#anywho ignore me ranting—
iced-souls · 2 months
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I realized i forgor to post this painting i did for a project a while ago,
except im not showing thou the bottom half because doin it in a school setting made it to emo for my liking and i wish to get it wiped from my memory lmao—
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onejellyfishplease · 1 year
Let’s take role call.
Open Your Shell to Find Your Wings: Donnie gets mutated again partway to a beetle
The Connections of a Soul: Donnie looses his physical body
Unmutated Donnie au: Donnie gets, well, unmutated
… I’m sensing a theme here
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richardxoliverxmayhew · 10 months
//I know I have to be kinder to myself especially these days what with going through a number of things both emotionally and physically but awwww mannnnn I just saw a picture of myself just five or so months ago and I can't help but think how much fuller and overall better my body looked cause I actually had time and energy to work out and eat well. And now I just feel like my figure is all bleeegh cause i've lost a lot of weight since my move and I just don't have the time/energy to workout and it just makes me feel worse uuugghhhh.//
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junosartsthetic · 2 years
yall im so sorry i am a mess rn
i cant seem to get my shit together and i apologize for that
you all expect to see fics
not whatever bullshit this is
but i cant seem to do anything rn that isnt wallow in self pity
i have requests and shit that need done but my brain is empty and i feel like shit for not putting out anything new lately but it’s taking all i have just to wake up in the morning and not stay in bed all day oml. i feel so guilty but because i feel guilty nothing is getting done which makes me feel more guilty and im just in a state of perpetual frozen-ness not doing anything but staring like a deer in the headlights waiting for the truck to finally hit me. and oml do i want it to hit me. but it doesnt come. and the anxiety remains. but anyway lets see if i can produce a shread of content tonight that isnt self-loathing bullshit. fingers crossed i suppose. 
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madness-of-void · 8 months
Honestly...getting real sick of the two faced bs happening at work, and the clearly obvious leading questions they have to try to make me turn on the one person they decided to make into a scapegoat coz gods fucking forbid they own up to their own shit when HR comes at them.
Darlings, you're cute, but I have played this game before back in retail. You will not fix the actual problems happening. You will not get me to play your game. The answers you want to hear, and not the ones you actually need to hear...you will absolutely fucking not get them from me.
Same shit...different coat of paint...
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you-raggedy-bitch · 1 year
something mildly irritating about being in the COD fandom now is that you can tell who just fuckin got here. And im not talking about COD, im talking about fandom in general.
Like, im at the point where ive been around long enough to realize it literally doesnt matter if your headcanons for a character are ooc. It doesnt matter. Nobody is forcing anyone to say “Ghost is such and such about this thing” or “Soap feels this way about Ghost” or “Price only feels this way about the rest of the characters”, and if you are doing shit like that, you are the problem.
Aint nobody need fandom police, No one is forcing you to consume content you dont vibe with. there have been plenty of fics that i have rolled into, gone “nope i dont think that character is like that” and just rolled right back on out. No bashing of the creator, no making backhanded posts about how “this character actually is”. Why? because its a fandom. Who tf cares?
and this shit has been around for years. Maybe not in the volume it is now, but people have been writing fanfics, even for these characters, since the 00’s. Just because you discovered this on tiktok doesnt mean thats where it started.
Quite frankly, the only valid criticism ive really seen in the fandom lately is the one that goes the most ignored, and its the exclusion of Gaz from content. (Which is a whole other rant that exhausts me to the bone, cause cmon, its Gaz. Gaz is fuckin great. Why people gotta be like this?)
Anywho, end of a rant from a tired og captain mactavish simp and a current price simp.
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silverflameataraxia · 6 months
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I made this gif collection yesterday, but decided to hold off on posting it until I watched the episode, but I hate this scene. I don't care if Tamara interrupted date night, Tim being so standoffish/visibly annoyed and not even looking at her or talking to her doesn't sit right with me and is a far cry from his she-woke-up-specifically-for-my-pancakes smile in S.T.R.
If Tamara really is this much of a problem for Tim, then Chenford date night's should happen outside of the apartment, or Chenford should spend more time at Tim's place and less time at Lucy's.
And hating on Tamara - threatening physical violence against her - for interrupting four Chenford kisses is pathetic to say the least. She's either a cockblocking child or they're having so much sex that they broke Lucy's bed. Make up your mind. If you hate Tamara for interrupting, then you definitely don't want Chenford having babies...or you're just ignorant about parenthood 🤣
Anywho. Rant over. This season sucks.
