#anyways. good exercise in trying to line+color more
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syqy · 11 months ago
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rafflesia - a flowering plant which emits the smell of rotting flesh to attract that which feeds on the dead
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bunniesanddeer · 1 year ago
Hi! I hope you’re having a wonderful day or night.
I saw your asks are open and I had an idea. What if it’s a protective Alastor x Reader who is the daughter of a protective Lucifer? Maybe she kept in contact with her dad so they are closer and she is older than Charlie. When Lucifer comes to visit the hotel him and Alastor cause some drama
I hope this is what you were looking for? I am very new to doing things like this!
Daddy's Girl
Pairing: Alastor X Lucifer's Daughter! Reader
Tags: Sisterly love, some sexual connotations, spoilers, some angst maybe? idk, swearing, Mimzy.
Word Count: 1,775
The hotel was eerily quiet when you awoke, so you made your way downstairs to see if anyone was awake. All you could hear as you made your way down the stairs was your quiet footfalls and weird murmuring. As you turned towards the sitting area, you realized the muttering was coming from your younger sister, Charlie.
Charlie was pacing back and forth in front of a pin board covered in colorful papers, and strings. She tugged at her hair, her muttering growing more frantic. As you took in the scene, you realized there were a few people standing and watching her. Niffty was bouncing on the couch, her face full of a strange glee. Husk and Sir Pentious were watching with mixes of bafflement and curiosity.
“Hey, Char Char? Are you ok?” You asked, walking around the couch to get a better view. You saw Angel and Vaggie approach from your peripherals as Charlie whipped around frantically.
“Nope! No. Not really! Haha. Hah…” Her false smile falls as she rips a page off the board. “I have been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn’t working! We’ve done every single trust exercise and arts and crafts project I could find! We’ve talked about our feelings and… nothing is working!”
You frown. You knew that things taking so long would eventually get to her, but it was sad to see just how severely. She needed more help. 
You walk up to your sister, and set your hands on her shoulders. “I think…”
Her expression collapses. “Please don’t say it.”
“We should call dad. And ask for his help.”
She winces. She clearly doesn’t want your dad’s help. You can’t exactly blame her, either. The two of you were raised a little separate, and it had affected her relationship with Lucifer pretty badly. Although, you were older, and it had afforded you time with Lucifer before Lilith had started to separate herself from him. Charlie had only had a handful of years before their relationship went south. It showed in her anxiety with him, and Lucifer’s inability to talk to Charlie openly. It made you sad, but you weren’t sure how to fix that rift.
“He’s the reason the extermination happens to begin with! He just let it happen! He doesn’t even like sinners! Why would he help me?” Charlie hugs herself, looking off to the side. “He’s always preferred you anyway.”
You hear some audible winces from the audience by the couch, but you ignore them. You pull her into a tight hug, her taller frame putting you at her collarbones. “You know I would change that if I could, honey.” You squeeze her tightly and say, “We can at least see if he can get you a meeting. Anything to give you the advantage, Char Char.”
She sighs, and hugs you back. “Yeah. I guess we can at least try.”
You pull back. “I think you should call him. I bet he’s dying to hear from you, even though he sucks at showing it.”
Charlie rubs her arm and nods. “Alright. I’ll do it!”
As she struggles to start the phone call, Husk makes comments about her having ‘Daddy Issues’, and you blanch. How rude! (Even if it was true). The others make comments about meeting Lucifer, but you and Vaggie just keep your eyes on Charlie. She seems so nervous, and it makes your stomach twist in knots. 
She finally calls. It rings three times before a faint, “Heyyyy bitch!” rings out on the other end of the line. You facepalm. Good going Dad.
When all is said and done, Lucifer announces he is visiting within the hour, after much cajoling and guilt-tripping on Charlie’s part. Although, from what you could hear, he seemed excited.
Charlie is excited, and so is everyone else in the hotel. You cheer for her, and then the realization hits you. 
Alastor. Fuck.
As the final touches are finished, you sidle up to Alastor with a small grin.
“Please, please don’t start shit. Charlie needs this to work. And I need this to work for Charlie,” you murmur to him. 
He barely glances at you. “Worry not, sweetheart! You know I would never do anything to risk the reputation of the hotel! Charlie will get the help she needs!” His arm wraps around your shoulders, and he squeezes you into his side. For just a moment, his head ducks down, and he whispers into your ear. “Just need to make it clear whose little girl you are now.” Then he perks right back up like nothing happened.
Your face burns hot. How dare he! But you don’t get to do anything in retaliation, because Charlie is opening the door.
“Chaaaaarlie!” Lucifer exclaims, immediately pulling her into a tight embrace. Your sister’s face is full of shock, and you just want to laugh. Ha! You were right! He continues talking to her in the slightest baby voice, and you can’t help but let some giggles escape you. Your dad could be just so silly! “Oh, it’s so good to see you!”
He lets go of Charlie as she welcomes him to the hotel. He spots Keekee first, and pets her. Then greets Razzle and Dazzle. You watch from the sidelines with a small smile. It was nice seeing your dad outside the home. He had been holing himself up for so long… You look up at Alastor, who hasn’t moved an inch since your dad came in.
You elbow him gently. “You okay?”
Alasotr’s expression is tight. His eyes flicker to you for a moment, before landing back on your father. He merely hums in response, making you frown. How odd… You knew the two wouldn’t get along, but for Alastor to dislike him already?
 Then your dad spots the bar. “Oh! What in the unholy Hell is that?” 
Alastor immediately shadow-walks to the other side of the room, and you know it’s time to intervene.
“Oh! Just some of the renovations we’ve made.” Alastor gestures with his mic, before continuing. “Adds a bit of color, don’t you think?” 
You wince, and make your way to Alastor’s side. 
“Hey, Dad,” you say, trying to prevent your dad making any further comments on the decor. That's a good way to piss off Alastor.
“Sweetheart!” Your dad runs up to you, and tries picking you up. You laugh at the tights squeeze. “How’s my girl?” His hands squish your cheeks, making it hard to respond.
You giggle through the ministrations, and finally push his hands back so you can respond. “I’m doing great, Dad. Figured I should introduce you to Alastor here.” You gesture to Alastor, who looks the closest to not smiling that you have ever seen. It makes your stomach feel like lead, as you keep talking. “He’s our facilities' manager, and my…”
Your voice trails off, and you look at Alastor, as if hoping he has the word you are looking for.
“I’m her lover!” Alastor exclaims, quite loudly. His static drops for a moment and then bursts back up in volume, making you wince. Great. He just announced that to everyone in the room. The ‘everyone’ being everyone who didn’t know. You can hear Charlie ‘whoop!’ in the background, and several variations of ‘what the fuck’. “She’s quite the darling. I just couldn’t resist this sweet face!” Alastor grabs at your cheeks, similar to how your dad did, and squishes them. “See?”
You risk a glance at your dad. He looks ready to kill. Fuck. This is absolutely not how you wanted to tell your dad. He nearly killed the last partner you had for ghosting you. You can see your dad’s horns growing, and you push Alastor back.
“Haha! Yeah. Uh. Sorry. I would have told you before now, but we’re kind of new! We were trying to keep it on the down-low for now but…” You glare at Alastor, but he just has this shit-eating grin on his face, and you know he doesn’t care. 
“Right.” Your dad continues glaring at Alastor. You wince, and decide to go over by the snack table. Angel is just giving you this look, and you know he will be asking about Alastor’s dick, which you have not seen, later. Husk seems disappointed in you, and you absolutely know why. You just give him an apologetic shrug, and watch as Alastor and your dad seem to start a pissing match. 
It ends with Alastor in his face saying, “Fuck you,” and your knees nearly give out. Holy shit. 
Charlie finally intervenes, and Lucifer, after some more glaring at Alastor, get her to introduce him to the rest of the residents.
Alastor lays a hand on your shoulder as your dad greets both the guests and the staff. You can feel his thumb rubbing back and forth, and it sends shivers down your spine. You look up at Alastor, but his gaze is still locked on your dad. Annoyed, you roll your eyes with a huff, and look back to the meet-and-greet. Your dad is looking back at you, his frown deep, and a barely audible growl making its way to your ears. Your dad is fucking growling at Alastor. What the Hell?
A rumble builds up in Alastor’s chest, and you can feel it against your back. This one sets heat back up to your face. Gosh, this man needed to get his shit together. No need to start stuff with your dad! Alastor’s hand tightens on your shoulder, before he lets go and stalks back towards Charlie, who is trying to convince your dad to help her. 
And then they’re singing. Because of course. Alastor joins in, saying some things that seem to really piss off your dad, but you can't hear much over the blood rushing in your ears. Sometimes these two could be so embarrassing. When your dad pulls out the golden fiddle, you nearly die laughing. (He still wasn’t over losing that one time!) Everything comes to a head, with the two men yelling insults in each other's faces, when suddenly-
“It’s ME!” A woman barges in through the lobby doors, yelling and calling herself Mimzy. She’s blonde, and dressed like a flapper. Alastor seems to recognize her, so you don’t worry. 
