#anyhow this is enough i think XD
sillyfreakx5 · 27 days
he didn't respond for over 5 hours and it's the middle of the day in his timezone aaaaa did i do something wrong??? (he usually replies quite quickly and i already sent several texts)
#silly's ventposting#like aaaa i said i won't be able to talk much today bc I was going over to a friend's house for a couple hours#and i wasn't able to call this morning#and i wasn't able to call last night because i overslept my alarms#and also he was like “you better not be cheating”#which like ??? T^T#idk he's probably just the type of person who voices his paranoid thoughts more often than i do#but also he said that he'll miss me#and like i said that I'll still be able to text him a bit just not a lot#and he said that he hoped I'll text him like a decent bit (idk how to explain + too lazy to check exact wording)#AND THEN HE PROCEEDS TO NOT ANSWER FOREVER???#he usually says if he's gonna busy or driving s lot or something#and his work outs don't take THIS long#aaaaaaa I'm definitely just being dramatic but likeeeee >_>"#but also i don't think i should be offended abt him thinking i cheated because i did actually cheat once#I'm not proud of that#pls don't cheat on your monogamous partner guys it's an awful idea#(i know you can't use hypersexuality as an excuse but FUCK i hate being hypersexual)#like immediately the next day i texted the guy and was like “sorry for leading you on but I can't continue this”#but yeahh wooo I'm a shit person✨✨✨#anyhow i hope my boyfriend never finds out bc he's been cheated on before and yeahhh#but yeah know I'm scared that he's mad at me for some other random reason???#and I can't concentrate on anything else and tumblr isn't giving me the attention i crave and-#anyhow this is enough i think XD
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urlocalwormtoday · 26 days
Tumblr media
jrwi httyd au ? more likely than you think
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monkiesimp · 1 year
I heard headcanons and I just had to put in a request for some!!
I was wondering if you could give some general hcs for MK, Redson, and Macaque with an s/o who has a hard time verbalizing their adoration and love for them in person (cause they get to flustered/ embarrassed from it) so they leave around little notes or letters telling them how they feel instead !!
æææ that's so cute 😭 yes
- He really doesn't mind at all that you have troubles showing affection or verbalizing it, he'll give you all the love.
- He wouldn't tease you if you get flustered or embarrassed, he wants you to enjoy small gestures as much as he does :3
- Even if you have hard time showing it back he can see you enjoy his affections and that's enough for him
- He finds your leaving sticky notes and letters so cute and adorable .... He definitely takes a picture and saves it on his phone if he finds a particular one that's too cute not to save.
- If he had a bad day your little notes would be enough to get him happy again, even if it isn't really related to what's he feeling he can't help but find it cute and smile
- But uh, if he's awfully sad the smile won't really last-
- In return he's also leaving some letters and notes around for you sometimes! He finds it fun and wants to join in
- Gives you even more love after the notes he receives by hugging you and holding you and NEVER LETTING GO CUS YOU'RE TOO GODDAMN CUTE he can't help himself
Red Son:
- Honestly he doesn't show much affection to you, and since you don't either you two mostly don't really cuddle or anything. Maybe show small gestures but if you do both of you will be blushing hard, mostly you. Red can control it at times
- Still both of you are pretty embarrassed and flustered while showing affections to one another xD
- Since you don't show as much love for him as he does, you leave around notes for him to read.
- He'd definitely be doing something then he sees your note, he pauses and stops working just to read it a few times over and over. He'd read it multiple times, yes.
- If someone walks in he's immediately startled and starts mumbling to himself how stupid you are (you're not), he's trying to hide the fact he stared at the letter for at least 10 mins so he's mumbling to himself to hide it. Yeah, bad excuse cause everyone can see his blushing face
- Doesn't really mention much about the letters, maybe sometimes but you can see he likes them so you keep making more, and yeah he loves it!
- He saves all your notes on some board, he doesn't wanna throw it away. You just see a white board full of some stuff from his work and then also a few notes you made for him around it too
- He loves it, even if he doesn't show it
- Since you're so flustered by his love and affections, he'd sometimes tease you about it but not always, just sometimes cause he loves making you blush
- He doesn't mean anything bad, he just finds it cute
- Honestly it took it your all to start leaving him some notes to read cause you were kinda scared he'd make fun of you for it-
- But he didn't, so yay
- He likes receiving letters and notes from you, it's a bit difficult to leave him notes around cause God knows where he is and goes to
- Anyhow, every time he reads your note his tail would be swishing without him realizing it, every time he stops it and goes back to reading it starts wagging again. It's impossible to control.
- He reads it with a smile on his face, and not like a small smile but a genuine one
- He honestly doesn't even realize he's smiling while reading your notes either 💀
- He just kinda opens up a shadow portal and stuffs the note in there, just to store it for memories, who knows maybe he'd like to read it again one day when he misses you
- He'd definitely ask for more letters and notes from you and tell you he loves it and how adorable it is
- He loves you more and more the more letters he reads, he immediately thinks in his mind that you're definitely a keeper
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spotofmummery · 7 months
Dip pen practice!
I haven't used a manga dip pen in... gosh... 15 some years? I've been getting into fountain pens lately, and rediscovered my old dip pen set. So I decided to buy some ink for it and explore with physical media again.
Lesson learned today: I vastly underestimated the amount of time it takes for wet ink to dry well enough to erase over it without smear-city. Also, make sure the nib is secure in the pen or... PLOP!
Oops. Nothing a little Photoshop can't fix, though. XD
Anyhow, first practice. Have a thinking Amon.
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kame-writes · 5 months
Concerning the media overlords au:
First of all: I love it! Thank you for sharing the idea with us <33
Second: Does Alastor live in the tower with the other Vees? And does Alastor still move into the hotel? If yes, on a scale of one to absolutely how sad/pissed/jealous is Vox after receiving this info?
3. I'd like to imagine Velvette's fingers are constantly itching to get ahold of that handsome deer man, who doesn't know how to dress himself properly or trendy, and give his wardrobe an upgrade. Could you imagine this happening? (Maybe with lots of alcohol involved. So that he would at least temporarily let her experiment with his clothes. Bonus points if she is able to take picture too. Vox would obviously make himself some copies for.. private reasons...) Do you see my vision?? Can you see it??
4. Can Vox convince Alastor to do more audio features within their network? Like podcasts or interviews and the like? Or are they just screams as well? (I recently discovered a podcast about cooking, where each week they talk about one ingredient and explain a recipe with it. I think this would fit Alastor's preferences very well.. tho the ingredients might not be as commonly used now that I think about it... anyhow... now I can't stop thinking about Hannibal and Alastor hosting a food podcast.. oops.. sorry, but not really)
5. You mentioned that Husk still works in his casino, if he isn't needed. Do you have any headcanons for Niffty's whereabouts?
Anyway that's all for now! Have a lovely day/night! <33
p.s. Sorry if this ask is intrusive. For some questions it's pretty clear that I've already imagined something for myself that may or may not fit with your vision of this au. If you feel like I overstepped, feel free to ignore this or send me an alastor_fuck_u. gif :D
Im am very happy to have questions asked! You have no idea how many ideas i have and dont know what to do with xD
I'd love to see other peoples headcanons and ideas for this universe, if anyone does anything for it then please tag me so i can see ^^
This is gonna get long so I've put it under a read more
2: No one is really sure if he lives there or just works there. He HAS his own suite in the tower, but he's not always there when they go look for him, and not being able to find him is very a common occurrence, made more frustrating because he refuses to carry or awnser the mobile phone they forced on him. He hangs around in the common areas like the kitchen and living room sometimes. And if they do manage to rope him into something like a movie night its a huge hassle, because he will insist on a black and white or silent film if he HAS to engage with the tv, and Vel and Val hate those.
The whole top of the Tower is dominated by his large Radio tower though, its slightly seperated from the rest of the building, suspended above it with a staircase/ladder to enter the hatch. Valentino is usually not brave enough to check there for Alastor.
Its the same with the hotel. He does move into his own room there, but goes back and forth a lot, and doesnt have a schedule. Vox tires to pretend hes fine with it at first but often ends up the hotel to be a pain in the ass to Charlie, and getting kicked out by the staff of Alastor. Hes convinced himself that Alastor will lose interest sooner rather than later, and the others just tune out his whining at this point. No one buys it when he claims he didnt even notice Alastor was gone as soon as the Radio Demon gets back to the tower.
3: I may be planning to draw this haha He does let her dress him up ocassionally, he has a few differant suits he's approved of and kept, but does wear his original the most the time. Velvette has a line of 'Vintage chic' clothing that partly started as a way to get Alastor to agree to changing his 'ratty ass old man style' by appealing to clothes that were updated takes on his era. He still very rarely leaves the tower in anything but his own usual attire.
He does on rare occasions allow photos to be taken of him by the vees (and once, later on by charlie, under strict instructions that she keeps it to herself) but no video. And none under any circumstances are allowed on social media. He has blown up a few phones that have attempted, both the Vees and employees.
