#reader x ardyn
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savage-rhi ¡ 2 years ago
Mending Shadows // Chapter 1
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Y/N was a simple Scavenger of Lucis, until meeting a deadly blow at the hands of an infected creature. At the crossroads of death, they are found by Niflheim’s cryptic Chancellor with his own agenda. Now bonded to Ardyn Izunia, and tossed into the world of Niflheim, Y/N struggles to cope with their new life as an Imperial Icon all the while battling their feelings toward their fate and that of Ardyn’s.
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Two years before the fall of Insomnia…
Eos’s night sky was scattered with stars and bustling with vibrant colors. Purples and blues danced side by side in the cosmos while constellations signaled their presence. There was a robust earthy scent throughout the Duscae region, symbolizing that the spring rains had dwindled down. Even with the engine of the car roaring, Ardyn occasionally heard Anaks and other creatures let out their nightly bellows and chirps. The Lucian kingdom was always active. Life could flourish in even the darkest of crevices. Even someone such as Ardyn himself. 
Static began to chime from the Vixen’s radio. Ardyn adjusted the frequency so he could listen in. 
The war continues to rage between Niflheim and Lucis. The impasse among political leaders is still in effect. It has been reported from King Regis’s councilmen, that Emperor Adlercapt and his advisers have rejected the proposed consolidations. ��...We have failed to appease Niflheim’s tyrannical appetite, and we strongly urge the imperial representatives to reconsider our offer.” A spokesperson stated. 
King Regis had this to say about the failed negotiations. “...Our doors remain open to Emperor Aldercapt should he wish to meet in the middle. This does not mean the people of Lucis will tolerate this ongoing grotesque invasion from Niflheim. If an inch of Lucian soil is tainted by the empire's weaponry while both countries remain locked in negotiations, I will respond with strength.” 
King Regis’s statement has been met with praise and contention. An imperial councilman stated the following: “...The king assumes Niflheim is full of savages. We imperials wish to usher in a new era by spreading our wealth among the Lucian kingdom. Niflheim’s technology and advancements are essential to the world at large, and it is Emperor Aldercapt's wish to ensure the people of Lucis don’t get left behind.” 
An imperial adviser who was at the negotiation table between Lucis and Niflheim had this to say regarding the recent fallout. “...The people of Lucis have been grossly misinformed. Emperor Aldercapt has declined to accept anything for now until Chancellor Izunia returns from his leave of absence. As an act of good faith, Emperor Aldercapt will establish a ceasefire, until he hears his final advisements from the Chancellor and his counsel." 
It has been reported that Chancellor Izunia has taken to illness. There is no word for when he will return to the Emperor's side. 
Both parties of the war have reported feeling relief from the ceasefire recently established. King Regis stated his appreciation earlier this week, giving hope that the next round of negotiations will bear fruit. “...I will forward the courtesy to the Emperor. The armies of Lucis will stand down for as long as the imperials halt their movement. I wish Niflheim’s Chancellor good health while he rests.”  
The kingdom of Lucis will be celebrating prince Noctis’s 18th birthday next week. The prince couldn’t be reached for comment. King Regis will--
“Spoiled brat…” Ardyn huffed and turned the radio off. He sighed, having enough of the real world for the time being. His place in the war was important, but in the grand scheme of things it was of little consequence to his personal endeavors. So long as he could get Niflheim from point A to point B, Ardyn didn’t care much about current events or the emperor's trivial affairs. He lazily gripped the steering wheel of his car and made a left onto a back road after coming to the edge of the highway. 
The detour Ardyn took was a perilous one. He was surprised the Vixen was able to withstand the intense vibrations generated by the debris below the tires. Every few seconds, the car would bounce, causing his body to shift uncomfortably in the driver's seat. Ardyn gritted his teeth and bore most of the impact. Occasionally a curse would depart his lips, but he was quiet. Had it not been for the companion on the passenger's side, there was no doubt Ardyn would’ve behaved irrationally. At the very least, he would’ve loudly exclaimed his disdain for the road. He wasn't one to shy away from road rage on his lonesome. However, in the presence of company, Ardyn liked to keep up appearances that he was precise and collected. A gentleman by all counts. For the public to see his true colors, it would unravel everything he had worked hard to manipulate. 
Y/N was sleeping soundly curled up in the seat opposite Ardyn. The Chancellor's long black coat draped over them like an oversized blanket. Ardyn side-eyed Y/N’s body, turning his head when it was safe to take his eyes off the road. Even in the darkness, he could make out their exhausted features. The spider web veins of the scourge had receded away from their face. He was disappointed that patches remained, but progress was progress. At least Y/N’s color was returning. 
“Oh dear,” Ardyn quietly sighed. His shoulders slouched while he leaned back into the driver's seat. From the distance, he could see the first rays of the sun begin to peak over the mountains. It was only a matter of time before his skin would burn from the warmth of the light.  At this point in the game, Ardyn was used to it. His cells could regenerate quickly enough to where there would be no long-term damage. It didn’t make the experience any less painful. Alas, Y/N needed the protection of his garb more than he did and thus Ardyn allowed Y/N to continue resting. He could get his coat back at a later time.
Though he was calm, Ardyn was enraged at himself. He should’ve disposed of Y/N. Killing them would’ve been the ultimate act of mercy given how the scourge ravaged their soul. Ardyn could practically feel Y/N’s very atoms call out for release. The daemons and minds he carried in himself debated against his choices. Ultimately, the ends justified the means as far as Ardyn was concerned. 
“Ridiculous though, isn’t it?” Ardyn said aloud to himself. He doubted Y/N could hear anything, much less be conscious enough to comprehend his words. “This…wasn’t part of the plan.” 
For as confident, as he was, Ardyn didn’t anticipate a wrench being thrown into his plans. The fault lay with him though he tried to pin it on Y/N. He knew deep down the little spark of hope that was his humanity, appealed to his callous nature to take pity on them; to find purpose in keeping Y/N around. 
“If this is your doing,” Ardyn bitterly said while his eyes briefly looked up at the stars. “I’ll make sure that you get a taste of misery when the end comes for the brat prince and myself.” 
He doubted the dragon king--the great Bahamut--would pay his words any heed but it did erase some of the tension Ardyn had been bottling up. 
The past few weeks had been a whirlwind, to say the least. Not that it hadn’t been entertaining . Ardyn’s mission was a dangerous feat and no doubt would cause trouble. He wouldn’t have it any other way. After all, he was a far cry from the healer he once claimed to be. This Ardyn, Chancellor Izunia of Niflheim, thrived on chaos. He wielded it like a child that discovered his parents locked gun, and learned quickly how best to play with fire. In this case, even if Ardyn failed he’d still win in the end. Sabotage and diversion was part of the game and he managed to score both thus far against his opponent. A common foe he shared with Y/N which in turn led him to this odd relationship. 
“What am I to do with you?” Ardyn thought aloud. His hardened gaze once more landed on Y/N’s body. The muscles around his eyes eased, and Ardyn could feel himself relax. It was kind of nice having a partner in crime. Not that he’d admit it aloud. As far as Y/N was concerned, Ardyn didn’t want them to get the idea he did them a favor out of the kindness of his heart. No. Every action carried a price. That was how Ardyn viewed his relationships with most. The mentality left little to no room for emotional attachment. 
“Yet here you are,” Ardyn muttered bitterly. His hands gripped the steering wheel, concentrating his frustrations into the pads of his fingertips. The Vixen continued to stroll over the endless terrain with Ardyn determined to keep driving until he reached his checkpoint. 
Hours passed since Ardyn began his journey, and he settled down at an establishment with Y/N in tow. When asked about Y/N’s precarious state of rest, Ardyn concocted an emotional tale on the fly to the bookkeeper. The story worked its charm and gained the sympathies Ardyn was looking for. The hush money he added as “tip” also garnered him privacy in case his adversaries decided to snoop around. 
Once Ardyn placed Y/N on the couch, he looked around the hotel room and rubbed the back of his head. The face he made was one of indifference. The place was shallow compared to Ardyn’s refined tastes, but it would make due until Y/N would wake up again. 