Later that night, when your dad has finally agreed to help your sister get that meeting, you all settle onto the couches, making a game plan. Alastor sits beside you, one foot resting on the other knee. You lean over and ask softly, “What did you say during that song, anyway?”
Alastor’s grin sharpens, and he presses his lips near your ear, again. “Charlie calls me dad, and your eldest calls me Daddy.”
If you nearly choke on your own spit, you refuse to admit it. 
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leonw4nter · 5 months ago
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[RE2!Leon x GN!Reader]
"After several successful nights of studying hard, your doting boyfriend has nothing but words of praise for your efforts <3" [fluff]
wc - 449
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After finishing up on checking your practice sets, you hold your paper up in satisfaction. 35/35, a perfect score, a hard-earned perfect mark from all the nights and hours spent doing active recall and solving practice questions. You grin to yourself, feeling confident and prepared for a long test, proud of the fact that you managed to effectively study. You set it back down, slipping your reviewers and other study material back into its designated L-shape folder to place it inside your backpack. Your boyfriend and study buddy Leon reclines in his seat and stretches his arms above his head, his wrinkled white tee’s hem riding up slightly to reveal a sliver of pale skin.
“Congrats,” he softly says as his words melt into a yawn. “I’m very proud of you. That score wasn’t so easy to get, y’know.”
You preen on his words, chuckling softly as you zip your bag closed. “Yep but I managed to make it happen, thanks to your amazing guidance. Thank you.”
Your boyfriend pushes his glasses back up into his nose bridge before raking a hand through his cornsilk-tousled hair. “Hey, it’s all you. I was just here for moral support.”
He helps with organizing your desk, neatening it up as he stashed away other papers, pens, and blocks of multi-colored sticky notes. He offers to wash the mug you used and to throw away the scrap papers you used, ushering you to settle in bed first. In under 6 minutes, he’s cuddling with you underneath the sheets in your bed. You’re facing him, head cushioned by his arm as your own arm is slumped over his torso. You’re growing drowsy, but you don’t want to fall asleep just yet. Leon’s making it hard to stay awake, his free hand gently stroking and patting your head as he murmurs delicate praises.
“My intelligent, hard-working, incredible sweetheart.”
“I know you’re going to absolutely smash that test, you have enough preparation and the drive to succeed.”
“I love, love, love, love, love you. You’re a rockstar, you managed to stay positive and handled the pressure like a pro. You’re so strong for that.”
“You don’t know how inspiring you are, baby. You’re a champ and this will all be worth it, I promise you.”
You lose track of all his other words, falling asleep. He smiles to himself when he feels your breathing slow down, relaxing at his side as he places a silvery kiss to your head. His hand moves to rest on your shoulder blade, a comforting warm weight as you sleep. With a whispered ‘good night’, sleep tiptoes in and his body softens as he gives in to the soothing pull of slumber.
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NOTE - Wrote up a short n sweet drabble as a writing exercise since I haven't written in a hot minute! This one's a little different because my usual works are 1-2K words but this one is just 400+ words so yk, trying something new here ;) I'll be gone for a bit since I have exams coming up and more projects after that, I'm going to miss writing for a bit but I'll try to find windows where I'm not really busy so I can write a lil smn smn like this :) This drabble is inspired by an irl experience-- the studying part, not the Leon as my boyfriend one (unfortunately-- I'm chronically bitchless). I came up with this idea after I imagined Leon hyping me up and being lovely after an intense study sesh :3 umm so while I was gone, I got a new iPad like 3 days ago :D I can play RE4 now :D!!! anyway, thanks for reading my fics!!!!!!!!!!! I <33333333 UUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The animated line dividers are made by cafekitsune , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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gilly-moon · 3 months ago
I can't think of anything amazing right now, but I did start thinking about those sentence prompts that some people do where you have a sentence and then you make a story with it if you know what kind of thing I'm talking about. Anyway, this is my prompt: "Please don't do this to me" Blackice. Can be angst or fluff. Or a bit of both.
oooohh this is actually a great writing exercises!! i feel like i got a bit rambly in this one but it's good for me to practice doing smaller scenes like this. mostly angst in this one but i tried to put some softness in the middle
“Please don’t do this to me.”
Pitch stared down at the shivering, whimpering frost sprite at his feet. Light and laughter had fled from the boy’s eyes, their color dulled to that of a stormy sky. Tendrils of shadow were creeping up, up, and around his snow white throat, staining him grey.
“Please,” Jack begged, blackened hands clutching at Pitch’s robe.
The King of Nightmares did not reply to the last-ditch pleas of the Guardian. He simply stood, and he watched. And he felt nothing. Not when the shadows swallowed up Jack’s voice, or when they spilled across his eyes and blinded him.
He watched until the boy was still and silent at his feet, and he waited.
Jack’s eyes shot open, glowing pure white.
Pain is what finally dragged Pitch back into his body.
His hands throbbed, the sensation concentrated in a line that cut across the bottom of his palm. As his eyes peeled open, he saw his own dark blood drying beneath his fingernails.
The image of Jack, swallowed by darkness, made him wince. It wasn’t the first time the Shadows had threatened Jack indirectly, and it wouldn’t be the last. This particular threat was more unsettling than any others, though.
Remembering the utter lack of emotion he’d felt in the dream as Jack was possessed had Pitch’s hands trembling. Some part of him knew it was just the influence of the nightmare, but he still wondered. What would he do if that scenario came true? Would he try and stop the Shadows from turning Jack to the darkness permanently? Or would he watch as he had in the dream, knowing it was the only way to assure Jack would only ever belong to him?
Pitch drew in a sharp breath, forcing his fingers to uncurl from where they’d been pressing into the wounds on his palm. Fresh blood welled up from a few of the cuts.
The bed shifted behind him. A pale, freezing arm dropped over his side, curling just enough to pull a small body flush with his back.
Jack mumbled something unintelligible against Pitch’s spine, clearly still fast asleep. His arm tensed, pulling them even closer for a moment before he relaxed fully with a final huffed-out breath. Frost spread over Pitch’s shoulderblade each time the boy exhaled.
Watching the near-glowing white arm go limp around his midsection, Pitch had his answer. Curling his hands into tight balls, he kept the oozing blood contained where it wouldn’t spoil the perfect, snowy creature that had decided to share his bed.
He’d be having a chat with the Nightmare bold enough to invade his sleep. Later.
Now, he focused on the brush of soft hair against his back, the press of a cold nose. He studied each freckle and scar on the arm draped over him, committing them to memory. And he made a new vow with each one he found. A vow to protect Jack’s laugh. To leave his light unsullied. To never let him go.
Pitch squeezed his eyes shut, thinking of the locket hidden in the drawer of his nightstand.
He vowed to do better than last time.
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salty-an-disco · 7 hours ago
The post about paragraphs is actually really helpful! This is pretty intuitive stuff, but having everything in written word is still useful to sort everything out in your head.
The thing I personally struggle with, is formatting dialogue - constantly gives me trouble with whether I have too much or too little description between different characters speaking. How are you going about it?
Thank you! That makes me very glad. :D Figuring out why something that can seem intuitive is like that is almost always as helpful as learning something from the first time, so glad I could help in that way as well!!
I was planning to tackle dialogue next, but there's honestly so much to talk about just there, that it might be better to go one aspect at a time. Staring with your question, soooooo–
How to Dialogue (pacing)
That's basically what the 'description between the dialogue' is. Its main purpose is to pace out the dialogue so it reads well and flows naturally. There are many ways to go about it, and it's very dependent on context and mood, but here's some general tips–
–Lighthearted conversation: These are your banters happening in-between or at the same as bigger plot points. Or in the case of a fluffy oneshot, maybe even the whole point of the thing. Generally, you don't want to spend much time describing action and character thoughts during these, as the idea is to pass a casual and light mood where the dialogue itself is the main event. Of course, that doesn't mean you don't describe anything, but I'd advise to try to cut down too much fluffy description, as that can make what's supposed to be light banter really drawn-out.
Here's an example from my ml fic, Trickster:
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This whole chapter is basically filler with the class playing mafia together. There's no external, or even internal, conflict, the game the kids are playing is the whole point, so there's very little pauses in the dialogue.
Also note how many of the dialogue doesn't has a descriptive tag at all. That's something you can do when there's enough context in the writing for the reader to easily assume who's talking next.
“Thanks, Chloé,” Alix grumbled.
"You can't blame me! It was a collective decision."
[because Chloé is the one being addressed, it's already assumed that she may reply, and so the next line of dialogue doesn't require a tag specifying who's talking]
This can be very difficult to accomplish when there's multiple characters talking tho, which is what I did in this chapter. Something that helps me with that is writing out all the dialogue first (with maybe some color coding or character tags (smth as simple as 'Marinette: "line of dialogue') so that I won't get confused later), and add any necessary description later. That not only helps me visualize the scene better, but it's also a great exercise in character voice.
