#geshin impact x
springkuinn · 11 months
A letter to Wanderer
Genshin Impact Wanderer x Reader
This is a little something I've written in times of extreme emotions. I was also inspired by a wanderer playlist so my motivation to write just surged in. The name at the end is the name I chose to give to my wanderer. Frankly, these are the things I wish to say to this fandango man, does anyone relate to me? XD
To you of wandering heart,
I love you.
But I know someone like me can't stand beside you. I know that it can't be me. But I wish and hope every day that you find happiness, peace and a place to belong to someday. It doesn't need to be now. But I do hope that someday, someday you'll truly smile.
And I hope that one day, you find people who will accept you as I do. You've done evil things, yes. And I myself believe that you do not deserve to be truly forgiven. However, I always pray and wish that you'll find a family. A family who's willing to forgive you in stand of the world. Because you don't deserve everyone's forgiveness. You don't deserve the forgiveness of every family you've ruined. But a wandering man will become tired someday too, and you deserve a home. A home where you will wish to rest in someday.
A home with a backyard would be nice. Oh, and a treehouse! Since you seem to like high places. Hmm, now I'm wondering if it's because so you can look down on people...
I know you might be thinking, how condescending of me to say these. But jokes on you, I'm still into you. Hahaha, you can burn this letter or tear it apart and feed it to the fishes at Devadaha Pool. But my feelings will not go into oblivion along with it if you do so. And I'm happily wheezing away just imagining how much you might be blenching now while reading this. Or I might be mistaken, and you've long thrown this letter away. Anyhow, I'm sure you've realized that I'm long gone as you are reading this. I wonder what face you're making now?
I hope that you begin to accept that you are worthy of happiness too. Don't ever think that you do not. Even if it's just one person, I hope that you can open your heart to them and accept love again. You are worthy of it, you do.
Wanderer, I truly truly truly love you. Unconditionally so. I love you. Saying this a million times is not nearly enough. And I fear that my time is also running out.
Thank you for existing, Shinrin.
"Hah" A quiet scoff left Wanderer's mouth as he stared at your letter. Tipping his hat to cover his eyes from the wind, he crumpled the paper.
" You think too highly of yourself Y/N... "
"I don't even have a heart, you idiot." He breathed out the last words as he felt something scratching his throat. The silence and peace emanating from the forest and chirps of birds almost mocking the unexplainable chaos inside him. He doesn't understand the tug in his heart, nor the reason for his furrowed brows. He's supposed to not have a heart, to not have the slightest of emotions.
"Tsk." Maybe being around the kind Nahida affected his brain into thinking things like this. Or is it really just an illusion from his mind? Is the lone tear that slipped out of his eye all a trick? He doesn't know. And there is no one to tell him anymore in this world.
Shin- new, heart, true & Rin- group of trees
I gave him this name in hopes that he'll find a new home where he can truly find his heart and his true meaning in life, in his new region: the Sumeru.
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whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 18
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 17, Part 19
Warning! This has blood, injuries, and violence! This is a imposter Sagau so you can expect these topics!
The faintest sound of grass being crushed jolts you back into the waking world. Gripping your chest, your mind tries to remember your situation as you take deep shaky breaths. Just how long were you asleep?
The moon glimmers above you and it isn’t very obviously moved, so it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes… How could you have been so stupid to waste your limited time sleeping?!
The sound of heels stomping at a fast pace makes you move quickly. Packing up the medkit, you shove it into your bag and throw it over your shoulder. There’s a slight dizziness, your body is still sore and in pain, but it’s no longer unbearable.
From a 10 out of 10 to a 9 out of 10. Why couldn’t you get some sort of healing power as the Creator? Cursing your shitty luck that unfortunately didn’t change when being isekai’d, you bring up the game screen.
One more try, you reason with yourself. Maybe after that minute-long power nap, it will finally work for you. To your quick dismay, it still doesn’t work, but at least you could finally figure out where the fuck you were and where to go.
Staring at the game screen as your heart rate slowly rises from the sound of shoes stalking closer isn’t the situation you want to be in, but it is what you get from this particularly shitty hand of fate. What’s even worse is just how far away you are from any civilization, teleport waypoints, or statue of the sevens.
You eventually settle on going for the closest teleport waypoint and pray to any god besides Celestia that it reactivates your ability to teleport. Looking across the lake, you frown knowing you’ll have to walk around the whole damn thing.
Standing up, you can’t even pay attention to the rush of blood to your head as the dropping temperature monopolizes it. There’s no more time to waste. Kicking back into full drive, you weave past the Cryo Slimes now that you can actually see, and start to run on the edge of the lake.
It’s pathetic how you couldn’t take more than a few steps before an ice maiden flies beside you and blocks your path. Large waves of ice follow it before it dissolves into Cryo-infused talismans. The only paths you had now were the water to your left or going backward. 
Both clearly lead to death.
Just your fucking luck.
