unable to keep his balance as Beomgyu pulls him into a tight chokehold; He’s trapped, unable to get away as he’s forced to tap out. 
“You know, I’ve noticed quite a few things about the way you fight,” Beomgyu says, ignoring the way Taehyun gives him a pointed glare, “you give all your energy in the first round— you need to be able to conserve your energy, you know.”
Though all Taehyun does is roll his eyes, he secretly takes note of the older man’s comment; he noticed Beomgyu had been giving him pointers the entire time, and he would be a fool to not take advice from the club’s toughest fighter— Taehyun’s pride could only stretch so far. 
Silently, they decide to take a break; there was no use in practicing if neither of them had the energy to throw a proper punch. Exiting the cage, Taehyun lets out a groan as he immediately takes a seat at one of the benches before him— annoyingly, his water bottle is empty again, and he’s forced to trudge to the only water fountain in the building that’s been placed all the way by the entrance; he grimaces at the thought of having to drink water from such a rusty old thing, but the dehydrated scratch of his throat isn’t giving him much of an option. 
Taehyun isn’t too phased when the doors slam open; there have been a few other fighters that have come in while they were sparring, so he figures this must be another regular as he keeps his eyes on the water fountain— it isn’t until he hears haste footsteps and lows cursing that he looks up in curiosity. 
“Of course he would be here,” you’re as irritated as always as you push past Taehyun without much more of a glance, your brows knitted together in annoyance as you make a beeline to the cage— Taehyun gets the privilege of getting front seats to the scene as he leans back in amusement, taking a sip of his cool water before grimacing at the taste. 
“Hey!” You yell, jumping up on the outskirts of the cage and glaring at Beomgyu, who has the audacity to look up at you with puppy eyes as he lays spread out in the center of the ring, “do you always have to be here? Why don’t you go do normal things for once?” 
Taehyun can hear you grumbling something about the long drive and shady district, but it’s left an unintelligible mess as he watches Beomgyu sit up, wincing slightly in the process. 
“You knew I was gonna be here,” is all he says, ticking his head side to side as loud cracks ring throughout the empty building, “plus you’re acting like you couldn’t have called.”
You can’t seem to control the bewildered laugh that escapes you at his words, eyes widening as you jump back down from your place; crossing your arms, you sit down at a bench, jaw clenched as you shoot Beomgyu a lethal glare. 
“You think I didn’t try?” You ask, crossing your legs as you tap at your bicep in annoyance, “your phone is always in the damn locker room!”
“Alright, whatever!” Beomgyu says, throwing his hands up in defeat, “what do you need now.”
“Two of our workers called off. Your mother wants you to come back and help with the catering order,” you say, your gaze cold as you watch Beomgyu begin to whine at you, giving you excuses that you don’t bother to listen to as you shake your head. 
“Listen to your mother and go. Quick,” you say, not wanting to linger any longer as you stand up, leaving without so much as a goodbye as you’re rushing back out again. 
“Yeah, listen to your mother,” Taehyun teases, raising a brow as you snap your head towards him, delivering a cold glare that only makes Taehyun grin, much to your annoyance; he can hear you muttering curses under your breath as you slam the doors open, the sound of your rambling only amusing Taehyun further as he makes his way back to Beomgyu. 
“Crazy how you let yourself get pushed around like that,” Taehyun knows he’s only instigating, but it’s amusing to watch the older man get worked up as he simply huffs in annoyance, cursing under his breath in the same manner you did— he can see where Beomgyu gets his short temper from. 
“I don’t.” he snaps, but the way he’s already beginning to pack up says otherwise; there’s defeat in all his actions as he becomes sluggish, trudging to the locker room where he reluctantly begins to change, “come back here tomorrow, same time— I need to show you something.” 
Beomgyu leaves shortly afterward— the annoyance in his mood has yet to go away as he glances back at the ring one last time, watching solemnly as Taehyun continues to shadow box without him. For a second, he almost considers dropping his responsibilities and going for another round, but your fiery and threatening voice echoes in his head, allowing him to finally leave as a shiver goes through his body. 
“Stupid workers… making me clean up after their mess…” Beomgyu thinks he might go insane if he has to pack another to-go tray filled with the same order, his mind fried and his hands on auto-pilot as he watches you busily cook out of the corner of his eye. You’re as stone-cold and intimidating as always, sending Beomgyu a sharp glare every time you catch him slacking off— it’s eerie, the way you can almost sense it, never giving Beomgyu a break as you stress the fact that you need to have the order done by the next thirty minutes. 
He’s almost done, so he doesn’t feel as rushed as you do— then again, you may just be on edge due to the fact that you’ve been pulling the weight of the two workers that called off as well as your regular tasks; the sight is enough to have Beomgyu irritated once more. 
You work way too hard for your own good; it’s a fact that Beomgyu always calls you out on, but you’re always just as quick to dismiss it as you shake your head in denial, telling him that he’s overreacting. Yet, as he watches you now, stressed and irritated, he can practically feel himself biting his tongue to prevent calling you out on it. 
The catering order is finished with ease; Beomgyu can feel a weight lift off him the moment a delivery person takes the order from him— the same can be said for you— and he’s almost ready to leave when his eyes catch sight of a new patron that walks in. 
The place has calmed down a bit, so it’s relatively empty— meaning, there should be no reason for Beomgyu to linger around anymore. Yet, he can’t help but be nosy and stay as he watches Jungkook beeline towards you, confident and handsome as always as he sends you a beaming smile.
“Didn’t think I’d see you here,” you remark sarcastically, leaning against the bar counter as you match Jungkook’s mischievous grin, “the usual?” 
“You know me so well,” Jungkook coos, and the exchange is enough to have Beomgyu straightening up— he’s never seen Jungkook at the restaurant before, let alone the two of you talking so casually to each other. 
Neither of you seem to catch Beomgyu’s analytic stare, much too caught up in your own world to notice anything around you; even the new customer that comes in through the door, trudging over to the bar as he sits a few seats away from Jungkook— Beomgyu is the first to notice as he quickly makes his way over.
“The hell are you doing here?” 
The smile Taehyun sends is pure evil as he leans on the bar, crossing his arms and tilting his head as he raises a brow at Beomgyu’s pointed question. 
“Here to eat, what else?” Beomgyu says nothing in response, his eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed as he takes Taehyun’s order, “and if you’re done eavesdropping on their conversations over there, I’d like to know what you were talking about earlier— I’m not exactly free tomorrow.”
The man’s words are enough to have Beomgyu standing straight, sending Taehyun a glare as he grits his teeth at the comment. “Am not.” 
“Come on, be slick about it at least,” Taehyun sighs, eyeing the two of you from the corner of his eye, watching as you continue to converse with the customer— it takes a moment, but Taehyun is able to recognize the patron as he looks back at Beomgyu, pointing their way as he asks, “the hell is the bartender from the club doing here?” 
“That’s Jungkook,” Beomgyu mutters, putting his notepad away as stops to watch the two of you carefully for a second, “and that’s what I’m wondering myself. It’s clearly not to eat.” 
“Yeah, who gives a fuck,” Taehyun grumbles, watching as Beomgyu reaches in his pocket for a piece of paper— pausing, he takes a second to examine Beomgyu, biting his lip as he fights back a smile, “hey, you jealous?” 
“Shut up,” Beomgyu groans, rolling his eyes as he turns his back to you, jaw clenched as he narrows his eyes at Taehyun, who’s only left smiling in return, “she’s basically family, don’t even assume shit.” 
“Not what you said last time I was here,” Taehyun’s words have Beomgyu pausing entirely, forced to take a second to breathe as he takes in the younger man before him. 
“You’re an instigating little bitch, huh?” Is all Beomgyu can utter, watching as Taehyun simply laughs at his words, clearly unaffected by Beomgyu’s anger, “you better keep your mouth shut if you wanna stay in here.” 
“Alright, do your thing,” Taehyun sighs, putting his hands up in defeat. A moment passes, and Taehyun huffs out a laugh, his eyes falling to the piece of paper Beomgyu pushes forward before he continues, “This better be good.” 
Beomgyu watches as Taehyun begins to scan the paper, turning away so he can put the younger’s order in as he does. Once finished, he pauses, leaning against the wall as he waits for Taehyun to finish—Taehyun can practically feel the said man’s stare burn into his skin as he reads the information carefully, eyes widening as takes it all in; looking up, he finds Beomgyu’s eyes effortlessly.
Folding the paper back up carefully, Beomgyu makes his way back over, surprised you haven’t swooped in and asked what’s going on yet; hurriedly, he gets tries to get his point across, leaning in close to Taehyun and sending him an excited smile as he watches Taehyun open his mouth to ask questions immediately.
“How did you find this?” He asks, searching Beomgyu’s eyes as he watches the older man take the flier back, running his fingers over the creases in an absentminded attempt to smooth them out, “who gave you this?” 
“Old friend of mine.” Beomgyu says, leaning back as he watches Taehyun do the same, crossing his arms as he watches Beomgyu with scrutinized eyes, “thought you’d be interested in this.” 
“You’re inviting me? Letting me in on this?” Taehyun asks, frown only deepening as Beomgyu nods innocently, “what makes you think I won’t just win the tournament and take the prize money for myself?” 
“That is a possibility,” Beomgyu hums, “but that’s also what makes it fun.” 
“The hell is this? FightX?” Beomgyu can’t help the way he jumps as you appear behind him, looking over him as you reach to grab the flier from his hands. Beomgyu, in a weak attempt to distract you, attempts to call Jungkook over, trying to snatch the flier back while doing so; his attempts fail miserably as he watches the way your eyes grow wide.
“Are you kidding me?” You say, taking the flier and tucking it away in your own pocket smoothly. Beomgyu only sighs, used to your antics as Taehyun can only watch with an amused look in his eyes, ever as eager to poke the bear as he finds your anger intriguing. 
“Beomgyu, I swear to god that if I see or hear anything about you in that FightX club, I’ll kill you myself.” Your hands are tense as you cross them over your chest, giving Beomgyu a pointed glare as you continue, “I don’t care about you going to Seokjin’s little place— but if you even try to go to that tournament—” 
“Hey, relax, won’t you? You wouldn’t even know what goes on in a place like that,” Taehyun’s words are enough to have your eyes widening, mouth parting in surprise as you slowly turn to the man; beside you, Beomgyu shakes his head in warning, sending Taehyun a warning glare as he mouths the words shut the fuck up. 
“What did you just say to me?” You ask incredually, leaning forward and against the counter as you examine Taehyun carefully; the man is nothing more than amused as he smiles innocently at you, standing his ground as he tilts his head like a puppy, “who are you, anyway?” 
“Someone who knows way more about what goes on in that club than you,” he says softly, a tired tsk leaving him as he takes in the twitch of your brows, watching the way you try to keep your expression neutral, “you don’t need to worry about what Beomgyu does in his personal time.”
You’re left speechless as you press your tongue against your cheek, huffing out a bewildered laugh as you take a step back; glancing at Beomgyu, you narrow your eyes at him, watching as he simply attempts to diffuse the situation with stuttered excuses and a nervous laugh, his behavior changing drastically under your heated gaze.
“I warned you.” is all you say, not bothering to regard Taehyun at all as glare at Beomgyu, turning on your heel as you hear a coworker call your name for your help. 
“What the hell man?” Beomgyu whispers, turning to Taehyun with wide eyes; the man simply shrugs, unphased by the tension as he sighs tiredly. Mind muddled with everything that just happened, he’s quick to find himself untying his apron; he’s done what you’ve asked, and he doubts that you’ll be able to force him to stick around now— especially after the confrontation you just had. 
“FightX? Yo, you’re not planning on going, are you?” Jungkook is slow to the scene as he takes a seat next to Taehyun, recognizing him as the new fighter from a while ago as he nods to him in greeting; turning to Beomgyu, he raises a brow as he waits for him to respond. 
“I don’t know. The prize money’s no joke,” Beomgyu admits, holding onto his apron as he narrows his eyes at Jungkook, who’s only shaking his head in dismay. 
“The prize money is like that for a good reason,” Jungkook warns, nudging Taehyun as he tells him to listen as well, “that place is dangerous. Both the fighters and the patrons are something else, and if you don’t have connections to the right people…” 
The way Jungkook trails off is enough to give the two younger men a gist of what he means, the troubled look in his eyes disappearing as he watches you pass by— his signature smile is back as he pats Taehyun on the back, sending Beomgyu a look before he’s standing up, ready to go to where you’re at now.
“Use your brain for once and think this one through, yeah? And you,” Jungkook says, nudging Taehyun before he leaves, “stop putting our most valuable asset in danger.”
The way Jungkook goes to you is reminiscent of a puppy, the two men watching as he goes back to shamelessly flirt with you— you seem unphased, rolling your eyes as you try to hide your smile of amusement all the while.
“Think this through,” Taehyun chimes in, bringing Beomgyu’s attention back to him, “you seem to have connections— plus, I think it’d be fun.”
The offer becomes more tempting as Beomgyu recalls the prize money that comes along with the win, and Beomgyu is left with more uncertainty than expected as he thinks back to the warnings that came along with it. 
Beomgyu hasn’t been home today.
He’s never home, really, so the fact should be no surprise to you. But there’s something about today that leaves you on edge, your leg bouncing under the table as you hide your unease with a shaky smile. 
“You’re such a hard worker,” Beomgyu’s mother sighs, pouring you a cup of coffee as she makes her way back to where you sit at the dinner table, “I can’t thank you enough for what you do.” 
“I should be the one thanking you,” you say, taking the warm mug from her, trying to hide your shaking hands as you cup the dish tightly, “For giving me this opportunity. For giving me a home.” 
The Choi family was the only reason you were still alive and healthy; if it weren’t for them, you’d probably still be on the streets, dependent on the money that came from shady clubs filled with dangerous people.
That was the only reason you met Beomgyu— you had just finished a fight of your own as you stumbled out of the infirmary, barely patched up as they began the men’s lightweight division fights; you only wanted to stay and bet on the fight before you before you left with the rest of your earnings, curious as to how the match before you would end. 
To say the crowd loved it was an understatement; they were sick people, and the moment they realized that one of the most experienced lightweight fighters was currently pitted against a scrawny sixteen-year-old boy, the betting pool practically tripled within seconds. 
You‘ve never seen him before; it was clear to you that he was new within seconds of watching him in the cage, from his unsure missteps, to the way his arms didn’t come down from his head for a second, wide eyes watching carefully for any opening available. 
He got beat and knocked out within minutes; the match had been more of a joke to those watching than an actual fight. His injuries were nothing to laugh at however, the cage floor littered with his blood as nurses rushed out of the infirmary for him, picking him up and carrying him away as the patrons around you remained unphased at the sight— you still remember wincing as you took in the state his opponent left him in. 
It was a general consensus within the ring that those more experienced shouldn’t be too harsh on newbies— simply out of respect for one’s opponent. But respect didn’t exist in such a place— if anything, respect wasn’t even earned after countless grueling matches in a place like FightX; it didn’t matter if you were good, the only thing that mattered was the number of wins under your belt and how much cash you walked out of the place with— which is why the patrons of such a club knew better than to mess with you. 
This was no place for a child, you remembered thinking to yourself, scoffing at the way people continued to berate and talk about the loser of the previous match. Rolling your eyes, you figured it was better to leave now than to stick around and have shady people try to strike up deals with you— wanting to become your manager, to move you further up the ladder, to share profits with you. 
It usually wasn’t a problem for you to leave; if anything, regulars knew better than to get in your way after you’ve had your fill of fights— but it had been different that day, left to push your way through as a commotion began to form at the entrance. 
“Woah, who the hell is this?” The speakers above you were booming with the commentator’s sneering remarks, the current fight before them no longer a priority as the screams of a woman tore through the crowd. 
“Please, please tell me he’s here,” the ruckus was beginning to become more of a headache to you than anything, pushing through the heaps of people in an attempt to get past the dramatic scene and back home— “home” consisting of a random motel that was cheap enough for this week’s earnings— only to pause once you were able to take in the woman’s helpless state. 
This was someone’s mother, you realize, raising a brow as you take in the way her eyes are wide with fear and worry, brimming with tears as she attempts to put on a brave front. The mocking commentary of the men continue to boom over the speakers as those around the older woman ignore her or tell her to get lost, not bothering to listen to her words as they immediately turned their backs to her. 
The boy’s mother. You realize, taking a deep breath before you walk toward the woman, grabbing onto her bicep tightly in order to gain her attention. She seemed more than ready to brush off your grip and fight to stay, but upon taking in your solemn appearance, she paused, her mouth parting as she no-doubt became ready to ask the same question she had been asking everyone else.
“Your son is over here,” you sigh out, tugging her along wordlessly— at your claim, she quickly follows, asking endless questions that you can’t even seem to keep up with. 
“Tall, scrawny, long hair?” You ask, glancing back at her to catch her nodding incredually, “around sixteen?” 
Once again, she nods, her gesture only making you sigh once more as you ignore the pressing stares of those around you. 
“Yeah, he’s this way,” you say, finally arriving at the infirmary as you’re left to scan all the cots around you; his mother seems to spot him first, exclaiming loudly before she leaves your side to run to him. 
The sight is enough to have you clenching your jaw as you lean against the doorway, arms crossed defensively over your chest as you watch the boy’s mother cry and scold the barely conscious boy. It was clear she cared for him, and the sight was foreign to you as you found yourself frozen in one place, forcing yourself to spectate a scene that you knew you’d never experience for yourself. 
You stuck around to help the woman take her son home, listening quietly as she turned to scold the boy, huffing once in a while as she observed the way you effortlessly helped him walk with an arm thrown over your shoulder— the patrons around you were wise enough to keep their comments to themselves as they flinched at the hard glares you gave them. 
“Don’t come back here kid,” you remembered telling him, dropping him in the passenger’s seat of his mothers car, rolling your eyes as he incoherently attempted to argue with you, “this place is too dangerous for someone like you.” 
“And you?” His mother’s words had been enough to snap you out of your dazed state; looking up, you had been surprised to see his mother staring at you with the same concern in her gaze, her head tilting as she scanned your bruised skin and tired face, “will you be alright here?” 
Her concern had been unexpected— so much so that you couldn’t help the way you laughed softly at her words, shaking your head as you ignored the strangely warm feeling that bloomed within you from her concern. 
“I know how to handle myself here,” you told her, jaw clenching as you watched the way she remained unconvinced. Slowly, you watched her reach in her jacket pockets, fishing around for something until she finally found it, a small ah, escaping her mouth before she finally offered you the object with polite hands; you stared at the business card she handed you, unsure of what to do until you finally accepted it after a pause. 
“Thank you so much for your help today,” she says, bowing gratefully as she looks at you with a kind smile, “if you’re ever hungry, you can always stop by. On the house.” 
The laminated card feels smooth under your fingers as you absentmindedly accept her offer, unsure of how to react to her kindness as she thanks you again; you try to ignore the way her eyes are coated with concern and pity, the emotions within you nothing but bitter as you watch her drive away. 
Shoving her card into your jacket pocket, you sigh, turning on your heels and walking back to the cheap motel that you knew was too shady to stay at for too long. If you win another match tomorrow, you might be able to stay at the better motel just a few blocks over. 
The thought was promising as you made your way back, your muscles aching and your stomach growling as you inevitably thought back to the free meal that boy’s mother promised you. 
Maybe tomorrow, you thought, pulling the card back out of your pocket to examine it, you should treat yourself after tomorrow’s fight. 
Your life had taken a surprising turn after that day— now you found yourself here, sitting in the home of the Choi family, welcomed as always and reformed of your ways of fighting— you only wish the same could be said for Beomgyu. 
“So,” you say, clearing your throat as you try to get the nerves out of your tone, “Where’s Beomgyu at?” 