Sleep was a commodity an immortal such as himself didn’t need much of, the same could be said for food and drink. Ardyn however needed a break. Laying dormant for a few hours and letting his body be was the best medicine for his current ailment. Having the scourge was a painful curse. Every day for every hour and second, Ardyn’s body was in a state of turmoil. Akin to being stabbed twice over in all the nooks and crannies his vessel contained. If the daemons and minds he absorbed weren’t giving him strife, his physical form took the mantle. Despite being numb to the scourge for 2,000 years, even he had his bad days. 
There had to be drawbacks to his immense power, and having the gift of immortality. The Gods needed to have their checks and balances. And on Bahamut’s end, give Ardyn that extra push to carry out the prophecy of ending the Lucis Caelum bloodline. Ardyn understood that even if he didn’t wish to proceed with familicide, living forever wasn’t an option. Not in this sorry state. 
While Ardyn made himself comfortable in the room after tucking Y/N in, he grimaced hearing the sound of his cell phone going off. Nonetheless, he was quick to answer the device. 
“Are you enjoying your little escapade in Lucis, my friend?” Verstaels' voice cracked with amusement on the other end of the line.
“Very much so!” Ardyn chuckled. He was sitting on the edge of the bed now, kicking off his boots, and shimmied out of his vest while keeping his cell phone pressed between his ear and right shoulder. 
“MedZin is in shambles at the moment. Whatever documents they held dear relating to the scourge, and our research has been destroyed. All their drives were wiped along with key witnesses.” 
“That a fact?” Verstael mused on the other end then hummed. “I didn’t anticipate you’d be so thorough in such little time given how tight security was reported.” 
“It so hurts my feelings you doubt my prowess,” Ardyn smirked. He could feel a sense of pride swell in himself. He loved undermining Verstael’s assumptions. The old man had a dime a dozen these days.  
“I made no such proclamations.” Verstael scoffed. “I must say, perhaps you are projecting? I sense from your voice that you are… winded .” 
Ardyn glared while he adjusted his cell phone, now holding it like normal to his ear after his necessary clothes had been stripped away. He stretched his legs and grunted. 
“I assure you, my friend, I am most euphoric.” Though they were cordial and had a respective friendship, neither Ardyn nor Verstael could deny the cold facts regarding their personalities: that each man had ambition and a large ego. It was inevitable they’d take friendly swipes at the other. 
“Given your state of being,” Verstael began. “I assume you won’t be too upset when I inform you that your rendezvous point has been moved.” 
“Moved?” Ardyn was appalled. He raised a brow. 
“Yes. Moved.” 
“I take it I’m not traveling to Galdin Quay as planned?” 
“I’m afraid so,” Verstael sighed. “You’ve been out of the loop while playing your role, so allow me to explain what has been going on during your absence. Negotiations between Lucis and Niflheim have failed. Emperor Aldercapt claimed a ceasefire and Lucis agreed to it. While the armies are on break and focusing their efforts toward the west of Lucis, Aldercapt is moving the Niflheim armada to the seas between Lucis and Accordo. Should anything happen, you cannot afford to be seen in that vicinity. As far as Aldercapt is aware, you’ve been at a research lab recouping with my aid.” 
Ardyn sighed and rubbed his forehead. He begrudgingly replied. “Of course, our beloved emperor would make such a bold move. He might as well offer the armada on a silver plate to the Lucian army at this rate.”
“For what it's worth,” Verstael interrupted. “I did try to persuade him otherwise. He wouldn’t have it.”
“Nothing I can’t fix when I return.” Ardyn mused. His tone was sly while his mind already concocted ways he could mold this unfortunate situation to his benefit. “I’m positive I can convince Aldercapt to take a more diplomatic approach.” 
“That’s the spirit!” Verstael laughed. “As much as I’d enjoy ransacking the Lucians on the coast, it’s definitely not an area I’m keen on destroying. The resources alone are worth more than the armada itself.”
Ardyn was beginning to grow tired of the conversation. The more relaxed he became, the more his mind drifted into a numbing fog. A rare treat for the likes of himself who was constantly bombarded body and soul. Ardyn wanted to relish in it while he could, especially with not having to entertain Y/N while they slept. 
“Where can I anticipate meeting with Niflheim’s finest?” Ardyn cut to the chase as the upper half of his body collided against the mattress. His legs continued to dangle off the edge of the bed, toes flexing every so often. 
“Head toward Cape Shawe, but keep yourself northbound and inland. There’s a spot with no civilians where an airship can pick you up without detection. You’ll know when you see it. Personal guards will be at your disposal too, led by Commander Tummelt.”  
“Grand,” Ardyn murmured. He didn’t have the energy to tell Verstael to be more specific. Not when he was so close to checking out his consciousness. Ardyn prepared to hang up until Vertsael cleared his throat, signaling he had at least one more matter to discuss. 
“Did you happen to pick up anything or anyone from your little getaway? It’s imperative I know about it now.” 
“Perhaps.” Ardyn chuckled. 
“I’m playing with an idea. That’s all I can elaborate on.” 
Ardyn tensed. His head leaned up from the mattress, eyes locking onto Y/N who remained sound asleep on the couch with his coat bundled around them. He made a face, knowing he couldn’t remain silent forever nor keep Y/N’s presence away from his militant companion. The old man would find out sooner or later.
Verstael sighed. “This better not become a passion project that’ll get in the way.” 
“Oh come now!” Ardyn laughed. “I thought you enjoyed it when I brought unwilling participants into our little schemes!” 
“Not denying it,” Verstael scoffed. “But given the circumstances and risk of you being in enemy territory, I’m afraid I can’t ravish the thought.” 
“You’ll come around, I’m sure.” Ardyn smiled and while the opportunity presented itself, he hung up and shut his cell phone off. There would be no more interruptions for the night. 
Ardyn let out a breath he had been holding back and his racing thoughts dwindled down. He brushed some of his long locks away from his face, letting the deep maroon strands drift across the pillow behind him. He thought about his previous words. The muscles in his body tensed while he made a fist with his right hand. 
It would be so easy to give Y/N to Verstael for experimentation. Ardyn had done it numerous times with many people. It was all part of a little game he and his companion shared to keep their projects cost-effective and without alerting Aldercapts treasury. Ardyn would use his charisma and status to lure people into his inner circle, and when the victim grew trusting toward him in full would he reveal the trap. He picked his targets with careful consideration, especially if there was a high likelihood they’d bear fruit toward Verstael’s experimentations with the starscourge. 
Verstael wasn’t going to lay a hand on Y/N, that much Ardyn knew. Though he considered himself a corrupt man too far gone in his own misery, Ardyn prided himself on keeping promises. At least when he truly valued the other person. Y/N was still a precious commodity he needed. He’d keep his word to them, for now at least. 
A painful throb began to flex on the underside of Ardyn’s skull. Grunting, he shut his eyes. Flashing images sprang forth into his peripheral while sounds echoed against his eardrums. Laughter, warmth, cities, and faces came and went. People Ardyn didn’t know but felt connected to. Experiences he himself never endured, but his body could remember every touch. Ardyn wished that Y/N’s memories were more coherent. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could undergo these random trespasses to his psyche. 
Ardyn turned and lay down on his right side to ride out the experience. His golden eyes traveled down the length of his body, once more lingering on the couch. He watched Y/N’s chest rise and fall underneath the darkness of his long coat. Their breath was faint, and every so often they’d adjust and pull the jacket over themself when it would fall from their flesh. Ardyn glared at them. The contempt in his eyes was noxious. He wanted to snuff them out right then, and not have to worry about their welfare. Alas, a wave of possession forced Ardyn to relinquish the intrusive thought. 
“Should’ve just left them behind,” Ardyn muttered bitterly to himself. Things would’ve been easier if he didn’t let his heart out of the cage for the first time in centuries, but he made his bed and needed to lie in it. 
Ardyn closed his eyes, allowing remnants of what he assumed sleep felt like to wash over him. Maybe this time around he’d dream. Maybe he’d finally see a familiar face that wouldn’t haunt him. He had to hope. Just this once. 
This is my first attempt at writing a reader x canon fic, and writing with they/them pronouns. I myself am nonbinary, and I acknowledge that certain story elements are influenced by my experiences being a female bodied person. I hope despite this, that most readers will be able to enjoy themselves in this work. I don't have a timeline for chapter updates, other than to post when I have the spoons/hit points. Thank you for reading, and for being supportive 💙
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echoesofardyn ¡ 30 days ago
How do you think Ardyn smells like? I always go for old cold cold cold wine and tobacco or rainy forest.
