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lgcsehun · 11 months ago
they’ve been at this—back and forth—for at least ten minutes now, surely. running in repeated cycles of blankly staring at the house they stand in front of, before averting gazes back at one another. as if with each silent stare screams to ‘get it over with’ a bit louder than the last.
but as much as kim sehun enjoys the horror genre of shows and movies, kim sehun does not enjoy the actuality of it all. not when belief in the supernatural, ghosts and alike is a thorn to the side, dug too deep into him to get out.
the estate is secluded, but hardly anything that looks along the lines of abandoned, much less haunted. sehun can’t even remember how he found out about its whereabouts by this point, or if it even is the right place. god knows how he dragged along sori with him, either.
the lightest breeze of wind makes him jolt, steps shuffling just a tad bit closer to where sori stands, dangerously on the verge of invading one’s personal space, turning to face her.
“c’mon,” sehun whines, almost. the puppy eyes are an expression as natural as it comes. but, even more—so this time around. “just this once, i swear! i don’t want to go in there alone … please?”
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mercurysunstar · 5 months ago
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Cory Michael Smith / they/them ——— no way is that HOUSTON 'HUGH' KINGSTON.. they’re a 37-year-old HUMAN notoriously known for being ABRASIVE & COMPULSIVE but there are some people who have seen them being SOPHISTICATED & EFFICIENT. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of wearing power suits, post-it notes, always wanting more, dreaming of something bigger, but that could just be because they’re considered the THE ANTIHERO around town. just keep an eye on them & see if their true colors shine through..
additional information
houston grew up with both of their parents for a good chunk of their life until their father decided to leave in the middle of the night one night with no explanation as to why, he was there one day and then gone the next.
they were about thirteen when that happened and hugh wanted to blame themselves for some reason but their mother was head strong and hell bent on making sure that didn't happen, fully blaming the father for leaving and it worked, they didn't have that feeling anymore and instead just felt bad for their mom and she had gotten no reasoning as to why her marriage was suddenly over.
they didn't mind her dating, they just wanted her mother to be happy while they focused on their silly little work projects so when they were seventeen and the guy their mother was seeing got serious and ended up getting married and the only complaint they really had was how houston sounded with the last name kingston so they started going by hugh.
as they got older they developed the bad habit of secluding themselves in their room or apartment, wherever they were living or staying at that time, to work on their latest project and with the age gap they had between them and their step sister dallas they didn't really see her all that often which led to her spreading a rumor that they had killed someone and that's why she never saw them
said rumor led to them being arrested and questioned but due to the severe lack of evidence (and dallas confirming it was something she made up) they were let go and they still are unaware that she was the one who made the rumor
eventually hugh applied for any big name company he could, more notably the big three and every single one had denied them with essentially the same reasoning of not thinking they were good enough and they were one who likes to prove people wrong so they obtained blueprints on how to build a fully functional android/robot and succeeded by building corbett
while they wanted to brag about it and give them the middle finger they decided not to and let corbett's now parents buy him and has kept the secret since but since it's a secret from corbett himself they know him as basically the 'weird uncle' family friend kind of situation, even going as far as implementing fake memories
despite the fact that hugh is non binary they don't really have an issue with labels, being called uncle or step brother doesn't bother them at all so long as their pronouns are still being respected but if people wanted to use masculine verbiage to describe them they won't complain
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virewolf · 1 year ago
starter for: @jockbrannigan
location: community center (prom)
Vi personally wasn't too interested in anything like prom. She had skipped her own prom back in highschool, and never really had the urge to go to one over the course of her life. But still, there was no hurt in at least checking it out and take the chance to catch up with some people she hadn't had the chance to check up on in a while.
And so, here she was. Currently standing at the sidelines, letting her eyes wander over the groups of talking people and dancing couples. She'd talked, had a few drinks, but she it'd been some time since she'd been involved in parties. So, after some time, she'd retreated against the wall and taken more to watching people than talking to them.
That was where she noticed a man. An entirely unfamiliar face, but new arrivals happened and that wasn't what caught her eye. No. It was the fact that the guy looked close to either passing out or hyperventilating. Vi kept her gaze fixed on him, watching him for a moment longer before she grabbed a cup of water and limped towards him.
"If you need a breather, there are empty rooms in that hallway over there." Vi said as she approached, voice a little raised to reach him over the music and the chatter of people around them. She raised the cup to him, her eyebrows cocked in question. "Need some water?"