“Oh,” she sighs, slumping down in the chair across from you as she takes a sip from her cup of coffee, “God, I don’t even know— he left really early today, didn’t even bother to let me know— he hasn’t been back since.” 
The news was odd to you; it was late already, but Beomgyu wasn’t the type to be up in the mornings, much less make any plans. You took a second to process her words, nodding absentmindedly as you took another sip from your drink— the flier you took from him seems to be weighing your pocket down now more than ever. 
He wouldn’t, the more forgiving part of you thought, he knows better than to go off to a place like that. 
But the more skeptical part of you knew better; Beomgyu was always one to be swayed easily, and with that new sparring partner of his, your trust in him only seemed to dwindle more and more. 
Taehyun had only proved himself to be a danger to Beomgyu— especially if he was so eager to get himself into a place like FightX. 
Your thoughts were abruptly interrupted when the sound of a phone ringing echoed throughout the room; blinking wildly, you allow Ms. Choi to excuse herself as she leaves to answer the phone— you take this chance to take the flier out of your pocket, unfolding it carefully as your fingers smooth over the wrinkles. 
Reading it carefully, your eyes widen, biting at your lip as you feel your heart beginning to beat faster.
It was tonight.
And it started two hours ago. 
You don’t give much of an explanation to Ms. Choi as you’re standing abruptly, making your way to where she stands at the kitchen to say goodbye— you can see the confusion and concern swim in her eyes at your suddenness, but you hope that the bright, carefree smile you send her is enough to soothe her as you apologize for leaving early. 
It’s scary how easy it is for you to make your way to that club— despite it being years since you last stepped inside, you can still feel instinct take over as you’re speeding off to the tournament. 
If Beomgyu’s still alive by the time you get there, you’ll kill him yourself. 
Clenching your jaw, you pray that there are no cops around as you speed through the empty streets, your only priority clouding your mind as you run past a few red lights. 
And his little friend too. 
Beomgyu’s body feels like it’s been set alight with anxiety. 
He’s pacing around the locker room, attempting to control his breathing as he focuses on his next opponent; on his fighting style, on how to beat him. 
He’s been in this position many times— it’s like second nature to him, only the new setting seems to be affecting him more than he expected. It’s not like he’s never branched out to other underground fighting tournaments before; he’s been all around the city and even outside of it, trusting Seokjin’s judgment as he made a name for himself through it— in a way, Seokjin had almost been like a manager to him.  
But he hasn’t been here in years; six years, to be exact. He can still feel the danger that looms through these walls, feeling more trapped than anything as memories of his first match come to mind— a primal fear is prominent in every single one. 
Beomgyu is much more different than he was six years ago— both in muscle and mentality, he knows how to handle himself in such a shady place. Yet, he can’t help but remember your warnings, his brows furrowing as he feels his heart pound a little harder against his chest. 
“You overthinking things again?” Beomgyu’s spiraling train of thought is interrupted as he snaps his head over to the doorway, meeting eyes with Taehyun who sports a bright smile, much more relaxed and excited than he is.
“Can’t help it,” Beomgyu admits, sighing heavily as he turns to stretch instead, “new territory.”
“Thought you had connections to this place?” Taehyun asks, tilting his head as he listens to Beomgyu explain that while it is true, he still isn’t experienced with this club. 
“Don’t think about it too much,” Taehyun says, making his way over as he sits at the bench near Beomgyu, “the bracket looks easy today.” 
The plan was simple; make it to the end of the bracket, where Beomgyu and Taehyun would inevitably have to fight each other— the earnings would be split between the two after.
Just makes the odds of earning the prize money higher, Beomgyu had explained once Taehyun began questioning his motives, that way, both of us win, and get experience out of it.  
The prize money was already so grand that even half of it seemed more than enough for Beomgyu— and of course, the thought of returning to such a place and finally winning a grand tournament was thrilling to Beomgyu. 
The things he could do with the prize money were endless— he already had a few ideas in mind, thinking back to his hardworking mother and how much she struggled to raise him on her own while still managing her restaurant. Then he thought about you, of the hard times he gave you, knowing how much you feared him going through the same things you did, of turning to a life dependent on fighting and gambling. 
“Hey hey, focus,” Beomgyu is blinking rapidly as Taehyun claps in front of his face, laughing at the way the older man managed to zone out once more, “you’re up in three minutes, you should prepare yourself.” 
Beomgyu is nodding absentmindedly as he watches Taehyun exit, still feeling nerves creeping up his system as he wonders if this is all such a good idea; then his name is called, and the referee pops in to ask if he’s ready. 
“Yeah,” Beomgyu finds himself saying, feeling as though he’s lost control of his body as he’s walking out of the dimly lit locker room, “lets go.” 
“Hey, I know we haven’t talked in a while but— yeah, no need to remind me,” your voice is low and your footsteps are echoing as you walk through puddles, the smell of rain still lingering in the air as you weave your way through dark alley— the feeling is oddly reminiscent as you find yourself laughing along with your old friend on the phone.
“No, it’s serious stuff,” you sigh, turning the corner as you find the place you’ve been dreading to step inside of. A small shop meets you, the lights off and the gates closed around the windows— the unassuming shop makes your stomach churn with dread, approaching it slowly before you’re walking around its perimeter. 
“You’ll never guess where I’m back at right now— yup, the very one,” your friend’s incredulous laugh booms over the line as you let out some bitter chuckles yourself, rounding towards the back as you see a deep, ominous stairwell; faintly, you can hear the brutish screams and commentary leaking through, the sound only beginning to worsen as time passes; the sound has a deep sigh leaving you as you begin the long descend into the basement. 
“Listen, I need you and your men to be here on standby— I’m serious, you think I’d joke about this stuff?” You finally reach the bottom as you pause at the very last step, staring at the metal door that’s left at the end of the corridor. 
“Thanks. I’ll call you if I need you to come in,” you say, bidding your goodbye before you’re finally hanging up, tucking your phone in your back pocket before you’re taking a final, deep breath. 
Hopefully I won’t. You mutter, reaching forward before you’re finally opening the heavy, metal door. 
Beomgyu feels dizzy. 
The bracket looks easy today, Taehyun’s voice echoes in his head as he rests against the ring’s ropes, the layout different to what he’s used to as he takes a moment to recollect himself. 
Easy— the fuck was Taehyun talking about? Beomgyu feels left out as he watches his opponent talk with his coach, discussing strategies and glancing back at Beomgyu, who’s left on his own as he takes the opportunity to stretch. 
He just needed to beat the man across from him, then he was officially in the finals. The thought was the only thing that soothed him as he scanned the crowd for Taehyun, finally finding him right at the front; he was just as tired and beat as Beomgyu was, but the encouraging smile he sent Beomgyu managed to keep him on his feet a little longer— the prize money loomed over his head as he watched the referee call the next round, the fighter before Beomgyu gritting his teeth against his mouthpiece as his coach yelled at him to knock Beomgyu out. 
His opponent became predictable fairly quickly— Beomgyu’s arms came up to his head for defense as the man attempted to jab at him, only to slide down to his sides and squeeze as his opponent attempted to land a hook to his side; at his liver, to be exact. 
Chenle, Beomgyu remembers the commentators announce, his name was Chenle. 
He looked to be around his age, if not younger. The man before him was energetic and strong, but seemed to get too excited during the rounds; it seemed as though he only came into the ring with one tactic in mind, and remained persistent to knock his opponent out in one specific way— it seemed he targeted Beomgyu with liver shots. 
His punch was quite lethal— Beomgyu would know, because he fell victim to his attack in the first round. If anything, he still feels as though his mind is all muddled as he shifts away, avoiding the man’s attempt to get him cornered before he’s throwing a few quick punches himself. 
It doesn’t take long before Beomgyu is able to turn the match around, however. Chenle seems to be very poor in adapting to an opponent’s fighting style, and Beomgyu is quickly able to pull him into a chokehold that has him tapping out within seconds— without his hooks, Chenle was practically useless.
All this fighting had taken a toll on Beomgyu— he’s sure it showed as well, panting like a dog as the referee thrust his hand into the air, the commentators announcing him as the winner over the speakers: The Bear wins again. 
Beomgyu could see why you attempted to dissuade him from going to such a place as he takes in everyone’s reactions— the good, the bad, and the dangerous. From the corner of his eye, he can see Chenle stumbling back to his coach, the two clearly bitter and angry as they whisper plans to each other— Beomgyu shivers involuntarily as their glares land on him, his gut telling him that they’re up to no good as the referee finally lets go of his wrist, quick to exit the ring and get as far from them as possible. 
“Hey, we made it,” Taehyun grins, clapping Beomgyu on the shoulder as he laughs with joy— only to apologize as Beomgyu winces, his hand coming off in a second, “Our fight’s in thirty minutes, go rest and clean up— I don’t wanna have to go easy on you now.”
Absentmindedly, Beomgyu nods, ducking his head and making his way back to the locker room as he tries to ignore the stares of those around him— he can practically feel his body become alight with nerves by the time he’s back in the dark locker room, his heart pounding and his hands shaking as he begins to wonder if all your warnings have made him paranoid.  
It must be the adrenaline, he thinks to himself, undoing his hand wraps and wincing as he stretches his cramped muscles, yeah. adrenaline.  
He can’t help the way he groans as he makes his way to the bathroom area— all this fighting has taken a heavy toll on him, and he quickly finds that he’s already begun to sprout plenty of injuries and bruises as he finds his reflection in the mirror; his eyes remain downcast as he goes to wash his hands, sighing as the cool water splashes against his skin.
“I’m telling you, you were great!” Beomgyu can’t help but hear the conversation that begins to leak into the locker room, frowning at the way the second person begins to complain and yell angrily— the sound is enough to have Beomgyu on guard, straightening up slowly as he quickly turns the sink off. 
“No, I wasn’t great— I fucking lost!” He jumps at the sound of something striking hard against the lockers— Beomgyu can feel his stomach sink with dread as he realizes that it must be Chenle that walked in— he’s able to recognize his voice fairly quickly. 
“I know, I know— It’s odd, really, you weren’t supposed to have…” Beomgyu feels like he’s unable to breathe as the manager walks into sight, locking eyes with him through the reflection in an instant as he immediately stops talking; Chenle’s irritated what? Is enough to have Beomgyu snapping out of his daze, turning around as he watches the boy’s manager let out an exasperated laugh. 
“Hey,” Chenle begins, spotting Beomgyu as he quickly makes his way to him— Beomgyu remains silent, his eyes narrowed coldly as he tries to make a point that he’s not intimidated, “what the hell was that about back there?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Beomgyu mutters, watching as Chenle scoffs, turning away for a second to compose himself. 
“The match,” Chenle clarifies, enunciating each syllable as though Beomgyu were incapable of understanding, “you were supposed to throw it.” 
The words are definitely news to Beomgyu; he’s sure it shows on his face, because Chenle only seems to grow angrier by the second, Beomgyu’s silence only irritating him more as he runs a stressed hand through his hair. 
“Don’t act fuckin stupid,” Chenle spits out, pushing Beomgyu’s chest and taking him by surprise as he stumbles back into the sink, “We had our deal. Give me back the money I gave you.” 
“You have the wrong person,” Beomgyu says slowly, attempting to remain calm as he briefly looks over Chenle’s shoulder, and at the exit behind the two; he had two options: fight— which Chenle seemed more than ready to do— or stay out of trouble and run. The second option seemed very tempting at the moment. 
“I didn’t make any deal with you.” 
This seems enough to set Chenle off, more than ready to throw a punch before he’s interrupted by his manager; the man’s sharp Chenle is enough to have the two men looking back, over to where his manager leans against the wall, arms crossed as he stares at Beomgyu carefully. 
“You,” the man says carefully, nodding at Beomgyu as he raises a brow questioningly, “what’s your name?”
“Beomgyu,” he replies gruffly, watching as the manager only becomes more confused by his response. 
“Who sent you here?”
“Hey man, what’s the hold up, our fight started two minutes ago and people are already calling a forfeit—“ Taehyun pauses at the sight of the scene before him, taking a second to compose himself before he’s sending a cold glare to Chenle’s manager, “what’re you doing here?” 
“I could ask you the same thing,” the man replies, pushing himself off the wall before he’s shoving his hands into his pants pockets, “now that I think about it, you two weren’t on the original roster we agreed to.”  
“The hell are you talking about?” It’s clear that the situation has begun to annoy Taehyun, who remains unphased as the manager begins to walk towards him, “We were invited to the tournament.” 
“Oh yeah? By who?” The man asks quietly, tilting his head as he waits expectantly for Taehyun to answer. 
“Choi Yeonjun,” Beomgyu says, the name foreign to Taehyun’s ears as he gauges the men’s reactions, the two of them watching Beomgyu with a scrutinizing gaze— what he sees does nothing to soothe his nerves. 
“Choi Yeonjun?” It seems as though that was not the answer either of them were looking for, the older man beginning to walk towards Taehyun, cornering him against the wall as Beomgyu attempts to step in— the warning glare Chenle sends him has him stilling for a second.
“That little rat sent you two? He still has the courage to try and involve himself here?” Something isn’t right— Beomgyu feels as though his body is on fire, buzzing with adrenaline as he watches the man’s tone drop dangerously— he’s reaching towards his jacket, the sight alarming as Beomgyu decides to divert his attention before it’s too late. 
His attempt to take down Chenle works fairly easy— at least, that’s what Beomgyu thinks initially, able to take Chenle by surprise with a punch to the face before the boy is recovering; he’s more than ready to take back any of Chenle’s hits, only that’s not what the younger man seems to have in mind as he reaches into his jacket pocket instead.
Beomgyu isn’t given much time to react before Chenle is tackling him into the wall, his head banging harshly against it before he feels himself grow paralyzed with shock and pain— the knife Chenle drives into Beomgyu’s stomach is quickly plunged out, the younger man’s manager pulling him back with a scolding tsk and a harsh pull of his collar. 
“Shit,” he can hear Taehyun exclaim, running to Beomgyu’s side in an instant as he attempts to add pressure to the wound; Beomgyu is still in shock as he groans at the feeling, a shuddering breath escaping him as he watches his blood run down his skin and stain his shorts. 
“Chenle, let’s go,” the manager hisses, tugging Chenle along and hiding the weapon before either Beomgyu or Taehyun are able to process it.
Beomgyu feels as though he’s swimming underwater with how disoriented he feels, the quiet apologies Taehyun lets out over and over falling onto deaf ears as the noise outside only grows louder. 
“We need to take you to the hospital man, shit,” Taehyun says, doing his best to carry Beomgyu with him as they make their way out— he knows better than to try and trust anyone in this place to treat him. 
“What’s this?” Taehyun is already rolling his eyes at the sight of a new person blocking their path, more than ready to curse them out and push them out of the way before he realizes who it is; Choi Minho, the club owner, simply smiles down at them, inspecting the two men before him before his cold gaze stops upon Beomgyu. 
“Playing dirty already?” His lack of urgency has Taehyun’s stomach churning with dread, wondering what the fuck he’s gotten himself into as the owner of the club only stops to laugh at his own joke.
Taehyun’s guilt and fear for his friend seems to cloud his reasoning; without another thought, he’s pushing past Minho, trying to find his way over to the exit before he quickly realizes that he’s managed to bring all the attention to him. 
The crowd goes wild at the sight of Beomgyu’s injury; they’re crowding around the three, attempting to instigate a fight and bet money as their eyes light up with bloodlust— the sight has Taehyun shivering as he stumbles forward in uncertainty, avoiding a woman that attempts to grab out to Beomgyu in the process. 
The sight was terrifying; Minho could only watch in satisfaction behind them, crossing his arms in amusement as he watched Taehyun try to push through the packed crowds of people; his hold on Beomgyu was slipping, and he’s sure he’s left a trail of blood by now as his ears begin to ache, trying his best to ignore the catcalls and insults that are thrown at him; both to try and instigate and annoy him.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Minho calls after them, following behind as people almost seem to clear a path for him; in turn, the people on the other end seem to grow bolder, blocking his path and eager to witness conflict as Taehyun begins to yell at them to move.
“We still need to discuss your connections to this place,” Minho says, his eyes darkening as he meets Taehyun’s heated gaze, “Choi Yeonjun, was it?”
It’s no use; the crowd is getting handsy, pushing Taehyun back towards Minho in order to see the drama unfold. Beomgyu can only cling tighter to Taehyun, groaning in pain as the adrenaline slowly begins to wear off. 
Choi Yeonjun, what the fuck did you do, Taehyun is practically ready to spit in Minho’s face from the anger that courses through him, but the fear that Beomgyu may bleed out on him keeps his senses on high alert as he tries to formulate a plan to escape. 
His chance to escape comes in the form of five gunshots that boom through the room— each causing more panic than the last, the people around him bigger cowards than they let on as they immediately fall to the floor or scramble for cover. 
Taehyun is startled but remains alert, his head whipping around and meeting the eyes of someone who was more than used to coming to unorthodox places to wrangle Beomgyu out of danger. 
He doesn’t think he’s ever seen you angrier as you point a gun towards the ceiling, your jaw clenched and your face confronted into a nasty glare as rubble falls around you. 
“Get down,” you seethe, sweeping your gun through the area as you watch everyone cower at the sight, eyes pointed at those who try to get back up to escape, “I said get the fuck down!” 
The place seems to grow still the moment you put your finger back on the trigger, the startled yelps of those hiding the only thing that you can hear as you begin to walk forward; your gaze only darkens more at the sight of Beomgyu slumped in Taehyun’s arms. 
“___, so nice to see you back here,” Minho smiles, attempting to charm you with an innocent tilt of his head, “What brings you to this place?”
“Let them go, Minho,” you warn, raising your gun towards him as he simply puts his hands up in surrender— yet, the mischievous smile and his unphased body language tell you otherwise.
“And why should I?” He asks carefully, eyes flickering over to where Beomgyu barely remains standing, Taehyun attempting to put all his strength into stopping the blood flow of his wound, “They wronged me, and I simply want answers.” 
“Bullshit,” you spit out, jerking your arm as you bring your gun to aim at his head instead, “I have Agust and his men outside. Let them go if you know what’s good for you.” 
The sudden name seems to be enough for Minho to falter, his smile wavering for a second before he’s letting out a deep sigh; rolling his eyes, he takes a moment to think before he’s looking over to Taehyun and Beomgyu. 
Taehyun doesn’t need to be told twice; he’s making his way over to you without hesitation, struggling to step over the cowering bodies as Beomgyu clings to him like a ragdoll— you’re immediately pulling the two behind you before you’re jerking your head back to the exit, walking backwards as you keep your gun aimed at Minho in warning. 
“You’ll be back soon,” Minho grins, his eyes alight with something mischievous and dangerous as he lets his arms down slowly, “just you wait.”
Your free hand reaches for the heavy metal door, your eyes narrowing at his words as he waits for you to say something; in response, you spit at him, slamming the door behind you before you’re ushering Taehyun to hurry up.
“I fucking told you, I can’t fucking believe this,” you mutter under your breath, shoving the gun in your back pocket before you’re taking Beomgyu from Taehyun, slinging his arm over your shoulder as you spot Taehyun staggering behind in exhaustion. 
“Hurry up before I leave your ass here!” You yell, now at the top of the stairs as you meet eyes with the one person you now owed your life to. 
“Shit, you really weren’t messing around,” Yoongi says, his eyes widening as he takes sight of the unconscious man you carry with you. With a snap, his men take him from your arms, carrying him over to the backseat of Yoongi’s car before he’s gesturing for you to get in, Taehyun following close behind.
“We need to get him to the hospital, now,” you stress, unsure of how much Beomgyu was bleeding out before you got there; from his pale sweaty skin and slow, shuddering breaths, you know it’s best to act fast and ask questions later. 