“Y/N!” Your name is spoken like a curse, as if you were nothing more than a pest meant to be crushed. Turning around, you look back at Shenhe who still doesn’t have any red ropes subduing her murderous urges.
Her polearm is waved slightly as blue slime flies off it. It’s only now that you realize the slimes near you were missing. The moon illuminates the blood shining off her clothing, both yours and hers. Dirt, minerals, and grass stains stick to her outfit and hair as she prowls closer.
The cold wind blows as she stops just a few feet in front of you. There is no blind anger or desperation for your death in her posture. Iridescent eyes stare you down as her Cryo vision is held in place solely by the gold ornament holding her hair in a loose ponytail. She is more than aware that your chance to survive or escape is low.
“You’ll pay for your crimes. Let my hatred suppress whatever meaningless feelings you have, to prevent you from ever resurrecting as a demon.” Cold. Her voice is cold as she holds her polearm in position and steps closer.
Despite the fear, despite the pain, and anger, you hold onto whatever half-baked plan you have in mind and stay in place. Backing away would only corner you against the ice wall she built.
Determined eyes stay locked onto Shenhe as your hands stay empty. Your silent refusal to bring out your weapon breaks whatever little self-control she has as she lunges at you. Gritting your teeth and throwing away your self-preservation, you rush forward to meet her.
Just as you hoped, Shenhe swings her weapon earlier with her quick reflexes and your heels dig into the ground to pull you back avoiding the fatal blow. The deep laceration on your collarbone is a small price to pay for your hands to grasp her wrists tightly. Growling, Shenhe moves to yank her hands away but petrification begins to overtake your hands and her wrists.
Not wanting to get caught in your petrifying trap again, she releases the polearm quickly, letting it clink out the ground. Your nails strain with the effort needed to keep her in your grasp but it’s worth it as her hands and wrists are successfully petrified. Like this, she couldn’t use her weapon or take out a talisman.
“You know, it’s really unfair of you to hold such a grudge against me for hurting you when you hurt innocent people all the time. Talk about a hypocrite.” With a mocking tone you begin to pull her into the shallow water. She tries to fight back but with your hands locked together and the water lapping at your feet, her resistance is futile.
“I mean, just cause you’re gullible and stupid enough to not pick up on basic social cues or even try to learn them, doesn’t mean you’re free from the consequence!” Your words end with a shout as you use your strength to pull Shenhe down with you into the water.
Falling onto your side with Shenhe in the same position, you raise your head just high enough to not drown. You didn’t pull her into the deep end, that would be suicide for you both but at least now she couldn’t use cryo without freezing herself too.
You could only hope she wasn’t that far gone to be willing to commit a murder-suicide.
Shenhe regains her bearing and quickly gains the upper hand by pinning you down into the shallow water. Holding your breath in the nick of time, your petrified hands push against her weight and flip her over.
Doing your best to hold her down in hopes of forcing her to pass out fails with how she switches the position. Constantly applying Petrify, you're locked in a grapple with Shenhe as the water splashes against your face.
“I don’t care that you hurt me. I care that you hurt my nephew!” Shenhe says in a frosty tone once she’s in an advantageous position.
Frowning at the sheer audacity of her words, pure annoyance gives you the strength to quickly overthrow her. It’s even enough to ignore how the arrow is pushed deeper and deeper into your chest.
“Stop fucking lying! You barely give a crap about him, which is still a leg up compared to how you seem to nearly hate the rest of humanity. The only person you like is the Traveler!”
“That’s not true, it’s not!” She refutes like a stubborn child. “I love the Creator too, more than anything else!” Her harsh breathing is strange, that anger she’s been so intent on expressing seems to hint at something else too…
“Then why the fuck are you still hunting me?! I didn’t do shit to the Creator nor to your precious traveler!” Probing for answers, you hold her down even with the ice spikes melting, unplugging your wounds.
“I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!” Shenhe spits it out the words with rising irritation but her resentment is slowly mixing with visible frustration. “The Traveler is my link to this world, my link to the Creator. I know for sure that I like her because these emotions fill me to the brim when I’m in her presence. That’s why I’m sure that I hate you!”
Shenhe’s feelings hit the limit as her next move slams your head onto the rock in the water. Your mouth opens automatically from the pain, water rushes into your mouth choking you. Ears ringing and body steadily going limp, your mind switches between intense static and terrifying calm contemplation on her words.
That resolute tone she spoke wasn't natural, almost like she’s forcing herself to believe her words. The back of your head feels warm and you can’t tell if you’re bleeding or if it’s just water.
Emotions filled Shenhe when she met the Traveler as you were the one controlling the Traveler all this time. The Traveler is publicly known as your acolyte, probably known as your first acolyte since you start Genshin with the Traveler. As this was her first taste of emotions since her father’s betrayal, she had a positive view of Lumine immediately.
But then what did that mean for you?
