#anything not covered by that they make up as they go. honestly including 'what exactly is an evil person'
eastgaysian · 1 year
the thing about lemming and dak-wai's senses of morality is lemming would refuse to accept the premise of the trolley problem he'd insist that there has to be a way to save everyone while dak-wai would think on it for 5 seconds and then pull the lever to kill one person instead. however if you presented them with a dilemma where they have to condemn either themselves or a complete stranger they'll never see to death, lemming would try to work out a we-both-survive solution but ultimately take 15 minutes to decide to sacrifice himself. and dak-wai would be paralyzed by indecision for about an hour before deciding to save themselves
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saintescuderia · 6 months
pancakes (pt. 1)
welcome a new multi-chapter fic. enjoy.
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AKA - the story of how the naive australian rookie befriended the gym junkie F1 hospitality worker with the shoe collection - and inadvertently broke the grid's most treasured and unspoken rule: you don't go for y/n.
series masterlist here :) // the pancakes recipe here :)
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P1 - bulgarian split squats
Really, the only way to survive Formula 1 was by going to the gym. 
The gym addiction was something that had existed long before joining the circus of a motorsports paddock filled with politics and rumours, as well as the slim fitting uniforms that always seemed to be accompanied by, in your opinion, ugly ass shoes. 
Sure, Puma was the offical sponsor but couldn’t they get anything other than the Speedcat? And what even was that name? Speedcat? It was on brand, sure, but at what cost? Really? If Formula 1 was trying to grow its popularity they could honestly start with their dress code. Seeing Christian Horner in Skechers really took the intimidation out of him when you served him his double espresso during the Spanish Grand Prix that one time last season. 
One of the perks of working in Hospitality - and there were very few far and in between - was that uniform was not so strict. F1 Hospitality only required an all black service with ‘comfortable shoes.’ This you took for interpretation. Dunks. Jordan 4s. Maybe 1s. Never 13s. Forces were good for a night race - that usually meant more stairs - and Vans were what you reached for in the morning when you knew you’d be working the barista shift. Converse were for ‘throw away’ races.
These were the races where you knew the shoe-care was not important. For example, Silverstone with its torrential UK drinkers who were likely to throw up on your beloved sneakers. Alas, you had learned the hard way when you almost lost your job by rushing to the kitchen to start scrubbing the vomit off your blue and red Cortez during peak lunch.
Never again.
Admittedly, you did try to keep at least one pair of Converse in good care since they were the renowned shoe come leg day. 
Another perk of working in F1 Hospitality was that every circuit’s map layout had been drilled into your head. Meaning you always knew exactly where the communal driver’s gym was located at and could therefore get your daily dose of dopamine before dealing with… well, everything.
You silenced the shrill horror that came from the iPhone alarm. 4:00 read the lockscreen, the light shining brightly into your face. It didn’t help that your wallpaper had a photo with a clear blue sky, making the light even harsher in the darkness. You could’ve very well changed it and avoid the pain you routinely go through every morning. But it was this very photo that reminded you why you were getting up in four in the morning in the first place. 
You had snapped it during a free practice in Italy that had miraculously lined up with a break in your shift. The sky was clear and the red car was small, but clear on the circuit. Ferrari, of course. You still remember the buzz that circled around the paddock staff that day. No matter who you routed for or whatever bias you had, there was a unanimously acknowledgement that Ferrari winning at Monza was special. He was special. 
Then again, you’ve known that long before he stood on that podium in Italy and was given his infamous nickname. 
It didn’t even take you ten minutes until you were out the door. Your gym clothes (pump cover included!) were on the one limpy chair that decorated your poor little hotel room, your shaker sat on top of your gym bag with you black high top Converse right beside it. By the time you had made it to the gym, it was a little past 4:15 and you had already scooped in pre-workout into your mouth ready to get through the oncoming pain. 
Your hips were a little tight, as per normal. The left side even more so. The hood of your hoodie was up, headphones on and blasting the hardstyle house music that would see you through the next two hours. You went through your usual stretches but with today’s added focus on the lower body. 
And then you went about destroying your legs. 
It was about an hour or so that Oscar finally sleepily arrived. You weren’t actually sure what time it was but you were up to doing bulgarian split squats - and hating life - and that was usually at the hour mark. You gave him a curious once over, noting the odd choice of clothing. It was a little odd to see a driver in the paddock wearing athleisure that wasn’t their team uniform.
“Bro, it’s five in the morning.” Oscar groaned, shuffling over to come and sit on the bench next to you. You gave another three more reps - Oscar silently watching you groan in pain through the last two - and then finally dropped the dumbbells. You reached over to take a sip of water and checked the phone for the time.
“It’s five thirteen in the morning.” You corrected. It had been just about the hour mark. “Are we training today or?” It wasn’t the first time Oscar had joined you. The reason his neck was getting stronger was because of you. In your opinion, the trainer Alpine had assigned Oscar was a fucking idiot.
“You’re doing legs.” Oscar pointed out, as if that was enough of an answer. He leaned to lay back down on the bench and stared up as he continued to speak. “Drivers don’t need bulky legs. We’ve been over this.”
You had. Many times. You knew he was right. It still would be nice to have someone to go through legs with you, though.
“So train with light weights.” You offered, trying. Oscar just gave you a look that made it clear he was not picking up any type of weights. You shrugged, not deterred. “I’ll do calisthenics with you. Or we can work on plyometrics.” Oscar’s response was to close his eyes and let out a deep sigh. “Fuck it man, do some cardio.” You came to the last resort, coming to kick his legs as you walked past to load up the smith machine with some different plates. 
“Piss off Tezza.” The Australian-ness continuing to shine through with the nickname that Oscar had specifically designed for you in respect of your shared citizenship to the ‘land down under.’
Except unlike the blond caucasian boy who loved AFL, grew up in Brighton East and attended Haileybury, your Australian-ness was less obvious. Your accent, for one, wasn’t as prominent since your parents were African immigrants. This, of course, didn’t just influence your speech patterns and accent.
Dark skin, dark eyes and dark hair, you weren't exactly the picture of a 'true blue Aussie.' The rite of public school bullying from those who did look 'Australian' (whatever that meant) had you scoffing at vegemite and preferring to follow EPL and La Liga than whatever the fuck was Aussie Rules Football.
Why is it called football if the players pick up the ball?
Still, when a homesick Oscar Piastri overheard one of the Hospitality staff yell out that that they were going for a 'Macca’s run' between the practice sessions on his very first F1 race weekend, he instantly picked up on the Australian-ism. And he didn’t let it go. And cue the beginning of a friendship that had Oscar Piastri calling you ‘bro’ and shortening your last name as per Australian rite.
Even if you had sworn off that sort of thing.
“Oscar, man, if you ain’t here to train then why are you?” You said, locking the plates in place on the smith machine. You lifted up your hood up and ducked under the bar to rest the metal against you shoulders, the hood acting as a cushion. The starting weight was light enough that you wouldn't have to worry about music for your first set. Besides, if Oscar was here, he could be the entertainment for this set. “You forget that this is a driver’s only gym. You could get in trouble." The sarcasm was all too clear in your voice.
No one used the ‘drivers-only’ gym. It was something that every Grand Prix had set up. Mobile, communal and high-end, it had enough equipment to rival the local 24/7 studio franchise gym that seemed to exist in every neighbourhood. Despite the fact that every driver preferred to train at their own motorhome gym - or that every team had their own mobile gym set up in conjunction to the motorhome - F1 still went about packing up and moving their own studio gym to every single location come race weekend.
If anything, it was a nice stop during the presentation walk during the sponsorship lunches where good old Stefano Domenicali would show off all the amazing resources that the Grand Prix space has to offer. 
So, no. F1’s Driver Gym was not used.
The only reason it wasn’t gathering dust was because every weekend it was packed up and moved. That and you woke up at 4am every weekend to destroy your muscles in the familiar red and black equipment.
"You're here." Oscar reminded you. "And not a driver."
You ignored him and just kept up with your repetitions, focusing on engaging your glutes and keeping your core tight. Oscar was silent as you finished your first set. When you finished your last rep, he stood up and came round as you locked the machine. He knew you well enough to pick up the 10kg and help add it to the sides.
"Thanks." You said. Oscar nodded and added the weight to the other side. There was a quiet air for a moment and you went to pick up your headphones to put them back on. Things were getting heavier and you would need music to get through the next few sets.
“I might be leaving Alpine.” 
You looked up at Oscar who dropped the bomb and then looked back at your headphones. You sighed and then dropped the headphones back to land in your gym bag. Headphoneless, you went back to the machine and Oscar took your invitation.
“Zak Brown approached me yesterday and suggested something about picking me up for next year.” Oscar said.
You just kept squatting. Oscar was far too removed to yet be aware of - well, everything.
“And with talk of Fernando quitting, I know that Alpine will be calling me up but do I trust that? Honestly Lando has been doing so well and Ocon has always pissed me off.” Oscar watched as you started to struggle.
He stood up and came around to help you but you just shook you head. You pushed through one more rep and then called it. 
“He does have a punchable face.” You said, now out of breath. Esteban had always annoyed you and before meeting Oscar, you used to dread the weekends where you were put on Alpine.
Your friend handed you the water bottle sat beside your gym bag before you could even ask. You gave a two finger salute in thanks as he continued on.
“And Lily and I got into this massive fight again! Apparently I don’t communicate enough!” He huffed. “But I sent her flowers and chocolates because she’s going through finals and she likes daisies and Cadbury."
“Yeah, but is that her love language though?” You asked, dropping your bottle and going to stack up the final set of weights on the smith machine. Oscar stood up again to help you.
“Her what?” He asked, handing you the plate.
“Love language.” You answered, still panting, and explained, “You’ve got physical touch, gift giving, quality time, words of affirmation and acts of service.” 
“Are you saying people love in specific ways?" Oscar asked, quick to process new information as always.
“Exactly. You did something nice for her, an act of service. Maybe all she wants is a nice, long phone call or maybe some texts complimenting her or something.” You shrugged and then brought up your headphones.
Oscar accepted this, knowing the last set would require music.
He watched you as you settled back under the smith machine bar and went on squatting more than his body weight. He shook his head and ran a hand over his face. He really shouldn't have been surprised at your lack of surprise. Little shocked you. That or your might’ve already known and just kept it to yourself. F1 Hospitality were a part of the Formula One Group and, therefore, were not associated to any one team. They had rotations across all teams and, therefore, every member of staff were required to sign an NDA. Not that ever did anything in this damn place.
Still, Oscar knew that you were one of the few genuine people left in this place.
He knew that there would’ve been so many opportunities where you could’ve easily done something for yourself by recounting something you had overheard while pouring Toto Wolff his coffee or serving Mattia Binotto his lunch. It was the reason why so many teams hired their own internal hospo staff.
It was also the reason why Oscar felt comfortable coming to tell you about Alpine and McLaren before he had even told his own parents, or Lily. The argument with his girlfriend had prevented him from getting any sleep, mulling it over in his mind for hours. Oscar knew you would be able to help him through it all.
And that you would be the only one awake at this godforsaken hour.
By the time you had finished your first set, he was Googling love languages and having a quick read through. 
By the time you had finished your second set, he was halfway through doing the love languages quiz.
By the time you had finished your third and final set, he was seeing what the problem was between him and Lily.
“I think Lily is words of affirmation and I'm acts of service." He said, coming up to the machine as you stepped back and pulled down your headphones. You blinked and nodded, still put of breath. "I think I forgot to check in with her and send her some compliments. Tell her I'm proud of her for getting through exams. Especially because she never is one for gifts, really."
You held out your hand to him. "There you go. Growth."
"I don't know what to do about Alpine."
"Call a lawyer."
Oscar pursed his lips and then considered this. That wouldn't be his first move but thinking about it, it was probably for the best. "That's actually a good idea."
"Isn't that why you're here?" You retorted. "Since you're not here to train. Speaking of which, the fuck is that?"
“What?” He asked and realised you were looking at his feet.
“Zak Brown isn’t going to hire you if he finds out that you’re wearing fucking thongs with socks.” You said, finally recognising the flip-flops he wore with some white socks that really needed to be washed. 
“You’ve been a great help, thanks.” Oscar smiled. You rolled your eyes and went to your gym bag. Pulling out a pair of white Adidas Sambas, you tossed them to Oscar.
“Put these on.”
“Is my footwear really that offensive to you?”
“We’ll go run the track.” You said then gestured to all of him. “It’ll help you burn all of this off.”
Oscar sighed and did as he was told. He laced up the shoes you'd given him that surprisingly fit his large feet and followed you out to the track. He used his pass to get through since a driver running the track at 5:30 in the morning would just be seen as the dedication to the grind. A Hospitality staff member would just be accused of breaking in. 
“Maybe it’s a good thing you’re going through a crisis. I’ve always wanted to do a morning run on the track.” You said with a grin as the pair of you came to the starting line that, in a matter of hours, would be full of mechanics, engineers, reporters, camera crew members and, of course, drivers.  
“If I get a seat at McLaren, you can be my trainer.” Oscar said as you both started warming up into a light jog.
"Ha." You snorted. "As if you could afford me, bro."
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next ch [2] >
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samandcolbyownme · 7 months
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This story will get dark and contain things that some readers might find unsettling and/or triggering.  PLEASE DONT READ IF THIS IS SOMETHING YOU'RE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH!!
Summary: Things get a little out of hand as you explore the Missouri Farmhouse with Sam and Colby.
Warnings include: talk of death and suicide, mentions of good and evil spirits, mentions of a brothel, reader being touched, spoken to, and tormented by spirits, mentions of being scratched, pushed, shoved, mentions of blood and puking, Estes method and other things some readers might find unsuitable - please read with caution my lovelies!
Disclaimer: everything in this story is completely off the top of my head, meaning I made it all up and also, y/n has a little thing going on with both Sam and Colby, but nothing is official. Enjoy!
Word count: a little over 16k | NOT edited
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"Yeah, okay. Thanks." Sam nods his head, "Alright. See you in a few days." He hangs up and sits down, "So." He ruffles his hair and looks between you and Colby.
"What's up, man?" Colby leans forward, elbows resting on his knees, "Was that Trevor?"
Sam nods, "Yeah it was."
"Who's Trevor?" You ask looking between them. You could tell something was up, but you didn't know what, "Sam. What's going on?"
"So.. Trevor is the owner of the house we're going to in a few days, and he said that we should rethink about bringing you along."
"Bringing.." Colby points to you, "Y/n along? Why?"
Sam leans back, "I guess having a female there just won't be a good idea according to Trevor."
"Why?" You shake your head slightly and sit up. Sam shrugs, "I guess when other female investigators that went, they left pretty banged up."
You raise your brows, "Well it's a good thing I can handle a few bumps and bruises."
Colby pulls on the corner of your sweater and you look at him. You can tell that he is only concerned for your safety right now, so anything you say will just go in one  ear and right out of the other.
You look back at Sam, "So what? I'm just going to be excluded from this?"
Sam sighs, "Trevor said that it's all up to you. If you want to go, no one will stop you."
"Well I wouldn't say no one." Colby chuckles slightly and looks up at you and Sam staring at him. He quickly covers it up, "She's our best friend Sam. Why would we potentially put her in danger? Especially since the owner of the house is telling us not to bring her?"
"He said it's her choice so I mean-"
You cut Sam off, "Yes. Exactly. And I want to go."
"Have you read up on the place we're going to?" Sam raises his brows and you stare at him, "No.. but I can."
He gets up, "Look, I'm all for you going with us y/n. You're a vital part of the team, you see things we can't sometimes, so of course we want you to go." He sighs, "Just read up on it then decide whether or not you want to still go. I'm going to go make sure we have all the equipment we need."
You watch as he walks away and then you turn to Colby, "why am I getting an irritated vibe from Sam?"
Colby shrugs, "Probably because of what Trevor told him, and because he cares about you." He turns towards you, taking your hand in his, "We don't want to put you in any harms way, okay?"
"Colby." You laugh slightly, "Everywhere I go with you guys, well not everywhere but the investigations specifically.. anything could happen. I've be targeted before. I've been scratched before. I honestly think I've been through it all with you guys."
He smiles and nods, "Yeah, no you're right, I just." He pauses and lets out a sigh, "We just don't want you getting permanently affected by anything."
You nod, squeezing his hand, "How about this.. I'll go read up on the Missouri Farmhouse and then I'll get back to you guys after?"
He smirks and nods, "Okay."
"What's that smirk for?" You tilt your head and he shakes his head, "I just.. I just know that you're going to still want to go even after reading up on it."
You purse your lips together and blink a few times.
"I know you so well." Colby smiles and stands up, "I'm going to go help Sam." You watch as he walks away before reaching forward for your laptop.
The keys clack in the silence as you type in Missouri Farmhouse.
You click on a link with the same image that Colby texted you and your eyebrows raise at the first headline.
Uncovered: Multiple Prostitutes Found Dead, Miles From Missouri Farmhouse
Your eyes scan over the paragraph, Arlon Wheeler has been named leader of the satanic rituals involving the sacrifice of female prostitutes.
"Satanic rituals?" You shake your head, scanning back over the old news article, Arlon Wheeler's wife, Cordelia Wheeler, came front with authorities and confessed to everything her husband and others involved have done.
You click back, trying to find a more recent one, mainly one about people investigating it.
"Oh, yes." You click on a link and your eyes widen at the second headline.
Scratching the Surface: Ghost Investigators Leave Missouri Farmhouse Scratched and Bruised.
You scroll down, eyes widening as you read, 'Yeah, we went in knowing that it could get a little wild, but I honestly didn't think that I would be leaving with five scratches and a few bruises. I partially can't recall what happened after entering the barn, but other than that, I can tell you that if you are a female ghost hunter, please proceed with caution.' Lyvie said. I asked her about the barn and she said, 'Oh yeah.. the barn. That's where the brothel - I guess, took place. Along long with the said rituals.'
A chill is sent down your spine as you sit up, taking in what you just read, but it just seems to get worse and worse.
'With further research, it has been found that Arlon and Cordelia Wheeler would plan for Cordelia to go into town and to pick up naive females and return with them for Arlon Wheeler's sadistic needs.'
You pinch the bridge of your nose and let out a sigh.
"That doesn't sound like a sigh of relief." Sam jokes as he sits next to you. He leans over, eyes scanning over your computer, "Mm, I see. Reading up on what you're getting yourself into?" You laugh slightly and look over at him, "Yeah, yeah."
You shake your head, looking back down at your computer, "I just.. That place is full of hatred."
"What do you mean?" Sam leans back against the couch and you point to the screen, "Between Arlon being sold out by his wife to all of those innocent girls being slaughtered for absolutely no reason." You look at Sam, "It's going to be a good video, but at what cost?"
You close your laptop and lean back, "I don't want you guys going in something like that alone." You smirk slightly, "What kind of friend would I be?"
"Friend.." Sam chuckles as he extends his arm over the back of the couch, "I'm just super anxious, because with you being a living female, I just have this weird feeling as to why there's so many reports on other investigators getting injured."
You lean in and rest your head on his shoulder, "Jealousy?" You turn your head to look up at him and he looks down at you, "Oh yeah." You smile, "Why's that, Sam?"
You can see his cheeks turning red as he tries to keep his composure, "Because.. As a pretty girl walking into something like that I-"
Colby cuts him off as he walks down the steps, "I'm looking at plane tickets. How many do I need?"
You sit up, looking from Colby to Sam. He smirks and holds up three fingers, "Three."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
""What's up guys.. It's Sam and Colby." Colby motions to the empty spot where Sam should be. He looks at the camera again and sighs, "What's up guys. It's Colby Brock, And today, we are currently at the airport, waiting to board our flight to Missouri." He tilts his head, giving a confused look, "Now, you're probably wondering, guys why are you at the airport waiting to go to Missouri? Well, we'll tell you."
Sam moves into frame and gives an awkward stare into the camera, "Hi." You laugh quietly, shaking your head as they continue the intro for the video.
"Sam, do you want to tell the people why we're going to Missouri?" Colby motions towards the camera and Sam looks at Colby, leaning in to mumble, "Why are we going to Missouri?"
You and Colby laugh at Sam and he sighs, "We are heading to a massively haunted farmhouse there. It is known for leaving a, figurative and literal mark on the people that go there to investigate."
"We're super nervous about this, considering what Sam says, I will be majorly surprised if we all make it out unscathed." Colby grabs the camera, turning it around on you, "We also have the very risk taking y/n here for this trip."
You smile and wave to the camera, "Nice intro for me, Colby." You laugh and he turns the camera around on himself, "I thought it was pretty bad ass, but okay." He laughs, "See you guys on the plane." He lays his hand on the lense and turns the camera off.
Sam sits down next to you, "Is anyone else actually kind of excited about this?"
You look over at him, "I'm half and half."
He leans forward, and you both look at Colby, "What about you?" Colby leans forward and shrugs, "I'm.. here." He laughs and you nod, "Yeah, that sounds about right."
"Hey, you cou-"
You cut Sam off, "I didn't want to stay home." He raises his hands, "Alright." He laughs, making you smile. He shake his head, "We couldn't get you to stay home even if we tied you to-"
"Oh my gosh!" A girl squeals, inconveniently cutting Sam off, "Are you guys really Sam and Colby? Like is this happening right now?"
Sam points to himself, "Yeah, I'm Colby and that's Sam." He points to Colby and Colby waves with a smile, "Yeah, my hair is a little darker than usual."
You smile and look up at the girl. Her jaw drops, "Oh my g- You're y/n! Are you guys making a video right now?"
You're shocked that she knows who you are, because you don't really get recognized much, "Yeah." You laugh slightly, "It's me." You glance over at Sam and he nods, "Yeah, were actually heading to Missouri right now to shoot a video."
All the girl can do is smile, "That's so freaking cool. Can I get a picture with all of you, please?"
You all agree and stand up as she finds someone to take the picture. You stand next to Colby as the girl stands between him and Sam. Colby wraps his arm around your waist, fingers gently rubbing your side as the stranger takes a few pictures.
"Thank you so much. oh my god, I can't wait to show my friends." She looks up from her phone, "They love you guys so much, they're going to freak."
"Thank you for stopping!" Colby smiles and gives the girl a hug, same with Sam, "Be on the lookout for this video. It's something you're not going to want to miss."
She nods, "I won't I promise." She looks at you, "Can I get a picture with you?" You look from her to Sam and back to her, "Of course, yes." She hands her phone to Sam and moves to stand next to you so Sam can take a few photos.
"Thank you so much, have a good flight!" She waves as she walks away and you turn to look at Colby, "Did that just happen?" He nods with a smile, "It sure did."
"Have you ever gotten stopped like that?" Sam asks as you all sit back down. You shake your head, "Nope. But I love it." You laugh slightly and Colby stands up, "I'm going to go get a drink, do you need anything?" You look over him and shake your head, "I have my water."
He motions to Sam, and Sam nods, "Just get me what you get."
You watch Colbt walk away before looking at Sam, "So what were you saying before all of that?"
He smirks and shakes his head, "About what?"
You smile and sigh, "oh you know, about me not staying home no matter what you did?" He laughs and sighs, "oh that.. Yeah, I was just saying how even if we tied you up at home you'd still find a way to come with." He leans in, "But something tells me that if we were to do that, no one would be going anywhere."
You sit up straight as his words send an intrigued shiver down your spine. You smile and look over at him, "This isn't some sort of I better say what i want now incase we don't make it back kind of thing is it?"
He laughs at your tease and shrugs, "I mean.. if it was.. I wouldn't say that and I definitely wouldn't be saying it here." He looks up as Colby walks back over, reaching up to take his drink.
Colby sits down next to you and sighs, "So what are we talking about over here?"
"Oh you know.." You look over at him, "Sam was just confessing his unprofound love for me, no biggie." You look at Sam and right before he can say anything, your flight is announced over the speakers.
"Oh look at that, perfect timing." Sam smirks and stands up. You look over at Colby and stand up, "Ready to fly into some spook-tacular fun?"
He laughs and points to you as he stands up, "You are definitely saying that on camera."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
The plane ride was quick, considering you fell asleep as soon as the plane took off. You woke up on the shoulder of a sleeping Sam.
"Morning sleepy head." Colby whispers with a smile. You wipe the little amount of drool from the corner of your mouth and smile, "Isn't it like four p.m?" He laughs and nods, "Yeah, I guess you're right."
The flight attendant annouces that you'll be landing shortly so you reach over to nudge Sam, "Hey.. Hey.. Sam. Samuel. Samuel John.." You look at Colby and back to Sam, "Samuel John Golbach."
You laugh slightly, "If you don't wake up, Colby will have no choice but to kiss you."
Colby leans forward, "What now?!"
"I'd like it better.." Sam sits up straight and looks at you, "If you kissed me instead."
You smirk, looking away to hide the blush growing on your cheeks and Colby holds his hand up, "Whoa. I think it'll be fair if she just kisses us both."
"You would like that wouldn't you?" You smirk at him and he nods, "Very much so." You lean back in your seat, the anxiety of going to that house tomorrow sets in.
The news articles flash in your mind, images of the the scratches and bruises people have received slip into the mix as well.
You didn't know your leg was bouncing a mile a minute until Sam lays a hand on your knee, "You good?" He asks with a slight laugh and you look over at him, "Yeah, I just got to thinking about the house."
Sam wants to suggest you staying at the hotel, but he and Colby both know that that isn't going to happen.
"I'm just.. what you told me about what Trevor said, it's just circling in my mind and I mean, maybe.." you shrug,"..I'm having second thoughts but I just can't let you guys go alone."
Sam smiles slightly and nods, "No, I know what you mean."
You all get up and get off the plane, making your way to the baggage claim. You yawn, laying a hand over your mouth, "Thank god we don't have to go until tomorrow."
You walk up, picking up your suitcase. Sam and Colby follow behind you, "Yeah, we all need to rest up before going there." Sam says, looking at Colby, "Do you want me to film or you?"