“Don’t need to tell me twice,” is all Yoongi says, gesturing towards his men as they all begin to scatter, more than ready to speed off into the streets as he yells at Taehyun to put pressure on Beomgyu’s wound.
Pressed against the seat, you can’t ignore the way your head aches and your eyes sting with the threat of tears, unsure of what you’ll tell Beomgyu’s mother the moment he gets checked in the hospital. 
Silently, you reach over to Yoongi, grabbing his hand as you let out a soft thank you. In turn, he squeezes your hand in reassurance, his foot pressing down on the gas pedal as he takes in the anxiety that rolls off you in waves. 
The hospital is cold and unwelcoming. 
You’re in the waiting room, unable to stop yourself from pacing as Yoongi remains by your side; Taehyun lingers nearby, his gaze downcast and glued to the floor from the moment Beomgyu was taken away by paramedics. 
Your fingers dig into your arms as you sigh for the upteenth time; your gaze falls on Taehyun, your jaw clenching as you take him in— his head is downcast and he remains hunched over in his seat, his elbows propped on his knees as he hangs his head. But even from there, your eyes are able to look over the way his clothes are drenched with blood, his knuckles turning white as he clasps his hands together tightly. 
“Excuse me, are you Choi Beomgyu’s guardian?” The three of you are quick to turn at the meek nurse that approaches you, her hands folded politely as you take initiative to step towards her; nodding, you watch as she sighs, her face unreadable under the medical mask she wears. 
“I’m sorry to inform you that Choi Beomgyu’s wound was quite severe, and he lost a significant amount of blood.” You can feel Yoongi grasp at your arm as you exhale slowly, feeling yourself become unstable as your mouth falls open in disbelief, “We were able to stop the bleeding, but we’ve noticed that his wound has shown signs of infection; due to this, his condition is still critical— He is currently in the intensive care unit, and we are doing everything we can to stabilize him; Unfortunately, only immediate family can visit at this time.”
She lingers for a moment as she waits for you to say something, but you’re only able to muster enough energy to nod politely, ripping your arm out of Yoongi’s grasp before you’re stumbling outside— the said man is hot on your trail as he keeps a close eye on you, his quiet presence enough reassurance that he’s there if you need him. 
Your hands are shaking horribly as you shove them in your pockets; your head hurts, and you feel sick to your stomach as you lean against the hospital walls, your head banging softly against the concrete wall as your pockets fish for something to distract you; Yoongi is quick to guess as he reaches into his own jacket, pulling out a cigarette and placing it in between your lips before he’s lighting it for you. 
“He’ll be okay,” Yoongi reassures you, watching with narrowed eyes as you take a slow drag from the cigarette, “he’s a strong kid— in good hands, too.”
“I know he’ll be okay,” you grit out, sighing softly as you watch the smoke escape from your lips and disappear into the night sky, “he has to be.”
Your worries don’t lie entirely on his health; his recovery will be slow and tedious, but you’ll do anything if it ensures Beomgyu’s safety— the problem, however, lies on how much it’ll cost to ensure his recovery. 
With the treatments and antibiotics the doctors were currently giving Beomgyu, you’re sure Ms. Choi would break down at the sight of the bill; running a restaurant on her own can only do so much, and you’re sure as hell not blind to the reasons as to why Beomgyu took up fighting in the first place, witness to the way he would leave his prize money before her in hopes that it would take care of the monthly bills. 
A prize from the tournament at FightX would’ve been enough to have Ms. Choi closing the restaurant for a while and going on vacation— Beomgyu’s motivations slowly start clicking together in your head as you scoff, taking another drag from the cigarette in your hand as you feel the way your head begins to ache; the last thing you’ll do is have Ms. Choi worry about the bills.
“His mother,” Yoongi starts softly, interrupting your thoughts as he practically reads your mind, “are you gonna tell her?”
You take a moment before you answer, watching as Yoongi leans against the wall next to you patiently; flicking the ashes off your cigarette, you bite your lip, frowning in frustration as you sigh slowly. 
“I have to,” you say, your mind already wracking for ways you could deliver the news to his mother, “she’s already worried enough as it is.”
Pulling your phone out, you turn it on to show Yoongi your screen; an onslaught of missed calls and text messages greet you, all from Beomgyu’s mother as you wince at the escalation of the contents— all of them asking if you’re alright, if you know where Beomgyu might have run off to. 
“She’s already onto me,” you laugh softly, though it feels more forced than anything as you watch your screen light up again, her contact name taking over the screen as you take a second to look at it; with one last drag from your cigarette, you exhale, accepting the call as you drop the item and grind it into the ground, wincing slightly as Ms. Choi’s alarmed voice fills your ears. 
“Yes Ms. Choi, I’ve found him.” You look beyond exhausted as Taehyun watches from afar, only able to hear your soft voice as you continue to reassure his mother— the guilt that was plaguing Taehyun’s mind only comes back stronger as he watches you deliver the awaited news tensely, the words awkward in your mouth as you visibly flinch— only to quickly tell Beomgyu’s mother that he’s safe and there’s nothing to worry about. 
“We’re still here. I’ll wait for you, don’t worry.” Your voice is soft and calming as you speak, a stark contrast to what Taehyun saw earlier— he shivers at the thought, eyes widening slightly as they meet yours— stiffening, he can’t help how tense he feels as you gesture for him to come to him. 
It’s silent as Taehyun walks to you; tucking your phone into your back pocket, your eyes narrow at the sight of Taehyun walking towards you, as though his tail were tucked in between his legs as he refuses to meet your gaze. The sight is enough to have you angered again as you cross your arms, pushing yourself off the wall as you dig your fingers into your biceps, teeth gritting as you attempt to keep your voice steady as you speak. 
“What the hell happened back there? How did this all start?” You ask, your gaze intense as Taehyun forces himself to meet it; you look beyond furious as you wait for him to respond, Yoongi surveying carefully over your shoulder, the sight oddly intimidating as Taehyun begins to recount everything that happened. 
“The match was rigged— you weren’t even supposed to be there,” you conclude, looking over your shoulder to see Yoongi agreeing, “who was invited there?” 
“It was me,” Taehyun says, not an ounce of hesitation in his answer as he watches your eyes widen at the news, “It was all my idea, I thought it’d give us a bigger chance to win the prize money— I… I was the one who got the invite.”
Taehyun isn’t entirely sure as to why he just took all the blame for Beomgyu; maybe it was his guilty conscience, or the way that he knew if he told the truth, Beomgyu would be in more trouble than he already was— yet a small part of him seems to regret it as he watches the way your eyes widen, unable to stop yourself as Taehyun’s head jerks to the side— his cheek stings at the impact of your palm, but he doesn’t find himself to be angered by it as he remains silent. 
“This— this is all your fault?” You say, incredulous as you begin to pace again— whether it’s to hold yourself back from hitting Taehyun again or to process everything, he isn’t sure— “Do you have any idea the shit you just got us involved in?”
From the way Taehyun stares at you, his brows furrowed in concern, it’s clear the answer is no.
“Do you know how much it’ll cost for Beomgyu’s treatment? He could’ve fucking died!” The fact that Beomgyu still stepped foot in the underground club despite knowing the dangers of it isn’t lost on you— if anything, it angers you more, feeling as though he took everything you told him and went through as a joke, teeth gritting together at the thought of it, “his mother can’t afford something like this, do you realize how terrified she is to hear her son is in the ICU?”
“The money from the tournament,” Taehyun interrupts, watching the way you pause in your steps before he continues, “we can just use that— it’s more than enough.”
You remain silent— all you can do is stare at Taehyun for a second, eyes narrowing at him before you shake your head; bitterly, you smile, tilting your head as you cross your arms defensively once more. 
“Did you finish the tournament?” You ask, watching as Taehyun slowly shakes his head, “did you win?”
“No— it was just me and Beomgyu left anyway—”
“Did you win?” You repeat, your voice much more stern as you take a step closer to Taehyun; he can feel his heart sinking as he takes in your close proximity, your expression serious as he feels the realization dawn on him as well, “did you stay in the cage, did you hear them announce you as the winner?”
You both know the answer to your question; Taehyun’s voice is barely above a whisper as he speaks. 
“No,” you echo, hands falling to your sides, the burst of emotions from earlier taking a toll on you and leaving your voice quiet and tired as you continue, “They might as well call it a forfeit from your part.”
“The prize money is still their’s, and they’ll even hold another tournament while they’re at it.”
Backing away, you glance at Yoongi before gesturing for him to give you another cigarette; the lighter is the only thing that illuminates your face for a second, your eyes tired and angry as they flicker back up to meet Taehyun’s.
“Unless you want to go back and win it, you’re no use here.”
You refuse to talk to Taehyun any further as you turn your back to him; the smoke that escapes from your figure is oddly soothing as Taehyun lingers by your side, lost in thought as he leans against the wall; feeling a set of eyes searing into his skin, he looks up, meeting Yoongi’s curious gaze, watching as he tilts his head before he finally speaks to the younger man. 
“Who sent you that invitation?” Yoongi asks, burying his hands into his jacket pockets as he watches Taehyun intently— the said man pauses, mind thinking back to the name Beomgyu mentioned before he’s uttering it quietly, unsure of himself as he avoids Yoongi’s gaze. 
“Choi Yeonjun.” Taehyun is surprised to find both of you reacting, watching as your shoulders shake with quiet laughter, head turning to Yoongi who simply sends you a knowing look; the two of you shake your heads in dismay, leaving Taehyun to wonder if he said the wrong name as he watches Yoongi let out a deep sigh. 
“That explains it,” Yoongi mutters, taking the cigarette from your hands before he’s taking a drag of it himself; he’s blowing the smoke out to the side before he finally decides to give Taehyun more context, the sight of the man staring at him bringing him amusement as his lips twinge into a small smile. 
“You and Yeonjun, were you guys close?” Taehyun slowly shakes his head at the question, making Yoongi scoff— he wonders why the older man seems to be making such a big deal about this person, but the heavy feeling in his gut tells him it’s nothing good, “Makes sense— thought you had a death wish or something.” 
“What the hell are you talking about?” Taehyun asks, tired of being left out in the dark from the way Yoongi refuses to give proper context; he can’t help the way he straightens slightly as you turn back around to face him, your gaze still full of anger as you glare at Taehyun. 
“That invitation was a setup,” you begin, brow raising at the way Taehyun’s mouth falls open in surprise, “Choi Yeonjun was exposed as a rat years ago; he was working with police to try and get the club shutdown, greedy for money— didn’t exactly end well for him.” 
It all seems to make sense now; the hostility whenever either boys mentioned the man, the danger it wound them up in— Taehyun tries to keep a straight face at the news, but it’s difficult to do as you grow quiet, surveying Taehyun carefully as you take a step closer to him; then another, and another until you’re eerily close to him, attempting to analyze everything about him before you’re tutting softly. 
“But why he would send an invite to you, I have no idea— let alone how he got a spot in the bracket— what’d he tell you, anyway?” your questions are enough to have Taehyun gulping softly; hell, how was he supposed to know any of this? Yet, as far as you were concerned, Taehyun was the only one who was in contact with the man. 
“Nothing much,” Taehyun replies, hoping you can’t see through his lies as he stares straight into your eyes, “it came in the mail— just told me he secured two spots.” 
“Think about it,” Yoongi says, diverting your attention away from Taehyun for a second— he can feel himself relax slightly, free from your intense gaze as you turn to look at your friend, “Why else would he try to get involved with FightX again? And through other fighters, on top of that.”
“He might be trying to get back in the scene,”  you say, seemingly coming to a conclusion before Taehyun can as your face lightens up; first, with confusion, then with amusement as a smile tugs at your lips. Turning back to Taehyun, you can’t help but laugh slightly in disbelief, “The prize money probably wasn’t going to be yours to begin with.”
Still a rat, hmm, you mutter, the smile on your face contradictory to the way you bite your lip in irritation; the laugh you let out isn’t very convincing either, and Yoongi can only roll his eyes at your antics as he’s leaning against the wall once more, taking a slow drag from the cigarette in his hand before he’s flicking off the ash absentmindedly. 
“How do you know all this?” Taehyun asks, the question hitting him suddenly as he takes a good look at the people before him; a restaurant worker and a man who seemed to be involved in shadier things than he let on— his curiosity laid more on you, taking in the way you seemed unphased by his question, “who are you guys?” 
That’s enough for you and Yoongi to share a bewildered look; it takes a second before you’re both laughing, amused at his words as you allow Yoongi to answer.
“Kid, you’re looking at the two old champions of FightX,” Yoongi smiles, eyes creasing as Taehyun takes notice of the scar that runs through one of them, “We’re the only fucking reason that club survived for so long.” 
Taehyun’s look of bewilderment is the only thing to have you cracking a genuine smile; rolling your eyes, you huff as his eyes land on you, observing you for a moment before he frowns in confusion.
“You’re a fighter?” Taehyun asks, watching as the two of you nod without hesitation, “Makes sense.” 
“Alright you little prick,” you seethe, eye twitching at his witty comment, “I know you have a smart fucking mouth, but I still can’t get used to it.” 
You feel as though you might show Taehyun some of your moves when he simply cracks an innocent smile at you— only to stop, the sound of hurried steps and the loud yell of your name making the three of you turn towards the sound. 
Ah, you hear Yoongi mumble behind you, dropping his cigarette and snuffing it out before Ms. Choi can pick up on it; the tense smiles the two of you sport quickly has Taehyun doing the same, shuffling back until he’s covered behind Yoongi— from the corner of your eye, you see the younger man cross his arms awkwardly, attempting to cover his blood-soaked clothes as he keeps his head ducked down. 
Ms. Choi is a wreck; you’re able to pick up on it easily, the light that leaks out from within highlighting her features that are soaked with worry and stress; her face is pulled into a frown and her eyes threaten to leak with tears as she stumbles to a stop before you. 
Her expression is unreadable; you’re unsure of how she might react or what she might do, but you wouldn’t blame her if she lashed out any of her anger on you— jolting, you’re taken aback by the way she practically leaps on you, arms caging you in a bone crushing hug as she buries her head into your shoulder— the sounds of her sniffles are enough to have you snapping out of your frozen state, arms coming up to hold the woman tightly in return. 
“I’m so glad you’re safe,” she mutters, her hands gripping onto your clothes at the reminder, “I’m so glad he’s alive.”
“He’s safe, Ms. Choi. He’s okay, he’ll recover in no time,” your reassurance is soft and endless as you pat her back, allowing her to cry freely into your arms as you give her a moment to recollect herself— sniffing, she pulls away, wiping at her eyes before her gaze falls on Yoongi. 
“Ma’am,” Yoongi nods, his face tense as he awaits for her to say something; his face mirrors your own as he’s pulled into a hug, eyes widening and posture stiffening before he slowly returns the gesture.
“Thank you for bringing my son back to me,” she says, pulling away before she reaches up to cup Yoongi’s face; she takes him in, smiling tenderly as she adds, “I’m happy to see you’ve been well.”
Yoongi smiles at her comment; he’s surprised to see that she still remembers him, times spent visiting you at work and pestering you coming to mind as he lets out a soft laugh. 
“They said only immediate family is allowed to visit at this time,” you mutter softly, taking her attention as she turns to face you, “We’ll wait out here for you.”
Taking your hands, she nods; you can see how apologetic she is as she takes a moment to smile reassuringly, telling you that she’ll let you know how he’s doing before she disappears inside— watching her figure retreat, you can’t help but frown after a moment, wondering if she’ll be alright on her own. 
“Fuck,” you sigh, the reality of it all hitting you again as you tilt your head back defeatedly; staring at the night sky, you bury your hands into your pockets, fighting the emotions that threaten to spill over as you speak, “How the fuck am I supposed to handle all this now.” 
“We’ll figure it out,” Yoongi says, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder as he becomes quick to reassure you, “I can help you out, I know some people.”
“No Yoongi,” you quickly say, shrugging off his shoulder as you send him a stern look, “I don’t want you to get involved in any shady stuff over this— I got this, you don’t need to worry.” 
Your argument continues to go back and forth for a while— Taehyun feels insanely awkward as he’s forced to watch, unsure of what to do as he wonders if it’s just best to sneak away and go back inside— after what seems like ten minutes, he realizes he’s had enough as he goes to butt in. 
“Let’s just win that stupid thing back,” Taehyun blurts out, stopping the both of you in your tracks as you slowly turn to look at him, “you said they’d probably hold another tournament, no? We’ll just win it back through there.”
“Are you—?” you cut yourself off as you place a hand over your mouth, running it down in frustration before you’re starting again, “You were invited to that place by Choi Yeonjun, a fucking rat. You really think they’d just let you waltz back in and join?”
“Minho—” Taehyun says, pausing for a moment as he frowns, thinking back to what the owner of the place said, “You’ll be back soon. That’s what he said, no?”
“He wants us to come back,” Yoongi realizes, glancing at you as he watches the way your jaw clenches in annoyance, “He knew we’d be back for that damn prize.”
“And what better way to draw in gamblers than with a match after tonight’s show,” you continue, your mind racing with ideas before you’re finally looking back at Taehyun, “But what, how are we supposed to arrange something like this? You seriously think we can just walk in and have a civilized conversation?” 
“Are you fucking insane?” 
Taehyun’s hushed scolding is enough to have you rolling your eyes, unphased by his reaction as you tug your shirt over your jeans more; shrugging your jacket on, you nod back at Yoongi, who only returns the gesture after he’s zipped his own coat up; you can barely feel the gun that’s tucked into your waistband, but Taehyun is determined to not allow you to forget about it as his eyes fall onto it’s hiding spot every three seconds. 
“It’s rude to stare,” you mumble, slapping Taehyun’s shoulder and forcing him to turn back around; you allow Yoongi to lead the way through the busy streets, the bright alleyways and busy shops entirely inconspicuous as you make your way to a familiar store, entirely empty except for the owner that attends it. 
There are no customers when you enter; The store is packed with products and is poorly lit, and it’s oddly quiet as you walk around; making your way around the aisles swiftly, it almost feels like muscle memory before you’re stopping at the checkout— narrowing your eyes, you’re not surprised to find Minho sitting on a stool behind the register, not bothering to look up from the book he reads as he adjusts his thin wired glasses slightly— leaning on the counter, you clear your throat, raising a brow as you tap your fingers rhythmically on the surface. 
“A win is only official after it is announced by the referee; if both fighters fail to present themselves in the ring, the match is invalid.” Minho doesn’t bother to look up from his book as he speaks; carefully, he reaches to fold the page he’s on, pressing his fingers on the dog-ear meticulously before he’s shutting the book gingerly; placing it on the counter, he finally looks up, smiling sweetly as he does so. 
“But you already know that, don’t you?”
“You’re holding another tournament, aren’t you,” you say, the words coming out as a statement rather than a question.
“We want in,” you can see the way Minho processes your words, his eyes scanning from you to Yoongi before his smile is growing a bit wider; catching onto his thought process, you’re quick to shake your head, reaching behind you and pulling Taehyun roughly as you ignore the way he stumbles forward.
“I mean him. Just him.”
Minho’s smile wavers a little— you can practically see the dollar signs in his eyes decrease slightly, but his expression is still amused as he quickly recalls who the fighter in front of him is; narrowing his eyes, Minho hums, oddly docile as he looks back at you.
“Fine,” to say that it’s unnerving to watch Minho agree so easily is an understatement; you’re sharing a confused look with Yoongi as you watch the way Minho stands from his seat, rounding the counter before he begins to walk away— glancing back at you, he nods to the exit, telling you to follow him before he continues walking. 
Before you can think too hard on it, you’re tugging the two men along; anything to make sure he doesn’t disappear from your sight, you think, but you can’t help but pat yourself down slightly in search of your gun the moment you see where you’re headed. 
