#anyway idk just need a lot more brainstorming
sharkieboi · 10 months
I want to write a story to do as an audio novel aka podcast cause I love reading out loud and narrating and I’m good at it but I also want it to be something I need minimal/none other voice actors to do so that I can just do it at my own pace but my problem is I can’t come up with a good enough plot for a story that’s just narrated by one person. premises aplenty! but aside from the situation it’s so hard to think of the actual story I would want to tell
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partysnake · 10 days
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okay i developed 'give everyone fursonas disease' which is mingling with my epic disease. have penelope shes a raven :)
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
okay i decided to do a random number generator and some tarot cards so uhm. lets see. this is just spitballing ideas under the cut btw not an actual fic
for the characters i got yuzuru and mao, and i pulled the chariot, the three of swords, and the magician. so i think this is a deviation from the canon of the game in the ! era, at least in my mind, though i'd need to read more trickstar and fine stories to really do this idea justice and clean it up so just take this as me word vomiting a plot onto a post.
there are minor parallels between mao and yuzuru and their roles in their respective units, given that both of them take on more work than they should and are in the student council, combined with yuzuru's being tori's butler. they get along well enough and mao calls yuzuru by his given name now so its not like they get along poorly. this is all i have gathered just from quickly skimming mao's wiki page and their section on the relationships page.
i think...this fic would be a deviation from the canon in that trickstar doesnt come out on top and are defeated by fine and their counterparts from it (ie hokuto and eichi, wataru and subaru?, mao and yuzuru and i guess that leaves makoto and tori but i am not versed in trickstar lore very well so take this with a mountain of salt i never said this was going to be good) but which happens after they have developed this relationship where at least mao consideres yuzuru a friend and now that's just. shattered.
yuzuru doesn't necessarily realize in the moment what their relationship was to him until its broken before him on the stage as he pushes forward with fine until the very end, and it sinks in a little afterwards, maybe a few days, when mao is suddenly very very cold to him at the student council meetings. whatever amiability there had been before is gone, and there's no getting it back any time soon.
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ourtalechara · 2 months
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... thoughts? (Full idea under cut)
What if someone who knows how to use vocal synths like. Made a vocaloid version of Hamilton. Assign each member of the cast a character that sings for them. It'd probably be a community project if it happened, because that's a big undertaking, but it would also be more fun as a community thing. I don't really know how to use these programs, (I have tried to make Teto say things, and technically I have succeeded in making her say things) BUT I can brainstorm casting ideas with my limited knowledge of fanon Vocaloid personalities!
As indicated by the picture above Hatsune Miku would probably take the role of Hamilton. Her being the most popular Vocaloid makes her a prime candidate for title character. Also I just like the image above with Miku's silhouette on the star with her name.
Idk who Burr would be. Flower maybe? Off the top of my head. Is there someone who it would make sense to oppose Miku in the way that Burr does? An anti-miku? Neru? Nah, I've got better plans for Neru...
You can't spell Laurens without L en. You can spell Philip without it, but that doesn't matter, he's going to be playing that role anyway. It just feels kinda natural for me, as he's pretty young and boyish, which fits Philip, and I feel it fits Laurens too. There's no Len's-relationship-to-Miku-mirrors-Laurens-relationship-to-Hamilton to this or anything, I'm pretty sure that's the case for most of these.
Lafayette is Teto this is a fact. They're both so silly and they like baguettes they're the baguette bois I need this so bad someone give me a Teto cover of guns and ships and I will love you please I feel this in my soul.
Also, I like the idea of Teto in the second act wearing a flashy red coat and debating with Miku in the cabinet. She's perfect for this role.
Mulligan/Madison? Uh. Idk. Again. Flower? Again? Maybe Fukase? I will probably form a stronger opinion on this/borrow someone else's opinion later.
The Schuyler Sisters!
I'd say MEIKO has good strong eldest sister energy fit for Angelica. Also they're both red.
For Eliza, my first instinct is to say Luka, although there's also a voice in my head saying Gumi, and there's also probably someone outside of my head who has another idea that might be better. ?
Rin has big "and Peggy" vibes.
For Washington I want to say KAITO or Guackpo, like, a tall, imposing man. KAITO would be perfect if it weren't for the fact that in most fan works I've seen, KAITO's pretty goofy, and Washington really isn't. I think that that's probably just bias though, he's not always like that. He could make a great Washington. Idk much about Guackpo but it could probably fit. He's a samurai. I don't know if that has anything to do with anything, but maybe it could.
Philip Schuyler as Neru. I initially thought of this as a joke, as Schuyler doesn't speak a word himself, and Neru has no official voicebank (I personally headcanon her as mute), but Neru as his second act counterpart, James Reynolds, could be really interesting? Neru hates Miku so much that she decides to extort her for money and ruin her career? It feels very in character for Neru to do some of this stuff in a way, it just feels right I guess.
So that's. Most of the main characters. Or all of them. Unless I'm forgetting someone. I have no ideas for side characters other than the Neru ideas. I feel like the utau default voice whose name I don't know off the top of my head should be in there somewhere. Maybe. Maybe the one with the big blue thing on her head. The young one. In positive dance time. Idk there's lots of Vocaloids and lots of characters (but there's more Vocaloids) and I need to end this post now goodbye.
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Okokokok brainstorming on a concept for a CecilXReader idea I just had, that blew my mind, and I'll see if make It into a comic or like a Fanfiction mayyyybe Idk Idk, for now enjoy the headcanons 👍
/GN Reader, since we're in shortage. /
What if the Reader can travel across dimensions and timelines, and like everytime They go to another universe and meet Cecil he falls for Them? Like sometimes It takes a month, sometimes an year or two, other times a couple of weeks, certain istances even just a single day... And the Reader loves him too, They've always loved him, every version of him, that's why They stay, no matter what, They always stay even if They already know the story, that is indeed always the same. But They can't help themselves: this the most dramatic heart shattering book They ever read, and since the very Second time, They knew They would never stop re-reading it. Over and over, again and again. With that crazy, foolish hope, that this next time things will go differently. Yet, they never do...
They meet someway or another.
He's attracted to Them, if he ever tried to hide It, he's always been terrible at It.
They end in bed together and the sex is great, always better actually. He always assumes They've been with lots of other men before him, and he's always speechless when They confess that he's the only man They've ever slept with...
He always feels loved and understood like if They've been knowing him forever, he's surprised at first, but he's already too much head over heels for Them, to suspect anything.
The thing is that feeling understood, makes him feel human again, makes him feel forgivable again.
While feeling loved by the one he loves, makes him feel happy again.
But, truth to be told, these changes might be good for him, yet are terrible for the Agency. He's wayyy too condescending, he suspects of people always the less, doesn't take time to make sure that those he's entrusting with important matters aren't planning anything funny behind his back (look at Rudy popping out of nowhere, look at the way we know where Rudy popped out from).
