#ari eite
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bydarkfenix · 1 year ago
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sseras · 1 year ago
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ari - independent woman (231105)
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hiiyyih · 1 year ago
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Independent Woman 231103
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ynseeun · 6 months ago
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[ar1eu.n] to. my beloved mate
hi mate 💗 i'm ari after seeing the announcement today you all must be surprised. i don't know how best to say it but i had promised mate to bring good news...i wanted to repay you..it's so sad and my heart is so heavy that i had to bring such bad news. i'm so happy i debuted as eite's ari on november 3rd 2023 and i was able to receive so much undeserved and overflowing love for 290 days. i'm so happy i was able to give everyone love and energy through my singing and dance☺️i'm satisfied if everyone was able to laugh a lot and be happier because of me! although it was a short time, i think i made a lot of memories with mate, mate who was with us wherever whether it rained or snowed and i want to say thank you again to the people who came to our music show performances, our stages, our concerts, our road to work, and to the airport:)i'll preciously keep all of the precious memories and support in my memories🪽 as of today my work as eite's ari is finished, but i'm working hard to give you all good news in the future and i plan on showing you all the sides of me i couldn't through my instagram, tiktok, and youtube so i hope you show me a lot of interest!!
our eite, mate, company officials, hair makeup stylists thank you for your work during this time and going forward i'll become eunji, ari who will repay you with a better side. i love you eite, mate💗
ari's instagram, tiktok, and youtube accounts linked here. please support her!
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jurnalweli · 1 year ago
Perluas syukurmu, bahwa rezeki tak hanya tentang materi. Hadirkanlah perasaan cukup atas segala nikmat yang telah diberi. Semoga keberkahan selalu menyertai.
Katanya, banyak anak banyak rezeki. Nyatanya, bertambahnya anggota keluarga bertambah pula pengeluaran setiap bulannya. Eits, apakah benar begitu? Apakah keadaanmu juga begitu?
Banyak anak banyak rezeki jika didefinisikan dengan benar sesuai kalimat tersebut adalah
Pertama, setiap manusia yang hidup di muka bumi pasti memiliki jatah rezekinya masing-masing sehingga sebenarnya tidak perlu khawatir jika Allah amanahkan seseorang tumbuh dalam keluarga kita baik anak biologis kita ataupun ideologis.
Kedua, perluas definisi tentang rezeki sebab rezeki tak hanya berupa materi. Setuju, kan? Dalam KBBI rezeki memiliki arti segala sesuatu yang dipakai untuk memelihara kehidupan (yang diberikan oleh Tuhan); makanan (sehari-hari); nafkah; penghidupan; pendapatan (uang dan sebagainya untuk memelihara kehidupan); keuntungan; kesempatan mendapat makan.
Diberikan kesehatan, teman yang baik, keluarga yang hangat, dimudahkan segala urusan, makan yang cukup, pekerjaan yang mudah adalah bagian dari rezeki. Sama halnya dengan memandang kalimat banyak anak banyak rezeki. Kita perlu memperluas definisi rezeki sehingga tidak hanya berbatas materi. Dikaruniai anak yang sehat, penuh semangat, selalu ceria merupakan rezeki yang tak terkira. Jadi jangan hanya terpaku bahwa jika Allah amanahkan buah hati maka akan berbanding lurus dengan pendapatan yang bertambah. Tidak ada hukum seperti itu.
Aku jadi teringat suatu peristiwa ketika melahirkan anak pertama kala itu di usia pernikahan kami yang baru akan menginjak genap 1 tahun. Kondisi ekonomi keluarga kami memang belum stabil bahkan suami belum memiliki pekerjaan tetap. Selanjutnya, diterimanya suami saat melamar pekerjaan dan beberapa bulan kemudian resign berada di waktu yang pas menurutku. Tentu ada campur tangan Allah di dalamya. Suami juga seorang mahasiswa S2 di salah satu universitas negeri di Jogja sehingga ketika mencari pekerjaan ia lebih memilih yang mampu dan sanggup untuk multiperan. Ternyata, ada.
Sejak aku hamil, kami mulai menabung dan menyisihkannya untuk biaya persalinan. Qadarullah, hasil tabungan kami seketika habis untuk keperluan lain yang lebih penting untuk saat itu. Kami masih merasa tenang jika akhirnya ada tagihan pembayaran maka bisa menggunakan pos tabungan yang lain jika benar-benar harus dilakukan. MaasyaaAllah alhamdulillah siapa sangka biaya persalinanku adalah 0 rupiah. Aku hanya mengeluarkan Rp50.000,00 untuk membayar kendil yang digunakan sebagai penyimpanan plasenta atau ari-ari.
Bukankah hal itu bagian dari rezeki yang nyata?
Kita mungkin tak memiliki uang yang banyak tapi kita selalu berusaha untuk memiliki rasa yang cukup atas segala nikmat yang Allah beri. Itu sudah lebih dari cukup.
Kita dimampukan untuk menggali hikmah dari setiap keadaan. Itu juga lebih dari cukup.
Semua itu adalah tinggal bagaimana kita bersyukur. Allah akan menambah nikmat kepada kita apabila bersyukur seperti yang disebutkan dalam ayat berikut ini yang memiliki arti berikut ini
"Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu memaklumkan, “Sesungguhnya jika kamu bersyukur, niscaya Aku akan menambah (nikmat) kepadamu, tetapi jika kamu mengingkari (nikmat-Ku), maka pasti azab-Ku sangat berat.”
[QS Ibrahim : 7]
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444namesplus · 4 months ago
A Abe Abi Abia Abian Abie Abienn Abin Abith Abl Ablit Abrer Abric Abrici Abrie Abriel Abrin Ac Acaren Acdonal Achae Acharyabbot Ache Achec Acia Acint Acitu Acki Ackso Acksonvill Aco Acob Acobso Acque Acquelin Acquely Acrament Acrinu Acund Ad Adde Addo Ade Adelein Adelin Adi Adill Adin Adisla Adislau Adiso Adria Adriqu Aell Aeta Aetiti Afae Afael Afayett Ag Agal Agdalen Aggi Agma Agne Agnu Agober Ah Aile Aim Aimund Aine Aintpau Air Airfiel Ais Ait Ajoria Ake Akelan Akersfiel Akewoo Aklan Al Ala Alaza Alb Albinu Alde Aldero Aldonad Aldwel Aldwi Ale Aleig Alen Alenci Alenti Alentin Alentinia Alenzuel Aleri Aleria Aleriu Alhou Aligul Alil Alina Alixt Alke All Alla Allac Allaghe Allaha Allahasse Allar Alle Allego Allej Allienu Allowa Almba Almdal Alme Alomo Alon Alp Als Alt Alte Alter Altimor Altlakecit Alto Alvado Alvi Alvin Am Amach Amanth Amar Amas Amber Ambl Ambridg Ame Amel Amero Ami Amia Amie Amil Amill Amilto Amir Amire Amm Ammon Amo Amon Amor Amp Ampbel Ampo Ampso Ampto Amse Amue An Anagu Anantoni Anc Ancaste Anch Anche Ancheste Anchocucamong Ancoc Ancouve And Andac Andal Ande Ander Andic Andid Andieg Andolp Andova