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couldeatthatgirlforlunch · 7 months ago
If you are up for it could write more Justice League x Assistant reader?
That scenario did things to me honestly, and I can't find anything similar 😭
Maybe reader calls in sick and the each JL member goes to check on them unanounced (reader never told them were they lived but of course they'd know *sideeyes batman*) which end up on all the members questioning and pointing at each other *cue spider man meme*, because why are you at my darling's- I mean our Assistant's house!
Reader kicks everyone out except the gourmet chef batman brought to cook reader some chicken soup.
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A Day in Life: In Health and Sickness
Synopsis: A day in life were you, the Justice League's assistant, find out that sickness and a bunch of obsessed superheroes are just too much to bear all at once.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader; Platonic!Alfred Pennyworth
Tw: Nonconsensual (not sexual) touching; A single mention of obscene acts; Kinda breaking and entering; Reader gets physically restrained; Kinda forced infantilization? But not really, just humiliation; Some members of the League might be out of character bc I don't know them well enough; I was sleepy while revising and editing this so I might fix any mistakes I didn’t see later; English is not my 1st language.
Word count: 2,6k
Requested? Yes.
Extra notes: Thank you so much for your compliments and the request!! Your suggestion really gave me inspiration to write as soon as I saw it. It's not exactly what you asked for but I hope it's the same vibe and you like it!! Also I’ve seen all the requests for a part 2 of “He's My Collar”, but as stated here, I didn't answer bc I’m working on it! I just didn't have any ideas yet!
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
Whatever hit you today, it sucks. Yesterday, in the afternoon, you had a mild throbbing in your head, but not exactly a headache, at night, fever hit you, alongside a cough. Medicine helped enough but today you still felt a little warm, your head hurt, your nose was somehow stuffed and leaking at the same time. You've been awake for an hour and still just couldn't get yourself to care for your basic needs like showering and eating, let alone go to work, so you called in sick. At least you would have some piece for a day.
Or that's what you thought, until you heard some tapping on your window, scaring the shit out of you, and saw Superman outside with a sympathetic smile and holding a pharmacy bag, a crate of water bottles and food.
Ugh, of course you couldn't actually have some peace.
You took a deep breath to prepare yourself and got up, walking towards you bedroom window, and tried sticking your head outside, hoping he wouldn't enter your home if you kicked him out before, but before you could do anything else, he supersped inside and suddenly was at your side, making you dizzier.
— Hey! I heard what happened. How’re you feeling? — The alien’s face showcased his concern on his furrowed brows and he took a step too close (any step in your direction taken by one of the heroes was already too close for you), extending his arm forward to place the back of his hand in your forehead. You took a step back but he didn't seem to mind.
— Uh, I'm fine. You didn't need to come here. — Superman shook his head.
— I wanted to help. Here, I brought som- — Doorbell. The hero looked in the direction the sound came from, most likely using his X-Ray vision to look through the walls and doors, and squinted his eyes. Oh boy. — You called someone? — His voice is weirdly calm, contrasting with the way he abruptly starts marching out of your room and to the door.
Earlier you thought the fast exertion of movements would be too great for you, but apparently adrenaline was on your side, enough to follow him around as if you were the visitor inside your own place.
— I didn't. — You respond flatly and holding back a groan from annoyance, since you also didn't invite him.
Superman immediately opens the door as soon as it's within his reach and what's on the other side surprises you more than when you got the job at the watchtower.
— Superman. — Batman didn't seem surprised, but he also never showed emotions other than anger. — (Y/N). This is Penny-One. — He is surely referencing the old man well dressed on his side. — He is here to take care of you. — You raise an eyebrow, almost speechless.
— T-Take care of me? — You helplessly watch them invading your residency, painfully aware there's nothing you can do. Superman crossed his arms.
— This is not necessary, I came here to do just that. — Superman’s protest unfortunately doesn't give you any hint of how this will all turn out, nor does it scare Batman and his friend away..
— You have your own responsibilities. — Batman simply states. — You should go.
Penny-One simply turns to you.
— It's a pleasure, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N), even in your condition. Master Batman talks a lot about you. — You don't know what to stay and it probably shows, since no one waits much for your reaction before Penny-One is moving towards your kitchen and Batman and Superman continue with their argument.
You just go and sit down on your couch, questioning your life decisions and escape plans, which will have to wait until this damned curse leaves your body (and your home).
Your hands raise to rub your face and maybe give you some clearance, maybe wake you up from this nightmare, but keeping your eyes closed and sitting down only remind you of your condition. You feel worse or is it just your spirits? Either way, you let your body slide down until your side rests on the couch cushions, arms hugging your own body to try to have some warmth back. When did it become so cold?
At least their voices were low, as if trying not to bother you, it's a little soothing, especially with the promise of having food. Your eyes hurt just from staying open so you don't. At some point, some type of fabric is thrown over your body and a hand combs through your hair. You are too weak to do anything.
Next time you open your eyes, it's due to disturbing noises, your head is no longer on the arm of the couch and instead is laying on someone’s bare thighs. A pair of hands is running through your locks, and a really nice smell is in the air.
Did you fall asleep?
That would explain why your head is on fucking Wonder Woman's lap and she is looking at you lovingly. Also the fabric from before is Superman's cape.
You quickly shoot up, although just as fast, four or five pairs of hands, coming from seemingly out of nowhere — startling you even more — push you back down, you don't go without struggle, and soon, all hands disappear, green lights catch your attention and you can't move your body a single inch anymore. Somehow, you ended up restrained by a green and bright cocoon, as if you were soon to be a butterfly, only your face is free. Green Lantern’s construct.
— Hey, hey, calm down, hot stuff. I know she’s scary and you would never want to be close to anyone else but me, but you still need rest. — You're turned to the ceiling against your wishes. For some reason the fact that your whole body is covered doesn't give you the comfort nor the protection it should give you, instead, it reminds you of how vulnerable you are.
Your wide and paranoid eyes try to search for anything, since your head is being held in place. You can see Wonder Woman above you, glaring at something outside your line of vision, you are still in her lap. A bit of Aquaman’s blond hair on the bottom of your vision. And Batman, towering over you and the amazon, just observing as always.
— You can release them now, Green Lantern. — It's Superman's voice.
— He is not going to. — You see Batman saying at the same time another voice speaks the same sentence, making all of them turn in the direction of the sound, somewhere you can't see, but you recognize the voice. — He thinks they're weak and incapable of making decisions. — I'm sorry, who is weak and incapable of making decisions here? — He also wants to prove he is the only one capable of protecting and taking care of (Y/N), and impress them so they will fall right into his arms, call him a hero and give him a kiss… And other obscene things. — Batman smirks. Wonder Woman and another new and deep voice loudly laugh, the masculine voice being more obnoxious. Someone scoffs indignantly.
— Okay. Get out of my fucking head or I will make you. — The Lantern's voice sounds angry and you hear hurried footsteps. They wouldn't fight right here, right?! Right beside your sick body and in the middle of your crumpled apartament… It would make such a mess…
— I wasn't inside your head. Your thoughts were too loud, it's like you are screaming in my ear.
— I will make you scream! — You hear Superman superspeeding, probably getting in between the fighting duo.
— Ha- Green Lantern, calm down. No one will make anyone do anything here.
The agonizing feeling of restriction grows.
— WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE? — You scream in a husky voice, panting right after. Everyone is silent and the next second, the construct moves you around until you're sitting up, back to the back of the couch. You are still being held and manhandled, but at least you're not in someone's lap and you can see something other than your ceiling.
Martian Manhunter is standing a few meters away from you, Superman by his side. Wonder Woman was still sitting beside you and doesn't look like getting up any time soon, Green Lantern makes his way to sit down on your other side, placing his arm around you, gladly you can't even feel it. Batman is still standing on the side of the couch, his cape covering his body. Aquaman is sitting in your armchair, his face laid on his hand, watching amused, if not a bit annoyed.
It's so weird seeing all of them, suited up, in the middle of your living room, and in plain daylight.
— We came here to nurse you back to health. — Wonder Woman speaks.
— Uhh, don't you think this is a little too much? — The heroes look at each other as if looking for the issue.
— I mean, yeah. I could do it alone, but for some reason when I got here, these freaks had already broken into your house. — Freak Lantern says, pointing an accusing finger at the other freaks in question, the trinity, Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. — Those two came in later. — He nodded at Martian Manhunter and Aquaman, not giving them a single look, his eyes solely on you. Like everytime he insists on overly making eye contact with you, it's a bit uncanny. — Worry not, beautiful. I will kick them out for you. — Superman and Wonder Woman snort at his arrogance.
— You could go with them. I'm fine, I don't need help. I’ve been taking care of myself for years and can still do it. — You've been nice long enough, they crossed the line, they invaded your apartment, which is so unprofessional, and you need to set limits. They just look at you with pity.
— I am are aware of my neglect. — Neglect? — But it's going to be different now that we are reunited… — Uh? What is Manhunter talking about?
— Exactly. History has proven how men are unreliable and indifferent to others. I'm the only one you need, darling. — Wonder Woman caresses your face. — I don't even know what they think they are doing here…
— What are you doing here, princess? Don't you have mommy issues to fix or a guy named Steve Trevor to talk to? — The amazon furrowed her eyebrows and glared at the one sitting on your other side.
— Don't listen to him, (Y/N). I left Steve a long time ago, when I met you. — Girl, why? Go back to your man! Leave me alone! — What about Aquaman? Doesn't he have a kingdom to rule? — The man in question dismissed her answer with a hand movement.
— I’m protecting Atlantis’s future by making sure none of you get any ideas and (Y/N) survives their illness. — Batman shook his head.
— I’ve already made sure they're taken care of. You shouldn't be here. There's more important matters for us out there.
— Then why aren't you there?
Their battle of egos is just too fast for your slowed down brain to process and try to formulate any form of strategy. Before their banter gets worse, the older man from before reappears.
— Your soup is ready, Miss/Master/Mx (Y/N). — Penny-One seems unbothered by the commotion around you, walking in with the source of the heavenly smell. Your mouth waters.
— Let me do it, Penny-One. — Wonder Woman gently offers and takes the bowl from him, along with the spoon. The Justice League makes sounds of disgust when they start watching her spoon feeding you (they wanted to be in her place).
You groan, complain, try to wiggle out of the construct but nothing works, especially with your fatigued and sick state. If you weren't claustrophobic before you might be from now on. You are clearly uncomfortable and practically begging to get out but for some reason they just won't listen. It gets to the point where as soon as you finish your soup — after realizing, again, that with those people it's just easier to surrender —, and take your medicine, Green Lantern’s temper apparently gets done with your whining and resistance, and he simply makes another construct. Now you have a pacifier in your mouth. It's your limit.
They start fighting again because some of them find it degrading, some like to hear your voice even if they know how close to cussing them out you are, and some think it's cute and prefer your quietness over your cries.
You can't move. You can't spit it out. You can't bite it off. You can't ask for help.
Green Lantern is rubbing your cheek while — slightly — mocking you. Wonder Woman is cooing at you, while trying to convince the Lantern to stop with his antics. Aquaman is clearly expressing he is on the Lantern’s side. Batman, Superman and Martian Manhunter are threatening him.
Frustration gets the better of you and the dam breaks loose. Now you are wrapped, with a pacifier and crying. Like a baby. In front of your bosses. In front of people who think you are vulnerable and need them. They're practically keeping you hostage. You didn't want them here. You told them no, countless times, and they just blatantly ignored your boundaries.
You have a pa-ci-fi-er. In. Your. Mouth.
And they are talking. They are ignoring you. They're been doing it for hours. No. Months. That's abuse.
This is the most emotion they ever got out of you and it immediately quiets everyone down. They're just staring at you, shocked. This whole thing is just a shitshow. A disaster. They're a curse. You are cursed.
It's so distracting that it makes Green Lantern lose his concentration, which is what fuels his ring’s power, and the constructs start dissipating.
You immediately get up and put as much distance between you and the team, who all have wide eyes and maybe had just now realized the gravity of the situation, while thinking about control damage.
You are searching desperately for how you could effectively kick them out, while also experiencing just the aftereffects of a new trauma, when it looks like it will get even worse. Flash zooms into the apartment.
— Hey, (Y/N)! Sorry I took so long! Busy Day. N-Not that I wouldn't quit anything and everything just to help you. I just now saw the notification that you took a day off today! W-What… W-What are you guys doing here…? — The speedster noticed after his rambles the he is not the only one in the middle of your living room, and points at the whole team, who is on the complete opposite side of you. They also point at him.
— You’re late. — Batman states.
— Slowest man alive. — Green Lantern calls out his friend.
Flash looks around as if gathering his thoughts and notices your distressed state. He turns completely to them, his back to you and him being between you and his team.
— What did you do to them? — At his demand, all of them start pointing at each other and giving some sort of explanation or their side of the story at the same time, turning it into unintelligible sounds, until your yell interrupts them.
— But-
— OUT!
— But, (Y/N)-
They grumble but comply. Penny-One, who was totally unfazed during the while ordeal, just sighs, and starts making his way with them. Until you take a timid step toward him and stop him.
— N-Not you… I-I mean the soup was really good and I don't think I will have the energy to cook later… I-If it's n-not bothering you… — The older man smiles placantinly at you.
— Of course, dear. I'm getting paid either way, might as well just finish my job here.
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urdreamydoodles · 2 months ago
DC Comics Characters x Fem!OC
You smacks their ass as they walk past
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kal-El (Clark Kent), Barry Allen, Diana of Themyscira, Arthur Curry, Hal Jordan, Oliver Queen, John Constantine, Roy Harper, Koriand'r (Starfire), Kara Zor-El (Supergirl) & Slade Wilson
After a short festive break, I'm back in force with my headcanons. My (hyper) brain has been obsessed with DC lately, so get ready for some DC headcanons with new characters I've never done before. I missed you all, love, Marie.
Bruce Wayne aka. Batman
- You didn’t mean to do it. Well, that’s a lie. You absolutely meant to do it. The way Bruce’s broad, suited figure strode past you in the Batcave was simply too tempting. There he was, the epitome of brooding composure, running a hand through his dark hair as he mulled over crime scene reports. Without much thought, your hand acted on instinct. Smack. The sound echoed through the cavern like a gunshot. Bruce stopped mid-step. Slowly, he turned his head, an arched eyebrow lifting to meet his ever-present scowl. "Really?" he asked, voice calm but laced with that unmistakable Wayne edge.
- His reaction wasn’t anger, though you could see the faintest twitch of amusement in the corner of his mouth. You, the only one in Gotham—or perhaps the world—who could dare to breach his stoicism with something so mundane as a playful swat. You crossed your arms, feigning innocence, though your smirk betrayed you. “What? Just testing your reflexes, Mr. Wayne.” He took a slow step toward you, his shadow sprawling like a cloak. “I thought you’d want to keep that hand intact,” he murmured, but there was warmth in his voice that belied the threat.
- Bruce never let much show, but you knew the man beneath the cowl better than anyone. As much as he loved his mission, as much as he carried Gotham on his weary shoulders, he loved you more. There was no hiding the way his stern exterior softened around you, how his dark eyes gleamed with affection when he thought you weren’t looking. And now, despite his unflinching persona, you saw a flicker of vulnerability in the way he lingered near, uncertain if he should let himself laugh.
- “Next time,” he finally said, his voice low, “make sure Alfred isn’t around to hear it.” His lips quirked into the barest smile before he turned back to the Batcomputer. Yet, as he walked away, you could swear he slowed his stride, almost as if daring you to do it again. You didn’t, of course. Not then. But the idea of Gotham’s Dark Knight flustered by a simple smack was too delicious to forget. And Bruce knew it.
Clark Kent (Kal-El) aka. Superman
- Clark didn’t see it coming. How could he, when he was too busy carrying three bags of groceries in each hand and balancing a box of pastries in the crook of his elbow? You watched him shuffle toward the kitchen counter, his broad shoulders filling the doorway, his wholesome, Midwestern charm radiating even in the simplest acts. As he passed, you couldn’t resist. Smack. The clap of your hand against his ridiculously perfect backside made him jump slightly, the pastries nearly tumbling from his grip. “Hey!” he exclaimed, spinning around, cheeks flushed pink.
- For someone faster than a speeding bullet, Clark sure could get caught off guard by you. His face was an endearing mix of surprise and bashfulness, and you swore the man looked like he’d just been scolded by Ma Kent herself. “What was that for?” he asked, his voice filled with genuine confusion but also a hint of laughter. You shrugged, batting your lashes. “Couldn’t resist. You’re carrying so much cake, after all.” He groaned at the pun but couldn’t keep from smiling.
- Clark, despite his extraordinary origins, was at his core a simple man. A man who loved sharing quiet evenings with you, cooking together, and pretending the world didn’t need him for a little while. He was also devastatingly kind, a trait that extended to how he loved you—with full-hearted sincerity and no room for doubt. So when he looked at you now, shaking his head with a chuckle, you knew he wasn’t really annoyed.
- “You’re unbelievable,” he said, placing the pastries safely on the counter. Then, faster than you could blink, his arms wrapped around you, pulling you close with that impossible strength. “But if you’re going to tease, you’d better be prepared to deal with the consequences.” His grin was all boyish mischief as he tickled your sides, your laughter ringing through the kitchen. You swore he let you win when you finally broke free. Clark Kent, the strongest man alive, completely at your mercy.
Barry Allen aka. Flash
- Barry didn’t even stop moving. You were sure he noticed, though, because as you walked past him in the hallway and your hand made contact with his backside, he nearly tripped over his own feet. For the Flash, that was saying something. “Did you just—” he started, spinning to face you. His words were drowned out by your laughter as he stood there, red-faced and wide-eyed, his usual chatter momentarily short-circuited.
- “What?” you asked innocently, though your grin betrayed you. Barry spluttered for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck. “I—I wasn’t expecting that!” he managed, his voice pitching higher than usual. You loved how easy it was to fluster him, even though he was one of the smartest, fastest people in the world. “You’ve got to work on your reaction time, hero,” you teased, winking as you sauntered away.
- Barry’s mind was racing, as it always did, but now it wasn’t just thoughts of his latest case or some quantum theory experiment. No, now it was you—how you could so effortlessly knock him off balance with a single playful act. He adored you for it, for the way you brought lightness and humor into his often chaotic, exhausting life. You were his anchor, his calm in the storm of velocity and danger.
- Later, when he zipped into the living room with snacks for your movie night, he couldn’t resist a little payback. As he placed the bowl of popcorn on the table, he leaned in close, his lips brushing your ear. “Tag,” he whispered, and before you could respond, he darted away, leaving a gentle swat on your hip in his wake. Your laughter followed him, echoing in the space he’d just vacated. Barry might be the fastest man alive, but you were the one who always left him breathless.
