#arden 001
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roman-werewolfy · 1 month ago
Boredom was kicking in and Roman needed to get up and stretch from his position on the floor.  The man made his way up to the counter, just to maybe have some conversation, but also to see if there was a possibility of getting something to drink.  “Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you hon.  I was wonderin’ if there was anyway I could possibly get a cup of water.  Do y’all have anything in the back for cups and food?  You know for everyone here, in case we get stuck here for awhile?”  He wondered if there was anything in the back where the employees would bring their lunch and all.
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status: open location: rhythm realm (before the storm causes the tree to fall)
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Arden had been watching outside the store window's for a while now, a normal shift had taken a turn until the weather had other ideas. The snowfall was almost peaceful until it wasn't just snow, the shine of the layer of ice glaring back at her before she finally backed away. "Well this shift got longer than I thought it'd be when I got dressed this morning." She said though the blonde could list a few worse places to be stuck during a storm, at least if she got hungry she could dig into some of the snacks she kept handy. Arden walked over to the counter, hopping up on it before taking a look around the store. "Hey — sorry, I didn't think anyone would be approaching the counter. Are you holding up okay?"
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asholestone · 7 months ago
who: @counterfcits (arden) where: somewhere on the streets of raven's peak
Asher stood in the middle of the street, yelling at the top of his lungs as people walked by, some giving him curious glances. He felt an overwhelming surge of energy, unsure how to channel it other than through this wild outburst. He glanced over at Arden, a mix of amusement and frustration on his face.
"Maybe we should do something a bit more productive with our day off than just screaming in the streets, huh?" he suggested, his voice still tinged with excitement.
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ravensrevcnge · 4 months ago
Closed for @counterfcits | Kara & Arden @ Midnight Mirage Reopening Masquerade
Kara had been grabbing a drink at the bar when she caught sight of Arden nearby. As a coworker of both Asher and Kai, Kara had seen her at Rhythm Realm on more than one occasion since she'd moved into town. "Hey, Arden! Great to see you here! You look amazing," she greeted with a warm smile, always happy to take an opportunity to welcome a new face. Arden had been here for several months now, but Kara could understand that it might take some time to feel fully settled, even in the best of circumstances. "How have you been settling in? I hope the boys haven't been giving you a hard time. Does Asher talk your ear off whenever your on shift together?"
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nickambrose · 1 year ago
Location: Arden's house @arden-fischer
There was something inexplicably not fun about having his mum crash. Needling thoughts and wishes of not wanting her to stay for much longer would spring up. Quick as they would come Nick felt the guilt creep in. Shouldn’t he be grateful his mum was here? But there was a gulf that had formed in her two decade long absence, one that Nick wasn’t even sure how to bridge. If her being here was permanent or if this was only going to be fleeting. What if she wasn’t even fucking real to begin with? Just some long drawn out trip from the party, or some trippy electro-fuckery from the tower. 
Nick had snuck out of the house, mum in tow, to go make his way over to Fischer’s place. If the holy-man didn’t have the answers, Nick was never going to forget Tomas in that white suit, then maybe she would. ‘Where are we going?’ It wasn’t that he didn’t want her to know where he was going, there was no secret to it. It was the why. “Err…the doctor’s place figured it would be a good place to start. Figure out what’s happening. Mum, there’s something else I need to tell you about me and Mik…” They’d rounded up to Arden’s place, and Nick knowing full well he didn’t want that conversation within her earshot added. “Later, yeah?” He knocked twice, and then politely waited as much as one could with a floating dead mum. ‘Oh! Is he a handsome doctor?’ 
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“Christ mum, no–”
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laurieellingham · 8 months ago
𝑪𝑳𝑶𝑺𝑬𝑫 𝑺𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻𝑬𝑹 — @ardenxyuen
Laurie had a busy day ahead. He’d be assuming the role of Vincent Lanyon: a stockbroker from the south who had moved to the big city to make it big on Wall Street. When pretending to be someone else, Laurie always found it easier to drop little pieces of truth into his persona’s backstory to ensure some kind of authenticity, and so both he and Vincent had called Texas home for the first 23 years of their lives. But other than that, they were polar opposites. Laurie loved words and hated numbers, although he’d forced himself to learn the ins and outs and dirty secrets of selling shares and how to do so without people suspecting they were being conned.
