#look. we ALL know you aint sposed to
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alright be honest
does your WoL/oc lick the brownie batter off the spoon?
#ffxiv#wolqotd#ocqotd#wol questions#ffxiv oc#look. we ALL know you aint sposed to#i know you aint sposed to.#......but i know some of us still do.#..................and i know i literally just did but we aiNT TALKIN' BOUT ME
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RP Log: Riylli, Rising, and Cravs rethink a plan.
(Rising Lotus) Help me come up with a name for my Shiny Marill (Cravendy Hound) meryl streep (Rising Lotus) Mmmmmmmm nah (Riylli Aliapoh) azumeryl streep (Cravendy Hound) sdfs azumeryl
Riylli Aliapoh waves to Rising as she enters the room. "Hey, you finally made it!" She says, despite only arriving herself only about a minute ago. "Okay! Now we can finally start! The goal for tonight is to figure out a way to deal with that Rot lady! And maybe get a little drunk. But just a little, got it?"
Cravendy Hound sweeps a neat pile of sawdust into the corner and then disappears into the back to put her broom away. Contrary to Riylli's suggestion, she comes out with her arms full of bottles.
Rising Lotus walked in and immediately took a seat at the bar, leaning back against the counter. "Do you think it's a good idea to plan while drinkin'? Also you missed bar night last night!...well I 'spose you didn't miss much though. Slow night."
Riylli took her seat beside Rising. "...Wasn't really in the mood." She muttered, waving her hand dismissively. "And were only gonna get a little drunk, remember? Just enough to spark our creativity!"
Rising Lotus shrugs and give Riylli a dismissive wave. "Don't worry I get it, between Mivo an' Mayumi. Nothin' wrong with takin' a night to yourself, you were missed though." she gave Riylli a smile and a thumbs up, spinning on her stool after to eye up the selection.
(Riylli Aliapoh) ("Only a little drunk")
Cravendy Hound deposits everything on the counter, leaving scant room for cups. "Just enough to spark our creativity, aye."
Riylli Aliapoh 's ears folded back a bit at that, not sure how to respond. "I'll... Show up for the next one then... But you better keep those two away from me, got it?" She said, turning to grab whichever bottle nearby had 'Mead' written on it
Cravendy Hound: "A guy came in and showed us 'is lack of eye. Pretty gross." Cravs turns to open the cabinets behind her and places a stack of empty cups at the far end of the counter.
Riylli Aliapoh: "W...Why'd he go and do that..?" Riylli made a face of disgust at the thought. It was probably for the best that she had not been there
Rising Lotus: "Aye he did, looked super gross...though I guess Crav's asked him to show us, an' your not NOT gonna look at that if given an' opportunity right?"
Cravendy Hound: "I told 'im to! Wanted to know if it was just for show," Cravs laughs. She ducks down for a second and pulls up a set of ingredients - frozen pineapple, oranges, cherries and a bit of mint. "...I nearly died gettin' these pineapples awhile back, so. 'ere, I'll make us somethin' tasty."
Riylli Aliapoh stuck out her tongue at Rising. "No way, that's gross!" She grumbled, taking a swig of her bottle. She raised an eyebrow at Cravs' words. "...How do you almost die gettin' pineapples?"
Rising Lotus "They better be tasty if you almost bit it tryin' to get 'em. An' I suppose they could fallen on her, prick her with them pointy parts." she thinks for a few moments. "...do pineapples grow on trees? I know those hard brown things do.."
Cravendy Hound 's mouth sets in a hard line. She pointedly ignores Riylli's question and focuses her attention on juice the fruit.
Riylli Aliapoh gives Rising a worried look at Cravs' reaction, but decides to change the subject. "...Anyroad, all that aint important. We gotta figure out a plan to deal with Rot after all! So... Uh... Any suggestions..?"
Cravendy Hound: "They grow in bushes, actually."
Rising Lotus "So they ain't related to pine trees or cones at all then? Why they called that then?" considering she forgot why they were here before they started drinking, it looked like it might be a long night.
Cravendy Hound: "Well, speakin' in a general sense...we could do somethin' legal, illegal, or in between." Cravs pours a bit of pineapple and orange juice in a glass full of ice, and then dumps the rest of the ingredients in. Vodka, cherry, mint. "I....I don't know, actually? Just know the bush they grow outta doesn't look like a pine tree."
Riylli Aliapoh: "Focussss" She hissed at Rising, shooting her a glare. "Pineapples aint important right now! Aint you supposed to be the smart one outta all of us?"
Cravendy Hound: "Oy, and why ye gettin' 'ung up on the 'pine' part? What about 'apple'? Doesn't look or taste like an apple at all!"
Rising Lotus looks at Riylli for a few moments, the turning to Cravs. "... I don't know if that's a good thing, I mean.. smart enough to not do some of the dumb shit you to do I 'spose...but I guess that's jus' cause one of us has to be alive to take the other two home. Huh."
Riylli Aliapoh: "Wha-? I don't do dumb shite! You've seen my magic, I'm really smart!" She insists, immediately getting sidetracked as well.
Rising Lotus "...you're right... it doesn't taste or look like an' apple...an' I think we all only are smart in like, some very particular areas really. I mean I dunno, I never felt that smart...cept for like fishin' an' fightin'."
Cravendy Hound: "Oy, we're 'ere to talk plans, right?! So come on! Drink up, and get those juices flowin'!" Cravs pushes the bottles aside and deposits cocktails in front of Rising and Riylli.
Riylli Aliapoh eyes the drink suspiciously, but eventually gave in and replaced her mead. Her ears flickered as she tasted it, looking up to grin at Cravs. "It's good! I was worried it was gonna be all bitter like that other stuff you... Er... L-Like other drinks. In general. Y'know..."
Rising Lotus took a long drag from the drink, giving a nod of approval. "What other stuff you drinkin'? I mean I 'spose a lot of booze is bitter." she took another swig, blinking a few times afterwards. "...plannin' though...I think we ought to be careful, loanshark types aren't shy when it comes to doin' nasty things to folk they don't like."
Cravendy Hound: "Is knowin' magic a measure of smartness? Like, couldn't ye just use it on instinct? Then it'd be dumb magic." Cravs rambles as she picks up her own glass to sip on. She beams at Riylli's compliment. "Aye, can't beat a good fruity drink every now and again."
Riylli Aliapoh: "Of course magic is a measure of smartness! All the big mages are real smart folk, like that leh-vee-yur guy!" She said, before suddenly shaking her head. "Wait, no, planning dammit! I say the best way to get rid of her is by gettin' the law to lock her away, like Cravs planned. Just... think we should go about it a different way."
Rising Lotus: "I'm sure she's in the pockets of some of the Yellow Jackets though, coin is worth more than justice most the time. Used to hear 'bout it from my ma all the time growin' up. She'll weasel her way out probably."
Cravendy Hound nods to Rising's words. "Aye. The type where if ye cut off one head, two more will take its place. We definitely should avoid killin' anyone, cause that'll just make things worse."
Riylli Aliapoh glares at Cravs. "Of course were not killing anyone! Were the good guys, we don't do that kind of junk." She said, crossing her arms defiantly. "She can't be in the pockets of ALL those... 'yellow jackets' though, right? Just gotta make sure whatever we pin on her can't be covered up"
Cravendy Hound: "Lever-err...? That's the pipsqueak that was responsible for all that Crystal Brave stuff, right? Or was it...Urrre-ranger." Cravs rubs at her temples as she tries to recall. So much had happened while she wasn't 'paying attention.'
Rising Lotus "That an' we'll probably be arrested ourselves, along with what Cravs said of course!" she took another sip. "Hmm... most folks like her, place to hit where it'll hurt would be her wallet." she rubbed her chin "How many ways does she got gil comin' in?"
Cravendy Hound: "That was my main goal, actually. If people know she's sellin' stolen goods, then even if she pays off the Yellow Jackets, 'er reputation is sure to tank. And then, she won't 'ave the cash or time to mess round with Baldur."
Riylli Aliapoh takes another sip of her drink, clearly enjoying it judging by the way her ears wiggled. "...So how do we go about doin' that? Steal the stolen stuff from her? Or... Set a trap maybe..?"
Rising Lotus "Maybe get somethin' everyone will know will be stolen? Then when she tries to hock it she'd get caught?" she shrugged, nearly draining her drink with the next sip. "Jus' need to make sure it's somethin' big...but somethin' she wouldn't recognize." she nodded a few too many times at her words, must of been a strong drink.
Cravendy Hound: "...if we steal the stolen stuff from 'er, then it'll just look like we stole it. And I don't think she'd be bold enough to try to sell somethin' that's well known."
Riylli Aliapoh: "...Then... What if we try buyin' somethin'? But set it up so the yellowjackets are there to see it happen?"
Rising Lotus shook her head "Naw, we'd never know if they'd be on her side or not..
Rising Lotus leand on elbow as she ponder, sipping up the remnants of her drink. "What... if...we trick her into stealin' from another type like her...someone more powerful?"
Cravendy Hound: "...It /could/ work. But she sells spice, so 'ow could we prove it was stolen? A bag of salt is as good as any."
Riylli Aliapoh thinks for a moment. "Well... What if it aint yellowjackets..? What if we used the wood wailers? Or the brass blades? Theres no way she'd be in the pockets of those guys, so... If we pull her out there with good enough bait..."
Cravendy Hound raises a brow at Rising's suggestion and thinks to herself. "Might blow up in our faces, but that's an interestin' idea."
Rising Lotus: "I mean that's an option, but she probably has a pretty set territory right?" she slid her glass forward towards Cravs, not so subtly wanting a refill. "It's have ta be somethin' big to bring here out here or in Thanalan."
Cravendy Hound: "Hm, well. Brass Blades ain't worth a penny, but the Wood Wailers might be stiff enough. Problem is gettin' 'er all the way out 'ere." Cravs refills Rising's cup.
Riylli Aliapoh seeing Rising do it, Riylli outstretches her cup as well for Cravs to refill. "Well, you were tryin' to get her attention with milkroot weren't you? I'm guessin' that's what that toad ooze was for at least..?"
Cravendy Hound pours Riylli a generous refill. "Aye, well...the toad ooze is supposed to be the bait. Somethin' that my friends would steal and then peddle to Rot."
Rising Lotus happily retrieves her glass and takes a sip, smacking her lips together after swallowing with a refreshed sigh. "She we still try that? I mean I 'spose we never got a chance to see what happened. Otherwise is there any other powerfull folks that we could trick her to steal from?"
Cravendy Hound: "It'd be more like, convincin' my friends to steal from someone powerful, and then hopin' Mindred buys it 'ot. Lady doesn't steal stuff directly...which means there's a risk that the blame'll end up fallin' on my friends instead."
Riylli Aliapoh noticably winced a bit as Cravs mentioned her friends. "W-What if I tried to sell it to her instead?" She speaks up suddenly. "She doesn't really know me, and everyone thinks Keepers are all criminals anyroad."
Rising Lotus grimaced at that idea. "I dunno, she did meet ya after all... an' you didn't come of as the most...knowin' 'bout business..ish." she hiccupped after getting to the end of her sentence, following it with another swig. "I 'spose if anythin' it is an' in with her..kinda..connects us an' Heartwood too though."
Cravendy Hound gives Riylli a long, hard look, and then finally shakes her head no. "Ye don't look the criminal part of ye ask me. And...I'm worried. Wouldn't we only be able to pin it on Rot if ye actually committed a crime?"
Riylli Aliapoh: "If she thinks I'm stupid, that just means she'll suspect me less!" Riylli insists, "I could easily find somethin' she'd want. I don't even gotta get it myself! Theres this little... Well... A black market I guess is what you'd call it. It get's pretty regular raids from the wailers, but everyone always ends up there again after a bit. If she's there when a raid happens, she'd get locked up for sure!"
Riylli Aliapoh: "I'm a Keeper. That makes me the 'criminal type' in most peoples eyes. Just ask Mivo"
Rising Lotus still looks a bit hesitant. "Do you think she'd go that far out Cravs? An' if this all happens, an' she does get locked away, how she gonna know that...err I mean, How is she not gonna suspect somethin'? She does know who ya are an' stuff, might send some of her lackeys after you, us, your clan."
Cravendy Hound picks up the carafe and tops of Rising's glass absentmindedly...pouring until it overfills. Somethings itching at the back of Crav's mind. "Do ye go to these black markets often? Riylli, do ye...are ye wanted?"
Cravendy Hound: "If we could get Rot to go to one of these black markets, it could just work. But I agree with Risin', it seems risky, and it could come back to bite ye Riylli."
Rising Lotus wasn't paying attention until it ran over her hand. "Hey, HEY!" she quickly reached her hand over to push Crav's hand back enough until she wasn't spilling, flicking her soaked digits in the woman's direction before sipping from the very top of her glass.
