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Thanatos (Θανατος) known to the romans as Mors is the god or daimon (personified spirit) of non-violent death. He is a chthonic deity residing in the underworld.

This post covers his family, symbols, notable myths, epithets, orphic hymn, and my favourite passages about him.
His parentage and family can be understood through Hesiod’s Theogony (A Greek epic written in the 8th or 7th B.C)
And Nyx (Night) bare hateful Moros (Doom) and black Ker (Violent Death) and Thanatos (Death), and she bare Hypnos (Sleep) and the tribe of Oneiroi (Dreams). And again the goddess murky Nyx, though she lay with none, bare Momos (Blame) and painful Oizys (Misery), and the Hesperides . . . Also she bare the Moirai (Moirae, Fates) and the ruthless avenging Keres (Death-Fates) . . . Also deadly Nyx bare Nemesis (Envy) to afflict mortal men, and after her, Apate (Deceit) and Philotes (Friendship) and hateful Geras (Old Age) and hard-hearted Eris (Strife).
— Parents: Nyx with no father (Roman versions of his birth name Erebus the father)
— Siblings:
Apate (deceit)
Eris (strife)
Geras (old age)
Hesperides (nymphs of the evening)
Hypnos (sleep) Ker (violent death)
Keres (death-fates)
Moirai (fates)
Momos (blame)
Moros (doom)
Nemesis (retribution)
Oizys (misery)
Oneiroi (dreams)
Philotes (friendship)
— inverted torch → represents a life being extinguished
— butterfly → symbolises the soul
— sword → indicates his authority to sever the thread of life
— poppies → as a symbol of eternal sleep
— wreath → suggesting eternity, or the cyclical nature of life and death
Greek vase paintings depicted him as a winged, older man with a beard and rarely as a young, beardless youth.
Roman sculptures portrayed him as a youth holding an inverted torch and a wreath or butterfly
As seen in the Iliad, Thanatos and Hypnos are tasked to carry the body of Sarpedon away from the battlefield to Lycia so his brothers and countrymen can give him a respectful burial.
Homer, Iliad 16. 453 ff (trans. Lattimore) (Greek epic C8th B.C.) : "[Hera speaks to Zeus about the approaching death of his son Sarpedon :] ‘But after the soul and the years of his life have left him [Sarpedon], then send Thanatos (Death) to carry him away, and Hypnos (Sleep), who is painless, until they come with him to the countryside of broad Lykia (Lycia) where his brothers and countrymen shall give him due burial with tomb and gravestone.’"
Homer, Iliad 16. 681 ff : "Then [Apollon] gave him [Sarpedon] into the charge of swift messengers to carry him, of Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), who are twin brothers, and these two presently laid him down within the rich countryside of broad Lykia (Lycia)."
Sisyphus was the (possibly) founder and king of Corinth and was known as ‘the craftiest on men’ in texts by Homer. In the myth, Thanatos was sent to carry Sisyphus into the underworld. Upon Thanatos’ arrival, Sisyphus who was hiding chained him and in doing do, suspended death across the entire world. Thanatos was later freed by Ares who had noticed an absence of death from the battlefield
Alcaeus, Fragment 38a (trans. Campbell, Vol. Greek Lyric I) (Greek lyric C6th B.C.) : "King Sisyphos (Sisyphus), son of Aiolos (Aeolus), wisest of men, supposed that he was master of Thanatos (Death); but despite his cunning he crossed eddying Akheron (Acheron) twice at at fate's command."
Aeschylus, Sisyphus the Runaway (lost play) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) : Weir Smyth (L.C.L.) quotes from Pherecydes, a C5th B.C. mythographer, in his discussion of the plot of this lost play: "The drama was satyric; its theme, the escape from Haides of the crafty Korinthian king. According to the fabulous story told by Pherekydes (Frag. 78 in Müller,Fragmenta Historicum Graecorum) Sisyphos made known to Asopos that it was Zeus who had carried off his daughter Aigina; in punishment for which offence the god sent Thanatos (Death) against the babbler; but Sisyphos bound Thanatos (Death) fast, so that men ceased to die, until Ares came to the rescue, released Thanatos, and gave Sisyphos into his power."
In the Euripides, a Greek tragedy written in the 5th C B.C. Thanatos is wrestled by Heracles to save the life of Alkestis. Heracles does this to repay Admetos, Alklestis’
Euripides, Alcestis 839 ff : "Herakles : I must save this woman who has died so lately, bring Alkestis back to live in this house and pay Admetos all the kindness that I owe. I must go there [to the funeral at the graveside] and watch for Thanatos (Death) of the black robes (melampeplos), master of dead men (anax nekrôn), and I think I shall find him drinking the blood of slaughtered beasts beside the grave. Then, if I can break suddenly from my hiding place, catch him, and hold him in the circle of these arms, there is no way he will be able to break my hold on his bruised ribs, until he gives the woman up to me. But if I miss my quarry, if he does not come to the clotted offering, I must go down, I must ask Kore (Core, the Maiden) [Persephone] and the Master (Anax) [Haides] in the sunless homes of those below (domos anêlios)."
- Paean -> the healing (delivers men from the pains and sorrows of life)
- Melampeplos -> of the black robes
- Anax Nekron -> master of dead men
English (these are ones I've derived from text so partial upg)
- insatiable
- dreadful/dreaded one
- awful god
- with a heart of iron
- without mercy
- Acherontis - inflicter of Acheron (woe)
The Fumigation from Manna. Hear me, O Death [Thanatos], whose empire unconfined, extends to mortal tribes of every kind. On thee, the portion of our time depends, whose absence lengthens life, whose presence ends. Thy sleep perpetual bursts the vivid folds, by which the soul, attracting body holds: Common to all of every sex and age, for nought escapes thy all-destructive rage; Not youth itself thy clemency can gain, vigorous and strong, by thee untimely slain. In thee, the end of nature's works is known, in thee, all judgment is absolved alone: No suppliant arts thy dreadful rage control, no vows revoke the purpose of thy soul; O blessed power regard my ardent prayer, and human life to age abundant spare.
Hesiod, Theogony 758 ff (trans. Evelyn-White) (Greek epic C8th or C7th B.C.) : . . . These are Hypnos (Sleep) and Thanatos (Death), dread divinities. Never upon them does Helios, the shining sun, cast the light of his eye-beams, neither when he goes up the sky nor comes down from it. One of these [Hypnos], across the earth and the wide sea-ridges, goes his way quietly back and forth, and is kind to mortals, but the heart of the other one [Thanatos] is iron, and brazen feelings without pity are inside his breast."
Aeschylus, Fragment 82 Niobe (from Stobaeus, Anthology 4. 51. 1) (trans. Weir Smyth) (Greek tragedy C5th B.C.) : "For, alone of gods, Thanatos (Death) loves not gifts; no, not by sacrifice, nor by libation, canst thou aught avail with him; he hath no altar nor hath he hymn of praise; from him, alone of gods, Peitho (Persuasion) stands aloof."
Aeschylus, Fragment 141 Philoctetes (from Stobaeus, Anthology 4. 52. 32) : "[The wounded Philoktetes (Philoctetes) laments :] ‘O Death (thanatos), the healer (paian), reject me not, but come! For thou alone art the mediciner of ills incurable, and no pain layeth hold on the dead.’"
#solaris writes ɞ#hellenic polytheism#thanatos deity#thanatos worship#helpol#theoi chthonoi ɞ#resources ɞ#lord thanatos ɞ
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I'm kind of fascinated by Ares/Mars as a character. Understandably he's not very well liked. Because he generally represents the undesirable parts of war. Bloodlust, fighting, terror, chaos.
But he's also a god of courage, and a god you want on your side when you go into a war. He also seems to respect women more than other Greek and Roman gods, generally. There's few direct references to him forcing himself on people that I've found. They exist, and many of the references to his lovers are vague so we can't be sure what the women thought of the situation so that should be kept in mind.
His daughters are often prominent in the myths, founding the Amazons and becoming various queens and notable warriors within that tribe. In fact, I'd wager his daughters often take a bigger space in our collective consciousness than his sons, Queen Hippolyta being among one of his most famous children. And he gives courage to his daughters in equal measure to his sons, giving one of his infant daughters the ability to suck milk from her dead mother and survive by force of will.
He's also surprisingly weak. He loses a boxing match against Hermes when they fought over a woman. He gets trapped in a jar for several months by giants. He isn't always on the winning side.
In the Orphic hymn 65 to Ares it says he is "pleased with war’s dreadful and tumultuous roar." but also, it asks him for peace. "Stay furious contests, and avenging strife, whose works with woe embitter human life;... for arms exchange the labours of the field; encourage peace, to gentle works inclined, and give abundance, with benignant mind."
Ares Mars is confusing. Like he's still an embodiment of some of the worst parts of war, but he gives power to the worthy regardless of gender, he's the one you go to to beg for peace, he's the one you go to for courage. Also, he's not indestructible. I think I get why the Romans smushed him together with a fertility god. You need land for agriculture. What's the only way to get more land in the ancient world? War. And Rome, above anything else, was into farming and war. Putting the two together isn't as illogical as you think.
I also always think off how Athena Minerva is almost universally loved even in the present day. But why? She's also a war god. She gets to sit in the tent seeing soldiers as chess pieces while Ares is on the field with them. Arguably she is just as responsible for carnage and woe as he is.
When death goes missing and the mortals are left to suffer through their wounds, never dying, it's Ares who notices. Not Athena. Not anyone else. He's also the one who does something about it and goes to save him.
Do I like Ares? No, not really. Like anyone else I don't particularly enjoy war. In fact, I wish it didn't exist. However, I do think that as a character he's way more complicated than he's often given credit for.
Also one of his sons is a literal dragon. Hell yeah.
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Belphegor Theory
Ok, so I might and might have not spent about two hours doing some research about Belphegor because that "Halo" of his has me questioning a lot of things, and this is what I came up with, but extremely summarized.
I'm most definitely no expert on the topics I'm about to talk about, I just dug a bit too deep into the internet and got some interesting things, I would like to know if I'm wrong and I would love to read opinions about this.
I got the information from looooots of sources, and credit to all of them.
So, we know that What in Hell is Bad is heavily inspired by biblical concepts, the Seven Deadly Sins are from Christianity, the Seraphims are mentioned in Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Literature, and pretty much all of the nobles are from the Ars Goetia, and many of them are associated with Christian Demonology.
The game also has many references to other religions and beliefs, but if I were to make a list of all those references, I'd be here writing for days.
Let's dig a bit into who is Belphegor outside the game.
Belphegor is referenced in both Jewish and Christian traditions, he originates from the Moabites, a very ancient tribe that habited the region of Moab, an ancient Levantine kingdom. Belphegor is originally the Moabite god Baal-Peor, who was associated with fertility, sexual power, and orgies, then he was absorbed into Hebrew mythology and later into Christian demonology.
