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bbokicidal · 6 hours ago
Ooh, it's a bad habit. | SKZ [OT8]
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synopsis: "Bad" habits the boys have in relationships + in general.
Genre: Fluff I guess? Pairing: OT8 x GN!Reader Warnings: Mentions of arguing but nothing depicted Notes: I just enjoy making these types of posts and I'm feeling inspired at 5 AM (YET AGAIN) so enjoy!~
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Does not answer text messages. Opens it, reads it, gets distracted, does not come back to it until either eight hours later or until you double text him. Hit his ass with the "????" and he'll apologize but otherwise he'll just "oh."
Leaves his little snack wrappers on the kitchen counters. If you don't get to them first, he'll clean them up when he goes into the kitchen next. He just forgets about it in the moment; Man likes his snackies.
Bites the skin around his nails so his cuticles are Lowkey HORRIBLE but if you get him on a cuticle oil that smells nice, he's gonna be like a bitch with a new lipgloss applying that shit every ten minutes.
Hums a lot. Not a bad habit but not the nicest when you're on a phone call and you can hear him humming next to you.
Cannot control his face. Even grows a habit of making certain faces at you when you're either arguing or talking about something he's uncertain about. It annoys you to no end and he tries to stop but fails every time.
Doesn't answer, period. You can talk to him for almost five minutes about a subject and he won't hear a single thing because he's on his phone. Selective hearing, apparently.
Will not do something if he does not want to - which can be good, obviously he shouldn't do something if he doesn't feel like it - but when you've made plans and he doesn't want to go last minute it can be really frustrating. He's also incredibly stubborn when it comes to this, too.
Very irritable most of the time, especially after he's just woken up. He will snap if you pester him too much about something but at this point you've grown to understand it's just how he is. He never says anything mean, he never yells, it's just a light raise of his voice and something along the lines of, "Yes, okay! I'll get to it when I get to it!"
Glances at his watch way too fucking much. Man is constantly keeping track of the time - which leads to him complaining that he looked at his watch earlier and it said 4:50, looked at his watch two seconds ago and now it says 4:51.
Doesn't like being at events longer than he's supposed to be. If y'all have dinner with the group and he was ready to go home forty minutes ago, he's going to be pouting and rolling his eyes those entire forty minutes.
Talks with his mouth full. It's cute, because his cheeks pudge out and his lips are all pursed and pouty - but he does it a lot. Especially if someone argues with him while he's eating, he's gonna be pointing and yelling back and food's gonna be flying.
Not a bad habit but purses his lips and expects kisses from you. You know what it means now and always kiss him when you see him do it but at the beginning of your relationship it confused the hell out of you. Why was he making duck lips at you?
Crosses and uncrosses his legs like no other. Sometimes the man cannot sit still in his seat and the moment you notice it, it Lowkey drives you insane. But he also can't cross his legs at his thighs because they're thicker than Hell AND he's got a third leg in the middle so he's always just crossing his ankles and kicking his feet out.
Sitting forward/slouching. Changbin. Cannot. Sit. Up. Straight. ^ Going off the prompt above, he's literally always sitting forward with his elbows on his knees or sitting back in his seat and leaning. It's not horrible but sometimes if he's in interviews or going to award shows you have to remind him to sit up.
Toys with things that are sitting in front of him. He needs stimulation with his hands so if he's got his phone, he's turning it over in his hands; If he's sitting in front of a candle, he's waving his finger over the open flame like an idiot.
Picks at his nail polish. He always does the cutest designs and he knows you love when he paints his nails but five seconds later he's either biting at them when he gets anxious or he's picking at the polish until it chips off. He never gets good photos, either.
Chews on his drawing pencils, which is why he's always buying new art supplies. Luckily he gets gifted drawing utensils from a lot of brands he works with on Holidays and his birthday - but a lot of his pencils go to shit because he gnaws on them while he's thinking about his art piece.
Checks his phone a lot. He wants to see if he has messages from you so he's always peeking at his notifications in eager waiting, but if he's with you he's also checking his group chat notifications from he boys. It's not bad, but gets annoying on dates.
Leaves his clothes everywhere. His room is always messy with little piles of clothes and when you move in together, your shared room becomes the same way. He gets better about it when you get on his ass but up until then he's just throwing his shit everywhere.
Twirls his hair around his fingers. Not a bad habit but funny when you pick up on it. He's doing it all the time when he's listening in on conversations, and while he does it he's pursing his lips. Just a drama queen judging other drama queens.
Talks with his hands. He gets real flappy when he's arguing and bickering with people, and he's come real close to hitting you a few times when he stands up from the couch to argue with Hyunjin on the other end. He always apologizes but it'll never stop.
Rubs his eyes a lot, which you have to remind him is bad for 1) his skin, and 2) the company will yell at him. He's gotten better when he's wearing makeup because he doesn't want to mess it up but when he's at home he's always rubbing his face.