And things only get worse, he needs Them all the time, not just carnally (which anyway is stomething that steals away a lot of time) but also and especially, emotionally. He needs Them around 'cause otherwise he would not focus and feel sick, however whenever They're around he's never fully focused either.
He always gets hooked on Them, he always ends like this, you could call him an "idiot in love", cause that's what he becomes and It's the most adorable and heartwarming thing to see a cold and arid man like him, become this silly guy with heart-shaped eyes whenever They cross his mind.
Too bad the entire world pays the price... And he even stops to care evetually! "Who cares if the Mauler twins killed a few more people because I called the GoG a tad too late? Staring at you and worshipping you is my only priority!" ...
But They don't stop to care... He was not suppoused to put Them as "top priority", not over the goddamned Globe, at least!
So they argue, he claims He's been doing this job forever, and that They worry too much about the work, and too little about him.
They answer that this exact mentality is the proof that He's gone out of his mind.
They never make up. So They leave for another dimension or another timeline..
And they meet again, someway or another...
Gotta love that Star Crossed Lovers trope every once in a while...
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
Aaaaaaaa I honestly need to know absolutely everything about the royal au!!! I don’t even have a specific question I just would love to hear any of your thoughts on everything. Also I love your art so much!! I might make fanart :p (that’s a big maybe I’ve got massive art block right now but if my brain functions correctly I absolutely will.) 🧡🧡🧡
Hello hi I DO have more :D I have a little pocket notebook that’s been my brainstorming and planning book that I’ve put all the ideas for this au in so far and I’m sure I’ve missed a few points so
There is art in this post, it’s Abram post-Evermore with a knife and very little control of his actions so I’ll stick it under the cut, at the end with some more angst 🙏 ANYWAY let’s see what we got
I haven’t colored it so you can’t tell but the twins frequently wear all white with silver embellishments as official/fancy outfits. They look ethereal. That’s all, next point
Most of them are still bi/multilingual but once again only some of their languages overlap. (I’m going to be keeping all the languages real/ones used in canon for clarities sake but who knows what they actually are in this universe.) Day and Abram can speak some Japanese, Abram doesn’t know a ton, but they only use it if they really really need privacy. Neither of them like using it. They also know some French (again, Abram not as much as Day) and Wymack knows some too (bc diplomacy or smth) and the twins and Nicky (Nicholas?) still know German. I also want Abram to start out knowing a fair amount of Russian (maybe from another ‘coworker’) just because I think it’d be fun, I dunno if that’ll change. These combinations can be used in any amount of fun ways I think
So there’s the obvious rule of ‘don’t get too close to the royal family’ right. Just the basic safety thing. But there’s that rule and then there’s the rule for Prince Andrew, where EVERYONE knows you do not touch the prince. With the king or queen or Duke Nicholas someone could always come forward, pay their respects, or even ask for a dance or something, I’ve decided they’re pretty lax about that kind of thing. But with the prince you can only offer your hand or something and he might just decide Not to shake your hand or whatever. And RIP to whoever tries to touch him without permission. So basically canon. When early story Abram first becomes familiar with this - while he’s still under Day’s supervision - he kind of looks at his arms-length perception of the prince and assumes it’s a ‘holier-than-thou’ bit, that the prince doesn’t want to touch the unwashed masses. One time Abram - Nathaniel at the time - approaches him too quickly too close (for some reason idk) and all Andrew can remember is Day’s heavy warning that no one get too close to Nathaniel without being accompanied and yeah, thinking back to their meeting that sounds about right, so Andrew immediately takes out one of his own hidden blades and stabs it into the table between them. Nathaniel stops short. Andrew says, “I am so clear, and yet people like you must think I’m lying. I don’t like being touched, Wesninski, and I’ll appreciate you to keep your distance.” And EVEN THEN Abram doesn’t realize exactly what that means but he’s a lot more careful after that.
Speaking of: what does make it clear is much later, maybe after Abram becomes officially Abram, they’re out in a parade or at a bazaar or something similar and the prince is in immediate danger, like something-is-falling-and-Andrew’s-gonna-get-crushed type thing, so Abram pulls him to safety. But they’ve been out in public where it’s loud and there’s too many people for long enough that Andrew can’t really help his harsh reaction, and it’s raw enough that Abram realizes “oh he’s serious serious.” So after that he adds ‘don’t let people get too close to or surprise the prince’ to his list of duties.
Okay okay not only does Abram wear a corset but the prince also frequently wears lace up/corset vests to parties and stuff (it’s probably what gives him the idea for Abram’s outfit). But yeah eventually instead of like Aaron or someone else trusted doing it up Andrew asks if Abram will help and pretends to be annoyed when Abram asks twice that it’s really okay, but as we all know he appreciates it and even secretly lets Abram decide for him; (“how much tighter, Your Highness?” “How does it look?” “”Hm. …I do rather think you look ball-worthy more often than not. Still - a little more?”) And then later when Abram gets his gifted outfit he expresses its convenient, but rather a shame it laces from the front, and then can only smile when Andrew tells him it is in fact wearable either way.
And yes. Confident no-need-to-hide-his-personality Abram accidentally flirts like A Lot (because why would he hide his opinion, he does think the prince looks good (just not for the purely aesthetic reasons he thinks it is past a point ya know 👀)) and Andrew is so frustrated because it’s an accident until one day it isn’t. Rip Your Highness
WAIT BACK TO NICKY. idk what to call him here, the twins can still call him Nicky but he’s probably formally/publicly known as Nicholas or Nick. Since the world is a little less heteronormative, Luther does not have an issue with Nicky’s sexuality but he is livid that Nicky is trying to get with a commoner. Specifically a cute baker from the next town over that sometimes comes to do the medieval equivalent of catering at the castle for events or something idk. BUT as soon as Luther’s out of the picture for whatever reason Aaron and Andrew have no issue letting their cousin be “abroad” or “off on business” in about as vague of terms for like. A long while at a time. How official and professional of Duke Nicholas. Mhm. No, they will not be taking any more questions
In this au Abram and Aaron are neither friends nor enemies, Aaron would just really love to associate with Abram as little as possible and Abram’s totally fine with that. Absolute masters of staying in their lanes. But when Katelyn gets a little too drunk at a party and wanders away from Aaron and Wilds, for way too long, and Aaron starts getting worried - where is my wife I hope she’s okay - Abram’s found her and has been watching her. Wilds can see Aaron’s relief when he realizes that, because yeah they’re not friends but Aaron knows for a fact that Abram will take as good care of Katelyn as he ever does of Andrew, maybe even more so. That Does Not Mean he likes him any more than he does currently tho. (This becomes a frequent occurrence. Party Queen, Her Majesty Katelyn Minyard)
The prince asks, “When do you relax, Abram.” “Occasionally when I am off duty.” “Are you not off duty now?” Abram smiles. “I am off duty when the only person’s safety in my hands is my own, Your Highness.” (Where does this go? Completely up to you, have a blast)
Okay moving onto the angst.