Your lungs burn as water blurs your vision and Shenhe shivers above you. The medical care you applied earlier did nothing now that you’re wet. Those useless, meaningless worries fade away as you retreat into contemplation, back to where you weren’t burdened with a fight you didn’t have the energy for.
Meeting you in person must have caused even more feelings to appear but you didn’t have a reputation like the Traveler did. Combine that with the action of stabbing her, it must have warped her perception of what feelings she has toward you.
Perhaps you hit your head too hard, or maybe it was the lack of oxygen that caused a near-manic glee to fill you. With strength unknown to you, you finally push her down and smile wide enough that it borders on being creepy. The water left in your mouth runs down your face with no change in your expression.
“This has to be some bullshit. The world, Celestia, and fate must be dying to screw me over in every way possible.” Your eyes stare unmoving down at the somewhat stunned Shenhe. The slight furrow of her eyebrows and the smallest downward turn of her lips tempt you to speak with mocking joy.
“Congratulations Shenhe, you don’t hate me, you never did! You love me, you love me the same fucking way you love the Traveler. Because just as Yelan said earlier, I’m an oracle, and no matter how much you want to push those feelings away. They. Won’t. Leave.”
Punctuating those last words with more force, you lean down closer to her face which morphs into something mirroring shock and slight fear. It almost immediately turns into an expression of denial as she switches your position to keep your head on the raised seafloor. 
It seems she didn’t want to drown you anymore. Your verbalized enlightening words nurtured those little seeds of doubt she tried to stomp out.
“That’s wrong, it has to be. I hate you, I must hate you! I can’t love someone who harmed me. There’s no other choice, I have to hate you.” A strong denial, but it’s all a front. The fear in her eyes is as clear as the silver moon above you.
Why, oh why did you have to deal with a little kid figuring out their feelings in this sort of situation? Just like when adults claim that a boy bullies a girl he likes. You now had to deal with Shenhe’s ‘hatred’ due to her emotionally stunted childhood. 
Your luck just couldn’t get any greater!
“I can’t love you. I can’t love someone who hurts me, not again.” Shenhe stares down at you as tears begin to slide down her cheeks. Staring blankly up at her, your mind seems to connect the dots on why she’s so against loving you.
Just like most trauma, it all starts with the parents. Her father’s stupid and abusive decision still has her in a chokehold.
Perhaps if this was a different situation, a different day, you could have dealt with her feelings gently. Slowly talking to her to accept these new emotions. Pushing past any barriers and lousy facades she might use to escape your kind words of advice.
But that wasn’t going to happen. Not today, not tomorrow, and probably not for a long while. The water around you has the faintest pink hue, no doubt from all your wounds being reopened. Your ears still ring and your lungs still make your chest heave with effort to regain proper ventilation.
Shenhe’s tears drip down your cheeks as she gazes down at you with watery eyes. The beautiful mirage of colors is swamped with salty droplets as her lips quiver.
Distantly, you count this as the second time you’ve made a Cryo vision holder cry at your words. The love you held for the characters back then has all but been buried deep inside you at this point. You will not survive in this world clinging to your past love for them all.
The petrification crumbles away with Shenhe too lost in her mind and heart to realize. Your dominant hand carefully releases her wrist before clenching around a familiar weight. 
If she’s the one with the Cryo vision, then why is it that you’re the one looking coldly at her?
“But you do love me, and living with those confusing emotions is what it means to be human. To be mortal.” With a swish of your sickle crackling with electricity, the blunt side makes direct contact with Shenhe’s temple. Eyes rolling to the back of her head, she collapses onto the water as her body jostles wildly from the electricity.
You aren’t afraid of the Electro hurting you. The trust you place in Teyvat to not hurt you is justified as the Electro doesn’t shock you, even as you grab Shenhe and drag her onto land.
The love you felt for all the characters isn’t being calculated in your decision. Shenhe dying, especially at your hands, is a recipe for disaster. You try to ignore the ache you feel at the thought of Shenhe's cold and rotting body in a coffin.
Touching the back of your head, you pull your hand back into view and grimace at the freckled blood dotting it. Multiple bruises, lacerations, a puncture wound in your chest, the leftover ice lodged in your lower legs, and now a head injury too? 
Maybe getting a fracture or broken bone will balance out your injuries. 
A slightly bitter chuckle leaves you as you open the game screen again. You only try once to teleport but as expected, it fails to work. Sighing and resisting your rising frustration, you resume your journey to the closest waypoint.
A strong smell of iron and salt clings to you, you're cold and wet but it’s bearable. Bearable compared to the pulses of pain that torment you as you amble to the halfway point of the lake.
The sound of treasure hoarders laughing and clinking of coins throws you off. Even from this distance, you can count at least five hoarders. An impossible battle in your state, you would surely die trying to get past them.
It’s hard to forget how many people they’ve kept in cages, robbed, murdered, and even implied to sexually assault. 
