#apple watch series 8 review
httech · 2 years
Apple Watch Series 8 Tips & Tricks | Tech 101 | HT Tech
YAAY! Count done for the day. Who needs a gym trainer when you’ve got your Apple watch, right? Well, you’ll be surprised to know that the Apple Watch Series is coming up with some sleep updates. Take a look!
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newzitech · 2 years
Apple Watch Series 8 Price and Review
Apple Watch Series 8 Price and Review
Apple Watch Series 8 Price and Review. Apple Watch Series 8 Full Review. The Apple Watch 6 is an amazing device that has a lot of features that make it stand out from the competition. In this full review, we will cover all the major features of the watch and tell you whether or not it is worth buying. What is the Apple Watch Series 8? The Apple Watch Series 8 is the latest model of the Apple…
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maisreview20 · 5 months
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playingwithapparel · 1 year
Luxury Gifts for Mother's Day
I know Valentine’s Day seems like only yesterday, but we’re only a few weeks away from Mother’s Day 2023! Mothers are such an integral part of our lives and our communities. It’s so important to shower all mums with love and support on this special day. If you’re looking to impress the mum in your life with a luxurious, over-the-top gift (she’s earned it!), I’ve put together a list of my…
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trulybetty · 11 months
Sunday Week in Review XI
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This week's header is dedicated to @legendary-pink-dot for the idea of Dieter being his own 80s sitcom 😝💕
Is everyone okay this morning? Have we all recovered from last night? Do we need to hydrate, grab a snack (not that kind of snack) and recoup? Any welfare checks we need to send out? Phew 🫠
It's been a slog to get through this week, and I didn't get to as much reading as I wanted, which you'll see below. These daily prompts have been taking up more time than I expected and work has picked up (rude). But I'm also realising as I read through people's weekly round-ups, that I've missed a lot this week that I haven't seen come across my dash.
So if you've posted something this week (fanfic, thots or anything else) and you'd like to share it - feel free to drop it in my DM's or as an Asks!
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T R U L Y  U P D A T E S . . .
oct' x 15 - first wine (sequins!joel x reader)
oct' x 16 - flying kites (frankie x reader)
oct' x 17 - whispers (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
oct' x 18 - picking apples (sequins!joel x reader)
oct' x 19 - ghosts (dieter x f!reader)
oct' x 20 - sweater weather (chiffon!dieter x bryony)
oct' x 21 - acorns (tim rockford x f!reader)
birthdays, besties & bravos (celebrating the lovely @wildemaven)
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W H A T  I  R E A D . . .
A Safe Haven | Chapter 9 (Joel) (Check TW’s) by @joelsgreys This was the update I've been so patiently waiting for and it did not disappoint! This is a fantastic series that I never thought I'd get so emotionally invested in - but that's how good Vee is! This is always one of my top recommendations when suggesting Joel fanfics to read!
Working Title | Chapter 14 (Dieter) by @rhoorl Another great update for Dieter and Belle - I'm rooting for these two from the sidelines and I'm exciting to see how things play out for them!
Delta Landscaping | Chapter 8 (Triple Frontier + Pedro Characters) by @rhoorl Okay, there's not one, but two Pedro Character appearances this week and I'm trying to figure out how I can move to Mule Falls Court like yesterday - because it's all going down over there and I highly recommend this be added to your reading if you haven't read it yet. A Month of Sundays (Various) by @gnpwdrnwhiskey I'm living for all of these prompts and I can't choose one or two because they've all been soooo good!
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M E M O R A B L E  P O S T S . . .
I'm on edge as @for-a-longlongtime shares more of their WIP that is Peña x Rockford x Reader, with that line up you know it's going to be good!
Self Care with Dieter & Jett (@morallyinept) - this week it's emotions and highlights some important stuff!
More Dieter and his hippo table shenanigans delivered by @i-love-movies to @gnpwdrnwhiskey, this made my week 🤣
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B R O U G H T  T H E  J O Y . . .
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Bit of a personal one, but we got to do a little Halloween festive trip out yesterday with the little Truly's. Something you're not always able to do when you have a child with extra needs, as events such as these can be a bit overwhelming for a multitude of reasons. So when we're able to attend ones that are specially catered for families like ours, it's always a special occasion - even if it does make you realise how unfit you are wrangling two kids 🤣 Also, keeping on brand, Baby Truly adored all the Halloween decor and was waving and saying hello to her minions the props.
Watched the new Goosebumps on Disney+ not expecting much, and I actually enjoyed it. Little Betty would have been all over this as a kid.
Also, watched my annual viewing of Practical Magic, which thanks to the wonders of the digital age I own to stream to my heart's content regardless of the season.
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T H I S  W E E K ' S  J A M . . .
Back in my Matchbox Twenty feels this week 💛 - this one has been in heavy rotation while writing!
Hope everyone has had a great week! Here's to a new week ahead! Hopefully, if Pedro makes another appearance we'll all be ready for it, or at least recovered by then! 😝🫠
Happy Sunday all! ☀️💛
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jonfucius · 1 year
Great Star Trek Rewatch - The Original Series S2
Originally posted on Twitter 26 October 2020 - 2 December 2020
Star Trek: The Original Series Season 2 is up next in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. As with ENT, DSC, STX, and TOS Season 1, mini-reviews will document my progress.
Amok Time: After 29 episodes and some contradictory continuity, we finally get the first concrete details on Mr. Spock and the Vulcan species. A classic fight scene rounds out a strong start to Season 2. 8/10
Who Mourns for Adonais?: A decent early Season 2 entry. The giant green space hand is iconic, but the meat of the story rises above. Thanks to this episode, it became tradition that chief engineers on the starships Enterprise can't catch a break in the romance department. 7/10
The Changeling: A dry run of sorts for the superior Star Trek: The Motion Picture. The second time Kirk talks a computer to death, and it's a slow burn to the climax. 6/10
Mirror, Mirror: One of the most enduring concepts across Trek's 50+ year history is the Mirror Universe. This is still one of the best Mirror Universe tales, simply for its originality and focus. 9/10
The Apple: A Prime Directive debate and some red shirt massacres forms the crux of this otherwise forgettable episode. Definitely not one I'd revist on a whim. Not terrible, just mediocre. 5/10
The Doomsday Machine: This one and "Balance of Terror" jockey back and forth for #1 on my list of the best TOS episodes. William Windom's performance is superb, the titular device is scary (I hid behind the sofa when I watched this one as a kid), and the score is iconic. 10/10
Catspaw: Star Trek and Halloween don't go very well together. Even though this has an ostensibly scientific explanation, it still reeks of magic and sorcery. It is goofy, that's why it gets 4/10.