Abram cannot outrun his past forever, especially since he’s not running at all. And not just from the Moriyamas. I don’t know how, but maybe someone in the general castle ranks figures out where Abram comes from and is (rightfully, unfortunately) immediately on edge. It ends in a mob of castle workers/knights/etc finding Abram and bringing him to the king, queen, and prince, announcing that this man comes from Evermore, he must be a spy, he must be just waiting for an opportunity to cause the royal family harm. He’s stolen into the prince’s good graces with the worst of intentions. And the issue is: I don’t think Day ever told the family he knew this. He kept it hushed for a while as to not cause a panic (part of the reason he was ever lenient and gave Abram a chance was obviously because he himself was in almost the exact same position). And then when Abram proved himself trustworthy he didn’t want to ruin Abram’s chances at having a fresh start. So as far as Aaron and Andrew are aware, the mob is right. That doesn’t make it easier for them - they all trust Abram as much as Day does, they suspect now that Day might have known given his initial reaction to Abram, but what does that matter when Abram’s proven his loyalty so many times - and in the confusion, Andrew has no damn idea what to do. He can hear Aaron whisper beside him, “Andrew,” but even if the mob is right Andrew can’t bring himself to be the one to execute any sort of judgement. He returns, “this is your jurisdiction. Tell me your decision once you’ve made it.” And he can’t stay there any longer. Abram watches him leave silently from the center of the mob.
But Aaron doesn’t want Abram hurt either. He’s sure there must be some misunderstanding, he needs to talk this over with his advisors. So he does nothing more rash than send them all to leave Abram in a holding cell until they can figure it out. When Andrew hears about this, he gives himself the full day to make sure he’s got his head in order before going down to the basement. Abram hardly moves from his place in the corner of the cell. Andrew asks for an explanation and for once, Abram has nothing to say. Nothing more than Andrew’s heard already, he says. Once again, Abram waits to be served a death warrant. And again it is refused him. After it’s more or less cleared up, the biggest issue is getting the general public to even begin to trust their prince’s closest servant again.
(Read a snippet of their conversation in the cell here since this is already so long lol)
Lastly. It’s a good thing, I think, that Day put himself in charge of Abram immediately once he’s back from Evermore. Not for Andrew’s sake this time, though that’s still certainly the case, but I kind of think Abram would have come out worse on the other side even despite Andrew’s best intentions and efforts. And the issue would be that Andrew is too patient and careful with his words. Because while he’s recovering (specifically his sight) Abram is a danger to both himself and the people around him. Like this.
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Neither Day nor Andrew are afraid to get a few cuts or bruises; the difference is Andrew would have tried to hold him too gently, just take the blade by force and it probably would have ended with more superficial wounds on them both than Day’s approach. Meanwhile Day isn’t afraid to do what he needs to do to get results. Once he realizes the extent of the trauma around ‘if you are like a dog you will be as obedient and loyal as one’, he can use that. Instead of trying to take the knife by force here, all Day has to do is say “Nathaniel, drop it,” sharply enough, and Abram’s muscles react before his head can. I don’t know how long it would take for Andrew to resort to the same thing. If that makes sense, anyway, I might be wrong on this one. (It’s one of the things I’d have to put a lot of thought and maybe even writing into to be sure of.) Anyway if Andrew heard this happen he’d be incredibly angry, but Day never uses it without very, very good reason. It keeps Abram from hurting himself too much.
So that’s like all the extra random points I had in my book :D once again, no idea where they fit in a timeline but they’re here in my head floating freely around on colorful inner tubes, occasionally bumping into each other. I really appreciate you enjoying this so much, I hope it is everything you wished and more 🥰 also omg… if you make art I’d DIE to see it, I’d be so honored 🥹
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coffehbeans · 2 years
The dark side of giant and tiny societies
This is a brainstorming post about a common g/t trope in stories. It'll contain heavy and mature themes. During my years liking g/t, there was a common story trope that I really enjoy even now. It's those stories where giants and humans live in harmony, in a society that accommodate both species. This trope has been used a lot in more slice of life g/t stories and high school romance dramas. Usually involves a human and a giant falling in love, a human moving to a mixed species school for the first time, etc. These universes are usually so creative because of the constructions and structures built to accommodate both species in the same space. How the cities and buildings work, etc. But recently, idk if it's because I've matured, or because I've read a story that made me think about it, the thing I kinda miss in these stories is how many problems there could be in a society like that. Usually everything is treated as normal by the characters because they're used to it, but me reading it as an outsider started to realize... How vulnerable the humans are in a society like this. Let me explain. Think about, you're living in a world where people ten times your size live. Not only one or two giants, but thousands upon thousands, good and bad people. Each step from each individual shake the Earth, and their voice is so loud they need to whisper to have a proper conversation with you. Not every giant would be willing to step lighter, or speak lower for a tiny person they might not even know. Being under a constate state of being careful around them must feel tiring. If some giants don't want to accommodate themselves for a human, there's nothing said human can do. I can't stop thinking about how vulnerable humans would be. Having to depend of a good giant to transport you around is risky. And even if you don't depend of a giant, walking on the same floor as the towering beings would be even more dangerous. Accidents would happen all the time, because you're as small as a bug to these giants. Also, I think about how easy it'd be for giants to kidnap you, and sell you as a pet. It's very, VERY easy. You're too small for other giants to notice. And you're so weak you have no chance of getting out of their grasp. Human trafficking would be a HUGE issue. Anyways I just keep thinking about how dangerous a society like that could be, and how hard it is for giants and humans to live together so casually. Humans are too small, too fragile and vulnerable, and not every giant is willing to walk on eggshells to make them comfortable. So nowadays, when I see a g/t story with this trope where everything is fine, I can't help but doubt how possible a society like that would be. It feels too easy, too utopic, and I wish more g/t stories explored the dangers surrounding a world like that. That's it, end of Ted talk *evaporates into the distance*
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kalivasquezart · 3 months
Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your au about the Pioneer. Its so well thought out and just overall amazing and oh boy dont even get me started on your art— absolutely beautiful💖💕
I also am working on an au based off of Artis pups and when I found you I was like 🫢🫵 Very similar ideas 👀👀👀Also Hunter as Pioneer’s mentor is SUCH A COOL CONCEPT— Like like cause Hunters my favorite scug and the fact that you included him in your au and as Marbles’ mentor is just *squeals* but it also makes a lot of sense considering he comes a little bit after Arti and is one of the few scugs who can encounter pups in their campaign. I also wanted to ask if its okay with you if I use that idea/concept in my own au 👉👈
I was also thinking about Pioneer’s brother— Ik you said that you hc him as being dead, like officially, but I thought it would be interesting if he was still alive. I personally was inspired to let him live in my au simply because of some official art of Gorum (specifically his endings art especially the food quest one where he has a suspiciously familiar green slugpup). I was thinking something like what happened to Surv and Monk (the one-way pipe considering the fact that he kind of began to drift to the right as he sank) happened to him and Gorum found him. Idk these are just ideas Im using for my own au but thought I would share.