4: Alastor has agreed to be on a podcast a few times, but its rare, and only if its somehting hes really interested in talking about. It's one of the few modern things he approves of since its just a version of a radio talk show. Same with interviews, he keeps them even more extremly rare, and the mystery of the radio Demon keeps sinners in fear more than him being in the public. Vox always wants him to do more since the ratings sky rocket when Alastor features.
When Alastor has done an interview it is with his back to the camera, and sitting in a large wingbacked stupidly over the top ornate chair, that hides him from being seen, except maybe the top tuffs of his ears and antlers. And he doesnt reveal much about himself when he does. The chair is partly to hide him, and partly to stop the equitment form glitching too much. He likes to pulls faces and makes gestures deliberatly made to make Vox falter and look stupid on camera, since hes the only one who can see him in that chair.
He has teased on his own radio show that one 'lucky' sinner may get the chance to be on both a guest star on his radio broadcast AND a livestream if the mood takes. Valentino had to inform him that what he's referring to is called a snuff film
5: Niffty gets moved to the hotel pretty much full time once Alastor gets involved, Husk is a part time employee, but ends up spending less time at his casino as time goes on.
Valentino is happy Niffty is gone because she creeps him out, she ocassionally hung around his studio during work hours, especially if theyre doing a scene with 'bad boys'. Vox isn't bothered. Velvette is not happy, especially that Niffty is reduced to a maid/janitor for the hotel, and makes that very known to Alastor. Velvette loves Niffty, they are chaos sisters and work on very sketchy sounding potions together, and gang up against the boys.
Niffty is also a great seamstress herself and brings her designs to Velvette like an excited child showing off their latest art project. Almost none of these get used, but Vel has fun forcing models to parade around the studio and work in something Nifftys made, they often include bugs and bodyparts, Velvette finds this halarious.
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amethystfairy1 · 4 months
hiya it’s been a hot minute since I sent an ask but I want you to know that I’ve been reading all your stuff for months now, refreshing multiple times a day bc I can’t get enough and I adore everything you write <3<3<3 I think your more recent writing with the darker themes is well done, it adds the perfect amount of angst and stakes to the story, more than vague threats of getting hurt, esp in the under city, but it’s not too much at the same time. Also your newest TT treebark is probs my favorite fic thus far, and treebark isn’t even my favorite ship lmao. It’s so arghhh yesss with Rens acting but Martyn can’t tell nooooo 😭 I REALLY want to know what Ren was thinking that whole time negotiating with the bandits, esp when he finally looked at Martyn bc he could probably hear his cries the whole time and UGH it breaks my heart in a good way. AND MARTYN ACCEPTING THAT REN WOULD DO THIS, AND FORGIVING HIM????? The angst, the FEELS. Stunning. A masterpiece. I start my days checking to see if you’ve posted I’m so obsessed XD. Might have to draw the scene… anyhow. I see you get a lot of requests to write certain ships now bc all the stories r so captivating we just HAVE to know more. But. I hope you don’t feel pressured or stressed about it, make sure to prioritize your own wants first. The quality is worth the wait <3 that said, I’m going insane over Martyn. oH also!!! Ren grabbing the wolf pendant!!!!!! He knows how much it means to Martyn my HEART they’re so AAAaAAaAaaaaA!! And he waited until he was between Martyn and the bandits to attack! To protect him! 🥺🥺🥺 the little details are so sweet I’m dying to know rens thoughts. He probably has the rage of a thousand suns in him after seeing Martyn tied up, hurt, crying, bc they would DARE lay a finger on the only one who protected him, who was nice to him. Just. Tomorrow can’t come fast enough. I’m def gonna draw this. Also side note love the new pfp
Hello!!!! Good to see you!!!!
I'm so glad you're still reading and enjoying my works!
Also very happy to hear you're enjoying the darker themes that have been coming up recently in both TTSBC and TT! You're exactly right, that's exactly the sort of thing I was trying to nail...oh yeah ANGST with Treebark right now!
I mean. If you feel inspired. I would LOVE if you drew this scene. Because like, I have that art you did of Ren asleep on Martyn's shoulder as the cover image to my Treebark fanfic doc 🥹
Thank youuuu I appreciate the thought about not feeling pressured or stressed, I promise I'm not! I know everyone is just excited for their favorite/most compelling storyline to continue! And like I've said elsewhere, I plan to stick to my mantra...when I try to write something I'm not in the mood to write, I burn out and don't feel like writing at all. That's what happened to me the last time I stopped writing, and I didn't post at all for nearly a year. I HATED THAT. So TTSBC and TT is the perfect situation for me! Lots of ships, lots of characters, lots of dynamics, and between the two I can write BASICALLY anything I feel like at any point in time! So yeah! I'll write what I feel like writing in the moment, because that's always when I come up with my best stuff!
THE WOLFS PENDANT YUP GOOD CATCH. Ren's a good guy, he pays attention to that sort of thing 💖
I'm glad you like my new pfp!!! I love it! It's by my same friend who drew my old pfp, but THIS one is of an original character of mine everyone who reads TTSBC is very familiar with and people very scared of, but I assure you, any resemblance to characters previously mentioned is purely coincidental, hypotheticals should be, should be, should be dismissed, and there is no need to be concerned. 😉
Thank you for coming by again!!!
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springkuinn · 11 months
A letter to Wanderer
Genshin Impact Wanderer x Reader
This is a little something I've written in times of extreme emotions. I was also inspired by a wanderer playlist so my motivation to write just surged in. The name at the end is the name I chose to give to my wanderer. Frankly, these are the things I wish to say to this fandango man, does anyone relate to me? XD
To you of wandering heart,
I love you.
But I know someone like me can't stand beside you. I know that it can't be me. But I wish and hope every day that you find happiness, peace and a place to belong to someday. It doesn't need to be now. But I do hope that someday, someday you'll truly smile.
And I hope that one day, you find people who will accept you as I do. You've done evil things, yes. And I myself believe that you do not deserve to be truly forgiven. However, I always pray and wish that you'll find a family. A family who's willing to forgive you in stand of the world. Because you don't deserve everyone's forgiveness. You don't deserve the forgiveness of every family you've ruined. But a wandering man will become tired someday too, and you deserve a home. A home where you will wish to rest in someday.
A home with a backyard would be nice. Oh, and a treehouse! Since you seem to like high places. Hmm, now I'm wondering if it's because so you can look down on people...
I know you might be thinking, how condescending of me to say these. But jokes on you, I'm still into you. Hahaha, you can burn this letter or tear it apart and feed it to the fishes at Devadaha Pool. But my feelings will not go into oblivion along with it if you do so. And I'm happily wheezing away just imagining how much you might be blenching now while reading this. Or I might be mistaken, and you've long thrown this letter away. Anyhow, I'm sure you've realized that I'm long gone as you are reading this. I wonder what face you're making now?
I hope that you begin to accept that you are worthy of happiness too. Don't ever think that you do not. Even if it's just one person, I hope that you can open your heart to them and accept love again. You are worthy of it, you do.
Wanderer, I truly truly truly love you. Unconditionally so. I love you. Saying this a million times is not nearly enough. And I fear that my time is also running out.
Thank you for existing, Shinrin.
"Hah" A quiet scoff left Wanderer's mouth as he stared at your letter. Tipping his hat to cover his eyes from the wind, he crumpled the paper.
" You think too highly of yourself Y/N... "
"I don't even have a heart, you idiot." He breathed out the last words as he felt something scratching his throat. The silence and peace emanating from the forest and chirps of birds almost mocking the unexplainable chaos inside him. He doesn't understand the tug in his heart, nor the reason for his furrowed brows. He's supposed to not have a heart, to not have the slightest of emotions.
"Tsk." Maybe being around the kind Nahida affected his brain into thinking things like this. Or is it really just an illusion from his mind? Is the lone tear that slipped out of his eye all a trick? He doesn't know. And there is no one to tell him anymore in this world.
Shin- new, heart, true & Rin- group of trees
I gave him this name in hopes that he'll find a new home where he can truly find his heart and his true meaning in life, in his new region: the Sumeru.
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rays-of-fire-and-ice · 9 months
congratulations on another year of writing :)))) <3
for the fic requests, Hitsuhina first date! (yes I still remember when you teased that one snippet of Toushiro going to meet Momo for dinner and Rangiku finding out haha) it can be awkard it can be spectuacular it can go horribly wrong, i want to see your take on them navigating through a change in relationship :)
What if it Was?
Rating: K/General with mild themes
Setting: sometime after the 10 year timeskip. I personally see this happening when they’re in their early young adult years, but please feel free to imagine this happening whenever you want.
Synopsis: Toshiro and Momo go on their first date, but Toshiro isn’t sure how first dates are supposed to go, or if this even a date at all.
AN: I’m starting the year off with a VERY overdue request.