Dread and loathing bubble up to the point where you’re almost positive that if you opened your mouth, acid would come out. Doing your best to disregard the pain, cold, exhaustion, and fury you turn around and walk back. 
Farther down south is supposed to be where another teleport waypoint is built. Supposedly: it’s right above the Chasm in Lumberpick Valley. Just some climbing, not like you can’t push your bleeding body a little farther, and then a straight shot to the waypoint. 
Checking the game screen one last time to be absolutely sure, you start your journey. You avoid looking at Shenhe’s peaceful appearing body laying on the grass. Mindlessly your hands apply your leftover medical supplies to your battered body.
There’s no time to rest. No time to stir on what direction to go, on how you should react to Yelan if she appears. No time to collapse on the soft grass and just let yourself bleed to death.
Yelan was bound to be on your heels and you would be damned to let her be the death of you.
Sweat dripped down your skin as your haggard breathing could be faintly heard. Knuckles pale from the tight grip you enforced, you pulled yourself up over the last ledge.
You couldn't just backtrack and go back the way you came, the chance of running into Yelan or other enemies was too high, so now you were stuck climbing hill after hill.
Crawling away from the edge, you pick yourself up tiredly. Wincing from the throbbing pain in your head, you held it gently. The bandages wrapped haphazardly around it were slightly bloody. 
Each drop of ruby and ticking second was precious. You didn't have much energy left.
Following the vague instructions you remember from looking at the map, you followed the hill down. As you got closer, the sound of conversation was recognized.
Slowing down, you crouched low and laid down near the edge closest to the waypoint.
Two treasure hoarders stood below walking together. Scanning them up and down, you noted the crossbow and throwing knives arming them.The men stopped almost directly below you making a smile creep onto your face. 
Your specialty was gathering information. To be more specific, blackmail. 
And while you doubt they know any good blackmail, whatever they know could be useful.
"Isn't it great that we finally got word from Brass Bull and Flower? I was so sure that we would never receive another letter after what happened…"
"You shouldn't speak about Big Sis and Flower that way! I mean, the Madam from the Treasure Hoarder Association came in person on Big Sis's request."
"What are you doing trying to scold me while openly referring to Brass Bull as Big Sis?!"
The hoarders squabble with each other below you as you stir on their words. A Madam from the Treasure Hoarder's Association? That doesn't seem suspicious on the surface layer but from what you remember…
There never was a Treasure Hoarder Association in the game. The most impressive thing about them was how disorganized yet large their group is. 
Keeping a hand over your mouth to halt the manic giggle from escaping, your eyes gleam with malice.
Everyone has some sort of tell when they lie. Experienced liars have learned to hide their physical tell but that makes it evolve into something else. A pattern for lying, a favorite lie to rely on.
And if you remember correctly, Yelan almost always claims to be a part of some organization while conveniently avoiding her name.
All that built up excitement at seeing past Yelan's lie falls the moment you realize that she must be near the waypoint. Maybe you should just turn back?
Standing back up you grimace at the blades of grass dotted with crimson. You were losing blood at a rate too fast to play it safe. At most you had another two hours, and that was without combat in the equation.
Ignoring the dull spikes of pain from your skull, you keep low and sneak past the treasure hoarders. The various large rocks and swaying trees served as a good concealment. The night sky was just another bonus that helped you along.
The path clears and after walking a bit on edge, you slowly rise to your full height.
There wasn't another soul in sight.
As much as you would like to be suspicious and keep to the shadows, you couldn't afford to be so guarded. Merely thanking your lucky stars, you follow the path quickly.
Slowing down, you come across a wooden structure with stairs leading up to the teleport waypoint. The blue glow was a comforting sight. Finally, you can try to escape this place by activating it.
With one more wary glance around the area, you quietly climb the stairs. Not a sound is heard as you dash closer to the waypoint and reach your hand out.
Chills run down your spine and Teyvat cries out in your mind with what sounded like an animalistic scream. The glimmer of something shiny blue comes from the teleport waypoint but it's too late.
Not even your instincts can push your lightheaded and muddled mind to process the situation fast enough.
Hydro lifelines cut into your hands, letting your blood reveal the criss-cross patterned trap guarding the waypoint.
A yelp of pain leaves you from the burn of your nerves and you startle back just in time to not get your face smashed into it.
The lifelines move to wrap around your limbs and fling you back. There's a split second of being airborne, your heavy body floats for felt like an eternity.
Until your back collides with the insignificant stack of crates that break at your weight. Splinters tear your worn out clothing and stab into your back. It's not deep but the blood is obvious. Pain floods your senses and your ear
The remaining crates fall onto your face and there's a sickening crack of your nose. All you can do is gasp from the pain and bite back tears.
"A little birdie told me of someone messing with the Creator's holy structures. Those who aren't chosen by the Creator can't touch them."
Even through the blinding pain, ringing ears and bloody spit, you make sure to bite out "Just like you?"