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nickambrose · 1 year ago
Location: Arden's house @arden-fischer
There was something inexplicably not fun about having his mum crash. Needling thoughts and wishes of not wanting her to stay for much longer would spring up. Quick as they would come Nick felt the guilt creep in. Shouldn’t he be grateful his mum was here? But there was a gulf that had formed in her two decade long absence, one that Nick wasn’t even sure how to bridge. If her being here was permanent or if this was only going to be fleeting. What if she wasn’t even fucking real to begin with? Just some long drawn out trip from the party, or some trippy electro-fuckery from the tower. 
Nick had snuck out of the house, mum in tow, to go make his way over to Fischer’s place. If the holy-man didn’t have the answers, Nick was never going to forget Tomas in that white suit, then maybe she would. ‘Where are we going?’ It wasn’t that he didn’t want her to know where he was going, there was no secret to it. It was the why. “Err…the doctor’s place figured it would be a good place to start. Figure out what’s happening. Mum, there’s something else I need to tell you about me and Mik…” They’d rounded up to Arden’s place, and Nick knowing full well he didn’t want that conversation within her earshot added. “Later, yeah?” He knocked twice, and then politely waited as much as one could with a floating dead mum. ‘Oh! Is he a handsome doctor?’ 
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“Christ mum, no–”
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oricarnell · 1 year ago
starter for: @nickambrose
location: Versailles (the one in Kentucky)
"It should be around here." Orion cast a glance around, taking in his surroundings as he lead Nick through the little piece of forest towards the building already visible through the treeline. Why the Woodford Reserve Distillery was so far outside of town, seperated from the rest, Orion didn't know. He had paid enough credits to get them relatively close, but they'd still landed just a bit off, in the woods surrounding them.
"This should just be a quick run. Anything specific you are going for?" Orion asked, casting a glance back at the other man to make sure that Nick was they following as they stepped onto the grass surrounding the Distillery. The building was a little overgrown, clearly abandoned, but otherwise in good condition. What they were looking for was generally obvious- whiskey. "I should be able to take one or two of the barrels back. It should be aged well enough by now."
Orion took a step towards the building. "Do you use the teleports on your own frequently? I believe we have not made a run together."
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kiopop · 1 month ago
starter for @junjulys
kiyong’s pretty sure everyone’s got someone like a best friend, even if they don’t call them that. labels don’t matter much anyway. he’s got jun, who’s been around so long it feels like family—the kind you choose, not the kind you’re born into. they’ve got the same dumb sense of humor, finish each other’s sentences, and text each other the same stupid memes at the same time. maybe it’s luck, maybe it’s fate. either way, kiyong’s not complaining.  
today, jun’s dorm greets him like always: a landslide of shoes by the door, hoodies draped over chairbacks like slouching ghosts, the faint tang of instant noodles clinging to the air. kiyong sidesteps a lone sneaker, but nearly trips on a rogue backpack strap as a result. “you’d think a survival show taught you how to survive this mess,” he mutters to himself, toeing a crumpled chip bag. one of the members wheezes from the couch, buried under a blanket, but kiyong pays him no mind.
instead, his gaze scans his surroundings, trying to see if he can spot jun anywhere. the door has been left open for kiyong, so jun must be somewhere nearby—it shouldn’t be so hard to spot a grown man, yet somehow jun has managed to stay out of kiyong’s sight. he’s about to pull his phone out and call jun, but he doesn’t need to because jun finally steps out of his room to greet him. “there you are. i almost thought we were playing hide and seek,” he jokes as he makes his way over to where jun stands.
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hvbris · 10 months ago
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@multipleoccupancy . Theo's family gets bigger
The Baudelaires had been in New York for a few days now, living in the house of their new guardian: Theodore Beneventi. New York reminded Violet of the town where she grew up, only bigger. Much, much bigger.
Mr. Beneventi, who had told them they could call him Theo, seemed like their most normal guardian so far. For starters, he was not afraid of turning on the stove, which was very nice, because it meant the Baudelaires could enjoy a warm meal for the first time in a few weeks. There were no snakes in the house either, which, to be fair, was to be expected. And of course, here, they were not ordered to do horribly long and difficult chores.
The other thing that differed from their last guardians, was that Theo already had a family. He had a wife, Andrea, two sons, and a baby daughter, who was already getting along great with Sunny.
Violet felt like their luck might have finally turned. Even the terrifying shadow of Count Olaf didn't seem as scary, considering that Theo was an FBI agent. She did not usually consider herself lucky, not since the terrible fire that had killed her parents, at least. But for the first time in months, she was feeling much more hopeful than usual.
And, it's with that noteworthy hopefulness that she left the room she shared with her siblings, and tip-toed to the kitchen. It was still early in the morning, but she was awake and craving a glass of milk.