What about the way the character talks would make them easily recognizable without any dialogue tag? This way of writing dialogue really pushes you to try and make the dialogue itself easily recognizable. I honestly really suggest it as a way to exercise character voices.
Now let's go for–
–Everything else
While writing this bit, I realized the tips I had could be used for all kinds of dialogue exchanges (including lighthearted ones), while the above stance is a very specific circumstance where the dialogue itself is the focus of the scene. It'd be like that, lmao. Anyway, for my general dialogue tips:
• Figure out where there'd be a natural pause in the conversation: Those are the best moments to pause for some description/character monologue/some action the character took before resuming talking.
• Would the dialogue have more impact if it was delivered now, or a few lines later? This one can be a bit more tricky if you don't have a good intuition for pacing and delivery. But in general, if a dialogue feels 'off' it might be simply cause it hasn't been delivered at the right time. Try adding a bit of descriptive bit then (about the scenery, character's facial/body expression, etc.) and add the dialogue afterwards. Can also be as simple as adding the dialogue tag before the spoken bit instead of after, or, for extra dramatic effect, have an entire paragraph before the next dialogue line.
After a stretched out moment, he spoke, “I’m not gonna lie, I did consider just keeping the necklace.” He flicked it with a claw. “How you said, it would be easy but…” He sighed, looking away. Then, softly, “You already have too much on your shoulders. I don’t want to add more to it.”
[also note how the bits where I decided to break off the dialogue for some description are where there were actual pauses in Trickster's speech]
• Slow conversations should have more descrition pauses, while faster ones should have fewer: That is something I kinda already have been getting into with previous tips, but it's good to spell it out as well. It can be as simple as that, really. Is the conversation a introspective and slow one? Then the prose should convey that. For the opposite, try to cut down on description as much as you can without confusing your reader in who's talking.
I think this is all I have to say on this, tbh. Not sure how helpful it is, it's kinda been all over the place, but if this cleared things up for even just one person, then I'm happy. Feel free to ask more specific questions (on this or other topics in relation to writing) and I'll do my best to help you in any way I can <3
Also, just as a note: the reason my fic 'Trickster' features all throughout here is 'cause it's the only longfic I ever finished, and so it has a lot of the stuff I'm talking about put into practice, so get used to seeing this fella lol
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jandoesart · 1 year ago
How to Improve in Art
Improving in art is not something you do overnight. A lot of the time it can take years to get to the more advanced levels. I'm still learning and improving and I've been drawing for over 5 years. However, it is a very rewarding process as you can look back and see how much you've improved each year. I 100 percent recommend trying art and seeing if you like it. Here are 3 basic tips on how to improve.
Don't compare your skill to others.
My biggest tip for aspiring artists is to not compare yourself to others. There's this saying "comparison is the theft of joy" and it's so true. A lot of the time when we scroll Instagram or Tumblr we see very talented artists and may feel we aren't good enough at our craft. A lot of the time though, we fail to realize that those artists we look up to have been practicing and learning for years. They probably started off just like you. You just have to be consistent in your craft and one day you can get there too! You've got it! Let these great artist artworks inspire you, not tear you down. :)
Practice practice practice. I know people always say this but never tell you how. I'd advise learning basic anatomy first. Try this video and branch out from there. Once you know how to construct the human body then you'll improve so fast, trust me. Another thing you could do is try line-of-action.com. They have sections for facial expressions, figure drawings and a lot more! Also, drawing characters you're passionate about can make it more fun to practice. These exercises will help with your art journey.
Study your favorites.
If you have a favorite artist, it can benefit a lot to study their art style and how they go about drawing. Maybe pick one of their artworks and try and copy the techniques. Don't trace it but simply have the reference to the side and focus on how they vary their lines, how they use colors and texture, or whatever really captivates you about their style. Then try and apply these things to your art. If they do speed paints that's even better. It will allow you to get an in depth view of their process.
Anyway, these are just a few tips to get you started. I'm sure there are a lot of more in depth guides out there but they can be quite overwhelming so I tried to just highlight a few. Hope this helped. :)
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thegeminisage · 8 months ago
IT IS. star trek update time. last night we did ds9's "the muse" and voy's "the thaw."
the muse (ds9):
the a-plot of this was so fucking stupid. WHY is it always jake and older women...can we please cut him a fucking break...
also, the mysticism around writing. "i can show you exercises and techniques" "you have so many ideas it all seems too big to you right now" come on. the only exercise and technique she needed to show him was how to fucking outline. it's not MAGIC you don't get divinely graced with the ability to write a book you just sit down and do one little bit at a time. i cannot believe writers wrote this. insufferable. they sound like george rr martin i hope he is having a bad day wherever he is
jake and sisko at the end were so cute though...sisko my beloved...
the b plot.............................................
here's the thing. while i have reversed my stance on lwaxana troi, who got much better in her final few episodes (was this the last one or do we have one more...?), i don't want odo/lwaxana to be better than odo/kira and the odo/lwaxana was REALLY GOOD. and ik some people really didn't like the way odo/kira wound up happening in canon so even though idk what happens yet NOBODY TELL ME i am bracing for it to be bad and to love it unconditionally anyway. so that was a huge struggle for me
odo in his little shapeshifter playground feeding off of lwaxana's giddiness...i wish deanna had been able to do the reverse-empath thing on tng, it would have been so much fun
ALSO i cant believe he finally got his first little smooch!!!! GOOD FOR HIM
the thaw (voy)
sigh. so apparently a lot of people really like this episode but i...hated it. one of the worst voy episodes to date actually
whatever this episode THINKS it's saying about fear is lost under the set dressing. and the set dressing IS really cool - i like the wacky practical effects and bright colors. it reminds me a lot of tos. in fact, this whole episode could have been a tos episode, but it would have been one of those tos episodes that makes the top 10 worst ranking or whatever
the problem is the Randumb XD Humor...it's like q, like the squire of gothos. it just doesn't hit for me and never will. like, the actors were good at what they did, the costumes looked great, the set was funky, even the background music really fucked, but things being Randumb XD is just too dated for me. i don't mind star trek being dated most of the time but this is where i draw the line. maybe i'd like it better if i gave it another shot, but i probably will not be doing that
i think janeway called it in, with her acting. like everyone's like damn she ACTED no girl she did a lot of dramatic whispering. and who can blame her. the script was all over the place
i just think if you're trying to terrify people you could do better than the circus theme. yeah, clowns bad, but even tng had that spooky morgue thing happening
also, lost opportunity: if this clown guy can kill people by scaring them to death ie making them live the experience of getting their heads chopped off virtually which gives them a heart attack in real life then why not write tuvok, local expert at conquering fear, into this episode? you could have cut off tuvok's head and he wouldn't have died of fright. it would have been perfect for the metaphor
the ending to this episode would have fucked a lot more if the rest of it hadn't sucked so bad. janeway's murder walk was REALLY good. it's also something kirk would have done, if they'd had the holodeck in tos, and thank GOD they didn't
but yeah, the solution of fear needing conquering and wanting to be conquered just doesn't hit when most of the script...didn't really talk about fear, it was just wilding out
TONIGHT: ds9's "for the cause" and voy's "tuvix"...okay, wait, i'm just now looking at these episode titles. everyone on reddit is always so mad about janeway killing a guy named tuvix but i thought i got it mixed up with tuvOK. like i literally thought she killed tuvok and everybody was like dw about it she doesn't kill tuvok so who tf is tuvix...is this a clone thing or something? like black shirt green shirt tuvok?? please let it be a clone thing
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silent-sentinels · 2 months ago
hiii!! here to infodump abt pokemon again because i think i found a good match for one of y'all's facets :3c!!
I was. Looking at all the bunny pokemon and,, there are not many. Like at all. Very sad. BuT!!! I did find a good pick for Ryan, out of all of the bunny Pokemon, I think!!
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This lil guy is a pure fire type! It's one of the many starter Pokemon, specifically for sword and shield which iiiiis gen 8!
Now the main reason I chose this guy is because it's. One of the more recognizable bunny pokemon out there and the other two I could remember were Buneary (fun fact! This guy FUCKING HATES PEOPLE! Once you catch it starts with a base 0 happiness! That's only heard of in legendaries!!... This is hilarious bc it evolves through friendship. Anyway), Azumarill, and Bunnelby, which,, simply did not feel fitting lmao
So!! Scorbunny is known for being very active iirc!! Its fighting style is inspired by sports n shit it's very neat. Its whole evolution line is very sporty actually! I think it's fighting style is inspired by soccer? I don't really remember tbh it's been years since we've played Sword and Shield HDDHSHDHDJD
Its dex entries:
“A warm-up of running around gets fire energy coursing through this Pokémon's body. Once that happens, it's ready to fight at full power.”
“It has special pads on the backs of its feet, and one on its nose. Once it's raring to fight, these pads radiate tremendous heat.”
^ From Sword and Shield
“Once its body has heated up, Scorbunny can use the full extent of its power. That's why it does warm-up exercises.”