In preparation for a meeting in the Financial District, Laurie donned one of his smartest suits and visited a new café to grab a coffee and, just as he stepped out onto the street he stumbled right into a young woman’s path.
“Whoa!” He exclaimed, lifting up the cup so its piping hot contents didn’t spill on either of them. “I’m really sorry; I wasn’t looking where I was going. Can’t you tell I haven’t had a single sip of coffee yet? My mind is all over the place.”
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ohwynne · 2 years ago
[pm] That is very good, that there is much representation. Where I'm from there isn't really much conversation about it at all, or none I guess. And we didn't really have a lot of mainstream media either, so it's already so much to see all that's out there. Even if it's not perfect like you said.
You trust me? I trust you too. Not just um with books, you know. But I have been liking it very much. The pacing is nice and I love the world.
[PM] I think so, too, which is why I try to be as open about it as I am. When I was younger, it still wasn't something people talked about as much and there wasn't really much representation in media, so seeing that change has been amazing, even if there is still a lot of progress to be made.
I know, I trust you. And it is a fairly long read, but I think it's worth it. How have you been liking it so far?
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notta-robot · 1 year ago
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001. — CANNON
Boom! Gotcha! Dark with a bright colour pop, perfect for any cyberpunk uses. And, it comes with its own abilities section for all of your high tech needs. All the colours as well as text are fully customisable, so you can really make it your own.
Thanks to @lemondaydream for everything and helping me set up shop. I’m so, so grateful for all of your help!
&& —
Instructions on using and customising the document are provided with the purchase.
Please do not remove my credit.
The face claim used in the document is Arden Cho.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
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blackorbs · 5 months ago
Abaixo estão algumas ideias para conexões com a Midoriya. As conexões são para todos os gêneros.
001. Você conhece os dons de Midoriya, e, na verdade, quer um serviço um pouco diferente. Sabendo como funciona o elo de almas, e tendo um coração pesado, decidiu que seria bom conversar sobre sua vida com alguém capaz de lhe entender tão intimamente. Embora Arden tenha achado um pedido estranho, ela viu, sem precisar te tocar, que você precisava de ajuda. Então é comum que em um horário específico, pelo menos uma vez por semana, vocês simplesmente conversem sobre aquilo que pesa o seu coração. (FECHADA)
002. Você foi um acidente, um plano que ela calculou mal. Por coincidência, no meio de uma investigação, Midoriya esbarrou em você, e, tentando conseguir informações suas para avançar em seu caso, ela se aproximou. Acontece que vocês se aproximaram demais, e isso se tornou um problema. E então, no meio do impasse entre te contar ou não a verdade, ela acabou revelando o caso atual em que vem trabalhando e, apesar da chateação, você resolveu ajudá-la com isso, e ela resolveu acatar a ajuda porque se sentiu culpada.
003. Você não sabia sobre Midoriya e muito menos sobre seu poder, afinal, ela é uma pessoa muito privada. Por isso, de maneira acidental, ela acabou tocando em você e vocês criaram um elo, e isso te assustou. Ela desfez o mais rápido que pôde, contudo, o que ela sentiu não é apagado, então vocês se encontram em uma situação constrangedora.
004. Você e Arden são amigos. Ela é uma pessoa séria e solitária, mas a sua insistência acabou criando uma conexão entre vocês. É comum que ela apareça na sua casa com algo que ela sabe que você gosta, ou que você esteja dormindo confortavelmente do sofá da casa dela quando ela chega do trabalho, e nenhum de vocês se importa, porque é íntimo e confortável para ambos. Midoriya, inclusive, sentiria sua falta se vocês deixassem se ser amigos a esse ponto.
005. Já você... Você não confia nela. Também sabe sobre o poder da detetive e o considera invasivo e injusto. A ideia de que existe alguém que tem tantas informações sobre outras pessoas armazenadas em sua cabeça te tira do sério e vocês sempre acabam trocando farpas ou discutindo se conversam por tempo o suficiente. (FECHADA)
006. Você contratou os serviços de Midoriya, e agora, vocês tem se encontrado com frequência para que ela te ajude a desvendar esse mistério. Tudo tem um preço, claro, mas o surpreendente é que Arden não pediu dinheiro, mas pediu que você a proteja conforme avançam no caso, afinal, ela ainda é apenas humana.
