#anyway i have no idea what the kids' actual names are
chaostroberry1 · 2 days
Heyy how are you? I want to make a request of Anubis with a mortal child-Reader (platonically) that accidentally got lost around Valhalla. I just need something sweet for my day, Thank you👋
Hello! This is so cute 💕 writing this at night and I'm so close to passing out. I'm so sorry if it's too short.
°•Platonic Anubis and lost!child!reader•°
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- Anubis had been walking to the meeting room of the gods, before stumbling across a mini creature. What was a small little thing doing, wandering around such a dangerous place like this? Any normal person would try to alert the nymphs or servants, but not Anubis!
- This mini human was his buddy bestie now. No room for objection. He's always wanted a mini baby human sibling! Okay, maybe he only realized he wanted one after seeing you. I bet he'd pick you up curiously, tilting his head and smelling you like he was an actual dog. Before he quickly lit up and started jumping around with you in his grasp.
"whoa!! A mini human!! Hey there little buddy!!! I'm Anubis! What's your name??"
- He brought you with him to the meeting room, just to boast about you. Receiving comments from the other gods to put you away or maybe even kill you. But he growled at them angrily, making them back off.
*growling noises*....no! This mini human is my baby sibling!! We are related from this point on!!"
- Odin just sighed in defeat, while Loki joined in the fun and poked you tiny cheeks. Even manipulating the liquid in his cup to float around for you to watch and giggle about.
- So now, you have two big brother figures, who have no idea where the hell you came from, but still decided to take care of you anyway
- I can just imagine them having no clue on how to tend to your needs, especially as a kid. While thor just chas you sit on his arm and buys you icecream 😭.
Anubis randomly goes on all fours and asks you to play catch with him, making you throw a stick for him to catch. Like, wow, okay. He'd bring you to saunas or hot bath's, yapping about all the cool things he can do with the bubbles and how he can make a huge bubble with his mouth.
You just gotta sit there and listen. Mf is just really happy right now you need to accept it. This is your life now. Just try to savour the good moments where you can sleep well at night without some grown man barking and acting up at night. Like an actual dog.
The gods have tried to tell him multiple times to return you to your caretaker or whoever was in charge of you, but he would not budge, and refused to give you back.
He really liked having a baby sibling to play catch with. And look after. Cause he is a very cool and amazing big brother. So don't expect to go home any time soon. --
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Okay, so I saw some art of fem Jay a couple days ago and it inspired me to finally sit down and draw Jay from Sorry, It's Locked in a sort of "What Could Have Been" piece of art showing how he'd have progressed if he didn't die in entry 80. It got me to figure out what her name would probably have ended up being, too, and I've settled on Lark.
Specifically, she'd have become Lark Wright and she and Tim could have raised their kid together (whose name is Birdie in the 'canon' of Sorry, It's Locked because Tim named her by himself after Jay died) but it's such a cute name I kept it even for an au where Lark survived.
I had to kinda guess at how old Jay would have been in around 2013, so yeah if 26 is wrong, whoops. I feel like the outfit i gave Lark is pretty 'right' for someone in their mid thirties in 2024 though so 🤷🏻‍♂️
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I adore the idea that Lark goes grey early, and that she has a few wrinkles she otherwise might not at her age because of all the stress she's been through. She's so goddamn pretty because of it though, I'm so not surprised that Tim married her. She's literally a milf.
Also, her wearing Tim's shirt :] just. So cute. She's just trying to figure out her style and ends up in unintentionally the cutest outfits Tim's ever seen. Poor guy walks into the kitchen and is immediately struck by the debilitating urge to kiss the heck out of her.
You'll probably see me switching between using Lark and she/her, and Jay and he/him when I talk about S,IL depending on what part of it I'm talking about. If I'm talking about Lark's gender exploration, I'll probably(?) call her Lark and she/her, whereas if I'm talking about anything before he figured out his gender I'll probably(?) use Jay and he/him. Just to help me better differentiate between 'canon' S,IL and 'no one dies au' S,IL. Because unfortunately in the S,IL I'm actually going to write, Jay never gets to the point where he's comfortable to change his name or pronouns.