In Christian Demonology, Belphegor is one of the seven princes of hell, and he represents the deadly sin of Sloth. He is also associated with laziness, apathy, and negligence and his name means "Lord of the Opening"
Belphegor is physically described in many ways, a very interesting fact is that in the Dictionnaire Infernal, a book written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy that summed up, is an illustrated version of the demonology, he is described as always having his mouth open, and the hand placement he has in the banner that Prettybusy recently released could be making a reference to that.

(Another interesting fact is that he's said to be hard to conjure because his sacrificial offering is excrement, but I prefer to ignore that)
Belphegor is also referenced in the Kabbalah, which is like a philosophy, or to be more precise, an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought in Jewish mysticism that deals with the essence of God and the universe (I just copy&pasted this, it's a bit hard to explain, srry)
In the Kabbalah, guess what Belphegor is.
A fallen angel.
To be more precise, he was an angel in the order of the principalities.
Belphegor is known to be an enemy to the sixth sephiroth and the archdemon (or the leader) of the Togarini, they are the demonic counterparts to the angels that rule over the 10 Sephirot of the Tree of Life.
For context, the Sephirot are the ten emanations or attributes of God in Kabbalah.
I also read that some demons under the Togarini are Lilith, Samael, and Thaumiel, but there's very little information about that so I'm not going to use this as a fact.
The reason why he fell from grace is not explicitly mentioned, but it's somewhat implied that it was related to his association with the sixth Sephirah "Beauty" and the fact that he is depicted as a demon who tempts individuals with ingenious inventions, wealth, and discoveries (I also copy&pasted this)
It's also said that he rules over seduction, promiscuous men, and MISOGYNY.
I'm not sure if there are references from the Kabbalah in What in Hell is Bad, but if there were, it would be super interesting, as I said in the beginning, the game has a lot of references from various religions and beliefs, I would love to make a separate post about that just because I may have way too much free time to investigate that.
Or maybe I just spent 2 whole hours writing almost 700 words about a ton shit of things I barely know anything about and creating a theory just because of a black circle above a fictional character's head that it's probably just a horn just like @thrones-of-buer said on a post.
(I still have some doubts about that because it seems like in the new illustration that pb released of him today he has a unicorn horn just like Beelzebub, but I could be wrong)
This is just a theory tho, I'm most likely wrong, but I thought it would be interesting to share this with y'all :D
Sorry if there are any typos, I'm reaaally sleepy right now.
#You can tell i have a lot of free time#i know it's unrelated but Belphegor's horn looks really long#it would've been so cool if he had goat-like horns since in the Kabbalah he's associated with goats#whb#prettybusy what in “hell” is bad?#what in “hell” is bad?#whb belphegor#whb theory#pinkgy thoughts
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DC should give the Wonder Woman title to me instead of Tom King. I have whole arcs about Diana as a diplomat, politician, and teacher that I could write. DC PLEASE LET ME FIX HER JOB, DO AMAZONIAN WORLDBUILDING, AND BRING BACK HER CIVILIAN SUPPORTING CAST AGAIN!
Diana busts up an artifact smuggling ring and then has to deal with the international repatriation of ancient artifacts to their home countries. Bring back Helena Sandsmark and use Cassie in a supporting role.
Some major international incident occurs and Diana is running herself ragged trying to deal with it from multiple ends. She eventually has to choose between fulfilling her duty as Wonder Woman and dealing with the realities of being Themiscyra's official diplomatic presence at the UN.
Diana and Artemis have to work together to save some human trafficking victims and I get to write an exploration on the Themiscyran Amazons' isolationism vs. the Banas' interventionalism as methods of protection, self-defense, and dealing with collective trauma.
While setting up a cultural exchange project between the different Amazon tribes, Diana is appointed as the neutral representative to oversee an all-Amazonian Olympics/games festival. Shenanigans ensue as the goddesses start picking favorites and the games get gatecrashed by a mythological threat (aka "what Trial of the Amazons should have been about")
Diana, Artemis, and Donna decide to take Cassie and Yara on a traditional Amazonian coming-of-age journey. The story acts as a way to explore important touchstones of Amazon culture and the differing cultural and societal expectations they might face as adult women, both in their respective Amazonian tribes and in Man's World.
Nubia enlists Diana to go with her through Doom's Doorway to help retrieve some Amazons who were sucked in by a mythological threat while on guard duty. If they're still alive, they will be brought back to Themiscyra in celebration. If not, their bodies need to be retrieved for funerary rites and the women's re-entrance into the Well of Souls.
Exploring Donna as a linchpin connection point between the human world, all of the Amazon tribes, and the gods.
And so many others, because these are all largely Man's World and worldbuilding stories. Digging into her actual rogues gallery (Circe! Ares! Silver Swan! Doctor Poison!) and setting up bigger conflicts would be so much fun.
#I have just....soooo many ideas exploring Diana's role as a diplomat and teacher#SO MANY#LET ME WRITE THEM DC#dc comics#wonder woman#wonderfam#diana of themyscira#diana prince#donna troy#cassie sandsmark#yara flor#nubia of themyscira#artemis grace#writing ideas
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Melchom - Day 122
Race: Fallen
Alignment: Neutral-Chaos
October 8th, 2024

While I commonly point to the Ars Goetia for my demonic sources, another popular compendium of demons is the Dictionnaire Infernal, possibly the most popular and influential compendium on the metaphorical market. Filled with many fun facets and facts for understanding and enjoying Demonology, the book introduces several important concepts such as the demonic hierarchy and what society to demons may look like overall. The influence this book has is easy to see in many series that take inspiration from satanic works, and, of course, SMT is among those many. One standout figure from the pages of the book, however, is today's Demon of the Day, and a personal favorite- Melchom, the banker of hell.
Melchom's name and role share many similarities with Moloch, a major biblical figure that represents a lot of sin and evil. While, in Hebrew, Moloch means 'king,' it is typically referred to in the Bible as the name of several forms of sin that typically involve child sacrifice. Melchom may be an aspect or avatar of Moloch, though it's very vague, as his name is also similar to many other completely different figures- Milcom, for instance, who is another Ammonite god referred to in the Bible. We can put together from this, however, that Melchom was once an Ammonite deity in much the same vein, if not being the same as, Moloch or Milcom. However, for whatever reason, the Dictionnaire Infernal makes a stark reference to Melchom as his own being, putting him in a separate entry from Moloch and calling him the "Paymaster of civil servants." So, why is this?
According to a commentary on the Bible by scholar Jamieson Fausset Brown, the Ammonites worshiped a usurper god that they lived alongside within Gad, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. However, after the tribe of Gad was chased down by the Israelites, Melchom fell from his spot of divinity and became a demon, separate from Moloch, as, from what I can interpret, Moloch and Melchom had different methods of worship and different tribes overall: after all, Moloch was a Canaanite god, and Melchom an Ammonite one. (For the record, Ammonite in a biblical context refers to a race of people close to the Hebrews, not the funny little shell guys. Sorry to disappoint.) Now separated from his place of worship and a feeble demon once more, Melchom took up his job as the paymaster of hell, getting a single mention alongside his more powerful contemporaries in the Dictionnaire Infernal. To quote,
"Melchom, demon who carries the purse; he is in hell [sic] paymaster of civil servants."
Now, in terms of design, the stunning artwork from the Dictionnaire Infernal has been translated well into this far more cartoony but still accurate and fun imp-like paymaster. Everything has been adapted swimmingly, whether it be his goat hooves to his tail, even to his face stuck in a smug expression. However, again, it takes a far more cartoony lens which I honestly enjoy, with bat-wing ears and a big ol' necklace with a dollar sign on it to indicate his role as paymaster of hell. Overall, a fittingly goofy design for a demon whose fall from grace was equally as goofy, going from a god to a lowly paymaster. Still, I'd rather him than a landlord. At least a demon won't pretend to be nice while draining your wallet.
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Wrecker's Innate Archetype
This is the second instalment of my Bad Batch analysis. For the Bad Batch, I will separate their character analysis into two parts: innate archetypes and anima. I will be referring to “Gods in Everyman” by Jean Shinoda Bolen for this first part analysis.
Wrecker’s innate archetype is Ares, or Mars as the Romans called him, and he is the God of War. Ares was the least respected and honoured of the twelve Olympians by the Greeks because he represented the uncontrolled lust for battle and bloodshed. However, as Mars, the Romans held him in high regard because they viewed him as the protector of the community and the father of the twin founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus.
Characters who take on the Ares archetype are usually depicted as brawlers, and that includes Wrecker. With Ares, a surge of emotions is likely to evoke an immediate physical action. A person who identifies as Ares is in touch with their feelings and in their bodies. They are passionate, intense and can easily be caught up in the moment. Homer’s Iliad portrays Ares as a god who enjoys war for its own sake – the din and roar of battles, the slaughter and the destruction. We have seen multiple times that Wrecker loves being on the battlefield as he lets out battle cries as he fights and he gets frustrated when the battle is over without him. He normally uses his physical strength to take down his enemies, even excitedly turns himself into a “wrecking ball” as he rips apart various droids to clear a hallway in “Unfinished Business”.
An Ares person is active (some can be hyperactive, and this seemingly matches the headcanon that Wrecker has ADHD), emotional and expressive. They will usually protest loudly and their bodies will response to it, ranging from the redness of their face to the movement of their limbs. Wrecker has a habit of complaining loudly when he is starving, bored or in pain, and his body reacts to it as well. For example, in “Aftermath”, when Wrecker argues with Tech, he waves his finger angrily at Tech and slams his fists on the table. When he is experiencing his fear of heights, he verbally expresses it and he sometimes clings onto something for safety. When he is happy, he shows it through light shoulder punches, bear hugs and boisterous laughter. Basically, Wrecker is like a big child as described by his voice actor Dee Bradley Baker.
People who identify as Ares are drawn to action and intensity. They prefer occupations that present some risks over paperwork. For Wrecker, that will be anything related to detonations and weapons. Ares people like to work with other people and they value loyalty, courage and community. These values are upheld by the Wookiees, which explains why Wrecker gets along with them easily in “Tribe”.
As a positive Ares, Wrecker is energetic and sensitive, and is not afraid to express his emotions and vulnerabilities. For example, he admits that he and Crosshair cry upon seeing the new armoury in “Aftermath”. Moreover, as Ares, Wrecker can move on from one emotion to another quickly. This is seen as a good thing in most situations like in the episode “On the Wings of Keeradaks”, Wrecker pushes past his fear of heights to save Crosshair from falling. This trait also helps Wrecker to better regulate his emotions and aggression – he can quickly get aggressive in battle, but once the battle is over, he quickly reverts back to being a big child. This keeps the warrior within him in control. His ability to move on and let go quickly means he is not a grudge holder. This is evident in “Replacements” when Wrecker admits that he kind of misses Crosshair despite Echo reminding him that Crosshair shot him not long ago. However, this ability can be a problem at times. For example, in “Aftermath”, Wrecker thinks that the Empire isn’t so bad after checking out the new armoury and receiving unlimited explosives, despite earlier on, he was furious that Tarkin used live rounds on the Bad Batch during the battle simulation, which shows that the Empire does not care about their safety, and it is a red flag that he should have taken notice of.