Andr Andrin Andyspring Ane Anes Aness Anfor Anfrancisc Angle Ani Anic Anie Aniel Aniell Anin Ank Anmate Ann Anna Anne Annelor Anni Annic Annin Anno Ano Ansascit Anse Ansin Anso Ant Antaan Antaclar Antaclarit Antamari Antan Antaros Antiag Anto Antrel Anue Anuel Anut Any Aom Apecora Apervill Aphae Aptist Aqu Aque Ar Ara Aracall Aral Arbar Arbe Arce Arcel Arcelin Arcell Arci Arcia Arcis Arco Arcu Ard Ardena Ardi Ardin Ardne Are Ared Arg Arga Argare Argaret Argarit Argen Argi Arguerit Ari Aria Arian Ariann Aribe Arida Ariechristin Arieclaud Arietheres Arily Arin Arinu Ario Aritz Ariu Arjori Ark Arke Arl Arlan Arle Arlen Arlhein Arlo Arlot Arlsba Arlso Arme Armo Arne Arnet Aro Arol Arolin Aroly Arpe Arpente Arque Arr Arre Arrel Arrer Arret Arri Arrie Arrill Arringto Arris Arriso Arro Arrol Arrollto Arry Ars Arse Arsh Arshal Arso Arson Arste Art Arte Arth Arti Artin Artine Artlet Artma Arto Artolom Aru Arve Arvi Ary Aryan Arz As Asaden Asca Ascal Ascruce Ascua Ascual Ase Ash Ashingto Ashvill Asi Asili Asiliscu Asimir Asmin Asmusse Aso Asque Assandr Asse Astaned Astia Astill Astr Asvega At Ata Atali Atalin Atash Ate Ater Aterbur Aterso Atfiel Ath Atha Athali Athanie Athe Atherin Athew Athi Athie Athild Athlee Athry Ati Atia Atild Ativida Atj Atkin Atlif Ato Atonroug Atoy Atri Atric Atrici Atrin Ats Atso Att Atterso Atthe Atthew Atthia Atthie Atti Attl Atto Aty Au Aue Aufma Augh Augha Aughert Aul Aulett Aulin Aulit Aulkne Aunder Aur Aure Auree Auren Aurenc Auri Auric Av Avag Avarr Avenpor Avern Avi Avidso Avie Avier Aw Awkin Awrenc Awso Awye Axentiu Axim Aximia Aximilia Aximinu Axin Axte Axwel Ay Ayan Ayde Aye Ayetan Ayl Aylo Aymon Aymond Ayn Aynar Ayne Ayt Ayto Aze Azque
Bab Bigai Bilen Bon Braha Brie Bsalo Bundi
Calle Cbrid Ccal Ccart Ccarth Cclai Cclur Cco Cconnel Ccormic Ccra Cculloug Cdanie Cdonal Cdowel Cean Ceansid Ceved Cfadde Cfarlan Cge Cgowa Cguir Chede Chmid Chneide Cho Chroede Chult Chwart Cintos Cintyr Cka Cke Ckenzi Ckinne Cknigh Claughli Clea Cleo Cmaho Cmilla Cnei Conno Cost Cot Cottsdal Cpherso
D Da Dalbert Dam Ddi Del Delaid Delhei Deli Dett Dga Dgard Dil Diso Disod Dit Dkin Dmun Dmund Dn Do Dol Dolf Donnel Dria Drian Drienn Duard Dwar Dward Dwi
E Ea Eac Eadow Eagen Eanclaud Eandr Eanett Eanfrancoi Eanloui Eanlu Eanmar Eanmari Eanmiche Eann Eannett Eanni Eannin Eanpau Eanpierr Ear Earlan Earso Easle Eat Eathe Eatri Eatric Eattl Eaumon Eave Eb Ebastia Ebastie Ebbi Ebe Ebec Ebecc Ebeh Eber Ebhar Eblan Ebor Ebora Ebr Ebste Ec Eceli Eci Ecil Ecili Eck Ecke Ecto Ed Edar Ederic Edin Edr Edri Ee Eek Ees Eeve Ef Effer Efferso Effre Eg Ega Egg Egha Egi Egin Eginal Egon Egund Ei Eid Eidemari Eig Eill Ein Eine Einhar Einhol Einra Einric Eir Eis Eit Ejesu Eji El Elacru Elane Elani Elasque Elay Elazque Elb Elc Ele Elen Elende Eleo Elg Elgad Eli Elici Elician Elicida Elin Elind Elip Elis Eliss Ell Elle Eller Ellevu Elli Ellmut Elm Elmu Elmut Elod Elore Elphin Elso Elto Eltra Elvi Em Embrokepine Emecul Emedio Emp Emphi En Enar Enat End Ende Enderso Endoz Endr Endri Endrick Ene Enedik Enehar Enev Eneviev Eni Enis Enit Enjami Enkin Enn Enned Ennet Enni Ennife Enning Enningto Enoi Enr Enriett Ense Ensle Enso Entennia Entle Ento Entr Enve Enze Eo Eodor Eofil Eon Eonar Eonard Eono Eontio Eopold Eor Eorg Eorge Eorgett Eorgi Eori Eptimiu Er Eracliu Erafin Eraklona Eral Eraldin Erar Erber Ercad Erce Ercede Erdinan Ere Eredit Erem Eres Erg Erge Ergi Erguso Erhard Erkele Erkin Erma Ermain Erman Ermi Ermin Ern Erna Ernadett Ernand Ernande Ernar Ernard Ernardin Erne Ernhe Ernic Erno Ero Erom Eronic Eroniqu Erqu Err Erran Erranc Errand Errel Errenc Errer Erric Erril Errin Errit Erseycit Ersh Ersti Ert Erth Ertina Ertra Ertran Ertrud Erv Ervante Erwi Es Esa Esamparado Eseni Esire Esle Esli Espasia Esquit Ess Essi Essic Este Estjorda Estminste Estpalmbeac Estvalleycit Esu Et Ete Eter Eterse Eterso Ethan Etici Etrani Etroi Etroniu Ets Ett Etti Eula Ev Everi Everin Everl Everu Evi Evin Ewi Ewisvill Ewit Ewma Eworlean Ewportnew Ewto Ewyor Exingto Exto Eye Eyer Eynold
Feli Fre Fric
Gapit Gidi Gnaci Gne Gued Guila Guirr Gustin Guye
Ha Haffe Hamber Han Handle Hane Hanno Hanta Hapma Har Harle Harlen Harlesto Harli Harlott Haro Harp Has Hattanoog Have Haw Hawn Haxirax He Heele Heil Heli Hell Helle Helm Help Helse Helto Hem Heodor Heodosio Heodosiu Heophilo Hepar Hepher Heppar Her Heres Herma Herr Hery Hesapeak Heste Hiar Hicag Hield Hierr Hiladelphi Hili Hilip Hilipp Hilippiko Hilli Hillip Hirle Hislain Hit Hitake Hitehea Hitfiel Hitle Hitne Hlo Hoca Hode Hoeni Homa Hompso Hond Hor Hornto Hri Hrist Hriste Hristell Hristense Hristi Hristia Hristian Hristin Hristo Hristoph Hristophe Hulavist Hurc Hylli
I Ia Ialt Iam Iamigarden Ian Iank Iann Iar Ibb Iberiu Ibiu Ibso Ic Icael Icard Icent Ichae Ichael Ichar Ichard Ichardso Iche Ichea Ichel Ichelin Ichell Ichenz Ichit Ichitfall Ichmon Ichol Ichola Icholso Iciniu Ick Ickae Ickerso Icket Icki Ickma Ickso Icol Icola Icolau Icto Ictori Ictorvill Id Iddl Iddleto Ide Idi Idie Idiu Idlan Idne Iebk Ieda Iedric Ieg Iegfrie Ield Ielse Ierc Ierr Ierrett Ies Iete Ieteric Ietric Ieve Iffan Igg Iggin Igismun Igmun Igue Iguel Iguero Ik Ikephoro Ikol Il Ila Ilagro Ilber Ilbert Ilco Ild Ilde Ildegar Ildre Ile Ilee Ilhar Ilhel Ilhelmin Ili Ilian Ilkerso Ilkin Ilkinso Ill Illar Illarrea Ille Illee Illespi Illi Illia Illiam Illiamso Illing Illma Illo Illsbor Ilm Ilmingto Ilmor Ilomen Ilso Ilto Iltru Ilv Ilvi Ilwauke Im Ima Imberl Imen Imene Imivalle Imm Immermanadrie Immi Immon Imo Imon Imote Imoth Impso In Inar Inc Incen Incinnat Incol Ind Indsa Indse Ine Inebr Inett Infrie Inge Ingleto Inho Inifre Inle Inn Inne Inneapoli Inni Inso Instonsale Inter Into Io Iocletia Iol Iole Iolet Ione Ionisi Iouxfall Ipolit Ir Irand Irb Irc Irei Ireill Irell Irey Irgi Irgini Irginiabeac Iria Irja Irk Irklan Is Isbet Ische Isel Iselhe Ishe Isho Ist It Itchel Itelliu Itlal Ito Itt Ittl Ittleroc Ittma Ittsburg Itu Itzgeral Itzpatric Iva Ivald Iver Iversid Ivia Ivingsto Ixi Ixo
Kinne Kkehar Klahomacit Kro
La Lac Lackbur Lackwel Lady Lagabalu Lai Lain Lair Lak Lan Lanc Lanch Lanchar Lankenshi Lar Larenc Lark Larksvill Las Late Lath Lau Laud Laudi Laudin Laudiu Laus-pete Lavi Layto Lb Lban Lber Lbert Lbuquerqu Ld Le Leano Learwate Lei Lejandr Lemen Lemenc Lement Lemin Lemon Len Lend Lendal Letche Levelan Levin Lexande Lexandr Lexandri Lexi Lexio Lfons Lfor Lfre Lfred Lfried Lg Lgi Lia Lian Lic Lici Liffor Lifto Lin Linto Lis Lisabet Lise Liso Liv Live Livi Livie Lizabet Lk Lkgrov Ll Lla Lle Llentow Lli Lliot Lliso Lm Lma Lme Lmont Lmu Lmuden Lo Loa Lodi Loi Lois Lon Londr Lor Lore Loren Lorenc Lorenci Lori Loria Lotild Love Lovi Lower Loy Lric Lrik Ls Lse Lsi Lso Lsto Ltagraci Lvar Lvarad Lvare Lvi Lvir Lwi Lybriu Lyceriu Lyd Lyn Lyss