 @canariie, you’ve got me! I’ve been dancing around this one for years, but now I have no choice but to release it! XD
I’m joking, but in all seriousness, this one has been collecting dust in my WIP folder for a few years now. I always got stuck on it in one way or another. This fic originally came about as a sequel to In Times of Peace (which I think is the first fic I wrote for you, ironically), but morphed into something else.This one does get angsty and a tad bit melodramatic – it’s me we’re talking about - but I promise it has fluffy moments.
Just three quick notes:
The research I did into this one was based on searching online and remembering old conversation I had with a friend who went to Japan. A shokudo is a casual restaurant that offers a variety of dishes, including curry, rice and noodle dishes, even sushi.
The mural in this piece is inspired by this one.
I wrote this fics with several songs in the background. Feel free to listen to them as you read: going home and compassion by Shiro Sagisu, The Bygone Days by Joe Hisaishi, and State Lines by Novo Amor
Anyhow, enough rambling, hope you enjoy it!
“Hey, Captain, when can I get my magazines back?”
Toshiro neatens the paperwork before putting it on top of the ‘completed’ stack. Without looking Rangiku’s way, he replies, “When you stop relying on those horoscopes to predict the future.”
The lieutenant slams her hands down on her desk, almost shooting up to stand. “But they’re so accurate! Besides, it’s a fun to learn about the World of Living and how they…” She trails off when the captain stands and starts wrapping a scarf around his neck. “Wait, are you going out?”
“But I was going to go drinking with Kira and Hisagi! Captain, you can’t leave me with all of this!” She thrust one hand out towards the stack of incomplete paperwork, and the other to the much smaller completed pile.
“You went out drinking last night!” he retorts. “You can’t leave this office until you complete all of this, some of it is overdue now.”
Rangiku falls back into her seat with an exasperated sigh. “I know, but it’s no fun.”
“Since when was it supposed to be fun?”
“Well, you seem to like doing it.”
“Where did you get that idea from?!”
The lieutenant pouts and leans forward, resting her elbows along the desk. “Why are you going out? You rarely go out on a work night.”
Toshiro continues to wrap the scarf around his neck, considering his words. He can already predict her reaction if he tells the truth, but telling her a lie feels wrong. “I’m going out to dinner in the Junrinan.”
Rangiku raises a brow. “By yourself?” Then after a beat she smiles. “Or is it with your Granny? Taking her out for a treat?”
“No.” He breathes in deeply as he shrugs off his haori, preparing for her reaction. “It’s with Hinamori.”
And sure enough, the lieutenant gapes at him, hands slamming down on the desk again to push herself up and out of her chair. A vein threatens to throb in his temple when her paperwork stack wobbles, but thankfully doesn’t topple.
This goes completely unnoticed by Rangiku as she rounds the desk, barraging him with questions. ���Where? When? How?! How did you ask her out? Or did she ask you out?! Oh my gosh, why didn’t she tell me?! She was updating me two days ago with Women’s Association business, why didn’t she tell me then?! Please don’t tell me you-”
“Enough, Matsumoto!”
She quietens, widened eyes blinking. Toshiro lays his folded up haori on his desk, ready for him tomorrow morning. “She just said she wanted to go eat dinner somewhere in Junrinan,” he clarifies. “This isn’t a…date.” He barely gets the last word out.
Rangiku taps a finger against her chin. “You’re going to a restaurant in the Junrinan for dinner?”
“Is anyone else going with either of you?”
“So, it’s just the two of you then?”
She grins. “Sounds like a date to me.”
Faint pink colors Toshiro’s cheeks. “Whatever, I’m going!”
Rangiku scoffs. “You know, if I had my magazine I could use a horoscope to predict how you’re date will go tonight. Last I check for your sign it was-”
“I don’t want to know. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going.” He stabs a finger towards her paperwork as he strides to the office door. “Those had better be done by tomorrow morning.”
“Oh, they will be! You go and enjoy yourself, Captain! Good luck!”
This is one of the few times Rangiku looks happy to be doing paperwork, but Toshiro can’t stay to absorb this strange moment; he’d be two minutes late if he didn’t hurry. He hastily leaves his division, acknowledging but not stopping when any of his subordinates greet him.
Stepping out into the dusk, the cold air picks up, bringing grey clouds over the Seireitei. He adjusts his scarf, bringing it higher over his face as the temperature plunges. Winter had just begun, and he senses the snow is on its way, likely to fall sometime tonight.
Nearing the White Road gate, a sense of unease bubbles up in him. What if this was a date? It couldn’t be. Momo didn’t see him that way, he knows. She sees him as a close friend to him, had told him as such not too long ago.
She just wants to properly catch up. In the years following the Quincy war and reconstruction of the Soul Society, they chatted when they could, even had the occasional lunch breaks together, but work always took precedence in both of their lives; or at least, in his life. Momo has more friendships, more people to spend time with. He’d seen her with the Women’s Association members at various shops and resturants, and Izuru and Renji – who sometimes brought Ichika along when he couldn’t find someone to mind her when she was a baby and child – sharing a tea or meal after a lieutenant’s meeting on a veranda of one of their divisions. She’d also gotten more World of the Living missions, sometimes simply as an excuse to visit the Visoreds with Shinji. They were long overdue to spend time together outside of work.
Coming through the gate, he already gets stares from the small crowds of Souls and off duty Shinigami that crowd the Junrinan. It’s for that reason he chose to leave his haori behind – he already attracts enough attention with his appearance outside of the Seireitei, and he didn’t want preferential treatment based on his rank.
He heads straight for their old meeting place: the alleyway between the stall that sold spinning-tops and a garment shop Momo used to always look into but never buy anything from.
He glances around for Jidanbo, but frowns when he doesn’t see him anywhere. Must be having the night off, he thinks. It’s been a while since he last saw him too. He makes a mental note to visit him sometime this week on his break – maybe he could fit in a visit to Granny too.
He swivels his head in the direction of Momo’s voice. She calls out for him again, and he spots her emerging from the alleyway. He weaves his way through the crowds to her, not once losing sight of her.
As he nears, his eyes widen a fraction at the scarf around her neck. It was a birthday present from him and Rangiku, but it’d been over a decade since he last saw her wear it at a formal dinner for then-Captain General Yammato. Made from red and orange silk and patterned with the branches and flowers of peach blossoms, it was one of the most expensive gifts he’d ever gotten her. Why would she wear something like this to a dinner? Where is she taking him? Should he have dressed up more? Maybe he should have worn his haori after all.
“How long have you been waiting for?” he asks, his neutral tone at complete odds with the nervousness thrumming through him.
“Not long.” She points to a large building down the street, bustling with customers inside and outside. “That’s it right there.”
He blinks when he spots one of the red lanterns swaying in a breeze. A shokudo? He calms a fraction; it’s more casual than he thought. “Well, let’s get inside if we can, it’s freezing out.”
Momo lets out an bemused snort. “You’re cold, Hitsugaya-kun?”
He’d normally correct her for not addressing him by his title, but they’re off duty, he’ll let it slide for tonight. “I’m not the one with a fire-type zanpakuto that’s sensitive to the cold.”
She giggles, holding the end of her scarf. “I’m okay, I made sure to wear extra layers.”
As they start towards the restaurant, Toshiro asks, “Why this one?”
“I’ve been meaning come here for a while,” Momo says. “Apparently the owner used to be a Shinigami but after he retired, he decided to open a shokudo inspired by the different types of restaurants in the World of the Living he went to while stationed there. I’m curious about the food, it’s supposed be different in taste and the types of dishes they offer compared to others in the area.”
Toshiro raises a brow. He was actually referring to her scarf, but let's it go. “He had time to go do that while on missions?”
“Well, you apparently have time go for walks when you’re on missions. We all have our ways of winding down or keeping ourselves occupied during missions.”
Fair point, he concedes inwardly. “And how did you find out about this place?”
“It was recommended to me by my third and fourth seats. Apparently a lot of people have already been to it, it’s quite popular.” She gestures to all the patrons, her smile tightening. “Hopefully we can get a table.”
He hums in agreement. If either of them had come dressed in their full uniforms, there would no doubt be a fuss made over them. They’d be offered private tables away from the noise, or ones with the best view if they were outside. Some places even offered discounts or meals on the house. He appreciates the generosity, but he also considered it making a scene. He’s glad Momo is of the same mind, never flaunting her status for benefits.
He receives a few looks as they walk between the outdoor tables. He recognizes some faces from Junrinan, children he had known on his street now grown up. Momo waves to one group of them, and they smile and nod back to both of them in response. The way he is treated now compared to then is almost night and day. Although some continue to stare, there’s a respect from some Souls that wasn’t present when he was a child.
Once inside, they’re shown to a table along the wall, right beneath a painted mural.
“What drinks would you like to start off with?” the waiter asks.
“Water,” Toshiro requests.
“And yuzu juice for me, please.”