Riylli Aliapoh: "I-I do not!" She said quickly. "It's just... Before I started my adventurin' work... My clan didn't exactly have enough gil for medicine and stuff. So... We'd go sell pelts and stuff there... Gridania wouldn't let us sell with them, so we didn't really have a choice... But we never did anythin' bad! All our stuff was caught fair and square, no poaching or anything!"
Cravendy Hound: "...Oh, blast it." Cravs looks around for a towel to soak up the mess.
Riylli Aliapoh: "And if she gets caught up in a raid, theres no way she could blame that one me! We'd just... have to figure out a way to time it somehow... I'm sure someone in Heartwood must have connections, right? All we need to know is when, then we just gotta set up the deal!"
Cravendy Hound lets out a sigh. "Well, Riylli, ye sound used to dancin' round the Wailers. But if ye ever end up tossed in gaol, Risin' and I would be 'appy to pay the bail. Right?" She glances over at the other Roegadyn
Cravendy Hound: "We'll need a real good bait to lure Rot all the way to Gridania /and/ to a black market."
Rising Lotus "I 'spose it sounds like the most...thought out plan we've had all night." she shrugged, sputtering into her drink a bit at mention of paying Riylli's bail. "What? I mean, sure...long as it ain't way expensive or nothin'. How much it cost to be black market sellin'?" she cocked her head as she pondered what they should try to sell. "Well, what she like outside of her normal dealin's? Does she collect anythin'?"
Riylli Aliapoh crosses her arms. "They could never catch me." She mutters, turning away as she let the other two discuss bait
Cravendy Hound: "If the bails too expensive then we could..." Cravs punch a fist into her hand, and then cracks her knuckles. "...but, quietly."
Rising Lotus: "We'd need to pick a bit first before we go out an' steal somethin'." she glances around Crav's room. "...or maybe borrow somethin'? I'm sure we must have somethin' 'round here folks would want to get their hands on."
Riylli Aliapoh turned her head back. "H-Hey! Even if the wailers are mostly a buncha racist assholes, ya still can't do stuff like that! I said they won't catch me, the shroud is my territory remember? Even the Keeper's they got in their ranks wouldn't be as fast as someone who lives out there"
Cravendy Hound: "Anyway, 'ow we gonna lure Rot to the market? Sell stuff so cheap that she 'as to go check it out? Or, maybe if we find someone she trusts, and convince 'em to bring 'er there."
Rising Lotus grumbles "We need to get somethin' she's interested in! That'll bring her in, maybe tell someone she knows 'bout it so she'll come all this way." she took a long drink, mumbling into her drink about repeating herself.
Riylli Aliapoh: "Rising's got a point. Somethin' around here should spark her interest. She sells spice you said..? I bet Luma has some of that!"
Rising Lotus: "Or maybe somethin' really out there...folks with lots of money like weird dumb things."
Cravendy Hound: "Interest is one thing, trust is another...Rot's gonna be cautious, especially outside of 'er territory." Cravs crosses her arms and leans back as she tries to rack her brain people she could pull a favor from. "...Do ye think Momori might know Rot?"
Riylli Aliapoh: "Well... She seemed a bit sketchy, but I only ever met her once or twice. You guys'd know better than me"
Cravendy Hound chuckles a little when Riylli brings up Luma. "HAh! Bakin' and usin' spice is different from sellin' it! But...ye know. Haila might 'ave somethin' cool to sell."
Rising Lotus sneered. "I don't like the idea of ownin' her any favors...but aye Haila might have somethin' she'd be interested in. Or maybe some Gobbie stuff, sure some of that weird metal junk probably is expensive."
Riylli Aliapoh: "But he'd still HAVE some! And probably some rare Golmore stuff too since he's with Haila! I bet that'd get Rot's attention for sure!"
Cravendy Hound: "I'd gladly owe a favor to Momori if it means we can get Rot to come, cause I'm still not sold on the whole 'us sellin' crap to lure Rot' front. Wouldn't random people also want to buy shit?! What if she doesn't come and we just end up makin' a profit?"
Cravendy Hound blinks at at the mention of Golmore. "H-huh?! What in the bloody 'ells is Luma and Haila gettin' into...Bah. The less I know, the better."
Riylli Aliapoh: "Well... First we just gotta find out when the next raid is comin'. Once we know that, then we can figure out a way to convince Rot to show up on that particular night. Dangle some bait in front of her she can't resist! I can make sure it don't get sold to anyone before she arrives so she gets caught red-handed"
Rising Lotus "You know how she is, you sure you want that? Probably end up.. takin' one of your limbs or somethin' after sayin' she jus' needs a hand with somethin'.." she rubs her forehead " After the other day when all that happened I jus' wouldn't trust her."
Cravendy Hound opens her mouth, about to say something to go against Rising's concern...but can't find anything to say. It was true - the lalafell was objectively shady and untrustworthy. But it was those same qualities that made her think Momori would be able to pull the strings necessary to get Rot to show up.
Cravendy Hound: ".....Yeah, well, if she takes my 'and, then I can get a cool robot one."
Rising Lotus pounds her fist on the counter. "You ain't losin' your damn hand if I can help it!" she exhaled through her nostrils sharply. "Ngh..well if we are gonna go through her...maybe I should be the one to ask. She don't know much 'bout me, don't need her usin' your reputation in Limsa against ya." she drummed her fingers on the counter while she nursed her drink.
Riylli Aliapoh raises an eyebrow, but tries to stay on task. "Well... If one of you gets Momori on board, and the other gets some exotic spice, I can focus on finding a seller at the markets we can trust. Then we just need the info on the next raid's date! Momori claimed to have ties to the alliance, so maybe she has connections in the wailers as well?"
Cravendy Hound wags a finger at Rising. "There's no point in worryin' about somethin' uncertain! Damn lalafell might not even be able to 'elp us, so...Let's start by figurin' out about the raid and gatherin' stuff to vendor. The frog ooze can be our first product. I gotta get rid of the stuff somehow."
Riylli Aliapoh grins, clearly rather pleased with how this evening had turned out. "Gimme the toad ooze, it'll be real popular at the market since it makes milkroot crazy potent, so it'd make a great bribe to get a merchant on our side!"
Rising Lotus grumbles more as she finishes up her drink. "Well if we are gonna talk to her let me know an' I'll find her an' ask her..while avoided kickin' her 'cross the room." Her face was looking a bit flushes after she finished her second (and a half with her sloppy top off from Cravs) drink.
Cravendy Hound points at a barrel in the corner with her shoulder. "Ye can pick it up whenever. Just don't open it...apparently, agin' it makes it more potent, as well as smelly."
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its darker than it looks - prob could get a better shot - later - if i remember - i rather gaze than shoot - have gone out specifically to shoot the moon and forgot while eye view
im not a photographer true
maybe imma shaolin stylin yah like a gung fu carradine - a virtual grasshopper not dennis but old af - flux siri i said flux - this iz reel deal scene
i think but then again
i been told im a wee bit uh
i could method man an absent minded professor while my hare duz an einstein - while doin back flips - there t thats the delusional and no ur not a fading rawk star either despite the 30 made a couple weeks ago - not even a has been lol there never were the glory days not even minutes - wait there wuz a set in front of a thousand ppl and they danced and applauded like hippies - t that wuz awmost 50 fukken yrs ago and as i remember you wuz last billed playing a benefit for peace in a street dance that you proposed - provided the equipment for and some promoter took over - fuck u creeping dementia or exhaustion or meds my memory is fine - mostly - tho reminders daily of exactly - how old af i am lol we lol a lot lately sending frog emoji freely fairly frequent - oh yay - its tomorrow - frog friday - except for a paucity - of - uh - froggies in my drafts - im ahead of the game and there r sure 2 b many in the morning - feel free to freak freely - no - i meant - to hop on board like a love train meeting peace frog
do u talk w your oh appliances for instance - do some have personalities - peculiarities - some are just plain quirky - my kettle for instance - spits burps and flips its lid literally - sometimes i beg them to work cuz they tek and ....if u cant finish that line i dont know y i even bother - this is interactive as fuck if u dont real eyes - well thats some thing - did i post chet faker - i will check but
u sposed to laff - throw stuff at ur screen - close ur paptop in diss gust - dance - sing along to the songs ffs - write graffiti ( t - u lucky anybody reeds u atol and no u aint that clever ) watever
its later the sky is darker - the moon brighter - gotta make some dinner but 1st the unpoet chops the garlic - chopping garlic still painful af go figure - i think imma pome a couple fragments like an alternative reality - the last time truman capote was in sf - committing grievious insult to the brain - he was drinking at the kokpit and no it wuz not an airplane themed pilot bar lol - now why tf does that pop in my head while cooking dinner - gawd i hopez frogs rnt prudish - r they - no - prudent maybe except when it comes to eating - i wunder wat happen ifn i google - this gonna sit in drafts until at least midnite sister iggy get jiggy so u dont hafta entertain urselves waiting (newsflash t - ur uh poetry - is not published in real time w breathless readers hanging on and waiting for every wurd - u r delusional ) - ok u aint gonna belief this - there is a website that has “everything u wanted to know about frog sex but were afraid to ask “ lol i aint afraid of no ghost - hmm false advertising or they post fax sequentially as discovered - so latest is a new position for frog sex discovered https://daily.jstor.org/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-frog-sex-but-were-afraid-to-ask/ i let u read urself but i think it answer question - i mean prudish frogs wouldnt find new positions after all theses years - would they
discuss cuz my mind is empty - ooooooo zen af lol btw paptop wuz a typo witch made the poem better - do u know @potato - funny af yo
lets talk about my kitty :) a good one i love her so much
yay its after midnight or 2morrow or frog friday the 13th its ok im not a mason
thats nightz templar t u always think its perry mason guilty anyway on a fri 13 in the oh lets say middle ages cuz lazy af and too tired to look up - the pope idk which one - btw the church owed plenty $$$ to templars and templars may have had some dirt on the church or pope - so they rounded up and tortured or deaded - a few escaped - but the mass country wide - france i think it was - round up of templars was onnna fri 13
was that a fun fact or a tangent - r tangents tangy - remember tang the space drink - the jetsons were only on 1 season i liked the theme song
still a dish or 2 - more like a sink full - i should b doing laundry
insted hedfonz el vy a quick text
duckling teenz accounted for - yah nightly cuz they dont want me to worry sleepless - which i dont do usual - and we wish each other good night and good morning often usually daily - and omg emojis - is this thing gonna work out - yah in some form or fashion w input varied - might need another partner - one who work for 0 $ lol - tho commissions and sales and we barely start marketing those should increase - and our web site unfinished but there are a couple good reasons
sorry if u only reading cuz of froggies and wonder if t ever gonna stfu
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so um
I know I've cried wolf on the subject a couple Times already but.....I'm finna b single for real.
we jst decided to take some space about 30mins ago, if that. we work together tmrw n Wednesday too....awesome
for me....idk, I feel like he's never gonna understand how to help me, be there for me the way I want. everything is so black n white to him & everything I feel n see is a blur
quick example....I put a ton of effort into getting a shoe in with his family...1 person more than others, gifts, msgs, support; I had a big ass "hey I'm here, let's be friends" sign plastered on me basically... (n yes I understand nobody fckn asked me to lol I know but I thought that's how things were done)....so when the racist comment happened; I EXPECTED to hear from said person ⬆....
& didn't....now comments were made to him & he relayed them to me....but its like what was all that effort in giving u direct access to me if u can't even do 1 thing n msg me directly to ask how I'm dealing when I've done so to u MANY times?
how is that such an odd request??
n the response he gave to my frustrations is jst like "they care, u dnt need to see it yourself" & "reciprocation? what's that?" & "you let it bother u when it shouldn't"
like I'm sorry, what kind of life is built on this type of dealing with things? it makes no sense to me. n the ONLY reason I point at his family so much is exactly that, they dnt deal properly. & he's ok with that.
I'm new to this serious relationship & family dynamic, but everybody I know has a connect to their boyfriends ppl n have someone there for them when shit happens, so I guess I expected the same especially after kissing so much ass to make my presence felt.
but fck maybe I'm wrong. maybe it's not like that for everyone I jst feel like I'm the only one with bad luck.
& from what we discussed he dsnt see why he should mediate ANY of it....n that bothers me. if u want us all to be on the same page, why not help instead of just trying to make everybody ok separately? that's not a healthy balance
but all he sees is I hate them n I dnt want him around them when that's not what I'm getting at, at all. & it's like it's never gonna change, he's never gonna see the bigger picture.
I dnt hate them, I hate how they treat him....I hate that he dsnt get help or support from them...I hate that I got called a nigger when I ain't did shit but build him up n love him...
but he dsnt get it n I jst wanna wring his neck to get him to understand.
so if we're not meant to be, theres nothing else we can do. I can't keep hoping he gets it or keep wasting my breath when he ain't tryna hear shit I say.
