#ffxv verstael
savage-rhi · 2 months
Oh boy-
I saw the most recent writing prompts and got SO excited. I had a really hard time picking. There were SO many good ones
But we need Ardyn with the protective writing prompt:
"Whether you like it or not, You're safest with me"
@sillylittlevulpine Thanks for being patient with me hon. I hope you like this, I haven't written for Ardyn in a while and I feel rusty AF. Hope it's okay!
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Y/N was no diplomat.
They were a mere common citizen, fed up with the Lucian crown not doing enough to keep the people safe while many starved and were displaced by the war. They themself were on the brink, having lost everything they held dear in the recent skirmish between the kingdom and empire.
It was why they were smuggled amongst provisions on an Imperial air ship, a last ditch effort to try and make a difference on their own terms.
Y/N knew that the moment they set foot in the lands of Niflheim, there were a thousand ways they could die—a thousand tortures that could befall them. Yet the consequences were outweighed by the hope that somehow, out of the mouth of someone lesser, their words might bring an end to the calamities in Lucis, even if it meant bartering with the enemy. However pure their intentions, there were many things Y/N neglected to consider.
They didn't consider being found so soon on board, immediately being treated with contempt.
They didn't consider the welcoming of fists and weapons at their throat, being blamed for crimes they had never heard of—all because of where they had come from.
They didn't consider being paraded around in public, a spectacle to behold as the soldiers escorted them to the Imperial Palace.
They didn't consider the consequences of being brought to the feet of Emperor Aldercapt himself, who was more than willing to dispatch justice in the form of a grandiose beheading in front of his hundreds of guests amidst an Imperial Ceremony. He proclaimed the sudden intrusion as a sign of the Gods' favor, a sacrificial gift on the eve of Niflheim's name day, three days removed from the anniversary of Solheim's ancient calamity.
Out of all these terrifying events that unfolded so quickly, Y/N never considered that the Chancellor himself would step in to call off the execution.
Nor did they anticipate sitting in the man's very chambers at this moment.
It had been several hours since then, and Y/N's heart pounded heavily in their chest remembering what transpired. How Chancellor Izunia managed to undermine Aldercapt's authority and Niflheim's very traditions, but still kept the peace by appealing to logic, reason, and exploiting hundreds of years of superstition in the same breath.
"It's reasonable to assume a token of good faith by the esteemed six who watch over our endeavors. Yet I beseech the council and the Emperor to remember there is always a price to pay from accepting a boon from gods. Unwrapping such a precious gift could very much bring great misfortune to our feet, especially on an eve of celebration and remembrance. I believe on such a rare and auspicious night, that we let the people of the Empire decide our fate. What say you, excellency?"
The crowd erupted with so much enthusiasm, and so much vigor that Aldercapt had no choice but to bend the knee or lest he be cast unfavorably for weeks to come.
Y/N could remember the Emperors ire toward the Chancellor the rest of the evening, but the latter merely smiled and watched as thousands debated before settling on their choice: to let Y/N live, for now.
Y/N knew so little about the Chancellor, but in that short amount of time, understood he was very much a career politician as much as he was a man of the stars, and that made him perhaps more dangerous than anyone Y/N could've been at the mercy of.
Their breath hitched when the doors suddenly opened, and the very man came waltzing in. Y/N noted how his amber eyes seemed to glow under the dimmed light, casting a shiver down their spine.
"Ah, fancy seeing you still awake at this unholy hour!" He faintly smiled; stopping to let out a breath he had been holding.
"Considering the circumstances, how could anyone sleep?" Y/N murmured under their breath, surprised when he chuckled sincerely at their comment
"A fair observation if there ever was one," He remarked amusingly then gestured for Y/N to remain seated at the foot of the bed as soon as he noticed them adjust. "I don't care for curtseys or for you move an inch. It needn't take me long to get comfortable."
Y/N swallowed as the Chancellor walked across the room, watching him pick up a chair from a large desk. For a moment, an intrusive thought of the man throwing the furniture piece at them crossed Y/N's mind, and they were astonished to see the Chancellor gently place the chair in front of them and casually take a seat.
"You caused quite the commotion back there in the grand hall."
His comment took Y/N aback as they blinked; unsure of what to say. It almost sounded like he was complimenting them.
"I think you outperformed me there, Chancellor."
"Please, call me Ardyn."
Y/N made a face. "Ardyn?"
"An unusual name, I know." He grinned. "There's no need for formality in my own dwelling. You can speak freely, more or less."
More or less...Y/N felt a bead of sweat trickle down their head from that remark.
"I wasn't trying to offend or--"
"What do you call yourself?"
"What's your name, dear? Last I checked Lucian's could comprehend such a simple question."
And there it is...Y/N could feel the disdain in his words despite his tone being outwardly charming.
"It's Y/N."
"Y/N," Ardyn repeated it a few times to himself, as if allowing his tongue to grow accustomed to a new flavor. "Spare me of sob stories and gruesome detail, but what brings you to Nilfheim and so, so far away from home?"