Colby shrugs, "Doesn't matter to me." Sam nods and you follow him over to a bench before he pulls out the camera, "Well guys. We have landed here in Missouri. Going to head to the hotel now and that's where we'll give you the rundown about everything that's going on tomorrow night."
"Colby, y/n." Sam turns the camera to face you guys, "How are we feeling?"
"Tired." You say with a laugh, "And kinda nervous, because we're only a few hours away from the house and I'm just.." you shrug, "Anticipating the scariness of it, I guess."
Colby nods, pointing his thumb towards you, "Exactly what she said." He laughs and nods, "But I'm ready."
Sam turns the camera back to himself and points, "See you guys in a few." Sam turns the camera off, putting it back in his backpack, "Alright, let's get to the hotel."
You make your way to the car that they rented and throw your stuff in the trunk. You get in and shut the door, waiting as they get in.
"So how far from the house will we he once we reach the hotel?" You lean over and look forward in between them.
"Um.." Colby thinks, "About an hour and a half, two with traffic maybe?"
You nod, "okay." You get on your phone, typing in the house you're going to into the search bar again. You click on a link you haven't looked at yet and rest your head against the headrest as you bring your phone up to read.
We got in contact with a group of ghost hunters to talk about their experiences at The Missouri Farmhouse. One said, 'Yeah, I was walking towards the barn and all of a sudden I was on the ground, almost like something came barreling behind me and I was in the way.'
Another said, 'I was standing on the porch of the home, just looking out over the dark cornfields when I felt something wet on my back and my shirt was kind of sticking to me. We went in the summer so I thought maybe it was just sweat - I was wrong. I had my friend shine her light on my back as I lifted up my shirt and I still can't get the way she gasped in shock out of my mind. I had two scratches going down my back and what I was feeling wasn't sweat - it was blood. My blood. I left right then and there and I don't plan on ever going back.'
"This person said that they were scratched so bad that blood was drawn." You look up and Sam and Colby both glance back at you, "I'm reading more on the house, and everything I'm seeing just gets worse."
"It's not going to be an easy night. That's for sure." Sam shakes his head as he comes to a stop at the red light, "We have to go in with a positive mindset, because if we go in with negative one, all we're going to get is a negative reaction."
Colby nods, "That's why I'm super thankful we came a day early. Just so we can rest up and really prepare ourselves for this."
You go back to reading.
'What would you say to anyone who plans on going to see the house for themselves? Would you try to persuade them from going?'
'Personally..' Darion starts, "..I wouldn't necessarily try to persuade anyone from going, because at the end of the day, if they really want to go, they're going to go. So what I'd say, is go in there with an open mind. Don't expect the worst right off the bat because if you do, you'll get the worse right off the bat. Treat the ground you walk on with as much respect as you humanly can and don't, don't underestimate the spirits that are trapped in that house - especially the barn.'
You lock your phone and look out the window. You don't really say much because of not only being tired, but because you're really thinking about whether or not you want to go.
You wanted to go, of course, but you didn't want to put the burden of being worried about onto Sam and Colby, considering they'll already be worried about each other.
You reach the hotel and make your way inside to check in before going up to the room. You sit down on the bed and fall back, "Finally."
Colby laughs, sitting down and falling back onto the bed next to you, "Tell me about it."
Sam sits down on the other bed and falls back, "So who's sleeping where?"
"I could honestly fall asleep right here." Colby laughs slightly. You nod, "Same." Sam sits up and goes to his backpack, "I forgot. We have to do the backstory stuff."
Colby sits up, "Oh shit, that's right." He gets up, moving over to the other bed, right in front of where Sam set the camera up.
You heave yourself forward with a groan and stand up slowly. You walk over, moving onto the bed behind them.
Sam looks back at you, "You can lay down if you want."
You shake your head, "I'm good."
Colby laughs and looks at you, "You just want to say that spook-tacular line don't you?" You roll your eyes as you laugh, looking at him with a serious look, "Maybe."
He laughs and looks forward as Sam gets the camera on. Sam sighs, "we made it to the hotel." He motions around before clapping his hands together, "We are about an hour and a half, two hours give or take, away from the Missouri Farmhouse."
He motions towards Colby and Colby takes over, "So the Missouri Farmhouse was known for a few things. One thing being that it was owned by two of the richest people in this town at the time, Arlon and Cordelia Wheeler. Second thing, the barn right behind the house."
Sam looks from Colby to you, "Y/n, you were reading up on it on the way here, why don't you fill everyone in?"
You nod, slightly shifting to face the camera, "So over the last few days and even today, I've been reading different articles pertaining to the house itself and the barn." You pull up your phone, unlocking it, "The barn is where a brothel was held for a few years. Multiple people from this town, and even family members to both Arlon and Cordelia, would come and pay them to engage in sexual activity with, as the article stated, naive prostitutes that Cordelia would pick up from town and bring back."
You look at Sam and he smirks slightly, "Keep going."
You smile and shake your head, "Not only did the sexual activity take place, but the same prostitutes would then be sacrificed to bring good fortune to the very greedy couple, and to also try and bring a miracle, or whatever of fertility onto Cordelia."
"Oh yeah, they didn't have any children." Colby snaps and looks at Sam, "I read that they tried multiple times, but nothing worked so I think it was a cousin, maybe, of Cordelia who was big into secretly doing witchcraft, that told her about the human sacrifice thing and yeah."
"So it was the cousin of Cordelia that started it all?" Sam asks and Colby nods, "I'd say so. Because what I was reading, they convinced her, promised her safety after she made a deal with the devil I guess and that's when they started sacrificing everyone, but I don't know how they could have saved her from everything."
Colby shrugs, "Bottom line, this place isn't going to be like any other place we've stepped foot into before."
"Oh!" You snap your fingers, "I also read some other investigator's personal experiences and the one got shoved, knock over on to the ground hard and the other one I read, she had two.. not one, but two scratches on her back.. and they were bleeding."
"I just hope that we leave with our skin in tact." Sam rubs his arms and Colby looks over at him, "I think I would rather leave unpossessed or something of that matter."
He laughs and Sam nods, "Yeah." He laughs, "You have a point with that one." He claps his hands, "Let's just hope that we all leave the same way we go in."
Colby and you nod and he looks back at you, "Anything else you want to add in?"
You stare at him and sigh, "We'll see you tomorrow on this spook-tacular adventure."
Sam and Colby cheer and Sam reaches up to turn off the camera, "That was great. I love that." He looks back at you and you laugh, "alright. I'm going for a shower."
You grab stuff from your suitcase and walk into the bathroom.
Once you're done, you come out to both Sam and Colby asleep on the same bed in positions they probably were expecting to fall asleep in.
You pull out your phone, recording as you walk over to them, "This is how I found them when I came out from the bathroom."
You zoom in on Sam, "I don't know how that's comfortable." You move over to Colby and quietly laugh, "again, I don't even know how that's comfortable."
You stop recording and tap Sam's knee, "Hey." He opens his eyes and smiles up at you, "Hey." You laugh and motion to his position, "How is that comfortable?"
He sits up, almost falling off the bed completely, "I honestly don't even know." He looks over at Colby, "Is he kneeling on the floor?"
You nod, drying your hair with the towel, "That he is." You toss the towel onto the floor and walk over to Colby, "Hey, Colbs." You tap his shoulder and he snorts, "Huh?"
You smile, "I think lying in the bed will be more comfortable.." you laughs slightly, "Better for your knees."
He laughs as he pushes himself back from the bed, "You would know."
Your jaw drops, "Hey now. I've never fell asleep like that." He glances up at you, a smirk comfortable on his lips, "Wasn't talking about that."
You roll your eyes, "Keep it up and you won't know." You make a face at him, smiling as he shakes his head, "Don't say that."
You hold your hands up, "Sorry." You go to walk to the other bed but Sam stops you, "whatcha doin'?"
"Going to bed." You point and pull the covers back. Sam pouts, "All alone?"
You smile at him and glance at Colby, "what? Are you scared or something?"
"Oh yeah, don't you see me shaking in my boots?" Colby pretends to shake and you laugh, "Fine. You've convinced me enough."
Sam grabs your hand and pulls you over him, laying you in the middle between him and Colby.
This wasn't anything new to you guys. You shared toddler beds as kids and it just stuck. You knew the moment you came to live with them that you liked them both.
They both seem to like you, and even though nothing is official, it just works for you guys.
Almost like a well oiled machine with no labels, all three of you just know.
"Goodnight." You roll onto your side and Sam turns the light beside the bed off, "Goodnight." He lays down next to you, laying his arm over your waist.
"Goodnight." Colby turns his light off and lays down facing you. He lays a hand on your hip and with them next to you, it doesn't take long for you to fall asleep at all.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You hear talking, but you try to ignore it as you don't really want to get up yet.
"Today is the day we go to the Missouri Farmhouse."
Your eyes snap open the instant those words leave Colby's lips. You lift your head, slowly looking around before sitting up.
"Oh, look. She's finally awake." Sam jokes and you cover your face with a pillow, "No." you groan, "I'm not ready."
Sam goes back to talking as you sneak away to get ready for the day. After a little bit you come back out and see Sam and Colby sitting on the bed talking.
"You still up for today?" Colby looks at you and you nod, "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" You set your bag down and walk over, sitting in the chair across from them.
"Just making sure." He smiles and you nod, "I mean, I'm nervous, but I'm trying to shake that away."
"It's normal to be nervous, especially when investigating something like this." Sam starts, "You just need to go in there with knowing that you're in charge of yourself."
You let out a breath, "I'm just.." you shake your head, "When do we have to meet Trevor?"
"He said he'll meet us at noon, but if you want we can go get something to eat." Sam suggests and you nod, "Yes. Please, I'm starving."
You make your way out to the car, debating on whether or not you should tell them about the dream you had last night.
You didn't want to freak them out, but at the same time, it felt so real, like you need to tell them.
"Hey, so.." you start out, laughing slightly when Colby looks at you, "I had a weird dream last night, and I debated on not telling you but it was something about the house."
"The house?" Colby questions and you nod, "Yeah, the farmhouse."
"Do you mind if I record this?" Sam asks holding the camera up and you shake your head, "No because it might be a good thing if you do."
You wait for Sam to do his intro, "We are currently on our way to get something to eat before going to meet, Trevor. He's the owner of the Missouri Farmhouse, but first, y/n here told us that she had a dream about the house so I'm just going to let her take it away."
He turns the camera back to you and you sigh, "Okay, so first off I don't even remember falling asleep so that's kind of weird because usually I do, you know what I mean?"
Sam and Colby both nod and you nod back, "Okay, so once the dream started, it was us, standing on the front porch of the house, it's nighttime mind you."
"Extra creepy." Sam laughs and you nod, "Oh yeah. Definitely. So we go in, and for what ever reason, Colby wanted to split up and I just had this absolute gut feeling that we shouldn't. So I kept telling him no, Colby. No we can't split up and he like got, I don't even want to say mad because it was worse than that."
"Almost like something took over him?" Sam asks and you hear Colby whine from the drivers seat, "Why me!?"
You shrug as Sam puts the camera back on you, "That's what I'm saying, like you were told that you were intimidating to the ghosts, and Sam.. well.." you laugh and he moves the camera to frown into it.
"Anyway, so we stick together, but there's all these shadow things moving around and at this point in the dream, I've had enough I want to go home, I'm clinging to Sam.." you see his lips form into a smirk and you try not to smile, ".. screaming to let me go let me go."
You point to Sam, "You, Sam, You're just looking around, watching these things fly and move around us and then all of a sudden everything goes dark, it feels like you're pulled away from me. I'm pushed backwards, and then I woke up. I don't know what time I woke up, but you guys were still asleep and it was still dark out."
Colby glances back at you in the rearview, giving you a why didn't you wake us up? look.
You frown slightly and sigh, "So I don't know if that has anything to do with what we're about to experience or what but it kinda has me shaking a little bit."
"I honestly don't even know what to say to that." Sam laughs slightly, "We wanted to record that just in case anything like that happens tonight at the actual farmhouse, so."
Sam turns the camera to Colby, "Click that like button if you think it will happen and hit that subscribe button if you think it won't." Colby smirks and winks into the camera and Sam smiles as he nods his head, "I see what you did there. Nice."
You laugh and lean back against the seat, your dream replaying in your mind over and over again as you make your way to the restaurant.
After lunch, you guys head to meet Trevor and Colby starts recording as Sam takes a turn driving.
"We are now on our way to meet up with Trevor. He's going to give us the whole run down." Sam looks over at the camera and back to the road, "My hands are sweaty. I'm actually getting more anxious the closer we get to going to the house, you know?"
"No, man. I know what you mean." Colby laughs and nods. You lean over, "We can just pull up to it, you know. Snap a few pictures then leave, I mean we can still say we seen it, right?" You laugh nervously and sigh, "Fuck. I cannot believe we're doing this."
"Well, believe it. We're here." Sam pulls into a driveway and Colby leans forward, "This doesn't look like the Missouri Farmhouse."
Sam starts laughing, "That's because this is Trevor's house, you fuckin' dummy."
You lay your hand over your mouth and Colby sighs as he nods, "Yeah.." He looks down at the camera and nods, "Okay." He turns it off and looks at Sam, "Thanks for embarrassing me, Sam."
"You did that yourself." Sam laughs and gets out, opening your door for you, "Ready?" You look up at him as he shuts the door, "Yeah. Let's go get some more horrific information." Colby walks around the car and stands next to you, "Did he say if it's alright to record this?"
Sam shakes his head, "I'm going to ask him."
You follow them to the door and Sam knocks. A few seconds later, the door opens and what you assume, Trevor smiles, "Hey, Sam?" He holds his hand out to Sam and he takes it, "Yes sir, I'm Sam." He points to Colby, "That's Colby."
"Hey, how are you?" Colby shakes his hand and steps out of the way as he motions to you, "This is y/n." You step up and shake his hand, "Hi. How are you?"
Trevor nods, "I'm good." He smiles, "I'm good. Please.." He steps out of the way and motions for you all to come in. You walk in, followed by the boys and Trevor closes the door, "So what do you want to know?"
"Oh before we start, do you mind if we film this for our video?" Sam holds up the camera and Trevor shakes his head, "Not a problem at all, whatever you need." He takes you guys into his dining room and Sam sets up the camera so you're all in frame.
"These look.. old." Colby reaches out and slides a paper over towards him, "What are these names?" He looks up at Trevor and Trevor sits down, "So this right here." He points to the paper in front of Colby, "We think these are the names of the prostitutes that were taken to the house."
"Like the ones that were sacrificed?" You lean over and look at the paper. Trevor nods, "Yes. We think this was kept by Cordelia as a way for her to have leverage over Arlon."
"Almost like blackmail?" Sam asks as he looks up and Trevor nods, "Exactly. Now these.." He opens a manilla folder and slides papers next to each other, "Lean in and read this. Tell me what you think it is."
All of you lean in, eyes scanning over the semi blurred words that read;
By signing this, you have gradually acquiesced to the demands of our leader, A.W. You must now obey order. If orders are not obeyed, there will be acts of retribution.
A.W. C.W
"Was this like a contract or something? Something that the women were, I'm assuming, forced to sign so they couldn't run and tell the truth about what was happening?" You ask as you look up at him.
Trevor nods, leaning back in his seat, "Precisely."
"Its such a short contract." Colby shakes his head, "But it actually worked? Like it was a valid thing?" Trevor shrugs, "I don't think there was such thing as a notary back then, but with enough people believing in Arlon, I'm sure that didn't make much of a difference."
"Can we take a picture of this name list? Just so we know who to try and talk to?" Colby taps his finger next to the paper and Trevor nods, "Oh yeah, of course. Take a picture of it all if you'd like."
Colby works on taking pictures while you and Sam talk to Trevor, "Can you tell us about any personal experiences that you or anyone else close to you have had?" Sam asks resting his elbows on the table.
Trevor blows out air, "Gosh, I don't even know where to start." He chuckles and you sit up more, "What about the girl that got scratched so bad she bled?"
Trevor's eyes widen as he nods, "Oh shit. Yeah. The panic in her voice when I got the call about them leaving, was not a call I wanted to receive at two a.m."
You nod, "Oh I can imagine. I was reading up on the house over the last few days, and some of the stuff I've read is just.. horrifying."
Trevor nods, "They're not exaggerating it at all, either. The barn, that's where everything was held for a majority of its time. That is where most of the crazy shit happens."
He shuffles through the folder and slides over a blown up picture of a wooden beam sticking straight up out of the ground, "My brothers and I were working on patching up some of the holes in the roof of the barn one day when I suddenly got this really bad, dizzy feeling. I stepped, maybe three steps, and that beam fell straight down onto the exact spot I was standing."
You all look at Trevor in shock and he nods, "Another time, I was in the house looking around to see what we could really remodel. I was standing on the stairs and it honestly felt like someone was trying to throw me over the banister."
"What the hell." Colby shakes his head, holding up hid pointer finger, "Note to self. don't stand too close to the stairs banister."
You and Sam laugh and Trevor nods, "Another don't you should follow." He looks between the three of you, "If you go into Arlon and the wife's room, don't let the door close on you."
"I know.. I'm probably going to regret asking this.." Sam sighs, "Why?"
"I've never had it happen to me, I even went there to see for myself, but I've had multiple reports about some crazy shit happening if you let the door close. For instance." He sits forward, "Someone called me and told me that their hearing.." He puts air quotes, "Stopped working."
"Oh shit." Colby shakes his head, "Almost like they isolated them." Trevor nods, "Yeah, they also said that they've heard things being screamed into their ear. They could never tell me what they heard. Every time they thought about it, it was on the tip of their tongue but they just couldn't ever say it."
"Now that is really freaking weird." Sam shivers, "I have the goosebumps just thinking about that, like being the only one in a room, a dark room at that, and just having something scream shit into your ear that you definitely make out, but you forget about it even though you know it? Does that make sense?"
You nod, "That would drive me absolutely insane." You lean back, stretching your arms out behind you.
"Did you get pictures of everything?" Sam asks Colby and he nods, "Yes, I did. I'll send them to both of you, just in case something happens to my phone." He sends out the pictures to you and Colby and you swipe through them as they finish up talking.
"Thank you so much for meeting with us." Colby holds his hand out to shake Trevor's hand again, "We truly appreciate all the information." Trevor shakes his hand then moves onto Sam's, "Not a problem at all. Again, call if you need anything and just be cautious around and in the barn if you do go in. You never know what can happen."
You nod and walk over to the door with them, "Wait." You turn to Trevor, "You told Sam on the phone that I shouldn't come? Why is that?"
"I found that the females that come to the house are targeted the most, probably out of the dead being jealous of the living." Trevor opens the door, "Just be extra careful, sweetheart. The pretty ones get more attention."
"Oh.. Okay. Thanks." You look from Trevor and Sam and Colby are both staring at you, "Again. Thank you for the information." Colby walks out, stopping to wait for you.
Trevor hands Sam the key, "This will open the front door. Call if you need anything."
"Thank you." Sam grabs the key, "I'll be sure to let you know how it goes." He lays a hand on your back as you walk in front of him.
"Good luck." Trevor yells before closing the door.
You get in the car after Sam open's your door, "He was fine up until the very end. I didn't like that." Colby looks back at you, "I don't think he meant it in the way that we took it, bu-"
Sam cuts him off, "I still didn't like it."
You laugh slightly, "It's fine. We have something bigger to worry about now." You take a deep breath, "The Missouri Farmhouse."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
"Stop here so we can get a shot of the entrance." Colby points and you lean around, "That's actually very fucking creepy."
Colby nods, "I know, all of the trees and then just this dirt, gravel road." he rolls his window down and holds the camera out, recording as Sam drive onto the long driveway.
Your heart drops into your stomach as the house comes into view.
"There she be." Sam says and you shake your head, "I already don't like this." You laugh nervously and Colby puts the camera on you, "You nervous or something?"
You roll your eyes and clear your throat, "What? Me? No. Not at all." You look at him serious, "Yeah, very much actually."
Colby laughs and turns the camera to Sam, "Well, brother. Now that were here.. how are you feeling?" Sam parks and takes a deep breath, "I honestly don't know." He laughs and looks over, "Y/n's dream kind of has me freaked out."
"Tell me about it." You run a hand through your hair, staring at the house as Colby records it, "Well, guys. This is .. The Missouri Farmhouse."
"We are going to get our things together and we will take you guys on a tour before it gets dark out, just so you can all see how old this house really is." Sam looks into the camera and Colby tilts his head, "You mean to show them how creepy this place actually is?"
Sam nods, "Same thing." He laughs as he turns the car off. Colby shuts the camera off and gets out, opening your door for you. You move at a slow pace, not rushing to get inside. You slip on your jacket, "How cold is it supposed to get?"
"I believe low forties." Sam says as he pops the trunk. You nod as you pull the hood from your sweatshirt out of the back of your jacket. Colby walks up next to you, "You ready?"
"As I can be." You smile up at him and he lays a hand on your hip, "At anytime-"
"You tell me this every time I do an investigation with you guys, and you know that if I absolutely cannot handle it anymore, I'll tell you." You smirk as he smiles and nods, "Just like to remind you."
"I appreciate that." You smile and turn to look at Sam, "So were just going to do a walk through?" He nods, "Yeah, I figured that with it still being daylight, we can get footage of how everything looks normal because I honestly feel everything is going to intensify when the sun goes down."
Colby puts his jacket on and sighs, "Ready?"
You and Sam look at him with a nod, "Ready."
Sam starts rolling, "Alright guys. So we are on our way into the house. This is what it looks like on the outside." Sam turns the camera around, panning it over the huge farmhouse standing before you.
You walk up to the door and Sam hands Colby the camera as he pulls the key from his pocket. He slips the key into the old looking lock and turns it, "Alright." Sam looks back as the door cracks open, "We're in."
"No going back now." Colby chuckles and hands the camera back to Sam so he can walk in first. You follow, Colby right behind you.
You trip on the step and fall into Sam, "I tripped." You announce quickly, "Sorry."
"You okay?" He turns around, laying a hand on your side and you nod, laughing slightly, "Yeah. I'm good." You look away from Sam, eyes scanning over the house.
Sam pans the camera around, "It's so old, yet so beautiful."
"Whoa, look at this." Colby walks over and Sam follows him. Colby points to a portrait on the wall, it's old and kind of ripped, "I think this is Arlon and Cordelia."
As Sam and Colby are talking about the portrait, you get this unsettling feeling that you're being watching, "Guys.." your voice is almost inaudible.
You reach out, tapping Colby's arm and he turns around, "Did you just- what's wrong?"
"Something is watching us." You swallow and turn around.
A shadow moves from the top corner of the doorway and you point, "That door. There was something in the top corner."
"Oh fuck." Sam walks in front of you, camera pointed at the door, "what did it look like?" He looks back at you and you shrug, "It was just a shadow, like a head shaped shadow."
"Jesus Christ." Colby shakes his head, "So we won't be going that way." He laughs and points the other way. You nod, "Yeah, that room.. gives me a bad feeling."
"What kind of feeling?" Sam looks at you and you take a breath, "Dark, evil kind of feeling."
Sam and Colby just stare at you for a second, "Okay." Sam says breaking the silence, "Moving away from that room."
You walk down the hall, staying as close as you can to them while holding your arms around yourself. Sam and Colby explain some backstory while you can't help but continuously look around like someone else is there.
"So there's what? Two three floors to this?" Colby asks.
"Three, but the third is the attic, but I guess it's huge." Sam answers. He looks over at you, "What's going on?"
You shake your head, "It doesn't feel like we're alone. Like don't you feel that weird feeling like someone is standing like right.." you wave your hand up and down behind Sam, "Here."
Sam turns around as Colby walks over, standing right where you motioned to, "Here you said?"
You nod and Colby looks at Sam, "I don't feel-" he moves back, "Whoa." He looks around quick and moves to stand next to you, "swear to god something just pushed me."
"We saw it." Sam looks from you to Colby, "Are you okay?" You lay your hand on his arm, "You were pushed backwards, so whatever that was, it was between us."
"Fuck." Colby shakes his head, "Do you still feel like someone else is here?"
You take a deep breath, shaking your head, "No. it vanished right as you got pushed."
"You moved next to y/n. What if they think that we're trying to -" Sam puts air quotes, "-protect her?" He shrugs, "I mean, we were told that they'll go after her more because she's a girl and the spirits can have some sort of jealousy towards her."
You shiver slightly, "That just send a chill down my spine, Sam. That's honestly so bizarre to hear out loud."
You snap your head to the left, eyes focused on the staircase, "shh." You hold your hand out, frozen for a second until you look at Sam, "There was walking, like heavy footsteps on the stairs."
There's a sudden loud thump only a few feet away from you that causes you all to jump and yell out, "Oh shit."
"What the fuck!?"
It happens again, and this time you jump towards Colby, grabbing onto his arm as you look at Sam, "What the hell was that?"
He shrugs, "I don't know but we should keep moving." He nods towards the hall and you and Colby follow him, making sure to stay extra close to them.
They continue talking about the place, making sure to give you reassuring glances every so often as you explore the rest of the house.
Soon enough, you're face to face with the barn.
"I mean.." Colby starts out as he takes the camera from Sam, "It doesn't really look all the scary in the daylight."
Sam laughs slightly, "It looks, kind of pretty with the light shining down through the beams."
You get dizzy, and it happens quick.
"Oh god." You mumble as you hold your head. Sam is right next to you, arm around your waist and you lean into him.
"What's going on?" Colby asks confused and you feel Sam shrug. You take a deep breath, slowly lifting your head, "I got, really dizzy."
Sam looks up at Colby and back to you, "Are you still dizzy?" You can tell there's concern in his voice, "Do you need to sit down?"
You shake your head, blinking a few times, "No. I think I'm okay." You brush hair from your face, eyes moving past Colby to look into the death filled barn, "That's not a good place."
Colby turns around, pointing the camera at the entrance, "If you wouldn't know anything about this place, it honestly looks like a normal barn that was abandoned, you know?"
Sam nods, arm still around you, "I'm actually kind of scared for when the sun goes down."