“Fire energy gathers in the pads of its feet, raising their temperature. Once hot, Scorbunny's footpads can deal heavy damage to opponents.”
^ From Scarlet and Violet!
I thought this lil fella was a lil more fitting than say, Azumarill, because it's a tad high energy and its colour palette is more fitting HDTJEJSJFKS buT Azumarill is a water type so it can produce bubbles™ perhaps we'll ramble about Azumarill and its pre evolutions next (if y'all wanna hear of course!) bc it's pretty neat too!
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That's all, hope y'all have a nice day!!
(Also, we'd lov to try to eventually assign ALL of y'all a Pokemon, but of course if any of y'all don't want that let us know!! :3c)
hiii Lullaby~!! [picks you up and spins you around]!! :D waow, thank you for the assignment!! i love this little fella, guy with cheese slices slapped on him gfgds definitely my personal favorite of the sword/shield starters, and the one i would pick if like. literally half the system didn't emotionally relate to sobble lmaooo hjlkgj
beloved fire bunny, thats so cool!! :D!! god thats SO FUNNY, buneary is just a little hater at the start its okay hgkjg i love scorbunny's sporty aspect, guy is quick!! full of fire!! and also so cute, i love that bottom gif hkjg "ah eto... bleh" vibes hgkj
omg yes yes feel free to tell us about azumarill!! always love a good bubbly fella <33 i still can't decide whether blue or orange fits me (blue is source's color which feels more right, but orange is just so much more fun hgkj), but i agree, i think the high energy is right up my alley!! :D
i thiiiink... y'all can assign any of us a pokemon? if y'all want to, of course! :3 though not everyone will be up to responding directly like im doing here now hgkjg, i hope y'all don't take it personally, they're just like that lmao :P but!! me n the other socializers will be up to chat with y'all in their stead, not to worry!! :]
- 💫 Ryan!
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themuliama · 2 years ago
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I've been drawing for a very VERY long time. I've been inspired by artists on the internet and I've been looking at a LOT of beginner drawing tutorials on YouTube. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't improve as much as I wanted. My characters looked weird, and my coloring and lines were horrible…
But if like me you've watched HOURS of drawing tutorials and have been practicing for DAYS, but feel frustrated in your improvement anyways, you're just like me! And do you know why? Because like me, you've never worked on the drawing fundamentals!
Don't worry anybody can learn about the fundamentals with enough practice, effort, and most importantly, good information!!
So if you've been drawing for a long time and you think that you didn't improve enough, or if you want to start drawing but you've never known where to start, this is the perfect article to guide you in your art journey!
Keep reading and let's start to draw seriously together!! :D
The joy of starting!
Drawing is an excellent way of self-expression, a way to become more creative, and a way to see the world from a whole new perspective! You'll be so proud and happy to share your ideas and create beautiful drawings! And you'll learn SO MUCH about the world and the objects around you!
But if there is one thing that you have to keep in mind during this journey, is that everyone starts as a newbie! So don't be harsh on yourself and give yourself some time to learn and practice the things that will make you improve! Being an artist is a wonderful journey! Take some pleasure to live it!
Something else to keep in mind is that material is not an excuse! A pen and some printing paper are more than enough to start! The most important is to actually draw consistently!  Anecdote: I started to draw in my notebook during French class in middle school. (Don't be like me though listen during class)
So now you should be asking…
But what are the fundamentals I need to learn?
And you're right to ask this question! Just drawing every day isn't enough to improve your competence. You'll need to draw things that will make you improve! 
Having a good drawing foundation is important to build a good drawing style!! 
So here are the fundamentals you need to learn as a beginner:
That is what will make your line on the paper feel 3D!
Here you'll need to learn about what makes an object feel like it has volume, how something farther away would look like, etc.
I have two exercises for this fundamentals!  The first one is to actually draw objects! Draw cubes, cylinders, and spheres in any direction you can think of!
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Here is what it looks like when I do this exercise!
The second exercise is to draw these objects in an environment!  Horizon lines and vanishing points will be your friends here.
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Here this will make it clear to you!
Construction is the ability to build new things with the simple shapes we saw earlier! You'll try to understand how objects would connect together. 
With this skill mastered, you will be able to draw ANYTHING! Because all things and objects can be broken down into simple shapes and volumes! 
Looking at references can be a good idea here! Look at a simple object and try to draw it with the volumes!
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This is the way I practice construction
I only have one thing to say here: GESTURE DRAWING! What is gesture drawing? Is an exercise! The goal of this exercise? To draw people with a time limit! You'll draw a pose in one to two minutes at first! Your goal is to get the GESTURE of the character in your drawing.
There are a few websites for doing gesture drawing! You just have to select the time and the type of images you want and draw! One of my favorite websites is Quickposes! But I'm sure you could find another one if you search a bit on the internet!
Now you know what to practice! Practice these fundamentals consistently and you'll see your drawing skills improving! 
Of course, you don't have to just draw spheres, cubes, and simple people you can draw things you want to draw! Just draw from good references!
Another thing that can help you with improving your art is…
Drawing challenges!
They're fun, put you out of your comfort zone, and make you draw things you would have never drawn otherwise! Isn't that amazing?
That's why it's such a good idea to participate in art challenges! Plus, having other people participating in the same challenge can help you boost your motivation!!
There is plenty of art challenges on the internet, but the one you should do to start drawing is certainly Marc Brunet's 30 days art challenge!  An art challenge that will help you start drawing in a month! You will practice the fundamentals and you'll see the improvement by the end of it! 
Maybe should I do this challenge? (Btw Marc Brunet's channel is an excellent place to learn from! Go look at some videos!)
In conclusion
You now have all you need to start drawing! You know that you'll need dedication and persistence, you know about the fundamentals you need to practice! You also have a perfect challenge to start drawing! Don't forget that drawing is an enjoyable journey! Don't overdo yourself, practice consistently, and be curious!
Feel free to ask questions or share some drawings so we can all track our progress!
One of the most essential pieces of advice I'll give you in this post is to find fun in the process :D
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bvannn · 8 months ago
Weekly Update June 28, 2024
Artfight is on Monday and I’m really not as ready as I’d like to be but it’s fine. I have a plan it’ll be fine. I was pretty productive this week, additionally.
So the main issue is I’ve been hit with the overwhelming urge to work on music again even though art stuff is more urgent. That’s fine, I have a plan, basically. The plan is alcohol. I’m gonna have just enough that I won’t be finnicky over the lines, and I’ll try to plow through the last of the assets I need to draw in clip studio. And tomorrow I’ll keep going if I don’t finish it tonight, and then finish up the actual animations. Jack is like 80% done I just need to do the BG, mouth, and like one more movement tween, and then Anastasia will be the last one. I’ve already started on her assets, I don’t expect it to be that difficult because she doesn’t have visible eyes. I’d like to push through the last of the ref sheets that I can update, although that isn’t necessary. I’m going to try anyway because I’m nuts. Then I’ll go through the informational blurbs that I have posted and make sure they’re all up to date.
I did do a good amount of work on music as well, I have fixed my volume issue, and learned how to use a compressor, and dipped into vocaloid again, found a plug-in that I can use on the wav files to make the Zolas growl (because apparently they couldn’t before because they’re V3s. I was wondering why I didn’t really hear much of a growl when I got the wav files back). I also learned that you can just import midi files into vocaloid. Which is going to make everything so much faster. So I will at some point sit down and get a bunch of midi stuff recorded, but that will not be sooner than Monday.
Comic is still coming along slowly but well. It’s around 25.5% done, but I’ve only really been able to do sketches, which will probably continue for a while. I’ll try to sneak in some soon but with Artfight that might be more of a challenge. OEB video is in about the same place as last week, although fwiw I did plan out the unfinished segments a bit better.
I’m really hoping Artfight goes well. I want to unload tomorrow and tonight and then spend all Sunday exercising to feel less like shit then go to bed nice and early. I’ll sketch out attacks while I’m at work, line them at home, and color during lunch, then shade at home. Hoping I can get a good amount done. I want to maybe try more tween animations, or pixel art again, but no promises. I’ll post my link as soon as I’m ready, although I’m sure you could search my blog and scroll for it since I did post it last year.
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butcherlarry · 2 years ago
Exercise Fic Rec 10
This is my tenth week doing this!  And still going strong!  I though as a special treat, I would rec some of my favorite fics from the first fandom I got into, Hannibal.  But first, exercise fic recs!  I finished up my reread of “the cost of being a good dad” but then a *new* Superbat fic by Mawiiish was dropped.  I was Very Excited.  In the new fic, both Bruce and Clark are so dumb about their feelings.  So, so dumb.  It was great!  The third fic “end of the line” was written in the point of view of a drunk person who tried to get in a fight with Clark Kent.  Bruce is there to try to sooth things out.  Shenanigans ensue.  The next two fics are still in progress, but the updates were fun to read as I was exercising!
the cost of being a good dad by Mawiiish
Sure Thing by Mawiiish
end of the line by TheResurrectionist
Patroclus by LilyFlowerBat
Just A Little Bit... by HaleHathNoFury
Like I mentioned above, Hannibal was the first fandom I got into and started reading fan fics.  I remember reading the books as a teen and enjoyed them (I was a weird kid, don’t judge me), so when I heard there was a TV show, I was intrigued.  I think I watched the first couple episodes then stopped, but I kept on seeing gif sets, fan art, and memes on Tumblr, so I started watching again.  Then I started reading all the fan fic people were recommending on Tumblr.  It soon went all downhill from there for me, lol.