I, Mudd: This one starts slow but turns into a classic comedy by the end. Carmel is back as Mudd, though the portrayal of his wife is problematic at best. 7/10
Metamorphosis: This poignant love story with a solid sci-fi hook just clicks for me. It’s not the best but it just works. 9/10
Journey to Babel: Season 2 is definitely Spock-focused, and those episodes have not disappointed. This is a classic for good reason: action, pathos, humor, world-building. 10/10
Friday’s Child: Tonal problems keep this one from joining the ranks of the true classics. It’s serviceable but dreadfully slow in the middle. The Capellans are a fascinating race, it’s too bad we don’t see them again. 6/10
The Deadly Years: Impressive 60s aging makeup aside, this one doesn’t do much for me. The old age jokes are stereotypes, though the use of elderly actors in the first act is ingenious. And a rare bit of serialization with a callback to “The Corbomjte Maneuver” is welcome. 6/10
Obsession: Kirk gets some backstory and dimension in a tight, tense script. This is a well-paced acting showcase for Shatner. 9/10
Wolf in the Fold: This would have made for an excellent Halloween episode. A gaseous/energy being is easier to believe than the “Catspaw” transmuter, oddly enough. The line about women being easier to scare, and the Kara dance, are typical ugly 60s sexism, unfortunately. 7/10
The Trouble with Tribbles: A fuzzy thing happens on the way to Sherman’s Planet. A classic that thoroughly earns the title, it’s endlessly rewatchable and filled to the brim with classic gags, one-liners, and scenes for the entire cast. 10/10
The Gamesters of Triskelion: Angelique Pettyjohn’s look is iconic, but not much else about this episode is. A huge letdown after the preceding episode. 5/10
A Piece of the Action: An excellent palate cleanser after the preceding dud. Really wish we could follow up on the Iotians some day. I forgot how funny this episode is. 9/10
The Immunity Syndrome: Season 2 giveth, and Season 2 taketh away. The concept of a spaceborne lifeform is compelling, but this is otherwise a dog of a show. 4/10
A Private Little War: when the show tackles the Vietnam allegory, it sings. When it focuses on Nona, it falters under the weight of 60s’ sexism and bigotry. 7/10
Return to Tomorrow: A different take on the non-corporeal beings trope that hangs around TOS like an albatross, this one is more nuanced and subtle than most. Come for Nimoy’s delightful villain performance, stay for the poignant denouement. 8/10
Patterns of Force: An examination of how easy it is for a society to fall in love with fascism misses the mark by claiming power and not racism was the animus of Nazism, much like Confederate apologists claim the Civil War was about rights and not slavery. 0/10
By Any Other Name: The Kelvans’ powers are frightening, but it’s an episode I just can’t get excited about, except for Scotty drinking one under the table. 6/10
The Omega Glory: Gene, your über-patriotism is showing. Another late Season 2 letdown. 3/10
The Ultimate Computer: TOS has a serious distrust of powerful computers/AI that fades somewhat in the later series. Daystrom is a tragic figure, and the horror of the murder of the Excalibur’s crew is effectively conveyed. 8/10
Bread and Circuses: The social commentary is on point, but two parallel Earth stories in three weeks is somewhat tiresome. Still, an entertaining yarn. 7/10
Assignment: Earth: I’m ambivalent on this back door pilot. I like the Gary Seven character, and I normally enjoy time travel stories, but it just doesn’t do a whole lot for me. It’s not excellent, it’s not bad, it just is. 6/10
And with that, Season 2 of TOS comes to an end in my Great Star Trek Rewatch. Final score: 6.77/10. Highest score(s): "The Doomsday Machine," "Journey to Babel," "The Trouble with Tribbles." Lowest score(s): "Patterns of Force"
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moonstone27ls · 4 months
X-men 97 season finale/show review
Okay I am officially caught up. Saw all the eps... so I'm gonna give my review/opinions. So spoilers ahead.....
So warning if you don't like my opinion don't read....
Last warninggggg..........
Okay first on the eps. Ep 6 was okay, a pretty good filler. Not gonna lie tuned out of Xavier's bit. Not that it was boring, its just we all saw it coming. Gotta give Xavier a reason to leave/come back to work.
Did enjoy how in "class" he gave Deathbird an apple and told her "we raise our hands". Her sitting there like a kid bored in school. I AM curious on if they're gonna bring Vulcan aka the third Summers brother into the mix. Though if I'm gonna be blunt on memory... the show never did bring Havoc, sibling wise into the mix.
That I do have to say X-men Evolution attempted to do and give the Summers family some connection. Lets hope 97's writers will try to do the same and give Scott some connection with family.
Then we have more importantly Storm's part. I enjoyed her ep. Her transformation and regaining powers was just the best part of the moment. Welcome back Queen ;) .
Then we have ep 7 also okay. Had me on my toes story wise. Any take aways... uhhh.... enjoyed the cameos. Though after watching Rogue tear up Ross's place. I think he might wanna rethink the powerhold/or fortress? if she can tear up things.
I have thoughts on the Madelyne/Jean/Cyclops/Wolverine? thing but I'm gonna save my thoughts on the romance drama for the end cause I feel the writers dragged them a bit too much into the shows.
While I'm not entirely shocked that Rogue went on a rage like she did. I have mixed feelings on her killing Trask for several reasons. One, he actually seemed remorseful. Not like Gyrich, feel it would had been more impactful had it been him.
Secondly... nobody attempted to stop her. Now I get why Wolverine didn't stop her. Not to be so crude but he's basically the go-to character with killing. Just I dunno, considering Nightcrawler is "peaceful". He or Jean should have ATTEMPTED to stop her. I know we've all chalked it up to shock. But still feel any version/or comic version one of their instincts would have kicked in. But oh well.
Uhh... Beast/Trish reporter lady are a thing? I dunno... I know the series was clearly referencing their comic romance. But I'll be blunt the show didn't deliver on me giving a darn. Why? Cause its too fast.
I wanna say at most, Trish has only appeared two or three episodes. And its only been a span of two days at best. And all it was first ep was flirting. Then after Genosha they held arms? So... its impactful when he breaks up?... I'm just "she's been here two days I'm not really invested".
Same when she became a human sentinel (spoiler alert). He held her hand while resting and I'm just still not worried. Even if Trish comes back... their romance wasn't much to begin with. I do know that much from comics. She was like anti Lois Lang. More into the story than being moral. So yeah don't care about Trish, sorry.
I am surprised to see how Marvel/or writers are taking advantage of the streaming service. I'm watching murder, genocide, and I watched a full on murder scene by Bastion. Just whoa.
Hey even the scene with him shaving Magneto felt chilling. Streaming is giving them a much more edge, I'll say.
Now onto the bigger thing eps 8-10. Part 1 (episode 8), was very good with their animation. A LOT of good fight scenes. I mean I give so much kudos to the animators. Every fight scene was amazing to watch.
Story okay. A few nitpicks. One the Summers family. Don't get me wrong, I did LOVE the team up. They were great. But I dunno... it felt forced that Jean automatically takes on the role of stepmother/mother? to Cable. I kinda blame the writers as well on this one. It just felt a bit speeded. I do even remember in the original show, Cable did hold both in high regard. So I did know "okay at some point Jean will go back to Scott and become a mother figure to Cable". But the way they did it felt off.
Cause Scott never did get over Madelyne and its only been a FEW days. Not years, not months. Its been a couple of days. So it felt rushed that they've automatically gone from "I dunno where we stand" to "we have to stay together for OUR son". Our son?... Madelyne went on that whole shtick about being her own person. Going "No these are MY memories. I'M a person, not her copy". And they decide, "Okay Jean's her too. So Nate's her kid automatically"
Can I believe Madelyne and Jean share a psychic bond? Yeah, I can even believe thats why they can't separate their memories. Can I even see that after the smoke has cleared, Jean's viewed her as her sister.