M Mah Mal Mali Mand Mandin Manue Marill May Mbe Meld Meli Merso Mi Mil Mili Mit Mm Mmanue Mmanuell Mmeric Mpar
N Na Nahei Nak Nap Nastasio Nastasiu Ncarnacio Nchorag Nd Ndependenc Nderso Nderwoo Ndianapoli Ndr Ndre Ndrea Ndrew Ndroniko Ne Nea Nei Neil Ng Nge Ngel Ngele Ngelic Ngelik Ngelin Ngeliqu Ngi Nglan Nglewoo Nglis Ngra Ngri Niba Nicet Nide Nig Nigh Nit Nk Nmaculad Nn Nnalies Nnarbo Nnelies Nnelis Nnemari Nnett Nni Nnic No Nowle Noxvill Nriqu Nriquet Nsga Ntari Nter Nthemiu Nthon Ntioc Nto Ntoin Ntoinett Ntoni Ntoniet Ntoninu Nyde Nz
O Oa Oac Oachi Oan Oann Oanne Oaqui Oaquin Ob Obb Obbi Obbin Ober Oberso Obert Obertso Obi Obia Obil Obinso Obl Oble Obur Oby Oc Ocelyn Och Ochell Ochra Oci Ockfor Od Odest Odg Odge Odger Odne Odolf Odrig Odrigue Odrique Odso Oe Oeaaro Oeli Oell Oem Oemi Of Offe Offma Ofi Oga Oge Ogeli Oger Oh Ohame Ohan Ohann Ohanne Ohe Ohn Ohnn Ohnni Ohnso Ohnsto Oi Ois Oise Oja Ol Ola Olan Oland Olang Olb Olcom Olde Ole Oled Oleda Olema Olett Olf Olfgan Olge Oli Olie Olin Oll Ollan Ollar Ollee Ollegestatio Ollie Ollin Ollowa Ollrat Ollywoo Olma Olme Olo Olomo Olore Olto Olumbi Olumbu Oma Omai Omano Omas Omb Ome Omer Oming Omingue Ominiqu Omitia Omm Ommodu Omon Ompanobeac Ompto Omulu On Ona Onal Onaldso Onatha Oncepcio Oncor One Ongbeac Oni Onic Onifaci Onik Oniqu Onj Onkersaaro Onle Onn Onne Onni Onolul Onoriu Onova Onra Onro Onsolacio Onstan Onstanc Onstantin Onstantiu Onsuel Ontgomer Ontoy Ontrera Ontserra Onwa Ony Onzal Onzale Oo Ood Oodar Oodbridg Oodma Oodwar Oodwi Ook Ooke Ool Oole Oon Oone Oope Oor Oot Oote Oove Op Ope Opek Opelan Ophi Opkin Oppe Or Ora Orale Orali Oray Orbe Orda Ordia Ordo Ore Oree Orema Oren Orent Orenz Orett Orfol Org Orga Organ Orgelin Ori Orin Orinn Orit Orkma Orm Orma Orn Orneli Oron Orote Oroth Orpuschrist Orrain Orranc Orre Orri Orriso Orro Ors Orse Ortcollin Orte Ortensi Orthcharlesto Orthlasvega Ortlan Ortlauderdal Orto Ortwayn Ortwort Orwal Os Osale Osali Osangele Osari Ose Osef Osefin Osemar Osemari Osep Osephin Osett Oshu Osi Osin Osle Ostames Oste Ostilia Osto Osu Ot Otha Otso Ott Otte Ottfrie Ottlie Otto Ottschal Ouell Ougla Oui Ouis Oul Oulde Oun Oundroc Ourde Ourtne Ous Ousto Outhben Ov Ovadong Ovia Ow Owar Owe Owel Ower Owlan Owle Owma Own Owne Ownsen Oxan Oxann Oy Oyc Oye Oyl Oyne
Pa Park Pear Penc Pence Pri Pringfiel
R Ra Rac Race Racel Raciel Rad Radfor Radle Radsha Raf Raha Rai Raja Rak Rame Ran Ranc Rance Ranci Rancin Rancisc Rancoi Rancois Rand Rando Randprairi Randrapid Rang Rank Rankli Rantx Rat Ratia Rauk Rauli Rave Ravi Rawfor Razie Rcadiu Rdon Re Rebonianu Red Reddi Rederi Rederic Redri Ree Reema Reen Reenba Reensbor Regor Regori Remon Ren Renc Rend Rene Renna Resha Resn Resto Ret Retche Rete Revin Rewe Rhar Ri Ria Rian Ric Rici Rickso Rid Ridge Ridgepor Rie Riedeman Riedric Riffi Riffit Rigg Righ Rigitt Rik Rime Rinc Rinida Rio Risc Riscill Rist Rista Riste Risti Ristin Ristoba Rit Rittan Rland Rlen Rlett Rm Rmand Rmi Rmstron Rnau Rnd Rnes Rnest Rnestin Rnol Ro Robu Roc Roil Roila Roilan Rokenarro Rook Ros Rosb Rovidenc Row Rownin Rownsvill Rsul Rtabasdo Rteg Rthu Rti Rtru Rtur Ru Ruc Ruit Rujill Run Runild Rvad Rvin Rwi Ry Rya Ryan Ryst Rysta
S Saa Sabe Sabell Sbor Sborn Sca Scensio Shle Sidor Sidr Smae Speranz Spinoz Ssi Stanisla Ste Steba Stefani Stel Stell Sthe Strad Stri Suncio Swald
T Tac Tace Taffor Tahis Tamfor Tanle Tanto Tar Taurakio Teel Tefani Tei Tell Tephan Tephani Tephe Tephen Tephenso Tev Teve Teven Tevenso Tewar Th The Then Thma Tienn Tkin Tkinso Tlant Tockto Toke Ton Tou Tricklan Tron Tt Ttoma Tuar
U Ua Uadalup Uan Uanc Uanfra Uanit Uare Ub Ubbar Ubboc Ube Uber Uc Uca Uchana Uci Ucian Ucie Ucienn Ucill Uciu Ucke Ucket Uckle Uckne Ucso Ud Udit Udle Udolp Udovi Udre Udso Udwi Uebl Uelle Uente Uenti Uerr Uerrer Uf Ufemi Uff Uffal Uffma Ug Ugen Ugeni Ughe Uguett Ugus Ugust Ugusti Ugustu Ui Uid Uillaum Uillerm Uillermin Uin Uintillu Uis Uk Uka Ul Ulali Ulbert Ulc Uli Ulia Ulian Ulie Uliet Uliett Uliu Ulle Ullerto Ullin Ulliva Ulloc Ulm Uls Ulto Umbert Umeria Ummer Umming Umphre Un Unca Une Unic Unla Unningha Unnyval Uno Unte Unthe Untingtonbeac Untsvill Up Upienu Ur Ura Urban Urc Ureli Urelia Urelie Urfreesbor Urge Urges Urha Uri Uric Urie Urificacio Urill Urk Urle Urn Urne Urnet Uror Urph Urpris Urr Urra Urri Urriet Urs Urti Urto Us Usa Usan Usann Usi Uss Ussel Ust Ustav Usti Ustic Ustin Ustinia Ut Utchinso Uthri Utierre Utle Utledg Utol Utt Utto Uzann Uzma
V Va Van Vansvill Ve Vely Velyneachi Venj Ver Veret Verlandpar Vett Vetteaemilia Vil Vitu Vonn
W Wal Wanso Wayn We Wee Weene Wen Wendoly Wigh Win
Ya Yal Yat Yd Ydi Ye Yer Yke Yl Yla Yle Ylvai Ylveste Ylvi Yn Ync Ynd Ynett Ynn Ynthi Yon Yr Yracus Yri Yria Yro Yron Yrtl Yso
Zequie Zucen
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jerichaellena · 2 years ago
Kisah Kasih Keisya
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My New Life
“Sayang, makan dulu nih aku udah masakin makanan kesukaanmu.” Ujar suamiku.
“Iya Ayah, sebentar.”
Sebentar ya aku makan dulu setelah ini akan kulanjutkan ceritaku.
Saat itu tahun 2014 tahun pertama kali aku menjadi mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia jurusan hukum.
“Kenalin gue Keisya.”
“Gue April. Salam kenal ya. Eh grup ospek apa kalau boleh tahu?”
“Grup Pidana.”
“Eh kita sama.”
Itulah awal aku bertemu sahabatku April. Dia orang yang sangat ceria dan positif sekali. Kayak nggak pernah sedih deh nih anak pasti. Itu kesan pertamaku pada April. Ternyata setelah kenal dia juga sama manusia biasa kayak kita. Ada kalanya sedih, galau, marah, ya manusiawi.
“Pril lo udah ngerjain tugas Pak Herry belum? Ajarin gue dong gak paham banget tadi di kelas Bapaknya ngejelasin apa.”
“Oh tadi, gampang ntar kita ngerjain bareng aja tugasnya. Oke bestie?”
“Ah bestieku terbaik deh. Ngerjain di kos lu aja ya sekalian gue mau rebahan hahaha.”
“Ah elu kalo ngerjain di kosan yang ada tidur. Enggak enggak di gazebo aja.”
“Idih tau aja gue mau tidur kalo di kosan lu wkwkwk.”
 “Hari ini Ibu akan bagi kalian menjadi beberapa kelompok ya. Ibu tulis di papan yang sekelompok siapa aja. Minggu depan kalian presentasi ya.”
“Yaah Bu, nggak boleh milih sendiri?” Kata salah seorang temanku.
“Enggak, biar kalian bisa berbaur gitu lho. Nggak sama itu-itu aja. Deal ya, ibu acak grup kalian.”
Aku mencoba menghampiri anggota kelompokku terlebih dahulu. “Hai Rasya kan ya? Boleh minta nomor hape nggak biar aku bikin grup.”
“Oh iya, ini nomer gue. Salam kenal ya.”
“Salam kenal juga.”
“Bunga, minta nomor hape dong.”
“Boleh, ini.”
“Sip, nanti kita bakal diskusi lebih lanjut di grup ya.”
“Oke siap, thanks ya Keisya.”