As a positive Ares, Wrecker easily becomes an Earth Father who enjoys the company of children and is heavily involved with them. It is easy for him to get along with other people’s children like Cut and Suu’s children, but to father a child in long term (like adopting Omega), it serves as a challenge for him due to Ares’s “here-and-now moment” nature. Fortunately, he adapts well to fatherhood and he gives Omega a basic sense of being fathered. For example, he usually picks her up and takes her on his shoulder with him as he walks, he teaches her how to defuse a bomb, and he takes her to enjoy some Mantell Mix after a mission. Furthermore, he is naturally generous when he has something to give, just like how he gives Omega his tooka toy Lula, and shares rations with her.
Ares is a natural protector. In Greek mythology, Ares looks after his sons and daughters, even joining them in battle and punishing anyone who hurt them. As Mars, he fiercely protects the citizens of Rome. Wrecker has always been a protector: to his teammates during the Clone Wars, to Omega since their first meeting, even to the people in Pabu as he helps them, especially the seniors, to evacuate and rebuild Lower Pabu. He helps them to feel physically and emotionally secure.
However, the Ares archetype does have some limitations. People who identify as “only Ares” are easily provoked and tend to act impulsively. They usually act before they think, forgetting the consequences of their actions, and they usually do not have long-term plans. They are likely to speak something up in the heat of the moment that may be inappropriate or hurtful. They can get caught up in the moment and forget whatever they have been told. These limitations are seen in Wrecker multiple times. In “A Distant Echo”, Anakin reminds the Bad Batch and Rex that they are in a stealth mission so they should not make loud noises, but Wrecker quickly forgets about it and loudly charges towards the droids. In “Battle Scars”, it is revealed that Wrecker has been impulsively spending credits on Mantell Mix and putting the cost onto Cid’s tab, piling up the team’s debt. These limitations create problems for himself and the people around him.
Learning self-control is crucial to control the impulsive nature of Ares, and this lesson usually comes from first-hand experience. Other archetypes can be developed to help Ares, and these archetypes are Hermes, Apollo and Athena. Hermes, or the Romans called him Mercury, is the messenger of the gods, the god of speech and roads, and the protector of travellers and businessmen. He represents the ability to communicate and cleverly think on his feet. He can guide Ares out of a destructive situation by helping him to speak up something that deflects or defuses an emotionally charged situation. In “Replacements”, when Wrecker finds out that his fear of dying in a crash-landing may scare Omega, he quickly defuses the anxious situation by reassuring Omega that they are going to be fine. Besides, Wrecker sometimes takes advantage of his tall and large body build to intimidate others, so he can avoid using physical action. This Hermes archetype may have been cultivated by himself, or it may have been developed through Tech’s help because Hermes is one of Tech’s main archetypes.
Apollo, the God of the Sun, Arts, Music, Prophecy and Archery, can serve as an ally for Ares. Like Hermes, Apollo can help a person to get the situation into perspective and be mindful of the consequences. In addition, Apollo enables a person to use will and intellect effectively, to be mindful of time flowing, to be disciplined, emotionally distant and to have self-control so work can be done. The Apollo archetype can be developed through academic work and sport, and it is likely that this archetype is cultivated by Wrecker during his military training. You can check out this video by Generation Tech that explains his intellect.
Athena, or the Romans called her Minerva, is the Goddess of Wisdom, War and Crafts. In Greek mythology, Ares repeatedly gets defeated, wounded, insulted or shamed by Athena. Athena is favoured by the Greeks as she upholds the values of reason and restraint, while Ares is rejected due to his emotionality and lack of restraint. However, if this Athena archetype is rational, loving and non-judgmental, it can effectively help an Ares person to pause for reflection that changes an emotional reaction into a choice of action (this involves strategy, an Athena skill), just like how Athena is able to calm down Achilles, the Greek hero of the Trojan War whose temper is more like Ares. Wrecker is shown to have the Athena archetype within him when he acts strategically. For example, in “Entombed”, he demonstrates his strategic skills by telling Omega to shoot a window open so he can throw the fanged monster out, saving their lives. This Athena archetype may emerge from the person within, or be inspired by another person. As for Wrecker’s case, he may have developed it by himself, or be inspired by others, most probably Tech, who has a strong Athena anima. Omega, who also has an Athena archetype, does help Wrecker a few times as well, and she can enhance his Athena archetype.
Wrecker’s Ares-Apollo-Hermes-Athena combination is present when he teaches Omega how to defuse a bomb in “Reunion”. As a demolition expert (Ares archetype), he shares his interest with Omega and passes down his knowledge of how to disassemble a live thermal explosive (Athena anima). When Omega thinks it is easy to do so, Wrecker lets her do it and activates the bomb, giving her 10 seconds to complete the task. Since Omega is innately a Persephone (her archetypes are discussed in this link), she thrives in doing things according to her time and according to her way. However, if she is forced into a situation where time is limited and there is only one choice (like disarm the bomb or they will be goners), she struggles and panics because she feels trapped. Although she has most of the wires memorized, she does not know which wires to cut and asks Wrecker to help her, but he refuses. Running out of time, she acts impulsively and ends up cutting the wrong wire. After they take cover, it is revealed to be a prank set up by Wrecker for he has used a smoke bomb, not an actual explosive (this is associated with the Hermes archetype because Hermes is a trickster). This lesson that Wrecker gives to Omega is crucial for her development as a soldier. He teaches her to be mindful of the flow of time, to be confident in using and acting on her will and intellect, and to control her emotions under stressful situations, which are skills associated with Apollo. Besides, experience is the best teacher, and this lesson certainly is a memorable one for her – to remind her that she still has more to learn.
In the patriarchal society, thinking, rationality and emotional distance are idealized values. Zeus, Apollo, Hermes and Athena represent these values; hence, they were favoured by the Greeks. In Greek mythology, Zeus hates Ares, just like the patriarchy devalues and rejects Ares. As a result, the Ares archetype is being repressed – it is undeveloped and bottled up, like Ares being locked away in a bronze jar. This repression causes people (mostly men) to lose access to their feelings, and these feelings can manifest into uncontrollable anger, violence and abuse, which are all negative traits of Ares.
The Bad Batch does deserve some credit in helping Wrecker to develop his Ares archetype positively (along with his anima which is discussed in this link). I imagine that Wrecker probably got into many fights and troubles when he was a cadet, and Hunter, Tech and Crosshair (especially Hunter) have to be firm, loving and patient towards him. They give Wrecker the emotional support to be himself, to pursue his own interests and talents, and to embrace his temperament. They allow him to be physically and emotionally expressive without judgment, and they also teach him to have self-control and be mindful of future consequences. Even though Tech sometimes rolls his eyes or does the side-eye when he is annoyed at Wrecker’s whining, he accepts his physical affection and smiles when he gets to express it. For example, in “Battle Scars”, Tech smiles when Wrecker gives Rex a bear hug, which is his way of showing affection, and in “Rescue on Ryloth”, Tech smiles when Wrecker expresses his happiness to do some damage. Even Echo, who later joins the Bad Batch, tolerates Wrecker’s physical affection (which he is usually taken by surprise or is uncomfortable with it), and accepts him for who he is.
It is important for the Bad Batch to appreciate Wrecker as a spontaneous, impulsive and emotional person, and guide him to properly control his emotionality. If they do not, Wrecker would have become a violent abuser, perhaps resembling that time his inhibitor chip got activated (but more unpredictable and aggressive), and that is no doubt terrifying.
#star wars#star wars the bad batch#sw the bad batch#sw tbb#the bad batch#the bad batch analysis#tbb#tbb analysis#the bad batch wrecker#tbb wrecker#wrecker bad batch#wrecker tbb#bad batch wrecker#wrecker the bad batch#clone force 99#archetypal psychology#archetypes#gods in everyman#the bad batch meta#tbb meta#star wars the clone wars#star wars clone wars#sw the clone wars#sw clone wars#the clone wars#clone wars#star wars tcw#sw tcw
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Hey guys!
Today I'm gonna do something different...
An analysis of the translation of the Japanese memories, so let's get started!
This is all thanks to @mochilorddrakeinferno, who compiled all this data into a folder. I'll have a very pleasant read thanks to you :)
It should be noted that these are all my assumptions and my ideas, so I invite you to create your own =)
Memory 1:
Blumiere (narrating): “That day… That room was warm and calm. Complete tranquility.”
Blumiere: “U-Urgh…” Timpani: “You’re awake…?” Blumiere: “Where… am I? Is this… a human’s home…? Gah!” Timpani: “Don’t move. I found you unconscious beneath the cliffs. You must have fallen.” Blumiere: “You’re human, aren’t you? Do I not frighten you? I’m from the Tribe of Darkness…” Timpani: “What are you talking about? You can’t just ignore someone when they're injured, right?” Blumiere (narrating): “That was the day we first met… It was also… When tragedy began to unfold…”
So, first of all, the way that Blumiere
The way Blumiere narrated at the beginning gives us to understand that the place where Timpani was taking care of him gave him a feeling of peace and security, perhaps unlike his own familiar environment.
Besides, Timpani in his next dialogue says "cliffs" in plural, perhaps giving us the idea that the tribe of darkness created those cliffs to separate themselves from the human world.
I also feel like this point is lost by the impact of Tippi’s words, as here she simply assumes that anyone with common sense would help him, whereas the American version shows that a person with a heart shouldn’t ignore someone who is hurt. And this point is something that is developed later on in the game, precisely when the Count Bleck appears to the heroes in Chapter 6-2, as it shows how much he has fallen into despair over his loss and how at that point in the game, he says that the heart is useless, as if to somehow negate what Timpani told him here.
In this case I'll stick with the American version.
Memory 2
Timpani: “You’re late… Did something happen?”
Blumiere: “My father saw me trying to leave the castle, so it took me a while to do so…”
Timpani: “…I thought you might not have come. I was a little worried.”
Blumiere: “You’re a strange one… Are you not afraid of meeting with someone from the Tribe of Darkness?”
Timpani: “None of that matters to me… I just wanted to see you… Is that… wrong?”
Blumiere: “No, not at all… I wanted to see you too…”
Timpani: “Blumiere… May I sit next to you?”
Blumiere: “Of course, Timpani. Let’s continue our conversation from before. I want to know even more about you…”
At the beginning of the Japanese version, it seems that Blumiere’s father “punished” him in some way, and that Blumiere rebelled against him, just to see Timpani. And then, it seems that Timpani was really worried about him, maybe because it’s not the first time this has happened, as if she knew the threat that Blumiere’s father represents, instead, the English version shows Timpani’s fear that his love is not reciprocated, that he was going to stand up her.