“Relax, it’s empty right now,” Minho hums, swinging the door wide open and allowing you to see, smiling in amusement as he takes in the way you remain a few steps back, “I’ve decided that a tournament is just too simple.”
“After the glorious show you put on last night, I knew my patrons would love to see more of your people,” Minho continues, a satisfied look flashing through his features as the three of you finally make your way to his level, peeking through the door cautiously, “and what better way than to skip the bracket and give the public what they want?” 
There’s a single person inside; you’re on guard as you watch them, the dull lights of the place barely allowing you to see them as you squint your eyes; He’s practicing, you realize, watching as he uses the punch bag before him diligently, his sounds of effort reaching you as he continues. 
“One v. One match,” Minho smiles, glancing into the door to see what the man inside is up to; the four of you watch as he does a spin kick, the force from it sending the punching bag flying to the side, the sound of the impact echoing throughout the empty area as you wince at the sight.
The man lets out a huff of exhaustion after; he’s backing up, shaking his body as he steps into the light that emits from a window behind him— pushing his hair back, you’re able to take in his features, your eyes widening as you realize who it is that currently stands before you. 
“Your fighter versus mine— The Cobra.”
The Cobra— otherwise known as Park Jongseong— or rather, Minho’s last apprentice before you left.
“The best of the best, no?” Minho continues, his gaze meeting your own as he smiles knowingly, “you win this, you win everything— no questions asked, no… attacks, on my part.”
You can already hear Yoongi’s thoughts behind you; this is dangerous, this is a horrible, insane idea. 
And you agree— you agree wholeheartedly, hesitating to respond as you take another moment to observe The Cobra— yet it seems as though you’ve taken too long, lost deep in your own thoughts as you fail to account for another, stupid variable. 
“Deal,” Taehyun butts in, leaving you speechless as you’re forced to watch the way he shakes Minho’s hand casually; the older man can only laugh at the action, grinning from ear to ear as his eyes meet yours— his smile only widens more as he takes in your baffled expression.
You find yourself speechless— even when you go back up to discuss the rules and terms of the fight, speechless when Yoongi reluctantly agrees, and speechless when you walk out of the inconspicuous store, your hands clutching tightly onto the paper given to you with the specific details of the match. 
You’re only able to muster up the courage to look at Taehyun once you’ve gotten back in the car safely; he meets your gaze after a moment, brows furrowing as he finds himself annoyed with your dumbstruck expression. 
“What the hell do you want?” 
This stupid boy has no idea what he just got himself into.
“Three weeks,” you say, pacing back and forth as you find yourself in the last place you would ever want to be; Seokjin’s small fight club is no match to the basement of FightX, but it’s enough for you to train in as you choose to look past the dimly lit area, the natural light that leaks in from the small windows above the only thing that allows you to see properly— Taehyun watches you impatiently, stretching his muscles as he stands by the training equipment in attention, wanting nothing more than to get started already. 
“For the next three weeks, you’ll throw away any plans you’ve made— I expect to see you here everyday for training.”
”Wait, you’re training me?” Taehyun interjects, watching the way you narrow your eyes at him in warning— he looks back to where Yoongi sits, slumped over in his chair as he smiles lazily the moment their eyes meet— then he looks back at you, biting his lip before he continues, “Why not him?”
“Because you want to get trained by the best, no?” Yoongi calls out, already able to see the way you bristle at Taehyun’s comment; the said boy nods, lips pressed together as he takes a moment to observe you again, “Then she’ll be training you. Now watch your mouth before you sweet trainer here decides enough is enough.”
“But the restaurant,” Taehyun backtracks, realizing how his comment may have come off as he speaks, “Won’t you be busy?” 
“Winning that tournament is more important,” you say, not missing a beat as you begin to stretch, “Especially since you agreed to fight The Cobra, of all people.”
“Seriously, why is that a big deal?” Taehyun huffs, rolling his eyes as you signal for him to continue stretching, “the dude can’t be that dangerous.”
“That dude has been in the ring for years,” Yoongi says, catching Taehyun’s attention as he pauses in his movements, “Much longer than you, to be sure.”
“Meaning,” you continue, sighing in dismay at the thought of your next words, “He’s been trained by Minho himself.”
“And us.” 
The sudden revelation is enough to have Taehyun tensing; stomach sinking, he seems to realize why you were so hesitant to agree to this arrangement. 
“Anything we teach you, Park Jongseong has already mastered,” you say, putting on focus mitts before you gesture for Taehyun to come closer, “That’s where you come in— I’ve been praying that you’d be a decent fighter, hoping you’d have some skills of your own we could hone in on.”
Taehyun frowns at your words— you aren’t exactly the most encouraging person he’s met, and he can even feel his confidence dwindling as he stands before you, pausing as he watches you put up your mitted hands— a moment passes and you’re rolling your eyes, scoffing at the way Taehyun seems to be hesitant before you. 
“What are you waiting for?” you scold, your tough voice enough for the man to snap out of his daze; his expression is unreadable as you watch a shift in his form, his hesitation quickly being wiped off as he takes a step toward you— his stance is shifting, and you watch with delight as his eyes turn dangerous, honing in on your mitts as he brings his fists up. 
Let’s see what you got. 
For once, Taehyun begins to realize the consequences of his actions. 
His body is on fire; he feels as though all his strength has escaped him, pushing his hair back for the upteenth time as he winces at the sweat that coats it— you remain unphased, and Taehyun wonders for a second if you have unlimited stamina as you raise your brow at him expectantly. 
His body has yet to become accustomed to this new schedule. He’s gotten used to seeing you every day, reviewing techniques and giving him pointers before you’re giving him a thorough workout; tonight, you’ve decided to focus on his kicks, bringing up many different fighting styles and forcing him to practice on the punching bag that hangs in a nearby corner. 
“Come on, can’t we just take a break? I’ve been at this for—“
“I said again,” you interrupt, glaring at the way Taehyun sends you an irritated look; Taehyun has grown used to your intimidation tactics after spending more time with you than should be considered normal, your once terrifying anger nothing more than something Taehyun has to put up with as he sighs— he still knows better than to go against you, though.
And so, he does exactly what you taught him— though it’s sloppy, and he knows he’ll get an earful as he executes the kick weakly— though, he personally blames your refusal to give him a proper break for his actions.  
“Have you not been paying attention to anything I’ve been saying?” you ask, exasperated as you make your way to him; standing next to him, you gesture for him to step aside, getting in front of the punching bag yourself before you’re getting into the proper stance. 
“I need you to remember to swing your hips; like this,” stepping forward with your right foot, you extend your left leg slowly, twisting your hips along with the motion as you freeze, gesturing to your hips, “If you don’t, your kick won’t be as powerful; you need to put your whole body into it, not just your leg.”
Stepping back, you demonstrate again, pushing through the rest of the kick as you listen to the thud that echoes from your move— Taehyun can’t help the way his eyes widen as he watches the punching bag swing back and forth, analyzing your form before another thought is popping into his head. 
“That kick,” Taehyun mumbles, switching spots with you as he begins to envision what you just did, trying to get his body to recreate it before he pauses, “Beomgyu did that— he used that move all the time.” 
“Yeah? Glad he finally got it right,” you sigh, unfazed by his words as you cross your arms, smiling in amusement— Taehyun turns to look at you, frowning in confusion as you practically read his mind, “Hey, if I can’t stop that idiot from sneaking off to this place, I might as well make sure he doesn’t die.”
The laugh you let out after is tense and bittersweet; Beomgyu was doing much better now, but he remained in the hospital due to complications from the infection of his wound— you were given the news that he would most likely need physical therapy as well, the sound of it only motivating you to work harder after you watched the way Ms. Choi paled with the news. 
“He almost knocked you out with it? Holy shit,” you laugh, incredulous as Taehyun tells you the details of his first encounter with the boy— the proud smile that spreads across your face catches Taehyun off guard, your eyes twinkling with delight as you gesture back to the punching bag. “Don’t you wanna get as good as him? Come on, show me you’re not all talk.”
The sudden comparison to Beomgyu has Taehyun bristling with annoyance, rolling his eyes as he reluctantly follows your words— a strange, nagging feeling manifests within his mind, telling him to prove himself and dispel all your worries about him as a fighter— it motivates him, taking a deep breath before he’s getting into the proper stance; closing his eyes, he envisions his body following the same movement path you did, eyes zeroing in on the punching bag before him as he finally executes the kick. 
“There we go,” you hiss, an excited grin spreading on your face as you listen to the impact of Taehyun’s kick— though it’s too early for the said man to celebrate, his eyes lighting up for a second before you’re back to pester him for pointers. 
“You need to stay light on your feet,” you remind him, rolling your eyes at the way he tries to interfere with your comment, telling you that it’s because I’m exhausted, “Do you think Jongseong will care if you’re tired? You think he’s gonna go easy on you if you start bitching at him the way you are now?”
“There’s no need for you to be such a bitch, either,” Taehyun sneers, getting back into stance as he watches the way you remain unfazed by his comment. 
“Maybe I’ll start being nice once you prove to be useful.” you mutter, and Taehyun swears the anger that courses through him fuels his kick as he feels his body twisting with energy— so much energy that he’s losing his footing, the impact that booms from his move much louder than his previous attempts as he stumbles back— from the corner of his eyes, he sees the way your eyes widen slightly at the sight.
“Not bad,” you say, tilting your head as you study Taehyun for a second; he’s exhausted and soaked with sweat, his eyes filled with pure anger and frustration you might just think he’ll fight you instead— the thought is enough to have you stifling a laugh, your lips twitching slightly before you’re snapping back to reality. 
“You need to practice your balance if you’re gonna use your body like that,” humming softly, you think for a second, brows furrowing as you continue, “if anything, you should try some spinning hook kicks— that could improve your balance great—”
“You’re here again?” the voice that yells out from the entrance has you startled for a second, turning around before you’re groaning in frustration; you’re leaving Taehyun’s side immediately as you go to the source of the sound— Seokjin seems to be just as annoyed as you are, turning on the rest of the lights with an irritated look on his face. 
“You know why we’re here, Seokjin,” you say, yet the reminder of your reasoning doesn’t seem to be enough for the man, watching as he shakes his head in disapproval. 
“You know I have a club to run, right?” it’s clear you’ve given up as you mutter a yeah yeah, softly, pouting like a child to the older man, “I can’t have this place running while you’re training that poor kid to death.”
“My regimen has results.” you say defensively, glaring at Seokjin, who simply puts up his hands in defeat, unphased by your attitude as he glances back at Taehyun.
“He looks like he’s about to pass out.” 
Following Seokjin’s line of sight, you find yourself wincing; it seems that you’ve only now gotten a good look at the man, watching the way he’s already slumped down at the bench nearby, his chest heaving with shallow breaths and his eyes fluttering as he holds onto his water bottle tightly— frowning, you listen to the way Seokjin quietly asks you how long have you been in here today? your mind going back to the hours you’ve spent cooped inside this building— not to mention day after day. 
“Go back to opening this place,” you sigh, rolling your eyes at the way Seokjin smiles triumphantly— the guilt you feel is odd as you approach Taehyun, standing by awkwardly as you watch the way he doesn’t even acknowledge you, much too tired to even open his eyes. 
“Hey. Don’t pass out on me,” you say, slapping Taehyun’s bicep and watching as he startles awake— his eyes meet yours, wincing at the sudden increase of light as he squints up at you.
“We’re done for today. Let’s go,” you mutter, unsure of what else to do as you give Taehyun a helping hand; he observes it for a moment, oddly skeptical before he finally takes it— his skin is surprisingly soft for having the hands of a fighter, though you try not to let it show on your face as you help him up; the groan of exertion he lets out isn’t lost on you, and you’re surprised to find yourself feeling bad for doing this to him. 
A pitch black night greets you the moment you’re exiting the building, yelling one last goodbye to Seokjin before you’re closing the door behind you— you can hear Taehyun softly grumble about having to climb way too many stairs, and you can only let out a huff in amusement before you’re linking an arm with him for support.
“Come on tiger, don’t let a set of stairs knock you out,” you mock, ignoring his angered rebuttals that he can barely slur out— you’ve really done a number on him today, you realize, the witty man beside you reduced to nothing more than a slumped figure as he continues to complain under his breath, leaving you unfazed the moment he tries to complain about your routines again. 
“Don’t make me regret what I’m about to do for you,” is all you say in response, leading him to your car as you ignore his protests that he just wants to go home, “It’s been hours since you’ve eaten— come on, let’s go see Beomgyu, I bet he’s going insane from the hospital food.”
You’re not sure if it’s the sound of food or the mention of Beomgyu that has Taehyun perking up with interest, but you’re rolling your eyes at him nonetheless as you’re starting your car; driving towards Ms. Choi’s restaurant, you’re guessing it’s the former as Taehyun tells you that all he wants at the moment is some simple ramen. 
The drive is calming— Taehyun doesn’t seem as annoying to you anymore, but a glance at him makes you realize it’s only because he’s knocked out in your passenger’s seat, completely silent save for his occasional shifting to get more comfortable.
Now this is a side of him you like. 
Seokjin’s words seem to have affected you more than you’d like to admit. 
At least, they definitely have if it’s enough to have Taehyun staring at you as though you’ve gone mad, feeling a strange heat rush to your cheeks as you press your lips together awkwardly. 
“Are you messing with me?” 
“No. Unless you want to go back to the usual,” you snap, and Taehyun can only put his hands up in surrender as he bows his head down; your proposal to have a rest day feels odd to Taehyun, even more so when you’ve already managed to drag the man all the way to the club.
“What’re we even doing here then?”
“There’s less than a week left before the match,” you sigh, feeling your phone buzz in your back pocket as you pause to check the message— you feel your shoulders slump with relief as you’re answering, glancing up at Taehyun, who was already watching you curiously.
“While you have shown improvement in your techniques, there’s still more you could improve on,” your sentence is interrupted as the sound of the door opens, the two of you turning to see who might be coming in— while Taehyun fully expected Jin to burst inside and start complaining, he’s surprised to find something else. 
“I don’t want your body to wear out on me, so I’ll tone down the intensity of your routines as the final day approaches,” you continue, unfazed by the people that begin to approach— Yoongi is casual as he sends the two of you a wave, the woman next to him sending you a cheery nod before her gaze is falling on Taehyun.
“And we’ll work on your fighting IQ instead.” 
One glance at Taehyun is enough to tell you that he has yet to connect the dots; you’re gesturing for the woman next to Yoongi to step forward, bringing her to your side before you’re introducing her— Taehyun notes that the two of you must be good friends, if the way she clings to you happily is enough of a sign. 
“This is Sooyoung,” you say, and the woman next to you— Sooyoung— simply smiles, her eyes creasing and her face lighting up as she sends Taehyun a friendly wave, “Sooyoung, Taehyun.”
“So he’s the reckless boy you were telling me about?” Sooyoung asks, tinted lips pursing as she stares Taehyun down— the nickname is enough to have Taehyun’s gaze hardening, sending the woman a harsh look that only makes her laugh— the woman’s bubbly attitude feels far more patronizing than genuine as she tilts her head like a puppy. 
“I do see potential,” she murmurs, lost in thought for a second before she’s snapping out of it— turning to Yoongi, she practically bounces over to him, and it isn’t until then that Taehyun takes in the duffle bag that the man carried in with him. 
“The locker rooms are back there, right?” Sooyoung asks, looking at you expectantly before you’re sending her a nod of confirmation. Cool. Be right back! she says, skipping away with the duffle bag, her long dark hair swaying behind her as Taehyun’s mouth falls open at his words.
“Is she— am I fighting her?” Taehyun breathes out, a bit skeptical as he looks at you in bewilderment. All he gets in return is the usual roll of your eyes, unable to hold back your laugh at his stupidity. 
“No dumbass,” You say, reaching up for the zipper of your jacket before you’re tugging it down— it isn’t until you’re shedding the layer off that Taehyun takes in your appearance, your hair tied back and your face turning serious as you begin stretching— he takes note of your hands, wrapped tightly in the wraps he always uses as his brows are jumping up in realization— catching his reaction, you smile. 
“I am.” 
Sooyoung is skipping out of the locker room moments later; it’s hard to not notice her, especially with her bright trunks and wraps that match the rest of her outfit— a bright green, the hair tie that keeps her hair up the exact same color as she makes her way to the cage. 
“You’ll be my coach for this. I’ll only follow your instructions, so you better not get me fucked up,” you explain, joining Sooyoung by the cage before you’re turning back— Taehyun has yet to follow you, his brows furrowed as he waits for you to tell him you’re joking; instead, you’re left unamused as you cross your arms, hissing for him to hurry up and get over here. 
“How is this supposed to help?” Taehyun asks, his gaze following you as you make your way inside; he’s never seen you like this, and though he hates to admit it, you’ve definitely piqued his interest.
“Seriously, are you always like this?” Is all you can say, looking down at Taehyun from where you stand within the cage— Taehyun remains silent, choosing to hold his tongue for once as he simply stares at you in response.
“You’ve never seen The Cobra fight. You don’t know what moves he’ll pull or how to counter them,” you begin, glancing back to the opposite corner; Sooyoung is crouched down in it, speaking to Yoongi through the fence as they throw the occasional look back at you, “You need to learn how to analyze your opponent— their tells, fighting style, go-to moves— everything.”
“Yoongi is coaching Joy in this match; the next match, he’ll be coaching me.” Taehyun finally seems to understand as he looks at Sooyoung— or Joy, as you called her, the strange nickname not going unnoticed by him as he furrows his brows at the sound of it. Yoongi coached Jongseong— so did you. 
Through this match, he’ll get to take a peek into his opponents mind, no matter how miniscule. 
After a minute of discussion, you finally decide to start the first round; Taehyun is oddly anxious as he watches you, your footsteps careful and calculated as you watch Joy, eyes narrowed and dark as you keep your guard up— the said man’s advice runs through your head, knowing you warned him you’d mostly be using his tips as you circle Joy carefully. 
Taehyun realizes why Sooyoung is called Joy; he almost feels unnerved looking at her, the carefree smile and relaxed body language entirely enticing, a perfect trap to lure someone into lowering their guard— but Taehyun knows better than to think lowly of anyone you decide to bring in, her light steps and playful jabs enough to tell him that she’s definitely more calculative than she lets on.
Taehyun’s advice gets you a solid punch to the face and a painful kick to the stomach— it hurts like hell and makes you want to fight properly, but the need to allow Taehyun to improve on his own is nagging as you take the injuries and trudge over after the round is over, eyes pointed at him as though to say now what?
“Don’t look at me like that,” Taehyun hisses, annoyed at the way you already seem to be losing— he knows you can fight, yet the results of the round say otherwise as you stare at him expectantly, enough of a reminder that you currently put all strategies into his hands. 
“Okay, okay,” he sighs, glancing back at the corner Joy and Yoongi currently converse in, “It’s clear that she enjoys taunting you. A lot.”
Taehyun seems to be talking more to himself than anything, thinking back to what he saw as he continues rambling, “But she seems to have this tell— every time she’s going to strike, she smiles a bit— which is fucking creepy— it’s barely there but I’ve noticed it, especially in her eyes.”
His comments have you both impressed and amused; it had taken you quite some time to figure out Joy’s tell when you first met her, so to watch as Taehyun thoroughly breaks down her fighting style is enough to have you listening to him intently. 
“I think she’s aware of it too, because her rear hand always comes a little closer to her face when she does it—” the one-minute timer is up as Yoongi calls you back to the center of the ring, and you’re looking at Taehyun expectantly for one last comment— with his train of thought interrupted, he stumbles over his words, giving up after a moment before he’s waving you off. 
“Just watch her tells. Oh, and avoid her kicks, that looked like it hurt.”
The way you scoff mockingly isn’t lost on Taehyun— but before he can call you out on it, you’re off, the next round starting as Taehyun watches you carefully.