& he says I only care about what bothers me.....I'm sorry what else am I supposed to focus on when I'm still the hated black chick. when he hasn't sat down with his own mother to understand even her own personal demons on the subject. I'm jst sposed to sit n wait for it all to work itself out? when NO ONE IS WORKING ON IT. y'all big chilling every day like the shit never happened
I could care more about what he might be feeling if his actions at least MATCHED....like someone might b like I can't stand to look at my mom for what she did to u....n tell their mom, hey I can't deal with u....but he ain't. or hey she would like u to reach out to her....n make sure they reach out....but no, not that either.
I'm stuck waiting in the basement for him to spend 20minz wit me while life is still the same for him n he wants me to stop n consider what he might b going thru?
wtf type shit is that?
alot of how I react n think of things is based off how I was raised. nobody took the time to talk to me, nobody made sure I was ok in the head, all the people who accepted me n encouraged me died too soon....so I'm left emotional as fck lol I'm scared to tell anybody what I'm feeling so you'll catch an attitude before I admit what's up....I'm scared to do the wrong things but also I have a strong ass cut off game. I dnt wait around for ppl to be sorry. cuz it usually never comes. & his childhood was the total opposite, he prolly went without many of these emotional cues too but its not seen the same, u know? fck emotions, who has time for that. who needs heart to hearts? fck it. if it's fixable let me know, otherwise I can't be bothered; my fav: yea that person is wrong but it aint my business. & of course one sided loyalty is his curse...
n these 2 mentalities are oil n water..... smh
so yea....let me finish this lame ass workout; I'm really not here mentally but something is better than nothing ✌✌
**I feel that was a jumble of shit n prolly repeated myself several times lol but oh well**
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ejucated immigrant
((AUTHOR’S NOTE: @eene-fangirl For the Fanfiction Weekend Challenge! I should probably wait to post this for Rolf Appreciation Month, but there’s a lot of Jonny backstory/headcanons in here, so I thought it would count. Basically, it’s a poem from Rolf’s POV but it’s technically about Jonny, or rather, Jonny was my muse for this.
I haven’t written a poem in Rolf’s ‘’voice’’ since 2014 but believe it or not, that one little line that Edd says in ‘’A Case of Ed’’ inspired the poem (you know, the one), and as I was reading Ntozake Shange’s for colored girls who have considered suicide/ when the rainbow is enuf, it produced said result. A turnip for your thoughts? I don’t normally write Rolf like this, it’s actually more like Rolf emulating Ntozake Shange for those familiar with her style. As an Indian Immigrant girl who’s considered suicide, that book changed my life, she’s my idol. Hence, the poem is written in ebonics and all lower case to pay homage to Shange (and I consciously dropped third person redundancies, it wasn’t a mistake). Three non-EEnE characters are briefly mentioned: the first one is Vanessa, my friend who’s half African-American and half Haitian. The second one is Ice, who belongs to my friend, Dani. Ice, in her world, is a black and white cat who becomes Double D’s pet. Rolf fears him because he’s not only black and white, but he shares the name of Immigration and Customs Enforcement by pure coincidence. Dani didn’t plan this, as she created Ice before she met me but she liked the idea of giving Rolf a reason to fear the cat, and so we came up with that story together. The third one is Dr. Feelgood who was my therapist, it’s not her real name, it was an affectionate nickname I coined for her in my years battling Bipolar Disorder Type 3.
As a closing thought, much apologies for the length, also tumblr’s going to mess up the format.))
‘’ejucated immigrant’’
dear gods,
i be 14 wit skin as rough as treebark & hands dat look old
i waz the dark skined immigrant wanting to bathe in bleach
Brown Black / Blue Black / Amber Beige / Bister Brick Bronze / Chestnut Chocolate Cinnamin
Copper / Drab / Dust / Ginger / Fawn / Ochre / Coffe Colourd Caramel
Tawny / Terra-Cotta / Henna / Sepia / Umbre
lookin in the thesurus eddward wit two ds give me when i come to dis country
everything spell Brown but nothing spell White
White sound nice like pearl like snow like milk like golden skined white skined light skined
honey dipped / lemon kissed / but begging for ivory / fair frosted silvery ashen boy jimmy
your white hands on my brown skin
i waz the dark skined immigrant botherin to drag you round
you stand there like a closed mouth statue & you insult my way of life
think you know everythin / rolf just some ignorant third world peasant or somethin
but we be livin dis way longer than the foundin of your land
your country young my country old
numbers & poppy / it just to give you illegitimately born breeds of donkeys
somethin to hee-haw over / science say there no gods either but who know dat
you cannot contain lightning bugs in a jar
i waz the dark skined immigrant dreamin of shakin the mr presidents hand
the former mr president wit eyes like a tired old man & Brown his Brown like a mud bath
it really too bad you know / rolf like your former president
dat black man who dont check dixtionaries for validation of his blackness
he not so bad / he waz sympathetic to the plight of the immigrant but his hands tied
not blame him / he not god he not have all the power in the world to fix dis weather
dis cloud dat hang over your land & who the hell is perfect?
it really such a shame / i dream to see the Hill / see the pearly house painted white the place where he live meet him shake his large brown hand / one brown hand to another
cept i not black / rolf not have to be / not pass / rolf european he is white not bloodless
he not pass he not be white enough for your country
cept i be white on the inside look coloured on the out but i aint no coloured
under my skin i am more than a colour
whoever herd of white passing for person of colour
but suddenly i get to dis country & i be treated no different than jonny
so alls i got is coloured dreams
poor grate nano lived & died on silly dreams / well they not exist
there be only reality & reality not kind to the dark skined indigenous immigrant
no one know what i supposed to be / take a wild guess
indian pakistani mexican romani rolf herd it all & none suppose right
they only looking at my face / the outside the outside not matter
cuz i waz the dark skined immigrant not italian not irish but the other kinds
& no one will see unless rolf cut open his veins & bleed
a Wood Nymph have my colour & if i check off the box dat say caucasian i get a funny look
from the lady sittin behind the counter wit the yellow nail polish & beaded eyeglass
spose if jonny do the same they wont believe him neither
jonny be good
yous see him dancin / wearin his stomach out / dark skined bare feet / swayin his hips
& grate thin arms but he not care dat he gots splinters in his fingertips
his nails turnin all black & blue & those chapped lips look like eyes starin out atchu
the gods make dis child the way he is
wit skinted knees & all & elbows pointed outwards readin you like a map
always wit the label on the left side
but he bootiful & he know it / beauty sometime come in the empty coffee can
not in the paper lillies or plastic pearls
you cant make a silk purse from a sows ear / even if dat ear be made of wood
of wood widda crayon drawn smile
jonnys mother the madwoman in the attic
rolf be certain jonny the wood boy some kind of elf from the passage of Valhöll
the mother of the Tree Sprite she not like rolf / well she not like any child it seems
weepy jimmy-boy & rolf invited to jonny-boys abode for a meeting of the Urban Rangers
& tho his mother never says so we feel she not like us very well
she never ast us to stay for lunch
even tho rolf personally would not eat a morsel of what these people eat
& we always been so polite to her but still she build walls
rolf believe she jealous of us becuz jonny likes us
she come out to the parlour / barefoot / flowers in her wild tangled mess of black raven hair
like yoko ono & wearing a long paisley skirt / she bootiful in an earthy sort of way
but she has a wild look in her eyes like a tigress
a violently insane expression like a german vampire dat make rolf think of bertha mason
she looms over her son like a dark older sister becuz they look so alike
altho her skin much darker / a deep chocolate brown / her complexion remind rolf of vanessa maybe she is haitian / she like the demon in nanas stories the one we all have widdin us
who comes out when we try too hard to be good children
she look at white as snow jimmy & myself like she disprove
either she not like us the uniforms or both
rolf forget tho these hippies wit their anti-establishment
they think every uniform represents what jonny calls ‘’the Man’’ & dats what it is rolf think
she not want jonny in the organisation
becuz she think it goes against their opposition to social norms
rolf could tell she wanted to ast us to leave / she not like jonny spending so much time wit us
becuz then he not at home meditating wit her or whatever it is they do
jonnys family is strange / they not eat meat & walk around shoeless
rolf has been called a gypsy by the children at school but flower child jonny seem to rolf more of a gypsy if there ever waz such a thing
he is almost ethereal / his family must be from a clan of faeries the kind nana warns rolf about but brown-skinned jonny seem harmless enough
i watch his mama put a daisy in the pocket of his jeans
i not know if his daddy be white or black but what difference does dat make
rolf understand it is important for a child to love their family no matter their faults
i know The Giving Tree still love his mother
even if she would prefer him to leave the Urban Rangers
of us three jimmy be the whitest of white jonny the blackest of black & i somewhere in between
but any one of us can walk into a puerto rican bar & start speakin spanish
& no one would know what we are
race too complicated & people too narrow minded / want everything boxed in
one day we waz layin on dat grassy knoll / jonny & i
where the trees whisper to us & we whisper back
cuz you know the boy talk to trees & i listen to his voice / & i be lookin at our hands you see
cuz we waz layin inches apart a flower between us & i tuck it behind his ear
then i look & see my skin only one shade lighter than his
tho the sun make me browner than i really be
out in the sun for hours & hours plowing & plowing the fields
by sundown i roasted coffee bean brown / as black as the inside of a chimney
& if i stumble into town any passing stranger would think i waz Black i mean African
id have to stay out of the sun for days to get my old colour black lest i wander round wit only the whites of my eyes visible on my sun burnt dyed rust brown brown skin
& hair so course youd suppose it come off a horses ass
lookin more like an American Indian than a White
i holdin the back of my hand up to jonnys now
how bout dat two brown hands one dark & one light but whos to say i not be a dark white & he not a light skined brown
dont you dare tell me what i am & am not
bitch dis aint no south africa where yous all can reassign us based on what you think
i aint no sandra laing but sometime i wouldnt mind bein black if it meant for you to leave me be
in fact ill gladly be whatever you want me to be but i am what i am
not black enough for black not white enough for white so what am i?
dont box me into Black & White / cuz in dis world brother dat not exist
im sorry as hell but i gettin real tired of bein called
an illegal / an alien / a wop / a gypsy / a guinea / a brownie whatever you want to call us
all your bigoted slurs clumping us together like we one & the same
dat fine but papers or no papers not define who i am
so uncle sam can take it & shove it
welcome to america!
i be having a long love affair wit your country & people
i also be having a war wit em
mama told me there are limits for dark skined immigrants stuck in dis light skined first world
we come over the border wit all the rest of them
wit all them people from central & south america
wit all them refugees from africa & asia
guess what we blend right in we look no different
look just like any other brown faced ‘’illegal alien’’
border patrol take one look at us & think we just like the rest
cuz yesterdays europeans are todays mexicans & middle easterners
coloured Sons of Shepherds gots few chances
what it like to be bilingual / to speak in two tounge
ah but to be fluent in one & not the other tryin to find any definishun in the dixtionary
in which i drop third person redunduncies cuz i only one person not three
& i only speak two language
you speak spanish?
no habla inglés
you speak english?
i dont speak spanish
one day the hat & head as one edd boy say oh rolf! youre so unejucated!
i think my ears deseeve me but i know what i herd
i wish to strike his milk honey cheeks full of nonsense
& say to him i am the ejucated immigrant you be warned about
dont talk to me bout ejucashun
i sale cross the oshun
i wash up on your shore
i lern another language
it wasnt easy
what you know bout ejucashun
all you know come from books & theories
at least i know where i stand
you are a child & i am old old old my hands notted thick wit veins like the roots of a tree
you say i sound angry / yea i angry but not as angry as you
cuz there nothing they fear more than a minority who knows what up
i used to be fraid but not no more
i used to fear the plainclothes agents in Black & White uniform
of immigration & customes enforecement / of ICE police
of eddwards Black & White cat name Ice on ICE
he must be making fool out of me to call a domesticated beast after homeland security
a cat in uniform because the gods make him so not by choice
like there be some purpose to it / i waz the dark skined immigrant you made fun of
i see what they do to the undocumented immigrant on the telly
but now i not be fraid / becuz you cant touch me
so the grapefruit widda red ugly mouth & bleached hair sit in office now
damming all them people from ‘’shithole countries’’ / just as well but we here to stay
it not what i ast for but no use fighting it
& i will gladly pull the bookmarks from my english dixtionary
the one double d edd boy give me
no longer will i bathe in bleach / only use to washing dishes & floors
i not some bloody floor
at least i can spell dat / i look it up in the dixtionary
websters dixtionary / who the hell is webster?