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seradyn ¡ 10 months ago
Not me scrolling the Ardyn x reader tag because I’ve fallen back into his madness and seeing how absolutely DESOLATE it is 😭😭😭😭
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houdinicorbini ¡ 2 years ago
✧ Masterlist ✧
Identity V:
"Late night thoughts" Alva Lorenz x Anxious/paranoid! Reader
"Before party anxieties" Joseph x Anxious! Reader
Ada&Emil x Reader poly headcanons
Joseph Desaulnier relationship headcanons
Leo Beck/Hell Ember headcanons (request)
Protective! Naib x Reader (Request)
Aesop Carl x Reader Birthday headcanons
Victor Grantz Headcanons
Aesop Carl headcanons
"Comforting Silence" Aesop Carl x Reader
The Arcana: MC bringing breakfast to the main 6 in bed
Asra x Sick! Reader
Julian relationship/fluff headcanons
Muriel relationshio/fluff headcanons
"Don't go" Muriel x Reader
Final fantasy XV:
Ardyn date headcanons
Ardyn/Ravus/Gladio x Clingy! Reader headcanons (request)
"Five more minutes" Sleepy! Ardyn x Reader (Request)
"Late night drive" Ardyn
(Another one I can't think of a title for) Ardyn x Autistic! Reader (Request)
"A pleasant surprise" Ardyn x Reader (Request)
Pursuing Ardyn headcanons (Request)
Calming Ardyn down headcanons
(Still can't think of a title for this one) Ardyn x Reader who faints a lot (Request)
"In silence" Ardyn x Phonophobic! Reader
"Hidden Jealousy" Ardyn x Insecure! Reader (Request)
Ardyn x Reader Birthday headcanons+scenario
"Childhood crush" Ravus x Reader (Request)
"A new life" Ardyn x Pregnant! Reader (Request) Ardyn x Kind! Reader headcanons (Request)
"Only a nightmare" Ardyn x Reader (Request)
Overprotective! Ardyn x Reader headcanons/scenario (Request)
Ardyn x Sick! Reader headcanons (Request)
"An unexpected raincheck" Ardyn x Reader
"Falling asleep at the desk" Ardyn x Reader
Ardyn general headcanons
Ardyn relationship headcanons
FNAF Security Breach: "A fixer upper" Monty x Female! Nightguard! Reader (Request)
Sun&Moon relationship headcanons
Chica relationship headcanons
Some of my au headcanons for Monty
Monty Gator x Reader headcanons
NiGHTs into dreams/Balan Wonderworld: (Can't think of title) Dragon! Lance x Royalty! Reader
Lance relationship headcanons
Reala (Romance?) headcanons
NiGHTs headcanons (Request)
Pre rebellion NiGHTs headcanons (Request)
Madhouse Mike relationship headcanons
Goliath x Female! Human! Reader family headcanons
Nuclear throne Chicken headcanons
Portgas D Ace x BPD! Reader
"Nothing special" Guzma x Reader (Request)
Guzma relationship headcanons
"Movie date" Douxie x Reader
Douxie relationship headcanons
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olivia200312 ¡ 8 months ago
Chapter 2: Staying || Bound By Destiny (Ardyn Izunia x Reader)
You may have read stories of girls (and boys) being teleported into gaming worlds such as Final Fantasy XV, but have you ever imagined that one of them gets teleported into our world? Y/N is a 25-year-old young woman who just escaped from an abusive relationship. One night, an unexpected thing happened while Y/N was about to sleep. A canon character got transported into her world. Chancellor Ardyn Izunia is known as a tragic man with a devastating past. The Gods from his world decided to punish him by cursing him that he'd never find love and sending him into a new world called Earth.
What would happen when Ardyn meets Y/N? Will he love her?
Ardyn was awake and he grinned at her, causing Y/N to blush. Just why? Why did she have to have a crush on Ardyn, who is a fictional character? Yet, he was here. She stuttered, trying to say words while placing the fedora hat away on the chair and where Ardyn's trench coat was. 
"I-I'm sorry! I didn't expect you to wake up fast!" Y/N stuttered 
Ardyn showed a sly smile and sat up. "I was just teasing you, my dear." He then looked around, and his sly teasing dropped to a frown. He looked even more concerned. "Where am I?"
"You are at my apartment," Y/N answered Ardyn's question. "I was minding my business when I found something glowing and that's when you appeared."
Ardyn was a bit impressed but he felt also... thankful. This young woman saved his life. If no one stepped in to save him, he would have lived on the streets, on this unknown planet. Wait, this is planet Earth like Shiva said? Is this his punishment? Being stuck on this planet with possibly no way home? How can he work then as the chancellor? Not to mention, he was someone shrouded with mystery. Y/N tilted her head a bit to the side and Ardyn looked at her. 
"Is this planet Earth?"
Y/N nodded. She was surprised. How did Ardyn know that this is Earth? This is not Eos, that's for sure. "Can I ask what happened?"
Ardyn decided that it was best to explain so he did. Y/N listened to every detail. She never heard anything like that before. Sure, some people wrote about a canon character being teleported to Earth, someone being teleported into the franchise world, or a franchise being collaborated with another franchise. She wondered if the government held a deep secret, a special connection with the outside world somewhere in the universe. Was Eos connected to Earth? 
Once Ardyn finished explaining, he didn't stop looking at Y/N. He just noticed something. She was a beauty. And also, she looked a little bit similar to his deceased lover, Aera. Y/N may not have the same blond hair color or blue eyes, but she had some similarities. Y/N was clueless about it but she went on: "Wow... That must suck." She then became suspicious and crossed her arms. "You aren't here to make here forever dark, are you?"
Ardyn couldn't help but chuckle. How foolish she was. He did want to bring darkness in Eos after being betrayed by the Astrals and younger brother, Somnus. No one helped him. Even perhaps Aera knew what was going to happen to him. Why didn't she warn him about it? Or tell him? Ardyn held even anger towards his once beloved. But he missed her dearly. What if... Y/N was a reincarnation version of Aera? Impossible. "No. I failed to bring darkness for my revenge. His Majesty defeated me in a battle."
Y/N couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "It's because of the betrayal, right?"
Ardyn looked at Y/N with his dark eyes, causing her to shudder. She should've been more careful. "How do you know that, my dear?"
Y/N wanted to come up with something, to make Ardyn feel that he wasn't bad. But Ardyn detests lairs and he can detect it easily when someone is lying. She sighed softly and decided to tell the truth. "You are a... a..."
"A what, my dear?"
"Fictional character," Y/N responded nervously.
Ardyn was taken aback. How was this possible? Was he a fictional character on this planet? How? He saw Y/N looking nervously at him. He remembered so many victims... The ones he made nervous and killed them. But he could've killed Y/N right now and there. Or some minutes ago but she... saved his life. She was also a beauty and she reminds him of Aera. She was also like a new creature that he had met on Earth. But she was a human like him. He also wanted to see if magic existed on this planet. He has Starscourge after saving many infected ones when he was not immortal at the time. He was only 33 years old and stuck forever in this body. 
"I-I'm sorry to disappoint you, sir. I know that it's a lot to take in."
Ardyn chuckled and even heck, he even laughed a bit! "We are not in public, my dear. This is not Eos now, isn't it? Just call me Ardyn."
Y/N smiled a bit. "Very well then, ... Ardyn." She then stood up and went to her closet. She opened it and searched for a baggy shirt that would fit Ardyn. He couldn't help but watch her. Just as he was about to ask what she was doing, Y/N let out an "Aha!" and showed Ardyn a baggy black shirt. "You can stay here if you want. I don't want you to sleep on the streets."
"That is very kind of you, my dear," Ardyn said with a genuine thankful smile as Y/N gave him the black baggy shirt. "Where may I change?"
"Follow me." Y/N led the way as Ardyn followed her. The bathroom was not far. Y/N turned the light on as she entered her bathroom. There was a bathtub with curtains and a toilet. Oh, the bathtub also looked nice and big enough for your legs to be in the water too. Just imagine a hot relaxing water in the bathtub...
"You can change in here."