I just realized this is super long sorry HANDNAND I am insane and write too much
ahhhh thank you for the kind words skek YOU FLATTER ME~
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[there are rain world spoilers regarding artificer's capaign below, be warned]
while my current headcanon is that the green pup died, i've been thinking very hard about it for the last week or so, and IMO there's a high chance i will retcon that. if the pipe thing is canon to Surv/Monk campaigns then i'm even more eager to adopt that idea. my only real hold-up about the pup was that we clearly see it drown in Arti's dream (the same flashing aura behaviour when you swim underwater), and if he really did drown then the only way to bring him back to life would be through karmic rebirth "last checkpoint save" kind of thing… which feels a bit cheap? a little too simple for me. i'm heavily biased here, because a while ago i read an interesting lore post of someone trying to explain why Arti's pups wouldn't "respawn" if they were killed, while Arti did. in short, the pups were too young to be bound by karma and so when they died, they died for good (reincarnated as a different creature, maybe) - but Artificer being an adult and already having experienced the urges before, was brought back. if i can, i will try to find that post again, and link it here.
ANYWAY yeah, personal AUs don't have to strictly comform to the game's canon, i keep forgetting about that. hell, i've seen people revive scav king or, i dunno, SOS from the dead, and they made it work.
speaking of my AU again, i may also have headcanon'd Arti's mate as a semi-aquatic scug (less freaky than riv tho), and so Bryn/green pup would have inherited some of those genes, making him more likely to survive the drowning. so yeah, i think i like the storytelling potential of keeping the pup alive, althought i'd have to sit down and do a proper brainstorming on what that means… when Arti and Marbles eventually reunite with their long lost other half of the family.
by the way, if you (or anyone else reading this post) wants to use my ideas in their own AU then i'm okay with that! no need to credit or anything. many people come up with similar concepts anyway, it'd be silly to try and police them on it.
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agustdiv1ne · 8 months
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honestly? it could've been worse.
lots of things happened in 2023, both good and bad, in real life and on this hellsite. i feel like i've started to hone in on my voice as a writer this year, and my creativity and motivation just seemed to skyrocket for absolutely no reason. it's been fun sharing my work with you guys, and i'm forever grateful for all the love and support i have received <3 furthermore, thank you so so much for 4k followers!!!!! i never thought i would reach such a milestone, so it truly means a lot :')
there's a lot i wish i could have done during 2023 that i didn't end up doing, but i think it is best to focus on what i did accomplish and use that as a stepping stone towards better things. also, there were a lot of times where i didn't feel content with where and who i was. right now, however, i can confidently say that i am happy; i am hoping that happiness will be abundant for everyone in 2024! we all deserve it!!
furthermore, everyone worked hard, so i hope you all give yourself some grace in order to recharge and reset. taking breaks is paramount in maintaining your health and happiness, and i'm glad i learned that it's okay for me to take them lol.
so happy new year everyone! i hope 2024 brings many wonderful things your way, and may we all have a lovely year!! <33
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to: @gummygowon 🖤
MAIIII hi ilysm <333 i can't believe we've been friends for 3 years like that's fucking crazy. we have both been THROUGH it over the years but i'm so glad that we've always been able to talk to each other about the crazy shit that happens to both of us 😹 like idk who else i could talk about it with honestly. we are seriously like the same person which is so wild to me but i'm also so grateful for it fr!! i would trust you with my life methinks...also talking about fic ideas with you is so fucking fun. our brainstorming sessions go crazy fr ‼️ ANYWAYS i need to stop being sappy so i love you bitch and we WILL meet up this year or else i will riot!!! happy new year <3
to: @lunalovesstories 🖤
lunaaaa hii!!!! my fellow yeonjun stan, we feel the same pain and suffering whenever he is wilding LOL </3 also i feel like we became close super fast hehe ^^ i'm so glad that we became friends this year and i am forever grateful for you and how kind and supportive and overall amazing you are. becoming moots and friends with you was definitely one of my highlights of 2023!! our daily conversations are something i always look forward to no matter how short or long they are; i truly love talking with you and i hope we can continue to get closer this year :) happy new year! <33
to: @cheolhub 🖤
SAR!!!! ik you haven't been super active as of late so i hope you've been well <3 you are genuinely so cool and i love you sm. i think i screamed when we became moots and then when we started actually talking to each other i screamed even more...embarrassing. well anyways moving on! you are so fucking funny and i love hearing about what you're up to whenever you reappear on disc. you singlehandedly made me reconsider my bias line in svt bc cheol is currently infiltrating it </3 also lmk if you ever need me to fight that girl bc i will do it. no questions asked. seriously though, i hope you're thriving in the year of 2024, happy new year <3
to: @toruro 🖤
mika mika mika hiiiii ^^ you are crazy in the best way tbh, i aspire to be as unhinged as you are...LMAO moving on, you are hella kind and such a fun person to talk to! i love hearing about what you get up to bc it's usually funny af. like. you are just so real. you are such a bright spot on tumblr, please never change because you are amazing and ilysm <3 also your writing is insane. i always start gnawing on my leg when i see that you posted bc i know it's gonna be a banger!!!! you never miss!!!!!!! okay anyways ily again and i hope you have a happy new year <3
to: @prodsh00ky 🖤
hi sam!!!!!!! i hope you've been doing well <3 i know our convos are sporadic af but i always enjoy talking to you and hearing all of your updates! i just think you're so cool and i always get so excited whenever i see you pop up in my messages. i also love talking about writing with you because you understand my pain LOL. i know you're quite busy so i hope everything in your life is going well!! i also hope that 2024 brings you great things because you truly deserve it :) happy new year!!!