As someone with a meat science background, I always found the Hannibal books and TV show so interesting.  I remember when Hannibal and Will were discussing meat tasting “frightened”, and my meat sci brain perked up.  Short-term stress in hogs can cause a meat quality issue called PSE (pale, soft, and exudative (watery)).  Long-term stress can cause another meat quality issue in hogs and cattle called DFD (dark, firm, and dry).  I feel like if Hannibal was going to run into meat quality issues with his uhhh, preferred protein, it would probably be PSE, since what he’s hunting is undergoing short term stress.  Well, unless he decides to play with his food for a few days, then maybe he would get DFD meat.  If I remember correctly, he does reference a “metallic taste”, and that’s more prevalent in DFD meat.  PSE meat would be so dry and tough to eat, and not have a nice reddish-pink color.  He would probably have to grind and mix it with other proteins to make something tasty.  
All of these fics are Hannigram, except for “He Who Pours Out Vengeance”, but you can read that one as Hannigram (I think the second story in the series is slash, but it’s uncompleted).  Not going to lie, after going through my old bookmarks to find these, I’m really tempted to reread a few (and by few, I mean all, haha).
Anyway, here are some of my favorite Hannibal Fics!
Ladders series by emungere
What Dreams series by emungere
Blackbird by emungere
Page Six by ThisBeautifulDrowning
Pattern Break by ThisBeautifulDrowning
He Who Pours Out Vengeance by Underground
Shark Tank by xzombiexkittenx
Overcoming by purefoysgirl (I may or may not have this one in book form when the author published it. (I totally do.  They hold a special place on my book shelf))
There are plenty more favorites that I have, but these are just a few.  My AO3 page has all of my fan fic bookmarks, just sort for Hannibal if you want to check them out 😄
My obligatory coffee and pastry photo:
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Spring is showing up at the arboretum! 
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I just really like this tree that was along the river:
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The moss along the path was kinda neat:
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This is my favorite spot along the path and I always take pictures here:
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A nice picture of a white-breasted nuthatch:
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I also stopped by the local plant nursery and got some more flowers to feed my plant addiction.  I almost got a citrus tree, but I was strong and resisted (No I wasn’t, the only reason why I didn’t buy one because they were 60 dollars 😔)
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xarrixii · 1 year ago
Chapter_21 : "Gravel" ━━━━━━━━━━━━━
CW: previous chapter | beginning | masterlist
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“Is this really necessary?” Alph asked as the person held a measuring tape against them. “I’ve never needed the suits before, so,”
“You may have passed the safety tests with flying colors, but you have yet to put any of that knowledge to good use.” Their dad had his arms crossed, Ty doing the same with a really terrible expression of fake anger. “You will have to start putting the suits on, especially once we get a pair fitted to your size. No more excuses that none of them fit right.”
“But they terrify little kids,” Alph argues.
“But they keep us safe.”
“Oh, come on, you’ve met Urban.”
“What you’re trying to do is noble, Al. It really is. But our job is to keep as many people safe as possible as fast as we can. Changing the system is something else entirely. That’s what voting is for.”
Alph sits down when the person finishes measuring their arm length. “Yeah, well, I’m outvoted by a bunch of kineticist easygoers.”
“It does make it more difficult to make change that way. But nothing would ever need to change if it was easy to change it.” Alph’s dad ruffled Ty’s hair. “That came out a little wrong. I don’t think that we should never need to change because everything is perfect as it is. I think that we should always need to change because it’s the right thing and it needs to be done. That doesn’t make sense either.”
“It’s, fine. I get it, Dad.” Alph is visibly cringing and stands up to go sit beside their dad instead. “If stuff was always easy, it wouldn’t ever be as powerful when a difference is made.”
“Something along those lines.” Their dad anxiously moves his leg up and down. “I’m sorry about your mother, Al. I should’ve done something about her sooner.”
“Don’t⸺I mean, she’s an…” Alph looks for how out of earshot where Ty ran off to is. “...alternate name for a donkey. But she seems to have… some sort of reasoning. Not very good reasoning, so far, I hope she hasn’t been paying people to lie to me the whole time.”
“I once thought she had good reasoning once too. Then she bought an apartment and said to stop talking to her or she’d stop paying rent, and I’m guessing she figured out what wine tasted like.”
It took Alph a bit to realize their dad led them off of the original conversation. “That’s hard to imagine.”
“It’s a nice place, right? The one she’s got you staying at?”
“It’s good enough. Wish I had more time to see Ty.”
“Man I need a beer. You want one?” Their dad lightly hit them with an empty can. Ty was making thunderstorm noises over a mini version of the city built with toy bricks.
Alph shrugs.
“I’ll get ya one.”
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“Can we go to the playground? Al. Al. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa⸺”
“Yeah, yeah. Bit of a long walk, though.” Alph was getting lost in thought. They were no stranger to the way people would immediately start looking when Ty acted like the little rascal he is and practiced being careful with electrokinesis by shooting sparks at rocks.
Ty waved Alph off. “Long walk long shmauck. Dad says you need more exercise anyway.”
“Do not,” Alph mumbles to themselves.
“Bet!” Ty yells.
“What if I do bet?”
“I bet I can make it there faster than you can.”
“That right? No cheating,”
“No promises!” Ty immediately takes off running forward.
“Wait!” Alph spots someone dash off a bench. “Ty!”
Screaming ensued around the park. Before Alph knew it, their foot was in the jaw of the person that had gone to grab Ty. They collided along the gravel pathway. “Al? Al what was⸺”
“You’re alright?” Alph put a hand on Ty’s shoulder and gripped a little harder than they would have liked, snapping a flame to life in their other hand. How’d that thing Urban talked about go again? Heat, heating up the bloodstream? Damn it. “Ty, I need you to call the cops. You know the number?”
Alph slid Ty their phone.
“What’s happening?”
Fuck, fuck Alph couldn’t just ignore this question. “You, you know that game that’s designed to be difficult? That you had to ask me to help you beat?”
“The one with the guys in black that ran at you really weirdly?”
“Yes. I need you to do what I say, alright? Just like when you had to beat that game.”
“Okay. We’re gonna make it to the playground, right?”
The guy had scrambled up, saw the fire, and took off the other way. There were way too many other kids here. Alph tuned out the sound of Ty on the phone. Protecting as many people as possible. As soon as possible. But they can’t just forget about the one they leave behind⸺
“Keep everyone else safe here,” Liam’s voice came out of nowhere, and Alph spun to find him. “Hate these guys with a passion.”
Next thing Alph knew, the guy running toward some random kid was swiftly punched in the face, connecting with a thick tree. The kidnapper grabs a knife from their pocket that’s wrenched from their hand by what Alph could only assume is telekinesis at work. It smashes into their skull and they lay quiet.
See any others?
Not yet⸺ Alph is quickly thrown into the gravel, gray dust rising in a fit. Alph pulls a knee into the guy’s groin and rolls them off.
“GET OFF!” Ty screams, Alph’s phone crashing to the ground.
“Ty, remember what Dad said about self-defense⸺” Alph is pulled back into the dirt when they try getting up. Liam, god damn it!
Alph juts their leg into the guy’s skull like an arrow, hearing static and an adult yell before Ty lands back on the ground. The guy fighting Alph backs up, holding their head and starting away at a run. Something shoves itself uncomfortably far into the guy’s arm as they’re sent rolling into a tree. Liam catches it in his hand. It’s a pop-out coffee lid. Of course.
The amount of dust that’s been kicked into the air almost makes it look like the trees had started burning.
“Do you have a nut?” Alph exasperates as they get up, grabbing hold of Ty again. The sucker that’d picked him up was definitely unconscious. Bit overboard.
“Like one of the bolts?”
“No, like, a flammable tree nut.”
Liam shakes his head, but pulls out a pencil. “This work?”
“If you throw it hard enough at that van before they get in.”
Liam lets Alph set the pencil on fire among the wailing sirens, looking at them. “You ready?”
“Go for it.”
The pencil is sent hurtling at the vehicle, exploding the engine on contact with a little help from Alph. The person that had gone to hop in it stumbled back. There were shouts coming from behind a line of trees. Water splashed onto the guy’s feet when they took off the other way, frozen over a second later.
“Now, kid, this is like a super spy movie, alright?” Liam looked at Ty, holding out a pinky. “I was never here. If the common good guys knew, it’d make the mission a lot more complicated and more public, which would jeopardize it.”
