#armor coast
dykedvonte · 21 days
Paladin Danse: I’m thinking of getting ass and breast reduction surgery.
The entire crew of the Prydwen in unison: Please don’t.
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Dragon #275 Cover Art by Mark Zug
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blogfanreborn777 · 3 months
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Chandra Nalaar by Verehin
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robo-dino-puppies · 4 months
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it occurs to me that it's possible there are some Horizon-interested people following me on this blog who aren't following my other blog (aka robo-dino-puppy), so in case that's you: if you haven't seen it, check out the armor gallery I made! it's got all of Aloy's armor from Forbidden West, showing both headgear and no headgear, in every single color. and it's sortable by tribe, rarity, specialty, and dye!
over on @robo-dino-puppy I post pics from HFW or HZD twice a day in a (futile) attempt to clear out my ridiculously clogged captures folder. seriously, I barely took any new pics for months and I'm still at like 9000 shots in the folder. (help)
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Tony is absolutely not the team leader here... but he sure is acting like he is... a problem he will have for a while really...
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wyrmsgatebait · 9 months
Barbie's Gate 3 is an amazing dress-up simulator but they dropped the ball not giving me any fur cloaks The drama of my paladin showing up to Cazador's palace or the temple of Bhaal dripped out like this
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rasamune · 10 months
"got a job for you, 621. seems some doser has gotten their mitts on a box of march of the machine: aftermath boosters a couple weeks early"
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ashwings-woah · 6 months
had an evil idea
what if similar to firescales there were certain "curses" for each clade given how pretty much all of them are kind of enchanted forever. something gone wrong in Permafrost's animus enchantment gives very few dragons powers and abilities not seen in any regular ones. no one really knows the what or how or why, except that it's extremely rare, and these "frost touched" dragons usually hatch before disastrous events to be either the salvation or the doombringer
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@overclocks posting avengers: solo again and I have feelings bout that whole mini; from everything in that. Clint lying to Steve and Tony, to hiding the whole thing cause how it'd affect Steve, to the conversation he has with Tony reminding him that Tony's done this before, and everything about that.
#// izzy got me thinking about the boys last night so#// i went and dug this up#// there are so many underrated relationships in the avengers#// and you know what tony and clint are one of those#// like this is just one example but#// what about the time clint was losing his eyesight and tony tried to help#// or the fact that tony's the one that built clint's hearing aids#// or how about marvel's avengers#// where clint who had been on a real shit stick of a ride the last few years#// knew tony had too and tried to reach out and be support for him#// clenches fist#// clint and tony matter to me a lot#// tony sponsored clint for avengers membership#// and i just love them
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anatomical-opera · 4 months
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my special little guy who is soooo strong
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Brotherhood Outcast by Brian Valeza
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blogfanreborn777 · 4 months
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Dungeons and Dragons: Rules Compendium 1 by juliedillon
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burningfudge · 9 months
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Iron Man (1968) #229
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Lara Cousland (Highever’s Little Raven to her friends and mentors on the Storm Coast) returning home after spending several years fostered with her aunt, Bann Jessamine Mac Eanraig.
Like to think that she learned formal swordplay alongside Ser Gilmore as a young child and the two became good friends. But eventually she was sent off to the Storm Coast while Fergus remained behind to be trained as the next Teyrn. With the Storm Coast raiders, Lara learned to fight dirty with a variety of weapons which was certainly a dramatic change from the formal sword and shield lessons she got back in Highever. Of course that meant that whenever she returned to visit Highever, she got to show off and tease both Gilmore and Fergus for being so prim and proper in their full plate armor.
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A solid "action pose" cover...
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PIC INFO: War Machine officially joins the West Coast Avengers in this issue -- Spotlight on cover art to "West Coast Avengers" Vol. 2 #94. May, 1993. Marvel Comics. Artwork by David Ross.
Yeah, I'm still bummed out that I had to settle for a newsstand edition of this issue (I can't abide those ugly, tasteless barcodes on the front), but it's still a really kool issue to own nonetheless. That cover art, though, and the exploding yellow backdrop really makes it all come together. Dynamic stuff!
Source: www.marvel.com/comics/issue/17836/west_coast_avengers_1985_94
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