Stuttering/Stammering. Especially if you're bickering or you catch him off guard, he cannot get a damn comment out to save his life. He'll try, say the word four times wrong, and then stop to think and then completely lose the thought altogether.
Constantly apologizing. The man is apologizing for everything under the Sun; Being behind you when you move away from the fridge, bumping into you while you do laundry, saying sorry for cutting you off while talking. Most of the things are no big deals and it can get a little frustrating, but it's also a tad endearing.
His eyebrows do not have an off switch. They are always moving. He speaks with his hands, his mouth, and his eyebrows. Which ties into him, most of the time, not being able to control his expressions. Not that he wants to.
Messy eating. Man needs like eight napkins when he's eating chicken wings, he fuckin' flies through them like crazy. He's the type that's got sauce all over his fingers, his mouth, staining his chin. He can't help it though and it is kind of cute. Just don't let him near too many finger foods.
Touches his hair all too much. Sometimes he complains his hair looks greasy or messed up and you have to remind him that every five minutes he's pushing it back with his hands - which is why it grows oily so fast. Always pushing it behind his ears, pulling it down over his forehead, touching the ends behind his neck.
Swears like a sailor. Bro has the biggest potty mouth in the group and cannot control it when he gets angry. Most used words are: Wank, Fuck, Shit, and Asshole.
Claps at everything. Not in the verbal way; He actually claps. He claps when he laughs, he claps when someone does something successfully, he claps when he's tired and ready to go to bed. Has a habit of clapping once before he starts talking, usually a "*clap* Alright, well -"
Winks. Wink, wink. Always winking at people. Not strangers, though - Just you and the guys, and on occasion a security guard escorting him through the airport. An eternal flirt who cannot help himself. A natural charmer.
Rubs the tip of his index finger against the side of his thumb and subsequently gains a callus from it because he can't fucking stop. It doesn't really matter nor does it effect his daily life but it's a little annoying when he's playing guitar. But it also.. kind of.. helps.
Speaking of ^ Brings his guitar everywhere he can. If he is going somewhere and knows he'll have free time to practice or play, he's bringing it with even if it's taking up space in the car and people are tripping over it. That thing goes with him everywhere.
Has a very bad habit of standing and staring - except it's less staring and more glaring. He's not doing it on purpose, nor is he always mad - He just had a perfect RBF and can't help it. But he's always tipping his head down, his eyes are always dark, he's never smiling unless he's actively like - trying. He's just kind of scary. Scary guard dog.
Taps his foot a lot. Not annoying, not a hinderance - just a habit that ends up making his ankle and the top of his foot hurt because he is constantly doing it. It becomes a game though if you pick up on it - He'll tap his foot to a rhythm and you have to guess the song, which is a lot harder than you expect.
Sniffs. Sniffles. Sniffing everything. One of those people who, if he opens something new, sniffs it immediately - even if it isn't food or something that will smell good. Sniffs it anyways.
Twists the rings he wears around his fingers. Most of them are higher quality and from fancy ass brands so it doesn't matter, but every once in a while he gets a slightly shittier ring and when he twists it, it turns his finger green. And then he ends up pouting while he tries to wash the stain out of his skin.
Constantly licking his lips but not in the way you're thinking. He does this thing specifically where he pushes the tip of his tongue into the corner of his lips while they're parted and then caresses it. With his tongue. He does it a lot and when you pick up on it, you stare every time he does it subconsciously because it is so sexy.
Pulls at his bottom lip when in heavier conversations. Not even heavy topics - just intense or interesting convos. They could be talking about aliens and if he's in deep and thinking about conspiracies and shit, he'll pulling at the skin of his lip. More of a thinking habit than anything but he ends up using tons of chapstick afterwards.
Sticks his tongue out when he gets scolded or complimented. Anytime a comment is directed at him, he sticks his tongue out briefly before smiling. It's more of a teasing habit because it riles the other members up and flusters you - so. He gets away with it.
Pulls childish moves during arguments; Pouts when you're angry with him for something, rolls hie eyes when he's frustrated, puffs his cheeks out when he's thinking of how to retaliate. And absolutely says "Ooh you wanna kiss me so bad!!" when the two of you are bickering.
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Permanent Taglist :
@dwaekkicidal @possum-playground
@thatonedarkskinnedsiren @oc3anfloor @theyadorevalerie
@jeonginsleftcheek @pixie-felix @hwangjoanna
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bbokicidal · 20 hours ago
Mystery Event | SKZ [K.SM]
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Synopsis; Where you send a SKZ member + a # to my inbox and I write based off an invisible prompt list.
SKZcidal Mystery Event ; Kim Seungmin + Smut Prompt #17 "Can't you handle it, baby?" "Fuck, yes - I can handle it."
Genre: Smut Pairing: Kim Seungmin x Fem!Reader Warnings: Suggestive Content (MDNI), mentions of making the reader cry during sex, general roughness, ... cum.
Event Guidelines if you want to request!
