#ardyn x gender neutral reader
savage-rhi · 2 months
Oh boy-
I saw the most recent writing prompts and got SO excited. I had a really hard time picking. There were SO many good ones
But we need Ardyn with the protective writing prompt:
"Whether you like it or not, You're safest with me"
@sillylittlevulpine Thanks for being patient with me hon. I hope you like this, I haven't written for Ardyn in a while and I feel rusty AF. Hope it's okay!
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Y/N was no diplomat.
They were a mere common citizen, fed up with the Lucian crown not doing enough to keep the people safe while many starved and were displaced by the war. They themself were on the brink, having lost everything they held dear in the recent skirmish between the kingdom and empire.
It was why they were smuggled amongst provisions on an Imperial air ship, a last ditch effort to try and make a difference on their own terms.
Y/N knew that the moment they set foot in the lands of Niflheim, there were a thousand ways they could die—a thousand tortures that could befall them. Yet the consequences were outweighed by the hope that somehow, out of the mouth of someone lesser, their words might bring an end to the calamities in Lucis, even if it meant bartering with the enemy. However pure their intentions, there were many things Y/N neglected to consider.
They didn't consider being found so soon on board, immediately being treated with contempt.
They didn't consider the welcoming of fists and weapons at their throat, being blamed for crimes they had never heard of—all because of where they had come from.
They didn't consider being paraded around in public, a spectacle to behold as the soldiers escorted them to the Imperial Palace.
They didn't consider the consequences of being brought to the feet of Emperor Aldercapt himself, who was more than willing to dispatch justice in the form of a grandiose beheading in front of his hundreds of guests amidst an Imperial Ceremony. He proclaimed the sudden intrusion as a sign of the Gods' favor, a sacrificial gift on the eve of Niflheim's name day, three days removed from the anniversary of Solheim's ancient calamity.
Out of all these terrifying events that unfolded so quickly, Y/N never considered that the Chancellor himself would step in to call off the execution.
Nor did they anticipate sitting in the man's very chambers at this moment.
It had been several hours since then, and Y/N's heart pounded heavily in their chest remembering what transpired. How Chancellor Izunia managed to undermine Aldercapt's authority and Niflheim's very traditions, but still kept the peace by appealing to logic, reason, and exploiting hundreds of years of superstition in the same breath.
"It's reasonable to assume a token of good faith by the esteemed six who watch over our endeavors. Yet I beseech the council and the Emperor to remember there is always a price to pay from accepting a boon from gods. Unwrapping such a precious gift could very much bring great misfortune to our feet, especially on an eve of celebration and remembrance. I believe on such a rare and auspicious night, that we let the people of the Empire decide our fate. What say you, excellency?"
The crowd erupted with so much enthusiasm, and so much vigor that Aldercapt had no choice but to bend the knee or lest he be cast unfavorably for weeks to come.
Y/N could remember the Emperors ire toward the Chancellor the rest of the evening, but the latter merely smiled and watched as thousands debated before settling on their choice: to let Y/N live, for now.
Y/N knew so little about the Chancellor, but in that short amount of time, understood he was very much a career politician as much as he was a man of the stars, and that made him perhaps more dangerous than anyone Y/N could've been at the mercy of.
Their breath hitched when the doors suddenly opened, and the very man came waltzing in. Y/N noted how his amber eyes seemed to glow under the dimmed light, casting a shiver down their spine.
"Ah, fancy seeing you still awake at this unholy hour!" He faintly smiled; stopping to let out a breath he had been holding.
"Considering the circumstances, how could anyone sleep?" Y/N murmured under their breath, surprised when he chuckled sincerely at their comment
"A fair observation if there ever was one," He remarked amusingly then gestured for Y/N to remain seated at the foot of the bed as soon as he noticed them adjust. "I don't care for curtseys or for you move an inch. It needn't take me long to get comfortable."
Y/N swallowed as the Chancellor walked across the room, watching him pick up a chair from a large desk. For a moment, an intrusive thought of the man throwing the furniture piece at them crossed Y/N's mind, and they were astonished to see the Chancellor gently place the chair in front of them and casually take a seat.
"You caused quite the commotion back there in the grand hall."
His comment took Y/N aback as they blinked; unsure of what to say. It almost sounded like he was complimenting them.
"I think you outperformed me there, Chancellor."
"Please, call me Ardyn."
Y/N made a face. "Ardyn?"
"An unusual name, I know." He grinned. "There's no need for formality in my own dwelling. You can speak freely, more or less."
More or less...Y/N felt a bead of sweat trickle down their head from that remark.
"I wasn't trying to offend or--"
"What do you call yourself?"
"What's your name, dear? Last I checked Lucian's could comprehend such a simple question."
And there it is...Y/N could feel the disdain in his words despite his tone being outwardly charming.
"It's Y/N."
"Y/N," Ardyn repeated it a few times to himself, as if allowing his tongue to grow accustomed to a new flavor. "Spare me of sob stories and gruesome detail, but what brings you to Nilfheim and so, so far away from home?"
There was nothing malicious in his words nor the question Ardyn imposed, but Y/N's muscles tensed as if there was nonetheless. It seemed in comparison to his public image—where he liked to draw things out, Ardyn wanted to get to the point. Neither did Y/N want to prolong this any further than necessary. Whatever the Chancellor intended on doing to them, Y/N had no doubts he would carry it out regardless after this conversation. There was nothing to lose or gain.
"I came to the empire for help."
Y/N nodded.
"And why would you do such a thing, in the middle of a war between our two nations no less?"
Ardyn looked so puzzled that it scared Y/N he was irritated. The confusion on his face seemed uncharacteristic of a man of his stature. The thought didn't stop Y/N from raising a brow, just as bewildered as the man himself.
"I thought you didn't want a sob story?"
"Are you being smart with me, dear?"
"No, no!" Y/N protested. "I'm just--!"
The way he suddenly laughed made the air in the room grow thick with tension, and as Y/N made a fist against the sheets of the mattress, Ardyn let out a content sigh and smirked.
"I'm merely speaking in jest." He said in his defense, letting out a faint but dark chortle. "You are right, however, I'd appreciate some context to our precarious situation."
Just get to the point...Y/N repeated to themself over and over, trying to ignore the sinking sensation that grew in their stomach at how he had been toying with them.
"I came here to talk to Imperials who don't want this war as much as I. There's nothing else to say. I'm not a spy, nor defecting my country, nor do I wish to gain anything. I just...want to talk. To get a conversation started, so we can end this."
The silence that hung in the air after Y/N's testimony was palpable to where not even a knife could cut the tension. It didn't help that the Chancellor's features went neutral, almost unreadable save for his eyes which Y/N noted seemed to dance to an invisible tune that no human could comprehend. The way he looked at them was scary in a manner Y/N couldn't describe, but feel on a cellular level.
Ardyn slowly canted his head, a look of wonderment crossing his face briefly as he studied them. "How most naive of you..."
"What's going to happen next?"
"I beg your pardon?"
Y/N gulped. "What's going to happen to me? Am I to be shot outside your chambers or taken to prison?"
"You have quite the grotesque imagination," Ardyn chuckled at their expense, shaking his head in disbelief. "You heard the people back at the Grand Hall, you're to live this night."
"And after?"
He went silent again, and Y/N tried not to avert their gaze from his as he hummed.
"That remains to be decided, that being said, I believe we might be able to help each other."
Y/N's pulse spiked yet again as Ardyn's smile grew, and his pupils expanded; nearly overtaking the orange that covered his irises.
"Contrary to what you no doubt assume, I hold nothing nefarious toward you. You can snuff out the flame of whatever ills are invading your head at this moment." Ardyn said as a matter of fact before continuing. "Perhaps your tale of woe is a boon from the gods after all."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Let's just say I've been looking for an 'in' to get back into the good graces of your king's court for negotiation." Ardyn debated with himself on speaking further, then uncrossed his legs and adjusted in his seat. He scooted the chair a little closer to Y/N, eyes locking onto theirs. "You and I seem to have a similar appreciation for the art of conversation, and I find this potentially useful."
It became difficult for Y/N to comprehend what he was saying now, as the fear that overtook them seemed to filter out Ardyn's words. They could barely hear their voice over their heart beating, blood pumping so loud in their mind that the noise began to drown out everything else.
"You're trembling."
Ardyn's faint murmur snapped Y/N out of their trance, and they shook their head in protest. The hidden maliciousness they had sensed earlier returned, growing even stronger as Ardyn suddenly appeared inches from their face. Y/N didn't have time to breathe, much less comprehend the seconds in between.
"Do I frighten you?" He asked, his voice low and dark.
There was no point lying to him, not when those eyes could see through anything.
"I'd like to be placed in custody elsewhere," Y/N whispered, trying not to blink out of fear they'd find themselves in the jaws of a predator. His little laugh made their nerves freeze over.
"After the trouble I went through on your behalf, you'd soon rather leave me than hear further of my proposition?"
Y/N nodded. "I would."
"Well, I must implore you to listen carefully," Ardyn's voice dipped as he glared for the first time. "So long as you remain in the Empire, whether you like it or not, you're safest with me."
"I..." Y/N's body picked up on something their mind had trouble feeling out. It didn't help that this played in tandem with their stomach churning in knots over the way he stared them down. "I don't believe you."
And just like that, a dark chuckle from Ardyn broke the atmosphere and Y/N stared in confusion as he backed away and stood, looking down at them.
"I shall leave you to your thoughts," Ardyn gave a soft bow with his head toward Y/N and smirked. "We have much to discuss tomorrow once I sort through how to keep you alive."
He was starting to leave his chambers, until Y/N called out, still bothered by something.
"Why did you speak on my behalf in the first place? You didn't know my intentions until now. What made you put on that performance and keep Aldercapt from cutting off my head?"
Ardyn once more debated with himself, his confidence from earlier waning as he hadn't expected them to cut to the chase as much as he did with them. A faint smile graced his lips when he noticed the connection, furthering the wheels that had been turning in his head.
"The night was dull," He shrugged. "And I was bored out of mind..."
He departed without another sound, closing the large doors behind him.
Y/N didn't even get the chance to ask where they would sleep.
Meanwhile, Ardyn ventured out of his dwelling and into the main hall. Not far from the doors, Verstael awaited him. The older man held a weight of exhaustion in his aged face as Ardyn grinned and walked past him.
"I came down from the keep as soon as I heard what you did." Verstael called out, and began to follow his colleague.
Ardyn smirked, slowing his pace so Verstael could catch up. "You missed out my dear friend! The ceremony became quite a spectacle after that. One could argue I saved the day in more ways than one."
"Be it as it may the party is over," Verstael sighed, shaking his head. "What says Aldercapt now about your new little friend?"
"For now," Ardyn began. "The gods show them favor."
"Just the gods?"
The pair stopped walking, and Ardyn's gaze burrowed into Verstael's as the old man stared him down. The hall became heavy with unspoken words that yearned to bubble to the surface.
"Just the gods..." Ardyn answered bluntly.
Verstael let out a small huff and smiled. "Let's keep it at that."
"You're worried?"
"A man in my position can't help but worry, especially when a dear colleague of his days ago confided he had been missing his home and, what would you know, a piece of it comes stumbling to our doorstep."
"Don't make me ill," Ardyn sighed, trying to cease rolling his eyes. "A distraction is fun, but not the end game as we both know."
Verstael gazed over Ardyn a few more times before deciding he had enough interrogating for now. "Come. I'd love to discuss what your plans are with the Lucian we now have at our disposal."
Ardyn didn't say a word as he and Verstael continued their walk. There were many things he neglected to consider when he vouched for Y/N's life, but he never considered they'd still be alive after their conversation—for he had fully been set on turning his pent-up daemonic tendencies loose upon them after they said their piece.
Nor did he anticipate growing fond of them already.
He bit the inside of his cheek.
Y/N was no diplomat, but Ardyn loved the prospects that stemmed from the fact.
If you like my work and feel generous, feel free to donate to my ko-fi account or my cash app account!
Cash App: $JayRex1463
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kavvehs · 2 years
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if you enjoy any of my work, please consider reblogging! it greatly helps get my work seen by others!
requests are not the main point of this blog. i write them for fun when i have the time, not out of obligation.
you can request up to three characters of your choice per headcanon. they must be from the same franchise, however.
there are only three available slots at a time. please only request once at a time, so others can participate.
yandere requests must be requested off of anon with an age visible.
breaking any of these rules or requesting while they’re closed will result in your ask being deleted.
this page can and will be updated the more i’m introduced to different concepts and ideas.
if you have any questions or concerns, you’re more than welcome to approach me about it!
female / gender neutral reader | headcanons | fluff | angst | yandere / dark content | suggestive | various au | spoilers | familial / platonic / romantic relationships | enemies to lovers | sagau | feel free to ask!!
oneshots | male readers | ocs / canon x canon | nsfw | reader with specific physical traits | fetishes / kinks | cheating | incest | pedophilia | large age gaps
JUJUTSU KAISEN — satoru gojo, yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, yuta okkotsu, maki zenin, aoi todo, MAHITO.
FIRE EMBLEM THREE HOUSES — all blue lions, all golden deer, seteth, flayn, rhea, dorothea, bernadetta, sothis, shez, arval.
NIER — brother!nier, kainé, devola, popola, 2b, 9s, a2, adam, eve.
PERSONA 5 ROYAL — REN AMAMIYA, yusuke kitagawa, ryuji sakamoto, haru okumura, makoto niijima, futaba sakura, “kasumi” yoshizawa, GORO AKECHI, morgana (platonic), sae niijima, takuto maruki.
K/DA — evelynn, seraphine, ahri
ARCANE — vi, silco, vander, jayce, viktor
BREATH OF THE WILD — LINK, zelda, SIDON, REVALI, mipha, urbosa.
JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE — dio, joseph joestar, team bucciarati, diavolo / doppio, narciso anasui, foo fighters, weather report, enrico pucci, jolyne kujo, emporio (platonic)
KILL LA KILL — ryuko, satsuki, mako.
YUGIOH — yugi, atem, joey, kaiba, jaden (+ yubel), chazz, jesse, zane.
CODE GEASS — lelouch, c.c., mao, suzaku, euphemia.
DARLING IN THE FRANXX — squad 13, zero two, klaxosaur princess, alpha
FINAL FANTASY — cloud, zack, tifa, aerith, reeve, rufus, sephiroth (cc), reno, rude, tseng, kadaj, yazoo, loz, denzel (platonic), noctis, prompto, gladiolus, ignis, lunafreya, gentiana, iris, nyx, crowe, ardyn.
if you’ve read this far and intend to request from me, pls like this post so i know you read it!
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
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HAUNTED (one shot - D:BH! Connor x gender neutral!reader)
BODYGUARD (one shot - D:BH! Connor x gender neutral!reader)
Something in between:
AFTERLIFE - Part 1 - Part 2
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 (The End)
Game night (DBH:Connor x Reader - headcanon)
PT. 1 ~ PT. 2 ~ PT. 3 ~ PT. 4 ~ PT. 5 ~ PT. 6 ~ PT. 7 ~ PT. 8 ~ PT.9 ~ PT. 10 ~ PT. 11 (The End)
Game night (Gavin Reed x Reader - headcanon)
MEOW (Gavin Reed x GenderNeutral!Reader - one-shot)
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Resident Evil
STAY (one shot - Leon S. Kennedy x Reader)
WOUNDS (one shot - Leon S. Kennedy x Reader)
COMBAT TRAINING WITH LEON (one shot - Leon Kennedy x Reader)
THE NIGHT UNFURLS (one shot - Leon Kennedy x Reader)
OATH (one shot - Leon Kennedy x Reader)
Headcanon: Leon meets your parents for the first time
Headcanon: Being Friends With Leon Kennedy
BLACK TIE (one shot - Leon Kennedy x Reader)
Headcanon: Heisenberg x Reader
Headcanon: Leon and his long hair (x Reader)
Headcanon: Carlos Oliveira's hair (x Reader)
HC: s/o is dying in their arms (Leon Kennedy; Chris Redfield)
MISSION: FAILED (Leon Kennedy x Chris Redfield x Gender Neutral! Reader)
INTERRUPTION (one shot - Heisenberg x Gender Neutral! Reader)
AERIAL DANCE (one shot - Leon Kennedy/ Chris Redfield x Female!Reader)
Final Fantasy
LOVE-ATTACK (one shot - Gladio x Reader)
DRUNK CONFESSION (one shot - Gladio x Reader)
STORM (one shot - Gladio x Reader)
VALUED (one shot - Chocobros x Reader)
SPICE UP THE NIGHT (one shot - Ignis Scientia x GenderNeutral Reader)
LEGACY (one shot - Titus Drautos x Male!Reader - father/son)
CONNECTION (one shot - Titus Drautos x Cor Leonis)
ICPD BLUE (one shot - Titus Drautos x Male!Reader)
ELEVATOR (one shot - Ardyn Izunia x GenderNeutral!Reader)
TROUBLED HEARTS (one shot - Vincent Valentine x GenderNeutral!Reader)
VAMPYR (one shot - Vincent Valentine x GenderNeutral!Reader)
BONDING (one shot - Vincent Valentine x GenderNeutral!Reader)
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SLEEPLESS NIGHTS (one shot - Nyx Ulric x Reader)
FOREVER (one shot - Nyx Ulric x Reader)
RECKLESS (one shot - Nyx Ulric x Fem!Reader)
BROKEN (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
COMRADES (one shot - Nyx Ulric x Male!Reader)
MESSAGES (one shot - Nyx Ulric x Male!Reader)
QUARANTINE (one shot - Nyx Ulric x Male!Reader)
HC: You telling Nyx you could imagine having a family with him (Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
ROYAL SIN (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
FAREWELL (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
DREAMING (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
THE MOON AND THE WOLF (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
CRASH (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
ISEKAI (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
CARD KISSING CHALLENGE (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
SHOOTING STAR (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
FRIENDS WITH BENEFTIS...OR SO (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
FAKE DATE (short story - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
REGRET (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
ALWAYS (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
BY CHANCE (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
ADMIRATION (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
NOTES (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
BACK HOME (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
RISK (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
pt. 2 / pt. 3 / pt. 4
MISTLETOE (one shot - Nyx Ulric x GenderNeutral!Reader)
Deus Ex
STUBBORN (Adam Jensen x GenderNeutral!Reader) - pt. 2 - pt.3 - pt. 4
Sekiro: Shadows die twice
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heroesnevercomehome · 6 years
Master list (Trial Run)
This is my first attempt at making a master list. If any of the links don’t work please feel free to message me so I can fix them.  How ever I am a broke exhausted college student...so if its not fixed ASAP it does not mean I do not love you. I am probably just having a nap(sorry)!
 Final Fantasy XV Prompts/ One shots
Gladiolus Amicitia 
“Here, and Now” Gladio x reader (NSFW themes)
Ignis Scientia
 Prompt 11: “Its not nearly as bad as it looks, Darling” : Ignis x reader (a splash of daddy Iggy)
Nyx Ulric
All I Wanted Was You: Nyx x Female reader (pregnancy)
Crowe Altius
Prompt 23:  “I can't sleep” Crowe x Gender Neutral Reader
Relationship Head cannon (fluff/ Fem Reader)
General Headcannons
When they find out you pregnant Part 1/? (Aranea, Crowe, Nyx, Tredd)
FFXV Mood boards/Poems
Gladiolus Amicitia
- Aesthetic 
Crowe Altius
- Better
Nyx Ulric
Prompto Argentum 
- Aesthetic 
Nyx Ulric X Lunafreya Nox Flueret
- Dont Leave
- To Forget 
Ignis Scientia
- Oath
Noctis Lucis Caelum
- Chosen
- Hymn for the Missing 
Cor Leonis
- Immortal
Titus Drautos ( General Glauca)
- Betrayal 
Ardyn Izunia - Lucis Caelum
- To be human 
- Somewhere in the Darkness
Lunafrey Nox Flouret
- I"ll be right beside you
Tredd Furia
- I'm a fool
Final Fantasy VII Prompts/Oneshots
- Prompt 3: I Had to See You Again:  Sephiroth x Gender Neutral Reader
- Prompt 13: Why Are you Naked in my bed?: Sephiroth x Reader
-Prompt 24: Go then, Leave. See If I care. Sephiroth x Reader  (Angst???)
Zack Fair
- A light in the darkness (Zack x reader)
- New dawn, New life (Vincent x reader x baby)
FFVII Mood boards
Cloud Strife
- Drown
- Avalanche 
Zack Fair & Aerith/Aeris Gainsborough
- All I really wanted
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thechocobois · 5 years
Rules for Requesting
General Rules
No smut. I will write some light NSFW stuff but just not detailed stuff because I've never written about it before and I'm not fully comfortable with it. Possibly sometime in the future??
I write mainly for a female reader. Just because it's what I'm most comfortable with. I will write for a gender neutral reader as well if you ask, but I'm not too sure about a male one just because I'm not too great with it to be honest.
I won't write what I'm not comfortable with. If you're unsure you can always ask, but I won't write something I don't want to just because of a request. I'll try to do all of them but I can't promise as it depends if I can or am okay with doing it :)
I might not write in order. I don't generally write my requests in the order that they are asked, but in the order that I feel I have the most inspiration for. So sorry in advance if it takes really long!!
No incest or pedophilia. Just no. Please don't. I really hate that stuff to be honest.
No ships. I write a character x reader just because it's what I enjoy most!
I will write violence/death/suicide however. Not amazingly but I will try my best!! And if I do, I will add a trigger warning at the top as well.
Don't spread hate. And just don't be rude in general. I want this blog to be a super positive happy place where we can scream about FFXV together!
Who I'll Write For
Mainly I'll write for:
Noctis Lucis Caelum
Gladiolus Amicitia
Prompto Argentum
Ignis Scientia
But I might also write for (although I won't have much experience with so it might not be very well written):
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
Ardyn Izunia
Cor Leonis
Nyx Ulric
If you're still unsure if I'll write what you ask or have any questions, don't hesitate to send an ask or PM to check!! :)
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the-pug-addict · 7 years
Puggy’s Sexy Master Post
At last, I’ve made a master post to make navigation here easier. I’ll try to update this as soon as new things come up, but I’ve definitely got the most important things listed here (AKA fictional dicks).
Last updated - 07/07/2017
Puggy’s Fics:
Hanzo Shimada x Female Reader
Rating: 18+
Read it on AO3
Read it on Wattpad 
Diamonds Are His Best Friends
Ardyn Izunia x Female Reader
Final Fantasy XV
Rating: 18+
Read it on Tumblr
Read it on AO3
Read it on Wattpad
Heart Line
Gladiolus Amicita x Female Reader
Final Fantasy XV
Rating: 18+
on hold
Read it on AO3
Read it on Wattpad
A Deep Passionate Reylo Love Story
Kylo Ren x Rey
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Rating: 18+
Read it on AO3
A Deep Passionate Po and Finn Love Story
Poe Dameron x Finn
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Rating: 18+
Read it on AO3
The Ballad of the Boob Sweater
no pairing (?)
Final Fantasy XV
Rating: 16+
Read it on AO3
Ardyn Izunia x Gender-Neutral Reader
Final Fantasy X
Rating: 18+
Read it on Tumblr
Read it on AO3
Puggy’s Drabbles:
Hanzo x Pregnant Female Reader
Hanzo x Formally Dressed Female Reader
Final Fantasy XV:
Cindy x Female Reader (NSFW)
Ardyn x Ravus
Puggy’s Imagines, Headcanons & Discussions:
Final Fantasy XV
Random Ardyn Izunia Headcanons 1
Random Ardyn Izunia Headcanons 2
Random Ardyn Izunia Headcanons 3
Cindy Aurum’s Real Name
Asexual Ardyn Izunia
Rarepair Week: Ardyn x Iris
Lunafreya’s Father
Ardyn’s Purple Haze (NSFW)
Ardyn’s View of a Woman’s Body
Ardyn x Reader Headcanons 1 (NSFW)
Ardyn x Reader Headcanons 2
Ardyn x Reader Headcanons 3
Ardyn x Reader - Hubby Touch
SugarDaddy!Ardyn x Reader Imagine
Ardyn’s maturity in the game vs fanworks
Misconception of the Relationship of the Shimada Bros
Puggy’s Quotes:
Quote 1 - Ardyn
Quote 2 - With Every Tear
Quote 3 - Beauty
Quote 4 - No Ardyn Fan Ever 1
Quote 5 - No Ardyn Fan Ever 2
Puggy’s Gifs:
SugarDaddy!Ardyn 1
SugarDaddy!Ardyn 2
Puggy’s Aesthetics:
Vampire!Ardyn x Reader
Harpy!Ravus x Ardyn
FFXV OC - Neith
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savage-rhi · 8 months
Mending Shadows // Chapter 32
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
Tuti had never been so frightened in her life. With her back to the wall, she attempted to gather her bearings. The task was proving to be a futile effort, for her lungs clamored for oxygen. Her throat felt shattered with every inhale of breath. She was quite surprised to have a voice given her consistent screaming. A part of her subconscious that wasn’t falling apart at the seams joked she could’ve passed as an operatic singer in another life, for her air capacity seemed unyielding. 
Unyielding…Gods, she wished to have such strength. Her fingertips quivered against the cobblestone upon her back, wondering if she should look around the corner. A terrible crunch had Tuti reconsider tactics as her body flinched. Low growls intertwined with a quelching noise that fanned the flames of dread inside of her. She could feel it slither down her back, causing her legs to tremble. 
Tuti knew what awaited her around the edge, and the ghastly sight that would surely burn into her conscious for all time. Yet her curiosity was tempted to take a gander at what Y/N was doing to the bodies. 
Only for a second…She told herself. Just one second…
Tuti sealed her lips tight--took in a deep breath--and inched little by little.
As her head turned she resisted the urge to gasp. Six to seven corpses were scattered around. She and Y/N were a long way from the building that MedZin originally trapped them at. Tuti reminded herself there were plenty of lost souls to be found, and her eyes followed a trail of fresh blood. She settled her gaze on Y/N's back. 
Tuti squinted her eyes to get a better look. Y/N was crouched above the body of a woman. Although she couldn’t make heads or tails of what was happening, she knew Y/N was eating her. The squishy noise of flesh being ripped had Tuti’s stomach fighting the urge to throw up as goosebumps trailed the fine hairs along her arms. 
Gods be damned upon me…Regret took the form of tears in the corner of her eyes.
Tuti knew she should’ve bolted when the men unhanded her to deal with Y/N’s daemonic state. She should’ve ran like hell until her legs could no longer carry the weight of her guilt, but devotion was a fickle thing. She couldn’t in good conscience leave Y/N behind. Not even if they had become a monster and massacred all who tried to stand in their way. Y/N was important, and so was witnessing every horrible act they committed. 
Tuti’s thoughts were interrupted as Y/N's growls began to stagnate. Their breathing quaked, and they suddenly flung the corpse away from them. 
Tuti jumped as the body tumbled off to the side. The strength behind the shove had her grimace. She could only imagine what her poor body would've felt had she been on the receiving end. Her pondering ceased as her eyes once again followed Y/N. 
Y/N started to crawl on all fours as if bipedalism was an uncommon state of being. Their head violently shook from side to side while anguished shrills crept past their lips. Eyes tightly closed as bits of light from the sun trickled into the room. Suddenly, Y/N began to choke on warm blood that flooded their entire throat. Their body heaved as contents from their stomach began to spill. Black bile and bits of meat collapsed onto the floor, creating a noise that sounded like expired milk meeting concrete. The sensation was beyond words and disgust. Painful wheezes were the only noise Y/N made for a time. 
The purge of flesh had momentarily snapped Y/N’s conscious out of its catatonic state. They collapsed on their side, only to scramble to their knees once they caught a whiff of the vomit that lay not far. Weakly, Y/N forced the upper half of their body to rise. With heavy breaths, Y/N opened their black and yellow eyes as their head leaned back. They stared at the ceiling as the world twisted in disarray. They had no idea who they were, or what was going on, but everything felt terribly wrong. 
Y/N slowly brought their hands up to their eyes. A blotched purple hue plagued their skin as did black spider webbing. Then there was the blood. A murky red that nearly camouflaged well against their clawed fingertips. The copper smell inflamed their nostrils, and their heart skipped a beat. For a split second, Y/N became aware of what was going on. Tears instantly streamed from their eyes, mingling with the same black bile that touched their chin and mouth. The scourge--catching wind that it's hold was failing--attempted to steer it's vessel in another direction. Y/N felt their skull split in half as their brain was doused in sickness. 
Throwing back their head, Y/N let out an inhuman screech. The sounds devolved into melancholic growls. More sun came through and they covered their eyes. In a frenzy, Y/N dug their nails into their scalp to relieve themself of pain. Their cries weakened further, and their normal voice started to peak through the cracks of daemonification.  
All Tuti could do was cover her mouth as she watched. Her own tears had become heavy as she witnessed Y/N attempting to shine through the monstrous mask. She could scarce believe it. That there was someone that still remained underneath all that. 
A loose lightbulb overhead suddenly dropped near Tuti’s location. She gasped into her hand, observing the shattered glass then looked up. Y/N was staring right at her, unblinking. 
“By the six, Y/N…” Tuti stuttered. “Don’t come here. Please. Please. Don’t come here.” 
Y/N’s head canted to the side in a swift motion. The movement reminded Tuti of a bird cocking its head out of curiosity. Y/N sniffled and leaned forward. Once again on their hands and knees, they slowly crawled toward Tuti. Y/N's features went neutral while never taking their eyes off of her. 
Tuti wanted to scream.
Most would’ve followed animal instinct and run, but Tuti froze. She tried to rationalize her choice to remain, given what she witnessed when the MedZin soldiers attempted to flee. They were cut limb from limb in a matter of seconds. Perhaps if she stood her ground, this creature at the helm of Y/N’s body wouldn’t see her as a threat. By all accounts this was stupid, but she had no other choice but to lock in as Y/N was no more than ten feet away now. 
Y/N’s head twitched as they sniffed the air. Blinking a few times, the neutrality they wore began to shift. Fright plagued the dark eyes that stared right at Tuti. Uncertain what to make of her, all the while remaining attentive to what she’d do next. 
