#arriving at her apartment
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fumifooms · 10 months ago
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Dad always said I was like him
Meijack and Chilchuck Tims Dungeon Meshi, Ryoko Kui
^ 1: Moony moonless sky, Fatima Aamer Bilal / 2: Bug like an angel, Mitski / 3: Woodtangle, Mary Ruefle / 4: The Third Hour of the Night, Frank Bidart / 5 & 6: FROM THE MAKERS OF "TWO-MOM ENERGY DRINK," IT'S "LET YOUR FATHER DIE ENERGY DRINK,", Daniel Lavery & Cecilia Corrigan / 7: Batman: Year Three (1989) / 8 & 9 : FROM THE MAKERS OF […], Daniel Lavery & Cecilia Corrigan / 10: Wilt, CJ the X / 11: How Do We Forgive Our Fathers, Dick Lourie / 12: Milk and honey, Rupi Kaur / 13: And My Father's Love Was Nothing Next To God's Will, Amatullah Bourdon / 14: Moony moonless sky, Fatima Aamer Bilal / 15: Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong, Ocean Vuong / 16: untitled, Joan Tierney v 17: Drunk, The Living Tombstone / 18: unknown
When your father tried his best to provide for you but he worked all the time and even when he was home he was either tired or stressed and he’s always liked to get drunk to relax and cheer up. When you know he values work ethics and respectability so you grew up to be capable and quiet. And when he says you’re like him you’re sort of puzzled, does he really know you so little, or does he know himself so little? But you like the feeling of your father ruffling your hair so you accept it, and still you stand next to your mother just as silent and just as stoic as her during family gatherings. He leaves again and again and when your mother leaves him nothing changes, really. You wonder if it’s more telling that you know him better than he seems to himself or that you don’t know him as much as you wish you did, or that you don’t think about him all that much these days. Out of sight, out of mind. And he’s never really been there, even when he was there, after all.
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aardvaark · 9 months ago
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tara cole my beloved
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nicollekidman · 6 months ago
it’s so. good. that buffy has to feel self loathing about what she’s doing with spike specifically because the underpinnings of the show require that vampires be Bad Monster Creatures who Cannot Feel and are just Lifeless Demons otherwise everything comes into question. about everything. except that spike is the crack in the foundation of the show itself and in that, he makes the show better! he’s the only end that makes sense for her because he sets her free!!!
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tojiscrack · 1 month ago
literally found your acc like two days ago and i am in love!! spent the whole day binge reading LL because u are such an amazing writer omg… was sad to see you’re on hiatus but i have no problems waiting bc ik the comeback is gonna be fire 🔥 🔥 good luck with your exams btw!!
i’m gonna pass out this is so sweet tysm ml awwww <333333333
blahblahblahshecomplimentedmywritingblahblahblah 😋🩵
welcome to the family 😭🫶🏽 i’m so glad you’ve joined us but i wish you were here earlier ‘cause my updates were only just becoming consistent before this dumb hiatus 😔
but you’re here now and that’s all that matters <3 ty for ur support and patience 🩵
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petricorah · 2 years ago
humble offer of an au instead of (a continuation of) divorced zukka
Zuko fakes his death:
Someone's been trying to assassinate him. It's long after Sokka leaves, and they aren't together. Maybe they had something once, and Sokka always thought they'd end up together, but they aren't together. And he hears word of the fire lord's death all the way back in the water tribe. How there was nothing the Kyoshi Warriors or the palace guard could do, and he was killed.
There are no remains.
He goes to the funeral, and it's this big dramatic ordeal (because they're trying to really hammer in that he's "dead") and Sokka's a mess. A complete and utter mess. He can barely function, and he's angry, especially at Suki, because he doesn't understand how she isn't more upset (she knows Zuko's still alive. She tries to talk to him, but he pushes her away, and they're never able to talk in a private place.) But more than that, he's angry with himself. Because if he hadn't left, he could have saved him. He could have been there. He thought they had a future together, that they couldn't be together now, but someday they would, and that all goes up in smoke.