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Permanent Taglist :
@dwaekkicidal @possum-playground
@thatonedarkskinnedsiren @oc3anfloor @theyadorevalerie
@jeonginsleftcheek @pixie-felix @hwangjoanna
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bbokicidal · 24 hours ago
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bbokicidal · 24 hours ago
yeah, todays going p good thanks for asking; I opened instagram and Han Jisung yelled the word 'shit' right in front of my coworkers so I think my afternoon shift started off p well.
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bbokicidal · 1 day ago
Fuck it, I need to do another event.
New Invisible Prompt Req Event! Let's call this.. the SKZcidal Mystery Event lol. It's an event to hopefully get me motivated to write again and it's fun because it's a mystery prompt game.
Note: ALL of these prompts will be written as SMAUs - or fake texts.
Where I've let you choose the genre before - you no longer get that power lol. So, for the event you can send a message to my inbox containing; ONE Member & A number between 1 & 20.
You have a chance of getting either a Pining, Exes To Lovers/Jealousy, or Purely Smut prompt - but which genre you get is up to me and my finger of mystery lol.
Example of a request;
'For the SKZcidal event; Changbin & #19' 'Hyunjin #20' 'For the mystery prompt event, Han & 7'
Alright, enough said - lets do this !!
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bbokicidal · 1 day ago
Ooh, it's a bad habit. | SKZ [OT8]
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synopsis: "Bad" habits the boys have in relationships + in general.
Genre: Fluff I guess? Pairing: OT8 x GN!Reader Warnings: Mentions of arguing but nothing depicted Notes: I just enjoy making these types of posts and I'm feeling inspired at 5 AM (YET AGAIN) so enjoy!~
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Does not answer text messages. Opens it, reads it, gets distracted, does not come back to it until either eight hours later or until you double text him. Hit his ass with the "????" and he'll apologize but otherwise he'll just "oh."
Leaves his little snack wrappers on the kitchen counters. If you don't get to them first, he'll clean them up when he goes into the kitchen next. He just forgets about it in the moment; Man likes his snackies.
Bites the skin around his nails so his cuticles are Lowkey HORRIBLE but if you get him on a cuticle oil that smells nice, he's gonna be like a bitch with a new lipgloss applying that shit every ten minutes.
Hums a lot. Not a bad habit but not the nicest when you're on a phone call and you can hear him humming next to you.
Cannot control his face. Even grows a habit of making certain faces at you when you're either arguing or talking about something he's uncertain about. It annoys you to no end and he tries to stop but fails every time.
Doesn't answer, period. You can talk to him for almost five minutes about a subject and he won't hear a single thing because he's on his phone. Selective hearing, apparently.
Will not do something if he does not want to - which can be good, obviously he shouldn't do something if he doesn't feel like it - but when you've made plans and he doesn't want to go last minute it can be really frustrating. He's also incredibly stubborn when it comes to this, too.
Very irritable most of the time, especially after he's just woken up. He will snap if you pester him too much about something but at this point you've grown to understand it's just how he is. He never says anything mean, he never yells, it's just a light raise of his voice and something along the lines of, "Yes, okay! I'll get to it when I get to it!"
Glances at his watch way too fucking much. Man is constantly keeping track of the time - which leads to him complaining that he looked at his watch earlier and it said 4:50, looked at his watch two seconds ago and now it says 4:51.
Doesn't like being at events longer than he's supposed to be. If y'all have dinner with the group and he was ready to go home forty minutes ago, he's going to be pouting and rolling his eyes those entire forty minutes.
Talks with his mouth full. It's cute, because his cheeks pudge out and his lips are all pursed and pouty - but he does it a lot. Especially if someone argues with him while he's eating, he's gonna be pointing and yelling back and food's gonna be flying.
Not a bad habit but purses his lips and expects kisses from you. You know what it means now and always kiss him when you see him do it but at the beginning of your relationship it confused the hell out of you. Why was he making duck lips at you?
Crosses and uncrosses his legs like no other. Sometimes the man cannot sit still in his seat and the moment you notice it, it Lowkey drives you insane. But he also can't cross his legs at his thighs because they're thicker than Hell AND he's got a third leg in the middle so he's always just crossing his ankles and kicking his feet out.
Sitting forward/slouching. Changbin. Cannot. Sit. Up. Straight. ^ Going off the prompt above, he's literally always sitting forward with his elbows on his knees or sitting back in his seat and leaning. It's not horrible but sometimes if he's in interviews or going to award shows you have to remind him to sit up.
Toys with things that are sitting in front of him. He needs stimulation with his hands so if he's got his phone, he's turning it over in his hands; If he's sitting in front of a candle, he's waving his finger over the open flame like an idiot.
Picks at his nail polish. He always does the cutest designs and he knows you love when he paints his nails but five seconds later he's either biting at them when he gets anxious or he's picking at the polish until it chips off. He never gets good photos, either.
Chews on his drawing pencils, which is why he's always buying new art supplies. Luckily he gets gifted drawing utensils from a lot of brands he works with on Holidays and his birthday - but a lot of his pencils go to shit because he gnaws on them while he's thinking about his art piece.
