#are you talkin to me
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cosmogyros · 17 days ago
List fifteen bands/artists you love, and name your favorite song by each. No need to rank, just fifteen artists you love and what is THE SONG for you by each.
I got tagged by @noisecatcher, thank you! I love music tag games :D
It was sooo hard to pick only 15... this is a random selection, basically. And then once I'd selected the artists, you expect me to choose a SINGLE favorite song? Impossible. Again, I just picked one song I love for each. Believe me, I have many more favorites.
The Replacements - Sixteen Blue
Neil Young - Driveby
Janis Joplin - Maybe
Bob Dylan - Most of the Time
Nina Simone - I Want a Little Sugar in My Bowl
The Band - Hobo Jungle
Jonathan Richman - Let Her Go Into the Darkness
The Clash - Lost in the Supermarket
The Felice Brothers - Got What I Need
Les Cowboys fringants - L'Amérique pleure
Mighty Sparrow - Only a Fool
Warren Zevon - Empty-Handed Heart
Lyle Lovett - The Waltzing Fool
Orchestra Baobab - Bikowa
I am tagging... @bones-mcjones-incorporated @moronicbehavior @musical-blathering-idiot @slowtraincumming @meadow-dusk @mynamemeanscloud @wonky-venus @salvadorbonaparte
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months ago
katsuki who breaks his sleep schedule ONLY on your birthday because he wants to be sure he’s the first one to text you.
at exactly midnight .on.the.dot. you get a string of messages from your boyfriend saying :
“happy birthday, moron.”
“i love you and all that stupid mushy shit”
“you better say it back. fucked up my sleep for you.”
he doesn’t even care if you’re already asleep, he’s already sure he was the very first one to text you but if you are still awake he’s even more proud cause you saw it happen. him who you (and his friends) tease all the time for going to sleep at like 8:30 sharp stayed up doing fuck all just to be the first to wish you a happy fucking birthday.
so yeah, you bet your ass he’s proud. and he’ll go to sleep and knock out immediately with a smirk on his face when you text him a “thank you sm, katsuki !!! i love you sosooososos much💕💕”
“yeah you better. go to bed, g’night <3”
n’ yeah okay, maybe he’ll be a bit crankier than usual, but it’ll be worth it seeing how bright you smile and jump to hug him, kissing all over his cheek with thank you’s and love you’s.
he’ll just take it out on kaminari.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
Ok, for me, Erik is the one who does the housework.
Imagine him wearing a chef's apron (strictly magenta), rubber gloves for washing dishes and a headband to hold up his magnificent hair.
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domestic erik save me.......
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vurelly · 1 year ago
there is something about pathetic men that enchants and beguiles me
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samsflannel · 7 months ago
dean is so.....SO SO insane because it's like ohhhh okay you raised your baby brother because your father put the fear of god in you to do so and it robbed you of any sense of purpose outside of him? then your father dies and his last words to you are an apology for putting you in that position, which are words that are meant to leave you unburdened, to free you from that role, but you continue to act within that role without pause, without question, and in fact you become more of a provider than you've ever been despite being given that closure?
but wait, oh, i see - it was fated by heaven and hell. ah, now i understand why you are the way that you are. your souls were bound, your father only an accessory to your story, and once you finish the prophecy-
oh, you - you avoided the prophecy? oh, you sidestepped the will of our planet's most powerful beings, your only weapon being the raw desire to protect your brother? Wait, I get it, that was always god's plan. you are god's favorite story, trapped between the pages of his cruel book, and once you overpower God-
you, uh. you killed god? you've outgrown your father's firm hand, defied the will of heaven, destroyed the maker of your fate, and you choose to...play house in an underground bunker with your brother and a labrador retriever? you were never going to break those chains, were you?
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tangledinink · 1 year ago
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the second attempt (it goes way better.)
(here's the silly, self-indulgent content i promised previously.)
[ gemini au ] [ prev ]
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skeleton-with-asweater · 4 months ago
"five was selfish" i am begging you to rewatch the show and tell me that five fucking hargreeves was selfish
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littlestarbigsky · 4 months ago
4-year-old ponyboy coming into 9-year-old darry’s room late at night with a blanket, a plushie, and his thumb in his mouth bc soda’s kicking him and he can’t sleep but he curls up next to his big brother and he’s out like a light
bonus points if darry doesn’t wake up when pony crawls in next to him but he wakes up in the morning and there he is
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cosmogyros · 5 months ago
Wait I'm curious now. What are your grumpy old woman opinions on music consumption?
Hello friend, thanks for the ask! <3 I see you've discovered my "musicblogging" tag in the time it took me to get around to answering this, so hopefully that will go a little ways towards explaining the opinions in question. I'll try to keep this as positive as possible and not rant too much, but in a nutshell:
There is sooooo much incredible music in the world, in terms of both space and time! We've got recordings of music from a century and a half ago that's still available to listen to, not to mention absolutely everything since then. And you can find music from every country and culture and language in the world, too. It overwhelms me with emotion every time I think about it. There are so many people on this planet, and we have been making music for as long as humanity has existed, and for over 150 years now we've been able to encode the ephemerality of that deeply, magically human form of self-expression so that anyone else – any place in the world, or any time in the future – can hear it too. Connecting with each other over space and time, through music. That's fucking MIND-BLOWING. What an indescribable treasure.