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squishyowl · 6 months
just kinda wanted to throw this out there so people know my stance officially:
I do not and will never support or enjoy Primarch/Primarch shipping. I don't care if it 'doesn't matter because they're barely human' or 'they're so different they're hardly siblings'. They're not concepts like the Greek gods, they're human people that exist amongst the populace.
They're still biological siblings. It's been stated in a book or two that their DNA is similar enough to open gene-locks (that's how we got the famous Konrad 'licks lasciviously' scene). They're all biologically related.
As someone with 7 siblings, it's extremely weird seeing people see a very obvious sibling relationship and equate it with romance. I have siblings I despise, siblings I have no relationship with, and siblings who I'd die for. I'd still never date any of them because they're my sisters and brothers.
I feel the same with Primarch/Astartes. They see their Primarch as a father and are still directly descended from them.
When it comes to Astartes/Astartes it's different, though, especially if it's across different chapters/legions. It'd be like calling a relationship incestuous because the couple were related to Genghis Khan, so that I'm fine with.
So if you're into it, have fun, Primarch/Primarch and Primarch/Astartes shipping just makes me wildly uncomfortable and I'll ignore posts that involve it. I also won't do primarch height/size comparisons that imply those ships.
anywho, rant over, have good day
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vollerey · 1 year
there are two types of people when talking abt certain listeners and i need to confess. cut bc of rant
half of the listeners get mischaracterized?? like.. dude. i understand they arent AS readable as the whole cast because they dont have a voice and you have to base ur picture offa the limited shit, i get it!! but. darlin’.. isnt just a ‘violent loner who cant stop getting into fights’. darlin from what i can understand doesnt go willy-nilly into fights left and right— they fight when they decide to, like when their sense of justice is being pushed (ex: quinn and the person @ the bar.) from the quinn shit, he attacked their friend so obviously darlin’ is going to run their shit at him for the sense of right being pushed.
saying that theyre only going to get into fights and not be chill for (ex: the summit) is just only putting the characteristic in the spotlight and ignoring how darlin can go without fighting?? they can go without fighting and violence, we’ve SEEN THIS. i get it, shits and giggles that theyd probably fight everyone I UNDERSTAND. but people believing that darlin isnt just a person that fights whenever they feel ina corner or whenever the wall is there. i wanna honestly express my mixed opinions for ‘tank’..
its just describing darlin’ as what they ‘are’ in a sense, they act like the big bad wolf to protect the people they love even if its a sacrificial journey. thats what they—in a simple.. way—are. im no analyst or whatever considering i havent listened to the playlist in abouta a few weeks and am rusty onnit. so.. yk. anywho, i mean tank is FINE like its.. whatever? its the fact that darlin’ gets so tangled into an image they roughly arent based off misunderstanding by people is funny to me, imo.
this goes out to other listeners that if anyone wants to suggest i look over & rant about just reblog or use my ask. thank you, sorry for the rant.. lol.
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lemonswrite-sing · 9 months
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love White Rose. Their dynamic of rivals to partners is just so cute and all.
But I really love the chemistry between Ruby and Penny! They are just always so comfortable with each other and just plain old adorable! I first started out with it being a minor ship in my brain, but when Volume 9 showed Ruby’s reaction to Penny’s I couldn’t help it; they just took over my heart. I’m so sad that we won’t be able to see any more of their dynamic, but at the same time it was so refreshing to watch Ruby morn Penny. It just shows us how much Penny really means to Ruby, and it made me cry when I realized that Ruby never got to say goodbye. She went through so much just to have Penny stay by her side, only for all that effort gone when Penny died not much later.
I can’t imagine the pain that Ruby had when she heard the news. Imagine being able to save your friend that you lost once, hoping not to lose them again, only for you to lose them immediately. Permanently. And right after the news, everyone around her acts like nothing has happened. They just started to make jokes and act all happy, ignoring how the news affected Ruby. I mean she literally passed out when she got the news, and team RWBY didn’t think that it was a clear sign of emotional distress!
I don’t blame Ruby one bit for going off on everyone when she did, in fact I’m surprised that she didn’t say anything earlier with all the crap that she was going through!
Now I absolutely love team RWBY with all my heart, they are all dorks and deserve all the happiness in the world. But I just can’t help but feel bitter about how they went about Ruby’s mental health.
Anywho somehow my rant about how much I love Ruby and Penny turned into a bitter rant about team RWBY….
Just wanted to say that I love those two!!!
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They are just so cute!!!
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londonrih · 5 months
Just reverting my thoughts from Twitter over to here, don’t mind me….
I wanna be brutally honest about something, but I don’t think some of y’all ready for that conversation. and shocker…it’s about that chenford scene.