I just find it so strange. That after all that gripping Madelyne did and how Jean attempted to understand her feelings. She's taking that "bond" as automatic... "Yeah Madelyne's me... so I'm taking the role of his mother." I dunno, if we cut this soap opera drama aside. Thats like hearing a sister go "okay my sister's dead. I'm taking her husband and son"... or other way around? I dunno either way its a mess and felt rushed.
My other nitpick... Roberto's mother just letting him be "arrested"? by the robots. Well their numbers in general. I did get the whole "chatroom" reference. But I feel they did a bit of a jump with the numbers of how many robots they made. I think a whole hometown (or whereever Bastion came from) would still be enough for the finale. But they made it like almost the equivalent of mutants. And I"m "hehhh".
I dunno feels like they did that for shock value. But even for shock, still felt a stretch. I mean what are the ODDS. Trish was secretly a mutant hater? I dunno too much of easy "oh we gotta make this shocking too".
Sorry back to Roberto's mother. Now just to make note, I'm not shocked how she behaved. The whole "lets keep this underwraps". Was clearly a ref to parents of LGBTQ in the 90s. But ref or not. I'm just "Okay so the rich people are upset about the two mutants?". Not the clearly flying robot people who come in and bark orders?
I mean even the most dumbest person would have just looked and said "Wait... are ya'll cops?". Those robots had no badges. But the mom's like "yeah .. he's a danger I'm gonna let my son go with the two weirdos who broke through my windows. Cause THATS more normal"
I dunno I think it would had been more effective if, the robots had just come charging in and made a scene, threatened the party guests. Jubes and Roberto save the day. But instead the mom kicks them out and chastises him for bring his "mutant problems" to the house with her company present. I think that would had been more realstic then the random robots acting like they're cops... though they have no legal authority.
But whatever, writers.
I did ironically like that whole monologue with Cooper. Her scene and Magneto's scene was powerful. Though... back to cameos... why is Doom helping? I mean I don't expect him to be a mutant alley. I was just "hey what does he gain from this?"
Then onto Part 2, uh wasn't shocked Roberto or Rogue followed Magneto. Felt Magneto was being a bit overdramtic with him being mad about Xavier being Lilandra. I'm "dude... he was dying to be fair". But okay.
Again, blaming writers on this. Though I'm not shocked Rogue went with Magneto... uhh because they keep dragging this love triangle. It felt more like she was just going to be with her very old lover. Which is ironic cause she's still grieving over Gambit. So its not that I don't believe her. Its more of the writers made it feel like the triangle was still there. Uhh not to mention part of her reasoning... she's all "I'm not gonna watch another die".
Thennnn why are you following someone who will kill your teammates? I mean I'm sorry after all that fighting everyone got over all that fast. I mean maybe in part three they apologized off screen. But still... Rogue's so close to the X-men. I'm just surprised there wasn't a scene were she's all "Damn it Logan why did you have to do that? I didn't want this. And I don't want to lose anyone else either" or something along those lines.
But whatever the fight/climax scenes were good. Shocking but good.
Part 3 finale. As I said they got over that drama fast but okay. Loved Phoenix/ Jean's scene. Still feel a bit rushed, not earned that she's automatically called Cable's mother. But whatever.
Enjoyed the bar/mind scenes with Charles/Erik.
Again loved EVERY cameo. Nice to see they added MJ in there, show Spiderman does get his happy ending.
Was a bit surprised Cyclops kinda took the Xavier route at the end with Bastion. But I get it at the same time.
Fight scenes were amazing... not entirely shocked the US government shot at the asteroid. Mostly I just wanted to say "are ya'll that stupid? yeah shoot something that close to earth". Not gonna lie gonna tune out season 2, depending how long they drag the time travel eps. Time travel is not really my forte.
Do hope having Apocalypse at Genosha means they'll bring back Gambit.
Take aways... so SICK of Rogue/Magneto being shoehorned in. I don't care if its in the comics. Didn't like it then, don't like it now. I just barely tolerated it because comic wise, nobody's aged (save for a few I guess) since World War II. And I tolerated Kate/Immortal cause it wasn't as much shoehorned/or focused. And Kate's younger than Rogue.
But this pft. Sorry writers you're not selling me on this. You LITERALLY couldn't fin a character a bit older? Or even focus on Magda? No we gotta focus on this May/Decemeber romance. Gosh still feels like they're dragging on this for season 2. The look Magneto had. Like an awkward ex.
I just know the writers did Gambit dirty on this. And I suppose I shouldn't be shocked since some of the writers were guys.
Just gah, I rolled my eyes when we had to focus on Rogue/Magneto. Like Rogue was the only thing he ever loved. Now I could sorta understand why his children were blurred. He has almost no relationship with any of them. But I still feel like for someone who misses family so much, his children should be there. The "family I always wanted". Always out of reach, whether its his choice or not.
I mean for goodness sake we could have a Magda reference. Everyone's always stated she was his great, only love. They could have moved on that. Felt like a wasted possibility.
Though am hoping, we'll get a Polaris/father meet cue or siblings moment as well. Glad THIS version of Marvel has kept the siblings together. Yeah Marvel comics, still pissed you tore the twins away from Magneto.
Anything else... uhh Morph's in love with Wolverine? I know someone's gonna say "No he just took Jean's form to make him feel better". Maybe... but considering his update now. Doesn't feel like that. Feel like he's got a huge crush on Wolvie. I'm not entirely against. I mean yeah the voice in the old series made me question his age.
But unlike the whole Rogue/Magneto thing. Doesn't feel as cringey. Morph's older, I'm assuming. And hasn't been isolated or any of those "I'm in a vulnerable place". Depending on what the writers wanna go with that is really up to them.
I can see it going either way. Wolvie going the other way, considering Jean won't love him. Finding a relationship with Morph. Or unfortunately, Morph's in Wolvie's spot. Pinning for someone who just sees him as a friend.
Now onto the soap operaaaaaa. The big bone I'd have to give the writers is how they handled Jean/Scott/Madelyne/ Wolverine rectangle.
Now some fairness, yes I read the writers gave into the soap. Not excuse for rushing. Maybe the writers didn't know they'd get two seasons. Maybe they thought "we'll be lucky to get two".
But I WAS hoping, they would actually separate Scott and Jean for a bit. After those moments with Jean and Logan, yeah I became a shipper. So I thought "Okay they can break up". Given the mess, I was okay. Jean breaks up, says "I gotta find out where we go. Where I go?". She tries to find herself. Sees Logan will always love her and put her happiness first.
Her and Wolverine at least have ONE date, when Logan feels they're in a comfortable space. What happens I dunno 8B. I just wanted to see that.
Scott and Madelyne talk. See if things are genuinely there. Now I don't wanna say "base on comics". Cause comic wise... lol Cyclops has a problem with being faithful. I would just prefer they realize things won't work out and reconnect.
But we don't get that. Instead it all feels rushed and this was done in a matter of a couple of days. So all that drama/finding myself went fast without a development or ahaha moment to me.
Thats about it. Despite all my gripping. I do GEUNINELY like this show and recommend it. Its still good and a good connection to the original show.
JUST BRING BACK GAMBIT D8<. Other than that I don't have a lot of demands/wants for seasons 2 or 3. Other than a few small character suggestions I written earlier.