“I get it.” Ty pretends to zip his lips closed before shaking Liam’s finger. Liam then disappears from the scene with a smile, leaving nothing behind. Ty turns to Alph. “You know a TE/TK???”
Alph chuckles, picking up their phone, examining all of the new cracks. “Tons of fun stories for later.” Most of which would have to be cleverly crafted lies. Would need to think them up first. Meant a lot of stalling. They cleared their throat, watching as a squad of officers bound hands behind backs. Hand binders, with reasonable justification. It’d switch to plain handcuffs later depending on the identities and records on these people.
Thanks. Alph hopes and doesn’t hope Liam hears it at the same time.
Don’t mention it. Seriously. Those are the kinds of organizations that are gonna start popping up the more Cinder has to put resources toward Storm. Storm was pretty small when I left originally and warned Cinder about them, hopefully we’ve been keeping them down good enough.
You used to be in Storm?
Yeah. Weird kinetic manipulation, army creating nonsense. Once I realized their plan of overthrowing the system involved taking over the world, I ran.
“Al,” Chief Kepler was walking down from the street, winding water back into a flask on his belt. “And little Ty. I’m assuming most of the de-escalation was you?”
“Chief. None of them displayed any kinetics if they had them.”
“That’s good to hear. Makes my job easier. Where were you all heading off to?”
“The playground!” Ty realizes suddenly. “Oh, but, everyone probably ran away… You missed it!! Alph went like woosh and kicked the guy in the face, and then another one came up and tackled them like grrrrrggrh, and Alph kicked them in the face too, and then a guy grabbed me, and I went like zap! and they fell over! Then Alph noticed them trying to get away, so they sent fire to go shppplooosh to their ugly van!”
“Did they, now?” Kepler gives off a hearty laugh, taking off his hat and holding it against his chest.
“Yeah!! I didn’t know there were so many ways to kick people in the face. Can you join our race? We were going to see who could get to the playground the fastest before all the guys in black started jumping in.”
“Tell you what, I have some things to finish up here, but I can meet you down there after. That sound good?”
Ty nods and punches Alph, starting to run off.
“I gotta,” Alph laughs and bounces into a run after Ty.
Kepler waves Alph off, turning and walking back to the clutter of dispatched officers. Ty was getting too fast for this.
“Wait up!”
“No way!” Ty calls after.
next chapter
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man i sure do hope liam can resemble a weird dad guy more than he already does
he's literally not even a father
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alinasartsandthings · 2 years ago
Tips and Tricks For Beginner Artists
I want to preface this by saying two things. Or maybe couple more.
One: This is my first ever blog post that I have written. There will be mistakes. I am still figuring out Tumblr Blogs. Deal with me. Thank you <3
Two: I am by no means a professional artist. I am still a student. I have been doing art for little over three years now and I am writing these to share my experiences as an artist that is self-taught. Also because I struggle with the mental aspect of art. I want to share and help people that are where I once was. I wish I had found somebody to give more personal, down to the bits advice to get me into the world of digital art. I am writing about what worked for me and how I did certain things. Enjoy.
(I am largely a digital artist. This is centered around digital mediums and methods. )
This blog post will be more helpful for people that are self-teaching and just starting art.
Regardless of why you want to do art, you need adequate tools to do it.
My first and current graphic tablet is One By Wacom in Small (ought to be replaced soon). I still use it and it serves just fine. It has no buttons on it, plain design. Wacom has excellent support and works smoothly. It was also a good budget decision. If you have a tablet that comes with a pen, work on that. Keep in mind, if you are intently buying a graphic pad or a tablet for purpose of art, buy something that you won't regret too much if art doesn't work out for you and it ends up collecting dust. It is easy to upgrade once your needs require it. Research what graphic tablets are out there and what would work best for you. There is a wild variety to choose from.
Now to the art program. Finding an art program to start on is not at all hard now. There are so many, each with its own quirk. I used Krita since forever. It is very professional, much like Photoshop but also easy for a beginner to grasp. And entirely free. Find an art program that you are comfortable in. Procreate, MediBang, Clip Studio Paint, Paint Tool SAI, Photoshop are only some of the choices.
Possibly in another post I will get more into Krita and how I use it as I am very fond of it.
Set Up Your Canvas
Here I am not going to go way too much into depth on this as it can vary greatly depending on what tools you use and what program but I want to stress the importance of having a workspace that works with you, not against you. Some of the best tips I have gotten for this are:
Set your canvas to a a medium gray color, somewhere in the middle of the gray value scale. Looking at a plain white canvas is daunting and quite inconvenient when you're starting off.
Pick your resolution. Usual choice is 300 dot per inch (DPI). Size of your canvas depends on your screen/machine/program. I usually go between 2000-2500 as my PC is past its prime and doesn't handle things well without sounding like a rocket about to take off. Research what your machine can do without lag.
I will give more advice on using brushes in another post but just going to say, using plain black color is usually bad idea. At least it was for me. It amplifies mistakes and leaves little room for fixing. Instead, try using a gray color somewhere between black and your canvas color. Medium value blue and red also work fine as sketch colors.
Start Comfortably
There is no point looking at all the masterpieces that ArtStation and Instagram has to offer and setting it as your short-term goal. A biggest downfall you can have is from starting too big.
Instead, focus of doing small things. Sketch a lot. Sketch basic shapes. And draw what you love. Art is a craft of heart, at least for me. Detaching yourself from that will make art will like a chore, a cold labor that you do not enjoy.
Ahem. Anyway.
One of the best exercises I have found is to just draw lines. This you can do on paper too as it is an excellent way to warm up. Try to make a straight line. Go not too fast nor slow. Make as many as you need until you get it straight. Do the same for circles. Make them as round as you can. Your hand is the biggest trickster. It does not cooperate with your mind as well as you want it to.
Sketch, sketch sketch, get yourself comfortable with it. Everyone does sketches, one way or another. Of course, you are free to try an entire piece but it can be very discouraging when it turns out nothing like you expected it to be.
I will make a post just on the ways you can practice as a beginner.
Find Inspiration
The biggest foe of artists is lack of inspiration and an artists block. I know it was mine. Finding inspiration is way easier when you are starting off as you often want to draw everything. There are plenty of places where you can get inspiration on what to draw. Pinterest in my all time favourite. You can also look at Instagram, ArtStation, your favourite shows, camera roll, world outside. Jot down what you want to draw when you get an idea and save it for later.
Find Artists You Love
This goes for everyone, but especially if you want to get into business of art. Having artists that inspire you and whose art you enjoy seeing is a must. It feeds your creativity and helps you develop your art style in the long run.
Don't compare yourself to other artists
Often, artists you see that get most views and likes have been in it for years. Do not go into art expecting that it will look perfect right away. Art takes time. A lot of it, often. Those artists whose works seem perfect have spent countless hours on sketches, studies, classes, lessons. Stressing over why your art is not good at the very start will not allow you to move on and better. Instead, appreciate and enjoy little what you created. Everyone's art journey is different and what matters is the road, not the destination
You don't have to be a natural
I never was exceptionally good at art growing up I did have an affinity for all things creative—I had passion for it, but my skills weren't out there. Majority of artists aren't naturals. In my opinion, passion and will is more important than natural skill set. Skills can be taught but without passion and will to learn, you won't get anywhere in art.
Your journey is unique
Everyone learns things at a different pace. What works for somebody, might not work for you. We all have different minds.. That is why everyone's art journey is so unique and interesting. When I started off, I was doing things exactly as I saw others do them and it resulted in frustrations because it wasn't turning out the way I imagined it would. Beginners are inclined towards this and that's alright. But it is important to realize that there is no law out there on how you have to learn the craft. Do it in a way that is most comfortable.
For example, I have quite an attention deficit. I cannot focus on a subject for longer than 15 minutes tops. So watching hour long lessons on Youtube or reading books on the subject didn't cut it for me. I either broke it up into smaller bits and only took what I needed in the moment or looked for compact, one-slide lessons, usually with examples, to tackle a subject. Rather than being told what to do, I needed to be shown how to do it. This might not be a good way for somebody, it really depends and comes down to you. You know yourself the best.
Now for the more practical tips
This might be a controversial one out there, but I was never a strong believer in outlining. While it can be fun and it is helpful in beginning stages, it eventually stunts your growth. Instead of simply just outlining, look at how the things work and why does it look the way it does. Break down shapes and study them. Of course, there are instances where it does help to do it and I am not saying that you shouldn't do it, I just never did it. In my opinion, training your hand and mind to follow references is much better way to study and improve.
Use References
Do it. The best of artists use them or have used them for a large portion of their art journey. Do not see reference images as a cheat for artists. Drawing from mind is difficult and not something I would suggest to somebody starting off. Instead, find several references—for poses, shapes, color palette. The more references you have, more you will learn. I use Pinterest for this mostly. As I get can very easily distracted, I usually prepare them couple of hours in advance or a whole day before and store them so I can use them in the future whenever I need.