Ardyn entered while Y/N closed the door to give Ardyn privacy. She went to the kitchen to make something for Ardyn. What was his favorite food to eat? She decided to make him some (choice). She knew that Ardyn lived for many years to taste all kinds of foods. So, what was his favorite? Ardyn came out through the door and heard noises in the kitchen. He wore now a baggy shirt and he took out his shoes as well. He saw a small corridor/hallway that led towards the front door to the outside and there were Y/N shoes so he placed them down next to hers. He went to the kitchen and there he saw Y/N making food. 
"Ah, you're done. I made some food for you," Y/N said as she turned around with a plate of food on it. "Have a seat."
Ardyn did as told and he sat down. This world is indeed a bit strange for him. He was treated all the time as someone important since he was a chancellor, the one of Niflheim. Y/N set the plate down in front of him and sat down across from him. He began eating while the girl watched him. "How does it taste?"
After eating, Y/N led him to the living room. "Now about the sleep. When looking at you and since you are a chancellor, you sleep in beds?"
Ardyn smirked with a chuckle. "My dear, I am immortal, I don't need sleep. But yes, I sleep in beds."
Y/N nodded. "How about I take the couch and you sleep in my bed?"
"Now, my dear, it's not wise for a gentleman to let a woman sleep on the couch," Ardyn said with a frown. "How about we share the bed?"
Y/N stiffed. She blushed. Never had she shared a bed with a man before. But Ardyn is her damn crush and yet he was here! Ardyn grinned once he noticed her blush. Y/N grumbled a "Fine" before walking to her bedroom, Ardyn following close behind. What he was saying is the truth. It's not wise for a gentleman to let a woman sleep on the couch. Y/N was already in her short pajamas and laid down in bed. Ardyn laid down next to her and closed his eyes. Like he said, he didn't need sleep since he was immortal. Y/N moved to sleep on her stomach and slowly closed her eyes. Sleep took her in rather quickly. 
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krisssssssy ¡ 8 months ago
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Summary: The Magitek engine is attacked, and you find yourself alone with Dr. Besithia.
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ermora ¡ 8 months ago
Ardyn x Reader Kingly Clash Au
Alright, so I decided to do a little kingly clash au Ardyn x Reader post so I hope you guys enjoy it and yeah… sorry for ooc Ardyn.
You sat up in yours and your husband, Ardyn Lucis Caelum's, bed as you heard a baby crying beside you. You flinched as your body ached after what you had gone through a few hours ago and looked over to a bassinet beside your shared bed to see that one of your twins had woken up. You quietly grabbed the baby and brought it close to you, the baby stopped crying and looked at you, you couldn’t help but tiredly smile at the small bundle in your arms as you took in its features. It was a baby boy with features like his father and his hair color but the baby had your beautiful e/c eyes. On the flipside the baby boys twin sister had features like yours, your h/c hair and Ardyn’s eyes. They were born only a few hours ago and while you were enjoying a moment with your husband and your twins, your husband had to leave and while you knew how strong he was, you worried that it would be the last time you saw him. He had a job to do and you knew that it had to be done since darkness reigned in the world right now. You and Ardyn had spoken lots about the moment he was going to have to leave your side throughout your pregnancy as he had revealed to you so long ago as to who and what he was and how he was fated to fight the king of light. You never once expected it to be so close to after you had given birth to your twins though.
“It’s okay little ones, I’ll make sure to protect you… the both of you if your father ends up passing away” you quietly vowed to the twins as you snapped from your thoughts as the baby girl now began to cry from the bassinet. You put the baby boy onto your bed and picked up the baby girl from the bassinet, she too had almost instantly calmed down as you held her in your arms. You weren’t quite sure if this was because they might have some daemonic properties in them or not but you did know that you’d have to hide that part of them if the king of light won as the light would return to the world and would hurt your twins. As time slowly went on, you put your daughter beside your son on the bed and admired them just staring at you with bright, innocent eyes. You would do anything to protect them and could only wish that you could have the whole family together. You eventually heard footsteps coming closer to the room and you looked out the window to the outside briefly and could still see that it was dark out. You looked to your room door and after what felt like forever the knob on the door turned and you held your breath. As the door opened up you braced yourself for the king of light to come in and see who was here but to your relief, Ardyn came into the room. His clothes were fairly dirty though, his face was dirty and he looked exhausted, he smiled as he saw you.
“Hello my queen” he greeted in a tired but loving voice, you felt tears in your eyes as he approached you and the twins.
“Oh my gosh… Ardyn my love, are you alright?” you asked, Ardyn sat down on the bed beside you and put his right arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him.
“Better than alright… I have killed the so called king of light and his retinue and now… now we can live in the darkness peacefully forever my love. I can treat you like the queen you are meant to be and we can be together like this as a family” Ardyn replied. You let out a sigh of relief as you heard those words fall from your husband’s mouth. You had thought that things were going to go sour but, you were thankfully wrong.
“I’m so glad to see that you’re still alive my king as I was afraid that our kids would grow up without knowing their father” you admitted as the tears finally slipped from your eyes and went down your cheeks. Ardyn unwrapped his arm from around you, held your face in his rough but gentle hands and gently kissed at the tears running down your face before gently kissing your lips.
“I did everything I could to ensure my victory today for the sake of our family and I knew that it wouldn’t fail, not when I have someone to live for now” Ardyn stated. You nodded and the twins began to make some noises, Ardyn released your face and you both looked down at the bed to see that the twins were looking at you both with wide eyes.
“You two are so precious” you mumbled as you picked up the baby boy while Ardyn picked up the baby girl.
“You’re just as precious my love as without you, they wouldn’t be here” Ardyn said.
“It takes two to tango as they are part you as well” you reminded, Ardyn chuckled.
“That is true… on a more serious note though, did you think of some possible names for our little ones while I was away?” Ardyn asked, you nodded and leaned against Ardyn as you began to feel quite tired again.
“Yes, I was thinking of the name Crystal for the baby girl and the name Raeric for the baby boy” you replied, Ardyn looked thoughtful.
“I do like those names, very well, the girl shall be Crystal Lucis Caelum and the boy shall be Raeric Lucis Caelum” Ardyn agreed.
“I thought you’d have a different opinion on the baby names ” you quietly admitted, Ardyn chuckled and you felt a light pulse of magic radiate from him that was quite calming.
“I’m not the best when it comes to names my love while you have a knack for giving out good names” Ardyn countered, you blush at that.
“Thank you my love” you thanked, Ardyn chuckles.
“No, thank you for staying by my side my love” Ardyn countered, you smile.
“I will always be by your side” you promise.
“I shall always be by your side as well, my precious queen” Ardyn promised back you smile and cuddle up closer to Ardyn. You two will now be together forever as king and queen of the night and raise your twins to be amazing people and the next generation of the Lucis Caelum bloodline in a new era of darkness.
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oliviaizunia-blog ¡ 2 months ago
Prologue (Short) || Bound By Destiny (Ardyn x Reader)
The sight around him was beautiful. It was like looking at the night sky. Was this the place of the afterlife? A man around 33 years old with red-purple hair with amber eyes stood in front of the 6 big figures. The figures were Gods or Astrals. The man wore special clothing and he was a chancellor. Meet Ardyn Izunia, the immortal man who lived for more than 2000 years. He had to look up at the giant figures to look at them in the eyes. Where Ardyn was from was on the planet called Eos and each planet for sure had its own beliefs.
Meet the Astrals who are standing in front of Ardyn. There was Titan, the god of earth, Ramuh the storm god, Leviathan the sea goddess, Shiva the ice goddess, Ifrit the god of fire, and last one is Bahamut the god of war.
Ardyn was known as a man of no consequences. He wasn't nervous or anything like that. He was a mystery and some people love mysterious persons.
It was Shiva who spoke. "Ardyn, you are here because we decided to teach you a lesson. For the crimes you commit, we decided to transport you to another planet named Earth. You are cursed to prevent you from finding love."
Ardyn couldn't believe what Shiva said. And the other Astrals agreed with her. How could they?! He wanted to take control over the Astrals for what they did. They abandoned him when he needed them after he got betrayed by his younger brother Somnus. His love, Aera, somehow knew that this was gonna happen and he wasn't happy with her too.
But Ardyn wondered what Shiva said. What did Earth look like? How many people live there? Was there magic? Before Ardyn could say a word, however, a portal appeared and he got sucked in... towards another planet. Would he be able to return home? 