Wouldn't mind a Spiderman crossover. Considering their friendship in the comics. Would love another Spidey/Wolvie day out. Even bring MJ into the mix as a friend. Would love Nightcrawler and Spidey being buds as well.
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 2 years
You know, on one hand I'm very interested in seeing seasons 6-9 of Fim but on the other hand I'm worried that I won't like it. Some people say they're not as good, but then again, some people also say Fim was ruined after Twilight became an alicorn princess but I disagree with that. Even after that, she still remains a funny friend and a bookish nerd interested in learning (or as she's been called in Swedish, en plugghäst).
I say go for it! If you don't like it, just pretend it never happened and keep loving the earlier seasons! but don't knock it till you try it, or how the saying goes 🤔😆💙💙
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I agree with you that twilight is still great after magical mystery cure/magiskt mysterium! I literally haven't got a clue what people are talking about when they say they don't but that's their opinion I guess 💜🌟💜
I can say personally I absolutely LOVE season 6 onwards ( except for like some minor things in season 8 & 9 but it's fine, season 8 & 9 is very different from the rest of the series and I think season 8 especially might not be for everybody since it introduces a bunch new characters, and a new location and feels kind of like a different series (personally I think the new characters are pretty enjoyable ^^)
if you watch mlp in swedish you might be saddened by the sudden change of rainbow dash's voice actor in season 8 that continues till the end of the show (I know I was, I had a meltdown over it 😅) BUT her new voice can be pretty adorable after getting used to it, but it's a pretty stark difference so that might take a rewatch, I'd say her new VA is at a disadvantage coming in so late when everyone else is already super familiar with their characters. Jill Wrethagen never really tried to sound like Ashleigh which is part of what made her so great to me (I love RDs english voice duh but what I mean here is I love when VA's aren't afraid to put their own spin on things and make their characters their own, it really makes for a more unique and charismatic performance!) her new voice really tries to do an english RD voice in swedish and as a result comes of a little forced at times, or mabey make her sound a bit more angry/whiney at certain points, but try to give her a chance! while I didn't like this change in the slightest after getting used to it I actually find her pretty cute as well 😊🌈💙
💖 here's a list of a few season 6 onwards episode I think most fans would enjoy even if they might not like those seasons (imo ofcourse) 💖:
the saddle row review/ den stora recensionen (THIS ONE'S SO FUNNY YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT!!!! 🤣🤣)
applejacks "day" off/ applejacks lediga dag (such a great applejack episode!!! has one of my fave really funny rainbow dash moments, great if you like rarijack or look before you sleep/ titta innan du sover I think 🧡🧡🧡 ^^)
spice up your life/ krydda ditt liv (cutie map episode with pinkie and rarity that has an awesome song and a pretty likeable pair of new characters with a friendship problem)
p.p.o.v. (pony point of view)/ ponnyperspektiv
apples and pears/ äpplen och päron (this episode is SO good, highly recommend it to everyone ever 🍐🍎)
secrets and pies/ hemligheten är pajad (omg best pinkie and rainbow dash episode, if you like any other episodes with them together or like party of one/ ensamfest or griffon the brush off/ den avspisande gripen you'll love this one!!
horse play/ pjäsfadäs (super funny celestia and twilight episode)
sound of silence/ tysta strömmen
going to seed/ skörde mästaren (really good sibling episode with aj & apple bloom)
trivial pursuit/ triviatraven (pinkie & twilight episode! if you like feeling pinkie keen /känna pinkie skarpt or their friendship in general I feel like you'd enjoy this!)
28 pranks later/ 28 spratt senare
cart before the ponies / kärran går först (the song is super good in swedish and if you like the cmc and their sisters or sleepless in ponyville I think you'll enjoy it)
I picked these because most of them don't have as much "new" stuff in them or feel like they could've been in earlier seasons, but also because I just think they're really fun episodes! although personally I'm a big fan of starlight glimmer and trixie and there's a lot of them in the later seasons ofcourse! I really think you should give season 6 - 9 a try, you're bound to like at least SOME of the episodes/songs/scenes! I really think it's worth trying! maybe let me know what you think if you do, I'd love to hear about it! ^^ 💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜
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greensparty · 9 months
TV reviews - Geddy Lee Asks: Are Bassists Human Too? / John Lennon: Murder Without a Trial
This week I got to review two unscripted mini-series that both dropped recently on streamers.
Geddy Lee Asks: Are Bassists Human Too?
As the singer and bassist for Rush, Geddy Lee has amassed quite a cult following. They were a thinking man's rock trio where you literally felt smarter just for listening to them. I went through a serious Rush phase as a teen. I had heard their hits, but began buying their 70s CDs one by one. I even learned some of their songs when I was taking guitar lessons. 2112, their epic rock opera, is my personal fave of their discography. In 1996, I saw the band live at the Meadowlands in NJ. Fantastic live band too. Now, Lee is getting his own limited unscripted series Geddy Lee Asks: Are Bassists Human Too? which premiered on Paramount+ last week.
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Produced by Banger Films and directed by Sam Dunn (who directed the Rush doc Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage as well as Super Duper Alice Cooper, and ZZ Top: That Little Ol' Band from Texas, this is sort of like Geddy Lee's version of a travel show, where a host visits a different location each episode, talks to a local (or many), and takes in the local food and culture. The four episodes that have been released are Lee speaking with Les Claypool of Primus and The Claypool Lennon Delirium, Robert Trujillo of Metallica, Melissa Auf der Maur of Hole and Smashing Pumpkins, and Krist Novoselic of Nirvana and 3rd Secret. Lee goes to their home, does activities with them and eventually talks and plays music with them. It is very much insider-baseball for musicians.
Lee is an engaging figure and a great host. All of these subjects so far have been bassists who came along after Rush and in some cases there was overlap between their band and Rush, but I think it might be interesting if the next season was bassists who pre-dated Rush. As a huge fan of Novoselic and Auf der Maur, and very familiar with Claypool and Trujillo, I of course was fully engaged in their rapport and conversation. Novoselic showing Lee his grange and flying with him on his plane is something I could watch all day! In some instances, it's Lee discovering things he hasn't done before like surfing with Trujillo. This is a cool show for music geeks, but beyond Paul McCartney the average person can't name too many bassists, so it's nice to see bassists talking shop and then some!
For info on Geddy Lee Asks: Are Bassists Human Too?
4 out of 5 stars
John Lennon: Murder Without a Trial
The December 8, 1980 murder of John Lennon outside his NYC apartment building at the hands of deranged "fan" Mark David Chapman is one of the great tragedies in that he was such a tremendous talent taken from us at age 40 way before his time. I was only about 4 when it happened, so I don't have any "where were you when Lennon was shot" memories (although I was into the Yellow Submarine movie). In later years as I got into The Beatles and Lennon's solo work, I saw many documentaries and specials about that tragedy. Not only was Lennon in a good place and happy with wife Yoko Ono and raising his 5 year-old son Sean, but he had just released a new album Double Fantasy, his first in five years and you got the sense it was the start of a big comeback. I've visited the Lennon memorial Strawberry Fields in Central Park many times. But I digress. The tragic murder is now a 3-part documentary mini-series John Lennon: Murder Without a Trial, which just premiered on Apple TV+.