Colby nods, "I'm sure we're all feeling that way." He looks at you then to Sam, "I'm going to walk up, get a shot of the inside, you guys stay here."
"Colby." Sam warns, "I wouldn't."
"Yeah, don't go up there alone, please." You practically beg. Colby shrugs, "I'll be fine, I'll just run up and run back."
You tighten your grip on Sam's jacket as you watch Colby walk up towards the barn. You were preparing yourself to run and help him.
You had to be on your toes while here, this place is so unpredictable.
"Yo Colby." Sam yells, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I got it." Colby yells back, "Coming."
Your eyes are focused on Colby as he walks towards you and Sam, glancing behind him every so often. He wants up, pointing his thumb behind him, "It sounded like someone, you know those loft spaces in a barn where they store the hay?"
You and Sam nod and Colby looks back before continuing, "It sounded like someone was up there, scuffling around."
"That's not surprising. That's the most active spot out of everything." Sam shakes his head, "alright. So I'm thinking we go get something to eat, calm our nerves and really prepare for what we're going to be facing tonight."
Colby nods, "That's a good idea." His head snaps towards the house, "There's no fucking way."
"What?" Sam takes the camera, "What happened?"
You stay close to Sam, looking to where Colby is staring, "Did you hear something?"
"It sounded like someone yelled back here in the distance, like they were telling someone to get back here? You know what I mean?" He looks at Sam, "We're the only ones out here right?"
"We should be." Sam pans the camera around the old farm, "Take one last look, because when we get back. Everything will be engulfed with darkness."
"Isn't it already?" Colby asks, "With the spirits and all of that?"
Sam sighs, "I mean. Yeah, I guess. But I was trying to make it thrilling." He pouts and shuts the camera off as you and Colby laugh.
"Let's go take a minute." Sam lays his hand on your lower back, "We can go over the plan of where we want to start and where we want to end while we wait for the sun to go down."
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
After dinner, you're in the car heading back to the farmhouse and you can't shake the nervous feeling.
All of the news articles pop back up into your head, flipping through like pages in a book.
"Y/n?" Colby's voice makes you jump, "Fuck." You laugh slightly, "Sorry. I was thinking about everything I read."
"Yeah, us too." Colby looks to Sam and back to you, "If things go south, we're getting out of there. No questions asked, no it'll be good content, nothing."
You nod, "Deal."
"If you at anytime don't feel like you can do it anymore.." Sam starts, "Same for you Colby, we're done."
Colby nods and you sit up, "I just can't wrap my mind around the fact that that girl had blood drawn."
"Spirits are powerful things, y/n. If they don't like you, they'll make it known." Colby quickly sighs, "Sorry. I wasn't thinking. I know that's probably something you don't want to hear after-"
"No, Colby." You lay your hand on his shoulder, "You're fine. I'm fine. We're all going to be fine."
You lean back, taking a deep breath as you see a familiar sign that lets you know you're almost to the beginning of the dirt road.
"We're almost there." Sam says, "Do you want to get the camera out Colby? We need to get a shot of this." He motions to the windshield, and you look out at the dark road that's only lit by the headlights of the car.
"Oh fuck me." You breathe out, laying a hand on your forehead, "This is sketchy as hell."
"I'm going to stop and turn the lights off." Sam comes to a slow stop, looking over at Colby, "Ready?"
Colby nods, "Rolling." He points the camera forward and Sam flicks the lights off, leaving the three of you in total darkness.
"Oh m- that is fucking scary." Colby laughs, "What the hell."
"Now imagine I turn the lights on and there's something just sta-"
"Sam!" You yell, tapping his shoulder, "Don't say that!" You laugh, "I'm already peeing my pants back here."
"Are you really?" Sam teases. Even thought you can't see him, you can tell he turns around and you scoff, "No, not really."
He flicks the lights back on and thankfully there's nothing there. You let out a sigh of relief as Sam starts driving again.
Sam and Colby go back and forth about the darkness, laughing and joking like they normally do. You weren't sure if it was your dream keeping a tight hold on you, or the fact that you're a girl going to this no girls allowed club, or what.
But you were scared, and you knew that you had to pretend that you weren't and it was going to be hard.
"Alright." Sam taps the wheel, "We meet again."
"The sun going down has definitely amplified the creepiness by a thousand times." Colby adds, "I have goosebumps."
Your eyes stay on the house and you squint, "Did you guys light that candle when we were in there?"
"What?" Colby turns around and Sam comes to a stop, "I didn't light anything."
You look back up at the house and the light you thought you seen wasn't there anymore, "It's not.. maybe it was just the headlights."
"I wouldn't be surprised if anything was on in there, so maybe you did see something lit." Sam assures you, "Let's get everything ready and take final minute before going in."
Colby shuts the camera off and gets out with Sam. You sit there for a moment before Sam opens your door, leaning down to look at you, "You okay?"
You turn your head to look at him, "Yeah. Yeah. Just taking a minute for myself." You slide over, swinging your legs out, "I'm ready."
You look up at Sam and he grips your chin, "That's our girl." He winks and helps you get out, closing your door behind you.
You walk around, grabbing your backpack from the trunk. You make sure you have everything that you planned on taking, along with the boys.
"I'm good." Sam says zipping up his backpack.
Colby nods, swinging his around to put his arms through the straps, "Me too."
"Yep. Let's go." You put your backpack on and step back so Colby can shut the trunk. He sets the camera on top and turns it on.
He back up, standing on the other side of you, "We are here."
"It's dark." Sam adds before Colby picks up, "It's finally time to explore the famous Missouri Farmhouse."
You look around, nothing but the light from the camera illuminating the short distance around you.
"Did you hear something?" Sam looks at you and you look at him, "No. I'm just looking around." You laugh and look at the camera.
"So we came up with a game plan of where we want to go first, and where we want to go last." Sam claps his hands together, "We all agreed that the barn is the last place we want to go, so stay tuned for that and we'll see you in a second."
Colby walks up, cutting the camera, "alright. Let's head up."
As you walk up to the house, you look behind you, squinting at the sight of a possible figure standing still at the back of the car.
You blink and it's gone.
You shake your head, looking forward as you're met with the farmhouse door. You look up, turning to look out into the darkness.
Colby opens the door and walks on, Sam lays a hand on your back, nudging you slightly so you walk in.
I'm not scared, you think, mind over matter. I'm not scared.
The camera light shines on the dark interior and Colby bumping into you causes you to jump, "Colby!" You yell quietly with a laugh.
"Sorry. Sorry." He laughs and lays a hand on your shoulder. Sam spins around, pointing the camera on you and him, "should we bring out the Epoch box?"
"Yes. That's a good start." Colby says, "Do you have it or do I?"
"I think you do." He points to Colby and Colby nods, "Okay." He pulls his backpack off and you wrap your arms around yourself, feeling a chill creep down between the multiple layers of clothing.
You let out a sigh, stepping closer to Sam.
"You alright?" He whispers looking over at you. You nod, "Just cold. I got a chill standing over there."
"I'll get this thing going." Colby stands up, walking over to the small end table, "So this is called the Epoch box. It isn't motion censored, but it's similar to the Ovilus as it uses a sophisticated algorithm to read the environment and converts the energy into yes or no responses."
"I'm Sam, these are my friends Colby and y/n. We're here to ask some questions and with those we come in peace. We mean absolutely no harm to anyone here so if it's okay with you.." he pauses, looking between you and Colby, "Can we ask you some questions?"
The box flickers a few times before lighting up green for a few seconds then stops.
"Okay. Is Arlon here with us?" Sam keeps the camera on the box as you all wait.
The box lights up red for a few seconds before shutting off. It flickers before going dark and you sigh, "I'm y/n. I mean no harm to anyone here." You step forward, "Is this Cordelia?"
The box flickers before lighting up green for a few seconds.
"So it's her." You look at Sam and then to Colby and he nods. He looks down at the box and furrows his brows, "Sam."
"What?" Sam walks over, making sure you go with him, "did it just turn off?" Sam looks up at Colby with a shocked expression.
Colby lifts it, "That says on, right?"
"So it.. what? Died?" Sam asks confused, "what the fuck?"
A loud thump makes you jump and you look behind you. It catches Sam and Colby's attention too because they turn after you, "What was that?" Colby whispers, "Sounded like a-"
"That." You point, "That sounds-"
Thump! Thump!
"Okay." Sam sighs, "Lets move to the den area." Sam lays his hand on your back and turns back to Colby, "Just switch it off. Maybe we can get it to work somewhere else."
Colby nods, picking it up, "You said the den area?" Sam nods and Colby pulls out his phone. Sam looks at you and you look at him, shrugging before both looking back to Colby.
He holds his phone up, "I knew I remember seeing something about a den. Look." He shows you and Sam his phone and you nod, "so he had favorites."
"Looks like it to me." Sam says as he shows the camera Colby's phone, "Hold on, I'm trying not to get a gla- oh here we go."
Colby puts his phone in his pocket and sighs, "So. To the den we go?"
"The den we go." Sam nods before you all walk towards the end of the hall. Colby opens the door, announcing that it's you guys before walking in.
You get a weird feeling, almost like you're uncomfortable.
You shift around, pulling down your sweatshirt and jacket, "This room feels.. uncomfortable." You look at them, "Like I think I can tell what happened here just by how I'm feeling."
"If he had favorites, I'm sure we can all figure out what happened in this room." Colby points to you, "Do you want to leave? Are you okay?"
You shake your head, "No, I think I'll be fine. Do you have any names?" Colby pulls his phone back out and nods, "Edith Macentire, Daisy Lovell, Lydia?" he zooms in and shakes his head, "I can't read the last one."
"I'll get out the REM pod." Sam hands the camera to Colby before swinging his backpack off. He gets out the pod and looks around, "I'm not going to put it by the door, I'll put it.." he walks over to the small stand that's in front of the window and sets it down.
"Hello, I'm Sam. Just want to ask you a few questions, I mean no harm. I just want to try and figure out what happened in here." He gently claps his hands together, "there's a light on that pod there, if you get close enough to it, a light will flash. If you want to answer any questions, all you have to do is just make that light up, okay?"
A few minutes goes by before the light turns on.
"Okay. Is this Edith Macentire?" Sam keeps his eyes on the pod, "Just touch it once for yes or-"
The light flashes once time and turns off. Sam looks back at you and Colby, "Edith, did bad things happen in this room?"
The pod lights up one time and you move your hand to tap Colby, "don't we have a spirit box?" He nods, "Yeah." You look at Sam and back to Colby, "I think we should use it. I just feel like we need it right now."
"Okay." Colby nods, "I think it's in your bag." Sam walks up behind you and the REM pod goes off constantly.
Sam leans out from behind you, "What the fuck." Colby shrugs, looking back at him, "I don't know, man." Colby keeps the camera on the pod as Sam walks over, "I'm going to shut this off." Sam grabs the REM pod and holds it in his arm as he sets the little radio box on the stand, "You will be able to tell us things through this."
Sam step back, taking the camera from Colby so he can move up, "I'm Colby, I mean absolutely no harm, neither do my friends. Can you tell us what happened in this room?"
The static sounds for a few minutes, "..Man.."
"Man?" Colby questions, "Are you talking about Arlon?"
"Arlon was an evil man." Sam shakes his head, "Are we still talking to Edith?" The static plays in the silence for a minute longer, "..Lydia.."
"Lydia. Can you tell us what the evil man did?" Colby rests his fingers on his chin as he watches the box, "..he said.. wouldn't die.."
"Did he tell them that they wouldn't die?" Sam whispers and you nod, "I think that's what she means. Maybe he promised them a good life since he was-"
Your words are cut short by the box, ".. he wants you.."
Your eyes go wide and your heart sinks into your stomach, "Huh?" Colby looks at you, Sam, then back to the box, "Who wants who, Lydia?"
You can feel your heart starting to race and it feels like something is creeping up behind you. You glance behind you, seeing nothing as you move closer to Sam.
Sam looks down at you and wraps his arm around your shoulder as he holds the camera on Colby. Colby shake his head, "I think she's gone."
Instantly after Colby stops talking, "..run!"
You feel a gently tug on your jacket before it feels like a yank and you're pulled from Sam, both of you yelling at the same time. He grabs your arm pulling you back to him as Colby comes over, "What the fuck just happened?"
You cling to Sam as he hands the camera to Colby. Colby keeps the camera pointed down, "Sam wh-"
"..I told you.."
Colby walks over, shutting off the box, "Okay that's enough for now." He walks back over, camera still down at your guy's feet , "Are you okay?"
You keep your head pressed against Sam's chest, "When it said he wants you.. I got this feeling that there was something, I don't know." You sigh, "Creeping up behind me and then right after run was said, I got yanked backwards."
"I don't.." Colby shakes his head, letting out a sigh, "I don't want to say anything, but I know we're all thinking it.."
"He wants her." Sam says nodding down to you. Colby nods, "Mhm." You lift your head from Sam's chest and sigh as you try not to laugh, "This is insane."
Sam takes the camera back and you walk towards Colby, taking a deep breath, "Okay. Where to next?"
Colby smiles slightly and shakes his head, "You want to keep going?" You nod, "I'm not tapping out yet."
"We hit two of three places down here, I don't really want to go into that room she saw the shadow figure in. Not at night, gives me a very bad feeling." Sam says and you nod, "So, upstairs then?"
"I think we should go into Arlon and Cordelia's room." Colby raises his brows and you nod, "Just please don't let the door shut."
You make your way out of the den and into the hallway. Colby shuts the door and you all freeze as you hear something in the hallway.
You wait a few seconds before starting to walk, "So.." Colby says to the camera, "We are currently making our way up to the bedroom that housed the ring leaders to this whole shabang."
You laugh slightly, "Shabang." Sam smirks and Colby rolls his eyes as he chuckles.
Each creek of the stairs is unsettling to you. You're jumpy, really jumpy. So every little sound causes your body to feel like you're going to jump out of your skin.
"Alright." Sam breathes out, "We have reached Arlon and Cordelia's humble abode." He takes a deep breath, "We should find something heavy to put in front of the door so that way if it moves we can hear it."
Colby reaches for the handle, looking between you and Sam, "Ready?" You and Sam both nod and you walk up behind Colby as he pushes the door open slowly, "Okay. I don't see any-"
Something falls right into the door way and you gasp while jumping back. Sam groans, "Jesus Christ." Colby squeezes his eyes shut and open them, "I may have peed a little bit."
You look down and step towards Sam, "Oh gross."
"I didn't.. actually.." Colby sighs and shakes his head, "Let's just go in." Colby steps in and turns around, "The atmosphere in here is.. different."
You walk in and look at Colby, "You're right." Sam follows you and looks around, "That's actually super fucking crazy."
Colby keeps his hand on the door while you look for something kind of heavy, "Would this work? If we just pull this over in front of it?" You point to a small table and he shrugs, "I can stay by the door just in case."
You push the small table over, freezing as you hear footsteps in the hall.
"Did those come from up here or down there?" Sam whispers and Colby shrugs, shaking his head, "I-I don't-"
What sounds like running in the hall causes you and Sam to move by Colby. Sam leans forward, aiming the camera into the darkened passage, "I don't see any-"
"Did that just move?" You say cutting Sam off as you point to the bed, "The blanket. Wasn't that tucked up by the pillows nice and neat when we came in?"
"I have no idea, I didn't really look." Sam says, "It could have-" he tells jumping slightly, "Fuck."
"What what what!?" Colby yells quickly, "you good?!"
Sam nods, "Yeah, just something like drug up the back of my leg."
"Do you feel like you're scratched?" You take the camera from him and he just stands there staring at the ground, "Sam." You snap your fingers and lean in to look at his face, "Sam. Hey."
He blinks as you wave your hand in front of his face and looks up at you, "No. I'm good."
You look at Colby and Colby shakes his head, "Where'd you go man?" He looks at Colby confused, "What do you mean? I've been right here."
You slowly shake your head, gasping loudly when you see something in the slightly dusty mirror, "Oh my god. The mirror." You aim the camera at it, the light from the camera reflecting off, "A woman, was just standing there."
"Cordelia?" Colby asks and you shrug as you look to Sam, "You with us?" You reach out, wrapping your hand around his wrist.
He slides his hand into yours and squeezes it, "Yeah, no. I just. I'm dizzy. Like really dizzy."
Colby lays a hand on your back, "Let's get out of this room." You hand Colby the camera as you guide Sam out. He walks over to the wall, resting his back against it and you look back at Colby, watching as he closes the door.
"Hey, you alright?" Colby asks walking up, "Did you see anything when you spaced out?"
Sam shakes his head, "No, I just couldn't look up from the floor." He runs a hand over his face, "I could hear you calling for me, but I just-"
"Frozen." You say and he nods, "Literally, yeah. That. I didn't hear anything other than you and Colby." You step towards him and lay your hand on his shoulder.
He tilts his head back, resting it against the glass, "I'm not dizzy anymore."
"Well that's good." Colby sighs, "do you need a water or anything?" Sam shakes his head, moving to stand up straight, "No, I'm alright."
You glance to Colby and he nods, "Let's take a minute. It's been a lot for all of us right now."
"No let's just keep going." Sam insists, "I'm fine."
Colby nods and you sigh quietly, "Okay. Where to next?" Sam points down the hall, "Arlon gave Cordelia an office like room to keep things organized, I guess. We can do that then we can go outside for a minute."
"Whatever you want to do, Sam." Colby says and Sam nods, "I'm good." He smiles, "I promise."
You nod, following him down the hall to one of the doors, "Okay, so." Sam points to the door and Colby shows it to the camera as Sam continues to speak, "This is where all of the information they could get about each prostitute was kept. Cordelia, Arlon's wife was in charge of getting them to come back here."
"Do you think she talked them up wherever she found them or kind of did like an interview situation?" You look from Sam to Colby and Colby points, "That's actually a really good point, we can get the spirit box or something out and ask."
"We can try the Epoch box again. See if downstairs was just a bad spot for it." Sam says before reaching for the doorknob, "it's just us again."
He steps in and turns around, making sure you're behind him. Colby follows and pans the camera around the room, "It really is like an old timey office."
"Look, this is that same list of names, do you think this is the original?" You move over to the desk, looking at the old looking piece of paper. Sam walks over and check it out, "This might be a copy? I mean, it looks pretty real to be a copy, so I don't know."
Colby moves over, shining the light from the camera over the page so you can see it better, "I wouldn't mess with it, you know just, to be on the safe side."
You nod and hold your hand up, "Do you hear that?" Sam and Colby look to you before turning towards the open door.
The sound of a door opening and shutting echos through the hallway.
"What door is that?" Colby whispers and Sam shrugs, "Could it be the bedroom?" Colby walks over, peaking out as he aims the camera.
He leans back in quickly and exhales, "Holy fucking shit." He looks to you and Sam, "Holy. Fucking shit."
"Did you see something?" Sam asks, "Colby. What did you see?"
"The door, to the bedroom, was cracked open and a shadow came up the steps and went into the room then it shut." Colby's breath is shaky.
"No fucking way." Sam lays a hand on his mouth, "Are you serious?" Colby nods, "Swear to fucking god, Sam. I'm not shitting you, it- here." He hands Sam the camera and reenacts what he saw, "It came up the steps like this, slow. Then just turned like this.." he turns his body, "And then just went into the room."
"Jesus Christ." Sam sighs and you lay your hand on your forehead. You feel like you're sweating, "Do you guys, feel.. hot?"
Sam turns to you, "Are you- what's going on?" He feels your forehead, "Colby, she's sweating."
"How? It's like forty degrees outside." He walks over to the other side of you and you lean against him, "I think we need to take a break." 
"Yeah. I agree." Sam nods, taking the camera from Colby before Colby wraps his arm around your waist, "Come on." He walks over to the door, looking out before rounding the corner with you.
The only light you have is from the camera that Sam has behind you. He pulls his phone out, switching on his flashlight as you reach the steps.
"Careful." Sam says as you and Colby step onto the first one. These steps were old, so you had to go up and down with care.
You reach the bottom as just as you are about to make it to the front door, it feels like something grabs your arm and tries to pull you away from Colby.
A faint, "Stay.." is whispered as you pull your arm back.
"Something just grabbed me and told me to stay. It was super quiet." You grip Colby's jacket and he opens the door, "You're good. We got you." 
He walks you outside and Sam shuts the door behind him with a loud, "Holy fuck."
"Yeah. Yeah." Colby nods as he walks you over to the car, "Here." He opens the door, "Sit for a second."
You sit down and let out a sigh, "Sam, are you okay?" You look up at him and he walks over to you, "Yes, sweetheart. I'm fine."
You smile slightly and nod, "Okay." He brushes hair from your face, "Are you?" You nod and he turns to Colby, "Are you okay?"
Colby nods, "Yeah." He shakes his head, "Maybe we should do a recap before anything else." Sam nods, looking back at you, "Stay here."
"You don't have to worry about that." You laugh slightly, watching as Sam walks to the back of the car. You rest your head against the seat, listening to them talk to the camera.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You stand up, slinging the back pack over your shoulder, "I know it wasn't really in the plan, but I think we should do the Estes method in between the barn and the house."
Colby looks between you and Sam, "Do you think that that's really a good idea?"
Sam puts his backpack on, moving his hood out, "I mean, it can't hurt to try. Two of us will be able to see and hear."
Colby shakes his head, "I don't know. This place just makes me nervous for something like that." Sam nods, "No I understand, but I was honestly going to say something about doing that too."
Colby chews on his cheek for a few seconds, "Who ever does it, has to be prepared, that's all I'm saying." Sam sighs, "Yeah, Colby. I know."
This place was doing something to them.
To all of you.
Tensions are usually never this high. You knew you all wanted to do this for the video, but you also knew that you all didn't really want to be there anymore.
"Let's just.." Colby sighs and you cut in, getting out of the car, "Let's just take it one step at a time because we really don't know what is going to happen."
"She's right." Sam says, we can just go back, maybe set up flashlights? I don't know where but we can try that?"
Colby nods, "Yeah." He grabs the camera, "Come on." He switches the camera on as you start to walk back towards the house.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
You all stop, looking at each other before the sound of something tapping against the glass catching your attention  again, tap. Tap. Tap.
"Okay.. that's freaky." Sam laughs slightly, "What window is it?" You shrug, "It sounds close." Your eyes scan over the windows that are lit up by the camera light.
You point to the middle window, "The curtains moved in that one." Colby steps towards the window, holding up the camera to see inside when all of a sudden he jumps back after a loud thump on the glass scares him.
"What the fuck!" He yells stepping back, "That was literally right fucking there."
"There's no way that wasn't on video. Holy shit." Sam walks up to the window and looks in, "I don't.. see.. anything.."
He shakes his head and looks back at you, "Lets go around to the back." You and Colby follow him as you walk around to the back.
Colby shines the camera over towards the bar, "There it is." He shivers slightly, "Just looking at it sends a shiver down my spine."
"So what do we want to do?" Sam asks as he looks between you and Colby. You shrug, "I'm all for doing the Estes method."
Sam nods and looks at Colby, "Colby?"
Colby sighs, "I guess we can do that, but who-"
"I'll do it." You raise your hand and they both just look at you with a solid look. Sam sighs, "We can all do it. Take turns."
"I'll go first." Colby says handing Sam the camera. Sam looks at him, "You sure?" Colby nods, swinging his back pack off, "Yeah."
You look at Sam and back to Colby, watching as he digs in his bag to pull out a bandana and the equipment.
You had an eerie feeling creeping in again, maybe it was just your nerves about doing this method with the barn right there.
"Okay. So are we thinking like right in the middle?" Colby asks and Sam reaches out, pointing to a specific spot, "Yeah I'm thinking something like right in here. It looks about halfway."
Colby sets his bag on the ground and sits down next to it. He takes a deep breath, "Okay." He wraps the bandana around his eyes and ties it behind his head.
Sam sets the camera down on top of his backpack, angling it so you're all in frame as you sit on either side of Colby.
Sam leans over, showing the camera how loud the static plays through the headphones. He hands them to Colby, "Here you go."
Colby takes them and puts them on, shaking his head slightly as he gets used to them, "Pain."
You look at Sam with your eyes wide, "What the fuck."
Sam shrugs, "I know you were and still are in a lot of pain. Can you tell my friend, Colby here who is talking to us."
Your eyes move to Colby as he tilts his head, "Why?"
"Are you asking us why we're here?" You ask and Colby answers, "Yes, why?"
"We're here to figure out what to the women Cordelia brought back to this farmhouse." Sam says and Colby taps his knee with his hand, "There was like.. a scream?"
"Who are we talking to?" Sam asks looking around, "Are we talking to one of the girls?"
"In the barn." Colby says, "He wants.. you in the barn."
"Who wants us in the barn?" You ask, "Does Arlon want us to come into the barn?"
"not all." Colby states, "Just one."
Sam points to you and you shake your head, "I'm not going in there alone. I'm not."
"Yes. You are."
As soon as the words leave Colby's lips, the hood on your sweatshirt is pulled back and you slam your hands behind you to catch yourself as you let out a scream, "What the fuck?"
Sam taps Colby and Colby pushes the headphones off, "Right before you tapped me, there was a deep, manly like laugh."
"Right after you said yes you are, she got pulled backwards." Sam looks over at you, "Are you okay?"
You nod, "Yeah." You sigh, "Yeah. That just, I let my guard down for a second." You run a hand through your hair and move closer to Colby, "That barn just.." you glance back at it and your eyes focus on the dark inside.
You can't tell if your brain is playing tricks, or if you actually see things moving.
You look away, trying to focus on Sam filling in Colby on what you and him asked, but you just can't seem to stay focused.
You rest your elbows on your knees, holding your face in your hands.
You feel Colby's hand on your shoulder, but you just can't acknowledge it. You take a deep breath and manage to lift your head, "I just.. couldn't get focused there for a second."
"You good now? What happened?" Sam asks and you nod, "I looked at the barn and I just couldn't look away. It's like I was supposed to be looking at that and only that. So I just rested my head down until the feeling went away."