Just let me know when in able to speak.
Some of y’all, not all have painted the picture that Lucy’s the”People’s Princess” and that she’s just perfect and that nothing happens to her and she gets to live FLAWLESSLY! But that’s not how life works, and we’re all living proof of that.
Getting mad at Tim for breaking up with Lucy is hilarious to me. It’s not like he WANTED to. Why are you mad at someone for having trauma, for having real human feelings and reactions? He’s reacting impulsively. Tim was just as heartbroken as her, but yet y’all Ignore evvvvvverything else. It’s just “Tim broke up with Lucy, she doesn’t deserve him” because he’s traumatized? Let’s think for a second. I can’t remember who said this but y’all really need to think, would you really react the same way if Lucy broke up with Tim instead of him breaking up with her? Because I truly think so. Or would y’all still find a way to yell at them? I don’t wanna hear “dOn’T pOlIcE oThEr PeoPlE’s FeElInGs!” That’s not what I’m doing, but you shouldn’t be upset with someone who just went through the most traumatic Whiplash ever.
Tim “broke up” with Lucy because he feels like he’s a monster. He feels like he has to protect her from himself. He feels like he’s not worthy enough. He feels like he doesn’t deserve her love. He feels like he doesn’t deserved ANY love. Considering EVERYTHING he’s been through before. Really think about that. Tim is going down a downward spiral, and his self-worth, self-love, and confidence slowly depleted through episodes 5 and 6, leading up to that very breakup. He still loves her, deep down.
But we all know the saying (hopefully y’all know what I’m talking about) “Love yourself before loving others”… Tim is taking that to heart now. He’s been lying to himself for a whole ass decade. Really, really think about that Tim needs to heal. To find his self-worth, and he needs to learn how to love himself again before he can go back to loving on Lucy. He needs to make a better version for himself AND for Lucy.
Anywho, that’s all. This may stir up some controversy or whatever, but y’all need to realize neither one of them are perfect. That perfect image y’all create for Lucy is unrealistic and you can see it happening in front of you. Life isn’t fair. It never really is But their love for each other is genuine, and real. They’ll get back together. Maybe not this season, but there’s build-up toward that.
But some of y’all really need to realize that
End of rant.
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2-sleepy-for-this · 1 year
HII!! it's the same anon that did the t!hovie ask and OMD YOUR RESPONSE HAD ME SO GIDDY AHH
i never even thought about t!hobie and mayday but now you've planted the image in my head and i can't get it out! he definitely doesn't mind being picked up and hugged by her! the first time peter catches them during their secret bonding he immediately rushes over and starts mauling the hell out of him as he checks him over to see if he's hurt while hobie is trying to squirm away 😭
AND MIGUEL!! he'd definitely be desperate to make hobie someone else's problem but I can just imagine the times where he's alone with a tiny swing maniac ahsgsj at some point he just snatches him out of the air, drops him into a jar and continues with his business, while hobie is fuming and yelling about the oppression of voices or smth ahsgasjhssh not to mention miguel probably had to spent a ton of time with hobie getting his measurements for his own mini watch 😭😭 he definitely went to go visit spider-therpist after he was done
i absaloutely love the chase scene with pav and hobie! they're running and swinging for their lives, holding on to each other and the book it down the halls while screaming their asses off until they find miles and crawl all over him (if he's in his normal clothes they totally either jump into his pockets or hoods)
also when hobie visits gwens house to give the watch to her dad? traumatic for the police chief for realll 😭 I can imagine he's just home from work, so still in his uniform, and then a tiny dude just struts up onto his coffee table holding a giant watch and giving him the most judgemental glare ever. "a real piece of work" frr!
howdy! Sorry I took so long to respond, I was camping :)
anywho, YESS Peter just grabs hobie and starts moving him all around, looking him over all while hobie is debating whether to keep his chill or squirm. He chose bite. Hence why, after that incident I fully believe that miles heard that he bit Peter, so when hobie is all over him constantly miles is trying to remain still so he doesn’t get bitten as well. He would also teach mayday to bite.
oh, hobie would definitely yell about oppression of voices… and in the case that he’s put in pocket jail you’d just have a spider person talking to Miguel or Peter then suddenly they’d hear disembodied screaming about power trying to suppress the voice of the people… the spider person would be so confused while the one they’re talking to just ignores it and slowly just puts a hand over their pocket slowly. Also, spider people at some point try to actively avoid crossing the door to Miguel’s office because every once in a while the door will swing open, Miguel will flag down the nearest person and put them in charge of tiny anarchist watching duty.