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Narrated by Kiefer Sutherland, this is a deep dive into the day of the murder (what Lennon was doing leading up to the assassination, what Chapman was doing), the investigation, the trial and outcome.
Anyone who reads this blog, knows I am a lifelong Beatle and Lennon fanatic. Just recently, I got to review the documentary The Lost Weekend: A Love Story about May Pang’s relationship with Lennon and I also got to review the re-release of The Beatles’ Red and Blue albums. So I went into this very familiar with the subject. The thing that impressed me most was the depth of interview subjects, i.e. cab drivers that night, police and law enforcement that night, Dakota employees and residents, hospital staff and more. Hearing their recollections and some of the archival footage are quite impressive. But the thing that Lennon fans needs to understand going into this is that this is more of a true crime doc than a music or celebrity doc. I say this because there are very few Lennon musical collaborators other than producer Jack Douglas, and Yoko and Sean are shown in archival footage. There have been some fantastic Lennon docs in the past, notably Imagine: John Lennon (possibly the best Lennon doc there's been), The U.S. vs. John Lennon, and LennoNYC. This one is very much looking into the crime itself, the legal ramifications and the outcome. Do not expect to learn much about Lennon himself here if you're a fan, but you might learn quite a bit about Chapman (not that you necessarily want to know more about that monster). As a documentarian I can appreciate this doc series, but as Lennon fan I wanted a little more about Lennon, his family and the recording he was doing at that time, and it only scratched that surface.
For info on John Lennon: Murder Without a Trial
3 out of 5 stars
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
Not-So-Micro BL Reviews
This is mostly me doing catch up on all the things that I have been watching/was watching and then abandoned when I found Midnight Museum and fell like a ton of bricks (this is still something that confuses me but what can you do, really?) It will be long - I missed or ignored a LOT for a while.
Catch Up Dramas:
All the Liquors - This one never did anything revolutionary, but I have to admit that I liked the awkwardness of Chef. I really liked BFF cutie though. He was seriously the highlight of the entire show for me. Cute, if mostly predictable and not really plot heavy. Very KBL kiss. 7.5/10
Our Dating Sim - This was just a little gem of a series. The chemistry was on point and the conflicts made sense from what we were given of the characters. For how short it was, the emotional arc was satisfying. It's a solid little drama, and I quite enjoyed it. Good kisses, too, and not just for a KBL. 8/10
A Shoulder to Cry On - I just don't think that this one was for me, and that's okay. Part of me feels like if I were younger it would have landed better - it's dealing with some pretty serious topics and yet something about it feels a little too OTT for me, like they're kids playacting at adult emotions rather than it being genuine. IDK. I wanted to like it more than I did. This is one of the ones where the time skip actually worked in its favor though. 6/10
The New Employee (I know, don't look at me) - you know, I don't know why I randomly stopped watching this. It's adorable, and it actually does manage to convey the business drama pretty well on top of the cute, which I didn't expect from such a short drama. They also made me really dislike Manager Park, so kudos to them for that. I do like that Jong Chan genuinely believes in Seung Hyun's ability, and that he encourages him in that capacity. Overall this show was just cute, okay? It was. 8/10.
Bed Friend - I had such high hopes for this one. High apple pie in the sky hopes, even. I love me a FWB that gets serious (even if King was clearly pining for more from like, day 1 I don't even care. I've been wanting that fix since Between Us (another one where at least one of the FWB was clearly ready for more almost immediately, but hey what can you do). And these two are very, very good at selling that they want each other so kudos for that (and they clearly still want each other after the feelings and do not turn into blushing maidens who apparently haven't heard of kissing before, Team)). But around the time the gross boss Krit decided to invite himself over for family dinner with worst mother and SA stepdaddy and worst mother was like "oh yes he's perfect for you, son" I tuned out and didn't bother tuning back in until recently. I feel like there's only so much misery you can pile on one character before I either stop caring or start finding it unintentionally hilarious. I have to keep reminding myself that I am a Westerner so I don't understand the family dynamics in these things, that's all. Honestly Uea's inability to cut his awful mother out of his life is just not something that I can resonate with. It does amuse me though how often parents in these dramas are either amazing or awful, with not a lot of in between, normal sort of hey, sometimes parents do dumb things too because they are fallible and human. I guess that doesn't make for good drama. King and Uea are very cute, though, and I do really like them when they get to just chill and be boyfriends with each other, although I have to admit the end got a little too saccharine for me. I swear I can be so picky, sigh. The show might not have fulfilled all my hopes, but once it got off the misery train it was fine. 8/10
Moonlight Chicken - I loved this drama. And the funny thing is that it was low on my radar - literally the only reason I was planning on watching at first was due to First and Khao. That was it. The plot wasn't even really my thing, I figured I'd just be waiting for those two to show up and that would be that. But nope, I loved it. This felt like just the kind of grown up drama I've been aching for, one that was ultimately less BL and more, well, life, with all of its complications and messes. It just so happened that the main characters were gay. More of this, please, Thailand. I promise you that there is an audience for it. I liked how messy it was, and in such a believable way. From Wen and Alan's extremely slow breakup to Jim's trauma becoming a sort of shield for him against opening up to people to Heart and Li Ming's wholehearted jump into a first relationship, the characters felt real and grounded and i loved it. No one was perfect (well, except Gaipa who is honestly a sweetheart too good for this world - I loved his huge crush on Jim even though I knew it wasn't gonna go anywhere, he was so sweet and unassuming about it, best unrequited love ever). Jim especially won my heart, because the way his walls worked was so relatable to me. I think that some people don't quite get how easy it is to shut yourself off, and how once you do it it is so much easier to just keep letting past trauma keep you from moving forward, not necessarily in ways that hinder your entire life, just parts of it. Jim's utter reluctance to let Wen in and his worry about Li Ming made so much sense to me. He'd been burned and burned hard, it's only natural that he'd want to protect his beloved nephew from the same pain, even though he went about it in the worst way possible most of the time. :D But that's not how it works for the young, and that's a good thing. Yeah, Li Ming might crash and burn, he and Heart might not be forever, but that's okay. I have heard people complaining that Earth is way too young to play Jim, but I honestly thought he suited the role, actually. It might be my favorite role of his yet. Final Verdict: 9.5/10. This was almost my perfect drama and if I could have more of this I would be delighted.
New (to me) Dramas
A Tale of a Thousand Stars - watched because of Our Skyy2. I wanted to be looking forward to more than just The Eclipse and Never Let Me Go, haha. It was fine. I really liked Tian, even when he was being a spoiled shit. There's something about Mix, I think, that makes him extremely watchable. I do not really feel that way about Earth and I was mostly annoyed by Phupha. *shrug* I wanted him to actually talk to Tian rather than making decisions for him - sure Tian was impulsive but so much of his problem was with his parents running his life, he didn't need that in a lover, too. Once Phupha pulled his head out of his ass it was better, but my goodness that took a while, didn't it? Also what is it with this pairing and these weird "does he love me or my sister/the woman who's heart I have" plots? Glad Moonlight Chicken moved away from that kind of plotline, even if I do actually really like Cupid's Last Wish (more than this one, actually - I get the sense that is unusual but I don't care, I love it). Overall though this wasn't bad, even if I felt like it dragged a bit in places. Am genuinely sad that they put Khaotung in a Earh/Mix vehicle and didn't have him gently pining over either of them. He did it so well in Moonlight Chicken, after all. Final Verdict: 8/10
Star and Sky - Star In My Mind & Sky in Your Heart - these were fine. I felt like there was a lot of drama over very little, but they're decent little slice of life kind of dramas. Easily consumed, easily forgotten. 6/10 for both.