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"Good morning," she said politely when she saw that the kitchen area wasn't empty. Theo was already there. He was very nice, and she already felt comfortable around him, so she poured herself a glass of milk. "The view is very beautiful from here," she commented, not only to make conversation but also because it was true.
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managone16 · 1 month ago
The Marauders, Skittles and Valkyries at IKEA:
James: Is there for the meatballs
Regulus: Is here for the plants
Sirius: Here for the doggy toys/food
Remus: here to buy bookshelves
Peter: Here for the ice cream
Marlene: Here for the hot dogs
Lily: Here for the whiteboards and planners
Pandora: Here for the Stuffed toys
Dorcas: Here for the rugs
Barty: Here for the knives
Evan: Here for the mattress
Mary: Does not know why she's here
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uharuz · 1 year ago
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crueldudethesis · 4 months ago
hai moot :D this guy (totally not me..) plz plz plz
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ʃ HELLO HELLO MOOT !!! I had TONS of fun drawing this guy (that’s totallyyy not you) hope u enjoy broski ^_^
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the-king-of-lemons · 2 years ago
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Headcanon i've had for a while now about how minecraft hack clients could work, similar to the headcanons about how in game chat would work.
Just sort of an explanation with some examples, obviously some hacks are pretty hard to translate into a physical thing, but i tried my best. :)
Full text can also be found under read more.
"Hack Clients" are illegal modifications of a player's attire (i.e. player skin) in order to give them an unfair advantage. The visibility of a "Hack Client" modification depends on the server a player is on. On servers such as 2b2t, these modifications are obviously visible while on stricter servers, such as Hypixel, hackers will try to be more subtle, often hiding modifications underneath clothing.
Eyewear: Modified for use of visual hacks (i.e. x-ray. fullbright, esp, etc.), the easiest to hide from moderators.
Footwear: Modified for use of hacks such as Anti-Knockback, High-jump, and other similar hacks.
Mechanical Braces: Used to allow players to move with otherwise impossible reaction times, most often used for PVP. Completely illegal on most servers, players will attempt to hide them underneath clothing but often fail.
Leg brace: Used for b-hopping.
Arm brace: Used for kill-aura and aimbot.
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couch-house · 1 year ago
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Commissions for @son1c, @splashtail (and @sonboygemerl), @spoiledskullz, @sonia-the-hedgehog-2369, and @onesecretperson!!
These were so much fun!! Thank you all for commissioning me <33
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midnightsaboteur · 1 year ago
Dario said nothing as he stood over Finn, a knowing smile gracing his lips as he waited for the younger male to open his eyes. When he did so, Dario’s smile grew, and he chuckled lightly to Finn’s opening remark. “Hello to you too, beautiful,” Dario returned, the compliment spoken fondly and accentuated by his natural, dulcet Italian tones. He reached down to gently run two of his fingertips along Finn’s cheek, in yet another sign of how he could never resist affectionately touching his lover whenever he as around. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,” Dario added, his loving eyes meeting Finn's again.
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open to: males, preferably tops but is not a dealbreaker (+40)
banned || rules
a soft (maybe secret for now), tender, and loving romance between finn and an older guy.
It was one of those cold yet sunny afternoons that Finn loved so much. He told his mother he was on a weekend getaway with his college friends. However, that wasn't the truth. Right now, he was in a lake house with someone else, with a man he had been seeing for a while. He never imagined that he would fall head over heels for this man, yet here he was.
His eyes were closed, he was absorbing the winter sun as his lover was inside doing some calls. It was only when he felt someone casting a shadow over him that he opened them. The smile came instantly to his lips when he saw him. "Hey there" he grinned.
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vulpinesaint · 1 month ago
I really like your writing style. Do you have any literature you can share that you use as inspo?
going to start by disclaiming that from a specifically stylistic approach, i don't know if i have any writers that are distinctly similar. i do have writers that i find inspiring, though! if none of these are helpful for style, i hope they can inspire you in the same way that they make me aspire to achieve fantastic things with my writing :) i am always a poet first and foremost, whether it's poetry or prose (which is often just poetry hiding in a longer form), so most of my recommendations are poems; i have a few books at the end, though, just in case. everything that i link here should be free to access!