Anyway, individual shots of Jay and Lark under the thingy Bob
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Love the little trans flag feather and bracelet I gave her.
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seaglassdinosaur · 5 months
I know we collectively agree that Hiccup isn’t romantically inclined, and his getting married and having kids didn’t make sense in the epilogue, but consider: Hiccup getting married for political reasons.
It’s a marriage of alliance, which is recognized both by him and his partner, and they enter it without expectations of romantic involvement. Since they’re now married, they live in the same castle, spend time together, and Hiccup finds he really likes his spouse. They’re funny, get along with his friends, and has the same interests and values. They both probably speak multiple languages. She understands why Hiccup is so dedicated to making the Wilderwest better, and holds similar views. She’s a good politician (her job after all, was to be an ambassador). Hiccup likes spending time with them, and the feeling is mutual. They’re not in love, they have their own lives, but they’re dedicated to each other and eventually decide to raise children. They teach their kids how to train hawks and hunt with dragons, riding, history, the Languages, and all the necessary skills of their world. They’re not in love and they’re happy together.
#pushing the aromantic hiccup agenda and also the queerplatonic agenda#as much as the idea of hiccup getting married was always a little off to me it was more the romantic angle#which I why I like the idea of a marriage of alliance and a partner who understands that#and then of course the montage of them being a good team and getting along#and going ‘yeah I like this person. I think this is the person I want to spend my life with.’#also a) a lot of arranged political marriages did have the foreign spouse function as an ambassador#b) polyglot hiccup is canon and I think it would be neat if his spouse was as well. it is a marriage alliance after all.#she isn’t from the small area of berm#(actually give all the Vikings regional accents. I think it’s neat)#c) she/they because I didn’t feel firmly about the partner’s gender and the nords were pretty gender diverse#anyway I think the partner would probably be fond of the library and admire hiccup got it open way back when#get along with Fishlegs and camicazi well enough#and enjoy dramatic stories of their adventures. maybe have some of her own#also: normalize people having their own lives outside their partners. hiccup and they are happy together but also have their own friends#oh and you know hiccup would be a great dad. he loves Stoick but he would so much be the dad he wished he had growing up#are the kids bio related? are they adopted (cast off and No Names)? who knows!#I could build in my head what hiccup’s spouse is like but I’ll leave it here#they exist as we construct them#httyd#httyd books#my post#book!hiccup#hiccup the third#hiccup horrendous haddock iii#book hiccup
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sieglinde-freud · 4 months
been thinking about the tharjabelle family unit a lot. i think maribelle spent five thousand years scraping through ye olden baby names textbooks in her family’s library and was like “We shall name our daughter Noire! It’s a lovely name, a reference to your love of the dark arts and [wikipedia etymology section] while still being classy. Just gorgeous. Now, what shall we name our son?” and tharja goes “brady.” mari’s like ???? fym brady what the hell is that and tharja goes “oh its traditional plegian” “Oh, really!? 😄” “no”
#ann plays awakening#domestic tharjabelle i am molding you in my mind#i still have no idea why on earth maribelle named her son brady#there’s nothing wrong with that name. bradys one of my favs#but im lookin at maribelle and im thinkin ur kids name should be remington charlesworth von themis the fourth#or some shit#i mean this positively#i love maribelle#but i can only conclude she was NOT the one who named him#she wouldnt…#unless its like a nickname. what could brady be short for#i dunno. bradworth? thats not a name.#maybe its his#WHATEVER anyways tharja named him. in my head <3#also and these tags r j becoming my tharjabella hcs extended edition#but also idk i think maribelle wouldnt actually mind if brady was a plegian name. i think she’d like it actually#in game she seems not all that knowledgeable about plegia and is rather hostile#for obvious reasons. i wouldnt like the ppl that kidnapped me either#but i think taking a plegian wife would let her want to learn more about it and especially since later on chrom starts to bridge the gap#between their nations a bit more and by the end of the game while im sure things arent GREAT theyre probably on the way to gettin better#and i just think she’d want tharja to feel more at home in ylisstol so the whole gesture would j be sweet :)#not sure how much tharja would actually care but she’d probably appreciate the effort#wish i had more info on house themis but whatever. i’ll start makin shit up idgaf#fuck you awakening world building
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laugtherhyena · 4 months
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3:23AM, time to post Hatamori fankid and retreat back into my hiding hole