but now it marked up used copy wit yellow post it notes
i use it a lot to lern your tounge
i not smart but i sho as hell not unejucated / papa can tell me dat
i be in your country in first place to reseeve ‘’best ejucashun’’ like grate nano wanted
grate nano waz an adventurer / a dreamer wit big goals
he travell far & wide seeking fame & fortune
when he a very young boy immigrants from every cesspool in western & eastern europe set sale for The North / it waz always grate nanos dream to travel North
everyone say he more insane than a bovine wit mad cows disease
there no room in dis life for dreams they tell him / he prove our village wrong
when rolf eight years of age grate nano briefly left the Old Country to set sale for america
everyone say he be too old / he never too old for dreams
he wanted to find dat American Dream he hear so often about
spoken wit fondness by the tinkers who visit our land
he returned from his valiant voyage wit stories about what he seen
in the North he said everyone has cars & money & television & running water
no one listen / The North the North they say dat is all you ever talk about
he waz a man who dreamed of a new life for his family & so he decided to send for us
& make a better life for ourselves after the plagues of the land had haunted our family for years grate nano promised us america he said youll soon be eating apple pie from off a china plate white picket fence / coca cola / santa clause / marilyn monroe / empire state building
it sound like a fairytale he spun a legend dat the streets waz paved wit gold
& we believed him for shining in grate nanos eye waz a dream & so here we are
rest his soul he wanted so much to buy us light & sun & clean wind of the oshun
‘’immigrant’’ waz a new word for rolf when he first come here
did not know after hearing the stories from grate nano dat he would soon be one himself
rolf not know what dat mean & still really dont
the dixtionary definishun say \ ˈi-mə-grənt \ noun. a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence
\ ˈi-mə-ˌgrāt \ verb. [to go or remove into; in, into, and migrate, to remove.]
to come into a new country, region, or environment in order to settle there: opposed to emigrate.
oh sorry dat definishun not say we unclean people / flea invested vermin
sickly serpents who not speak english / greaser / sheenie
contagions of american society / incredibly dirty tramps fresh off the boat
so pervasive / such nonwhite filth / staring back at pitch black faces
not blonde haired & blue eyed / nonwhite skin only fit for dirt & waste work
mama papa kiss me goodbye i going to haiti
but it is what rolf is now it part of his identity just as much as the colour of his skin
just as much as bein a pagan / just as much as bein a male
just as much as bein the Son of a Shepherd
now rolf a new man living in the New World
i am an immigrant
sometime i wish i waz shug avery / bootiful fictional dark skin harlem singer
half man half woman / wit my large glittering masculine thighs i make an animal of men
maybe i have the courtesan complex
so i ast dr feelgood what my diag-nonsense
& she say poor soul you suffer from Stressed Shepherd Syndrome
okay so we all crazy in one way or another / it alright for some
of a mannequin in tears / of personal prejudices
im an unejucated farm boy from No Mans Land
im a poet who write in english
neisatnaf i isatnaf ne / ttim tetrejh dem gnyalp re lesgnel og gem tolrof nuh
rettenremmos i sirb ne mos rav ed / gem etlatrof nuh dro retsem nadrovh
etted tal eddejks rofrovh? / enneh lit gem trekided gej og enneh teksnø etrejh ttim
senneh enenyoø ås gej etted tla eddejks rofrovh
& this is for Sons of Shepherds who have considered suicide
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Aibileen Clark P.O.V.
I chose to do a point of view from one of the characters from The Help about her current living situation and her feelings about her work as the help. I watched the movie before and used some of her character traits to help me formulate what I think she would have had to say to anyone who would talk to her personally during those times in America.
I am Aibileen Clark. I suppose you done heard a little bit about my life through them stories Skeeter got published about me and some of the other maids. Our bosses don’t know its us, but you do. We takes care of the white homes, they babies especially. Me and the other ladies told Skeeter bout as much as we could without exposing ourselves, but its just some emotions that aint gonna come at you like they sposed to unless you been through what we have. Some things you just cant understand unless you’s a black woman.
Singing, cooking, cleaning for these little babies what we do the most. Been doing that most my life. Raised up 17 babies from white families. Doing them things take a lot out of you, take a lot of your happiness from you. We only got time to do these things for white women and they families that’s too busy or lazy to do it they self, and can’t take time to do them for our own babies. That’s where your happiness gets took from you. Looking back I wish I coulda took that time and spent it with my only boy. His name Treelore, and he gone now. Accident at the mill took him away from me. He was my only and after his daddy left he was all I had.
I live my life caring for other families who I know don’t care whether mine gets lynched and mistreated. Saddest part of my work is watching them babies turn into what they parents is. Aint never really realizing what we gave up to raise them, cause they parents don’t either and in the end they all turn into the same thing. Old as I am now, best I can wish for is a white family to need me enough to keep me on for a while. Can’t do nothing but dream of better days, knowing they aint coming. Aint nothing out here for us black people and even though my only baby died too young, Im glad my boy don’t gotta live in this world. This world aint got nothing but hate for us and its full of emptiness.
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25 and 30 for everyone please
25: Insecurities and 30: Something they treasure
*All the newsies seem to tense up at the first question*Doc: I’ll start, I guess. Uh- I worry sometimes that I dont pass as guy well enough. Cause Im a guy, but my body isnt an’ I don’t want people thinkin’ Im a girl. And somethin’ I treasure? Bein’ able to be me, an’ bein’ lucky enough to have support. Mellow: *crosses her arms* I dont like people seein’ my drawin’s cause I think they’re crap. Or when people think Im we- I cant look after myself. *she grumbles* An’ I treasure when I win a fight, ‘specially if I get money for it.
Beans: I- uh. I ‘ave dis thin’ where I go from real loud to real quiet, an’ sometimes Ise worried that people f’rget tha’ Im ‘ere. I really like bein’ with you folks. *he glances at Mellow* Even when Mel’s tryna kill me. *he laughs as a pillow hits him in the head*Booker: I dont like my legs. They’re too… splotchy. They have all these weird shapes on them and I just- I really dont like them. Thats why I wear long pants because I dont like people seeing them.*he fiddles with some loose thread on his shirt.* And I treasure… these people. *he looks around the room* My family- I dont know where I’d be without them. *he laughs* That’s really- mushy and gross I know. But its true. I- Whos next? Someone talk so I can stop talking-Marcus: I dont like using the wrong words in the wrong places. Like instedd- instead of ‘were,’ I accidentally use ‘was’ and- I know plenty of people here use words in the wrong order or in the wrong way and I just… I was kinda- kind of- *he clears his throat* I was… taught- not to use words in the wrong order. and everytime I do it just- makes me feel- not okay. *he hides his hands, which are shaking* I treasure everyone who stops and buys a pape..r- paper- from me because more money means I can keep sleeping under a roof. Benny: I w’rry my voice is too ‘igh, that I don’ sound like a fella, yanno? ‘Cause I gotta a real ‘igh voice and I don’- I ‘ate it. I ‘ate my voice. Its jus’- its too damn high an’ girly an’ puttin’ on a voice hurts an’ I don’ know how ta- not sound like a goil. *he pauses, closing his eyes and breathing in, and then out* Im real fond of all-a-yall for helpin’ me an’ my brudders out, ‘specially wid me bein’ kinda useless for the first couple-a weeks. I jus’- thanks. Sketch: *fiddling with a spoon* I dont like my nose, its crooked an’ wonky an’ weird lookin’. I like havin’ a place to stay, food to eat most of the time, an’ a warm- well, ‘part from the hole in the roof- *she laughs* -a warm place to sleep. An’ even though I keep company with a bunch a fleabags, its- good company. *she nods as if confirming her words*Jazz: I dunno, I guess I’m too loud. *they laugh, a little bit of sadness hidden in it* Hell, my parents found out I wasn’t a-hundred-percent their daughter because they came home and heard me talkin’ to myself from upstairs. And I love dancin’- makes me feel free, yanno? Oh, and bein’ able to come off the street and back to a place where I can just feel safe is a real bonus. Pike: I sometimes feel like I get in the way? Like- I know that Im tryin’ to help people but I dont wanna help ‘em if they dont want me there! An’ I dont wanna help ‘em if they dont need it, yanno? I just… *a lot more quiet, looking at her hands* I really don’ wanna get in the way. *she shakes her head quickly, like she was shaking away the thought, before snapping her head up* I really really like when we get to have food at Frankies! ‘Specially her pies- Frankie makes the best pies in all o’ Harlem, I’d reckon! An’ her cakes are amazin’! Sam: Ise worried that I won’ figure out whether Ise a boy or not- or if I like fellas or not! Everthin’s real confusin’ an’ I don’ like it none. I like havin’ a fam’ly like this one. They aint really my brudders an’ sisters but I love ‘em like they is. Eric: Ise don’ like my belly- its real squishy an’ I aint ‘sposed ta be squishy. Sammy aint squishy, an’ Benny aint that squishy. But…I know Booker don’ like his legs much but I don’ see anything wrong wid ‘em! Cause they’s just like my arms an’ my legs! But- I uh. I like that even though we aint livin’ wid our old Ma anymore, we’s still got a Ma. But we call ‘er Cap’in most o’ da time.Ash: …Ise scared that Ise too slow. I don’t like bein’ slow. I wanna be fast like the others. An’ I like that even though they don’ really know much about me, the newsies let me stay an’ treat me like fam’ly. It’s real nice. *he plays with his hands. Benny pats him on the back and he shuffles a little closer to him*Shorty: *she wipes at her nose* Sometimes I really don’ like how small I am- it aint too big a deal, but its just sometimes people won’ take me seriously an’ it makes me real annoyed. But I do like my name, so Ise stickin’ with it no matta what! Oh, an’ I like Halloweens- *the other newsies seem to echo an agreement* cause we get to dress up an’ people give us candy jus’ for lookin’ scary! An’ I really like sharin’ the candy with the other newsies from all over New York, cause it means we get to go visit ‘em! *The newsies start to chatter about Halloween when Captain walks into the room.* Captain: Hey, shouldnt ya’ll be out sellin’? Whaddaya sittin’ around here for, huh?Sam: Answerin’ questions, Cap! An’ this ones for everybody! Yous part-a everybody! *he hands her the piece of paper with the questions on it* Captain: *she reads the paper and frowns* Insecurities, huh? Well I’ll answer these when you get ta sellin’, which you better go get started on if ya wanna be able to pay Price the rent tomorrow. Go on, get goin’.*they all stand up, groaning and moaning about being interrupted during breakfast, even though they’ve all finished eating.*
Captain: *she looks at the paper again* …Pretty deep question there, kid. *she shuffles uncomfortably as a lot of the newsies leave* Aite. Fine. Ise worried that the other leaders- ‘specially the big shots like Spot Conlon an’ Jack Kelly- dont think Ise good enough. Or, yanno- strong enough to look after my newsies. An’ somethin’ I treasure?-Doc: *he turns, looking back at Captain* Hey, I’ll meet you at Frankies later? Captain: Yeah, ‘course. *she pauses, watching Doc leave with a small smile on her face.* …I dunno.
#newsies#newsies of harlem#newsies ocs#[mod talks]#>the gangs all here#[guys i am so proud of this one oh my god]#[it took me literally seven hours to figure all this out and write it]#[i know that mosta the time ya'll just like it but i'd really appreciate it if you reblogged? you dont have to but it'd be rad]#[spread the word like butter fam]#[also if you're the one who asked this question I hope you know that I Love You]#[Edited to include Beans]
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My Band Song Lyrics – D12
My Band Song Lyrics
My Band Song Lyrics From Popular Hollywood Artist D12 from Album.
This song is sung by singer ” D12 ” in Year 2004.