And then, in the Japanese version, it is shown as if Blumiere knew that his tribe is dangerous and is surprised that Timpani would want to see him, despite what that entails. And in the English version, along these same lines, the difference with the Japanese version is shown, because, it seems more that she says it because of her physical appearance, as if emphasizing the dividing line that exists between them: “You are a strange girl… You know what I am and yet you don’t seem to be afraid.”
But, as Timpani answers him, it is clear that she does not care at all about that barrier, and questions if that is SO bad to break the rules of their tribes to not see each other. In Japanese, this same line shows that Timpani does not mind taking the risks involved in seeing a member of the tribe of darkness, and there is more of a romantic side since she wanted to see him, and she questions if those rules are so important that they could not see each other.
And what Blumiere answers in the next scene shows that he is more rooted in his customs, and sees it from a more technical side, if it is wrong, but, deep down he feels that it is okay, because he also wanted to see her; his mind tells him it's wrong, but his heart tells him otherwise. And in English, Blumiere's romantic side is seen.
But now, in the next expression that Timpani says: "Do you mind if I sit next to you" and "Can I sit next to you" there is a clear difference. In the first one it seems that Timpani wants to know if Blumiere accepts her, and if he has the same conviction of wanting to know each other better. And in the Japanese version, it seems Timpani wants to emphasize that despite their obvious differences, she asks for permission to connect with Blumiere on a deeper level.
Now, what Blumiere says in English clearly shows their mutual interest and how he is somehow desperate to get to know her more. And in the other version, you can see how he has paid attention to her and is eager to get to know even more this girl who has captivated him and also that their past conversations have been very meaningful to him.
Some other differences I saw in the Japanese version, in general, of this memoir, is that both communicate with many ellipses, showing in a more direct way the romantic tension; as if both think a lot about their answers because they want to be liked by the other. They seem more nervous, but at the same time more convinced.
Here I think I'd lean more towards the Japanese version. But tell me what you think. And wait for the analysis of the other memories. Ciao!
#spm#super paper mario#count bleck#tippi#the memories#analysis#character analysis#analysis post#my theories#my resarches
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apparently I don't have an askbox
sent in my messages: you don't have an askbox for me to drop this in anyway list 5 best fire emblem dancers TOP FIVE BEST FIRE EMBLEM DANCERS. Dancers, or "refreshers" are my all time favourite Fire Emblem class. It was really hard to whittle it down! In descending order. 5. Lene Great storyline, strong relationships with other characters! I love Lene's softness, her connection to Ares and their sweet & sour dynamic, the way she begins as an outsider to Seliph's cause, and her *iconic* green and purple redesign from the TCG. Especially juicy with Sylvia/Levin and their delicious parent/child conversation. 4. Reyson Whatever my overall Tellius feelings, the bird tribes storyline is great. Reyson's whole concept -- an obligate pacifist raised among fierce warriors -- is delightful, and his ties to both bird kings are great. I love the way he admires Tibarn and resists his own peaceful nature, and who doesn't love a beautiful bitchy twink? 3. Sylvia Lene's mum also made it on the list. Sylvia is in so far over her head. She reflects the major Act 1 theme of "history happens to you while you aren't looking." When she joins the army, she's in her pay grade. By the end, she's SO far out of it but keeps doggedly pushing on with girlish determination. I especially love Levin/Sylvia and how she represents freedom and escape for him. 2. Nils Nils is very special to me. The characterization I love with him is how grown up he is, how mature. He wants to be the one to protect his older sister. He sees himself as an adult and has all these dark feelings of bitterness, jealousy, frustration, and longing all going on t once. The push and pull between missing home, loving Ninian but hating humans, and wanting his sister to be happy creates an impossible dilemma for him. It's great. 1. Ninian Oh SHOCKER it's the queen, here on top. Ninian is one of my all time comfort characters. I adore her. She rewired my brain. I love her beautiful, delicate character design, evoking frost and deep snow, but my worship of her aesthetic pales in comparison to her story. The anguish, the guilt, the self-loathing, the heart-beating-in-your-throat hope and the crushing despair, the tragic twist and the happy ending, it's all flawless to me. The sight of Eliwood bridal carrying her into their ending never fails to fill me with joy. She is my everything.
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Historical Perspectives on Arelis, the First Empire of Bayetzian Civilization
In my setting, called the 'Kantriverse' after the Kingdom of Kantrias (which sort of serves as the Protagonist nation of the setting, or at least the one I focus on the most), there was a great city that had a master of magic still unequaled that rose on the lip of the Canyon of Ghosts, above the shores of Lake Orman, and that city was called Arelis. It built a mighty empire, and fell after more than a thousand years, once dominating from one end of the continent of Bayetz to the other in networks of trade, tribute and daughter-cities, but withdrawing overtime. Many of it's ruins have been swallowed up by the Glass Desert, the surviving daughter cities diverged and merging with the desert nomads that the original Arelans disdained.
But study of Arelis continues now, even more than a 1500 years after the city was emptied. Attempts to study or even reclaim the city of Arelis itself have failed time and again, earning it the grim moniker 'Kingdom of the Empty Throne', and yet, even now, people still pick over the ruins left behind all over the continent. Some for magic, some for knowledge, some for wealth. It may be the start of an age of Steam and Industry, but the stones and bronze of Arelis still hold mysteries unknown.
But everyone has a different opinion on Arelis - the people below are meant to be generally representative of common threads of opinion, though by no means do they represent the only opinions, or the only opinions in their respective nations, though in many cases they do represent a dominant trend at least within a significant segment of their country/culture.
One thing I do like to do with my setting is think about the history as perceived in-universe. As the 'omniscient narrator' of the setting, I do spend more time thinking what is the actual truth of it all, establishing the factual clear timelines and known historical causes and effects, but in-universe, of course, that's not how the study of history or archeology would go.
There is also a map of Bayetz to provide a bit of a frame of reference for locations mentioned above. https://i.ibb.co/ys4JjCb/Bayetz-Map-With-Borders-and-Disputed-Territory.png
"My tribe was here, in the desert, before Arelis was built on the lip of that howling Canyon. My tribe was here, in the desert, when Arelis rose and straddled the continent. My tribe was here, in the desert, when the Empire forged by Arelis crumbled and fell. My tribe is here, in the desert, now that Arelis is an empty city of ghosts and dust, a corpse your people pick upon like flies. My tribe will be here, in the desert, when your Kingdoms crumble to ash and dust and are picked over by those who come after you."
-Alzarhus, son of Morhmaan, elder shaman of a Marlion tribe in the Glass Desert
"Arelis was once the very pinnacle of civilization, unequaled in the sophistication of its bureaucracy and administrative apparatus for centuries, until the modern era, really. Their constructions dwarf almost anything else, even what we build today with the aid of steam-powered devices and constructs. Their magic outstripped even the greatest of our mages and witches. It was a glorious Empire... built on the back of slavery, conquest, exactatory tribute and a top-heavy administration that shattered when circumstances turned against it. I can admire Arelis for its glories and successes, but Kantrias stands today as an Empire that may not rival Arelis's in size, but certainly does so in greatness."
-Doctor Rabius Khaine, Professor of History at the Royal Kantrian Academy of the Arts and Sciences, Capital City Campus
"Arelis? Arelis was merely another conqueror. They destroyed the Vampire-Kings of the Barrier Peaks, and set to rule us on the banks of the River. First they divided tribe from tribe, then city from city, then King from King. When that failed, they set out to claim us directly. But Arelis, for all it's magical glory and greatness, did not adapt, so slaved to how they built their Empire in the first place. It took centuries, but our forebears in the Old Thovartans wore them down, just as we did to eventually drive out Voluz. Their magics are worthy of study, of mimickry, when they do not cross into vile practices. The history of the Empire is of useful and admittedly interesting study. But I do not research Arelis, I do not plunder its ruins for magic and for art to honor it, the way some of you southerners do. But to profit from it, in mind, spirit and gold."
-Tarondo Vazagand, Explorer, Adventurer and member in good standing of the Arelis Research Society, Angron Chapter, in the Mazandian Union
"Arelis was both our first, and perhaps greatest enemy, and our first, and perhaps greatest teacher. The cities that arose on the shores of the Sea of Storms were copied from the daughter-cities Arelis built in our midst. We paid them their tribute, studied their ways, and in time, under the greatest of Fathers and Kings, Patroyvi Vanivora, we destroyed them. The forebear of the Despots of the North commanded the winter against those desert peoples, and destroyed them at Lake Gradstal. And yet, even after Arelis exacted tribute but did not punish, we continued to study, to learn, and to exceed them. Arelis fell, and Voluz endures. It is by the grace of the Triumvirate Gods and their Vice-Regents in the Emperors and Empresses of Voluz that Voluz has survived for so long, existing for longer than even Arelis. And yet, Arelis still teaches, by example of its fall and the sins thereof."
-Uruslavi Theondoptava, Patriarch of Kargengate for the Volutian Triumvirate Church
"Arelis? There is little to say of Arelis. They did not bother with us here, in the Vale. I do not know if they feared our elementalists or feared the great distance and cost to reach us or if they did not find value in our lands. Save for that one fortress that studied the nature of our Vale, ignoring and ignored by my forebears, Arelis had no impact on us. And yet, that fortress, with their tablets, gave Kolyat the information he needed to Know Truth, and to give rise to the Elemental Mysteries, that Truth that binds our people together. But Kolyat was a singular mind, and with his long life, he would have Known Truth eventually. Arelis merely sped up the process."
-Archmage Blean-Trai, Archon of the Fire Tower in Kolyat-Var.
"There's an art to faking an Arelan artifact. You don't want to fake anything anyone's going to test, of course. No blades or anything bronze really. And you have to be careful about not making it look too perfect. In my experience, Third Dynasty is the way to go. It's easy to copy the blue glaze, and it's all the rage in Kantrias. Hah! Nothing makes me happier than to know I'm feeding my family by selling trash to some ignorant merchant in that pestilent kingdom of busybodies!"
-Guradam Ylessien, Forger in Al-Maliya
"Arelis never subjugated the Baleric peoples. The Free Cities have always been free. But it would be wrong to say Arelis played no role in us. To be Baleric was to not be Arelan. It has always taken a strong enemy to bind our peoples together, for we love our homes and cities far more than our kin in distant lands. To be Baleric was to be everything Arelis was not, to succeed at everything Arelis failed in. Or at least, to aspire to both. I sometimes wonder how some of my kin justify enslaving the Lizardmen, when Arelis built itself on Slavery."