007. A casualidade da relação de vocês é um ótimo escape para Arden. Sendo uma mulher ocupada e distante, ela sabe que jamais conseguiria ter um relacionamento sério, contudo, a química inegável entre vocês a fez ceder para, ao menos, uma amizade com benefícios. No começo não era sequer uma amizade, entretanto, ela começou a te ver além de um pedaço de carne, então agora vocês realmente tem uma relação amigável entre as idas e vindas nas madrugadas que passam juntos.
008. Você e Midoryia, por outro lado, não tem nada. Entretanto, as vezes ela nota que pensa em você mais do que considera normal. Da mesma maneira que você já imaginou mais de uma vez como seria poder derreter um pouquinho o coração dela.
009. Arden normalmente te procura quando precisa de armas ou artefatos mágicos. Ela não é um soldado, entretanto, por ativamente se meter em situaç��es perigosas, especialmente porque odeia polícia/soldados/etc ela resolveu que teria seus próprios meios, e você acabou ajudando. (FECHADA)
010. Arden sabe que não deveria, mas ela só realmente imergiu no mundo sobrenatural há dois anos, quando ficou presa em Arcanum, e se viu especialmente interessada em você e na sua espécie, então é comum que ela pergunte a você coisas ou que queira ver o que te torna tão diferente de um ser humano de perto. (FECHADA)
011. Você não gosta de humanos, ou então, adora atormentá-los. Por isso, vendo que Midoriya é uma humana comum, você está sempre tentando oferecê-la barganhas/pactos ou colocá-la em rituais/tomar seu sangue. Ela não exatamente se irritava no começo, mas agora está começando a ser uma pedra em seu sapato. (FECHADO)
012. Seja lá quem for você, ambos estão intrigados com a situação que vem ocorrendo. Vocês estão sempre no mesmo lugar, seja isso bom ou ruim e parecem conectados de uma forma sobrenatural. Arden, que não se lembra dos primeiros dez anos de sua vida, sabe que haveria espaço para algo do tipo. Talvez se conheçam de outra vida? Talvez ela descenda de alguém que você gostava? O fato é que agora ela está empenhada em procurar e tentar entender. (FECHADA)
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hvneysuckled · 30 days ago
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HVNEYSUCKLED , is a dependent and private blog in association with helltownfms. – as penned by stef, twenty8, her/she, est .
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𝐃𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐀 𝐊𝐀𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍 〰 forty. surgeon. town-house.
𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 〰 posts are not individualize by muse
001 ♱ 002 ♱
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𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑 , under the read more you'll find a list of what is currently sitting in my drafts. if you think I'm missing something please reach out <3
𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑑 - drafts .
𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑 - drafts .
Rosa ( @eclvpses ) - dbt 2.6 Rylee ( @ryleecarnegie ) - dbt 2.6 Margo ( @margotaway ) - dbt 2.6 Nicolas ( @baarra ) - dbt 2.6 Valentina ( @mcckies ) - dbt 2.6 Ophelia ( @hartlings ) - dbt 2.6 Samara ( @samara-blackwell ) - dbt 2.6 Shaw ( @solidgrovnd ) - dbt 2.5
updated 2.6
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𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐒 , below you'll find links to all interactions by muse.
Akami Sakurai
Arden Reilly
Ariagne Fersby
Baby Crier
Cara Turner
Cerelia Rogers
Charlie Clayton
Chase Flannery
Christina Park
Christopher Barnes
Daisy Baker
Dayn Thompson
Delilah Anhedonia
Emery Fernsby
Emmett Alsford
Frances Carrow (Jude)
Ji-eun Park
Juliette Couture
Kieran Anderson
Loren Sedano
Margot St.Pierre
Maria Troy
Meryl Silverburgh
Nicolas Barra
Ophelia Hartling
Paz Moseley-Kaius
Rain Montgomery
Reyna Hendrix
Rosalind Samuels
Roux Chase
Rylee Carnegie
Samara Blackwell
Seraphine Fallacia
Shoshana Liebowitz
Suki Bridges
Sunny Honeywell
Teja Mehta
Valentina Mackie
Zoa Oliveira
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theshoegirldiaries · 1 month ago
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Blue Fragrance Week; after yesterday's Blue Monday, I'm continuing wearing blue coloured perfumes all week. For bed last night (Monday), I wore Paul & Joe Refreshing Mist in 001 Mediterranean Breeze.