Lyrics of My Band :
i dont know dude i think everyones all jealous and shit cuz im like the lead singer of a band dude and i think everyones got a fucking problem with me dude and they need to take it up with me after the showbecause these chicks dont even know the name of my band but theyre all on me like they wanna hold hands cuz once i blow they know that ill be the man all because im the lead singer of my bandso i get off stage right and drop the mic walk up to the hot chicks and im all like sup ladies my names slim shady im the lead singer in d12 baby theyre all like oh my god its him becky oh my fuckin god its eminem i swear to fucking god dude you fuckin rock please marshall please let me suck your cock and by now the rest of the fellas get jealous especially when i drop the beat and do my acapellas all the chicks start yellin all the hot babes throw their bras and their shirt and their panties on stage so like every single night they pick a fight with me but when we fight its kinda like sibling rivalry cuz theyre back on stage the next night with me dude i just think youre tryna steal the light from me yesterday kuniva tried to pull a knife on me cause i told him jessica albas my wife to be this rock star shit its the life for me and all the other guys just despise mebecause these chicks dont even know the name of my band but theyre all on me like they wanna hold hands cuz once i blow they know that ill be the man all because im the lead singer of my bandyou just wanna see a nigga backwards dont you hey dad how come we dont rap on protools smash these vocals and do a performance but we in the van and he in a tour bus you dont want my autograph yous a liar and no im swift oh i thought you was kuniva what the hell is wrong with that dressing room cuz my shit is looking smaller than a decimal see i know how to rap see its simple but all i did was read a russell simmons book so im more intact tryna get on the map doin jumping jacks whilin get whipped on my backkuniva and kon artist look at em little punk ass thinkin he the shit yeah i know man find himself taking on a flick hey i thought we had an interview with dj clue em no i had an interview not you two you gonna be late for soundcheck man i aint goin to soundcheck but our mics are screwed up and his always sound best you know what man ima say something hey yo em you got something to say man no i thought you bout to tell him off whats up man ima tell him when i feel like it man shut up and you aint even back me up when we sposed to be crew when i was bout to talk right after you i swear i swear manthese chicks dont even know the name of my band but theyre all on me like they wanna hold hands cuz once i blow they know that ill be the man all because im the lead singer of my bandthey say the lead singers rock but the group does not once we sold out arenas to the amusement park im gonna let the world know that proof is hot i should cut his mic off when the musics starts ready to snap on a dumb ass fan every time i hear hey dude i love your band we aint a band bitch we dont play instruments so why he get 90 and we only get 10 percent and these guys they can find every area code em proof carry my bag bitch carry your own cant make it to the stage security in my way who the fuck are you wheres obie and dregoddammit im sick of this group time for me to go solo and make some loot i told you i made the beats and wrote all the raps till kon artist slipped me some crack lose yourself video i was in the back superman video i was in the back fuck the media i got some suggestions fuck marshall ask us the questions like whos d12 how we get started but what about eminem bitch are you retarded anyway im the popularest guy in the group big ass stomach bitches think im cute hey sexy 50 told me to do situps to get buff i did two and a half and then i couldnt get up fuck d12 im outta this band im gonna start a group with the real roxannegirl why cant you see youre the only one for me and it just tears my ass apart to know that you dont know my namechorus bizarre these chicks dont even know the name of my band ha ha but theyre all on me like they wanna hold hands fuck marshall cuz once i blow i know that ill be the man all because im the lead singer of my band my band roxanne shatan loves methe hottest boy band in the world d12 eminem as a salsa singer im the lead singer of my band i get all the girls to take off their underpants and the lead singer of my band my salsa makes all the pretty girls wan to dance my salsa look out for my next single its called my salsa my salsa salsa salsa salsa my salsa my salsa makes all the pretty girls wan to dance and take off their underpants my salsa makes all the pretty girls wan to dance and take off their underpants my salsa whered everybody go
My Band Song Lyrics
Youtube Channel Link
Lyrics, D12, Edit, English, Hollywood, My Band from WordPress https://ift.tt/3eAThaX via IFTTT
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My home aint feel like home since i was six, me myself and i putting up sticks, starting fires without wicks and doing voodoo magic tricks i was the troll under the bridge smoking cigs and munching chips. At age 6 i was tryna have a real good time, throw a party in the woods with friends not seen by human eye, i was hoping for an answer companionship or a clue about who the fuck I was and what the fuck im sposed to do!
Unclear about intentions, surely they are selfish, wondering when she'll shut down, wanna knock the fuck out. Elementary aged therapist for elementary minded people, confide in me ur daughter since u know im kind and feeble. Actually i was factually terrified of flying fists from foaming mists falling fast like those damned beer shits. In the morning
Sneaking out, i was on the scout, woodpushing down cypress tryna find me some clout. Instead i got
Slit wrists listening to shit lists of songs i put on a cd to help keep me asleep, away from the symptoms, stacked against the walls like books im too scared to look at, they taunt me and the titles scream "why the fuck did you do that" again and I'm relapsing, tryna find a new captian, of this ship im on thats destined to sink. Im on the brink i feel it, wonderin if its real and, trying to patch the canon holes with drugs and a new vision reel.
Im finally looking up, the stars are fillin my cup, with knowledge of a higher vibe that'll leave me unstuck with the best of luck. Is it really luck though? I find
Im not real, this is all a simulation, the ebb and flow is all i know and earth feels like its fakin, fakin peace fakin happiness even fakin what we see, nothing feels real and honestly thats the tea. Energy snatched body hatched being with no attachment to earth like things, bathin in a lake in the moonlight i sing, my song is for who? and im not tryna cue the absence of u im no siren im just cryin tryna vibe with the high tribe we flyin! Soarin through the universe a soaceship called earth, we started off as worms and through years and years of hurt, and growth we have evolved into these bodies I dont understand but I mean here we are so lets give ourselves a hand for embarking on this journey, anybody else in a hurry? To get back to jupiter i know it may sound stupider than believing in a god but honestly its not that harhd, to see beyond the stratosphere, i know jts cloudy but its not unclear, a trap rooted deep within this earthly foundation filled with fear. Were run by corruption and its gumming up the works, woth all this hate and greed flowing stream of consciousnesses seems absurd, but its collective, I promise, its why we all feel.wack, there are greedy white old guys tryna fund the hack, to the universe? To us? Are they the same thing? Not super sure all i know is within ourselves is the true key. Dont let em fool ya, they'll try to overrule yee, with lies and the ties to tangible things meant to hurt ya. So together we shall rise, high above the sky, transcendence is unavoidable and we all peacefully die
0 notes
Mage: Chapter 29 – Imprisoned
Written By 50Funny
Part 1- Awakening
Alex’s eyes slowly began to blink open. The dull dreary lights of the strange room still managed to burn his long closed eyes. The overwhelming sound of a cheering crowd filled his ears as he continued to wake up.
“W… what? Where am I?” croaked Alex.
“Ahh good, you’re awake,” came a familiar voice from the corner.
Alex turned his head to see Mr Morhan standing in the corner of the room. Behind him stood Liz and Mr Thucho.
“Wh.. what is this place? What did you do to me?”
“You should be familiar with this place; after all, you did break into it. As for what I did to you, that’s fairly simple,” Mr Morhan said as he gestured towards Alex's neck. “I’m sure you’ve noticed your new accessory.”
Alex suddenly became aware heavy weight around his neck. He reached his hand to his neck and felt a cold metal collar locked tightly onto him.
“That’s a special little device I had imported from Lemia. It will inhibit your ability to perform magic, as well as doubling as a shock collar. To keep you in line.”
“What the hell are you going to do to me?”
Mr Morhan raised his finger to his lips shushing Alex as he listened.
“And now. We have a very special battle for you all,” came a distant call from outside the room.
“Looks like your up. This should be fun,” Mr Morhan said as he turned and began to walk towards the door. “Put on a good show for us would you.”
Mr Morhan, Liz and Thucho exited the room leaving Alex alone. Without warning the wall in front of Alex began to rise. Blindingly bright light began to stream into the room. The sound of the cheering audience got louder and louder drowning out all other sounds. Alex looked around confused as he stood up. He walked out into a large circular arena at the bottom of a deep hole. Bright coloured lights swirled around the room putting on a show for the audience surrounding the arena from behind the safety of the chain fence.
“For the first time introducing, Alex! A failed assassin sent to kill Mr Morhan. Now he’ll have to fight for his life… and for your amusement!”
Alex looked across the arena as an identical wall to the one he had walked through began to pull open.
“And now, returning to the arena after his escape attempt. An old fan favourite… Tony, aka The Force!”
The crowd’s cheers grew louder as Tony walked out onto the other side of the arena. Alex looked on in shock as he realised what was happening.
“Tony!?” Alex yelled in confusion.
Alex words were drowned out by the cheers of the crowd. Tony stared across at Alex with death in his eyes.
“This will be a magical battle so be ready for some carnage!”
Alex heard a clicking sound come from the collar. He suddenly felt a surge of power as his magical ability’s returned to him.
“Are you ready? 3! 2! 1!... Begin!” called out the Announcer.
Before Alex had the chance to react, Tony launched himself towards him at an unbelievable speed. He let loose a flurry of blows towards Alex who dodged between them effortlessly. Alex launched himself backwards and up onto the wall before kicking himself off the wall and landing behind Tony. He let out a series of light huffs
“What the hell man. What’s gotten into you?” Alex yelled over the crowd.
“I’m sorry but I don’t have a choice. You don’t know what it’s like in here… its kill or be killed,” Tony replied as he turned to face Alex.
Tony once again launched himself towards Alex. Alex raised his open hand up as Tony grew closer. Tony’s fist collided with Alex palm stopping him in his tracks. Alex cocked his fist back behind his head.
“Get it together man!” Alex yelled as he sent his fist flying into Tony’s chest.
The crowd let out a rigorous cheer as Tony was sent flying towards the back wall. Tony crashed against the wall with a loud thud. A plume of dust was kicked from the impact completely obscuring Tony’s body. Alex took up a fighting stance as he waited for Tony to emerge. Tony launched himself forward. He began to circle Alex waiting for an opening to attack. Alex raised his hand up as a cloud of smoke began to form his sword in his hand. He followed Tony’s movements with his eyes as he continued to circle around him. Without warning, Tony shot forward towards Alex side. As Tony grew closer Alex shifted to the side, stretching his leg out. Without a chance to stop, Tony tripped over Alex's leg sending him crashing to the floor.
“Oh.. That looked like it hurt!” yelled the Announcer.
Tony rolled around onto his back. Alex pointed his blade at his neck. The pair stared at each other with their eyebrows angled seriously.
“Just do it. If you don’t then things will just get worse for the both of us.”
“This is its folks. Let’s see some violence!”
Alex continued to stare down Tony as he considered his words. He looked around at the cheering crowd that surrounded him from all angles. Their cheers turned to a brief confused silence before being replaced by a loud booing as Alex blade disappeared in a puff of smoke. He looked back down to Tony and reached his arm out to help him up.
“Come on get up already,” Alex instructed.
Tony looked up at Alex for a moment before reaching his arm up to meet Alex. As their hands met, the collars around their neck let out a series of quick beeps. Fear sprung up in Tony’s eyes as the collars let out a series of electric shocks. Alex and Tony grasped instinctively at their necks as they were sent crashing to the ground.
“I’m sorry for the cop out folks. I’m sure we’ll make it up to you in a moment,” the Announcer yelled over the crowds booing.
Alex and Tony continued to spasm on the ground. The gates on either side of the arena began to pull open once again, and two heavily armoured guards entered. As the crowd continued to boo, the guards slowly approached the pair. They reached Alex and Tony and wrapped their arms underneath the pair and began to drag them off deeper into the prison.
Part 2- Behind Bars
The guards threw Tony and Alex violently onto the cold concrete floor, exited the cell and locked the heavy metal doors behind them. The pair laid on the floor completely exhausted for a moment. Their muscles ached and skin burned from the electric shocks. Tony slowly pulled his aching body from the floor, letting out a long pained groan as he did. Alex turned his head to see Tony standing above him, holding his hand out to help him up. Alex reached out his arm to Tony’s and pulled himself up.
“Thanks man,” groaned Alex.
“No problem. Sorry about… you know, trying to kill you and all that.”
“Don’t worry about it, I get it.”
Alex looked around the dimly lit, dank prison cell. Around him stood many of his fellow inmates. They watched the newcomers cautiously waiting to see what would happen next.
“What’s up with all of them?” asked Alex.
“Don’t worry about it. They’re just trying to gauge your strength in case they have to fight you,” replied Tony as he turned around. “Come on follow me, I’ll show you around.”
Tony walked off down the long cell block followed shortly behind by Alex. The other prisoners continued to watch for a moment before silently going back to their previous activities. The pair passed by several lumpy uncomfortable looking beds with springs and pieces of sponge popping out from the mattresses.
“The beds are pretty disgusting, but they're better than the floor. I wouldn’t count on getting one though,” Tony explained.
Alex shifted his gaze from the beds to a small off-white porcelain bowl sitting up against the wall. The toilet had no seat and was covered in specks of dry, brown muck.
“They clean that every couple weeks or so,” said Tony.
“That’s something, I suppose.”
“Don’t get too excited, they cleaned it yesterday afternoon.”
“Think I’ll hold it,” Alex sighed in dismay.
The pair arrived at the far wall.
“And this is our little slice of heaven. It ain't much, but hey it’s home,” Tony said sarcastically. “So, what’s the plan here? How are we gonna break out of this place?
“Don’t get your hopes up. I’ve only been here a few minutes. I haven’t even started on an escape plan yet.”
There was a sudden clicking noise from the other side of the room as the door to the cell block unlocked. The door swung open letting in a deep hearty laughter. A large muscle-bound man entered the room with a guard on either side of him, all laughing to themselves.
“And so kicked him over the edge, and that was the end of that,” the large man said trying to hold back his laughter.
The group all burst out laughing once again as they walked down the hallway by the cells. The large man turned to see Alex watching on from behind the bars.
“Hold up,” the man said as he stopped dead in his tracks. “You’re the newbie aint ‘cha? Mr Morhan’s special project. You gotta lotta nerve doing what you did out there, but ‘spose I should thank you for that. Made them appreciate my show all the more.”