After the waiter leaves, Momo glances around the restaurant. “Are you okay with this? It’s not too noisy?”
“It’s fine.” Toshiro peruses the long menu list. “How big is their kitchen? How can they serve so many dishes?”
Momo’s smile relaxes, the nerves seeming to dissipate. “You can see why it’s popular, huh?”
Toshiro lifts his gaze from the menu. There’s only two free tables inside, and the others are mostly occupied by…couples. Couples laughing and giggling and smiling and holding hands and talking like they’re married and one going in for a shy kiss on the cheek.
He quickly darts his head down. Considering or even noticing such things would be the furthest thing from his mind normally, but he’s potentially on a date – with Momo. Maybe he should have gotten Rangiku more involved in this. She’d know what to do and what not to do…or maybe not.
Toshiro snaps out of his thoughts when the waiter comes back with their drinks.
“And are you ready to order?” the waiter asks.
Momo looks questioningly to Toshiro. “I’m ready.”
Toshiro picks the first thing he sees. “I’ll get a the teishoku with yakizakana and tamagoyaki.”
“And can I please have a serving of takoyaki and the katsudon curry dish?” Momo requests.
The waiter nods. “I can bring the takoyaki over in a few minutes. The other dishes will come after.”
Momo thanks him as he leaves.
“I thought we could share some takoyaki, if you want,” she says to Toshiro. “I’m happy to eat them all, though.”
Toshiro shrugs. “I’ll eat a few.”
He’s surprised by the silence that comes. He’s used to having quiet moments with Momo, when neither feels the need to say anything and they just enjoy each other’s company. The awkwardness that settles between them is unexpected, like something from when they were first getting to know each other as children. Was it just him? Was it because this could be a date and he had no clue what to talk about?
“This mural is really nice,” Momo suddenly says.
Toshiro looks at the painting. It’s bold black lines depict a scene of four Souls travelling through a hilly valley. Two of them carry baskets on their backs filled with wood and fruits, while another Soul strolls ahead carrying various kitchenware, and the last Soul is far away and waving back at his companions. The valley’s flora is detailed and elegant, while the Souls are more flat and seem out of place. The only patches of color come from the sakura trees on both side of the valley’s winding path, the petals either swaying on the branches or falling across the scene.
“I wonder what it’s about?” Momo says after a sip of juice. “Maybe it has something to do with the restaurant if one of them is carrying a pot?”
“Could be. You could ask someone who works here.”
Something softens in her gaze as it flickers back down to the table. “I might…”
“You should.” There was his problem. He couldn’t think creatively like her, or find a way to carry this conversation. He’s never been ashamed of this nor has it ever been an issue for him, but somehow he feels inadequate now. He clears his throat. “How has your day been?”
Before she can answer, the takoyaki arrives. After thanking the waiter, Momo pushes the dish towards him. “Have a few.”
“Thank you,” he says while taking two.
She makes a satisfied sound after biting into one. “These are good!”
He only nods as he munches on his. After her second one and taking another sip of juice, her head piques up with a nervous laugh. “You asked me about my day, sorry. It was busy, but productive.”
“No surprise there.”
She frowns and her lips are on verge of a pout. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re always busy, and you work hard, so it’s productive.” He’s surprised by his compliment and how easily it fell from his lips. He stops eating, gauging her reaction as she too seems as astonished as him.
A blush colors the tops of her cheeks. “Captain Hirako worked hard too.”
Toshiro bites back on the comment he wants to make about Shinji’s work ethic, afraid he might say something else without realizing.
“We finished up our schedules for the new recruits ahead of time,” she continues, “so we’re prepared for when they start.”
“That won’t be for another two months.”
“It helps to be prepared! With that out of the way, we’re now focusing on setting up training  exercises.” She takes a long sip of her juice, but then hums. “Actually, now that I remember, we were wondering if Tenth Division would like to join in one of those exercises.”
“What would the core lesson be?”
“It’ll be up to you and Captain Hirako to negotiate. I could arrange a meeting with you, me, my Captain, and Rangiku-san if you’re interested.”
“I doubt we’ll have time in the next month.”
“That’s okay. We have three months planned starting tomorrow.”
“In that case, I’ll have Matsumoto tell you our schedules at the next lieutenant’s meeting.”
“Great!” Her smile turns rueful. “Ah, sorry, I feel like I’ve been speaking for too long. What about you? How was your day?”
“The same as any other. We only came back from the mission in the World of the Living two weeks ago.”
“How did it go? It sounded like a difficult.”
“It wasn’t that hard, it went smoothly. The Hollows were eliminated and we reported our findings to Hueco Mundo. They’ll take it from there.”
“It’s incredible that we’re able to work with them this well now.”
He hums in agreement, ignoring the thought of his fight with Hueco Mundo’s queen all those years ago. “The last thing to do is the reports. Matsumoto is finishing them up.”
“I see.” At the quiet that followed, her smile wobbles. “I, uh…I guess we work a lot, huh?”
“Yes, we do. Our duties as Shinigami never end.”
Silence falls again. He internally lectures himself, annoyed that he’s gotten so serious in what was supposed to be a light-hearted atmosphere. For a moment, he’d though this like their usual chats, discussing their latest work and setting up training exercises.
He almost lets out a relieved breath when the main dishes arrive. Momo barely draws her gaze away from the food to thank the waiter for the meal along with Toshiro.
“These look amazing!” she half exclaims after the waiter leaves.
The tension dissipates Toshiro’s lips twitch up into a smile at seeing Momo’s glee. He didn’t see what the fuss was about, but he did have to admit they were decorative compared to other dishes in other restaurants. She still hasn’t started after he “Food is meant for eating, Hinamori, not staring at.”
She ignores him as she digs a hand into her sleeves and retrieves her denreishinki. “I have to take a picture.”
He’s lifting his miso soup when she gives him a look. “What?”
“I want to take a picture of yours too.”
He indulges her, putting the soup back down and watches as she leans over the table to snap a photo. Satisfied, she nods at him and he starts gulping down the soup.
After putting her denreishinki away, Momo makes an appreciative sound after eating a katsu cutlet. “This tastes really good!”
“Glad you like it.”
The silence falls between them again. They can use the excuse that they’re busy eating, but it feels wrong to him. Had they gotten more comfortable discussing work than their personal lives? There was a time where it was the opposite, and chatting about everything outside of work took up most of their conversations. When had that changed? Why had it changed?
So, with the nerves threatening to creep in again, he says, “It’s not everything.”
Momo blinks, halfway through eating another cutlet. “Hm?”
“Work, it’s not everything. What books are you reading right now?”
Momo’s brows rise, nearly touching her hairline, and she almost forgets to eat the rest of cutlet.
“What?” he asks.
“Nothing, it’s just you’ve never asked me that before.”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything.” He cringes inwardly at how petulant he sounds.
She giggles, raising a hand to her mouth, and he hates the small, pleasant flutter that goes through his chest.
“Of course,” she says, grinning. “I’ve been reading a drama series called the Crimson Chrysanthemum saga. It’s about three warring clans, and each book is about the generations of families fighting each other.”
“Sounds like something you’d read.”
“How so?”
“You’ve always been into things with high stakes and high emotions.”
“It doesn’t just have that! It has such interesting dynamics between the characters! It’s not just all of them proclaiming their feelings aloud, you can really sense how the history of the previous books has affected these characters. There’s so many moments where things have gone unsaid, but you can just sense how a character feels towards another through their actions! For instance, there’s a character who doesn’t speak, but you know every time he looks at another character or fights that characters brother he’s not just trying to protect his own honor, but the other character’s honor too! Some characters try to make peace with themselves and with their enemies, and others have become so blinded by the codes their families have set them down a path to continue the violence.” At his widened eyes, Momo shrinks back into her seat. “S-Sorry, I got carried away there.”
He lets out an amused huff and smirks. “No, it’s fine.”
“You think I’m silly, don’t you?”
“Not right now.”
She considers arguing back as he eats his miso soup, but settles on an angry pout.
 “You haven’t talked about a book like this in a long time,” he says. “It’s good to see.”
That calms her slightly, but a furrow remains in her brow. “I don’t really get a chance to talk about what I’m reading with a lot of people. It’s mostly with Ise-san and Kira-kun.” She cocks her head to the side. “You know, it’s a little surprising you’re not much a reader.”
He raises a brow. “How so?”
“It feels like something you’d be interested in.” He senses there’s more she wants to say, but she eats another cutlet before continuing. “I know just the sort of books you’d like, too. There’s a few mystery novels, ones that are hard to figure out but make total sense once you’ve finished them.”
“And why would I like those?”
“Because you like solving mysteries. Even when we were children, you’d get suspicious of something that seemed unusual or out of place and want to know everything about it.” Her eyes brighten. “Like that time when you were hearing noises at night time, do you remember?”
