#arthur reed
throwbackblr · 25 days
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New Here
Hello, My name is HumanConditionPoetry. All poems here are subject to copyright. I share these poems because it comes from heart and would like to actually publish one day. If you would like to use my poem, please put my name on it. Thank you!
That said, Hi, I like reading, writing and have a vivid imagination. I also like watching anime and tv shows. Some of which include: Naurto, Fairy Tail ( Still watching), Arthur, Fairy Odd Parents , Dragon Prince and Others. I also like to be on Youtube and Reddit.
I also tend to gravitate towards listening to music. Most of the Music I listen to tends to be independent artist such as Clozee or Karliene. However, I also like to listen to old Music like Classical, 80's and 90's Music. For Mainstream Music I tend to prefer: Evanescence, Nightwish, Within Temptation and Britney Spears.
With Introductions out of the way, I originally created this place to get feedback on some of poetry works as I one day hope to become a published author or at the very least, write a book about the human conditions! Besides writing about Human Conditions, I also like to make and create OC from my favorite shows and Magical Realism Writing. Other things about me are that I am INFJ-T, I am Neurodivergent and have a Bio Major with a Minor in Psych!
Thanks! Hope you guys have the best rest of your day!
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I posted 759 times in 2022
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#tomgreg - 108 posts
#tom wambsgans - 99 posts
#greg hirsch - 67 posts
#succession - 44 posts
#shiv roy - 39 posts
#tomshiv - 30 posts
#succ session - 26 posts
#roman roy - 19 posts
#connor roy - 14 posts
#kendall roy - 14 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#bdjskjskls bowie’s ex telling the bb house david was dead and then thinking she was talking about a housemate was an iconic british moment
My Top Posts in 2022:
England vs USA ending in 0-0 means that the game can no longer be called either football or soccer but instead it’s soccball.
631 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
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708 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Shiv talking to Greg about Comfrey in 3x8: This could be a great dating ladder for you, because no offence, people are going to look at you and then look at her and then *snorts of laughter* think what the hell is going on there
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892 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
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Fucking losing it over adult Arthur Read
5,077 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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12,182 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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little-pup-prince · 1 month
i really loved arthur as a kid and wanted to draw in that style. sadly by the time i went to school i forgot abt it and there were no uploads. it handles topics respectfully and isn't oversaturated with stereotypical tropes. also i love how it's less stimulating than other kids shows and grounded in a way that it doesn't deal with anything like fantasy or sci-fi. (those fall so fast into racism besides being icky for me.)
if anyone can recommend something similar, i'm all ears.
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bryastar · 6 months
Word Salad #8
I made grilled cheese! It was so yummy!!
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sometimes when at work, i find myself getting lost in thought often. sometimes I start to get an idea that seems fun in my head. for a while I've tried to write these ideas down as my day goes on.....but then I start to notice that I'm writing so much i have no idea where to begin. so then i'm thinking maybe I shouldn't write down literally everything that pops in my head so I should wait until I get something really good. however, this ends up with me getting an idea so good I start imagining I get attention and start winning awards (so kinda like an Arthur flashback, especially 10:11 - 10:44) and then I quickly psyche myself out because it starts to get too ambitious for me aa. I feel I'm slowly finding a good balance as to figure out more realistic ideas, or trying to mesh and combine ideas when possible, or maybe see it from an entirely new angle as I get new experiences.
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Other than that I'm feeling mostly tired today as I'm recovering a bit from work, so here's a bunch of stuff I have on display here that I really like
plan for tomorrow is to start doing a bit of spring cleaning for the house so I'll likely need this extra time to rest anyway
so, yey
i'll end this off with something i relate with aa
gummy worms
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girlcum-sommelier · 10 months
if i was in the arthur universe when i was a kid binky and i wouls have been best friends and he would have showed me his tender side and then in college we would have explored each other’s bodies and fucked yucky style
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mceproductions · 2 years
Best of 2022 TV Shows #23: Arthur (PBS)
Marc Brown has had a legacy.