"Fuck." Sam whispers as he looks to the left, "That place is more powerful than people think."
"Here." You take the bandana from Colby, "I'll go."
He lets you take it, "Are you sure?" You nod as you untie it, "Yes." You wrap the bandana around your head, completely blocking your vision. You take a shaky breath as you feel Colby lay the headphones in your hand.
"Whenever you're ready." He assures and you nod before putting them on, static completely drowning out everything else.
Sam takes a deep breathe, "Can you tell us who we're talking to?"
"Sam." You straighten your back as his name rolls off your tongue, "Colby?"
"What do you want with y/n?" Colby asks, eyes glued to you, "Why do you want her?"
You try and keep your breathing under control as you do your best to listen, "You can't have her."
"No." Sam says sternly, "You're the one who can't have her. She isn't yours to touch or have, just like the innocent women that you killed years ago."
You tighten your hands into fists, "They weren't good."
"Why weren't they good? Can you tell us what was bad about them?" Colby asks as he looks around, "Arlon. Can you tell us why?"
You listen few seconds, "Arlon. He's here. It's him. Help."
Colby takes a deep breath, "Should we pull her out?" Sam shakes his head, "Not yet. Arlon, why are they so scared of you?"
You tilt your head, "Bad things happened. He did it."
"We know he did bad things. We know it was him. Can y-" Sam stops talking as you cut him off.
You speak normally, "It's almost like they're arguing with him."
Sam looks at Colby, "Arguing? Like one do the girls and Arlon?" Colby shrugs, "Can you tell us why he killed those women?" Colby pauses for second, "Why did he kill you?"
Words are shouted loudly in your ear, "He says he had to."
"Was it the cult he ran? Can you tell us about that?" Sam asks, watching you.
You shake your head, " He wanted to."
Sam and Colby look at each other, "Did Cordelia bring you to the house?" Sam runs a hand through his hair, glancing at the camera before snapping his head back to you.
"You don't love her."
"who? Who are you talking about?" Colby asks, "Who doesn't love who?"
"Sam. Colby." You pause for a second, "Y/n."
"Holy shit." Sam sighs, "Why do you want y/n?"
"Not a chance." Colby says looking at Sam, "I'm going to tap her leg."
"Mine. No!"
"Colby. Her hair." Sam points to your hair that's lifting off your shoulder and Colby taps your leg a few times, kinda rough.
You jump as you feel the tapping and you push the headphones off before ripping the bandana off of your head, "Okay. What the fuck?"
Sam has a shocked look on his face and Colby lays a hand on your back, "Did you not feel your hair lifting up?"
You shake your head, "Um. No." You run your hand down over your hair, "I was only focused on the arguing I was hearing, what were you guys asking?"
They fill you in and you raise your brows, "So it makes sense as to why it sounded like it was arguing." You shake your head, "That's.. actually kind of scary, not going to lie."
"I don't think you going any closer to the barn is a good idea." Colby says, "I don't want to risk you getting hurt or anything."
You nod, "No I agree. I don't even like looking at it." You look to the barn and away, shaking your head as you close your eyes, "Anyway. Sam. Are you doing this?"
Sam nods, "Yeah. Yeah." He takes the headphones, sitting down in the same spot you and Colby sat. He ties the blindfold around his head and takes a deep breath before putting on the headphones.
Instantly, his words are loud, "Help.."
"What do you need help with?" Colby asks as he sits down next to him, "Who is asking for help?"
You freeze, eyes moving from Sam to Colby as soon as Sam just starts listing off names non stop, "Kathleen, April, Eloise, Bethany, Rita, Liza, Sarah, Taylor.."
"Are you the girls Arlon sacrificed?" You ask and Sam responds instantly, "Yes, he's evil."
"Is he with us right now?" Colby asks and Sam tilts his head, "He went out."
"Where did he go?" Colby asks, and you'rere frozen with fear as you see a black shadow figure move a little being Colby, "C-Colby."
"Outside." Sam says and Colby looks at you, "Where outside?" He looks back at Sam, "Is he with us?"
Sam doesn't say anything for a few minutes.
You reach over, tapping Colby's leg, "there was a shadow figure behind you." He turns around quickly and looks back at you, "Where?"
"It was like a foot or so back from you. I don't know, I just seen it and then it was gone." You wrap your arms around your tighter, "Mayne we sho-"
"No." Sam says, "Don't go."
"Why?" You ask, "Why do you want us to stay?"
"You know."  Sam says and you shake your head, "we're not staying." You go to tap Sam's leg but it's almost like something grabs your wrist to prevent you from disturbing him.
"I can't.." you try to pull your hand away but it's like stuck there, "Colby."
"They can't help you." Sam says and then he rips the headphones off, throwing them away from him. He pushes the blindfold up and your hand drops, "Fucking no. No fucking way."
"Are you okay?" Colby grabs your hand and your hand goes to wrap around it, "My wrist is burning." Sam crawls forward, grabbing the flashlight from his bag. He shines the light on your skin and you all become shocked when you see finger marks on your wrist.
"I went to tap Sam, get him out of it, and something grabbed my wrist, I couldn't move until Sam threw off the headphones." You explain, pulling your wrist to your chest.
"No, we're done. We're leaving." Colby stands up, grabbing his backpack and it sounds like something heavy falls in the barn, causing all of you to move back a little bit.
"What was that?" Sam asks quietly and you all just stare at the dark opening of the barn, "I don't know and I really don't want to find out." Colby walks over to you, helping you stand up, "We can come back in the daytime, try something then."
"Yeah, right. Okay." Sam gets up, bending down to grab the camera after slinging his backpack on. You start to walk around the way you came, a lot slower than normal, just to be cautious if there was anyone else there.
"Right before I threw the headphones off, it was a loud, clear as day, man voice yelling death like three times in a row, like boom boom boom." Sam explains, "Ive never.. had that happen." He lays a hand on his chest, looking over at you.
He reaches out, grabbing your wrist to inspect it, "Is it still burning?" You shake your head, "No. thankfully."
"Alright. I haven't heard any-" Colby stops talking and instantly switches the light to the camera off when the sound of branches breaking sounds from the woods next to you.
"Should we call out? What if it is people?" Colby whispers leaning in to you and Sam. Sam wraps an arm around you as you huddle next to him, "We should just go."
"we're going, but like.." Colby sighs, "I think we should acknowledge that we hear it, them, you know what I mean?"
"I get what you're saying but like.." Sam pauses and there's a bang on the window, causing you all to jump and move away from the house, "we can just try to make it to the car?"
"Okay." Colby whispers, "Stay close together."
You move along the house more, your grip tightening into Sam's jacket as you see the car in view. Colby stops, "Should we just book it?"
"Yeah, but at least turn the light on." Sam says and Colby switches the light on, but it suddenly goes back out. He tries switching it on a few times, "It's not.. turning back on."
"Fuck, okay." Sam digs into his sweatshirt pocket, pulling out a flashlight. He switches it on and it stays on, "Okay. Lets go."
His arm stays around you as you guys start for the car. Sam's grip is suddenly ripped away from you when he falls to the ground with a groan.
"Sam!" You yell, turning around to go down to him, "Are you okay? What happened?"
Sam gets up as quick as he can, "I tripped or what tripped?" He shakes his head, "Let's just get-"
The door slamming shut on the front door of the farm house causes him to snap his head towards it, "Get in the car."
Colby reaches for the door handle, pulling on it a few times, "Keys. Keys. Keys."
"I thought you had them." Sam yells quietly as he pats his pockets, "Shit." You check your pockets frantically, hoping that some miracle will happen and one of you will find them.
"Backpacks. Check the backpacks." Colby drops his bag to the ground and sets the camera down before digging in his.
You and Sam do the same and you shake your head, "I checked each pocket." You sigh, "What the fuck."
"You didn't drop them in the house did you?" Sam asks as you grab the flash light. You shine it around the car and point with a slightly loud, "Ah ha. There! There."
"How did they get under-" Colby reaches under the car, pulling them out, "The fucking car?"
"We can talk about it when we get in, just unlock it." Sam says as he throws his stuff back into the backpack.
Colby unlocks it, causing the lights to flash. You all rip open the doors and get in, shutting them with a slam.
"Fuck that." Sam says.
"I honestly can't believe we stayed that long." Colby sighs, "What the fuck is that place?"
You take a few deep breathes, trying to remind yourself that you're in the car now. You're safe.
"Okay. Let's just.. Go back to the hotel and we can figure out everything there." Sam turns around to look at you, "You good? You okay?"
You nod, "Yeah. Yeah. I'm good." He nods and turns back around, buckling up as Colby starts to drive, "I just want to know if people were there. That was fucking weird."
"That whole place is fucking weird. You have to be out of your mind to go there at night." Sam pauses before laughing slightly.
You and Colby join in laughing. The feeling of relief settles in the further you drive down the gravel driveway.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I'm sorry that it's so long but if you made it to this point, I truly appreciate you so much. Thank you for reading.
I figured this was a good place to stop. When the time comes, I’m thinking of doing a part 2 where they investigate the barn during the day? What is think?
Love you so much 🖤
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bbokicidal · 21 days
hiii can I request an "out of control jeongin and fem!reader" smut cause we love out of control dom jeongin and sub fem!reader yeahhh thank you and love you unniee~ <333
considering i'm not one to write full fics - i'll give you a lengthy list of headcanons/scenarios i think would go down w/ dom!jeongin
warnings : this contains some um. rough? material? like. bdsm-ish related content. (choking, slapping, spanking)
This also looooowkey trails into the dub-con category. Not fully, but Jeongin does shut you up if you whine about how rough he gets. Completely consensual of course!
Headcanons : Dom!OutOfControl!Jeongin
I have some things to say about this.
First off - as soon as you realize he's a little primal when it comes to his sexual urges, you have a talk with him about what is and isn't okay to do with you. Then it's smooth sailing from there.
Dom!Jeongin likes to keep a hold on you during sex because it makes it all the more intimate for him. He doesn't like skinship all that much on the daily, so when he gets to caress your body and hold you close to him during intimate moments - it makes it all the more special, don't you think? he knows so.
But we all know - Dom!Jeongin hasn't just been working out for the fans, or to impress his hyungs - he's also been working out to be able to keep you from squirming away and hold you down as he pistons his hips into yours each night.
Definitely the type to rip your clothing if it comes to you being bratty/him being impatient. He'll snake those long fingers down to your thighs and grip tight to the tights you wear, ripping a hole wide open so it's easy access for him right away - or slip a hand in between the layers of your button up and pull hard so the buttons rip right off the fabric.
Also uses his hands to gag you, shoving his fingers down your throat so you're not mouthing back or whining out about how he's being too rough.
Also the type to take it wherever he wants if you're okay with that type of thing.
Practice room? Pressed up against the mirror until it's fogging over from your breath on it and covered in his handprints from hitting it from behind.
Dressing room? On the poor couch Seungmin had been sleeping on five minutes ago. He's on in 2 minutes but he can make it work - leave you wanting more than just his fingers.
The dorm? On the kitchen counter whether Chan is home or not. He doesn't really give a shit because he does not have the brain capacity in that moment to care or think rationally about what he's doing or who will see.
Going off of that ^ He will absolutely have sex with you in his room whenever the fuck he wants and as loud as he wants because he, again, in the moment can't worry about if Chan will hear or see anything he shouldn't. Honestly? Not that Jeongin would care if Chan saw him fucking you.
But going back to fucking you anywhere - this includes the company cars. Which has led to a few instances of him getting scolded because Minho or Changbin found a small stain on the leather seats and knew exactly where it came from. They don't blame you though - not your fault Jeongin tends to fucking ravage you.
And because he's a little um - over the top? out of control? he tends to have some serious jealousy issues when he's in that mood. If you haven't had sex in two days, he's going to practically seethe in the corner the SECOND Felix touches your arm to pull you into a side hug.
And if it's been longer?? He's not going to let anyone touch you. You'll be in his lap constantly, his arm will be around you - you'll never leave his sight. Overprotective Horny Boyfriend Mode: Activated.
If you're seriously being bratty though, which you should know by now than to be better than that, he's going to result to light impact. Which includes but is not limited to: holding you down to the bed by choking you (not completely, obv. don't die bitch), slapping you across the face/tits when you're squirming too much to get you to sit still, and if it comes to it; slapping your pussy as punishment for talking back/wiggling around/etc.
But his favorite thing to do overall when he's in a mood is to spank you.
Whether it be when you're alone, in front of the guys, it don't matter; walk past him and your ass will get slapped, sit next to him and he'll land one before you hit the couch - and when he boils over and takes you in the nearest location he can, he'll absolutely be slapping your ass in harsh hits each time until your skin is pink and stinging for hours after.
Ass man, I said it.
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the-boy-meets-evil · 9 months
right where you left me | ksy & jww
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(where you're in an open relationship with soonyoung, who doesn't want to come on your family christmas vacation. it's okay. you run into your ex at the resort anyway.)
pairing: soonyoung (hoshi) x f.reader, ex!wonwoo x f.reader genre: est. relationships, exes to lovers to ??, love triangles | smut, angst??, fluff word count: ~8.6k (yeah, idk either) warnings: open relationship (implied, not explicitly discussed), wonwoo and soonyoung both know about each other (but never actually interact), reader goes away with family for the holidays, mentions of christmas (including christmas dinner), mentions of drinking, soonyoung is soft for reader, wonwoo just wants a second chance, one (1) holy spirit joke, reader does make a choice at the end, smut warnings under the cut
a/n: this is for the amazing and wonderful @beomcoups from your secret santa, blitzen, for @kpopsecretsanta 💕 summer, i already knew you were actually the best. so, it's been really fun getting to send you asks and come up with something for you. i hope you like it (and i'm so sorry it got this long). this is honestly not where i meant for this to go. ily and merry (belated) christmas! thank you to @wooahaeproductions (once again) for giving me a title and to my bby @wongyuseokie for the beautiful banner so last minute.
a/n 2: i'm for real taking a writing break now because december has been busy 😂
tagging: @aaniag, @gyuminusone, @horanghater
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smut warnings: multiple smut scenes, lots of kissing, so many orgasms, so much cum (i'm sorry), dirty talk, spit as lube (just for handjobs), handjobs, blowjobs, implied edging, vaginal fingering, protected sex (yay!), implied/referenced phone sex, kind of dom!wonwoo, kind of switch!reader, wonwoo is bossy, oral sex (f. receiving), begging, slight hair pulling, slight nipple play, choking, unprotected sex (don't do this), fucking from behind, pulling out, cum on the back/ass, referenced marking, referenced restraints, pet names (doll, sweetheart, babydoll, baby), probably teasing somewhere, i think that's it (i swear there's plot in there too)
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“Are you all packed?” 
Soonyoung is stretched out on your bed, watching you search through your closet. You sigh when you can’t find the one sweater you’re looking for.
“Almost,” you say. 
“It’s on the drying rack in your spare bedroom,” he says. 
You spin around to look at him, eyebrow raised. “What?”
“That sweater you love? The one you pull out the second it’s cool enough?” Soonyoung prompts. 
You give him a look, but don’t say anything. Instead, you walk into the other room and find he’s right. The last thing you want to throw into your suitcase is actually exactly where he said. You check that it’s dry before retrieving it to fold and tuck away. 
“How?” you ask when you reenter the room. 
He just shrugs. “I don’t know, I guess I know you pretty well.”
That tugs at your heartstrings a little, especially this time of year. Because it’s true. Hardly anyone knows you as well as the beautiful man sprawled on your bed, scrolling through his phone. Yet, he’s also the one that seems to hurt you the most. Always exactly where you need him to be, but never quite within reach. This kind, wonderful human that surprises you with things that remind him of you, but can’t (or won’t) come with you for the holidays to a beautiful, snow-covered resort. It’s not worth bringing up again…
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” you ask.
…but you do anyway. Like the sucker for pain you are. Like somehow the answer is going to change from the last time you asked.
This does make him look up, at least. It’s hard to see the look he gives you. It’s a little comforting that he does look sorry. Not quite enough to ease the ache in your heart. That’s neither here nor there, though.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea,” he answers. 
“I know,” you sigh. 
And you do know. Your relationship with Soonyoung happened out of nowhere. When you were trying desperately to heal over the worst heartbreak you could imagine and he happened to be there. Maybe that’s why you feel this inexplicable draw to him, even now. Because he was the one to help you put the pieces back together, the one to let you know that you weren’t asking for something unreasonable from your ex, that it was okay to make whatever type of life you wanted for yourself. Over time, you felt yourself getting more attached and let it happen, even knowing it was the wrong choice. Not because Soonyoung is wrong or anything short of great. It’s just, well, he’s always been honest, sometimes painfully so, about exactly who he is and what he wants. He’s just not sure, at least right now, that a closed relationship where he meets the parents is what he wants. 
An open relationship hadn’t been something you considered. It still wasn’t a consideration when you first started sleeping with Soonyoung. It wasn’t until you realized you wanted more of him that you had to have the conversation. Which is how you’re here, now. Going to see your parents and the rest of your family for a beautiful vacation alone despite being in a relationship. Despite him having met some of your family, like your cousins, and the number of dates you go on. Sometimes it really is enough. Not because you’re telling yourself it is. It just is. He comes up with the most thoughtful dates. Surprises you with little things just because. He’s so insanely thoughtful. So, maybe it’s enough that he doesn’t want to come meet your parents.
“Come here,” he requests, opening his arms for you. 
You sigh before giving in and snuggling into him on the bed. He plants a soft kiss on the top of your head first, then your temple. You settle against his chest, timing your own breathing with the rise and fall of his chest. There’s something so comforting about lying like this. Something that makes it easier to be honest when you’re not looking into his incredibly soft eyes.
“I do get it, Soonie,” you repeat softly. “This makes sense for us and I don’t want that to change. I don’t need my parents getting involved.”
“Maybe next year,” he says and that pulls you up short. He’s never said that before. You can’t really help it, you pull away to look into his eyes. “I like being around you and neither of us has been seeing many other people lately. So maybe it’s something we can talk about in the new year.” 
“I don’t want it to be anything that you feel…” you start and he presses a kiss to your lips.
“I don’t,” he assures you. “And you’re still free to do whatever you want, obviously. I don’t even know what it might look like. Just, I don’t know, I figure maybe after the holidays we can figure out if anything changes here.” 
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you agree. 
“But for today…” he says, drifting off as his eyes roam over your body.
“You’re exhausting,” you complain.
“You tried on Christmas dresses in front of me! I’ve been here suffering thinking that I won’t get to slide that material off your soft skin,” he says and kisses your shoulder. “Sitting here neglected as I watched you pack away skirts and those pants that make your ass look amazing.” 
“You’re not neglected,” you tease as he presses a long kiss to your neck. 
“I’m wasting away from the lack of attention,” he whines.
“Hm, is that right?” you ask. 
“It is,” he concludes. 
“Well, we can’t have that,” you say low, running your hand down his stomach. 
“Don’t you have to leave soon?” he asks, stuttering when your hand runs over his cock through his pants. You rub him ever so gently, delighting in the way he reacts.
“I can stop if you want,” you suggest. 
“You know I don’t want you to, but…” he starts and trails off when you move your hand towards his waistband.
“I’m driving, Soon, I can be a little late. I’ll just blame traffic,” you say.
“Fuck it,” he curses. 
You drag his pants and briefs down in one motion, freeing his cock. You remember the first time you fucked him, when he was nervous that you were going to be somehow disappointed. He couldn’t have been more wrong. Not only is he the perfect size, but he has a way of moving his hips while fucking you that’s always drives you crazy.
There isn’t time for you to be walking down memory lane, though. You spit into your hand so that you can start stroking him, delight in how he’s already a little hard. Maybe he wasn’t lying about the torture of watching you try on clothes. After all, you did catch him adjusting on the bed a time or two. It’s not enough for you, just stroking him and listening to all the beautiful sounds that he makes. Before he even realizes what’s happening, you’re taking him into your mouth. Swirling your tongue around the tip and carefully massaging his balls with your free hand. You hollow your cheeks when you take as much of him into your mouth as you can. Carefully sucking while you bob your head on his cock, running a hand up and down the base as you continue to work on him. 
“Fuck, that mouth is so good,” he whines. “Oh my god! Ugh, yes!” 
One of the things you like about Soonyoung is times like this, where he doesn’t need to be in control. Where he just lets you take care of him. Lets you make him feel good. Just completely turns to putty in your hands. He’s muttering obscenities about how much he loves your mouth, how you know just what to do, how you’re cruel for bringing him to the edge and then backing off. You may not have enough time, but you also can’t really stop yourself. 
“You’re gonna make me come if you keep that up,” Soonyoung warns. 
You pull up off him just for a second to fix him with a look. “Kinda the point, isn’t it?” 
“Not if it means I don’t get to fuck you,” he answers and pulls off his shirt. 
Okay, you can take the hint. You quickly strip off all your clothes and move up to lie on your side facing him. He captures your lips in a kiss and quickly puts a hand between your legs. No time to waste. He runs his fingers along your entrance, collecting the wetness there and groaning, probably at how you’re wet just from blowing him. When he slides a finger inside your cunt, you want to pull away from the kiss. Instead, you just moan into his mouth, spurring him to pump his finger into you faster. Another moan and he presses a second finger in. 
When you first started fucking Soonyoung, you were a little embarrased about several things when it came to sex. One had been how wet you get. He had been so quick with the praise, so quick to assure you that it was a good thing, so quick to make you comfortable. Now, you barely even think about it. Everything with him is effortless, comfortable. It’s entirely too fast when you feel like you’re already starting to come undone. 
“God, I love watching that pussy suck my fingers in,” he says. “So good for me, so greedy.”
“Fuck, Soon, hang on,” you pant out.
“Feeling good?” he asks.
“Yeah but you’re gonna make me come,” you whine. 
“Isn’t that the point?” he parrots back.
“Thought you wanted to fuck me,” you remind him.
He removes his fingers from your cunt entirely too quickly so he can roll over to reach the drawer. With surprising speed, he pulls a condom out and has it on in a matter of seconds. You’re about to ask how he wants you when he rolls back over and hikes one of your legs up. This is a new position for the two of you, surprising with how many you’ve tried. There’s something a little intimate, facing each other like this with your leg up over his arm. His brows furrow a little as he lines himself up. 
“Oh god,” you moan out when he presses all the way in, right off the bat. Even with the prepping, it’s more of a stretch than you were expecting so fast.
“You okay?” he asks. Even though he wants it to be fast, he’s still so considerate.
“Yes, just fucking move, please,” you whine.
“So needy,” he says, but he still moves. 
It’s fast and a little desperate and the angle has him hitting you just where you want him. It doesn’t feel awkward in this position, either, which crossed your mind for a second. You’re clinging to any part of him that you can, moaning incoherently, about to come undone in a stupidly short time. But, he’s babbling too, uttering praises for how good he feels, reminding you how amazing you are. He’s so vocal and it’s what sends you over the edge. He follows right behind you.
You lay on your back and take a few moments to catch your breath. Watch him as he gets up to dispose of the condom. Smile when he comes back and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead. He’s so pretty like this, glowing and smiley and perfectly content. So are you, apparently, as he tells you constantly.
“You have to go because I have to shower and I don’t want to have to shower again after that,” you say when you get up.
“But, what if I want round two?” he asks, drawing you in against his body. 
You lean your head to press a kiss to his lips and carefully pull away. “Then, you’ll just have to wait til I’m back.”
“Thought you didn’t mind being late,” he presses.
“A little late,” you say and laugh at the pout. “You’re cute, Soonie, but I still have to go.”
“Fine,” he sighs. “You’ll be back before New Year’s?”
“Yeah, for the party,” you confirm. 
“I’ll miss you,” he whispers into your hair. The kiss he presses to the top of your head nearly has your knees weak. Instead, you just smile as he leaves and rush off to the shower before you get in the car. 
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The resort your parents picked this year for the holidays is beautiful. There’s a main resort and also a bunch of smaller buildings with rooms that are more like condos. Your parents are staying in a particularly roomy one, because they love to host, so you don’t feel too stuck by staying with them. It’s also nice because the resort is attached to a ski lodge. You can actually ski straight from the rooms onto one of the trails. It’s all beautiful and you feel incredibly at peace. 
(You also appreciate how there are plenty of things to do for people that don’t like to ski or snowboard. Not that you don’t, you’re just sometimes a little worried you’ll fall.)
The first night was just for relaxing after the ride up. The four hour drive ended up going a lot faster with your cousin in the passenger seat, thankful you hadn’t actually left yet because her car broke down. Even though you don’t live far apart, you feel like you don’t see her nearly often enough. So the car ride is a nice way to catch up. 
Now that it’s the first full day, you’re ready to explore a little bit. Your parents mentioned a little cafe in the lodge that sounds like the perfect place to get a cup of coffee. Of course, you could make it in the room, but it probably wouldn’t taste as good. Bundled up, you head down to the lodge and look out for the cafe. It ends up being pretty easy to find. And it’s not the only thing. 
It’s like a pull that you can’t explain, the way your eyes fall on someone sitting in an armchair just to the side of the cafe. His dark hair has that slightly tousled look, probably from being outside, and his glasses keep sliding down his nose. As you watch, he absently pushes them back up, eyes glued on the book in his lap. There is no world where it makes sense that he’s here and also no world where he could be anyone else. You’re debating whether or not to approach him when he looks up. The smile he sends your way has you feeling things that you know you shouldn’t. 
Your feet carry you towards him without permission and he rises to meet you part way. “Hey, what are you…” 
At the same time, he starts to say, “wow, small world.”
It’s a little awkward (read: a lot) and neither of you really know what to say. It’s been two years since you last saw each other, two years since you last spoke, two years since the break up that nearly tore you apart. Even though it’s been long enough that you feel better about it, it’s still awkward. He probably feels it too, the uncertainty of running into each other someplace so unexpected. The question of how to move forward. 
“So, um, this is…” Wonwoo starts.
“Awkward? Weird? Unexpected?” you offer through a forced laugh.