Checks his phone a lot. He wants to see if he has messages from you so he's always peeking at his notifications in eager waiting, but if he's with you he's also checking his group chat notifications from he boys. It's not bad, but gets annoying on dates.
Leaves his clothes everywhere. His room is always messy with little piles of clothes and when you move in together, your shared room becomes the same way. He gets better about it when you get on his ass but up until then he's just throwing his shit everywhere.
Twirls his hair around his fingers. Not a bad habit but funny when you pick up on it. He's doing it all the time when he's listening in on conversations, and while he does it he's pursing his lips. Just a drama queen judging other drama queens.
Talks with his hands. He gets real flappy when he's arguing and bickering with people, and he's come real close to hitting you a few times when he stands up from the couch to argue with Hyunjin on the other end. He always apologizes but it'll never stop.
Rubs his eyes a lot, which you have to remind him is bad for 1) his skin, and 2) the company will yell at him. He's gotten better when he's wearing makeup because he doesn't want to mess it up but when he's at home he's always rubbing his face.
Stuttering/Stammering. Especially if you're bickering or you catch him off guard, he cannot get a damn comment out to save his life. He'll try, say the word four times wrong, and then stop to think and then completely lose the thought altogether.
Constantly apologizing. The man is apologizing for everything under the Sun; Being behind you when you move away from the fridge, bumping into you while you do laundry, saying sorry for cutting you off while talking. Most of the things are no big deals and it can get a little frustrating, but it's also a tad endearing.
His eyebrows do not have an off switch. They are always moving. He speaks with his hands, his mouth, and his eyebrows. Which ties into him, most of the time, not being able to control his expressions. Not that he wants to.
Messy eating. Man needs like eight napkins when he's eating chicken wings, he fuckin' flies through them like crazy. He's the type that's got sauce all over his fingers, his mouth, staining his chin. He can't help it though and it is kind of cute. Just don't let him near too many finger foods.
Touches his hair all too much. Sometimes he complains his hair looks greasy or messed up and you have to remind him that every five minutes he's pushing it back with his hands - which is why it grows oily so fast. Always pushing it behind his ears, pulling it down over his forehead, touching the ends behind his neck.
Swears like a sailor. Bro has the biggest potty mouth in the group and cannot control it when he gets angry. Most used words are: Wank, Fuck, Shit, and Asshole.
Claps at everything. Not in the verbal way; He actually claps. He claps when he laughs, he claps when someone does something successfully, he claps when he's tired and ready to go to bed. Has a habit of clapping once before he starts talking, usually a "*clap* Alright, well -"
Winks. Wink, wink. Always winking at people. Not strangers, though - Just you and the guys, and on occasion a security guard escorting him through the airport. An eternal flirt who cannot help himself. A natural charmer.
Rubs the tip of his index finger against the side of his thumb and subsequently gains a callus from it because he can't fucking stop. It doesn't really matter nor does it effect his daily life but it's a little annoying when he's playing guitar. But it also.. kind of.. helps.
Speaking of ^ Brings his guitar everywhere he can. If he is going somewhere and knows he'll have free time to practice or play, he's bringing it with even if it's taking up space in the car and people are tripping over it. That thing goes with him everywhere.
Has a very bad habit of standing and staring - except it's less staring and more glaring. He's not doing it on purpose, nor is he always mad - He just had a perfect RBF and can't help it. But he's always tipping his head down, his eyes are always dark, he's never smiling unless he's actively like - trying. He's just kind of scary. Scary guard dog.
Taps his foot a lot. Not annoying, not a hinderance - just a habit that ends up making his ankle and the top of his foot hurt because he is constantly doing it. It becomes a game though if you pick up on it - He'll tap his foot to a rhythm and you have to guess the song, which is a lot harder than you expect.
Sniffs. Sniffles. Sniffing everything. One of those people who, if he opens something new, sniffs it immediately - even if it isn't food or something that will smell good. Sniffs it anyways.
Twists the rings he wears around his fingers. Most of them are higher quality and from fancy ass brands so it doesn't matter, but every once in a while he gets a slightly shittier ring and when he twists it, it turns his finger green. And then he ends up pouting while he tries to wash the stain out of his skin.
Constantly licking his lips but not in the way you're thinking. He does this thing specifically where he pushes the tip of his tongue into the corner of his lips while they're parted and then caresses it. With his tongue. He does it a lot and when you pick up on it, you stare every time he does it subconsciously because it is so sexy.
Pulls at his bottom lip when in heavier conversations. Not even heavy topics - just intense or interesting convos. They could be talking about aliens and if he's in deep and thinking about conspiracies and shit, he'll pulling at the skin of his lip. More of a thinking habit than anything but he ends up using tons of chapstick afterwards.
Sticks his tongue out when he gets scolded or complimented. Anytime a comment is directed at him, he sticks his tongue out briefly before smiling. It's more of a teasing habit because it riles the other members up and flusters you - so. He gets away with it.