And then Zuko's alive. They were able to apprehend the mastermind with the guise, and Sokka should be happy, but all he feels is emotions he can't understand. He feels betrayed.
"You were in the water tribe," Zuko said. "I couldn't tell you--"
"You died. You were dead. I-I went to your funeral, I mourned you."
And he wants to be angry, he wants to hit him, to make him feel a fraction of the pain he felt, but he can't hurt him, not ever, and the only thing he can do is crumble at his feet because Zuko is alive.
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mantisgodsdomain · 17 days ago
The real trials of having foster cats is convincing them that your existing cat, who is very good at taking care of kittens and has no sense of personal space and no social graces whatsoever with adult cats, is NOT an evil murderer here to kill them or whatever, and IS in fact a big fucking idiot who will crumple and give them free reign of his entire baby territory in an instant if they walk past him in a confident way and mostly wants to cuddle and groom them, and is simply being interpreted as a threat because he fundamentally does not understand that other cats may not want an overly enthusiastic orange old man perpetually glued to their sides every hour and minute of their lives.
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chaoswillcalmusdown · 24 days ago
today's auntie duties involved
1) carrying and walk-training with a 12 kg baby for like 30 minutes
2) rummaging through moving boxes to find the dollhouse my mom bought the 3yo for christmas
3) assembling the dollhouse (while the 3 year old wants to help and the 10 month old wants to be on top of his big sister and my mom with the undiagnosed adhd tries to follow my directions and hold the pieces together while the 3yo handles the screwdriver)
3 ) reading half a dozen library books at least 3 times each
dollhouse build below 💪🏽
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cinematicnomad · 2 years ago
i finally got my passport back WITH my ghanaian visa!! my upcoming trip to ghana and nigeria officially feels REAL! 
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percival-p-pups · 2 years ago
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Painting my place at 1:30 am is definitely a thing normal, non-anxious people do.
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lucygraysboy · 4 months ago
“and i missed bein’ your cowboy prince. it feels like coming home.” it amazes him how the universe works, almost as if someone has been pulling on invisible strings this whole time to bring them back together. “right? when i saw you last night, up on that stage, i went back in time and felt as if i was watching one of those shows that you used to put on just for me and our teddy bears. and catchin’ up after… when i’m holdin’ you like this, it’s like i’ve never left.” there’s a long road ahead of them, but he’ll do his best to never let her down again. “thank you.” for not undermining his masculinity just because he’s shown his emotions and shed some tears, for helping him accept the fact that true strength goes hand in hand with vulnerability. 
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“who do you take me for? i ain’t no snitch,” billy huffs in response, but it’s quickly followed by a laugh. he would have to be completely out of his mind to tell mrs. baird that they’d been drinking and almost had sex, but she’s always had a way of seeing right through him — that’s what scares him. “what if she hears hesitation in my voice? you know how she is. remember when we were little? it felt like she could read my mind, knew when i was lyin’ or hidin’ somethin’. that one time i skipped school with jesse? she knew the second she looked at me.” as irrational as it seems, billy’s almost completely certain that mama bird already knows what exactly happened to them last night. still, he’ll try to sound convincing. besides, it’s not an outright lie, right? after all, he and lucy gray did talk a lot. “that sounds reasonable, yeah, okay… oh, thanks.” laughing at how quickly she unlocks the phone, he easily finds her mama’s number in her recents but hesitates for a second. the pad of his thumb hovering over the screen. 
“i understand that. it’s a very valid feeling, but you need to know that i’ve never loved anyone else. my heart’s always been yours. only yours. you’re my world, lucy gray,” he murmurs into the space between them, leaning in to bump their noses when she rolls over to face him. it’s his greatest regret in life, trying to move on and forget her. if he could turn back time, he would just fight for her instead. “the kiss that we shared last night,” he knows that they were both under the influence of alcohol and very strong emotions, but it doesn’t matter, “it meant more to me than… whatever happened in the past.” he knows that overcoming these feelings of betrayal, even if they might seem ridiculous, won’t be easy but he’s determined to assist her in any way possible. “alright, let’s leave it as it is. doesn’t bother me either.” maybe they’ll play bon jovi. “thank you. and i love yours. you looked beautiful even with shorter hair, of course, but i’m happy to have my rapunzel back,” he says softly, kissing her forehead as her fingers slip into his mane. his eyes close briefly as he basks in the pleasant sensations, warmth spreading throughout his entire body. he missed her so much and this feeling of pure love and comfort that comes with her touch.