“I’m sorry, but should I know who you are or something?” Alex asked with a cocky tone.
“Ha, you would do well to,” the large man continued as he went back to his march. “Just don’t try that little stunt in the ring with me. Trust me, it won’t end well for you.”
The man and his escort exited through the opposite door.
“Who the hell was that guy?”
“The Anvil. He’s been a prisoner here longer than pretty much anyone else,” Tony explained.
“Prisoner? He seemed pretty buddy buddy with those guards for a prisoner.”
“This place rewards brutality, and if you’re brutal enough, this place can stopping feeling like a prison.”
The door once again let out a slight click as it was unlocked. The door swung open revealing Liz standing behind it. Liz walked into the prison block quickly locking eyes with Alex standing on the other side of the room.
“Alex!” Liz yelled as she ran towards him.
Liz reached the far end of the prison block and leaned on the bars.
“Liz, what the hell’s going on here? Why did you sell us out to Mr Morhan?” Alex said as he approached the bars separating them.
“I’m sorry but I had to. He already had you dead for rights; it was all I could do to keep myself out of this place. Anyway, I haven’t got a lot of time. Mr Morhan will think something’s up if I’m not back soon. I’ve got a plan but it’s gonna be hard to pull off.”
“I’m sure we can handle it,” Tony added as he approached the bars.
“Glad to hear it. During Alex’s battle next week, that’s when we’re gonna do it.” Liz said as she pulled out a rolled up sheet of blue paper from her pocket, and began to unroll it. “These are the blueprints for the building. The main generator is located right here. During your battle, Bip is going to sneak in here using the vent and make his way to the generator. In the middle of your battle he’ll over load it causing a blackout. I’ll use the cover of darkness to get Mr Morhan’s controller for your collar and use it to deactivate it. That’s when you’ll have to steal one of the guards collar controllers and make your way to the cellblock to free everyone else.”
“Why would we free everyone else? Won’t they just get in our way?” Alex interrupted.
“Maybe a little, but they’ll also keep all of the guards busy. Once you’ve freed everyone you can manage you’re gonna want to head for this elevator,” Liz said pointing down at the blueprints. “Once everything starts to go to hell, Mr Morhan is gonna make his way towards the exit. If he manages to get outside of the building he’ll activate a total lockdown and wait for everyone inside to starve to death, so you’re going to want to intercept him before he gets there. Once you get there I’ll separate Mr Thucho from Mr Morhan and you can get to getting some answer’s out of him. Understand?”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” said Alex as he looked down at the blueprints.
“Can we go over it again,” Tony added.
Liz’s watch let out a series of quick high pitched beeps. She looked down to her wrist.
“No time, I gotta get back before Mr Morhan starts to suspect something. Keep the blueprints, just make sure no one finds them,” Liz said as she turned and began to walk off down the hall, waving behind her. “Keep safe, ok.”
“Yeah, you too,” Alex called out after Liz.
“Lights out!” crackled a voice from a speaker high in the corner.
Almost immediately, the lights cut out plunging the prisoners into complete darkness.
“Come on Alex, let’s get some shut eye,” Tony said as he laid down on the cold concrete floor.
Alex joined Tony on the floor, shuffling around to try and get as comfortable as possible. His mind continued to race as he thought about the day’s events. He let out a long sigh and closed his eyes, preparing for the week stretching out ahead of him.
________________________________________________________________ Thank you for reading chapter 29 of mage. If you like what you see consider checking out my AO3 at this link https://archiveofourown.org/users/50Funny to see all new chapters 3 days early. If you feel so inclined please consider following my tumblr for all updates and other tid bits. Until next week, have a good day
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(Split Ends) RP Log: Cravs, Riylli, and Rising revisit Baldur in Limsa Lominsa.
Cravendy Hound - After entrusting Baldur, the ill-fated boy, to the healers based in Limsa Lominsa, the trio decided to head back to the company...at Crav's insistence, really. Every extra second spent in the maritime city was a second too much. And so, after taking the aetheryte home, we find the three on the company lawn.
Riylli Aliapoh lets out a stretch as they arrive, a bit groggy from the teleporting. "It's a shame you missed it Cravs, Rising ran in while I was castin' one of my spells and I knocked her a clean 20 fulms in the air!" She said, grinning with a bit too much pride. She then seemed to remember Rising was still there. "...By the way, you okay?"
Rising Lotus was patched up after their encounter as well, her right arm was coating in bandages, along with some other patches along the exposed skin of her body. She winced with each step, the healers picking all the needles from her form and now leaving her body to do the rest of the healer. She merely grumbled as Riylli spoke to her, putting her weight on her spear to take some of it off her leg.
Cravendy Hound: "Magic and melee don't mix, Riylli. But, er, 'ow are ye 'oldin' up, Risin'? That injury ye got looked somethin' fierce."
Riylli Aliapoh rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, taking that as a 'no'. She turned back to Cravs, deciding to ignore the issue like a mature adult. "So... Y'wanna tell us what that was all about? Why're you goin' so far to help this guy's kid?"
Rising Lotus: "...I'll be fine. Kinda a feel like layin' down." she glanced at Riylli, nodding afterwards "Aye. I'm curious 'bout that too."
Cravendy Hound: "I'm still confused 'ow a cactaur of all things made it to La Noscea. Could be a freak accident, but somethin' about it doesn't sit right with me." She sighs in thought, brow knitted and bothered. "....Ah. Uh. I guess I owe ye all an explanation."
Riylli Aliapoh plopped herself down on the step, ready for a story
Cravendy Hound: "Oi, get up! I-I'm not gonna bore ye with all the details," Cravs stammers. "Look. I made a promise to the kid's father. 'is dyin' wish was to see his son grow strong, with his own strength."
Riylli Aliapoh tilted her head. "...Y'know... It aint really his own strength if we had to step in to help... You sure you should be meddlin' like this? I mean, it was just a little cactus thing"
Rising Lotus "...Someone might not want that. I remember the merchant mentionin' somethin' 'bout some folk not carin' for him or his family or somethin'." she shrugs, wincing in pain afterwards "...also cactuar are from Thanalan, don't know how one would of gotten there."
Cravendy Hound nods to Riylli. "I agree, and originally, I just wanted to see if 'e was doin' okay. But this cactaur business...I think someone /else/ is meddlin' with 'im. And if we meddle to remove the meddler, then it'll cancel out, right?"
Riylli Aliapoh 's ears perked up in interest. "Y'mean someone left that cactus out there to take the kid out? Who exactly was this kid's sire? Why's he got so many enemies that would go so far as to try and kill his kid after he's already gone?"
Cravendy Hound shifts in place, heat under the collar. Unusually, she speaks slowly and thoughtfully, as if the wrong word could set off a mine. "Kid's father was a pirate captain, but one with...'onor, I suppose. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. Which lead 'im to rob from the same, powerful set of targets."
Cravendy Hound: "If ye got raided by Captain Thorne, ye didn't -just- lose yer shite. It was a kind of...a mark. A blow to yer pride, and that didn't sit well the rich."
Riylli Aliapoh thinks about this for a moment. "...So if we know who the targets are, why don't we just hop over an' kick their teeth in? Bet that'd gettem to stop messin' with the kid!"
Rising Lotus huffs, closing her eyes tightly for a few moments before glaring at Cravs. "...So what's gonna happen when these powerful targets learn we're helpin' the kid? Last thing I need is to be marked like the boy, or if they learn we work for Heartwood an' create problems for the others."
Cravendy Hound: "That's step one. Gotta find who's still got it out for the kid, out of a handful of options." She then turns to Rising. "As long as we don't do anythin' illegal we should be alright. And we can threaten to expose 'ow they torment a kid to keep them from doin' anything to us."
Cravendy Hound: "Nothin' illegal, alright? That means even if they're an ass, we can't just kick their teeth in." Cravs lectures to Riylli.
Riylli Aliapoh frowned. "It aint illegal if they're a bad guy! And ain’t kickin' teeth in how pirates settle their differences anyroad?"
Rising Lotus tried to give Cravs a skeptical look, but just ended up grimacing from the shift of posture, then just looked exhausted. "That ain't how it work if you're rich. Can get away with anythin'."
Cravendy Hound: "That's not 'ow the law works! And while that may be 'ow we settle problems on water, on land...under the Admiral's stink eye, we'd probably cause more trouble doin' that."
Cravendy Hound: "The rich still 'ave their pride. I'm thinkin' if word got out that the bugger pesters a goddamn child for 'is late father's legacy, it'd be enough to twist their arm."
Riylli Aliapoh looked to Rising, then to Cravs, and then up to the sky as she let out an exasperated sigh. "...Y'see? This is exactly why we Miqo'te got our own rules..." She grumbled, before finally looking back down. "Fine! We'll do it your way! But if any of 'em tries to swing at me it's fair game, yeah?"
Rising Lotus grumbled, pretty much done with the day. "Well in the case it does go tits up, we can handle ourselves much better than that boy I 'spose."
Cravendy Hound nods. What an exhausting day. "...well. Ye look like ye could use two days worth of sleep, Risin'. That's all I 'ad to say."
Riylli Aliapoh hops to her feet and dusts off her pants. "Alright! Just gimme a shout whenever you get a lead or whatever. Always happy to lend my skills to a good cause!" She flashes Cravs a grin, and very pointedly tries not to look over to the wounded Rising
Rising Lotus "...Aye. You know how to reach us. Though we ought to expect somethin' worse than a cactuar next time." she sighed and started making her way toward the door.
(Cravendy Hound) seems a good place to timeskip to next scene? any last posts and then :P )) (Rising Lotus) I'm good!)) (Riylli Aliapoh) (Timeskip ready! (Cravendy Hound) AAAHH that outfit!!! )) (Cravendy Hound) the blade harness xD )) (Rising Lotus) Oh yeah I don't think you've seen her in it yet!)) (Riylli Aliapoh) (No fair, its so hard to get glams for Riylli ;-; (Cravendy Hound) it looks extremely good )) (Cravendy Hound) *timeskips in same outfit* xD )) (Cravendy Hound) HERE we can at least start in the company so it doesn't feel like, literally seconds after xD )) (Rising Lotus) Guess we'll have to have a fashion montage for Riylli at some point)) (Riylli Aliapoh) (Yknow what, its totally canon that RIylli only has one set of clothes (Cravendy Hound) ahahaha )) (Riylli Aliapoh) (Oh, I DO actually have a glamour change! (Rising Lotus) so pick out something new then we can figure out how she got it!)) (Riylli Aliapoh) (alakazam (Rising Lotus) mask (Cravendy Hound) fjkdslf just the gloves?! )) (Riylli Aliapoh) (Theyre bandages ^o^ Shes been practicing the fire spell! (Rising Lotus) Damn I thought you were just going to throw that mask on xD))
Cravendy Hound - A week later, Cravs has reached out to Riylli and Rising for company (or maybe help?) again. It's related to the business in Limsa Lominsa, and she's wearing her disguise dress again. Oh boy.
Rising Lotus was eyeing the bandages wrapped around Riylli's hands. "...How's that fire spell going?"
Riylli Aliapoh grins to Rising. "It's goin' well! I got the basic formula down, just gotta work on intensity and duration!" She beams proudly, giving Rising a bandaged thumbs up.
Cravendy Hound: "That...looks painful."
Riylli Aliapoh gives a mock bow. "You gotta suffer for art y'know"
Rising Lotus couldn't help but smirk at Riylli's enthusiasm. "...We'll get it down before you touch anythin' we fish up..or the lava." she turned her attention to Cravs, holding back a snicker at seeing her dolled up again. "You find out more 'bout the boy then?"
Cravendy Hound: "Seems ye got some more sufferin' to do then," Cravs notes in a bright tone.
Cravendy Hound: "Right, the Baldur business - I narrowed it down to a couple of names. But that's as far as I can go gatherin' information out 'ere. Thought it'd be more efficient to ask the kid 'imself. Which means." Cravs gestures to her outfit. "I'll need some escorts to talk for me once we're in Limsa again."
Riylli Aliapoh was clearly enjoying the attention, but quieted down to let Cravs speak. "Why not just talk to the kid as Cravs? If he's lost his sire, it... might be nice for him to know he's still got people close to him out there..."
Rising Lotus "Hmm...'spose maybe she doesn't want him to turn her in for the gil? If he really needs to be supportin' him an' his mom anyway." she shrugged. "Doesn't look like the type to sell out someone who's helpin' him though."
Cravendy Hound went as white as a sheet at the suggestion. "A-ah, that's...Uhh, we've got, um. A misunderstandin' between us. If 'e knew it was me, 'e'd flip out for sure. Trust me, it's easier this way." Cravs clears her throat and then hurries out before Riylli or Rising can ask further.