Yelans blurry figure enters your vision that fades in and out of consciousness. What a shame that you couldn't see the snarl her lips curled into.
Lifelines pull you by your wrists into a standing position. Blood rushes to your head, causing you to gasp from the sharp spikes of pain. Your vision comes back into focus, showcasing a smirking Yelan. 
Clean and bandaged, the exact opposite of you.
“Keep them still, don’t bother with the rope. Restraints would be wasted on a captive as beat up as them.” The off-hand words are followed by the lifelines breaking away and leaving you to sway. Almost immediately, a larger pair of hands grab your arms and force them behind your back. Calloused fingers dig into your wrist to hold them still, the lacerations throb at the rough handling.
Not bothering to fight the new hold, you slowly turn your head to examine your surroundings. What was once an empty platform is now filled with treasure hoarders. Both possible exits are blocked off by groups as Yelan stands in front of you with her back turned.
“We got them, Madam! This is who we needed to capture to finally be connected with the Fatui, right? With this masked target caught, we can get Big Sis and Flower back!” A cheerful treasure hoarder speaks up first. Perhaps he's the leader for this bunch of hoarders?
The rest of the hoarders chime in too, big smiles stretch across their faces as they celebrate. The names ‘Brass Bull’ and ‘Flower’ are mentioned multiple times as they grow louder and more excited.
“Oh yeah?” Even with Yelan’s back to you, the smile in her voice is easily heard by you.
“Then it’s almost a shame to say that I caught the rest of you too.” The confused and wary expressions turn into realization as lifelines appear all around the treasure hoarders. The hands around your wrists tighten up as you peek up at the hoarder holding you captive.
Silent and still, the masked hoarder tightens his grip on you as the other members begin to fight back against Yelan. Only some though, most are too scared to move and get filled by the laser-beam structured lifelines.
Yelan, as calm as still water, walks to the stronger hoarders, determining them as the only threats. The noise in the area heightens as fighting ensures but your mind seems to work properly amidst the confusion. Fingers twitching with the desire to hold your sickle and break free from the flimsy man’s hold, you take a shaky breath. Not yet, you tell yourself, just one more step and then you can break free.
Yells of anger and betrayal ring out as the hoarders curse Yelan out. The names Brass Bull and Flower are spoken with so much affection that the familiar tug on your memory finally makes sense.
A past Genshin event involving the traveler helping the Milleth arrest a group of treasure hoarders comes to mind. As per usual: it ended with the Traveler arresting the leaders Brass Bull and Flower, along with what seemed to be their full group.
Seems this group was just the leftover that must have been somewhere else during the time of the event. They’re simply the leftovers that Yelan is obliged to clean up. Yelan never helps an enemy without helping herself first.
“I almost feel bad for you all.” A dry chuckle leaves you after speaking as the hoarder holding you shoots you a nervous glance. 
What easy prey.
“Did you really believe that Madam so easily? Brass Bull’s letter has to leave the Milleth prison meaning anyone could have peeked into the contents. Forging a letter to catch you all is just one possibility. It would be even easier to just replace the true Madam to infiltrate for any information you might withhold in captivity.”
His body stiffens up and his eyes look down at you with not quite a glare but something harder than a stare. “H-How did you kno-”
“About the letter? Yelan, or rather your fake Madam, bragged to me about it of course. A public servant for the Ministry of Affairs like Yelan can’t help but flaunt her misdeeds.” There’s a wariness in his eyes as he stares at you, his guard is lowering by the second.
Tone shifting into annoyance, you continue. “Don’t give me that look, ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’, don’t you know that? I was the one undercover to bring the real Madam back here. When I couldn’t find her, that's when I met Yelan.”
Biting your bleeding lip, your expression scrunches into one of anger as treasure hoarder after treasure hoarder are sent flying. “Yelan explained in detail how she tortured my dear Madam for information, all while inflicting these wounds on me. I’m not surprised to see that she infiltrated your group by lying her ass off.” His brows begin to furrow and his hands begin to steady.
“You wanna know something else?” His nod makes you smile widely and much like a devil to a wronged soul you whisper into his ear. “The Fatui you all were supposed to meet on Brass Bull’s orders have already been taken care of by Yelan. She could have just captured you all without any unnecessary fighting, but she wanted to betray you all.”
“Just like how she helped the Traveler arrest everyone all that time ago…” 
His complexion turns red as he releases your hands quickly and grabs the sledgehammer hanging from his waist. He sprints swinging it widely while yelling-
“-That woman is a fake! A fraud! She’s responsible for the past arrest and now this arrest!” Yelan jumps back, barely escaping a broken jaw as he continues to yell. “She’s the one responsible for Brass Bull and Flower’s sentence! Everything from then and now is all her fault!”
That knowledge makes every treasure hoarder's eyes grow in size and lock in on Yelan. Your hands pick up your bag from the floor as the hoarders lunge for Yelan.