Joy’s tell has become much more obvious to him; it only takes a moment, but he’s able to see every small habit and go-to that Joy has, his mind racing with strategies as he quickly realizes you’re doing the same. Joy is a predictable fighter to you— granted, she was your sparring partner for years— and with Taehyun’s new discovery, you allow yourself to exploit what you know of her and use it to your advantage. 
You’re able to turn the match around with ease— Taehyun isn’t able to fight the way his eyes slowly begin to stray, away from Joy and to you, observing the way you remain focused, your moves precise and strong as he even finds himself wincing at times.
After a moment, Taehyun realizes that he’s seeing you in a new light— literally and figuratively, the spotlights suddenly turned on as someone new walks in— it highlights your features perfectly, and Taehyun is able to see your expression crystal clear, watching as your focus is shattered and you’re looking over at the entrance; the small moment of distraction costs you greatly, and Joy is able to land a punch straight to your nose before you’re falling down. 
You’re placed into a tight chokehold seconds after, still disoriented from the punch as you reluctantly tap out— gasping for air, you’re quickly turning back to the entrance, glaring daggers at Jungkook, who simply smiles at you sheepishly.
“Sorry, sorry,” he says, cheeks reddening slightly from the sudden attention, “we’re just getting ready to open soon— you looked really cool though, ___.”
A moment passes before you’re laughing softly at his comment— Taehyun can’t help but wonder what might be going on between you two as Joy pulls you up, calling an early end to the match before you’re both exiting the cage. 
“That was super fun,” Sooyoung hums, watching as you can only agree reluctantly; she coos at your disgruntled state, patting your head and laughing cutely as she apologizes for her harsh blows; turning to Taehyun, her smile widens, and Taehyun is impressed to find a bruise forming on her jawline as she speaks. 
“___ told me you figured out my tells,” she pouts, her tone playful as she crosses her arms, “I seriously thought I finally got past those. Well done.” 
Taehyun feels oddly embarrassed as he nods.
“Let’s continue where we left off tomorrow,” you say, glancing over to where Jungkook busies himself at the bar, ignoring the way all of you seem to observe him for a second before you continue, “Looks like you’re not that useless after all.”
“I think he’ll be okay!” Sooyoung says, a bright smile on her face as she looks at Taehyun happily, “I mean, if you keep going the way you are, you’ll definitely survive!”
The way you and Yoongi snicker makes Taehyun’s jaw clench, rolling his eyes at the way they all constantly patronize him— his lack of response is enough to have Sooyoung apologizing softly, saying that she just loves to tease.
“We should go,” you say, throwing your jacket back on and zipping it up all the way, “they’re opening soon, and I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t wanna be in a place like this any longer.”
Yoongi and Sooyoung agree— they mumble something along the lines of “brings back too many memories,” the words making Taehyun raise a brow as he begins to wonder just how many people you knew from that club. 
Taehyun feels awkward as he watches them leave— it’s just you and him, and he’s forced to stand around awkwardly as he watches you gather your things, reluctant to leave you for reasons he can’t seem to think of. 
“___, you’re not staying?” Jungkook’s soft pout is a stark contrast to the rest of him, decked in full black and piercings that shine under the lights— Taehyun wonders if the bartender is secretly a fighter as well, the muscle that bulges from his arm not remotely subtle, even under the sleeves of his shirt. 
“Nah, I’m too tired. I took a good beating ‘cause of you,'' you say, watching as Jungkook only smiles sheepishly. Your body feels sore and you’re more than ready to go home and rest, but the way Jungkook continues to give you puppy eyes suggests that you might have to fight him off too. 
“I can patch you up,” he says, and you’re rolling your eyes at the way he flutters his eyes at you, “I haven’t seen you in so long— you’re never at the restaurant, you know.”
“Well, I am kinda busy,” you say, nodding softly at Taehyun who, to your surprise, is still at your side. 
Jungkook remains silent for a second. His eyes leave yours as they inspect Taehyun, analyzing the man who simply huffs and crosses his arms in annoyance. Meeting his eyes, Taehyun refuses to back down, raising a brow as he waits for Jungkook to say something to him. 
“Aren’t you tired of being around him all the time?” Jungkook finally speaks, clearly set on ignoring Taehyun as he turns back to you— his smile is seemingly innocent as he leans against the counter, ignoring his duties as he continues to try to get you to stay, “I can bet you I’m more fun to be around than him.”
“Noona,” Taehyun says, his voice stern and clear as speaks. This time, you both turn to him; your shock is clear on your face, eyes wide and confused as your brows knit together, wondering where the sudden formality appeared from. 
“We should go. This place is opening soon,” he says, watching as your mouth opens in an attempt to respond— though you can’t seem to figure out what to say, and Taehyun is quick to roll his eyes and go ahead— with one last glance at Jungkook, you bid him goodbye, feeling oddly tense as you follow Taehyun outside. 
“Shit,” he hears you say, though he doesn’t pay any mind to it as he stands outside— the smell of rain lingers in the air, the city alight and busy even after dark hours— from behind him, he can still hear you mumbling to yourself, your words incoherent and irritated to his ears. 
“You know, if you wanted to stay with that guy you could’ve—“ he’s stopped short by the sight of you, brows furrowed together and a sleeve pressed firmly to your nose as you curse under your breath— though the blood that ran out of your nose still clings to your chin, and you have yet to wipe it off as you continue to complain about the issue quietly, digging in your bag as you ignore Taehyun. 
“Hey, you don’t happen to have tissues, do you—?” 
The answer is a definite no. Taehyun can feel himself acting on impulse— maybe it was because the sight made him cringe, or maybe he was looking out for your safety— but next thing he knows, he’s tugging you along, away from the hidden building and straight to the convenience store a block away. 
“Wait, where are we even going?” You ask, unable to put up much of a fight as you focus on keeping the bleeding under control. Taehyun doesn’t answer, and when you attempt to tug your arm out of his grip, all you get in response is the feeling of his fingers tightening around you. 
“Tissues,” Taehyun mumbles, tugging you into the store without a second thought. 
You feel oddly awkward around him— you’re not used to seeing him like this— he’s quiet, serious and not the same person that’s always trying to piss you off with some ridiculous comment. Instead, he’s oddly tentative, and you find yourself sitting at the table placed outside as you watch him rummage through the bag, pulling out one thing after another as you sit there, pressing the tissue he gave you a bit firmer to your nose. 
“This wasn’t necessary, you know,” you say quietly, eyes narrowing as you observe him carefully— despite your constant reassurance that you didn’t want him to spend on you, you currently watch him eat his instant noodles in silence, your own still covered up and warm while the two of you wait for your nose bleed to die down— though you pretend otherwise, you notice the way he glances at you every other second to see how you’re doing, offering to pour you a bit of soju that you decline with a soft scoff. 
“A ‘thank you’ would suffice,” he comments, his words muffled through a mouthful of noodles— he ignores your scolding to not talk with his mouth full, clicking your tongue in annoyance as you only get a roll of his eyes in return. 
“Yeah…. thanks,” you mutter, barely audible as you take the tissue away from your nose slowly— Taehyun is mid-bite as he freezes, eyes darting up to observe you— and you smile slightly, relieved to feel that your nose bleed is finally gone. 
“Ugh, that was so annoying,” you grumble, wiping at your face for any blood that’s still there; you���re fussing quietly to yourself, unable to notice as Taehyun begins to rummage through his plastic bag once more, finally finding his desired item before he throws it at you, the small packet landing right in front of you unceremoniously. 
“Here,” is all he says, avoiding any more eye-contact as he goes back to eating, the ramen disappearing within seconds from how quickly he eats. 
An odd silence falls between you; the ‘thank you’ you let out is barely audible, your demeanor awkward as you open the packet of wet wipes he tossed at you— he simply nods at you in response, and you find yourself feeling tense as you watch him sit back in his seat, shameless in the way he stares you down, clear in thought as he presses his lips together. 
“Back at the club,” you begin awkwardly, folding the wet tissue in your hands as you speak, “you called me “noona”— the hell was that about? You’re not one for formalities.”
“But you’re older, aren’t you?” Taehyun says, oddly unfazed by your sudden line of questioning, “Thought I might as well start, if we’re spending so much time together.”
“Not even Beomgyu calls me that,” you say, bristling at the way he quotes Jungkook— you feel oddly flustered by the sudden title, even more so when Taehyun simply looks up at you after a moment— his eyes are wide and innocent as he observes you, and slowly, he breaks out into a soft smile. 
“I’m just being polite,” he says, straightening in his seat as he tilts his head, “Noona.”
“Enough of that,” you bark out, gritting your teeth at the way he only grins at your response, “We need to talk strategy— your fight’s a few days away.”
“Right, right,” Taehyun says, chopsticks circling the inside of his bowl as pauses, thinking back to the man he only got a glimpse of in FightX, “Jongseong— what’s he like?” 
The sudden question has you sitting back in your chair, deep in thought as you think back to Jongseong— The Cobra, or the scrawny thirteen-year-old boy that stumbled into Minho’s convenience store by what you thought was an accident. 
“Can you teach me how to fight?” He had asked you, eyes wide and innocent as he stared up at you, a mere sixteen-year-old that worked at Minho’s store as a side hustle. You remembered pretending as though you had no idea what he was talking about, laughing off the way his curious gaze drifted over the pain patches on your shoulders and your bruised knuckles.
“Where’s your mother?” You remembered asking, incredulous at the way he refused to leave or buy anything; instead, he insisted that you teach him to fight, gluing his feet to the floor despite the fact that you chose to ignore any questions he had about you and your secret hobbies. 
“Don’t know,” he admitted casually, and it wasn’t until then that you noticed his roughed up appearance, his face dirtied and bruised, and his hair filled with dirt and twigs, “she doesn’t come home until night time. I’m alone right now.”
“What… happened to your face?” You asked him, leaning on the counter to get a closer look; you remember reaching over to rid his hair of the dirt, watching as he scrunched his face and slapped your hand off in reaction— the sight of him was an eerie mirror of your own before you found Minho, your brows furrowing at the tough front this kid seemed to put up. 
“Some stupid kids at my school,” he brushed you off, running a hand through his hair as he felt the dirtiness of it with a wince; looking back at you, he took in your concerned expression, frowning at the sight as he leaned against the counter. 
“You know,” he says, raising a brow at the way you study his injuries, “If you’re that worried, why don’t you teach me how to fight?”
His proposition caught your attention— his words were reminiscent of your own, years ago, when you stumbled upon Minho’s small club by accident, a sad attempt to find asylum— and suddenly, you found yourself thinking it through. 
“Okay. But just for self-defense.”
“So you practically raised him,” Taehyun says, the very thought of it making you shiver as you shake your head no, your eye twitching at his words, “No? Well, you did train him, right?”
“Well, he trained for a good two years. Yoongi and I trained him for a while since everyone was too busy to deal with another newbie, and Minho…” sighing, you go to open your own instant noodles, now cooled and a bit soggy as you wince slightly at the sight, “Minho had the idea to throw him in the ring after he reached fifteen.”
You still remember his first fight— you remember being strictly against it the moment Minho proposed it, sudden and instant as he quickly escorted Jongseong away from you; you, being freshly out of a match, barely had any energy to fight back properly. 
“This isn’t what he wants. This is too dangerous, Minho,” you remembered telling him, trying to reason with him despite the roaring spectators drowning your voice out. You remembered how Jongseong looked under Minho’s arm; small, skittish and tense, his eyes flicking around the cage in attempts to familiarize himself with the layout as Minho’s fingers only dug deeper into his shoulder. 
“Of course it’s what he wants,” Minho responded, always quick to leave you helpless with the way he towered over you, a Cheshire smile on his lips as his eyes twinkled with a dangerous delight, “Don’t you remember how you were in your first fight? Could barely throw a punch.”
Before you could argue, Minho continued. 
“You know he has potential. What, afraid he’ll steal the spotlight from you and Yoongi?” Jongseong’s eyes flickered to you then— and in that moment, you realized just how long Minho seemed to have prepared him for this moment, the deep breath he took stabilizing him momentarily as Minho leaned down to speak quietly in his ear. 
“Do you know how much money you could make from today’s match?” Minho had told Jongseong sweetly, and the two of them looked over to the other side of the cage, where his opponent waited for him, “It’s your first match— but I’ve given you an easy kill, I know you’ll win.”
An easy kill— that was definitely one way to describe Jongseong’s victory. You watched first hand as the fear drained from Jongseong’s face, replaced with a dangerous gaze that you had never seen before; you watched as he threw perfect jabs, calculated and lethal as he landed hook after hook on his opponent. 
Even now, you can’t help but feel surprised at how protective you got over him— especially when he was sent flying with a kick to the stomach, crashing against the ground and leaving you tense as you watched the way he didn’t move. 
At the memory, you laugh softly— your eyes flicker up to Taehyun’s, your tone grim as you speak. 
“That was his winning move.”
His opponent got sloppy— he let his guard down, approaching Jongseong so casually that the punch he got to the jaw was definitely deserved— and though his body crashed to the floor and Jongseong was able to get the higher ground, he didn’t stop. 
“He doesn’t care if you’re down. He doesn’t care if he’s won,” you grit out, your appetite lost as you stare down at your cold food, the memory of Jongseong landing hit after hit to his weakened opponent making you frown. 
You still remember the look in his eyes as the referee tore him off his opponent; wild and hungry, still lusting for blood as he attempted to shake the authority figure off. Even when his eyes met yours, horrified at the person Jongseong transformed into, he didn’t care, his grin only widening as the referee announced his name, the audience going wild at the way his arm was thrust up in victory.
The spectacle of his lethal fighting style earned him his special nickname; Minho’s triumphant smile left a sick feeling in your stomach, forced to listen to the way the announcers paraded around Jongseong like a killer animal. 
After that day, you watched Jongseong grow into the person he is today; cold, calculated, and borderline murderous. 
“Every time I look at him, I’m reminded of the kid who came to me looking to learn self-defense,” you chuckle dryly, frowning at the memory, “Then I remember who he’s become, and I can’t help but feel responsible for it.”
“When I met Beomgyu through that god-forsaken club, I was reminded of Jongseong,” the sudden revelation has Taehyun listening intently, leaning in to watch as your eyes drift off to the city around you, foggy and reminiscent as you tell him your story. 
“For some reason, I thought that maybe this time, I could prevent him from becoming a monster,” you mutter, leaning your chin into your palm as you sigh, “Though, I don’t think I like this outcome either.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” Taehyun quickly interjects, and he flinches slightly at the way your eyes flicker back to meet his, regarding him for a moment before you smile. 
“I know. It was yours.”
He’s not sure how to respond to that; he’s not sure if he should, unsure of what he should say or do as you stare him down silently— after a second, you’re breaking out into a soft laugh, tired and broken up as you wince from the feeling of your bruised ribs.
“I’m just fuckin with you,” you say, sitting up at you take in the way Taehyun visibly relaxes, “You didn’t force Beomgyu to do anything. It was all out of his free will.”
“And I kinda know that you lied about the whole thing being your idea.”
Your confession has Taehyun looking like a deer in headlights— it’s enough to make you laugh, easing the tense mood as he asks you how you knew.
“I had my suspicions from the very beginning,” you say, pausing for a second before you add cheekily, “And, Beomgyu told me.”
“Ah,” he mumbles, biting his lip as he tries to smile at you, “Sorry I lied.”
“Don’t be. It’s interesting that you chose to cover for him,” you say, returning the awkward smile as you add, “I should be the one sorry. For slapping the shit out of you.”
The two of you laugh— though, it’s a bit tense, and a silence falls between you two after.
“You… met Beomgyu? At that club?” He asks after a moment, watching the way you nod without hesitation. 
“Yeah. He was sixteen, I made sure to kick him out and warn him once I saw how his worried mother came looking for him. And it worked, for like two years. Then…” 
“Then Jin’s club opened.”
You raise a brow at his words, pausing in surprise before you’re nodding slowly. 
“Yeah, then Seokjin’s club opened,” you repeat slowly, frowning at the way he already knew, “Beomgyu found himself involved there, and it wasn’t long before his mother came to FightX looking for him. Jin’s club wasn’t as shady— I mean, compared to FightX, that place was like a church. I knew I didn’t have much to worry about, but I still decided to train him for a while… just to be safe.”
Taehyun sees the way your eyes are filled with nostalgia, a soft smile forming on your face from the memories.
“That’s kinda how I ended up where I am now. I could only drag Beomgyu back to his house so many times before his mother started treating me like family too,” meeting Taehyun’s gaze, you’re surprised to see him listening to you intently— it has you tensing slightly, not realizing how much you’ve revealed about yourself until now. 
“So,” you start, clearing your throat awkwardly from the way Taehyun’s gaze sears into you intensely, “What’s your story? How’d you end up in this scene?” 
“Oh, it’s nothing interesting,” Taehyun waves you off, though you refuse to be the only one delving into their personal life as you press Taehyun for details, “Seriously, it’s pretty normal.”
“Well, tell me anyways,” you say softly, tilting your head as you send Taehyun a challenging look, “Might as well get to know each other, if we’re spending so much time together.”
The way he laughs softly at your mocking comment is slightly contagious— and though you pretend otherwise, you notice the bittersweet look on his face as he reaches for the bottle of soju, pouring himself a shot for the first time in a while before he offers you one; with a slight laugh, you accept it. 
“I got into mma with a friend of mine— gave me lessons, sparred with each other, all that fancy stuff. We were really close, and getting into this hobby together only made us closer,” he laughed softly at his words, his mind filled with memories as he stared down at the table, “And now… Well. He’s not around anymore. Passed away less than a year ago.”
You frown softly at the way he pours himself another shot— the grief on his face is still fresh, you realize, his gaze hardening as he places the shot cup back down. 
“Without him, I felt… lost. I didn’t really know what to do with myself— after a while, I mostly felt angry.” His finger traces around the rim of the cup, slow and steady as he takes a moment to pause, “I hated that feeling. So, I tried finding the next best outlet, and found a few underground clubs. That’s how I met Beomgyu.”
The air is tense from his story; you’ve never been the best at comforting, so you find yourself unsure of what to do. After a moment, Taehyun laughs, taking in your tense expression with amusement, and it’s only then that your eyes fall onto the dimple that digs into his cheeks cutely. 
“God, I’m sure he’d go nuts if he knew the shit I got myself into,” he says, running a hand through his hair as he shakes his head, “I’m not sure if he’d want to stop the fight or get front row seats— hell, probably the latter.”
Taehyun is quick to pick up on the glint of amusement in your eyes— he’s just as quick to reach for the soju bottle and pour the two of you another shot, the air much lighter than it was a moment ago as you watch him give you a bright smile, the sight unusual for you as you find yourself giving him an unsure one in return. 
“We only have three days left,” Taehyun says, bringing his glass up, watching the way you shake your head in amusement, “Let’s keep up the hard work, noona.”
“Don’t call me that.” You grimace, clinking your glass with his before you’re both downing the liquid—though you can’t help the slight smile that tugs at your lips in amusement, watching as Taehyun slowly becomes more open with you as you let him finish the bottle— I have to drive, idiot, you told him with a sneer, pushing the bottle back to him when he pouted that he shouldn’t be drinking alone. 
Taehyun is oddly light—and lightweight— though, not light enough for you to be tugging along back to your car, grimacing at the way he stumbles and knocks into you drunkenly.
“Noona,” he said to you, his words slow as he smiled at the way you snapped at him to not call you that, “Noona, you think I’ll win?”
“Fuck, I hope so,” you grumble, finding your car in the now-filled abandoned parking lot that was close to Jin’s, “It would be a huge fucking waste of time if you didn’t.”