Diana of Themyscira aka. Wonder Woman
- You didn’t think it was possible to catch Diana off guard. The Amazon princess was grace and power personified, her every movement deliberate, her every action precise. But when you passed her in the sunlit garden and gave her a cheeky smack, she stopped mid-step. Her head turned slowly, her azure eyes narrowing as her lips curled into a knowing smirk. “Did you just strike a warrior?” she asked, her voice a blend of amusement and mock reprimand.
- “A warrior with impeccable form,” you shot back, bold as ever. Diana’s laughter rang out, melodic and warm, her posture relaxing as she faced you fully. “You’re fortunate I consider this an act of affection,” she teased, stepping closer. The sunlight caught her dark hair, casting her in an almost ethereal glow. She was intimidating and beautiful, a goddess among mortals, yet in this moment, she was utterly human—and yours.
- Diana loved how unafraid you were of her strength, her presence. So many treated her like a distant, untouchable figure, but you reminded her that she was more than her titles or her mission. You made her laugh, you challenged her, and you weren’t afraid to be playful with her—even when it came to something as bold as this. She admired your spirit, your fire, the way you met her gaze without hesitation.
- “You realize,” she said, her tone mock-serious as she closed the gap between you, “that this is an invitation for retaliation.” Before you could react, her arms wrapped around you, lifting you effortlessly off the ground. Her laughter joined yours as she spun you once before setting you back down. “Careful, my love,” she warned, pressing a kiss to your temple. “A warrior never forgets.” But the smile on her lips promised she’d never stop loving your daring nature.
Arthur Curry aka. Aquaman
- You should have known better than to smack Arthur Curry as he walked past, the salty scent of the sea clinging to him like a second skin. The man was built like a fortress, with muscles that rippled beneath his tank top and a stride that exuded the confidence of a king. As your hand connected with his backside, the smack echoed through the cozy beach house you shared. Arthur stopped mid-step, his broad shoulders tensing. Slowly, he turned his head, a grin spreading across his rugged, sun-kissed face. “You sure you want to start this game, love?”
- He set down the fishing net he’d been carrying, his piercing green eyes narrowing playfully as he took a deliberate step toward you. You couldn’t help but laugh, holding your ground even as he loomed closer, his smirk promising trouble. “I couldn’t resist,” you said, your voice light. “It’s not every day a queen gets to remind her king who’s really in charge.” Arthur barked out a laugh, the sound deep and rich like the ocean waves outside. “Oh, is that so?” he rumbled, his hands finding his hips.
- Arthur loved your boldness, the way you matched his fiery spirit without hesitation. You were one of the few people who could keep up with him—whether it was challenging his quick temper, teasing his authority, or standing beside him when the burdens of two worlds weighed heavily on his shoulders. You weren’t afraid of his strength, his power, or the scars that told the story of his battles. Instead, you met him head-on, reminding him of the joy and levity he often forgot.
- “Alright,” he said finally, leaning down until his face was inches from yours, his grin widening. “But just remember—you started it.” Before you could react, his large hand swatted your hip, the playful strike making you gasp and laugh at the same time. “That’s for round one,” he teased, straightening as he headed toward the kitchen. “Let’s see if you’ve got the guts for round two.” You watched him go, shaking your head. King of the seas? More like king of cheeky comebacks.
Hal Jordan aka. Green Lantern
- You didn’t even plan it. Hal Jordan had been walking past, cocky as ever in his flight jacket, tossing his keys onto the counter with that easy swagger that made your heart race and your patience thin in equal measure. Before you knew it, your hand moved of its own accord. Smack. The sound was sharp, and Hal froze, mid-step, his head snapping toward you. For a moment, his mouth opened, but no sound came out. Then, finally, he broke into a grin. “Well, hello to you too,” he said, his voice dripping with amusement.
- Hal was never one to back down from a challenge, and you knew that all too well. “Careful,” he warned, his green eyes sparkling as he took a slow step toward you. “You’re playing with fire here, gorgeous.” You shrugged, feigning innocence. “Oh, please. If you’re so tough, you should be able to handle a little pat on the back. Or… elsewhere.” His laughter was immediate, loud and free, filling the room like music. “You’ve got a lot of nerve, you know that?”
- That was what Hal adored about you. He’d spent so much of his life surrounded by danger and responsibility—whether it was saving the universe as Green Lantern or pulling insane aerial stunts as a test pilot. But you? You were his gravity, his reminder that life wasn’t all about proving himself. You made him laugh in a way no one else could, and even when you pushed his buttons, he couldn’t help but fall a little more in love with you each time.
- “Alright,” he said, slipping his jacket off and tossing it onto the couch. “You wanna play dirty? Let’s play dirty.” Before you could react, Hal’s ring glowed, and a green construct of a feather appeared in his hand. “Let’s see how tough you are when the tables turn.” You squealed, darting behind the couch as he followed, grinning like a kid in a candy store. Hal Jordan might be fearless, but you knew his real weakness—your laugh, your smile, your ability to keep him on his toes.
Oliver Queen aka. Green Arrow
- Oliver Queen barely flinched when your hand smacked his backside as he walked past the kitchen counter, a bow slung over his shoulder. Instead, he stopped, cocking his head to the side with a slow smirk spreading across his handsome, scruffy face. “Well, that’s one way to get my attention,” he drawled, turning to face you. His emerald-green eyes sparkled with mischief, and you could already tell he was plotting some form of retaliation. “Should I be worried, or was that just your way of saying ‘good shot’?”
- “You’ve been spending too much time in the field,” you teased, crossing your arms and leaning against the counter. “Thought I’d remind you who really has the aim around here.” Oliver laughed, the sound warm and rich as he set his bow down carefully. “Oh, really? You think you can out-shoot me and out-smart me in my own house?” His tone was playful, but you knew the archer in him couldn’t resist a challenge.
- Oliver loved that about you—your boldness, your fire, the way you never let him take himself too seriously. It was a rare gift to be able to break through the walls he built around himself, the layers of guilt and responsibility he carried as Star City’s protector. But you didn’t just break through; you tore those walls down with humor, love, and a fearlessness that matched his own. You reminded him of the man beneath the hood, the one who still knew how to laugh and love.
- “Alright,” he said, stepping closer and resting his hands on either side of the counter, trapping you in place. “But just so we’re clear—if this is your idea of flirting, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve too.” Before you could respond, he leaned in and kissed you deeply, stealing your breath and your smugness all at once. When he pulled back, his grin was pure Oliver Queen. “Your move, pretty bird.”
John Constantine aka. Hellblazer
- When your hand smacked John Constantine’s backside, his reaction was immediate—a sharp intake of breath, followed by a low, throaty chuckle that promised trouble. He turned to face you, cigarette dangling from his lips, his trench coat swirling slightly with the motion. “Well, well, love,” he drawled, his voice tinged with that unmistakable cockney accent. “Didn’t think you had it in you. Careful now—you’re playing with fire.”
- “Oh, please,” you shot back, smirking. “You deal with demons, curses, and apocalyptic prophecies daily. You can handle a little slap.” His grin widened, and he took a step closer, the scent of tobacco and leather surrounding you. “You’ve got some cheek, you know that?” he said, taking the cigarette from his mouth and flicking the ash into the tray. “But that’s why I keep you around. Keeps me on my toes.”
- John wasn’t used to this—lightness, laughter, love. His life was a whirlwind of darkness and chaos, and yet, somehow, you had wormed your way into his blackened heart. You brought him peace in a way no spell or sigil ever could. And while he’d never admit it outright, he adored the way you challenged him, kept him grounded, and gave him something to fight for beyond his own self-loathing.
- “But fair warning, darling,” he said, his voice dropping to that low, gravelly tone that sent shivers down your spine, “I don’t play fair.” Before you could react, he whispered a quick spell under his breath, and suddenly, your shoes were glued to the floor. “There,” he said with a wink, taking a drag of his cigarette. “Let’s see if you’re still so bold when you can’t run away.” Your laughter filled the room as he walked off, his shoulders shaking with amusement. Classic Constantine—always one step ahead, but always hopelessly smitten with you.
Roy Harper aka. Arsenal
- You really couldn’t resist. Roy Harper had been strutting around the apartment like he owned the place, shirtless, a bow slung across his back, humming some old rock tune under his breath. His cocky energy was palpable, and when he passed by you in the living room, it was instinctive. Smack. Your hand connected with his jean-clad backside, and the sound was sharp enough to cut through his off-key singing. Roy froze, turning slowly with a look of mock betrayal. “Did you just…? Oh, you’re really asking for it now, gorgeous.”
- You leaned back against the couch, smirking. “What? Just checking if Arsenal’s reflexes are still sharp.” Roy placed a hand on his hip, pointing at you with the other. “You’re lucky I didn’t just shoot an arrow in surprise,” he teased, though the grin tugging at his lips made it clear he was anything but annoyed. “But fine. If we’re doing this, let me warn you—I don’t fight fair.”
- Roy loved that you didn’t take him too seriously. In a life full of chaos, mistakes, and battles, you were his sanctuary, the one person who could knock him off his pedestal in the best way. Your playful antics reminded him that not everything had to be about proving himself or fighting the next big battle. You were his partner in every sense of the word—his laughter, his balance, his home.
- “Alright, beautiful,” he said, dropping the bow and cracking his knuckles. “You know what happens when you mess with me, right?” Before you could react, he pounced, pinning you to the couch in an exaggerated wrestling move that had both of you laughing uncontrollably. “This is justice!” he declared dramatically, tickling your sides until you were begging for mercy. Roy Harper was impossible, but then again, so were you, and you wouldn’t trade him for anything.
Koriand’r aka. Starfire
- The reaction was immediate. As your hand connected with Koriand’r’s backside while she passed you in the hallway, she stopped mid-step, her fiery hair glowing faintly as it caught the light. Slowly, she turned to face you, her wide green eyes blinking in confusion. “Was that… an Earth custom of affection?” she asked, her tone curious but tinged with amusement. You couldn’t help but burst out laughing, her innocent confusion melting any attempt at feigned innocence. “Sure, Kori. It’s totally a custom. Very common.”
- Kori tilted her head, a thoughtful expression crossing her beautiful features. “How interesting,” she said, stepping closer to you. “On Tamaran, we express affection with embraces, kisses, and occasionally by flying into the air with loved ones. But this… this is new. I like it!” Her radiant smile made your heart flutter, and you could see the mischief spark in her gaze. “Does this mean I can do it back?”
- You adored how open and loving Kori was. She embraced life with the same passion she brought to battle, and her joy was contagious. Loving her meant constantly learning to see the world through her eyes, where every experience—big or small—was worth celebrating. You could never get enough of the way she made even the smallest moments feel like an adventure.
- “You may want to prepare yourself!” she declared suddenly, her arms wrapping around you in a warm, powerful embrace. Before you could protest, she lifted you effortlessly off the ground, spinning you in circles as laughter bubbled out of both of you. When she finally set you down, she pressed a kiss to your forehead and gave you a playful tap on your backside. “This is a wonderful custom!” she declared with a bright giggle. You’d created a monster, and you couldn’t have been happier about it.
Kara Zor-El aka. Supergirl
- Kara Zor-El nearly dropped the bowl of popcorn she was carrying when your hand smacked her backside. Nearly. Her Kryptonian reflexes kicked in, and she saved the snack, spinning around with a look of wide-eyed disbelief. “Did you just…?!” she stammered, her cheeks flushing a deep red. You leaned casually against the counter, biting back a grin. “What? Just making sure Earth’s strongest woman doesn’t have any blind spots.”
- “Blind spots?!” Kara exclaimed, placing the bowl down with exaggerated care. “You’re lucky I don’t fly you straight into the stratosphere for that.” But the way she crossed her arms and pouted made it clear she wasn’t actually upset. If anything, she was flustered—adorably so. “You’re impossible, you know that?” she muttered, though the smile tugging at her lips betrayed her.
- Kara loved how comfortable you were around her. So many people treated her like a symbol or a savior, but you just treated her like Kara. You teased her, laughed with her, and never let her powers overshadow the fact that she was just a girl trying to navigate life on a new planet. Being with you grounded her, reminded her that even superheroes deserved to let their guard down and have fun.
- “Fine,” she said finally, her lips quirking into a mischievous grin. “But don’t think I won’t get you back.” Before you could respond, she darted forward at super-speed, giving your side a playful nudge that sent you stumbling into the couch. She was back in her original spot before you could blink, arms crossed and a victorious smirk on her face. “Kryptonians don’t lose, you know,” she teased, her laughter filling the room.
Slade Wilson aka. Deathstroke
- You weren’t entirely sure what possessed you to do it. Slade Wilson wasn’t exactly known for his sense of humor, but as he passed you in the training room, his armor catching the dim light, the temptation was too strong. Your hand smacked his backside, the sound loud in the otherwise quiet space. He stopped immediately, his head turning just enough for his single visible eye to lock onto you. The sharp, dangerous glint in his gaze made your heart race. “You’re braver than I thought,” he said, his voice a low, gravelly rumble.
- “And you’re slower than I thought,” you shot back, unable to resist. His brow arched, and you could see the corner of his mouth twitch—was that amusement? “Careful,” he warned, stepping closer, his imposing frame casting a long shadow. “You might find out just how fast I can be.” Despite his intimidating presence, you refused to back down, crossing your arms and smirking up at him. “Oh, I’m counting on it.”
- Slade had always admired your boldness. In a world where most people either feared him or tried to use him, you were a refreshing change. You didn’t treat him like a weapon or a monster—you saw the man beneath the mask, the one who carried the weight of too many sins. Your audacity, your fire, reminded him of the parts of himself he thought he’d buried long ago.
- “Alright,” he said, his tone deceptively calm as he leaned in, his face inches from yours. “But don’t forget—every action has a consequence.” Before you could respond, his hand darted out, delivering a sharp but playful swat to your hip. You gasped, more in surprise than pain, and he straightened, his smirk now fully formed. “Your move,” he said, turning and walking away with the measured confidence of a man who always had the upper hand. And yet, you could see the faintest hint of a smile tugging at his lips. For all his gruffness, Slade Wilson was undeniably charmed by you.
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moonlit-imagines · 6 months ago
Headcanons for being the Justice League’s computer intelligence
Justice League x reader
a/n: THANKS BABE. this is such an old request i am so freaking sorry
prompt: anonymous: “Hello! I would like to request a Justice League (DC Extended Universe) + Reader who is sort of their 'Person in the Chair' - helping behind the scenes to keep their weapons/powers/skillset in tact, but is not afraid to fight back if necessary? I would like these to be a set of headcanons, please? Thank you and Happy Writing! P.S. You're writing is incredible!”
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you and alfred got along well
“glad i’m not the only one doing the grunt work anymore” -alfred
“and i was under the impression you loved this job” -you, sarcastically
you could frequently be found switching between important sites that actually helped during missions and reddit
“alfred hang on i want your opinion on this: ‘am i the asshole for trying on my bosses suit? i (25m) work with some pretty famous people and my boss (45m) has a really cool suit. it’s a little stiff but i think i like it. anyways, there’s a matching hat (if you will) and it smells AWFUL, so i sprayed it with febreeze but it only made it worse—’” -you
“hang on. this cant be…” -alfred
“HOW DID YOU FIND MY REDDIT ACCOUNT?!” -barry, over comms
“your name is scarletspeedster, and we’ve been trying to wash that febreeze smell from the cowl for weeks.” -you
“my god, barry. next time, just use an old suit” -alfred
“really?!” -barry
“no” -you and alfred
you do a lot of gadget/weapon design with JL members
“it’s acceptable” -bruce
“wow, thanks” -you
“it’s…it’s good work. i mean it” -bruce
diana sits with you and tells you stories, sometimes theyre very informational
“so if you ever do end up fighting, you’re going to want to craft a very nice sword for yourself. i know you’re good at that, you’ll do just fine” -diana
barry nerds out with you sometimes
he gets real excited when he sees you designing stuff on the computer
and tries to be helpful
“wind resistance might be a problem with this design, you should go sleeker” -barry
“hey, barry? if you don’t let me do my job im gonna design a tool specifically to shut you up” -you
“harsh!” -barry
“sorry, maybe a little too far. but let me work” -you
arthur wanted cooler clothes
“can i get you some material from atlantis so you can make me a nicer suit?” -arthur
“only if you bring me extra so i can have fun with it” -you
“not a problem for the king, its a deal” -arthur
clark didn’t really need/want much
but he was a great help when testing new weapons and suits
“can you just…laser vision that target right ahead. new suit material” -you
“yeah, stand back” -clark
it held for a good 20 seconds
“better than i thought” -you
you were their eyes in the sky on missions
directions, lookout, enemies, obstacles, detours, you name it
and yeah, maybe victor could also do a great deal of this stuff, but you got to do it behind the scenes and you actually got paid pretty well for it
but occasionally you did ask him for tech support
“victor, the batcomputer froze” -you
“i know, i did that on purpose” -vic
“can you unfreeze it so i can see what’s going on?” -you
“what’s the password?” -vic
*sigh* “ilovevicstone123” -you
diana let you spar with her sometimes
which honestly scared you every time bc you know she could kill you if she wanted to (but you knew she would never)
(but she could)
you’d never be apart of the justice league, which was very okay with you because you loved being behind the scenes and not being shot at
and so long and you had tea with alfred while the rest of them were kicking ass, you’d manage
taglist: @locke-writes // @captainshazamerica // @summersimmerus // @deanzboyfriend // @zoeyserpentluck // @mr-mxyzptlk-1940 //
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blackynsupremacy · 7 months ago
“why you always watching superhero stuff? ” 😐
The superheroes:
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fancyfeathers · 22 days ago
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Thinking about Yandere!Justice League having children with their darlings and perhaps those children aren’t too keen on their relationship with their parents…
Set in the universe of Young Justice.
Includes references to my Yandere Batfam w/ Wife/Mother!Darling & Daughter/Sister!Darling & Always Prey But Never A Bird
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Clark’s daughter grew up in Smallville after Clark married his darling, living near the same house her father grew up in. She is one of many children, including Connor who her mother immediately took in as her own even if her father was still struggling with his feelings about his clone (though Connor rarely comes by unless Clark is gone, otherwise he is back with the team). Between herself and her siblings there is one major difference, she doesn’t have powers, or at least they have not come in yet.
She feels herself isolated from her siblings, especially when she sees one of her brothers practice and train with their father or when she gets pulled from the soccer team since it is apparently not safe when she sprained her ankle during a game but her dad has missed half her games of the season because of being Superman, Justice League business, or something with her siblings because of their powers that they are learning to control.