"i missed bein' your rainbow princess." saying sadly, but a smile softly curling her lips upwards as her eyes open again, watching his fingers brush against her stuffed spirit's mane. "i feel that way, too. like everything just goes back to normal. like not a day has went by." it felt like they were still just very much those children who never left each other's sight, every time they met again. "of course. but now you know, you always can." or rather, learning he can. which is something she didn't think he'd ever come around to doing so maybe this is a good sign. that's not something she'd ever judge him for, she wants him to know this is a trait she very much admires in a person. when they can be emotional and vulnerable.
"exactly. don't you dare utter a word of us drinkin' or whatever else psychotic things we were doin'. she'll personally come down here and grab us by our necks." her mama was a sweet woman and kind to everybody, but she also had a temper when it came to two things. intolerance of bullshit and her child getting up to things that could be a risk to her health or well being. her mama always wanted one more child, or even two more. but when lucy gray ended up being her only one, because she couldn't have them with her real dad who she's never met and sharing children with her stepdad was not an option, it made her into an even more extra mama bear over her only nestling. her only bear cub. alcohol was a sensitive subject to her mother as well, so she'd definitely be having a melt down over her becoming an alcoholic just because she had one drink last night. "just say that, basically what you said. after the show, we had dinner, patched things up and spent the whole night talkin' that i forgot to send her a goodnight message because it got too late." she nods, a tiny smile of amusement trying to pull at the corners of her mouth.
"i just unlock it with face recognition or whatever it is." hand folds over his holding her phone to redirect it closer to her face, holding it up and the screen quickly comes available for him. "that's what i was goin' to say... because i love you so much," shyly speaking the words, "so i don't like it." living inside her head where she knows he's been with other people. makes her angry because why did he have to go off and do that shortly after he left home the first time? if she was really his, he wouldn't made some other girl his. "i like the music videos playin', it doesn't bug me. but you can always change it if you want to. and like i always used to say when i wanted to nap extra longer... you can keep talkin' but don't be mad at me if i fall asleep." she curls back up on her side, this time facing him at least with spirit under her arm. there's a pause, a minute that drifts by, before doe eyes open again and peer up at him. "i do love your curls, though. seein' them again." then closes her eyes again, somehow managing not to reach up and experimentally touch. except, another second passes and hand blindly reaches up to rake her fingers through his hair cause the impulse is too strong. not even realizing she already told him this last night and her touchy hands must be apart of her sober counterpart, after all. or drunk lucy gray lives on.
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cabezadeperro · 19 days ago
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gotham central (2003) #34: unsual suspects
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high-theyre-frendough · 4 months ago
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Sometimes I am tempted by these things, and yet, I will resit...
#my grandparents sent me money for my birthday#i bought a new Big Blanket#i picked out a pattern with my boyfriend#cause we share the bed so we might as well share the blanket and what pattern it is#i just know he's going to get excited when he sees how big the blanket is#cause he is 6'6 and gets excited about things that are bigger than him#a few months ago#he met my friend's boyfriend#who was like 6'9 i think#and my boyfriend got so excited that he could actually *look up* at someone because he is never able to do that cause he himself is so tall#anyway i know he's gonna like the blanket when it arrives#i used to have a teal blanket from Big Blanket#but it got ruined at my old apartment#and my ex would not let me take it to the laundromat#and it ended up on the street#when i had to go clean out that apartment and put nearly everything on the street#cause the fucking apartment was infested with cockroaches#my ex wouldn't even help clean the apartment at the time#my current boyfriend helped me clean that place out when no one else but my mother would#and we were not even dating at that point#the gross studio apartment was on the third floor and the stairs were horrible and it was the middle of july and it was so fucking hot#and the whole places was infested with cockroaches and smelled like weed and cat piss#there was rotting food and vomit and shit cause my ex would just throw food around the room and do random annoying shit while high and#make me clean it up and i hated it so much#it was so nasty to clean up#plus the whole time my boyfriend's ex was calling him every 5 minutes or so and accusing him of trying to cheat on her#when the fuck would we have been cheating on her? when we were picking through items with my mother#to find anything that could actually be washed or kept?#or when were were lugging furniture out to the street#or maybe scrubbing out the kitchen
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bisexualtinder · 6 months ago
This is the second time I’m taking my cat to the vet hospital this month and it’s making me consider rehoming her bc I can’t afford to keep doing this
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bloodshotgun · 8 months ago
rip bitw!strahm you would've loved who's lila
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old-powwow-days · 9 months ago
With the summer heat rolling in I really wanted to take a moment and highlight a program I am a big fan of, A.N.E.