i am like 90% sure that anyone seeing this will already know that i keep all my poetry over at @trickstersaint, but just in case you're coming direct from a quiz, that's the place to read more of my writing! now. onto my list of a bunch of other trans poets with tumblr platforms 🖤
keaton st. james (@boykeats), i think, was the first modern poet that i really found and loved. stumbling across some of his dictionary poems as a younger poet was so revolutionary to me, and reading his poetry changed the way that i thought about and approached poetry as a whole. inspiration in the way of seeing the things that someone can do with poetry. opening up all the limits. this is what every good poem will do for you a little bit, i think, but keaton st. james is always my first recommendation for a modern poet. highly recommend his collections growth and light (i personally really love light. guy who is normal about religion voice) and rural boys watch the apocalypse is to me what that one richard siken poem about being in a car with a beautiful boy is to everyone else haha
other poets whose work i really enjoy and admire include silas denver melvin (@sweatermuppet) and dante émile (@orpheuslament)! recommending the poems an impractical marvel and dioscuri from them, respectively. sweatermuppet also has a full collection called grit, and orpheuslament has one called misplaced organs and various saints (this particular one isn't free but linking it here!) :)
my favorite poem since high school has been gravity by maura o'connor. life-changing. that poem is just like me for real.
for more of a narrative style, if you've read + liked my piece aromanticism, i definitely recommend with those we love alive by porpentine! really gorgeous twine piece with a kind of mysticism to it that could definitely tie back into the kind of stuff you'd see in my little quizzes too :)
if you're looking for actual literature-as-in-books, i can point you towards our wives under the sea by julia armfield and white is for witching by helen oyeyemi. both are novels that i've enjoyed for their kind of eclectic and poetic writing recently! i will also take any chance to recommend my favorite book, which is the hours by michael cunningham; regardless of similarity or inspiration, i find the writing of this book gorgeous and heartbreaking and i think it scrapes at the human condition in a way that draws blood. gently. if you know what i mean.
i hope this was helpful! i constantly feel as if i don't read enough poetry so if anyone has any suggestions they want to give me. i am more than happy to hear them <3 happy reading everybody!
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the-dynamite-truck · 17 days ago
[Electra found his way over to a place where he could properly look over the racing tracks. For once she wasn't at the races to compete, no. They had heard about a dynamite truck that knew a thing or two about putting on a show and he was interested to say the least] [Although they heard some rumors about drama behind the scenes, but they didn't let that scare them off. At this point every place had some type of drama behind the scenes]
Let's see what you're made of
[She mumbled to herself her eyes focussed on the entrance to the race track]
~ @pluckdownthelightning
[There was nothing quite like the thrill of a good race, that Joule was sure of. The wind blowing through her hair as she sped down the track, over taking the other racers around them and elbowing them should they get too close, the roar of the crowd as she crossed the finish line; well simply nothing compared. They grinned as they swiftly entered the track, kicking up sparks as they skidded to a stop before the starting line (something which they had modified their wheels to do themself of course; in Joule’s eyes if you’re going to race you better be putting on a damn show).}
[Quickly scanning the crowd of spectators, they found their eyes being drawn to one stranger in particular, unable to ignore how sleek and shiny they appeared. For a moment the pair locked eyes and she couldn’t help but wink in the stranger’s direction, blowing them a kiss as they stepped up to the starting line. Though of course they couldn’t spend too much time focusing on this gorgeous stranger; after all she had a race to win. With everything their ex-racing partner had done to them, now more than ever losing wasn’t an option. A determined glint in their eye, she put on her race helmet and linked up with the engine in front of them.]
[In mere moments Joule and their engine were off speeding down the track; and with her guidance it wasn’t long until they had reached the front of the race crowd. Kicking up sparks around every corner they took, she was confident she was on their way to another stylish victory…]
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midnightsaboteur · 1 year ago
Even as Bear’s compliment left his mouth, Kara sensed the jealousy behind it. She knew his tones enough to know when he meant something negatively, or when his words had a hidden meaning behind them. If she’d been in any doubt though, Bear’s subsequent words confirmed her theory. Kara sighed before she turned, and as she met Bear’s gaze, she ran her fingertips down her thighs, smoothing the velvet of her dress as a way to soothe the rising anxiety from the quickening of her heart.
“Darling, you know why I have to look good for him, like nothing’s wrong or out of the ordinary,” Kara murmured. “He’s still my husband, and I’m not ready to go through a divorce. Not yet, anyway,” she added, a bashful expression gracing her lips. 
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open to: w / m / nb ( 21 + age gaps welcomed and encouraged ) potential connections: partner, secret fling, fling, friend's with benefits, best friend, ex character: bear sawyer. cis man. he him. twenty nine. bisexual. youtuber.
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"look at you, lookin' stunning..." his heart feels as if he's being squeezed so tightly in his chest, fit to burst and ready to explode. he can't work out what else to say, so entirely consumed by his own heartache, a feeling he's certain they're well aware of. "can't believe y'getting ready for them in front of me..." he sighs, fingers combing through dishevelled locks, entirely unconcerned with looking embarrassingly jealous, because that's exactly what he was.
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