Don't just look at at the image and completely try to mirror it. Improvise. That's how you learn. Study it. Draw over the reference and then draw next to it. Do it as many times as you want and do it on several references. Sometimes it is enough to do reference thumbnails to effectively improve your art for the day.
Learn from Other Artists
I will make a special post on what artists I watched and learned from and how the self-teaching process looks for me. Regardless of how you study art (art school or not), it is important to find as many resources and sources as you can. Do not focus too much on narrowing it down to a specific thing. Look for lectures on basics that will prepare you for any course you might want to take, especially if you are self-taught.
Practice. Practice. Practice.
This advice I got from listening to my favourite art podcast from Adam Duff LUCIDPIXUL and it gives you this comparison.
If you spend a year reading fitness magazines but never go to the gym, are you going to get fit? No.
Try to make a routine and set the time when you are free to draw. More you do it, faster you will progress and develop your skill. No matter how bad it looks to you, just draw. You don't even have to complete it. Just sit down and put something on the canvas or paper. If it doesn't work, store it and move on. You learned something and will be better next time. It only looks bad if you didn't draw anything.
I hope this tips got to you and that you find them as helpful as I did. Happy drawing!
I am a self-taught digital artist from Serbia. I hope to help people by sharing my art, process and advice that has and still is helping me.
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garyfischy · 2 years ago
regardless of what mediums you wanna use how you wanna draw ever heres what you need to do
-if youre a cartoonist be very specific with anatomy studies. if youre gonna stick to really stylized cartoony shit then keep anatomy studying to just basic forms, joints etc and focus on figure drawing. id reccomend 'figure drawing methods for artists' but for fucks sake just go on youtube, watch a couple videos they all say the same thing anyways. as long as you're not getting blatantly incorrect info from a guy that doesn't actually know how things work and cuts corners. it's better to sweat and bleed learning how to draw basic forms like the torso and pelvis than do what i did (go through as many shortcut pinterest guides as possible, develop a flawed and stiff understanding of anatomy, use it as a crutch) .
but yeah figure drawing is useful because learning how to set characters up in different poses and composition are useful. for every cartoonist!
-2... i ran out of points to make. Think about artists you like, you don't even have to make long rambly analyses , just jot down why you like their art and what appeals about them to you. anything from that vintage mustang poster you saw the other day, to a 'fine art' artist you'd see in a museum to your favorite blog
3: study practically.
read artbooks, look at tutorials online, watch youtube tutorials from a variety of sources: but remember, regular practice is the goal here. don't get too hooked on watching tutorials or studying and just go outside and draw a little. try and apply those skills bit by bit.
4 here are my (amateur guy that draws online and isn't going to art school)'s random advice bits
supplies i think are a godsend no matter what: one really good pencil. doesn't matter what kind it is. i got fancy ones but in all honesty light or dark you just need one that feels comfortable to write and draw with. practice those artist grips! consciously think about lines: do i want thick or thin lines? and what can I do to change it? Are my lines unsteady? and am I unhappy with that? sure, then try a different grip, or see if a thicker, more bulky pencil works! but hey, i'm just some guy on the internet telling you to do things.
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ironically, even as I wax poetic about how fun it is to collect wood/mechanical pencils, my favorite thing to draw with is a #2 pencil.
I could go on and on about art supplies and practical applications but all I can say is if you really like something, splurge on it and if you're not sure about it get cheap ones. It's not really about the subtle intricacies of each medium but if you even like it in the first place. Cheap vs expensive watercolors aren't gonna matter if you don't LIKE using watercolors.
..that being said I think color pencils are the exception to this as each brand varies in quality regardless of price.
here are some artbook reccomendations to finish off this jumbled, disjointed and haphazardly written post
-Sketching People by Lynne Chapman: I tend to lean towards the more practical when it comes to any advice. something that really boils down the way you do something and why to its core. This book is really good for that.
-Figure Drawing Methods for Artists by Peter Boerboom and Tim Proetel: it's a really fun exercise book.
-Space Drawing and Perspective by Superani: once again, practical, well translated , and really fun to do. Don't get superani's anatomy book though it's racist and pervy as fuck
-and so many more that I can't even list here. Just go to your local library and open up one of these babies, grab a sheet of paper, and just jot anything down that seems interesting to you. Capiche?
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serndestsart · 1 year ago
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2024-01-07 Jenny holding leg in intense worry 😢
Art Timelapse
Thumbnail Timelapse
Art, plus a shadowed version & two thumbnails.(imo, I like the un-shadowed version better, but the shadowed one's starting to grow on me.🙂)
Based off a spur-of-the-moment thumbnail. In the middle of making it, I interpreted it as she’s not feeling “pain” per se (since she doesn’t have nerves); more like slight pressure that she’s cautious could burst.😔
*So sorry!🙇‍♀️Between getting ‘rona again & readjusting, I took a longer break than I intended. Guess this drawing of worry is kinda subconscious😳…Now that I've ruminated on it, it's okay🙂. This was a work-life balance lesson in managing forced breaks (like sickness).
This was another piece I was exhausted with. Another was the “Jenny slightly pulling back” one. While this “Jenny tending to leg” was over a week, it almost didn't feel any less concentrated with exhaustion.😔Anyways, in both cases, I didn't have too clear of an idea of what the final piece would look like (less so with this new one, as I knew I wanted to keep most of the lines red-orange & color Jenny aqua-green).
Social Media Strategy Tweak
Maybe next time, when in doubt, just keep it a sketch, with no colors or tones??? Tbh, I didnt go that route bc I didn’t want a piece that was too harsh on the eyes from being over a bright white background, but at least a softer white. …Now that I've written it out, it sounds like a dumb reason.😥
Or, was afraid that wasn’t finished enough for IG/social media? Maybe, especially since I wanted to have a red-orange pencil-sketch style in there. Maybe be a little more elaborate & have black cleaner ink lines & grey base tones (like your ‘quick traditionally-styled storyboard’ art style)?
Wait, I just remembered: could do sketches, but do that Natalie Nourigat “draw the pose 5 times” exercise.
The exception will be the Jenny Injured diptych (to still be colored but not further pushes gesture-wise (tbh, I again want to try to get done as quickly as possible)...plus, I'll just say, “something different.” 😉
Personal Preferences & Little Backburner
Imo, I like the shadow-less version. Jenny's legs contrast better with the background, and the colors are closer to what I ended up having in mind.
Yes, even the unconventional red-orange linework with cyan base colors😄. I’d actually been meaning to try that out on a piece; tbh, I just like red-orange/vermilion-colored pencil sketches.😊 I was doing another red-orange pencil, Krita sketch in October that I wanted to try that color scheme on, but the perspective needed retooling.😵‍💫
I actually had this, along with a thumbnail for a completely different piece, on the backburner. While I wanted to do the other one, I went with this more unclear-looking one. That way, I could finish it before I forgot what I had in mind.
After I was well into the finalized sketch, I found a 2nd, more pushed-gesture version of one of  the thumbnails. That’s when I decided to try not to spend too much time on this piece; I wanted to re-do it with this pushed gesture.
Also, after a while of using one of my go-to Krita watercolor brushes from last time (WaterC Flat Decay TIlt), I got really mentally exhausted. Played around with doing the painting stage in Adobe Fresco, but despite Fresco’s watercolor brushes feeling far more comfortable, I wanted to keep this artwork quick. Therefore, I just continued the painting in Krita.
Oh, and instead of erasing the extra pencil lines, I covered most of them up with white.
Plus, that monitor profile changing fixed my colors after all!😊 I’ve gotten my solution written down somewhere. I’ll try to post it sometime.
(-) Iffy depth on the navy-blue block of color
(-) Mouth kinda looks like she’s smiling???
(+) Good foreshortening on Jenny & the chair
(+) Great gesture/line-of-action into the hurt leg; decently faithful to thumbnail’s gesture. Improvement from that in “A Place of a Contemplating Robot”
Shadow-less version
(-) L hand [our POV] gets lost in the sticking-out leg
Shadow-ed version
(-) Sticking-out leg disappears into the ground
(-) L arm should have harder edges on the shadow
 (+) L hand has hard-edged shadows
(-) Bent leg’s foot also has too soft of shadows
Hardware: Alienware x14, Huion Inspiroy H610PRO V2 pen tablet, & IMAGE Light Pad Stand A3
Software: Krita (art & timelapse), Autodesk Sketchbook (thumbnail & its timelapse)
(v 1.1) Krita Redux- Pencil (AFresco) - linework & white cover-ups. Less-aliased version of my custom brush
j) WaterC Flat Decay TIlt - hair, ”clothes”, belly button base colors, BG block, ground
(Dig.) Clean-Up Lines (Aliased) - Jenny white matte & chair base color
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years ago
survey #175
Do you own anything from Victoria's Secret "Pink" line? Do you really think the clothes are worth the price? No, I couldn't fit in their stuff, but also I would not pay those ridiculous prices for undergarments or perfumes. I haven't heard good things about how their models are treated either, so I don't want to support their business anyway.