Emerald eyes, wide and panicked, lock onto your tired yet satisfied ones as you send a shit-eating grin her way. ‘Eat shit’ you mouthed to her before watching the remnants of the group jump her.
It felt great, amazing even, to give her a taste of her own medicine after what happened with Shenhe.  
Only the smallest bits and pieces of wood were stuck in your back as you lug the back onto your shoulder. Flexing your body despite the pain and slight sway, you survey the battlefield.
You still needed to touch that damn waypoint.
“Ugh!” With a wince, you press a hand against your head before ducking as a blue arrow whizzes above you. Your skull sends sharp jolts of pain down your body as your back grows wet with blood.
This battlefield was too risky, every hoarder was blindly shooting and Yelan was still targeting you! 
Putting pressure on your calves that still drip with blood and melted ice, you march through the battle. Limbs and heavy bodies bump into you harshly as weapons narrowly hit your fragile body.
With laser focus on the teleport waypoint, you escape the constantly moving current of fighting and come into proximity of the waypoint. The cool feel of the waypoint is soothing against your feverishly hot fingertips, just when did you get this hot?
A gold glow shines from the teleport waypoint as you wretch your fingers away quickly, uncaring how your ruby blood left its mark on the object.
Shit, shit! How could you forget?!
The battle stills as everyone’s eyes are drawn to the dimming glow and new color of the waypoint. Yelan stares at you past the remaining hoarders before you jump to the side when multiple Hydro projectiles are shot at you.
It snaps the treasure hoarders back into reality as they glare at Yelan again. Taking advantage of what little time you can get, your body moves automatically to the closest exit.
Only to stop as the lingering hoarders who are too scared to fight Yelan but feel too guilty to run away aim at you with pale complexions. “D-Don’t come any closer!”
A bloody and messy unknown traveler on the other hand? The chance of them actually shooting you is high. Spitting out the blood pooling into your mouth, you back away from them. Turning back, you try the other exit but it’s just as bad.
Neither way was going to let you through and Yelan was starting to seriously cut down on their numbers. The small mountain next to you was starting to look increasingly tempting…
A passed out treasure hoarder is flung in your direction by unstable lifelines with you pressing your aching body against the stone to avoid getting hit. Your skull hits the stone and your mind goes blank for a hot minute.
Did you really have any time to be picky? You weren’t even sure if the waypoint would even work.
Sucking in a painful breath, you wrap your cut up fingers around the rocks and begin to climb. Sweat rolled off your feverish body as every movement made waves of pain wash over your body.
Blood dripped from your nose, spilled out of your mouth, and mixed with the slightly bloody dents you got from Yelan’s nails. Hot stings pricked at your head as the bruises beneath your body made itself remembered.
Finally at the top, you pull yourself up and gaze at the Chasm as the cool night air nipped at your skin bringing sweet relief. Lumbering closer to the ledge toward the Chasm to avoid any stray arrows, your fingers tremble slightly as it brings up the map.
Strange, when did you start trem- “Argh!” The cry is pulled from your lips as an arrow pierces your back. The pain and force behind it is too great forcing your body to collapse to the ground.
Your broken nose makes contact with the groan pulling a pained groan from you. Weakly, you roll to your side as heels begin to head your way. Body sore and sensitive, your eyes stare up at Yelan’s casual stride.
She’s slow and beaten up too. That arrogant smile is gone and those demeaning eyes have changed into something akin to hatred. Pulling yourself up as she stops just a few feet away, you watch her draw her bow.
Taking a step back just to get some distance, maybe even enough to dodge, it’s stopped short when all you can feel is the edge beneath you. 
It’s a dead end.
Yelan is quiet as she aims at you, her trembling bloody fingers are more than enough proof of how far you pushed her. Should you be satisfied seeing someone who basically had their whole life play out like you wanted and craved suffer?
“I guess you really will be known as a hero, Yelan, just like your ancestors.” The words are sad and bitter on your tongue. A sharp contrast to the iron taste as you cough up blood.
“It cough must be nice! Knowing that every-cough thing in your life worked out in the end! Hack” A clot of blood is forced out of your throat as Yelan narrows her eyes at you.
“I hope you thank the Creator every damn day for the people in your life…” A sardonic wet laugh leaves you as your body shakes. “Especially Ningguang as she's the reason you didn't have to struggle to find a new job.”
A bloody coughing fit consumes you and pain accompanies it as the bow’s tension is released. 
The incoming arrow isn’t something you can avoid or block, the force of it pushes you off the edge. Time slows down as you blankly watch Yelan’s form begin to get smaller from above you.
You have no energy to panic, just a faint realization of your quickly coming death and a conflicting feeling of acceptance. The wind howls in your ears and the world blurs together, all you can truly see is the starry sky above you.
Is this how you will die? Is this how you want to die?
No, maybe you should at least be thankful that you’ll be dying from being a liar rather than being an imposter.
Would that make your death more acceptable in your eyes?