Pulls childish moves during arguments; Pouts when you're angry with him for something, rolls hie eyes when he's frustrated, puffs his cheeks out when he's thinking of how to retaliate. And absolutely says "Ooh you wanna kiss me so bad!!" when the two of you are bickering.
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Permanent Taglist :
@dwaekkicidal @possum-playground
@thatonedarkskinnedsiren @oc3anfloor @theyadorevalerie
@jeonginsleftcheek @pixie-felix @hwangjoanna
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bbokicidal · 2 days ago
something was wrong w my banners and the bg was all fuckie wuckie so I changed them yet again. and it seems jisung was the chosen one this time. (I also just could not resist the banner pic for my nav post. its so cute????)
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bbokicidal · 2 days ago
Loser In A Hot Body [2]|SKZ [L.F.]
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Synopsis: Felix is tired of taking your relentless teasing when it comes to sex so he decides to reverse the roles.
Genre: smut Pairing: Lee Felix x Fem!!Reader Warnings: Virgin!Loser!Felix, Mean?Dom!Felix, PinV, spanking (not on the ass), lots of teasing
Part One | This part is also a lot shorter than the last, it's just considered a little add-on to the first part.
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"Ah -! Mmnh--"
"That's right - That's what I thought. Acting all tough and then the second I take control you turn into a whiny little bitch," Felix's voice is heavy with lust and adoration as he grinds his cock into you from behind, rolling his hips into your own so he hit the deepest parts of you he could. "Listen to you; So desperate." Of course, he had to throw that word out there considering you'd spent the last, what, year of your relationship together making him feel like a perverted desperate virgin who would never get pussy in his life. He just wanted to rub it in a little.
"You really thought you could get away with teasing me all that time and I wouldn't do anything about it? That I wouldn't snap eventually and take what I wanted? Or was that what you were aiming for this whole time?" Your boyfriend leans down so his chest presses against your shoulder blades, his breath hot against your ear while he speaks and rips into your behavior from previous times before. "You really thought I was just your weak, loser boyfriend."
This was what you got for teasing Felix relentlessly over the months of you two being together. He'd sat and looked pretty for you time and time again, letting you get away with palming at his cock over his jeans while he gamed or making him rut against you like some dog in heat. He'd let it slide multiple times and while he did enjoy it in the moment, it almost always frustrated him afterwards. You knew he was a virgin and you would tease him constantly about it. Wouldn't a loving girlfriend be so eager to be his first?
One of his hands had fisted into your hair, ringed fingers curling around damp strands from your shower and twisting once to make sure he had a good hold. You weren't getting away from him this time. His free hand had settled onto your lower back to keep you somewhat steady against his gaming desk, fingers splayed over your skin and pushing down to pin you where he wanted you.
That's right - He'd bent you over his desk, pressed your face down close to his keyboard, and pulled the thin little shorts you'd slid into after your shower aside so he could get a peek at your pussy. At first you had assumed he was just being perverted and trying to rile you up so you would sit on his lap while he gamed or something - Grind down on his cock til he creamed in his sweats and tried to hide his moans from his mic. The moment you'd realized he wasn't playing nice was when you gave a tantalizing sway of your hips and you were met with Felix's palm coming down against your cunt in a sharp slap. It was enough to make you jolt, closing your thighs in slight embarrassment before he had pushed them back open and slipped two fingers into you with ease. Now it was his turn to tease you. "You're practically dripping. You like having your pussy spanked?"
"Come on, open your mouth. Tell me the truth." Felix chides with a knowing chuckle, making it a point to push his cock into you deeper with every stroke just so he could feel the way your hips shook against his own when his tip kissed and prodded at your poor cervix.
"Yes --! Yes, fuck -- I wanted to rile you up all the time so this would happen and you'd - fuck the shit out of me," You admit with a heavy gasp, your cheeks painted red and stained with a few tears that had fallen from the feeling of your boyfriend finally taking control and taking what he wanted. That and the iron grip he had on your hair.
Felix's mouth falls open as he peers down at you through lidded eyes, almost a little surprised you'd admitted to him that you just wanted to rile him up this entire time. There's a break in conversation then where the only sound filling the room is the slap of his hips against your own and your whines mixed with the quiet groans that escape your boyfriend. He chuckles after a while and bites into his lip, sucking in a breath before he speaks again. It's all in good fun - all teasing and light hearted. He knew you'd never purposefully do anything to upset him. "I can't believe you would do such a thing to me. If you wanted me to be rough with you, you could have just asked." His hold tightens on your hair, free hand pushing down to grip at your hip instead. He'd be sure to leave little bruises of his fingerprints - for keepsake, of course.
"'m sorry," Your gasps are met with the sound of Felix huffing out a breath in reply. "Sorry, Lix -- I didn't mean to make you mad." Your hands fumble to grab onto anything you can as his hips all but pound into you from behind, his cock making you melt from the inside - turning your guts to mush with how rough he was being. You end up knocking his keyboard askew which he would get at you later for, but in the moment it didn't matter as your hands curled around the edge of his desk and held onto it even as it rocked beneath your weight.