Tuti felt like she was going to have a heart attack.
“It’s alright,” Tuti whispered, more to herself than to Y/N. “It’s alright.” 
Y/N seemed to be hypnotized by her words, and Tuti let out a breath she had been holding back. The purr like snort Y/N let out would’ve been almost endearing had they not been consuming a person moments ago.
“Y/N, it’s okay.” Tuti nodded as her lips quivered into a smile. “Everything’s going to be fine!”
Everything’s going to be fine, but not for the dead...Tuti recalled the body count and bit her lip. Now wasn't the time for survivors guilt. Not when she had Y/N more or less settled down. 
“Y/N,” Tuti murmured. “I’m going to get help. Do you know what that means? I’m going to fetch the Chancellor. He’ll be here, and you’ll be okay. You hear that? You’re going to be just fine. He’ll fix this!” 
She took one step backward and all hell broke loose. 
Y/N lunged forward, snapping their mouth in rapid succession at Tuti while they attempted to grab her. Tuti let out a high pitch scream and bolted. Panting heavily, she sprinted down a hall and made a right. Her body slammed into a door, and she let out a pained yelp. She ignored whatever bruises were gained and continued to run as the sound of Y/N's brisk claws rapidly trailed. Suddenly, Tuti felt a huge weight upon her back as Y/N launched themself at her. 
Tuti shrieked and she tumbled to the floor with Y/N. Save for the stinging lacerations Y/N inflicted, Tuti couldn't make heads or tails of what was going on. She yelled and used her weight against Y/N, and forced them both to roll over several times before coming to a stop. Tuti felt the wind knock out of her as Y/N slammed her to the ground. Frantically, Tuti's right arm reached out for whatever was near, and pulled a rifle off a MedZin corpse and used it to block Y/N's mashing teeth from reaching her face at the last second. 
“Y/N! Stop it!” Tuti bellowed. Her plead fell on deaf ears as Y/N kept snapping. The material of the gun was being peeled away quick, and Tuti knew she didn’t have long. Her eyes rapidly glanced between both their bodies, and using all her strength, Tuti pushed up and kicked Y/N not once but several times in the abdomen.
One pained cry after another escaped Y/N, and while stunned, Tuti adjusted the rifle and used it to hit them across the face. The power behind Tuti’s hit forced Y/N off as they plummeted to the side and away from her. 
Tuti scrambled to her feet and ran before Y/N had the chance to recover and finish the job. She ran so fast that the muscles in her calves began to spasm. 
“You there, miss!” An Accordo trooper beckoned Tuti to come forth. “Miss, do you need help? We’re looking for survivors of an explosion! Miss! Miss!”
Tuti didn’t register the soldiers who had come to search for survivors. She didn’t hear Y/N let out a haunting scream, nor did she hear the conversation the men had amongst themselves as to what caused it. She didn’t hear them make haste toward Y/N’s location. She didn’t hear the yells, the gunfire, or the sound of an unknown weapon going off, causing Y/N pain beyond measure that the daemonic voice all but disappeared as the human within called out her name. 
Her ears fell numb to the world, and she didn’t stop running.
After what felt like an eternity, exhaustion had Tuti come to a halt. Out of breath and wheezing, Tuti forced her dry eyes to look around and figure out where she ended up. Buildings that hadn't been touched by the earlier attack greeted her as did a clear sky. The smoke was long gone, and there were seldom few down this road, save for Accordo troopers securing the area. It didn't take long for Tuti to realize she was in one of the districts closest to the port. 
“Thank heavens,” she said in between harsh breaths. She grimaced at feeling her clothes stick to her skin from all her perspiration, and felt guilty. This was nothing compared to what Y/N was enduring--that is if they were still alive. Tuti didn't have time to entertain the thought any further as a strong hand gripped her shoulder. She felt the world spin and she screamed. 
Ardyn flinched from the screech, making a face as he shook his head. “Tuti?”
“Chancellor Izunia?” Tuti’s bottom lip quivered, happy to see a familiar face. She threw her arms out and embraced him. "Oh thank the six!" 
Ardyn was dumbfounded as his arms flew up to avoid being fully ensnared. He acknowledged Tuti had a forcible strength despite her small frame, and wasn't sure if that shocked him or the fact someone genuinely sounded relieved to be basking in his presence. He looked down and his gaze met hers. Tuti's heartsore eyes reminded Ardyn of a devout praying before the heavens to be freed of strife. 
“Y/N is back there! I couldn’t do anything but watch. There was so much blood! Y/N’s not themself, and I don’t know what to do! What are we going to do? I didn’t want to run, but what choice did I have?! Y/N tried to kill me and I…Chancellor, what are we going to do?!”
“My dear, you’re going to let me go for starters.” Ardyn grimaced as he calmly coaxed Tuti’s arms and hands away from him. He composed himself the best he could, and softened his hardened gaze. “Second, I need you to breathe. Can you do that?”
“I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I can do that!” 
“You can and you will if you care for what happens to Y/N!” Ardyn stated firmly. He somewhat prided himself in the fact he scared her, for Tuti's disposition immediately changed like a switch going off. She shook like a cat who had nearly drowned as Ardyn gestured for her to follow his motions, taking in a big inhale followed by an exhale. Little by little, she started to regain her old self from what he gathered. 
“Good, good,” Ardyn replied eagerly. He only had so much patience to aid someone with a basic mindfulness technique. 
“Tuti,” Ardyn rested both hands upon her shoulders, minding not to put his weight on her. He made a great effort to not sound hostile, nor give away the desperation that was tugging his pulse. “It’s imperative I know where Y/N is at. I need you to tell me everything.” 
“I…alright,” Tuti swallowed. She studied Ardyn's features, noting how tired he was, and she felt a pinch of intimidation run down her body. She also couldn't help but notice how golden his eyes were. Not like the earthy brown tones she had seen in many common people, but an almost ethereal hue that felt dangerous. For a second, Tuti thought she was looking at Y/N's daemonic eyes. Her breath hitched and she averted her gaze. No longer having the strength to be reminded of what almost killed her. 
“Y/N and I were heading for the port to evacuate. The Imperial caravan at the hotel was long gone by the time Loqui and I found them. We took to the smaller roads to avoid the crowds. Then out of nowhere, there was this…explosion. It was like a star fell from the heavens and blinded us. The impact sent Y/N and I flying in opposite directions. When I came to, I frantically looked for Y/N before I was manhandled by these people in black uniforms with a red patch--MedZin I think. They talked so fast, but they planned to take Y/N with them and kill me.” She had to pause for a moment, shuddering from the implications of her fate had Y/N not taken to rage. 
“And then?” Ardyn besought. 
Tuti let out a breath. “Y/N suddenly turned into…something else. A daemon. One by one, our adversaries were slain, but MedZin tossed another one of those bombs at us. Y/N retreated deeper into the building to avoid it. I stupidly chased, and Y/N just kept getting more and more violent. MedZin retreated at that point because Y/N overwhelmed them--"
“Do you know where the men ran off to?” Ardyn interrupted. 
“No,” Tuti shook her head. “I wasn’t paying attention. I was too scared Y/N was going to find me. There was a moment I thought Y/N came to their senses, but they tried to attack me. I ended up hurting them, and I think Accordo troopers went seeking them out.” she pointed past him. “The building, it was several blocks down that way…you can’t miss the impact site of the bomb.”
Ardyn let go of Tuti’s shoulders and made a fist. His fingers were loosing blood from the pressure he applied.
“Chancellor, I beseech you I didn’t mean to leave Y/N behind,” Tuti sniffled. She could sense the brief hostility that traveled through him, despite his hands no longer being upon her body. “I’m so sorry--I thought…”
“Don’t speak any further,” Ardyn breathed. He resisted the urge to strike, knowing most would’ve done what she did in order to survive. Using his right index finger, Ardyn poked underneath Tuti’s chin and coaxed her to look up before letting go. “You have my sincere appreciation for what you’ve confessed. What come may, I’ll handle everything.”
“T-thank you, Chancellor.” Tuti weakly gave a bow with her head. As she rose, she followed Ardyn’s hand while he gestured toward a group of Higher Imperials from afar, being escorted by two magitek soldiers. Her heart skipped a beat, knowing there were familiar faces. 
“Go to them,” Ardyn encouraged. “Now.” 
Tuti glanced over him one last time before she found the courage to pick up her feet again. 
After taking in the destruction nearby, Ardyn shadow stepped and headed for the spot Tuti had pointed out. While he transcended through space like nothing, he suddenly felt his body wanting to give out, and it did just that. His breathing raced as the scourge traveled through him, and Ardyn suddenly came to a grinding halt. 
“Oh Gods…” He hoarsely whispered, feeling his heart cease like it had been grasped by someone with a tight grip. The last time Ardyn felt his heart stop beating was when Somnus struck him down during their duel for the throne. He remembered it well. Pain and confusion danced in harmony as air left his lungs, and the muscle of his heart desperately pumped without realizing the action would be its undoing. Ardyn felt that same suffering both physically and metaphorically in the present. 
Multiple points on his body started to become inflamed, as if the very fibers of Ardyn's muscles wanted to break through his skin. He then heard horrid screams pulse in his ears, and behind his eyes he saw a familiar daemonic entity wearing Y/N's face. The scourge felt beyond excited. The rush of despair Ardyn felt at the last second on Y/N's behalf at Outpost 98 came back to haunt him with a vengeance. Y/N--his Y/N--was close to the finish line just as before. 
“Pull yourself together!” Ardyn snarled. He once again shadow stepped as if the gods themselves were trailing him in a hunt. 
Minutes passed, and Ardyn neared the site of the explosion. He didn’t want to waste time, but couldn’t resist taking a gander at the impact point. A hint of a sulfur like odor hung in the air which caused him to grimace. He then picked up on a bouquet of scents that had the scourge in his body attempting to shirk away. The hivemind didn’t like this. Not one bit. 
“A suffoco was deployed,” Ardyn said quietly to himself, and looked ahead to the large hole that led inside the building. A shroud of screams came tumbling out, and Ardyn braced himself for the worst as he ventured forth into the fray. 
The interior of the building was an abysmal mess. What was once a lavish series of offices and intricate halls was now a pigsty of debris, brick, and blood. Ardyn didn’t envy whoever worked here. He imagined how tedious the task would be picking up after the carnage he had observed left and right. The foul sweet smell of the scourge within Y/N’s blood waft in the air, and like an addict, Ardyn eagerly followed the trail. 
A noise with a rhythmic tap rang in his ears before the explosion went off. Ardyn lost his balance, and slouched against the wall nearest to his right. It felt as if the rays of the sun kissed through all layers of his flesh. A pained moan fell past his lips. His right hand reached for his chest, and trembled up his neck as a strain took hold. 
Confusion rampaged across Ardyn’s eyes while he rapidly glanced around. With each pass of air through his lungs, Ardyn felt his organs clamoring for relief. The commotion was far away. He hadn’t been hit by a suffoco, but by the gods, did it feel like it. 
As his ears rang, the rapid tempo of a pulse soon took over as the dominant noise. It wasn’t his heartbeat, but that of another. It hit him all at once as his mind seemingly began to download information at a speed unfathomable to a mortal. 
Y/N couldn't breathe. They were alone, terrified, and suffering. The scourge had given up its lust for dominance over the host, and was attacking the body from the inside out in a crude attempt to relieve itself of affliction. Ardyn felt his body flux in temperature. One moment boiling, the next cold as ice. The daemonic entities that resided within screeched so loud, that Ardyn shouted while covering his ears. Falling forward, the shrieking evolved into desperate murmurs of incoherent thought. 
“Y/N,” Ardyn gasped. His brain felt like it was melting, but he tried to keep himself afloat. The sclera of his eyes became a pitch black void, and Ardyn instinctively began to follow the voices and Y/N's pulse. 
With every step, Ardyn felt agony like no other wash over his soul. He nearly tripped over himself a few times, not used to taking on the burdens of a mortal. Despite discomfort, he persisted on his path. Gods be damned anyone or anything that got in the way of the impulse he felt enslaved to. The very atoms of his being desperately yearned to be with who his scourge had imprinted upon. 
Soon enough, Ardyn arrived in the room where he assumed Y/N would be. He stopped to catch his breath and looked downward. Bodies of Accordo troopers littered the area. He couldn’t sense any other life present, until heavy breaths captured his attention.
Ardyn watched in dismay as Y/N suddenly emerged. Like a fish out of water, Y/N crashed and tumbled into everything. In between hysterics, Ardyn noticed Y/N's skin sizzling with an artificial smell that was likened to a rich spice. Y/N had been directly hit by a suffoco, and the light magic within the orb had triggered asphyxiation. He could feel the light that had penetrated attempting to purge the scourge by any means necessary. 
Ardyn briefly recalled witnessing demonstrations of the weapons use from Accordo officials. It was one thing to watch in trials, but another to helplessly observe a daemonified creature go through such suffering. He was pulled out of his head as Y/N choked while trying in vain to scream, and made direct eye contact with them. 
Despite a pair of abyssal eyes staring him down, Ardyn could see the human showing through. A desperate plead haunted Y/N’s features, and he felt his blood run cold knowing subconsciously what Y/N was telling him despite not having full control of their actions:
They were making their peace with the end. 
“No, no, no!” Ardyn shook his head. His voice teetered on the edge between human and monster, enough to startle Y/N. “You don’t have the right to do that! You don’t have the damned right! We don't take the easy way out, Y/N!" 
For a moment, Ardyn thought he had them under his control until he witnessed Y/N’s scourge veins rapidly pulsate. It was like witnessing a caterpillar attempting to burst out of its cocoon in a bloody mess. During his turmoil, Ardyn didn't pay attention to the fact Y/N suddenly attacked him. The punches made him snarl, and he felt Y/N cut open his left arm with a swipe of their clawed fingertips. Ardyn let out a pained hiss as Y/N flung themself off and retreated. 
“Y/N, come back!” Ardyn beseeched with a yell. “Y/N!” 
He chased after them and Y/N collapsed against the legs of a table nearby. Their airway now almost completely blocked, they began to let out a sickening wheeze. Ardyn came to their side and fell upon his knees. He gathered Y/N's body into his arms. His tear brimmed eyes desperately searched them over while he tried to shake them back into consciousness. 
“Oh no, no, no! Y/N!” Ardyn's voice strained while his mind flickered between the past and present. Y/N's painful rasps intermingled with the somber breaths Aera had taken before she had perished. History was repeating itself in a way that crushed him more than the blade of Somnus piercing his back, and Ardyn desperately cried out as Y/N violently escaped from his grasp. 
Amidst the sudden jolt, Ardyn froze as an idea leeched into his head. If the panic could be settled, if the scourge could be reassured--like he had done for Y/N's flares in the past--perhaps there was a chance of survival. Instinct beckoned him to give more of his scourge to Y/N, and to lure Y/N's pain to a singular point. 
Ardyn's mouth fell open as he saw the irony of their roles being reversed. It was now Y/N's turn to feed off him in order to heal. While the thought seemed counterintuitive, he had to try. He couldn't--no, he wouldn't go through a painful loss again. He rapidly began to think of ways to get the scourge into Y/N. There was nothing sterile like a syringe near, and he scarce doubted such an item existed in an office setting. Ardyn nearly settled for hovering his injured arm above their mouth and letting the scourge drip, but he realized Y/N could choke further.
"There's gotta be some damned way to-!"
Ardyn looked down at his sliced arm, watching blood and dark bile seep from the wound. His heart skipped a beat as revelation cleared his mind, then carefully brought the injured limb to his mouth and started to suckle. Ardyn could feel the underside of his tongue fill with scourge, and he tried to contain it without it falling to the back of his throat. After consuming much, he lifted his head. Blood and scourge oozed from the corners of his mouth as a determined fixation lingered in his gaze. 
While Y/N began to rise from the ground, Ardyn’s right hand grabbed a hold of their head from the chin in a tight vice. He forcibly turned them around. Y/N gagged out a hoarse yell in protest. The whites of their eyes were pushing and pulling against the darkness. Ardyn could sense through their agony that they didn’t want to fight him, but had no control over themselves. Not in this sorry state. 
Before Y/N had the chance to attack, Ardyn brashly pinned Y/N to the ground with his body. Either side of his arms caged their head. He leaned forward and Y/N cried out as his left hand cupped the side of their face. Ardyn let go of his hesitance, tilted his head, and softly pressed his lips to Y/N's. Closing his eyes, he forced his tongue inside their mouth and remained still, letting the scourge he had gathered slowly descend into Y/N's body. 
Little by little, Ardyn felt Y/N's trembling cease. He calmly breathed through his nose, and flinched when his throat captured one of Y/N's gasps. The scourge was definitely distracted. He could feel it begin to sync up with his own, losing its fear to the light that he was snuffing out. Gods be damned to all hells known if this wasn't going to work. This had to work. He would make it so.  
As the seconds ticked on, Ardyn moved his mouth ever so slightly. His tongue lifted and tugged against Y/N's, controlling the flow of the scourge. The sound of Y/N's heartbeat in his ears began to dissipate as his own increased. He felt a moan from Y/N reverberate through his mouth, and impulsively returned a groan of pleasure. Euphoria began to flood him, which confused Ardyn greatly. He shouldn't have been deriving any sort of satisfaction from this act yet his nerves melted. His knees grew weak as he felt Y/N's bottom lip feebly tug. If he didn't know better, they were trying to kiss him back. 
Ardyn tried to not allow such sentiment to interfere with his aid. This was nothing but a transaction to ensure both parties would survive, yet he could feel himself succumbing to the similar affections he craved at the springs. There was a part of Ardyn, a part he denied, that hoped the kiss would linger. He prayed even harder that Y/N wouldn't pick up on these feelings through their bond. 
Ardyn's face flushed with warmth while he slightly opened his eyes. He admired the little imperfections in Y/N's skin before the hand that was cradling their face gripped further. His thumb brushed upon their flesh delicately and he closed his eyes yet again and deepened the dark kiss. His movements were deliberately slow, giving Y/N plenty of time for their body to settle and even push him away should they be fairing well. Ardyn could feel Y/N's scourge merge with the hivemind that flickered in the back of his subconscious. It wouldn't be long before it would become dormant at his behest.
A muffled groan from Y/N’s end had Ardyn freeze. The noise wasn’t feeble and broken but strong, indicating to him that Y/N could breathe freely. He relinquished whatever desires that held him, and lifted his lips from Y/N’s. His eyes carded over their face, relief grasping him at seeing natural color return to Y/N’s flesh. Save for the small patches of scourge markings, they were by all accounts normal. He hoped in mind, that similar results would show. That Y/N was still there, in their head and in control. 
Ardyn removed himself from Y/N. He adjusted his legs, now sitting upon his knees as he bundled up Y/N close to his chest. While supporting Y/N with his left arm, Ardyn used his right hand to softly nudge their face. Fear tip toed around him as he pondered the what ifs. Y/N wasn’t dying no longer. The scourge all but confirmed that, but such assurance from spirits of darkness did little to calm the erratic ache of not knowing in full. 
“Y/N,” Ardyn whispered in plea. “Y/N, talk to me. Talk to me."
He stilled when Y/N opened their eyes. There was no trace of a familiar set of amber orbs looking upon him as if he had held up a mirror to himself. 
“Hi,” Y/N croaked. The word was faint and scratchy, but it was enough. Shortly after, Y/N closed their eyes and passed out. Their body and mind too worn to comprehend the world.  
Despite them passing out, words couldn't convey nor touch how relieved Ardyn felt in this moment. To be free of loss's burden was a blessing sweeter than all the sins he had committed upon others. Ardyn closed his eyes while settling down his nerves, and embraced Y/N tightly to him. Had he been a pious man, perhaps the gods would've deserve some praise for the occasion, but alas not. He saved Y/N himself. An immortal--Adagium--saved someone with his own curse. 
“What are you doing?” 
Like a mirror being crashed into, Ardyn’s body stiffened at the intrusion of Loqui's voice. He was rattled out of his peace, and the deep yellows behind his black eyes constricted while he growled under breath. 
“Chancellor, what are you doing with Y/N?” Loqui’s voice grew louder. He stepped forward, and his mouth fell open. Shock fell upon his face as he caught glimpse of the scourge markings that covered Y/N's legs. "Y/N's...no, Y/N's a daemon?" 
Ardyn kept his back to Loqui, shielding the majority of Y/N from him. His shoulders quaked as the relief he had felt seconds ago, began to burn off into a resentful anger. 
“This can’t be!” Loqui stepped back. He shook his head. “Did the attackers infect Y/N?!”
“No,” Ardyn lowly replied. 
“So then…” Loqui’s voice trailed off as he started to put it together. He could feel his face turning a pale. “Has Y/N been sick this whole time?” 
“You were supposed to be watching them!” Ardyn bellowed. He turned his face to the side; daemonic features long gone yet his animosity remained. "You stupid, reckless, boy!" 
The sudden scream had Loqui jump and lose his train of thought. He watched Ardyn rise to his feet with Y/N in tow. Despite being scared, Loqui felt weeks of pent up frustration toward the Chancellor come tumbling out. He stood his ground, and glared while firmly talking back to Ardyn. 
“Chancellor or not, you will not address me as such!” 
“I can damn well call you by the name of every filth on Eos if it would give me pleasure!” Ardyn spat. “Y/N and I argued for a day and night over you being their guardian while I attended the empires affairs in Altissa, and your negligence almost cost them everything!” 
“You can’t pin this all on me!” Loqui retaliated. “My commands from the battalion take precedence in the event of--!”
“Precedence? Don’t make me laugh!” Ardyn interrupted with a bitter scoff. “I know you all too well, boy. You walk in the shadow of your father and wished to be seen in the same light as he. That’s why aiding the House of the Courts benefited you versus keeping Y/N--and Tuti for that matter--safe from our enemies! It wouldn’t bode well on your resume, no, but saving Madam Secretary and all those Higher Imperials would’ve done numbers for your reputation! Admit it you little leech!”
“You don't know a damn thing about me, and you should talk! Like you've done any better regarding Y/N's welfare!" Loqui countered. “All this time Y/N has been sick with the starscourge, and you didn’t do or say anything about it? Does the emperor know?! Is Chief Besithia aware of that?!” 
“I am not privy to disclose or break Y/N’s confidence to the likes of you, regardless of how highly they’ve spoken of your character!” Ardyn yelled. “Y/N’s burdens are mine and Chief Besithia’s responsibility, not yours nor anyone else!” 
“So Y/N is a pet project then? Something for you and the Research Ministry to poke and prod at?!” Loqui felt his blood boil at the mere thought. “The laws are clear, Chancellor that we ease the suffering of those afflicted! The starscouge is a fate worse than death, the whole world knows that even our enemies! You're an inhuman monster for this! If you cared anything for Y/N, you'd-!" 
“Don’t you DARE tell me I don’t care about them!” 
The air stilled as both men froze, staring one another down. 
There was a time that Loqui believed while he could never beat the Chancellor in a game of wits, he could physically usurp him. The feelings of betrayal and anger tempted Loqui to prove his point. His mind was already made up, yet his body didn’t move to the commands of his conscious. Loqui was surprised. The fury behind Ardyn’s words were long gone, but the presence of an unfathomable rage lingered like a sickness that refused to part ways. 
Ardyn never once flinched. His firm posture--the way he held Y/N protectively to him--indicated to Loqui he had struck a nerve so deep, that the false bravado Ardyn displayed among the public could devolve into something dangerous. He had just earned himself a little taste of it. The very nerves under his flesh tinged at the realization. 
Loqui let out a snort, and lowered his head. Literally bowing out of a potential brawl. He made as fist as Ardyn began to walk with Y/N in tow and stopped. Loqui could feel the Chancellor’s eyes raining daggers upon him, and refused to look him in the eye. 
“There’s a thousand ways we can go about this, but I’ll keep it simple.” Ardyn coldly spoke. “Speak of Y/N’s condition to anyone, and I’ll ensure unfathomable suffering befalls you and your kin.”
Loqui flinched. “You’d really resort to that?”
“To protect Y/N, and the interests of empire itself, yes.” Ardyn firmly replied. He leaned in closer so he was nearly whispering in Loqui’s ear menacingly. “If I had half a mind, I'd encourage the Imperial army to demote you to such a low rank that worms would take precedence over your value. Alas, I will not be moving forward with such commands. I do this kindness for Y/N by sparing you, but make note: this will be the first and last time you ever question my sensibilities. Is that quite understood?" 
“Yes what?” 
Loqui grit his teeth. “Yes Chancellor.” 
“That’s what I love to hear.” 
Loqui’s emotions were teetering on the edge at the way Ardyn mockingly said love. He didn’t know if Ardyn was mocking his feelings to Y/N, or if the Chancellor himself was admitting his own emotions in a subtle ploy. Mind games were not Loqui’s forte, nor did he ever want to become a person who enjoyed said things. It was best to let it go, despite having the urge to chuck his sword right through the man's chest while his guard was down. 
Enraged and at a loss, Loqui didn't hear Ardyn make his departure. Nor did he hear him state he would be seeking medical attention for Y/N. Loqui peered up and watched as Ardyn disappeared down the hall, leaving him with eviscerated corpses. The likes of which Loqui couldn't fathom. He grimaced as nausea curled its finger around his chin and tempted him onward. 
As he left the massacre behind him, Loqui couldn’t help but wonder if it was Y/N or the Chancellor who had committed these violent acts. Knowing Y/N was tainted by the scourge, it had to be them. But there was something about the Chancellor’s manner that him questioning everything down to his loyalties. He couldn't help but wonder how far the rabbit hole went, and wished more than anything, that he could lean on the wisdom of his father. 
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savage-rhi · 7 months
Mending Shadows // Chapter 33
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
Y/N’s mind was suspended in darkness. 
The passage of time was an elusive concept that slipped through their soul like grains of sand in an hourglass. There was no such thing as the external world. There was no Eos, no Niflheim, no Lucis, no Ardyn--only a void that unfolded with a surreal fluidity. Memories couldn’t plant their roots in this place. Nothing flourished here, except two things: presence, and song. 
Although not aware of themself, Y/N latched onto the melancholic tune that somehow wormed its way into the dark to meet them. The idea of colors slowly began to return in splotches of vibrant blues and purples and vibrated against the sound, creating hues beyond the spectrum of the waking world. Little by little, like a rock being polished by the waves of the ocean, imagination and existence blurred into an ethereal dance. 
A glimmer of light broke through Y/N’s eyelids. It tugged at the fringes of their awareness. Everything was blurry, but they could detect movement. Shapes wandered around their peripheral, and so did voices. They couldn’t make out what was being said, but felt… something. 
It was hard to put words to tone much less decipher the delicate touch that would occasionally glide across their face, squeezing their right hand when all ministrations were complete. The simple ritual was conducted by only what Y/N could perceive as an entity. Shortly thereafter, would the song emerge and play it’s gloomy notes. Though Y/N couldn’t comprehend the movement of time, they had a feeling the entity had done this on numerous occasions, and they felt warm at the thought that something beyond recognition regarded them. 
The process repeated itself many times over. Just as Y/N would be on the precipice of awakening, they’d fall back into dark shores. Only peering through when they once again could hear the dreary song, and watch as colors tried to choreograph it's energy. 
A chord struck and reverberated all through the void, and Y/N’s consciousness suddenly remembered the name of the music. 
Shiva’s Lament… 
Y/N felt themself once more peering out from the dark and taking a step back into the waking world. The corner of their eyes still heavy with fog, Y/N’s ears followed the poignant timbre of sound that felt both like a warm hug and a haunting cry. That’s when Y/N’s exhausted gaze fell upon Ardyn, watching as his body sway while he adjusted the bow against the strings of a violin. His fingertips delicately moved against the neck of the instrument to seamlessly connect notes that longed for each other’s company like lost lovers. 
Shiva’s Lament…Y/N repeated in mind, as the memory of their debut night in the Vixen carded its fingertips against their brain. Their eyes traveled over Ardyn with awe, for his hair looked like whisps of flames against a glow of light that emitted from his body. Y/N was surprised to see him without his jacket and scarves. He was dressed so casually that it went against his nature, but it never once took away how graceful Ardyn looked from Y/N’s point of view. 
Gods, he was so beautiful in the glow that words couldn’t describe it. If it were possible to move their limbs, Y/N would’ve reached out to him.
Like heartstrings being carefully tended to, Ardyn made the violin weep with such a soulful quality that Y/N could feel themself drifting back to sleep. They didn’t want to be lured back into the dark. No, they wanted to latch onto the flowing melody and let Ardyn guide them through the storm; like he had done at the wedding when they danced. Like how he carried them through Outpost 98. He was always there at that midpoint between life and death for Y/N. A personal reaper who offered some shreds of comfort before the finale. And like the grim itself coming to collect his toll, Y/N succumbed to Ardyn’s song and went back to the void. 
There was nothing but dreamless sleep for what felt like ages, and Y/N awoke once more but with a sharp gasp like a newborn babe taking in air for the first time. As Y/N adjusted to the world, their labored breaths became calm until there was a steady flow. They could no longer hear their pulse rattling inside their skull, and took this moment to gather everything around them. 
Niflheim…The familiar colors all throughout the room assured Y/N they were no longer in Altissa, but this wasn’t their usual sleeping quarters. The distinct smell of rich spices and musk was strong. They could feel it leeching out of the blankets that covered them. It wasn’t unpleasant by any stretch, but it added a layer of confusion to Y/N as they carefully rose up from the bed. 
As the blankets bundled around Y/N's waist, they noticed the black and red coloring of the sheets. This was Ardyn's bed. This was his scent.
Y/N dryly swallowed, and noticed they weren't alone. Slouched upon a chair a few feet away, Ardyn lay motionless. His arms and legs both crossed with his head leaning against the top rail. Soft strands of breath left his mouth, and Y/N adjusted and crawled on the mattress toward him. As Y/N got a better look, they noticed how wearied he was. More of the wrinkles around Ardyn's eyes were prominent as were dark circles. He looked as if he had stayed up for several nights in a row, and hadn't a moment of reprieve. Y/N wondered if he was sick, and the idea made their skin crawl as they worriedly searched him. It was so peculiar to see signs of stress in Ardyn's features, given he was permanently stuck in his thirties.