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itsgeecheebitch ¡ 2 years ago
TITLE: Until Darkness Descends
FANDOM: Final Fantasy XV
MAIN PAIR: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
SEC. PAIR: Gladiolus Amicitia x Reader
RATING: Explicit
       “Feeling well enough for visitors I hope.” Ardyn said, the top of his head nearly touching the ceiling. Your bottom lip found its way between your teeth. You didn’t know how to feel about seeing Ardyn in the caravan with you. Unease unfurled in your gut like a serpent rousing from its slumber, demanding that you leap out of bed and put miles between you. But a part of you wanted to hug him and relish in the company you had been missing for far too long. 
        He was a major part of your life after all, and not seeing him for the past two years had made a part of you feel empty, as though there was a piece of you that was missing. 
       “Y-yeah.” You said and he took a seat on the bed. An unbearable silence settled over the room like a torrential storm, battering your body with rain and making you shrink into yourself. You picked at your nails, you’ve never felt uncomfortable around Ardyn before. He was a comforting sight for many years, but a nagging feeling hammered the back of your skull, and made you want to run and hide. 
       “I must say you gave me quite the scare back there. I suppose your affliction hasn’t gotten any better over the years”. Ardyn said, seemingly unaware of the stifling tension in the room. 
        You shook your head, “it did but it came back.”
       “Any idea why?”
        None that you wanted to share so you said no. Silence invaded the room once more. It was so quiet you were certain you could hear the blood rushing through your ears. The relationship you and Ardyn shared was always an easy one, so why was it so hard to speak? Why did your veins shrink at the thought of being alone with him?. He did nothing to slight you and you did nothing to hurt him as far as you knew, yet there was a chasm between you. It felt like you were worlds apart. 
        You hung your head low and seized the blanket in your grasp. You let out a question you held onto for the past twenty-five months “So…why did you stop visiting me?”
        “It was business, I’m afraid.” He said. “It came at such a short notice I hadn’t the time to bid you a proper farewell. But I kept you in my thoughts, nevertheless.” The admission warmed your numbed skin. A smile crept over your face despite yourself.
      “I must say,” he began, giving you a smile of his own, “the years have treated you well, my dear. You have come a long way from the girl I knew who needed help with her calculus homework.”
       You snorted at the reminder. “I didn’t always need help.”
        “Only most of the time.” He replied. A sad sort of happiness closed the distance between you. You remembered those nights spent hunched over your desk, your table covered in a heap of calculus notes. In that very Ardyn way of his, he  appeared when you least expected him but needed him the most. He made sense of the confusing equations in front of you. His voice was soothing, coaching, and he hadn't lost his patience with you, no matter how many times he had to rephrase an explanation. 
          When you received your first ‘A’ in the class, he was the first person you ran to, not your adopted parents, not your friends, but Ardyn. You couldn’t think of anyone more important to share the news with than him.  The memory fluttered in your chest and made you mourn the old days, where your relationship with Ardyn wasn’t sullied by a nonexistent conflict.
           “Good thing I had a good tutor…I missed you, you know.” You said.
         Ardyn chuckled, “I missed you too, Aera. But I’m sure I wasn't missed too terribly, not with all the friends you’ve made. Especially that Amicitia that carried you here, is he your boyfriend?”
       Just like that a chill slammed into your chest. Adrenaline seized your muscles and made your tongue squirm with a lie. You picked at your cuticles, trying to ignore the goosebumps that raised on your arms. ‘Because you belong to me’. What would Ardyn do if you told the truth? Fearful eyes landed on his hands, your throat bobbed from the memory of how they felt around your wrists.   
       Realizing you were taking too long you gave him a shaky, “y-yeah,” before you could stop yourself. Your hands flew to your mouth, your eyes wide with the fear of what’s to come. 
       But he did something you least expected, he smiled and squeezed your knee. “Young love is a beautiful thing, isn’t it? I suppose an official meeting is in order, but of course for another time.” Flabbergasted, you rescinded your hands and suddenly felt very silly. Of course he wasn't going to react the same way he did in your dream, this was reality, you needed to learn how to separate the two.
       His eyes fell on the silver chain around your neck. “Is that the necklace I gave you?”
       You looked down at the glinting accessory and touched the chain with your fingertips. “Yeah, I started wearing it again after a while.” You said. It was a gift he gave you so many years ago and one you cherished for just as long. Once you realized Ardyn wasn’t coming back you started to wear it everyday. It was a comfort to you while he was away. You took solace in the happy memories it brought you, and hoped it would wash away the nightmare that arose in his absence. But of course It didn't.  “It goes good with all my clothes.”
        Ardyn wrapped his fingers around the tiny heart that accented the necklace. His fingers grazed over your chest, sending bolts of electricity where his skin touched yours. You weren’t sure if it was a good feeling or a bad one. 
       He rescinded his hand, a small smile still on his face. “I see, it becomes you even more than it did before.”
         Thirty minutes after Ardyn left, Gladiolus returned, announcing his arrival with heavy footsteps upon the stairs. His skin was sunkissed after spending hours beneath the tropical sun. “How’re you holding up, babe?”
          “Fine, just needed a little rest is all. Any news on the ferry?” You didn’t get a wink of sleep in fact, after Ardyn left you were wired like you drunk six shots of espresso. Never in your wildest dreams did you think you would react to Ardyn the way you did, with a mountain of distrust and fear on your shoulders. It was a mundane encounter, yet it left your good hand trembling like you were waiting for the second shoe to drop. You had no idea how the reunion would play out, you weren't even sure if he was still alive during the last two years, but you most certainly didn't expect that dream to play a role.
        Now it ruined what should've been a happy encounter between two friends, you would always hate yourself for it. Gladiolus leaned against the kitchen counter, his arms folded over his chest. "Yeah, turns out that creep was right, the docks are closed".
       "They're closed?! Bu-what are we going to do, the wedding is in six days!" In a panic your hand flew into your hair. Missing the wedding would have dire consequences, not only would it bring shame upon the crown but it could nullify the peace treaty between Lucis and the empire, that could mean the end of the kingdom as you knew it.
       "It'll be fine." He promised, not showing an ounce of the panic that bristled out of your skin. Seeing his lack of concern pacified your anxiety some. "We found a guy who could snag us a few tickets for the next ferry. We just gotta find a couple of gems for him."
      That sounded way too simple to be comfortable. "Sounds reasonable I guess, I just hope it's not too dangerous." You were 100% certain the task would be dangerous. Why else would a total stranger barter expensive ferry tickets in exchange for gems he could get himself? They were either too hard to find or too dangerous to covet, either way it meant trouble for your friends and there was nothing you could do to help. 
        Gladiolus gave you an unceremonious shrug. "If it is, we could handle it."
         "I guess." You said. "So where are the boys?"
          "Out fishing with Noct, that should give us plenty of time to ourselves." He sauntered over to where you laid on the bed and sat next to you. The cheap mattress groaned under the added weight. "Been meaning to check out that massage parlor if you’re still interested."
        "What about Noct?"
         "He'll be fine for a few hours." Gladiolus said. "If anything Ignis is with him, he'll keep those two knuckleheads outta trouble. Besides," he slid his hands over your denim clad hips , "I would rather spend my time with you than with those three mugs."
         Your smile came easier this time and you pressed your lips against his. Euphoric thrills rolled over your skin and you carded your fingers through his soft raven strands. A masculine groan whispered over your mouth as you deepened the kiss. Peaches was wrong. She was wrong about everything, there was no darkness to worry about, no betrayal in your future, only happiness because Gladiolus was your future.
         His full weight completely settled over you. You shivered as hard planes and chiseled muscles touched your soft  and smooth flesh. Gladiolus’ lips moved over yours in a synchronized dance. His fingers glided over your shoulder before cupping your cheek and pulling you in for more.
         “I love you.” You confessed against his lips.
          You could feel him smile against yours. “How much?” He asked in a teasing voice rough with desire.
           “This much.” You wrapped your good arm around his neck. His clean spicy scent only spurred the insatiable urge to feel his naked skin against yours, to be consumed by him so completely you forget your woes for all eternity. 
          His lips found its way to your jaw, pressing open mouth kisses on the unmarked skin there. Electrified need pulsed throughout your body so fervently it blotted out everything else that wasn’t Gladiolus and your need to be touched. 