“Okay then,” Taehyun pouts, pushing you away from him and walking off to his own car, only for you to tug him back to your own as you tell him he shouldn’t drive like this, “Why would I wanna be stuck in the car with someone who acts like such a bitch?”
“I act like a bitch because I care,” you bark, opening the car door and shoving him carelessly, only to watch as he turns back to look at you with that same, stupid, patronizing smile. 
“If you say so,” he says, his cheeks a bit flushed as he leans back towards you, “Nooooo...na.”
Your reaction is immediate— he feels as though the punch you land on his arm is enough to sober him, rubbing the sore area with a drunken pout.
“Get in the damn car.”
You currently stand outside FightX. There’s an hour left before the match.
You pace around in worry, unable to stand still as you hear the ruckus of the club and it’s awaiting patrons inside. Your brows are knitted in a deep frown and you can’t fight the way you bite your lip anxiously as you walk around in restless circles, over and over as you’re left in deep thought. 
“Stop that, you’re making me dizzy,” a voice calls out, snapping you out of your daze as you watch Taehyun walk up with a leisurely smile on his face— the sight is almost unnerving, his mood a complete opposite from yours as you watch him adjust the strap of his bag on his shoulder, taking a moment before he’s standing before you. 
“Aren’t you nervous?” You ask, watching as he simply shakes his head without hesitation, “you’d be stupid not to be— although, that does make sense…”
“Hey,” he says, lips pressed into a line as he frowns at you, “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t degrade me before the match. You’re messing up my concentration.” 
“Right. Of course,” you huff out, looking away and missing the way that Taehyun smiles, taking in your jittery figure with amusement— his expression is immediately dropping the moment you look back at him, and he’s mentally cursing at himself for suddenly being so weird. 
“Are you gonna make me workout before the match or something? Why are we here so early?” He asks, tilting his head and taking in your attire slowly; it’s not what you wear when you train him, but it’s still light and athletic as he raises a brow at your apparel, “I don’t think it’s a good idea to wear my energy out just yet.”
“I’m not making you do anything, I just needed you to be here so you could get into the right mindset.” you say, and your response is enough to leave Taehyun silent as he stares at you; it’s odd, and you find yourself unnerved by his analytic stare. “What? What’s wrong with you now?”
“Are you worried?” He asks, his question sudden as he takes a step toward you— startled, you try your best to remain unfazed, resisting the urge to take a step back as you take in his sudden proximity.
“Worried? About what?” You say, your responses much too curt to seem natural; mentally, you’re cursing at yourself for feeling so odd, unable to hide what you’re thinking as well as you usually are— especially under Taehyun’s scrutinizing gaze. 
“Worried…. That I’ll lose?” He says, leaning in slightly to get a better look at your face; you refuse to pull away, looking into his eyes and keeping your expresion blank despite how close he is— his scent is invading your senses, oddly alluring as you finally get a good look at the man before you, “Or… no.” 
Another pause. You don’t know what Taehyun might say next, but judging by the way his lips twitch with the hint of a smile, you know you won’t like it. 
“Maybe… worried I’ll get hurt?”
Your eye twitches. 
“Hmm. Okay,” he says, quick to catch your small reaction as he backs away, a smug smile on his face— you frown, wondering what he might be insinuating as you send him an incredulous look. 
“Okay? Okay what?” You say, watching as Taehyun chooses to remain silent— his sudden refusal to speak to you has you far more annoyed than you’d like, slapping his arm and telling him to look at you, irked by the way he deliberately ignores your request and looks around in wonder, “Okay what? Of course I’m concerned!” 
Your sudden confession has Taehyun’s gaze snapping back to yours. 
“If The Cobra takes you out, we lose. And if we lose,” you pause, taking in Taehyun’s expression— he’s bewildered, mouth slightly parted as he listens to your irritated words— “If we lose… seriously, will you stop looking at me like that?”
“If we lose…” he repeats slowly, and your frown only deepens in response, “You said we.” 
“You’re… coaching me?” 
“No, I’m getting front row seats and betting against you,” you scoff, rolling your eyes and smacking Taehyun’s bicep in annoyance, “Yes, I’m coaching you. Wouldn’t be here wasting my time if I wasn’t.”
The way Taehyun’s eyes are sparkling under the lights is slightly creepy— you don’t think you’ve even seen such a genuine expression on him before, and you can only take a step back in uncertainty as Taehyun smiles at you; a genuine, soft smile. 
“Right, it’s just…” he pauses, clearing his throat before he’s reaching towards you to return the hit you gave him moments ago— though it’s a bit stiff, and you’re raising a brow at the action as you watch Taehyun carefully, “Haven’t had a coach in a while.”
You’re sure the thought shows on your face, the reminder of Taehyun’s past life coming back to the forefront of your mind with a slight pang of guilt— though Taehyun doesn’t let you dwell on it, making fun of your face and prodding at you with enough annoying comments that you have to meditating to not slap the shit out of him. 
“If you don’t shut up, I’ll beat you before your match even starts,” you hiss, your threat enough of an incentive to get him off your back, “Yoongi and Sooyoung are coming as well. We’ll wait for them before we go in.”
“Are they really?” Taehyun asks, and you simply nod in response— the thought of Sooyoung watching him fight wasn’t exactly pleasant, and he finds himself thinking back to the nickname you gave her in the ring, “Joy… what an odd name. Did you ever get a title back here? I don’t think you ever mentioned it.”
“Because I didn’t have one,” you huff, rolling your eyes at the way he seems surprised by that, “My name was enough intimidation for them.”
Wowww, Taehyun cooed, the patronizing gesture enough to have you reaching to smack him on instinct— though it seems as though your move was too predictable for him, flinching out of the way with ease and continuing to send you that stupid smug smile, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he continued to try and provoke you. 
“If you two are done with this weird tension, we’d like to go in now,” the look Yoongi sends you is enough to have your face heating up with embarrassment, unsure of what he might mean with his words as you shake your head in annoyance— grabbing Taehyun’s elbow, you lead him down the steps, watching as Yoongi and Sooyoung follow behind with teasing eyes. 
“Yoongi, did you have to bring your men along? It’s already crowded enough in there as it is,” you groan, your head beginning to ache at the sight of the packed club— Yoongi simply scoffs, telling you better safe than sorry as he gestures for the two of you to go inside. 
“Go find Minho,” Yoongi nudges you, and you nod firmly at his words, “Make sure to let him know we are also here.”
If you insist, you mumble, ready to go off before you feel Sooyoung grab onto your elbow, tugging you back to get your attention— the moment your eyes meet, she sends you a bright smile, pairing it with a thumbs up as she squeezes your arm in reassurance.
“You got this!” She says, letting you go and watching as you weave through the crowd with Taehyun in tow. 
“You think we’ll win?” Yoongi mutters in Sooyoung’s ear, watching the way her smile tenses a bit. 
“I prayed a little yesterday.”
“…from what I remember, he’s very straightforward; very serious— spends a good couple of minutes gauging what kind of fighter you are before he strikes. I need you to be careful during this match, okay? Fight with your brain, not just your fists.”
You’ve been talking Taehyun’s ear off for an impressively long time. Taehyun didn’t think it was possible to see you like this, restless and fidgety as you followed him into the locker to give him a pep talk. There was ten minutes left before the fight.
“Relax, I got this,” Taehyun says, and he’s greeted with an unamused look of yours in return, “I didn’t watch you and Joy beat the hell out of each other for nothing, you know.”
The mention of your matches with Sooyoung is enough to have you cringing; while it was good for Taehyun to get a grasp of what you and Yoongi might’ve taught Jongseong and vice-versa, it wasn’t as good to leave sore after each training day you spent with him.
“Can’t believe I did that,” you mutter to yourself, leaning against the lockers behind you in dismay. Though by the way you can hear Taehyun laugh at you mockingly, you know he picked up on it as well. 
“You care more than you let on, noona,” he smiles, your eye twitching at the name; you have yet to get used to this sudden formality, and Taehyun is clearly taking advantage of it, judging by the way his smile only widens with your every reaction. 
“Noona?” The source of the voice is from someone you’d never forget; both you and Taehyun are looking over at the entrance in an instant, and you can feel your eyes widen as you take in the way Jongseong stands there, much more grown than the last time you saw him. 
“Oh. Hi,” you grit out awkwardly, cringing at how tense you sound.
“Hi? Is that all you have to say?” He asks, walking toward you without hesitation; his hair is black and slicked back neatly, a stark contrast to the messy brown hair he could never bother to style when he was younger, “it’s been three years, you disappeared without a trace!”
You’re not sure what he’s going to do as he approaches you in a hurry— hug you, maybe— because he pauses, taking in the sight of Taehyun sitting in front of you, his eyes narrowing as he takes a moment to take the man in.
“You’re…” he pauses, brows furrowing as he goes deep in thought for a second, “Taehyun.”
Taehyun’s name falls from his lips with pure disdain; Jongseong is looking between you and him, his face dropping with disappointment as everything begins to click together in his mind.
“I was hoping Minho was lying,” Jongseong mutters, taking a step back from you as he meets your eyes; he no longer holds the same, wide and nostalgic gaze that greeted you when you first saw him. Instead, it’s cold and scathing, a reflection of the dangerous man you’re preparing Taehyun to face in the ring. 
“You’re coaching him, then?” He asks, and all you can do is nod as you take in the anger in his eyes, wondering what lies Minho has been feeding him to look at Taehyun with such hatred, “I see.”
He’s backing away from you. You feel as though you’re losing him all over again as you watch his eyes turn to you, filled with nothing but restless anger as he sends you a vicious smile. 
“Try not to lose another one, noona,” he says, feigning a pout as he takes in the way your jaw clenches at his words. His eyes flicker over to Taehyun, pleased to find that his jab seems to have affected him, as well, “Good luck. You’ll definitely need it.”
He lets out a bitter laugh, waving you off before he’s out of sight. It’s quiet, and you’re unsure of what to say now that it’s just the two of you. Sighing, you look back at Taehyun, only to see that his eyes were already on you. 
You gulp. 
Taehyun has never looked this angry; his jaw is clenched and his brows are furrowed as he leans forward, elbows resting on his thighs as he jerks his head side to side— the cracks of his neck have you wincing, though you don’t think he cares, his lips pressing together for a moment before he breaks out into a breathy laugh. 
His eyes flicker back up to meet yours, a smile spreading across his face, fangs dangerous as he bites his lip in a failed attempt to suppress it. 
“I can’t wait to fuck him up.”
The place is packed. 
It’s deafening as you make your way to the cage, Taehyun stuck to your side as the patrons make a path for you; you try not to tense at the feeling of Taehyun’s hand on your waist, pulling you in and keeping you away from the men that stare at you with a disgusting hunger. 
Their excitement is deafening. It makes your head pound and your concentration waver, jolting into Taehyun from the way people try to reach out for you— the call of your name by old regulars isn’t lost on you, but you try to grit your teeth and ignore it. 
“They’re here for you,” Taehyun muses quietly, leaning into you so you can hear him. You scoff, shaking your head as you finally reach the cage’s entrance; Jongseong is already inside, waiting.
“They’re here for you,” you say, watching as Taehyun unzips his jacket and hands it to you; he grins at that, and you’re scolding him to put in his mouthpiece so he can’t come up with a stupid comeback. 
“Go get ‘em tiger,” you grin, watching as Taehyun can only shake his head in amusement. Your eyes flicker back to where Jeongseong stands, chatting idly with his own coach— your expression turns grim at the sight of Minho giving him tips with a bright smile. 
Your hands are warm as you reach out to Taehyun; grabbing both sides of his face, cradling his jaw as you’re pulling him in towards you boldly— he’s slightly caught off guard by your action, eyes widening as he’s forced to remain silently and stare at you stupidly. 
“Light on your feet. Be calm. Preserve your energy,” you say to him, repeating all the tips you’ve given him through three curt sentences. He nods, and you nod along with him, slightly amused at the sight of him.
“You got this. I believe in you.”
You’re pushing him into the cage after that. 
The floor is scuffed and old. It’s nothing in comparison to Jin’s pristine cage, and Taehyun is finally beginning to take it all in as he looks out, the club packed and rowdy as he scans through the crowd; he spots Yoongi and Sooyoung, the two giving him a nod and a thumbs up the moment their eyes meet. 
“Tonight’s match looks quite interesting,” a voice booms out, and Taehyun looks over to the commentator’s table, able to recognize the two faces that beam back at him in excitement— Taemin and Kibum, if he remembers right. 
“Not only is it winner-takes-all, but we also seem to have a legend in our midst— if not, two,” Taemin’s smile is ear to ear as the crowd grows louder, and Taehyun is able to spot you shrinking slightly from the sudden attention. 
“The king and queen of FightX— sound familiar?” If the crowd’s reaction is any indication of their answer, then Taehyun would say yes. Kibum’s laugh echoes around the cage, and Taehyun feels overwhelmed by the intensity of it all.
“Not only that, but apparently she’s coaching this guy too!” Taemin and Kibum are off in their own world as they chatter, and Taehyun can’t help but wonder when the theatrics will end and the match will start. 
“Minho even seems to have stepped up for today— the best of the best, hmm?”
Minho is more than willing to indulge in all the fanfare; in the ring, Jongseong only rolls his eyes, clearly as impatient as Taehyun.
“Oooh, now now, we should probably stop,” Kibum grins, nudging Taemin playfully, “It looks like our fighters are getting restless.”
“Right, we should probably get on with it,” Taemin agrees, though the way they both continue to talk says otherwise, “This is what you all came to see, right?!”
More cheers. 
Taehyun has begun drowning everyone out at this point. Even when the referee steps inside and gestures for the two to come to him, he can’t bring himself to listen. Instead, he focuses, his eyes never straying from the man before him.
The Cobra seems to be just as concentrated as him. His gaze is dangerous and he’s restless as he shifts in front of Taehyun, lips twitching into a smile as the referee asks them to be courteous, to touch gloves. 
Neither of them move. 
Three rounds, he hears the referee remind them— then he’s stepping back, gauging their reactions before the loud bell rings out, signaling that the fight has begun. 
Jongseong moves immediately— but he doesn’t strike, and Taehyun’s eyes narrow at the way he remains in a low stance, swaying slightly as he remains on guard; his constant movement makes it difficult for Taehyun to hit him, and he’s left unamused at the way Jongseong seems to taunt and bluff with a mocking smile. 
He throws out meaningless jabs, not bothering to hit him properly as he continues to grin and mess around. This behavior is a strong contrast to the characteristics you warned him of; He keeps his fists close to his face, a complete opposite of Jongseong, who’s body remains relaxed.
Usually, Taehyun would see this as a weakness; he’s left unguarded, goading the audience that only seems to yell at Taehyun to do something— to take the bait. If anything, the way Jongseong smiles through his mouthpiece is enough to remind him of Sooyoung; confident, skilled, quick and agile enough that he can afford to keep his body open as a bluff. 
Taehyun throws a left hook as a test. Immediately, Jongseong is jumping back, dodging it and putting his hands up with such speed that Taehyun could’ve missed it if he blinked. Jongseong’s eyes narrow, and it seems as though he’s realized that Taehyun has caught on to his show tactics.
There’s no room to play around anymore. Jongseong seems to have thrown out any tactics to bait Taehyun, choosing to throw punch after punch instead, a slight form of bait on its own.
Taehyun could fight back. He could retaliate to the blows on his forearms and sides, could try to land a few kicks on the man before him and try to injure him. But he would also waste all his energy in the first round, potentially leaving him vulnerable to The Cobra’s attacks in later rounds. It’s clear that’s what he wants— Taehyun throws a punch here and there to make it seem as though he’s falling into the trap, but your words to preserve his energy ring out in his head all the while. 
The action to remain on defense makes Taehyun look like a coward. But he doesn’t really mind, especially with the way Jongseong grows cocky, a confident smile broad on his face as he lets his guard down slightly, laughing along to the scathing comments the audience throws at him. 
His rear hand falters for a second. And in that second, Taehyun is able to deliver a right hook, his padded fist colliding with Jongseong’s jaw and sending him stumbling off, the people roaring and drowning out the sound of the commentator’s ramblings. 
One minute on the clock, will he be able to get another hit in?! Taehyun is effortless to drown out Kibum’s cries, stepping back the moment Jeongseong is back on his feet— for a moment, the two circle each other, and Taehyun can see the way his opponent’s eyes scan him, mind rapidly thinking of a way to counter his most recent blow. 
Kibum is audibly disappointed at the sound of the first round ending. How uneventful, he mourns, and Taehyun is happy to see that you’ve made it into the cage, Minho trailing behind you as you both get a minute to talk. 
“Fuck, good job, that was a good hit,” you immediately say, grabbing Taehyun’s wrist and dragging him to your corner. His mouth is sore as he takes his mouthpiece out, taking slow drinks of the water bottle you hand him as he listens to you.
“He’s a lot more different now. Still agile, but it looks like he likes playing with his food now,” you say, wiping off the sweet that’s gathered on Taehyun’s skin gently; he feels oddly tense at the action, your tender gesture making his heart beat a little faster as he wonders instead if he’s finally beginning to get nervous from the match.
“He definitely knows you’re not one to play with now, but it’s still good to feed into it sometimes,” you pause, your hand stilling on his chest, the thin towel the only barrier between you as you look up at him sternly, “I know I said to preserve more energy, but get more hits out. He has really good stamina.”
Taehyun tries to sear your words into his head as the referee calls for them to get ready for the next round, the two of you exchanging a reassuring look before you’re off.
Like last time, Jongseong doesn’t seem too keen on being friendly before the match. 
Taehyun takes your advice quite seriously— though Jongseong is also able to get more hits on him this way, his bottom lip cracking open after a particularly rough punch. Jongseong, Taehyun realizes, mostly fights with his upper body. He’s quick on his feet and dodges hits easily, but Taehyun has yet to be pinned down or hit with a kick— he tries to keep this knowledge to himself, the next five minutes uneventful as the round ends without any memorable hits.
Could it be that The Cobra has met his match? Taemin mused into the mic, grinning at the way the crowd only booed in response. Ignore that, you muttered in his ear, rolling your eyes at the way the two commentators were still just as annoying as you remembered. 
“He only punches,” Taehyun comments, his brows furrowing as he looks over to Jongseong’s corner, “No kicks, clinches, anything. It’s odd.” 
“Because he’s saving it for the last round,” you tell him, reaching up to brush the hair from his forehead— you’re serious, trying your best to hide the worry on your face as you warn him, “I’m telling you— he likes to play with his food. Be extra careful, I’m sure he’ll try pulling something new on you.”
The referee calls the break to an end. Pressing your lips together, and you’re nodding as you step back to leave. 
“Go all in now. Everything you got, now’s the time to use it.”
The way Minho laughs as you meet him at the cage entrance has you scoffing; Taehyun can see the older man talking to you, though he’s unable to try and see what he’s saying as the referee calls the fighters to the center.
“Last round,” he reminds, placing a hand on both their shoulders, “Clean, fair fight, okay?”
Jongseong nods— then, he reaches forward, offering his gloves to Taehyun. 
The slight twitch of his lips is mischievous. Slowly, Taehyun does the same; their gloves touch softly, the commentators quick to point it out as the match begins. 
Jeongseong throws a punch instantly. 
It’s like a switch has been flipped in his mind. His eyes are filled with eager bloodlust and alight with adrenaline, throwing hit after hit at Taehyun with no signs of stopping. All Taehyun can do is defend himself, unable to get an opening as he’s forced to take the blows Jongseong delivers.
Taehyun thinks he might have an opening the moment the man backs up, hands going down and leaving him unguarded for a second— but as Taehyun throws out a punch, he’s met with a harsh kick to his side, shocking him and knocking him off balance as Jongseong quickly uses it to his advantage. 