to: @koqabear 🖤
sol....my enemy >:( i will not forget all of those assassination attempts that you tried on me throughout 2023. trust me, i won't. JK ANYWAYS HFJHHFDJ you are like the coolest most awesome person on this website to me and i am so grateful that we are friends <3 also grateful that we started talking this year after being moots for a long while. i've always wanted to talk to you tbh so i'm glad i stopped being a weak little bitch and finally did it 😹 i will always go insane over your fics and write like a 2k word essay in response each time, so i hope that doesn't bother you...i will not be stopping though so ig it doesn't matter.......anyways, happy new year!! here's to another year on this hellsite <3
to: @boba-beom 🖤
smiles!!! you are such a ray of light on my dash, i swear i always smile when i see that you've posted. i know we don't talk all that often but i genuinely am so grateful that we are mooties n friends :> you are one of my longest moots, and i am so glad that you have stayed on here as long as you have because idk what i would do without you fr <3 you are so talented and kind and just a wonderful person to be around! happy new year!! may you be happy n healthy this year <33
and to all of my lovely mutuals: @nightlyawnzz @wolfytae-exe @aduh0308 @hyuk4ngel @dearlyjun @takemehye @mazeinthemoon @tyunkus @mixtape-racha @huckleberrykai @naomiarai @hyukalyptus @mapofthemazeinthemirror @taegimood @blackhairedjjun @txtistheloml @heart2beom @majestyjun @fairyofshampgyu @ttyunz @huenation @cherrypeeking @tyungelic @ncteez @peachanonie @hyewka @heartchoi @beom-pyu @petrichor-han @hoshiseon @strawbrinkofdeath @delcakoo @beoms-sugar @minastras @0x11s @hwasdollie @mimziie @baekhvuns @wooyukh @venusiangguk @ah-ga-seven @jimilter @ateezmakemeweep
hello and happy new year!! i hope all of you doing well and that 2024 is treating you well so far :) no matter how much/little we interact, please know that i am so happy to be sharing this space with you ^^ that being said, i hope we can interact more this year!!! (i promise i will try to be less shy,, the keyword here is try) you are all amazing people and i love you all mwahhh <333
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🖤 — january
27: give me more (m) — yeonjun ; est. relationship au, pwp
🩶 — february
regrettably empty :(
🤍 — march
23: 10:52 p.m. — soobin ; college au, introverts at a party
🖤 — april
04: frat boy!yeonjun
07: confession — chan ; best friends to lovers au + self-care (m) — seonghwa ; est. relationship au, soft smut
08: corruption (m) — hyunjin ; est. relationship au, corruption kink
11: stormy night (m) — seonghwa ; est. relationship au, hwa vs. your fear of storms (he wins)
13: industry lovers — yeonjun ; strangers to lovers au, idol!reader
16: guitar lesson — beomgyu ; best friends to lovers au
21: 2:54 p.m. — taehyun ; college lab partner au
🩶 — may
09: picnic date with boyfriend!yeonjun
16: brother's best friend (m) — yunho ; the au is the title lmfao + 10:21 p.m. (m) — soobin ; est. relationship au, car sex + early mornings with boyfriend!yeonjun
19: vacationing with boyfriend!yeonjun
27: 8:02 p.m — hueningkai ; jack frost au
28: cowboy!yeonjun (m-ish)
🤍 — june
01: double trouble (m) — hongjoong + seonghwa ; poly au
03: 9:05 p.m. (m) — yeonjun ; plane sex pt.1
06: 9:23 p.m. (m) — yeonjun ; plane sex pt.2
13: the horrors — yeonjun ; est. relationship au, horror actress!reader
23: txt finding out you have an onlyfans (m)
24: late night outing with boyfriend!soobin
26: dry humping (m) — minho ; pwp
🖤 — july
04: meeting odi for the first time with boyfriend!soobin
08: 12:43 a.m. (m) — yeonjun ; best friends to lovers au + best friend!txt finding out you write smut about them online
started my 3k event: love like the movies!! (which is still ongoing. i'm so sorry)
13: 3k event — yeonjun + howl's moving castle (m)
17: 3k event — beomgyu + titanic (m)
24: 3k event — taehyun + twilight (m)
31: 3k event — hueningkai + enchanted
🩶 — august
05: 11:01 p.m. (m) — yeonjun ; rockstar au + 3k event — soobin + the avengers
11: 11:58 p.m. (m) — yeonjun + taehyun ; stoner fratboys au
26: 3k event — taehyun + the proposal (m)
🤍 — september
02: 3k event — beomgyu + the devil wears prada (m)
12: ticket to nowhere (but your heart) (m) — yeonjun ; strangers to lovers au
21: untitled (m) — beomgyu ; college au, tutor!reader
22: untitled (m) — taehyun ; college au, nerd!taehyun
🖤 — october
03: telepathy (m) — beomgyu ; mind reader au
23: 3:13 a.m. (m) — beomgyu ; vampire au
🩶 — november
07: 9:51 p.m. (m) — soobin ; serial killer au
🤍 — december
started my 4k event: finish my 3k event LMAO
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🖤 — writing plans
get my 3k (and now 4k?) event done (#1 priority after i finish my current soobin wip)
rings of saturn (tear me apart) (m) — taehyun ; college au, friends to lovers au
going under (m) — taehyun + kai ; surfers!tyunning, summer fling au
and they were roommates! (m) — choi line ; college au, new roommate!reader
cross (m) — yeonjun ; cyberpunk au, cyborg!yeonjun
wait on me — kai ; college au, cafe au
the language of love (and the woes that accompany it) — beomgyu ; soulmate au
love, unabridged — soobin ; single dad au, neighbors to lovers au
adagio (m) — yoongi ; second chance at romance au
art incarnate (m) — namjoon + seokjin ; cursed!seokjin, museum curator!namjoon, love triangle
and many many more..........you will see. this is just a taste >:)
🩶 — goals for this blog + myself
interact with more ppl! and more often!!
write 150k words?? we'll see...
write longer fics!!
plan a collab event ^^ i've always wanted to host one, and i think this year is the year!
that was long as hell (sorry)...anyways! once again, happy new year!! love you all <3
- ashlee
p.s. check out my 2023 fic recs post here :)
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restesdelune · 4 months
*A Richonne Content Rant*
> Comin' Soon on Restes de Lune ?
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Hi TWD fam, Richonners, gals, guys and theys
I've been editing like crazy but the youtube algorithm won't let me post my 20min edit of HRWB #3 - Next World Lovin' (A day in the life of Rick Grimes) without butchering my work. Looks like I won't be able to finish this series with a bang like I hoped.
So here's a load of stills to give you an idea since for now, all my hours on it just went down the drain. I still want to share something though, as I know others are just like me :) Maybe I'll share snippets, bits by bits... :(
Here's the first part
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Idk, looks sexy and funny to me! ^^
I still don't understand why so many channels can host whole scenes of the show online, HD scene packs and longer edits and seem unbothered (good for them!) but I can't ?
Whyyy Ô Whyyy ?
My Richonne rabbit hole originally started with an Ultimate Edit From the prison to Alexandria. It was right after watching The Ones Who Live as it was released and I needed to go back and re-experience Richonne all over again. Unfortunately, it was too long of an edit and my hardware could not keep up...
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That's when I took on smaller endeavours, exploring the origins of Richonne further from behind the scenes. I love listening to Danai talking about her work. So many actors tend to respond quite superficially to questions about their characters, Danai has such a profound understanding of Michonne, it shows both on and off screen and I'm here for all of it.