         Cool air tickled your stomach as he lifted your shirt for his awaiting mouth. Your stomach muscles fluttered beneath his lips and you tugged on his hair. 
        Hooking his fingers into your denim shorts, he pulled them over your legs till you were only left in your lacy red panties. Hunger darkened his eyes and made your whole body throb, vying for a release only he could give you. 
         Gladiolus found your neck once more, kissing and sucking your pulse point till it bloomed red. Your eyes fluttered open and found a small window on the opposite side of the caravan. Your heart stopped in your chest, the bed collapsing beneath you. 
         Amber eyes glared back at you, trapping your very soul in ice. You gasped, your body flinching off the bed. “What’s wrong, is it another migraine?” Gladiolus lifted his head from the crook of your neck and searched your wide terrified orbs. 
       A cold sweat peeled away your skin as you looked back at the window, only to find nothing but a darkening world beyond it. With a mouth full of cotton you sat up. Gladiolus sat beside you and grasped your hand, the warmth from his skin bringing a calm to the storm. 
      “Yeah, it just came out of nowhere.” You lied, but it was much better than admitting to a hallucination. Your stomach roiled, the moment ruined beyond repair.
         Sighing, Gladiolus climbed out of the bed and combed his fingers through his tousled hair. “I’ll see if I can find some pain killers for you. Need anything else while I’m gone?”
         Your sense of normalcy, perhaps? A tight smile stretched over your teeth, you hoped he wouldn't see right through it. “No, thank you babe.”
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savage-rhi ¡ 2 years ago
Could I request this prompt? Yeah, I killed him! He used to hit you! What did you expect me to do?! Leave him alone? For Ardyn x Reader
I imagine Ardyn saying something like this when he finds out that the reader used to be in a violent relationship and he “takes care of it,” of course, if you don’t feel comfortable doing this prompt I totally understand, so I’ll also put forward this one too I’m not going anywhere
Hope you’re having a good day ☺️
@blossom-adventures I had fun writing this all out, and I hope you like it! Thanks for checking in on me too. I hope you're well!
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Y/N let out a deep breath as they traversed through the grand hall of the imperial palace. They were marching their way toward Ardyn’s chambers since he couldn’t be found in his office. There were so many mixed emotions that brewed within Y/N that they ignored the prying eyes and whispers of fellow Imperial Helpers that were maintaining the palace. Gossip and rumors didn’t hold a torch to the kind of frustration Y/N was feeling at this moment. What mattered now was finding the Chancellor.
A heaviness lingered in Y/N’s gaze as they gripped tightly upon the envelope that was in their possession, and the events of the morning began to play out in their mind. 
It all began with a knock on their apartment door. With caution, Y/N opened it up to reveal an Imperial Martial. Within Niflheim, getting a visit from one of these guys meant time in jail would be around the corner. Though Y/N was well aware they hadn’t broken any laws or violated policy when it came to their job, the fear of being taken away over something minuscule instantly had them on edge. It seemed the Martial caught on quickly, and he did his best to soften his hardened features. 
“I apologize to be calling on you like this, but are you Y/N Y/L/N?” 
Y/N nodded. “Yeah, I am. I don’t recall breaking any laws but if you need my compliance, I’ll--” 
“No, no, no,” The Martial calmly raised his hand at them. “This isn’t one of those calls, fortunately. However, I do have some rather terrible news. Is it true you were once in a relationship with a man by the name of ---- ?” 
As soon as Y/N heard the name, their mind immediately blocked it out. It was strange. Y/N could see the Martial’s lips moving, but when he said their ex’s name, only a dull static would register in their ears. Even though Y/N had been free of the man for years, their body still kept the score of his trespasses. Nonetheless, they nodded and tried to keep calm and collected. 
“When was the last time you spoke with ---, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Um,” Y/N closed their eyes for a moment and swallowed. “I haven’t said a word to him in years. We didn’t exactly have an amicable breakup. He’s tried calling here and there, but I ignored him. Did something happen?” 
“I’m afraid so,” The Imperial Martial said and furrowed his brows. From what Y/N could tell, the man looked disturbed momentarily. “---’s body was found three days ago. He went on a camping trip with some work colleagues and met his fate.” 
“Gods be damned,” Y/N muttered. Their eyes slightly widened in shock. “What happened to him?” 
“I’m not a liberty to discuss--”
“Please,” Y/N pleaded. “I need to know.” 
The Imperial Martial debated with himself while he glanced over Y/N’s eyes. He was in no position to judge a complicated relationship, and feeling sorry for them decided to be honest.
“Well, since the investigation is over, I guess it won’t hurt anything,” The Martial sighed. “Witnesses said ---- ventured away from camp, having heard something. His colleagues then heard him scream and went to find him but whatever attacked him took off quickly. That was two days before he was found. Based on multiple wounds and fractures, we believe ---- was mauled by an animal, most likely a rogue flexitusk. That’s the official statement, although it’s not conclusive.” 
“Why is that?” Y/N asked in puzzlement. 
“Well,” The Martial took in a deep breath through his nose. “There was almost nothing left of the body when it was recovered.” 
Y/N’s mouth hung open. They could feel their blood, even down to the most simple of cell structures in their body, turn cold. Y/N averted their gaze from the martial, giving a nod that they registered what he said. 
“Anyhow,” The Martial cleared his throat and glanced down at an envelope he had been carrying. He presented it to Y/N, watching their shaking hands take it with hesitance. “---- had no next of kin, but we did find that he had a deal with his bank to leave his remnants to you in the event he passes. In the envelope is your portion of his life earnings, with the rest going back to the empire as per Niflheim rule. You will also be receiving his incident report for record keeping. I am sorry for your loss, and must be on my way.” 
“That’s fine. Thank you.” Y/N muttered. The Imperial Martial gave a curt nod with his head and left.
As the initial shock of the news began to wane, it didn’t take long before Y/N’s mind had a terrible thought, and this terrible thought led them to rush toward the imperial palace on their day off to confront Ardyn. 
In the present, Y/N approached the entrance to Ardyn’s chambers. They wasted no time shoving the doors open. This broke many palace protocols, but Y/N didn’t care. Nothing mattered but this terrible burden that was on their mind, that they hoped against hope was wrong. 
In his living space, Ardyn was standing by the large windows of his balcony with three members of the imperial council, conversing about shortages due to the war. From time to time, Ardyn sighed while looking over some papers, not before he did a double take seeing Y/N walking right up to him.
“Y/N?” Ardyn furrowed his brows in surprise, ignoring the confused looks on the councilmen, and he quickly approached. “What are you doing here, isn’t it your day off?”
“We need to talk,” Y/N whispered. They swallowed, glancing at the councilmen briefly before focusing back on him. “Alone, preferably if you can do that.” 
“Of course,” Ardyn murmured gently. He turned his attention to the councilmen and gestured. “Leave us. We’ll go over the rest of this nonsense at the meeting tomorrow.” 
“Thank you for your time, Chancellor Izunia.” One of the councilmen smiled. They each bowed their head toward him to which Ardyn returned the gesture, and with haste departed from the dwelling. 
Once the men were gone, Ardyn’s features relaxed as he let out a sigh of relief and laughed. “I never thought I was going to get out of that mess! You saved me from utter boredom just now.” 
“You are a sight for sore eyes,” Ardyn teased playfully before concern crossed his features. “And you look absolutely winded. Can I get you something to drink or--”
“Did you have anything to do with the death of my ex?” Y/N interrupted before Ardyn had the chance to finish his sentence. They watched as his expression went from inviting and worried to cold and shocked as if he had been slapped. A foreboding silence fell between the two of them not long after, and the chambers began to feel heavy. It was enough to give Y/N the courage to speak up again.
“Two weeks ago, in these chambers, I confided in you about my past. The good and the bad. You told me I was safe here. That my words were safe here. Now I’m scared that I got somebody killed because of my words.” Y/N tossed the envelope down onto the floor, revealing the papers. 
“He hurt you,” Ardyn whispered bitterly as he made a fist while looking at the documents.
“Gods,” Y/N shook their head and took a step back. The stress from the morning finally broke through as they boldly began to raise their voice. “You actually did it!” 
“Yeah, I killed him!” Ardyn admitted with great anger.  He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath. A sadness dwelled in the flames of his amber eyes as he forced himself to look upon Y/N. “He used to hit you! What did you expect me to do, leave him alone?!” 