“Kita coba cari bahan materi presentasi masing-masing dulu aja ya. Besok kita bahas materi yang kita dapet.” Ujarku.
“Oke boleh.” Ucap Rasya dan Bunga.
“Guys sorry banget gue gak bisa kerja kelompok besok. Waktunya ternyata bentrok sama acara organisasi dan gue harus dating. Maaf banget. Nanti kalau ada yang bisa gue bantu bilang aja ya.” Ujar Bunga.
“Oke Bunga nggak papa. Nanti kita kasih tahu progresnya udah sampai mana.” Tulisku di chat.
 “Eh sorry gue telat. Tadi nganterin Mama dulu ke pasar.”
“It’s okay. Kita bahas materi yang udah kita kumpulin yuk.”
Hari itu kita tak hanya mengerjakan tugas tapi sambil deep talk kehidupan. Aku mengira Rasya adalah orang yang cuek dan susah diajak bicara. Ternyata tidak, dia adalah orang yang lucu dan ternyata cukup bijaksana dalam memaknai hidup. Tanpa kusadari bestie-ku sekarang menambah satu orang yaitu Rasya. Setelah sering kerja kelompok bareng dia jadi suka ikut makan ataupun jalan bareng April. Udah kayak trio kwek kwek nggak sih kita. Tinggal rekaman lagu aja.
 “Sya, lu nggak punya temen cowok apa ngintilin kita terus?” “Ya ada sih cuma ya udah terlanjur nyaman sama kalian. Temen cowok gue mah ntar kalo mabar atau ke warnet tuh baru kompak.”
“Hahaha kenapa sih laki-laki suka banget main game?”
“Ya mending main game daripada mainin hati perempuan. Eeaaaa.”
“Ah bisa aja lu!” ucapku.
“Padahal juga cowok itu kalau nggak buaya ya gay.”
“Eits info dari mana itu enak aja. Gue cowok baik-baik gini masa dibilan buaya atau gay. Gue anak baik-baik ya.”
“Iya deh iya percaya Sya.“ kata April.
“Eh Sya, lu nggak ada apa cowok buat dikenalin ke Keisya. Kasian banget hidupnya jomblo seumur hidup.” “Ih apaan sih Pril! Gue enjoy dengan kesendirian gue. Daripada buru-buru tapi kenal dengan orang yang salah? Mending mana?” “Iya sih tuan putri Keisya.” Jawab April.
 Karena lagi ada tugas buat proposal aku rajin banget tuh ke perpustakaan Universitas.
“Eh, lagi cari buku ini juga?” Ucap seseorang yang asing entah siapa.
“Iya, lu cari buku ini juga? Tapi tinggak 1 gimana dong? Kita sharing aja kali ya.”
“Boleh, ide yang bagus.”
“Kenalin gue Ari.”
“E-eh gue Keisya.”
“Lu lagi ada tugas apaan emang?”
“Disuruh bikin proposal sih. Lu angkatan berapa?”
“Gue angkatan 2014 sih. Lu juga?”
“Iya, samaan dong kita. Lu anak hukum juga?”
“Iya gue anak hukum”
“Lhah gue nggak pernah tau lu.”
“Sama. Kita nggak pernah sekelas kali ya jadi nggak kenal.”
“Nice to meet you.”
Akhirnya aku mengerjakan proposalku bersama dengan orang asing yang baru kukenal.
 Hari demi hari berlalu, rasanya capek sekali kuliah itu. Capek fisik, capek mental. Sama bosen banget sama hidup. Hidupku lempeng-lempeng aja gini. Nggak ada cowok yang ngedeketin juga. Apa aku kurang menarik ya. Bertahun-tahun kujalani dengan merasa kesepian. Mungkin hatiku udah banyak sarang laba-labanya karena terlalu lama nggak ada yang menghuni. Kalo ini bisa dikontrakin, aku kontrakin deh hati biar dapet duit.
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doctorwhoisadhd · 3 years ago
im not gonna lie (and im not trying to start drama thats why jm not making this rebloggable) sometimes i think people need to remember that in season 24 there WERE entire teams that DID die. like the league very much DID NOT make it out of season 24 unscathed
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mysticmachmir · 5 years ago
Judaism: Solstices and Equinoxes
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Judaism runs on a lunar calendar, for example, all our holidays start at sundown. So, this means that the changes of the seasons which are based on a solar calendar do not have as much prominence as the phases of the moon. However, in the Jewish Pre-Talmudic text the Book of Jubilees, we see an alternate Jewish solar calendar. In the end, it was not chosen for what our system is based on - but the Rabbis do talk about the solstices and equinoxes within the Talmud (Berakhot 59b, Shabbat 53a, Eruvin 56a). The word for these four seasons marked by these events is "Tekufot" (tekufah in the singular) which literally means "turn" or "cycle" in Hebrew. According to the sages, each tekufah marks the beginning of a period of 91 days 7½ hours. Tekufot are not necessarily positive events, associated with some negative superstitions. However, there are some different recorded Midrashim that have positive or neutral associations, along with a blessing that can be used to acknowledge them (though this is a minority opinion in the Babylonian Talmud, majority rules this was not necessary). While there is no exact answer, there is some speculation that the four new years within Judaism may be marking the four solar transitions within the year, but some of them are at half-points and not accurately aligned. 
An ancient superstition connected with the tekufot is surrounding water. All water that may be in the house or stored away in vessels in the first hour of the tekufah is thrown away in the belief that the water is then poisoned, and if drunk would cause swelling of the body, sickness, and sometimes death. One of the reasons it is said is because the angels who guard and are the protectors of the year "change shifts" at every solar transition, so water is left unguarded. Another is that Cancer fights with Libra and drops blood into the water. Another reason is that at every tekufah, blood has been shed in our spiritual history. At Tekufat Nissan, the waters in Egypt turned to blood. At Tekufat Tammuz, Moshe smote the rock and caused drops of blood to flow from it. At Tekufat Tishrei the knife which Avraham held to slay Yitzchak dropped blood. Finally, at Tekufat Tevet, Yiftach sacrificed his daughter. It is not only against kashrut laws to ingest blood, but there is a lot of superstition around keeping life and death separated in many of our rituals. To avoid this issue with unused water, one must put a piece of iron within it or put it in an iron vessel. If you are making matzot on Tekufat Nisan, you must use a new iron nail and lower it by a string into the water first. 
There is no traceable origin of this superstition, but in the 10th-century Rabbis asked about these questions and discussed it, meaning it was widespread even then.
In Berakhot 59b, the sages say: "One who sees the sun in her tekufah, or the moon in her power, or the stars in their orbits, recites: Blessed is the one who makes Creation' (baruch oseh vereshit)." Abaye argues this should only be done every 29 years when the spring equinox falls so that the sun is in the same place it was on the day of Creation. However, the minority opinion was still written, so you could make the choice to recite it in the astrological events mentioned.
Havdalah ha-Tekufah
This blessing may be recited over a cup of wine or grape juice on the day of the equinox or solstice. This prayer also may be recited along with a blessing over a scent related to the season, for example, flowers for spring, fruit for summer, leaves for fall, and pine boughs for winter. It is based on the following texts:
The Havdalah ceremony dividing Shabbat from the weekday. 
The blessing over equinoxes and solstices found in the Babylonian Talmud (Berakhot 59b).
The traditional evening prayer marking the transition between day and night.
The Torah text in which the Holy One promises Noach that the seasons will continue as long as the earth endures (Bereishit 8:22).
The blessings over the abundance of years found in the daily Amidah prayer (recited in the feminine to honor the Skehinah, the immanent Divine Presence). 
Baruch atah Hashem Elokeinu melekh ha'olam borei peri ha'gafen.
Blessed are You, Hashem, Ruler of the Universe, creator of the fruit of the vine.
Bercuchah at Shekhinah Elokeinu ruach ha'olam, borei isvei (atzei) vesamim. 
Blessed are You, Shekhinah, the Presence who embodies the world, who creates fragrant plants and grasses (or: fragrant trees). 
Baruch atah Hashem Elokeinu melekh ha'olam, oseh vereishit, asher bit'vunah meshaneh itim umachalif et hazemanim. Od kol yemei ha'aretz zera vekatzir vekor vechom vekayitz vechoref veyom velailah lo yishbotu. Bercuhah at Shekhinah, mevarechet hashanim. 
Blessed are you, Hashem, Ruler of the Universe, who makes Creation, whose wisdom changes the times and turns the seasons. As long as the days of the earth endure, planting and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease. Blessed are You, Divine Presence, who blesses the years.
Midrashim and Teachings
Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer, a Rabbinic work, tells of the teaching of tekufot to Adam and Chava as part of divine wisdom. Pirkei de-Rabbi Eliezer (7) also notes the combination of lunar and solar elements in the Jewish calendar. The passage explains that Rabbinic authorities inserted leap months in the calendar "for the sake of the trees, for the sake of the grasses, and for the sake of the tekufot," meaning that the lunar calendar had to be balanced with the cycles of planting and harvest and with the cycles of the solar year. 
Medieval traditions about the tekufot emphasized the eerie qualities of the solstices and equinoxes. The Machzor Vitry indicates the frightening biblical events such as the plague of blood that happened at the four seasonal transitions. 