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"Adopt-A-Native-Elder (A.N.E.) serves to help reduce extreme poverty and hardship facing traditional Elders living on the Navajo Reservation. A.N.E. is a trusted humanitarian organization focused on delivering food, medical supplies, firewood and other forms of Elder support. Respecting the tradition and dignity of Navajo Elders, we create relationships and honor and serve the Elders. The Program is organized in the Native American Spirit of the Giveaway Circle. The Giveaway Circle has a tradition of giving the best that we have. That may be a gift of time, talents or skills, or actual gifts of food and donations. When asked what the boxes of food meant to her, Ruth Benally explained that they were like "miracles from the sky." The miracle is the letters and gifts that arrive from people that they don't know and may never meet. For over 30 years, Adopt-A-Native-Elder has used an integrated approach to go beyond charity to assist indigent Elders on the Navajo Reservation in Utah and Arizona."
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A.N.E also puts on an annual rug show & sale, you can read about last years here. Apart from their annual events they also host an online shop where you can buy jewelry, woven baskets, and elder made rugs. All proceeds go towards providing support for our elders be it food, medical assistance, firewood, weaving supplies and so much more.
Not in the market for beautifully made Indigenous crafts? Well they also accept general donations, buy specific items for elders in need, food certificate sponsors, rug show sponsors, and of course adopting an elder.
Adopt a Native Elder Website, Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter
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lovegasmic · 2 months ago
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‘ zayne x fem!reader x caleb ’ love and deepspace
⌞ PG-18 ⌝ — based off Caleb’s first scenes but with the current reunion◞ double penetration◞ thigh fucking◞ cunilingus◞ fingering ◞ squirting ◞ kitchen sex ◞ blowjobs ◞ creampie◞ tips touching◞ three way kisses◞ there is a little tension between Caleb and Zayne◞ and Caleb is a tease / sarcastic but not mean◞ w plot !
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“let’s invite Zayne over for dinner”
you still remember that day clearly, when things were perfect, having shared a yummy lunch with Caleb and Grandma before everything went crashing down.
who could have through that lingering promise would have turned into a “let’s invite Caleb for dinner” instead.
surprised was not even the correct word to express how you felt upon reuniting with Caleb once again, shock, confusion, happiness, all emotions previously bottled up now bursting as you ran to embrace the man you had missed deeply.
“Zayne will be running a little late” you explain to Caleb who is currently standing next to you while helping chop a few vegetables, giving some extra attention to the carrots, “there was an emergency at the hospital”
Caleb couldn’t care less, to be honest, hiding the fact that he would very much rather spend the whole day with you alone, but alas, some time before the black haired man arrived was also welcomed.
“oh, really?” he hums, grabbing yet another carrot to chop, nonchalantly with a slight hint of a smile on his face, “it’s a pity, he works too much, doesn’t he? he’s probably getting wrinkly already” his words are so filled with amusement, like an inner joke he is not willing to share.
“don’t tease him” you scold him gently, “but yes, Zayne is often overworked, he never listens when I ask him to take breaks”
“he is a girls repellent, they don’t like workaholics” Caleb starts, almost as if he was testing the waters while you turned to wash a few used utensils so couldn’t see his eyes following you to gauge your reaction, “girls like attentive guys…, guys who can cook…, don’t you think” was he… praising himself?