And yet there are still so many people (often Americans, but the point of this post is not to point a finger at any country/culture in particular) who listen to only music sung in their own language, from their own home country, and made in the past... ten years or so. People who think music from the 80s or 90s is "old music". People who don't see the point of listening to a song whose lyrics they can't understand.
I dunno. It just makes me a little sad. Not that there's any "wrong way" to enjoy music – if you genuinely do like only brand new music from your own country and in your own language, and nothing else, that's fine. You do you. But I suspect many of these people aren't even aware of what they're missing.
I guess my wish for everyone in the world is that they get the chance to discover their new favorite song or artist or album, some piece of music that blows their mind or fills them with joy or comforts them in their pain, even if it comes from a place far away or a time long ago.
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sae-mian · 3 months ago
alright be honest
does your WoL/oc lick the brownie batter off the spoon?
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months ago
i feel like when people say "katsuki won't change for you" they mean it like, completely and literally. but tbh i really really don't see it like that.
like yeah, he will never change his personality for anybody. he's still him because if you liked him romantically you'd already know what he's like. but he'd most definitely change his behaviour towards you. ofc im not trynna say he's gonna like do a whole 180 and kiss the ground you walk n shit but like..you're still his partner,, does that make sense ?? like it always confuses me when ppl say stuff like " he wont give you any special treatment he'll treat you like he treats everyone" and to me its like..no.., y'know ?😭 like at the end of the day you are still his partner. you're dating and he loves you so why would he treat you like some rando.
at most i see him like being awkward at the beginning of the relationship when its still new cus he doesnt know what to do (lol loser) but i still know he'd very much try. cus thats the thing youre not just a random you're his person. you're his one and he's obv gonna show you that because otherwise whats the point
m not sayin he's perfect, he's gonna mess up at some points maybe be a bit snappy because that's just how he is and you know that, you knew that when you got with him. BUT you still love him and he still very much loves you and he shows you that and he tries to make it up to you because you're different and he CARESSS!!! thats my whole thing!!!
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xxplastic-cubexx · 4 months ago
AHHHHHHH ur latest movieverse charles is so precious,,, i want to pinch his cheeks and stretch them like mochi
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ruushes · 4 months ago
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not generally a fan of how the game implements terminology like this but this is so funny to me it’s almost worth it. shut up lucanis i need you to be listening and learning rn
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
Prompt 239
Y'know what I think would be hilarious for a DP and PJO crossover? Percy & co finally getting to Kronos, straight up ready for anything after they pass through magic and portal of green and-
There's the smell of cookies. Freshly baked cookies, a warm oven, something about it reminding them of home in this strange place of floating gears and ticking clocks.
And there's a long, serpentine tail twisting through the gears, twisting up and down and across in a size that could hides yet reveals just how large this entity is. There's power soaking into every inch of this place, every centimeter nearly sending lightning up their legs with each step.
The ticking is getting stronger, a distant gonging of the hour echoing through a place that should feel cold and empty like the ringing of bells in the end of times.
And suddenly there's a kid- a teen like them, human yet not- with a cookie half in their mouth and hair flickering like the cosmos as they peer down from above them with a frown, eyes brighter than the sun yet darker than the moon.
"Oh great, what did my half-siblings do this Time?"
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shorthaltsjester · 7 months ago
it is quite funny to me as someone who studies philosophy and has had to have the conversations that bh and ludinus have been having many times over and often with people who like ludinus do not have any reading comprehension and truly like. the notion of “this shouldn’t exist” is almost always one that comes up regardless of whether it’s a discussion on the metaphysics of a potential God(s) or divinity, high political powers, or vehicles of systemic oppression. and what anyone who cares about people more than their ideals (even, sometimes, ideals that started out being about people but quickly come to be about the ideals themselves) realizes very quickly in a philosophical discussion about what should and shouldn’t exist is that it does not matter if what you’ve decided ‘shouldn’t’ exist does in fact already exist. like that tends to be the difference between sociopolitical philosophy that actually has teeth and substance in the world — a willingness to engage with the world as it is, not as it should be. because you can have the perfect image of a just and wonderful future world, but if you do not at every step reckon with the unjust world from which you are aiming at that future, you’re doing nothing. ideals are helpful because they aim us toward goals and hopes, but they’re nothing without a reality that grounds them.
and so people like ludinus, who in the real world would play the role of a graduate student with critical thinking skills that make every professor he comes across question how he arrived at his level of study, they don’t have Wrong ideals, there’s obviously plenty of reasons why an exandria without gods might in fact be a better place for mortals (there are also many Many reasons why it would not). but ludinus has also chosen his ideals to weigh heavier than the mortals he claims to uphold them with. i think ashton is also interesting, because i think a lot of their positions have a fun fluctuation between being ideal focused and person focused, where sometimes they’re focused on how unfair life is in a very nihilistic position, and at other times they seem quite clear about how much ideals help no one if they’re not second to the desire to help others. and i think that made their role in the convo with ludinus in 102 especially interesting and irritating (but in a narratively fulfilling way). anyway, truly so fun watching ludinus argue with the amount of fallacies and undeserved confidence of like right wing first year students in an ethics class explaining how actually the ends justify the means and thanos had the right idea actually if it means no more starvation. get a grip old man.
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evelyn-and-art · 4 months ago
TORSO STUDIES (extras): Kotoha, Shizuka, Tsubakino and Endo
Art Studies with Eve #2
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The studio welcomes three lovely queens 🫶
...and a snake 😕
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And that completes the torso studies! Thank you for the positive feedback on the first part and for waiting for this one 🫶.
Part 1
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