The Otzar Midrashim (Hashem Behomah, Yasad Aretz 6) mentions a more positive midrash in which giant mythical beings and animals roar on each of the four seasonal dates. These roars compel the demons and wild creatures of the world to restrain themselves so that order prevails and life continues. Thus they encourage all beings to praise the compassion of the Divine. This midrash suggests that the solstices and equinoxes have both frightening and life-preserving qualities. 
Midrash Tanhuma (Korach 10) tells us that the chieftains of Moshe were selected partly because they knew how to calculate and observe the tekufot.
Tekufat Nisan
Tekufat Nisan is the vernal equinox when the Sun enters Aries; this is the beginning of spring, or "eit hazera" (seed-time) when day and night are equal. It is also known as the season of "the triumph of life". 
Jubilees (6:25) records the 1st of Nisan as the day the Divine commanded Noach to build an ark and the day Noach opened the ark and saw dry land.
Seder Olam (11:1), a work from Talmudic times, relates that the new moon of Nissan, the day the Holy Ones gives the calendar to Moshe in preparation for the first celebration of Pesach, is also the spring equinox.
The ancient midrashic collection Peskita Rabbati (15:17), on the other hand, suggests the day of the Exodus was the spring equinox.
In the Machzor Vitry, the spring equinox is the day the first plague, the plague of blood, falls upon Mitzrayim.
In Otzar Midrashim (Hashem Behomah, Yasad Aretz 6), the spring equinox is the day when humans receive protection from demons and evil spirits. On that day, the seraphim "lift up their heads to the heaven, and the fear of them falls upon demons and spirits, and the seraphim shelter humans beneath their wings to hide them from the demons."
The Purim holiday falls near the spring equinox. Its heroine, Esther, reveals herself as a Jew to save her people.
These tales associate the spring equinox with freedom, with divine protection from oppressor or danger, and with life. in spring, the young plants bursting forth from the ground need protection and room to grow, and we ask this blessing for ourselves as well.
Kavanot la-Tekufot: "Arise, my beloved, my fair one, come away, for now the winter is past, the rains are over and gone, the blossoms appear in the land, the time of singing has come, and the song of the dove is in heard in our land." -- Shir haShirim 2:10-12
Tekufat Tammuz
Tekufat Tammuz is the summer solstice when the Sun enters Cancer; this is the summer season, or "et ha-katsir" (harvest-time) when the day is the longest in the year. It is also known as the season of "loss and abundance".
In Jubilees (6:26), the story of Noach's flood, the summer solstice is the day the mouths of the great abyss are closed so that the water ceases pouring onto the earth. 
Jubilees (3:32) also names the summer solstice as the day the Divine exiles Adam and Chava from Gan Eden. This is the day the animals lose their power of speech.
In Seder Olam (11;1), we learn that the day the sun stood still so that Yehoshuah's warriors could win the battle of Gibeon was the summer solstice.
In Genesis Rabbah (6:6), we learn that "on the summer solstice no creation has a shadow."
In the Machzor Vitry, the summer solstice is the day Moshe strikes a rock in anger while seeking water for the people. The Eternal tells Moshe he will never enter Eretz Yisrael as a result of his actions.
In Otzar Midrashim (Hashem Behohmah, Yasad Aretz 6), the summer solstice is the day animals receive protection from their predators. On that day, "the Holy One puts strength in the Behemoth and it becomes strong and raises its head and cries out, and its voice extends through all the settled land, and the wild animals hear and are afraid."
In Jewish tradition, the summer solstice carries with it themes of closure, exile, and loss, yet also the benevolence of nature and the divine. We meditate on grief, yet also on the world's abundance. The summer solstice is a day of paradox: maximum light but also a turn toward darkness.
Kavanot la-Tekufot: "A day is coming that burns like a furnace … I will shine upon you who revere the name of the Infinite a sun of righteousness, with healing in Her wings." -- Malachi 3:19-20
Summer Solstice Rituals: http://telshemesh.org/tammuz/a_jewish_summer_solstice_ritual.html https://www.ritualwell.org/ritual/meditation-tekufat-tammuz https://www.ritualwell.org/ritual/earth-prays
Tekufat Tishrei
Tekufat Tishrei, the autumnal equinox, when the sun enters Libra, and autumn, or "et ha-batsir" (vintage-time), begins, and when the day again equals the night. It is also known as the season of "the link between earth and heaven". 
Jubilees (6:26), in its story of the Flood, records the autumn equinox as the day the floodwaters begin to descend back into the depths so that the earth can be fruitful once again.
On the autumn equinox, Avraham sits up all night to observe the stars, to forecast the rains of the coming season (Jubilees 12:16).
In the Machzor Vitry, the autumn equinox is the day Avraham nearly sacrifices Yitzchak on Mount Moriah, before the Divine stays his hand. Because of his act, Avraham is blessed that his seed will be as the stars in the sky.
According to the Babylonian Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 10b), Sarah, Rakhel, and Channah all conceived on the 1st of Tishrei, a date close to the autumn equinox. 
In Otzar Midrashim (Hashem Behohmah, Yasad Aretz 6), the autumn equinox is the season of the ziz, when birds receive protection from their predators. "On the autumn equinox, the Holy One gives strength to the ziz and it becomes strong, and it lifts is head and flaps its winds and sends forth its voice, so that fear of it falls on the culture and the osprey from one year to the next."
The autumn equinox seems related to the skies, the stars, and the rains. Yet it is also related to fertility and to the renewal of life. In many climates, autumn is a season of harvest and of rain. Perhaps the autumn equinox is the time of reforging the lin between earth and heaven- a link necessary for life to continue.
Kavanot la-Tekufot: "May it be Your will that it be a year of rain and dew, a year of favor, a year of blessing, and a year of abundance … and please do not listen to the prayers of those who pray that there be no rain!" -- Leviticus Rabbah 20:44
Tekufat Tevet
Tekufat Tevet is the winter solstice when the sun enters Capricorn; this is the beginning of winter, or "et ha-ḥoref" (winter-time), when the night is the longest during the year. It is also known as the season for "the search for light".
In Jubilees (7), in the days of Noach, the winter solstice is the day the peaks of the mountains became visible after the floodwaters recede.
In the Babylonian Talmud (Avodah Zarah 8a), Adam and Chava become frightened as the winter solstice approaches, thinking the shortening of the days is a punishment. They fast for eight days. On the winter solstice, when the light grows, they celebrate for eight days. 
In the Machzor Vitry, the winter solstice is the day Yiftach, a chieftain of Yisrael, sacrifices his daughter in fulfillment of a foolish battle vow. She has been bewailing her fate on the hills for two months.
Otzah Midrashim (Hashem Behohmah, Yasad Aretz 6), tells that on the winter solstice, Leviathan protects the creatures of the sea from their predators: "On every winter solstice he lifts his head and makes himself great, and blows in the water, and roils the sea, and makes all the fish in the ocean afraid." Leviathan is a creature known for being G!d's playmate (Babylonian Talmud, Avodah Zarah 3b) and a wise teacher of human beings (Otzar Midrashim Alphabet of Ben Sira 17). His eyes, according to the Talmud, flash in the deep (Bava Batra 74b). 
The winter solstice seems to have to do with sight or the lack thereof. Mountains become visible to Noach, and the patterns of nature become visible to Adam and Chava. Leviathan is associated with inner sight. Yiftach, on the other hand, is blind to his own wrongdoings. On the winter solstice, the sun's light begins to become stronger, and we too consider how to strengthen our vision.
Kavanot la-Tekufot: "We are grateful before You, Eternal One, for You have brought us from darkness to light." -- Midrash Bereshit 68:11
Winter Solstice Rituals: http://telshemesh.org/tevet/winter_solstice_take_2.html http://telshemesh.org/tevet/chanukahsolstice_thoughts_for_2008.html http://telshemesh.org/tevet/chanukat_hatekufahritual_for_chanukah_and_the_winter_solstice_jill_hammer.html https://www.ritualwell.org/blog/burning-away-darkness-winter-solstice-ritual
If you like my writing, feel free to leave me a tip here: https://ko-fi.com/ezrasaville
Sources: The Jewish Book of Days by Rabbi Jill Hammer Jewish Encyclopedia, 1906. http://www.peelapom.com/  http://www.devotaj.com/ http://telshemesh.org/ 
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littlesyabina · 5 years ago
Nama Anak
Kalau baca daftar hadir anak-anak di sekolah, utamanya di tempatku yang merupakan islamic boarding school, aku sih punya keseruan sendiri. Namanya bagus-bagus cuy! Anak generasi tahun 2000an rata-rata namanya udah bernuansa era modern Islamic gitu sih ya (istilah dari mana bin nuansa era modern islamic? wkwk), tapi alhamdulillah sih anak-anak yang sekarang di tingkar SMP dan SMA namanya masih menggunakan ejaan dan penulisan yang sewajarnya, ga kayak nama anak tahun 2015an kesini yang ejannya semakin sulit untuk dibaca-.- entah huruf (a) nya yang dijadiin mad tabi’i, entah huruf (i) yang penulisannya jadi huruf e double, entah huruf konsonan yang dijajarkan banyakan. Kadang suka kasihan aja sama anaknya, takut nanti orang susah buat ngeja namanya. Eh maaf-maaf nih buibu, no offense yak. Ini pendapat pribadi aja. 