Sighing in relief at not seeing anything else, Y/N decided not to entertain the thought any further. They tried to remember how they ended up here, but alas nothing came forth. There was not a speck of a hint, minus how delicious the red velvet cinnamon rolls tasted in the morning after leaving the beach. Y/N felt that their mind was permanently on a dead television channel, akin to the annoying tingle of compressed nerves they felt down their arms and legs. 
“Gods be damned…” Y/N whispered.
Maybe after eating breakfast, everyone went back home. Maybe they had jetlag from riding the airship and needed to sleep it off. Maybe nothing nefarious happened. Maybe they had one too many drinks at the wedding and passed out. Maybe in their drunken state, they dreamt of swimming in the ocean with Ardyn. Maybe...
“We both know that’s a lie,” Y/N murmured to themself while they looked upon Ardyn’s sleeping form.
Whatever happened in Altissa, Y/N knew they had been out cold for a long time. Something had to have gone down, or Ardyn wouldn't have been here. Not like this. 
Growling out of frustration, Y/N could only recollect small fragments of seeing Ardyn playing the violin. With how blank their head felt, they wondered if perhaps that too was only a dream. A fleeting thought that sounded beautiful and offered them comfort during a near death experience. With how weak they were in body, it made sense to Y/N that their brain would latch onto something like that.
Y/N suddenly noticed an object that was sitting in Ardyn’s lap. Shifting their legs so that they were dangling off the bed, Y/N curiously observed the open leather bound book. Marks from what appeared to be pencil was scattered around on the pages, creating an image Y/N couldn't decipher from this angle. Wanting to get a better look, Y/N slowly stood up and stumbled while walking toward Ardyn. Their body quaked as gravity made itself known again. Gritting their teeth, Y/N shuffled toward the chair and thanked whatever was listening that they need only take a few steps forward. With each lift of their feet, Y/N's calves felt as if they had been crushed under rocks. As they drew close, Y/N evened out their breath and gently reached for the book, being mindful not to bump Ardyn all the while. 
With shaking fingertips, Y/N brought the book to their face and quietly observed. The first few pages were littered with intricate drawings of figures and faces. People Ardyn had no doubt seen around Niflheim, or maybe even somewhere from his past. The warm glow that drifted through the curtains nearby illuminated the drawings further. Free flowing gestures accentuated the little imperfections people naturally had. There was character to every face, and every limb as if Ardyn's mind was a camera that had taken several shots of people in motion. They were surprised that a hand pulled this feat, let alone that Ardyn had any artistic endeavor. 
“Wow,” Y/N smiled as they whispered to themself. 
Page after page was filled to the brim, and Y/N wondered if anyone knew about the Chancellor’s creative pursuits. Mid-thought, they flipped to the next page and froze. The subject jumped out at them immediately like a reflection out of time. Y/N was staring at themself. He had drawn a portrait of them. 
Mouth falling open, Y/N realized there was more than just one. Their eyes drifted from sketch to sketch, and as more was revealed, Y/N felt astonishment tightly grasp their heart. Disbelief danced on the edge of reason as Y/N flipped a few more pages, revealing more of themself. 
Ardyn had acquired every nuance of Y/N's persona with the stroke of a pencil. There were smiles and frowns, comedic poses, and moody postures. Moments of vulnerability that only the artist himself could've witnessed firsthand. Even among half finished doodles he had clearly given up on, their essence remained intact. All the while, the subject had been completely oblivious to how immersed the artist was as he captured quiet intensities and delicate manner. 
This somehow felt more intimate than coming across the contents of one's diary, and Y/N blushed as they forced themself back to the first page. 
The room suddenly felt warmer than usual as Y/N had a deeper understanding of Ardyn's observations of humans. Each sketch was a silent testimony to how he truly paid attention to all the little nuances most took for granted. It was scary how he could get into someone's head, let alone commit a wink or a grimace to memory via graphite and parchment. It also enamored Y/N, especially when they realized some of their portraits went as far back as their debut night. Disbelief and other emotions swirled inside of them, realizing these drawings captured unspoken feelings Ardyn kept hidden from the world. 
Biting the inside of their lip, Y/N winced out a weak grunt. Their stomach twisted in a painful knot. Dehydration finally clawed to the surface, and Y/N carefully put the sketchbook back in Ardyn’s lap before limping away to seek something to quench their thirst. 
Ardyn was lost in his own world between worlds. He didn’t register Y/N had awoken, nor was he disturbed by them tinkering with his sketchbook. Everything outside of his head wasn’t a matter of consequence. Not when he felt so weak to the point of entering a period of temporary hibernation. If Ardyn were aware, this would’ve been day three of this mini holiday he had unintentionally succumbed to. That being said, he had been granted anything but rest.
After the fiasco in Atlissa--and dealing with the political consequences of the event--Ardyn had long sought shelter amongst the whispering commentary of daemons and the poor unfortunate souls he had consumed ages ago. Their voices forged several paths before him as he combed through the past week and a half. He cut through memories of conversations, and meetings--putting them into boxes and categories he could summon at a later time.
In this dark space, Ardyn was also seeking answers to questions. Trying in vain to find a point in time where he perhaps mistook an event as insignificant. The first attack on the House of the Courts made perfect sense. The arrival of several Imperial fleets had pushed people past an already unstable edge with the betrothal to boot. Ardyn couldn’t fault the citizens of Accordo for that, for even he sympathized to a degree with their hatred toward the empire. It was easy for him to understand how the embers of men could grow into a forest fire, yet unlike a voracious flame, they didn’t get far without a clear sense of direction. However, he couldn’t let bygones be bygones with the secondary attack. Not when it was so personal that it dare felt insulting. 
A fleeting glimpse of a meeting Ardyn had with investigators tip toed around his conscious. It had been evaluated that the coup had been sprung by a Lucian faction soliciting aid from Accordo’s anti-imperialist groups to achieve an ulterior goal. Of course this faction was MedZin, and Ardyn ensured that little tidbit was expunged off official documentation via bribery of monetary gain.  Of course he spun a believable lie to Aldercapt and the Imperial Counsel, that this ensemble's primary objective was to cause upheaval and undermine the empires national relations. Of course Y/N and other Higher Imperials were targeted to deliver the message--and of course, Aldercapt was pissed off to no end. He spent a great deal verbally lashing out against the surviving ambassadors for not having the foresight to take better charge of security. 
Ardyn managed to sate Aldercapt's tempter tantrum, and settled down the unease amongst his colleagues with diplomatic solutions. He extinguished many fires that day, yet he couldn't put one to rest and that was the truth of the situation. That day of reckoning and bloodshed had been wasted on one simple task: to ensure Y/N's capture. 
A daemonic voice lulled Ardyn to another memory. While Verstael's associates checked to see if Y/N had imbued Tuti with the scourge, Ardyn had studiously interviewed her. The poor thing would live another day if she could get through her recent trauma. He thought the endeavor of a formal checkup was a pointless effort on Verstael's end, for Ardyn knew Y/N didn't have the capability of infecting humans. Not when he himself personally suppressed such an ability via influencing the hivemind--just like he had been doing to Y/N's memories. Making sure the locks had been well fortified. 
Through Tuti’s ramblings, Ardyn confirmed some long held suspicions about why Y/N was specifically targeted. MedZin, as far as they knew, believed Y/N to be Adagium and thus responsible for their main research facility being compromised. It was clear as day. After all, it was Ardyn himself who left a trail of bread crumbs to Y/N's feet, ensuring the fault for the damage would befall their reputation. He had put a target on their back to wash his hands clean of the sins he committed in Lucis during that time. By all accounts, Ardyn should've been ecstatic that his former nemeses weren't seeking him out, however, he felt anything but contentment. 
Y/N was supposed to be the lamb. A sacrifice to sate the sanguine tongue of Gods and bless him a boon to further his true path, and yet when it came time to reap the lamb for slaughter, Ardyn didn’t have the stomach for it. Like an impetuous child who couldn’t fathom barbaric acts, he had taken the innocent creature into his arms and ran away from responsibility, knowing full well he didn’t have the means to keep such a beast happy and healthy. His so called mercy was an act of selfishness that strayed him off the path of divine retribution. All because of one simple act of defiance. All because his heart led him astray, just as it did when he had taken the scourge into himself on behalf of the deep love he had for his people. 
Ardyn saw himself back on the beach in Altissa.  
Aera flashed in his head. Her smile, and her blood. 
Look what that got you in the end… 
I warned you long ago Lucis Caelum, thou brings plenty of pain upon amongst himself. 
“The great Ifrit…what an honor to be graced by your riddles and mystery,” Ardyn’s mind bitterly spoke out into the void. While he couldn’t see him, Ardyn could sense the Inferniums spirit and how warm the atmosphere became. “I assume you’ve come to impart more vague threats?”
I take no honor in such intimidation despite thy hatred for thee. 
“How considerate,” Ardyn scoffed. “Our last encounter would suggest otherwise of your intentions.” 
Make no mistake, my wrath will be as swift as my flames when divine timing commences. You know of the purge within your veins unlocking me from this cage. How the scourge has grown weak to protect thee. It is not the king of light who will bring you peace, but I in the end due to mankind's tampering with nature. 
The serum… Ardyn held a belief in his gut the issue with Ifrit was connected to him getting jabbed long ago, and this confirmed all suspicion. He mused to himself at the irony, and didn’t know whether or not to despair or laugh. 
“Then why torture me with your very presence at this moment, shouldn’t you be saving that for your grand entrance when you take over my body?” Ardyn muttered. His eyes glanced around the endless dark, feeling out the vibrations of the hivemind and that of the god that dwelled inside of him. 
Your fear has called to me. 
“My fear?” 
The fear of profound loss. Thou dreads this depravation above mortality. 
“What are you, a shrink?” Ardyn sneered. His sarcastic quip did little to deter Ifrit’s expository as the god continued to speak through thought.
Through thee, I will seek thy own retributions toward mankind and the gods. At such time, I proclaim a hand will never lay upon the soul you miss. 
Ardyn glared and averted his gaze, feeling every fiber of his being--of his soul--wanting to lash out in blind fury. The god of eternal flame certainly knew where to hit a man when he was down, that much Ardyn gave Ifrit credit for. 
“Aera… my Aera is dead,” He muttered with sorrow. “No one can harm what’s gone. Not even the accursed gods can break a spirit beyond the astral realms. I took you as an entity of intelligence, not a mindless beast yet it seems I stand corrected.”
It is not the ancient oracle I speak of. 
Ardyn became dead silent. 
I shall grant thee this one kindness in memory of who thou once was. 
“You know nothing of my feelings!” 
Thy knows enough through your meddling in darkness. 
“Get out of my head!” Ardyn yelled. He suddenly felt the air become humid and felt his soul crawl as if it had been doused in flammable liquid. Through sudden surprise, Ardyn could sense that Ifrit was prepared to light the match. 
Enjoy domain over this god and darkness, Adagium. The end draws near, and I shall bask in the fires of my hatred for thee! 
The voices of daemons began to screech, rattled by Ifrit’s intrusion. The presence of the Infernium disappeared, but the temperature of his spirit remained, and Ardyn felt overheated. Like a runaway vehicle, the sensation slammed into him and shattered like glass. It was as if he had been stranded in a desert, and there was no oasis that would grant him reprieve. He couldn’t sate the pain in his body, nor how parched his mouth had become. However, absolution lay before Ardyn in the form of a blue void that would openly swallow him whole if he chose to dip his feet into the surf. 
The waves of the beach beckoned Ardyn to seek refuge. He could feel it drawing him in like how the very moon controlled the currents. Ardyn rushed into the tides just as he had done before in Altissa until he had fully submerged. Through darkness, he saw a warm glow illuminate the water around him. There were no facial features to be seen coming from this light, but he recognized this presence. He was safe here, so long as he swam forward. 
He woke up. 
Ardyn’s eyes nearly bulged as he shot upward from the chair. Panting in fright, he blinked several times. Every so often he glanced around to ensure he was fixed in reality, and not dwelling within the hivemind or elsewhere. When his body and mind no longer determined an incongruity, Ardyn rubbed his forehead and deeply sighed in relief. He felt his shoulders relax while he slouched further into the seat. 
For a moment Ardyn contemplated how long he had been in the dark. The thought was short lived as he did a double take of the bed, and saw Y/N was missing. His eyes widened as the link between himself and Y/N suddenly became reestablished. Memories and sensations that weren't his suddenly hit him all at once, and Ardyn nearly shouted as he gripped the arms of the chair to stabilize himself.
For several minutes, a rush like adrenaline filled Ardyn’s body from head to toe. He was overwhelmed, beyond stimulated for what felt like eternity until it came to a screeching halt. Through Y/N’s perspective, Ardyn witnessed them falling to the floor in the kitchen. He winced as if he had experienced this for himself.
As soon as he regained control of his own point of view, Ardyn jump into action. He tossed his sketchbook to the mattress nearby and sprinted, not caring if he bumped into anyone or anything. What mattered was meeting Y/N in the middle. What mattered most was seeing them awake and most importantly, alive. 
Once Ardyn ventured through the kitchen door, he came to a grinding stop. Y/N still remained on the ground several feet away, but they held up a hand for him to remain where he was. Confusion placated him as Ardyn raised a brow while catching his breath.
“Awake, I know,” Y/N interrupted quietly. Their gaze fell to the ground as their body quivered. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I got hungry and came here. The scourge flared a moment ago and I slipped. I guess you felt that, or you wouldn’t have come in running. ” 
Ardyn took a few steps toward them. “Allow me help you back onto your feet.”
“No, no,” Y/N shook their head, their eyes finally peering up toward him as he stopped midway. There was a mutual look of solace, signifying both had missed one another to some capacity despite Y/N's reluctance. 
“Let me handle this, please.”
“Ardyn, please just let me have this.”
At first Ardyn was stumped. He couldn’t understand for the life of himself why Y/N was being stubborn. Defeatedly, Ardyn studied Y/N’s features. He noted how bloodshot their eyes were. How tears stained either side of their face. The way their skin both looked rejuvenated and stricken by disease as if trapped between limbo. He felt fear creep up in the form of assumption; worried that Y/N wasn’t out of the woods yet with their coma. However, he couldn’t allow himself to dwell. Not when there was another pressing issue he was contending with: a morbid curiosity if Y/N remembered anything. 
With careful eyes he quietly observed Y/N hobble to their feet, trying to resist the urge to catch them should they fall again. As soon as they stabled themself, did Ardyn speak up.
“It would seem the luster of your pride remains untarnished by your little two week respite.” 
“Was that Ancient Lucian or you talking fancy?” Y/N countered with a tired yet playful scoff. They faintly smiled seeing Ardyn trying to resist grinning at the witty remark. 
“I could put it into laymen’s terms for you?” Ardyn gestured. 
“And ruin your fun nitpicking my head? Nah, that’s not very sportsmanlike.” 
“Ah, a little cranial commentary never harmed anyone, right?” Ardyn chuckled. He let out a breath he had been holding in as repose briefly tangled him up. 
"I saw your sketchbook." Y/N murmured. 
"Beg your pardon?" 
"I didn't know you were an artist." Y/N reiterated, offering a small smile as compensation. 
"Oh," He was taken aback. The redirection having caught him off guard. "I wouldn't assign myself such a title..." 
"Don't be so humble." 
"Far from it," Ardyn mused. He felt his hands shake as his cheeks lightly flushed. He never expected to have been caught by anyone regarding his little hobby. His heart stammered as the recent sketches he had done of Y/N sleeping flashed in his head. Ardyn cleared his throat. "I take it you saw everything?" 
"I know I shouldn't have looked, but...curiosity got the better of me." Y/N shyly shrugged. 
Y/N noted his body tensed, as if bracing himself for a scolding hit. 
"You made me look prettier," Y/N began, reminiscing the few portraits that stood out to them and smiled. "Far more diplomatic than I deserve." 
"And here I spent many a night wondering if I tarnished your image." Ardyn quipped sarcastically. The small smirk he wore hid most of his fright like a shield. 
Y/N shook their head at him. "You can't tarnish what's already tainted."
Ardyn sighed. "Don't you find this sort of duress fatiguing?"
"When I'm around you most of the time, yeah." Y/N nodded, letting out a tired laugh as did he. 
Both became quiet as they felt the scourge sync them up further. The familiarity was a breath of fresh air, and either felt a dull ache had finally been satisfied. There were no words that needed to be spoken, for both felt the same relief as the other. 
“I’ve so dearly missed our little banters as of late.” Ardyn confessed quietly. 
“Me too, I think.” Y/N admitted, letting Ardyn's earlier proclamations sink in as they gulped. "Two weeks, huh?"
“Well, nearly two weeks I should say you’ve been out cold.” Ardyn corrected. 
“Are you going to tell me what’s been going on?” 
Ardyn cautiously gazed over Y/N’s form. “I harbor no desire to inundate you. Not in this condition.” 
He could see the frustration instantly come to Y/N’s face, and could sense a bottled tension Y/N had been holding onto for quite some time wanting to spill over. Reluctant to witness such a travesty unfold, Ardyn's mouth opened to speak and found himself surprised when Y/N softly interrupted him. 
“At least,” Y/N paused as their bottom lip trembled. The corners of their eyes brimmed with fresh tears. “At least tell me if Tuti is alright. I know…I know I tried to hurt her.”
"She's fine," Ardyn reassured with a nod. It became clear to him that while he had been in the throes of darkness, Ardyn had failed to keep a tight leash on Y/N's fragile state of mind. A plethora of curses came and went through his body as made an attempt to soften the blow. "Everyone is just fine."
“But I’m not…” Y/N sniffled, wiping their eyes. “I'm sorry. I know the last thing you need right now is to see me crying like this.”
His right hand reached out. “Y/N--”
“It all came back to me when I started eating,” Y/N interrupted. Their voice shook as they began to regale the intrusive memories that flooded them. “I popped a grape into my mouth, and the sudden squishy noise made it come back. All the bodies. The awful stench. How their skin felt sliding down my throat...I know what I did Ardyn. I know what I've done." 
"Let me stop you if only for a moment," Ardyn strongly implored. Keeping his eyes on theirs, Ardyn gently shook his head to emphasize his point. "No one knows what you've done. I've made it so. As far as the public is aware, you lost conscious from having hit your head on the way to the airships. The only souls who know the truth are the dear companions we've kept close, and for the record, Betrys and the Serpent Society--hell, Senator Rodrick and his bride, they've been nuisances wanting to know how you've been fairing. See for yourself in your chambers, it's filled with tributes wishing you well. There's no need to catastrophize."  
"You really think hearing that I received material goods is going to make me feel better?"
"You misconstrued my intention--"
"It doesn't matter," Y/N interrupted again. "There's no coming back from this. You know what the worst part it was? There was some part of me that was still aware, that enjoyed what I was doing to those people! I liked chasing Tuti. I liked it when I scared and then killed those people who tried to harm us. It wasn't my daemon, it wasn't the hivemind, it was all me! It was all me!" 
“Y/N, it’s not as simple as you’re making it out to be! I assure you---”
“Spare me! I should be rotting somewhere, not them! You can’t just---wave a hand and make this...this feeling go away, as you do when you’re dealing with matters as Chancellor! Ardyn, you can’t fix this! No matter how desperately I wish you could, and no matter how earnestly you yearn for it!"
Ardyn’s heart pounded as Y/N’s voice grew hoarse from screaming. The final yell broke them, for they devolved into pained sobs as he watched Y/N turn their back to him. No longer having the courage to look him in the eye, nor face what they had done any further. He flinched upon seeing Y/N weakly hit their head with their own hands until grief held back their self hatred. 
“I shouldn’t have waken up. I shouldn’t--” Y/N shoulders trembled. 
The air hung heavy with the weight of Y/N’s emotions, and Ardyn felt a palpable tension not only in the room but within his body. He was relieved that Y/N couldn’t recall their actions at Outpost 98, but he was quite disappointed in himself that he couldn’t lock away what had happened in Altissa. If only he hadn’t been distracted by Ifrit, of trying to seek answers in darkness, if only he had kept up his concentration, if only he had been more dutiful keeping watch over them in bed, if only…
There was no use. The damage had been done, but now came the tricky part: how to proceed.
Ardyn felt a compulsion to rush to Y/N’s side, but uncertainty held him back. He was caught between a desire to be a supportive presence, fear of encroaching on Y/N’s vulnerability, and wanting to leave Y/N on their own while they settled with their fright. This wasn’t his battle after all. He didn’t have a stake in Y/N’s guilt, but he knew there was no chance in six hells he was going to let that go. No. Not when he could feel the very essence of their humanity, reaching out through the scourge to be forgiven. 
Ardyn hesitated further. He swallowed hard as he began to feel his own emotions mirror the turmoil in the kitchen. Hands twitching nervously at his sides, he took a cautious step forward. The noise was enough to quiet Y/N down, if only for a second. Once the silence cemented for a time, did Ardyn let go. The words left him without a second thought.
“May I hold you?” He asked barely above a whisper. He had never felt this nervous or so resolutely inclined to act on such a powerful impulse. 
Y/N sniffled as their head turned to the side, giving a faint nod. The silent permission granted Ardyn the courage to close the distance between them.
As he approached Y/N, Ardyn placed a hand on their quaking shoulder. Initially startled, he felt emboldened to proceed. Slowly, his hands traveled down Y/N’s sides, securing a hold at their waist before enveloping them in a gentle embrace from behind. His touch was a delicate balance between assurance and tenderness, and he could feel Y/N melt little by little. The fragility he sensed in Y/N stirred a desire to shield them from further harm, to be a source of solace in the midst of uncertainty. He squeezed a little tighter, holding onto Y/N as if they were a fragile bird whose wings had been clipped. His nose softly pressed the back of Y/N's head as he breathed, acknowledging how much he had missed their scent. 
“You’re right,” Ardyn murmured. “You’re a menace. I can’t undo the past nor your actions, and yet I remain at your side.”
“You speak so low of yourself it's utterly exhausting,” He bitterly whispered against their scalp. “I don't move men nor stars for anyone. Do you have any idea of how much I’ve sacrificed on your behalf, the lengths I've gone? Damn you. Damn you for mattering to me." 
"I can't--"
"We will get through this. That's one promise I can keep."
Y/N slowly turned around to face him. His arms still remained securely attached. 
Y/N sniffed while noting the contours of Ardyn's face. There was an unmistakable sadness that echoed in the depths of his golden hues. No amount of glaring nor putting on a strong front could hide it away. His vulnerability only grew when Y/N nonverbally acknowledged the unshed tears glistening in Ardyn's eyes. They had never seen him in such pain before, and it nearly snapped them out of their own melancholic trance. 
"Are you crying?" Y/N's voice trailed they watched Ardyn bite in the inside of his bottom lip. He visibly shook.
“I thought I lost...” He couldn’t finish the words. Not when the gods could so easily come to claim another soul he couldn't be without. His arms adjusted, giving Y/N the opportunity to part ways while a silent understanding was shared. As soon as Y/N reached a hand to touch his face, it was over. 
Y/N found themself reciprocating a tight hug as Ardyn brought their body to his chest and squeezed. His soft lips peppered the side of their forehead while he held them close, not having the courage to let go. 
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Friends to Lovers prompt with who other than the Beloved Ardyn!
Sharing clothes in a friendly way.
If you Ardyn lovers say you haven't thought about stealing his coat and wearing it, you're lying. I have had so many people come to the same consensus. We all think about it, HA!
@sillylittlevulpine Okay...I indulged A LOT on this one (in my defense, I needed it as much as it was requested). Hope you like it!
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Y/N had been staring at Ardyn’s long coat for what seemed like an eternity, debating with themself. The article should’ve been put up a while ago. Instead, the coat was laid out on the floor along with other garments that had been cleaned and mended. 
Curiosity and resentment had built up in Y/N ever since they were assigned to this task. Folding and tidying up the Chancellors' wardrobe was not what they signed up for. Come to think of it, Y/N believed Ardyn didn’t make the request in the first place. From previous conversations, he seemed to pride himself on taking care of most of his personal items. The only time Y/N had encountered behavior to the contrary, was when Ardyn wanted to indulge in food and wine, especially when he wasn’t in the mood to make anything himself. 
This had to be the Imperial Keepers' idea…Y/N thought bitterly to themself. It made sense the longer Y/N thought it through. If Y/N didn’t know better, the Imperial Keeper probably did it to add further insult to injury them, on account they had come down with a nasty cold during the week and had been slow with duties. There was also the spat that happened between Ardyn and the Keeper. The latter having been slighted, purposefully by Ardyn to prove a rather crude point to his colleagues. In all honesty, with the rotten attitude the Imperial Keeper had that day, Y/N thought he deserved it. 
“The jerk weaponized me as a biohazard to the Chancellor,” Y/N muttered to themself, letting their conclusion sink in. It made sense. Why else send an obviously sick attendant to take care of a higher-ups personal items even though it was out of character for those services to be requested? 
“I should leave. Have someone else do it. Screw points getting docked.” Y/N said aloud, but then they found themself back in the conundrum that had them stuck on Ardyn’s living room floor in the first place. The resentment had come and gone, now curiosity came flooding back. 
Y/N’s tired eyes combed over the material of the jacket, admiring the stitchwork and the different textures complimenting each other. They recalled Ardyn telling them long ago that it was customized just for him. He certainly wasn’t lying. The tiny details here and there was evidence that whoever made it had very careful hands and machine-like focus. 
The coat wasn’t the most expensive thing Y/N had come across while being in service to the empire, but the reputation it got from its owner was enough to make Y/N scared of ruining it by touch, even though the poor garment had seen better days. Y/N lost count of how many times Ardyn had to get the coat mended because he got into an altercation, or didn’t bother to take it off when going into hostile land. One would think he didn’t care much for it, but Y/N remembered Ardyn’s wrath when someone tried to pawn it off for gil after stealing it. He was stuck in his chambers for two whole days while people searched for the thief. It was quite the tantrum over a material good, however, Y/N figured it held some strong sentimental value. Plus, it looked warm and inviting. Something Y/N desperately needed at the moment. 
Y/N’s body shuddered from the fever they had been enduring. They hated this. How one moment their body would feel boiling hot, then would feel so cold it was as if Shiva herself resurrected and brought another age of ice upon Eos. The goosebumps down their arms felt like tiny mosquito bites, and they coughed into their arm horribly as their temps began to cool off once more. 
Ardyn and the rest of the Imperial Council were currently in session. Those meetings tended to last several hours. There were still two hours left before Y/N’s next assignment would be put in place by the Imperial Keeper, so they had plenty of downtime. Maybe…Y/N thought to themself. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt anything if they put it on for a bit, just to get warm again. 
“Gods be damned,” Y/N sighed, closing their eyes and bitterly huffed before grabbing the coat. 
Ardyn let out a deep breath when he approached the doors to his chambers, rubbing his eyes for a moment. After enduring a half hour of old men fighting over scraps when it came to the war budget, he promptly conjured a tall tale to get out of staying put. Somehow Aldercapt approved and he made a beeline for the doors.
“You are not leaving me alone with senile degenerates,” Verstael whispered with contention as Ardyn walked past his chair. The infighting was so loud, that no one paid the side conversation any mind. 
“My dear friend, you're an old-timer among the flock yourself!” Ardyn mused, putting a hand on his peer’s shoulder, earning a raised brow from Verstael as he looked up to meet Ardyn’s mischievous grin. “You might as well be insulting the years of wisdom that show decadently upon your wrinkled face!” 
“Hmpf,” Verstael narrowed his eyes, shaking his head and he slapped Ardyn’s hand away. His right eye twitched from the chuckle that escaped his colleague. “Funny you call me such a thing when you should be dust at this rate.” 
“True as that may be,” Ardyn began. “Between the two of us old men, I’m the better-looking one.” 
“You better leave before we not only have a mutiny among the council, but a homicide as well.” 
“And I’m off!” Ardyn chuckled, giving a sarcastic wave with his right hand before departing. 
The memory had Ardyn amused for a time in the present. It was enough to pull him out of his negative thoughts from before, now focusing on things that gave him pleasure. Taking a nap after nursing a bottle of wine was starting to become more enthralling by the second, and he wasted no time venturing into his abode. 
Ardyn had done this so many times, that he didn’t initially know he wasn’t by himself. He started going through his routine; taking off his vest and discarding it followed by his red scarf. He hung them up on a hook nearby, then started thinking about his jacket; wondering if it had been returned from the cleaners yet. That’s when Ardyn stopped midway taking off his hat, hearing a noise coming from his television set in his living room. He put his hat back on, and cautiously began to tiptoe toward the noise, bracing himself for the possibility of a fight. 
To Ardyn’s surprise and shock, he saw Y/N sitting on the couch, leaning forward toward the TV. His coat snugged around their body like an oversized blanket, as if he had never been its proper owner. To say he was speechless was an understatement. No one ever had the gall to get this comfortable in his personal quarters and he became greatly amused at the sight. 
Ardyn decided to let the silence play out for a little while, making observations while he ventured close without making a sound up until he cleared his throat. 
“I see you’ve made yourself at home.” Ardyn sarcastically stated, making his presence known upon arriving at the back of the couch. 
“Shit!” Y/N exclaimed. They attempted to scramble off the couch, only to fall over themselves in a clumsy fashion, while quickly grabbing for the remote and turning the television off. Panting heavily, they quickly spun and looked up at Ardyn. Y/N watched him raise a brow, smiling like he caught someone red-handed while he crossed his arms. 
“I--can explain this,” Y/N gestured at the coat. “I promise I wasn’t going to steal--”
“My attire looks rather fetching on you,” Ardyn interrupted. His eyes scanned Y/N over and his smile grew. “I’m almost jealous you’re outperforming me.” 
“What?” Y/N flatly blurted and furrowed their brows.  “You’re not upset?” 