#this is what i was referring to in my last post#sometimes ideas will just pop into my head and i will be unable to resist the urge#i missed sprite editing. it had been a while since i last made a person's sprite#anyways her name is Akira and I haven't decided if it's Akira Tomori or Akira Hatano yet#i like both of their surnames a bunch#thinking of her from a scenario where Ayame and Kizuna survive the kg and get together a while afterwards#Akira is adopted. obviously. Her biological parents died in the tragedy she was adopted at around 4-6 years old#doesn't remember how her bio parents where because she was like? 1-2 years old when they died?#being with them in whatever happened that led to their deaths she may have some form of memory problem from the accident(?)#Akira is pretty forgetful and slow on the uptakes. but it's nothing too worrisome#she doesn't actually care that she can't remember her bio parents because the family she has now is much more important to her#she takes more after Kizuna especially in tems of personality (tho definitely not as bad as she used to be in Dra if you know what i mean)#put them in a room together and they will gossip and talk about random shit for hours#she loves Ayame too! they just don't talk a much? Akira used to follow her everywhere when she was a kid but now that she grew up#Ayame being the awkward-ish person she is struggles a bit on how to talk/interact with her#they work out together sometimes and Ayame will always volunteer to listen to Akira play some new song she's writing#and give her opinions on it#as you can see she is a musician. aspiring rockstar specifically#this came to her as a way to vent about the tragedy and all that mess sorta#may ramble more some other time i am getting sleepy#dra#danganronpa another#fankid#hatamori#sprite edit#edit#hyena scribbles#Akira Tomori Hatano
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sysig · 2 months
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Giving nicknames, testing boundaries (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#Max Vyer#Dexter Favin#How /did/ Max come to like him so much in just two years? I have my theories :3#More Teen Max!! Nothing has changed I just continue to love him lol#Two years is a pretty quick turnaround for such a stubborn kid - though I guess for a child two years can be a long time haha#Went from just hating Dex's guts of trying to drive him away and make him quit and hating being kept on a short leash#Does make me wonder how much of him kissing him was an impulse - I mean obviously lol but how much was genuine attraction!#Certainly seemed like a lot :0 Even upon being rejected he couldn't give it up! Still took him another several years to act again tho haha#I mean - in the text lol who knows what they got up to in the time skips hehe ♪#AnyWay lol - them getting used to each other of slowly working into tolerating each other#Max said something in one of his wake-ups that as I read it implied Dexter was something of a polyglot?? Which - love that ♪#If not conversationally-fluent then at tourist-fluent y'know I think that's great <3#Which got me thinking about other languages and insults and curses haha#I like the idea of Dex only really strong-arming Max about Actual deviant behaviour - something that puts himself or others at risk#Harmless little things like any teen would do - like name-calling! Haha - just get a kind of neutral ''Huh''#As well as interest <3 Not an outright dismissal not a lecture but at least the appearance of investment!#Considering Max's home life I can't imagine he had all that many people genuinely (or fake) interested in his shenanigans#All about suppressing the symptoms more than rooting out the cause it's amazing what just showing a little interest can do#I also just think it's cute of Max getting away with something silly and harmless but totally biting and mean! <in his mind haha#Silly lad <3
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epic-and-kitty · 1 month
I wanna make a Dedf1sh inspired sparkledog...
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dylanconrique · 1 year
i seriously can't wait to find out what angela and wesley named their daughter. 🥺💗
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
going crazy thinking about how my william just. he is affectionate toward his kids. he'll ruffle their hair and hug them and cook dinner ("Everyone eats at the table, together.") and buy them their 40th toy that they'll play with for a month and then forget and tuck them in bed and read them books and it's almost all totally genuine.
but he's only a decent parent when times are good. it's not just that him being stressed = him choosing to focus on work over them (although that's true). it's also that he just will not be there for them emotionally. he represses everything, and then raises his kids in a home where there's this implication that showing too much emotion is bad. crying is bad. getting upset over "unimportant" things is bad. his kid comes to him because they got in an argument with their best friend and like. he has no real advice to give. he might offer some mild words of comfort or even a hug, but he's not actually comforting. and the fucked up part is that he absolutely isn't being a shitty parent on purpose in those moments.