He is so protective but he is never even there.
She gets fed up when it gets near to her high school graduation and she is looking at colleges and talk to her parents about colleges and Clark is not sure about sending her off.
So she decides to leave on her own, pack a bag in the middle of the night while her dad is off planet and walks outside, walking across the empty field and she hears…
“Heading out?”
One of her siblings had caught onto her leaving, but they are not going to stop her, instead offering to take her anywhere she needs because she needs to leave this place to figure out who she really is.
Of course there will be panic when Clark returns home and finds one of his children is missing and she is completely untraceable, how is she untraceable? Clark can not even hear her heartbeat, she could be dead!
But she’s not…
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Hal Jordan’s twins don’t really know their father super well because of when he is off planet as Green Lantern but he still wants to be a part of their lives, but their childhood is spent running around the Watchtower and being babysat by other league members or other Green Lantern Corps members while their dad is off planet, and their mother is tired of reading two very chaotic teenagers. Hal is like that one dad who does not fully understand that his children have been growing back, he’ll come into his teenage daughter’s room, sit on her bed and ask if she wants to go practice softball pitcher throws but he doesn’t know the last time his daughter played softball was in middle school. Or offering to take his son to the beach but his son cannot stand the feeling of sand on his feet or how the sand can ruin his books.
He remembers them like when they were babies and he made constructs from his ring of animals and toys for his children to play with and now when he picks up his daughter up from school he does not even know the names of her her friends.
But one thing that will never change is the fact that he will protect them no matter what. All it would take is for Hal to witness one incident, say he has to save his twins as Green Lantern, he makes the decision that at the end of the school year he is pulling them out and moving them into the Watchtower full time, besides they already stay there when he is off planet.
The two pick up on this when they overhear their parents arguing about it in the night, it is far past their bedtime so Hal doesn’t think either of them are listening but both of them listen in and all it takes is for their dad to go to a Justice League meeting and the two have packed their bags and jumped out the bathroom window.
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Diana’s darling is definitely a woman and I think if they were to have a child they would have adopted an orphan, one who perhaps lost their family in an accident and Diana saves them, a young boy, a preteen at the oldest. He has a semi normal upbringing, he doesn’t really have any powers. He has never been to Themyscira because of he is a man, but Diana trains him anyway because it is important he knows how defend himself and his other adoptive mother when Diana is not around.
But the day comes where every little bird has to leave the nest and Diana agrees to let him to go to college nearby, especially after hearing about his intentions to become a lawyer. But his true intention to pursue such a career is because when he heard the stories from his other mother about how the members of the Justice League did certain things to get their partners and he felt horrified, he may not have been the one who done such a thing but he would be damned if he was not the one to try and repair it. Besides Diana has no reason to believe her baby boy is a liar, so he never even gets caught and forced to tell the truth.
It is at school where he meets someone not too different from himself and the two immediately hit it off, but the major thing between the two of them is that she is fast… really fast…
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Barry Allen is close to his darling little girl, especially since she inherited his speed, they found that little fact out when she was practicing for track team tryouts and she suddenly found herself in Arizona, that was an interesting conversation when she called up her dad, a crying and confused mess, and before she could hang up Barry was already there, kneeling down in his suit and explaining everything to her.
Most kids get a car for their sixteenth birthday, she got super speed.
But another thing she got from her dad is his intelligence, it takes a lot to be a forensic scientist so Barry is hardly surprised when he little girl graduates early, he knows that she used her speed doing homework when he told her not to but sometimes the achievement outdoes the actions to get there.
Barry is willing to send her away from home for college, after all he is never far. But while she is at school she meets a boy, a few years older than her, and they become fast friends. She trusts him so she reveals her powers one night when they are hanging out around campus, her hand literally phasing through the wall with how fast it is going, but after that all turn is revealed and her world is shattered.
That boy was the son of Diana and he tells her everything, the truth about her own parents and she feels like she can never look her dad in the eye again. She doesn’t even feel like she can go home again, but when the end of the school year comes up they do have to move out of their dorm rooms and go home, but neither of them have the intention of doing that.
When Barry comes to help her move out, she is gone, most of her stuff is still there but she is gone. Then he hears the same from Diana about her son and everything clicks into place…
They found out the truth.
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Zatara has another child besides Zatanna, though not biological. When Zatara’s first wife died and he kidnapped got remarried to his darling, she also had a child, a little boy from a former relationship. The boy may not be his biological child but that boy is his son, so just like Zatanna, he teaches him about the mystic arts.
The boy is practically raised by Zatara as his father, especially when his mother falls into stockholm syndrome, but that just makes the sting so much worse when Zatara puts on the Helmet of Fate to save Zatanna. Sure by the time it happened his son is basically an adult, but it still hurts when his sister comes back home and tells him and his mother what happened. So while Zatanna joins the team and leaves home he is left to struggle with his emotions about what happened.
The young man is cleaning up some of his father’s things to tuck away in boxes because his mother is to grief stricken to even look at them, but then he found some of Zatara’s old journals where he wrote about his darling, when he was too young to remember, and he feels absolutely horrified about what his step father did. He thinks about asking his mother about it but he does not want to bring up any sad memories she might have lingering, and he is not going to ask Zatanna, because his sister is still in pain after what her dad did to protect her.
So he decides it might be best for him to leave so he can make peace with a few things.
He packs up his bags and does not even tell his mother or Zatanna that he is leaving, just leaving a note on the kitchen counter. He travels the world, becoming a mostly self taught magician, besides the few things his father taught him when he was younger. He calls Zatanna or his mother every so often and every time his sister sounds more and more worried, but he reassures her that he is not on a team of superheroes like she is, he is just trying to figure out where he belongs…
But that promise does not last long once he finds out about the rest of the Justice League and their darlings and he is enraged…
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Arthur Curry’s son is technically a prince, but really he feels captive in his own home. His father may be half human but his mother is fully human, and so their son is mostly human, so one can imagine how hard it is for him to breathe underwater without some form of assistance. Arthur tried to get his son adapted overtime, but it just became too hard as he got older and he had to rely on assistance to breathe underwater like his mother. He would be the heir to the throne if it was not for having young siblings who were stronger than he was, truly he is not jealous but he is disappointed that he is seen as so fragile for being born into an environment his body mostly does not want to be in. He is hardly let outside just because his body already struggles enough being so deep underwater… he wonders if it would be different on the surface, he’s never been up there before.
By some miracle he convinces his retainers to let him explore, just for an hour or two, but then an hour turns into a day and a day turns into weeks. He feels so much more alive on land, his lungs don’t feel heavy like they are struggling to breathe.
But the Prince of Atlantis going missing is going to cause more than a few people to panic. Including Arthur himself.
With more children of the Justice League going missing they get more worried and stressed and begin a mass search for them if it was not for a certain someone…
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Now Bruce Wayne’s daughter I have written about before, she was the vigilante know as Songbird in Gotham, she ran away years ago and in this universe when everything was said and done she went off all on her own, sure she based herself off Black Canary, but with most of the league like this she wants nothing to do with it.
She was the first one to run away from home and not being caught by the Batman is certainly a feat but she is certainly her father’s daughter, so when she hears the news about some of the children of Justice League members going missing because she definitely did not hack their server communications. So she finds each child of the Justice League and she helps them out, because to be honest they all want the same thing.
Setting up a place for everyone to stay safely after tracking them down one by one, she even went all the way to Paris to find Zatara’s son to convince him because he was doing a show there.
So she makes lead lined shirts for little Miss Supergirl so she cannot be found via powers. Then it gets get worse when she does finally get powers and being half Kryptonian hits her hard, especially when she has no one around to teach her how to control them, well almost no one. Luckily she has someone in her corner, who better to teach her than the daughter of the Batman who taught herself how to be a vigilante, it should not be that hard.
Each one wants to either help one of their parents or they straight up are doing this out spite. But trying to piece together a team of the heroes who have next to no idea what they are going to do. But becoming a team to spite their parents turned into them basically stopping villains before their parents do.
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Extra things
I love the idea of Clark’s and Bruce’s daughters and Diana’s son be best friends who have never met, like the second the meet each other they just know that they are inseparable. The self trained vigilante, the boy raised by an Amazon, and the half Kryptonian girl. Then the training sessions and teaching Clark’s daughter how to control her newly gained powers almost always turns into just chatting and some sort of shenanigans.
I don’t know why but something about Zatara’s son gaining powers kind of like the Scarlet Witch from the MCU just makes sense to me. Also the idea of Doctor Fate having slight, or heavy, protective tendencies over him while Zatara is the host.
Also I did not put them down here but I also had ideas for Green Arrow’s & Black Canary’s daughter because they would definitely share a darling, and I might write a second part for them and a few others.
Then I also thought about Martian Manhunter and his darling having an adoptive daughter because she is a meta human with telepathic abilities, but then I got reminded of Charles Xavier and thinking that she would be just to similar and now that I am finishing up this post I don’t hate that idea.
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downthe-f4ndom-rabbith0le · 11 months ago
Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Chapter 2
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 5030 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together. 
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazonians' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
(6 Months Later)
Dick Grayson looked up at the Carr family home from his car, apprehensive to open the door just yet. It was a nice home, and from the research Dick did, a nice family lived there too.
His eyes trailed to the apartment situated above the garage, imagining the people who were inside. How were they going to react when he told them what he was there for? Scratch that, how were they going to react when they saw him?
'Should I go take a nap or are you going to man up and go inside at some point?' Oracle's sarcastic voice came through the car's bluetooth.
Dick clenched his hands around the steering wheel. Barbara - newly named Oracle - was right. It didn't matter what his friends were going to say. He needed their help, and he needed to man up.
Dick finally unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door. 'I'll call you when I'm done,' he said, then ended the call before Barbara could sneak in another witty remark.
He made haste running up the Carr's driveway, then up the stairs to the apartment above the garage. As he raised his hand to knock on the door, he heard laughter and lively chatter that made him pause. An overwhelming sense of guilt and shame and longing surged through him. Was he really going to break up the joy beyond the door? Once upon a time he would've been glad for a party, for a break from work and his vigilante duties.
His mind flashed back to that first party him and his friends had in Mount Justice. It was Wally's birthday and he had been lapping up all the attention, especially from M'gann, who had made him a cake and had in fact organised the whole party. This was before Wally realised him and Artemis were meant to be, same with Connor and M'gann.
But Y/N had known, had even pointed it out to Dick as they sat in the corner just the two of them, watching everything play out.
'They're all so thick,' Y/N said, taking a sip of her lemonade, trying to hide her knowing smile.
'How so?' Dick asked.
Y/N rolled her eyes. 'Can you not see?' She grabbed Dick's chin and guided him to look at Connor and M'gann interacting awkwardly but in a cute way, then Wally and Artemis "fighting", matching wit for wit with every snarky comment they threw at each other. 'Connor and M'gann are so into each other, and you could cut the emotional tension between Wally and Artemis it's so thick. They are all crushing hard.'
Dick watched the two couples interact a little longer and realised Y/N was right. 'Well would you look at that,' he said, turning back to Y/N. 'You're quite the observer, aren't you?'
Y/N chuckled. 'Dick, we've been best friends for three years now. If you're just figuring that out now, then you're just as thick as the rest of our friends.'
'Hey! I am not!'
'Are to.'
'Am. Not!'
'Are. To!'
The two fell into hysterical laughter, gripping onto one another so they didn't fall to the ground.
Y/N's smile came to him then, and the longing in his chest ached even more. She was more than likely beyond the door too, laughing and smiling without a care in the world. He suddenly had the thought that he couldn't go through with it. He couldn't possibly ask them - couldn't ask her - to help him. Not after what he'd done...
Before he could chicken out completely, he forced himself to knock lightly on the door.
'I'll get it,' M'gann's sweet voice called out to whoever she was with, and Dick prepared himself as he heard her walk to the door.
M'gann opened the door, and she was smiling, the remnants of laughter twinkling in her eyes. She was in her human form, but it had changed since the last time Dick saw her. Her ginger hair was now cropped just under her ears, and her features were sharper, more refined than that of a young adolescent. She wore a flattering white blouse and casual jeans, not bothering for shoes in her own home.
She was grown up. In just two years?
Her brown eyes locked with Dick's blue ones, and immediately her smile dropped as shock froze her face.
Dick offered her a small smile 'Hi, M'gann,' he said softly.
'Dick...' was all she could manage as she continued to look at him, eyes raking over him as if she were imagining things. 'What are you doing here?'
'Honey, who is it?'
Dick's guilt deepened at the sound of Connor's voice. The Superboy himself came to the door when M'gann didn't answer, and stopped in his tracks as soon as he laid eyes on Dick. But he didn't stay shocked for long.
Connor furrowed his eyebrows and stepped up behind M'gann, placing a protective hand on her shoulder. 'What are you doing here?' he asked icily, eyes solely focussed on Dick.
It hurt to see such distrust in his old friend's eyes, but Dick somewhat expected that. 'Nice to see you too, Connor,' he said, slipping into his casual, carefree persona easily. If there was one thing Dick was really good at, it was putting on a mask. 'I was in the neighbourhood and thought I'd swing by. It's been a while.'
'Why don't you answer my question first before you start acting like nothing is wrong,' Connor suggested, his voice taking a deep threatening tone.
'Connor, please,' M'gann said, seemingly getting over her initial shock. She placed her left hand over Connor's on her shoulder, and that's when Dick saw the shiny diamond ring on her finger. 'He's our friend.'
Dick didn't think his guilt could worsen at those three words.
M'gann opened the door wider and offered him a small smile. 'Come in, Dick. We'd love for you to join us.'
Dick flashed her a grateful smile. 'Thanks,' he said as he ducked through the doorway. He then looked from M'gann to Connor and back again. 'Congratulations, by the way.'
M'gann looked confused for a moment, then a joyful twinkle flashed in her eyes as she looked to her ring, a soft smile gracing her features. 'Thank you, Dick,' she said. 'That's what we're actually celebrating. Come on, there is food and drinks this way.'
M'gann walked back towards the party, but Connor and Dick remained in the entrance, staring at one another.
Dick took Connor in. Because of his clone genetics, Connor never actually aged. Not physically anyways. He'd changed ever so slightly from when Dick first broke him out of Cadmus, only growing a centimetre or two every year or so. His muscles had toned more having entered his theoretical twenties, and but his face still held onto those baby features he'd had since being replicated as a teenaged Superman.
Dick sized himself up against Connor and shockingly found that, for the first time, they were looking at each other eye to eye.
Connor seemed to scan Dick, too, coming to the same conclusion that Dick had changed too since they last saw each other. Dick waited for Connor to say something, but when Connor was done he gave Dick a stone cold grimace then turned to follow M'gann.
'What a warm reunion,' Dick mumbled under breath as he followed Connor down the hallway.
The hallway opened into an open-floor plan that held the kitchen, the dinning room and the lounge. Dick expected a few more people to be waiting for them, but he only spotted Kaldur lounging on the couch, drink in hand. Being the vigilant person he was, Kaldur immediately recognised Dick and placed his drink on the coffee table as he stood up.
'Dick,' he said, teal eyes wide with surprise.
'Hey, Kaldur,' Dick greeted awkwardly, ready for the same cold treatment as Connor.
Instead, Kaldur's face broke into a warm smile as he manoeuvred around the furniture to make his way to Dick. 'Old friend,' he said as he embraced Dick. 'It has been too long.'
'It sure has, buddy,' Dick responded, returning his friend's embrace.
Kaldur released him, but kept his hand on Dick's shoulder as he scanned over him. 'Look at you! You seem to be healthy and strong.'
It was true. Dick had noticed he'd muscled up a little more since leaving the team, though still keeping towards the leaner side of muscular. He certainly wasn't has bulk as Connor, or Kaldur for that fact, who Dick noted also had more muscles and toned features. Kaldur certainly filled out the black button-up he wore. But, as it was with Connor, Dick was happy to see him looking directly in Kaldur's eyes as they spoke, not from slightly below as it had been since they were children.
'Thanks man,' Dick said. 'Been working out. I see you've been doing the same, Aquaman.'
'My King left some large shoes to fill,' Kladur admitted humbly. 'But thank you.'
'So you know of Kaldur's promotion, but couldn't contact him to say congrats when it happened?' Connor interjected from his place in the kitchen.
M'gann scolded him as she placed some plates on the dining table, but the mood had already changed to tense and quiet.
'Connor's right,' Dick admitted, addressing his three friends. 'I'm sorry. These past two years... I should've stayed in contact. I wanted to. But every time I went to, I convinced myself that you didn't want to hear from me. That it would be better to leave you all be while I try to figure out myself again.'
'Oh Dick,' M'gann started, walking around the table to pull him into a hug. 'Of course we wanted to hear from you. You're our friend and we missed you. But we understand that after Wally died, you had to take a break from everything.'
M'gann pulled away and then pointed an accusatory finger at him, looking extremely cross with him. 'But if you ever do anything like that again, I swear I will hunt you down and kick your sorry ass into another universe. Understood?'
Dick nodded vigorously. 'U-Understood.'
M'gann's sweet demeanour returned and she walked back to the table to continue setting it. The three men looked at her quietly as she went about her work, until Dick turned to Connor and said, 'Your fiancée is scary.'
Dick expected another glare from the Superboy, but he was gladly surprised when the dark-haired boy nodded in agreement, face slightly pale. 'You got that right.' He then shook himself out of his frozen state of fear to help his fiancée dish out their meal.
'Give him time,' Kaldur said quietly to Dick. 'You know how Connor can be with expressing his emotions.'
'Well, he's not as emotionally constipated as he once was, I'll give him that,' Dick said. 'Unfortunately, I don't think I have time.'
'What do you mean?' Kaldur asked.
Dick went to explain but quickly decided against it. Kaldur was in the Justice League now. Dick couldn't really explain what he was planning to do. Not yet, anyway.
'Forget I said anything,' Dick said instead, flashing his charming smile and wrapping an arm around his old friend's shoulders. 'For now, why don't you tell me everything I've missed. How is it being Atlantis' new champion, first starters...'
For the next hour, it was like old times. The four of them ate and laughed and swapped stories about what Dick had missed in the last two years. They recalled some of the good times they all shared when they were on the team, and Dick convinced himself for a brief moment that they could all stay like this. Happy, carefree, young.
But Dick had come to Connor and M'gann for a reason.
Once they'd had enough of dessert, Connor offered to wash up and Dick saw his chance.
'I'll help wipe up,' Dick offered, taking his and Kaldur's plates to the sink while Connor filled the sink with soap and water. Dick waited until M'gann and Kaldur were in deep conversation over on the couch that Dick decided to broach his intended subject. 'So, how is the team going?'