“Far from it,” Ardyn smirked. “Of all the things I could’ve come home to, I’d rather deal with an Imperial Help trying on my clothes for kicks than an assassin wanting to present my head to the King of Lucis. Although I’ve grown fond of our conversations, Y/N, I don’t recall requiring your services for the day. Come to think of it, I don’t believe we were to see one another until the weekend. Did you miss me that much?”
"You wish..." Y/N rolled their eyes playfully and sighed, feeling relief wash over them at the fact he wasn’t enraged. Had this been Verstael, or anyone else, the consequences would’ve been costly. 
“The Imperial Keeper said you needed help with your laundry today. I figured he was lying, but I came out of obligation.” Y/N shrugged. 
“How dutiful of you,” Ardyn quipped. He briefly glared, making a mental note to have a word with the Keeper at a later date. Ardyn focused suddenly on Y/N’s features, noting their color looked more dull than usual, followed by their body tremoring under his coat. 
“What’s wrong?” Y/N asked, breaking Ardyn out of his observations. 
“You’re unwell.” 
“Am I that obvious?” Y/N teased, then sniffled and almost felt themself sneeze. 
“You’d certainly give a fresh corpse a run for its gil.” Ardyn chuckled darkly, enjoying the brief glare Y/N shot at him before they began coughing, and instinctively he took a step forward. Ardyn only stopped when Y/N gestured with their free hand for him to halt. 
“I don’t want to get you sick,” Y/N said in between fits. “I can take your coat to the cleaning center, and get it decontaminated.” 
“There’s no need for such hysterics,” Ardyn waved them off and approached Y/N’s personal space. He didn’t give them any time to react before he felt their forehead and then checked their pulse. “I don’t get sick easily like most. However, I am curious as to why the Imperial Keeper would send someone of your ailment my way. Feeling hot and cold?” 
“Uh huh,” Y/N nodded, recoiling a little from Ardyn’s touch due to sensitivity. “I think he wanted me to get you sick if I’m being honest. He didn't take too kindly to being thrown under a bus at the emperor's reception.” 
“Well, he’s going to be in for a rude awakening,” Ardyn said as a matter of fact. His tone was bordering between sinister and playful. He took note of Y/N’s fear, and his expression softened after he finished assessing. “Do you have other obligations today?” 
“I have a councilmen’s filing cabinet to clean out, and a few beds to make.” Y/N breathed. “Why do you ask?” 
“I must implore you to stay and rest here.” 
“Why not? You seemed to be getting on quite well making use of my home for your own enjoyment.” Ardyn said playfully with a shrug. 
“The Imperial Keeper--” 
“Can kiss both our asses for all I care,” Ardyn finished, leaving Y/N speechless at his bold proclamation. “I’m not sending you away when you clearly have a fever. That wouldn’t sit well on my conscience.” 
“I thought you didn’t like people. You said so yourself a few days ago that company drains you.”  
“That remains true as ever, alas,” Ardyn paused and he smiled while his right hand cupped Y/N’s face. His thumb carefully stroked over their cold skin and his eyes sadly glanced over their features. “You are in no such category.” 
Dumbfounded didn’t quite capture how Y/N felt at the moment, but it was close. The only thing Y/N could really focus on was how warm his touch was, and how their pulse seemed to skyrocket at the act. As soon as it began, Ardyn retreated his hand away and took a step back, and Y/N foolishly found themself missing the contact. 
Their eyes focused on Ardyn as his right hand began rubbing at his chin. His gaze became scrutinizing as if he was judging a piece of art. Y/N didn’t know if they should’ve felt flattered or scared. Maybe both. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“Ah, it’s nothing too drastic I assure you, but I am finding that although my coat suits you well, it’s missing something that ties it all together,” Ardyn said as a matter of fact. He wasted no effort in taking off his hat, and with care, he placed it on top of Y/N’s head.
“There we go! The wardrobe crisis has been averted!”  
The hat sunk a little on Y/N initially, and they used their left thumb to prop it back up. They laughed, feeling their face turning red at Ardyn’s action. He too chortled, looking impressed with himself up until Y/N appeared to be frightened. 
“You look as if the Gods will smite you at any second.” Ardyn pointed out. 
“You're more open minded to classes mingling than others. I think we both know had this been any other councilmen or the emperor, I wouldn’t be standing. Especially if I was caught trying on their clothes.” 
“True,” Ardyn nodded. “Yet here you are.” 
“Here I am.” 
A calm silence fell between Y/N and Ardyn as they fondly looked upon the other. It was only when Ardyn guided Y/N to the couch did both break away from the spell. He lay down and got comfortable, and calmly guided Y/N to lie against him. He could sense their apprehension and spoke up. 
“I can run cold unlike most people,” Ardyn paused, reminding himself not to get too comfortable revealing his secrets. “Between the coat and myself, you’ll have an easier time resting.”
“Isn’t this overstepping several boundaries?” Y/N murmured against his chest. Sure enough, he was true to his word: it was as if on cue, Ardyn had gone from feeling like a warm furnace to a cold sheet that had been left to dry in the bitter wind. It was eerie, the whole thing, but their mind and body were too tired and miserable to think any deeper about it. The exhaustion from the long day, on top of the excitement from earlier, had Y/N feeling drowsy.
“Yes as a matter of fact,” Ardyn murmured and closed his eyes. “Alas, no one’s here to bear witness so it doesn’t matter. What happens in my chambers, stays in my chambers. However, if you’re uncomfortable, you can retreat to my room. I won’t disturb you while I remain here. I was planning to take a nap anyway.” 
“I can’t hog your bed,” Y/N’s eyes fluttered open and closed. Their mind was being lulled to rest by how cool Ardyn felt, and how cozy his jacket felt against them. “What about the Imperial Keeper?” 
“I’ll deal with it. You won’t receive consequence, I assure you.” 
“What about--”
“Be a dear and hush. You're not the only one who had a long and dreary day dealing with men who are vultures.” He commanded bluntly. 
Y/N’s eyes finally gave into the weight and shut, all the while their lips smiled so big from his remark it began to hurt for a time. The last thing they could recall before drifting off into unconsciousness, was the rumbling of Ardyn’s chest when he laughed at their weak chuckle.
As soon as Ardyn felt Y/N fall asleep, he opened his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nose. Frustration graced his amber hues while his right arm wrapped around Y/N’s body. This little friendship wasn’t supposed to get to this point. Ardyn had a feeling Y/N thought the same thing. He wondered how much longer it would be before someone in court caught onto the special treatment he freely gave to them. He also wondered how long it would be before Y/N would discover what he really was. That made Ardyn more uneasy than the former and his mind began to travel. All it would take is one slip-up, one mistake to undo his mask.
It became clear that Ardyn wouldn’t get that nap he yearned for after all, and he resided himself to his fate. 
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Ardyn x reader? But with some dialogue prompts
"Close your Eyes for me Love"
"Listen to me . . .take deep breaths, yes follow my breathing just like that. There's no need to panic, I'm right here now, aren't I? You're safe"
You can honestly use these for any scenario you see fit. But these ones spoke to me as someone that is an anxious person.
@sillylittlevulpine OKAY. I got WAY too carried away with this prompt, but I hope you like the outcome!
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Niflheim's celebration of it's imperial founding was well underway at the main palace. Though Aldercapt dedicated much of his life to Zegnatus Keep as his main base of operations, he dare not soil tradition when it came to the birthday of the empire. The grand hall was filled to the brim with people. Most hailing from the richer provinces within Niflheim, though on this day, commoners were allowed to mingle within reason. 
The night was alive. Chandeliers glimmered and bounced off an array of light, illuminating everyone’s elegant clothes. Music from magnificent orchestras thrummed through bodies and pulsed against eardrums. Deep conversations came and went. The grand hall was filled with rich scents and smoke from candles that made Y/N feel like they were underwater; in another world where they shouldn’t have dwelled. 
When Ardyn approached Y/N a week prior to the event, they didn’t anticipate feeling so miniscule. Y/N had participated in a fair share of parties, but nothing close to this. They were beginning to regret not taking Ardyn up on his offer of him buying a formal gown on their behalf. Though Y/N considered their attire for the night to be nice, it also stuck out like a sore thumb when it came to class standing. The higher imperials made it known in jest. 
While Y/N swirled their wine around in their glass, they fixated on the fireworks that were going off outside the large glass windows leading to the balcony. The thundering booms did little to ease their nerves, but watching explosions was far better than dealing with people. Since Ardyn was summoned to entertain envoys from Accordo, Y/N lost count of the many that approached them. 
Like a horde of locusts eyeing a fine grain, they swarmed; asking numerous questions. It wasn’t everyday the chancellor had someone at his arm when it came to these events. Ardyn was fairly private despite his sly and charismatic demeanor. Though Y/N had rehearsed with Ardyn, they found themself stumbling when it came to questions addressing the nature of their relationship. The quriked eyebrows and snide remarks at times further made Y/N’s nerves fire off. 
Y/N so badly wanted to tell the truth; that Ardyn brought them along to blend in with the culture of the higher imperials. He had rumors at court to quell, and was dealing with people in opposing nations trying to sway public opinion negatively regarding his lack of familiars. It was as he said: having a mysterious aura does wonders when it comes to the art of persuasion, but it also has its hindrance. And people were catching on that Ardyn wasn’t just quirky, but there was another level. Something dangerous that could even put someone like the emperor in harms way. Little did anyone know, Ardyn was the empires best kept secret. 
Y/N knew Ardyn was infected with the scourge, having caught him in a moment of weakness when the daemonic miasma flared throughout his body and he needed aid. Before then, he seldom if ever talked to Y/N. Although, Y/N noted he was courteous when need be. The dynamic changed after that night when Ardyn promised not to harm them if they kept their silence he was infected.
Conversations and meetups began to become a common occurrence between them both. Y/N was scared out of their mind at first; believing he would go back on his word and kill them, but Ardyn wormed his way in like always with whomever crossed his path. 
Ardyn stated several times in passing to Y/N that he felt relief being able to be open with someone about his illness. For years, he only had the company of Verstael and Aldercapt when it came to such things. Even then, the relationships boiled down to how his mind and powers could be put to the empires benefit while they searched for a cure for his ailment. At least, that was what Ardyn had told Y/N when it came to his story. 
Ardyn never said they were friends outright, but there was a strong camaraderie that grew between Y/N and him over the past several months. It was something Y/N tried to remind themself of in the present when another round of people came over and interrupted the firework display. Such sentimentalities couldn’t drown out their anxiety, and soon, Y/N took off pushing past people. 
Blood pounded in Y/N’s ears. Their hands quivered, and their feet tingled as if maggots were crawling over each nerve that ran down their toes. Y/N had to get away from the crowd and all the decadence. There was no thought or reason that traveled through their mind, only a resonating panic that felt primal. 
Eventually, Y/N’s retreat brought them to one of the common ways; smaller halls within the palace that led to a multitude of rooms. Scattered about were large statues of the gods, and previous Niflheim rulers. Y/N slouched against a pillar nearby, and took a long, slow deep breath, then rounded the corner out of sight as guests came and went. 
Y/N wrapped their arms around their chest so tight, that their nails dug into their sides. Their breathing was hard. Really hard. As if they had ran across Niflheim and all the way to Tenebrae. Bile rose in Y/N’s throat as they attempted to stifle their sobs. Although their body was on fire in the worst way possible, a small token of relief washed over Y/N. At least they were free of the grand hall. The consolation however didn’t do much when it came to their guilt. They were here to give Ardyn a good impression, and this outburst was sure to undo a lot. 
As if he heard their thoughts from afar, the sound of Ardyn’s boots hitting the marbled floors had Y/N swallow hard. The common way was dark, but they could see his features coming into the light thanks to the lamps nearby. There was a ferocious concern in his honey eyes that made Y/N tremble while he approached. 
“There you are,” Ardyn paused, leaning forward to catch is breath momentarily before he fixed his posture. He tilted his head curiously, studying Y/N from head to toe. “I heard whispers you took off in a hurry. Are you hurt?” 
“N-no,” Y/N shook their head. Their voice shook and another wave of fear began to crawl against the hairs of their flesh. “I--needed to get away.”
“I---too many people. Too many questions. I couldn’t do it anymore! And the rude comments, and the noise, the music, it’s all just---gods, I’m sorry. I’m sorry I made you look stupid. So stupid for bringing me here! I don’t belong here--with these people. I don’t belong here with you. I’m nothing like them, and I--”
“Shhh, hey, hey, hey…” Ardyn’s voice started firm then faded softly. His hands gripped either side of Y/N’s shoulders, and he gave a gentle squeeze. “Look at me.” 
Y/N forced themself to tilt their head up and gaze at him. His hardened stare from before settled. A look of regret now combed over his features while Y/N continued to sob. 
“If there’s any fault to be had, its at my expense,” Ardyn began. “I shouldn’t have left you alone for so long. Feeding you to the wolves wasn’t my intention.” 
“I---I slipped up so many times,” Y/N choked. “C-couldn’t get my stories straight. Just one person after the other---and I’m already dirt. I don’t belong with you or them. T-they told me as much. And--” 
“You’re right,” Ardyn murmured. “You are nothing like them, that’s precisely why I wanted you at my side tonight. I may seem well put together, but I get nervous at large festivities myself.”
“Y-you get nervous?” 
Ardyn nodded and stepped closer so the rest of their conversation was out of earshot. “Do you know what I do to curb such ill feelings?” 
Y/N shook their head, noting the childish grin that began to grow from Ardyn’s mouth. 
“I envision everyone I meet, naked. It takes away their power.” 
There was no way Y/N could stop the exhausted laugh that tumbled from their throat. Ardyn’s own bout followed suit. Alas it didn’t tamper down the adrenaline rush of panic that still remained in Y/N’s body. Their smile dwindled after the punchline lost its majesty, and they were crying. 
Ardyn furrowed his brows and moved his hands from Y/N’s shoulders and to their face. Each palm cupping their cheek. “Close your eyes for me, love.” 
“Close them.” 
Despite the uncertainty, Y/N’s eyes fluttered shut. The erratic pulse of their heart continued to throb behind their ears. Only the sigh that escaped from Ardyn momentarily pulled Y/N out of their inner turmoil. 
"Listen to me…take deep breaths,” Ardyn muttered. He too joined in, inhaling slowly through his nose, and exhaling through his mouth. It wasn’t long before Y/N began to sync to his tempo, and relief began to pool in his mind, knowing a fire would soon be put out. 
“Yes, follow my breathing just like that. There’s no need to panic. I’m right here now, aren’t I? You’re safe.” 
“Y-yeah,” Y/N said in between breaths. Fragrant oils that were upon Ardyn’s clothes and skin found its way to Y/N’s nostrils. The familiarity along with the red wine on his breath aided in calming them down. 
After some time, Y/N opened their eyes. It was so quiet, they half expected Ardyn to have been gone. He still remained in front of them. His hands still holding their face while his thumbs absentmindedly trailed underneath their eyes. Y/N had a morbid thought of Ardyn plucking out their eyeballs. He could easily perform such an insidious action given his infection, but alas nothing came of it. The intrusive thought ran away seeing the faint yet sincere smile that formed on his lips. 
“I fear we must--” Before Ardyn could finish his sentence, he saw some of the Accordo envoys and a round of higher imperials making their way toward his and Y/N’s general vicinity. The face he made had Y/N look over his shoulder, hearing the commotion coming from the group. 
“Gods be damned,” Ardyn whispered bitterly, letting go of Y/N’s face. “Not them.” 
“I thought you got along with them?” Y/N sniffled, taking a moment to wipe their eyes. 
“Yes and no,” Ardyn begrudgingly answered. “I have no patience let alone the disposition to listen to the words of drunkards tonight. Especially when it involves politics beyond my reach. No doubt once they see me, they’ll try dragging me in for another debate.” 
A light went off in Y/N’s head. Though they were still healing from the panic attack, they pushed through the last of their nerves and quickly gestured at Ardyn’s hat. 
“Get closer to me.” Y/N stepped forward and more into Ardyn’s personal space. Not giving him the chance to register the sudden intrusion. The look of bewilderment on his face would’ve made Y/N laugh any other time but now. 
“I’m afraid I’m not following?” 
“You don’t want to talk to them right?” Y/N began. “Well, take your hat and shield our faces with it. Lean in close. It’ll give them the impression we’re being intimate and don’t want to be bothered. Just trust me on this.” 
Ardyn’s mouth parted to protest, but as soon as he heard his name being hollered, he quickly went through the motions that Y/N requested. Ardyn leaned forward and heard Y/N’s breath hitch in their throat. His eyes were glued onto theirs now, and he couldn’t help but smirk at both the awe and nervousness that dwelled in Y/N’s gaze. It reminded Ardyn of the night they had seen him as Adagium, and didn’t run. Intrigue and a twist of something more primal began to pull at his mind. 
The shuffling of boots and shoes grew closer, and it wasn’t long before the group ventured by. Ardyn’s name was shouted a few times, until several aggressive hushes followed suit. Both Y/N and he could hear the whisperings, and Ardyn used his free arm to wrap around Y/N’s waist. Whatever doubts the drunken buffoons had at what they were witnessing fell away and soon colleagues beckoned their fellow peers to give space and privacy. A few wolf whistles here and there was given, and the flock retreated back to the festivities. 
“See? They bought it! ” Y/N laughed with a grin. Whatever embarrassment they initially felt started to fade, but puzzlement began to take its place especially when it became obvious he had no intention of letting them go. 
He didn’t say a word. Not even his breath could easily be detected. 
Ardyn stared at Y/N with an intense look in his eyes, where they could tell he was thinking hard. There was something irresistible about the vehemence his golden eyes held, and before Y/N could stop themself they leaned forward until their face brushed up against Ardyn’s. The stubble on his chin scratched them, and Y/N waited a moment, in case he wanted to pull away but he didn’t move. 
Y/N’s emotions were so tangled from the night, that doubt began to creep in. Before it could take root and sprout, they closed the last bit of space between themself and Ardyn and pressed their lips against his. From the gentle push and pull of his mouth, Y/N could tell he’d been waiting for this and strangely so have they. 
Ardyn’s hand at Y/N’s waist slid down further. His fingers dug into Y/N’s hip. He sensed the shiver that traveled down their spine and deepened the kiss. It’s not long before his tongue meets Y/N’s, and he wastes no time mapping out their mouth. Their taste was intoxicating to him, much like the wine he had nursed himself with during the worst flare ups of the scourge.
Ardyn was surprised with himself, that even after 2,000 years his body still remembered what this felt like. He was so indulged with the soothing texture of Y/N’s mouth against his lips that he didn’t register them pulling away initially, until the warmth had left him in yearning.
Y/N watched Ardyn lick his bottom lip while his hooded eyes studied them. They felt their knees wanting to give out at the image alone. Shaking, they reached for Ardyn’s hat that somehow continued to shield them both, and they took it from his grasp and placed it on top of his head. Y/N grinned briefly, averting their gaze downward. That’s when they felt Ardyn’s right hand gently grab at their chin, coaxing them to look up. 
“You shouldn’t have done that.” Ardyn breathed. 
“You’re right, but you didn’t stop either.” 
“Touche’,” Ardyn huffed. “I have questions for you.” 
“And I have a million to ask you.” Y/N countered with a shy murmur. They smiled at the amused laugh that left him. 
“It seems we’re at an impasse,” Ardyn chuckled. His fingers gently stroked Y/N’s skin before letting them go. “Allow me to begin: do you want to leave this place?” 
“Don’t you have people to meet and greet?” 
“Yes,” Ardyn bluntly stated, then smiled as if he was up to something mischievous. “But you see, my distinguished guest I brought along suddenly fell to illness. Wine doesn’t mix well when you’re under the weather. I couldn’t fathom letting my plus one continue to carry on. For the sake of their health, I had to take them home or I wouldn’t live with myself.”
Gods, he was a masterful liar and he did it so well that Y/N couldn’t help but fall for the charm. The playful demeanor of Ardyn’s words while he conjured up his tall tale excuse had Y/N’s pulse stammer in their neck.
“What happens after we leave?” 
“We can go anywhere you want,” Ardyn sincerely whispered. His features began to shift, looking morose almost. “The important thing is you and I need to talk.” 
“About what happened just now?”
“Yes,” Ardyn paused. He contemplated his next words carefully. “And there’s some things I must share with you, about my condition, but not here.” 
Y/N could only nod to his terms. No other questions or words would leave them. Not when their mind lingered on how saddened his voice was. Before anything else could potentially be said, Ardyn excused himself to go make the arrangements for their departure, and told Y/N to wait for him at the front gates. 
As he walked away, Y/N couldn’t help but wonder why they felt a heaviness in their stomach; that whatever Ardyn had to share, it would change their dynamic once more. Y/N hoped they had the strength for it.
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savage-rhi · 9 months
Mending Shadows // Chapter 29
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
Ardyn awoke to the cry of a gull. The high pitch squeak was strong enough to pull him out from the seductive embrace of slumber. His nose twitched from how crisp the air was. It stung Ardyn’s skin like tiny beads of ice, yet the cold held a feminine touch that was comparable to the devotions Shiva had once laid upon mankind: bitterly soothing. 
The laughter of seagulls padded across the beach, alerting the life against the fine sand grains that fates would soon be sealed. Ardyn delighted in the noise as he bobbed in between the odd void that was sleep and alertness, until the underlying numbness his chest felt began to bother him. He realized he had been laying partially upward against a rock and assumed perhaps he had slept wrong. He let out a deep breath. Groaning while his legs stretched on their own accord. 
The sun had yet to fully rise, but Ardyn could feel the beams of light breaking through the fog along the coast. While his skin didn’t feel it would catch aflame, he felt an itchy sensation begin to burrow under his veins. Signaling that he shouldn’t overstay his welcome as the sun greeted Eos in full. A pleasant warmth traveled over his torso as he came to. Ardyn gazed down to find Y/N sleeping against his chest. His large coat acting as the glue that held them both together while their bodies intertwined. 
Ardyn frowned while he pondered how he ended up in such a compromising position. His memory was hazy while he draped his left arm over Y/N’s waist underneath the coat. He couldn’t help but give a gentle squeeze as the fingertips of his right hand deftly stroked through Y/N’s hair while he ruminated about last night. 
He remembered bundling up Y/N in his coat after their swim and starting a bonfire. How Y/N and he playfully shoved one another away from the flames, like two children bickering over a special treat. The contagion of their bouts came to a close when a compromise was reached. He remembered sitting behind Y/N. His legs on either side of their body as he wrapped his arms around them from behind. Coat now draped over his back, with the arms of the garment secured by Y/N in the front. 
Ardyn let out a long sigh against the back of Y/N’s head. His body shuddered from their giggles. His breath having tickled the fine hairs that were scattered about their neckline. 
“I’m beginning to think tossing you back into the sea sounds like a splendid idea. Why, with all the fuss you’ve made!” Ardyn teased as he felt Y/N give him a slight jab. He let out a grunt. 
“Not before I drown you first.” Y/N countered. As they could feel their blood returning to their limbs, their eyes lingered on the fire. Watching the bright colors dance as their mind trotted from thought to thought. 
“Does Ifrit speak back to you in the flames?” Ardyn whispered. 
“You seem like you’re in a trance.” Ardyn said, coming to rest his chin on Y/N’s left shoulder. He too gazed at the ember glow.
“I’m just thinking.” Y/N shrugged.
“Yes, I can see that clear as day.” Ardyn said as a matter of fact while he chuckled. “But about what, I wonder?” 
Y/N gulped, finding it hard not to get distracted by how close Ardyn was to them. “It’s silly. I don’t think you’d appreciate it.” 
“Oh contraire!” Ardyn quipped as he nudged the side of Y/N’s left cheek with his forehead, getting them to laugh. “You may find yourself surprised at how open I am this night.” 
“Funny. Once upon a time I recall that you found my thoughts to be crude and ridiculous.” 
“I may have been a little harsh I’ll admit.” Ardyn said in his defense. “When you’ve seen the worst in mankind, it’s only natural to project apprehension.” 
“So you admit you've been an ass to me?"
Ardyn growled under his breath, albeit in a playful light. “Maybe not so crude in tongue, but yes.” 
Y/N softly chortled, shaking their head in disbelief that they managed to get him to admit such a thing. 
Ardyn could feel the gentle rise and fall of Y/N’s lungs as they sighed. It was not out of exasperation, but more of a contemplative noise. He went quiet while keenly listening to Y/N as they began to speak. 
“I was thinking about what if I had met you if I was still a Scavenger. If you weren't the Imperial Chancellor, but a common man. If there was no prophecy of kings or scourge. I wonder what that would've been like."
“I have a rather simple answer for you.” 
Ardyn felt his cheeks turning red at the enthusiastic response Y/N gave. “I would’ve found you annoying.” 
“Let me finish!” Ardyn laughed. He relished in the growl that left Y/N. “I’m certain that despite my initial reluctance, I would’ve warmed up to you.”
Y/N hummed in thought. “How do you reckon that?” 
“Well,” Ardyn paused. He lightly pressed his nose against Y/N’s hair. "I’m sure you would’ve found a way to burrow under my skin, sooner or later in favorable circumstances.” 
Y/N shivered against him. He was uncertain if it was due to his words sending pleasure, or if the warmth of the fire had difficulty reaching Y/N. Ardyn nervously prepared to redirect himself until Y/N laughed. 
“What’s so humorous?” 
“Do you think you and I could’ve opened up a shop together?” Y/N asked. They turned their head as Ardyn adjusted, looking up at him. To say he was flabbergasted was an understatement. He blinked several times and raised a brow. 
“What kind of shop did you have in mind?” Ardyn mused with a smile. 
Y/N shrugged. “Well, you were a healer once. Maybe you could offer services to people while I sell wares I come across in Lucis.”
“A rather odd combination, but a unique niche nonetheless. I think we’d stand a fair gamble in the economy.” Ardyn hummed in approval. He then smirked, eyes watching Y/N closely. “I do have some stipulations?” 
“Please continue!” Y/N laughed. 
Ardyn cleared his throat, and happily exaggerated. “If we are to be partners in this venture, you must know everything about medicine like myself. We split the profit, fifty-fifty, and I want three day weekends." 
“I thought that was a given?” Y/N scoffed. They laughed at his latter remark and sighed. “I suppose I can agree to your weekend request. Anything else you’d like to add?” 
“Why yes,” Ardyn smiled. He embraced Y/N’s waist a little tighter. “I’d like for us to live close to one another.” 
“Oh?” Y/N's gaze traveled between his lips and eyes, noting the mischievous glint he had. “Why not live together like we have been?” 
“Hmm,” Ardyn mulled. “I suppose that wouldn’t be so terrible. As long as you have no qualms with me having a chocobo farm in the back.”
Y/N snorted in surprise. “A chocobo farm?!” 
“Why not?” Ardyn shrugged with a laugh. 
“We’d have to get a place out in the country. Not to mention the permits are expensive!” 
“I’d foot the bill. In fact, I’d cover everything for us to get started on our little business.” 
“Why would you do that?” 
“Because seeing you elated doesn’t have a price tag that I can’t afford.” 
Ardyn chuckled, biting the inside of his bottom lip while Y/N giggled. A rush filled his body and he once more nudged his forehead against Y/N’s, giving a quick nuzzle. 
“It’s a deal then?” Y/N asked in between bouts. 
“No, a promise.” 
Perhaps in another life… Ardyn bitterly thought as the memory faded. He recalled Y/N and he falling asleep soon after their conversation. The fires warmth, and the feeling of peace was enough to lull both parties into a security in which they could close their eyes and wander elsewhere. 
A sigh left Ardyn as he continued to scan over Y/N’s messy hair while he stroked their scalp. He contended with two halves of himself: one wishing to continue his ministrations, and sternly reminding himself of the conditions that Y/N and he agreed upon. Despite Ardyn's persistence, he was finding it hard to remain neutral when it came to the complexity of his feelings. There were many charades he could keep up, but this felt like a losing game with every touch he committed upon the person in his arms. He couldn't help it. Not when he had been without for so long. 
Ardyn could feel a weed beginning to grow in his subconscious. A tricky vine extending an olive branch, giving him dangerous ideas to entertain. One being to find a way to keep this game going. To maybe even stall the inevitable battle of kings. To stall his own demise. He felt the baneful scorn of the scourge and his own vengeance shirk at such a concept, yet the humanity he hadn't relinquished in full coaxed him to linger. 
Before he could ruminate any further and question the contradictory nature of his predicament, Ardyn felt Y/N begin to shift against him. He let out a grunt as their weight adjusted, all the while keeping still. That’s when he felt Y/N’s head tilt up and he was greeted by a pair of exhausted eyes and a lopsided smile. The likes of which that had him grin tiredly in return. 
“Hello.” Y/N muttered. 
“Good morning.” 
They both awkwardly laughed, then Y/N’s head dropped against Ardyn. Their eyes fluttered open and shut while letting out a chilled breath. Their face felt like it had been stung by the cold air, and they took pleasure in the heat that radiated from Ardyn’s body and his coat. 
“We were really out here all night, weren’t we?” 
“It would seem so.” Ardyn mused. “It’s almost dawn. I’m sure our entourage is making a fuss regarding our whereabouts.” 
“Screw them,” Y/N said point blank, smiling at the way Ardyn snorted. 
“As much as I admire your tenacity, I’m afraid I’ll have to insist we depart.” 
“I guess I can’t convince you otherwise?” Y/N asked mid-yawn. 
Ardyn smirked. “It wouldn’t take much to win me over. I rather like it here. Minus one unfortunate detail.” 
“And what’s that?” Y/N softly groaned, and began to move their legs. The sudden hitch in Ardyn’s breath had them more awake as they looked up to catch the pink that settled against his face. He looked uneasy as he cleared his throat. 
“Your knee is dangerously close to hitting my groin.” 
“Oh shit!” Y/N sprung up and scrambled back. Ardyn’s coat easily fell off them as they tumbled onto their side. All the while, he had been laughing at their expense. The giddiness of his tone had Y/N shoot him a glare before they grabbed a fistful of sand and threw it at his face. 
“That was impolite!” Ardyn exclaimed as he recoiled, spitting out some of the debris that got into his mouth. 