Rewatches (because why the hell not right)
The Eclipse - I just love this drama. *shrug* It's so incredibly rewatchable. Plus, you know. I love Akk, he's exactly my kind of character. I honestly can't wait for the Our Skyy2 episodes but they look a little nuts. Honestly though I don't even care so long as we get some cute - I think that there were enough tears during the show proper. Yes both First and Khao cry well but still.
Cupid's Last Wish - You know, the first time I watched this I think that I said I was pleasantly surprised because I expected it to be a lot less obvious that Korn was so gone on Win that no one else even entered his big, dumb head. I was worried that it would be more of a "oh, I fell in love with you as a girl but it's still you" thing, and it...was very much not. I thought they also did a real good job walking the line between showing Win and showing Lin, and I have to give a lot of credit to Jan for her portrayal of Win as Lin. Pitch perfect, really. I say again, there's just something about Mix that is likeable - I've enjoyed him in ever single drama I've seen him in thus far, although Earth as Moonlight Chicken's Jim has my whole heart. He really shone in that role. My one quibble with this is how everyone just forgives the mom for being awful. I don't know, I guess I'm just a grudge holder. Anyway I originally rated this at a 7.5, but due to sheer rewatchability and how much fun I actually do find it, I'm moving it up to an 8.5/10. It's fun, I like it a lot, I will probably watch it again at some point.
Looking Forward To
I'm honestly kind of out of the loop with this! I don't really know what is coming up, so my list is very short:
Only Friends
Dangerous Romance
Both of them seem messy, messy, and i am ready for it. I also can't wait for the Utsukushii Kare movie but I'm going to have to, so.
I'm also excited for whatever comes up for the renewed drama shower slot for MBS. I wasn't a fan of all of them last year (I loved one of them beyond all reason, liked two, was meh on two and DNF one), but I love that I can look forward to at least one drama coming out of Japan for a while.
Whew! That wasn't so bad, was it?
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formulaorange · 1 year
Winter 2023 Anime Review
This has got to be the longest season ever. I swear I stopped watching anime for a good few months and came back and the season's still going. I definitely cut down the amount of shows I watched this season since I burnt out but the upcoming Spring season should be a banger. My top 3 for this season: Buddy Daddies Sugar Apple Fairy Tail The Vampire Dies in No Time Season 2 Here's this seasons final reviews:
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Giant Beasts of Ars - 12 Episodes Definitely one of the better anime originals I've seen in a while. This is a new sci-fi fantasy concept that felt a little reminiscent of Ghibli content. I was satisfied with the story but was a little disappointed they didn't end it off with 1 season. 8/10- Very Good
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Trigun Stampede - 12 Episodes I honestly loved this. Studio Orange killed it with the 3d animations (they did Beastars) and the story is well rounded. I think the series is definitely underated and many people skipped it due to the animation style but it's 100% worth a watch. 8/10 - Very Good
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Vinland Saga Season 2 - (Still airing - 12/24 Episodes) Who knew we'd see Facebook's farmville be animated in such detail. But honestly, the first half of this season is absolutely brutal. I know they're keeping it real and the slow pace makes the rest of the season stand out all that much more but damn. Doesn't pick up until episode 9 but somehow I still have high hopes for the rest of the season. (Side note - Mappa is killing it as usual with this take-over) 7/10 - Good
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Blue Lock - Part 2 (Episodes 13-24) This is definitely still one of the best sports anime I've seen in the last few years. All the characters are unique and enjoyable to watch, the art style is solid and well executed and the story progresses at a decent rate. I honestly don't have many complaints about this series. (of course other than the usual butchering of english in the last 2 episodes) If you like sports anime, soccer or just want to watcha battle royal, this is one to check out. 8/10 - Very Good Endo and Kobayashi Live! - 12 Episodes This honestly didn't feel like a novel concept but I had a lot of fun. It's 2 romance stories in 1 but with all the fun of shitty otome game intervention animes. (I can't believe this is a genre now). Just overall wholesome fun. 7/10 - Good Revenger - 12 Episodes I really thought this series could've been better. While I did enjoy it to some extent, the story ended up feeling very superficial and didn't feel like it really went in depth on any of the characters and just floated along the surface story for the whole season. 5/10 - Average Tomo-Chan is a Girl - 13 Episodes I nearly stopped at the first episode. I'm still not 100% sold on the concept where this strong girl just wants to be seen as a romantic interest and a lot of the gender stuff was really on the edge but I think they managed to walk around it. The story did end up being cute without it stepping all over tomboys. Was fun to watch but not as good as the hype behind the manga. 6/10 - Fine Campfire Cooking in Another World with my Absurd Skill - 12 Episodes I really enjoyed the manga for this series and I was stoked that Mappa picked it up. I found that as long as you don't try to look for a serious story from this series it's a fun lighthearted watch. Definitely made me hungry while watching. 7/10 - Good The Eminence In Shadow - Second Half I think this show was actually pretty fun. Definitely more of a fantasy than isekai since it has nothing to do with his previous life. I had fun with Shadow's character but found that it got boring for a few episodes until the end. If it continues I'll likely still check it out. 7/10 - Good
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague - 12 Episodes This was really cute and I liked the change of pace from other romance series where they're all workforce adults, like in Wotakoi. Still felt that it didn't really go anywhere. Enjoyed it but likely won't continue to watch if there's a second season. 6/10 - Fine
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telly-tell-alls · 1 year
Five days at Memorial
A plus plus actually.
Before I start let me refer back to a previous review as this show has an intro that will bring the whole family together. The introduction music gets stuck in my head every time and I find myself singing in the accent in which it is sung long after the introduction has ended. It has became my favorite part of the show. I recommend this show to someone and they are hooked.
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I was on the phone with them while the introduction was being played and it was back stuck in my head. I watched this show awhile ago but it definitely needed to be highlighted
You can stream this fine piece of work on Apple TV , The show is a true story about Memorial hospital in New Orleans Louisiana when hurricane Katrina flooded the city and what ensued after like the levee system breaking and I’ll leave it there for you guys to pick up. They were stranded with no power and there were some decisions that had to be made by doctors that were between life and death. Being I work at a hospital this show absolutely had my attention from start to finish, it’s a mini series so I think like 8 episodes. Definitely recommend it.
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rebel-space-nerd · 2 years
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I posted 9,608 times in 2022
That's 371 more posts than 2021!