'The team is doing okay,' Connor answered flatly, never lifting his eyes from his work with the plates in the sink. 'I just try to help M'gann as best as I can. We're down a few numbers since your old man decided to take half of the Justice League and our team with him in his little stunt.'
Dick winced. He recalled getting the call from Tim about it about five months ago. It had been an orchestrated walk out from over half the Justice League and their protégés, all of them wanting to go back to their vigilante ways as the League and the team had become somewhat irrelevant. Those that remained never saw it coming.
'I'm sorry about that,' he apologised, though he wasn't entirely sure why. Just felt appropriate.
Connor looked at him briefly, hands pausing in the sink as he did, and then released a sigh of defeat. 'Don't be sorry, Dick. It's not like you had anything to do with it.'
'No,' Dick agreed, 'but I should've been there at least. I should've reached out to see if you were okay. We started this team together, I shouldn't have just left it all to you.'
'Well, I know the rest of the team would really appreciate it if you came back now,' Connor said, his tone hopeful. 'That is, if you're ready to come back.'
Dick's heart lurched at the thought of going back to the team, both with want and terror. He liked Barbara, he really did. But, if he were being honest, he'd missed being a part of something bigger than himself and his own agendas.
'Connor,' Dick started softly, looking to see M'gann and Kaldur still locked in deep conversation before continuing, 'I would love to come back. Please know that. But you should know I haven't just been idly moving about the place the last two years. I've been conducting undercover missions of my own with Barbara in relation to the meta-human trafficking crisis.'
Connor's eyes widened and Dick saw he was about to raise his voice so leaned in close and hurriedly whispered, 'Keep your voice down, please.'
Connor took a second to register what Dick had said before whispering harshly, 'What do you mean you've been working on your own? You should've come to us if you were getting involved.'
'First of all, I just said I had Barbara helping me, and secondly because the team and the Justice League are full of public figures now. The missions wouldn't work if they got involved. But I've actually come here to ask you for your help on a mission, Connor.'
'Me?! Why would I-'
'Let me explain. First of all, it'll be you, me, Artemis-'
'You've pulled Artemis into this too?! Where the hell has she been, anyway?'
'Would you stop interrupting me for one second?' Dick hissed, wiping up a plate or two before returning to the conversation. 'As I was saying, from our intel, Markovia's Princess Tara has been found dead. Killed by a meta human supposedly, and I have a sneaky suspicion someone has been testing on people with the meta gene, turning them into extreme versions of their meta abilities. I need your help to find out who. As I said before, I've convinced Artemis to help already, and I was looking to you, Jefferson, and Y/N to make up the rest of the team.'
Dick looked around the room, looking at how empty the couches were around M'gann and Kaldur and sudden thought struck him. 'Speaking of which, where is Y/N?' he asked. 'I would've thought she'd be here celebrating the good news.'
He'd forgotten to keep quiet that time, and so Kaldur and M'gann looked at him alongside Connor, all looking as if Dick had sprouted three heads.
'What?' Dick asked, patting around his face. 'Do I have sauce on my face?'
'You don't know?' M'gann asked, sounding almost on the brink of tears.
That's when Dick realised something was majorly wrong, and his gut twisted with fear. 'Know what? Where's Y/N?'
'Y/N, she...' Kaldur started, then took a deep breath before continuing, 'Y/N left the team, Dick.'
'What?' Dick said, almost dropping the plate he held. 'What do you mean she left?'
'She left about six months ago,' Connor answered, washing up the last plate and emptying the sink. 'Before everyone else left. She felt like she wasn't doing enough with us anymore, so she just... left.'
'I've sent her plenty of messages,' M'gann said, 'but she hasn't answered any of them. And I can't sense her at all in the country. Even the Watchtower couldn't find her.'
Dick couldn't believe this. Y/N was gone? 'So Wonder Woman doesn't even know where she is?'
'Wonder Woman has been busy running the Justice League since Batman resigned,' Kaldur answered. 'Even if she did know where her daughter was, I don't think she'd like us to know, and I would have to agree.'
'Why?' Dick asked, suddenly very angry at Kaldur for not being as concerned as he was about Y/N. 'Do you know where she is?'
Kaldur shook his head. 'Regrettably, no. But when we last spoke, she sounded like she didn't want to be found. That she would come back to us when she was ready. I think we should respect that.'
Dick shook his head in disbelief. 'No, that's not like Y/N. She wouldn't just leave anywhere without telling anyone.'
'What, you mean like you?' Connor asked, and that cold stare was back.
'I mean she is loyal and empathetic. Surely she would know how her absence would affect the team,' Dick continued, ignoring the personal dig.
'She was loyal, Dick,' Connor countered. 'She was loyal, and stuck around with M'gann, Kaldur and I until the team got back on its feet. She held the team together when we were on the brink of falling apart. But you wouldn't know that because you weren't here.'
Dick wanted to argue but found that he couldn't. What he had thought was the best for the team turned out to be the complete opposite. He could sense it now; his relationships with his oldest friends were no longer as they were.
'You were gone for two years,' Connor continued. 'You'd be surprised as to how much a person can change in that time.'
The day Dick left flashed in his mind, and he recalled the pain in Y/N's eyes when he left her behind. He remembered how she'd held it together, but he knew she would probably cry about it later because she'd done it some many times before, always going to him to cry on his shoulder.
But he wasn't there that time. He'd left her all alone to dry her tears.
You're my best friend. Always have been. Always will be...
Dick looked to his friends again, but they could barely meet his eyes. Kaldur was disappointed, Connor was angry, and M'gann was just sad. An apology bubbled up in Dick's throat, but he didn't think it was sufficient enough for what he had done to them.
'I have to find her, then,' Dick said into the quiet room, and finally they all looked to him.
'Did you not just hear Kaldur?' Connor asked. 'We should leave her alone like she wants.'
'We don't necessarily know that,' Dick countered. 'Besides, this isn't about bringing her back. This is about me making things right with her.'
'But what if Kaldur is right?' M'gann argued. 'What if she doesn't want to be found. Maybe the right thing to do is leave her alone?'
Dick shook his head. 'She's my best friend, M'gann. I can't accept that she wouldn't want to see us ever again.'
'Maybe she doesn't want to see you, have you considered that?' Kaldur asked, his voice taking on a protective demeanour. 'The bottom line is, Dick, that you left her behind without a second thought. And she respected that, even if it killed her inside knowing that you would rather abandon her - abandon us - than face the pain of losing Wally together. She missed you every single day, and yet she still fought and trained and guided the team without faltering. And now, when she finally finds the courage to do what's best for her for once, you want to shame her for it?'
Anger surged through Dick, fiery and hot. 'I am not shaming her for anything. Do you not think I didn't think of you all every single day?'
'If you did, you didn't do anything about it, did you?' Connor mumbled, but Dick heard him just fine.
'Look, if you guys don't want to help me find her, fine,' Dick said, looking at all three friends pointedly. 'But I will find her. Because she needs to know that she was right. That I was wrong to leave and I am a terrible best friend.'
His expression softened as he looked down at his hands, imagining how long ago him and Y/N would link their pinkies. How simple friendships were back then.
'If she never comes back,' he continued, quieter this time, 'then I won't blame her. But best friends don't give up on each other.'
It was quiet for what felt like an eternity. Until Kaldur walked up to Dick and grabbed his shoulder comfortingly.
'You may be a terrible best friend,' Kaldur said, a small smile warming his face. 'But that doesn't mean your heart isn't in the right place.'
'Thanks, Kaldur,' Dick said, patting Kaldur's hand upon his shoulder.
Kaldur dropped his hand and the four of them sat down on the couches. 'Y/N didn't tell me where she was going,' Kaldur started, 'just that she needed to find out who she was again.'
'I don't follow,' Dick said.
Kaldur chuckled. 'Don't worry, I said the same thing to her when she told me. But she also said something along the lines of, "I need to find out where I've come from to find out where I will go.".'
'What the hell does that mean?' Connor asked.
'Again, not sure. But when I asked her the same question, she said she had to go back to her roots,' Kaldur elaborated. 'Something to do with where it all started. And her mother...'
Dick contemplated all of Kaldur's recollections, juggling each statement over one another to try and make sense. It was so vague, but Dick could sense there was a blatant truth staring right at them if they just looked hard enough.
Where it all began... Where she's been... Her mother...
The answer hit Dick like a brick wall.
'Themyscira,' he said softly, then more confidently. 'She's gone to Themyscira.'
'The Island of the Amazons?' M'gann asked. 'Are you sure?'
Dick nodded. 'It has to be. That's where Wonder Woman is from, and Y/N mentioned all the time when we were kids how much she wanted to go visit it one day.'
'But isn't it hidden?' Connor interjected. 'I mean, that's why they haven't gone back right? Anyone who leaves the island can never find it again.'
'Wonder Woman must've had something to help her remember,' Kaldur offered. 'Or at least guide her back home. I would suggest we go ask her, but again, I doubt she would tell us anything.'
It was like nothing had changed. The four of them had slipped back into theorising and planning and bantering as if no time had passed, as if no one had left or been promoted. It warmed Dick's heart at the thought that they all wanted to help find Y/N, even bring her home.
But Dick shook his head in dismissal. 'You guys don't have to worry yourselves over this. It sounds like I'm part of the reason she left in the first place, so it's my responsibility to find her and make this right on my own.'
'While I agree that this is partially your fault,' Connor said, earning a slight slap from M'gann beside him that he barely flinched at, 'Y/N's our friend too. The least we can do is help you find her.'
Dick smiled gratefully at his friend, who gave him a nod in return which was a start. 'Okay then...' Dick brought his watch up in front of his chest, clicked a few buttons before bringing up a large holographic screen with Barbara on it. 'Can you see us, Babs?'
'In quality HD, as well,' Barbara replied with a witty smile. 'Now, what can Oracle do for you?'
'We're trying to find Themyscira,' Dick explained. 'But it's not on any maps that we know of. Anything in any history records? Sailor sightings while out at sea?'
'You're asking me to find a mythical island from greek mythology that is meant to be hidden from Man's World and is forgotten by any who leave it?' Barbara asked incredulously, but then began typing ferociously on her end. 'Yeah, sure. No problem.'
Dick and the others waited in silence as Barbara worked her magic, files and maps and illustrations of the island popping up all over the screen around her face. After a minute or two, she spoke again.
'Okay,' she began, 'according to maps, you're right, the place doesn't exist. Even old sailors from Ancient Greece don't have any records of the place. However, I did find some similar tales being published in short stories of greek mythology and sailing journals. And all of them mention a couple of times sailing near what has now become the mouth of the modern Terme River in what we now know as Turkey, and having a strange sensation wash over them about danger. Each and every one of them have been convinced there is danger ahead and have turned away.'
'But they're just stories,' Kaldur argued. 'How can you be sure that what they speak of is the Island of the Amazons?'
'Ease up, Aquaman. I'm getting there.' A few more clicks and taps and Barbara brought up a picture of a very odd looking fish. 'Do you recognise that at all?'
Kaldur stared at the fish for a moment, contemplating its odd structure. 'I don't recognise it as a species,' Kaldur said. 'But I do recognise parts of it. It is like... different fish species have been spliced up and put back together to form this.'
'Exactly,' Barbara said, tap and clicking fervently again. 'This is a fish that has been found not near Turkey but close enough, and on multiple occasions. Now, if we isolate all these fish types... and then map out where each species usually resides... then find the crossover point for all of them...'
Dick watched diligently as Barbara isolated the fishes, highlight on the world map which species resided where, then drew lines horizontally and vertically, then zoomed in on the section the two lines crossed over.
'And there you have it,' Barbara offered proudly. 'The mouth to the Terme River in Turkey. You're welcome.'
'That makes sense,' M'gann said, looking up at the map, intrigued. 'If Themyscira is supposedly this pocket of space no human can find, then it makes sense that sea creatures of different genetic combinations would be able to breed there in peace, more than likely living there except for the stray pod or two that wander off into the open ocean.'
'I would have to agree,' Kaldur said, fascinated by it all as well. 'Who knows how many sea creatures live in harmony there.'
'Well, I'll be sure to find out when I get there,' Dick said as he stood up. 'Thanks Babs.'
'Any time,' she said, then the call ended.
'Wait, you're leaving now?' M'gann asked as Dick made his way to the front door.
'This cannot wait, M'gann,' Dick insisted, opening the front door. 'I have to speak with her as soon as possible.'
'Hey.' Dick was forced to stop when Connor grabbed him by his bicep, bringing the two of them close enough Dick could feel Connor's breath on his cheek.
'Are you really doing this for Y/N's sake, or for yours?' Connor asked in a hushed voice. 'Because whatever mission you think you need her for, I can assure you it cannot be more important than your friendship. Do you understand?'
Dick didn't quite understood what he meant, but he nodded anyways, and Connor let him go.
M'gann and Kaldur stepped up beside Connor as Dick made his way down the apartment stairs and back to the car. M'gann wrapped her arms around Connor's waist as he embraced her with one arm over her shoulder.
'Good luck, old friend,' Kaldur called out. 'May your journey be safe and successful.'
Dick chuckled as he waved farewell. 'I know you've always been well-spoken, but is it now a job requirement as Aquaman to sound like Gandalf?'
Kaldur pulled a face that Dick and M'gann laughed at, and Connor cracked a smile at the slight burn. Before he could psyche himself out of it, Dick hopped in the car and took off towards Wayne Manor.
'Call Alfred Pennyworth,' Dick spoke loud and clear, and the car immediately began ringing.
After a few rings, Alfred promptly answered the phone. 'Master Dick, what a pleasant surprise.'
'Hey, Alfred. Is the Batwing free at the moment?'
'I've just given it a deep clean now. Why?'
'Excellent. Could you please prepare it for take off by the time I reach the Manor? I have a little excursion I have to go on.'
'Will that excursion bring the Batwing back in one piece, Master Dick?'
'...I'll be there in twenty.'
Dick promptly ended the call, not waiting to hear a scolding from Alfred. Those were never fun.
Truth be told, he wasn't sure what to expect when he went to Themyscira. But Steve Trevor did it once, surely it could be done again.
Either way, it was a risk Dick was willing to take to get his best friend back.
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gracelaurie · 1 year ago
Innocent | Ed Warren x Reader
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pairing : Ed Warren (Conjuring) x Female Reader
summary : You have been frequently bothered by a bride ghosts since you were little. But as you grow older you feel increasingly disturbed and you ask for help from Ed and Lorraine Warren, a demonologist, to help you escape the curse.
Instead of focusing on the exorcism case this time, you are caught up in a hot affair with Ed Warren.
After all, who would refuse his cock?
warning : full of smut, cheating, masturbation, virginity loss, unprotected sex, p in v sex, breeding kink, rough sex.
for another patrick wilson ff ➡️ masterlist
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You snuck into Massachusetts Western University, Wakefield. You’re obviously not a student there, you graduated from uni last year. You knew that Ed and Lorraine Warren would be lecture in there so you disguised yourself as a student.
You’re wearing a white shirt matching with a black short skirt that is above the knee. Your beautiful legs are covered with sheer stockings.
Because of your appearance, many men stare at you stunned, even women seem to steal glances at you. You’re really beautiful and different from others. Your outfit is certainly the opposite in the 70s, but it’s not because of your outfit that makes many people admire you, but because you have a beautiful face with hair that looks very soft.
You have responded politely several times when several people tried to get to know you, and they were surprised why they had never seen you here.
Even though you attract attention there, you remain focused on your purpose here. The thought that told you to focus appeared when you saw the bride's figure appear again at the end of the room while Ed and Lorraine Warren were teaching in front. The bride looks at you with red eyes, and blood comes out of her eyes.
The blood dripped on the floor and when Lorraine walked backwards and stepped on the blood, in an instant the figure disappeared.
Lorraine gasped. She froze in place, looking at the floor which now had no blood at all- then she saw you.
Ed grabbed his wife’s shoulder, and he asked, “what is it, hon?”
“Nothing,” said Lorraine briefly, her eyes still looking straight at you. Ed followed his wife’s gaze, and he’s looking at you now.
“We have to,” Lorraine stopped because she was still trying to digest everything, “we have to continue this.”
Ed nodded, he then turned the video back on, “A French-Canadian farmer with no more than a third-grade education yet after he was possessed, spoke some of the best Latin I’d ever heard.”
You looked at the screen seriously. Suddenly you felt goosebumps, but when you looked to the side of the screen, you saw Ed caught staring at you, then Ed immediately continued talking, “S-sometimes backwards.” said Ed, who surprisingly, he’s stammer.
“He’d been molested by his father, who had also tortured him repeatedly.” Ed said still unable to take his eyes off you.
You realize this. It seems like you stole Ed Warren’s attention since Lorraine stared at you intently- she knew and could feel that you were being followed by the ghost. But her husband gaze at you... seemed different.
To ensure that, you pulled up your short skirt and crossed your legs. Your thighs are clearly visible in the sheer stockings which makes Ed even more unable to focus.
“A dark spirit…” Ed’s hungry gaze at your thighs, made his wife, Lorraine, suspect her husband’s strange behavior. Ed nervously continued, “A dark spirit made its home in- in th- this man.”
“Now, if you look into his eyes, you can see him tearing blood.” said Lorraine. You watched carefully and felt increasingly goosebumps all over your body.
Again, Ed couldn’t stop looking at you. You know that just by looking, you know this is wrong. He’s a married man and maybe they already have children. But you can’t deny that you like being seen by Ed, you feel like you want to tease him again.
“And like that…” Lorraine said while glaring at her husband and you alternately, “an upside-down cross started to appear from within his body.”
“All right, Drew, you can hit the lights.”
Suddenly everyone raised their hands to ask questions. You are surprised by this, not because of the enthusiasm of the class so that everyone wants to ask questions except you, but you are surprised because you feel like you didn’t get anything from their explanation.
Because Ed keeps looking at you and you in your seat keep teasing him. It seems like no one noticed, but if anyone in the room noticed besides his wife, they couldn’t blame you. He’s hot.
You can feel Ed and Lorraine’s relationship immediately strain. After answering questions from various students, they immediately left the room at a fast pace. You immediately follow their steps towards their car.
“Hey,” you said walking over to them as they were about to get into their car, “hey, I need your help.”
Before Ed could reply to your words, you quickly said, “I’m not a student here. I’m not even from this city, I came all the way here because I got news that you were lecture here, and...”
“That ghost bride….” said Lorraine still looking straight at you, “she follows you all the time, wherever you are.”