“And so was making me panic!” Y/N said in their defense. 
“Oh?” His tone dipped as he locked eyes on Y/N and leaned forward. His mouth began to form a grin when he noticed Y/N crawling backward away as they nervously laughed. “I can most certainly demonstrate what would constitute as reasonable panic.”
“I don’t think you need to trouble yourself!” Y/N pleaded. 
“Too late!” 
Ardyn lunged forward, grabbing a hold of Y/N’s legs to pull their body toward his. There was a brief struggle as Y/N cackled in between fits, trying to get out of Ardyn’s grasp to no avail. Between the two mirthfully laughing, they ended up tangled once more in each others arms and legs. Their heads laying upon the sand as they both turned to acknowledge the other in between restless breath. 
“By the six, you’re a mess!” Ardyn chuckled. “There’s not a single inch of you that hasn’t been touched by sand.”
“I’m a mess? You should see your hair! It’s all…” Y/N gesticulated with their hands to emphasize how unkempt it was. Ardyn looked so flabbergasted at their motions that Y/N couldn’t finish as words devolved into snickers. He too couldn’t form a coherent thought as he laughed a final time.
“Are you feeling famished?” He stared at Y/N thoughtfully. 
“Hmm hmm.” They nodded, feeling their stomach rumble on instinct. “I didn’t eat much at the wedding. I was too distracted by everything going on.” 
“Likewise,” Ardyn admitted. He smiled as he untangled himself from Y/N’s body, helping them sit up in the process alongside him. “There’s a little spot not far from here that has the best red velvet rolls. If we fix ourselves up quick, we can beat the early birds.”
“There you go again following your sweet tooth,” Y/N mused with a soft laugh, earning a smile in return from Ardyn. “It sounds good. Should we call Tuti, and let her and the other Imperials know where we are?” 
“Ah, we could…” Ardyn trailed off. 
“But screw them. As you ineloquently put it earlier.” Ardyn smirked. He quietly rejoiced in the faint blush that crept along Y/N’s cheeks before rising to his feet. He offered Y/N a hand, and the two gathered themselves before setting off back into the city. 
An hour came and gone as Y/N finished the last of their roll. They were beginning to regret eating it so fast, missing how the tart edge of the dough contrasted with the sweet frosting that was dolloped on top. Y/N had to hand it to Ardyn. He was certainly right these were the best red velvet rolls in Eos. It was certainly worth Ardyn abusing his privilege as Chancellor to skip ahead of the line to get first pickings. Y/N was still envious how he was able to charm his way through, and wished they had that kind of charisma. He made it look so easy, and Y/N blushed while remembering banters the pair had that emphasized this signature trait.  
Y/N glanced at Ardyn while he munched on his roll little by little. He was going through the motions while he texted on his phone, occasionally making a face here and there when something bemused him. 
“A gil for your thoughts?” Y/N asked, breaking the peaceful silence that had come between them. 
Ardyn let out an exasperated sigh. “It’s not even noon and I could use a bottle of wine.” 
Y/N stifled a laugh, delighting in how Ardyn bit the inside of his cheek trying to keep his own bout at bay. 
“I didn’t think you’d have this much work after a big ceremony like last night.” 
“On the contrary, my obligations tend to increase.” Ardyn corrected. “I’ve been digitally signing legal documents concerning the betrothal. These sorts of events can be rather tedious when it comes to paper trails. Unfortunately, not everyone is competent when putting together the fine print. Hence my sour mood.” 
“It’s nice not being on the receiving end of that.” Y/N mused, hearing Ardyn faintly chuckle at the remark as he carried on.
It never ceased to amaze Y/N at how much Ardyn accomplished for the empire considering what his end game was. They gently sighed and tore their thoughts away from that, not wanting to be reminded of their panic attack from last night.
The cafe they were relaxing at was fairly quiet, save for the people who rushed in to grab their caffeine before bolting to work. Y/N furrowed their brows when they noticed a few parties staring at Ardyn and whispering amongst themselves. Most seemed surprised to observe Niflheim’s Chancellor enjoying breakfast in a quaint establishment. He did look far removed from everyone else there. Y/N argued the same could be said for them as they looked over their formal attire that they had yet to change out of. They also noticed some of the stains that littered their gown from frolicking about on the beach. 
“I wouldn’t fret,” Ardyn said, pulling Y/N’s attention back to him. He gestured at their outfit then quickly motioned at the people he had caught gazing his way. “Let them chatter, and I’m sure Tuti can patch you up just fine.” 
Speaking of… Y/N thought. “Tuti said you picked this out for me.” 
Ardyn’s expression faltered. “That I did.” 
“There any particular reason why?” 
Y/N canted their head with a curiosity that made Ardyn firm his posture. He nevertheless shrugged and smiled, trying to play off his nerves. 
“I thought you’d look nice in it.”
“What’s the final verdict?” 
“That I was right, and I still am.” Ardyn said as a matter of fact with a wink. 
Y/N smiled so hard it hurt.
They were about to ask Ardyn how he felt about their conversation from last night, when Y/N noticed how uncomfortable he appeared. The shudder in his shoulders and the little hiss he let out made them tense up. 
“You okay?” 
Ardyn made a face. “I feel odd.” 
“Odd like how?” 
“My chest,” Ardyn’s right hand reached toward his heart. A shallow breath left him while he grimaced yet again. “It feels like it’s on fire.” 
“Maybe it’s heartburn from the roll?” Y/N suggested.
“No, no,” Ardyn shook his head. He frowned as he met Y/N’s eyes. “It’s…something else.” 
“Gods, are you having a heart attack?” 
“No, I’m incapable of experiencing such things.” Ardyn chuckled weakly and made a fist while a surge of pain traveled through his arms. With every inhale and exhale of breath, he felt his lungs on the precipice of burning. It was as if Ifrit’s very hands were slowly encircling the organs, in the hopes that a little spark would turn into something catastrophic. 
“It’s not scourge related, or I’d feel it too…” Y/N murmured. The pain in his eyes was skittish, like a young colt who had been spooked by its own shadow. Whatever was happening, he was familiar with it. They swallowed at their own epiphany, feeling troubled that they weren’t exhibiting any symptoms that Ardyn endured. “Ardyn, what’s going on?” 
“I was afraid you were going to ask,” He sighed. He closed his eyes for a moment while regaining a steady rhythm of breath. The heat lingered, but the pain began to ebb over time. “Let’s step outside, and we’ll talk further.” 
Y/N carefully followed Ardyn out of the establishment once he sat down some extra gil for the barista and rose to his feet. The pair walked a good distance away from the crowded areas, eventually approaching a series of benches that overlooked a waterway. Y/N was distracted by a series of small boats coming down the current, until Ardyn picked out a spot and sat down. He gently patted the empty space beside him, beckoning Y/N to join to which they obliged. 
Y/N's eyes scanned over Ardyn. They noticed beads of sweat trickling down his forehead and cheek and how patches of his skin looked more red than usual. It looked as if he was breaking out into a fever. Maybe even a sunburn. 
“Oh no,” Y/N whispered. 
“Hmm?” He raised a brow at them. 
“You’re losing immunity to the sun, aren’t you? This is what it’s all about, right?” 
“You are just full of assumptions today.” Ardyn mused with a laugh. He let the puzzlement on Y/N linger while taking time to gather his thoughts. “Y/N, do you know what a covenant is?” 
“A covenant, like the one mentioned in the Cosmogony?” Once Ardyn nodded for clarification, Y/N mulled over his initial question. It had been such a long time since they read the book, that the word almost felt foreign. "If I remember correctly, it's an ancient rite. Usually it's performed by an Oracle, and the user bonds with one of the six to get their fealty and power."
Y/N studied Ardyn, noticing the subtle shift in demeanor. He looked as if he had been delivered terrible news, and could feel it in the core of his being. 
“Ardyn, are you bound to one of--”
“I am,” He interrupted, making a face. “Or rather, Ifrit is bound to my will.”
Y/N blinked a few times in shock. Ardyn was no Oracle, but given his past--and how he is Adagium--it made sense that he would be able to pull off such a feat. It didn’t make the situation any less dangerous, for Y/N did recall that according to the Cosmogony, there was a huge price to pay for incurring the aid of a god. It was never specified, but it left plenty of room to the imagination of what sort of consequences could rise. 
Y/N gulped. “How long have you had Ifrit?” 
Ardyn hummed in thought, frowning as he kept his eyes on the scenery before him. He didn’t have the heart to look at Y/N right now. Not when he could sense their heightened emotions through the scourge. 
“Long before you and I became acquainted. Months after I was found upon Angelgard.” Ardyn professed. “Verstael encouraged me to daemonify Ifrit while he had him on ice. I was initially opposed, until my hand was forced. Ifrit has since been a part of my being.”
“Did it hurt?” Y/N gently asked. 
Ardyn nodded. “I’d say more so emotionally than physically, but yes. It did.” 
“Isn’t there some kind of fate that comes with forging a covenant?” 
“There was no price. Not for an immortal with the scourge at his beck and call.” Ardyn replied. “Having Ifrit at my side has felt like having a switchblade in my pocket. Something I can summon at convenience, but more or less an afterthought. Up until now at least.” 
“What do you mean by that?”
Ardyn ran a hand through his hair, wishing he had the foresight to bring his hat with him. He could shelter the truth in his eyes underneath the brim, but even so, he knew deep down it would’ve been difficult addressing Y/N regardless. 
“The morning after your debut night I struggled with Ifrit. He appeared in a dream to give me a warning. I can’t seem to recall most of it, but I do remember him saying a reckoning is at hand. At Verstael’s lab the night we returned from Lucis to Niflheim, I had another negative experience with the Infernium. I know this is no mere coincidence. It has something to do with the altercation at Outpost 98. I fear that I may be losing influence.” 
Ardyn sighed through his nose, letting some of the weight come off his shoulders. He swallowed down whatever bitterness and worry he had, and pressed onward. 
“I haven’t confided in Verstael about this. You’re the only soul who knows.” 
He stayed quiet, allowing Y/N to process the information at their own pace. Ardyn observed their reactions from the corner of his eyes, noting the apprehension that began to grow amongst their features. 
“Are you upset with me?” He softly inquired. 
“No, I’m…I’m scared. I’m scared for you.” Y/N paused, trying to make sense of the tight feeling in both their chest and gut. They let out a deep breath, and met Ardyn’s gaze as he cautiously turned his head to face them. 
“Why haven’t you told Verstael? I understand you and he have a complicated relationship, but with his knowledge and how he's helped you, I think it would be wise to give him a hint."
“No,” Ardyn shook his head and glared. He noticed Y/N tense from his reaction, and eased up. “He can’t know about this, just as he can’t know about the evolution of our bond through the scourge.” 
Y/N sighed. “Ardyn…”
“Listen to me,” Ardyn pleaded firmly. “There are battles everyone must face alone, and this is one I must endure.” 
“Then why tell me any of this if you planned on fighting solo?” Y/N countered.
“I vowed I would make an effort to not keep secrets from you. Is that not what you wanted from me?” 
“No,” Y/N shook their head. “I mean, yeah, I appreciate you upholding that promise but I still don’t understand why you’re refusing help from Verstael. Why tell me when I can’t do anything to help?” 
“Because I trust you,” His tone was somber as he regarded Y/N. He allowed some of his fears to slowly seep from his eyes. “We’re friends, correct?"
“Right.” Y/N answered without hesitation. 
“Then as my friend,” Ardyn paused. He placed a hand upon Y/N’s shoulder and squeezed. “I need you at my side. You can’t accomplish that if Verstael decides to take you out of the picture for being too much of a distraction. Do you understand me?” 
A chill went down Y/N's back. Ardyn didn’t have to say anything else to get the message across. Not when his face carried a look of fear and wrath. The cadence of his tone held the severity of what would transpire if he followed through with their suggestion. Shock must've been evident on their face, for Y/N watched Ardyn ease his stern expression. He shook his head as if to berate himself and sighed.
“I apologize for being forward,” Ardyn stated as he let go of them. “It’s not my intention to frighten you so.” 
Y/N too eased their nerves. “No, I needed your assertion. I’ll admit sometimes I’m stubborn when I get an idea that I think is good in theory but not in practice.” 
Ardyn scoffed. “Your stubbornness is one of the reasons I’m fond of you. I wouldn’t discredit yourself.”
Y/N tried to stop themself from grinning, but it couldn’t be helped. It was then that they felt a lightbulb flicker on. A seed of a thought began to blossom into a new idea as Ardyn studied them curiously. 
“How much of your mother’s practice do you intend on teaching me?” 
Ardyn furrowed his brows. “The bare bones in the grand scheme of things. Unless of course your mind is open to the task of biting off more. Why do--”
“Maybe I can help you with Ifrit after all,” Y/N blurted out, interrupting him. He looked so stupefied that Y/N almost lost their train of thought as they gestured with their hands for him to remain quiet. “Hear me out: If you show me everything you can about healing, maybe I can push the envelope, dig further, and find some way to help you. There’s got to be a solution to this mess. With how the scourge has bonded us, and with both our minds at the helm, I think we can pull this off.” 
Ardyn frowned. “While your intentions are sincere, what makes you think we can solve this conundrum, and with a god no less? There's not even a cure for the scourge. Let alone whatever MedZin plagued me with.” 
“Well,” Y/N sighed and shrugged. “I honestly think we have better odds of seeing the Emperor dressed as a clown, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.”
Ardyn snickered at the thought. His eyes glanced down as Y/N’s right hand met with his left. The touch had him feeling warm as he acknowledged them. 
“You said you’d see me through until the end, so let me help you make due on that promise.” 
“There’s one problem.” 
Y/N frowned. “And what’s that?” 
Ardyn remained silent as he reminisced about last night. He remembered the fleeting emotions that Y/N endured through the scourge. How mortality bit down on them like a tick, slowly engorging itself on blood without the host knowing it had laid claim to flesh. He remembered how Y/N’s fear had hurt him, and it finally clicked as to why. 
“I’m not so certain I want any of this to end, let alone you.” Ardyn whispered. 
He hadn’t noticed how close he had gotten to Y/N, until he could smell the sweet tartness of the roll Y/N ate upon their breath. How their fingertips upon his hand felt feather light. How Y/N’s head began to tilt in submission to whatever he desired to act upon. Scared and lost in the pool of Y/N’s eyes, Ardyn shivered as his mouth parted. His nose gently bumped against Y/N’s before the ground below his feet began to rumble followed by the sound of a thunderous explosion. 
Both Ardyn and Y/N’s heads turned immediately as they could see a smoke cloud in the distance. They quickly sprung to their feet, startled by the sudden commotion. 
“What was that?” Y/N whispered nervously. 
“I don’t know.” Ardyn glared as his nostrils picked up on the smell of burnt rubber and ash. He remained motionless while trying to assess what was going on. Surprise briefly graced Ardyn’s features as he could hear the scratching pierce of screams, and then a wave of bellowing pops came and went. 
Y/N gasped as their eyes traveled the main road, realizing the explosions were coming from the city center. Right where Tuti, Loqui, the Imperial Ambassadors, and all of Accordo’s important figureheads were stationed. 
Ardyn made a fist as he too had the same epiphany. A great wave of anger flooded him as he growled under his breath. “The House of the Courts is under siege again. I’m certain of it.”
“Oh shit,” Y/N muttered. In horror, they also felt a familiar aura of darkness tickle their brain. The same impulsive carnality that tip toed around their consciousness right before they had become daemonified after the goblin attack. 
Y/N met the ferocity of Ardyn's eyes and wondered what fate the situation held for them both.
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savage-rhi · 10 months
Mending Shadows // Chapter 26
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
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There was not a word spoken between Ardyn and Y/N afterward, much less any kind of physical acknowledgement. Ardyn was the first to gather himself. He got up from the bed, and wandered away. As Y/N watched him disappear behind the door, they noticed there was no haste in his steps. He carried within himself a numb contemplation, but didn’t speak up on it. After he shut the door with a quiet click, Y/N realized they too neither had the audacity or courage to speak up about what happened. 
Maybe it’s better this way… Y/N swallowed. Their mind did little to tamper down the million questions they had for Ardyn, but silence was a powerful drug. It followed Y/N out of the room minutes later, and kept them from joining Ardyn in the kitchen as he made himself tea. There was a brief glance shared between the two, before both parties ignored one another. Yet again an unspoken line had been crossed, and neither had the mental capacity to unload all that it was. 
Time marched onward, and the betrothal ceremony drew near. Not long after the bedroom situation, did Tuti arrive with formal attire for everyone. Loqui followed behind her, and proceeded to spend many hours going over security detail with Ardyn. Y/N soon found themself dressed from head to toe in a gown that was bewitching. It stood out compared to the conservative look they were accustomed to wearing for Niflheim. 
“Chancellor Izunia picked this out just for you!” Tuti had squeaked more than once. Her words echoed in Y/N’s ears as they looked over themself in the vanity. Their heart pounded wondering if there was further context behind Ardyn’s choice. Even the material of the gown felt intimate. 
“Y/N, Loqui and I will be leaving shortly to help with the wedding decorum. You and Chancellor Izunia will…” 
Y/N turned around to face Tuti after her voice trailed off. Concern scratched the surface Y/N’s features, until they observed the awe that spread across Tuti’s eyes and lips.
“By the six you look amazing!” Tuti exclaimed. She clapped her hands together, unable to contain her excitement. “You’re going to be giving everyone at the Ceremonial House a run for their gil, even the bride!” 
“Isn’t that disrespectful?” 
“Luckily the bride comes from our nation so we have nothing to fret!” Tuti giggled. “I must be off, but I’ll hopefully see you at the reception! Chancellor Izunia is in the living room waiting for you. Bye dear!” 
Y/N quietly murmured a goodbye under their breath, unable to keep up with Tuti’s quick pace of spoken word and fast feet. 
Alone once more, Y/N had half a mind to change into another attire after Tuti’s proclamation, but after going over the logistics, there was no time to figure out a plan B. Accepting resignation, Y/N adjusted their clothes and ventured out into the living room. 
Ardyn was scrolling through his phone when Y/N’s footsteps came to his attention. At first he didn’t pay them any mind, too busy answering a text that needed his input. When Y/N sat down across from him, did Ardyn’s amber eyes finally steal a glance. Then two. Then three...
Then the text didn’t matter anymore.
“You look…”
“Like a decorated candle?” Y/N muttered with a laugh. 
“I was going to say you look elegant,” Ardyn chuckled. He couldn't stop looking at them, not even with a million daemons banging against his skull. He glared when Y/N stood up and headed for the door, feeling both relief and irritation that they left his sight. Ardyn further scowled when he saw Y/N's fingers grasp around the knob. “Where do you think you’re going?” 
“Aren’t we going to be late?” Y/N tried to protest, not wanting to turn around. “It’s already five. The ceremony starts in an hour.” 
“And so we have an hour to kill,” Ardyn huffed. “I’m the Chancellor of Niflheim. I can be fashionably late and it won’t hinder the celebrations. There’s no need to make haste.” 
“Y/N, sit down.” 
Y/N’s fingers shuddered against the cold material of the knob. The command in his voice was stern, but it didn't ooze hostility. If anything, to Y/N it sounded like Ardyn fully expected them not to come back. Even his expression conveyed mild surprise when they returned to the couch across from him.
The atmosphere was heavy as the two examined one another, and Y/N let out a breath. 
“Do you want to talk about what's been going on with us?” 
“No,” Ardyn said simply. “I wanted to inform you of what I experienced this past week in Avem. My neglect in communicating with you wasn't done out of spite." 
“Even with the spring incident?” 
Ardyn stared icily at Y/N. His heart couldn't help but go on the offense. His eyes caught wind of the subtle retreat Y/N’s body made, and he softened his hardened gaze. Even with his mixed feelings, the last thing he wanted to do was have them flee. 
“I ventured into the tomb and found what I had been seeking. Alas, when it came time to exit, I was met with adversaries. Kingsglaive, mostly. Coming to reclaim what belongs to the royal family.”
“Did you kill them?” Y/N's shoulders tensed. 
“No, I didn’t.” Ardyn shook his head. He quietly regarded Y/N, surprised they didn’t press further about the spring fiasco nor what happened in his quarters. “I took a more diplomatic approach, and bought their loyalty. The empire has ten glaive at it’s disposal now. Provided I ensure their families are kept safe from the flames of war, I can begin infiltration into the Lucian Kingdoms highest security. I didn’t think breaking bread with disenfranchised soldiers of Lucis would work in our favor, but once more, your idea caught fire.” 
“Gods,” Y/N briefly traveled back to the night of the Imperial Banquet, and the discussion Ardyn and they had with some of the empires most decorated militants. They felt their face turning red, remembering their suggestion being laughed at. “I thought I made a fool of myself and you that night.” 
“The peons of the empire made fools of themselves,” Ardyn countered. “This war has gone on for so long that Lucis has deserters who no longer align with their kings principles. Enough to where even the powerful glaive are easily swayed by money.” 
And like that night, he once again vanquished any negative thoughts Y/N had about themself. They sighed, not wanting any further praise. Given the circumstances, it hurt too much to bask in the glory. 
“What did you get from the tomb?” 
“A royal arm that belonged to a past king. One of my brothers descendants,” Ardyn paused, reflecting again on his own surprise that Y/N didn’t press about the elephant in the room. “There will come a day when the king of light will be seeking out royal arms for our duel. Just as he needs to collect, so do I.” 
“I keep forgetting that your end game is to die just like me. It's quite sad when you think about it.” Y/N smiled faintly. 
Ardyn felt a compulsion to say something that would bring assuagement, but alas he couldn’t. He looked away from Y/N momentarily, feeling his heart stir with a heaviness that made him uncomfortable. 
“Was your week as eventful as mine?” He asked. 
“It was kind of a drag to be honest,” Y/N was taken aback at how sincere the question was. “I read off propaganda, and listened to rich people talk about how magnificent they are.” 
Ardyn chuckled. “Unfortunately, that sounds about right.” 
“There is something though, that Loqui told me today. He said during the attack on the House of the Courts, he rounded up a group of people that belonged to MedZin. Did you know about this?” 
Ardyn hesitated before answering. “I did.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want you to worry,” Ardyn sighed. “You’re an Imperial Icon. There’s a lot riding on your shoulders, and I didn’t see it fitting that you deal with MedZin on top of it.” 
“But MedZin is a problem that belongs to us equally.” Y/N said in their defense. “You and I both played a hand in pissing them off. That’s not fair keeping me in the dark with what they’ve done to me.” 
“I know,” Ardyn admitted. 
"Then why did you keep this all to yourself?” 
Ardyn frowned. He could feel a thousand sins that he had been keeping in the dark wanting to drip from his mouth. Many of which he had committed against Y/N when they took down Outpost 98. Fear and selfishness kept Ardyn from confessing the truth, but he couldn't remain in peace. Not when he was finding himself getting lost in the worry that plagued Y/N's eyes. The innocence reminded him of Aera if only for a moment. 
“I’m the politician at the end of the day. MedZin and assassination attempts belong on my doorstep, not yours. You’ve endured enough, being associated with me.” 
“Listen,” Ardyn paused, thinking his words carefully. “I can't risk putting you into dangerous situations like before. It's not the same. Do you understand?" 
Y/N couldn't formulate an answer. His words held so many different interpretations, that Y/N felt like they were stuck in a labyrinth. There were many paths to take, but few would get them to the center. He was dodging something, but Y/N couldn't pinpoint it to a singular thing. 
“You promised me a favor back in Niflheim.”
“That I did.”
“Then please,” Y/N stood up and walked over to him. They crouched onto their knees in front of Ardyn, and took his right hand into their palms. They could feel him tense from their touch, but he didn’t shirk away. “No more secrets, Ardyn. I'm too involved now. We're supposed to have one another's backs. If you want to protect me, fine. I'll stay out of physical altercations the best I can, but don't keep information away from me. Not when it involves MedZin."
Ardyn couldn't believe his own words to Y/N would come back to haunt him, but they did. He remembered Y/N's debut night. How he pleaded for them not to harm themself, lest he feel the repercussions of such acts. It was slowly dawning on Ardyn that he too had been enacting a form of self harm. Keeping all his secrets tucked away, and Y/N was now hurting from it. They would continue to hurt from it, from his silence. From pain he had caused them to forget long ago.
“I don’t know if I can promise you that.” Ardyn said truthfully. 
“Then at least try.” Y/N murmured. “That’s all I ask.” 
"I..." He had every opportunity to say no, to redirect, but his heart was too stubborn for his mind to wrangle back into it's cage. "For you, I'll make an effort." 
Ardyn could feel his free hand reaching downward, wanting to cup the side of Y/N’s cheek. He stopped midway when his phone buzzed, and let out a sigh. 
“It’s time for us to depart.” 
He could see the disappointment in Y/N’s eyes briefly flicker, and they let his hand go and rose back up. Y/N's feet carried them to the door once again, and they cleared their throat. 
“Are we ever going to discuss what happened in the bedroom and at the springs?” 
“Yes, but there is a stipulation.” Ardyn stated. With a brief frown, he got up from his seat and approached Y/N. “I made arrangements to take care of my...debt, to Ms. D'Bhara. After the reception, I intend to indulge her for the night. Come tomorrow, I'll make time for us to put things to rest. It's been on my agenda since I left for Avem. You have my word."
Y/N felt a twinge of jealousy ride up in their chest, and swallowed it down. They felt idiotic for having a childish reaction. It wasn't as if Ardyn and they were established, but it stung subsequently. Y/N recalled how unenthusiastic Ardyn was to begin with about Betrys request back at the springs, and took some comfort in that as they breathed. 
“So…what now?” 
Ardyn smiled. “We do what we always do!”
“Which is?”
“We'll put on a show for the world, and when the curtain falls, we'll free ourselves of burden. Preferably with alcohol!”
Y/N snorted, shaking their head as he chuckled. 
“Considering who you’re going out with, you might want to do a raincheck. Betrys hates wine, last time I checked.” 
“Ugh,” Ardyn grimaced. “Don’t remind me.”
Y/N laughed at how distraught Ardyn appeared for a split second. He chortled for a moment, and his expression muted. 
"Let's remain like this for the night. Civil." 
"No promises," Y/N teased. The pleading look in his amber eyes had their tune change as they smiled. "For you, I'll make an effort." 
Ardyn smirked at Y/N. Once again impressed and somewhat put off that they weaponized his own words against him. The antics died, and Ardyn led both he and Y/N out of the lodging and off to the car that awaited them outside. While nothing was truly solved between them, Ardyn felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. And through the scourge, he could feel the ease that fell upon Y/N. He didn't know how long this would last, but basked in it. If only for a while. 
“I feel like a pampered poodle,” Y/N begrudgingly stated upon exiting the car with Ardyn at their side. They swallowed at the hearty laugh Ardyn unleashed. 
“At least you don’t look like one,” Ardyn teased. The glare Y/N shot at him was well deserved, which he acknowledged. “You’d do well to get over yourself. This is supposed to be an enchanting night!” 
“Easy for you to say. I’m not used to being paraded around like some…trophy. ” Y/N sighed, casting their gaze on the cobblestone. 
For whatever reason, be it the event itself or the stress Y/N had been experiencing, they felt a wave of panic rise in their pulse. This wasn’t supposed to happen. None of it. Yet here they were in the lands of Altissa, and not in a shallow grave Ardyn would’ve picked for them back at Lucis. It was all overwhelming realizing how far they had come. 
Memories of Y/N’s debut at the Imperial Palace began to invade their already fragile mind, especially the people that verbally interrogated them. The sights and decorum from afar reminded Y/N of the bottomless ocean the Imperials belonged to, and how a land lover like them could never truly swim alongside the school of fish even if they had sprouted gills. Y/N wanted nothing more than to get back in the car, and take the 30 minute trip back to the hotel. 
Ardyn quietly approached Y/N, and gently used his right index finger to scoop their chin upward. He gazed thoughtfully into Y/N's eyes.  
“I know I’ve asked a lot of you since we first met,” Ardyn paused to let his words sink in. “One day you'll blink and this will all be over. I'd stake my life on it.” 
“I know,” Y/N whispered. 
“Good,” Ardyn let go of their chin and smiled. A warmth flooded his cheeks as he caught Y/N's eyes scanning him over "What are you looking at?" 
“Nothing,” Y/N shrugged. “Just thinking to myself that you look like a preened chocobo in that outfit."
“Is that so?” 
“Sorry to say if I didn’t know better, you’re trying to peacock.” Y/N snickered.
Ardyn's mouth fell open, but he didn't have a comeback. With a playful glare, he nudged Y/N to get a move on. 
“Let’s head inside before I wring your neck.” 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” Y/N whispered to themself. 
Ardyn raised a brow. “What was that, darling?” 
"I assumed as much..." He chortled. 
Arm in arm with Ardyn, Y/N approached the Ceremonial House and began the descent through the main doors. 
The first thing Y/N noticed was the oceanic abundance that was ever present in the decorum. They were in awe of the beautiful tile work that littered both the floor and the walls. The tropical color palette highlighted Accordo being surrounded by the sea. Elegant chandeliers with thousands of candlesticks crowded much of the ceiling, and Y/N wondered how people got up and down to light them given the height. Much like the grand halls of the Imperial Palace of Niflheim, there was a lot to take in, but that was the only thing the two cultures had in common when it came to decoration.
As they proceeded further, Y/N recalled meeting couples in Lucis who wanted to pay a hefty sum to get married in Accordo's Ceremonial House. It was considered a good omen, and something of a triumph for couples seeking to make their special day more unique. Y/N was beginning to see what all the hype was about. It certainly had an ambiance that felt romantic. 
Ardyn couldn’t help but eye Y/N occasionally while traversing through the flock of guests. He smiled seeing Y/N overwhelmed and taken with the extravagances. He also picked up on their nerves. How Y/N’s arm seemed to tighten around his. Ardyn offered a reassuring squeeze, earning Y/N’s attention. 
“You can relax,” Ardyn smirked. “It’s not like you’re the one getting married right now.” 
“I feel so…”
“Puny and insignificant?” 