pav and hobie would be BOOKING IT down the hall, there would be screaming, there would be so much drama, especially from pav. There would be a moment when pav gets stuck somewhere as they’re being chased and pulls a ‘I can’t go on!’ Scene as hobie goes back and carries him to safety. Also, hobie would be laughing so hard mid chase while pav is lowkey horror movie victim running, they could both just have the spider people chasing them lose them at anytime but that’s not as fun. At some point they see miles and run for him, miles would be so confused as he just felt two tiny spiders climbing his legs and clinging to his neck while sitting on his shoulders. Pav would be screaming incoherently about miles running while clinging to him and miles would be so confused until hobie, relaxing on miles hair, just goes ‘you probably want to run’ pointing to the mob… miles: ‘NOT AGAIN!’
Gwen’s poor dad would be so confused, this tiny punk just shows up on his coffee table pulling around a watch twice his size. I feel like Gwen’s dad would try to ask about his size and hobies just like ‘what of it?’. He’d definitely be a price of work and it would be even more impressive if he made Gwen’s watch while tiny, it would be a lot harder to pocket materials and miles would make it more difficult by moving the things away from him on a different table while he’s trying to steal.
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pistachi0art · 4 months
omg imagine reblogging my post 3 times?? 🥰 to not even give yourself a good defense, d’awww 🤭
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But in all realness why even bother replying at this point? You say you don’t care/that it’s over only to then rant and post about how much people hate you. And what’s even funnier is you also pulling out the minority card with every 5 posts because you HAVE to make it clear, in a community full of ppl who also are probably like you in that regard, that you are apparently the “underdog” who’s being attacked by the “mean antis”!
And to then say that i’m the one being irresponsible for informing my friends/mutuals about your degenerate ass behavior is also really funny, because I wouldn’t have even made the callout in the first place had you just kept your illegal sexual fantasies to yourself! And don’t even try dragging the A03 filters into this bc hey! Guess what dipshit, some people just want to look at the recent fics without having to go through the hassle of trying to filter out every single gross thing you decided to tag! And next to that sometimes people want to look at darker fics without having to read about traumatic events! simple as that.
Not only that people here just sometimes don’t want to check every account bio to make sure that whoever’s post they liked/reblogged isn’t a creep! you keep making points that seem to fly over your head, but you said it yourself, my fan base has minors in it! What if they saw a post, like your recent drawing, and just went and liked it. I know for a fact your ass isn’t going through every single account to make sure that whoever interacted isn’t a minor/anti.
(Also nice job screenshotting every satirical hate comment! Aw what, they said something mean/negative? don’t worry AGAIN you said it yourself, it’s not real so it doesn’t matter! Psst guess what? Tumblr too has a fascinating filter called the delete button! Maybe you could use that and ignore the “haters”!)
It’s clear you must have a very strong humiliation kink. No shame to that but I’m sure you can find healthier options! Oo here’s a good idea! Maybe write about that instead of children!
Better yet go to a mental health consultant and get evaluated! I’m sure they’ll have plenty to say about how this isn’t healthy in any aspect for you, nor is posting about it online!
(Btw did you know that most medical mental health professionals say that your behavior is more likely to be a trauma response from an event within your childhood? Fascinating stuff right? isn’t great to know that your potentially kicking up a whole new wave of people who could potentially become pedophiles because you’re attempting to normalize it? Fun!)
anywho, nice talk! If you really didn’t care you’d block me and move on 💖
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Chat it’s so hot and humid bro in class I was fighting for my life in geography bro it was so hot and my eyes kept like yk when ur so tired your eyes kinda like do that thing and then u don’t rlly know what’s happening well that’s what happened to me and like 3 other people in my class we were fighting a whole ass war
Chat idk how I’m gonna function anymore bc like tommorow is gonna be even hotter like I’m actually cooked and the worst part is I won’t even get any tan out of it like I don’t burn nor do I tan I just stay pale asf 💀💀
Bro tdy I didn’t wanna eat lunch so I didn’t I just got myself a drink and my friends litro kept pushing me to eat and stuff like ik u care about me but like idk I just rlly didn’t like it when they were all like ‘you’re gonna eat’ and kept handing me food and then gave me a lecture about how it’s not good to not eat and how I should be eating 3 times a day
Anywho I’m actually so sorry about the rant n I can’t rlly Yap to my friends instead bc yk i acc hate myself and I’m rly sorry feel free to ignore this
Anywhoooo hope u have a good day pooks 🥰😍😍😍🥰🥰
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i understand... like why is it 108 and humid do NAWTTTT PLAY WITH ME RNNNNN
ngl i like,, cant stand ppl who like try to force u to eat... LIKE MAYBE IM JUST NOT HUNGRY... ik they care but like what do u want me to do 😭 make myself sick bc im forcing myself to eat ???
never apologize for the rant pookie.... this is a safe space...