He’s disoriented with how quickly Jongseong wraps around him; limbs tangled, arms around his neck in such a strong chokehold that Taehyun can already feel his head pounding. Is he gonna tap out? He can hear the commentators asking, forcing him to grit his teeth and throw punches at Jeongseong’s head and sides in an attempt to throw him off. 
It seems to work; he’s somehow landed a punch directly to his nose, and the man behind him is stunted by the blow, his hold faltering and giving Taehyun the opening he needed to escape. 
Quick to get up, Taehyun slowly catches his breath. Two minutes on the clock! He hears them yell. Jongseong has yet to get up, the blood dripping from his nose making his eyes widen in shock, watching as he struggles to stumble to his feet, still disoriented from the blow. 
Jongseong’s eyes meet Taehyun’s; he’s tired, a panting mess and reflection of him as he slowly makes his way to Taehyun, stumbling slightly and heavy on his feet as he winces— an easy finish. For a second, Taehyun can feel himself relax, the tension in his body releasing as he watches Jongseong carefully. 
Jongseong takes in Taehyun’s shift instantly— Taehyun is jumping back before he can process it, eyes widening at the way Jongseong aimed a right hook for him, the swing of his arm ripping through the air as he stumbles slightly from the lack of impact. 
Then, he’s knocked back.
Taehyun can barely process the way his body moved with such acute precision, spinning and twisting just as you taught him as he lands with no problem, the feeling of him colliding right into Jongseong oddly instinctual; he watches as the man jolts from the impact, his body stiffening and his eyes rolling back as he can only fall from the impact to his body— to his head. 
The sound of his body colliding against the floor is loud, Jongseong’s face blank as he simply lays there, eyelids flickering and mind swimming in and out of consciousness as the referee runs to him. 
After a moment, the winner is declared. 
Taehyun is unable to process anything— the sounds of the audience roaring, the feeling of his arm being thrust into the air, the sight of Jongseong lying on the ground still— he doesn’t process anything, eyes drifting around and looking for one thing like habit. 
There you are, face alight with joy as you cheer furiously. 
Taehyun laughs slightly— it’s a bit pained, and he winces at the feeling of his sore body, the referee finally letting go of his hand as he stumbles out towards the exit, and straight towards you, pulling his mouth guard out with a wince.
“You did it!” You grin, your voice clear as day, even through the bewildered chatter of the rest as you wave him over. “Fuck, you really did it!”
Taehyun thinks you might hit him again, like you always do; instead, he feels you grab his face, your own alight with euphoria as you tug him into you and crash your lips against his— he barely has enough time to process things before you’re pulling away, your expression sobering as you take in what you just did. 
“Hey!” Yoongi calls out, attempting to weave through the crowd as you turn around to the source of the distraction, “Find Minho, make sure he doesn’t try to slip away!” 
“Right,” you respond, turning back to look at Taehyun— he’s left frozen and bewildered as he looks at you, mouth slightly agape as you feel a heat rush to your face. 
He attempts to call after you, but you’re slipping away before he can get you to stay.
He can still feel the ghost of your lips against his.
“You guys are insane,” Beomgyu huffs, laying back in his bed with a slight wince, “My mother would be mortified if she found out what you did to get this money.”
“It’s a shame we had to get it at all,” you say, glaring at Beomgyu and watching as he shrinks under your gaze, muttering a quiet sorry, sorry in response. Sighing, you shake your head, taking in Beomgyu’s condition with a smile, “you know, after all these expenses, I think we might just have a bit left over.”
“We could go on a trip,” Beomgyu says without hesitation, and you shake your head in amusement. 
“Focus on getting better first,” you scold, smiling at the way Beomgyu lets out a yes ma’am! In response, “I need to go. Visiting hours are over.”
“I’m supposed to get discharged in two days, don’t forget me!” He calls out, and you choose to ignore it as you exit, stopping in your tracks as you close the door behind you softly.
The last thing you expected was to see Taehyun waiting for you, patched up and changed as he leaned against the wall.
“Hey,” you smile, albeit a bit awkward— he says nothing, and you clear your throat, nodding back to the room behind you nervously, “Visiting hours are over. Uhm, maybe come back tomorrow?”
“I’m not here to see him,” he says, raising a brow at the way you only send him a confused look, “I’m here to see you.”
“And what could you possibly want from me?” Your steps are brisk as you begin to walk back to the exit; Taehyun is just as quick behind you, trying to get your attention to no avail.
“What do you mean what could I possibly want? You’re not one to act stupid, noona,” he says, hot on your trail as you finally make it outside. 
You know he’s right— and yet, you feel terribly awkward about it, refusing to look back at him as you begin to wonder where you could have parked, wandering around the quiet lot— you’re a few feet away from your car when Taehyun grabs your arm, stopping you in your tracks and turning you around harshly, his eyes angry as he looks at you.
“You kissed me.”
“What?” You say, trying to shake his hold off as you look up at him with shining, innocent eyes, your right one twitching for a second, “What is this, some kind of adrenaline-induced hallucination? Don’t be weird.”
“Hallucination—” he’s in disbelief as he begins cornering you, your back pressing flat against the driver’s door as he practically towers over you, his free hand planted by your head and caging you in, “The way you felt against me felt very real.”
You gulp. This was weird— this was new, something that you definitely had not accounted for, because as you stare at Taehyun, his gaze intense and his face inches away from yours, you can’t help but feel your face heat up. 
“It’s— it meant nothing,” you stutter out, heart pounding at the way he very clearly doesn’t believe you, “I wasn’t even thinking, I’m sorry if it made you uncomfortable.”
“It meant nothing?” He whispers, his voice low and breathy as he leans in even closer; your eyes are shutting from how close he is, able to feel his breath fan across your cheeks as he lets out a soft laugh, “If it meant nothing, then why have you been avoiding me?”
“I haven’t been—”
“I don’t appreciate you lying to me, noona.”
You’re silent. Your breaths are shaky, lips parted as you wait for him to say something. 
After a second, his lips press against yours. 
For a second, it’s gentle; unsure, waiting for you to pull away and tell him to leave you alone— instead, you let out a breathy sigh, your lips beginning to move against his.
The moment you reciprocate is the moment he loses control. His hands are coming up to your face, cupping your jaw tenderly and tilting your head up to him, his lips needy and messy as he pries your mouth open, tongue prodding at your mouth before he’s pulling away to sink his teeth into your soft lips— the pained whine you let out has his mind reeling. 
You’re breathless and dazed by the time he finally pulls away— you think you can feel your knees go weak at the sight of a string of saliva connecting between the two of you, watching as he smiles at you cruelly, his gaze dark and hazed as his thumb runs across your bottom lip fondly.
“I won just for you,” he breathes out, eyes darkening from the way your tongue runs across the pad of his finger mindlessly.
“Don’t you think I deserve a reward for working so hard?”
Taehyun’s apartment is nice— well, at least you think. You didn’t really get a chance to get a good look at it. 
However, you can confidently say that his bed is nice— you practically sink into the soft mattress, the once neatly done sheets beneath you now a mess from the way you’re squirming under Taehyun.
All he’s done is kiss you— yet, you feel so terribly fucked out and needy, unable to keep your hands off him for even a second, your fingers weaved into his hair and tugging as you feel him moan into your mouth. 
“Even now you’re so fucking mean,” he hisses, feeling the way your nails rake down his back; leaving a red trail against his skin, his shirt discarded long ago as he currently worked to get you to do the same. “Shit, I just got out of a match, noona.”
“Shit, you’re right,” you pant, and Taehyun frowns above you as you begin to pull away, “poor baby is too hurt to fuck—”
“I didn’t say that,” he groans, and you’re surprised by the way he takes a hold of your shoulders and pushes you back down into the mattress firmly. He takes this moment to tug your shirt up, throwing it in some random direction before he’s smiling at the sight of you, “Fuck, you have such a smart mouth.”
“Guess it rubbed off,” you say, your words wavering pathetically mid-way, all from the feeling of Taehyun biting and sucking at your neck ruthlessly while his hands came up to feel your breasts, slipping under the fabric and circling your nipples teasingly. 
“Yeah? I taught you that?” He asks, nipping at your skin and taking off your bra with swift hands, “Maybe I should teach you how to be good for me then.”
You’re unable to gather your thoughts and bite back— his mouth is sucking at your nipples messily, tongue making a show of it as he groans at the feeling and traces shapes on your skin, too focused on the messy teasing to notice the moment his hand slips past your waistband and cups your pussy.
“Fuck, you’re so sweet for me noona,” he sighs, middle finger running up and down your slit teasingly, feeling the way you practically soak through your panties, “This wet for me already?” 
“Don’t let it get to your head,” you grumble, mouth falling open at the way he begins prodding your entrance teasingly, pushing into your hole then going to circle your clit slowly over the fabric. 
Taehyun laughs. The way you refuse to submit to him isn’t surprising in the slightest, watching as you refuse to give him reactions with dark eyes, trained carefully onto your face as he feels you get wetter from his motions, taking in what works and what doesn’t simply from the way your face reacts— even if you try to hide it, much to his annoyance. 
“What’s wrong noona? Don’t you feel good?” He asks you quietly, his hands already dragging your pants off agonizingly slowly, biting his lip to suppress the smile that threatens to break through, far too amused by this strong front you seem to put up, “I’ll do better then, don’t worry.”
Taehyun is sinking down to his stomach before you can process anything, hands running along your thighs teasingly before they’re hooking under your knees— lifting them up, pressing them against your stomach, able to look down at your glistening pussy with ease. 
You’re scrambling to hold on to something the moment he gets his mouth on you— he’s pressing you into the mattress, willing to control the way your hips jump as he presses his tongue flat against your slit, drinking up your wetness and teasing the tip of his tongue along your fluttering hole. The moans you let out are pathetic and embarrassing, your face heating up as you begin to squirm the moment Taehyun wraps his lips around your clit, face buried in your pussy and hair soft tickling against your thighs as he eats you out. 
The sounds are enough to make you cover your face— Taehyun is shameless as he eats you out, slurping and sucking and moaning against your cunt loudly— it’s almost as though he were doing it on purpose. 
“Taehyun, Taehyun, fuuuck…!” You can’t control your mouth— the sound of his name coming from your lips is enough to make Taehyun moan more against your pussy, cock rutting into the mattress below him as he listens to the sounds you make intently, smiling against your cunt at the sight of you finally breaking under him.
You feel dizzy— the way Taehyun fucks you with his tongue has you whining stupidly, his hand leaving your leg and coming to circle your clit as he continues to fuck you— after a moment, he decides he’s had enough of your squirming under him, his hands reaching to cup your ass before he’s pulling you back into him; your legs are falling over his shoulders, and his face is pressed against your pussy as he grants you no escape.
His grip is bruising on your skin; your thighs close around his head, but he pays no mind to it as he continues to lick at your pussy, gathering your arousal on his tongue before he’s looking back up at you with innocent round eyes, showing it off to you and forcing you to watch as he lets it drip back onto your cunt. 
It’s all so messy and overwhelming; you don’t even register the moment you cum on his tongue, your mind going blank and your body relaxing under his hold as he lets you ride out your orgasm, his tongue eager to lick up your release as he lets out soft hums against your cunt. 
“Taehyun,” you whimper out weakly, fingers weaving into his hair and tugging at it in order to get him to stop his ministrations— you can hear him complaining to you softly as he refuses to give in, the soft whine of his name only making him want to give you another orgasm— you have to tug harder on his hair to pull him from you, his lips and chin shining with your arousal as he smiles coyly at your reaction; his tongue darts out to lick his lips, wiping at his chin before he’s coming back up to hover over you. 
“What happened baby? Just wanted to make you feel good,” He tuts softly, grinning at the way you struggle to come down from your bliss. You don’t seem to realize the moment he’s become completely bare, the feeling of his cock poking at your inner thighs making your snap back to reality, feeling the tip smudge his precum all over your skin as he leans down to kiss you; it’s slow and messy, and he’s eager to push you lips apart and allow you to taste yourself, cradling your jaw as you feel him smile against your lips.  
“Why don’t you be quiet for a second? I like you more that way.” the way he frowns at your words has you breaking out into a teasing smile, running your fingers through his hair as you laugh softly— though it quickly falters the moment you feel him rubbing against your slit, his tip running up and down and catching on your clit as your body jolts from the sensation.
“Noona, do you hate me?” He pouts at you, watching as you fail to formulate proper words from the way his tip prods at your entrance, teasingly beginning to stretch you before he pulls out. This continues for a moment, and it’s clear he’s waiting for a response you clearly refuse to give him; frowning, he continues his motions, slowly rutting against your pussy as he looks down at you with sharp eyes, watching as you whine at him to stop teasing— he shakes his head, telling you to answer him, his voice sharp and low as he tightens his grip on your hips, fingers digging into your flesh in a way that has you stuttering your response out weakly.
“Then why are you so mean to me?” He continues, tilting his head as he finally pushes the tip in; he watches your expression carefully, drinking up the way your brows furrow and your eyes become glossy. 
“I… your reactions are cute,” you admit, clenching around Taehyun tightly and watching the way he hisses at the feeling. 
“Yeah? They’re cute?” He repeats, straightening up and kneeling as he looks down at you. Your fucked out expression could make Taehyun come on the spot, but instead he grabs a hold of your waist, settling in between your legs and pulling you in close to him. 
He’s inside you with one swift push; the yelp you let out is embarrassing and you’re quickly slapping a hand over your mouth, eyes fluttering at the sensation of Taehyun fully inside you, thick and twitching wildly. Taehyun takes your hand away immediately; his fingers are lacing with yours, and he’s smiling sweetly as he looks down at you. 
“I think your reactions are cute too,” he’s moving after that, his thrusts slow and deep as he waits for you to adjust to his size. You’re holding tightly onto him as moans and whines fall from you, the sounds only fueling Taehyun further as he slowly begins to fuck you faster. 
“Feels nice, noona?” He groans, eyes trained on the way your tits bounce with his every thrust. The way you refuse to admit to him how good he’s making you feel has him rolling his eyes, letting go of your hand and gripping your hips before he’s bringing you back into him, bottoming out and rolling his hips slowly into your cunt as he feels the way you tighten around him, his cock taking in every flutter of your walls around him as he lets out pleased sighs. 
“What, too embarrassed to admit that it’s me making you feel good?” He asks, biting his lip as he concentrates on not coming too soon from the way you squeeze him, “You didn’t seem embarrassed when you kissed me in front of all those people earlier.”
“It was in the heat of the moment…” you answer back pitifully, unable to hide the way you can barely speak from the way he fucks you. 
“Hmm, okay. If you say so,” he hums, and you’re not given room to fight back as he goes back to fucking you— careless, pulling you back into him, enjoying your sounds with a wicked smile, unable to take his eyes off you for a moment. 
The moment his hand slips to rub circles on your clit, you feel your mind go blank— the sounds you make has Taehyun cursing under his breath, the feeling of your walls clenching around him and sucking him in driving him mad as he gets a hold of your thighs, pressing them against your body and putting you into a mating press as he continues to fuck you.
“Tae— Taehyun, ah, please,” you whine out, left defenseless to the way his hips slam against yours, losing his pace and letting out soft groans as he feels himself coming at the sound of your whines of his name— his cum is barely able to stay inside with the way he continues fucking you, cock rutting into your sensitive pussy as you whine at him to slow down. 
“Wanna see you do that again,” he mumbles, eyes flicking up to gauge your expression, “Like, a few more times.”
Your pussy tightens around him in response, and he has to bite his lip to suppress the moan that bubbled up his throat. After a second, he’s slowly fucking you again, feeling his cock harden inside you from the sight of his cum escaping you with every thrust.
You don’t know how many times he makes you cum after that— you might’ve blacked out halfway through, Taehyun’s obsession with making you come undone leaving you filled with cum and undeniably sore— he’s insatiable, leaving you a mess under him as you let him use you how he’d like, manhandling you into all sorts of positions as he continues to groan about how good you feel, reassuring you just one more, with your every whine, yet lying each time. 
You’re only able to think straight once you’ve found yourself pulled into Taehyun’s chest— the rise and fall of your bodies is relaxing, and you don’t even remember Taehyun cleaning the both of you up as you lie under his covers, the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around you very much welcomed. 
“So, did this also mean nothing to you?” Taehyun mumbles into the crown of your head, nuzzling into your scent as he struggles to stay awake. 
“No. This definitely meant something,” you say, equally as tired as you burrow further into the warmth of his chest. You can hear the deep rumble of his chuckles above you, his hands running across your back soothingly as he speaks. 
“And what did it mean?”
A pause. You think you both know what it means, but you won’t give him the satisfaction as you nip at his skin teasingly. 
“Means you’re okay, I guess.”
You refuse to admit that Taehyun has you wrapped around his finger— though it’s definitely reciprocated by the way Taehyun laughs at your comment, pulling you in even closer still and cooing jokingly that you looove me, hmm?
God, even now, he was insufferable.
But you kinda liked that about him. 
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rabbit-or-rib · 2 months
Toby x reader, INTENSE smoke session.
- Sun
CW ; drug mentions and use in this bad boyyyy
[ NSFW ] 🪓 Toby Rogers x gn!reader having a smoke sesh sfw + nsfw headcanons
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he is SUCCHHHHHHH a giggly guy when he's high
he has so much energy built up that he tries to keep under control during the day, when he's high and his anxiety and tics aren't as prevalent it makes it much easier for that extra energy to slip out in lil giggle fits at either absolutely nothing, or you doing something as little as dropping something you were trying to pick up
bros a cutie patootie
the one (1) time he will willingly actually lock tf in and stay completely still is when he's watching one of those 3 hour video essays
eats them up
if you're one of those people that gets antsy and needs to be doing something, he'll just kinda watch you all wide eyed
think how a dog looks at you while it watches you cook and is waiting for a treat
no matter if y'all's relationship is platonic or romantic, he is a snuggle bug when he gets sleepy
he doesn't mean to !!! you guys are just both on the couch and this movie is kinda tiring him out and ohhhhh noooooo his head is in ur lap whatever will he dooooo
hes just a clingy cutie patootie i love him so bad
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he's so desperate for you and with his anxiety being more tame he is MUCH more likely to just let his thoughts loose
sit on his lap and kiss along his jawline, let his hands softly kneed at your hips while he tells you alll his thoughts about what he wants to do to you
he'll toss his head on your shoulder, tied between embarrassment and need for you as he pants and tries to grind his hips onto yours, his brain foggy while he whines out pathetic pleas for you
"j's lemme touch you,, look ss-so pretty, s'good babes,," with him lazily kissing at any part of you he can reach
loves when you ride him because it means he gets to watch himself disappear inside you, accidentally leaving little crescents on your thighs where he's been grabbing at you
he gets a lot louder- much more open to full blown moaning over his usual whimpering
aka PRIME time to suck him off
will play with your hair if you do- for as long as he can ofc, poor thing gets overwhelmed easy when he watches how pretty and desperate you look trying to make him feel good
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sleepyboywrites · 4 months
Nsfw Pasta Headcannons
My sincerest apologies I stumbled upon a few posts and couldn't stop thinking about it... Nsfw warning..
• Eyeless Jack
• 100% a top
• The only way you're topping him is when you ride him, which even then no you're not.
• Animalistic. Growls, grunts, and huffs. Tends to cage you beneath him like his prey as he plows you.
• Needy like an Alpha in Rut. I'm talking he'll grip on to you as he desperately ruts into you and because lust is a form of hunger for flesh the demonic man needs more than one round each session.
• Soft dom for sure and a service top who ideally wants a service bottom
• Think "Shh, little one, you're doing so good for me, you can handle a couple more rounds for me, hmm? Let me make you feel good a few more times, can't you?"
• Breeding kink, he doesn't care if he can't actually get you pregnant, if you don't have the "equipment" to do so, or if it'd make you uncomfortable to be, he doesn't have to make you pregnant in actuality, if you can't or don't want to he won't but he just loves to try. Just the thought of of pumping you so full of him and seeing you so full of him turns him on.