There was nothing malicious in his words nor the question Ardyn imposed, but Y/N's muscles tensed as if there was nonetheless. It seemed in comparison to his public image—where he liked to draw things out, Ardyn wanted to get to the point. Neither did Y/N want to prolong this any further than necessary. Whatever the Chancellor intended on doing to them, Y/N had no doubts he would carry it out regardless after this conversation. There was nothing to lose or gain.
"I came to the empire for help."
Y/N nodded.
"And why would you do such a thing, in the middle of a war between our two nations no less?"
Ardyn looked so puzzled that it scared Y/N he was irritated. The confusion on his face seemed uncharacteristic of a man of his stature. The thought didn't stop Y/N from raising a brow, just as bewildered as the man himself.
"I thought you didn't want a sob story?"
"Are you being smart with me, dear?"
"No, no!" Y/N protested. "I'm just--!"
The way he suddenly laughed made the air in the room grow thick with tension, and as Y/N made a fist against the sheets of the mattress, Ardyn let out a content sigh and smirked.
"I'm merely speaking in jest." He said in his defense, letting out a faint but dark chortle. "You are right, however, I'd appreciate some context to our precarious situation."
Just get to the point...Y/N repeated to themself over and over, trying to ignore the sinking sensation that grew in their stomach at how he had been toying with them.
"I came here to talk to Imperials who don't want this war as much as I. There's nothing else to say. I'm not a spy, nor defecting my country, nor do I wish to gain anything. I just...want to talk. To get a conversation started, so we can end this."
The silence that hung in the air after Y/N's testimony was palpable to where not even a knife could cut the tension. It didn't help that the Chancellor's features went neutral, almost unreadable save for his eyes which Y/N noted seemed to dance to an invisible tune that no human could comprehend. The way he looked at them was scary in a manner Y/N couldn't describe, but feel on a cellular level.
Ardyn slowly canted his head, a look of wonderment crossing his face briefly as he studied them. "How most naive of you..."
"What's going to happen next?"
"I beg your pardon?"
Y/N gulped. "What's going to happen to me? Am I to be shot outside your chambers or taken to prison?"
"You have quite the grotesque imagination," Ardyn chuckled at their expense, shaking his head in disbelief. "You heard the people back at the Grand Hall, you're to live this night."
"And after?"
He went silent again, and Y/N tried not to avert their gaze from his as he hummed.
"That remains to be decided, that being said, I believe we might be able to help each other."
Y/N's pulse spiked yet again as Ardyn's smile grew, and his pupils expanded; nearly overtaking the orange that covered his irises.
"Contrary to what you no doubt assume, I hold nothing nefarious toward you. You can snuff out the flame of whatever ills are invading your head at this moment." Ardyn said as a matter of fact before continuing. "Perhaps your tale of woe is a boon from the gods after all."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Let's just say I've been looking for an 'in' to get back into the good graces of your king's court for negotiation." Ardyn debated with himself on speaking further, then uncrossed his legs and adjusted in his seat. He scooted the chair a little closer to Y/N, eyes locking onto theirs. "You and I seem to have a similar appreciation for the art of conversation, and I find this potentially useful."
It became difficult for Y/N to comprehend what he was saying now, as the fear that overtook them seemed to filter out Ardyn's words. They could barely hear their voice over their heart beating, blood pumping so loud in their mind that the noise began to drown out everything else.
"You're trembling."
Ardyn's faint murmur snapped Y/N out of their trance, and they shook their head in protest. The hidden maliciousness they had sensed earlier returned, growing even stronger as Ardyn suddenly appeared inches from their face. Y/N didn't have time to breathe, much less comprehend the seconds in between.
"Do I frighten you?" He asked, his voice low and dark.
There was no point lying to him, not when those eyes could see through anything.
"I'd like to be placed in custody elsewhere," Y/N whispered, trying not to blink out of fear they'd find themselves in the jaws of a predator. His little laugh made their nerves freeze over.
"After the trouble I went through on your behalf, you'd soon rather leave me than hear further of my proposition?"
Y/N nodded. "I would."
"Well, I must implore you to listen carefully," Ardyn's voice dipped as he glared for the first time. "So long as you remain in the Empire, whether you like it or not, you're safest with me."
"I..." Y/N's body picked up on something their mind had trouble feeling out. It didn't help that this played in tandem with their stomach churning in knots over the way he stared them down. "I don't believe you."
And just like that, a dark chuckle from Ardyn broke the atmosphere and Y/N stared in confusion as he backed away and stood, looking down at them.
"I shall leave you to your thoughts," Ardyn gave a soft bow with his head toward Y/N and smirked. "We have much to discuss tomorrow once I sort through how to keep you alive."
He was starting to leave his chambers, until Y/N called out, still bothered by something.
"Why did you speak on my behalf in the first place? You didn't know my intentions until now. What made you put on that performance and keep Aldercapt from cutting off my head?"
Ardyn once more debated with himself, his confidence from earlier waning as he hadn't expected them to cut to the chase as much as he did with them. A faint smile graced his lips when he noticed the connection, furthering the wheels that had been turning in his head.
"The night was dull," He shrugged. "And I was bored out of mind..."