“well—” Caleb scoffs a little loud, a sound you would have heard if it weren’t because the door suddenly was pushed open and Zayne walked in, with a bag in his hand and sliding his glasses into the shirt pocket with the other.
“oh, Caleb, it’s good to see you again” the doctor’s tone is as flat as you expected, yet he still approaches to greet the other man whose only thoughts are why did Zayne had the code to your apartment, why is Zayne so comfortable in your house, why is Zayne placing his hand on your waist while walking past you.
Caleb is not liking this at all.
“yeah” the smile gets back in place with a hint of annoyance that lasts a second, “good to see you too, Zayne”
the latter’s attention shifting to you almost immediately, now there is a soft smile while leaning next to you to check what’s in the oven, then the bag he was carrying is left on the counter, “i got some—”
“macaroons” Caleb chimes in with that smirk that borderlines on bickering, “i’m not surprised”
Zayne’s eyes lay on the other man, looking a tad bored even, then down on the counter with an almost imperceptible raise of a brow, “and you are still obsessed with carrots, i’m not surprised either”
“she loves them” Caleb motions to you while his eyes lock on Zayne’s
“i can’t—”
“she likes macaroons better”
“that’s you, actually—” you get to whisper under your breath, the atmosphere thick with unexpected tension.
“we grew up together” Caleb retorts, “i know her better”
“i also grew up with her”
“but not as long as me”
“are you sure about that?”
“stop!” you finally raise your voice and both of them turn to look at you with expressions softening like puppies who just got scolded, “why are you fighting? this was supposed to be a nice dinner” your voice lowers with a sigh as you lean over the counter with both hands on the surface.
Zayne is the first to speak, resting a hand on your lower back, “i’m sorry”
and Caleb joins, saying your name very gently while bringing a hand to cup your nape, “i’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to ruin things” then he plants a kiss on the top of your head, to which Zayne replicated with a kiss on your shoulder, their affection making you shiver slightly.
but you don’t reply yet, having a hint of a pout on your mouth that both men find absolutely adorable, starting to leave more kisses across your skin, Zayne trailing up your neck to your ear while Caleb went down to kiss your neck and collarbones, unable to stop the soft whines that left your lips. and they continue, taking the cute little sounds you make as encouragement, “so cute” Caleb murmurs, with a hand coming to squeeze your waist and rub under your shirt with a thumb.
Zayne on the other hand, trails his hand up and down your back, settling on top of your butt and gently tugging you closer to the both of them.
“I didn't mean to upset you” is Zayne who speaks first, lowering his head to take a better look into your face and slowly pressing a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
which Caleb takes as a challenge, mimicking the other man to stare into your eyes with a smile, “come on, pipsqueak, forgive me” then presses a kiss on your lips, a chaste one that leaves you slightly surprised, unable to properly understand what just happened before Zayne repeats the act, the frown on his face almost imperceptible because of the way they’re constantly kissing you without giving you a moment to think.
until both crash and you are left utterly speechless when they both kiss you, with hands on your hips and waist, tongues sticking out to meet the other two in what you can just catalogue as the lewdest kiss you’ve ever gotten, unsure of whether of it’s Zayne or Caleb whose hands grope your ass, whose the one sliding a hand under your shirt until it comes to lay under your boob and you moan against their eager mouths.
the kiss does not stop, it’s so messy, with saliva, tongues and teeth, muffled groans of delight solely from kissing your soft lips.
“you taste delicious” Caleb parts with a pant, as if he has just ran a marathon and would do it again, all while Zayne takes the opportunity to kiss you himself, still without much words, yet cupping the back of your neck to tilt your head back and devour your mouth, sloppily and uncharacteristically messy for a doctor of his level.
kisses get peppered on your neck next, lower and lower while your other best friend starts to slowly open your blouse buttons, his tongue leaving a burning trail that soon cools against the air from where his saliva touches the skin of your chest, down the valley of your tits. his hands being too skilled and Zayne’s kiss leaving you breathless that your lust filled brain barely registers the other man’s hands undoing your bra, too impatient to even take it off so he just pushes the soft fabric up and attaches his lips to a nipple, sucking eagerly and barely nibbling on the sensitive flesh, sending waves of slick down your already drenched panties.