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Then, I've explored more behind the scenes with Andrew and Danai's chemistry, and how it showed and still shows up on screen years later, and have many of us hooked, locked in a love chokehold everytime we see Rick and Michonne gazing into each others' eyes. That's how HRWB #2 came to become Dandy On Set and Off.
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Yes, I'm fluffy like that and have no shame about it :)
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I'll still try to edit further HRWB#3 and share it with you what I can, but I need to cut back my Richonne hours and find new ways to engage with the fandom if I can't find a better solution.
My series How Richonne Was Born was supposedly a lighter prelude to the deeper and more interesting work I want to share (see The Ones Who Love Live On teaser). Might take a while though, as I work too slow for the algo, so don't hesitate to sub to check me out here, on youtube and twitter to follow the work.
And yes, I'm gonna get even fluffier with these ones, and a lot more political too. Fingers crossed!
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I still plan to share everything I wrote (essays and fanfic), it will only take yet a lot more time and creativity. Maybe I should just forget video and do a podcast? Just brainstorming in the tumblr open...
If you're into any of it let me know, feedbacks and advice are welcome! I may have started this on a whim but I found people along the way, and it's always easier when we're not alone and have support, right?
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My posts about
"The Last Grimes"
The Michonne effect
Mother Michonne
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**** See You around and Happy Shipping ****
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Really excited for how your brotherly love series will go. And I just love how you included Tim and Jason because they’re my faves.
Can’t wait to read about some bonding between Jason and the reader
Sorry this is gonna be a long ass ask because there’s just a lot of things I want to comment on and ask.
There’s so many avenues you can explore. I’m kind of surprised only Damian is the only one who decides to take up crime fighting while the twin is fine with staying behind and exploring the mansion. One question I have is does the reader ever feel as if they’re living in Damian’s shadow? Like especially since Bruce bonds with Damian since Damian has taken up the mantle of Robin, then I’m gonna assume that Dick and Tim also spend time training their successor. Between training, vigilante duties, and time running Wayne Enterprises, that doesn’t leave a lot of free time. Does the reader ever feel left out/ignored or that Damian is the favorite? Or in other words, since the reader hasn’t thrown a tantrum that they’re stuck at the manor and they mainly seem to keep to themselves, do Bruce, Dick, and Tim seem to think Damian is a higher flight risk/the twin that is more reckless and needs more attention?
Poor reader. It hit a little close to home on the insecurities of being irritating/a nuisance to those your love.
Two, I think it’s so sweet that the reader was able to open up to Alfred that Damian yelled at them. I love how at least one of the Wayne’s is able to be open and express their emotions in a healthy way.
Three, you know how DCAU’s Batman vs Robin, Damian has a hard time getting past the security system. Idk but especially since Damian is the one who took up the mantle of Robin and it seems as if his primary focus is on training, I think it’d be such a funny thing to see him frustrated that his twin can bypass the security system with ease when the last time they picked up a sword or did any kind of conditioning was months ago before they lived with Bruce. And even Bruce, Dick, and Tim are scratching their heads since they thought you were the more well behaved and quiet one they didn’t have to worry about.
Damian: *fuming* I trained 18 hours every day for the past two months and couldn’t bypass the electric fence. How were you able to get pass the security system and then travel all the way to another country without any one detecting you until you got back?
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Reader: *shrugs* don’t know. Maybe you’re rusty.
Next point, I mean especially since you mentioned that Jason’s eyes were an unnatural shade of green and he has that white streak in his hair, you can have the reader get inspired after hearing Jason’s story. They sneak away from the manor and try to (or successfully??) revive Ra’s by digging up their grandparents corpse and dunking it in the Lazarus pit.
That would be such an interesting parenting moment between Bruce and the reader. Poor Bruce can’t catch a break. He has to sit one kid down to explain why murder is not justice and then talk to the other kid that death is a natural part of life and it is not normal and somewhat questionably unethical to sneak out of the house to dig up your grandfather’s corpse and dip them in a magical lake to bring them back to life
Bruce: *sitting across from the reader rubbing his temples* so hypothetically if your hamster died, would you dunk it in a Lazarus pit because you missed them
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Reader: I don’t know. I’ve never had a hamster.
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But judging by your tone, I assume you want me to answer no..? You told Damian it was wrong to kill Deathstroke to take revenge for killing grandfather. Hypothetically, if if a very very very bad parakeet killed your hamster—
Bruce: dear god you’ve spent way too much with Jason
Anyways sorry to bug you with the long ass ramble. Hope some of it made sense. Bottom line, I’m looking forward to what comes next and if you ever need a beta reader or just want to spitball/brainstorm with anyone I’m all ears
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You were not bugging me at all, I'm so glad that you enjoyed my story!!<333.
(I hope I make sense in this I have issues explaining things so bear with me)
To go over some of your topics, I feel that Damian is more career driven and felt comfortable being Robin because his life was spent being trained to be an assassin. I feel as if the reader is taking a break from the life they were forced to have by trying to live a "normal" life at the Manor. I will now go more into the topics of reader's insecurities, as we know they feel like they are annoying the people they are around, after a while they start to see how everyone is treating Damian like a normal person, whilst they are being treated like a child(even though they are), and they start to think that since Damian has been proving himself they just like him more. Everyone in the Manor does love them though, it's just Damian has hobbies in common with them so they feel that they have more to talk about(Wayne enterprises/Vigilante work), plus reader just stopped hanging out with everyone so how can people get to know them?
Yes, I wanted the reader to be able to have a healthy coping mechanism such as talking, literally all of the batfam has bad issues with talking except for Jason because homeboy goes to therapy(he too is an ex emotionally constipated person). Also yes reader does just have that magic touch, they are an Al-Ghul/Wayne, everyone knows reader was trained the exact same as Damian so it's a little bizarre that they are so good at something after being away from their training.
The reader is much aware of Ra's dips in the Lazarus pit and how it's kept him alive all these years, but I think that they understand that there is no help for Ra's, just like Talia said "the pit can't help a body that far gone"(or something), the reader is a little upset that after Jason had been beaten and put in a building with a bomb that the Lazarus pit still had a way to revive him(Reader and Damian both love animals and have definitely been in trouble for reviving random animals with dips in the pit LMAO). Reader, Damian, and Talia all share the same hatred for Deathstroke and all want him gone, whilst Damian and Talia are attempting to find and kill Deathstroke, reader just sits back because they know Talia has it handled. After spending time with Jason and sympathizing with him about his death, Bruce realizes that reader is all for getting revenge on people, they never did anything about Deathstroke but fully agree and understand Jason's reasoning behind wanting the Joker dead.
This actually meant so much, I'm sososososo glad you enjoyed Pt.1 of Brotherly Love!!! I have had a terrible night and this made it better!!!<33
( I definitely projected in this story, does anyone else have sibling issues?)