Selain itu, hal seru yang ditemui ketika menganalisis nama anak-anak yaitu adanya beberapa keluarga yang memiliki tema khusus dalam pemberian nama anak-anak mereka.
Contohnya aja nama anak-anak Aa Gym, seluruh nama anak-anaknya (dan bahkan cucunya!) memiliki inisial G, karena beliau sendiri berinisial G, Gymnastiar. Coba kita tengok satu-satu daftar nama anak-anak beliau (siapa tau bisa jadi referensi yakan): Ghaida Tsurayya, Ghazi Al Ghifari, Ghina Roudlotul Jannah, Ghaitsa Zahira Shofa, Ghefira Nur Fathimah, Ghaza Al Ghazali, Gheriyya Rahimah,   Muhammad Ghaisan Dhiyya Addin. Sedangkan nama cucu-cucu beliau: Gherisa Hanifa, si kembar Ghaziran Hanafi dan Ghazirin Hanafi, Ghazlina Qalbi Hanifa (anak dari Teh Ghaida); Muhammad Ghazain Alghifari (anak deri A Ghazi); Ghilman, Gheziya Naura Khadija, Ghaisani Haura Maryam (anak dari teh Ghaitsa); ....dan lain-lain (masih belum terjamah semua pencairannya hoho).
Nama anak-anak artis juga banyak yang bertema inisial sama, kayak nama anaknya Zaskia Adya Mecca, anak-anaknya kesultanan huruf K semua kalau ga salah: Kana, Kala, Kaba, Kata, dan new K yang benar lagi realese.
Juga guru ngajiku yang beliau dan suaminya sama-sama berinisial G, sedangkan kelima anaknya semuanya berinisial H: Himam, Hamid, Hilmina, Hafshah, dan Haris. Mungkin nanti cucu-cucunya akan berinisial I. Diferensiasi alfabet kali ya hehe
Ada lagi keluarganya dosen di kampusku, nama panggilan anak-anaknya adalah: uto, uti, ute, dan uta. Eits. Nama panggilan bukan semabarang nama panggilan, tapi karena “nama panggilan” tersebut memang benar-benar terselip dalam nama lengkap mereka, contohnya yang ku kenal adalah Kak Uti yang bernama lengkap Mutia Prawitasari dan Kak Ute yang bernama Sutera apaagitu (ga tau lengkapnya sih haha). Kok bisa ya merencanakan dan pas pas gitu.
Dan ada juga nih yang sempet viral kemarin-kemarin, anak bungsunya Elon Musk!  X Æ A-Xii  (sampe sekarang gatau itu gimana cara bacanya haha) Mungkin Elon Musk sebagai bapak udah ga mikir gimana nanti anaknya  ngisi bulatan nama di lembar jawab komputer (LJK) ketika ikutan ujian SBMPTN, pertama karena mungkin di masa depan udah ga ada SBMPTN, kedua, mungkin anaknya ga bakalan sekolah formal dan tau-tau udah jadi CEO Tesla Motors. Who knows kan yaa..
Kan lain jaman lain kejadian, kalau dulu waktu ngasih nama Syabina Aghni Mufida, bapakku mikir berkali-kali, karena harusnya penulisannya itu: Sya’bina Aghni Mufida, tapi karena bapakku sampe mikir ujian nasional, ujian saringan masuk perguruan tinggi, hilang deh itu si tanda apostof!
Balik lagi ke tema nama anak-anak, ada juga beberapa temanku yang ngasih tema ke nama anaknya itu nature gitu. Bukan, bukan yang debat antara ngasih nama senja dan pengen agak islami jadi bakda ashar itu, bukaaan. Temanku itu ngasih nama anaknya Biru Langit, terus nanti mungkin adiknya namanya Jingga Senja, atau Jamrud Khatulistiwa (?) 
Juga ada nama anak dari kakaknya temanku yang ambil tema gunung karena dia dan suaminya sama-sama anak gunung. Nama anaknya: Rinjani dan Mahameru! Wow!
Terus kemarin juga sempat baca postingan seorang teman yang bahas nama anak via story instagram, yang aku tangkap dari postingannya sih dia lebih prefer menggunakan nama internasional daripada nama islami buat nama anaknya, terlepas dari hal-hal bahwa nama anak adalah doa dan kemudahan kita untuk bepergian keluar negeri jika memiliki nama yang internasioal ketimbang nama yang islami, aku sih lebih berpendapat ya nama anak mah terserah bapak-ibu-dan-serengrengan-keluarga-besar-nya-aja-lah!
Bebaz bebaz aja brosist, kecuali kalau kita orang dukcapil yang tugasnya ngetik nama anak buat dijadiin akte kelahiran, boleh dah protes tipis-tipis kalau nama anak yang didaftarinya aneh, karena kemungkinan typo (dan diprotes) nya besar, haha 
Apalagi ya. Masih banyak sih sebenernya yang seru dan unik-unik kalau bahas tentang nama anak, yang ga perlu jauh-jauh sebetulnya, ada di lingkunganku sendiri. Sekarang disudahi dulu, udah panjang banget ternyata. Besok-besok kalau ada temuan yang mengasyikan kita lanjut lagi.
Mmmm btw, udah sibuk ngobrolin nama anak aja nih bin, nama calon bapaknya begimana? hahaha skip sodara-sodara!
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irfanilmy · 3 years ago
Masih Orang yang Sama
Akankah seseorang Yang kuimpikan 'kan hadir? Raut halus menyelimuti jantungku
Tentang Seseorang oleh Melly Goeslaw
"Kamu koas di mana?” tanyanya.
"Ari kamu, saya mah teu koas. Saya mah kuliah keguruan.”
"Hayoh we ngagambar wae," lanjutnya. "Saya mah teu ngagambar. Teu bisa. Ini lagi ngerjain tesis." Ternyata lagi ngerjain tesis di dunia nyata, kebawa ke dunia mimpi. He.
Dia duduk tepat di hadapan saya. Mungkin jaraknya hanya setengah meter. Wajahnya ayu seperti dulu. Tidak banyak yang berubah. Dia membawa tas gendong hitam, yang kalau saya ingat-ingat, itu mirip tas teteh saya. (Ini udah aneh lagi nih mimpi). Dia memakai jas warna putih yang biasa dipake sama dokter. Ya, dia kan sudah jadi dokter sekarang. Tapi entah dia praktik di mana.
Mimpi selalu enggak nyambung, loncat-loncat semaunya.
Setelah mimpi lain yang tidak berkesan, tiba-tiba saya sudah ada di satu tempat bareng dia, dan beberapa teman masa SMA yang sulit saya ingat satu persatu. Tapi anehnya, temannya itu campur. Di mana, dia juga mungkin pas dulu SMA enggak kenal dengan teman saya. Begitupun saya, meskipun kita satu SMA, tapi beda kelas. Jadi, wajar kalau enggak kenal teman satu sama lain.
Satu yang saya ingat, dia ngomongin salah satu teman. Dia salah menyebutnya dan saya membenarkan.
Saya sangat heran, kenapa dia jadi sangat akrab sama saya. Kalau misalnya saya ketemu enggak sengaja saat maen di mall misalnya, saya pun paling senyum dikit, atau bahkan memilih menghindar ala mahasiswa yang punya dosa, melipir dari dosennya. 
Saat di pondok, saya belum pernah sedekat itu dan ngobrol intens. Eh, pernah ding sekali. Lupa juga dulu ngobrolin apa. Itu juga bentar, di dekat sosorodotan dan tempat wudu dekat balong. Itu yang saya ingat satu-satunya momen yang enggak bakalan saya lupa seumur hidup.
Eits, jangan lupa sekali lagi pas kita satu angkot berdua. Itu pun enggak disengaja. Awalnya mau ngehindar, eh malah jadi naik angkot yang ada dianya. Soalnya angkot yang saya lewatkan buat dinaiki, ternyata ngetem dulu. Pas saya mutar ke jalan lain, ternyata itu angkot yang saya lewatkan, yang ada dianya. Masa saya enggak jadi naik. Jadi we saya teh naik angkot itu.
Di angkot 01 kita enggak ngobrol dan saling sapa. Pas naik angkot 05 kalau enggak salah, baru saya berani nyapa. Cuma karena jaraknya dekat dari pas naik angkot 05 (dekat gereja yang cukup gede dekat lampu lalu lintas) menuju sekolah, obrolan kami tidak banyak. Mungkin ngomongin tugas. 
"Naha teu pas tadi dina angkot 01 anu jarakna lumayan jauh?" dan ini pertanyaan yang tak semestinya saya cuma tanyakan. 
Hanjakalna kaburu kebangun euy. Hanya beberapa detik saja rasanya mimpi itu terjadi.
Lalu saya teringat kembali lagu Sheila On 7 yang berjudul Sebuah Kisah Klasik. Sampai jumpa kawanku/ Smoga kita selalu/ Menjadi sebuah kisah klasik untuk masa depan/ Sampai jumpa kawanku/ Smoga kita selalu/ Menjadi sebuah kisah klasik untuk masa depan. Lagu itu dinyanyikan saat angkatan kami di pondok perpisahan. Entah grup siapa yang nyanyiin. 