“What are you doing here?” he asks.
“My family is here for Christmas,” you answer. “Yours too?” 
“Yeah,” he says. 
“Right,” you say. “Well, I was just going to get…”
“Can we talk? Maybe over lunch or something?” he asks just as you’re ready to turn around. 
You’re rooted to the spot, unable to answer him right away. Can you? Yes, you definitely have that capability. Should you? That’s a bit harder to answer. Your brain is full of images of your past relationship - the good, the bad, the ugly - and your current situation. Maybe Wonwoo still does know you, at least well enough to read your face, because he speaks up again.
“Never mind, that was silly to ask,” he says.
“No, it wasn’t. I’m sorry. I’m just, I don’t know, a little overwhelmed, I guess,” you admit.
“Me too, if it helps,” he says. 
You look down at your watch. It’s a little earlier than you usually eat lunch, but maybe that’ll be a good thing. “Do you wanna get something now?”
“What about your coffee?” Wonwoo asks.
“I’m sure the restaurant has some,” you say before you lose the courage. 
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Lunch is actually surprisingly easy. Well, after you get some of the awkwardness out of the way. But, it gives you a chance to say a lot of things you both kept to yourselves. Back when you were dating Wonwoo, it got harder until it was too much. He was always soft spoken, always afraid to burden anyone else with his problems. Even when you reminded him that’s what partners were for, he just kept most of it to himself. Which wasn’t healthy for either of you. You wanted things out in the open so you could talk about them, he kept them to himself. Something tiny could fester into something much bigger and then become a real issue. Even when it came to issues at work or with other friends, he was hesitant to mention it. By not wanting to be a burden, he ended up driving a massive wedge between you. And he’s able to share things with you, too. Like how it wasn’t always easy to want to share when he felt pressured. He knows you only cared, but sometimes he wasn’t ready. Sometimes he couldn’t talk about it in the moment and just needed a day to process. Something he knows that he should have shared with you, as well. 
It turns into a much longer meal than either of you expect. After talking about your relationship, you fill in the last two years. He talks about work and friends and reluctantly admits that he hasn’t dated anyone seriously since you. When it’s your turn, you stumble over explaining Soonyoung, ending up opting for full transparency. If he’s surprised, he hides it well. Seems to understand that trying something a little different can be exactly what you need. When you finally check your phone to see you’re running late to meet your cousins, you say goodbye with a promise to hang out again. And an assurance that you haven’t changed your number and he isn’t blocked. 
You spend most of the afternoon playing games with your cousins and sharing what you’ve been up to. The cousin that rode with you, and knows Wonwoo the best, is nearly on the floor when you tell her that he’s here somehow. Especially because she also knows Soonyoung and likes him, but thinks he’s not the long term plan for you. She’s a little surprised, given how much you smiled about seeing Wonwoo, at how fiercely you defend Soonyoung. It’s just, well, he’s been a lot for you in so many ways. Yes, some of it has been painful and some of it has involved learning things you’re not sure you needed to. But, it’s also been safe and protected. It’s allowed you to grow in ways you never expected. 
An afternoon of gaming turns into a night of dinner in the suite, more games, and drinking. Your cousin takes your phone and texts Wonwoo from it. Invites him over to the room to pick you up. Of course, she doesn’t tell you any of that. But, when you answer the door and see your ex on the other side, he suggests you check your phone. You shoot your cousin a look and grab your coat. He’s here, so you might as well go with him. When he holds out his hand for you, you take it and follow him into the night. 
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The next days pass in a kind of haze. It’s so pretty to be at the resort, watching the way snow seems to fall more often than not, even if it’s just a light flurry for 20 minutes. There’s a beautiful, tucked away corner of the lodge where you can sit in rocking chairs by floor to ceiling windows. It gives you a perfect vantage point to watch the snow, or watch people coming down trails, watch anything. You’re with Wonwoo more than your own family, a fact that nobody seems to talk about. Maybe because everyone liked Wonwoo and nobody really understood why it ended. You hadn’t wanted to talk about it. And now it doesn’t seem to matter. The man before you isn’t the same boy that you walked away from two years ago. You’re not the same either. Both of you get a lot of time nestled away in the cocoon of the holiday vacation to talk about that. To talk about who you are now and where you want to be. About if things would turn out differently now.
It’s all kind of a practiced dance, though, because Wonwoo knows that Soonyoung exists. He knows that there’s someone you’re not really ready to let go that may be waiting for you to get back to have an important conversation. (He is waiting for you, but you don’t tell Wonwoo that. Because it may not be in the way you wish he was waiting for you. What you do know is that he’s been sending you a lot of messages. There are a lot of things that seem to remind him of you. So, he’s constantly on your mind.) And there are some things that haven’t changed about Wonwoo, too. One of those things is that he doesn’t really find the idea of sharing a partner appealing. Even though he’s one of the most secure people you know, you can also tell what he thinks about the complication of your current situation. There’s no judgment, only more hurdles. It’s like he wants you to consider giving him another shot, but he doesn’t really know where to start. 
Since Christmas Eve and Christmas morning are for family, you get a much needed break from having Wonwoo around constantly. Not that you mind, it’s just that your head needs a little space. You need to figure out what exactly you want. Which isn’t really any easier when you’re separated from your ex, sadly. Both he and Soonyoung are still fighting for space. Your thoughts are kind of a jumbled mess. 
(It doesn’t help that Soonyoung calls you on Christmas Eve. Or that the call turns into FaceTime and that turns into the two of you getting off. Phone sex wasn’t ever really something you were into before him. You didn’t really get the appeal of it. But, you’ve seen the positives of it with him. Still can’t really believe how easy it is for him to push you over the edge when he’s not even with you. And you kind of like knowing you do the same to him, seeing his cum paint his stomach after he finishes. He gets a little sappy after he comes, too. When you’re both cleaned up, he’s still there. Telling you that he misses you and that the city feels a little lonely without you there. It’s not like you haven’t left before, but this just feels different to him. He says it all without seeming to think much about it and you’re not really sure how to take it. Is it honest? Or is it the post orgasm haze?) 
But, after Christmas dinner, you’re on your own to do whatever you want. And you know what you don’t need to do. You know that you don’t need to make this whole mess inside your head more complicated than it already is. You do really miss Soonyoung and all his energy. There’s something infectious about him. But, you also know that he’s been very clear on his wants and needs, even if he says you need to talk when you’re back about what’s going on. Then, there’s all your returning feelings for Wonwoo after all the time you’ve spent with him the past several days. Soonyoung seemed to skate over you mentioning running into your ex like it didn’t matter. Or that he trusts you and that the relationship is open, which is the more likely answer. All of that leads to sitting on the couch of Wonwoo’s suite, sipping a glass of wine. 
“What’s going on here?” you ask, interrupting the formerly comfortable silence. 
“We’re drinking wine on Christmas?” Wonwoo suggests.
You turn your head to look at him and find he’s a little confused. “I don’t mean that. I mean,” you gesture between the two of you, “here.” 
“Ah,” Wonwoo says and takes a sip. 
“Yeah,” you say.
“I don’t know, honestly. I know I missed you and that I feel like things are different now. I think we could have actually worked through our issues if we were these people,” Wonwoo says.
“But?” you prompt. Because there’s so clearly a but coming to what he said.
“You’re in a relationship,” he finishes. 
“An open one,” you remind him.
“That you’re not really sure how to define,” he presses back.
“We aren’t even sure if we’d work together again and you’re already worried about what’s going on with Soonyoung,” you sigh. 
“What do you mean?” he asks.
“We’ve got history and it’s been so nice to be around you. But, if we were to try something out again, we’re not just going to jump back into it being serious right away,” you tell him.
“No, I wouldn’t expect it to,” Wonwoo agrees. 
“So does it really matter if I’m seeing someone else? Does anyone outside of us really matter while we’re figuring things out?” you ask.
This is a definite crossroads for Wonwoo. He’s always been very logical and impossibly smart. In all the time you knew him, he was one to weigh things out and go with what made the most sense. It wasn’t like him to be overly emotional about things. Except, apparently, when it came to you. So, this is a big ask. For him to just set aside personal feelings for you and consider the logic behind what you’re saying. It’s a crossroads for you, too. Because you do know it makes sense to consider exploring whatever’s been happening between the two of you. To not have any what-ifs or questions when you go back to the city. To actually explore another genuine connection so you can better understand what you do or don’t feel for Soonyoung.
Wonwoo sighs and nods. “Yeah, you’re right. Focusing on this and figuring it out doesn’t involve anyone else but us.”
“So that last little line of defense stops now?” you ask, hopeful.
“Last line of defense?” he asks. 
You gesture at the space between you. “Ever since I ran into you, there’s always space for the Holy Spirit between us.” 
Both of you laugh at that when Wonwoo’s face cracks into a smile. It erases the last little bit of tension left between the two of you. It’s clear that he means he’s going to give it a real shot to figure out what’s going on without worrying about anyone else. Wonwoo shifts closer to you, rests his arm on the back of the couch behind you, and presses his thigh into yours. 
“Do you still think there’s space for the Holy Spirit?” he asks. 
“No,” you say with a light laugh. 
“I’ve missed you, doll,” he admits and presses a kiss against your temple. 
“I’ve missed you, too,” you say. You turn your body so your back is against the arm of the couch and drape your legs over his lap. It’s a little more comfortable and it lets you look at him easier. 
“It’s so weird to me, running into you here,” he says and you laugh.
“I’d say it’s some kind of fate, but I know you don’t believe in that kinda shit,” you offer.
“I don’t know that I do, but having you around has given me a break from my family,” he shares. 
“Your family is great,” you disagree. 
“They are, but it’s a lot of people time,” he says with a sigh.
Which is why you suggest that you just sit back and watch a movie, something a little scary because you know that’s what he prefers. It doesn’t have to be some Christmas movie, you’ve gotten enough of that with your cousins in the lead up to the holiday. So, you let him pick something and settle back, appreciating the closeness. 
The movie is good, but you’re kind of a fidgeter. You make it through the first half easily, but in the second half, you start getting a little sick of sitting still. Just little things. Adjusting how you’re sitting. Moving your legs slightly. Reaching out for one of Wonwoo’s hands. Something to trick your body into thinking it’s moving. Until it’s a little more than just a movement. Without even thinking, you pull one of your legs towards you, let your knee bend for a second, because it’s a little stiff, and slide it back. It isn’t until Wonwoo sucks in a breath and clenches his jaw that you realize your foot slid right over his dick. 
“Wonwoo, I’m sorry, I didn’t - “ you start, but he’s moving your legs.
“Let’s go,” he says as he stands up.
“What?” you ask. “Go where?” 
“Come on, sweetheart, I’m not gonna play these fucking games,” he says and pulls you up off the couch. 
You’re really caught off guard, because it had been an accident, but your body remembers this. He’s guiding you in front of him to one of the bedrooms and pressing you inside. As soon as you’re both through, he closes and locks the door. Then, he presses you back into it and kisses you hard. Crowds your space so you can’t move an inch. You gasp when he nips at your lip. This has always been the thing about Wonwoo. He’s so quiet and soft spoken and unassuming around everyone else. Just the smart boy who likes to read and play video games. Until he gets you behind closed doors and a switch flips. 
“Fuck, Nu, I swear it was an accident,” you groan as he kisses down your neck.
“So, you don’t wanna get fucked into the mattress? Don’t want me to show you I still know exactly what you like?” he asks.
You’re not the same person you were two years ago, though. “Maybe I like different things now.” 
“We’ll see about that,” he says. 
Before you can respond, he’s kissing you again. Hard and needy and like there isn’t a tomorrow. Maybe there isn’t for the two of you. It’s not like you’ve managed to clear anything up. 
Wonwoo presses his hips into you. Places his hands on either side of your head against the door behind you. It’s so easy to fall into old patterns with him, where you give up your control. Your hands run along his back, underneath his shirt, and he shivers at the touch. It makes him thrust his hips into you again. It makes him grab your hands and pin them in one of his above your head. His lips are demanding when they return to yours, like he’s taking what you owe him. 
There’s no point in begging for more. It would only make him go slower. So, you accept his tongue into your mouth when he keeps kissing you. You let your hands stay pinned above your head. You even chase his lips when he pulls away. It’s hard to suppress the shudder when his lips brush against your ear. 
“I want to fuck you,” he whispers. “I want to press your pretty face into the mattress and get your ass in the air. Do you want that?”
“Yes,” you whimper out. 
Wonwoo pulls away from you and starts to undress. It’s hard to take your eyes off of him because he’s so beautiful. The broadness of his shoulder and his slender waist. The muscles that he hides behind all the layers flex as he pulls off his shirt and steps out of his pants. But, then he’s looking at you expectantly. Likely wondering why you’re fully dressed. You make quick work of getting out of your clothing before turning back to him. 
“Sit on the edge of the bed, babydoll,” he instructs. You hasten to listen to what he asks and he smiles. Not a soft smile. “Open your legs.” 
You do that as well. With your hands on the bed behind you, you lean backwards. Wonwoo kneels down between your legs and runs a hand up your calf. He nips softly at your thighs, sharp enough to make you gasp but not hard enough to leave a mark. As he moves to your other thigh, he spreads your legs further. Only places a light kiss on your other thigh before his hand returns to your pussy. His fingers spread you open and he blows gently. The sensation makes you shiver. It makes you want to beg for him. Instead, you just grip the sheets tighter. Wonwoo chuckles, probably at your attempt to hold back, and licks a stripe up your center. Flattens his tongue against you and runs it slowly through your folds. 
“Oh god,” you moan. You don’t need to look down to see that it makes Wonwoo smile, but you do anyway.
He continues to work you with his tongue, alternating the pace so that you never really know what to expect. His thumb rubs circles over your clit. Maybe he does still know how to get you going. Or maybe your body just remembers him. Either way, he feels so good. You’re entirely more pent up than you feel like you should be. It would be embarrassing if it was with someone you weren’t comfortable with. 
“Fuck, please, baby, I need your fingers,” you beg. 
“You getting close?” he asks.
“Yes, fuck, please,” you cry out.
“Do you think you deserve to come?” he asks. It’s only his thumb on your clit that keeps you going.
“Please,” you beg and hope it’s enough.
It must work because his tongue returns to your cunt and he slides one of his perfect fingers inside as well. The second is in before you realize it and your moans are more sounds than anything intelligible. It’s an unsurprisingly short time before you make a mess of his face and fingers. After he guides you through your orgasm, he stands up and leans over you. Pulls you in for a kiss so that you can taste yourself on his lips. It’s enough to make you a little dizzy. Entirely too soon, he’s breaking the kiss. He runs his hand over his dick and looks at you.
“Spit in your hand,” he directs and you do it without thinking. The post-orgasm haze still has hold of you. 
You don’t need him to tell you what to do next. Before he can say anything, you take over and run your hand down his shaft. Slide your thumb carefully over his tip. Wonwoo clenches his jaw like he’s trying not to let you know just how good it feels. Because you still know him too. You continue to stroke him and take his cock into your mouth. Just the tip, at first. When you look up at him under your lashes, you know that he’s going to lose the battle. 
“Fuck, babydoll, that mouth is better than I remember,” he groans out. His hands wind into your hair, but he doesn’t fuck into your face. You’re a little surprised he can hold back. Especially when you swirl your tongue around his tip. “Okay enough of this.”
Wonwoo, with surprising gentleness, pulls you off of his dick. You have just enough time to look at him triumphantly before he’s moving you back into the bed. He gets you on your hands and knees, presses your back down so that your ass is in the air and your face presses into the pillow in front of you. You arch your back deeper so that he has the best angle. The bed shifts under you and you assume that he’s lining up behind you. He presses a finger into your pussy again and you squirm for a second. When he removes it, you want to complain. But, he’s quick to line himself up and press his cock into you. The pillow muffles your moan as he presses all the way in. His hands find purchase on your hips as he sets a slow rhythm. 
It doesn’t seem like it’s enough, though. His hand finds it’s way into your hair and he pulls back, more gently than he used to. “Is this still okay?” 
His voice is hoarse in your ear. “Fuck, Nu, yes. Be rough with me.” 
It’s all the permission he needs. His hand slides up your body to take your nipple between too skilled fingers. The first twist has you screaming out for him, wanting him to continue. And he does, all while picking up the pace that he fucks into you. He keeps you pressed against his chest. The snap of his hips and the skin slapping together isn’t enough to cover your stream of profanities. Wonwoo places a hand lightly over your throat, using it to anchor you to him. Your loud moan and reassurance of permission makes him squeeze a little tighter. It’s that perfect sensory deprivation to make it all the more intense. Between that and your earlier orgasm, you’re a bit on overload. It’s a kind of mind blankness that you haven’t felt in awhile. Nothing else exists but the pursuit of pleasure. Your mind is totally empty.
Eventually, his movements start to stutter and he releases your throat. Directs you to rub your clit. You hardly need to touch yourself before you feel your second orgasm rip through you, coming all over his dick. He snaps a few more times before pulling out of you. His cum paints over your ass and your back. Wonwoo collapses next to you and you lower yourself down onto your stomach, trying not to make too much of a mess. 
After a moment, Wonwoo presses a kiss to your shoulder. “What do you, babydoll, do I still know you?” 
“It’s like nothing ever changes,” you admit. 
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The two days after Christmas seem to pass just as quickly as the days before Christmas. Something feels like it’s shifted with you and Wonwoo, but maybe not in the way you expect. You’re still spending a decent amount of time with him, still being pretty affectionate, but you don’t end up naked in his bed again. It could just be you, though it feels like a joint decision. It feels like it’s some unspoken agreement. 
Everything with Wonwoo has been amazing, like a little break from reality. It’s been so nice to get to see him again, to get to talk about your relationship and everything it meant. Even though you’ve both changed a lot, it’s nice to realize how well he still knows you. And he seems to accept all the ways you’ve changed in stride, which surprises you a little. Change had never been his favorite thing. There’s also just a general sense of nostalgia to your interactions with him. He’s safe in the way someone says that you can always go home. It feels like falling into old patterns. 
But, that’s not what life is supposed to be, is it? Life is about taking chances and risks and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Falling back into step with Wonwoo would be so easy. It’s obvious that he still loves you, or maybe loves you again. It’s so easy to picture what your life with him looks like because you remember. You remember all the plans the two of you made. It just feels kind of stagnant, though. You know the kind of love you’re getting back into. It’s not even about not trusting him or worrying it would end up in another break-up. Things are different enough with your communication that you trust it would be different on that front.
It’s just, if you’re being honest with yourself, you can’t get Soonyoung off your mind. Even when you’ve been with Wonwoo, there’s that small voice in the back of your mind whispering Soonyoung’s name. It’s also really hard to stop thinking about what he said before you left. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything changes. Maybe it only means that you define the relationship a little more clearly and it’s still open. But, if you move forward with Wonwoo, you know what that means for Soonyoung. You know it means you’re going to be saying goodbye to the person who’s challenged you, who’s pushed you, who’s forced you out of your comfort zone. You’re just not sure you can do that.
By the time the last night comes around, you know that you need to have an actual conversation with Wonwoo before leaving. Life doesn’t always give you the chance for closure, so you know to take it when it comes around.
“This is it for us, isn’t it?” Wonwoo asks. 
“Yeah, I think it is,” you say. 
“I hope he knows what he’s got,” Wonwoo says with a sigh. “By the time I figured it out, it was too late.” 
“I hope you know that everything I felt for you was so real, that it’s still real now. It’s just…” you start.
“Not enough?” he finishes and you frown. “It’s okay, I’m not upset. I knew from the start that this was a long shot.” 
“Why did you do it, then?” you ask.
“Because I would have regretted it if I left something unsaid or undone,” he says simply.
“I’m so sorry, Wonwoo,” you say.
“I’m not. I’m thankful we got this chance. Now, I have the closure I needed to actually move on,” he says. 
You’re not sure what else to do, so you just wrap your arms around him. His arms wrap around you without missing a beat and he places a kiss on the top of your head. The two of you stand like that for a few minutes, letting all the feelings wash over you. It’s the next part that’s going to be the scariest.
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You haven’t properly talked to Soonyoung since the two of you had phone sex on Christmas Eve. Which is actually on you, at least this time, because he’s been keeping up a relatively steady stream of texts. Asking how the vacation was, how it was to be around your family, even how it was to see your ex. And you haven’t done anything wrong, you know you haven’t, but it still feels like too much to text. It feels like the kind of thing you need to tell him when you’re back in your apartment. Thankfully, you don’t even have to ask if he wants to come by. He knows your schedule, knows how long the drive is, and even assumes you’re tired. Despite that, he asks if he’s okay to come over anyway. He even insists that he just wants to see you, sex can be off the table. (Unless you want to fuck on the kitchen table, because that might be hot, he says.)
He’s at your door in what feels like record time, puffy jacket and beanie covering most of his head and upper body. His arms wrap around you before he even gets through the door or takes off his layers. It feels like he smells your hair when he buries his face there, but you can’t be sure. It’s almost a project to get him to unlatch himself long enough to take off his outer layers and remove his shoes before joining you on the couch. Where he clings to you like the idea of personal space is foreign. It’s more comforting than you’d like to admit. You’re at ease, but your heart is also beating entirely too fast.
“I missed you,” he says softly.
“I missed you, too,” you say back. 
“No, I really missed you. My sister kept asking me the whole time I was there if I was okay,” he admits. He separates a little, but keeps hold of one of your hands. 
You’re not really used to this side of him, haven’t seen him this soft in all the time you’ve known him. “Were you not? You seemed okay in your messages.” 
“I -,” he starts, frowns, and then opens his mouth again. “I was okay, when we were texting. Mostly. But, I guess, I’m just used to you being around. I’m used to sending you something, like something that makes me think of you, and having you answer right away.” 
“You were sending a lot,” you tease lightly.
“I kept wondering,” he starts and shakes his head.
“Wondering what, Soon?” you ask. 
“Do you remember before you left that I said I wanted to talk after the holidays?” he asks and you nod. 
“Of course, I thought about it a lot,” you admit.
“You did?” The surprise is evident on his face and you’re not sure what it means.
“Yeah, there were a lot of times I couldn’t really get it off my mind, honestly,” you share. 
“I figured…well with your ex there and you spending so much time with him,” Soonyoung says.
Your stomach drops a little. “Listen, about that…”
“You don’t have to tell me,” he says, trying to cut you off. It’s your turn to grab his hands, though.
“I do, though. Which is selfish, probably, but I need to tell you for me,” you say.
“You’re getting back together with him,” Soonyoung guesses and his whole body seems to slump. You’re not sure what to make of him caring so much and don’t really want to get your own hopes up.
“No,” you assure him. “No, I think that chapter of my life is over. Seeing him just brought up a lot of unfinished shit. And then with the holidays and the resort. I did…well, we did have sex. Just once, on Christmas.”
Soonyoung nods, but doesn’t seem relieved. “I figured you would, I did basically push you to try other things out. Are you going to see him again now that you’re back here?”
“No,” you say again. “But, I think I want to hear what you were going to say.” 
“I’m not sure now is…” he starts and nearly melts at the look you give him.
“Please,” you say so softly it’s barely audible. 
“I should’ve gone with you when you asked,” he says and that brings you up short. You never dared to hope for that much. “I knew it as soon as you were gone. But, I figured it’d be fine. I’d be right where you left me when you got back. Then, you ran into your ex and you seemed happy for the chance. I thought I’d fucked up and that you’d fall for him again. I considered just showing up. I chickened out, though. I figured if it was supposed to work out, then it would. Part of me even hoped you might fuck him and that you’d realize what it took me just a little too long to realize.”
“And what’s that?” you prompt.
“That I’m ready to give actual commitment a try. That I don’t want to think about sharing you with anyone else,” he says and his voice drops to a whisper. “That I love you.” 
“What did you just say?” you ask. 
He takes a deep breath and meets your eyes. “That I love you. And I’m sorry.” 
You don’t even realize you’re crying until he wipes a tear from your cheek. “I love you, too, you giant idiot. It’s always been you for me. It wasn’t ever going to be my ex. I’m not sorry, though. Everything that we’ve experienced, it’s been exactly what I needed.” 
“You know what this means though, right?” he asks and you shake your head. “No more fucking anyone that’s not me.” 
“We don’t have to…” you start. You don’t want to change him, never have. He’s always been perfect exactly the way he is. 
“I know, but I want to. It’s only you. I think it always has been and you just knew it a lot before I did,” he says.
“Can you just kiss me now?” you ask through your tears. 
When your lips meet, it’s so slow and tender. So full of affection and joy and everything left unsaid. For now, at least. If there’s anything you know about Soonyoung, it’s that he doesn’t like to keep much to himself. It’s been so much, so overwhelming. Even though the kisses are languid, you feel the heat building between the two of you. Feel the desire getting stronger. That’s when he breaks the kiss. Your face must look confused or disappointed because he smiles, so full of genuine affection, and stands up. He holds a hand out to you.
“I don’t want the first time after telling you that I love you to be on your couch,” he says. 
Your smile matches his when you take his hand and interlace your fingers. He brings your hands up to his lips and places a kiss on your knuckles. Doesn’t let go of your hand even when you’re in your bedroom. He sits down on the edge of the bed and pulls you between his legs. It makes you lean down to kiss him, but it’s kind of nice. He finally lets go of your hand so that he can wrap his arms around you instead. When Soonyoung looks up at you, eyes full of affection, it’s just more than you can handle. 
“Please, Soonie,” you whisper.
“What?” he asks.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you request.
“Like what?” he asks.
“Like I’m the only person in the entire world,” you say.
He only smiles at first. “I had a lot of time to think when you were away. I’m just appreciating you now.”
“I’m not going anywhere,” you assure him.
“I wouldn’t let you.” 
Finally, he pulls you into bed and it’s the most perfect night you’ve ever spent with him. And you’ve had a lot of great nights. He always takes his time with you, always makes sure you’re well taken care of. It’s different now. His lips are everywhere and his hands seem to need to find whatever part of you they can. You’ve never felt so loved and so safe, even with him. Even though he always makes it comfortable. You know that you made the right choice.