As one of two major cartoons celebrating 25 years this year the saga of the worlds most famous a a r d v a r k, can still inspire many years later.
Yet what most of us didn’t see in Arthur, Buster, Francine, Muffy, Binky, George, Brain, Sue Ellen, DW, or Ratburn we saw in slice of life done with the overall message of the immortal theme by Ziggy Marley.
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Yet this past February when the final 5 Episodes aired and we got to see a future where Buster teaches, Muffy is a politician, Binky reports the weather, Francine runs Elwoods own version of Nike and DW is a cop, nobody figured Arthur would come full circle.
A graphic novelist of his own story.
Well never stop believing in ourselves…
…cause we know the place to start.
SUM 22: After 25 Years of Wonderful Days, Arthur Reed and the kids of Elwood City bid a hopeful yet poignant farewell.
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•>I love Dilfs
From actors to fictional characters...Dilfs are always hotter.
{older men are hotter...you can fight me on that}
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grandkhan221b · 5 months
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Throwback to that time I spent the night "discussing" ASOIAF theories with Chatbot George R R Martin and nearly pissed myself laughing
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Just found out that Jon Arryn was supposed to be with Ned when they found Lyanna in that tower and now I’m a mess my gawd!! Because we can make a pretty good argument that this would not work out at all in the long run, esp re having the secret of Jon’s parentage be so close to Robert’s inner circle, but 😫 the idea that two out of the three men who were involved in the ending of the Targaryen dynasty would have played a part in the preservation of the last dragon egg is so incredible?! The idea that Jon Arryn and Ned would’ve seen what happened to Rhaegar’s first two children and then come across a third one by chance, deciding that this one deserved to live though he would have to do so as a shadow of what he truly is??? If Arryn is still HoTK then he’s serving one of his surrogate sons as an official, but then helping the other one hide the enemy’s son???! The idea that these two men, Arryn and Stark, put this boy’s father’s killer on the throne, but then turned around and helped him live and not only that but one dishonored himself and claimed him as his own and the other one gave him his name as a blessing?? Maybe even as penance?! Idc what anyone says and I’m not gonna argue about this because I know GRRM had his reasons for ultimately changing it to Howland Reed, but this is actually the best version. Georgina ate that lil one thing I fear.
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Age accurate Rebellion Lords:
Arthur Dayne; 23 years old at the time of his death in 283 AC*
Benjen Stark; 16 years old at the end of the Rebellion in 283 AC*
Brandon Stark; 20 years old at the time of his death in 282 AC
Eddard Stark; 20 years old at the end of the Rebellion in 283 AC
Howland Reed; 18 years old at the end of the Rebellion in 283 AC*
Jaime Lannister; 17 years old at the end of the Rebellion in 283 AC
Oberyn Martell; 26 years old at the end of the Rebellion in 283 AC*
Rhaegar Targaryen; 24 years old at the time of his death in 283 AC
Robert Baratheon; 21 years old at the end of the Rebellion in 283 AC
Stannis Baratheon; 19 years old at the end of the Rebellion in 283 AC
*exact date of birth is uncertain
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chernobog13 · 6 months
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Art Adams' masterful re-creation of the cover for Fantastic Four (vol. 1) #171 (June, 1976).
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Original cover by Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott.
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gotham-at-nightfall · 8 months
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The Tower of Joy
By UrukkiSaki
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Maege Mormont, neck deep in bogwater: this is stupid
Howland Reed, standing on a lily pad: i agree
Maege: WHAT the FUCK how long have you been there
Howland: long enough to be awkward
Maege: ...you don't get out much, do you?
Howland: last time i left my castle i killed the greatest warrior of my generation
Howland: i don't go out anymore
Howland: how's Ned? And Robert? And Jon Arryn?
Maege: uhh sit down buddy
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ohnoitsmyra · 2 years
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howland reed and arthur dayne at the tower of joy! i need to do more scenes from asoiaf, such a good way to practice full illustrations
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gaelvalentinovolumen1 · 8 months
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goodbye to all of you, you would have loved "The tortured poets department" 🖤🤍🤎
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