-Arkturan thel'Kaeris, patrician and polymath in Iranserra, in the League of Free Cities
"Arelis? That's some city in the endless sands to the south? I have better concerns than to study such a place. Disdain us all you want, but our story, our history here in the Moors is of far more interest and value to me. What care I what some Empire gloried to far from here? The stories and battles and deaths of my forebears, the study of our towns and castles, the lords and councils here, in the Moors, is of better value - and aye, better interest. It's the stories of people, of the foibles of Moorish men and women, not the stories of cities and monuments and Priest-Kings. Arelis! Bah! Come to me when you can speak with authority on the battles fought by Hanzor against the mountain tribes!"
-Ottoron of Vaelstal, well-regarded historian in the High Moors
"Why do I buy so many Arelan artifacts to display in my mansion? Why else, but to prove I can afford to? My vineyards and my fishing fleets keep me rich, but there's no value in money kept in a vault. One must keep score, and the best way to do that is to impress your friends and enemies with what you spend your money on. My grandmother had an extensive collection of Porcelain from Guayas, but fifteen years ago even fatherless merchants with but a few ships to their name could have some of that now. And so now I buy Arelan artifacts. Only the best, only the most expensive, of course. Come, let me show you my latest acquisition: a bronze ceremonial sword from the First Dynasty. Cost me a fortune at auction, but well worth it, given everyone who saw me buy it."
-Count Velazkych Grodno, prominent nobleman in Vorstock, in the Dominion of Korvall
"There is no 'Aurelian Consensus on Arelis' anymore than there's an Aurelian consensus on anything but staying independent and united. Ask the Noreshi, and the general opinion you'll get is that the Arelans were monsters and brutes, too uncreative to think of ways to build empires but on the backs of slaves. Ask the Batharites, and Arelis was the Great ur-Mother of modern civilizations. Ask ten Vrisi and you'll get twenty answers, but then that's why you don't ask a Vrisi. I think that Arelis was the most powerful state to rise on this continent, yes, and I think they left a legacy that still guides many kingdoms and states today. I also think it was guilty of every sin of Empire. I know the Kantrians and Volutians like to think they've avoided the sins of Arelis, and aye, they don't trade in slaves, don't trade in the vile magics Arelis was said to by the end, but they commit all the same sins of Empire beside. And yet - Arelis's name is burned onto the pages of history. My father once said 'Might doesn't make right. But it does make people notice you.' And unfortunately, he may just be correct."
-Doctor Breldne Cessawiry, Professor of Theology and Philosophy at the Grand Collegium in Rindoc in the Commonwealth of Auralia
#Worldbuilding#Fantasy History#Fantasy Worldbuilding#Writing#Fantasy Historiography#I don't even know how to tag this to get the most eyes#The Kantriverse
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(Trigger Warnings: Mentions of self harm, suicide, violence, fictional religious aspects, s3x work, mental health issues)
Worldbuild Lore: Mystic Tribe
Once known as Sauron's most loyal adepts, the Mystics were infamous for their sorcery skills; according to legends, such skills could reach the point of flawless necromancy. Their cloaks of darkness, the green flames of their magics, their chants and their unflinching determination in the face of death were the trademarks of their faction.
Forming the back of the forces, this tribe's main duty was to raise the fallen troops from the dead, diminishing the losses suffered in battles and ensuring victory even after crushing numbers in casualties for the Dark Lord's army. Other notable contributions were in cursing the enemy lines, healing wounded soldiers and using clairvoyance to gather valuable information. Their main feature to boast about is at successfully compiling and learning most of Sauron's ancient dark arts, thus forming an entire horde of talented witches and scholars under his command.
As for their mindsets, the most typical trait is the morbid humor along with complete disregard for the respects one should pay for the fallen. Another feature is the permanent arrogance as well as high levels of intelligence, dexterity and logical thinking. It is no easy feat to trick a mystic, much less to impress them. Hand-to-hand combat or heavy weaponry are nothing of importance compared to a sharp intellect and even sharper skills in casting spells of all sorts. The mystic orcs usually tend to have a more spiritual perspective of life, and many are actually superstitious. There is a traditional deference in place for the teachers amongst apprentices, forming an hierarchical web of bonds between generations of mystics; many pride themselves and even feel a sense of belonging in their scholarship lineages. Strangely though, some apprentices may display signs of loss of mental health at the start of their training, requiring their masters to take measures to cull self harm tendencies in their classes of students.
The Mystic Tribe's domain is aptly named Vogaumtarband; there, schools of all kinds can be found, mainly the schools of witchcraft and alchemy. Scholarships, although expensive at times, are still accessible if the student earns the acceptance of tutelage from one of the teachers. Services such as fortune telling, potion trades, sorcerers for hire, religious rites, and libraries, are widely offered to the Haven. The entire burgh is almost a temple in itself, built of marbles, of gemstones, of silver and petrified woods, rising from the grounds in the shape of towers and palaces that blanket the entire area in shadow. Though not many guards are present, countless sentries are visible perched atop the walls and rooves, keeping their sacred home safe from robbers. The Haven's mausoleums are also located at this burgh, and every day many citizens arrive to leave offerings for their lost comrades. Some fear wandering for too long inside due to loose spells cast by apprentices being a far too common hazardous occurrence.
One might argue that the mystics hold even stricter discipline than the warmongers, another might cite their cult of wisdom, yet their greatest deed is that of consolation: the mystics are known at the Haven for their preachings, which act like verbal remedies for the souls of the crowds, encouraging many to abandon the seeking of their own deaths, comforting those who experience grief, settling disputes before they blow into violent altercations, amongst various other effects. The Haven wouldn't be so safe and peaceful without their influence.
-Overlord: Kûpash The Damned (current head parson of Black Blood Haven’s cultist order and the royal seer)
-Warchiefs: Ur-Zunn The Cursemaker, Ûggû The Whisper, Grak The Matriarch, Ar-Gahu The Acidic
-Captains: approximately 45 of them, with Grisha The Gentle as their main representative
Brand: The ritualistic star circle of ten points, surrounded by two more circles of runes and with Sauron's eye at the center, representing their worship of the Dark Lord as well as his ancient magics
Societal Relationships:
-Machine Tribe: Clashes with the machines are common, for the machines are skeptical of the power of the mystics, while the mystics have disdain for the technological advancement the machines bring
-Terror Tribe: Currently good relations, since both share the enjoyment of spooking others; terrors receive special treatment and discounted pricing at the temples and schools of mystics
-Slaughter Tribe: Often sought after for they are amongst the only ones who can properly extract and prepare potion and alchemy ingredients out of animal sources, though the slaughters still find necromancy distasteful for it is "to play with food" in their opinion
-Feral Tribe: Ferals are often fanatical adepts of seeking the advice of mystics, for few seem to have as much insight into the souls of animals and other living beings as mystics; sometimes, ferals also help by offering free ingredients and other materials to the mystics as gratitude for their services in taming aggressive beasts more peacefully than the terrors do
-Outlaw Tribe: Neutral relations sometimes, some others have clashes due to the outlaws holding a rebellious rejection of the cult for Melkor and Sauron; outlaws often get banned for vandalizing temples
-Warmonger Tribe: Currently neutral relations, though many ridicule the warmongers for their fear of necromancer magics
-Courtesan Tribe: Many mystics were once courtesans, and many mystics become courtesans afterwards, leading to rather firm bonds between the tribes, though many believe it might be because some mystics have admiration for life bringers such as broodmothers and vatkeepers; many courtesans study fortune telling under the tutelage of mystic trainers
-Suture Tribe: Tight bonds, though there is the neverending rivalry between the tribes over which is the best as healers
-Marauder Tribe: Bards are terrified of them, other marauders either ignore or appease them with false adulation due to the superstitious belief that mystics can bless or curse the businesses at will
-Dark Tribe: Relatively good relations, thanks to the darks often purshasing poisons and other tools for murder and espionage from them, as well as the high number of darks who seek blessings from the shadow priests
-Rover Tribe: Great relations, for the mystics are not foolish to ignore the fact that their source of income would not exist without the merchants bringing in imported materials and constantly paying for blessings and fortune telling
-Other orcs (goblins, hobgoblins, etc): These goblins and orcs hold much respect and consideration for the Mystic Tribe, not only because they already have culturally the same acknowledgement for their own priests, but also because it was this tribe who persisted on baptizing them into their cults in order to force The Orc King into granting them citizenship until his royal decrees changed, allowing these orc races to become citizens as soon as they moved into the city
-Pinkskins (humans, half-elves and half-orcs): Pretty much same as the other orc races, though a few of the pinkskins sometimes reject their religion as something unholy and vile
Foreigners (The Free Folks as a whole): The Mystic Tribe is fully aware of how they would be demonized and hunted down for their faith by The Free Folks, so they keep themselves as concealed from them as possible
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EYE ··· Idol of Atargates from Petra ··· Eye imagery in many forms is associated with the goddess Al-ʻUzzā Arabic: العزى al-ʻUzzā
Hubal - god of war, victory in battle, fortune, and rainfall; husband of the goddess Al-Uzza.
Manaf - god of mountains
Quzah - god of storms, thunder, and clouds; husband of Manat. Thunder, said to be the battle-cry of Quzah, was believed to scare away spirits of disease and misfortune. The rainbow that appeared after rain was considered by the people of Mecca to be a ladder to the heavens.
Isaf and Na'ila - Meccan water deities: the dual guardian spirits of the holy well of Zamzam
Duwar - goddess of maidens; she was worshiped by the youngest women of the Banu Quraysh
Al-Ikrimah - god of fertility; his idol was a statue of a dove carved from aloe wood
Dhātu-Anwāt - goddess of trees
Suwā - goddess of night, beauty, and freshwater springs
Ar-Rā'iyu (’The One Who Sees’) - god of dreams and prophecy. All dreams were considered to be messages from the gods in pre-Islamic Arabia and oracles specialized in interpreting them. This god was believed to be an all-seeing guardian.
Al-Mundhir - a west Arabian god of justice, whose name means “The Cautioner”
Yaghuth - (“He Helps”) the south Arabian god of strength, courage, and war; had an idol that was a statue of a lion which was situated on a hill in Yemen
Yahwah - north Arabian weather god, worshiped as a divine warrior who rides on the clouds and leads the armies of Heaven. In the religion of the Hebrew tribes of ancient Palestine, their deity Yahweh was originally one god among many; although in later times he developed into a major tribal god and eventually the Hebrews elevated him to the status of an all-powerful creator god above all the others: a position that was held previously by El, who became an epithet of Yahweh.
Bahar (or Bajar) - god of the ocean
Rudā - a central Arabian rain goddess; brought droughts when angered
Nahastāb - a south Arabian fertility god who was worshiped by the Minaean Arabs. This god was associated with serpents who were recognized as omens of bounty and fertile ground.