The blond sighs out as he pulls himself back up, standing tall as he pushed into you slower than before - but still just as rough. "Oh, baby. I'm not mad." Felix's eyes slipped shut before he let his head roll back, taking in and basking in the feeling of your gummy sopping wet walls hugging and squeezing around his cock. Finally. "Just can't believe you thought I would let it slide after all this time." Felix's hips snapped forward once more before he glanced down, watching the way your thighs trembled where you were bent over. A breath escaped his lips as he slowly pulled out, cock dragging against your walls in the most delicious way.
When you whimper and peek back at your boyfriend with glossy eyes, he can't do much but chuckle in both adoration and amusement. "What? You think I'm going to let you come after all the shit you've put me through?" His brow cocks and a smirk tugs at his lips just from the way you quiver at his words. He gives a small swat to your hip to get you to move to the side, his body slipping past you so he can drop down in sit in his chair.
Felix's gaze darts back to you as he sees your hands fall to your thighs, attempting to move your shorts back into place as you grow to assume he's done with you. "Ah," He scolds in a chiding tone, his hand smacking at your own to get you to let go of your shorts. Your hands jolt away and you look at him with soft eyes, a bit teary from not getting the relief you craved so badly. But Felix doesn't give into the doe-eyed look you give him and gestures towards his lap, spreading his thighs just a bit to give you an even better view of the way his cock leaked against his abdomen and coated honey kissed skin with cum that dared seep from his tip. "You're going to sit here while I game. And if you move," Felix huffs out a breath, shaking his head. He looks up at you when you don't move for a moment, your head fuzzy and words gone. So he snaps his fingers once before pointing back down at his lap, chuckling when you finally shift to face him and come closer.
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Permanent Taglist :
@dwaekkicidal @possum-playground
@thatonedarkskinnedsiren @oc3anfloor @theyadorevalerie
@jeonginsleftcheek @pixie-felix @hpnsfwddict
@schniti-is-in-the-house @minniesverse
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bbokicidal · 4 days ago
I notice about your hybrid!SKZ FIC, I find them cute and spoicy too, do you plan on other members too? Reading the facts about roosters is quite interesting, I think dancing to get a mate is such a bird thing!
It was actually a collab event with @dwaekkicidal !! I think we wouldn’t be against doing the other member tho 👁️👁️😽
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bbokicidal · 5 days ago
part of me feels like chan is married with a baby or two already, changbin is married and the rest are in relationships lmao and honestly good for them if that’s the case
and if they’re still virgins, well all in good time lol
chan being married w a baby or two rn would be crazy with how he treats himself hahahaha
also changbin IS married. to me. hes married to me.
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bbokicidal · 6 days ago
On one hand i wouldn’t be necessarily shocked if the boys were fucking but like…. they gotta be fuckin right? maybe not like randos they meet in a club (be fr like ji is up in the club …) but i pray it’s people who have just as much to lose if something got out. no way some of them are hitting mid- late 20’s and are virgins (despite my LOVE for virgin! skz)
this is all like theoretical ofc bc I mean we'll never really know if theyre getting laid or not but like
part of me thinks Chris is def getting laid. but another part is like,,, hes so fucking busy constantly and I kind of think hes the type of guy who can handle not getting laid
see this is where simp jisung comes in LMAO
Chris is the type of guy who can be like yeah I haven't had sex in a year and a half but im chilling :)
and Jisung's the type of bitch to be like "I haven't put my dick in something wet for 2 hoURS IM DYING"
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bbokicidal · 6 days ago
TBH, for boys in the industry at least, I hope they fucking, for the sake of their own health.
TMI, but guys get morning wood cause they ain't getting rid of sperm on their own so the body has to do it itself...
So if they fucking, with a condom of course, and even if it's among themselves, it's good for their health... So I really do hope they are living and doing normal things for ppl their age
"I hope they fucking" is my mentality any time I see them on stage
I really didn't know morning wood was because of that reason. I sort of just thought it happened tbh. Is that embarrassing for me,,
I'm sure if they aren't fucking they're prolly jerking it at least. Its the inevitable lol. And as a JISUNG SIMP ENJOYER,,,, I'm 90% sure that man jerks it like at least 2-3 times a day unless hes really busy. LMAO
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bbokicidal · 6 days ago
DO. IT. MATE. Write white frat boy jisung with his ego up in his ass and doesn't know where the clit is, make him like he listens to joe rogan suck the essence of flavour out of his soul👀👀 (jkjk this isn't like a req 😅)
Frat boy Jisung would absolutely have his ego up his ass and frat boy or not tbh I don’t think he actually knows where the clit is LMAO
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bbokicidal · 7 days ago
"why is it always jisung"
y'all lost jisimp privilege. no more babygirl jisung !!
I'm writing jisung super bland from now on. you're welcome.