He frowns as he tries to recall. It’s vague, but then an image of Granny staring grimly at a turned over basket of spilled out peaches across the ground, muttering that someone had stolen some of the fruit. He’d woken to noises three nights in a row, but it wasn’t until the fourth time when they had been robbed that he decided to take it seriously. “That was when you were applying for Academy.”
“Yes! You went looking around for clues. You even asked me and my friend if we’d heard anything.  At some point, you found the animal tracks near your house. ”
He’s surprised she remembers everything in that much detail. Had she been watching on from the sidelines during that whole ordeal? “It was a stray dog.”
“Haruka-san ended up adopting her, right?”
He nods. “I think she named her Aki --”
“Because spring was a few weeks away,” Momo finishes with a grin. “I’ll never forget the look on her face when you brought the dog back to the Junrinan. You didn’t want to Aki be out in the forest because it was cold.”
He shrugs. “It’s good she found an owner. Besides, she was a good work dog, it would’ve been a shame to let her fend for herself when she could help someone in the Junrinan.”
Momo’s grin softens into a smile, one that makes his heart skip a beat and almost choke on the fillet he chews up. “It was kind of you,” she says. “And it’s not the only time you did something like that. You’ve always been kind. I wish more people saw it back then.”
He’s rendered speechless, only able to watch as Momo continues eating. He tries to do the same, but he eats slower and stares hard into the table. Where was all of this coming from?
“I wasn’t,” he eventually says. “I was a brat, really.”
“Well, yes, but not all the time. You always treated Obaa-san with kindness, at least.”
“I wouldn’t dare treat her any other way.” He eats the last fillet before speaking again. “On the books…If you have recommendations, then I’ll read them.”
“You would?”
“You’re an avid reader, I trust your judgement.”
“I’ll give my copies some time then! We can discuss them after you’re done, I’d be keen to hear what you think of them.” After he nods, she continues, “On the topic of hobbies, have you been doing any ice sculptures lately? I know you usually like to restart your Seireitei Communications column in winter.”
“It’s the best conditions for sculpting.”
“That makes sense.”
He goes on to tell her about the projects he’s working on while she eats the curry and the rest of the cutlets. As always, she’s genuinely interested, and that somehow makes him want to speak more at length about his interests, from the tools he’ll be using to the inspiration behind it. Only she does this for him, and both does and doesn’t want her to know what effect she has on him.
He gets back to eating once he finishes and she explains the new ikebana classes she’s attending. He doesn’t miss the brief sadness in her eyes as she reflects on how hard it was to get the classes up and running again after the loss of Unohana, but she brightens up again when praising Isane for her efforts to find new students and become the class’s new teacher.
Little by little, the awkwardness slipped away, and in it’s place is a bubble that envelopes them. It makes the restaurant blur away in the background, but also enhances the lights and colors that surround them, and his sense of smell is enhances to capture all the delicious scents and aromas coming from the kitchen. It’s like nothing he’s experienced before, and he nearly smiles from how pleasant it is. A world of their own, almost.
It’s only briefly interrupted when the waiter comes by to collect their empty dishes and glasses. Toshiro beats her to the counter to pay, but Momo still insists on a split bill. Not wanting to cause a fuss in front of the other patrons, Toshiro somewhat reluctantly agrees.
They step back out into the streets. It's now night and the snowfall has begun. The Souls who had acknowledged them had either left or are too busy amongst themselves to see the two of them leave.
Wordlessly, they walk through the Junrinan with no destination in particular. Toshiro watches their breaths fog in the air, floating away from each of their lips, carried by the wind, and fading a short distance away. Snow falls gently around them, and save for the shafts of moonlight peaking through the clouds and the soft glow coming from the windows of houses, it’s complete darkness all around them.
He thinks to ask Momo if she had anything else planned for them, but then she may want to part ways and break the invisible bubble around them. He wants to keep walking with her just like this, warmed by her presence and surrounded by his element.
He can make out the pink in her cheeks, it complements the reds and oranges in her scarf. She smiles to herself, content with how this evening has gone. But what was this evening? She invites him out to dinner tonight, yet he can’t tell what the nature of it is.
“Do you remember the day we met?” she suddenly asks without looking at him.
“Of course,” he replies.
“For some reason, the snow is reminding me of when we first met. It's hard to believe that was almost a hundred years year ago.” And she doesn’t have to say the rest, because it’s written all over her face when she glances at him. I’m glad we met back then.
This weather is familiar to him, he knows its rhythms and patterns, even when it was unpredictable to others. He wishes he can say the same for Souls, especially her. He’s known her for most of his life, but she continues to surprise him; just when he thinks he knows her completely, she proves him wrong.
He’s at his limit.
They’ve ended up at the edge of the forest and several meters away from the back of a row of houses. Nerves thrum through him as he comes to a stop after. She makes a quiet, surprised sound and turns to him. “Is something wrong?”
No matter how much he breathes, he can’t calm his racing heart. “Hinamori…”
His tone pops the bubble around them, and the gentle wind that blows through is colder than before. Momo waits, but the longer he remains silently, the more fidgety she becomes. She adjusts her scarf, shifts her weight from one foot to another, and takes in a breath that lifts and lowers her shoulders. Does she know what’s coming? Can she sense his apprehension?
If he says something, what will happen? She might be shocked, caught completely off guard by the very idea this evening was something more than two friends catching up. She may even laugh, wondering how he came such an odd conclusion. Either way, he needs to put his mind at ease.
“This wasn’t a date, was it?”
She frowns, a bemused grin twitching at the corners of her lips. “Shiro…” She trails off when she takes a step closer. She must see his genuine confusion because her expression falls, unsure of herself. She purses her lips, gaze briefly falling to the ground. “What if it was?”
The world stills around him. “…It can’t be.”
She fumbles over words. “I’m sorry, I thought – I assumed you…I was silly, I should have said earlier what I thought this was.”
 “That’s not it. ”
She takes another step. “Then…what do you mean?”
“You…You can’t have…” He doesn’t know if he can continue, hoping but also dreading that the implication will be clear to her.
A part of him is tempted to let out a bitter laugh, but it never reaches his throat. Even after all this time – even after forgiving him for what happened in the Fake Karakura Town, regardless of her belief an apology was never needed – he still thinks he’s unworthy of any feelings from her. He had been prepared when he visited her after her recovery to be told she couldn’t be his friend anymore, but a part of him hoped; and deep down, a part of him knew she would forgive, that’s just the kind of person she was. Her bond mattered as much to her as it did to him, to the point where it had been used against them to irreparably change it forever.
Aizen had intended the change to end in the death of one or both of them, but in the end all it did was make Toshiro realise his feelings had changed for her over the years. They burrowed deeper into his heart, to the point where seeing her in pain brought him to ruin, to the point he was willing to abandon everything he’d built for himself over the years to protect her and her pride.
“Shiro-chan, please. I don’t understand.”
“How can you…f-feel for me that way? After everything that happened, you shouldn’t.”
A pang runs through his chest at the hurt that briefly flashes through her expression. Then, something flickers in her eyes, a realization. She sighs quietly, nearly exasperated. “I’ve said it before, but everything that happened was his fault, not yours. Never yours.”
He knows this to be true deep down, but it feels like a smaller part of him always lie in wait, ready to catch him at his most vulnerable and remind him of what he did, screaming at him that it was his fault.
She takes another step. “I haven’t let it stop me from moving on, f-from…from realizing my feelings. I don’t exactly know what I feel for you, but –” Her gaze is soft and vulnerable and pleading, wanting him to truly understand. “I know it’s something more than I’ve ever felt for you in the past. I know it’s more than as a friend.”
He lets out a shuddering breath. He should be overjoyed. This should be one of the happiest moments of his life. Momo doesn’t see him as a close friend, she feels more for him, just as he feels for her. So why is he confused? Why does his heart tremble with doubt?
No, there’s something more going on here, beyond the few fragments of guilt buried in his mind and if he faces it, he doesn’t know how he’ll react in front of her.
At his lack of a response, a small, sad smile shapes Momo’s lips. She comes closer. “I’m really sorry I didn’t tell you before what this was. Somehow, I thought…” She scoffs at herself. “I thought you would know, but that was presumptuous of me. I don’t know why I…” She shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter now. I-I’ve said what I…” She stops in front of him. “Maybe I’ve said too much. Maybe you can’t see me the same anymore. Even so, only you can choose how you feel, and I’ll accept whatever it is.”
She says it as a reassurance, but there’s also a wobbly undertone, one of putting themself out for potential heartbreak.
“Hinamori, I…” He trails off as his throat constricts.
The snow dances around them, with not a single flake somehow touching her. Was it his own doing without realising? A silly thought, but one that he finds himself latching on to after such a proclamation from her.
If only she knew how wrong she was to think he would reject her. She deserves to know just how much she means to him, how much he come to love her, but he can’t get a single word past his trembling lips.