Su’ayr - north Arabian god of oracles
Al-Jalsad - south Arabian god of pastures and fields
Ashar - north Arabian god of war
Ni'mat - north Arabian goddess of fortune
Hāwlat - goddess of magic and power; patroness of the oases of Dumah and Hejra. The name of the goddess means “to change (fortunes)” and “to avert”.
Abgal - north Arabian tutelary god; god of the desert and the patron of Bedouins and caravan drivers
Amm’anas - south Arabian god of agriculture
Nasr - god of the deep desert whose idol was a sculpture of a large vulture (in some sources an eagle) that was situated in a temple in the village of Balkha in Yemen. The sacred animal of Nasr, the vulture, was venerated by his worshipers as a totem of insight and sharp character; as well as this, the god represented the hostile and unforgiving aspects of nature, in particular, the desert.
Dhātu-Ba'dan - south Arabian goddess of oases, nature, and the wet season
Taraha - north Arabian goddess of fortune and prosperity. This goddess was also known as Tadha and was believed to watch over the tombs of the dead.
Al-Ghurab - god of the dead; his idol was in the form of a raven that was housed in the Ka'aba along with 360 other idols of gods and goddesses. Ravens were sacred to this god as guardians of the spirits of the dead
Kuthrā (“The Most Rich”) - central Arabian goddess of prosperity and fortune
Khomar - south Arabian god of wine and vineyards
Ya’uq is the south Arabian god of protection and preservation who was associated with swift thought and intelligence
Salman (or Salim) - god of oases, peace, and harmony. In the religion of the western Semites, Shalim was a god of the underworld and the dusk, and his name ’Shalim’ (Peace) was meant as an allegory for the peace of the grave.
Rahmaw (or Rahmanan) - south Arabian god of mercy and protection, whose mythology was later absorbed into that of the creator god Allah.
Al-Jadd - god of luck
Jihār - west Arabian god of longevity, wisdom, and marketplaces
Isāt - south Arabian goddess of fire; counterpart to the Canaanite fire goddess Ishat, wife of Moloch
Yurhim - god of joy and happiness
Harimtu (or 'Athiratan) - south Arabian goddess of fertility; the mother of the gods and the wife of the sky god Ilmaqah
Ilmuqah (also known as Ilumquh and Almaqah) - south Arabian god of the sky and the chief tribal deity of the Sabaean Arabs. He was worshiped as the protector of artificial irrigation and his divine symbol was a cluster of lightning bolts surrounding a curved sickle. Bulls were the sacred animals of Ilmuqah. His name means “The God Who Gives Health”
Shay al-Qawm - god of war, valour, and the night
Qaynan - god of metalworkers and smiths
Al-Kutbay (or al-Aktab) - god of writing, prophecy and merchants who was the scribe of the gods and recorder of all deeds and events
Raziqa (or Razeka) - goddess of the earth and fertility who was worshiped by the ancient tribes of Thamud and 'Ād as a provider of food and sustenance.
Nuha (or Nahi) - north Arabian goddess of wisdom and intelligence
Hafidha - goddess of travel and journeys
Thu'ban - god of snakes; believed to be a giant serpent who guarded the treasures in the well of the Ka'aba of Mecca.
Hilāl - god of the moon; provided relief and dew for the weary desert nomads and their flocks. The waning crescent moon which was first visible before and after a new moon, heralded the start of Ramadan: this was a sacred time for the pagan Arabs of Mecca and the Hijaz, during which they fasted and feasted. Shams - goddess of the sun and the chief goddess of the Himyar tribal confederation; believed by the inhabitants of the fertile lands of south Arabia to be a preserver of crops and domestic life, while other tribes with more intense heat viewed her as a destroyer of lands. She was both respected and feared.Athtar - god of the planet Venus (linked with the Canaanite god Attar). Athtar is the provider of water and a protector of irrigation systems. His sacred symbol is a spear-point as he is also a war god, and his sacred animal is the Arabian oryx (antelope). Akhwar - god of righteousness and the planet Jupiter 'Utarid - god of intelligence, learning, writing, eloquence, and Mercury Azizan (also known as Azizos) is the north Arabian god of the planet Mars who was associated with victory in battle and was depicted as riding on a camel alongside his brother Mun'im Nakruh - god of the planet Saturn Dhu’l-Samawi - god of the night sky, the stars, and the constellations whose name translates as “Lord of the Heavens”. Bedouin tribes would bring their animals to the shrine of Dhu’l-Samawi when they were injured and they also sent sick people to reside at his shrine in order to receive healing. Shangilā - north Arabian god of stars Ash-Shi'rā - goddess of the Sirius star; believed to bestow wealth and good fortune Ath-Thurayya - goddess of the Pleiades star cluster As-Simāk (’The Uplifted One’) is a west Arabian star god who was the deification of the star Arcturus in the constellation of Bootes and was worshiped to bring riches, renown and honor. The symbol of the god was the lance (ar-rimah) and was also named as Haris as-Samā’, 'the Guardian of Heaven’. Al-Dabaran (“The Follower’’) - god of the star Aldebaran Underworld Deities: Mawt - god of death and sterility; the Arabian counterpart of the Canaanite god Mot; sacred animals of Mawt are owls. After a person died, their soul (nafs) was believed to descend to the land of Mawt, the akhirah; where they lead a calm, yet gloomy, existence as spirits (arwah) and as shades (ashbah). The Arabs believed the Underworld to be neither a place of reward nor punishment, but simply as a state of existence without pain or pleasure that most people would lead as a shabah or shade. But the spirits of priests and powerful and honoured people were believed to ascend to a heavenly otherworld (al-Munqalab) or the sky (as-Sama’) itself, where they would enjoy the company of the gods and angels (mala'ikah) and would have power over human affairs in the Dunyā (the material world).Hawkam - god of justice and the Judge of the Dead Ba'alat-Sahra - a north Arabian goddess of the Underworld and the desert; she was an important goddess of the nomadic Semites; known to the Amorite tribe of southern Syria as Belet-Seri, the wife of their chief god Amurru. Qaysha - south Arabian funerary goddess Hawran - underworld god who presided over the spirits of disease which he could protect from or send at will as punishment; protected people from the venom of snakes. Al-Muharriq - underworld god who was represented as a fierce deity at a red shrine and whose sacred animal was an adult male lion (usamah). Al-Muharriq, like his Babylonian counterpart Nergal, had a wrathful disposition; he was believed to send diseases and plagues if he was angry with the population. The name of the god means ’'the Burner” as he represented the scorching heat of the desert, as well as the heat of disease and fire.
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Infernal Academy
You’ve probably heard countless stories about magical schools for humans, witches, wizards, monsters, gods, and even animals. But what about angels and demons? Those are a whole different level. The demonic plane is not just fire and brimstone, it is a marvelous world of divine shapeshifting beings, mighty armies, splendent royalty and buildings made of precious stones.
The Ars Goetia Academy (Ars Paulina Academy is the opposite rival school in the angelic plane with the 72 angels). Here, demons learn how to be productive members of society with several subjects: Dark Magic, Herbs and Stones, Necromancy, Animal Riding, Love and Lust taught by Clitora the Succubus, Alchemy, Astronomy, Element Manipulation, Mental Manipulation, and, of course, warfare and royalty etiquette. The school has 13 tribes: Lion, Crocodile, Leopard, Horse, Raven, Snake, Camel, Bear, Ram/Bull, Griffin, Wolf, Dog/Cat and hidden Angel. (Other animals are honored but those are the main ones).
But the most controversial class of all is “Interacting With Mortals, Aliens and Other Races.” The hardest class in demonic history? “Guiding Your Human Charges.” Not very many demons like humans or angels or any other species (especially their Jinn cousins). But Lucifer, Lilith, the Seven Princes of Hell and the Ars Goetia have volunteered to brush aside their fallen past and embrace their duty to evolve themselves and other souls to Source (Because all souls are the same in essence). But some demons are fascinated by humans and living a physical life. (Though the thought of losing memories and powers scares even the toughest demon). Helping mortals evolve by becoming familiars of the Ars Goetia and the royal divine to pass on their messages to humans who need them. Like helping a classroom of a thousand kids at once! But they also have to gain approval from not only the royal, but the mortal’s spirit guides and guardians so that the soul’s life plan can continue as normal.
Our main character prepares to live a human life to try and eventually return to Source and Heaven once again, to prove to the others that angels, demons, humans, aliens etc. can all live in harmony as One. But they have to train to become a familiar to one of the Goetias and/or the royal divine families. And with astral parasites and dark energies attacking mortals, earthbound spirits roaming around, angel disagreements, various gods claiming mortals, as well as the complexities of life reviews, karma and life planning, even for divine beings and demons…all very complex. To make matters worse, our character is assigned to a traumatized mortal who is scared of spirits and demons due to a Christian/material “death is the end” upbringing. Can they help bridge the eons gap between mortals and the divine?
Ars Goetia Noble Institution (A.G.N.I.) (Agni word for fire) Symbol is in red, downward angel wings of flame, a downward pitchfork and a pointed tail on the bottom against a black background
12 interconnected Goetia “Tribes” + subtle hidden “Angel” one that connects them all
Camel – desert, Arabic/Egyptian traits, determined, hardworking, enduring
Crocodile – aggression, water element, stealth
Lion – bravery, courage, royalty, fire element, leadership
Leopard – confidence, feminine mystique, intelligence
War-Horse – bravery, speed, honor, freedom, power
Snake/Dragon – wisdom, rebirth, regeneration, fertility
Raven/Stork/Birds – wisdom, magic, transformation, death/rebirth, darkness, prophecy, air element
Bull/Ram – strength, power, sexuality, fertility, leadership, earth element
Bear – strength, family, courage, protection
Wolf – Pack mentality, protection, loyalty
Griffin – Power, prestige, divine protection, air element, sky and earth, human and divine
Dog/Cat – loyalty, wisdom, wildness, teamwork
Angel – representing original divine nature and the past, transformation into something new via merging with matter/shadow, remembering spirit and divinity in a darker/material world
Demonic classes: Dark Magic, Alchemy, Astronomy, Astrology, History, Warfare, Animal Riding, Herbs and Stones, Geometry/Math, Shapeshifting, Royalty Etiquette, Government, Love and Lust, Art, Music, Flight, Necromancy, Mind Reading/Control, Elemental Control, Life Reviews/Death Transition Preparation, Interspecies Relations/Familiar/Legion Training
School appearance: Like a black Hogwarts castle, but much bigger and surrounded by lava and a red sky above. No magic wands needed…natural inborn magic and telepathy are available to all demons. Classes are taught by various advanced demons who are like messengers to the Ars Goetia. Ars Goetia can shapeshift into a hundred aspects and go to many places at the same time, but due to the immense work, familiars and legions are sent by them to make things easier, for what the legions report, the Goetic divine can experience it. Legions are like the pawns/protectors of the Goetia while the Familiars are translator spirits who can relay messages to other species, including humans.