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bbokicidal · 7 days ago
Hii!! i just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your writing! Its soo flawless and I aspire to be that good, i may have just started but your such a big inspiration. I love your writing so much, remeber to take breaks when you want too! ❤️❤️
Awe omg, ty so much!! You have to let me know your blog so I can check out your writing!! <3
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bbokicidal · 8 days ago
I saw the notification earlier that I hit 100,000 likes?? That's so crazy - thank you to everyone who supports my writing !! <33
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bbokicidal · 9 days ago
SKZ + Bulking
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Synopsis: In which you figure out/realize your boyfriend is bulking up for whatever reason. And he figures out how much you like it.
Genre: Fluff/Suggestive Pairing: OT8 x GN!Reader Warnings: These scenarios DO talk about body image so if that makes you uncomfortable, do not read this. 18+ because there is sex mentioned. Also Chan's is just fluffy, sorry.
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"Are you.." Your words fall on nearly-deaf ears as you step into the bedroom, your boyfriend's nose buried in the screen of his laptop as he mixed a beat - silenced to the world by his headphones. He has one of the muffs tucked back behind his ear so he can hear you if you need him, and he peeks over when he realizes you were talking.
"Are you bigger?" You question, eyes slowly raking over Chris' body which currently adorned nothing more than a black tank top and a pair of his sleeper shorts. The man pauses, smiles, and then giggles.
"No," He peeps through his smile full of teeth, eyes a soft crescent as his hands come up to his shoulders as if hiding away from your curious gaze. "Don't look at me like that!" Chris giggles out soon after, turning away. He wouldn't admit it aloud, but he had been bulking a little bit just to see how his body would take it. He hadn't noticed anything different so far, but you seem to have - which only made him all the more giddy and flustered.
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Slowly turning his head in your direction, Minho's eyes fall wide and cat-like as he stares over at you in return to feeling your burning gaze searing holes into his poor back. ".... What?" He questions, already knowing you're about to ask him something with the way you look him over.
"Nothing," You hum, approaching to gently hug onto your boyfriend from behind while he prepares to cook dinner. "You just look a little more... broad, is all." Your lips meet his shoulder and Minho hums with a small smile.
He nods, "I've been working out a little more. Trying a routine Changbin told me about." Minho's gaze flickers back to the food, then in your direction even if he can't see you behind him. "... Broad is good, right?"
Your giggles fill his ears and he smiles. "Yes, baby. Broad is good. Broad is sexy."
Minho's brow cocks. He sucks the inside of his cheek in thought. Maybe dinner could wait - Dessert would have to come first tonight.
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"You're so soft," Your mumbles are muffled in Changbin's chest, your face buried right between those big ol boobies his pecs. He's been laughing the entire time since you've laid atop him like he was your personal body pillow - which, he kind of was with how warm and soft he was to lay on. "I'm gonna stay here forever."
"I have to get up eventually," Changbin teases with a giggly smile, his arms wrapping over your back before he gently squeezes you into him. The whine that escapes your throat is breathless but content and it makes him laugh yet again. "Like that?"
"Love it," You sigh against him. "You're so warm and I just wanna --" Changbin sucks in a breath when your hands find his sides, fingers gently squeezing and kneading at the warmth of his stomach. He chuckles shortly after, cheeks turning rosy at the contact with his lower half. "Mm."
He peeks down to you, mimicking your hum in question. "... Did -- Uhm. Did you notice?"
"Did I notice you're bigger than before?" You lift your head to peer at your boyfriend and he smiles, cheeks dimpling. "Of course I did. I noticed when you hugged me. Your arms are frickin' huge. Could knock me out in a chokehold with those bad boys."
Changbin's smile falls and he stares down at you in reply, to which you mimic his expression. There seems to be a silent conversation happening when his brow cocks and you just smile at him. Yeah - You'd be getting backshots while being held in a chokehold later.
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Overworking himself in the practice room wasn't something uncommon for Hyunjin to do. He was always in there, sweating away, practicing hard for new choreography and comebacks. Only this time you were there with him - which was something new, especially because he wasn't used to a shocked and excited gasp coming from behind him when he rolled up the sleeves of his t-shirt to show his upper arms and shoulders.
"Oooh, look at these beauties," Your teasing words meet Hyunjin's ears just as he feels your hands wrap around one of his biceps. He looks over at you in slight surprise - You're touching him when he's dripping sweat from practice without any care in the world. His eyes fall to your hands around his arm before he smiles, a subtle but sweet giggle falling from his lips.
His cheeks dimple deep as he looks into the mirror when you peer at him, squeezing and kneading at the muscle under your hands. And of course your boyfriend flexes just to show off, rolling his sleeve just a little higher for you to get a gander at his guns. "Right? I've been working out more."
"I can tell," You coo beside him and he laughs out again, a bit breathless. His gaze lingers on you a little longer than it probably should have but you don't seem to mind, understanding just from the way he gazed at you that what you had said - and your admiration of his hard work - was a bit of a turn on for him. Nothing you couldn't help him out with later. ~
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"You're the size of Chan, look at this! Look at this picture, Ji!"