All this time, he had convinced himself she couldn’t feel the same way as he does. He believed he would harbor unrequited feelings for her, perhaps for as long as he lived, and he’d watch her find someone else. Someone who was as good, extroverted, and normal as she is. Someone who she could always smile and laugh with, who had no ties to the heartache she went through, and who would never let her feel the chill of winter. Someone she could grow old with without the knowledge of his shortened lifespan and maybe even have children with if they so desired.
She can't possibly want to be with him like that.
His mouth and throat are dry and Momo is holding his upper arms, alarmed. Had he been hyperventilating or just breathing through his mouth?
“Y-You’ve gone pale," she stammers out.
He can only shake his head, trying to gain his bearings.
Her worry turns to pain. “What have I done?” Her hands fall limply to her sides. A shudder runs through him at seeing her impending heartbreak. “I’m so sorry, if I had known this would distress you, I never would've done this. I should never have said anything. I shouldn’t have --"
“No!” he exclaims as his own hands grab hold of her arms.
It startles her, and a tear slips from one of her widened eyes. “Wha…?”
“It’s not like that, stop.” He relaxes his grip on her, but doesn’t let go. He won’t make her cry, his doubts and fears be damned. Something roars to life within him, like a fire setting wood ablaze. It gives him an ounce of courage to finally speak his mind.
“It’s not what you think. When I wasn’t sure if this was a date or not, it’s only because I didn’t think you could…could --” He swallows thickly and bows his head. “-- that you could feel that way for me. Why do you feel that way towards me? I don’t understand.”
She lets out a quivering breath and sound. They’re both still for a beat, with only the wind tussling their hairs and clothes. Then, her arms jolt with a weak chuckle. He blinks, and raises his gaze, bewildered by the half smile she gives him.
She shakes her head disbelief. “You’ve always been like this.”
“I wish you weren’t sometimes,” she continues on as if he hadn’t spoken, her gaze softening. “You see the good in others, but never in yourself.” Her voices wavers, on the verge of crying. “I wish you could see your value to those around you. I know you take a lot of pride in being a captain and in your work, but I wish it were the same in yourself. You’ve meant so much to me and many others, but I know that’s something only you can figure out.”
She raises her hands to claps his arms as another tear falls, this time for a completely different reason. “I don’t know entirely why my feelings for you changed, but I can think of a few reasons. I have always admired your work ethic, even if you work too hard sometimes. I know why you do though, because you deeply care for your division and want the best for everyone there.”
“And you you're kindness is something i have always liked about you. It's not often straight forward, it always takes on different forms, but I've seen it since we were younger. You've always been kind, whether it was finding a home for Aki, or protecting those who can't fight for themselves, or believing in me when I was at my lowest. To be on the receiving end of such kindness is a beautiful thing. You've been hurt so many times, but that kindness has never left you despite it all.
"You're strong, Hitsugaya-kun, you always have been."
Toshiro’s eyes burn with the threat of tears, but he holds them back. Trust her to say such things so openly, to show affection for him he never gave himself. Maybe, if lets her words in, deep enough o reach his core, he can start to believe her. That's for another day.
In the meantime, in a rare moment of physical affection, he gingerly holds the side of her head and brushes the trail of her tear away with his thumb. They can only stare at each other, registering a new emotion racing through them. One much like the bubble that had enveloped them earlier in the evening, warm and making a whole world for them.
He can feel for her without the pain of it. In a way, he's free.
It’s all so much, but also so simple. They feel the same about each other. They liked each other, more than friends.
Eventually, Momo ducks her head with a bemused huff. “This isn’t how I imagined this night going at all.”
Toshiro can’t help but let out a half-hearted snort. “Me neither.”
There’s something about the admission that makes a chuckle bubble up in his throat. He tries to suppress it, but when he senses Momo is trying to do the same, it falls from his lips. It’s a nervous and relieving one. Maybe the emotions had overwhelmed them, made them go mad, or maybe it was from how much both had worried about this night.
Eventually, they calm down. Momo smiles at him, but before he can do the same, she pulls him into a gentle hug. He’s slow to wrap his own arms around her, overwhelmed by how different this gesture now feels.
“Let’s take this slow,” she suggests. “One step at a time.”
“Yes,” he says as he pulls away. “I think that’d be best.”
The blush in her cheeks deepens. “I guess things will be different from now on, huh?”
“They don’t have to be.”
Her smile widens. “No, I guess not, but some things will be.” She looks back to the Junrinan. It's much later, and less lights are on. “We should head back.”
Without a second thought, he takes her hand. “I’ll walk you back.”
She blinks down at their joined hands. “Shiro-chan!”
“Since when do you…?” She giggles. “That’s so unlike you.”
Heat rises up in his cheeks; even he can’t believe his own actions. He pulls his hand away. “It’s as you said, some things will be different from now on.”
She gasps and quickly snatches his hand back. “I didn’t realise it would be such a dramatic change!”
He only grumbles and tugs on her hand, signalling for them to get going. He tenses seeing a few souls still wondering the streets of the Junrinan, but relaxes a fraction when neither he or Momo recognise them. It dawns on him then something else they should discuss. “I may have a request.”
“What is it?”
His lips form a tight line before he speaks. “If we do go ahead with… this –” he raises their joined hands “— and we are going to take things slow, I don’t want Matsumoto to know just yet.”
Momo nods. “I was thinking the same.”
That surprises him.
“Why are you so shock?” she says. “I think we should see how this goes first before anyone knows, not just Rangiku-san.”
“Huh…I always thought you couldn’t wait to tell people when you were in a…a…” How can he not say it? He was in a relationship with Momo. The thought only made his blush brighter. Why was this making him even more flustered?
“A relationship?” Momo finishes with a knowing smirk.
He half-heartedly glares at her, which only makes her snort softly. “It’s good we’re going slow, it might take you a while to get used to saying that.”
He’s tempted to call her out at the way her smile wobbles from embarrassment and her blush spreads to the rest of her face.
“A-Anyway, I’m not like that," she continues. "I want to keep this quiet until we’re both ready to tell everyone. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” She shrugs. “How that looks in our day-to-day, I’m not sure.”
“We’ll discuss that tomorrow.”
She blinks at him.
“If you’re free after the day is done, I could come visit you.”
She grins. “Really? You usually work back.”
“Well, as you’ve pointed out, I could probably not stand to do that as much. We can meet at one of the joint training grounds after six pm.”
She bites her lip, clearly trying not to laugh again. “I’ll look forward to it then.”
Her smile in warm and wide, and he can't help but give a small one back in return as they walk back to the Seireitei.
Maybe one day they can look back on this and laugh – though he can only ever see himself cringing at his obliviousness. For now, he basks in the warmth of her hand and her presence, and in the nervous but hopeful jitters that rush through him at the unknown future with her.
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cuubism · 5 months
Been loving the therapy au jsyk
I kno that there’s a consensus that Desire doesn’t bother hob bc either they don’t know or care abt him, but that never seemed right to me bc hob is such a passionate person desire would LOVE HIM. And a chance to mess w their *dearest* brother… why pass that up? So what if. What if at first desire doesn’t know abt hob and dream
Maybe 1550 or some such they notice this human who is nearly their disciple, so eager for everything, and they’re like. Well I am a good and loving god (and nobody pays me enough attention) so I shall perhaps grant him a bit of my presence. My company. And it’s grand and all and desire has a lot of fun, wow, turns out a couple centuries and even a HUMAN can impress in bed!
And then when 1598 rolls around and desire realizes OH. THIS IS *DREAM’S* human…
Ok, they’re not going to kill him or anything. After all, he IS kind of desire’s follower. And very nice. So. Desire just… also visits hob. More than once a century though, they’re an impatient creature. Maybe this will sway the human to be THEIR friend, ha ha dream, that’s what happens when you’re just better company!!! (Never happens, ofc)
And then maybe in 2022 Dream finds out somehow. Desire let’s it slip, or “let’s it slip”, or hob does, or he catches them…
And poor Hob is now in the middle of a very existential sort of tug-of-war
(Pretty sure this was inspired by smth else you wrote lmao)
omg yes. to be honest I do think Hob is more in Desire's domain than Dream's. he just wants so much, for good and ill. Desire would love it. and I can absolutely see them just coveting something that Dream has, both because they're like "hey that's MY disciple" and because they're constantly angling for Dream's attention even if they won't admit it. and Hob is taking Dream's attention away. so they're a bit conflicted. are they jealous of Hob? or Dream? or BOTH?
meanwhile Dream is utterly CONSUMED with jealousy and plotting Desire's demise 😂 he's like "give me BACK my toy"
and Desire's like "you didn't even WANT it, Dream. you weren't even playing with it"
and Dream's like "I'll make you regret being extant"
(Hob's wondering if he should just disappear now maybe. Though for the sake of his survival, he thinks he's probably better off with Dream. Dream is terrifying XD)
(I did write something kinda related once, but it was more Dream thinking Desire had manipulated Hob's emotions for him)
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Gauging Interest:
....i actually got inspired to consider doing this project by my Star Wars fic, Travel Buddies, which has reached a large enough audience i often wonder of any people who might struggle to read through longer chapters, or who would love to listen and have the mental space to, but don't have the time to stare at a screen actually reading.