Camel (3) – Paimon, Vual, Gremory
Crocodile (2) – Agares, Saleos
Lion (8) – Purson (3 animals), Vine (3 animals) Valefar, Allocer (2 animals) Vapula (2 animals/Lion/Griffin) Ipos (3 animals) Sabnock (2 animals) Marbas
Leopard (3) – Flauros, Ose, Sitri (2 animals/Leopard/Griffin)
War-Horse (13) – Beleth, Vine (3 animals) Amduscias (unicorn) Eligos (2 animals) Zepar, Bathin (2 animals) Berith, Allocer (2 animals) Seere, Orobas, Gamigin, Sabnock (2 animals) Kimaris, Furcas, Buer (Centaur)
Snake/Dragon (14) – Purson (3 animals), Asmodeus (2 animals Snake/Dragon) Vine (3 animals) Balam (2 animals) Eligos (2 animals) Bathin (2 animals) Aim (2 animals) Astaroth, Amon (3 animals) Forenus, Marchosias, Andromalius (Man with snake), Botis Valac (dragon/angel)
Raven/Stork/Owl/Birds (12) – Stolas, Andrealphus, Ipos, Camio, Raum, Malphas, Amon, Naberius, Phenex, Shax, Andras (3 animals) Malthus
Bear (1) – Purson (3 animals),
Bull/Ram (4) – Asmodeus (2 animals Snake/Dragon) Balam (2 animals), Zagan (2 animals Griffin/Bull), Morax
Wolf (3) – Amon (3 animals) Marchosias Andras (3 animals)
Griffin (8) – Zagan (2 animals) Bune (2 animals) Focalor, Murmur, Vapula (2 animals/Lion/Griffin) Sitri (2 animals/Leopard/Griffin) Marchosias, Glasya-Labolas (2 animals/Dog/Griffin)
Dog/Cat (5) – Bael (Cat/Frog/Man) Bune (2 animals) Aim (2 animals) Naberius, Glasya-Labolas (2 animals/Dog/Griffin)
Angel (9) – Belial, Crocell, Vassago, Ipos (3 animals) Andras (3 animals) Furfur (angel/deer), Valac (dragon/angel) Amy, Phenex
Baboon – Guison
Mermaid – Vepar
Monster – Bifrons, Ronove
Bifrons – Janus Roman God
Many faces: Dantalion
Decarbaria – star
Astaroth – Astarte
Bael - Baal
Deer – Furfur
Fire -Amy
Seraphim: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel
Cherubim: Jophiel
Throne: Zaphkiel, Phanuel
Dominion: Zadkiel
Virtue: Haniel, Ariel, Raphael
Power: Camael
Principality: Anael
Archangel: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, Haniel, Ariel, Camael, etc.
Ex-angel Orders:
Lucifer – Seraphim
Beelzebub - Seraphim
Asmodeus – Cherubim
Satan – Cherubim
Belial – Cherubim
Bune – Cherubim
Berith – Cherubim
Paimon – Cherubim
Astaroth – Throne
Orobas – Throne
Purson – Throne
Forenus – Throne
Raum – Throne
Phenex – Throne
Murmur – Throne
Focalor – Throne
Marchosias – Throne
Balam – Dominion
Marchosias – Dominion
Paimon - Dominion
Vapula – Virtue
Bifrons – Virtue
Barbatos – Virtue
Agares – Virtue
Purson – Virtue
Bael – Power
Beleth – Power
Amy – Power
Crocell – Power
Vual – Power
Gaap – Power
Kimaris – Principality
Belphegor - Principality
Ars Paulina Angel Academy (A.P.A.A)
Symbol: A gold halo over a gold heart, a flame and cross in the center with angel wings on the side against a white background.
Opposite, rival school in Heaven, comprised of messengers, students related to the Ars Goetia opposite, the Shem Hamephorash. Classes are similar and angels can also send messages to humans and other species and travel to Earth. Like some demons can dislike humans, not all angels are friendly. Some of them find demons’ obsession of humanity and the physical world “incomprehensible.” Many angels believe that the “fall” of souls to the material world was a tragedy once they got too stuck. Only by stillness, prayer and cleansing of sin/desire and collective unity could souls reach heaven faster…escape dreadful karma. The demons on the other hand, taught humanity weapons and beauty and encouraged them to embrace human individuality, the shadow self, and the physical world in order to appreciate their true spirit home all the more once they have fulfilled all their earthly desires. For angel and demon beliefs are different perspectives that work for different cultures and souls.
Perhaps both perspectives need to work together in balance to free us all.
School Appearance: a mighty clean temple with white pillars and a large dome made of gold and gemstones under a light blue sky streaked with ethereal rainbow light. A vibrant Eden garden with immortal fruit lies nearby. Council of Elders and highly evolved beings frequently visit to give souls tours of the higher realms and encourage frequent reincarnations on Earth and other planets to merge into Source at the end. While all the Ascended masters and Archangels are revered, Jesus and Christianity (Christ Consciousness) are the main focus. Like the demons, the angels can read minds, be in different places at once, have psychic powers, and do not have any limits of physical bodies that humans do.
Angelic Classes: Astronomy, Astrology, Prayer, Art, Music, Choir, Ritual, Flight, Math/Geometry, Warfare Against Evil, Christianity, Healing, White Magic, Light Manipulation, Life Review/Death Transition Preparation, Telepathy, Interspecies Relations/Familiar Training, Council/Spirit Guide Training, Akashic Records Record Keeping, Nature/agriculture/herbs/animals, Law and Order
7 Angelic “Tribes”
Sun – creativity, willpower, leadership (Nobility supporters)
Moon – mind, emotions (Psychology, Healing)
Mercury – communication (Business, commerce)
Venus – love, beauty (Fortune, peace, harmony)
Mars – action, warriors (Military)
Jupiter – generosity (Religion and philosophy)
Saturn – hard work (Agriculture, nature-workers)
Military: Angel 1, Angel 37, Angel 43, Angel 44, Angel 52, Angel 57, Angel 71
Kings and princes and nobility: Angel 2, Angel 3 (protects against beasts) Angel 15 (France) Angel 33 (Christian princes) Angel 34, Angel 42, Angel 54, Angel 69
Travel: Angel 4, Angel 22, Angel 52
Liberal arts/occult/science: Angel 5, Angel 16, Angel 17, Angel 40 (writing), Angel 49, Angel 64
Love, sciences, fortune: Angel 6, Angel 48 (marriage)
Nature/patience: Angel 7
Seas and ships; Angel 65
Peace: Angel 35
Religion: Angel 55, Angel 63, Angel 20 and 29 and 41
Fame: Angel 56
Career: Angel 36
Chasing evil spirits/nature: Angel 8, Angel 38
Nature/agriculture: Angel 8, Angel 23, Angel 30 (animals), Angel 31, Angel 45, Angel 46, Angel 51, Angel 66, Angel 68, Angel 70 (animals)
Alchemy: Angel 51
Money/obedience: Angel 59, Angel 63
Good faith/reconciliation; Angel 9, Angel 19
Healing: Angel 10, Angel 28, Angel 39, Angel 58 (Venus) Angel 60, Angel 68, Angel 72
Victory: Angel 11, Angel 37
Spirituality/occult: Angel 12, Angel 25, Angel 62, Angel 67
Friendship: Angel 13, Angel 61
Justice/Law: Angel 14, Angel 18, Angel 24 (prisoners) Angel 26, Angel 32, Angel 44, Angel 47, Angel 50, Angel 55, Angel 69
Angel 20: serves against the enemies of religion and convert people to Christianity, influences chastity and piety (antagonist)
Angel 29: serves against enemies of religion (antagonist)
Angel 41: serves against enemies of religion, Christianity (antagonist)
Angel 63 (antagonist?)
Astronomy, math, defeating evil spirits: Angel 21
Healing, water, nature: Angel 23
Protection: Angel 27
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I'm actually very curious what an intro questline starring Indarant would look like 👀 Forochel as a starting region sounds interesting!
Hmm, I feel like the most interesting thing I could do with this would be to move the story of how Indarant left the Gauredain up to the present day and adjust it for an additional character. (And squish it down a bit; what I'm about to describe took place over several months in the Wind will Set Me Racing 'Verse, but nobody wants timeskips in a tutorial quest.) The PC would be cast as a traveler in Forochel, or maybe a trader, who was attacked and captured by Indarant's tribe. Maybe alongside Lothrandir, or maybe Lothrandir comes to try and rescue them after the fact. Regardless, the PC would have the opportunity to help him convince her to switch sides and free the prisoner(s).
Combat tutorial would be a dramatic escape from the Gauredan camp, interrupted by the presence of a powerful Angmarim sorcerer, who is acting as an emissary to the tribe, trying to stop you. This would be the main tie-in to the Epic, representing a concern Lothrandir would express at some point about an increased number of Angmarim in Forochel. Maybe he would even mention the Lost Company? In any event, Lothrandir would be injured in the fight and you and Indarant would bring him to the nearest Lossoth settlement.
The Lossoth would Not trust Indarant, though. At Lothrandir's behest she would be left alone, but, unwelcome in the settlement, she would leave, and the rest of the tutorial would be Lothrandir giving you tasks to do that he can't do himself a la Aragorn in the human/hobbit intro, with some sidequests from various Lossoth and Indarant. Indarant would go off to investigate the Angmarim that have been interfering with her tribe and point the player in the direction of some troubling discoveries; Angmarim plans for expansion into all the neighboring lands, notes on their search for the Helcessar, and possibly even a mention of all nine Nazgul being at large in Eriador.
On your way back to the settlement, you would find that the Angmarim are preparing a raid on it. Indarant would return with you to warn them, just in time for people to fortify the place and fight off the attack. This would earn Indarant a bit more goodwill from the Lossoth.
This would all tie into the Epic probably when you reported all your findings to Lothrandir. He would be unable to go himself, due to his injury, but he's certain that someone needs to warn Aragorn or Elrond or someone about what the Angmarim are up to, so he would ask you to do it. (He would have asked Indarant as well, but she got into an argument with that sorcerer and may or may not have sworn to kill him and is CLEARLY in no mood to be asked to make a trip to who even knows where right now.) Then, most likely, the PC would be teleported to Archet looking for Aragorn a la Beornings.
(Alternatively, and I absolutely think this is a terrible idea for an MMO but I'll entertain it for the sake of the story, it could be an intro that spits you out at level 50 and you pick up the Epic where it enters Forochel, joining other PCs who came here looking for the missing half of Narchuil. In this case everything would happen a few months later and the PC would likely have found some information about Narchuil itself, and their mission from Lothrandir would be to find whatever it was before the Angmarim could. Again, terrible idea for a video game but it could make for a fun story.)
Maybe as an NPC Indarant would have a sidequest you could help her with when you eventually got back to Forochel, and maybe she would also show up as a character in Vol. III.