“And the worst part is…” you lowered your head, “she was the one who made my best friend die. I was driving a car, and I saw her figure right in front of my car, and I was fooled, I...”
“I’m sorry about what happened…” Ed said looking at you guiltily, then he looked at his wife who seemed to be trying to digest something, “I’m sure we can help…”
Lorraine turned to her husband. Don’t know why he really wants to help you even though they were very busy handling other cases that they should have investigated right away. Of course Lorraine wants to help you, but she feels bad instincts between her husband and you.
She knows that you have seduced her husband and his husband can’t take his eyes off you, but she had seen everything through her vision, about a bride ghost who always haunts and disturbs you.
“Of course we can help you,” said Lorraine smiling at you, gesturing for you to get into their car.
When you got into the car, Lorraine’s smile faded as she looked at her husband. She knew that something like this would happen, they had been together for a very long time, she knew that one day her husband would give another woman his gaze as if he wanted to strip her naked. But she didn’t think she could bear this much pain, however she had to focus on her purpose this time to helping you.
“How long have you been bothered by that ghost?”Lorraine asked when you arrived at her house.
You thought that the house will contain terrible things, but it turns out that all of them have been stored in one room. Her house is the same as most houses, classic interior design, and various paintings... Lorraine said that her husband likes pictures.
“When I was little,” you said, then you looked at Ed for a moment. And you realize that you look at him too often, “I don't remember exactly, but I could see her when I was 6 years old.”
“I felt very scared. especially when I no longer live with my parents, I...” you give up. You can’t control yourself from looking at Ed. His proportional body makes you want to be fucked by him.
“I'm not from this country. I studied in America and I have graduated from university and now I live here.” You could feel Ed constantly looking at you.
You bit your bottom lip, “I was alone, in the past if I was disturbed every night I could ask my parents to look after me. I know it was the actions of a spoiled child, but now everything is different, I endure all this alone, and I’m afraid...”
“You are not alone, we are here to help you...” said Lorraine holding your hand gently, “can you explain to us what you experienced…apart from your friend’s accident?”
You think for a moment, then you say quietly, “she often comes into my dreams, I don’t know, she always says something but I never remember it. And the weird thing is, I feel like I dreamed of her only for a moment, maybe 2 minutes ago, and when I woke up, it was already morning.”
“Ed...” said Lorraine softly.
He nodded his head, “yes hon?”
“Can you be here accompany her? I will be right back.” said Lorraine as she stood up. And then she whispered something to her husband, making you feel strange. She turned to you and smiled faintly then left the place.
“Where did she go?” you asked as Ed now sat down next to you.
“She’s just… want to do her thing.”
“No, you always work together. I don’t believe that.” you said feeling suspicious.
“And you believe what?” said Ed, “After you showed me your thighs and bit your sexy lips while me and my wife were lecture in there.”
Ed’s soft fingers touched your pink lips, his thumb combing every corner of your lips while his other fingers held your chin.
You let go of Ed’s hand with a slow movement. “No, Ed, we can’t.” You said trying to avoid eye contact from him.
Ed grinned, “Why not?” he tucked your hair behind your ear, holding your chin, “look at me.”
You’re looking at each other now. You can’t help yourself when you see Ed in his formal suit and tie... his body is very proportional with his very handsome face. You only looked into his eyes for 5 seconds and you immediately kissed Ed’s lips hungrily.
Ed kissed you back, your fingers undoing Ed’s tie. He kissed your neck aggressively, then with quick movements he placed your entire body lying on the sofa. He took off his suit and shirt, as did you at the same time taking off your shirt.
When you were about to take off your skirt-- Ed, who was already topless, bit your neck and then said in a deep, hoarse voice in your ear, “leave the skirt in place. as are those filthy stockings...”
Ed ripped your sheer stocking right at your cunt. He moved your panties to look at your pussy. You could feel Ed’s fingers playing on your clit. His thumb rubs your clit with lazy movements while his other 2 fingers into your cunt.
You groaned in pain, Ed said, “damn, 2 fingers won't really go inside. You’re so tight, honey.”
“You're a virgin huh?” said Ed, who was still playing with your clitoris and with his fingers, you could only nod weakly.
“What a surprise.” You felt his fingers force their way into your vagina making you scream in pain.
You can hear Lorraine calling her husband because he heard your moan, “don't worry hon, this is part of the exorcism I’m doing. I can do it myself.” Ed lied so stupidly.
“Ed...please...” you let out a weak moan, you looked at the door of the house which was still wide open, “Ed... shouldn't we close the door first?”
His fingers slipped from your cunt. He started to unbutton his trousers. You can see his cock which is so big and hard in front of you.
You can feel his cock starting to enter the walls of your cunt which are already very wet. He kisses your thighs which are still covered in stockings then enters his entire penis into you. Makes you groan in pain and shed tears.
You felt sore because Ed’s big cock was inside you, but you really liked it.
“Ed, we have to close the door...”
Ed now put your legs over his shoulders and fucked you very aggressively, he answered, “That's not necessary. If someone else passes by this house, at least they can see what a slut you are.” He squeezed out the last word by thrusting his cock deeper into you.
You were drunk with the pleasure he was giving you. You accidentally said a sentence you didn’t want to say.
“Ed Warren.....a sexy demonologist that I just met. A married man that would exorcise all the demons in my body. Please have my baby, put it all in me…. I want you..” you moaned as he insert his cock into your wet cunt with fast movements.
Ed looked at you with pity, “I really wanted to see you have my baby the first time I saw you with those thighs that were so tempting... obey me and be a good slut.”
You nod and you feel increasingly excited and want to climax when Ed kisses both of your tits and licks your nipples while still inserting his large penis inside you.
“Ed... I want to cum.” you moaned when Ed bit your nipple.
He then kissed your collarbones then you could feel his rough breath on your neck now. He kissed your neck then you felt something flowing inside you.
He releases a lot of sperm inside you. With nothing left. His big cock was still inside you when Lorraine caught you both in the living room.
“So, can we start now?” She asked with a straight face, “of course you can do an exorcism faster than this, right, Ed?”
Ed chuckled, he still hadn't removed his cock from inside you, “yeah hon, give us some time to get dressed again.”
Lorraine left the room still with a straight face. But you know that she really jealous and hurt because she obviously heard all your moans and can imagine how great your sex was. But she can’t do anything for that because she wants her husband to be happy.
You kissed his lips as he pulled his cock out of your pussy, “that was amazing.” you said then he smiled happily.
Your still naked bodies stood up and Ed hugged you from behind, “ready for round two?”
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doormatty3 · 1 year ago
Ocean Eyes - Masterlink (Orm Marius x Reader) //FINISHED
Masterlist Ao3
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[Orm Marius x Female Reader] [Orm Marius x You]
The ocean has always fascinated you - the ebb and flow of its water, the marine life in the sea and the wild and untamed beauty it exudes. Your attempts to explain this fascination have always fallen short. But when you meet Orm at the seaside one rainy day you find, that he just understands.  You offer to show him around since he is not from the city. And you are intrigued by his rather strange quirks and his regal demeanour.  After all, how could you not? When his eyes mirror the ocean itself, deep and incredibly blue. OR: You impress Orm with the surface world and he impresses you with his Atlantean cock
Warnings: 18+, fluff, kissing, romance, smut, oral sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding, dirty talk, dirty thoughts, kissing, face-fucking, possessiveness, jealousy, semi-public sex, fingering
A/N: I couldn’t resist and had to write an Orm ff after watching Aquaman 2 - the plot was very very pretty after all. I wanna thank whoever decided to put Patrick Wilson in a compression shirt for 2hrs
Also: this is gonna be a bit longer with more chapters to go - a lot of fluff and smut as well as Orm being adorably lost at surface world stuff. AND beware, I will spoil some Aquaman 2 stuff here
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
One Shots:
Onions and Orgasms - You laugh about Orm’s horrible kitchen skills, and he shows you with what he *is* skilled. Surface-Dweller Traditions - A series of unrelated one-shots and mini-fics about the many types of festivities Orm and you share. Christmas New Years
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im-a-killer-queen · 1 year ago
Yesterday I saw Aquaman and the lost kingdom and I fell in love with Orm again so I’m gonna leave this here.
Orm Marius x Reader
Warnings: no proof read, fem!reader, curly!hair!reader, chubby!reader.
Author note: I think I’m gonna start writing more about him, there are barely any fics of him and he deserves them.
Part 2
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So i head canon that as an evolution trait under the water, no one in Atlantis has curly hair, because of the friction and all of that.
So imagine the first time Orm goes to the surface after helping Arthur.
He is walking, admiring the view, completely mesmerized when his eyes meets you.
Your hair is the first thing his eyes see, and he is curious about it, he walks towards you like he was in a trance.
He looks at your face and he swears he has never seen someone as beautiful and exotic as you.
He admires your plush thighs and tummy, your body is different from any Atlantean woman, he is used to slim bodies and looking at yours felt like looking at a work of art.
Before he knew it he was in front of you, staring at you shinny eyes.
You look around and then at him.
“E-excuse me, are you okay?” At first you were scared, now that he was close you didn’t feel that he was a threat but still, you felt a bit uncomfortable.
He suddenly comes back to reality and takes a step back.
“I apologize, didn’t want to bother you, just…” he took air, you were talking to him and your voice was more beautiful than any siren song.
“You are beautiful” he breathed out in a whisper.
He chuckles awkwardly “It’s just… I’m lost” he finally gets himself together “Im new here and just wanted to ask for your help but… it’s just…” he points at you hair.
Your hand flies there, to see if everything is okay “is there something wrong with my hair?”
“No!” You get startled “it’s… different” you frown in confusion “the form, you know…” he moves his finger in circular motions.
“My curls?” You ask?
“Yes, I’ve never seen that before”
“Really? I mean not everyone has them but…” you stop and chuckle “are you trying to flirt with me or something?”
“Flirt?” He looked like a lost puppy.
You shake your head.
“Never mind” you say “where do you want to go?”
“Anywhere I can buy a greasy cheese burger” he smiles
You chuckle.
“There is a good place in the seafront”
He nods slowly, still staring at you.
You stare back and turn you head a bit to try and make him realize he is staring.
He comes back to reality once more and he closes his eyes a bit ashamed then chuckle.
“I’m sorry… again, I just really like you hair, I really don’t want to make you uncomfortable”
“It’s okay” You laugh, he is very strange but he is polite and he just seems genuinely lost.
“I’ll show you the place”
“That would be great” he smiles.
After five minutes walking you get there, he apologized one more time during the walk and told you he was gonna stay around for a few weeks.
Once you got there you told him to give you his number.
“My… number?”
“Yes, phone number”
“I don’t have that”
“Oh” you look around not knowing what to say.
“You live in the village?” He asks.
“Yes” you smile.
“I’ll see you around then” he says determined.
“See you”
You leave him there and go back to your life.
You thought you would never see him again and it would end like a weird and funny story to tell your friends.
Little did you know that atalantis prince was completely smitten for you.
He was ready to swallow all his pride and ask Arthur for help so he doesn’t seem like a creepy weirdo again.
He knew you were his favorite thing in the surface and he was going to marry you.
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couldeatthatgirlforlunch · 7 months ago
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A Day in Life
Synopsis: A day in your life while working as the Justice League's assistant. Also, they are all yanderes for you and it's Valentine's Day.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader
Tw: 18+ just because of a mention of Superman misusing his X-Ray vision and the mention of hooking up, aside from that, this is pretty SFW; Flash and Green Lantern are a little delusional; Hal Jordan is pushy; Batman is probably a little out of character (and I’m ashamed to keep it that way) bc I can't see him giving anyone flowers as Batman, just as Bruce Wayne; Mentions of them all secretly stalking you; This League members are Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash (Barry Allen), Green Lantern (Hal Jordan; John Stewart is mentioned), Aquaman and Martian Manhunter; I wrote too little about Martian Manhunter, Aquaman here because I don't know much about them; Wish I had more ideas for Wonder Woman’s interaction here too cause I love her; My crush on Hal is very obvious; Reader doesn't struggle much against them but they're also pretty tame; The physics in flying and running at super speed might be wrong but this is comic book science so it's wrong either way; English is not my first language.
Word count: 1,6k
Requested? No.
General masterlist | A Day in Life - Series masterlist
The zeta tube flashes and the AI voice announces the arrival of Flash. Your heart goes fast.
— Hey, (Y/N)! — In a flash, he's in front of you. — Happy Valentine's Day! — You tear your eyes off of your schedule on your tablet and see him holding a rose towards you.
— Oh, hey, Flash… — You reply a little tense. — Thank you… You didn't need to. — You hesitantly take the rose from him and whilst your attention is on staring at the flower and holding back a grimace, you miss the glint in his blue eyes. His blush is covered by his mask. His mind seeks for something to say before you decide to break the momentary silence. — You're really sweet, it's great to have a friend like you! — You make sure to exclain, the tone a notch higher, trying to make your point come across. Flash’s face falls.
— Uh- I- Actually- — His speech gets cut off by the zeta announcing Superman. Before you can have a heart attack, the boy scout also zooms in front of you, this time your hair blows back with the wind. He must've come flying.
— (Y/N)’s heart is pounding, what are you doing, Flash? — Superman alternates between looking at your face worriedly, then your chest, then glaring at the speedster by his side.
— What? Nothing! — Flash looks wide-eyed at Superman. Then his mind clicks and he looks at you again. — Wait, what? Your heart is pounding? Is it… Is it because of me?! — You see the dazed look on his face coming to the surface again. Oh boy.
You casually make the effort to take a breath you didn't know you were holding and make your heart go down. You hate when Super uses his X-Ray vision on you. You can never be sure when he is doing it, but why else would he analytically stare specifically at your body when he is worried about you? Also, that time when you commented with Sarah from the kitchen’s crew that you forgot to do your laundry and went to the Watchtower without underwear. Seconds later, Superman appeared in the doorway, looking startled and flustered, ears red. Although he pretended to have just arrived at the tower and you and your friend chose to ignore your embarrassment that your boss with superhearing might have chose that exact moment to focus his hearing on only the places around him, including your too intimate conversation, you still caught him red handed sneaking glances specifically at your hips, and he hurriedly exited the room after that. At the time, you had just recently started the job as the Justice League’s assistant. After that you were a lot more aware.
After a while you realized you had a reason to be.
Superman was glaring at the rose in your hand and Flash was daydreaming while looking at your face when the zeta flashed again and you snapped out of it fast enough that by the time you started talking, your mind didn't pay attention to who had just arrived.
— Hm, no. It's just you fast people are always catching me off guard. — Flash deflates and- Is he pouting? Bro. Superman lights up and looks at you again.
— Oh, sorry, (N/N), we always forget about that. — The alien chuckles while rubbing the back of his head.
— Superman. Flash. — You and Flash jump, but Superman, not surprisingly, doesn't react and just follows you three and looks behind the two heros in front of you to the one with the gruff voice that just arrived.
Flash groans and Superman just rolls his eyes, you can see that while trying to peak past the men’s towering frames blocking you. You don't have to guess much though, because they make space for the newcomer and you suppress a tired sigh at seeing Batman making his way to you with a gigantic arrangement of flowers that covers his entire torso, arms and head, only his bat-ears, legs and cape being visible.
— (Y/N). Those are for you. — Color me shocked. Before you can try to start thinking about how you are gonna take this absurdity anywhere, vengeance speaks. — I'm gonna leave it at your desk.
— Hmhmm. Thank you, Batman. — You refused to watch his retreating form and let any member of your yandere harem think you actually have an interest in any of them and look down at your tablet again. The action makes you remember the rose you're still holding and you hurriedly walk away from the two nutcases stuck glaring at the third and go to his side. — Actually, take this with you. — You stick the rose amongst the rest of the flowers and before any of them can say anything else, you get out of the room.
You take a deep breath. Since the League’s weird obsession started seemingly around a year ago, you had a whole crisis over it. The pay was good, and it increased even more when they took this insane liking to you, so it's not like you could just quit like it was nothing. Besides, it's the Justice League, you could run from the fucking planet and they would still find you. It's easier to adapt.
You go on with your routine for a few minutes until you bump into a neon green brick wall. Scratch that, it's just Green Lantern’s chest.
— Hey, cutie, I was looking for you. — Your eyes widen when the space cop suddenly holds you by the shoulders, pushes you against a wall, then lets you go just to keep his two muscular arms on each side of you, trapping you and keeping you close to his frame. Ugh, the Lantern with brown hair has always been the more touchy one. You miss the one with dark skin and common sense.
— Need me for something? — You hold a groan with the limitless possibilities of how he could use that sentence to be crude, but you just wanted to get rid of him. He smirks.
— I was wondering if you were free today and would like to go on a date with me later… — He knew you were free. You knew he knew you were free. Every time you have a date (and you never told them) the League seems to get more on edge and suddenly your workload increases. Tsk, you hate them. Unfortunately, you love nice things even more.
You raise an eyebrow.
— I don't even know your name. — You point out, maybe that would make him give up, but he just shrugged.
— I could tell you, trust is a fundamental part in any relationship.
— Is a date a relationship? Also I don't think Batman would like that. — Any of that. He cocks his head to the side and his beautiful hair moves down.
— Cutie, you don't have to worry about Spooky. And I don't want to just hook up with you, you know that. Now just stop playing hard to get and-
A golden light catches your attention, it could be a miracle, but it's just Wonder Woman's lasso wrapping around the lantern's neck and pulling him away from you. Unfortunately, she tied a it in a way that the action wouldn't strangle him or break his neck.
— Ugh, men really have no boundaries. — The amazon rolls her lasso back and takes a step towards you, keeping said man sulking behind her while analyzing you. — Forgive my friend, (Y/N). He grew up in a barn. — The stunning demigoddess smiles at you.
Ugh, if she wasn't just as crazy as the rest of them you would happily swoon over her.
— Right. Well, I have to go. — You turn your back to them and take fast but casual steps away from them and the empty hallway. It never fails to scare the shit out of you and give you goosebumps whenever one of them catches you alone in one of those, and the competition between them for your heart somehow makes you confident enough that if there are at least two of them, no harm will come to you.
You clear your throat. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts. The martian should’ve arrived by now and you don't doubt he reads your mind 24/7 when he’s close enough.
You’re about to turn a corridor when you spot Aquaman poking his head in a room, looking for something, it's probably you, only his body is visible and he can't see you.
You hold a groan and run as quietly as possible away from him without him noticing, remembering the time he ranted to you about seahorses being the most romantic fish species, with monogamous mate bonds for lifetime, and all the times he promised to show you Atlantis one day and make you rule his people by his side.