I sometimes throw my own stories on a text-to-speech reading to listen to while I'm physically busy doing cleaning or work or art or other tasks, and while i can fall into the story, sometimes that fake voice breaks my immersion with weird pronunciations of names and such, and I wanted to just do a reading outright.
My biggest hangup... i SUCK at voice acting. I used to practice it all the time as a kid and then i got teased all the time because i just fucking. If someone has an accent and I'm talking to them it's a struggle to not pick it up, it's not even intentional i just do it and my friends loved making me talk British or Aussie (which was often because friends in that group were in Britan and Australia xD) before i had to GO TO CLASS OR WORK FUCK
I miss it
I strangled it out of myself being self conscious without even realizing that and i kinda want fix that. I'm not the greatest I'll never be the best but i can talk decent.
I don't necessarily need to make a dedicated published project out of my practice though, so my question is-- would anyone wish to hear an audio book of my fanfics? I would be doing all of them, though I'd likely start with Leaking Spark and Travel Buddies as they have the easiest flow for me to read without getting self conscious.
(reblogs appreciated! ❤️)
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dennydraws · 4 months
Sometimes checking local bookstores have some rare finds...
And I was most definitely not expecting to find the FF14 Manga there but I take it XD;; I highly doubt it was intentional but having the price sticker over Asahi's face absolutely killed me lol
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But this will be a talk about manga books and not specifically about FF14's manga book which was hilarious by the way XD;;
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(Press F for Urianger... well, for Thancred really but ya know...)
It may come as a surprise but I'm not exactly a big manga reader. I think it was primary because manga wasn't as available or popular here when I was growing up and when I started spreading I started feeling too old for it. Now looking back, I was mid 20 I wasn't too old lol But also I was not in a financial position to spend on what I considered luxurious hobby materials. I never looked at manga books as anything but forbidden pricey thing that I could do without... even though looking back I could've learned a lot or enriched my art journey but... when you try to graduate university, freelance and cover for struggling and sick family these things are not something you think to spend on... ANYHOWSIES, I did not intend to share sad artist backstory, more like I wanted to explain my relationship with actual manga books has been an odd one XD;
It wasn't until recently that I started to actually go to bookstores during my lunch break and browse manga books and regular books too. However now they are so many that I get overwhelmed. Now that I have my preferences, I don't feel comfortable just grabbing a book on a whim. I still very much hate the idea of blindly spending on things that may not be of use to me. But even so I began to reach out, grab something, try it, see what I can learn from it. I feel like a teenager dipping toes into something they've always looked from behind the shop window but now they can actually afford it! XD;; I tried to start with books whose anime I deeply enjoyed and maybe look over what's around them - surely there will be something similar!
And then to my surprise I started noticing... Artbooks! Usually the ones I am interested in are on the obscure side? Or at least I've never found any of those I was interested in... ever XD
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It has always been a lot more art books available here for WoW or LoL or whatever western-ish game franchise which... while I respect them, I just don't really enjoy their art style. And I did grow up surrounded by boys and a bully big brother whom I've always tried to impress or be "cool enough" to hang out with him (I was never cool enough to hang out with him u_u) and as result I had to deny myself a lot of things I was enjoying but I thought they are embarrassing - a lot of typically girly genres things because he'd mock them and if he mocks them then they were bad and I'd never be "cool enough" if I showed interest in them! Oh noes! Now that post turned into more personal down pour XD;
As years went on and after some reflection and years of existing in a healthy friend circle I started to enjoy the things I always wanted to enjoy growing up. I see them in new light now and I appreciate them with the eyes of a grown up while still kind of connect to this lost childhood spark. It's been really nice.
Plus I'm enjoying reading ...well, normal books, a lot more. Some years ago you wouldn't find me able to sit and read but now I do and quite enjoy it!
I don't know where I was going with this post XD I wanted to share I found the FF14 manga in a local store during my lunch break and it escalated to, I've been slowly buying and reading more manga and artbooks as of this year! It's never too late to reconnect with things you wanted to enjoy but couldn't in the past :D;;
Anyhow! Thank you for reading this silly lil ramble post, dear web traveller! I hope you will have great rest of the day and smooth week ahead!
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
Almost there!
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In other news, DuoLingo now has this Weekly Goals thing
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I think I'm doing ok. XD
(Some stuff is missing from my usual cause I switched to Hawaiian for a bit.)
So at 1350 do you get a parade?
this is closing in on 4 years so it would be well deserved if so
as for missing things I wouldn't have even noticed.
Goals deal my bible app has things like that but it's not weekly or anything it's just the occasional "challenge" last one was do a lesson every day for 7 days, which is easy enough and I would have done it anyhow.
I think they should do a parade for you, you've earned it.
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flammenkobold · 7 months
TMagP Quick Thoughts Episode 8
Quick thoughts while listening to the episodes and then some additional thoughts:
Listening rambles:
architecural induced stresses sooooo anything smirke huh xD
"architectural hunger"
the student's sources are just: me.
"unique personal experience" aka it came to me in a dream
love the background music
I sure am still here for this funky little podcast company
the whole diner scene is giving the crowd vibes from the vacation gerry episode whose title and episode number i forgot but which i love. lost in the crowd?
Alex doing his robot voice!
alice and gwen should just hatefuck at this point imo
I checked the transcript and: Gee Gee
and now we get a Georgie mention too?
I am losing my mind over here
don't mind me staring at a wall for a bit to sort out all my emotions
i cannot with this podcast i love it so much
Staring has been done so on to:
Slightly More Coherent Meta-ish Thoughts
Is Georgie TMA or TMP Georgie? Are her and Celia and some others doing a Sliders (does anyone remember the show? just me? anyhow). Did they step through a rift on purpose or by accident and are now trying to get back to their original universe?
If it's not tma!Georgie is an integral part of Georgie making podcasts in any universe? How does Celia feel about it (if she is the Celia from the lil tma!tunnels cult), having someone she used to know be there but it not being the person she knew?
Did Gertrude rescue Gerry from the Institute? If not how did they meet? Why are they going with grandma instead of mother like they did for the hospital in TMA? Where does the nickname Gee Gee come from? Is it just to annoy her? Is it an alliteration for Grandma Gertrude?
Does she dye his hair now?
Also Gerry gives me so much artist hipster vibes I bet he has colourful hair and wears floral shirts and everything. The transcript states that he drinks herbal tea for breakfast so you know he's that kind of artist. (I hope someone draws both Gerry's and it's that barbie and goth house meme personified)
Did meeting Gerry early changed the course of Gertrude's character as well? Like instead of being this battle hardened cold Archivist, she met this kid and thats it, she's had enough of this place, she's getting out and taking him with her.
final thought:
....tmp!gerry definitely learned how to play mrs robinson on a ukulele just to annoy gertrude i am calling it now
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melancholy-marionette · 4 months
Hi! How are you today?
You've likely already been asked this, but what do you use to make visual novels? How did you learn to do it? All the ones you make are so cool!!! 💖
Heya! I would say 'tired' is probably the main way I feel today xD I’ve been staying up until 4am again recently and forcing myself up again at 8:30am trying to make up for lost time on the jam that I’m currently taking part in with Lazy Polar Bear x3 (otome/josei jam)
We even tried our best to plan some stuff in advance so that we could have a chilled-out jam for once, but the world had other plans it seems, haha. We've both been hit by a fair bit of bad luck, so I’m pushing myself in the hope we’ll still be able to release a demo in time for the end of the jam. Energy drinks are very much my friend atm x3
I’m so sorry it’s taken me forever to answer anyhow! I’m still majorly behind on pretty much everything >.< so most of my replies are at snail speed, haha. It doesn’t help that my PC died at the end of April, and trying to get a new one has been a nightmare :( 
I knew it was on its way out for a while, so I’d been saving up + making sure to regularly backup data (thankfully, I don’t think I lost too much!) Managed to scrape together enough to get a new one, but when it was delivered, something was wrong with it >.< The first time I powered it on, there was a super loud scraping sound from a fan or something, and it threw up some BIOS error stuff instead of booting Windows.
I contacted the company, and they arranged to collect it & rebuild it for me, which took a while to do. Just had the rebuilt one delivered this week, but there’s still something not quite right about it :( It takes over 1 minute to boot up from pressing to power on (for reference, my PC that died was over 10 years old and booted up in about 10 seconds!) The 4th time I powered the new one on, it lit up inside, but never displayed anything. I gave it 5 minutes, but still nothing, so had to hit the reset button on the case.
Aaaand, one of the hard drives scans show it’s temperature is 68 degrees while the PC is idle, which doesn’t seem good >.< Neither does how hot the processor and graphics cards are showing on temperature readings when idle. As far as I can tell though, all the fans are working fine! 