He departed without another sound, closing the large doors behind him.
Y/N didn't even get the chance to ask where they would sleep.
Meanwhile, Ardyn ventured out of his dwelling and into the main hall. Not far from the doors, Verstael awaited him. The older man held a weight of exhaustion in his aged face as Ardyn grinned and walked past him.
"I came down from the keep as soon as I heard what you did." Verstael called out, and began to follow his colleague.
Ardyn smirked, slowing his pace so Verstael could catch up. "You missed out my dear friend! The ceremony became quite a spectacle after that. One could argue I saved the day in more ways than one."
"Be it as it may the party is over," Verstael sighed, shaking his head. "What says Aldercapt now about your new little friend?"
"For now," Ardyn began. "The gods show them favor."
"Just the gods?"
The pair stopped walking, and Ardyn's gaze burrowed into Verstael's as the old man stared him down. The hall became heavy with unspoken words that yearned to bubble to the surface.
"Just the gods..." Ardyn answered bluntly.
Verstael let out a small huff and smiled. "Let's keep it at that."
"You're worried?"
"A man in my position can't help but worry, especially when a dear colleague of his days ago confided he had been missing his home and, what would you know, a piece of it comes stumbling to our doorstep."
"Don't make me ill," Ardyn sighed, trying to cease rolling his eyes. "A distraction is fun, but not the end game as we both know."
Verstael gazed over Ardyn a few more times before deciding he had enough interrogating for now. "Come. I'd love to discuss what your plans are with the Lucian we now have at our disposal."
Ardyn didn't say a word as he and Verstael continued their walk. There were many things he neglected to consider when he vouched for Y/N's life, but he never considered they'd still be alive after their conversation—for he had fully been set on turning his pent-up daemonic tendencies loose upon them after they said their piece.
Nor did he anticipate growing fond of them already.
He bit the inside of his cheek.
Y/N was no diplomat, but Ardyn loved the prospects that stemmed from the fact.
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Cash App: $JayRex1463
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thesleeepybeee · 1 year
Now hear me out.
Verstael Besithia keeping Prompto from being daemonified to create the perfect clone of himself that can take over his life's work when he dies...
...upon Verstael having Ardyn transport Prompto for his meeting with Iedolas, you know, to show off his creation, Ardyn finds out the child is being abused by Verstael and decides to take him under his own wing instead.
Like, maybe raising a kid brings back some humanity in the man after everything he's been through, and yada yada yada...
Idk. It's silly as hell, but I'm making art of it anyways, so yeah.
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ffocarchive · 6 months
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Nova and her love interests.
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Ravus. They have a fling while Nova is staying in Tenebrae to learn how to better use her healing gift from Luna. Nova will also love him and in a different timeline they would end up in a polycule situation.
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Prompto. Nova's had a crush on him for years but never really thought too much about it until Noct shoved him off the train. She dove right after him without thinking. They went through torture together at the hands of Ardyn which made Nova avoid him for a while but eventually they come back together. They get to grow old together and watch their kids grow up.
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Nom. When they met Nova just considered him somebody she would take care of and mother henned about him a lot. Eventually he tells her about his crush and Prompto encourages a relationship between them.
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Verstael. Specifically younger Verstael, don't ask I won't explain. (Yes I will. Nova has a thing for these genes and gods be damned she will get every flavor.) This is literally just a spring fling type of relationship. Nova, Goblin, Nom, and Prompto all somehow go on a time travel vacay. (One day we'll figure out how it happens.) Nova isn't with anybody at the time she has this fling but she has had her first child with Prompto.
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verseleth · 5 months
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When you are much shorter but much more evil.
Somnus mod
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minzart · 1 month
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So guess who rewatched the 10+ ff15 sotry videos again? me bb
these two could have been everything
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krisssssssy · 5 months
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Every one of Ardyn's facial reactions during his date with Verstael crack me up.
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dirtyffxvconfession · 3 months
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namiargentum · 2 years
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Those born in July are lucky! And those born in December… Enjoy your cloned food😅
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kn0pa · 2 years
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ep. Prompto
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teapots-and-hats · 10 months
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"His rise to prominence also exacerbated his descent into madness."
Verstael's lust for knowledge and power warped his initial good intentions into losing his humanity
Week 3 of #XVdeadlysins - Lust It was kinda hard to not go for the more obvious route of drawing nsfw stuff, I personally don't ship those two (I think after Ardyn faints in Angelgard Verstael would just dissect him if he could) but I guess you can interpret this in another way if you ship those two?
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savage-rhi · 1 year
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Courtesy of a kiddo I mentor who never heard of the game before
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eysiakieralika · 7 months
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slingbees · 1 year
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my finished piece for the @ardynzine
I never got the hang of food illustration in time to finish this piece like I hoped I would.
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verseleth · 4 months
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The White Lily flower symbolizes innocence and purity. The clean and bright white color of this flower depicts grace and beauty that is beyond reproach.
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dayasan · 11 months
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📷 Laboratory, Production Hangar, First Magitek Production Facility, Southwest Niflheim
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ffocarchive · 4 months
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