Y/N nodded. “Yeah.” 
“I felt that way during my pilgrimage 2,000 years ago, when I first stepped into this place. It was once an intimidating temple dedicated to the gods if you can believe it. Statues of the six once dwelled here," Ardyn paused and gestured at the heart of the building, where the future bride and groom would be given their rites. “It felt like I was standing among giants whose shoes I’d never fill.”
“And now?” Y/N asked curiously. “The statues aren’t here anymore. What happened to them?” 
“Entropy is powerful. Even with the finest materials, not everything can stand the test of time.” Ardyn said as a matter of fact. 
“Minus you?” Y/N teased. 
“Minus little old me,” Ardyn smirked. His eyes carded up and down the center as if he was imagining the statues being there once more. He shook his head and scowled bitterly. "May the Gods feel the same fear I had the day I dedicated my soul to this dreary old house of worship."
The darkness in his voice shook Y/N out of their thoughts. Like water to a flame, Ardyn put the embers out before they had the chance to spark. He grinned and changed the subject. 
“Do you remember what we rehearsed?” 
“Yeah, I do.” Y/N nodded. 
“Walk me through to play it safe.” 
Damn him …They let out a nervous breath and began gesturing with their free hand to certain points of interest in the grand hall. 
“You and I will be joining the other Niflheim representatives on the left side. Before we sit, you’ll introduce me to the groom, I hand him the gift with both my palms facing up to show respect, and then we sit down. Do I have to say anything special to him?” 
“Not unless you’re feeling tenderhearted,” Ardyn nodded toward a group of Accordian senators walking by. “It’s best to keep these affairs simple.”
“Forgive me, but I don’t think there’s anything simple about an arranged marriage.” Y/N couldn’t help themself. It wasn’t hard for them to place themself in a position like that, even if it was merely figurative. 
“There’s nothing to forgive,” Ardyn chortled. “However, this is a manner of politics. An Accordian Senator marrying a Niflheim Lead of Office will ensure our alliance continues to prosper. You loathe the war, do you not?” 
“Of course I do.”
“Well, think of this event as a tool that will bring an end to this conflict much sooner. Weddings inspire hope among the public. What better way to curb the restlessness and rage of warring countries?” 
“If it’s so great, then why did you drag me along again?” 
That got him… Y/N mused when Ardyn made a grimace at them briefly. He playfully nudged Y/N and rolled his eyes. 
“You’d do well to bite back your tongue. You know I detest weddings.” 
“So you’ve told me in the car,” Y/N nodded. “However, you never told me the reason as to why."
“That conversation is best kept for another time.” Ardyn sighed. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to compose himself. “What matters more than anything, is that you make a good impression showing that as a former Lucian, the empire has been nothing but charitable on your behalf.” 
“It’s not like I haven’t put on an act before,” Y/N muttered. “Don’t worry, I won’t mess this up.” 
“I know you won’t,” Ardyn said and once more gently squeezed Y/N’s arm with his own. He pressed his mouth close to their ear. “We’ll get through this together.” 
Together… Y/N hung onto the word like it was a prayer. Neither they nor Ardyn wanted to be here, much less be alive. There was a comfort in the fact that though Ardyn had a higher status than Y/N ever would, they shared common ground. A very human connection and desire, especially in the face of darkness while suffering from a plague that would one day consume what was left of them as people. 
Together allowed Y/N to go through the motions when they met the groom and presented the gift. Together had Y/N swallow whatever bitterness the scourge tried to toss at them; heavy pain in the abdomen in particular. Together settled Y/N's nerves while Ardyn and they took their seats among high ranking officials. Through it all, he was at their side. Even with how awkward things had been, Ardyn was still here. 
It won't be that way forever...
“The rites will begin in the presence of the six,” A high priest proclaimed, making Y/N lose concentration. “Rise for the bride and her blessings.” 
Y/N’s eyes were on the aisle, watching the bride come through the grand doors. She looked radiant in her gown. The imperial colors of the flowers she held complimented her dress and accentuated her natural features. She was beautiful, but Y/N could see she was terrified. There was no light in her eyes, but a solemn resignation. Y/N swallowed at that, feeling terrible guilt for her. 
Y/N could also see the same thing coming from the groom awaiting at the altar, however, he smiled. It was a reassuring one as if to apologize and say he’d do right by her. Y/N couldn’t help but be reminded of when Ardyn looked upon them like that back at Niflheim when they resigned themself to being a propaganda piece. Even though Y/N had reluctantly consented, he tried to make things bearable. 
Y/N broke out of their thoughts and observations when they felt Ardyn’s right-hand clasp against their left. He squeezed, and Y/N looked from their fingers to his face. He looked deeply conflicted. As the rites were being initiated after the bride made it down the aisle, Y/N witnessed an utter sadness take hold of Ardyn's heavy eyes. Something got under his skin, and it looked as if he would tear up at any moment. His body remained still, but Ardyn was somewhere else. Somewhere in the past. 
As the bride and groom presented flower crowns to each other's heads, Ardyn could smell the honey scent of white syelleblossoms. It drifted in the fall air, and hung over the land like a blanket. And there she was. His Aera. His love, waiting for him in all the ways a wife would for a husband. She smiled so hard that Ardyn mused she'd have permanent lines on her face. Lines he'd trace everyday with his hands.    Under a mighty oak, Aera and he stood with their foreheads pressed together. The high priest was reciting the holy words of the six in God Speak. Both he and Aera donned simple clothes; a white sundress and a black tunic. It was unfit for a grand wedding, but neither paid heed. Eloping wasn't supposed to be a spectacular event. Two common folk bore witness. A mother and daughter whom Ardyn healed, and they were shedding tears of joy from afar.    Ardyn’s mission to heal all that he could across the land wasn’t a priority. The only thing that mattered was that he was alive. He was alive and present with the woman he loved more than anything, and they were being married in secret. If Somnus and the kingdom wouldn't legitimize the union unless he surrendered, well, Aera and he would take their pledge before the gods. The eyes of the Hexatheon signified more than the gazes of mortal men. However, Aera deserved so much more. She deserved a wedding where she could celebrate with her loved ones.    After the priest finished the rites, Ardyn vowed that when the dust settled between himself and Somnus, he'd give Aera the life she deserved. He held onto it like fragile hope, knowing that like glass it could easily shatter and cut him. Bleeding for Aera's sake was worth it. He'd die for her, and Ardyn promised the Gods he'd remain at her side until death.    As soon as they gifted each other flower crowns, and the priest performed the handfast, Aera and Ardyn looked into each other's eyes. There was no regret when their lips met in the middle for a kiss to seal their fates.   
Y/N’s soft whisper pulled him out from the spell. Ardyn blinked. He wasn't standing in the fields. The sylleblossoms were no longer here, and neither was his wife. 2,000 years came and went in a blink of an eye. He shifted his gaze downward from the main event, and took in a deep breath. 
“I’m fine.” Ardyn quietly whispered. 
Y/N wasn’t buying it. They squeezed his hand, much like Ardyn had been doing for them all throughout the wedding. When his thumb smoothed over their knuckles, Y/N felt a pressure in their chest. As if their heart was being constricted by a palm grasping the beating organ. Y/N was unsettled, but they did their best to ignore it. However, they couldn't shake the feeling knowing this is what Ardyn was experiencing. It hurt so much, there were no words. 
Once the ceremony had come and gone, everyone in attendance flocked to either binge on drink or conversation. Y/N had a hard time performing both tasks. Being under public scrutiny was something Ardyn was accustomed to. He had the demeanor to tackle great feats and curb most ails stemming from men. Y/N on the other hand was learning more and more with each event they participated in, that they preferred keeping to themself. Nonetheless, Y/N understood they had a role to perform. They carried it out with as much grace as they could. 
After enduring another round of what felt like interrogative questions by an Accordian Baroness, Y/N managed to retreat from the grand hall of the Ceremonial House and ventured into one of the worshiping chambers of the six. The room was illuminated by candles everywhere, creating a seductive atmosphere that lured Y/N further into the room.
Up ahead, Y/N could see a grand painting of Leviathan, and below that a large ceremonial table with gifts of flowers, drink, and food dedicated to the goddess of the sea. There were also papers pinned to the wall with sigils and prayers. Thousands upon thousands of voices young and old beckoning the old god good rest and asking to receive blessings. Mixed feelings churned within Y/N while taking in the spectacle. There was a point in their life where seeing such a marvelous wonder would’ve made them feel a sense of divinity. The gods now, their very images were tainted by Ardyn through no fault of his own. He only told the truth. The scourge and every pain Y/N was enduring, all led back to the Hexatheon. They remembered the day Ardyn had told them that. It was ironic how in the end the gods were flawed like men. Perhaps they were a little too human for their own good. Even so, when Y/N approached the table, they placed down a small tribute of incense while their eyes scanned the painting. 
It became clear that Y/N wasn’t alone when they heard sniffles. Their head turned to the right rather quickly, coming face to face with the bride. She offered a sad yet sincere smile toward Y/N and gestured for them not to leave. 
“I didn’t mean to give you a fright.” 
“Oh,” Y/N smiled, shaking their head while trying to formulate words. “I didn’t realize I had company. If you wish to be alone, I don’t mind heading out. I got sidetracked.” 
“You needed to get away from everyone too, didn’t you?” 
“Caught me red-handed,” Y/N quietly laughed. They watched the bride grin amusingly. “No offense, your wedding is beautiful. It all is, but I’m not so keen on the guests.” 
The bride chuckled, now giving her full attention to Y/N. “The feeling is mutual.” 
There was a silence that fell between Y/N and the bride as both of them turned to look at the Leviathan painting. The bride whistled, shaking her head in disbelief. 
“That’s got to be a couple hundred feet long give or take.” 
“Yeah,” Y/N nodded. “I bet it took years before it was finished. Maybe a lifetime.” 
“Devotion will do that,” The bride mused. “Can’t say the same for all men and their relationships.” 
Y/N furrowed their brows, sensing a double meaning behind the bride's words. They also noticed how the bride trembled as if a cool wind had come through the chambers and caressed her flesh. 
“I can’t imagine how terrified you feel right now.” Y/N couldn’t help but say. As soon as the words left their mouth, they dwelled in panic. “I mean--I didn’t mean to insult you or--”
“No, no, no,” The bride dismissed gently. “You did no such thing! How can you insult me when you are correct? He seems like a nice gentleman, Rodrick--er, my husband now. He was very kind to me the one day we became acquainted before Niflheim and Accordo struck the deal. It’s an honor, really. I’m just--” 
Y/N watched the bride bite her bottom lip and warm tears began to flow from the corners of her eyes. She sniffled, rubbing away at her nose. Y/N took a napkin out from a pocket on their gown, and handed it to the bride, earning a solemn ‘thank you’ in return. 
“I had big plans you know,” The bride began with a proud yet morose grin. Her eyes drifted up to the Levithan painting, taking in the awe of it while her dreams manifested in her mind. “I was going to go to university after finishing my term as a Lead of Office. I love politics, but my real passion lies in horticulture. Oh well, I couldn’t afford the tuition anyway. I really thought I was going to be the one to solve Niflheim’s food shortage and find a way to cultivate the barren lands back to fertility. Silly, right?” 
The bride’s words were heavy, but a mighty dream such as this was bound to carry its own burdens. Y/N silently shook their head and frowned.
“That’s not silly at all. That’s beautiful you see beyond yourself.” Y/N took in a deep breath, closing their eyes for a second. “You know, being a Lucian, I’ve always been indifferent toward imperials. It's only been recent where I'm beginning to see the similarities we all share. I had a dream like yours; that one day, I’d own land and a house and I’d never want for nothing. Now everything has changed. My whole world was uprooted. I imagine that’s how you feel, having to get married like this.” 
The bride smiled. “You’re the Lucian who deserted to Niflheim. I saw you arrive with Chancellor Izunia.” 
“He’s hard to miss, especially with long legs like a chocobo. Half the man’s body is ninety percent leg.” Y/N mused with a laugh, with the bride joining in. 
“Has the Chancellor been kind to you during your integration?” The bride asked in between fits. 
Y/N contemplated for a time, biting the inside of their lip. Mixed feelings came and went before they nodded. For all his faults, for all the crap Ardyn had dragged Y/N into, he had been kind to them in the way a complicated man would be. Being at the mercy of the Adagium himself wasn't for the faint of heart. 
“He’s saved my life more than once,” Y/N murmured. “Did you ever work with him much?”
The bride nodded. “Chancellor Izunia would sometimes join our meetings. Most of the time, he slacked off. However, when he's fixated, he stops at nothing. It's quite admirable. Between the two of us, I think Chancellor Izunia is capable of doing great things when he's not hindered by the wills of Emperor Aldercapt, or by his fancy for wine. That's always the impression I've had." 
“Sounds like you fancy him.” Y/N teased. The bride let out a childlike laugh.
“I could never! Especially now. Anyway, the Chancellor isn’t my type. For all his aloofness, he's quite intimidating. I'm sorry. I don't mean to insult him before you. I know he's done a lot to help you in Niflheim." 
“No, no, no,” Y/N shook their head. “He’s a strange one. I know there’s a method to the madness, but sometimes I question why things have to be complicated.” 
The bride grinned as if she knew something that Y/N didn’t. “Throughout the reception, I saw him keeping tabs on you. He seemed worried about your welfare.”
“I was ill before the wedding. It’s nothing serious. That’s probably why he was gazing my way.” Y/N lied. 
“I think he cares a great deal for you.” The bride admitted. 
“What makes you say that?” 
“It's known among Imperial Rank that Chancellor Izunia chooses to be a lonely man. It's refreshing to see that he's found some semblance of happiness in another. That's what I saw in his concern for you."
Y/N gulped and felt their face turning warm. Unsure if it was from the heat of the candles, or from their own emotions. Either way, they felt put under the spotlight. Somehow Y/N powered through, and remained composed for the sake of the bride. 
“Do you pray at all to the gods?” Y/N asked. 
“All the time,” The bride sighed through her nose as her words gently carded through the atmosphere of the chambers. She smiled to herself, once more scanning over the painting of the mighty sea dragon. 
“Do you think they really listen at all to our whims?” 
“Absolutely,” The bride nodded. “It’s not common among imperials to worship the six, as you know. However, my family has always been traditional. Even now, when I feel like my whole world is ending, I still give devotion.” 
“How do you do it, give devotion to an entity?” Y/N whispered. 
“It’s different for everyone,” The bride began. “The Hexatheon are my idols. I can tell it may not be the same for you. I encourage you to pick something or someone and send them good thoughts and blessings. That’s all it really is. Being kind, when most are unkind.” 
Y/N held onto the bride's words, especially the final bit. It amazed Y/N how someone could still find peace in a less-than-savory situation, and still thank the gods and all their faults. Y/N wondered too, even with Ardyn’s mighty hatred toward the gods, if he still communed with them in some form. 
“Gaze upon the sea goddess, and tell me what comes to your head.” The bride beckoned. 
Y/N thought the request was odd, but nodded and decided to partake. Nothing divine happened. No holy light was cast from the ceiling, and no revelations were to be had, but a stream of unconscious thought began to shift through their mind. 
“I see you and Senator Rodrick smiling at each other. You’re both far away from Accordo and Niflheim. Some place where war and obligation can’t touch you. You’re both happy, and you’re both making the best out of the situation. There's a lot of good.” 
The bride reached a hand down toward Y/N’s, and gently squeezed. They both gazed at each other. 
“I came here seeking a sign that things would be alright, and here you are. Talking to me like I’m a person, and not just a broodmare to score political standing. That’s my devotion returning to me through Leviathan.” The bride softly spoke. “My pain will pass, just as I am sure yours will too.”
“I’m glad we got to meet,” Y/N said with a smile. 
“Me too,” The bride once more squeezed Y/N’s fingertips. "We'll both be okay."
Both Y/N and the bride silently stood together and quietly contemplated their next steps on their respective journeys. Y/N wasn't sure if they could get on board with the philosophy that the bride bequeathed, but sending a good thought to someone was nice. The action calmed Y/N's racing thoughts from earlier as they sent good thoughts to Galdin Quay and their old friends. They even sent one to Ardyn, and wondered if he was feeling better from before. 
From afar, Ardyn had been in the shadows watching and listening. His eyes bore resentment and contemplation. Taking his eyes off the backs of the bride and Y/N, he stared at the large painting of the great sea snake and let out a defeated sigh. 
“You win just this once,” He muttered, tipping his hat toward them. He quietly left without disturbing the occupants, and drifted back into the main crowd. 
Not long after did Ardyn find Senator Rodrick, and he concocted a strong argument in favor of the bride attending school for horticulture while gifting a cheque to make it happen. 
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savage-rhi · 11 months
Mending Shadows // Chapter 22
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
There was not a single word or sentence that could describe the full magnificence of Altissa, but if Y/N had to assign it something, it would be “heaven on Eos.” Surrounded by waterfalls, canals, and vast architecture that could make the most stoic of men stop in awe, the capitol of Accordo demonstrated a mighty grace that matched the sea god who allegedly slumbered nearby. Y/N recalled a time where friends mentioned traveling here, and how if they had the gil to return, they would’ve settled in Altissa. The thought nearly brought a tear to Y/N’s eye as they grinned in admiration. 
Y/N was so enraptured by the scenery, they nearly missed Ardyn beckoning them to stay close at his side after docking. Upon standing at his right, Y/N couldn’t help but notice his entire demeanor changed in an instant. The mask he was wearing this time around, was one of arrogance; but with the softened blow of a smile that demonstrated fealty. Dare say even his scourge felt off as Y/N captured a brief photograph of Ardyn’s feelings through their bond. 
Taking their eyes off of Ardyn, Y/N stared past the Imperial officials who went ahead of Ardyn, and met the fierce gaze of Accordo’s state leader: Madam Secretary Camelia Claustra. Her smile was both intimidating and full of warmth, contrasting with her experienced features. Her clothes, dull greys and blues further amplified her older grace. Y/N could tell she had been through much, but her poise and confidence hid whatever woes she had swimming under the surface. 
Ardyn had a talked a great deal about Camelia. It was one thing to hear about her no-nonsense energy, but another to be meeting it head on. Y/N felt it best not to say hello, and merely observe unless directed otherwise. This wasn’t a woman who liked to play games, nor did Y/N get the impression she could be won over with small talk. This had Y/N wonder what sort of trifling antics Ardyn was going to pull off, and they couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Y/N was no fool. Despite Ardyn holding a reserved warmth for them, they knew he didn’t show compassion to most. It was one of the few misgivings they harbored toward him. 
“Chancellor Izunia, warmest of welcomes.” Camelia stated with pride, giving a bow with her head to which Ardyn returned in favor with a formal bend and a tip of his hat. 
“The honor is mine, dear Madam Secretary.” Ardyn smirked as he returned to form. He held out his arms for emphasis. “Might I compliment your radiance? It’s unfortunately not something my eyes are used to back home among the council of men with one foot in the grave!” 
“Spare me the pleasantry, Chancellor. There is much preparation to be had for the betrothal ceremony, and your fleet arrived two days late.” 
“I assure you, the extra precaution on our end was worth the wait. The empire cannot afford to doddle when it comes to security. You know that better than most with the recent assassination attempt on your head! I do hope your psyche has been seen to after such a horrid experience!” Ardyn oozed with false affection. The glint in his eyes further lit up when he saw Camelia’s throat tense as she held back what was no doubt an onslaught of profanities that wanted to creep past her lips. 
“I may not have fought on the field, Chancellor, but I’ve had my share of battles that come with the task of keeping the people of Accordo safe. I appreciate the concern nevertheless.” 
“But of course!” Ardyn nodded, his cadence lathered with impish elegance. “I do hope my concerns didn’t drudge up ill feelings?” 
“None at all.” 
Y/N had a feeling if Camelia didn’t have an audience, she would’ve ripped Ardyn a new one for the not so subtle jab. Nevertheless, they were surprised at how she had no fear calling Ardyn out on his bluff right out the gate. He didn’t seem bothered by it, and in fact chuckled amusingly. 
“Your ambition is inspiring to us all in the realm of politics,” Ardyn complimented. He let out a sigh, and gestured for some of the Imperial soldiers near to begin gathering belongings off the airship. Once settled, he followed Camelia’s lead and began to walk at her side then subtly gestured to Y/N to stand behind him out of protocol. 
It was once the group were off the docks and walking on land, did Camelia speak up. 
“I do hope the accommodations my men are providing will suffice, Chancellor.” 
“I don’t see why not,” Ardyn smiled. “Each time myself or a member of council have visited your land, we’ve been greeted with nothing but the best!” 
“Speaking of visiting,” Camelia began. “How is your Emperor fairing these days? It’s been almost five years now since he’s witnessed Altissa’s splendor.” 
“Ah,” Ardyn furrowed his brows, feigning a frown. “The poor man could use such a tranquil place to rest. The war has been unforgiving as you can imagine, yet we prevail! Speaking of, we have much to discuss about Lucis and future plans that Accordo should be in alignment with. I trust you have carved out time for conversation?” 
“Of course,” Camelia stated. “Keeping our alliance stable is our highest priority. This wedding I hope will quell tension among my citizens who have been critical of our partnership.” 
Although she had much conviction in her voice, there was a sadness to Camelia’s features as she finished her sentence that Y/N honed in on. It seemed she was crushed at the fact rebellion wouldn’t bear fruit. Not when Niflheim was keen on keeping people compliant with their goals. Y/N had mixed feelings. Though they were acting as a poster child for the empire, they didn’t like how shackled they made folks like Madam Secretary feel. 
Y/N realized they must’ve been staring for too long, for Camelia and the rest of the entourage stopped. They swallowed as Camelia eyed them with scrutiny, and gestured after giving a slight huff. 
“A pardon Chancellor, but who is this young thing following your side like a hound to a trail?” The jest had the group of Imperial officials and Accordo envoy’s chuckle. 
“Oh dear, I’ve forgotten my manners!” Ardyn exclaimed. He shot a quick glare at Camelia, noticing how she savored the look of surprise he held seconds ago. He cleared his throat, and ever the cordial gentleman, gestured to Y/N with high regard. 
“Madam Secretary, may I have the privilege to introduce Y/N Y/L/N, a new Imperial Icon of Niflheim. They are my guest of honor, and have kindly volunteered to aid me with matters involving the betrothal ceremony.” 
Y/N wasn’t sure how to address one such as Camelia formally. This was something that Ardyn neglected to go over with them. Feeling the scourge rise in their chest, Y/N went with their first instinct without thinking, and Ardyn held in his breath. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” Y/N said with a smile, presenting their hand out to Camelia. The older woman seemed taken aback at first, but even with the gasps coming from the Imperials and Envoys, she reached out for Y/N’s palm and took it into her own, giving a strong shake. 
“I don’t believe I’ve ever had an Imperial greet me in this fashion.” Camelia smirked with amusement. Her eyes lit up in a manner that hadn’t been seen in a while. “You don’t strike me as a typical sort.” 
“Forgive me,” Y/N laughed nervously, all the while trying their hardest to avoid Ardyn’s gaze. “I’m still getting my bearings.” 
“Y/N is a former Lucian,” Ardyn cleared his throat, redirecting the conversation so as to not have Y/N potentially drag themself into a pit. “They had suffered much under their own country, and Niflheim has taken them in with open arms.” 
“Oh yes,” Camelia said. Her demeanor seemed to shift as she let go of Y/N’s hand and regarded Y/N in a manner that suggested she felt pity for them if anything. “I’ve heard a great deal about you through word of mouth, the Lucian who abandoned everything.” 
“It was not an easy situation,” Y/N stated, trying to ground themself. “Niflheim, and Chancellor Izunia have been generous to me. I owe Chancellor Izunia a great deal, and I look forward to helping him ensure this wedding goes through without a hitch.” 
“How noble of you.” Camelia murmured.
For Y/N, it was hard to tell if Camelia felt disdain toward them or further pity. Probably a mix of both. Y/N imagined Camelia probably thought they were out of their mind for throwing allegiance to the empire, based on what Ardyn told them in the past about her history with Niflheim. 
“Chancellor,” Camelia spoke up.
“Madam Secretary?” 
“I’ve enjoyed meeting your companion, alas we have matters of privacy to discuss in the House of the Courts. If there is anything you’d like to disclose to your ally before we proceed, I’d suggest doing so now.” 
“Pardon me for a second!” Ardyn grinned. He motioned for Y/N to follow as he led them both away from the main group. He waited until the eyes and ears of the gang were off himself and Y/N before whispering. 
“You alright?” 
“Mostly,” Y/N murmured, wincing at themself. “I can’t believe I screwed up formality. A handshake? What the hell was I thinking?” 
“On the contrary, I think you made a good first impression.” Ardyn mused. He gestured with his chin over to Camelia, motioning for Y/N to briefly look upon her. “Trust my word, Madam Secretary isn’t one to return a favor in kind if she doesn’t care for the company.” 
“Can I count on your personal experience to vouch for that?” Y/N snorted, seeing the raised brow Ardyn gave before further explaining. “You both seem to have it out for each other.” 
Ardyn snickered. “Hate and admiration go hand in hand in politics. We both enjoy reminding the other of that. Regardless, your little stumble didn’t damage either of our respective reputations. I wouldn’t fret.” 
Y/N sighed in relief, turning their attention back to Ardyn in full. “So what happens now?” 
“Well,” Ardyn paused as he looked around, then settled his eyes on Loqui and Tuti from afar. He watched them assist with unpacking belongings from the airship, and gestured toward them. “Lieutenant Tummelt and Tuti will escort you to our lodging. From there, you’ll meet up with Ms. D’Bhara and her fellow socialites for an afternoon tour of the capitol. They’re expecting you for a luncheon after you become acquainted with your place of stay.” 
“And here I thought I was going to have to jump through hoops in order to meet her.” Y/N said in surprise. 
“I may have pulled some strings to get the ball rolling. Alas, I’m counting on you to find out what you can about the tomb.” 
“What if she doesn’t tell me anything?” Y/N furrowed their brows worriedly. 
“Even if the pair of you don’t become bosom companions, I’m sure she’ll let something slip.” Ardyn shrugged. “You’ll come to find that the rich and powerful, regardless of alleigence to country, love nothing more than to yak. Take it from someone who plays the game himself.” 
Y/N did a poor job suppressing a giggle at Ardyn’s last remark. They both smiled at each other fondly, only to be interrupted by a small and plump man who approached and cleared his throat rather loud. 
“Yes?” Ardyn irritably sighed. 
“A pardon sir,” The man chirped. “The group is wondering if you’re close to wrapping things up?” 
“One moment,” Ardyn held up a finger for emphasis before he gestured at the man to give Y/N and he some space. Once that was sorted, did he give his attention to Y/N. “I more than likely won’t see you until tomorrow. In the meantime, stay near Tuti and Lieutenant Tummelt, and don’t go outside of the capitol unless instructed otherwise.” 
“At the rate you’re going with precaution, you’d give a mother goose a run for its gil.” 
As much as Ardyn enjoyed the quip, and the soft giggle Y/N made, he remained firm. 
“I’m being serious. I want you to stay safe. Although Accordo is an ally of ours, we need to be careful.”
“The same thing applies to yourself. I know you seem to enjoy rattling Camelia’s cage, but don’t bite off more than you can chew.” Y/N urged. 
“You’re afraid on my behalf? How quaint.” 
“I’m being courteous!” 
“Y/N, promise me…”
“Alright,” Y/N murmured, sensing he was in no mood for further jest. “I promise I won’t do anything stupid.” 
Despite the reassurance, the look of disbelief Ardyn gave them had Y/N roll their eyes.
“I won’t do anything stupid within reason.” 
“That’s the spirit.” Ardyn grinned. He took Y/N’s right hand into his own, and bowed his forehead to their knuckles out of respect. “I’ll call on you later.” 
He let go and offered one final glance of acknowledgement before the mask went back on. The dare say compassionate Ardyn was replaced by the mischievous Chancellor once again. Y/N watched as this character came out in full swing while Ardyn graced his presence to the group, and then they were off. 
Y/N didn’t take their eyes off of Ardyn, not until he and the rest of the officials became specks in the distance. They swallowed, and felt a pain of sadness grow in their chest. It bloomed like a syelleblossom losing it’s petals before it’s prime. 
Gods be damned… Y/N shook their head. The scourge fed the sentiment further. Y/N decided to redirect their emotions by forcing their feet to move them toward Loqui and Tuti’s location. 
An hour later, and Y/N found themself in the lodging Ardyn and they would be staying at. For what was supposed to be a hotel room, it was quite vast and built like a small one story house with two bedrooms, a half kitchen, and a full bathroom. Like the rest of Altissia that Y/N had come to see, it had some beautiful architecture and felt more like a vacation dwelling than a temporary rest point for visiting foreigners. 
“Like what you see?” Loqui quipped, laughing when he saw Y/N snap out of their thoughts and shot him a brief glare. 
“I’m trying to keep in mind not to break anything. It all screams don’t touch me, I’m expensive.” Y/N laughed. 
“I wouldn’t worry!” Tuti chirped as she hurriedly and with excitement began to rummage through her suitcase and put away things.  
Loqui crossed his arms, moving out of Tuti’s way as he watched on with amusement. He couldn’t believe someone of such a smaller stature could zip through so many places at once. 
“It’s all covered by Madam Secretary. But should the Chancellor tick her off, it’s not like he can’t afford this himself.” 
“How much does it even cost to stay in a place like this?” Y/N asked while they found themself admiring some various plants that were strategically placed near the walls, complimenting the Mediterranean color palette. 
“Easily 15,000 gil a night.” Loqui scoffed. 
“15,000?!” Y/N exclaimed. 
“You heard right!” Loqui laughed. He let out a grunt when Tuti collided into his chest. After a series of apologies, not giving the man the chance to counter her, did she make her announcement. 
“I’m going to tidy up the bedrooms and then Y/N, we should get ready to meet the men and women of The Serpent Society!” 
Loqui frowned when Tuti once more zipped away before smiling at Y/N.  “If you don’t mind, I think I’m going to take advantage of being your assigned guard and treat myself to samplings in the kitchen!” 