“ah, fuck—” you moan against Zayne’s mouth, who eagerly receives the sound with a low growl of his own, slow and very gently sliding the hand —you now realize was Zayne’s all along— down the curve of your ass and under the skirt, barely teasing the crotch of your panties with a single finger that dips in between your folds through the flimsy fabric.
moans only grow, getting a little choked with how dizzy both of them made you feel.
Caleb’s lips are so eager, so soft and warm, leaving each nipple utterly sensitive and coated in saliva as he moaned against your skin, unconsciously helping Zayne keep your skirt up around your waist as he slowly knelt in between your legs, nose bumping against Zayne’s fingers and your lower lips that were so visible through the soaked panties, “fuck, love… you smell divine” his voice so deep and makes your knees buck, and forces Zayne to finally release your mouth with a gasp as his green eyes flickered to the sight of Caleb between your legs, eagerly tugging down on your panties until the fell on the cold ground with a soft ‘splat’ due to how wet they were.
you whimper at the coldness, which gets quickly replaced by Caleb’s lips attaching to your clitoris, sucking the engorged nub, “C-Caleb! a-ah yes” your cries are heavenly for both men, who can feel their cocks getting even harder at your sounds, smell, and they way your cute body shook.
Zayne is quick to help, latching his lips to your earlobe and nibbling, making sure to wrap an arm around your waist to keep your body upright as his finger found your empty and fluttering hole, “so wet, so pretty” his voice is deep, caressing your ear like his fingertips does with your hole before dipping inside, “and so tight…”
“Zayne!” you mewl, now, holding onto Caleb’s hair with a hand and Zayne’s wrist with the other, a few seconds away from letting out a sob bubble out your throat.
“good?” and you nod, gasping at each delicious thrust and curling motion of the fingers inside your gushing cunt that squelched vulgarly, alongside the sounds of the man between your legs, slurping and sucking on your clit and folds as his life depends on it, occasionally brushing against the other man’s fingers which makes him groan.
there is slick dribbling down your legs, which Caleb eagerly laps up with a low, murmured, “fucking delicious” before his lips are on you again, there’s a cacophony of sounds, to which the sound of belts soon join and a muffled growl against your folds, before you can hear a soft ‘shlick’, fluttering your eyes open to be greeted with the sigh of Caleb between your legs and his arm moving desperately between his own.
“can I…” Zayne breaks your line of thought, pressing a kiss on your nape and the tip of his now bare and drenched cock rubs against the back of your thigh, immediately understanding what he was asking for and you nod.
Caleb stands finally, with lips coated in slick, aggressively fisting his own fat and veiny cock that already leaks precum before he is kissing you now, sharing the taste of your juices and a hand tight on the hair in the back of your head to keep your head still.
“you taste so good” Caleb mumbles with what you can just explain as a drunk hazed smirk, and you’re no far from it, with half lidded eyes, moaning wantonly while a little line of saliva dribbles down your cheek at Zayne’s two fingers abusing your cunt, managing to hit the delicious spongy spot that had your hole gushing waves after waves of slick all over his hand and a bit on the floor.
your hands land on Caleb’s shoulders, tugging for another kiss at the same time Zayne’s thick cock slides between your legs, keeping them squished for a better grip.
“stay like that” he murmurs so low and dark that you, once again, get impossibly wetter, soaking his cock that’s perfectly nestled between your folds and bumping on your clit with each thrust.
it really is flattering how both of them get whipped by you so easily, with Zayne moving faster and faster until your body gets also rocked back and forth, and his cockhead brushes against Caleb’s in front of you, making them both moan and you whine at the sound, throwing your hips back to get a little more friction, “m-more, please, I need to cum” you almost beg, and a hand lands on your clit, offering to rub you through an orgasm but you refuse, “no, i— ah!”
Caleb cups your face with a hand, a little tighter than necessary but his dark and blown pupils stare at you, “what do you need?”