“What he did to me was awful, but---Ardyn, that wasn’t your call to make!” Y/N countered. “Is it so easy for you to disregard the life of another, to make it look like an animal ripped him apart?” 
“I was protecting you!” Ardyn said in his defense. “Niflheim’s justice system failed to keep you safe when you sought help, and so I took matters into my own hands!” 
“As true as that may be,” Y/N shook their head. “Ardyn, I told you I didn’t care about getting justice anymore. As long as he left me alone, I would be alright! Why didn’t you take me at my word?”
“He kept trying to contact you!”  Ardyn seethed, catching himself yelling, and dialed back. “Y/N, I work with men like your ex. Once they want to tarnish something, they become relentless in the pursuit! It wasn’t a matter of if but when he’d try to hurt you again! I couldn’t let you take that risk! Now you have peace of mind that he’s gone and you have financial restitution! Isn’t that generous!?” 
“Ardyn, I didn’t want this!” Y/N began to tear up. “I told you what happened to me because I felt safe with you. I never told anyone, but you. And now I feel like I played a hand in a murder. My ex was vile but---not even he deserved what had been done to him. I feel so sick. Now I’m scared that if I tell you that someone so much as looked at me weirdly, you’d just discard them like trash.” 
“Y/N,” Ardyn sighed, shaking his head. 
“I don’t think we should be speaking to one another anymore,” Y/N swallowed. “You’ve made working here bearable, and I like you…a lot, but I’m terrified. I’m really fucking terrified, Ardyn.” 
Ardyn shook his head and averted his gaze. Although enraged at being confronted, he sat with what had been thrown his way, knowing he had no right to be upset with Y/N’s reaction. He quietly glared toward the windows of his abode, hearing the sound of Y/N’s footsteps as they ventured for the exit. He knew he should let them go, it would’ve been the right thing to do, but selfishly he shadow-stepped, popping right in front of Y/N causing them to jump back. 
“Y/N,” Ardyn breathed, his eyes held a silent plead in them as he met their tired gaze. “I refuse to apologize for what I’ve done. That being said, I can and will atone for you.”
“How?” Y/N sniffled, shaking their head. 
“You and Verstael are the only souls in Niflheim that know I am Adagium,” Ardyn said softly. “You could bring me to ruin if you wanted, undo all I have planned if it would bring you peace after what I’ve done. However, I won’t lose you. Do you hear me? I already lost everyone I’d held dear in my life, everyone but you.” 
“What are you saying, really?” Y/N knew Ardyn well enough to know that when he overexplained himself, there was usually something much more simple he was trying to convey. 
“I---” Ardyn’s brows knitted in a glare, frustrated with himself. “I can’t say, but perhaps I can show it?” 
With hesitance, Y/N nodded and observed his features, while also watching Ardyn slowly taking hold of their right hand into his. He had them place their palm upon his chest where his heart lay and took in a deep breath before his eyes became muddled with darkness. Only the honey color of his irises remained as his daemonic features began to manifest.
Y/N locked their eyes with Ardyn, staring with awe and fear. Then they felt it. His pulse picked up, and the powerful thrum of his heartbeat pulsed against their palm. 
“There are millions of voices that dwell within this body. It’s quiet in my head when you’re around, to where I can hear myself underneath it all.” Ardyn murmured inhumanly while his daemonic eyes held Y/N in high regard. 
He was scary. This situation, this relationship--whatever it was between them, was scary, but there was something in Ardyn’s voice that pulled Y/N away from the fear. Enough to where they drew close and embraced him with shaky arms. He returned the gesture, and Y/N noted how Ardyn was mindful not to be too rough as he hugged them back. 
“Are you still in there?” Y/N muttered against him, still crying but for another reason as the pain of his earlier words resonated. 
“I am,” Ardyn gently reassured. “And this soul cares a great deal for you. I promise I'll fix what I've broke."
Y/N pulled back from his chest and felt Ardyn’s right hand tilt their chin up. A contemplative look crossed over his features, and he pressed his lips to their forehead. The kiss lingered like a warm welcome and Y/N felt as if somehow Ardyn was taking every ounce of their sadness, their anger, into himself. Ensuring they wouldn’t suffer much like he had done as a healer from 2,000 years ago. 
“Stay with me. Please.” Ardyn whispered against their skin. 
Y/N couldn’t say no to that and remained in his embrace. Somehow, it would be alright in the end. Y/N had to believe it. They had to believe in him, that Ardyn would do right by them.
"I'm not going anywhere."
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echoesofardyn ¡ 2 months ago
Wait wait I don’t know if I’ll get the answers I need but we agree Ardyn can control daemons right? Since he’s the starcourge (I mean, the bearer) he can control em no? If so, why hasn’t anyone used that to make a fic where Ardyn stalks his love by using them? But then how would he see ?? Would bro see it like a borderlands FaceTime or smth…
So many questions and so little responses but at least I already know I wouldn’t mind him stalking me through one of those cute round flames that scared my soul out of my body when I was driving at night.
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seradyn ¡ 10 months ago
Royal Respite and Midnight Melody!
The two I’m most excited about 🤤🤤
I’m going to start with Midnight Melody cause I wAnT tOO
This is a short one shot I thought of when I reexamined some of Astarion’s lines post Cazador. When the player asks how he feels directly following the event, he explains he feels ‘numb’. From my own experience and what I’ve learned about surviving abuse, often people can struggle coping with a world where their abuser is out of the picture, because so much of their life was consumed by them, either physically or mentally. We see this not only in Astarion, but in Karlach too, who has similar feelings after Gortash’s death, because all the rage she built up around him has nowhere to go. It’s still there, but now it’s trapped inside without an outlet, instead of being healed when her abuser went away like they think it should have.
Astarion is the same way; without Cazador, where is he supposed to direct all his energy, his hatred, his rage over what happened to him? It’s still there, even though he’s dead, and it’s not fair. I wouldn’t be surprised if he struggled with his purpose after Cazador’s death. This happens with real survivors too; their whole world revolved around their abuser for so long, once they’re gone they just feel so empty and lost.
This fic is a take on that, where reader helps reassure Astarion that he doesn’t have to know what he wants right now, and they’re more than happy to help him figure it out. He tells them he doesn’t have a heart to guide him, but that’s not true. Is it not reader’s blood that flows through his veins? Does reader’s heart not beat for him? They remind him, hold his head gently to their chest so he can listen, can hear the heartbeat that is not only theirs, but one they give freely to him, too.
Basically more tooth rotting fluff and non sexual intimacy. Baby boy just needs to be held and I’ll be damned if I don’t smother him in affection. He deserves it.
Here is snippet:
“It’s nothing serious, of course…” he said quietly. Another lie, but you didn’t say anything, simply cradling his hand to your chest, a precious and fragile part of him. It gave him time to work up the courage to continue.
“It’s just that…When I was under Cazador,” he hissed the name, fangs poking out over his bottom lip, “every thought I had, everything I did was for him. He dominated us, mind, body and soul, and used that dominance to make our whole world about him.”
His eyes were wild with anger, that grimace back on his face, because it was so much worse to say it out loud, to acknowledge how much of his life belonged to his old master. You squeezed his hand to encourage him to keep going. This needed to come out, lest he push you away to protect you from the rot that did naught but burrow and consume down into his being.
“Even after the nautiloid, he inhabited so much of my thoughts,” he went on, his voice slightly rasped and shaking. “Though instead of fear or obedience, it was anger and determination to kill him. Even when he lost control of me, all I could think about was him. Even with his body rotting in the dirt, I cannot get him out of my head.”
“And now that he’s gone…I can’t help but wonder…what am I supposed to do?” His eyes filled with sorrow then, displeasure with himself. “With Cazador dead…I find myself losing all sense of direction.”
Your heart broke for him, jagged pieces of it left on the floor for you to step on. You cupped Astarion’s cheek, lifting his face to look at you. His eyes were wide, glistening in the dim candlelight as they filled with pain and worse: self loathing. You didn’t need the tadpole to hear that treacherous little voice in his head, one you knew like an old friend that whispered pathetic, worthless, weak. You knew he wanted to protect you, wanted to give you the life you deserved, yet he hadn’t the faintest idea how to do that, where to even start, and it pained him.