“Pfft, like that’s all I’m good for…” Y/N jokingly muttered. They ignored Loqui’s faint quip from the distance, and felt drawn to sliding doors that led to the deck. 
When Y/N stepped out, they could feel the warmth of the sun crackle their skin. The pain was brief, and subsided the further they ventured out. Having Ardyn’s immunity to the rays of the star was a blessing that Y/N realized they had taken for granted. Regular daemons would either burn to a crisp, or suffer burns the likes of which would only add to their horrific appearance. 
Y/N recalled watching that happen weeks ago when a barrage of Flexitusks were reported along the outskirts of Gralea. Ardyn had decided to capture some of the creatures for Verstael’s research, and Y/N accompanied him. The entities were formidable as they were savage, even catching Ardyn off guard at times, but he came out unscathed. The experience was both eye opening, and one Y/N didn’t want to repeat. 
Ardyn had taught Y/N about daemons and their weaknesses that early dawn, and how such weaknesses either applied or didn’t to the likes of them. Y/N had learned from Ardyn, that though the sun couldn’t penetrate their skin to where they’d die; if a concentrated light source or magic based weapon were to be used against them, it would be a death sentence. Not for he, not for Adagium, however. 
Y/N swallowed when they recalled Ardyn sharing with them that Accordo had such a weapon on hand for daemons before they departed for Altissa. They made a fist, suddenly glimpsing the image of the three people they had slain long ago; imagining the light that left their eyes merging into a singular source. Swooping from the heavens to consume Y/N and the darkness that writhed under their flesh. 
While the trauma of that ill fated night remained with them day by day, Y/N did what they could to keep it under lock and key. Ever since Ardyn and they shared a bleedthrough, and he had bore a taste of their suffering, Y/N didn’t want him to experience the night they had become a daemon. Not after what they had seen through his eyes when he lost Aera. 
It dawned on Y/N how much they missed him already. 
“You alive in there?” 
Y/N fell out of their thoughts as Loqui walked over to their side. He smiled and handed a piece of an orange to Y/N. They popped it into their mouth and chewed. 
“I’m just thinking.” 
“About all the duties you have in Altissa?” Loqui inquired. 
“More or less,” Y/N shrugged and smiled after swallowing the fruit. “I haven’t seen much of you these past two weeks.”
“Been busy chasing away Lucian spies from the coast with Commodore Aranea. It’s been quite riveting,” Loqui said sarcastically, and then smirked at Y/N. “Did you miss me that much?” 
Y/N snorted. “Only your wits.”
“You asked!” 
“Point taken!” Loqui chuckled as did Y/N. 
Loqui’s gaze of admiration made the tempo of Y/N’s pulse stutter. While it was endearing and Y/N had valued the friendship that had grown between themself and he, there was something about the way he stared that had Y/N nervous. Nervous enough to change the subject. 
“What’s the status on your dad? I haven’t heard anything about him for a while.” 
Loqui let out a content sigh, enjoying the cool breeze that picked up while he and Y/N admired the tropical scenery before them. 
“Dad’s stationed in Galahd currently. That side of Lucis is in another stalemate battle wise, so while there’s no bloodshed, everyone’s on edge. Y’know, I’m surprised but grateful Chancellor Izunia approached me to be your guard on this trip. It’s gonna be nice having a distraction, not worrying about dad or whatever is going on over there. Although, I’d be lying if I didn’t feel left out. I feel like I should be fighting alongside him, but…I’m stuck at homebase.”
Y/N furrowed their brows, recalling previous conversations they had with Loqui about his military pursuits. Some men were born to be farmers and politicians. From birth, they felt a calling. It was no different than Loqui’s passion for battle; he was meant for it. Nevertheless, Y/N worried about him. It seemed as of late all he fixated on was either following his fathers footsteps, or being left behind in his shadow. 
While Y/N hadn’t been brought up in that manner, they could relate to Loqui’s need of wanting to prove himself. Y/N reached a hand out to Loqui’s shoulder, and gave a small squeeze. They giggled as did he when their nails scratched at the shoulder padding of his uniform. 
“Your dad is strong. I believe he’ll be alright, but I can understand why you’re scared. For what it’s worth, I think he’d be proud of the things you’ve been accomplishing for Niflheim.” 
Loqui smiled sincerely once Y/N let him go. “You really think so?” 
“Yeah! If I didn’t have faith in that, I wouldn’t have asked the Chancellor for you to be my guard in the first place.” 
Loqui made a face, crossing his arms as he averted his eyes. He chuckled afterward. 
“What?” Y/N asked flabbergasted, worried they might’ve hurt him in some way. 
“I had an inkling Chancellor Izunia’s request wasn’t out of the good graces of his heart. I should’ve known better.” Loqui responded with bitter amusement. He made it clear however he held no ill will toward Y/N as he grinned. “How in the six did you convince him to hire me?” 
“He knows pissing me off won’t get him anywhere, for starters.” Y/N snorted. “Also you and your dad are the only two I feel remotely comfortable around for a job like this. I’ve been an imperial citizen for a while, but I’m wary. I know there’s still a great number of people that don’t care for me. I told the Chancellor I didn’t want to put myself in a risky situation with people I’m not familiar with.” 
Y/N couldn’t help but notice both the disdain and intrigue that Loqui wore on his face. It reminded Y/N of a child being told of something interesting, but it came with resentment. 
“At this rate, you almost sound like a married couple!” Loqui scoffed in jest. 
Y/N gasped, slugging his shoulder they had gently squeezed moments ago. “Bite your tongue!” 
Loqui laughed hard, ignoring the pain. “No, but seriously, how have things been living with the guy?” 
“What kind of a question is that?” Y/N balked. 
“Why can’t you just answer it?” Loqui teased. He giggled at the roll of Y/N’s eyes. 
“He’s better than roommates I’ve had in the past, I’ll give him that.” Y/N shrugged. “He’s been kind to me. Er, as kind as someone like him can be to another person I should say.” 
“He hasn’t made you…uncomfortable, right?”
“Come again?” 
“Forgive me for being forward. Has he physically imposed himself upon you in any fashion?” 
Y/N’s brows furrowed at the emphasis of Loqui’s tone. It took them but a moment to realize what he was driving at. A part of Y/N felt honored that Loqui was checking to be sure the Chancellor wasn’t being predatory toward them, and yet Y/N also felt tempted to slap him across the face for insinuating something that despising about Ardyn. 
Y/N’s memories traveled back to the Vixen, and the day Ardyn fed upon them. While he lost himself in the thrill of consumption and brought them to the edge of death, Y/N never felt he would take advantage of their vulnerability. While Ardyn had been creepy in the past, and at present too flirtatious for his own good, Y/N couldn’t see him going to the extent Loqui implicated.
“He’s never hurt me like that,” Y/N murmured firmly in Ardyn’s defense. “Where is this coming from?” 
Loqui bit the inside of his cheek. “I’ve upset you, and I apologize. It’s just---”
“Just what?” 
Loqui sighed. “The last several times you and I have had audience together, I’ve noticed him having no care toward your boundaries. That, and he leans a lot into you.” 
Y/N raised their brows, making a face before they snorted. This was getting more baffling by the second. “Okay, time out, what do you mean by leans?” 
“He was, well…leaning toward you!”
Y/N shook their head. “I’m not following, Loqui. Is this because I gave him a brief side hug after the imperial banquet?” 
“No, no, you’re misinterpreting me. A side hug is way different than this...” His voice trailed off as he approached Y/N calmly, getting into their personal space. He consistently watched to be sure he wasn’t being aggressive while giving his demonstration. He offered a playful smile, all the while capturing Y/N’s eyes with his own. 
Y/N swallowed as they felt their back press to one of the beams on the deck that was holding up another above them. They could feel Loqui's breath fan over their skin as he spoke. 
“This is what the Chancellor was doing, leaning in to admire you. Does this answer your inquiry?” 
The intimacy was thick, as was the deep blush that crept against Y/N’s cheeks. They nodded in reply, for no words could move past their lips. 
“Ahem,” Tuti cleared her throat from the distance. She glanced between Loqui and Y/N, watching the former back off suddenly before making her pleasantries. “Y/N we should be getting ready. It’s important for you to be punctual while in Altissa.”
“I couldn’t agree more!” Y/N responded. They turned their attention to Loqui, giving a small bow with their head. “I’ll speak with you later?” 
“Of course.” Loqui murmured, furrowing his brows as he returned the bow. He watched Y/N quickly retreat back into the residence. Not long after, he sighed and decided to leave the lodging so he could scout the area. The defeat in his eyes lingered as he watched Tuti and Y/N venture down the hall. Loqui contemplated what his next moves should be. The warnings from his father echoed through his mind as he left after shutting the door behind him. 
As Tuti led Y/N to their bedroom, they let out a sigh of relief as did she. 
“You okay?” Y/N asked. 
“I should be asking you that.” Tuti smirked, although her eyes held concern. “I didn’t want to overstep, yet I couldn’t help but notice you looked uncomfortable. Did I ruin the moment?”  
They shook their head in response to her question. Y/N had an epiphany as Tuti dragged them further into the dwelling to change. 
Y/N liked Loqui, and even admired him a great deal. He had been nothing but chivalrous and like Tuti, a confidant that they felt safe navigating Niflheim with. By all accounts, it was a miracle to be in the good graces of someone with the prestige he had. However, Y/N was uncertain they could return what Loqui sought of them. Not when Ardyn’s smile once again invaded their thoughts, and their body shuddered. 
“No, you didn’t.” Y/N murmured.
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savage-rhi · 1 year
Mending Shadows // Chapter 18
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
Ardyn felt the chill wind of the fall season card through his hair like delicate fingertips. His skin prickled with a tingling sensation that could’ve easily lulled him to sleep while he sat in the tall grass. The fields were becoming a stale gold, signifying that harvest would come to a close. He contently chewed on the end of a grass stalk while contemplating the best way to go about keeping himself warm while traveling the country. Healing the sick was hard enough during the summer season, and the bitter cold was more relentless than the scourge itself. Ardyn furrowed his brows at the thought. Knowing that many would perish from the elements before the plague would ever take root. 
A shuffling noise in the distance pulled Ardyn out of his thoughts. His eyes quickly darted up to meet the source. The soft eyes of Aera greeted him as did her genuine smile. Her blonde hair tangled in the wind as the dead grass drifted across her white dress. She waved at him, exclaiming her relief to have found him out in the fields. 
Ardyn rose to his feet, and he didn’t hesitate to sprint toward his beloved. It had been three months since they had seen each other. Three months without written word aside from Ardyn’s exploits being paraded around the kingdom. He smiled so big it hurt his cheeks. Aera looked as beautiful as the day he had fled the citadel and took to exile to escape confrontation with Somnus. He couldn’t say the same for himself. His hair was disheveled, his facial hair had sprouted into rough patches, and his clothes were torn from the elements.  Living among the poor and deprived, Ardyn knew he appeared less than, yet the faithful gaze Aera held for his eyes made Ardyn feel like a king. He never needed a crown, not when he had her. 
As Ardyn ran toward Aera, he reminded himself of his goal: he would prove to Somnus that sacrifice wasn’t necessary. The people of Eos could be saved if everyone looked out for each other, and if he were allowed to use the gifts the gods had bestowed upon him. Ardyn knew in his heart of hearts this would work. It had to. Why else would the gods put him to the task?  Even if he were to die in the end, his own sacrifice wouldn’t be in vain. So long as the sun could shine upon people like his beloved, he’d do what was necessary. He acknowledged the blessings of the six for being united with a human being who understood his possible end fate, and yet, still encouraged him to do right by his heart. Ardyn almost always cried thinking it over, the weight of responsibility that Aera had entrusted to his principles. 
A sound of broken flesh and bone pierced through the sky of the fields. Ardyn’s joy turned to shock as his body froze. His eyes widened with terror, seeing a giant blade sticking out of Aera’s abdomen. Her gaze was lifeless as was her body that was bleeding out, staining a small group of white sylleblossoms that were in her path. 
“Aera!” Ardyn shouted with agonizing rage. His throat scratched from how loud he projected his voice. He snapped his body out of the trance it was in, and used the force of all his might to reach her. 
Just before he could bend down and pick up his beloved, the pool of blood surrounding her body began to combust into flames. Like the scourge, the fire ran up Ardyn’s limbs like serpents and made their bites. Ardyn screamed until the air in his lungs ran dry from the scorching heat. He was encapsulated by fire, and plunged into an oblivion that not even his library of memories could fathom. The world disappeared into light and shadow, and he fell into a deep darkness. 
Somehow, he felt gravity return to him and landed on his stomach with a thud. He coughed many times, dry heaving like a fish out of water as he scrambled to his knees. His body quaked, realizing that the fire had been just his imagination, or so it seemed. 
Ardyn gasped when he became encircled by a ring of reds and oranges. Speckled bits of green cackled against the flames, adding to the foreboding presence the fire invoked. 
“What is the meaning of all this?!” Ardyn bellowed. His terrified confusion ushered out reason as he stood on his feet, trying to find an exit. After spinning in circles a few times, he felt a whoosh of air brush past him, knocking him back onto his knees. Through an agonized groan, Ardyn looked up. 
Ifrit the Infernium stood tall not more than a few feet from him. His intimidating horns upon his head, decorated like a massacred crown of bones, glimmered against the cast shadows of the flames. Anger chiseled his features as he scowled toward the immortal who had become his captor. 
“You again!” Ardyn exclaimed. “If it’s vengeance you seek for what I’ve done to you, fine, but leave Aera out of it! You dare use memories of my beloved against me?!” 
Ifrit nearly looked insulted as he shook his head, and continued to stare Ardyn down as if he was a puny bug that deserved all the weight of his foot. The red in Ifrit’s eyes grew as he took in a deep breath, and made his proclamations: 
Thy suffering is your own undoing, Lucis Caelum. I need not lurk into one’s sentiments to bring forth harm. You do plenty upon yourself. I merely seek to deliver a message through reckless dreams. 
“Then what is it that you want?!” Ardyn yelled. He could feel Ifrit’s rage radiating off of his skin, matching the intensity of the flames that began to dance around with more fervor. 
A reckoning is coming for thee, Adagium. Thou giving courtesy where thy didn’t bequeath unto me. You will see soon enough. This is but a taste of wrath. 
Before Ardyn could snap another question, Ifrit gestured with his arms and guided the flames to a singular point. The fire twisted, bending like metal until it was a roaring sword, and Ifrit let out a snarling scream as he rushed and jabbed the entire weapon through Ardyn’s body. Like the vision from Verstael's laboratory, Ardyn wailed as his heart and flesh melted off his very bones. He could even feel the microscopic end of his nerves combusting into ash.  
Rising from the bed, Ardyn yelled. He let out a grunt, feeling his body collide into something soft yet formidable; another body. His hands immediately went for the shoulders, grabbing onto them with the intent of forcing more of his weight onto the intruder. His movement ceased the moment his blurred vision came to, and he was staring into the startled eyes of Y/N. He was too stunned to move, unsure of how to properly respond. Through the haze of waking up, and feeling the remaining terror of his vision, Ardyn spoke. 
“What are you doing in my bed?” 
Y/N let out a breath, trembling under his touch. “I heard you from the hall. You sounded awful, and I got worried. I tried to wake you.” 
“Oh dear…” Be it exhaustion, or feeling awkward, it was the only response Ardyn had at his disposal. He certainly wasn’t in the mood to discuss what had caused him to leap from slumber as if he had fallen on a bed of nails. His right arm lazily let go of Y/N’s shoulder, and he sighed into his palm while rubbing the last of sleep from his eyes, not believing he had dreamed again so recently. The skin on his chest quivered from how cool the room was, and how it contrasted with the warmth that still lingered from Ifrit’s touch. 
Ardyn let out a small gasp when he felt Y/N seamlessly pull him into an embrace. His face and chin rested in the crook of their neck while he felt their arms wrap around his shoulders. Their fingers felt through the end strands of his hair, sending a pattern of goosebumps along his spine. Warmth blossomed in Ardyn’s pulse as he made a face against them, while adjusting his head so he wasn’t so intimately attached. His amber eyes held confusion while he glanced at the doors to his chambers. 
“A relative of mine used to hug me like this when I had a bad dream.” Y/N murmured. “You look like you needed something to keep you tethered.” 
“I could’ve snapped your neck.” Ardyn forewarned tiredly. “Next time don’t be hasty to see what’s wrong. I have instincts that I can't control.” 
“I’ll remember that the next time I stop what I’m doing to give a crap about you.” Y/N countered in jest, grinning for the moment against him. He didn’t sound amused, but the small smile he wore as his lips pressed to their shoulder suggested a part of him was humored. 
Ardyn sighed, closing his eyes for the moment while he gathered his thoughts. He couldn’t recall the last time someone had held him in this fashion. The only soul that came to mind was Aera. He felt compelled to remain still, if only to sense a fraction of what that used to feel like. Sadness briefly plagued his eyes when it dawned on him that Aera wasn’t holding him, but another. His heartbeat dampened, before his ears began to fixate on the gentle murmur of Y/N’s pulse, and the soft exhales of their breath. He felt like he could fall back asleep against them. 
His nerves stammered all throughout his body, and Ardyn felt his scourge and the terrible entities within himself hum with a pleasant vibration that traveled over every inch of his form. It felt so overwhelming to be touched that his brain felt drunk off of it. The pleasure soon came to a grinding halt as he grimaced, and gently pulled away. 
“While I appreciate the compassion,” Ardyn cleared his throat. “I didn’t consent. Next time warn me if you intend to do something like this again.” 
“My bad,” Y/N muttered, gazing elsewhere out of embarrassment. 
“Quite alright,” Ardyn nodded. He gestured with his chin toward the door after earning Y/N’s sight again. “Why don’t you run off? I’ll be out in a little while. I need to gather myself.”
Y/N glanced over his face, occasionally stealing a glance of the scars on his chest before they smiled and nodded. 
“I’ll be in the kitchen if you want to talk.” 
“I’ll take you up on the offer.” Ardyn mused for the moment. His eyes followed Y/N as they climbed out of his bed and headed out of the room. As soon as Ardyn heard the familiar click of the door close, he let out a deep breath he had been suppressing. He fell backwards onto the mattress, and adjusted his legs. Feeling an uneasy tug in his pants. Two thousand years, body to the brim filled with daemons and darkness, yet he was still just a man at the end of the day, in all the ways one would think. He was livid. 
Ardyn made a show of coming into the kitchen an hour later. He enthusiastically shoved the door open, nimbly traveling along the tile floor as if he were a shadow. He strolled through with a one track mind, barely registering Y/N who was sitting on a stool by the kitchen island. They watched him carefully, noticing he seemed more peculiar than usual. It wasn’t out of the realm for Ardyn to be quite odd in the morning. Being of a nocturnal breed, the sun wasn’t kind to him and neither did it offer pleasantry to Y/N given both their sicknesses. Sun allergy, as Ardyn liked to playfully call his aversion, didn’t seem to foot the entire bill for his behavior. 
“You alright?” Y/N piped up, their voice casting a subtle echo in the kitchen as Ardyn hummed in reply. He ignored the question, gesturing to a black mug that was steaming with a citrus scent that roused him. 
“You made tea?” 
“Yeah,” Y/N smiled with a nod and pointed to a plate nearby on the stove counter. “I made you a breakfast parfait. I don’t see you eat much in the morning, but I know your sweet tooth is borderline criminal if last night is anything to go by. I figured I couldn’t go wrong there.” 
Ardyn chuckled, shaking his head. “How maudlin of you.” 
Y/N gently blew against their own glass of tea they had prepared and graciously sipped while Ardyn gathered the food, drink, and a utensil. He then took a seat across from them. Their eyes curiously went over his appearance. He looked like a mess; tussled hair, sleep still sticking to his eyes, and his body draped by a thin robe that he didn’t bother to tie up properly. He looked like an ordinary middle aged man, and not someone with begrudging power. Still, he was beautiful in his own right. That much Y/N would allow themself to admit. 
“I see you have taken to surveilling me with great precision.” Ardyn mused, briefly meeting Y/N’s surprised gaze before he experimentally tried out a morsel of the parfait. 
“How do you mean?” Y/N asked curiously. 
He looked at them as if it should’ve been painfully obvious. Nevertheless, he grinned for a brief moment after finding satisfaction with the flavor. “A parfait and a lemon tea have never been so on the nose. You must find me fascinating enough to dedicate to mind detail such as this.” 
The tired glare Y/N shot at him had Ardyn chortle.
“It’s only because you're predictable,” Y/N said in their defense. “Every morning you either have lemon tea or a can of Ebony. Evenings, you usually inhale enough wine that would kill twenty men. ”
“I do hope you’re aware you’re only further proving my point.” Ardyn countered in jest. 
“At least it goes to show that I do pay attention to detail, despite someone hinting otherwise.” 
Ardyn smirked at their bold sarcasm. His eyes darted between theirs and the cup they held. “Perhaps I could return the favor?” 
“Oh?” Y/N raised their brows at him, smiling soon after. They felt childish as did he. 
“Oh yes,” Ardyn slyly countered. He didn’t say a word, letting the anticipation run its course while he ate a good portion of the parfait. It was only when Y/N looked on the edge of their seat and their confidence waned did he speak up again. 
“You seldom eat breakfast because it upsets your stomach. I only assume you’re bearing the brunt right now on my behalf. Sometimes you walk on your tip toes down the hall, thinking no one will hear you sneak into the library. You’re quite fond of nonsensical subjects and theory. When comfortable in the presence of company, you act quite featherbrained, and if its any consolation, you’re quite adept to listening to others at your own expense.”
Y/N felt like a deer caught in the headlights of a moving vehicle. Too stunned to say anything. He truly had been paying attention to them, despite his body language suggesting he couldn’t care less most days. 
Ardyn suppressed a laugh, quite please with himself. “I believe I’ve offered plenty in compensation. Wouldn’t you agree?” 
“Shut up,” Y/N murmured against the rim of their cup, taking another sip. It was the only thing they had to help them save face. They ignored the laugh that left him, and went about eating their own breakfast.
With no Imperial Help running around, Ardyn’s residency felt dormant but not in a way that was uncomfortable. Y/N felt an amity with it just being the two of them. The peace seemed to have an effect on the scourge as well. Y/N could feel it slither within their veins, but not at its usual grinding pace. 
“What’s on your agenda for today?” Y/N asked. They watched Ardyn furrow his brows, seemingly unimpressed while his schedule began to line up in mind.
“I have a meeting with the Tenebrae Ambassadors from the Gala, and of course a recap of the night with the Emperor. I may or may not meet with Commander Pierce. That all depends if I’m feeling favorable after all is said and done. How are you on your medication?” 
Y/N dug through the pocket of the robe they had been wearing, pulling out the small tube. They popped the cap open and counted, making a face. 
“Six left.” They muttered. 
“I can run by Verstael and fetch you more.”
“Can I ask you something?” 
Ardyn shrugged, and gestured for Y/N to continue. 
“Why don’t you let me go to Verstael for the suppressants? Zegnatus Keep is out of the way from where you normally go for work.” 
“Is your first impression of him still the same from last night?” 
Y/N gave it some thought. “I would say so.” 
“Then you very well know why.” Ardyn said as a matter of fact. He offered a small smile to lighten the blow of his firm tone. 
“From the way you’ve talked about him before, I thought you two were friends.” 
“Within an arms reach,” Ardyn corrected. “Verstael is the man who freed me from Angelgard. I owe him a great deal, nevertheless, he’s a politician and a war monger. Not someone whom I can fully rely on. I may have stepped on his toes last night as well. He was none too thrilled about my decision regarding the war fund allocations. Knowing him as well as I do, he’ll be sour for a time. I don’t wish for you to take the brunt of his vexation. Hence, why I’ll continue to obtain your medication myself.” 
“Oh,” Y/N made a face. It seemed the more they learned about the ins and outs of politics, nothing was as it seemed. Partnerships were acts, and friendships were evidently a means to an end. They had no idea Verstael was the one to have found Ardyn, and that spurn on many questions they were too tired to ask. 
This revelation surprised Y/N, and they couldn’t help but wonder what kind of hold Verstael and Ardyn both had on each other. One thing was certain though, Ardyn was in the hot seat and it was their fault even if he didn’t say it out loud. The comments Ravus made too also danced around in Y/N’s head from last night, especially the bit about Ardyn using them in the end. Despite contradicting the prince of Tenebrae, Y/N knew he was right. They had made their peace long ago that this partnership with Ardyn was one of mutual benefit until the end game. Nothing was personal. Except, it slowly felt as if it was becoming more personal. Their heart and mind muddled in the confusion of it all. 
Ardyn debated with himself before speaking, seemingly catching onto the fact that Y/N was thinking more deeper about the subject than they should’ve . 
“Did you have any dreams?” 
Y/N’s mind immediately traveled to Ardyn’s tongue generously licking at their neck and biting with reckless abandon. It took every ounce of will power to keep their face from giving away their shame. 
“Not that I can think of,” Y/N lied. Thus far there was nothing in their bond that suggested telepathy could be an option, and for that, Y/N was thankful. “Yourself?” 
“A nightmare,” Ardyn admitted. He finished the last of the parfait, and took a long sip from his lemon tea. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
“Not really,” Ardyn said with a slight glare, though not at Y/N. "I must say it was rather grotesque if anything.”
“Then why did you bring it up?” 
“I enjoy making small talk?” 
“I’m calling bull on that.” 
Both Y/N and Ardyn chuckled at the formers remark. He sighed in defeat, deciding to enlighten them with an uncomfortable truth. 
“Not everything is your fault nor is it about you. So take your mind off whatever contrition you’re self imposing.” 
“I need to remember that I’m a reflection of you.” Y/N said aloud, repeating what he had told them last night.
“Exactly.” Ardyn murmured. 
There was a warmth in his eyes that seemed to be battling a darker side of himself, and Y/N couldn’t tell if they should have been feeling scared or honored at the fact. 
The serene moment took pause when the doors to the kitchen flew open ceremoniously. 
“Good morning!” Tuti sing-songed with a high pitch shrill.
Ardyn grimaced and took a long drink from his lemon tea to hide his disdain. Y/N too scrunched their face, and offered Ardyn an apologetic roll with their eyes toward their mutual friend. He merely held up a hand, shaking his head and smiled for a brief moment to let Y/N know they had nothing to fear before he went quiet.  
“I managed to catch the tail end of the after party, and it was a hoot! I hope you two had fun at the Gala! Everyone looked so stellar, even if I was running back and forth between the kitchens and toiletry closet!” Tuti exclaimed, brimming with energy that could rival the rays of the sun itself. 
“Glad to hear it, Tuti.” Y/N smiled. They raised a brow, gesturing at the vase with red flowers in it, and a golden silk ribbon tied neatly round. The shape of the flowers reminded Y/N of the flared buds of sylleblossoms, but to their knowledge, such plants only came in blue. 
Tuti did a double take, giggling when she realized she neglected to speak up about the present she had been parading around. 
“Y/N, these came in for you this morning! I found them near the entrance to the Chancellor’s residency!”  
“Yeah! Come have a see!” 
While Y/N got up from the table to inspect the flowers, Ardyn felt the blood drain from his face. His whole body began to tremble as his eyes fixated on the red petals. 
“Who are these from?” Y/N asked curiously, still in disbelief as they read the little note that was attached to the vase. “Thank you for your companionship last night. You are a light Niflheim should aspire to be. Sincerely yours, Loqui.” 
“Red sylleblossoms are not even in season! It must’ve cost a pretty gil to pull this off!” 
“Man, if one dance can do that…” Y/N mused with a murmur, laughing to themself as Tuti joined in. 
As the two divulged in conversation, Ardyn couldn’t hear them. Their jolly voices were drowned out by a series of sounds. A sword slashing across flesh, the gushing pulse of blood hitting marble, and screams beyond reckoning. Then came her face. His Aera coiled up in his arms, clinging to the last of her life. The citadel of two thousand years prior, and the field of wheat blinked in and out of time, but the tragedy remained the same. The laughs of his brother, Somnus, vibrated through Ardyn's body and the scourge screeched inside him as he saw blood dripping from his beloveds mouth, staining her skin. 
Ardyn was shaking so much that he didn’t notice himself dropping his cup of tea. He didn’t hear it crash to the ground as he got to his feet. He didn’t hear the startled gasps from both Tuti and Y/N. He didn’t hear Y/N attempt to plead with him as rage boiled behind his eyes to where he had a spark of madness. He couldn’t focus on anything but the damned flowers, and their rich color. He couldn’t separate Aera’s blood from the petals, and he wanted nothing more than to destroy them in one fell swoop. 
“C-Chancellor I’m--I’m---!” Tuti stammered as Ardyn came barreling toward her with his arm raised high. She was too shocked to move out of the way, and in a single motion, Ardyn made his strike with all the resentment and anger that engulfed him. 
Tuti tumbled to the left, somehow managing to save the flowers and vase as she fell down. Shock carried across her face when she didn’t register any pain. Dumbfounded, she looked to where she was once standing, and gasped in horror. 
Y/N was slumped on the ground, writhing in pain as they clasped the side of their face. Their body quivered from the force of Ardyn’s impact. The scourge further amped their shocked nerves, causing them to let out an agonized groan when they attempted to move their jaw. Blood pooled down their nose and dripped into their mouth, and as Y/N tasted their own fluid, they began seeing the very images that provoked Ardyn along with something else. 
Y/N blinked rapidly from shock, and time shifted.