The brand have dabbled in fragrances previously, but none of the Refreshing Mists are listed on Fragrantica, which could be because they're not totally classed as perfumes. You can spray these on the face, body and hair for a refresh as well as for the actual scent. This particular one wasn't part of the original (5) line-up, but launched last summer as a limited edition.
All the bottles and lids are the same, in this (actually really nice) frosted glass with the chrysanthemum pattern on the lid and label. The label is the only thing that differs between the scents, this one suitably white and blue, perfect for it's name. Other than it combining "citrus, green and floral notes", I have no note breakdown or info about what's inside.
Last night was my first time using it and I own all the mists and know they are light, so generously sprayed both arms. Upon spraying, it was really, really pretty, but then I couldn't smell anything. I cleaned my teeth, then decided to douse myself in it; both arms, neck, hair, pyjamas. I was so soaked, I was bordering on sticky, my t-shirt damp, but again, pretty, then nothing. There's no time to decipher any notes, it's gone so quickly. It's so disappointing because it has potential and could I smell it for more than a couple of seconds, I think I'd really like it. I've only used a few of the others and I don't recall them performing so poorly.
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Today (Tuesday), I spied this light blue bottle in my collection, that's been long neglected. (From Fragrantica): Moschino Funny! EDT by Moschino is a floral, fruity fragrance, launched in 2007 by Antoine Maisondieu.
Top Notes; Bitter Orange, Red Currant, Pink Pepper Middle Notes; Green Tea, Peony, Jasmine, Violet Base Notes; Cedar, Musk, Oakmoss and Amber.
This is predominantly a citrus scent, so I'd classify it as that before fruity. I'd forgotten how nice this actually is, I was expecting sharpness (citric scents aren't top of my favourites list), but this was really lovely. It's bright and refreshing, the orange is juicy and sweet, you can almost taste it. Even the musk in the base (again a note I'm usually not fond of) seems to sparkle. The whole thing reminded me of a glass of lemonade when the fizz gives off this juicy aroma, tantalising your taste buds. It never turned sharp nor did it give me a headache. There's a hint of Elizabeth Arden's Green Tea about it.
The projection in the beginning was decent, but then remained very close to the skin throughout the rest of the day (I'd sprayed generously). After 6 hours, it's barely there on my arm. The bottle is a nice-weight glass in graded blue, deepening at the base with a silver heart shaped lid and pink ribbon, finished with a button around the bottle's neck. If I refer back to the reason I wore blue fragrances this week (Blue Monday), then this one is the perfect mood-booster for that, there's something happy about it that makes me smile. I also think leaving it to macerate all these months has done wonders. It was another blind-buy and one you can usually find pretty cheaply, so definitely worth a try in my opinion.
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ameliascxtt · 4 years ago
“Listen to me, telling him to accept the plea deal is not the best thing to do at this point. We owe him more than that so no, I’m not going to let him settle for five years.” The frustration was obvious in Amelia’s tone while speaking to her colleague on the phone and because of that frustration, she was so distracted that the cup of coffee she took from the barista was apparently not hers. It took taking a sip then looking at the name at the cup for her to realize that. “Are you Arden?”, she asked the woman standing next to her. “If so, I just drank your coffee so I owe you one now. Maybe add a sandwich to that while we’re at it. I’m sorry.” ( @drardenthompson )​
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macmcry · 4 years ago
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           ❝         here   ,      ye've   ruined   ma   night   completely      ❞
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mxvick · 5 months ago
            *   /  por ter crescido sozinho, no sentido de não ter sua família de sangue por perto, maverick já tinha um longo histórico de vagar por arcanum como se fosse mais uma das almas perdidas que estavam presas ali. conhecia seus caminhos e não tinha medo do que podia encontrar em qualquer uma das esquinas. havia um quê de estupidez em tamanha coragem, era verdade, ele sabia bem. inevitável, no entanto. a familiaridade com o lugar que passou a chamar de lar trazia aquele tipo de sentimento.