Who would you say is the overall best person you know, and why? Uh, that's really hard. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, like I really don't know. People I know may excel in one attribute, but seriously lack in other things. I suppose my mom is the closest that comes to mind though, her level of forgiveness, selflessness, and loyalty is fucking unreal, I just don't like how aggressively spiteful she is towards my dad. She's also a massive doormat, like people use her A LOT, and it's all because she has no idea how to say no, and she knows it.
Do you have a specific gas station you usually go to? Or do you stop wherever? No; I don't drive/have my own car, but Mom will try to pick out a lower price than other ones when she's driving around. We have a Shell or something not even a minute down the road which I do think we usually use, but she definitely sometimes picks other places.
What is your opinion on dating someone who already had a child/children from a previous relationship? It's not something I personally want; I do think someone having a kid could contribute to me choosing to not date them, but I'm unsure. It's not to be mean or anything, I just know that I could never be a proper parent figure to them, especially a child that isn't mine, and when you decide to date a parent, you're picking that child to be in your life too.
Have you recently accomplished anything that you are proud of yourself for? Yeah, honestly. I'm becoming capable of lasting longer and longer on the exercise bike, I'm being more diligent with my diet, still sometimes doing my PT exercises (by this point I've mostly outgrown them, other exercises like the bike benefit me more), and even after like, five-ish months or so of searching, I'm still job hunting nearly daily. Indeed has practically been my homepage lol.
Are you still friends with any of your exes? Do you still communicate with any of them at all? No. I'd be fine interacting with Aaron in a hypothetical situation, we have no ill feelings towards one another at all that I know of, we just grew apart, I don't even think he has social media anymore.
Is there anyone that you text on a regular basis that you do not have saved in your phone? If so, why don't you have their number saved? No.
What's the color of your front door? It's white.
How many people have you been really in love with? Two.
How frequently are you inclined to read, and how much? Not much, honestly... and definitely not as much as I want to. Odds are if I have access to technology, I'm using that in some way instead of reading, but I hate that about me. Like, I do enjoy reading, I have fun doing it when I'm into the book, but it like, automatically takes a backseat if I have Internet access. I'm entirely aware it's because I'm addicted to technology, like I've known this about me for a very, very long time.
How do you feel after spending a great quantity of time online? Oh yikes, that timing lol. I'm basically always online, like if I'm conscious the odds are high I'm at my desk on this laptop doing one thing or another, and I really do hate it about me. I've been this way since I was a kid and I honestly don't think I'll ever be able to tame it down unless I literally had no way of accessing it, period. Even when I DIDN'T have access to a computer for around two months, as soon as I got it back, I was back to my normal ways again.
What is something you hope you never have to do again? Various health issues. Work in customer service of any sort.
Have you ever seen a leech in person? I feel like I have? I'm terrified of them though, I fucking cannot handle parasites, so I feel I'd remember if I ever had one on me.
What are two things you'd tell your child self that you wish you would've known then? TO STOP GIVING A SHIT ABOUT BEING SEEN AS "WEIRD" OR "CHILDHISH" AND JUST BEING SO FUCKING SENSITIVE TO JUDGMENT. Honestly, I feel like half the "judgment" I obsessed over never even really fucking happened, like there was no ill intent behind things said, I just take negative opinions of my interests to be a very personal attack on me as an individual. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and when you consider I'm more sensitive than ever about me and my hobbies and what I like, it's clear that this is an issue that was never corrected, and my life would be PROFOUNDLY improved if I stopped giving such a shit about the opinions of people whose names I don't even know or whose faces I've only seen once. The second thing I'd tell myself is to be strong and brave, and know that even when things got too dark to see where my life was heading, we came out of the tunnel one day to see light in life again.
Did you used to play hopscotch? Yeah I did.
Do you have anything monogrammed? No, that's never been my thing. My sisters like that stuff, though.
Have you ever joined a mosh pit? No, even as a big metal music lover I do not see the appeal in these at all. People get seriously hurt in those things, like I think people have literally been trampled and died.
Have you ever been hurt by a narcissist? Yes. Then again, I feel like most people have been in one way or another.
Have you forgiven everyone who's wronged you? Way too fucking many too many goddamn times.
What's your favorite thing to do at sunrise? Watch it happen, and also listen to the birds.
What does Notre Dame Cathedral mean to you, and how has its fire affected you? It's an incredible bastion of art and its persistence through time, I was heartbroken when the fires happened. It felt like watching the burning of the Library of Alexandria in modern times. I can't imagine seeing such a fantastic piece of architecture crumbling and NOT be affected by it.
Are you prophetic? I don't believe anyone is, we're all just mortal humans here for barely a blink in the grand scheme of existence and the universe.
Have you ever smoked weed, and if yes, did you like it? No, I'm not into smoking any substance. I do want to try an edible one day in a safe environment with people I trust, though, because I'm very curious regarding how it might help my anxiety.
Does your town's hospital have a good reputation? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, holy shit are there stories.
Have you ever read a Bible verse and thought, "this isn't true"? If so, what do you do when that happens? lmfao you mean since I was a child forced into attending Sunday school???????
What is your favorite shade of brown? Like a creamy coffee brown.
Do you prefer kale, lettuce, or spinach? Lettuce. I'm not sure if I've had kale, though.
Can you usually tell when someone has feelings for you? I feel like I can. Usually.
Do you know what things your pet(s) prefers to eat? I know Roman prefers wet food over dry; he mostly eats dry because boy those wet food poops are just lovely, but he definitely gets excited when we mix it up. I can tell you with absolute certainty that Cookie is insanely greedy with human food she's not supposed to have, and I really wish Mom would stop giving in to her begging.
Would you ever consider visiting Texas? I have zero interest in going there unless either of my two online friends I have and fully trust in Texas invited me to be at like their wedding or something, and even then it would very much depend on how doable travel would be.
Did you ever want a pony for a gift as a kid? Never seriously, no.
Do you know who your mom's favorite singer is? Oh well that's fucking easy, James Hetfield from Metallica. That's been her "celebrity crush" for as long as I can remember, that's her favorite band ever.
Have you ever tried to surf? No, save for like as a kid trying to stand and balance on pool accessories.
Do you want to learn? I'm not particularly interested.
Honestly, have you ever mooned anybody? No.
Which one of your family members do you wish you could see more often? Specifically, the immediate family of my mom's sane brother. He, his wife, and their kids. Like most of my maternal family though, they're in New York.
What room in your house is the messiest? Well, it's not necessarily messy, but it is very disorderly: the spare bedroom where I use my laptop. There's not much in here, but what is in here is placed without any visual appeal in mind. I'd really like to do something with it, but I'm not asking my mom to buy furniture and decor for a spare room when I haven't even done MY bedroom makeover...
Are you proud of your parents? Yes. I could go on for hours upon fucking hours about how proud I am of my mother with her fucking unmatched fighter's spirit, and I'm definitely proud of my dad beating long-time alcoholism. I honestly can't applaud him nearly as much as my mom, like honestly my dad is not a top-tier parent in a number of disappointing ways, but he's definitely gotten better with age. He's absolutely a better grampa than he was a dad.
Have you ever used a "puppy face" to get your way? I actually don't even remember doing that as a kid. The only time I'd ever do it would be entirely playfully.
Do you have dimples when you smile? Yes, very clearly on my left cheek. I feel like I had one on the right when I was young, but I don't see or feel it anymore.
Have you ever carved anything into a tree? Not that I recall.
Who will you be with Saturday night? idk, Girt's off so I might see if he wants to go see the Barbie movie, but I might wanna wait a few more days so the theater isn't crammed full.
What woke you up this morning? Nightmares. Twice.
Did you kiss or hug anyone today? No.
When were you the saddest in your life? End of 2015 and all of 2016. No hell a devil could ever design would be worse for me than what that fucking time period was. Every waking moment I wanted to be fucking dead and the only dreams I ever remembered were about my ex and not positive.
Do you ever get groceries delivered to your house? Only if the specific item needed is not available for pick-up in the store. Mom generally orders our groceries online and then we pick them up in the car, but sometimes something very specific has to be ordered not directly from the store location we go to.
What was the last job interview you went to where you didn't get the job? Do you think the interview went well or not? It was Pizza Hut I think, that or Inn, and I'd THOUGHT it went well; the guy who interviewed me even told me he had very high hopes of me getting a yes. Nowadays though I'm immensely grateful I never got the call back; this was in desperate times before my third job where I finally settled I just fucking can't work in customer service. Thinking I could ever be a waitress was absolute insanity, it would have gone horrid.
What's your favorite pasta shape? Probably penne. Or normal spaghetti noodles, I just don't like that they're generally messier to eat.
What's one of the saddest movies you've ever seen? I normally answer this with The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, but just to mix it up a bit, Johnny Got His Gun is also fucking heart-wrenching.
What was the last physical pain you experienced? Menstrual cramps.
Do you know anyone who is terminally ill? Yes, she's way too weak for cancer treatments in her age so we know what's happening.
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