They found themself locked in mortal combat with a man who wielded a blue sword. There was a determination in his eyes that was frightening, and all Y/N wanted to do was to end the battle quickly without bloodshed. Nonetheless, it seemed their opponent had another intention entirely. He was kin, and he had every instinct to kill.    Despite years of wisdom, and years of lessons with the sword, Y/N felt fear begin to take hold of their resolve. The man counterstriked, and pierced their left shoulder with a spear that tore through flesh like a knife to butter. Y/N gasped aloud. They felt their heart shattering much like the bones in their chest from the impact. Their blood felt so cold against their skin that they quaked.    Y/N stumbled backward, holding onto the spear while attempting to gather themself. They could hear the rushing sound of footsteps coming for them, but hadn’t the strength to look up. They braced themself, knowing a blade would be coming down their neck if they didn’t pull the weapon out in time.    “Stop!”    The grueling sound of steel cutting flesh and cloth tore through Y/N’s ears. They stared helplessly at the blue eyes of the blonde woman, and watched the light in her gaze begin to fade as she fell. Horror didn’t amount to the emotions that flooded throughout Y/N’s body. They tore the spear out from their shoulder, fell to their knees, and desperately cradled her in their arms. The shocked screams from the audience fell on deaf ears, as Y/N held onto the only voice in the world that mattered.    “Ardyn…” She weakly whispered. Her hand shuddered as she reached up to touch Y/N’s cheek, right at the spot where Ardyn had struck.   
A pounding headache had Y/N blink rapidly, and they found themself no longer on the kitchen floor, but in the living room bundled up on the couch. As they came to, they slowly began to register Tuti who was fanning them with her right hand while her left held a cold compress to their face. For a split moment, Y/N wasn't seeing Tuti but the woman who had perished in their arms. Her face and Tuti's kept molding in and out of each other, like one rewinding a tape to play it back again.
“Aera?” Y/N muttered, feeling the name slip past their tongue as if they had known it for years. 
“Y/N!” Tuti exclaimed, ceasing her motions. 
“Shh, try to be still.” Tuti sniffled, wiping away at her eyes before going back to her ministrations. “I finally got your nose to stop bleeding. I didn’t think you’d wake--”
“Ardyn…where’s Ardyn?” Y/N swallowed, feeling their eyes tear up from moving their mouth. It felt as if their whole jaw had been crushed. A part of their subconscious feared it was broken. 
Tuti furrowed her brows. She averted her gaze, casting her angered yet morose expression away from Y/N. It was as if she wanted to spare them her own ill feelings. 
“He’s…out. He’s at his meetings for the day. He won’t be back until nightfall.”
“I need to see him--”
“Shh,” Tuti shook her head, glancing at Y/N warmly while trying not to cry all over again. Her eyes were so pink that it worried Y/N that she may have popped a few veins. 
“For now, let’s get you to feeling better, hmm?  Please, just take it easy. You gave me half a scare.” 
Y/N sighed and the world began to tilt on its axis. Their left eye throbbed with a heaviness that was comparable to a rock being chiseled away by a dull hammer. It was futile to argue with Tuti in this state, not when they felt like they had experienced being hit and stabbed in one go. The showdown in the old palace couldn’t have been legitimate, yet it felt so intimate that Y/N’s brain had difficulty differentiating between what was real and not. 
Ardyn hit me… Y/N repeated to themself, trying to get their mind to see reason. Adrenaline continued to pump through their body as did the scourge. They softly gasped when the thick black tendrils of the plague crept up their chest, zigzagging to their face until it reached the point of impact and nestled there. Y/N grimaced while a writhing throb could be felt underneath their flesh. It made the hairs on their arms stand at attention while imagining worms crawling in and out of bloody pockets of skin. 
“I’m…” Tuti sniffled, feeling herself choke up after seeing the scourge consume a chunk of Y/N’s face. Feeling overwhelmed, Tuti let go of the compress against Y/N, and used both her hands to wipe away at her eyes. 
“What’s the scourge doing to you?” 
“I’m not sure…” Y/N admitted. “It feels weird. It’s like its excited.”
“Oh Y/N…”
“I’ll be alright,” Y/N hoarsely said, furrowing their brows. “I don’t know what’s happening, but I’ll be fine.” 
“Did he knock out a few of your brain cells, how can you say that?” Tuti whispered in a harsh gasp. “I feel so awful. You shouldn’t have got in the way. He was after me, not you.” 
“The flowers.” 
“Beg pardon?” 
“It was the flowers,” Y/N swallowed. The corner of their eyes began to tear up. “Something about them, set him off.” 
“If this is because of Loqui being kind to you, I don’t care if he’s the Chancellor, I’ll wring his neck if he tries to hurt you over something so damned trivial! His behavior wasn’t an excuse!” 
Y/N had never seen Tuti this lit up before. Her anger was a quiet rage. Y/N imagined years of indoctrination from the empire had ingrained into her that women were not to show great resentment, but now Tuti’s kettle was starting to boil over. 
“Tuti,” Y/N pleaded while reaching a hand to gently clasp Tuti’s left wrist. “I’m not excusing what happened, I know this sounds crazy, but I don’t think he meant to hurt either of us. I could see it in his eyes, something spooked him.” 
“You’re damned right it’s crazy!” Tuti exclaimed. “Oh gods, Y/N, he hit you so hard you were screaming at the top of your lungs. I thought he caved in your skull! Your nose was bleeding so much…”
“Tuti,” Y/N murmured. It dawned on Y/N that it was a meaningless effort to explain their theory, especially when they realized it would require having to divulge to Tuti that they were bonded to Ardyn through the scourge. It wouldn’t take too long to put the pieces together that Ardyn was Adagium, and then both parties would be jeopardized. 
No matter how loyal Tuti was, nor sincere, Y/N knew they had to keep this to themself. It didn’t mean the situation wasn’t frustrating any less, especially when they felt alone while trying to untangle their consciousness from another. The battle was scary, but even more so was that Y/N couldn’t tell themself from Ardyn. They were one in the same. A single heartbeat and mind, converged into a vortex of sensations that the human brain couldn’t fully fathom. 
“Bleedthrough,” Y/N whispered to themself, feeling their nerves twitch from shock. Y/N dwelled on Tuti’s earlier words, how they were screaming at the top of their lungs when they couldn’t recall anything like that transpiring. It would make sense, that the body would be in full panic while the mind was trapped elsewhere. 
“Yes?” She whispered, tampering down her anger for Y/N’s sake. 
“Did Ardyn…react in any way?” 
“Y/N, I really don’t want to talk about him. Right now, I just want make sure you feel better.” 
Tuti had set a boundary, and Y/N didn’t have the heart to break it down. Y/N furrowed their brows in defeat, and once more Tuti began to fan their face while ensuring the cold compress was tucked comfortably against Y/N’s sore cheek. 
19 notes · View notes
savage-rhi · 1 year
Mending Shadows // Chapter 1
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
Click here to read on AO3
Two years before the fall of Insomnia…
Eos’s night sky was scattered with stars and bustling with vibrant colors. Purples and blues danced side by side in the cosmos while constellations signaled their presence. There was a robust earthy scent throughout the Duscae region, symbolizing that the spring rains had dwindled down. Even with the engine of the car roaring, Ardyn occasionally heard Anaks and other creatures let out their nightly bellows and chirps. The Lucian kingdom was always active. Life could flourish in even the darkest of crevices. Even someone such as Ardyn himself. 
Static began to chime from the Vixen’s radio. Ardyn adjusted the frequency so he could listen in. 
The war continues to rage between Niflheim and Lucis. The impasse among political leaders is still in effect. It has been reported from King Regis’s councilmen, that Emperor Adlercapt and his advisers have rejected the proposed consolidations. “...We have failed to appease Niflheim’s tyrannical appetite, and we strongly urge the imperial representatives to reconsider our offer.” A spokesperson stated. 
King Regis had this to say about the failed negotiations. “...Our doors remain open to Emperor Aldercapt should he wish to meet in the middle. This does not mean the people of Lucis will tolerate this ongoing grotesque invasion from Niflheim. If an inch of Lucian soil is tainted by the empire's weaponry while both countries remain locked in negotiations, I will respond with strength.” 
King Regis’s statement has been met with praise and contention. An imperial councilman stated the following: “...The king assumes Niflheim is full of savages. We imperials wish to usher in a new era by spreading our wealth among the Lucian kingdom. Niflheim’s technology and advancements are essential to the world at large, and it is Emperor Aldercapt's wish to ensure the people of Lucis don’t get left behind.” 
An imperial adviser who was at the negotiation table between Lucis and Niflheim had this to say regarding the recent fallout. “...The people of Lucis have been grossly misinformed. Emperor Aldercapt has declined to accept anything for now until Chancellor Izunia returns from his leave of absence. As an act of good faith, Emperor Aldercapt will establish a ceasefire, until he hears his final advisements from the Chancellor and his counsel." 
It has been reported that Chancellor Izunia has taken to illness. There is no word for when he will return to the Emperor's side. 
Both parties of the war have reported feeling relief from the ceasefire recently established. King Regis stated his appreciation earlier this week, giving hope that the next round of negotiations will bear fruit. “...I will forward the courtesy to the Emperor. The armies of Lucis will stand down for as long as the imperials halt their movement. I wish Niflheim’s Chancellor good health while he rests.”  
The kingdom of Lucis will be celebrating prince Noctis’s 18th birthday next week. The prince couldn’t be reached for comment. King Regis will--
“Spoiled brat…” Ardyn huffed and turned the radio off. He sighed, having enough of the real world for the time being. His place in the war was important, but in the grand scheme of things it was of little consequence to his personal endeavors. So long as he could get Niflheim from point A to point B, Ardyn didn’t care much about current events or the emperor's trivial affairs. He lazily gripped the steering wheel of his car and made a left onto a back road after coming to the edge of the highway. 
The detour Ardyn took was a perilous one. He was surprised the Vixen was able to withstand the intense vibrations generated by the debris below the tires. Every few seconds, the car would bounce, causing his body to shift uncomfortably in the driver's seat. Ardyn gritted his teeth and bore most of the impact. Occasionally a curse would depart his lips, but he was quiet. Had it not been for the companion on the passenger's side, there was no doubt Ardyn would’ve behaved irrationally. At the very least, he would’ve loudly exclaimed his disdain for the road. He wasn't one to shy away from road rage on his lonesome. However, in the presence of company, Ardyn liked to keep up appearances that he was precise and collected. A gentleman by all counts. For the public to see his true colors, it would unravel everything he had worked hard to manipulate. 
Y/N was sleeping soundly curled up in the seat opposite Ardyn. The Chancellor's long black coat draped over them like an oversized blanket. Ardyn side-eyed Y/N’s body, turning his head when it was safe to take his eyes off the road. Even in the darkness, he could make out their exhausted features. The spider web veins of the scourge had receded away from their face. He was disappointed that patches remained, but progress was progress. At least Y/N’s color was returning. 
“Oh dear,” Ardyn quietly sighed. His shoulders slouched while he leaned back into the driver's seat. From the distance, he could see the first rays of the sun begin to peak over the mountains. It was only a matter of time before his skin would burn from the warmth of the light.  At this point in the game, Ardyn was used to it. His cells could regenerate quickly enough to where there would be no long-term damage. It didn’t make the experience any less painful. Alas, Y/N needed the protection of his garb more than he did and thus Ardyn allowed Y/N to continue resting. He could get his coat back at a later time.
Though he was calm, Ardyn was enraged at himself. He should’ve disposed of Y/N. Killing them would’ve been the ultimate act of mercy given how the scourge ravaged their soul. Ardyn could practically feel Y/N’s very atoms call out for release. The daemons and minds he carried in himself debated against his choices. Ultimately, the ends justified the means as far as Ardyn was concerned. 
“Ridiculous though, isn’t it?” Ardyn said aloud to himself. He doubted Y/N could hear anything, much less be conscious enough to comprehend his words. “This…wasn’t part of the plan.” 
For as confident, as he was, Ardyn didn’t anticipate a wrench being thrown into his plans. The fault lay with him though he tried to pin it on Y/N. He knew deep down the little spark of hope that was his humanity, appealed to his callous nature to take pity on them; to find purpose in keeping Y/N around. 
“If this is your doing,” Ardyn bitterly said while his eyes briefly looked up at the stars. “I’ll make sure that you get a taste of misery when the end comes for the brat prince and myself.” 
He doubted the dragon king--the great Bahamut--would pay his words any heed but it did erase some of the tension Ardyn had been bottling up. 
The past few weeks had been a whirlwind, to say the least. Not that it hadn’t been entertaining . Ardyn’s mission was a dangerous feat and no doubt would cause trouble. He wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, he was a far cry from the healer he once claimed to be. This Ardyn, Chancellor Izunia of Niflheim, thrived on chaos. He wielded it like a child that discovered his parents locked gun, and learned quickly how best to play with fire. In this case, even if Ardyn failed he’d still win in the end. Sabotage and diversion was part of the game and he managed to score both thus far against his opponent. A common foe he shared with Y/N which in turn led him to this odd relationship. 
“What am I to do with you?” Ardyn thought aloud. His hardened gaze once more landed on Y/N’s body. The muscles around his eyes eased, and Ardyn could feel himself relax. It was kind of nice having a partner in crime. Not that he’d admit it aloud. As far as Y/N was concerned, Ardyn didn’t want them to get the idea he did them a favor out of the kindness of his heart. No. Every action carried a price. That was how Ardyn viewed his relationships with most. The mentality left little to no room for emotional attachment. 
“Yet here you are,” Ardyn muttered bitterly. His hands gripped the steering wheel, concentrating his frustrations into the pads of his fingertips. The Vixen continued to stroll over the endless terrain with Ardyn determined to keep driving until he reached his checkpoint. 
Hours passed since Ardyn began his journey, and he settled down at an establishment with Y/N in tow. When asked about Y/N’s precarious state of rest, Ardyn concocted an emotional tale on the fly to the bookkeeper. The story worked its charm and gained the sympathies Ardyn was looking for. The hush money he added as “tip” also garnered him privacy in case his adversaries decided to snoop around. 
Once Ardyn placed Y/N on the couch, he looked around the hotel room and rubbed the back of his head. The face he made was one of indifference. The place was shallow compared to Ardyn’s refined tastes, but it would make due until Y/N would wake up again. 
Sleep was a commodity an immortal such as himself didn’t need much of, the same could be said for food and drink. Ardyn however needed a break. Laying dormant for a few hours and letting his body be was the best medicine for his current ailment. Having the scourge was a painful curse. Every day for every hour and second, Ardyn’s body was in a state of turmoil. Akin to being stabbed twice over in all the nooks and crannies his vessel contained. If the daemons and minds he absorbed weren’t giving him strife, his physical form took the mantle. Despite being numb to the scourge for 2,000 years, even he had his bad days. 
There had to be drawbacks to his immense power, and having the gift of immortality. The Gods needed to have their checks and balances. And on Bahamut’s end, give Ardyn that extra push to carry out the prophecy of ending the Lucis Caelum bloodline. Ardyn understood that even if he didn’t wish to proceed with familicide, living forever wasn’t an option. Not in this sorry state. 
While Ardyn made himself comfortable in the room after tucking Y/N in, he grimaced hearing the sound of his cell phone going off. Nonetheless, he was quick to answer the device. 
“Are you enjoying your little escapade in Lucis, my friend?” Verstaels' voice cracked with amusement on the other end of the line.
“Very much so!” Ardyn chuckled. He was sitting on the edge of the bed now, kicking off his boots, and shimmied out of his vest while keeping his cell phone pressed between his ear and right shoulder. 
“MedZin is in shambles at the moment. Whatever documents they held dear relating to the scourge, and our research has been destroyed. All their drives were wiped along with key witnesses.” 
“That a fact?” Verstael mused on the other end then hummed. “I didn’t anticipate you’d be so thorough in such little time given how tight security was reported.” 
“It so hurts my feelings you doubt my prowess,” Ardyn smirked. He could feel a sense of pride swell in himself. He loved undermining Verstael’s assumptions. The old man had a dime a dozen these days.  
“I made no such proclamations.” Verstael scoffed. “I must say, perhaps you are projecting? I sense from your voice that you are… winded .” 
Ardyn glared while he adjusted his cell phone, now holding it like normal to his ear after his necessary clothes had been stripped away. He stretched his legs and grunted. 
“I assure you, my friend, I am most euphoric.” Though they were cordial and had a respective friendship, neither Ardyn nor Verstael could deny the cold facts regarding their personalities: that each man had ambition and a large ego. It was inevitable they’d take friendly swipes at the other. 
“Given your state of being,” Verstael began. “I assume you won’t be too upset when I inform you that your rendezvous point has been moved.” 
“Moved?” Ardyn was appalled. He raised a brow. 
“Yes. Moved.” 
“I take it I’m not traveling to Galdin Quay as planned?” 
“I’m afraid so,” Verstael sighed. “You’ve been out of the loop while playing your role, so allow me to explain what has been going on during your absence. Negotiations between Lucis and Niflheim have failed. Emperor Aldercapt claimed a ceasefire and Lucis agreed to it. While the armies are on break and focusing their efforts toward the west of Lucis, Aldercapt is moving the Niflheim armada to the seas between Lucis and Accordo. Should anything happen, you cannot afford to be seen in that vicinity. As far as Aldercapt is aware, you’ve been at a research lab recouping with my aid.” 
Ardyn sighed and rubbed his forehead. He begrudgingly replied. “Of course, our beloved emperor would make such a bold move. He might as well offer the armada on a silver plate to the Lucian army at this rate.”
“For what it's worth,” Verstael interrupted. “I did try to persuade him otherwise. He wouldn’t have it.”
“Nothing I can’t fix when I return.” Ardyn mused. His tone was sly while his mind already concocted ways he could mold this unfortunate situation to his benefit. “I’m positive I can convince Aldercapt to take a more diplomatic approach.” 
“That’s the spirit!” Verstael laughed. “As much as I’d enjoy ransacking the Lucians on the coast, it’s definitely not an area I’m keen on destroying. The resources alone are worth more than the armada itself.”
Ardyn was beginning to grow tired of the conversation. The more relaxed he became, the more his mind drifted into a numbing fog. A rare treat for the likes of himself who was constantly bombarded body and soul. Ardyn wanted to relish in it while he could, especially with not having to entertain Y/N while they slept. 
“Where can I anticipate meeting with Niflheim’s finest?” Ardyn cut to the chase as the upper half of his body collided against the mattress. His legs continued to dangle off the edge of the bed, toes flexing every so often. 
“Head toward Cape Shawe, but keep yourself northbound and inland. There’s a spot with no civilians where an airship can pick you up without detection. You’ll know when you see it. Personal guards will be at your disposal too, led by Commander Tummelt.”  
“Grand,” Ardyn murmured. He didn’t have the energy to tell Verstael to be more specific. Not when he was so close to checking out his consciousness. Ardyn prepared to hang up until Vertsael cleared his throat, signaling he had at least one more matter to discuss. 
“Did you happen to pick up anything or anyone from your little getaway? It’s imperative I know about it now.” 
“Perhaps.” Ardyn chuckled. 
“I’m playing with an idea. That’s all I can elaborate on.” 
Ardyn tensed. His head leaned up from the mattress, eyes locking onto Y/N who remained sound asleep on the couch with his coat bundled around them. He made a face, knowing he couldn’t remain silent forever nor keep Y/N’s presence away from his militant companion. The old man would find out sooner or later.
Verstael sighed. “This better not become a passion project that’ll get in the way.” 
“Oh come now!” Ardyn laughed. “I thought you enjoyed it when I brought unwilling participants into our little schemes!” 
“Not denying it,” Verstael scoffed. “But given the circumstances and risk of you being in enemy territory, I’m afraid I can’t ravish the thought.” 
“You’ll come around, I’m sure.” Ardyn smiled and while the opportunity presented itself, he hung up and shut his cell phone off. There would be no more interruptions for the night. 
Ardyn let out a breath he had been holding back and his racing thoughts dwindled down. He brushed some of his long locks away from his face, letting the deep maroon strands drift across the pillow behind him. He thought about his previous words. The muscles in his body tensed while he made a fist with his right hand. 
It would be so easy to give Y/N to Verstael for experimentation. Ardyn had done it numerous times with many people. It was all part of a little game he and his companion shared to keep their projects cost-effective and without alerting Aldercapts treasury. Ardyn would use his charisma and status to lure people into his inner circle, and when the victim grew trusting toward him in full would he reveal the trap. He picked his targets with careful consideration, especially if there was a high likelihood they’d bear fruit toward Verstael’s experimentations with the starscourge. 
Verstael wasn’t going to lay a hand on Y/N, that much Ardyn knew. Though he considered himself a corrupt man too far gone in his own misery, Ardyn prided himself on keeping promises. At least when he truly valued the other person. Y/N was still a precious commodity he needed. He’d keep his word to them, for now at least. 
A painful throb began to flex on the underside of Ardyn’s skull. Grunting, he shut his eyes. Flashing images sprang forth into his peripheral while sounds echoed against his eardrums. Laughter, warmth, cities, and faces came and went. People Ardyn didn’t know but felt connected to. Experiences he himself never endured, but his body could remember every touch. Ardyn wished that Y/N’s memories were more coherent. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could undergo these random trespasses to his psyche. 
Ardyn turned and lay down on his right side to ride out the experience. His golden eyes traveled down the length of his body, once more lingering on the couch. He watched Y/N’s chest rise and fall underneath the darkness of his long coat. Their breath was faint, and every so often they’d adjust and pull the jacket over themself when it would fall from their flesh. Ardyn glared at them. The contempt in his eyes was noxious. He wanted to snuff them out right then, and not have to worry about their welfare. Alas, a wave of possession forced Ardyn to relinquish the intrusive thought. 
“Should’ve just left them behind,” Ardyn muttered bitterly to himself. Things would’ve been easier if he didn’t let his heart out of the cage for the first time in centuries, but he made his bed and needed to lie in it. 
Ardyn closed his eyes, allowing remnants of what he assumed sleep felt like to wash over him. Maybe this time around he’d dream. Maybe he’d finally see a familiar face that wouldn’t haunt him. He had to hope. Just this once. 
This is my first attempt at writing a reader x canon fic, and writing with they/them pronouns. I myself am nonbinary, and I acknowledge that certain story elements are influenced by my experiences being a female bodied person. I hope despite this, that most readers will be able to enjoy themselves in this work. I don't have a timeline for chapter updates, other than to post when I have the spoons/hit points. Thank you for reading, and for being supportive 💙
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savage-rhi · 2 years
If you’re wanting a request from the “trauma” prompt list, how about “Is there anything I can do to help?” For Ardyn x Reader
@blossom-adventures coming up! 💙
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There was not a single day that passed that Ardyn didn't think about Aera. She was as much a part of him as air was to his lungs; a lifeforce that was needed to sustain what was left of him as a man. That didn't mean the memories of her weren't painful.
Most days Ardyn could handle the trauma of her death. He had no control over her actions, and therefore couldn't have spared Aera the blow of Somnus's sword. She chose to put herself in the line of fire. When Ardyn really thought hard about the day he lost everything, it dawned on him that if Somnus hadn't killed her, Ardyn himself would've. Both brothers were more than determined to rip the other in half. Gods be damned if anyone tried to stop it. Neither of them could be reasoned with once the last straw broke.
The what ifs of the circumstance plagued Ardyn more so than the memory. Accompanied by the 2,000 years worth of hallucinations, and Bahamut rubbing salt in the wound, Ardyn's usual tricks to remain present fell on deaf ears. He called out of work. His duties as chancellor could wait while he tried to regain control.
Ardyn paced around his chambers for most of the day. He would sit down every so often, carding his fingers through his hair. Muscles tensing as flashbacks and the smell of blood heavily lingered in his mind and heart. He was spinning away, unraveling the persona he had worked hard to maintain while working for Niflheim. Soon enough he was screaming at himself. Blaming his misfortunes on the Gods and his own shortcomings as a healer and a man. He had failed so many people who loved him.
Hours later, Ardyn was sitting at the edge of his bed. His amber eyes looked out the window to the city. The sun was setting upon Gralea. The night would come, and he'd be able to roam without feeling the burn of the rays upon the scourge that dwelled under his skin. He felt hollow.
"Ardyn?" Y/N's voice called out. His eyes widened for a split second before turning his head.
"The food you ordered, it's ready."
"I see." Ardyn replied. He focused his eyes again on the sunset. Ignoring Y/N's footsteps as they approached him.
"I heard you didn't go to work," Y/N began while they stood close to the bed and minded his space. "The staff we're wondering if you were alright."
An unamused chuckle left him. "I'm sure the staff were very much delighted my presence was missing. I'm aware of my less than stellar reputation."
Y/N made a face. "I'm not lying. People were wondering if you were sick."
"Why do you work for me?" Ardyn changed the subject. Not wanting to hear he happened to be today's gossip in court. His eyes closed in on Y/N, gaze narrowing.
"You took a chance on me when the others wouldn't," Y/N was taken back by his sudden question, but answered honestly. "It's been an honor serving you. Helping around where I can, making sure you stay on task. It beats scavenging for food out of garbage on the street. You may have given me work, but I chose to work with you."
Chose. Ardyn thought to himself.
"And why would you do something so ridiculous?" Ardyn countered. His eyes continued to study Y/N, watching carefully as they stepped closer to him.
"Because I can tell beneath your bullshit you're miserable," Y/N said sarcastically "Misery loves company."
Ardyn smirked at the comment. He shook his head and sighed. "I could have you hanged for talking to me in such a manner."
"Well, good luck finding anyone else to do your laundry and secretary work. Word of mouth at Zegnautus Keep is you've outworn your welcome with personal retainers."
There was a long pause before Y/N furrowed their brows and decided to get to the heart of the issue, sensing Ardyn wasn't himself.
"I know you don't exactly care for people, but is there anything I can do to help?"
"Why would I need your help?"
"You're trembling."
Ardyn was puzzled at first, then looked down at his hands that were resting atop his knees. Sure enough, his fingertips were quaking.
"So it would seem."
"Y/N, join me."
"Sit by my side."
"Ok..." Y/N furrowed their brows. The request was an odd one, but they complied. There was some hesitance before they took a seat upon the mattress. Their right leg was pressed to Ardyn's left. Y/N turned their head, watching while Ardyn stared forward and blinked a few times.
"Do you know what loss is?"
Y/N didn't answer right away. Their mind combed through the many experiences they had regarding the subject.
"Yeah, yeah I do."
"How do you personally handle the nonsense that comes with it?"
"That's...not an easy thing to answer but," Y/N bit the inside of their lip while thinking it over. "I remind myself the feelings I have, are not permanent. I try to connect with others where I can, especially if I'm dealing with a passing. Not that it's my business, did someone close die today? Is that why you were absent?"
Ardyn glared, casting his gaze elsewhere. "You can say that."
"I'm sorry--"
"Don't be. I don't need the pity."
Y/N refrained from saying anything else, deciding to let Ardyn to take the wheel of the conversation. Given what little they understood regarding his predicament, the last thing he needed was someone telling him what to do. Y/N couldn't recall there being anyone Ardyn was close with in Gralea. Then again he had his secrets. There was a reason he was a man of a million rumors amongst Niflheim citizens.
"Y/N," Ardyn sighed and put his left hand upon Y/N's right knee. He nearly withdrew, feeling them tense from the touch but remained upon seeing they weren't afraid. "Would it be too much trouble to ask for a distraction?"
"No, it wouldn't be a problem." Y/N shook their head. Their eyes briefly glanced at his hand. "What did you have in mind?"
"It's a rather odd request but--" Gods, he was really going to do this. "Would it be alright if I embraced you?"
"You're asking me for a hug?" Y/N couldn't help but let out a small laugh. That was the last thing they ever expected a man such as himself to say.
"You're right, it's pathetic." Ardyn sighed.
"No, no it's not." Y/N grimaced, realizing how callous their tone must've come across. "I just--it was--unexpected, but I have no problem with that. Are you okay with this though?"
"Beg pardon?"
"I mean--you're the chancellor, and I'm kinda at the bottom of the food chain. Is this appropriate?"
Ardyn smiled a little, shaking his head. "It's only inappropriate if I deem it so. In public, it would be another matter entirely. Alas we don't have an audience therefore it's not an issue to begin with."
"Alright, well--" Y/N gestured out with their arms and shrugged before settling them. A small smile graced their mouth. "I'm ready when you are."
Ardyn rolled his eyes albeit in an amused manner. He let the awkward energy between himself and Y/N settle down before making his move. Slowly, and with consideration, Ardyn wrapped an arm around Y/N's waist. He pulled their body into his, leaning his head against theirs. A nervous swallow came and went. Realizing this was the first time in almost 2,000 years since he had hugged anyone. He wasn't sure what to make of it at first, until a feeling of calm began to tide over. He was grounding again, little by little.
Y/N hesitated before wrapping their arms around Ardyn's body, pressing their cheek more into his chest. He seemed to be emboldened by that for they could feel his other hand atop of their head. His fingertips carding against their scalp. This went on for a while. Both remaining still in each other's presence.
"What are you thinking about?" Y/N asked quietly.
"A million things," Ardyn admitted. "And how I used to hold her like this."
Y/N hummed in response. There was a lot they wanted to ask Ardyn regarding the person he had lost. From his cadence, it sounded like it had been years since he had spoken to her. An ex perhaps? It was difficult to be certain, but Y/N knew it wasn't their place to pry. Ardyn would tell them when he was ready, if he ever was.
"She was lucky to have someone powerful like you that cared," Y/N reassured. "And I'm sure she was lovely."
Powerful. Ardyn thought bitterly to himself. He didn't feel so strong recalling the glazed look Aera had while she died in his arms. Even with the scourge and his immortality, Ardyn felt weak like any other man. He was tired. Tired of playing a role in the Gods grand theater. It would be over soon. He had to have patience.
The thoughts drifted away the longer he held onto Y/N. They were alive. He was holding a living person right now, and not the corpse of his beloved. No harm had come to them. The creature comfort of the thought was enough to calm him considerably.
"Yes, she truly was." Ardyn replied softly, his chin resting atop of Y/N's head while his hand retreated from their scalp. The hand snaked around Y/N's body, meeting his other arm that had been embracing them.
"Are you alright with prolonging this?" He asked.
"I'm fine with it," Y/N smiled against him, chuckling for a moment. "At least you smell good. I'm not going to pass out anytime soon."
"Har-har," Ardyn muttered. He too smiled. Maybe. Maybe the last of his days before meeting fate didn't have to be so bad. Especially if he could enjoy something so miniscule like an embrace once more.
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