#aplspec community
acore-ballt · 2 years
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I hope all the Aspec people are doing wonderfully today! I made a little character out of the flag colors. I don't know what to call them yet, I know I want the name to start with an A.
Feel free to draw them and/or add the flags you want to their design. Think of them as a community character. :]
(Second one is without the flags themselves + the queerplatonic flag colors)
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reflecting on it all, i really think one issue that the aspec community refuses to actually talk about (or, at least, those of us who aren't affected by it refuse to talk about) is that acceptence of aromanticism is still entirely conditional.
i'm not aplatonic myself, but even i can see how the aspec community excludes them. like, yeah, sure, being aromantic is cool!...as long as you still experience platonic attraction and have platonic relationships and replace romance with friendship at every turn.
and if you're aromantic, you also have to be asexual. because sex without romance is immoral and dirty and abusive. and every aroallo is an invader who's trying to destroy your perfect, pure, sex-negative aspec community. if an aromantic is not asexual, they are not a valid aromantic.
if you've ever found yourself wondering why aplatonics and aroallos alike have their own small communities instead of just being a part of the wider aspec community, this is why. you drove us away.
and your acceptence of aromanticism is still entirely conditional.
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A does not stand for ally, it stands for ASPECS. aros and aces and agenders and aplatonics and ASPECS damn it.
i will fucking swallow a motherfucker whole if I hear that argument again.
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laconic-void · 17 days
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image descriptions: an illustration of a man spraying a child with a spray can. Each image has a respective pride flag edited onto the spray:
asexual, aromantic, aroace, aroallo, alloace, aplatonic
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winecovered · 2 months
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 ⟢ Dreadplatonic 𓃉
When one is aplatonic due to extreme fear. This may be the fear of people in general, a fear of talking to new people, agoraphobia, or any other reason one may fear making friends.
 — Requested by anonymous .
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shiutsu · 17 days
Am I the only one that likes being an aspec? I've seen number of people hating themselves since of that & I barely see anyone liking it.
Lacking attraction is great, y'all just haven't reconciled w it yet/pos
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lovelessrage · 7 months
Pro-kink advocacy goes hand in hand with aspec advocacy and if you don't understand this you need to start.
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isobug · 7 days
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General Aplatonic / Apl symbols
Made for fun, in no way am I claiming this is "official" or that anyone has to use it or anything. I just had a lot of fun making my Poison Apl symbol and I wanted to do something else with the format!
Anyone on the Aplatonic spectrum / who is Aplspec in any way can use ( and is included ) in these!
These incorporate multiple Aplatonic / Apl symbols! Bees, blue roses, and apples. The color of the apples / rose are the colors of this Apl flag, while the bee is the colors of the second Apl flag here. I wanted to represent both color schemes because I personally use both flags, and I wanted it to be inclusive of all Apls regardless of flag preference.
I gave the blue rose thorns, as a way of reclaiming stereotypes about Apls being "distant" ( a rose creates distance between itself and others with it's thorns ) because of their Aplatonicism ( especially Nonfriending and Nonpartnering Apls ) or "thorny/mean" for not wanting casual friendships / being friendship repulsed / to randomly be called "friend" / any friendships or friends / not wanting or experiencing "love" in general, especially "platonic love"
I know some prefer yellow apples while others prefer a green apples ( especially aplaros / aroapls ) so I made two versions! Use whichever you want, or use both at the same time!
Here's the Apl bee by itself because it's cute:
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Free to be used anywhere by anyone as always! If there are any typos or discrepancies please kindly let me know ( I'm editing this on low sleep, sorry! )
Taglist - @radiomogai, @daybreakthing, @aroapl
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lesbi-am · 4 months
aromantic people are queer whether you like it or not!! asexual people are queer whether you like it or not!! aplatonic people are queer whether you like it or not!! afamilial people are queer whether you like it or not!! aqueerplatonic people are queer whether you like it or not!! anattractional people are queer whether you like it or not!! aspec people who are also het are queer whether you like it or not!! aspec people who are also allo in other forms of attraction are queer whether you like it or not!! all aspec people are queer in all shapes and sizes and forms and varieties whether you like it or not!!
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itsoktocallmegay · 8 months
Friendly reminder that aplatonics are queer. It’s so disheartening to see so much aphobia be directed towards aplatonics. The A includes all aspecs.
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objectsarebestest · 5 months
Shoutout to aplatonic objectums on this aplatonic visibility day!
It’s okay to not be platonically attracted to humans, or to not want any friends besides your objects.
It’s okay to not be platonically attracted to your objects, and to want them in a different way than a friendship.
It’s okay to be the “loner who can’t connect with people” stereotype of the objectum community.
Aplatonic objectums are wonderful. I wish a good aplatonic visibility day to all aplatonics.
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fnafs-ex-boyfriend · 4 months
Edit: Forgot to link the non-aplspec poll
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fellow aro +/or apl folks: chime in.
when someone says they love you in a romantic way, does it prick your skin in thousands of needle pokes like the world is an iron maiden? especially when they're supposed to be a friend and you find out they have less than platonic intentions towards you, even if they don't intend to act on their feelings, it suddenly feels unsafe? I've seen the post that describes it as a betrayal to be loved that way when you thought someone was safe, and i agree.
like does it physically hurt you? does it scream danger and betrayal and make you afraid? as bad as it sounds I feel... disgusted. the fact that someone could think of me that way. it's not flattering or good, it hurts.
I get a physical reaction in my body, it's the worst kind of phantom burn I've ever felt. anyone else?
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nonconformityhub · 2 months
I need Aplatonic Infographic Ideas!
Following an extremely annoying conflict I had in the comments of an aplatonic post on @aspec-vents, I think people need help understanding the aplatonic experience and what platonic attraction/feelings actually are, and what it means to not have them
Send in your asks, comments, or reblogs for your questions for aplatonics or your aplatonic experience/what aplatonic means to you!
(reach tags: @aplatonic-culture-is @our-aplatonic-experience @aplatonic-stuff @aplatonicsafespace)
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winecovered · 2 months
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 ⟢ Afraplatonic 𓃉 Uh-fray-platonic .
A flag for one who is aplatonic due to fear, or other similar reasons out of their control. Sort of an accidental recoin of involuntary aplatonic . . .
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shiutsu · 21 days
"We're all so different yet we all want the same thing"
More like "We gaslight everyone into thinking love is the only superior and necessary thing to crave and exist for and we belittle & shame those that don't feel the same,no matter what reason they could have."
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