(You’re sure when he’s got you seeing stars from his mouth between your legs. You’re sure when he’s sucking marks into your skin where only he can see them. You’re sure when he asks you to tie his hands to the bed. You’re sure when he asks you to untie him so he can fuck you into the mattress. You’re especially sure when he wraps himself around you to fall asleep. It’s everything you’ve wanted, but only because it’s him. It wouldn’t be the same with anyone else.)
Morning comes and everything looks even better in the soft light of a winter’s morning. You’re not sure you’re ever going to get Soonyoung out of your bed (or your apartment) and you’re not really sure you want to. The new year is right around the corner and you can’t wait to see what it brings the both of you.
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thanks for coming on this ride with me 💕 please reblog or let me know your thoughts if you liked it!
394 notes · View notes
hxrukii · 1 month
I like your mane 6 requests. If possible, can you do, Applejack!reader with Epel, Vil, Ruggie, Trey and Sebek?
❝I didn't learn anythin'! Ha! I was right all along!❞
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╭・๑ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲︰ʚ Some of NRC with a Applejack!Reader.‧₊˚✦
‧₊˚↷ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬)┊❝ Epel Felmier, Vil Schoenheit, Ruggie Bucchi. ❞ ⸜⸜*
↷︰ʚ 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 ‧₊˚✦ Reader and Yuu are the same person and is a female. Sorry anon, I didn't do Trey and Sebek because I actually had no clue on how to write them, I hope that it's okay!
╰・𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬) ‧₊˚꒰ Spoilers for book 3. ɞ‧✦
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Apple farmer besties for real
Would probably invite Applejack!Reader to visit his family in Harveston.
The two of them are very competitive, so they would probably compete on who can pick the most apples, who can carve the best apple, who can carry the most thing, etc...
Would probably complain to Applejack!Reader about all the things Vil makes him do.
Feels very comfortable around Applejack!Reader and feels like he can be himself without being looked at weirdly, so he usually speaks in his hometown's dialect whenever he's around her.
Is very happy that Applejack!Reader can mostly understand his dialect, and doesn't hesitate to ask whenever there's a word she can't understand.
Applejack!Reader is the more rational one in the rational, and is usually the one to calm Epel down when his loses his temper.
Admires Applejack!Reader's strength al lot, ask her about her workout routine and trains a lot more so that he can be more manly than her.
Both of them have big families so they like to tell each other about funny things that happened to them and their family back home.
"Hey, once breaks start, would you like to visit my home in Harveston? We could compete and see who can carry the most apple crates in one go!"
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Probably thought that Applejack!Reader was an Epel 2.0 or something
Was pleasantly surprised that Applejack!Reader seemed to have more manners than Epel.
Likes how honest Applejack!Reader is and often goes to her for her opinion. Vil doesn't want someone that only tells him that he looks nice in anything even if they clearly don't think that the clothes look good, he need someone honest that tells him exactly what they think without holding anything back.
Enjoys eating the apple recipes that Applejack!Reader makes him, he doesn't eat them all the time, but can still eat them from time to time.
After all, if one apple a day can keep the doctors away, it must mean that apple are healthy, right?
Very impressed by Applejack!Reader's strength, he didn't expect her to be able to carry a whole table by herself during VDC while Savanaclaw needed two students to carry the same table. (Yes, this is a reference to that one episode from MLP Equestrian girls)
I honestly feel like Vil and Applejack!Reader would have the same relationship as Rarity and Applejack.
Somehow always bickering about something, mostly Vil scolding Applejack!Reader for her lack of elegance while Applejack!Reader just argues back or something.
"Potato, it's only been a few hours since school started, how is it that you're already covered in dirt? No, having Alchemy class is not an excuse. Also, please close your mouth when you chew."
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The both of them are somewhat opposites.
While Ruggie can deceive people as easily as he breathes to get what he wants, Applejack!Reader is horrible at lying, and values honesty quite a lot.
But both of them are extremely hard working and self-sufficient, so they are not entirely polar-opposite. Though, Applejack!Reader is, inarguably the more reliable one, as in, she won't try to steal something from you are tell you that you own her a favor or something.
Both of them really care about their families so they can probably understand the feeling of wanting to help their family as much as possible.
Ruggie was probably really intimidated by Applejack!Reader, since he grew up in Sunset Savana, where most women are much physically stronger and more strong-willed than the men, including Leona. And even though Applejack!Reader is no beastman, Ruggie has seen her beating up three Savanaclaw students at once during the period where she was rooming with Leona
He knows not too underestimate her.
Though he really isn't that shocked by her strength, since, once again, most women in Sunset Savana are strong than the men.
If Applejack!Reader ever proposed to give Ruggie some of her cooking, he'd probably be suspicious on if she wanted him to owe her a favor or something, but once he learned that she isn't, he would probably happily accept, after all, who is he to deny free food?
"Oh? You made this? For me? Well, don't mind if I do than! Shishishi!"
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꒰ ◁ ꒱┊❝Back to Epel, Vil, Ruggie's Masterlist❞
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buckyalpine · 2 years
So for the Untouched AU have you thought about any of these scenarios? Film themselves having sex, using whipped cream or chocolate, try getting tied up (either one of them but y/n would be my choice), give y/n a nipple-only orgasm, role playing, try edging, order a sex toy online after they search the site for things they wanna try together, tease each other all week with sexting during class, sending pics/videos to each other. I know. Just a few thoughts…🙄
Bucky x f reader (Steve's sister,  if you’re like me, add the caveat of being an adopted sister)
Sex tapes with our Untouched babies? The answer to this is hell yes. These babies are learning everything together. Nudes. Edging. Sex tapes included. Can be read as a standalone.  
Warnings: Smutty smut, fluffy fluff, shy reader, sending nudes, sex tapes
The first nudes 
It started off with a few sexy pics. 
He’d send you a pic of him in his grey sweats after the gym. There’s no way to hide his boner, the outline of his cock straining against the fabric. 
Shirtless pics. 
Fresh out the shower, towel hanging low pics. 
He didn't want to pressure you to send anything so he doesn’t even ask, happy to tease and tempt you instead. Quite honestly he regretted sending you anything in the first place because the second you sent him something with a little extra cleavage he had to hold his school bag against his lap to contain his boner.
The first time he sent you nudes was after he’d spent the whole day struggling to keep his hands to himself after you’d paraded around the house in a tiny sundress. He’d come over to play video games, gritting his teeth each time you came over to you brothers room to bring up their pizza and drinks, petting his hair on your way out. He couldn’t focus on a damn thing, his mind clouded with your bare thighs and the glance he got of your tiny panties from where he was sitting, only coming to his senses when Steve threw the controller at his head. 
At least keep it in your goddamn pants when I’m around punk
As soon as he was home, he pulled his pants off, grabbing his phone, showing off his leaking cock, throbbing, the tip glistening without him touching himself.
My Bucky: See what you do to me? 
Babydoll: OMG BUCKY  🙈
My Bucky: It’s fucking leaking sweets, fuck I need you
Babydoll: Serves you right, perving all day  🙄
M Bucky: You’re the one who teased me, come make it go away  🥺️
You giggled, your face heating up, feeling a little frisky, butterflies erupting around your tummy when he sent you another pic, this time with his balls, legs spread. You pulled your dress up, pulling your panties to the side, giving him the perfect view of your glistening cunt, your heart racing after you hit send. 
Babydoll: Take care of me first 
My Bucky: God Damn.
My Bucky: Fuck babydoll
My Bucky: Not fair, let me come over doll, please?
5 minutes later
My Bucky: I’m outside.
That started it. Bucky didn’t hesitate to show you exactly what you did to him and how hard he was, always ready to show you exactly how turned on he was for you. Study room. His car. Bed. It was fine until he’d nearly gotten caught twice, always scrambling to yank his pants back up, the tell tale blush on his face giving him away. 
“Bucky had his dick out again”
“For fucks sake Barnes” 
“You’re both something else, I swear” 
“This is why we call you Bucknasty” 
“You nasty hoe” 
“Shut up Sam”
Your nudes drove Bucky feral and he’d nearly came in his pants the first time you sent him something in lingerie. He whimpered as soon as he opened the message, struggling not to palm himself, his eyes nearly crossing seeing you encased beautifully in the dark lace, the sheer material hardly covering your nipples and your perfect cunt. He may or may not have left class to rub one out, but it didn’t do much, his cock continued to twitch until he had you spread out on his bed. Your nudes are precious gold to him and he treasures every single one with his life. His beautiful doll in her bare form, all just for him. 
The first time edging 
“Sweet girl, please?” 
“You’re pretty when you beg baby” 
You were on top of Bucky, winding your hips down on him, watching his beautiful fucked out face, his skin flushed, lip chewed from how hard he was focusing. He had a bruising grip on your thighs, his cock throbbing from how badly he wanted to cum. You had made him hold it, bringing him close to the edge only to stop his orgasm right at the tip, his cock swollen and desperate. 
“F-fuck, I can’t y/n” He nearly sobbed, squeezing his eyes shut. You felt your stomach clench, watching his perfect face contort, his brows furrowed, trying so hard to force himself from cumming. “Baby, s’too much, I wanna cum, let me cum, I can’t hold it” 
“Y-yes you can” You continued to bounce on his cock, your high pitched whines making it harder for him to hold off his orgasm. You’d been curious about edging for a while, wanting to give Bucky the most intense pleasure of his life, not realizing it’d be just as amazing for you. Your slick dripped all over his crotch, his balls covered in your arousal. 
“C’mon, I know you wanna cum, let’s cum together baby, please” He pleaded with you, choking at the way your pussy squeezed and fluttered around him, your own orgasm waiting to snap. You whimpered, gasping when he snaked his hand to play with your clit, a pornographic moan slipping from your lip as he rubbed perfect circles. 
“Does that feel good doll? You gonna cum with me?”  
“FUCK BUCKY” You gave into the pleasure he toyed with, your muscles tensed as he started to fuck up into you from underneath, his cock growing harder. “I-shit-
“Let go with me doll, cum with me, I got you” Bucky grabbed your hips, slamming you down onto his cock while he thrusted upwards, his back nearly arching off the bed. You moaned, your body giving way and falling limp, letting him pound from underneath you, the sounds of skin slapping growing louder. 
“I’m gonna cum Bucky!” You started to flutter around his cock, your juices soaked him again as you came on his cock. Bucky let out a strained moan feeling you squeeze him, his pace growing sloppy as he pushed in as deep as he could. 
“Fuckffuck thankyouthankyou, oh god, gonna c- AH FUCKKK” Bucky wrapped his arms around you, stilling as he cock throbbed, cum pumping into your pussy while he whined and whimpered under you. He refused to move afterwards, keeping his cock warm inside you while you both cuddled under his sheets, his face buried into the crook of your neck. 
“Bubba, you have to pull out at some point” You giggled, playing with his hair while he shook his head, keeping his flushed face hidden. 
“Sensitive” He whispered, staying inside your warmth, a new idea coming to mind, “We should try rope next time” 
The first time using rope 
“You sure you okay with this bubba?” Bucky checked the ties again, making sure they were comfortable around your wrists, his thumb stroking your cheek while you looked up at him with love and adoration. No matter what it was he wanted to do, your comfort had always come first. 
That being said, something about having you tied up had made Bucky extra feral. He loved the way you trusted him, your pretty doe eyes shying away from him while you were bare in his bed. 
“You-you look so pretty tied up like this for me baby” Bucky whispered, kissing your lips sweetly while you whimpered, squeezing your thighs together, your clit throbbing. You felt a shiver, naked on his bed while he still had his clothes on, admiring your pretty form as if you were a present just for him. 
He stripped his clothes off while keeping his eyes locked with yours, crawling onto the bed and tossing your legs apart, licking his lips before kissing your inner thigh. 
“Gonna let me play with this pretty pussy baby?” Bucky didn’t waste a second, his tongue laving and drinking every bit of your sweetness, loving the way your squirmed each time he flicked at your clit. 
“Fuck Bucky!” Your back bowed off the bed as he latched onto your clit, suckling, practically nursing off you, moaning as he kept his lips sealed around your sensitive bud. He pulled away from you, untying the rope, just to manhandle you and shove your face into the mattress with your ass in the air. You yelped, feeling his hand spank your ass, grabbing both hands and tying them again, holding onto your wrists as leverage as he brought his cock to your entrance.
“Scream for me baby” He gave you a wolfish grin, glancing at the mirror that was off to the side of the bed, the more you squirmed, the more his cock leaked. “Can’t run from my cock now so take it” He shoved his cock into you, pounding into you, letting his balls hit your clit with each thrust, grunting and groaning. 
“S’too much” Your eyes rolled back, the coil in your belly winding tighter as he pressed his hand to your shoulder blades making his cock his deeper. You cried out, your pussy squelching, your juices making a mess on his thighs. “I’m gonna cum Bucky, pleasee-” 
“Fuck, you gonna cum without me even touching you baby? Don’t even need me to rub that pretty pearl of yours, you gonna cum just from my cock fucking you? You can take it baby, you’re my good girl” Bucky’s voice was low, nearly breathless, his cock throbbing, reeling over how the rope felt as he held onto your tied hands, his perfect beautiful doll, helplessly crying over his cock. “Hold it baby, fuckin’ hold it” 
“Wanna cum James, p-please, wanna cum” You couldn’t even hold it any more, your pussy already starting to flutter. Your moans were muffled against the sheets, your trembling body a sign you were close. 
“Together, jus-jus’ fuckin hold it sweets, that’s it, my good girl, my good fuckin’ girl, m’gonna fill you up okay?” Bucky rubbed up and down your spine, his head thrown back. “Gonna make you feel so good, give you all the cum you want babydoll, cum now baby, cum right fucking now!”
“Give me your cum James” You cried out, your orgasm ripping through you right on his command. Your pussy was desperate to milk every drop of his cum, squeezing and pulsing around him making it harder for him to move. 
“Oh fuck, you have no idea, I’m gonna give it to you doll, gonna give you so much, so much, SO FUCKING MUCH FUCK-” Bucky slammed into you, grabbing your hips and holding still as his cock throbbed, desperately moaning as he filled you up. He untied your wrists, still panting and sensitive from his climax, pulling you up to cuddle up with him. 
“Did I do good Bucky” You mumbled against him, your face buried in his chest, nearly falling asleep instantly at his ministrations. 
“Did so good for me my angel, so perfect” He stroked your hair, kissing your face while you nuzzled against him, his hands gently massaging the indents of the rope of your wrists. “My perfect good girl”
The first sex tape 
Bucky can't help himself, wanting to capture some of those intimate moments with you for just his viewing pleasure. It didn’t matter if he was making soft love to you or railing the fuck out of you, he wanted to go back to every single moment and capture how perfect you were for him, how perfect you looked together. He wanted to see how gorgeous you looked when you were filled up with his cock, how your pretty face contorted with pleasure with him deep inside you. 
You knew he wanted something when he spent the whole day being needy, trailing behind you like a lost puppy. 
“Wanna make a sex tape with you” He whispered, his cheeks blushing. 
"Buckyyy" You covered your face when he brought it up, your cheeks heating up at the idea; you weren’t against it but you still felt self conscious. Bucky pulled you into his lap, cupping your cheek to make you look at him, kissing you before speaking again. 
"Promise no one else will see it sweets, we won't do it if you're no comfortable with it though" He smiled softly and you knew he meant it. Not once had he ever pressured you into doing something you didn't like.
He waited for the day where you felt comfortable. His whole body buzzed with anticipation, noting that you were much more shy, staying curled up in bed, trying to cover yourself up. Bucky propped his phone up, letting it rest on the dresser while he crawled into bed, draping his body over yours, keeping you covered. 
“You sure you okay with this pretty baby?” He whispered, his nose gently bumping against yours. You felt your face heat up, nodding and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “I’m sure”
“Can-can I eat you out first?” 
Your eyes grew wide for a moment before you said yes, your breath hitching in your throat as he slowly trailed kisses down your body, starting at your neck, stopping to take your nipples into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around, nipping them before continuing down. His broad shoulders still kept you partially covered, his sculpted ass flexing as he grinded against the mattress, moaning as soon as his tongue tasted your slick. He came back up, crashing his lips against yours letting you taste yourself, moaning when he felt your legs come to wrap around his waist.
“How do you want it baby” His cock brushed against your pussy, the tip leaking, “You want it soft or hard?” 
“Soft please” You whispered, biting your lip as he smiled, kissing your forehead while lining his cock up, rubbing the tip, letting it catch your hole. His eyes rolled back feeling you fluttering already, his whole body keeping you covered. You relaxed under his body weight, gasping as he filled you up, your pussy fluttering over the roll of his hips. You whimpered, trying to keep your moans down, your nails scratching down his back instead, pleasure overwhelming you. 
“Let me hear you sweet girl” He whispered, trailing kisses down your neck, sucking the sensitive flesh, coaxing a whine out of you. “You sound so beautiful when you moan for my cock baby”  You couldn’t help but cry out for him as he sped his thrusts up, bringing his knee up, his cock rubbing and kissing that sensitive spot deep inside you.
“Jamesss” You were finding it harder and harder to silence yourself, soft moans starting to slip from your lips. Bucky’s hands came to lace with yours, pinning them on the bed, squeezing them as he barely pulled out, keeping you full of him. 
“You feel my cock deep inside you baby?” Bucky’s intense gaze made you feel shy again, overwhelmed with the pleasure he was giving you, how intimate the moment was, how you felt him everywhere, all over. 
“So deep B-Bucky” Your voice was shaky, struggling to keep yourself from tipping off the edge, gripping onto his hands instead. 
“I know princess, doing so good for me, you make me feel so good” Bucky kissed you until he had to come up for air, panting and resting his forehead onto yours. “Do I make you feel good babygirl? Does my cock make you feel good?”
All you could do was moan, unable to formulate words as he fucked you harder, is thrusts pushing all the way into you. Bucky groaned at the way your jaw was slack, your body trembling under him, thighs squeezing him, you were close, trying so hard not to cum. 
“You like my cock in your pussy huh angel? Look at how beautiful you are right now doll, Love making you feel good doll, wanna make you feel good every. single. day” Bucky’s pace started to grow sloppy, his breaths getting heavier. 
“Gonna watch this over and over and make myself cum every time I can’t have you pretty girl” 
The thought of Bucky watching your sex tape while touching himself was too much, heat coursing through your body, your pussy starting to suck him deeper. 
“That’s right baby, say my name, wanna hear you scream for me when I make you cum, c’mon, scream my name baby, let go” Bucky picked up his back, moaning into your neck, struggling to hold his own pleasure off until you came first. “Cum baby, m’not gonna last” 
“J-JAMESS” You sobbed, your back bowing off the bed, pressing against his chest, your eyes rolling back. Your let out a pornographic moan, cumming all over his cock, your slick gushing out of you as he continued to fuck you through your high. 
“Gonna cum for you baby, take it sweet heart, take my cum, take it, take it- oh fucckkk” All the muscles in his body were pulled taut, stilling as his cock throbbed shooting his load inside you. He cuddles with you for a bit, still staying inside you before finally pulling out, making sure he still covers up most of you before grabbing his phone to stop recording. 
After the first sex tape, you get a little more comfortable and also more frisky. Bucky records just about anything whenever he gets the chance.
His favorite tapes are the ones where he can see your face and see the way you look at him. It makes him feel butterflies, blushing as he looks back, your pretty eyes always shyly gazing at him even when he doesn’t notice. 
His absolute favorite video is the one from the shower where theres so much steam, it’s a little fuzzy but it makes the moment so much more intimate. He has your legs around his waist, water dripping off your bodies, your back against the shower wall. Your moans echo and bounce off the walls significantly louder, mixed with the sound of the shower.
He also has a few prized ones that he will guard with his life. Ones that would make him cum without touching himself. 
“Smile for the camera my little slut” Bucky’s voice all you can hear, his phone focused on you while you lay on his bed, your hair messy and tousled, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body. 
You blink up with doe eyes, your tongue darting up to lick up the cum dripping from your lips, his load covering your face. You run your finger through the mess he’s made, sucking it off, giving him an innocent giggle. Bucky groaned, panning the camera down to capture the way hes stroking his spent cock, growing hard again because you look so sexy covered in him. 
“Got my dick all sensitive baby, made me cum so hard” He smirked, bringing his semi hard cock to your lips, pushing the tip for you to suckle on. “That’s it, my good girl, my little cum princess drinking up like a good girl” 
You whined, still playing with the cum that covered you, letting him record the way you took his load, coating your fingers and fingering yourself, rubbing your clit after. Bucky spread your legs apart, capturing the way your fluttering pussy dripped onto the bed, your cream messy between your thighs. He makes you hold his phone so you can record the way he cleans the mess up, his chestnut hair between your legs, arms holding you down. 
You can hardly focus on keeping the camera steady but you get every single minute of the way he moans and greedily licks up the mixed arousal pouring out of you. You nearly loose your mind at the way he lets his eyes roll back, telling you how perfect you taste together, crawling up to kiss you, making your more messy than before. 
“Let’s make a sequel?” 
Tags: @glxwingrxse  @hungryyeyess  @sebsgirl71479  @beabutterfly987  @teambarnes72  @witchywhore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass  @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan​  @buggy14  @whimsyplaty92  @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec​   @pono-pura-vida​   @moonlightreader649​ @brooklynscherry-z​  @elle14-blog1​ @justsebstan​ @littlelightnings​ @psychomanniac-blog​  @happyt0exist​   @emmabarnes​  @bethyruth​ @matchat3a​  @cjand10​   @getwellsoontana​  @cherryschaos​   @lokisasgardianvampirequeen​  @ashenc-blog​  @buckybarnessimpp​   @potatothots​  @goldylions​  @high-functioning-lokipath​ @morganemorganite-blog​  @kingfleury​   @peaches1958​   @spiderman-stilinski​   @peaceinourtime82​  @gublur​   @wintersmelodie​ @geeky-politics-46​   @lolawassad​  @almosttoopizza​   @a-poor-gryffindork​ @alternativeprincess​   @buckycallsmeaslut​    @kamaria-sweet-writes​  @charmedbysarge​    @xnorthstar3x​  @kryoee7​ @alina02​  @gh0stgurl​    @polishprincess999​ @jessybarnes​ @alltheficsiwant​ @chemtrails-club​  @eralen​   @perdidosbucky-yyo​  @clqrosmgc​      
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hunterssm00n · 10 months
NSFW ! Negan hc's
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You need to know your place / cuz it's about to get heavy
*cw include mention of dubcon/noncon, manipulative behavior, dirty talk, explicit language, daddy kink, breeding kink, exhibitionism, mention of degradation, some dark themes* MDNI - 18+
౨ৎ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
this is specifically about season 7 negan btw
this motherfucker
he just thinks he's gods gift to the world. and that's why we love him, right?
his confidence is off the charts. scratch that - he's just straight up cocky
but at the same time, he’s just so damn charming
he’s able to use that charm in all aspects of his life to get what he wants, and that includes in the bedroom
dirty. talk. he’s a master with his words, and he’ll say things that could make a porn star blush
you’re so tight around my cock, baby, you sure you ain’t a virgin? fuck, thats nice
my slice of cherry pie, gonna lick the cream right out of that sweet center of yours, doll
gimme that ass, baby, lemme be the first one to break you in there
i feel like he can be gentle if he wants to be, but most of the time he can be kind of rough- however, not so rough that it’s not enjoyable
this may be unpopular opinion but I feel like he’s average sized down there rather than massive- maybe a little bit above average. but as the saying goes, it’s not the size of the wave that counts, but the motion of the ocean- and he’s got that part down pat
he’s purely dominant, i feel like almost 100% off the time, if not completely. he wants to be in control, and that’s also in every other aspect of his life as well. so that definitely makes sense for the bedroom also
in that same sense, he would not exactly care a whole lot if he's the only one truly consenting... he's not above using manipulation to get what he wants, and sexual favors fall under the above categories (see his harem of wives from the show). he's able to shut off his morality easier than most people, and doesn't always care about many wants far beyond his own. in other words = selfish.
however, this doesn't mean that he only cares about his pleasure; he will give as good as he gets, if not better. plus, what better form of manipulation than a forced orgasm?
his supermassive inflated ego loves when he's complimented, and treated as a figure of authority- it's another kink of his. he would not turn down being called sir in the bedroom
he refers to himself as daddy, and he also loves being called this in bed.
hairy chest, yummm. dark, coarse hair covers most of his body, and when he’s naked it’s like a roadmap of deliciousness
he has a breeding kink, and i’m pretty sure this is actually canon.
he swears a lot as it is, understatement of the year, but during sex he’s downright filthy. he puts a sailor to shame
not quiet at all during sex, he’s constantly talking, cussing, moaning, growling. and that deep voice sounds so hot when he’s in the zone, like spine-tingling hot, good lord
i feel like he would be into degradation, in which case he’s the one doing the degrading. i go back and forth with this one, but i feel like it’s something he would possibly be into although definitely not as much as the comedian
i don’t think he has a favorite position, probably anything that involves him being in control and just downright being inside
he also isn't above some exhibitionism. the bedroom isn't the only place where fun can be had; this can also happen in his rv, in a car with or without his henchmen present, outside in the woods somewhere, in his 'office'- hell, he'll do it just about anywhere if the mood strikes him
once he’s in, fast and hard is his preferred pace. also, his stamina is pretty good, so it will take him a little bit before he cums, which means he can go multiple rounds
aftercare? honestly, as much of an ass as he is, i feel like he’s pretty decent at aftercare. though of course the thing that he’s best at is being a shit-eating grin-wearing pain in the ass.
౨ৎ ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
hunterssm00n © All rights reserved by me. I do not allow this work to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
AN: I do not own TWD franchise or any of it's characters. I also do not own the song 'Devil' by Shinedown. The photos above are from pinterest, and have links attached to the original posts.