42 posts created (0%)
9,566 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,682 of my posts in 2022
#posts for the boyf - 763 posts
#need this - 69 posts
#from the boyf - 21 posts
#literally - 17 posts
#film bastard (affectionate) - 16 posts
#me - 12 posts
#us - 12 posts
#cool - 11 posts
#amazing - 7 posts
#community - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 121 characters
#but abed is so integral to the show that there is no way it could have continued without him without drastically changing
My Top Posts in 2022:
hello @stranger-awakening tagged me in a thing, and i love doing these things, so thank you :D
three ships: blackbonnet obvs, trobed my beloved and i think about the ineffable husbands every 1-3 days
first ever ship: hmmm it's difficult to say but probably troy and gabriella, as i was a simple child raised on hsm
last song: co-pilot by letters to cleo. i love that song so much, and even more now because whenever i listen to it i tend to think about my boyfriend, and he makes me go :D
last film: robots (2005), me and the boyf watched it yesterday. very good.
currently reading: the magicians, it's about how some of the greatest scientific discoveries were made, like light being an electromagnetic wave and the discovery of neptune
currently watching: i am rewatching the owl house on my lonesome, so i can finally watch season 2a, but i'm also watching how i met your mother with my boyfriend
currently consuming: like food? i'm not eating at the minute, but i am drinking apple juice
currently craving: these really nice red velvet cheesecake brownies i made like 5 years ago. when i've finally finished exams, i plan to make some more.
i shall tag some mutuals if they would like to do this too, but no presh
@mysticeyeliner @ananas-pineapple-thing @feelssogoodinmyarms @faeriewendla @starburns
4 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
i'm thinking about getting a binder
4 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
besties i got 4 A*s :D
7 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
you know when you finish a book series and you loved it so much and have so many feelings about it you just fuyluiefhiwenfc
7 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
honestly at this point if someone said "i like your shoelaces to me" i think i'd blow a fuse
8 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gnatlistens · 2 years
album review: spy x family cour 1 soundtrack -- (K)NoW_NAME !!
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE SPY X FAMILY !! the soundtrack isn't as good as kimi no na wa and assassination classroom but it's still really memorable! most are quite short (>2 mins) 
initial thoughts
can't wait for this ost and to hear the funny recorder music whenever anya does something HAHAH
i recommend watching the show before reading this, or listening to the soundtrack while reading! this has 45 tracks so it'll be a LONG one
some mild spoilers follow
not typing all of them out here because there is. a lot. go check the full album (1h30mins) on youtube or Spotify/apple music !!
track 1: STRIX
starting off with the spy theme!! actually it's more like the superhero theme from the incredibles, but these are just repeated a lot HAHAH
kind of iconic but not the best of the best, i feel like I've heard it a lot but at least they switched up some of the parts nearing the end
track 2: WISE
same spy theme! just introducing one of the main characters, loid
track 3: transient calm
i really like this track name, it matches the vibes! not too interesting, just background music 
track 4: liar
the more funny version of the spy theme is here! it matches the comedy of sxf and is a recurring theme for the more funny parts in this series :) 
really memorable, 7/10
track 5: disguise
the guitar strums and how they are placed on different sides of my earphones are cool! I'm glad they went to this amount of detail for a soundtrack :) 
(yeah i know charlie puth did the same with left and right but i don't exactly support him rn )
track 6: plan b
the funny spy theme! just at a faster pace, and towards the end more intense and focused, like they are executing a plan (hence the title HAHA)
7/10! these are all great but not very outstanding
track 7: crisis of my home
the funny spy theme on it's own!! with the funny out-of-tune recorder like in the shittyflute version of titanic LMAOO
i love this, it was what got me interested in the soundtrack (i was like: i really want to hear the recorder part!)
8/10, really conveys the theme AND enhances it, making it so much more funny
track 8: girl's pastime
another similar funny theme, i love this one too! it's more light-hearted :)
i like the sudden serious part that becomes some light strings? that seem to convey a ?? feeling, like: hmm i wonder what will happen if i do this! what about this? oh no.
i tend to like funny memorable things, 8/10
track 9: subject 007
sad version of the funny spy theme, i think this is about loid's backstory :( 
sad but lighthearted, but not too memorable
track 10: front line
reminds me of ambulances and police invasions! the music really conveys the tension and can be used for any movie that requires this scene 
track 11: elusive man
creepy vibes, would fit squid game well! a bit too quiet for my liking because the rest of the album is loud, but it would fit as a background track. i don't think they adjusted the volume for the official release
track 12: without tears
quiet, not too sad. a lot of this soundtrack is sad though, im not sure why as the anime is mostly lighthearted and funny
the haunting vocals and metal screeches towards the end are really interesting. pretty long track (~4 mins)
track 13: ponder
the hotel lobby music, typical jazz. questioning undertones and yeah would be good background music when thinking of something
5/10 not my fav
track 14: thorn princess 
really like the melody but there's too much quiet. or maybe my volume is too low
5/10, would give it a higher rating if there were more music
track 15: delusion
sounds foreboding and dark, the knife sounds and creepy vocals put an edge to it! can be used in other movies/series too
context: he was acting as a spy in anya's favourite spy show! the lengths a father goes for his daughter LMAOO 💗💗
track 16: verge of a setback 
the same funny spy theme, ending slightly more sadly? i cant really hear the difference
track 17: strange marriage
really upbeat and a good variation from the theme!! the little beats in the background are quite cute, with a good ending
track 18: housework
really conveys the little family having fun around the house, and anya messing things up when she tries to help HAHA
track 19: berlint
another jazzy piece!! starts off with the classic cruella de vil motif HAHA, continuing through the piece and mixing with the spy theme
track 20: gorgeous step
i like this jazz piece, feels classy
track 21: try again
jazz that makes it feel like the wrong answer sound effect HAHAHS
5/10, not too interesting
track 22: looks like a nice family
really sweet piece, it was a cute part in the show! the family together and happy, even though they may be "fake"
7/10, the music made that part more coherentthe immediate tracks after this are sad.
track 23: teacups
why is this so sad holy shit. i don't even know which part of the show this is for but it almost makes me want to cry: the piano, starry background
10/10, it's so emotional
track 24: little by little
another sad song following a similar theme to teacups, but slower :(
8/10, emotional songs hit me
track 25: sunset
i really like the title HAHAH
same sad theme as the previous 2 tracks, but this one is more hopeful! after a pretty sunset, another day begins 
track 26: very elegant
elegant!!! a school theme, probably the tracks following this will sound similar too since it's about anya entering Eden (her school)
reminds me of the Great Hall in harry potter
track 27: eden college
slightly more magical and "wow!!" i didn't know eden was a college, the kids are 6 yrs old whatt
track 28: cecile hall
following the school theme again
this is a really sweet and grand piece, but it doesn't have much sentimental value to me
track 29: housemaster
kinda cute! the repeated theme that sounds similar to ballet music (swan lake maybe) is quite amusing, why is it used to describe the housemasters HAHAS
maybe because they are elegant :)
track 30: precocious
interesting chinese traditional instruments :o
5/10, not very memorable
track 31: second son
is this damian's theme ? hmm
5/10cool anya to get through the next few tracks
track 32: twilight
wow mysterious and brooding. interesting but i don't associate it with twilight a lot, just danger in general
track 33: state security service
damn they make it sound so bad-ass, was it this intimidating in the show? really sets the scene!
track 34: questioning
me with my sexuality/romantic orientation. ANYWAYS
interesting, but it's more "something bad is going to happen, but what?" type of questioning than the more funny kind in track 13
track 35: crack down
these tracks are all creepy themed. i don't have much to say, just,, intimidating 
track 36: commence
the return of the spy theme! but more grand and bad-ass. that's a lot of quiet
track 37: NEXT MISSION
the recurring intermission between mission tracks
track 38: no one knows
love this! the flutes and beats give a tiptoe-ing around vibe, we are back to the more lighthearted themes of earlier
track 39: forever and ever
so grand!! it sounds so swooning idk how to describe, it warms my heart :)
i hope the family stays together forever aaa 
slighty more than 2/3th through the album break!
