perpetually tired af
20K posts
art blog run by aesa // too close to 30 // leave any hate at the door pls thanks
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
aesadraws · 5 hours ago
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Incorrect SW quotes
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aesadraws · 5 hours ago
broke: modern au clive would be into theater woke: modern au clive would be into pro-wrestling
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aesadraws · 5 hours ago
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aesadraws · 13 hours ago
Ides of March 2025 is going to be a fucking blast because it will have been 2069 years since Caesar's death day
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aesadraws · 15 hours ago
Opening Tumblr on March 15th
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aesadraws · 15 hours ago
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Today is the only day you can Reblog this
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aesadraws · 20 hours ago
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hunter meets hunter
(In RDR2, Arthur Morgan has a Compendium that, among other information, tells him the best weapon to use when hunting, and he can use the binoculars to study things to get Compendium entries.)
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aesadraws · 20 hours ago
i’m currently combing through every single werewolf movie and short film that’s been produced. it’s been fun, until i noticed a werewolf design that looked…. oddly familiar. lol.
….and tell me why this film from 1993 got a “revamped” version, that was JUST the Skyrim werewolves being green-screened in????? 😭😭😭😭
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aesadraws · 20 hours ago
Something I wanna address in my eventual horizon fic is I want the Gaia Gang to hang out with Aloy more. Like, she's a busy bee. They've got assloads of homework to catch up on. But I feel like they also need more bonding time? I'm sure Kotallo has Marshal duties to do, there's no reason he and Aloy can't travel together until their respective business makes their paths split. Zo would be a good buffer for Aloy as she roams Utaru lands until the people get more comfortable with the flame haired outlander. Erend is very personable, I think he'd be a great liason between Aloy and the scavenger crews scattered around. Varl would have a good time roaming through the relic ruins since they're off limits to the Nora usually. Alva would be a hit or miss - she's comfortable running around with Aloy out in the wilds but honestly because she's so familiar with the Focus, I think she'd bond just as easily chatting from the Base and combing through the archives.
Just. Let the team bond outside of the base.
"But what about Beta?" I fear it would be easier to scrub a dried egg pan without hot water and soap than it would be to drag her out of the Base.
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aesadraws · 21 hours ago
really enjoying all the videos Muslims have been posting of their cats looking like this
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when the humans are up at 4 am for suhoor
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aesadraws · 21 hours ago
Thinking about how Johnny and V have seen every and all sides of each other in such an unfathomable and impossible way unknown yet to humans.
Every side of them. The good and the bad, the ugly and the pretty, the fair and the unjust, the black and white and all shades of grey in between. And how all they can do is accept each other as they come and as they are in spite of, they literally have no choice to. And they still grow to care for each other despite that.
How Johnny wants to save V and how V would die for Johnny. How Johnny would die if it meant he could save V and how V would die if it meant Johnny could live. How Johnny, the Selfish Bastard of the Century, would give his life up for V and how V would give theirs up for Johnny.
Their souls are literally intrinsically tied, bonded for life, even after they split. There will always be a part of them they carry in each other. Whether that's V's face for Johnny when the body is given up for him, or the damage Johnny's engram had already caused in V.
There's always going to be a little of one leftover in the other. I'm not sure I believe in soulmates, but it is undeniable that these two have become the first proven and scientifically backed instance of them. (To me.)
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aesadraws · 1 day ago
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surely nothing bad will happen if i take the cursed skull
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aesadraws · 1 day ago
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Leonid Pasternak  (Ukrainian, 1862–1945) - The Torments of Creative Work
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aesadraws · 1 day ago
Still in awe of how well the D&D movie mimicked the feeling of D&D without doing anything as tediously literal as a "sitting around the table" framing device. The way some characters have names that sound like names a DM improvised on the spot, the sudden appearance and disappearance of a overpowered DM NPC for a single dungeon, the way they used the fact that characters can plausibly just mess up for no clear reason to escalate action scenes...that was cinema
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aesadraws · 2 days ago
imo sharing your art for free online for strangers to see it requires a lot of courage. A lot of mental strength. Im being serious rn i think if youve ever shared anything online and even if its not popular even if only a few people have seen it i think thats very very brave
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aesadraws · 2 days ago
What is TES Gala? 
An idea started from a treasure found in ESO, I developed a headcanon that the Altmer have something similar to the Met Gala. Loving the idea, I decided I wanted to try at making a small community event for tesblr focusing on fashion (and partying lol).
For one week, a gala will be held. A party invitation post will set the overall theme. Once you post your submission(s) to the event, it will be reblogged here to be shared. 
When is TES Gala?
To be determined, but currently looking at mid June. 
Where is the Gala set?
Anywhere! This isn’t set to the Altmer in Summerset. This can be a small village, a royal event in Cyrodiil, or a party taken to Oblivion. This can be the scene to a Thieves Guild or Dark brotherhood quest. This can be a Modern AU or anywhere on the in-universe timeline!
What mediums are accepted?
Just about anything! 
Just a few ideas, but not limited to:
Fan art (sketches, doodles, clothes designs, full blown renders, etc)
Fanfiction (can be either posted in full on Tumblr or a link to AO3)
Moodboards (Can't draw, but wanna show us what your OC would wear? Go for it!)
Meta analysis (headcanons on fashion, using historical parallels, etc)
We’d love to see whatever you made ― digital, traditional, crafts, anything! 
Is there a submission limit?
No! If you have multiple ideas for the gala week, I encourage you to share all that you make!
What are the rules?
The rules can be read here [link]
How do I submit my work?
Post your work on tumblr and tag it with #tesgala25. I will be tracking the tag all week long. You can also directly tag with @tes-gala
I will then share your work with tags for characters, mediums, and if needed, try my best with adding image ID/alt text. 
Alt text and image IDs
To increase the accessibility for our works, I do encourage all artists/graphic makers to use alt text/image IDs. This helps those with screen readers and is more inclusive. 
A few links to help how to do this:
Write Helpful Alt Text by Harvard Digital Accessibility
How to Create Image Descriptions
How to Write Alt Text and Image Descriptions
Decision Tree for Writing Alt Text
OC Submissions & Use
To follow the party aesthetic, you may submit a TES Original Character through asks with information about them if you wish for your OC to cameo in another's work. The one submitting must understand they are giving reasonable permission for another to use their OC.
Those interested in using another's Original Character must use the OC respectfully and within reason. You must tag the owner with your submission.
If you are using a mutual's or friend's OC, that is not on the list, but you have permission, please tag the owner of that OC.
Who is running TES Gala?
Currently just one person. Should this become bigger than expected, I may ask for help. 
If you have any more questions, feel free to send an ask!
updated: 03/13/2025
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aesadraws · 2 days ago
sir that is my beloved mutual with whom i have not shared a fandom since 2013
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