• Super into marking. Biting, hickies, claw marks, you name it. He likes leaving proof that you're his behind.
• He's practically blind so all of his other senses are heightened, he is legitimately so good at hitting all the right spots.
• Long tongue, monster cock, enough said.
• Likes cockwarming, specifically after the a session, you're just so warm and welcoming and full, why'd he want to pull out?
• If he wasn't such a clean freak, he'd probably be into butt plugs/keeping his cum inside you. But since I feel like he tries to keep personal spaces/property clean he wouldn't.
• Really good at aftercare, we're talking bubble bath, water, snacks, cuddles the works.
• Ben drowned
• Switch
• Loves to 'play' with you and have you 'play' with him
• Would 100% want to mess around while video gaming and the two of you probably have in whatever way you could ever think of.
• Also likes cockwarming but in a more traditional way of he just likes having you on his cock feeling your walls around him without doing anything other than being inside you or vice versa.
• Wants to fuck you or be fucked by you in full cosplay.
• He's a thigh guy. He likes thighs. He likes to sit with his head between your thighs and give you head.
• He also likes overstimulation so he likes to sit with his head squeezed between your thighs giving you head until you're crying and trembling and can't give him any more. Also enjoys should you do the same.
• So needless to say also a multiple rounds type of guy.
• Bro is almost always horny I swear to God. Like he'll watch you through your phone as you take a shower relieving himself as he does so and fucking you right after you get out. His Libido is insane.
• A wee bit of a somnophilliac. But think a 'yes' or 'no' pillow situation where if you ever fell asleep on the yes side you'd wake up cock drunk or vice versa.
• Also a dacryphilliac in the sense where he loves seeing you cry from pleasure overload.
• Has a mild degradation kink and likes it best when paired with praise. Think, "That a good slut, don't let a drop go to waste okay?"
• He's into hypnosis and mind control, something about being all foggy brained as he gets his guts rearranged/the glossy far away look in your eyes as he fucks you until you're dick drunk makes him hard as hell. He likes controlling you and being controlled by you.
• His idea of aftercare is falling asleep in your arms or with you in his arms waking up a few hours later to wash off the now cold and uncomfortable sticky situation putting on each other's shirts and waking up in the morning to have sex again, then water/breakfast if he's feeling sweet.
• Laughing Jack
• Probably hot take I think he wouldn't... I think he's ace and sex repulsed.
• I think because he was once a guardian angel for a child he just thinks it's really not for him and he's okay with that.
• But if his beloved asked for some 'help' in one way or shape or another he'd help them. Or if you asked him to 'play' with you. He would.
• He'd also watch you if you wanted him to and be really good with aftercare.
• Jeff the Killer
• "100"% Top, you'd be punished if you tried to top him and failed but if you tried and succeeded he'd bottom for you and probably enjoy it enough to let you top him again.
• Sadist
• Hard dom
• Brat tamer
• Somnophilliac and dacryphilliac, he likes it best when they go hand in hand
• Has a knife kink and likes knife play
• Needy and has a degradation kink. Think projecting insults and such. Like "Such a needy little cock slut, look at you, your body sucks me in so greedily, you really need to be dicked down so badly, huh slut?"
• Loves objectification and dumbification. Loves how your his cock sleeve, cum dumpster, and fuck toy.
• Would ideally have a brat as a partner and would ideally get to punish them every night.
• Likes tying you up and blindfolding you.
• Also likes edging a lot, in fact most nights is an edging session in itself. He loves to see how close he can get the both of you to climax without ever letting you or himself cum.
• Into orgasm denial as well. Like if you cum before you were given permission, he'll make sure you can't cum for the rest of the night while he cums plenty.
• Glory holes turn him on, he likes the thought of fucking you through one.
• Into breath play and choking, both giving and receiving
• He'll deadass just say "That was fun" or "Thanks baby!" or something along those lines, pull you to his chest while groping your ass as "aftercare"
• Homicidal Liu
• Soft dom/service top
• his nurturing nature extends to the bedroom. He has rules for you in the bedroom and out that if you follow will lead to rewards and if you don't lead to punishment.
• unless you misbehave then he'll have no choice but to punish you because brats don't get to cum or have 'playtime' at all, they get to watch 'sir' cum without them.
•orgasm denial/overstimulation
• On the other hand if you're good you get to cum until you physically can't anymore. Congratulations.
• Has a worship kink wants to worship you and be worshipped in return. He will lap you up like you're the nectar of the gods, savoring in your sweet, decadent noises until you melt in his mouth. Caressing you as he buried himself in your heat and feeling oh so powerful as you look at him lovingly as he pounds you taking pride in the fact he's the only one who's making you cum.
• Has a praise kink and will praise you non stop.
• Has a thing for thigh highs/garters/collars/ears and a tail
• Also has a thing for you wearing his clothes.
• Into dumbification in the sweet way. Think "Ah ah honey, thinking is my job. You're just my sweet little thing, let me take care of everything."
• He adores "easy access" anything
• into dacryphillia in the sense he likes making you cry from pleasure.
• The king of after care just like with EJ there will be bathing, water, snacks, praise, cuddles the works.
• Ticci Toby
• He's a switch in the term that he'd let you ride him while he was tied up, blindfolded, and unable to move or touch you and let you milk him dry. But you're not pegging/fucking him.
• Into roleplay scenarios.
• Likes seeing you half dressed, loves seeing you half dressed moaning beneath him or bouncing on his cock.
• Huge Pervert, you can't do anything without him getting bricked af.
• Likes strip teases/lap dances
• He adores "easy access" anything
• Loves marking and overstimulation. Also orgasm control. Basically anything that marks you as his or proves he's in charge of pleasuring you and only he truly satisfied you.
• I'll be so fr with you he also loves being covered in hickies by you.
• Also loves to tie you up. You're like a present for him and only him.
• He's down to try almost anything at least once.
• into dacryphillia in the sense he likes making you cry from too much intense pleasure.
• Has a thing for enthusiastic consent. It legitimately is something he cannot proceed without and it turns him on to know you want him that badly.
• Has a voice kink and a praise kink.
• He loves getting you dick drunk and likes it better when your hips grind needily against his after you're all orgasmed out but so foggy that you want more nonetheless as you warm his cock.
• He's surprisingly good at aftercare, he'll wash you up, bring you some water, tell you how happy and proud he is, and cuddle you.
• Brian/Hoodie
• 100% Top
• He has a Daddy Kink and likes dd/l
• He gets hard picking out your outfits and dressing you as well as bathing you.
• He's a soft Dom but he's rough in bed if the two of you had a dry spell he'll fuck you as desperately as EJ does.
• Otherwise however normally he treats you like you're made of glass as he fucks you.
• Has a kink/fetish for infantilization/dumbification. "Baby, sweetheart , doll face you can't take care of yourself. You're too little, so just stay with daddy, let daddy take care of you, make you feel good, hm?"
• Also has a breeding kink, he wants you to be filled with his seed each time the two of you fuck.
• He doesn't take kindly to teasing, if you tease him he'll edge and overstimulate you until you physically cannot cum anymore. Aka BIG on orgasm control
• He loves to leave hickies and bite marks all over you.
• He's also a somnophilliac, he likes making you squirm and whimper as you wake up on his cock.
• He has a corruption kink. He likes doing lewd things to his innocent looking partner/little.
• That leads us to dacryphillia he likes making you cry from intense pleasures he caused you as you tremble and cling to him
• He's very good, an expert even, at aftercare he does everything right so you are taken care of with both physical and mental needs.
• Tim/Masky
• 100% Top
• I feel like he likes to be called master or sir
• He has a thing for praising you
•A voice kink for hearing your pretty noises
• He loves manhandling you and likes to pin you down beneath him.
•Likes pulling hair/guiding your head via your hair.
• Gets hard as a rock when you wear his clothes he doesn't care what for
• He's into dumbification and getting you so drunk on pleasure that you forget your own name.
• Something about if you wear the hat you ride the cowboy and your cowboy has very good control so you're going to be there for a while until he's had his full which is when he'll actually start trying.
• He's into edging and overstimulation hand in hand meaning edging the two of you to each orgasm and then going until neither of you can cum anymore.
• This man loves marking you.
• He'll cover every inch he can with hickies and bite marks.
• In fact, the main reason you're sore is not only because he rocked your shit but you are covered in hickies and bite marks, everywhere, too much to even attempt to cover.
• He's an expert on aftercare and your aftercare is specifically catered to your needs as a partner and person as well as your physical needs: water, food if hungry, bathing.
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sociorafe · 5 months
If stepbro rafe is wrong then i don't wanna be right... 😩💔 imagine leaving ur door open on purpose when you change clothes or shower bc you KNOW rafe is gonna see.... UGH I NEED THAT MAN FR
watch me burn in hell for enjoying step bro!rafe lol
It wasn’t his first time spying on you like this. In fact, he’s lost count on the amount of times he’s seen you naked in a foggy mirror, or through a slight crack in your door.
He didn’t give a shit if you caught him, because what’re you gonna do? Shout at him? He’ll shout right back at you that you know he does this.
And you enjoy it, too.
He finds pleasure in the way you can feel his eyes on you but you never have the guts to say anything. Even when you’re alone with him, standing in the kitchen as he pours himself a drink, you never bring up the fact he’s seen you naked.
You’ve thought about it. But, what good would come from confronting your step-brother about his perverse behaviour?
Your thoughts have traveled to taboo places, but you’re not sure if you’d act on them— or if he’d act on them either. Part of you feels insane for hoping he would, but if you were to get caught… the risk would be adrenaline inducing.
It’s times like these— where you’re changing after a long, warm shower, that you purposefully put on a little show.
As soon as you step foot into your room after a shower, it’s like Rafe has a radar. He’s immediately tiptoeing to your door, his back pressed against the wall and his head turned over his shoulder as he peeks through the hinges.
Your towel pools around your feet, a few stray water droplets cling to your perky nipples and neck. Rafe’s tongue darts out as you watches you, toned legs moving toward your dresser.
You pretend to browse your underwear, already knowing that you’re going to grab the laciest, sluttiest, most revealing set you own, just for your step-brother to think about at night.
You turn around, facing your open window which looks out onto the docks and water. With the red lace in your hands, you slowly bend over, making sure Rafe can see your glistening cunt as you slide on the set.
Rafe has to grit his teeth together. Because if he lets out a single noise, he’ll have to barge in and fuck you up against a wall— his cock would hit so deep in your pussy that it’s all he can think about as he drifts off at night.
Your nipples are hard against the fabric, Rafe can see them as you turn around.
Somehow, you make eye contact with him through the gap in your door. You know what you’re about to do is risking everything you’ve done so far, but… you’re a slut for his attention and you can’t help yourself.
You move to your bed, crawling up until you reach your soft pillows. Your hand fumbles with the bedside table, fingers grasping your most prized possession from the drawer.
“Oh, fuck.” Rafe growls. The pretty pink silicone dildo looks so innocent as you drag it up and down your stomach.
You drag it back up until the plush tip presses aginst your lips. You smile to yourself as you push the toy into your mouth; eyes rolling as the tip hits the back of your throat.
Not even a moment later, Rafe has barged into your room and seems to be heavily breathing, trying to control himself before he ruins you.
He leans down, lips dangerously close to your own. “Wouldn’t you rather have the real thing, princess?”
You gaze up at him through hooded eyes. Your pupils are already blown from lust. “It’s wrong for you to want this, you know Rafey. But… I’ll allow it.” You giggle and bite your lip, tongue sticking out as you move your dildo back into your mouth.
“Oh, you’ll allow it all right.” Rafe growls.
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thornbushrose · 1 year
Need a laugh? Check out my little drabble. No angst, no strings. At least I crack myself up.
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teddynivvy · 3 months
Hi lovely, sorry if im blowing up your inbox i literally cannot stop reading your fics bro.
could you maybe write a bottom Ted fic? like hes coming home after a long day of running errands and hes so worn out, laying on the couch and watching tv till you get home, somehow just end up riding him hes just a moaning breathless mess, stuttering his words.
idk ive just had this on my mind for a while and i think bottom Ted is jst so fucking hot😗🤷‍♂️
omg pls blow up my inbox!!! you're sooo sweet tysm for your comments about my writing i appreciate you so much <3333 ur also 100% correct about bottom!ted... i will reign myself in and not give him a mommy kink (as much as i want to) but if y'all are interested in that lmk ;) (nsfw and dom-ish afab!reader under cut!)
ok so i imagine ted having to do some running around for a video. he has something big planned, so he has like a million errands to do and he's running all around town to pick up supplies. he also has to come home and plan and write, so by the evening when you're both relaxing on the couch, he's completely beat.
you're rubbing along his arms and playing with his hair, giving him little neck kisses, which ends up turning into you grinding on his lap a little bit for some friction. wordlessly, his hands find your ass as you keep kissing along his ears and neck, as you can tell he's getting really worked up.
"what do you need, teddy?" you'd ask, whispering into his ear and making his head fall back. "use your words."
"please," he'd breathe out, his mind foggy. "please ride me, i want you so bad."
"mm, good boy," you'd laugh lightly, pulling off your t-shirt and shorts while he unbuttoned his pants and pushed them down his thighs.
"you wanna get me ready?" you asked, as he laid down on the couch. he nodded, as you came up and placed your thighs on either side of his face.
he lapped lazily at your clit as you sat down on him, feeling his warm tongue and moaning at how wet he was making you. your hands carded through his soft hair as his grip tightened on your thighs, kneading them with his ringed fingers.
"so good for me, baby," you cooed, smiling down at his face between your thighs. "doing so good at getting me ready for your cock."
he moaned at the praise, only wanting to please you, before you pulled yourself off of him. you kissed his plush lips, covered in your slick, before getting off of him and positioning yourself over his lap.
you sunk down on him, watching as his head fell back onto the arm of the couch. you both gasped at the feeling, as he filled you up and you started to rock back and forth and find your rhythm.
your hand found his chest as he started to breathe heavier, eyes fluttering closed at how good you felt on him. his hands found your hips for stability, as you leaned down to kiss his neck and chest.
"does that feel good, teddy?"
he could barely speak, letting the stress of his day fade away as you picked up the pace and bounced up and down.
"mmph, fuck, yes, please don't stop." his cheeks were turning crimson, chest heaving, trying unbelievably hard not to cum immediately.
"you're being such a good boy for me, aren't you, teddy? should i let you come?" he blushed at the nickname, feeling himself get impossibly close to finishing.
"please let me cum, please," he begged, as you started to speed up and make it nearly unbearable for him. "can i please cum inside of you?"
a wicked smile on your face as you bottomed out on him, earning a few blubbering squeaks from him as pleasure overtook him. "since you asked so nicely," you teased, grinding on his cock and leaning down to suck a purple hickey into the skin of his chest.
a mix of the pleasure and pain was enough to send him crashing down, hands grabbing at anything they could, just for some reprieve. a string of 'thank you's fell out of his mouth as he painted your insides with his cum, relaxing as soon as he finished and lazily kissing the sides of your face, rubbing his hands down your back.
"feels so good," he smiled, beaming up at you as you pushed the messy hair out of his face and slid his glasses back on. "you're perfect. i love you."
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hotvinimon · 6 months
You are his, right ?
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Yandere gym bro x reader
Plot : Inviting casper for a sleepover
Author’s note : The images are not mine. I don not support this kind of behaviour and highly condemn these activities. This kind of behaviour is not tolerated in actual life. Reader is portrayed as pick me girl who is asking for it.
Warnings : MDNI. The images are not mine. Credits to the owner
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Hangouts with Casper were now a part of your daily routines. From your friends to coworkers to neighborhood gossip aunties and even your baker, everyone came to know about Casper. Anywhere you went, Casper appeared suddenly and even matching your outfit. What a coincident right ?
This is what soulmate is, isn’t it ? You are his soulmate right ?
“Hey Caz, I think we should head back it’s getting dark.” you suggested. “ I guess you are right “ Casper smiles silently cursing all the powers who are working to keep you from him.
“Here you go sweetie” Casper drops you at your home in his car. “Cas, I was wondering if you could stay for a while, I have something to show you.” you asked. Casper frowns and acts like having a deep thought. “hmmm… recent studies say that a man should never say no to his cute girl, so of course I would love to stay for ever a while.“ you laughed at his silly joke.
You didn’t corrected him. It means you are his. You are his, right ?? All his.
“YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO CLOSE YOUR EYES DAMMIT” you shrieked. “My eyes are closed” Casper laughs. You pout and whine. “Fine Fine here. “ Casper closes his eyes as you settle something in his hands. He opens his eyes and found an I-Pad??? “Are you giving me this I-Pad back ?? Do you not like it sweetie ?? Should I give you something else for our 100 days anniversary ???
Yes. you and Casper celebrated your 100 days of friendship relationship. On which he took you out for dinner date and surprised shocks you by giving you everything that you had set an eye on for past 100 days.
“ Cas.. I can’t take this. This is too much “ you relented. “ This isn’t too much. further, I even lost the receipts, I can’t even return them. Wouldn’t it go waste now ?? Do you not like the gifts ?? Do you want me to buy something else for you ?? do you not like me anymore ?? Are you going to leave me ??? “ And you could do nothing but accept them when you saw fat tears rolling down the man baby’s flushed cheeks, not noticing the smirk he had while you hugged and soothed him. It took you all night to make him believe that you are not going anywhere.
Like, you could even do that until he is alive.
“No Caz~. I’m not giving you the I-pad back. I really liked it. “ you blurted out quickly to not hurt the boy’s feelings again.
“I want you to open the I-Pad and see what I have made.” you smiled. Casper let out the breath that he had held for so long. He opens the screen and almost faints when he sees a cute doodle of him and you clicking a selfie followed by other doodles that you had made from your recent pictures. “ I know this is stupid and-” “this is not stupid. This is so good. Can you send me those ???” Casper cuts you of and begs you for the pictures, which you send him immediately.
After an hour
“I think I should leave, it’s quite dark” the male suggested. You looked out the window to witness the light. “ Are you dumb Cas??? It’s so dark and foggy out, you should stay here for ever tonight. “ It’s alright. I don’t want to cause any problems" Casper suggests silently begging universe to make him stay. “ Well, if you don’t know, I would like to tell you that recent studies say that a man should never say no to his cute girl.” you quoted in a heavy voice (imitating Cas), to which you both laughed and Casper got to stay.
“ How about we order a takeout and pick a movie ??” Casper recommended. “ I would really appreciate that, but I think we should change to something more comfy. How about you take a bath first. I have some oversized clothes that might fit you” you suggested. “I like the sound of that” Casper replies.
You hand Casper a pair of your oversized sweats and a shirt ( with acted more like a compression shirt ). Casper enters your bathroom and the smell of your cologne fills his senses and faints him one more time. His breath becomes heavy, mind started melting and legs started shaking. Suddenly his eyes fell to the laundry basket which was tucked in corner only for him to see. He hopes you don’t mind some of your things panties being stolen.
After all you are his, right ?
“How about iron man ???”
“Spider-Man ???”
“Twilight ??”
“Horror.. Casss…… Please… I can handle it” you pout and cross your hand tightly on your chest. Which may or may not have lifted your assets, showing of something pointy through your silky nightwear. And Casper couldn’t argue further. Who was he to say no to your tight hugs during the movie ?? Who was he to say no to you when you asked to sleep with him because you were afraid ?? Who was he to say no when you cuddled him and rested your head in the crook of his neck in the sleep ?? Who was he to say no when you stuffed his face in your chest and traced his back in sleep ?? Who was he to say no when your thigh accidently brushed his bulge in sleep ??
You were really testing him. Weren’t you ??
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