Zayne stops too, rubbing on your lower abdomen so sweetly, “your cock” you murmur and precum dribbles down your thigh.
“both…” you barely murmur, letting another moan leave with how tight Zayne’s hands get on your hips.
“are you sure?”
“yeah… maybe… one at first?”
and they both agree, now Caleb sitting atop the kitchen counter, legs spread and your eager and warm mouth wrapped around his long cock that fills every inch of your mouth, veins pulsing in a warning of an imminent orgasm that he forces to stay down until he has a taste of that sweet cunt too.
“oh, darling, oh fuck” you never could have expected for Zayne to be so vocal, moaning against your neck while he basically humps your pussy with tiny thrusts that keep him deep, but they are so aggressive, so needy that you get pushed further against Caleb’s cock lodged down your throat, and a few tears fill your eyes at the stretch.
“ah, yeah, shit…” is the latter who moans now, grabbing a fistful of hair and keeping your mouth still, drooling all over his pelvis, “i need to fuck your cunt now, Zayne move over”
there is a little grumble from Zayne but he obeys, pulling you back against his chest that is now just covered by a shirt, you gasp and pant at the amounts of air that fill your lungs, allowing for Caleb to stand up in front of you, he was completely naked unlike Zayne and you who just had a skirt and socks on right now.
they tilt your head at the same time, lips crashing like minutes ago, making you so dizzy that you can barely register how they both lift you up, having you squished in the middle, thighs spread wide and swinging over their big arms.
“c-careful” you murmur through the mess of tongues upon feeling another cock poke on your clitoris, teasing the slick soaked skin and down your full and overly stretched hole that pulses around Zayne.
“i’ll be gentle” Caleb smirks, prodding against your abused pussy and slowly but steadily getting inside, the three moan simultaneously, the stretch too wide but still as inhumanly good, the feeling of their cocks rubbing together was sending shivers down their spines but none of the men was willing to say it out loud, barely nibbling on their bottom lip to keep the sounds down.
“so… tight” Zayne murmurs with open mouthed pants against your nape.
“you feel… ah… so amazing… what a heavenly pussy” Caleb comments next, keeping your thighs wide so his balls finally press flush against Zayne’s and your needy cunt.
“y-eah…! s’ full” your words are slurred, eyes crossing already and barely having time to think before they are moving and tossing you around, too pussy drunk to stop as they use you like a rag doll, up and down, sometimes in circles that has your toes curling and chest glistening with sweat and saliva that leaves your mouth wide open, almost dumb.
they groan unabashedly, muttering praises to your gorgeous cunt for sucking on their cocks so good, like a damn fuckin’ vice, refusing to let them go even if your brain shuts down, “s’ good, s’ fuckin’ good, feel funny…”
they have never seen a sight so pretty, your eyes crossed and filled with tears, tits jiggling and nipples hard in blissful pleasure.
there are a few jets of liquid gushing from your pussy, too stupid to even realize you’ve been cumming on their cocks already, they’re tiny but makes both of them groan when louder, hips snapping brutal and vulgarly against your over sensitive and used pussy, that keeps cumming nonstop.
Zayne has a hand on your pelvis, barely above your pussy, pushing in the skin to keep you flush and somehow feeling the movements of your insides being fucked by their fat cocks, making you squeeze them tighter.
“i’m going to cum” Caleb mutters with a hoarse tone, his forehead is covered in sweat and his head low, jaw slacked to let out those pleasure sounds, “can’t last longer, this pussy is too good”
Zayne does not want to admit how embarrassingly close he is as well, gritting his teeth while his hips snap a bit harder, making his flesh slap against your ass that’s sore by this point.
two, three more minutes and they fill you to the brim, tips pushing into that spot that is just so deep and you come crashing with a scream, soaking their lengths and balls with squirt while they both fill your womb with semen, so thick and so much you feel like throwing up.
no one speaks for what feels like hours, trembling in the middle of the kitchen floor, until Caleb speaks, “i hope… we can do this dinner again” his voice is low against your neck, and soon the smell of burnt food fills the air.
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i’ve been wanting to write for them since so long so if its ooc I apologize ajsgshs
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