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shimmeringweeds · 10 months
This is completely unnecessary ( I'm really just sliding my Link Click rewatch notes into the tag), but for the fun it:
Hypocrisy is living a lie, but that doesn't make one a liar. So I got curious. Lu Guang's hypocrite label has been well earned, but does it cause him to lie? Is he a liar? I think fandom leans towards "no?," but let's find out anyway!
Provided below is a reference list of every last question Cheng Xiaoshi has ever asked Lu Guang in series (and I mean every question) + every answer Lu Guang gives. Color coded by response and explained when necessary. Season 2 opens the floor up to everyone.
Categories include Direct Answer, Non Answer, Half Truth, and Lie.
This post covers Season one. Season two is covered in a reblog below. The final tally is also in a reblog below for anyone who is just curious about that. Criteria below the cut.
Criteria notes: This list focuses solely on the act of lying to a trusted partner in response to a question asked. Keeping secrets does not, actually, count as lying, so long as you are honest about it. People are allowed a box of secrets and no one is entitled to the key. This compilation will also not dock points for the hypocrisy, or the uh..... questionable ability limitations. I will however, use the aforementioned knowledge as a basis for reasoning. This is far from scientific. Any conclusions I draw from the evidence can be challenged. Court is in session ⚖️
You will notice that there is no category for "truth." This is because all truths are covered by a "Direct Answer." "Direct Answer" indicates that Lu Guang is not hiding anything in direct relation to the question. In a "Direct Answer," he will answer Cheng Xiaoshi's exact question honestly. Nothing more required. Omission of extra knowledge is (frustratingly) allowed, because unless Cheng Xiaoshi has asked for that knowledge, it doesn't need to be given. So watch those closely.
Non Answer = an avoidance of the question with words or silence.
Half Truth = a partial, truthful answer to the question. The question asked for more/there is a second, hidden answer tied to the question.
Lie = an answer that denies a truth.
Color coding:
Present Question, Past Question, Future Question
Direct Answer, Non Answer, Half Truth, Lie
Q. Any chances? A. Yes. But only one. (a non specific answer complements a non specific question. This sets the precedent for a direct answer. Keep an eye on how often it occurs.) Q. Now, should I finish this spring roll? A. Hold on. Q. Hold on for what? A. unanswered Q. How's it going? Are you satisfied now? A. *miserable sigh* Q. Do I have a boyfriend or not? A. No. Q. What is going on now? I did what you told me. What is the matter with him? A. Calm down. Repeat after me. Q. What should I do next? A. You forget his words? Prepare the material. Q. She just keeps doing this day by day? A. We said, linger no more around the past. (Every rule repeated will be counted as non answer if it avoids the question.) Q. You mean the meeting at 9 A.M. tomorrow? A. Mn. Q. It's midnight. Who? A. Leave it. Q. Will they come back? A. ................. All right, go to sleep. Q. When should we start? A. Take it easy. They're not all there yet. Q. Then tell me how long I need to wait? A. It's a secret. (note: This is the scene that inspired all this. I feel CXS's frustration here so much. LG stressed that there was only one opportunity and that this is it, only to deflect every question. He even checks his watch because he knows exactly how much more time. Yet, this is a direct, honest answer. "I will not answer," is an answer. I hate him lol. Q. In your opinion, if I really did something, will everything change because of it? A. You really didn't do something stupid, did you? Q. I really want to know. How is she doing now? A. I said, never ask about the future. Past Question(1) Present Question(6) Future Question(7) Direct Answer (7) Non Answer (7)
Q. Do you have any questions? A. What are their names? Q. Why did they break off their friendship? A. Just do the job instead of caring about the whole story. Q. If we disagree with each other some day, shall we break up, too? A. It's almost time. (to be quite fair, CXS deflects his own question with tomfoolery before LG can respond.) Q. Is there really a secret recipe? It's just a pot of stew. A. Coming soon. (vague as hell, yet blissfully direct. wow.) Q. Do we have any other chance? A. None. She's crying all night at home, not going anywhere. Q. Can I go eat that for the last time? A. No! Q. What should I say? A..................... Q. What does it taste like? A If you dare change the photo shop into a noodle shop, I'll leave right now. Past Question (1) Present Question(5) Future Question (2) Direct Answer (4) Non answer (4)
Q. A few words? That may affect the past. You sure about this? A. It will be fine. Nothing will be changed. Q. Can I get rid of them? (regarding the glasses) A. There is nothing you can help with in the match. Just sit there till the end. (eeeeh. It's very long winded way of saying "no.") Q. I can take photos right? A. Void. No time to answer. But it's telling that CXS was just advised twice to stay put and chill, but the moment he adjusts the script....? oof. not a good start to this arc. Q. Did I just affect the historical track? A. Yes, you did. But the results have not changed. Q. Is it in the plan? Should I play or not? A. The past has been disrupted by you. I can't foretell what would happen before they lost the game. ( ie. your call) Present Question (5) Direct answer (4) Void (1) This is such nice episode with such a clean tally. THE TRUST.
s1 e4 - The formatting on this one doesn't want to stick. If it still doesn't work... I'm sorry.
Q. What exception? A. At some point in time, there is an important node. Q. Lu Guang, where are you? x2 A. silence <counted as 1 Q. You asshole. Where have you been? A. The client's words were written on the note. I didn't know where Qiao Ling placed it. (I'm calling bullsh*t on the silent treatment but you can read it as DA. So we will excuse the friendly, "you were deliberately tricking me"/"I'm not you" banter that follows (was it a question? subs say no.)) Q. Why? (in regards to the major node being unaffected.) A. Void. The chemistry teacher conveniently interrupts and gives his own answer… sure dodged that knife!) Q. Liu Meng puts everything on her face, how could he miss that? A. Let the past be. We just need to deliver the words. Nothing else. Q. She makes her steps first. What should I do? What should I say? A. Instructions given. Q. Is that really okay to say so? Q. Will they eventually miss each other? A. Yeah. A. The result will not change as long as the node does not change. (1. I'm calling the second answer a half truth, because you can draw a yes/no conclusion about them missing one another. So it's not a non answer, nor is it direct. 2. CXS doesn't ask about the node again. He just says "okay. you're always right." like the angel he is.) Q. Are you sure it's okay if I just repeat after you? A. Don't worry, the result will not change, even without any quarrel. (at this point CXS does question to himself why this mission is so weird. He does not question LG.) Q. No matter how the process changes, they are all doomed in the end. Am I right? A. …..Past Question(1) Present Question(7) Future Question(2) Direct Answer(4) Non answer (3) Half Truth(2)
s1e5 (where your tally might differ from mine)
Q. Can you save my mum? Can you please let me save her only? A. All right. I'll tell you what you should do. (okay. okay. Let's chat. We can and should analyze this answer to hell and back. Originally I had this labelled as a direct answer, but if so....then this is a direct answer that CXS later sees as a lie. CXS was not in the wrong for that. This statement is a conceding and LG does follow through on this. However, LG at least partially believed that CXS's actions wouldn't matter in the face of a death node (the next question is my evidence, as is Emma in ep 11.) As much as I want to believe he had hope, I think the fear of changing things prevented true action. They hide under the table, the place where Chen Xiao survived. But then Chen Xiao's mom mentions the camera, and Cheng Xiaoshi goes to get it. LG is silent. They need that camera/photograph. He knows what will happen. Chen Xiao cannot die. His mom dies because she covered him. LG gave up before CXS did (and god, CXS stayed until her last breath.) This wasn't true teamwork. LG deserved the punch. Yet it's not a lie. He never said he would save her. So I'm labeling this as a half truth, for half sincerity. Q. Will the earthquake never happen? A. *No answer and continued silence as CXS goes to get the camera; the earthquake happens. CXS is again asked to exit the photo.* (I do believe that silence betrayed CXS more than the conceding to help. It just sends the point home. I've got a lot of sympathy for both of their perspectives though.) Q. Why do you lie to me? Why do you still want her dead? A. In order to make everything stay the same. (another answer you can analyze to hell and back, but I read it as complete and brutal honesty.) Q. If I can't save them, then what's the point of delivering the words? A. Fool. I have said, past or future. Because we can't change the past. Don't question the future, as the future will be changed because of us. (This is the first time I think the rules really do serve as an answer if you read into it. LG also clarifies this statement as a proper, unprompted answer in e6. Present Question: (4) Direct Answer: (2) Non Answer (1) Half Truth (1)
Q. Isn't this what you figured out at a glance? A. It's impossible. Q. Can't you just figure out the old master's tricks by foreseeing the events that happened 12 hours after the picture was taken? A. That's such an intuitive detail. I still need you to visit the scene in person and become my eyes. (giggle snort at that face saving answer tbh, I kind of want to label it a half truth.) Q. Where the hell did you go? A. *yaaaaawn* where are you? (the yawn is a direct answer /ᐠ - ˕ -マ Ⳋ ) Q. What now? A. Stop. You're too early. Q. Is this where it ends? A. It's not over yet. Q. How is he still fighting? A. But what I'm seeing is what happened back then. (a polite way to say "I have no f*cking clue") Q. I thought you always said never ask about the future? A. I'm here to keep an eye on you. (the áojiāo answer lol) Present Question(7) Direct Answer(6) Half-Truth(1)
Q. If you use your predictive ability to see from the surveillance video, how will it be like? A. Within 12 hours, all surveillance images within one kilometer, I can have a panoramic view of them. etc. Q. Can you see Dou Dou? Who took him away? A. The one who took Dou Dou must have surveyed this area long ago. He used the surveillance camera blind spots perfectly. Q. This time will I become a CCTV? A. Stupid. What are you thinking about? Just follow my instructions. (LG probably thinks that was a direct answer. CXS's face said it was not.) Q. Where did they go? A. The second alley on the right. Present question(3) Future Question(1) Direct answer (3) Non Answer(1)
Q. Look at this. Can we find some new clues? A. It's possible. Q. Where am I? A. I don't know. I couldn't perceive anything when you were unconscious. ( I am assuming that is truth. There is no reason for it to not be, unless secrets run deeper than we think.) (and yeah, that's it for e7. CXS does make comments, but they aren't questions directed at LG. CXS is too busy being unconscious/ doing his best and LG is too busy being stressed/proud. Have I mentioned how much I love this episode?) Future Question(1) Present Question(1) Direct Answer(2)
Q. What do you think? Can we help? A. (to Xiao Li) I've looked at the general situation. I’m sorry, but this time, there's nothing we can do. (First Lie! First Lie! Though technically it was answering XL not CXS.....) Q. Lu Guang, that's it? Did you see it clearly? A. ....... (QL shushes CXS for him.) Q. Are you sure you saw it clearly? You rarely ever say no. A. Who was the one who wanted to take a break? Q. What? You agree, just like that? Hey, wait a minute did you say help? This is clearly a deal, why should we do it for free? A..... (again, QL shuts up CXS first.) Q. Is there no justice in this world? How could you beat up the person who's going to help you? (this isn't a valid question, CXS is just rambling aloud but uh.......... honorable mention. This is a line LTC and QJ really needed to hear lol) Q. Then what am I supposed to do now? A. Try to create a situation where he wouldn't be able to attack. Q. I forgot you had this ability. So, what exactly did Dong Yi say back then? A. I've already passed the message to Xu Shanshan.... *he reads the message* (that first line is what makes me question events in Dou Dou's photograph, but that's not the focus...) Past Question(1) Present Question(5) Direct Answer(2) Non answer(3) Lie(1)
Q. Then isn't this because I....? A. Now is not the time to let your thoughts run wild. Q. Eh, is there no other way? A. Unfortunately, that's the only way. Q. Then what if I high-five myself and enter the photo...? A. You'll loose contact with me. If that happens, you won't know anything about what will happen in the photos. Q. How is it? Did they catch that bastard? A. No. Lack of evidence. Present Question(4) Direct Answer(3) Non answer (1) 2/4 questions are a flashback. Since the two act mostly separate in this episode.
Q. How is it? Did you find a clue? A. Last night around half past one, a masked man broke into Xu Shanshan's house and attacked her. (with some intense speculation, this is a half truth, but I'm not going there.) Q. Am I supposed to yell at myself? A. You accepted the arrangement, go on. Q. This time can you let me take the lead? A. You? What do you mean? (this is not a non answer, because it directly asks for clarification of the question.) Present Question(3) Direct Answer(3)
Q Do you remember the message the murderer left when Qiao Ling last called Xu Shanshan? A. Yes. Q. What if I'm the person who made an appointment with him? A. Are you saying that because of us diving back into the photo, we have created an alternate timeline? - CXS A. That's right. Honorable mention 1: Q. Didn't you say nothing in this world is an absolute? A. *too busy being in shock/getting stabbed* Honorable mention 2: Chen Bin: Even though you guys caught him, methods like this aren't encouraged. In the future, you have to let us know as soon as possible. LG: Oh, I'm sorry. We only just realized that he might come and cause trouble, so we took some temporary measures. (for the look CXS gives him at the easy dishonesty in this statement. It's almost a shocked Pikachu face lol. I kind of want to add that to the lie tally...... but it wasn't a question (and does lying to police count, let's be honest.) I'm adding it. Past Question(1) Present Question(1) Direct Answer(2)
Final Tally:
Past Questions (5) Present Questions (50) Future Questions (14)
Direct Answers (42) Non Answers (19) Half Truths (4) Lies (1) +1 honorable mention
Not bad, eh? 42 direct and honest answers and 24 other. Honestly, that's impressive considering the circumstances. Of course, you can view these answers from different perspectives, or you can break them down further to nudge a half truth closer to a lie or a direct answer, for example.
It should also be noted that, in regards to Qiao Ling, Lu Guang also does not lie. He is very honest with her too. There is potentially one half truth regarding Xu ShanShan's photograph, but that is only speculation. (I wonder who proposed keeping her out of the ability loop? Even so, they probably just told her they preferred to work in secret. Not a lie.)
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onceuponapuffin · 2 months
Fanatic Intervention Part 22!!
And we're back to Team Ineffable!
Since the winning vote from the Fanfiction question was to include smut, Younglings beware. I don't mention anything specific, other than a vague line about some trolls. I will link the fic for those who want it. That's as bad as it gets. You're still good to read this on the bus if you're the kind of person who worries about the old ladies sitting behind you (pro tip, if they're reading smut off your phone over your shoulder, they're enjoying it).
Next installment we're meeting Jeremy!!
Okay, let's do this.
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The five of you have been on the road for a few hours now, and honestly it’s been very uneventful (disappointing, I know). In the last five hours, the peak of Interesting Happenings was Aziraphale wondering if the Shuffle was working properly on the playlist, because he was certain they hadn’t put nearly so much Taylor Swift on it. But the song quickly switched to Moonlight Sonata, so Aziraphale stopped complaining. That’s it. You sort of vaguely notice that that music has drifted back to Taylor Swift, but it’s all basically white noise at this point.
It is for this reason that you pull out your Miracle Enabler, and decide that you may as well get started since you have the time. With a quick glance around the car, you pull off a number and make a wish.
No one questions the book for another hour. It’s about the size of a graphic novel, slightly bigger than you would have liked, but aside from that it’s exactly what you wanted. The cover is a nondescript light brown moleskin (because moleskin feels SO nice), the only clue of its contents on the front, written in red script: AO3 Favourites: Good Omens Edition. Making the book was step one, and step two is reading the entire thing (vital, you see, got to make sure it’s nice, complete, and accurate). So far, it’s perfect. A tip-top piece of Miracle Making, if you do say so yourself.
“Oh!” Aziraphale says from the front seat, “I didn’t realize you brought a book!” Of course he’s the first one to notice. You wonder if you’re blushing at all because you’re pretty sure you know the next question he’s going to ask. “What is it that you’re reading?”
Yup. Nailed it.
For a moment you hesitate. Should you? Well, there was nothing to be ashamed of really. He’d probably read Lady Chatterly’s Lover and had it signed by the author.
“Oh come now,” the angel presses, “There’s no reason to worry, you’ve seen my bookshop after all.” There’s a twinkle in his eye that makes the decision for you. Well. He asked. Whatever happens next, it’s his fault.
“Well,” You say, “I was starting to miss some of my favourite stories from back home, so I made them into a book.” You hold up the volume, showing the cover.
“How lovely!” Aziraphale says, “What kind of stories do you have in there?”
“Smutty fanfiction.”
Crowley and Sardis both start laughing (Crowley’s going to regret that in a minute, you think), Anathema has put down her phone and is smiling as she tries to contain laughter herself. Aziraphale isn’t laughing.
“I...beg your pardon?” He asks in his I’d-be-clutching-pearls-if-I-had-them voice.
“Well,” You say, “Good Omens is my favourite thing--”
“-- The story about me and Crowley,” Aziraphale interrupts.
“Yeah,” You say, “That one. It’s my favourite thing, and a lot of other people’s too, so a lot of them write fanfiction about it. Like...stories about you and Crowley in...alternative situations and realities.”
Neither Aziraphale or Crowley have figured out where you’re going with this yet, but Anathema has, and she can’t seem to contain herself any longer.
“Oh my god,” she looks at you across Sardis, glee and amusement lighting up her face, “You made a book of your favourite Aziraphale-Crowley porn!?”
You notice that Crowley has stopped laughing. He and Aziraphale are staring straight ahead now, and the tips of their ears are going red.
“Pretty much, yeah,” You say in answer to Anathema. She cackles in response.
“Wow,” she manages between fits of laughter, “I wonder what that looks like!”
Okay, well with that kind of encouragement how can you not elaborate?
“Oh,” You say, “I can tell you exactly what that looks like. In every version you can think of. I have them as is, I have them as fairies, trolls, merfolk, aliens, mixed species, humans, some experimentation of celestial forms, and reversed. I have them as men, women, mixed, fluid, doppelgangers, current time, through history, future, on beds and ceilings and in public bathrooms. Every kink and position you can imagine. In canon, canon divergent and – ”
“FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE,” Thunders Aziraphale from the front seat, “WOULD YOU STOP PLEASE.”
You go quiet. Which bothers you because you hadn’t quite finished. You bounce your knee for a second before adding quietly:
“And crossovers.” There. Now you’re done. Aziraphale groans in frustration from the front seat. For a moment you sit there, book closed, hands in your lap. At some point during the conversation the music had stopped altogether, and now the car is just full of a horrible smothering silence. You’re starting to regret bringing this up, until you notice Anathema’s hand, reaching across Sardis, making gimme motions. With a glance up at the front seat, you hand the book across to Anathema, who immediately opens it and starts flipping through it, Sardis leaning over her shoulder.
“Oi!” Crowley calls. He’s staring at you through the rearview mirror. Huh, you didn’t think he actually used the rearview mirror. You learn something new every day apparently.
“Look,” You say, “It’s important.”
Aziraphale scoffs.
“No really,” You pull out the Miracle Enabler and wave it around, “I’ve been thinking about this thing. And I’m thinking hey, there might be a very real chance that we end up in a boss fight kind of situation. And I was thinking that I should probably know exactly what I can do with this thing before I’m standing on a battle field.” You take out a folded piece of paper, and hand it to Aziraphale. He takes it and unfolds the list written on motel stationary.
“Hm,” He says, putting his glasses on his nose.
Movement in your peripheral vision distracts you. Anathema is waving at you. She’s found that some of the stories are illustrated, and she’s landed on “Boon of the Blue Moon,” specifically the illustration that shows Troll!Aziraphale and Troll!Crowley in a very interesting position that’s only achievable for trolls with long tails, or acrobats who occasionally work from home. Her eyes and mouth are wide as she mouths “OH MY GOD.” Sardis mirrors mock-horror.
It takes all of your self control to hold in your laughter and try to wave them away. If Aziraphale sees this right now, he might actually smite you. And Crowley would probably help him. (And yeah, okay, you still have four lives left, but let’s not use up one of them on friendly fire if we can help it.)
“Make something that doesn’t exist,” Aziraphale reads aloud, “Make a common object, what’s this Matrix- Kung Fu mean?”
“It’s like...shorthand for giving myself a talent or skill that I never actually learned.”
“Ah,” He replies, folding the list again and handing it back, “I just don’t understand why you needed to start with...erm...”
“Smut,” You finish. The blush is creeping across his face, and you figure that saving him from saying the word out loud is the decent thing to do. Aziraphale nods as he removes his glasses and places them back in his pocket.
“Um yes, that.”
“Well some of them are really beautiful. I mean the sheer talent of these people. There are some stories in there that are so lovely they actually made me cry. And let me tell you, there are an awful lot of critically-acclaimed ‘proper’ works that haven’t evoked emotion for me the way that these have. It’s not just about the sex.” You decide to leave the Plot-What-Plot stories out of this for now. When you’re making progress in an argument, it’s important to quit when you’re ahead.
Aziraphale considers this for a moment, before the car’s audio turns back on, blaring Taylor Swift’s Love Story.
Under the cover of music, you lean over and say quietly to Anathema (and Sardis) “Wait till I show you the comics.”
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🖤
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mx-lamour · 8 months
Costuming Strahd: Art Addendum
I didn't include any mention of the official Dungeons & Dragons art for Strahd von Zarovich in my previous post, because I had dismissed it outright. There, I said it.
I shall strive to amend my folly in this addendum.
Let's start with that 5e cover:
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I generally approve of this representation. No doubt it colored my concept of Strahd's silhouette, since this is the first image of Strahd I came into contact with, some two or three years ago.
The shape of this garb is much like what I was aiming for in my previous post. Strahd is sporting a crisp shirt with stiffened, buttoned cuffs, much like our modern button-downs or blouses spanning back into the mid-1800s. His torso is trim in a fitted vest with standing collar, which easily fits into the category of fantasy-Renaissance. Speculation on from where/when exactly the inspiration comes might be a futile effort; it would find itself at home among the elves in The Lord of the Rings, and I'm not about to dig into that concept work just now.
Actually, what his vest reminds me of most is 15th century brigandine [or tabard (see below), which would cover brigandine or a breastplate, which is why] it's the right length, if nothing else.
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Reconstructing History, He's literally Elrond, and some brigandine
I believe I said it's easy to fake good pants, especially when sitting down. This example reinforces my point. His legs are indeed covered, and the result is not garish. Not particularly exciting, but nonetheless successful. You could probably even call them hose if you really wanted to.
His boots are literal extant riding boots, from "early 20th c." England, and honestly I'm so proud of this one-to-one reference.
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[Fig. 1] and [Fig. 2], although my first thought had been Victorian cycling boots.
The cape draped around his shoulders appears to be quite thin and probably only falls to about his fingertips, since it doesn't drape over the chair cushion and he's not sitting on it. It could look like some kind of military cape. Or maybe even, to drag him back a few centuries again, something Elizabethan.
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I'll do a whole thing on capes later.
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Moving on...
Early Strahd von Zarovich was definitely Dracula by another name, but later art has been pretty consistently (from what I can see) this other red/blue outfit, with baffling ruby clasps instead of a single pendant around his neck.
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That last one has me. To be fair, it's the only one gazing back at the observer... >.>
Look. This garb is sexy. It cannot be understated. While it's not what I'm going for in my own costume foray, this is a fantastic design. Here's why:
The line where blue meets red along his ribcage accentuates his chest. That same red draws the eye down over his crotch, subtly curving to accomodate his thighs. Those chains on his cloak and the sash around his waist are positively drippy, like the source of the Ivlis pouring down to the Tser Pool. The asymmetry of that and his mismatched shoulders gives him such a dynamic slant, something to visually climb back up like handholds on the face of a cliff. And the sash is supple, in direct contrast to his armored hips, solid and stalwart. His limbs are clad in slim nondescript brown, making it all the easier to focus in on his center, in high contrast dotted with solid rubies. The red and blue both, especially together, are blood colors, indicative of veins hidden beneath the skin.
He might be covered from toe to jaw, but this is an intimate costume.
Despite my appreciation for it, though, again, I personally am trying to make something a little less Lord of the Rings. For reasons.
So, let's see what I can come up with in terms of historical inspiration... if anything, lol.
This is going to be fairly stream-of-consciousness. (Not that it wasn't already, I suppose.)
The first thing that came to mind was a kaftan (or zupan?), because they can be fitted through the torso and feature a standing collar and embellished closures up the front. But, kaftans from Russia, the Ottoman Empire, and other areas touched by those cultures usually also have sleeves. I finally found the two illustrations below without sleeves, but they were difficult to track down and I'm not sure how much of what they depict is imaginary. (Although the sword, pouch, and helmet from the first one are definitely from an extant burial site.)
There's also the Polish kontusz, where the arms can be worn out of the sleeves, with the sleeves flipped back, and that can give the illusion of sleevelessness... A lot of examples I found of this particular garment are also open to the waist, which is delightfully provocative, but doesn't resemble the Strahd ensemble.
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Examples from Chernigov (Ukraine) and apparently Moldova; a Polish kontusz
I can think of little source material for that long, pointed fantasy hemline, but allow me to grasp at some straws.
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The straws in question.
Actually, this brings up a really good point of inquiry. Where does this drapery-between-the-legs situation that modern fantasy seems to be so enamoured with come from?
Tabards would seem the obious answer, but even that, in modern parlance, is used as an umbrella term for a wide range of garments that may or may not have any true basis in reality.
There's also just... loin cloths, I suppose, which can look like a piece of fabric just draped over the crotch and hanging between the legs, but there's usually more to it than that.
At last, after some digging around, I came across the video below. Bless Shad for his contribution to society.
It goes over all the the differences between those various styles of garment usually bearing symbols of allegiance all lumped together as "tabards", and presented me one more vocabulary word with which I was not yet familiar: the scapular.
Alas, monastic garb is my blind spot. Silly that I've played at least five clerics so far.
To summarize, I think the that the shape of the lower part of Strahd's... whatever-it-is... is inspired by a mix of these garments described in the video. It's short like a tabard should be, and has that dip between the legs reminiscent of a scapular.
But, ultimately, this thing is a waistcoat. Not a waistcoat in the Victorian sense; a waistcoat in the mid-18th century sense.
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Monk wearing a scapular, and some fancy waistcoats.