....Much love, Strangeshoepatrolbandit....
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if your insert got hurt what would the gang do
OMG SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG FOR ME TO GET TO THIS I honestly didn’t have any motivation to actually write so here we are
anyways lemme start yapping (warning might be a bit ooc but I’m trying really hard for it not to be so it’s not intentional)
TW: mention of wounds and being jumped n such, brief mention of weed, though it’s nothing too graphic (unless you count inexperience with drugs graphic /j). stay safe yall 💕
Darry is a father figure to Casper (as he is with most of the gang), and I can imagine two different scenarios
one: Casper got jumped (probably for snagging money from the socs for weed) and Darry lightly scolds him about being more careful around the socs and tries to encourage him not to get money from them
two: Casper just does something stupid, which leads to him getting way more harsh scolding
either way, Darry still scolds him (yet while patching him up)
oh sodapop you sweet man
for most of these it’s just gonna be in the context of Cas getting jumped
Sodapop thinks of Casper as another brother due to how close Casper and Ponyboy are, and also the Curtis’ by default
Sodapop is very comforting and such as he patches Cas up, making sure that he doesn’t hurt him too much while disinfecting his wounds
10/10 my favorite himbo /j
had to leave and brainstorm then come back but I think I got an idea
Ponyboy acts a lot like Sodapop, yet less comforting but only because he’s a little awkward
Pony definitely doesn’t leave Cas alone for a little after, mostly because he knows that Cas is a particular target of the socs
warning Johnny and Casper are gay and they kiss but they’re both boys oooooo
Johnny nearly tweaks when Cas gets jumped lmao
he’s like Ponyboy and is a bit awkward but less so because he has gotten jumped pretty bad before too ofc
after the Curtis brothers patch Cas up, Johnny and him go back to Casper’s
Casper can smoke weed in piece as he rests his head on Johnny’s chest and yaps about what happened then they pass out
I love my gays hi gays
Dally acts like he hates Casper but they act more like brothers
Dally laughs at him for getting jumped and then very seriously asks about what the socs look like so he can beat they ahh
Let’s up on their roughhousing until he knows Casper is healed bc he’s not a monster (debatable)
steve fans I’m so sorry idk what to write for lil bro, I’ll try to do a character study or smth later so I can think of something for him cries
one of yall should help me with Steve’s character I need assistance from the professionals
will update later if I think of anything
two-bit is a silly goose omg
he shows genuine concern but also jokes around and they giggle together bc Casper is practically high 25/8 and finds everything funny
them and dally are such a trio omg I could write about them for days tbh (don’t ask me to it would take ten years)
mickey mouse is on while Casper is being patched up and both of them giggle and watch
my skrunle bungus 💕💕💕💕💕 the scrimblo bimblo 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
everyone please send me asks if you have anything you want me to yap about!!!! okay byeeeeee
tagged ppl: @gay-poet-gabriel
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chaotic-on-main · 5 months
for some reason every time I go to reblog the final chapter with my notes, my tumblr crashes (I'm pretty sure it's because it's a 20k chapter, so fuck you tumblr a;sldjf) ANYWAYS I'M GONNA MAKE A SEPARATE POST
Here lie my notes for the final chapter of 5 Husbands by @kingkonoha MAJOR SPOILERS BELOW
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so first and foremost i'm super lazy. when i was reading, i was out in a park enjoying the sun and sounds of the river and NOT by internet so i wrote all of my notes in a word document. i'm not gonna repost them, instead i have screenshots of my notes. i did nOT go through there so there will be a lot of feral screaming, typos, and weird thoughts idk take them or leave them. underneathe these screenshots i will provide a more personal note <3
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SO. this story has been a huge part of my fanfic journey. tay has taught me so much with her writing and the fact that i got to help brainstorm a few monumental plot points with one of my favorite writers has just been. well it's been a blessing and i loved every moment of it. yes okay, i did give her the idea to kill levi and am i gonna throw myself off a cliff for it?? probably.
regardless, she did it is such a beautiful and heart wrenching way that it has TRULY changed me. my day is actually ruined and that's a good thing because that means she wrote something so heartbreaking SO WELL. the way she just brings us into this world and can make you think one thing then trip you up not oNCE BUT TWICE?? (THE FOREHEAD TAY REALLY?!?!)
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she ended this series with how she started, with love and exceitment. it's crazy to think there was a time that she was ready to put it down and while i 100% understood why and i definitely supported her for it, i'm so glad she changed her mind. i love this story so much and i cannot thank tay enough for writing something so incredibly different.
i will miss you the world of 5 husbands, but it's time to go back to UW because i need comfort AND I MISS WHEN LEVI WAS ALIVE BYE
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sourbombz · 7 months
So my friend made a joke about how I need to stop timelooping Yuma (because I keep replaying the game) and now I've just been thinking about timelooping him so here's a thought dump about a timeloop AU
How the timeloop itself functions/started I have two ideas for at the moment
one being: the idea that Yuma didnt leave the mystery labrynth at the end, and he's basically reliving the mystery over and over again due to his soul wandering forever (I feel mixed on this because I like the idea of everyone being Real and not just the result of a labrynth but this is also a very fun idea to think about as well? Hm)
The other being: the emergency exit.. didnt work how it was supposed to and suddenly Yumas back where he started and also stuck. Also Shinigamis not actually gone (because I don't want her to be!!)
Other than those ideas hhh I dunno forces beyond our comprehension (me I am the forces)
Okay, other fun things
Yuma: he's the center of the timeloop, so he's aware of it. He's so tired, he still doesn't have his past memories but he has future ones now! (Soooo he knows he's Number One, and everything)
Shinigami: she's also aware of it/stuck! She doesn't mind it, less boring than being trapped in a book and she gets more time with Yuma! Joyous!