depois de mais um turno cumprido na toca do lobo, os passos eram vagarosos em seu percurso pelo jardins do crepúsculo eterno. hesitantes enquanto procurava por um objeto que deu falta minutos atrás. refazia os passos atrás da peça quando os sentidos aguçados informaram da presença de outro ser, fazendo o lobisomem aprumar a postura e girar no próprio eixo para olhá-la. a movimentação acelerada e quase impulsiva podia soar suspeita, mas não houve tempo para uma autoavaliação.
os olhos negros de maverick notaram o que a mulher carregava. as sobrancelhas se ergueram em resposta. " onde achou isso? " perguntou sem hesitação, apontando para o bracelete entre os dedos dela. era exatamente o que estava procurando. " é meu. " não era. tinha encontrado durante a limpeza do restaurante onde trabalhava, mas parecia valioso. assim, tinha decidido guardar a peça para ver alguém dava por sua ausência.
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OPEN STARTER: Qualquer lugar da cidade.
o halloween possuía uma aura forte e quase palpável para alguém como ela. além disso, desaparecimentos e situações complicadas tinham a tendência a dobrar de frequência, mesmo que, integralmente falando, fosse um período de festividades (e exatamente por isso). midoriya não se importava tanto assim com o mês de outubro, em especial por não ter sequer uma memória a respeito de sua infância e se era ou não uma das crianças, como as que via agora, que tão animadas pediam por doces ou travessuras. na verdade, estava sendo paga para investigar um estranho desaparecimento que, até então, não podia ser considerado um oficialmente pela polícia, então, naturalmente, restava a ela o serviço.
indo até onde parecia o último local onde a vítima havia sido vista, encontrou um pequeno objeto, discreto e escondido embaixo de algo maior. com cuidado, colocou as mãos em cima deste e fechou os olhos. não demorou a sentir a conexão, as inúmeras informações inundando o cérebro e causando uma pequena vertigem antes de conseguir se estabelecer. novos gostos, pequenos traços de personalidade surgindo em segundo plano. se sentia levemente mais corajosa, e, talvez por isso, ainda mais rápido do que o normal se atentou a um barulho oriundo da parte dos fundos de onde se encontrava. suas pernas lhe levaram diretamente até muse e, quando foi notada, negou com a cabeça. "não é da minha conta, me desculpa." falou, antes de qualquer coisa. ainda assim, não conseguia parar de olhar.
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teddystonk · 4 years ago
closed ; @ardenconway​
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       the  gentle  ache  in  teddy’s  knees  is  only  released  at  the  sound  of  the  front  door  opening , a  curiosity  to  see  who  the  unexpected  intruder  was .  it  had  been  from  the  kindness  of  his  wallet  that  he’d  volunteered  to  close  shop  for  the  night ,  practically  forcing  mina  to  leave  since  she’d  been  so  willing  to  work  the  memorial  days  ago .  it’s  eerily  quiet  this  late  at  night ,  with  the  occasional  tenant  causing  a sporadic  creak  on  the  floor  above .   “ we’re  closed  for  the  night ,”  teddy  finally  announces ,  leaning  his  weight  against  the  counter  until  he  catches  sight  of  arden .  he’d  seen  her  before ,  but  at  least  at  hogwarts  there  was  a  reason .   “ and  i  hardly  think  you’re  the  type  to  need  a  room  here .”     
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femmcfatales-a · 4 years ago
closed — @ardenconway​
location — theo & effy’s summer flat
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           ❛  please  tell  me  you  aren’t  engaged  yet  —  i’m  not  trying  to  be  the  only  non-betrothed  at  the  debutant.  ❜  theo  says  this,  however ��she’s  also  grateful  for  the  option  she  has  of  eventually  choosing  her  future  husband.  a  luxury  not  all  get  to  endure.  
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screenviolense-a · 4 years ago
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           ‘ sorry about the dust. ‘ more often than not, arden came out of work looking like a little chimney sweep or a victorian orphan. it seemed pointless to try and tirelessly clean it out when it would likely continue the next day. however, she was polite enough to not mention that the dust was people. people dust.
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