A few minutes later when you look at the clock, you know by that time they're all already in their meeting and not wandering around, desperate for a crumb of your attention. To confirm that, you open the camera’s feed that not many had access to and idly check their presence in the meeting room. Your stomach churns seeing your figure in one of their monitors, the others displaying normal missions info. Of course they would follow you around through the cameras, because that's just as important as discussing wars and crisis in Earth countries and other planets.
You passively shut the screen when you finally get to your office, in which you avoid staying until you absolutely have to, or the coast is clear enough to, otherwise it's the most obvious place for them to force an interaction with you.
You look up and your shoulders drop in defeat at the sign of too many flowers, gifts and letters from each member of the League.
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urdreamydoodles · 2 months ago
DC Comics Characters x Fem!OC
You confess your feelings to them
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kal-El (Clark Kent), Barry Allen, Diana of Themyscira, Arthur Curry, Hal Jordan, Oliver Queen, John Constantine, Roy Harper, Koriand'r (Starfire), Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), Slade Wilson, Kent Nelson (Dr. Fate), Rachel Roth & Zatanna Zatara
Bruce Wayne aka. Batman
- Bruce Wayne’s love is as complex and guarded as the man himself. To the world, he’s Gotham’s enigmatic billionaire; to you, he’s something far more vulnerable. You see the cracks in his carefully constructed facade—the moments when his brooding intensity gives way to tenderness, when his relentless drive falters in your presence. You’ve always known he’s a man who carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, but with you, he dares to share that burden, even if only a little.
- When you confess your feelings, Bruce’s initial reaction is silence. His piercing blue eyes search yours, as if trying to determine whether this is a dream he’ll soon wake from. “You shouldn’t…” he starts, his voice a whisper edged with guilt. But when you press forward, your words cutting through his walls, something in him breaks. “I’ve wanted this,” he finally admits, his tone raw and unguarded. “More than I’ll ever deserve.”
- Bruce’s love is protective to the point of obsession. He’ll memorize every detail about your life—your routines, your favorite places, the things that make you smile—and use that knowledge to ensure you’re safe and happy. He’s not the kind to shower you with constant affection, but his actions speak volumes. Whether it’s placing a cup of tea on your desk without a word or standing vigil beside you on sleepless nights, Bruce’s love is steadfast and enduring.
- Yet, beneath his stoic exterior lies a man deeply afraid of loss. There will be moments when he pulls away, his fear of putting you in danger outweighing his desire to hold you close. But every time, he’ll come back, his apologies spoken in quiet, heartfelt gestures. He doesn’t love lightly, but when he does, it’s with a depth and intensity that feels unshakable.
- The first time he says “I love you,” it’s almost reluctant, as if the words themselves are too dangerous to utter. You’re sitting in the dim light of the Batcave, his hand resting over yours, when he finally speaks. “I love you,” he murmurs, his voice barely audible but filled with conviction. In that moment, you realize that Bruce Wayne’s love is a rare and precious thing, something he’ll fight to protect with everything he has.
Kal-El (Clark Kent) aka. Superman
- Clark Kent’s love is as warm and comforting as the Kansas sun. He’s the kind of person who makes everyone feel like they matter, but with you, there’s something extra in his gaze—a softness, a reverence, as though he can’t quite believe someone like you could exist. He sees you as his equal, his partner, and his home, and he never hesitates to let you know how much you mean to him.
- When you confess your feelings, Clark’s reaction is pure, unfiltered joy. His smile lights up the room, and his eyes shine with a mix of relief and happiness. “I was hoping you’d say that,” he admits, his voice full of warmth. He pulls you into a gentle embrace, his touch as careful as if you were made of glass. “I’ve felt this way about you for so long,” he says, and the sincerity in his tone leaves no room for doubt.
- Clark’s love is boundless and nurturing. He’s always there to support you, whether it’s offering a shoulder to cry on after a tough day or helping you chase your dreams. He believes in you wholeheartedly and never misses an opportunity to remind you of your worth. His affection is unassuming yet profound, rooted in a deep understanding of who you are.
- He’s not afraid to show his love, either. Clark is a romantic at heart, and he’ll surprise you with flowers, handwritten notes, and spontaneous trips to breathtaking places. But what truly sets his love apart is its unwavering consistency. No matter what challenges arise, you can always count on Clark to be there, his love as constant and dependable as the rising sun.
- The first time he says “I love you,” it’s in the quiet of Smallville, under a canopy of stars. He takes your hands in his, his thumb gently brushing against your skin, and looks at you with an expression so full of love it takes your breath away. “I love you,” he says, his voice steady and sure. And in that moment, you know that Clark Kent’s love is the foundation of a life you’ll always cherish.
Barry Allen aka. Flash
- Barry Allen’s love is like the speed he’s known for—fast, exhilarating, and impossible to ignore. He’s a whirlwind of energy and humor, always ready with a quick quip or a charming smile. But with you, he slows down, his usual frenetic pace giving way to a quiet attentiveness. You’re the calm in his storm, the person who makes him want to take his time and savor every moment.
- When you confess your feelings, Barry is caught completely off guard. “Wait—what?” he stammers, his mind racing even faster than usual. But when your words sink in, his face lights up with a grin that could rival the sun. “Are you serious? Because if you’re serious, I might actually explode from happiness right now.” He pulls you into a tight hug, his laughter ringing in your ears. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to hear that.”
- Barry’s love is playful and full of life. He’ll make you laugh when you’re feeling down, whisk you away on spontaneous adventures, and remind you of the joy in everyday moments. He’s the type to leave you silly notes, bring you your favorite coffee, and memorize all the little things that make you smile. With Barry, love is a constant source of joy and excitement.
- But his love isn’t just lighthearted; it’s deeply loyal. Barry has a heart as big as the universe, and once he’s given it to you, it’s yours completely. He’ll stand by your side through thick and thin, always ready to fight for you and with you. His love is a promise—a commitment to always be there, no matter what life throws your way.
- The first time he says “I love you,” it’s during a quiet moment after a day of chaos. You’re sitting together, his hand entwined with yours, when he suddenly blurts it out. “I love you,” he says, his voice soft but filled with certainty. He looks at you with a mix of excitement and vulnerability, and in that moment, you know that Barry Allen’s love is as boundless and beautiful as the man himself.
Diana of Themyscira aka. Wonder Woman
- Diana’s love is as timeless and powerful as the gods themselves. She carries herself with a grace and strength that leaves everyone in awe, but with you, there’s a tenderness that softens her warrior’s heart. She sees you as her equal, her partner, and her confidante, and she never hesitates to tell you how much she values and admires you.
- When you confess your feelings, Diana’s reaction is both calm and profound. She listens intently, her piercing blue eyes locked on yours, and when you’re done, she smiles—a radiant, genuine smile that feels like sunlight breaking through the clouds. “I have loved you for some time,” she admits, her voice steady and sincere. “I was simply waiting for the right moment to tell you.”
- Diana’s love is deeply romantic and rooted in respect. She’ll write you letters in ancient languages, take you on walks through breathtaking landscapes, and share with you the stories and traditions of her people. Her love is both a celebration and a commitment, a promise to honor and cherish you for as long as the Fates allow.
- She’s fiercely protective of you, not because she doubts your strength but because her love for you is all-encompassing. Diana believes in the power of partnership, and she’ll always stand beside you, ready to face whatever challenges come your way. Her love is a source of strength, a reminder that you are never alone.
- The first time she says “I love you,” it’s in a moment of perfect stillness. You’re standing together, the world quiet around you, when she takes your hand and looks into your eyes. “I love you,” she says, her voice as steady and unyielding as the tides. And in that moment, you realize that Diana’s love is a gift as eternal and unwavering as the Amazon herself.
Arthur Curry aka. Aquaman
- Arthur Curry’s love is as vast and untamed as the ocean he calls home. He’s bold and confident, with a wit as sharp as his trident, but with you, there’s a gentleness that balances his wild nature. You bring out a side of him that few get to see—the man behind the king, the heart behind the warrior.
- When you confess your feelings, Arthur’s reaction is immediate and heartfelt. “Finally!” he says with a grin, his deep laughter echoing around you. He pulls you into a bear hug, his strength evident but his touch careful. “I’ve been waiting for you to say that,” he admits, his tone teasing but his eyes filled with emotion. “You just made my day, gorgeous.”
- Arthur’s love is passionate and all-encompassing. He’ll take you on adventures to the most breathtaking places, showing you the beauty of the world above and below the waves. He’ll teach you about his culture, his people, and his life, sharing every part of himself with you. With Arthur, love is a grand, sweeping tale of romance and adventure.
- But beneath his bravado lies a man deeply devoted to the ones he loves. Arthur is loyal to a fault, always ready to fight for you and protect you. He’s not afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve, and he makes sure you know just how much you mean to him every single day. His love is as vast and enduring as the ocean itself.
- The first time he says “I love you,” it’s during a sunset by the sea. The waves crash gently against the shore as he turns to you, his expression serious but his eyes filled with warmth. “I love you,” he says simply, his voice carrying the weight of his feelings. And as he takes your hand in his, you realize that Arthur Curry’s love is as deep and infinite as the waters he rules.
Hal Jordan aka. Green Lantern
- Hal Jordan’s love is electric, a thrill ride of passion and adventure. He’s the type of man who lights up a room with his confidence and charm, but with you, there’s something more. You notice how his cocky smirk softens when he looks at you, how his bravado falters ever so slightly when you’re near. For all his boldness, Hal’s heart is surprisingly vulnerable, and with you, he’s willing to let his guard down.
- When you confess your feelings, Hal’s reaction is immediate and full of his signature flair. “I knew it!” he exclaims, his grin wide and mischievous. But then, as he takes in the seriousness of your expression, his tone softens. “I mean… I hoped. God, I hoped.” He reaches for your hand, his touch firm yet tender. “You’ve made me the happiest guy in the galaxy,” he says, his voice low and sincere.
- Hal’s love is bold and unrestrained. He’s the type to sweep you off your feet—literally, if his ring is involved. Whether it’s a romantic dinner under the stars or a spontaneous trip across the cosmos, Hal’s affection is as grand and uncontainable as his willpower. With him, life is an adventure, and you’re his favorite co-pilot.
- Yet, beneath his larger-than-life personality lies a man who fears losing the people he loves. Hal will go to great lengths to protect you, even if it means putting himself in danger. His love is fiercely loyal, and he’ll fight tooth and nail to keep you safe and happy. He might not always say the right thing, but his actions leave no doubt about how much he cares.
- The first time he says “I love you,” it’s during a quiet moment after a whirlwind day. You’re sitting together, the glow of his ring casting a soft light between you, when he finally speaks. “I love you,” he says, his voice steady but tinged with vulnerability. And as he looks at you, his usual bravado replaced with raw honesty, you realize that Hal Jordan’s love is as boundless and bright as the stars he soars among.
Oliver Queen aka. Green Arrow
- Oliver Queen’s love is as intense and passionate as the man himself. He’s a natural charmer, his wit and charisma drawing people to him, but with you, there’s an undeniable depth. You’ve seen past the swagger and the quips to the man underneath—the one who fights tirelessly for what he believes in, the one who loves with every fiber of his being.
- When you confess your feelings, Oliver’s initial reaction is a playful smirk. “Took you long enough,” he teases, his green eyes sparkling with mischief. But then he sees the emotion in your gaze, and his expression softens. “I’m kidding,” he says, his voice dropping to a tender whisper. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for longer than I can say.” He pulls you into a heartfelt embrace, his touch reassuring and warm.
- Oliver’s love is all-encompassing and unapologetic. He showers you with attention, making you feel like the most important person in the world. Whether it’s surprising you with your favorite flowers or planning elaborate dates, Oliver goes out of his way to show you how much he cares. With him, love is a grand gesture followed by quiet moments of pure intimacy.
- He’s fiercely protective of you, sometimes to the point of stubbornness. Oliver’s past has taught him the value of the people he loves, and he’s determined to keep you safe, even if it means butting heads with you from time to time. But his love is also deeply respectful—he admires your strength and independence, and he’s always your biggest cheerleader.
- The first time he says “I love you,” it’s during a quiet evening in his loft. The city lights twinkle outside as he takes your hand, his thumb brushing against your knuckles. “I love you,” he says, his voice steady and full of emotion. And in that moment, you know that Oliver Queen’s love is as fierce and unrelenting as the man himself.
John Constantine aka. Hellblazer
- John Constantine’s love is like the magic he wields—dangerous, unpredictable, and utterly captivating. He’s a man haunted by his past, his cynicism and sharp wit serving as armor against the world. But with you, there’s something different. You see the cracks in his facade, the moments when his sarcasm gives way to vulnerability, and it’s in those moments that you realize how deeply he feels for you.
- When you confess your feelings, John’s first reaction is disbelief. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” he mutters, running a hand through his messy blond hair. But when he sees the sincerity in your eyes, his smirk fades. “Bloody hell,” he says softly, his voice tinged with something akin to hope. “You’ve no idea what you’re getting yourself into.” But then he steps closer, his gaze locking onto yours. “And yet, here you are.”
- John’s love is messy and complicated, but it’s real. He shows his affection in unconventional ways—charming you with his dry humor, slipping protective wards into your pocket, or staying up all night to ensure you’re safe. He’s not the type for grand romantic gestures, but his devotion is unmistakable. When John Constantine loves, he loves with every shattered piece of his soul.
- He’ll try to push you away at times, convinced that he’s bad news and that you deserve better. But your presence becomes his anchor, your belief in him a light in his darkest moments. He’ll fight his demons—literal and metaphorical—for you, and he’ll do it with a determination that surprises even himself.
- The first time he says “I love you,” it’s during a rare moment of vulnerability. You’re sitting together, the scent of cigarettes and magic lingering in the air, when he finally speaks. “I love you,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper. He looks at you as if you’re the only thing keeping him from falling apart, and in that moment, you know that John Constantine’s love is as dangerous and beautiful as the man himself.
Roy Harper aka. Arsenal
- Roy Harper’s love is like wildfire—intense, passionate, and impossible to contain. He’s got a cocky grin and a sharp wit, but with you, there’s a softness that no one else sees. You bring out the best in him, grounding him when he’s lost and lifting him up when he doubts himself. With you, Roy feels like he’s finally found a place where he belongs.
- When you confess your feelings, Roy’s initial reaction is to laugh nervously. “You’re messing with me, right?” he asks, his voice tinged with disbelief. But when he realizes you’re serious, his grin spreads wide, and he pulls you into a tight hug. “I can’t believe this is real,” he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted.”
- Roy’s love is full of energy and affection. He’s the type to surprise you with spontaneous road trips, serenade you with his guitar, or stay up all night talking about anything and everything. His love is raw and unfiltered, a reflection of his vibrant personality. With him, life is never boring, and every moment feels like an adventure.
- But Roy’s love also comes with a deep sense of loyalty. He’s been through hell and back, and he’s determined to protect the people he cares about. He’ll stand by your side through thick and thin, always ready to fight for you. His love is a promise—a commitment to be there, no matter what life throws your way.
- The first time he says “I love you,” it’s during a quiet moment after a day full of chaos. You’re sitting together, his arm draped around your shoulders, when he leans in and whispers it. “I love you,” he says, his voice steady but filled with emotion. And as he looks into your eyes, you know that Roy Harper’s love is as fierce and unyielding as the man himself.
Koriand’r aka. Starfire
- Koriand’r’s love is as radiant and warm as the star that gives her her name. She’s a being of pure emotion, unafraid to express her feelings and embrace the beauty of life. With you, her joy seems boundless, her golden eyes lighting up whenever you’re near. Koriand’r loves openly and without reservation, her affection a beacon of light in your life.
- When you confess your feelings, Koriand’r’s reaction is immediate and enthusiastic. “You love me?” she exclaims, her voice filled with joy. She wraps you in a tight embrace, lifting you off the ground with her otherworldly strength. “Oh, this is wonderful news!” she says, her smile as bright as the sun. “I, too, have been experiencing the feelings of love for you.”
- Koriand’r’s love is as passionate as it is nurturing. She’ll shower you with affection, from tender kisses to heartfelt words of admiration. She’s not shy about expressing how much you mean to her, whether it’s through grand romantic gestures or the way she holds your hand as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. With Koriand’r, love feels like a celebration of life itself.
- Her love is also deeply protective. Koriand’r is a warrior, and she’ll go to great lengths to keep you safe. But her protective nature is balanced by her respect for your strength and independence. She sees you as her equal, her partner, and she’ll always stand by your side, ready to face any challenge together.
- The first time she says “I love you,” it’s in a moment of pure sincerity. You’re standing under the night sky, the stars reflected in her glowing eyes, when she takes your hands in hers. “I love you,” she says, her voice filled with unshakable conviction. And in that moment, you know that Koriand’r’s love is as eternal and brilliant as the universe she comes from.
Kara Zor-El aka. Supergirl
- Kara Zor-El’s love is as vibrant and hopeful as her spirit. She’s the type to wear her heart on her sleeve, her emotions shining as brightly as the sun that fuels her strength. With you, her usual confidence and determination soften into a radiant tenderness. You are her constant in a world she’s still learning to navigate, and she treasures you for it.
- When you confess your feelings, Kara’s reaction is pure, unfiltered joy. Her face lights up, and she lets out a delighted laugh before pulling you into an exuberant hug that leaves your feet dangling off the ground. “I was hoping you’d say that!” she exclaims, her cheeks flushed with happiness. She’s practically glowing as she sets you down, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears.
- Kara’s love is enthusiastic and heartfelt. She’s the kind of partner who will go out of her way to make you smile, whether it’s through a simple gesture like bringing you your favorite treat or flying you to the top of a mountain to watch the sunrise. Her affection is limitless, her joy in loving you written in every action and word.
- Beneath her cheerful exterior, Kara’s love carries a profound sense of responsibility. She’s lost so much in her life, and she’s determined never to lose you. She’s fiercely protective, and her Kryptonian strength is matched only by the strength of her devotion. You are her beacon, her anchor, and she will do everything in her power to keep you safe and happy.
- The first time she says “I love you,” it’s under the night sky, the stars above reminding her of Krypton and the new life she’s built on Earth. She takes your hands in hers, her grip firm but gentle, and gazes into your eyes. “I love you,” she says softly, her voice steady and full of emotion. And in that moment, you realize that Kara’s love is as boundless and beautiful as the universe itself.
Slade Wilson aka. Deathstroke
- Slade Wilson’s love is a storm—dangerous, intense, and undeniably captivating. He’s a man of contradictions: cold and calculating in the field, yet deeply passionate and fiercely protective in his private life. With you, his sharp edges soften just enough to let you see the man beneath the mask. He doesn’t say much, but his actions speak volumes, showing a loyalty and devotion that few would ever suspect.