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the loving way anya looks at loid (out of frame) is exactly what the song portrays ^^
track 40: as a mother. as a wife
another yor soundtrack slayy
really motherly and nurturing, the repeated melody an octave higher sounds like a child copying what their mother does 😭😭
track 41: small daily life
another sad one helpp
im a sucker for emotional things
10/10, the bubbling/swelling of strings really gets me and i love the sweet-sour melody that makes it sad 🧼🧼
track 42: snake in the grass
started off slow but picked up the pace and became really fun! i don't think an actual snake in the grass would be so happy but okay HAHAHS
track 43: the forgers
CUTE. the waltzy feels, like the family is strolling along together! all of them have secret "powers" but they don't know yet HAHAHS
track 44: bondman
i love this it's so iconic!! the spy theme and funny theme mixed, a more fun track 👽👽
track 45: TBD
a track with lyrics!!! pronunciation is a bit off but emotions are there so that's great ! i'm surprised they wanted to do an english song LMAOO i didn't know it was english at first
i don't really understand the lyrics but it's a good spy song, fit the scene very well
love the melody!
best theme -- the sad theme in teacups/little by little/sunset
this one was the most recurring one that i liked :)
it's sad and sentimental, really touching
separating the tracks into categories
now you know which to listen to for different moods 😏
sad: tracks 23-25, 41
main theme: tracks 1, 2, 4, 36, 37, 44, 45
funny: tracks 6-9, 16, 19, 44
dark: tracks 10, 11, 15, 32-35
jazz/waltz: tracks 19-21, 43
school: tracks 26-29, 31
my top favs
forever and ever
small daily life
no one knows
crisis of my home
girl's pastime
little by little
the forgers 
cut off at 8/10! i love the sad tracks, and the more iconic/funny/lighthearted ones 🧡 the more bad-ass tracks aren't for me HAHHAS. overall, this album gets a solid 8/10
i really love spy x family, it's the show i never knew i needed 
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Danger Hiptop reviewed https://www.sfgate.com/business/article/Likable-Sidekick-is-priced-right-2765968.php
#20yrsago Distributed.net cracks the RC5–64 cipher https://web.archive.org/web/20030710002806/https://www.distributed.net/pressroom/news-20020926
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best-smartwatch · 2 years
Smart Watch Series 7 : A Luxury Brand For All Mankind
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Fortunately for you a new brand has emerged “Address Tech” With Smart wearable Gadgets including Smart Watches at a very competitive prices with only 4,999 INR Giving you complete features and look alike feel of top brands in the industry
This review is focused on Smart Watch Ultra for Men and Women.
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Although the 46mm version is a little bigger, I found it to be pretty comfortable on my wrist, and the advantages are rather clear: A larger screen and a longer battery life are two things that are particularly essential to me. And occasionally, the stainless-steel silver shine still manages to capture my eye. in light of this, regardless of your wrist or gender
Our new Smart Watch Series 7 and Series 8 is all equipped with Latest 1.15GHz Exynos 9110 dual-core processor and 4GB of storage. The noncellular editions, however, have 748MB of RAM while the LTE editions come with 1.5GB.
Main difference between the Smart watch Series 7 New Smart Watch Series 8 series are the new founf GPS Tracking System and Bluetooth Calling Features found in the inside
The Smart Watch for men Series 8 Ultra is waterproof up to 50 meters. This Smart Watch for women is specially designed to be swim-proof, detect their periods including those who love to swim in salt water. Rinse a little your Smart Watch belt or strap and Display after swimming in such conditions.
You will get around four days of battery Life in Series 8 and 3 days of Battery life from Series 7 Smart Watch models. I will provide more details of Smart Watch Series 7 battery life further below.
The fact that former Smart Watch FK88 models now track 39 tracked workouts in total and 21 indoor exercises is a result of significant upgrade in the technology. The Address Tech Smart Watch — Health app is connected to the fitness and sleep tracking functions, and there are also tie-ins to other well-known fitness applications like Under Armour, MayMyRun, Speedo, and others. As promised, Your Smart Watch Amoled Display is Crack Proof and also comes with a stress-management software that I have undoubtedly found helpful when situations call for a few deep breaths.
I’ve used this smart watch for kids at my homes for my offsprings specifically, and over that time I’ve seen the sleep-tracking feature get better thanks to recurring upgrades. When your Smart Watch monito heart rater continually as opposed to the battery-saving once every ten-minute setting, I found it to be more accurate. Although the Smart Watch for men, women and kids performs admirably overall, keep in mind that BoAt and Garmin watches offer less accurate sleep tracking for people for whom this feature is important.
The same caution applies to exercise experts who, for a variety of reasons, strive for perfection in their Smart watch Fitness workout monitoring. All of these watches are undoubtedly a motivational component to meet daily goals for steps taken, activity performed, and calories burned. Additionally, to better understand the relationship between your calorie intake and burns, I advise manually recording your intake of food, water, and coffee. For those Apple Watch devotees, I must say that the step and distance monitoring in Address tech Smart Watch needs no improvement to match that of Apple or Samsung For that matter.
Adequately tracked by Address Tech Smart Watch Workout regime of 3–4 mile runs along with a few simple workouts, especially with its software update improved GPS performance. With a weekly and monthly schedule, I am always motivated to accomplish my daily goals as well as make them better. I do have to admit, though, that the hourly reminders to get up from my desk and move around are far simpler than the 250 steps required by Firebolt.
To those who like to use voice commands, Edith is AddressTechs voice assistant at your service in the New Smart Watch Limited Edition. You can voice various commands such as “Play music” and “Start workout,” and also ask questions such as “What’s the weather?” To the delight of many — especially my neighbor’s kids who like to bug me by answering to text messages on my watch — you can reply to text messages. Search on Google Smart Watch Series 8 Ultra on Flipkart and Amazon with your voice command and Book your colour of choice today.
If you have a Smart Watch Series 7 , you’ll be just fine with a variety of different pairings and apps with your Kids Smart Watch Series 7. The optimization is also good with other Android phones and to some degree with iPhones.
Like me, you could have the impression that the smart watch industry is intensifying its competition with the Apple Watch by introducing a number of mobile brand items to entice consumers to buy their goods in bundles. Apple and Samsung are the market leaders for wearable goods and have achieved extraordinary success in this area. However, Apple and Samsung are both becoming aware that consumers’ attention is turning away from traditional fitness trackers and toward the new Series 7 and Series 8 smartwatches, which offer an all-in-one, variety of everything in a single gadget package.
There are already some areas where the AddressTech Smart Watch outperforms the Apple Watch and still draws buyers. The primary characteristic and distinction between AddressTech watches and Apple watches is their circular faces as opposed to their square counterparts. Simply a question of taste, this is a contentious subject among my friends. Numerous round-table arguments at dinner have really caused some of my friends to stop talking to me for a few days! I’m kidding, but it’s still the subject of a heated discussion.
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