Cravendy Hound - The trip over is pretty awkward. If the subject was brought up again, Cravs would simply pick up the pace and pretend not to hear. And, once the trio were in Limsa, her lips were sealed, clarification frustratingly out of reach. That said, she was definitely walking somewhere with purpose.
Rising Lotus gave up askin' fairly quick, she knew she wouldn't get anywhere at the moment. She'd pry it out of her later though, one way or another. "So... you know what he'll be up to today? Or you jus' hopin' we run into him?"
Riylli Aliapoh wouldn't bring it up again, at the very least smart enough to see Cravs didn't want to talk about it. Instead, she would offer fun facts of things she had learned so far in her research. "...So, did you guys know that a forge runs hotter than lava?"
Cravendy Hound mimes holding something heavy and swinging it around. And to Riylli's fact, she gives the miqo'te a doubting look. Really?
Riylli Aliapoh nods. "Yeah! Turns out lava is only like... half as hot as your average blacksmith forge! It aint even hot enough to melt iron! Makes my job easier, but it's kinda disappointin' y'know?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) (Thank you for subscribing to Lava Facts)
Cravendy Hound desperately wants to ask if that's how Riylli has been testing her fire shield spell - by dunking her hands in a forge. Cravs moves her hands around as if dipping them in something.
Riylli Aliapoh tilts her head, unable to figure out the mimicry. "Can't you like... at least whisper or somethin' when were alone? Surely they don't got ears everywhere?"
Cravendy Hound looks around and finds it acceptably empty. "Did ye dunk yer 'ands in the forge to test yer spell?!" She whisper-yells.
Rising Lotus narrowed her eyes at Cravs "...So he's... carrying somethin'.. then puttin' it in the oven?" she seemed to be combining the conversations. Then Cravs actually spoke. "Oohh you're talkin' 'bout that. I hope you didn't do that, use a fire or somethin' first Riylli."
Riylli Aliapoh blinks at her. "What? You crazy? What if the spell failed?" She said, shaking her head. "Nah, I've been usin' a campfire! Got a problem with the magic runnin' out too fast though..." She muttered, rubbing her poor cooked hands
Cravendy Hound stifles back laughter, and pats Riylli on the back. There there.
Rising Lotus: "I can get ya some cream for that. Know a gobbie that makes some quality stuff. Don't worry it works too, used it after gettin' a nasty burn from some giant bug sparyin' me with gunk."
Riylli Aliapoh grumbles and glares up at Cravs at the treatment, but lets it slide since she couldn't tell if it was meant to be mocking or not. "...That'd be great, thanks. I don't gotta pay for it, right?"
Cravendy Hound: "Bug....gunk? Bug gunk...That sounds. Hm." Cravs raises a brow at Rising but doesn't say more.
Rising Lotus "Well I ought to considerin' how you made me a pin cushion on our last outin' together." she snickered a bit, the first time she cracked a joke about it. "But nah, he owes me one anyhow. Next time I'm up there I'll grab ya some." she gave Riylli a firm pat on the back.
Riylli Aliapoh grumbled again, but couldn't really argue back. "...Thanks." She muttered, not exactly enthused about all this back-patting she was receiving
Cravendy Hound had earlier given Rising a notepad with names written in it. One of them, hopefully, belonged to the person who was harassing the kid. Her heels clicking on the docks, Cravs would eventually lead the little crew to a dusty corner of Limsa where the kid (B) was presently practicing his form with the ax.
Cravendy Hound - The heavy ax is far too big for the kid. Every swing pulls him comically forward with the weapon. He stops his 'practice' and looks up at the approaching trio with a wide smile. "I remember you two! You helped me with that monster the other day."
(Cravendy Hound) more back pats )) (Cravendy Hound) i demand more )) (Rising Lotus) I feel like Riylli and Rising would have back pats that would eventually devolve into a hitting contest)) (Cravendy Hound) actually cravs and rising would have to squat down to pat Riylli's back ahah - otherwise it'd be a head pat )) (Riylli Aliapoh) (Cravs and Rising know it's too dangerous to headpat Riylli, they'd probably get bit (Cravendy Hound) sometimes my tall friends would use my head as an arm rest.....annoyed me, and yet I can see Cravs doing that to Riylli lmao )) (Rising Lotus) I've done that to my shorter friends before xD))
Riylli Aliapoh perked up as she got recognized by the kid, offering him a friendly wave. "Hey! How are you holdin' up after all them needles?"
Rising Lotus watches the boy fling himself with his strikes, smirking with every swing. "Aye that was us." she eyed up his weapon for a few moments. "You ought to get somethin' a bit lighter by the way, gonna leave yourself open if you take too long liftin' your weapon."
Cravendy Hound - The kid bashfully itches the tip of his nose. "I'm doing fine, thanks to you all...Woke up on the softest bed I've ever been on in my life, healing expenses all covered." Baldur's eyes drift over to Cravs, and then back to Riylli and Rising. "Oh, I plan to! I'm just using this old thing because it was the only thing I could afford. Once I earn enough, I'll buy a better one...after everything else, haha."
Cravendy Hound turns away, avoiding eye contact. It's overkill given that she's wearing a mask.
Rising Lotus eyed Cravendy, she had to pay for the needle removal out of her pocket. "...well I'm sure them healers were excited for the chance to de-needle someone. Don't see many cactuar over here after all, bit strange." she nodded as he brought up upgrading his armor and weapon. "A good set of armor is jus' as important as a good weapon, smart thinkin'."
Riylli Aliapoh nudged Rising with her foot to try and bring her back to the task at hand, snatching the list out of her hands. "Hey, so... Were kinda lookin' into something, think you might be able to help us out? You know any of the names on this list?"
Cravendy Hound - Baldur nods enthusiastically, dreads bouncing on top of his head. Admiration for Rising and Riylli is practically gushing from every inch of the kid. "So that was a cactaur? I've never seen one before."
Cravendy Hound - Baldur snaps into attention. "Oh, right away! I'd be thrilled to help you two out. Let's see..." He takes the list and scans it. "Only this last one. Mindred Rot. She's who I go to if I need a loan."
Rising Lotus "Aye, I grew up 'round them, used to hit them with sticks then ru-" she glanced at Riylli as she bumped her and had the list snatched away.
(Cravendy Hound) dfsd hit them with sticks and run???? chaos child )) (Rising Lotus) She didn (Rising Lotus) didn't have toys or anything xD Played with bugs and lizards and cactuars))
Riylli Aliapoh raised her eyebrow at the name. "...'Mindred Rot'? Well that's a bad guy name if I've ever heard one." She said, nodding along until she remembered Cravs' full name. "Er... Right, anyroad, what's she like? If she lends you money she can't be that bad, right?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) (Poor riylli about to learn the horrors of capitalism)
Cravendy Hound - Baldur smiles as he hands the list back to Riylli. "Oh, yeah, her name's pretty rotten. But in some ways...she looks after me. No one else'll give my family loans."
Rising Lotus "You need to get out of the woods more..." she shook her head at Riylli's comment. She hummed at Baldur's words about the woman. "Hmm, how generous of her."
Riylli Aliapoh wrinkled her nose. "Honestly I'd rather get out of the woods less... How in the world do you lot handle that salt in the air?"
Cravendy Hound - Baldur's gaze wanders to Rising's axe, and then to Riylli's staff. "So, you two must be adventurers, huh? You think you could teach me a thing or two? Punch better, smarter, harder? Oh, and! I didn't mean to be rude." He turns to Cravs. "Who's your friend?"
Rising Lotus Grinned, giving him a nod. "Aye! Do a lot of guard an' merc work. Takin' me all over, mostly back an' forth between Idyllshire an' places though. This one is still gettin' her footin' for it though." she snickered a bit as she eyed Riylli. "Oh, an' that's Singin' Gull. She's uh...a great singer an' has to save her voice most the time. We're guardin' her on her...singing journey?"
Riylli Aliapoh puffed her chest out. "Yup! Name's Riylli, Warrior of Earth!" she declared proudly, possibly forgetting Cravs and Rising were in earshot. "I'm a master of earth magic, but I'm sure I could give you some tips! Oh, and this is..." She trails off, staring at Cravs as her mind blanks on what her alias was. Thankfully Rising was there to have her back, though the Roegadyn still earned herself a glare from her little comment
Cravendy Hound 's frown twitches slightly. Singing Gull the Singer. Really? But she goes along with it anyway.
Cravendy Hound - Baldur's mouth forms an 'o' in awe. "Idyllshire? Never even heard of the place. Sounds cool though...And magic? How would I even start?" He turns back for a second to rest his rusty axe against a crate, and then hops right back into the conversation. "Like, just think really hard and magic happens? Hrrrghhhh.."
Riylli Aliapoh shook her head at the kid. "Nah, it aint that simple. It's more like... Y'know how you can move your fingers with your mind? You basically do that, but you move your aether about instead, and get THAT aether to move the aether OUTSIDE of you, and... Honestly I might not remember all the lessons, it's kinda just a reflex at this point. But you shouldn't be wastin' your talents on magic anyroad! You're a highlander right? You're gonna have plenty of muscle when you grow up, you should use-
Riylli Aliapoh -that instead!"
Rising Lotus could talk for hours about Idyllshire, but she resisted and tried to steer the conversation back on topic, which of course meant giving Riylli a light smack to the arm to get her to focus up. "Anyway, you know were we could find this Rot lady? Gull here is lookin' for gil for her next performance an' were hopin' to find some donations."
Cravendy Hound - Baldur is trying so hard to follow Riylli's explanation, but it leaves the poor kid's brain all tangled. "Huh, what? Huh? Uhh, oh, you want to meet Miss Rot? She's usually really busy so I have to schedule in advance. But I can ask if she's free to meet you all next time."
Riylli Aliapoh sighs. "Y'mean we gotta come all the way out here again..? Fine, I guess... Not like we can just go kick the doors down and demand to talk to her after all..." She muttered, offering a small glare to Cravs out of the corner of her eye
Rising Lotus cleared her throat, glaring at Riylli as she glared at Cravs "We'd appreciate that, jus' say that..uh..an up an' comin' singer is lookin' for fundin'. " she gave Baldur a nod, hoping that selling Cravs like that would make her the perfect target for a loan shark.
Cravendy Hound looks similarly annoyed, but shakes her head no to Riylli. It's not like they could go in there with wild accusations anyway - seemed worth strategizing over first.
Cravendy Hound - With the night fast approaching, Cravs motions with her hand to signal her intention to head home. Without bothering to wave goodbye to Baldur, she walks on ahead.
Rising Lotus watches Crav hurry away. "Uh sorry..." she put her hand to her mouth to muffle her words "Sort of a diva that one. Good luck out there lad!" she gave him a thumbs up before hurrying after 'Singing Gull'.
Riylli Aliapoh sighed once for not being allowed to rampage mindlessly, then once more as Cravs walked away without saying bye to the kid. She offers Baldur a wave. "You keep practicin' okay? We'll come by and see you again later, and maybe I'll share some of my adventurin' secrets with you!"
Cravendy Hound is a good distance ahead. As she passes by a stranger, there's some kind of odd collision that ends up tripping Cravs. Her mask drops off and rolls a few ilms forward as the stranger awkwardly, but quickly, makes their escape without even a sorry.
Cravendy Hound scrambles to recover the headware and fasten it back on. By the time Riylli and Rising have caught up, she's still kneeled over on the floor, troubled.
Riylli Aliapoh pretty much has to run to keep up with Cravs' long-legged walking, blinking in confusion as she notices her state. "H-Hey, you alright?"
Rising Lotus hurries to catch up to Cravs, quickly stepping in front of her to shield her face as she glanced around. "Aye..did you know that man or somethin'?"
Cravendy Hound: "I'm fine. Rattled is all." She whispers as she wobbles back up and takes a deep breath. ".....no, I didn't recognize them."
Rising Lotus looked around at the few bystanders eyeing the scene. "Maybe it'd be best to get out of here...before there's a chance to cause more of a scene." she said the last part in a whisper. Last thing they needed was the yellow jackets upon them.
Riylli Aliapoh raises her arm up seemingly to try to comfort her, only to hesitate and lower it back down. "...Let's talk outside of the city, all this salt is starting to make me sick..." She says, awkwardly attempting to give Cravs an out
Cravendy Hound: "...Right. No point in worrying about it now. Let's just get out of 'ere." She mutters.
#ff14 rp logs#Split Ends#riylli aliapoh#rising lotus#Cravendy Hound#*rubs hands together*#slowly but surely all of my disaster dominos are lining up
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(Split Ends) RP Log: Rising and Riylli catch Cravs up to her usual shit
(Cravendy Hound) It’s a day like any other, and as usual, there’s a buzz of activity at the market stalls in Old Gridania. Here, gil-strapped locals and wealthy tourists browse the forest’s wares, from Fen-Yll Fineries to freshly picked herbs. Maybe you’re here to pick up groceries, or simply passing through?