Still in contact with support trying to find out what is going on :( Which is not what I need while trying to work on a jam project, haha.
Anyways, I’m so sorry for the giant ramble there!! To actually answer your question x3 I don’t think I’ve been asked it that much actually! Maybe only like once or twice :3 The first couple of VNs I made were made with Tyranobuilder cos that was the first thing I came across that seemed easy to use, and it was :D I did try Ren’Py first, but after completing a few tutorials and making a demo project, I hated having to do code stuff so much that I knew it would make me not want to make a full game if that was how I had to do it >.<
I got Tyranobuilder in a Humble Bundle years ago, and it claimed you could make VNs from scratch without writing a single line of code because it used a drag & drop system, so I figured I’d give it a shot! It definitely did what it said on the tin :3 I made my first-ever game with it (Solipsism Reigns) + another one after that (Impostor) before switching to something else. (well, there was also the CiQ demo too, but that's irrelevant now that the game is being made in Nani!)
I think I read a couple of basic tutorials for Tyrano, but it was honestly all really easy to get going with by just poking around in there and seeing what did what, haha.
Besides those first couple of games, everything else I’ve made has been using Naninovel in Unity. I’d say Nani took longer to get started with, but the tutorials are vast and very detailed, so that was a big help. I also managed to get it while it was on sale, so that was a relief since it’s quite expensive full price.
I switched for a couple of reasons. One being that the drag & drop system in Tyrano was fantastic for a beginner like me, but also quite slow, so once I’d grown a bit more confident with how things worked, I figured something like Naninovel with an easy-to-understand scripting language would probably allow me to work faster!
The other big reason was because of how buggy Tyrano seemed to be >.< There were a lot of issues in it that didn’t seem to be having fixes worked on by the software devs at the time (I believe they have since updated it though!) And it was just frustrating to discover there was the odd bug in my game that I couldn’t fix because it was caused by something in the software itself that I hadn’t even touched.
I’ve stuck with Naninovel because it’s definitely easy to use, has a tonne of brilliant guides, and the support on Discord has always been exceptional whenever I’ve needed help on how to do something :3 There’s still a lot about it that I don’t know how to use or little gripes I have with it here and there, but overall, I do prefer it to Tyrano. Nothing is ever gonna be perfect.
It does make collaborating difficult sometimes though because Ren’Py is still the most commonly used tool for making VNs I guess. So if you want to work with people to do code and stuff, and 1 only has knowledge of Ren’Py while the other only has knowledge of Nani’s scripting language and what Nani can do, it’s like you’re speaking two completely different languages when it comes to trying to understand each other x3
If I didn’t have to write code, I would probably use Ren’Py xD It’s just, while I still dislike having to type thousands of lines of Naniscript, I find it at least manageable without getting the world’s biggest headache, haha.
I’m glad that you think the stuff I make turns out cool though! :3 That means a lot ^-^ I always kinda feel like an impostor when it comes to everything I do in game dev just cos I never had any proper training or education >.< I guess a lot of VN devs are probably self-taught though! It is fun to figure things out yourself by trial and error, but I’m sure I must be doing heaps of stuff wrong xD or at least in ways that aren’t exactly the most efficient x3 I muddle through though :D 
Hope you are well + that May is turning out to be a marvellous month for you! Or at the very least, that you have had better luck than me lately, haha.
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Was wondering who's your favourite Jason Todd writer. (Maybe least favourite too)
Oooh this is a tough one! In part because I'm not entirely sure who to count as a Jason Todd writer, and in another part because I'm trying to pick someone other than Winick bc saying it's him feels too obvious lmao
The joke answer is Bruce Jones, because I genuinely adore Nightwing: Brothers In Blood, though I uhhh- look I GET why other people do not xD
But really maybe I should just bite the bullet and say it's Judd Winick. I do love what he did with the character and I can say with confidence that I'm not just listing him cause of Under the Red Hood. Seeing Red in Green Arrow (2001) is like my favorite comic run ever. Jason's appearance in Outsiders (2003) is great. Streets Run Red in B&R was solid. Lost Days remains my favorite interpretation of the time after he came back, despite the fact that I have some criticisms.
That being said, I do think I mildly prefer him in an anti-hero role rather than Winick's sympathetic villain who can sometimes be reasoned with, and I quite like what Rosenburg has been doing with him.
It feels like Rosenburg has a really solid idea in his head of who Jason is and why/how he clashes with the other bats. I enjoyed The Man Who Stopped Laughing way more than I thought I would. Taskforce Z has definite merits. Gotham War was a complete clusterfuck and horribly organized, but I do think I see what he was going for there and was interested even though it clashed badly with what the other writers were doing.
So yeah, I guess that's my answer. Rosenburg is my fav modern Jason writer so far and Winick remains the heavyweight champion of Jason writing overall.
My least favorite on the other hand isn't any of the usual suspects (Starlin, Morrison, and Lobdell)
Starlin seemed to want to write vicious, seedy thrillers about realistic serial killers and the worst that humanity has to offer and was instead stuck writing Batman and Robin lmao. Should he have just found other employment instead, or knuckled down and written to the tone of the material at hand? Probably! However, putting Batman and Robin in a world that was patently unfit for their type of heroics was interesting to read for me, and frankly, most of what I love about Jason wouldn't exist without it.
Morrison was certainly unfavorable to Jason, but using Jason and Dick as opposing ideas of what it means to be Batman is honestly really cool, and idk I think if you can get passed the aesthetics this version of him works.
Lobdell... might actually just be bad at writing entirely? But! Lobdell has a lot of good ideas and can write something that's fun. There are several more competently put together stories that I can't say the same of.
So yeah, it's none of them, because Cavan Scott was the one who wrote the worst rendition of Jason I've ever had the misfortune to read.
Even mother fucking Battle for the Cowl did a better job with Jason! Just by giving him character motivations and a reason to be in the plot! Titans United Jason is a complete asshole to everyone around him despite having reasons not to be. Like, not even for no reason! For negative three reasons!! There are many different roles he could have taken in this comic that would have been interesting, but instead he is "thug who insults Connor Kent and is generally useless and incompetent".
Though to be fair to him, Titans United was a tie in for a TV show that has very, very different histories for all of the characters involved. It was basically a commercial and as far as I can tell this author wasn't involved in the show or any of the characters outside of this one comic. It might honestly be unfair to call him a Jason Todd writer at all.
And if we don't count little one offs like that then... yeah I don't really know who my least favorite would be *shrug*
Anyhow I feel like I've rambled more than long enough, hope this was an interesting read and thank you thank you for sending the ask :3 !
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choicesmc · 5 months
okay because i still have tabletop gaming on the brain (and I know you play now hehe):
would any of your MCs/OCs ever join a D&D campaign? (or something more niche like Ars Magica?) What would their classes be? What parts would they most enjoy?
ty sunshine! 💖
thank you for dropping by o/
Rin -> funny enough I actually headcannon that Rin starts a rival D&D club after trying to join Edgar’s table. She thought it’d be fun. Anyhow, she’s usually DM but on the rare occasion the group’s playing a one-shot, Rin’s often a barbarian. Though she’s dabbled with fighters and warlocks, barbarian is the only one that really sticks xD I think she really enjoys playing a character that’s just allowed to feel, who’s allowed to use and acknowledge intense emotions to the team’s benefit rather than their detriment, if that makes sense? When it comes to campaigns, she leans more towards ‘dungeon’ mechanics (<- ie getting quest after quest with less importance on fleshing out a character/role play) over anything else! (Also: she is a dice-hoarder, what can she say? Dice are pretty)
*Rams -> really wanted to play D&D but couldn’t find time for it… now, xe would join a campaign (if offered) but doesn’t go out looking for one. Out of all my MCs, co’d be the most open to other ttrpgs though just know co will almost always be the healer. In D&D, ze splits between cleric and druid with a mean lean towards druid. Rams is very much a roleplayer, ze doesn’t mind lots of battles but they take last priority to really getting in character and playing out a story.
Fiona -> I think he plays on the off chance if he happens to have the time + the energy. Like, you might find him wandering into a dice store and dropping in on a game every couple of months. But also, Fiona is the type whose character is a self-insert. The only difference between Ivo and Fiona is that Ivo is a traveling bard and, arguably, Fiona is not. I’d say, Fiona tends to prefer non-homebrew campaigns because 1) they are familiar and he can really focus on knowing his party members even if for just one night and 2) homebrew campaigns make him feel more bad about not being a consistent party member. (Also: only has the beginners’ pack blue dice)
Jiahao -> never played. Would play to satisfy her curiosity if a friend really wanted her to play with them. If she did ever play, his character would be a rogue. Like fallen noble turned crooked criminal type!
*Wanted to add: in Rams’ universe, there’s a D&D equivalent called Immortal Realms in which the BOLAS characters are part of a pre-made campaign kit
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