Itu kali terakhir saya melihatnya. Tepat saat acara formal selesai dan menuju ke acara santai. Padahal seharian saya sudah latihan buat perform di sesi itu. Saya menyanyikan dua lagunya Lyla, Detik Terakhir dan Bernafas Tanpamu. Atau cuma salah satu dari dua lagu itu yah? Agak susah mengingat yang pastinya. Eh, tapi dia malah sudah beranjak dari pondok tempat kami selama 3 tahun menimba ilmu. Dan, tak ada sebuah kepastian kalau dia memikirkan saya saat di jalan pulang. Ha. 
Ya Allah, enjing semoga mimpiin dia lagi! Ha. Doa macam apa ini?
Cikondang, 9 November 2021, 10.42 WIB
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perception2021 · 3 years ago
Perception wk1
Undertake 3x quick different investigations for each of the different senses 
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Touch. We feel so much more then we can see. The lines drawn show the rough directional texture that can only be felt.
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Sound: The sounds from my balcony. dark lines are construction site sounds that are loud and harsh. Green is voices of our neighbours Yellow is a single sound that happened, blue wind and lines are birds
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Drinking coffee.
Touch and words  or phrases that best describe it .
rough snaggy microscopic splinters yet directional smoothness. tepid. solid yet not sharp and slightly cushioned. natural. warn like its had a long life.
Proprioception or kinesthesia is the sense of self-movement and body position.
Body awareness is how conscious and connected you are to your own body. It's also known as kinesthesia,
At its most basic, “haptic” means anything relating to the sense of touch. (It's derived from the Greek word for touch.)
Touch is like our extra set of eyes. It provides us with a rich 360° field of perception that complements our high-definition but also limited field of vision. It is also fundamentally associated with our sense of body ownership and presence, and intimately linked to the way we communicate emotion. (https://www.ultraleap.com/company/news/blog/what-is-haptics/)
The sense of balance or equilibrioception is the perception of balance and spatial orientation
Equilibrioception is the result of a number of sensory systems working together: the eyes (visual system), the inner ears (vestibular system), and the body's sense of where it is in space (proprioception) ideally need to be intact.[1]
Mechanoreception,  ability of an animal to detect and respond to certain kinds of stimuli—notably touch, sound, and changes in pressure or posture—in its environment.
Slight deformation of any mechanoreceptive nerve cell ending results in electrical changes, called receptor or generator potentials, at the outer surface of the cell, and this in turn induces the appearance of impulses
Sense of pain
noun. a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc. something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise. mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment, etc. a state of bodily equilibrium: He lost his balance and fell down the stairs.
Vibration is a mechanical phenomenon whereby oscillations occur about an equilibrium point. The word comes from Latin vibrationem ("shaking, brandishing").
All things in our universe are constantly in motion, vibrating. Even objects that appear to be stationary are in fact vibrating, oscillating, resonating, at various frequencies. Resonance is a type of motion, characterized by oscillation between two states. And ultimately all matter is just vibrations of various underlying fields.
Design a test
Close eyes spin ten times then try stand on one foot.
result: Body feels lik eit gets lost and you can stay up for a little bit but then you no longer no which way is up so you start to fall at which point you open your eyes to protect yourself.
What sense faculty or modality would sustain your interest and inspire you to investigate it in greater depth. ( You can change your mind over the next week). Reflect briefly on why. 
Touch, We can feel so much more detail then we can see.
Or perhaps sound and what we see when we hear. i dont hear ro good out of one ear atm so would be interesting to see how that changes when i go get my ear cleaned.
Produce 3-5 x  studies of your selection in preparation for presentation your peer group (wk8).  Go at it like a scientist, a detective, an anthropologist, a creative..........etc. accidents and chance encounters are just as relevant as planned investigations!
Begin with some everyday observations.  What do you notice? Consider a range of environments, situations, times of day, materials, atmospheres, etc.
Document, record, map - think about how you can record it - as a thing or as an experience - how can you convey the experience as if the thing you do is the experience itself: make notes, drawings, take photographs, experiment with language, make collages, gather samples - textures, etc..eg, scraps of paper, using fabric to record, building layers through mylar photocopies, a daily travel journal, words, zine, etc.
What i noticed about touch in everyday life
What if the matter is nothing but notes coming out of a vibrating string? According to superstring theory, all matter in the world is made up of one thing: vibrating infinitesimal strings. These strings, which vibrate at different resonances, bring everything into existence in the known universe. Matter consists of small strings. When these strings are pulled in a certain way – just like a violin or guitar string – they create a frequency. Therefore, the pitches/notes occur. We have become aware of the existence of the little notes that these superstrings create, and we realized that the universe is a symphony, and all the physical laws of the universe fit these superstrings.
Ouchhh took inspiration from the notes that exist in the universe while micro-strings vibrate (Subatomic Particles) in real time and define the melodies created by the notes as “Matter” and symphonies of these melodies as “Universe”. With dastrio, Ouchhh took 11 dimensions in abstract directions in super grade gravity theory and move them beyond space in real time. The dimensions captured intuitively in living space will constantly change and turn into reality.
Ari Melenciano 
How music videographers take the emotion of words and portray it through vision.
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ynseeun · 7 months ago
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do we think she knows what that means ..
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arissetiyoko-blog · 7 years ago
Antara Cinta Shireen dan Cinta Fitri
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Bagi kamu yang bukan kids jaman now dan penikmat setia sinetron Indonesia yang itu-itu saja, pasti tahu betul dengan sinetron Cinta Fitri. Tayangan yang mengudara sejak 2007 hingga 2011 tersebut hampir pasti menjadi tontonan paporit emak-emak kalian menjelang tidur.
Bertahan empat tahun dengan 7 season merupakan bukti kejayaan dari sinetron yang dibintangi oleh Shireen Sungkar dan Teuku Wisnu tersebut. Empat tahun, merupakan waktu yang lama, apalagi dengan sistem kejar tayang di tiap seasonnya adalah suatu bentuk profesionalitas dan kerja keras yang luar biasa.
Selain sistem kejar tayang dalam pembuatan Cintra Fitri,  adapula satu sistem dalam sinetron itu yang kadang orang lupa. Yaitu sebuah sistem alami yang orang jawa namakan “witing tresna jalaran saka kulina”. Bertemu setiap hari, berinteraksi satu sama lain hingga tahu benar karakter orang disekitarnya tak pelak membuat timbulnya benih-benih cinta.
Sebagai tukang gosip nomer satu di lingkunganmu, kamu pasti mengikuti perkembangan hubungan dari pasangan utama Cinta Fitri, Shireen Sungkar dan Teuku Wisnu. Pasangan sinetron tersebut sekarang memang sudah menjadi pasangan di dunia nyata dan telah dikarunia dua orang anak—kabarnya akan tambah lagi. Eits, tapi bukan kabar kehamilan anak ketiga Shireen yang akan saya bahas.
Mari kita flashback sedikit. Adly Fairuz. Ya, aktor yang gak kalah ganteng jika dibandingkan dengan Teuku Wisnu dan merupakan salah satu pemain di Cinta Fitri sekaligus mantan cemewew Shireen sebelum bersama Wisnu. Pada masa jahiliyah dulu, ketika masih seneng lihat acara infotainment. Saya mendapat pandangan bahwa Shireen-Adly adalah pasangan yang cocok, "udah deh tinggal nikah aja" begitu kira-kira. Parahnya, gara-gara hasutan infotainment saya juga berpikir bahwaTeuku Wisnu adalah orang ketiga, yang sungguh jahat nan lalim karena merebut Shireen dari Adly. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu saya sadar, ternyata pandangan  itu salah. Bisa kita lihat—paling tidak dari luar— Shireen dan Wisnu hidup bahagia, dikaruniai dua orang anak, masih ngejob bareng lagi jadi presenter Beriman Trans TV, Lalu apa?
Lalu saya ingin membahas hubungan dari kasus publik figur ini agar menjadi pelajaran bagi kita semua.
Pelajaran pertama yang saya dapatkan adalah, kadang kita harus bertemu orang yang salah sebelum akhirnya bertemu orang yang tepat.
Pelajaran kedua, tikung menikung sebelum khitbah dan janur melengkung adalah sah.
Pelajaran ketiga, sesungguhnya Allah tau yang terbaik—dalam hal apapun—untuk kita.
Pelajaran keempat, sedia helm sebelum menikung, apalagi menikung punya teman, siap-siap batu bata melayang.
Dan terbukti wow wow wow ternyata cintanya Shireen Sungkar adalah cintanya Fitri.
Sekian, Saya Aris Setiyoko Terimakasih.
– Tulisan ini adalah tulisan receh, mohon dimaafkan.
Saya tidak menghasut anda untuk pacaran, sama sekali tidak
Jika anda kemudian menikung karena tulisan saya, maka saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala resiko yang anda alami.