(Riylli Aliapoh) "There, was that really so hard?" Riylli chided the Roegadyn as they entered the market stalls, trying hard to ignore the feeling of eyes on her.
(Rising Lotus) Rising seemed more concerned about eating some jerky she had gotten from a Thanalan vender hucking their wears. "I guess, made me get out here an' buy this so it wasn't all bad." she glanced at her snack, then to Riylli, smirking. "I'd offer you some, but after bar night I know you have /such fancy miqo'te tastes/." she snickered as she took another bite.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli glared up at the woman. "Just 'cuz I didn't wanna eat your sugar corrupted cookies doesn't mean I'm a picky eater... And I even gave you jerky on that trip too! You owe me for savin' your life from woodsin, now gimme some!"
(Rising Lotus) "Yeah well you were an arse about it, an' even the crazy lady..err Kaede, liked 'em. And Haila an' she ain't crazy." she took another bite "Plus we're even for that for me draggin' ya along on that trip in the first place!"
(Cravendy Hound) In the middle of your conversation, your eyes catch movement - a brown cloaked traveler, hustling northwards towards the Lancer’s guild. The wind picks up, blowing the traveler’s hood partially off for a second, revealing telltale green locks, twisted and ragged like a certain somebody’s. There aren’t many seawolves in Gridania, and only one with such “style.”
(Riylli Aliapoh) "You wouldn'ta even been able to go in the volcano without my help! 'drag me along' my ass, you should be payin' me for that too!" She whines, before her attention is grabbed elsewhere. "...Cravs? Oy, Cravs!" Riylli called out, grinning as she waved over to the seawolf
(Rising Lotus) "What do you mean? I didn't need your spell at all, I was usin' the gear I had!" she did a double take on the woman passing by, squinting her eyes as she looked before Riylli started shouting to her. She took the opportunity to stash her snack away. "Is that Cravs?" she wanted to get a look at her face before she shouted at perhaps a stranger.
(Cravendy Hound) The traveler tugs the fabric back over their head, shoulders stiffening upon hearing Riylli call out. In response, they pick up the pace, moving in a zigzagging pattern as if to lose any would-be-followers. Upon reaching the Westshore Pier, they would push off from the dock, bound for the East Shroud.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli blinked. "...What? Is she ignorin' us..?" She asked, turning to her Roegadyn companion.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "Did you ever manage to talk to her after that whole incident with Baldur?"
(Rising Lotus) "Maybe it wasn't her? Sure some stranger would be put off from jus' yellin' at 'em." she watched their boat go off through the water. "...sort of, not much about the whole thing though... do you think we should follow them..? In case it is her?" she shrugged "It is sorta weird they bolted when you called her name, that does seem like a Cravs thing to do."
(Riylli Aliapoh) "'Course it was her! She had the exact same scent after all, salt and booze. Lets go after her, I still gotta yell at her for ditchin' us!" She insisted, taking off towards the docks before even allowing Rising to try and argue
(Rising Lotus) sighing she hurried after Riylli toward the docks. "..Hey what do I smell like?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) "You smell like that Korporkkur thing. You two sleep together or somethin'?"
(Rising Lotus) "Sometimes, he's my pet afterall. He tends to wander off back to his pool though."
(Cravendy Hound) Tracking the traveler brings you to an odd and dangerous place - The Sylphlands. It’s not somewhere someone would simply wander into, and they’re making a beeline towards the place. Once in Sylph territory, they tread slowly through the brush, careful to avoid any patrols or aggressive wildlife. Finally, at a dim and wet clearing populated by massive Dreamtoads, they stop.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "...The hells is she doin' here..? Doesn't she know how dangerous this place is? I don't care if we've got a truce goin' on, the sylph aint to be trusted..."
(Rising Lotus) "This place smells weird. An' I ain't talked to many, but they seem alright. Talk kinda funny an' all." like she was one to talk. "What the hells is she doin' way out here anyway? Some sort of job she ain't tellin' us about?"
(Riylli Aliapoh) "Try not to breathe in any weird gasses comin' outta plants... The sylphs here like to play tricks with your mind. They're like little kids with powerful magic and no conscience..."
(Cravendy Hound) The traveler pulls out their gun and stops. Suddenly paranoid, they whip back to check if there's anyone behind them. (You have a moment! Do you hide, or do something else?! :3)
(Rising Lotus) She glanced at Riylli but said nothing, keeping her distance from a strange looking mushroom.
(Rising Lotus) Seeing perhaps Cravs pull out her gun and dart around, she gripped Riylli by the back of her top and dragged her behind a weird purple tree...bush..thing. Such strange plants here. One of her hands quickly planted itself over Riylli's mouth as she used the other to try to steady her and keep her still. On the plus side, Riylli could smell how good her jerky was!
(Riylli Aliapoh) "Ack!-" Riylli was suddenly yanked back into the air like she was some sort of cat. Once they were safely behind the purple thingamajig, she shoved Rising's hand away from her mouth and gave her a furious glare. She did, however, stay silent, allowing the two of them to continue spying on the seawolf in peace
(Cravendy Hound) The traveler carefully scans the area, her gaze resting on the purple treebush for a long time. She takes a few cautious steps towards it.
(Cravendy Hound) (but isn't there yet)
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli slowly moves to place a hand on her staff behind her, pulling in just enough aether to pick up a rock behind Cravs and toss it in the opposite direction
(Rising Lotus) Rising was keeping still, giving Riylli an apologetic look while she stared daggers at Rising. She watched Riylli raise her staff, soon hearing the sound of something off in the distance, letting out a quiet sigh of relief.
(Cravendy Hound) The traveler turns quickly, gun trained on the rock. They stay frozen like this for a moment, then relaxes, grumbles something about Sylphs playing tricks on her mind. Get in, get out. They continue onwards, closing in on a particularly large dreamtoad.
(Riylli Aliapoh) The Miqo'te flashes Rising a thumbs up and an overly-proud grin before turning back to watch whatever it was Cravs had come all the way out here to do
(Rising Lotus) Rising returns the thumbs up, peeking her head around the plant along with Riylli, perfect size to lean over her while she spied!
(Cravendy Hound) Several shots ring out. When the dust settles, you see the Dreamtoad slumped against the ground. The traveler gets in close to...scrape ooze off of the toad? Seems like they’re gonna be at this for a while too, complaining all the while. Goddamn toad, goddamn Sylphs.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "She's... harvesting the ooze off of the dreamtoads..? No... Don't tell me..." Riylli suddenly stands, stepping out from behind the mushroom thing with her hands on her hips and a furious expression on her face. "Do NOT tell me you came ALL THE WAY out to here JUST to make your damn DRINKS stronger!" She roared angrily
(Rising Lotus) "Riylli wai-" she tried to to stop her in a hushed whisper before she screamed to let not only Cravs, but probably every trickster Slyph in the area know they were there. She was hunched over, looking a bit tense as if she should reveal herself or not.
(Cravendy Hound) "Bloody whoreson of a shit smellin', oversized piece of.....WAUH, WHA-WHa?!" The traveler turns to face Riylli, caught redhanded, tool still clenched tightly in both hands. "R-r-riylli?!"
(Riylli Aliapoh) The infuriated Miqo'te marches right up to Cravs, "Of course it's me! I know you heard me call out to ya in Gridania, how many times do I gotta teach you that ya can't escape me in MY territory!" She exclaimed, jabbing a finger into her belly accusingly. "You got any idea how dangerous it is to come out here alone!? Has your drinkin' habit really gotten this bad!?"
(Rising Lotus) Rising finally peeked out from behind her spot, shrugging as she looked at Cravs get told off by the lady nearly half her size. She kept close to the tree thing for now, she'd get some words in after the chewing out from Riylli.
(Cravendy Hound) "I don't see yer name written anywhere. No 'keep out' signs or nothin'!" That's a lie. There are plenty posted by Gridanian forces, just not from Riylli specifically. "And what're YE doin' 'ere, knowin' it's dangerous an' all?! Wait.." She backs up until she's up against the toad, hands feeling for something behind her. Her head snaps to Rising. "...Did ye both follow me?"
(Rising Lotus) "Uhh... sort of I 'spose?" she shrugged again, chuckling nervously. "We jus' thought it was odd you ran off from us...err if it was you..but I guess it was so it was odd!" she rubbed her hand from her forehead to the back of her head.
(Riylli Aliapoh) "Of course we followed you! You've been actin' weird lately, blowin' us off when we went to meet that Rot lady, not showin' up at Heartwood for days at a time... But if it was just so you could get drunk like this I feel stupid for worrying!" She huffed, thankfully no longer shouting at least
(Cravendy Hound) The jig is up. Cravs pulls her hood down, and there's a mixture of guilt, shock, and anger. She bites on the lower lip, the look of keeping a snarl back. "I...LOOK. I don't want ye both gettin' involved anymore. It was a mistake. It's my problem, and I'll deal with it my way, so sod off!"
(Rising Lotus) || floating nearby a Sylph drawn towards the sound of Riylli shouting giggled mischievously. With a twirl of they're hands, they sent a swirl of wind to the tree thing Rising was currently under, purple pollen suddenly raining upon her. She was just about to speak when it happened, inhaling a fair amount before sneezing twice. "Ugh, stupid tree..." she rubbed her nose. "Anyway...what's with the change of heart on the matter? You asked us for the help!"
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli frowns and crosses her arms, though her expression softens after a moment. "I recognize that look... Like the girls that get pulled into poachin' and banditry... You're in trouble aren't you? You dumbass... How many times do I gotta tell ya that were your friends! Just tell us whatever mess you got into and we'll help dammit!"
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs grabs and yanks something out of the downed Dreamtoad and keeps whatever it is tight in her fist. She shakes her head. "I'm bein' yer friend by tellin' ye both better off stopping while ye still can. Know me as a drunkard, hard stop. That'd be better...the best."
(Cravendy Hound) "Stupid of me to open up at all," she grumbles, and then looks at Rising.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli frowned once more, though she began to look a lot more nervous now. She turned to glance behind her towards Rising for a brief moment as though she were considering something, before turning back with a small sigh. "You... Of all people, you should know I can't do something like that..." She mutters quietly, somewhat hoping Rising wouldn't be able to hear her
(Rising Lotus) Started walking toward the too, but things were getting..wiggly. She was a but unsteady in her movements, bringing her hands up to rub her eyes if maybe she had something in them. "We can...figure it out though...whoah..." as she pulled her hand down it left a trail of colors. "Any...anyway..you jus' gotta, trust us."
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli turns and finally realizes Rising had been dosed. She grits her teeth angrily, changing her demeanor back to normal. "You... I told you not to breathe that shite in dammit!"
(Cravendy Hound) Crav's hard expression softens, but she turns away before Riylli can see it happen. "Shit. I... Rising??" She approaches and offers her free hand for the other Roegadyn to lean on.
(Rising Lotus) "I didn't... try to.." she held her head as thing started spinning, trying her best to focus on Cravs. "Anyway..." she jolted back as it appeared to her that Cravs appeared before her in a near instant. Luckily she managed to grip her hand before she fell flat on her back. "...Ugh...we're friends right, we can figure it out..." she squinted at what she thought was Crav's face.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli turns to try and help Rising as well, somewhat thankful for something to relieve the tension that had been growing. "It's probably not dangerous... But maybe we should take her back to Little Solace just in case..? They're nicer than the Sylphs out here, they'd probably have an antidote for whatever she got hit with."
(Cravendy Hound) "It's /cause/ we're friends that I did this alone." Cravs grumbles, and then nods at Riylli. With more effort than usual, she strains to heft Rising's body over her back, her passenger's arms linked around her neck.
(Riylli Aliapoh) Riylli grit her teeth but did not respond, attempting to help lift Rising as well only to quickly accept that that was not going to work. That only seemed to anger her more though. "...Were not done talking about this..." She mutters, avoiding the seawolf's eyes
(Rising Lotus) Rising had conceded to keep her eyes closed instead of dealing with the flash of colors and distorting imagines. As Cravs loaded her onto her back she let her guard slip though, eyes opening for a moment and then bolting open. "V-Violet..?" she was staring off into nothing, one of her hands reaching out briefly before weakly returning to Cravs, holding her tight. "...Let's jus' go already..."
(Rising Lotus) closed her eyes tightly after the hallucination, turning quite quiet after the strange incident.
(Cravendy Hound) Cravs winces, buckling sideways for a second, catches her balance and breath. Grits her teeth with effort, or perhaps with something else. There is plenty to be said, but first, it's off to Little Solace.
#ff14 rp logs#Split Ends#Cravendy Hound#Rising Lotus#riylli aliapoh#cravs swings from hot to cold a lot#poor rising and riylli have to deal with that
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