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cinnabeat · 1 year
u know fairy tail was terrible but i appreciate its refusal to let literally anyone die
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gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
fjdkdk the R rating on the vbros movie is for full frontal nudity? fans are theorizing who it is
im just sitting here being like. Havent we practically seen everyones dick at this point
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mars-ipan · 1 year
genuinely the smartest (and funniest) choice i ever made in junior high was completely ignoring people who tried to bully and/or annoy me
#i fucking slayed for that#i built the patience and skill for ignorance when in middle school these kids who would antagonize me on the bus learned my name#and so every day was ‘hey marley hey marley hey marley’ for the rest of the year#idk how the bus driver didn’t go crazy and kill them. anyways i got Really Good at tuning that out#and by the time i got to middle school i was a fucking expert#i’m not talking like ‘choosing not to respond/pretending i didn’t hear’ ignoring by the way#i was such a master that i was able to Not Percieve People.#there was a kid in my art class who just generally tried to be annoying#and every now and again i’d be the one he tried to annoy#and i literally for almost the entire year acted as though he did not exist#he waved his hand in front of my face. i kept drawing like it wasn’t there#he would poke and tap me. i would have swayed more in a gentle breeze#he would ask my friends (who i made aware of this plan of mine) things about me for ammunition#they would provide general info bc they knew it didn’t matter#my friends would tell me to look in the direction he was standing and vying for my attention from#i would look Through Him and go ‘i don’t see anything what are you guys talking about’#i think the evilest idea i ever had was to write like a fully formatted essay#like psychoanalyzing this kid and trying to guess at his psychological problems (a need for attention most likely resulting from a lack#of it at home)#but i thought ‘no that’s like actually mean’ and didn’t do it#BTW this only worked for me bc none of my harrassers in middle school were trying to physically hurt me#they just wanted to get a rise out of me. so i beat them at their own game#they wanted to take joy in my anger? fools. i would simply be amused by their inability to affect me#genuinely it is such a powerful thing. i wonder if i ever drove people insane#it’s why i take that approach to anon hate (although i do acknowledge its existence)#ooooh you want to hurt my feelings sooo bad. oh you refreshed the page waiting for my response#you care about me lmao. and all i care about is how funny that is#i grew up on looney tunes btw. so maybe this is just the bugs bunny strat. but it’s sooooo fun
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hot-cocoa-addict · 1 year
hi hello how do people deal with the fact that they, while trying to write out one fic, end up with another completely plotted out in their head with a good headstart on a potential chapter one written down on a doc??
should i try to juggle two fics at once? absolutely not. will i? ... maybe.
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nebulainatree · 1 year
how to design inkling character help
#Nebbie posts#Nebbie text posting#text tag#This absolute bitch has been stuck in my brain for like a whole month but I have no idea what he looks like#He's like. He's a dick and he has awful anger issues and is full of hate and plays illegal turf wars#And ever since a kid stabbed him in the leg in like 4th grade and got away with it he's been a vengeful piece of shit#Who decided to remember every possible detail about everyone who's ever wronged him and make their lives as hellish as possible#Frankly he's awful. I love him#And he and Plus have this terrible beef since he commissioned a weapon from Plus and then felt like the money was too high so he.#Ok I'm still not sure whether he doesn't pay or if he just cancels the order mid thing and Plus doesn't pay him back but. War is declared.#He's constantly vandalizing Plus' graffiti advertisements and dissing him to everyone in the illegal turf scene#But of course Plus isn't the one to back down. He goes fucking bonkers. He hacks this guy's ikatter and shit.#Every day is a struggle between these bitches. Inkling guy undermines Plus' weapon deals. Plus fucking doxxes him. Blood and hate and death#It's fucking visceral it's insane they genuinely loathe each other. They want to rip each other apart tentacle by tentacle. They say this.