Gently, allowing him to pull back if he so desired, you led him into your arms, wrapping them around him so you could rub at the tension in his back. He nearly collapsed into your embrace in relief, immediately wrapping his own arms around you and crushing you to him. You massaged his shoulder blades while he pressed needy, frantic kisses into your hair, afraid you might pull away and leave should he stop.
“It’s okay not to know,” you said into his chest, kissing his sternum. “We can figure it out together. I’ll always be here with you, no matter what future you decide you want.”
He let out a tense breath, burying his face in your neck. “I know,” he mumbled. “I know whatever future awaits, I want you to be a part of it.” He leaned back, just enough that he could meet your eyes, so you could see into the dark abyss where his mind lingered. “The problem is, I don’t know what I want our future to look like. What I want it to look like.”
It was then you fully realized that what Astarion had been feeling since the confrontation with Cazador was lost. So, so lost, in a world without his master to contend with. The hopelessness you heard on his tongue was a knife piercing your tender heart, a sharp pain burning through your chest as it tried to beat around it, blood gushing from the wound and radiating out across your skin. What was freedom to one who didn’t know how to live with it, didn’t know how it felt? Though his chains had been broken, the memory of them still pulled him down and suffocated him. You wished so deeply to spare Astarion this pain, for he lived so long in the shadows of the world, you wanted to shower him in the light until he was blinded.
Abruptly, he shook his head, a growl ripping past his lips as he pulled himself away from you. It should be so easy, to move on and enjoy life now that he was allowed to. His desires could be fulfilled, instead of remaining the desperate wishes of a slave who longed for escape. The world was his for the taking, his life his own once more.
So why did he still feel so broken?
“Now that I’m free, I’m supposed to be able to do whatever I want. Follow my heart, as our companions said.” He spit the words; they tasted foul in his mouth.
“How am I supposed to know what I want without a heart to guide me?”
I’ll send you the full version once the first draft is done. Hope you like it 💕
Royal Respite has a similar vibe, and is also pure tooth rotting fluff/non sexual intimacy. It’s a one shot in which reader gives Ardyn a massage after he delivers the peace treaty proposal to the Lucian council. Just letting reader dote on him while he talks about his day, and letting him relax before everything goes to shit, basically. Ardyn has been working to make this plan come true for literally decades. I think he deserves some rest before it fully comes to fruition.
No snippet for this one yet, since I’ve been hyper focused on some of my Astarion fics *cough* see above *cough* but hopefully it doesn’t take too long to get on paper. You’ll be the first to know when there’s a rough draft 💕
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houdinicorbini ¡ 2 years ago
Hiii ! I’m at my aunt’s house but I got enough Wi-fi to send my request 🎉. Could you please write a touch starved and really clingy reader with Ardyn and maybe Ravus or Gladiolus ? I don’t know if you write for the others but I love them sm jdkdbxk ANYWAYS love your writing it’s so pleasing to read ! You’re one of my fav writers on tumblr even tho I just discovered you!! Have a nice day !!
Oh thank you so much! And I’ll write for almost anyone in the game
But this will be my first time writing for Gladiolus specifically
I hope you don’t mind it being headcanons since I am going to do all three!
Trigger warnings: none
🗡️Ardyn 🗡️
✧ Ardyn wouldn’t never shame you for being touch starved, especially if he knows the reasons as to why.
Hell, he’s a bit touch starved too after everything he’s been through as well.
So you’ll both have your moments of needing extra attention, it’s just Ardyn has learned to hide it more and suppress it.
✧ If you’re having a day where it is particularly bad, Ardyn will do his best to try and comfort you through it.
Like telling you that everything is going to be alright, cuddling, just making sure that he’s near you until he sees that you’re alright.
I can see Ardyn reading as he has his arm wrapped around you while you’re also doing your own thing.
He’ll make sure you have moments like that with him. No matter the time of day.
✧ Now with the clinginess, he really understands, but he tries to slowly get you out of that habit.
He has to travel a lot and he doesn’t want you having a near breakdown when he isn’t there.
Ardyn won’t do anything big at first, just small things to slowly become less clingy.
It’s not that he finds it annoying, he just overly worried and wants to make sure you’re alright.
And Ardyn definitely has his moments where he can be clingy, but again, he hasn’t experienced love in so long so he can sometimes get a tad bit carried away.
But you two are definitely in it together!
✧ Even though he’s the villain, Ardyn used to be good guy, and he had a lover of his own. So I can see him being great at comforting when he needs to be.
And like I said before, he has his own issues so there’ll be times where you’ll have to help him out too.
You both can be a clingy mess on bad days.
But I guess it actually works out a bit.
✧ Overall, you both help each other through the problems you have, each having a reason as to why you have them.
And he’ll always be there for when you need him, just like you’ll be there for him too!
So you two really balance one another out.
🤍 Ravus 🤍
✧ Because of losing his parents at a young age and the empire taking over his kingdom, Ravus is also very touch starved and clingy to those he really cares about.
So the both of you can also be a very clingy mess.
And like Ardyn, he’d hide it. But that is also because he kind of has to do to the empire.
But he’ll do his best to help you. When he has the time of course.
✧ He can definitely relate to how you feel so he can get an idea on what to do and how to help, even if it’s just sitting in each other’s company on a couch.
Ravus wouldn’t mind something like that at all
In fact, he’ll even try to set aside time so you two can have moments like these.
But that’s only when you two have known each other for a while and you’re deep in a relationship.
He unfortunately has an image he has to uphold.
✧ There are days where the two of you can just spend hours doing nothing but sitting in silence, but you’re both content with it.
Sometimes it’s all about the presence and not the talking.
Ravus understands that a lot and relishes in moments like that.
Unfortunately they just don’t happen often enough.
But he tries to make time for them to happen.
✧ Like with Ardyn too, Ravus has days where it’s harder to mask so you’ll have to help him.
Which you never mind, you’ll definitely give him the same love and curtesy that he’s given you all those other times.
Even if he denies that he needs it.
He’ll soften up if he sees cuddling or any form of hugging is going to be involved.
Ravus definitely returns the favor for you as well. Almost immediately too.
✧ Out of the three, Gladio is not as touch starved, but he does do his damndest to make sure you know you’re loved and all that.
He may not be all too good with words, but his actions are louder!
Much louder.
✧ If you have bad days where things are worse, Gladio will offer to go out and do something in each other’s company.
Even if it’s something like working out or going to his favorite ramen shop.
He is also someone who wouldn’t mind just sitting down with a good book while you either read or do whatever you want near him.
Actions are definitely easier for him to handle.
✧ You might’ve had to explain a little bit about how you are and why, but he understands.
I feel like he has a harder time with emotional things and tries to tackle the problem head on, which can be good, sometimes.
But he quickly learns that this is not something that can be dealt with so easily.
He means well, but he can be a himbo at times.
✧ There are times he has seemed a tad bit insensitive, but it has always been a misunderstanding and he means well.
Again, emotions are not his strong suit so you’ll have to be patient with him.
Gladio will definitely to his best to make you feel content and loved in the best ways he knows how.
I know it took a while and it’s short for as long as it took, but I hope you enjoy!
Do give me feedback if you have any!
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olivia200312 ¡ 8 months ago
Ardyn Izunia Masterlist
So, I am a simp of Ardyn Izunia and I am following some accounts here on Tumblr to follow every update about Ardyn. I decided to make my very first masterlist with every one-shot and stories about Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy XV. This list will be updated regularly ;).
Different (FFXV! Ardyn Izunia x WW! Reader)
Chapter 1: King Regis, Cor, and the Offer
Chapter 2: The Ball
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krisssssssy ¡ 1 year ago
This is a reader-insert, you're a diplomat in Gralea and attending a Gala where everyone's favorite Chancellor bag-o-daemons shows up.
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I'm writing the second part soon I promise
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carissimipaixao ¡ 5 months ago
it’s that time of the year, again!
during this time, regular requests are temporarily closed. as such, when you want something for christmas inbox, you only have one requirement: you send me one word, which will act as a prompt, and one character. your request will be based on that word for that character.
if you want an example, there’s this post. moreover, if you still don’t know how to request for this inbox, i’ve answered a question about it last year.
these requests may go as far as 1000 words, give or take. that depends, obviously, on what i can come up with. additionally, they may not be necessarily christmas-themed, despite the season!
happy holidays, and happy requesting! 💖
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