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Loving your au!
The thing you said about allowing yourself to stim resonated with me a lot. Like, I've been pretty loud and emotional as a kid, but was forced to bottle up my emotions. Which lead me to self-harm, yei! (btw, Im pretty sure I'm neurotypical, but moving my body in repetitive movion tends to calm my nerves. So I guess it counts as stimming? Unless there is another more appropriate term for it. It's a good thing I got out of rottmnt fandom, lol.)
So, I've wanted to ask about your Donnie's experience with autoaggression. You've mentioned that self-harm is one of his coping mechanisms. So I am curious. What triggers the action? It has to be an intense emotion, right? What does he tend to do? Is it like cutting, biting or burns? A mix of everything? If I'm not mistaken, he does tend to wear more clothes, possibly to cover the scars and such. Also, what would be family member's reaction to his self-harm scars? Would they lash out, ignore or try to lecture him? (The last thing happened to me and it was weird. Like, my mom brought my little brother to my room and told him to ask me to stop. I'm afraid I might have unintentiinally traumatized him there, whoops.)
Also, sorry for long rant, but I adore your Leo having gender issues. Like. I feel it. I tried to copy one of youtubers who sometimes used she/he pronounce and had fun with it until other people started questioning it so I stopped. But my fuckery with gender came to bite me in the ass afterwards. I've only recently realized I fall under demigirl term, so that was a relief. I wonder how Leo's gender adventure will play out. :)
Sorr for grammar mistakes, I'm not a native speaker :'D
your grammar's fine :)
aight so a lot to get into here. SO Donnie's experiences with self harm are heavily based on my own ones, which means overwhelming emotion. That can be either too much anxiety/stimulation, or feeling so empty and numb that you just need to DO SOMETHING that feels real.
you're spot on about his clothing hah, he covers more skin than the others cause he knows it'd make himself and everyone around him uncomfortable to see.
so the thing about his family's reactions is this: Leo is in denial about it, and Splinter doesn't even know. These are both because Donnie has a lot of naturally occurring scars from unsafe metal work. frankly its a miracle he didn't blow up one of his fingers when he was younger.
nowadays Mikey and Raph just try to support him so that he won't feel the need to self harm. I think Raph used to be really mad about it when they were WAYYY younger but. That doesn't really help the situation so he just, tries to help any way he can without directly talking about the issue.
anywho, congrats on the cool gender! Leo will realize his bigender ways eventually (but not soon enough hah)
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missazura · 1 year
Hey, I don't wanna be rude but. I just wanted to let you know that I hope against hope that your survive and that you make it, and find your bliss.
You seem like such a sweet person, you're incredibly funny and hardworking, and you deserve so much better than you've been given by life. I continue to come back to your blog time and again because I wanna see you win against the odds, not in an entertainment way, but in a hopeful way, because if you can make it maybe I can too.
I don't know too much about system stuff, but I believe maybe the above qualities are why Belos gives you such a hard time. Again and Again in The Owl House he's shown to be afraid of people taking power from him, or somehow surpassing him, and that's why he kept the Collector locked up, and why he's so threatened by Eda (and why he killed his brother, because he felt someone lesser than him was being chosen by Caleb/corrupting him, and he keeps making clones in the hopes that one of them will be the almost the same as Caleb but choose to stay by his side/believe his beliefs). People that can stand up to him make him viscerally uncomfortable, and perhaps he's hard on you because he sees something in you that you don't/can't see.
So chin up, if you can help it, because Belos thinks you're strong enough to be a threat/worth expounding effort for (he doesn't seem to spend much time on people he's not threatened by, like Kikimora for instance. Or even Hunter, who he downright ignored until said nephew got away from him and allied himself with the The Owl Lady and made Friends the way Caleb did with his Witch Girlfriend), and I also believe you're strong enough to survive this, even though I'm sorry it's causing you so much undeserved suffering. Besides that, you give me hope for the future anyways, because if you've survived this long, maybe I can too.
Sorry for the long rant. I hope your day gets better anywho, and that something wonderful finds it's way into your life, be it a perfect sunset or a favorite meal or unexpected good news, a burst of energy, anything at all, I hope it finds you and makes your internal wounds hurt a little less for a while.
thank you so much. and I believe you're onto something there, my entire sight went blurry as I reached the part about Belos being afraid of being controlled (which is freaky) and I think you're right.
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