#So anyway fast forward past that almost actually happening and the inkling guy is in a polycule with Plus now#I'm soooooo mentally ill for this guy. If only I knew his name and what he looked like#By the way all this happens like way in the chronological future for these characters unfortunately. So I probably wouldn't even draw it#Also also Plus and him still like.#Hate each other . Like they're beating each other up constantly and sometimes Disc gets confused by that but it's like a romantic beat up#It's like. Ok. Boys will be boys ig#Send fucking post#Anyway this is a call for help as it is way past midnight here and I absolutely need to go to bed but my brain is rotting#If anyone does have cool hairstyle ideas for this guy you can let me know but this is mostly just. I'm constantly thinking about these guys#Goodnight.#I am NOT tagging this Splatoon. This is just me being sleep deprived. And I don't have a tag for that so.#Oh also the inkling guy gets mandatory therapy via court verdict after getting arrested for attempted murder.#Since I headcanon Splatsville doesn't have prisons because it doesn't have more than a rudimentary sort of police system#If you really fuck up they exile you. Go die in the desert idiot basically.#Or sometimes they'll send like really bad people to Inkadia since there's actual laws there
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aesadraws · 4 months
I really really reaaaaally really don't need to add another WIP to my pile.... But I also deeply crave a XVI pirate AU where I throw Balthier from XII at the Valisthea crew just to see what happens.
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To Be Wooed
I blacked out and wrote this. This is so silly to me.
Look Danny didn't mean to kill the Joker it was an honest mistake, he was still recovering from escaping the GIW and whatever they had used on him had still been in effect when he honest to Ancients ran into the fake clown.
Of course it doesn't look like an accident with how he left the Joker
But it was!
Really it really was!
Whatever the GIW did was out of his system, but that still left a very dead and coreless Joker.
Yeah...apparently Joker had a core, but not anymore because he ate it like it was pop rock candy, if the weird cousin spicy version of it. He still feels like he has some of it stuck in his teeth.
Anyways! Not the point!
Joker! Very dead at his feet, what is he supposed to do-
Oh Ancients he's going to die again that's the Red Hood!
"Uh...I can explain, well not really. But it was an accident! I promise and-"
"You killed him?"
"I'm really sorry? He bumped into me, it was an accident I swear!"
"Go on a date with me."
WHa-what?! Did he just hear correctly why would he ask him out out of nowhere it made no sense and..oh.
Red Hood's been touched by Death not like him but enough to count, and enough to have some ghostly instincts.
Okay ghostly courting he can do that, he totally can, no sweat!
Shit who is he kidding he may have the instincts but he was never actually taught how he's supposed to use them or anything.
Well he's always been good at making it up as he goes, and at least his instincts will help push him in the right direction.
So he should just do what feels natural to him.
"Yes I'll go out with you. If I were to make jewelry and knives out of his bones would you accept them?"
"...For me to wear and use. Yes."
Danny freaking out about just killing and kinda eating someone: I'm in so much trouble!
Jason behind him fixing his appearance: "Well hello there handsome come by here often?"
Joker bumping into Danny: "ahAHA you will make a good experiment!"
Danny is high as a kite and getting the munchies: "I didn't know I could order food with my mind!"
Joker: "Whut-"
Jason seeing Danny absolutely wrecking Jokers shit: *Ghost Instincts Activated*
Jason falling fast for Danny without even knowing his name: "Can I pretty please kiss you?"
Danny realizing what's going on but still being clueless: "Does that mean you will accept these gifts made from Jokers bones?"
Jason's Ghost Instincts rising to a fever pitch: "I'm going to woo the fuck out of ya and then we'll get married then we'll fu-"
Danny's Ghostly Instincts being connected to his 'Protection' & Jason's to his 'Revenge' showing these kind of specific gestures towards them is incredibly romantic.
Jason and Danny's relationship basically:
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#They're like Morticia & Gomez absolutely smitten for each other
#Jason brings a crying & beaten up GIW who has been stalking Danny
#Danny almost swooned
#They start flirting with each other while standing on top of the GIW dude
#Jason's goons are happy that their boss found 'The One' apparently but can they please stop eyefucking each other while they're there and-
Just an Idea
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