Ditunggu hujatannya
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444namesplus · 6 months ago
Acheeissati Acho Achu Adalexo Adorgorsho Afo Afoulchathu Afu Ageilti Ageugauve Ageurdaje Ageuve Aha Ahainelno Ahonthoinzi Ahu Aicho Aichu Aida Aido Aifousgode Aifu Aiganontho Aige Aigeishogu Aija Aijencherxo Aiju Aika Aikosmu Aimestairtho Aimo Aine Aineulro Ainoufi Aiqua Aiquaulkoushe Aiquausfeulka Aiqui Aira Airecha Aisanxoti Aisha Aishenmaanni Aishi Aisi Aita Aitartolvi Aite Aitha Aithahaulri Aithara Aithe Aithi Aive Aiveuzate Aivoancheunnu Aivondo Aixo Aizaka Aju Akaurza Ake Akeithi Ako Akomeasxu Ale Aloucheuonzo Ame Amoiaisdaeistu Amoirraurku Amu Anahe Anaildu Ane Aneicheuso Ani Anu Aqua Aque Aquemi Aquo Aquoirshomu Aquouno Aquu Ara Ari Aroste Aroueirti Asa Asado Asaijoishu Asha Ashairu Ashe Ashechante Ashetealko Ashu Asi Asoischaizu Asu Ataiszi Atefoushe Atha Athalra Athe Atho Athokenu Atu Aucherna Auchi Audo Auferzi Aufo Auge Augoizera Auhe Auhu Aujougoiku Aukeforfa Auko Auloxu Aumaitelke Aumausgu Aunaionquaure Aune Aunongu Auqueltaitha Auqui Auquouma Aushauthaurku Aushi Ausi Auta Auto Auvaha Auve Auxi Auzarchu Auzi Auzova Auzu Avainquo Avaisoija Avaumoiarfi Avaura Avauxontha Ave Avo Avoineucha Avu Axa Axe Axege Axelgainga Axi Axo Axonqui Azaaulsheuka Azeirli Azelhanki Azo Azolra Azoolsu Cha Chaanko Chalvo Che Cheilfaisdi Cheilre Cheirdausqua Cheossu Chesheishu Cheta Cheugone Cheulqueuqui Chi Cho Choldi Choueishu Chu Da Daidi Dalsa Dauji Dauoistoeurfu De Deiaulvauerla Deivi Desze Deulgu Deurqualno Di Do Dogolno Dourxe Douxaishe Du Echailkeujo Echeuloulzi Echu Edasreuorthu Edausse Edeuja Efa Efe Efeufa Efi Ege Egouthe Ehe Ehi Eho Ehu Eicho Eidauaulte Eide Eidu Eife Eige Eigeque Eigu Eiha Eihefenda Eihu Eijalge Eiji Eilainrochi Eilo Eimoquu Eini Eino Eiquaisi Eiqualjadi Eiquere Eiquesju Eiquoithi Eiru Eisho Eishu Eisovolquu Eisu Eite Eithaije Eithausve Eithi Eiti Eiva Eive Eiveilku Eivelsa Eivo Eixo Eixontherso Ejaxeinru Ejeira Ejeuquu Ejolheira Ejoquo Eju Eka Ekeikousi Ekeschaurchu Ekeusaune Eko Ela Elaijeelha Eleirmausde
Elenfe Eli Elo Eloiti Eme Emi Ena Enaijo Enato Enerti Enouorjauze Enu Equaieunzu Equaunhu Eque Equi Equo Equoquu Eraraugu Ereifu Eri Ero Esarxeile Esha Eshandeunre Eshasdi Eshe Esu Etadasxi Etauostahi Etaurmi Ete Eteula Etha Ethalfonze Ethelxouarra Etheunxoujo Ethu Eto Etu Eucho Eude Eudeiso Eudo Eufa Eufe Eugaiarzovi Eugi Eugoauljeitho Euhaainxasha Euhalaufa Euhe Euhi Euho Eujezoiausxo Eujoigorxe Eujoisvauounsu Euka Eukenfe Euku Eulalza Euleissona Euloulthelsho Eulu Eume Euni Euqua Euquehe Eureusa Euta Euthaulvo Euthi Euthosa Euthu Euvanso Euvauki Euxa Euze Euzo Evaxatho Eve Eveilsare Eveuvetu Evo Exa Exeiro Exogaelvo Ezaxe Ezecho Fa Fafe Faikogi Faime Fairmera Faisauhi Farneuzo Farxaqui Faunnoiquo Fe Feixu Fethe Feulastha Fezi Fi Fo Foanri Foichu Foildeusko Foino Fonhosho Fourkeiquu Fouso Fu Ga Gaque Gasnolru Gauhe Ge Geiloilo Geirouolvo Gerni Geuailjashe Geuna Geuvahu Gi Go Gouge Gouqueja Gu Ha Hanthoqua Haonshodo Hauja Haumeumo He Heinroiltho Henfailga Hergauro Heshi Heuko Heusouausti Heuva Hi Ho Hoailxolque Hogava Hoirjo Horgu Houme Hourfa Hu Ja Jaainfu Jajeime Jamose Jamu Jausro Je Jeiaulmi Jeti Jeunchi Jeunhovi Ji Jo Jodo Joishu Jonvorchu Joshe Joshi Jotege Jouasvooulha Ju Ka Kaquaanmi Kautadi Ke Keilsaja Kero Ketoima Keukohi Keuremi Ki Ko Ku La Laiounne Lauesji Laugu Lausche Le Li Lo Loilthenu Loutu Lu Ma Maidorhi Mankeiarshi Maqua Me Meixo Meleicha Mequa Merafe Meuquedi Meurque Meusxosquu Mexu Mezochu Mi Mo Moszo Mouno Mouolralro Mu Na Nauoilta Naxo Nehenge Neielthoze Neiku Nelmu Neuchoque Neussa Ni No Nosha Noshu Noukafi Nousso Noutha Nu Ochi Oda Odaunze Odeirdo Odena Odeoinxi Odeve Odi Ofe Ofegaixe Oga Ogazo Oge Ohathu Oho Ohohu Oicha Oichaeusxa Oichoaurshoure Oideilshe Oidenseize Oifouoinna Oigeanmo Oigodu Oigolkako Oihoxeirtho Oihu Oijamaiko Oika Oike Oiku Oilegoju Oimoilcha Oinegi Oineiquainxi Oinezolli Oinoioldu Oinoulkoirge Oinousqui Oiquauljafu Oiquausxoshe Oiquouchosxi Oiquu Oira Oirotenla Oisaji Oisasfi Oisho Oisholcho Oisoigoiosde Oita Oiteina Oiva Oixa Oixelheizo Oizosqui Ojasqui Oje Ojeonsasha Oka Oko Okoifaima Oku Ola Olaunolgu Oloijohe Olu Omailche Omaissohi Ome Onauasjasha Onojo Onu Oquarvoushu Oque Oqueendailo Oqui Oquoiru Oquoufo Ore Oreshu Oru Osa Ose Oseheinmo Osesxaormo Oshourthu Osu Ota Otha Othajeienve Othaurru Othe Othi Otho Othofoueilma Othu Oti Otu Oucha Ouche Ouchu Oufeshaule Oufo Ougejeicho Ougogasfu Ougu Ouja Oujalo Oujarli Oujo Ouju Ouke Oukeimo Oukeirmi Ouki Oula Oulesgenthe Ouleulsoulje Oulu Oumaieinrallu Ouna Ouno Ouqua Ouquaushu Ouqueugeurne Ouse Ouseini Ousha Oushe Oushearxa Oushoioinmi Oushu Ousousaige Ousu Outanounsho Outheenxo Outheja Outu Ouva Ouxoiti Ouzo Ova Ovoieurva Oxeno Oxeunveuonli Oxoge Oxoirshi Oxoirzu Oxomi Ozaigoive Ozara Ozeizouno Ozerlo Ozourxaude Qua Quauanreontha Que Queielshoju Queilo Queirde Qui Quo Quoaunthi Quoishi Quongo Quorte Quu Ra Raiha Railteurke Rako Re Refa Reifechu Reilnu Relque Reltaqua Reosmema Resshoru Reurfu Ri Ro Roiaunshe Role Rolo Ronla Rounma Rousdeshe Rovo Sa Sasho Se Sechu Sejousve Senhouquu Senju Seujo Seuoundeurda Seurze Sha Shageiaurgi Shairre Shaja Shanhi Sharu Shaucho Sheaunsholfu Sheieurtheso Sherelzo Shete Shi Sho Shoialla Shoiourxo Shoje Shourheigo Shousvaircha Shovu Shu Si Sochu Soelfe Soengeanza Solgu Solo Sorgauto Su Ta Taldaljo Te Tego Teichi Teisfatho Temi Teuqueiqua Tha Thaailzeuzu Thaisgeti Thaishi Thauosxoura The Theailqui Theiaurjaioirsi Thelelsho Thenfasro Thenga Thershorku Thi Tho Thoilque Thoinde Thoinshu Tholveiko Thosoilta Thoukolhu Thu Ti To Tofeulla Tohe Toixaune Tomu Toukeulda Tu Va Vaixaisxi Varho Vasseshi Vaszonlo Vaunthu Ve Veulku Vi Vo Voru Vu Xa Xaesvu Xailthu Xairqua Xaisja Xandougi Xashenku Xe Xege Xeile Xeilse Xelva Xenfo Xeumu Xi Xoilaintha Xoile Xolqui Xosmu Xosousza Xouhi Xoulda Xouolquoivu Xousarga Xu Za Zakeanmo Zarjeule Zauqui Ze Zegi Zehode Zeirthouosha Zeirxi Zeixe Zerko Zi Zo Zoernoze Zohoirku Zoieurle Zoshi Zouheilke Zu
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image-transcribing-bot · 7 years ago
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This is literally the most bomb-ass D&D story I’ve ever read in my life oh my god.
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