Finally, the very-high standing collar on Strahd's waistcoat smacks of a couple things: Russia (again), or the Regency era. Although, in the Regency years, waistcoats became much shorter (ending at the waist) and lengthened up the other way with high standing collars. But, if you were to combine the two waistcoats above and throw in some suggestive high-hip cutouts like a 1980's leotard, you might come out with something that resembles what Strahd is wearing in all that sumtuous art.
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The one with the sash really drives the comparison home.
With the initial kaftan comparison and this guy with the funny hair (a Count Vasili, coincidentally) above, Strahd von Zarovich's red/blue fantasy garb is also giving the Motherland, and folks, I already said that I was trying to keep blatant Russia out of Barovia (as much as that garb clearly slaps). But I also recently remembered due to this post that I am a total sucker for Russian pet names, so... who knows.
In the end... do I know what I'm doing? Absolutely not. I'm not sure which of these elements will filter into further consideration for my own Strahd von Zarovich costume, but I'm definitely glad I gave all this a look. Absolutely worth it. Learned a lot. ♡
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Hello, I've done this before, and I'm not exactly sure how it works, but here!
Twisted wonderland ,green tea, and angel food cake!
Thank you<3
Hi, thanks for the request! And no worries, you did everything exactly correct. I hope you enjoy your Green Tea and Angel Food Cake fic!
Cozy - Azul
Type: Gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ romantic/ Green Tea and Angel Food Cake Prompt
Word Count: 1834
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I watched as the snow continued to fall just through the diamond-paned window as I sat curled up in the ancient blanket I’d dug out of the closet. My calm demeanor was totally at odds with Azul’s frustration. He'd been pacing around ever since he’d finished getting the fire in the stove started via magic.
“How long do you suppose it’ll be before they can get the roads cleaned up?” Azul at last stopped his pacing to peer out the window. A frown on his face as he gazed out at the pristine winter wonderland.
“Well, they can’t start that until the snow stops falling, so who knows.” I shrugged inelegantly before twisting to look up at the young man.
I could understand his irritation. What had been supposed to be a PE game had resulted in us being snowed in at a little cottage in the woods around the campus. In fact, it was the same cottage that was just outside the mine where me, Deuce, and Ace had encountered our first blot monster.
To make matters worse, our phones had lost signal, implying something had gone haywire at the school proper yet again.
At least Grim had snuck off and gone back to Ramshackle earlier in the day. The ghosts would take care of him, so I didn’t have to worry.
Azul, on the other hand, was doubtless concerned about a myriad of things, including his beloved Mostro Lounge.
“I’m sure everyone is out and looking for us. At the very least, Floyd and Jade will be looking for you.” I reassured him gently, reaching out and patting his arm and, in doing so, earning myself a sideways glance.
“Yes. And I’m sure your friends will be searching for you as soon as they notice you’re missing.” His lips twitched into a brief smile before he looked back out the window. Frowning once more as he gazed at the blanket of pure white that now covered the campus. 
I nodded, agreeing with him, as I smiled to myself slightly before I reached down and patted the cushion next to me and held up the edge of the blanket in a silent offer.
“Come on, sit down. Pacing around won’t accomplish anything anyway,” My voice took on a teasing lilt that had him frowning at me even as he followed my suggestion and plopped down next to me.
We wiggled around briefly, getting the blanket stretched over the two of us even though it meant pressing in close together. I didn’t complain, though, as I cuddled up to his side. Noting  his slight inhale as I shifted over closer to him and adjusted the ancient fabric. 
It took him a little bit, but he finally relaxed. Shifting his arm so it was wrapped around me rather than pressed firmly to his side.
“I suppose it could be worse; at least we found a reasonably decent shelter. Though old, this cottage is no worse than Ramshackle and even has a fireplace.” He looked towards the fire that crackled away as merrily as you pleased.
I let out a soft laugh, nodding in agreement as I recalled the moments when the snow had first started to fall, “Yeah, I thought you were going to stare up at the sky forever when the snow first started. It was like you’d never seen it before.”
“I haven’t.” His tone was so matter-of-fact that I had to pause for a moment. I stared at him in surprise before it finally hit me. 
He’d lived most of his life under the sea. Of course, he’d never seen snow before.
“I guess that was sort of a magical experience for you then. I honestly can’t remember the first time I saw snow…. I’m sorry for rushing you.”
He frowned at my words, shaking his head slightly, “No, at the very least we needed to get you indoors. Though I may be capable of handling more extreme temperatures, the same can’t be said for you.”
I smiled at his kindness, which, when I’d first met him, would have seemed dubious at best. But since then, I’d gotten to know Azul and the tweels better, and their benevolence had become more genuine. Though it still wasn’t exactly odd for them to ask to be repaid for any kind acts they did.
We fell into a silence that wasn’t uncomfortable, even as I realized that this might be the first time I’d ever been totally alone with just Azul. Every other time we’d been together, the tweels or someone else had been present.
Azul shifted slightly before glancing my way with only the slightest twist of his head, and watching as I pulled the blanket just a bit closer to me than it had been, “Are you still cold?”
I blinked at him, caught slightly off-guard, and before I could even consider responding, he was continuing, “Wait here, I’ll go get another blanket.”
He started to stand, slipping out from under the blanket as I speedily reached out and snatched his wrist, “No, I’m fine! Really, Azul, I was just getting more comfortable.”
He looked down at me, his pale blue eyes wide, before he slowly recovered, “Oh, I see. I suppose that’s fine then.”
He awkwardly sat back down next to me, his fingers beginning to toy with the edge of the frayed blanket, “I suppose we need to plan for being here for the long haul.”
I shook my head, halfway amused by his words, “If you’re thinking about spending the night, I don’t think that’ll be necessary. At the very least, the staff will have to step up since you're stuck here with me and you’re a housewarden.
He frowned at my words, “You don’t think they’d search if it were just you?”
I snorted, “They would eventually. I just think they’ll be a bit faster about it since you’re here.”
He let out a hum, his fingers beginning to tap some sort of beat on his leg, “Even if it were just you, someone would come quickly. There are your friends, and then I wouldn’t let you stay out here and freeze to death on your own.”
I looked at him with widening eyes, staring at him in slight surprise. Because though it wasn’t an odd thought that he’d offer to help, it was odd that he’d admit it in quite such a fashion.”
He looked down, his eyes going as wide as mine as he realized what he’d just said, “Of course, I’d ask for payment for my services.”
It was a sloppy save, with the way it had been delivered with a far too flustered expression, but I didn’t call him out on it.
“Of course,” I looked away, lacing my fingers together under the blanket and looking away from Azul as I noted exactly how close we actually were.
I didn’t mind being cuddled up to Azul by any means, but… Well, I supposed I hadn’t realized that we were quite so cuddled up until we were looking at each other, face to face.
He shifted, tugging up one sleeve to reveal a watch that he frowned at, “Either way, Floyd and Jade should have been here by now. They knew which path we took when we left the spelldrive field.”
“Yeah, I remember them telling you to have fun,” I grinned at the memory of how their teasing calls had sent Azul into a slight tizzy. Fussing at them even as we walked away from the laughing twins.
“They also told us not to get too cozy,” At Azul’s dry words, we both looked down at the blanket wrapped around us.
I shook my head, smiling as I thought of their reactions if they could see us now, “I guess we didn't obey that one.”
“You’re cozy?” Azul sounded utterly incredulous, like he couldn’t believe what I was saying even as I was leaning up against him.
I laughed aloud at his shock even before nodding, “Yes, I’m cozy.” 
I paused, pondering his words just a little bit more before I twisted, suddenly concerned as I looked at him, “Are you?”
His eyes went wide once more, making the pale blue shade of his irises appear even brighter than it usually did as he stared down at me, “I…”
He faltered briefly before recovering with a uniquely determined look on his face as he tightened his grip on my shoulder, where his hand had just been resting loosely a few seconds ago, “Of course I am. I wouldn’t be sitting here if I weren’t.”
He looked away, making it far too easy for me to see the pink that slowly began to show on the edge of his ear, eliciting a grin from me. I couldn’t help it as I leaned just a little bit closer, “Really?”
He let out an exasperated sound at my teasing tone, “Yes, re-.”
He was cut off by the door bursting open, causing us to both jump, with me practically landing in his lap as he wrapped his arms around me. 
We both stared wide-eyed at the doorway, which was now shadowed by two far too familiar silhouettes.
“Well, he certainly does look cozy. Doesn’t he Jade?”
“Indeed. I’d say so.”
I felt myself droop against Azul as the adrenaline rapidly left my system, and he similarly relaxed, “Oh, it’s just you two.”
“Just us two? Would you rather we left and gave you two some more quality time?” Jade grinned down at us as both he and Floyd stepped into the room. Both of them looked far too pleased with themselves as they stared at us with obvious amusement.
Me and Azul both looked at each other, half confused until we were facing each other and realizing exactly what position we were now in. Me sitting on his lap with his arms still wrapped loosely around me from where we’d both been startled.
I don’t know which of us moved first. But either way, Azul jerked back as I scrambled backwards, sending the blanket akimbo as we both scurried away from each other.
“No!” Azul was the one who spoke, his rejection far too vehement as it only caused the twins' grins to spread in a way that promised more teasing.
“Shame we didn’t get a picture, hmm?” Jade tilted his head towards Floyd, who snickered.
“Yeah, they looked like they were having a good time before we came in.” He looked back towards where me and Azul looked towards each other in exasperation before Azul looked away a little bit too quickly, and his ears darkened further.
I smiled, despite myself, before getting up from the couch to follow the tweels out as Azul stood behind me.
At the very least, I could say I’d learned that the tweels were right. I could get quite cozy with Azul as long as we had time together. And I didn’t even think that snow would be necessary next time.
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asmomyluv · 1 year
Headcanons (ASMODEUS)
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You may have noticed that I love Asmo more than the world itself😋 so here are some head cannons I have for him! Sorry about no post yesterday I'm making up for it with this one so enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of aphrodisiac, physical insecurities
-He paints all his brother’s nails, because as he says “You have enough issues, don’t let your nails be one of them.”
-I just feel like Asmo is one of the shorter brothers along with Belphie I’d say he’s on the shorter side of demons. Maybe 6’0 with the average being about 6’6 for Demons.
-In his demon form, however, I think he’d be 6’3 not including his horns. I just feel like Asmo gives little asshole(affectionate) vibes but he’s definitely not human short.
-Is his cum an Aphrodisiac? Hell yea, I’d go as far as to say all of his bodily fluids are at will. So when you're kissing Asmo and feel just a little too warm for a kiss you pull away face flushed and eyes big. He smirks knowing exactly what he’s doing to you. there goes the sfw tag
-Look he’s the avatar of lust that comes with some skills, some of which are practically magic. Now his ability to know your pleasure points after touching you is airing on the side of magic.
-We know Asmo can’t charm MC but if he could, you would both have a great time. When you’ve had a long day and are just sick of stressing and overthinking you would come to him and he’d make it all go away without a touch.
-He would never take advantage of you, even the way he lusts for you is something new to him. He doesn't only crave you sexually but emotionally. He craves your soft touch and gentle kisses. Just to hold your hand or waist and be close to you.
-It’ll take him an embarrassing amount of time to realize that he’s in love of course
-As particular as he is about looks he thinks you look beautiful all the time. At first, he would be embarrassed that another being could live up to his expectations of beauty until he remembers that you're his. As beautiful and stunning as you are you belong to him, you chose him.
-If you sleep with him not like that, unless.. he sleeps nude. The most he’ll put on is a very loose robe if you're really that uncomfortable. His brothers have definitely learned not to wake him up by removing the covers
-He has longish hair, I refuse to believe that Asmo doesn't have long fluffy hair. Like a Korean-style wolf cut. Like in all honesty, they missed a chance to give him beautiful fairy hair in-game
-He loves all of his brothers and makes sure they always know he has time for them. Occasionally one of them will join him for his night routine and he’ll give them the full spa treatment. Especially Beel when he’s sore from workouts
-Sad times… he values his appearance so much that he’s convinced others do as well. It’s gotten to the point that when he notices small imperfections like acne he doesn’t want anyone to see him, even though his brothers have tried to let him know they don’t care he won't listen. Sometimes one of them will stop by his door to talk to him since he won't leave.
-He has a spreadsheet to keep track of when his makeup or skincare expires because he will NOT risk anything happening to his beautiful face
-He’s got a very airy and soft look, sharp features but still in a way a soft fairy-like look, IDK he’s just… dainty yk
-Run’s your social media page, I feel like the online culture is way different in the Devildom so he absolutely manages your account and you easily become the second most followed account, after him of course.
-If he’s ever left to wake you up he does it in the most soft way possible because you look so peaceful. He’d brush the side of your cheek and gently call your name.
-No physical labor, he just doesn't do it. Taking out the trash? Sounds like a job for anyone else. Honestly, I see him calling on Beel a lot in that way anytime he needs something moved his baby bro has got his back.
- He is so ticklish, he’s good at hiding it but his sides are extremely ticklish, and that’s something you have to find out yourself because he never tells anyone
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daddyelliott1979 · 8 months
Littles with Disabilities in kink Spaces
Another post inspired by my boy @squirtdaboi.
So today he did an amazingly brave thing and went to London, by himself for the first time, to a puppy event to meet up with friends.
Something to know about this amazing boy is he's partially sighted and has sensory issues, so this was a huge thing for him. So freaking proud of him!
We worked through lots of anxiety, and his so called friends kept changing plans which really doesn't work well for him- I have to reassure him when he comes to visit exactly what's going to happen - and I have zero issue doing as many times as he needs.
My boy went through a lot during the day, most disappointing was that friends abandoned him, luckily some really decent pups looked after him towards the end. Even making sure he got to his train. So thank you to our little heroes today!
Now here's the thing that angers me the most, as a Daddy who has 2 kiddos with Special needs, how the community treats those with different needs often leaves me utterly livid!
Worse is that most events are catered to the able bodied, often being in places where the disabled facilities are in the lady's toilets? If there is even that! In this day how is that even considered acceptable!?
Yes he's little, but he has some continence issues, so should he or others be discriminated against? Or find themselves in spaces that are really non inclusive?
Now I have to add that I spent 20 years working in adult and children support and enabling services, I'm a qualified Therapist, and have spent over 2 decades as an activist for the human rights and inclusion of those with different needs.
So I fully understand that most people aren't going to have the level of understanding and competency in these matters; but compassion doesn't require training, it requires genuine empathy!
As a community we have to start doing better at inclusion and creating safe spaces for those with disabilities, especially at events! A little bit of awareness goes along way!
No one is expecting you to be a carer, but if you are going to invite those with additional needs to events or play dates, have a basic understanding of their needs, ask what you can do to help and is there anything you need to be aware of!
And when playing with others this should just be basic etiquette and Safe play behaviour!
To event organisers, find out how you can make your event's inclusive and accessible for all! And yes that means you may have to ensure that there are facilities that are accessible should people need it!
We can do so much to make our kink Spaces more inclusive; see that shy person looking awkward? Maybe try to include them, ask them if they are ok?
As a person who is hard of hearing I can tell you how often people communicate with me in ways that make it impossible to hear- I often just give up reminding people and ignore them.
So imagine if you have more complex communication issues?
Again we can do so much to be inclusive, face people (don't always stare in people's eyes as it's anxiety inducing for some), use clear language, don't cover your mouth. Ask people what you do to support better communication; honestly you will find people will feel so enriched if you take little time to understand!
People with disabilities are at an increased risk of social exclusion, it can be a trial just getting to places (that's if someone lets them go!), so we can all do much to welcome people with open arms!
But remember not everyone likes being touched, so take "opens arms" as a metaphor, and at the very least ask before touching/hugging!
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[[Alright so I'm new around these parts, may someone pleaaaase sum up the juicy lore for me?]]
-grateful anon
[ominous bell toll]
[It is time (lore summary time)]
[and. and this time. WE'RE GOING OVER ALL THE LORE!!!!!!!!] [i'll probably pin this so people can find the lore easily]
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[LORE UNDER THE CUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
[Alrightttt so. IMPORTANT BITS!!]
[gangle has an ai version of herself thats meant to represent her subconscious: "s-gangle" who is currently .. missing right now]
[gangle used to be friends with kaufmo (before he abstracted)] [related comics and art here:] [comic, art, art,
[gangle hates an anon named "hammer anon" who has attacked her multiple times] [i'll cover that momentarily]
[i'll also include some other blog lore at the end, but right now we're focusing on gnagle lore!] ------
[so, starting off from the very beginning: the first important event was when gangle borrowed one of jax's keys, secretly accessing kaufmo's room. she wanted to find a way to move on from what happened. it did not go well . heres the series of comics relating to this: comics here]
[kaufmo's blog got introduced around this time, making gangle freak out (because she couldnt really comprehend the fact that kaufmo was just. back] [but she didnt want to deal w/ her emotions, so she forced herself to wear her happy mask for an extended period of time] [which, according to blog lore, kind of helps suppress her emotions]
[anyway, obviously thats a horrible idea] [so she kinda suffers for the next few asks] [like this ask, this ask, this ask, and this ask!] [yeah turns out the mask aint holding up very well. uh oh.] [yikes.]
[this is where hammer anon comes in! in this post, he breaks gangle's mask, resulting in all her emotions flooding in (this post). wahoo, i suppose? (not really)]
[the anons comfort gangle in this post, and eventually she recovers. yay!] [gangle is happy for a bit] [shes watching over kinger's fortress while he erm. goes through his own arc (here)] [anyway while watching over the fortress she has movie night! which results in this art here]
[unfortunately. another arc happens. Jax literally abstracts! thats right. jax abstracted. gangle is. not feeling great about it! (comic)] [so yeah]
[unfortunately for gangle, things get worse when hammer anon decides now is a GREAT time to see if gangle has a third mask!] [art here!] [so she erm. flees! to the ferris wheel !] [cause remember, this may be a circus but theres also the fairgrounds!]
[anyway. gangle is cornered. and over the course of some asks impending doom slowly approaches her!] [related art here, here, here, and the comic begins here!]
[anyway. yeah! turns out! there is no third mask. which glitches gangle. yikes. whoops.] [shes out cold for a while] [and one of the anons takes her inside so she can rest (art here)]
[gangle eventually wakes up (art here)] [and has a bunch of errors all over her face! cause. you know. her masks.] [she freaks out a bit over it but dont worry she calms down eventually]
[also, not exactly lore important? but someone decids to taunt her for being a coward n such so she throws a fish at them in this comic]
[one extra thing as well: erm. jax DIED. like not even abstracted hes straight up dead due to one of the abstractions named dyno. yeah.] [or well he WAS dead at this time]
[caine is informed about what's happening, but unfortunately he isn't able to do anything about it (art here)] [honestly, gangle's tired of all this (especially considering the literal ai who runs the circus cant do anything to help) so she heads off to the lake. and SURPRISE!!!] [zooble appearance]
[heres the series of art/asks] in chronological order] [art 1, art 2, art 3, art 4, art 5, art 6, art 7, art 8,] [theres also a little break inbetween; one of the anons attempts to fix gangle's mask (it goes horribly wrong) related art here and here] [anyway continuing the zooble arc] [comic 1, comic 2, comic 3, comic 4, comic 5, and the animated finale]
[smth funny thats unrelated to lore- a CERTAIN ANON (cough) /silly was predicting all of my story ideas. (art here)]
[one more important thing regarding zooble: abstragedy/google ship is not canon, please don't joke about it/talk about it-] [im pretty sure zooble's mod is uncomfortable with the ship] [so.. yeah!]
[now: smth i'd like to mention, there were 2 story arcs before the finale of the comics related to zooble:] [the computer files arc and s-gangle's introduction arc]
[the computer files thing was a little event i set up for everyone, where they could look through gangle's character files] [heres 2 silly asks that aren't lore related: 1 and 2] [ANYWAY lore related stuff! heres some of the important stuff: C&A, The Magician, and Memories]
[the one of the most important things though, from the files, would be the logs:] [here is log 1, log 2, and log 3 (with some art!)]
[anyway, s-gangle.exe is booted, and bam! s-gangle is introduced! (<- link here)]
[most of the asks are normal, but heres some lore important asks: flowers 1, flowers 2, copycat, red, poem (the poem ask was made around the time gangle returned)]
[anyway! wahoo, after a while, gangle's back, and she now has to deal with All the Anon Chaos that's happened. poor gangle] [anyway. heres the important stuff!: an anon decided to curse s-gangle with a physical body, resulting in s-gangle immediately running off (comic here)]
[and.. theres also some silly stuff going on with the kaufmo blog. for context; during the jax dying situation, kaufmo used the chaos as a chance to escape the cellar and hid in his room for a while]
[kaufmo, learning about the whole "error" situation with gangle, wants to do something about it. (comic here)] [andd.. heres the final part relating to that! (comic here)]
[apologies about the final section of lore, especially the kaufmo part, considering it had to be rushed on christmas day due to the ask i recieved]
[and. y.y eah. thats everything! i'll try to actively update this lore as time goes on. wow this is a lot.]
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Internverse (RC9GN AU) [Name Subject to Change]
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Lovely timezone, my dreamers!
So, I blame the constant brainrot I have somehow developed for a ridiculously dead fandom (but we continue to exist lol). The idea, however, is not entirely my own and I do have to give credit where its due (it simply wouldn't be possible without @7-inches-of-satanic-panic having made a post about it and i simply decided to write something for it!)
Now, to explain this AU- canon divergent storyline- it mostly follows McFist and Viceroy (it was Viceroy pfft) coming up with a new plan on capturing the ninja which leads to them creating an internship program in an attempt to unmask the city's 'vigilante'. By the power of well-placed plot logic, and because well, it'd honestly fit the theme- Randy's accepted as an intern and begins working at McFist Industries as he's using the opportunity to figure out the evil duo's next steps but of course, the question remains: what happens if he gets caught?
Unable to easily back out, Randy is left having to complete the internship and if he happens to be enjoying himself a little, that would be a lie- what are you talking about?
Now everything after this is my own interpretation!
Everything takes a sudden turn because Randy isn't exactly the most qualified, but at the same time- i feel he does have some range of skills that McFist and Viceroy could be interested in. ADHD! Randy taking an interest in math for instance? Absolutely, but now he's literally interning for his archenemies and for the time being, the Sorcerer isn't as major of a villain as he would be in the canon; anyway, moving on-
Randy doesn't really seem to find anything amiss and mostly spends his time interning under Viceroy as McFist is, well, McFist- but things get interesting when he (Randy) ends up in the radar of McFist who's a bit suspicious and comes to the conclusion that Randy might be the Ninja due to the type of slang he uses- (which becomes dismissed by Viceroy because apparently Randy is a bit clumsy, and how could someone like that ever be the Ninja, amirite? /lh)
Though I also like to imagine at least Randy and Viceroy bond because, well, who wouldn't be slightly interested in the new technology Viceroy's developed for video games? Honestly- this might be partially inspired by me having read other AU's where Viceroy sort of adopts Randy and I will get my dues with this pfft, but anyway-
At some point, things get tense because Randy mysteriously vanishes when a robot attacks the city, and now has to come up with a plausible excuse to why he left McFist Industries-
(author's cut: i might either write this as a long one-shot or it's going to be a multi-chaptered work where it explores dynamics a little bit more and may gain more 'lore' behind it so to speak)
Headcanons + Thoughts
~ To fit the theme a little, Randy is something of a math prodigy- though it's not something he made an effort in showing before and it's due to this he's accepted into the internship program
~ Personally the program is only meant to last the course of a single month since it's mostly to unravel the Ninja's identity, but things kind of... derail- because Randy does have his skills and Viceroy's curious
~ Randy is peak ADHD in this; I can cover everything about it in a separate post (but basically- he can't sit still for longer than five minutes and is always fidgeting with something)
~ McFist isn't a total idiot and he suspects something strange about Randy, but it's mostly him realizing that Randy uses the same sort of slang as the Ninja- even attempting to bring this idea to Viceroy, though it's not enough
~ All of the expenses are paid for- including lodging in order to make the internship seem more legitimate (and it is, it's also a ploy to capture the Ninja but no one needs to know that)
~ Bash and Randy? We'll see where this goes, but they'll definitely have interactions with Bash being McFist's stepson and well, Randy's interning so they're bound to see each other repeatedly
~ the Sorcerer isn't an overarching element in this as he would be in canon, but he might get cameos- or it's something introduced in the second half of the series to keep things interesting, genuinely we'll have to see
~ if there is going to be reveal, I honestly want the suddenly dawning realization that the Ninja is a teenager- that it's not something to be taken lightly, and while McFist may honestly ignore it, Viceroy certainly will not (and that's all I'm saying on the matter right now)
~ what lesson am i going to be using for this? i'm honestly on the fence of whether i use a preexisting one, or if this is going to be something entirely new Randy's facing-
~ for the sake of how things are going to run, Randy's family is absent during this- i do think he either lives with another relative (half-credit to @7-inches-of-satanic-panic since it's possible it could be an aunt acting as his surrogate mom? or the hc i've talked about before- that his parents are just constantly working and busy, and tend to neglect Randy a lot)
Under-the-Cut Information (+ Thoughts)
I am definitely treating this as a more lighthearted story, but there's going to be serious elements because there isn't a single way that Randy's completely fine being the Ninja and sure, he does love it, though there's got to be an emotional toll happening he isn't realizing (we've seen this in canon, it isn't out of the realm of possibility)
I do want to say that I am using neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ headcanons and elements in this piece, and if that's going to be a problem- please, find something else to read
I'm going to explore the depth of Randy's personality as he genuinely should've gotten more development and I felt his character had a weird... switch during the second season-? Like, it still felt like him but he also could be a massive jerk for seemingly no reason and then regret his actions as if this isn't the most adhd coded kid i have ever seen in my life, it would explain a lot
might play around with character designs? i'm not sure yet honestly-
currently the au will be titled intern randy au until further notice, so if you want to follow the story- the tag is #internrandyau
That is all I've got for now!
Mod Danny (They/Them)
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