Fubuki: I think it'd be so fun if Fubuki like.. was also kinda stuck with him, she's the time gal afterall! Although she's Fubuki so she's probably more so "also stuck, but also oblivious"
Vivia: I feel a need to bring him up, and I don't know if I really think he'd be really stuck since time in particular isn't his thing? But yeah udk (I've thought about making him aware because I'm a kokolight shipper and POTENTIAL but I'm on the fence)
Makoto: I guess it depends on how the timeloop itself works on if Makoto knows of it/is stuck as well here or not. So I'm gonna go with "he may or may not it's honestly hard to tell"
All other characters would probably not be aware of it. So I won't talk about them right now
Anyway yeah I imagine at first Yumas like "WHAT HUH WHY WHATS HAPPENING" and then after calming down starts assessing situation and trying to like, do what a lot of people would probably do in that circumstance and try to do things better, save people who died, all of that as ya do.. annddd the timeloop doesn't stop and its a nightmare
I dont have a SINGLE clue how stopping it would happen. All I know is loop loop loop loop
Anyway here's some of my brainstorm doodles the first page I did at 1am before I had anything really thought of, enjoy (idk of its obvious but I am also a Kaguford (Makoto x fubuki) fan, I just think they're cute)
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There's so much more I want to think about like hey he knows Yakous murder plot now how would he go forward with that information, how would he go about the cases in the game in general? Augh so much to think about but those are my current thoughts YAY
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decepti-thots · 1 year
Character Ask: Brainstorm
one aspect about them i love: I love how it sneaks up on you that so, so much of what Brainstorm does is motivated by his feelings about other people. He holds everyone at arms' length and cultivates an image of not caring about other people, and then at the exact same time he makes all his biggest decisions based on whoever he cares about deep down. Everything he does following Quark's death is for Quark, until it's actually for Chromedome, except then it turns out Chromedome was as much a catalyst for him to just... start thinking about everyone else the war fucked over. It's that bit where Nautica is so pissed at him until she realises he was, without any fuss, going to erase himself from existence to stop the war, and didn't even bring it up in his own defense. That's the trick to his character.
one aspect i wish more people understood about them: Brainstorm's initial draw to Perceptor is that it mirrors his relationship with Quark. What I mean by this is: Brainstorm doesn't really expect to actually achieve much there. We learn later that Brainstorm knew very well that his feelings towards Quark were unrequited. There's a turning point where Perceptor's impression of Brainstorm changes, and it's when Perceptor puts two and two together and realises what Brainstorm's actions in EC were actually trying to achieve; that he isn't just an arrogant asshole who doesn't care. So, any attempt to elaborate on that relationship needs to reckon, IMO, with the fact that it's a change to the status quo that Brainstorm had fully accepted, one in which he poked at Perceptor constantly and never risked actually getting anywhere with it. I've never seen a fic with those two as a pairing that really managed to nail that down for me, tbh! You need that sense of Brainstorm being like. Wait. Shit. What do I do now I have his respect, though. Because Brainstorm has no model for that.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character: Brainstorm doesn't actually believe that the peace will last. He's fully convinced that war will, at some point, break out again. It's difficult for him to even imagine peace ever holding- he literally was born into the war, and he's seen the worst of both sides in his role as a double agent, and how desperate people are in both corners to keep it going until the other side is fully obliterated. He originally figured that when he got Quark to safety they would run off somewhere neutral and just ignore Cybertron, and that would be fine, because by that point the war would have started up again anyway.
one character i love seeing them interact with: Nautica! I love their friendship. I love that it's this deeply sincere relationship that is the first one he's ever had that isn't touched with some kind of trauma or violence. One thing I think about it is that this is the first time he's interacting with someone about his passions who doesn't see it as something that is part and parcel with the war- he's never had a peer before who has any perspective on what he can do in that regard which doesn't, at some point, loop back around to its usefulness in doing something destructive. IDK, that's just so... nice to me. He needs to have a friend like that.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more: I think him and Tailgate would be a riot actually. They're both so full of shit and insecure in parallel ways and prone to being so intense. And I think they would be funny! I think they would egg each other onto TERRIBLE ideas and crack wise the whole time and it would be deeply entertaining. They should blow some shit up together and Tailgate should try to offer to be Brainstorm's wingman despite being phenomenally unqualified.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character: Brainstorm has privately apologised to Rewind (2.0) for his role in his death. He doesn't feel guilty about a lot, and tbh he probably tried pretty hard to persuade himself he didn't need to. But. Then Rewind thanked him for keeping Chromedome alive when Rewind was gone, and he felt like such a fucking asshole. Because it was a little bit his fault along with the others. (Rewind accepted the apology and also said that if he ever got Chromedome involved in anything like that ever again, Rewind would physically rip his head off.)
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miasiegert · 7 months
Day 2, and one workshop photo of MY work
Before I say ANYTHING, hello to Wichita folk from Chaz. :) He was shocked (and delighted) at how much people enjoyed the show and we absolutely are brainstorming things for the future. So a huge thank you for the support and kindness. It meant a ton to him (and obviously me and David as well!)
Day 2 was a roller coaster... for ME!
I'm very suspicious because everything is going so well. Too well. Things never go this well. So I decided it was time to start really stoning some costume pieces that I hadn't before while David got supplies.
Then I got a phone call, never a good sign, from David asking me could I get the padlock open for the gate.
Padlock? What Padlock?
There are no concrete answers, only a guess... but it's believed that people who share a lot to store their boats left and padlocked the gate behind them so I was TRAPPED in the costume shop (which is a completely different building/drive away from the theatre) all alone with no food and had been the entire day while David couldn't get me.
Some chaos to get a key and get out, and David decided to go to the night time run through for notes. Chaz told me to take tonight off because I went through ND hell as there was a loud beeping noise nonstop and I had to turn my headphones up louder than normal (I usually watch a show in the background--today was "Power Book III: Raising Kanan" from Starz) so it hurt then the panic of being alone and trapped.
Anyway, what I *Did* realize was that I absolutely can share a wip of Bedazzling more of the Reba!Suit because that is my costume, that has been seen onstage before, there is no actor in it, no full costume, and it's MY original design.
Way back, we had very cheap acrylic rhinestones because we were too poor for better ones. Now, we're mixing in preciosa and swarovski with some crystal and glass ones. We have not removed the acrylics YET because a lot is carefully plotted fill ins and until I have enough time to REALLY thoroughly do it, I don't want to remove any sparkle.
So, for your pleasure (or not, Idk, maybe you don't care) this is the epaulets and belt for the Gumbie Tap Suit that's my design. If you notice a few interesting things with the waistband/tail, that is because it's got four strong snaps for the waist. There's stretch but not as much as some of our other specialty fabric, and different tappers prefer different tightness. We're hoping to add some snaps as this Jenny is between sizes and really wants a snatched waist (she didn't want to take the costume off--never seen anyone so happy before!)
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I will be adding gold, yellow, and orange to it. I added purple to Misto in two shades and some AB crystals.
I forgot if I said this or not but I was requested to rhinestone Misto's shoes for his song number. I can't wait to show people pictures. I'm pretty sure there will be video. The last time I saw a very flippity Misto was my first pro production where an INCREDIBLE cheerleader/gymnast/hiphop dancer was cast. It was incredible to watch. This choreo is really fun and Misto's actor's manner actually does come across as shy and aloof at first... then super excited and happy. METHOD ACTING OR JUST HYPED ABOUT COSTUMES??? The world may never know.
I think people will REALLY like Rumple and Mungo a LOT. Cassandra is FANTASTIC.
Also anyone here have Starz? I need to gush over "P-Valley" and cry over "Hightown" s3 with someone! "Raising Kanan" is good but not hitting me in the feels the same way.
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