- When you confess your feelings, Slade’s reaction is understated yet deeply impactful. He raises an eyebrow, his lips twitching into a faint smirk. “You’re braver than I thought,” he murmurs, his tone teasing but his eyes serious. After a moment’s pause, he steps closer, his voice dropping to a low rumble. “I feel the same way.” It’s not much, but from Slade, it feels like the world.
- Slade’s love is protective to the point of obsession. He keeps a close eye on you, ensuring you’re safe at all times, even if it means using his vast network of contacts to do so. He’s not one for grand romantic gestures, but his love is evident in the way he ensures your every need is met, often before you even realize you need something.
- He struggles with vulnerability, but with you, he’s learning to let his guard down. There will be moments when he shares pieces of his past, his voice tinged with regret and longing. These moments are rare, but they are raw and genuine, a testament to how deeply he trusts and values you.
- The first time he says “I love you,” it’s in the heat of a dangerous situation. You’re both caught in the middle of chaos, and he pulls you close, his voice low and urgent. “I love you,” he says, his words carrying a weight that leaves you breathless. And in that moment, you know that Slade’s love, though complicated and intense, is utterly unbreakable.
Kent Nelson aka. Dr. Fate
- Kent Nelson’s love is as mysterious and timeless as the magic he wields. He’s a man caught between two worlds, the mortal and the mystical, but with you, he feels grounded. You’re his sanctuary, the one who reminds him of the beauty of the human experience amidst the chaos of his responsibilities. His love is quiet, contemplative, and profound.
- When you confess your feelings, Kent’s reaction is thoughtful and deliberate. He listens carefully, his piercing gaze never leaving yours. When you finish, a soft smile graces his lips. “I’ve known,” he says simply, his voice like a soothing melody. “And I’ve felt the same for longer than I care to admit.” He cups your face in his hands, his touch warm and reassuring.
- Kent’s love is expressed in subtle, meaningful ways. He’ll leave you protective charms or enchantments, quietly ensuring your safety. He’ll share with you the wonders of the mystical realms, guiding you through breathtaking landscapes that most mortals can only dream of. His affection is a blend of earthly passion and otherworldly awe.
- He carries a heavy burden as Dr. Fate, and there are times when his responsibilities pull him away. But he always returns to you, his love for you a constant amid the ever-changing tides of his life. He sees you as his anchor, the one who keeps him tethered to humanity when the weight of the Helmet threatens to consume him.
- The first time he says “I love you,” it’s in a moment of stillness after a harrowing battle. The two of you sit together, the air thick with the lingering scent of magic, and he takes your hand in his. “I love you,” he says softly, his voice carrying the weight of eternity. And in that moment, you know that Kent Nelson’s love is as eternal and enduring as the forces he commands.
Rachel Roth aka. Raven
- Rachel Roth’s love is quiet, introspective, and deeply transformative. She’s a woman who guards her heart fiercely, her emotions kept under lock and key to protect both herself and others. But with you, she feels safe enough to let those walls crumble, revealing a depth of feeling that’s as beautiful as it is overwhelming.
- When you confess your feelings, Rachel’s reaction is a mixture of surprise and trepidation. Her dark eyes widen, and she hesitates, as if unsure whether she deserves the love you’re offering. But when she sees the sincerity in your gaze, her lips curve into a small, genuine smile. “I feel the same,” she whispers, her voice barely audible but filled with raw emotion.
- Rachel’s love is understated but deeply meaningful. She’s not one for grand declarations, but her actions speak volumes. Whether it’s staying up late to comfort you after a bad day or sharing her favorite books and music with you, her affection is woven into the quiet moments you share together.
- She struggles with the darkness inside her, but your presence is a light that helps her keep it at bay. You give her hope, reminding her that she’s more than the sum of her fears and doubts. With you, she feels understood and accepted, and she cherishes you for it.
- The first time she says “I love you,” it’s in the sanctuary of her room, the air filled with the scent of incense and candlelight. She looks at you with a mixture of vulnerability and determination, her voice steady but soft. “I love you,” she says, her words a rare and precious gift. And in that moment, you know that Rachel Roth’s love is as profound and enduring as the soul that carries it.
Zatanna Zatara aka. Zatanna
- Zatanna’s love is as enchanting and dazzling as her magic. She’s a performer at heart, her charm and charisma lighting up every room she enters. But with you, there’s no need for stage lights or illusions—her love for you is genuine and unadorned, a reflection of her true self.
- When you confess your feelings, Zatanna’s reaction is theatrical in the best way. Her face lights up with excitement, and she immediately conjures a flurry of sparkling lights around you. “You love me?” she exclaims, her voice filled with delight. She takes your hands in hers, her expression radiant. “Good, because I’ve been in love with you for ages.”
- Zatanna’s love is playful and full of wonder. She’ll surprise you with magical displays of affection, from enchanted flowers that never wilt to whispered words of love spelled out in the stars. With her, every day feels like a fairytale, her magic infusing even the smallest moments with beauty and joy.
- Beneath her dazzling exterior lies a woman who feels deeply and loves fiercely. Zatanna is fiercely protective of you, using her magic to shield you from harm and her determination to ensure your happiness. She’ll stand by your side through every challenge, her love unwavering and steadfast.
- The first time she says “I love you,” it’s during a quiet moment after one of her performances. The two of you are alone backstage, the glow of the stage lights fading into the distance. She takes your face in her hands, her gaze soft and full of emotion. “I love you,” she says, her voice steady and sure. And in that moment, you know that Zatanna Zatara’s love is as magical and eternal as the spells she weaves.
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hannibals-favourite-meal · 6 months ago
An a/b/o fic with maybe Bruce Wayne or Arthur curry, where they have been searching for their omega for most of their life, and when they are fighting a villain fem reader comes in and helps them, I was thinking that reader she has telekinesis or something and, she helps them and they are blown away by her, never thinking that their omega could be a hero as well
.⋆。Crashing Waves。⋆.
alpha!Arthur Curry x plus size reader
He has been looking for her for his whole life and she arrived just in time
Warnings: a/b/o, true mates, hero!reader, omega!reader, violence against robots, reader is shorter than Bruce and Arthur (but who isn’t), implied smut WC: 1.4k
6k Follower Celebration Bingo
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
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Even after serving as Atlantis’s king for five years now, Arthur doubted he would get used to the searing smell of salt that constantly clung to everything around him. It burned his nostrils even when he was lounging around the JL tower and part of him wondered if he would ever be able to properly scent out his mate while the sea constantly invaded his senses. Though even before he claimed the throne, he wasn’t exactly successful on that front.
He felt like he had searched everywhere for his omega, the biological urge deep down in his chest driving him to scour every inch of the earth for them. But they had eluded him and even if his parents (themselves being true mates) assured him that the right omega would appear when the time was right, he remained alone with the smell of the sea. 
Arthur was almost glad, at times, for a good fight. Smoke, sparks from his trident, even blood gave him a break from the usual salt that surrounded him, temporarily cleansing his pallet so to speak. But maybe not today he thought with a wince.
Hundreds of broken robots surrounded him, the never-ending wave of enemies only getting thicker as his exhaustion began to mount. Batman was somewhere deep in the crowd, attempting to override their programming as Arthur tried to keep him safe enough. New enemies were always a pain in the ass but this one was definitely levels above the other newbies they fought. And Arthur was already fantasising about what he’d do to the skinny little white guy as soon as he got his hands on him, that is if Batman didn’t get to either of them first.
“Is there any way to hurry this up!” He shouted above the screaming of gears and failing electronics. 
“This would go faster if you stopped hitting them at me.” The Bat growled as he hit yet another firewall in their programming. Arthur took another swing of his trident, knocking away a flying robot that had gotten way too close to his partner’s head for comfort. It let out a high pitched whine as it was launched into the horizon.
“This would be faster if you didn’t type in the wrong code to begin with!” A batarang screamed past his ear, landing right in the huge glowing eye of the robot hovering just over Arthur’s right shoulder. Oil sprayed from its side, coating Arthur’s hair. 
A deafening roar sounded through the empty field as another shipping container rose from the ground, releasing even more robots. Batman turned back to the computer, his fingers flying over the keyboard all while the swarm closed in around them. “This is gonna hurt.” Arthur cocked back his shoulder and raised his trident, maybe he could knock out a few rows of them before they got too close and he’d have to switch to his fists. 
Just as he readjusted his grip to throw the trident into the thickest grouping of robots, everything went silent.
The now frozen robots hung in the air like someone had just paused time, though they still whirred and whined, their huge red eyes glowing even brighter. Then, with little more than a sharp click from somewhere to his right, they were pulled backwards, the mechanical bodies slamming into each other as they were forced together into one huge sphere hundreds of feet off the ground. 
“What the fuck?” Suddenly, the sphere crumpled like tin foil, the metal warping and collapsing until all that was left was a flat sheet of wires and dying LEDs. It slammed into the earth, disappearing behind the long grass as Batman’s screen turned green.
“Great timing there bats.” But Arthur’s tone held no bite, not when the salty smell of the ocean and ozone slammed into him. 
Immediately, every nerve in his body came to life, buzzing like he was drunk but his mind was clear, clearer than it ever had been before. A figure was walking through the grass, elegantly avoiding the mangled carcasses of their battle. As she approached, her scent became stronger and Arthur could now smell the subtle hint of something flowery like a warm spring breeze. 
The light of the sunset made her practically glow as she moved, her thick curves and perfect dips highlighted by a tight catsuit that looked like it was pulled straight from his teenage fantasies. 
“I hope I didn’t show up too late.” Her voice floated around him and Arthur’s knees buckled. 
“You’re right on time.” Her e/c eyes met his golden ones and he watched as her nose turned up and she took a deep breath of his scent. Her heavy chest hitched and her own scent turned sweeter. His stomach flipped as something deep inside him stretched awake for the first time in what seemed like years.
“Y/N. What took so long?” Batman crossed his arms as he looked down at her, his jaw ticking in anger. Yet her expression never faltered, in fact she glanced at Arthur with a raised eyebrow. Her smile was bright, shining with something ethereal. 
“Oh I don’t know, maybe the fact that you gave me a coded message with the coordinates instead of being a normal person and sharing your location with me? I may have psychic powers but I suck at math dude.” 
“That was you?” Arthur hadn’t noticed that his body was moving on its own until he finally spoke again and she had to crane her head almost all the way back to make eye contact with him. Warmth unlike anything he had experienced before bloomed through his chest as she leaned towards him, fluttering her lashes up at him.
“I have a lot of tricks better than that.” Her scent was almost overpowering now but all he wanted to do was drown in it. Y/N’s shoulder brushed against his pec and something snapped.
The world tilted on its axis and he suddenly knew what his parents were talking about when they said that the moment they met, nothing else mattered. “Omega.” 
Her body sagged into him as she breathed out an almost inaudible “alpha”. His trident dropped unnoticed to the ground. 
“I’ve finally found you.” She fell easily into his arms, like they had been made to hold her. She pressed her face as close as she could get, her words muffled against the thick armour but he could hear her clearly all the same. 
“You stole my line,” he whispered into her hair, breathing her scent as much as he could, “I’ve been waiting for you for so long. Who knew I’d find you after you saved my life?” Her giggle made his heart swell with affection and pride.
“You’ve obviously been looking in the wrong place.” Y/N looked up at him as he cupped her full cheek with a massive hand, guiding her face upwards. His eyes dropped to her lips.
“I could say the same about you.” He leaned down and just as his lips were about to touch hers-
“Alright that’s enough,” Bruce snarled, “need I remind you both that there’s still a villain we need to deal with.” 
Y/N never looked away from Arthur, in fact she wound an arm around his neck and tugged him even closer. His alpha roared to life, hyper-focusing on the softness of her curves beneath his hands. “You go ahead, I think my alpha and I have done more than enough heavy lifting for the day, we have better things to do.”
“I’m going to regret asking but what exactly is more important than dealing with a potentially global threat?” Arthur smirked, catching on to the game she was playing.
His right hand dropped from where it was resting on her wide hip down to the plump cheeks of her ass. “I’m going to rip her clothes off and fuck her brains out right in this field. So unless you’re into that stuff-“ she slapped his chest at that, “-then I suggest you move on, Bats, cause right now, nothing is going to stop me from claiming my omega.”
“You two are disgusting.” He grumbled and walked off, finally leaving the newly discovered mates alone.
“Now where were we?” Arthur purred before Y/N yanked him down and finally kissed him, making the smell of the ocean explode around them.
Her scent had been haunting him for years, etching itself into his mind and suddenly, Arthur loved the smell of salt again because it meant that he finally had his omega.
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jscrawls · 1 month ago
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dragonborn reader! Yandere snippets
bruce stares at clark across the table, hoping in vain that he’ll look away from them and pay attention to the meeting. instead he seems to be pointedly ignoring him to talk to the problem the new member, slowly twirling his curly hair around his finger, it’s starting to creep bruce out. the unwavering stare and slow blinking eyes like a relaxed cat basking, the flush reaching the tips of his ears, the damn giggling. the world’s strongest man is acting like a teen with his first crush.
“superman.” bruce clears his throat, hoping the kryptonian can hear the annoyed click in his jaw.
“hmm?…oh i don’t care about the budget changes for the tower.” clark finally tears his eyes away from the newcomer, his expression instantly becoming more focused.
“…we changed topics from budgets twenty minutes ago. we’re talking about the recent reports from the lantern corps.” annoyed didn’t quite cover how bruce felt, can one meeting go smoothly?
“oh, we can investigate whatever it is together, have you ever been flying?” clark quickly turns his attention back to the newcomer, looking genuinely exited to have something to do together, possibly alone.
bruce wants to slam his head on the meeting table when the other’s quickly react with loud complaints instead of focusing on a solution.
you’re just washing the remnants of a potion spill off your hands when diana approaches you with a gentle smile on her face, two xiphos swords in hand. she leans against the doorframe and gestures towards you with the practice blades, eyeing the bottles covering the small round table behind you.
“you’ve been crafting a lot of things the past week, would you like to spar? the mind and body should be equally nurtured after all, no?” she smiles, the lines crinkling under her eyes in fondness as she speaks.
“well, i don't see any harm in-” you start to speak, only to be interrupted by Arthur quickly walking out of the backroom and dumping soggy plants on the clear part of the table.
“actually I'm helping dovahkiin test the alchemical properties of deep sea plants, they're very interested in learning about these and well, I'm the only one who can get them.”
His voice is a touch too friendly compared to how tightly he grips some deep colored vine looking plant, the Atlantian straightens up to be nearly as tall as Diana, you feel a bit awkward when they're suddenly staring each other down with tight smiles, caught in the middle of two royalty having a measuring contest on the fly.
“You people need Talos…” you mumble under your breath.
J’onn stares up at you from your lap, in his true form as he lays his head on your thigh in relative silence. His expressions are so alien that you can't read them as you speak, he just stares.
‘- and so then you finish making the potion and you quickly take off your enchanting gear before drinking it and putting your gear back on, this causes the gear's enchantments to react differently with your Magicka and you can briefly make a stronger potion and repeat the process-”
You've been rambling for a while, talking about different things in your life while he uses your legs as a pillow, he's one of the hardest to read, you accidentally nearly set a hand on him and he pushes it away. But he's still listening to every word you say, his eyes locked on yours in Stony silence.
Batman walks in the common room and takes one good look at you two, and then promptly turns and leaves.
Running the thief down isn't hard, they dodge pedestrians and leap over the dwemer automaton looking wagons as they try to flee with the purse clutched tightly in their hand, taking right turns in their attempt to escape you.
It doesn't take any more than a whirlwind sprint and a paralysis spell to put a stop to their crime, carefully picking up and dusting off the fabric as you turn and lazily step on the crook's leg as you start your search for the old lady.
Barry knows he could have caught them in half a second, had the purse back in the owners hands before they could blink, but there's just something about watching you on the hunt. He prefers watching from a distance for a bit as you relentlessly hound them down and take matters into your own hands, he starts to jog over to you once they're caught. He tries not to shiver in jealousy when you step on the crook.
“Heyyy dovahkiin! Good catch there! want me to run them to the police station for you?” He falls in step beside you, a big grin on his face as he looks you up and down as casually as he's able to.
“the guards will come and fetch them, won't they?”
your voice is a bit growly from having just used the thu’um, though the flash doesn't seem to mind it.
Barry nearly shivers in delight, looping his arm through yours as he starts walking faster. “Sure, sure. Hey let's go find this purses owner and maybe I'll get you out of armor for a drink or two. Whaddya say?”
“…. Flash it's middle of the day, and I have alcohol in my pocket at all times regardless I didn't need to buy any.”
“Dovahkiin, you're looking nice today.”
Hal’s voice calls out as you walk out of your forge room, you don't feel nice, sweaty and grimy and covered in ash smears doesn't sound like looking nice, you feel gross.
“Hello lantern.” You reply curtly as you tug at your thin shirt, sometimes it's better to wait until winter to forge dragon bone.
“That's no way to greet your favorite guy, after everything we've done together?”
Regardless of your grossed out feelings Hal strides over and throws an arm around you and pulls you closer as he pulls you towards the hall, you feel like you're sticking to his flight suit.
“lantern, I need to bathe.”
Batman, who had been hoping desperately to ignore the two of them, sighs loudly in disgust and stands to leave the room. Even more annoyed when he hears Hal snickering behind him.
A/n: has anyone noticed how little media there is for Martian manhunter? They can't even settle on a design for him it seems
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fancyfeathers · 20 days ago
Your girlfriend is absolutely correct
Referring to this post
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I need someone to draw this but replace it with Clark’s daughter, Bruce’s daughter, and Diana’s son.
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downthe-f4ndom-rabbith0le · 11 months ago
Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader) - Chapter 3
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Always Been You (Dick Grayson x Reader)Reader Insert: she/her pronouns Word Count: 2627 Warnings: death, violence, fighting, bloody wounds, angst, infuriatingly oblivious love interest, slowburn Spoilers: Young Justice Seasons 1-3 plot partially, but it ended in 2022 so catch up.
Y/N Prince - miracle daughter of Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor - and Dick Grayson - first adoptive son of the Batman himself - have been best friends since day one. They went to school together, trained together, kept each other's alter ego secret from everyone else, and they founded the Young Justice alongside their friends together. 
But as time progressed, Y/N and Dick grew up and Y/N found herself wanting more than friendship with Dick. But he never seemed to indicate that he reciprocated her feelings. And when Wally died and Dick abandoned the team, Y/N realised he never would. So she heads to the one place she knows will help her become a stronger warrior so that one day she can take her mother's place: Themyscira.