But Jisung's in a fit of laughter, arms curled around his stomach as he rolls on the couch to face away from you. He can't look at the picture or he's only going to grow more nervous and shy. Jisung gasps out with a laugh as he peeks back at the comparison picture you had pulled up.
He'd been bulking for almost three months now and it was growing more and more obvious day by day. His arms were thick and you had noticed it as time went on - and Jisung was adamant on saying he wasn't that big, he wasn't that strong or bulky -- But you had other plans.
"I'm not as big as him-! Look at that, Look at how veiny he is-!" Jisung points at the picture before looking away again, his ears pink at the tips. "Aaah - Don't make me look again..!"
And you laugh out this time in return, hugging onto your boyfriend to bring him closer. "You're the one working out, Jisung, you're going to have to face the consequences of me being turned on by it." And Jisung pauses, eyes wide as he peeks back at you.
"You like it that much?" He peeps, eyes scanning your face. As you nod in reply, his cheeks burn red at the thought of it all. His gaze averts into the distance and he sighs out, looking more than determined all of a sudden. "I'm going to keep bulking forever..!"
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"I saw your runway videos. You looked incredible, sweetheart."
"Thank you, angel." Felix smiles from where he sits beside you, his body turned so he could lay in your lap. His shoulders pressed against your thigh and even then you could tell he was gaining more muscle - He didn't feel as thin as he had a few months or so prior. "Could you tell I was working out before I walked? Not right before, but. Before that day. Up until that day." He chuckles, looking up from his phone to peer at you.
When you nod in affirmation, he smiles. "Really?"
"Mhm. Your arms and chest look thicker than I think they ever have. It's a good look on you, Lixie. Are you happy with the results of your hard work?" Your hand brushes down his arm and his smile only grows as he nods against your thigh.
"Mm. I like how I look a lot, actually. I think it suits me."
"I think so too." You hum, eyes softening as you look down at him. Felix can feel the slight shift of energy between the two of you and his smile turns bright, knowing.
"My body turns you on so much you wanna have sex?"
"I wanna have sex."
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"You.. do know I can feel you staring at me, right?"
You blink a few times in slight embarrassment and turn your gaze away. "Sorry.."
"What's wrong?" Seungmin seems to assume something negative had happened as he sits beside you, placing a bowl of popcorn onto the coffee table.
"Eh - What? Nothing. Nothing, just -- The recent SKZCode video, you were wearing that tank top and you looked so..."
Seungmin's chest tightens as he stares over at you. He seems to think you're going to say something bad or say he looked weird and so he braces himself for the words to come from your mouth.
"You looked really sexy, min. It's a good look on you. Your shoulders are so broad and square. I just.." You shrug gently in reply and Seungmin nods, appreciating the compliment. "And you looked kind of.. bigger than I've seen before."
Seungmin blinks at this. Bigger --? His eyes widen, falling on the coffee table. Could you tell he was working out? He hadn't been planning to tell you, he just.. sort of hoped you wouldn't take notice too much and maybe even think he had always been a bit stronger than he was when you first met. "I've been.. bulking," He admits after a moment. "I can stop if it's too much though."
"What?" You look over, quickly shaking your head. "No--! No, oh my God. Do whatever you want, baby, you look incredible. You should do whatever you want with your body -- It's yours, not mine. But," You pause, cheeks rosy. "You do look really good right now."
He chuckles, biting into his lip in thought. "Thank you. Think I'll keep going, then. For me -- and you." He looks over and you have to look away to keep yourself from going insane - especially when he shrugs his flannel off and sits there in a tank top for the entirety of your movie night with his arm over the back of the couch.
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"Oh my GOD."
Jeongin drops off of the bar he had been holding onto to do pull-ups as his gaze shoots over in your direction. He stares, eyes holding a bashful glint at being caught working out. Well, not caught but - you'd never been present for it before.
"Look at you, look at this!" You beam, reaching out to gently hold onto your boyfriend's biceps and give them a teasing squeeze. Even when he wasn't flexing, his muscles were so well defined that it was almost.. picture perfect, really. Aesthetically pleasing from every angle even when relaxed. "You look incredible, baby."
And he smiles, dimples deep in his cheeks as he leans down to press a quick kiss to your lips. "Thank you.~ I've been working hard today so I'm sorry if I'm a little sweaty."
"Mm? No, it's fine. You look good even when you're messy like this." You reassure and Jeongin has to kiss you again just for the compliment. "You know with these arms you might be able to toss me around soon. Just saying."
Jeongin cocks a brow, eyes narrowing as he looks down at you in interest. He wastes little to no time before bending down to pick you up, his arms lacing underneath your thighs to hoist you up against him with ease. He couldn't toss you around in the gym, really, but he could fuck you up against the mirror while holding you the entire time. Just to prove he could carry you, of course. Tossing came later.
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