(Also I finally found my notes re: Indarant's name. A LotRO name generator original but its parts seem to be ind -- purpose, intent; ar -- noble, kingly; ant -- gift. I'm keeping it because I like the idea of Lothrandir giving it to her as a sort of thank you for saving his life and the lives of the prisoners, and it's a nice reminder for her when she's afraid of the bad things she's done or thinks about doing that she can also choose to have a "noble purpose." This scene would probably be somewhere in the intro and hopefully very touching.)
#lotro#ty for the ask friend! and the idea too#i think theres probably an 'ill distract the guard you go get the spare weapons out of that satchel' moment too#also friends who have watched stargate sg-1 might be wondering if this is in part inspired by teal'c#of course it is#god what a great trope#trope doesnt feel like the right word but its 3am its the word im gonna use#the wind will set me racing
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K.A.L. FV Ch. IX: Ayumu (X.O.W. F.P.) vs Jun'ichi & Ryōsuke Hiraoka (FINAL)
[Few Moments Later]
(Ayumu punched Ryōsuke in the face without hesitation, hit him with the Falcon Punch no F-Zero.)
(Ryōsuke tried to sneak Ayumu with the Dark Raven Claw, but Ayumu blocked his attack with his left pinky finger, then kicked his uncle in the gut without hesitation.)
(Ryōsuke sent flying to the mountains and took a huge dose of damage in the explosion at the mountains.)
(Jun'ichi charged at Ayumu to land a hit on him, but Ayumu saw the attack coming, teleported behind his grandfather, grabbed both of his legs, Jun'ichi was shocked as his grandson swung him around and chucked him at his second son.)
(Both Jun'ichi and Ryōsuke crashed into each other as their curse energy is taking a toll on their bodies.)
[Few Hours Later]
(Jun'ichi started to remember the boy he was fighting was his own grandson Ayumu Hiraoka.)
(The way he fights, how fast and strong he has become, how he can sense where his opponent is hiding and where he's coming from.)
(He believes that his grandson's fighting style resembles to his first son Akimitsu Hiraoka, the first God Of the Netherworld, and the God Of Demons.)
(Ayumu noticed that the curse mark on his body faded away, the curse is broken, he is no longer under Astaroth's control, which leaves Ryōsuke on his own.)
[An Half Hour Passed By]
(Ryōsuke had his back against the wall, especially the curse mark fading away slowly.)
"What's the matter?"
"You said you were going to beat me without him!"
"Silence you swine!"
"I had enough of your insolence!!!"
(Ryōsuke had no choice but to use the remaining of the curse's anti magic to transform into the juggernaut of Chaos.)
(Everyone was feared of what Ryōsuke has become including the remaining Deities, except for Ayumu of course.)
(Ayumu noticed the sky was negative including the atmosphere and the energy from the Black Hole was draining away by Ryōsuke's anti magic.)
{"What the hell is he doing?"}
{"He's absorbing energy from the black star!"}
{"That idiot!!!"}
{"I have to stop him from disrupting the Stratosphere!"}
{"Or The Planets, and Dwarf Planets Will Be Eviscerated!"}
(Ayumu charged towards Ryōsuke quickly to finish him off but the force field created by Ryōsuke's Anti Magic preventing him from breaking through it.)
(Ayumu used 50% of his power and magic to break through Ryōsuke's Barrier.)
(He sliced through his uncle's body, however his entire right arm was engulfed in black flames due to Ryōsuke's anti magic.)
[Few Moments Later]
(Chikara held Ayumu on her back way after he absorbed 100% of the anti magic from his uncle and grandfather's bodies using the Anti Magic Blade.)
(Jun'ichi wakes up quickly realizing that there's more two deities coming their way but they're a different royal blood breed.)
"Hand my grandson to me!"
(Jun'ichi said as he carried his second son on his left shoulder.)
"What's wrong?"
"Two Deities Are Coming This Way!"
"They are after my grandson!"
"Where exactly are you going to take Ayumu?"
"To The Hiraoka Tribe."
"But wasn't the Hiraoka Tribe in shambles?"
"It can't be fixed with the Netherworld being Unstable."
"It can be fixed."
"With My Help."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course I am."
"If my grandson trusts you, you can trust me."
"I trust you."
"Take him to there."
"I'll take the two deities on my own."
"Thank you."
(Jun'ichi said as he carried Ayumu on his back.)
(Chikara noticed the mark on Jun'ichi's back is a viper that represents the Hiraoka Race.)
(Hiraoka Race Is The Black Vipers)
(Jun'ichi main objective is to resurrect the Hiraoka Tribe that was slaughtered by the Demon Lord.)
(As Jun'ichi take both his grandson and second son to the collapsed Hiraoka Tribe...)
(The 4th and 5th Deity arrived shortly in front of Chikara Rosalia as they begin to surround her.)
(Chika wanted to follow and support Ayumu's grandfather but, the Deity Of Love, the Deity Of Lust prevented her from leaving.)
(Chikara was shocked seeing who they are in person.)
"Who are you?"
"Who we are is none of your concern."
"Don't mind her."
"We're here for one person."
"I know."
"And that Is Why I'm here."
"In the name of the Rosalia..."
"Chikara Rosalia is your opponent."
"Your time has come!"
(End Of Chapter IX)
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Even in the distant future, his notoriety was high, and Lee Ik, together with Hong Gil-dong and Jang Gil-san, was selected as a thief representing Seodo (the word for Hwanghae-do and Pyongan-do). There are few records of Lim Kkeok-jeong's family, but there was a case where his wife was captured and became a slave to the government office. Lim Kkeok-jeong made plans to rescue her wife by raiding the place where she worked as a slave, but in the end, he couldn't put it into practice. Lim Kk제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)eok-jeong had an older brother named Gado-chi, and they went stealing together. The officials were so greedy that they wanted to catch Im Kkeok-jeong and receive a reward. It was sent to Hanyang. At this time, Gadochi could not overcome the aftereffects of torture and died as soon as he came to Seoul, so everyone was almost fooled. There is nothing special about the record, and it is greatly affected by changes in the external gaze. As t제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)he articles of of a butcher in the early Joseon Dynasty began to be mentioned, evaluations such as "just a butcher" circulated, and the public's image of Im Kkeok-jeong was completed because of Hong Myeong-hoe's novel. Even the folktale of Lim Kkeok-jeong in mentions it in three ways. Seeing Lim Kkeok-jeong as a bandit or a person who received help from the civilians, seeing him as a vicious thief, and conveying the contents of Hong Myung-hee's novel as a folktale. It is said that the name is Kkeokjeong, but it is difficult to write in Chinese characters, so it is said that a new character called 巪 was created by adding a letter under the word 巨. 巪 is a very redundant Chinese character as 'a per제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)son's name', but thanks to Lim Kkeok-jeong, it is recognized as a redundant Chinese character. It is also very easy to memorize because it is very easy to create a beginner Chinese character. In the world, it is known that Lim Kkeok-jeong became a thief after being discriminated against because of his status as a butcher despite setting up military service during the Eulmyo Invasion. He was so strong that he was unarmed right before he was arrested, but while resisting with his bare body, he grabbed the arm of an official and looked it over, a제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)nd it is said that the arm stretched as it were. It is believed to depict a dislocation. It also appears in the 100 great men who made Korea shine. In the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, butchers, the class to which Lim Kkeok-jeong belonged, were also called Hwacheok, Jaein, and Daldal. did. The Daldal mentioned here is a transliteration of the Chinese character (Daldan) of 'Tat제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)ar', a word that refers to northern nomadic peoples such as the Khiran, the Jurchen, and the Mongols. Therefore, the butcher to whom Lim Kkeok-jeong belonged can be regarded as a descendant of nomadic tribes such as the Khitan and the Yeojin who came to Goryeo around the middle of the 10th century or were captured and lived as prisoners of war. In reality, butchers did not settle in one place to farm, but wandered f제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)rom place to place, always gathering together to steal and butcher cows and horses. Their behavior is the life of a nomadic people who refused to settle down and enjoyed a nomadic life and lived by butchering livestock. In addition, according to the Yasain Gigijapgi, there is a record that Lim Kkeok-jeong and his 60 or so men rode horses and fired arrow제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)s at the officials gathered in Seoheung like rain, and the soldiers fled in surprise. It is presumed to be a magician who does #. Recently, a mural presumably depicting Lim Kkeok-jeong's face was discovered in North Korea. It is said that the discovered mural depicts Lim Kkeok-jeong with a broad face, torn eyes, and thick lips, different from what is commonly thought.
In the mass media[edit] 5.1. novel[edit] For information on , a long historical novel written by Byeokcho Hong Myung-hee based on the story of Im Kkeok-jeong, refer to the document. Because Hong Myeong-hee's works were banned, there were also novels such as Kim Yong-jae's (1961) and Heo Moon-nyeong's (1961). by novelist Choi In-wook [4] w제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)as published serially in the from 1962 to 1965, gaining great popularity at the time. Nevertheless, considering the fact that as soon as the seal of Hong Myung-hee's was lifted, all of these works were swept away, and it is now difficult to find traces of them. Yu Hyeon-jong, famous for his historical novels, also published serially in from September 1983 to May 1987. There is a novel called published in 1993, which is absurd in that Lim Kkeok-jeong, who almost died in the pursuit of the government forces, is kidnapped by aliens and moved in time to Seoul in the 20th century. In the alternative history , he was born 40 years later than the original history, and in the original history, he survived during the time of his ancestors, who had alr제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)eady died (in the work, the age of King Jangjo, possessed by modern people), he was a butcher, but he worked in Gyeomsabok. comes out as a soldier who He wields a two-handed sword given to him by a Spanish military adviser with one hand. He is active in the wars fought by Joseon, such as the Muja Horan, the Gyeongin War, and the Eulmi Dongjeong, by capturing Hideyoshi Toyotomi and being honored by the Jurchen tribe as a great chief. He hangs out w제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)ith Seorim, and unlike the original history, he is active as a fantasy duo of a warrior and a sniper. In his later years, he rose to the rank of second-ranked official at the Naegeumwijang and the rank of Dangsanggwan, and his reputation was known to Jianju Yeojin and Oirat after hearing the voice of the Grand Gamma. After his retirement, he worked in a simple butcher's shop, and after his death, he was honored with the posthumous title of Yang Mu-gong and the honorary title of Mumyo Bae Hyang-sin. Seorimdo received the po제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)sthumous title of memorial service and is enshrined as the god of shooting by future soldiers. In the alternative history work, Her Majesty's Secret Service, the English envoys staying in Dongpyeonggwan attack for sugar. At this time, he showed the strength to overcome dozens of soldiers alone, but Drake succeeded in sniping and was injured in the shoulder, and his subordinates were also completely destroyed and arrested in the assault of the En제휴 없는 p2p 제휴 없는 웹하드 (추천)glish envoys who followed, and they were subjugated two years earlier than the original history.
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