Two years after his leave, Dick reaches out to his old friends to help him with a mission. But when he finds out Y/N left too, he chases after her in the hopes to bring her back.
However, when the two finally reunite, it isn't as warm as he hopes. Not to mention Themyscira becomes under siege as they go to war against Echidna, the Mother of Monsters in Greek Mythology, and her army of monstrous children.
Will Dick and Y/N be able to put their past behind them and save the Amazons' homeland? Or will they fall, unable to tell one another their true feelings?
'You are five miles from the estimated target, Master Dick,' Alfred said over the intercom of the Bat Wing.
Immediately upon entering Wayne Manor, Dick had rushed to his childhood room - the one he still used on the occasion he worked with Bruce as the Dynamic Duo, or he needed some space from his duties as Bludhaven's hero - and packed a small duffle of clothes and weapons and ran straight for the Bat Cave. As promised, Alfred had the Bat Wing waiting, ready for take off, and Dick barely greeted the old man before leaving Gotham far behind.
Dick had been flying for almost twelve hours and hadn't slept a wink. Sitting at the control panel with only a wide window of open sea to look at, Dick rubbed his tired eyes as the shadows of sleep flickered in the corners of his vision. He had to stay awake, just a little bit longer at least.
And then... Well, he'd cross that bridge when he got to it.
'Is there anything else you need from me, Master Dick?' Alfred asked.
Dick shook his head initially, then remembered Alfred couldn't see him. 'No, thank you, Alfred,' Dick replied, sitting up straighter in his seat. 'I should be fine from here on out.'
It was quiet for a moment, and Dick thought Alfred had signed off accidentally. But then he spoke. 'Are you sure there is something out here? I know you and your friends' findings seem well-supported, but there is only open ocean. There isn't even an under water volcano or ancient mountain range recorded there.'
'Which makes it an even more suspicious place,' Dick countered. 'Trust me Alfred, there is something out here.'
'Let's just hope Miss Y/N is too, or you'll have wasted Master Bruce's fuel. And I will tell you now, he will not be pleased about that.'
The mention of her name caused Dick's heart rate to increase with anxiety. But he quickly recovered as he scoffed. 'I don't know why he's complaining,' Dick said nonchalantly. 'He's the billionaire of the family, after all.'
'Have you seen the price of fuel these days?'
That caused Dick to chuckle slightly, just imagining the singular raised eyebrow Alfred used to ask the silent question of Are you serious? In that moment, he was once again grateful for Alfred. He barely asked any questions as to why Dick needed the Bat Wing, he just trusted Dick that it was for a good reason. Unlike Bruce, where trust needed to be hard earned, Alfred had always given his trust and love unconditionally.
The Bat Wing suddenly jerked as it seemed to hit something. Or, maybe, something hit it.
'Master Dick, what was that?" Alfred asked, worry lacing his words.
Suddenly alert, Dick brought up the different cameras hidden in the ship to try and find what had cause the sudden shift, but sound nothing.
'I'm not sure, Alfred,' Dick answered, running diagnostics over the ship in case of damage. 'There seems to be no damage to the Bat Wing, and there is nothing on the radar indicating another ship or flying creature of sorts.'
The ship rocked again, and Dick gripped tighter to the control handles as he took the ship off autopilot. 'What in the world!'
'Master Di-,' Alfred said, but his words were glitchy and some parts were coming through slowly. 'A-re yo- all rig-' Alfred was cut off before he could finish.
'Alfred? Alfred,' Dick called, but he got no reply. He slammed the control handles in frustration. 'Damnit.' He was on his own now.
However, his annoyance dissipated at the site he'd only ever seen in books he'd borrowed from Y/N when they were children.
To say Themyscira stood atop a mountain would be an inaccurate description. It was more like Themyscira was the mountain, with a long staircase weaving and winding up the entire mountain from the ivory beach and cerulean waters at the base of it. There were small stone huts with woven roofs closer to the beach, but quickly evolved into larger houses and buildings of impressive white columns and marble. As Dick flew closer to the island, he spotted a large coliseum used for sports and physical trials like the ruins in Greece, and a small amphitheatre next door that no doubt was used for the arts.
Atop Themyscira's mountain could only be the royal palace, held up by intricately carved statues of women and marble columns, decorated in plates of gold and held together by green grape vines that covered the palace walls, the statues, the columns.
The bed time stories he'd heard from Wonder Woman when he and Y/N would have sleepovers was more than his imagination could ever conceptualise, and the few descriptions and drawings of the island in the books he'd read were amateur attempts that held no candle to the real deal.
It was, in a word, paradise.
I must've hit the invisible barrier before, Dick deduced as he took in the sight of it all. That's why communications were knocked. That's why he'd felt so anxious and tired the closer he got. Now that he'd passed through, he felt ten times better.
A beeping pulled Dick out his trance, drawing his attention to the radar. Something was coming at him. Fast.
Dick looked up in time to see a large fire ball flying at him and barely dodged it. It was so hot Dick felt its heat through the window as it scraped by.
'Woah!' Dick cried, angling the Bat Wing so Dick could see where the fireball had come from. And, more importantly, who had thrown it. Down on the ivory beach was a line of catapults set up Dick hadn't spotted before, and he could just make out an army milling about around each catapult as they reloaded the catapults.
Before he knew it, he was swerving as another fireball flew at him, this time catching part of the left wing and melting it. Sirens blared, indicating the damage, but Dick didn't have time to worry about that. The Amazons thought he was a threat. He needed to change that, or he'd be a goner.
Crazy an idea as it was, Dick manoeuvred through the line of fireballs the Amazons catapulted at him towards the beach. Once he was close enough, he turned on the speaker so the outside world could hear him. 'Please, Amazons of Themyscira, I mean you no harm,' Dick announced to them, hoping he sounded genuine. 'I am going to land my aircraft on your shore. I just want to ta-'
He didn't have time as a small boulder connected with the left wing, sending the Bat Wing into a spin that Dick couldn't control. Sirens blared in the cockpit, reds light flashed and his front window lit up with the message SYSTEM FAILURE in bright red letters. The steering was shot, his vision was impaired, so Dick just closed his eyes and braced for impact.
The Bat Wing hit the beach hard, knocking the wind out of Dick for a moment. Once he'd regained his breath and the world had stopped spinning, Dick checked his immediate surroundings. He was in one piece still, and the Bat Wing hadn't exploded. Good start.
Before he could unplug himself, a spearhead stabbed through the glass of the front window, shattering it completely as the Amazon wielding it pulled it out. Dick was temporarily blinded by the sudden invasion of sunlight to his senses, but he still put his hands up in surrender in case they still thought him a threat.
'Please,' he begged through laboured breaths. 'Please, I don't mean you any harm. I just need to talk with someone you might know. Please.'
'Síko órthios, pareísaktes,' a strong voice hissed above him, her words whipping out like a delicate snake. She yanked him from his seat, breaking the seatbelt as she did, and threw him onto white, hot sand.
Vision coming back ever so slowly, Dick saw more figures approaching where he laid on the beach, spears and swords and shields in hand. All women, and all wearing brown leather skirts, sandals, and breast plates and bronze helmets of the ancient greeks. A small crowd formed around him, leaving no room for escape.
Realising this, Dick hauled himself to his feet and spun around to survey the group with his hands raised. The women ranged from youthful to mature, but all of them looked capable of killing him should he dare run. Capable, and willing.
'Poios eísai esý?' a woman with long brunette hair asked. She looked slightly older than him, perhaps mid to late 20s. But knowing how old Wonder Woman had lived for already, Dick was almost sure all of the women surrounding him were much older than they appeared.
I really regret not taking those Greek classes with Y/N now, he thought to himself, not having a clue what the woman had asked him. When he didn't reply though, she repeated her question but with more annoyance and aggression, pointing her spear towards his chest.
'I am Dick Grayson,' he said, not sure if they could understand him or not. 'I mean you no harm. Please, I must talk with someone you know... Do you understand me?'
The blank faces he received in return were answer enough. The brunette turned to two other women beside her, whispering to one another. It only lasted a moment, for then the brunette raised her spear higher towards Dick's throat. The rest of the women also raised their weapons, all pointed at him.
'Ánthropos apó to exoterikó,' she announced for all to hear, her delivery final and true, 'edó tha petháneis!'
Just as she raised her spear, Dick threw his hands up again and cried, 'Y/N!'
He waited for pain, for the sensation of falling and then nothing, but it never came. The brunette paused, spear still raised above her, and looked at him curiously.
'Pós gnorízeis tin prinkípissá mas?' she asked, and to Dick's surprise, he recognised one word. Prinkipissá. Princess.
'Yes,' he said, seizing potentially his only chance at surviving. 'She would be your princess. Sorry, your prinkipissá. Daughter of your champion, Diana.'
At the mention of the mighty Wonder Women, the brunette lowered her weapon entirely and turned to the other women as quiet murmurs broke out amongst the group. Dick wasn't sure what he'd started, but he knew they knew of who he spoke of, and what power her name held. Not just anybody could wield her name.
'I came here to speak with Prinkipissá Y/N,' Dick continued, and then he put his hands together as if he were about to pray. 'Please, can you lead me to her? Is she even here?'
The brunette and her two friends looked him up and down for a moment before consulting one another one last time. After what felt like an eternity, the brunette stepped forward and looked him dead in the eyes.
'Piáste ton!' she cried, and two women grabbed both his arms, ensuring he couldn't escape. 'Tha ton páme stin prinkípissá mas.'
She then turned away, and Dick was lead by the arms after her and the rest of the crowd. He managed look over his shoulder to see the wreckage of the Bat Wing. The left wing was one metal sheet away from tearing off completely, and the shattered glass and the many dents in the side of the ship just added to Dick's dismay. Oh yeah, Bruce is going to be pissed.
If the Amazons let him live and he ever got off the island, Bruce would definitely make sure Dick suffered long and hard.
Dick was lead up hundreds and hundreds of steps, walking through the bustling city of women and young girls all going about their daily lives. For some reason, it was off putting to Dick to see women and children doing the washing or playing games in the open street. He wasn't sure why, but he envisioned the whole island as warrior women who all fought and died for each other and their home.
They could probably still whoop my ass, he thought as he was marched by some children who were previously playing a game with some dice and a ceramic cup before he came along and stole their attention. It came to Dick's mind that these young girls probably had never seen a male before, and so he smiled at them as kindly as he could. Some of the children smiled back, others had their mothers nearby collect them and take them inside. Dick couldn't blame them for it. Wouldn't he do the same for his child if the roles were reversed.
Why the hell am I thinking about children right now? he asked himself, but he didn't have time to ponder the question as they quickly walked up a final set of stairs into an open field of green covered in warrior women training. When the whole group stopped, Dick was brought to such a startling halt that he thought his arms were going to pop out of their sockets. Thank God for that, he thought, feeling his legs ache with all the climbing. Or is it Zeus I should thank? Maybe Hera? Athena?
The brunette raised her spear, and those not holding Dick prisoner did the same. 'Prinkipissá,' she called out above the din of all the sparring and training. 'Échoume kápoion gia esás.'
Dick wasn't sure who the brunette was talking to at first, but then his gaze settled on a group of women just ahead of them. It seemed it was a six-versus-one situation, as six women surrounded one young woman with familiar H/C hair. The six women ran at the young woman in the middle, all taking swings with their fists and swords, aiming for her head and legs and mid section. While the young woman took a few punches, she didn't flinch with pain. She would just grab her attacker's wrist and flip her over and slam her into the ground.
The fight only lasted a minute, and ended with the H/C haired pointing a sword at her final opponent's throat as she pressed her to the ground with her foot.
When she flipped her hair as she turned to face their group, only then did Dick fully realise who it was.
'Y/N!' he cried out, the brightest smile spreading across his face. Two years since he'd last seen her, his best friend. After the not-so-very-warm welcome, he was beyond relieved to see a familiar face.
But instead of reciprocating his smile with the one he'd always admired since they were children, Y/N paled as if she had seen a ghost. Her whole body seemed to freeze up as her eyes connected with Dick's, and for a moment Dick feared he had mistaken some poor girl for his best friend.
But her shock melted away, and Dick was met with angry eyes and a stony face. Oh, yeah. That's Y/N. He couldn't recall the amount of times he'd seen that expression before, but there was no mistaking it.
His fear turned towards himself as she suddenly, with sword still in hand, stormed towards him, ignoring the other women around her still training.
'Y/N, it's me Dick,' he said, just in case she hadn't recognised him, but still she came at him, raising the sword to her side. 'Wait, what are you doing?
As she stood a step from him, she changed her grip on the sword's hilt and swung the butt of it at his head.
'Hey! Don't-'
The last thing he saw were Y/N's angry eyes of E/C before pain exploded from his right temple and darkness overcame him.
Síko órthios, pareísaktes = On your feet, outsider
Poios eísai esý? = Who are you?
Ánthropos apó to exoterikó, edó tha petháneis! = Man from the outside, you will die here!
Pós gnorízeis tin prinkípissá mas? = How do you know our princess?
Piáste ton! = Grab him!
Tha ton páme stin prinkípissá mas = We shall take him to our princess
Échoume kápoion gia esás = We have someone for you
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silence-burns · 1 year ago
The Death of Me //part 1
Fandom: Aquaman
Summary: (very small spoilers for the movie) Finding Orm on your doorstep was not something you expected. Having him move in was even worse. But the effect he still had on every part of your life would be the death of you.
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The sun was blinding, but unfortunately, not enough to make the man standing before you disappear.
“You're in surprisingly good shape for a dead person,” you said.
“And you look terrible for someone supposedly alive,” said Orm.
You shrugged and immediately regretted it. The tight bandages keeping your shoulder in place worked as a poor reminder it was out of commission for the next few weeks.
“How I've missed that princely charm. Piss me off some more and, half-dead or not, I'm gonna kick your ass back into that desert I got it from. It might be the last thing I do, but if I become a ghost, I'll brag about it for eternity.”
Your mood soured further with every minute you remained conscious. Surprises and resurrections, you could deal with, but your ability to be polite left long ago. There were a lot of impolite and certainly unprincely words bubbling in your chest, but they all disappeared when the most magical, impossible, and straight-out-of-fairy-tales thing happened.
Orm, of his own volition, smiled.
The sun was still doing its best to blind your already red and swollen eyes—it failed yet again. You examined the strange occurrence, with the furrowed brows and all the small wrinkles and tiny folds in the skin that usually accompanied a person’s smile looking perfectly normal on his face. It was a genuine smile. You could only blink at him for a moment
“I thought scowling was the only expression you had. Like a factory setting, you know.”
“I'm glad to hear you are as sharp as ever, despite your current shortcomings.”
“Excuse you, I'm in great shape.”
The man in front of you politely didn't argue. It was rather clear from his expression that he had some serious doubts about not only the state of your body, but also about your mental capacity of acknowledging said state, but he made the wise choice of keeping these thoughts to himself.
Wise was your middle name; therefore, you allowed the silence to confirm your words. At the same time, you shifted more of your weight against the doorframe, hoping your grimace came across as menacing rather than painful. Your leg needed a bit of rest, nothing serious. It totally wasn’t almost crushed to pieces a few weeks ago.
The smile on Orm’s face, an expression you could get used to seeing, started to shift into a look of concern as he watched your eyes. You looked away, afraid of how much he could see. Before you could react, he picked you up and carried you inside the house.
It was a pretty house, very spacious, just like old rich men tended to enjoy—which might explain why Batman bought it a long time ago as a safehouse far from any prying eyes, and why he allowed you to occasionally use it as such.
Yet, despite all the initial spaciousness, it was rather easy to clutter if the person living inside had a few cracked bones, general lack of energy to move, and never invited anyone around to see the mess.
Orm raised an eyebrow when he noticed a sofa dragged into the kitchen area and the amount of empty, crushed packaging laying around it. You hated how much could be expressed without saying a word.
“Put me down.”
Your words came out weaker than intended. Orm held you in a bridal carry which put immense pressure on your cracked ribs and sent flashes of pain every time you inhaled. But he was so warm and close that your anger sizzled and faded.
With your head on his shoulder, you had the perfect view of his perfect profile and the perfect frown deepening the wrinkles between his brows.
“So, this is how you live now?” was all he said, in a controlled tone.
“I know you're not deaf and heard me the first time. Put me down. Preferably on my beautiful and completely normal kitchen bed, thank you.”
You sighed with relief once he finally listened. Even though the pressure of his arms around you disappeared, somehow you still felt his warmth, as if it seeped into your battered, bruised flesh. You felt your face getting hot and decided against following that train of thought.
Your heart, for a reason you also chose to ignore, skipped a beat when Orm turned on his heel and walked back to the front door. It took him comparatively less time than when you had to drag your ass to open it a few minutes ago.
But rather than walking outside and disappearing from your life again, Orm only closed the door. And then turned the lock too.
“I don’t like where this is going,” you said, in vain hope that all of this was just a bad dream you'd soon wake up from.
“What a shame,” Orm said with no shame whatsoever in his voice.
“Why are you here? I might be a little late with that question, but I'd still love to know the answer.”
Orm took measured steps to the kitchen table, assessing the seat with the least amount of trash surrounding it, and sat down. He sat upright, posture uncompromised in the face of a backless stool, and folded his hands on the table. How he looked royal surrounded by trash and cold leftovers was beyond you.
“As you have witnessed, thanks to Arthur, after that final battle I got a way out of my old life. I enjoyed it for the most part, and even wandered the surface world for a while. And then I heard about your accident and came to settle my debts.”
“You don't have a debt to me.”
“When I was awaiting sentencing for my crimes, you were the one that took care of me. And not so long ago, you helped Artur break me out of that prison. That alone guarantees my utmost respect.”
“Your debt is paid, you owe me nothing.”
“That's not how it works.”
“I don't need a nurse, especially one who isn’t wearing a sexy costume.”
“I'm afraid that part is not negotiable.”
“Wait.” You squinted, doing your best to focus your thoughts despite a rising migraine. “This cottage is in the middle of nowhere, with the nearest town a few hours on foot and only if you already know the way. And the only people that knew I got… a little roughed up, were those in the Justice League. Did Artur give you a ride here because he felt guilty he didn’t stop that building in Venice from falling on me?”
“Every day I am thankful that I don't know the inner workings of my brother’s mind.”
“So he did.”
You let your head fall back onto the makeshift kitchen-bed. It was too much for you.
You grabbed the pills from your secret under-the-pillow stash of meds and swallowed some painkillers.
“I'm going to kill your brother.”
“May you have more luck than I did. Now, do you even own any clean clothes?”
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