Your body is weightless and the pain you suffered from no longer torments your body. Closing your eyes, you let all those lingering worries fade away.
Why weren’t you dead yet?
Opening your eyes, you find that your fall is a lot slower than before. It’s gotten softer from a howl to a murmur in your ears. Aches begin to plague you as pressure compresses your body and lungs.
Rocks and other edges move past you and the incredible thing you realize is that you’re floating. Will you actually survive? Is there a big difference between falling to your death and floating to it?
Struggling to breathe through the thin air and blood in your mouth, no scream of pain can leave your lips as your back meets the grass. Several cracks can be felt and a tip of the arrow pushes through your body until the metal tip pierces your lung.
The pain is unbearable as you lie there helpless. 
Teyvat traded a quick painful death of being splattered and compressed on the ground for a slow painful death of bleeding out? 
‘What a fucking joke!’ You think to yourself as tears run down your face, and your skin turns cool and clammy. Warm blood seeps through your clothing and it begins to form a sticky puddle beneath you.
Skull aching as your spotty vision fades in and out, the several new broken bones that leave you unable to move, and the agonizing pain of something stabbing your insides as blood bubbles in your mouth?
It’s torture, you conclude. You’re fated to die a torturous death no matter what.
“...herbs….here…” It’s a slight mumble that you can’t hear.
“Maybe…here?” A little closer and the voice catches your slowly dying consciousness.
“The last herb is here.” A slow, childlike voice reaches your ears and you turn barely enough to watch a zombie-child walk your way.
A small basket is stiff in her hands filled with plants. “I need to gather the herb.” She speaks not quite to you but past you.
To a snow-white Qingxin, the petals droop beautifully dotted with crimson beads of your blood. Qiqi walks closer with empty eyes unflinching as her shoes are stained with your blood.
Qiqi can carry Xiao and she goes straight to Baizhu who is not only a healer, but also the best doctor. This agony and suffering would be worth going through if you would actually live. 
The only thing in the way was her current order... 
Good thing you already know how to cancel it.
Qiqi’s stiff fingers wrap around the stem and freeze when your larger, shaking one's weakly lay on hers. Dull pink eyes look up at you as if seeing you for the first time. Her pupils widen minuscule as your warm eyes stare back.
Forcing a small bloody smile, you weakly whisper sweetly. “Qiqi, I love you most.”
The basket in her other hand drops to the ground but Qiqi’s eyes never stray from yours. Her small grip on the stem stiffens and you continue. “It’s true Qiqi, I love you most.”
“But I won’t be able to love you if I die here. Bring me to Baizhu.”
Her eyes dull immediately and she releases her grip on the herb. “Order received.”
With that, she takes the arrows embedded in your chest and snaps the majority of the parts sticking out. The pain you feel from Qiqi’s lack of restraint isn’t unbearable but the continuous feeling of your conscious fading scares you.
Within a minute Qiqi has you on her back with your arms draped over her front as she holds your legs up. The position is painful as her readjustment and movement make the leftover arrows in you jolt, but it works.
Not a single part of your body is dragging on the floor and she even has your bag hanging from her neck. It would be a cute sight if she wasn’t going to hike back to Bubu’s Pharmacy carrying a dying body.
You admittedly held some negative feelings towards Baizhu for using that method of canceling orders. He may take good care of Qiqi but he only loves her as a patient, rather than as a parent.
Qiqi hikes back with no stumbles or enemies in the way. Even with your weight, she walks as if unburdened. That doesn’t stop the mind-numbing sting plaguing you and your body.
What right do you have to judge Baizhu for giving Qiqi false parental love for his own benefit? You’ve now done the same exact thing. If anything, you should know better. 
You don’t have much time left as your head sags onto her, your consciousness is at the brink. Unknowingly your thoughts begin to spill out in a hoarse voice “Sorry Qiqi, I shouldn’t have said that. What I should say is sorry.”
With that, everything fades to black.
This was one long chapter, but I did not want to split and risk losing the momentum. I'm happy to conclude this women hunting you down arc! I swear this chapter was done when I was freed from the shadowban, it just took a long time to edit. Thank you to my editor for helping me edit this document from hell. It definitely would have taken at least another few days. Next chapter might take a bit longer as I have to finish Baizhu's story quest for a proper view of him. I'll admit that my series can get confusing so if there is any questions, feel free to ask! I appreciate all the likes, comments and reblogs!
Taglist - if you're name is in italics, that means I couldn't tag you!
@vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @liansh3ng, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @shellofthewell, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zenith, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername, @zhonglisfruityass, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado, @pix-stuff, @esthelily, @luxie963, @emmbny, @millienolife @kbar1013, @xxblackroses623xx, @chxrlxtteee, @aludicpoet, @yandematic, @atrcclovsxoxo, @0lshadyl0, @esthelily, @t-rex-red, @ck123, @steadybreadbluebird, @118gremlin, @stratonia, @time-shardz, @farelady-fate, @valeriele3, @francisnyx, @byakuren100, @waveto-earth, @flyingpansaurus
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shrimshrim4fun · 2 months
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Pre-Headcanons for Xilonen:
Note: These are just headcanons from the few seconds that we saw her. Please don’t take any of this to heart. Also female or gn reader as usual
-She’s not a morning person for sure. Always hugging you toward her if you try to get up from the bed
-She’s the type who loves cuddling you. Rather it’s you laying on her or her laying on you. She loves having you near. Tail curled around your leg or thighs as she hums softly
-She’s the type to love getting physical touch from you. Scratching the back of her ears in private as you guys are a tangled mess in bed
-She’s the type to be a huge softie to you while to others she has a “I don’t give a fuck” attitude. Though the complete opposite when she’s with you.
-She’s the type to like having a hand around her hand around your waist as you guys walk around or shopping. Takes pride in knowing others know your taken
-She’s the type to love doing your makeup. She’s quite skilled so when you ask she’ll help you with your eyeshadow and give you tips on it
-She’s the type to rip your underwear to shreds with her claws without a struggle. “I’ll buy you new ones” she’ll purr as she sees your surprised reaction
-She’s the type to love eating you out. Having little spines on her tongue which is called “papillae” Hearing your voice whines and moans make her lap at your clit more eagerly. Her claws digging into your thighs to keep your legs open
-She’s the type to probably has different toys she use on you. Varying from straps to all sorts of vibrators, etc. Each one depending on her mood and if she think you deserve it
-She’s the type to have a light mommy kink. If you accidentally call her “mommy” during it she’ll be slightly surprised before starting to address herself as that. “You’ll be a good girl for mommy and give me another won’t you?” She coos lightly as she sees you all stimulated and tired
-She’s the type to love marking you shamelessly. Hickeys to bruises on your neck and shoulder. Your things covered in bite marks and light claw marks
-She’s the type to love children and hope you two will have kids of your own. Gets baby fever a lot. After tugging you home she’ll fuck you relentlessly with her strap. Claws digging into your hips as she thrusts her hips into you. She’ll murmur how good of a mother you’ll be and how she’ll take care of the child. For hours just thrusting deep into you until she felt satisfied
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toocutetopunch · 6 months
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When your boytoy is acting up
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yeomgyuu · 10 months
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⋆ ִ ๋ 🍙 𓂃 ⋆ 사랑해요 ! ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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samptlay · 6 months
This is perfect
Finished it. Alright, so this is a work of art. I'm so sad it seems abandoned and the creator is not even reblogging anything, so I believe their poof, gone. They will most likely come back eventually but for now, I'll feed your hunger.
Now I completely understand the AU you want me to make. It would be similar to @yandere-3-sagau's, yet different.
This is my rundown of my own AU for this, Simple!Creator!AU :
Now with the way I would have the Reader wake up in Liyue as well, though she doesn't run into a grandpa who takes care of her. She is aware that her blood is golden and she cries crystals, so she could never really be accused as an imposter, there's no worry on that part.
But Reader wants to live a quiet, peaceful life. She no longer has to worry about exams or deadlines. She finds an abandoned family cabin somewhere in the open fields of Liyue, renovating it herself to call it her own. The reader does farm work to get by, and with how much power she holds, all her fruits & vegetables are always sold out the fastest due to how fresh they are.
Word gets around about how amazing your supply is, and of course, eventually, even Zhongli is curious about the commotion.
So when he one day runs into Childe who had just gotten back from your stall and the ginger offers him some of your own fruits, he is, awestruck. Out of his 6000 years of experience, he had never tasted something so sweet & juicy. Not a single taste of bitterness in sight.
This couldn't have possibly been produced by a regular human being.
As an Ex-Overlord (Like An Archon, but we’re thinking of dynamics,) his suspension was too high for his too drop the concern so he hunts The reader down, eventually finds out the truth about who she really is and suddenly becomes as submissive as a loyal dog.
Though it feels nice, it’s not what she wants. So what else then to keep him on a leash, making a pact with him to silence The reader's existence. 
A LOT more happens, the story would be way more detailed but this is just a rundown. Each Genshin Man would discover her secret in different ways, and the reader eventually has them all wrapped around her fingertips.
The men are just happy to have their souls connected with the creators in some way.
I might make the pacts with Archon’s (including Neuvillette) a lot stronger, so they're somewhat more at her mercy, something in that manner.
What do you think? I’d like to hear more ideas and comments about this AU and how it should be constructed.
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Taglist For Those Who Want To Maybe Contribute Ideas. Edit: The reader will be Gender Neutral, though it'll be my first time writing like that so please forgive mistakes.
@uhfhfhfhf @xdrin @msun1c0rn @lovingnahida @strrawb3rrysh0rtcak3 @ssecylia @skyl8ver @immahuman @meowmeowraven @01234 @markexplanation @esthelily @dawnofazrael
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dex0s · 1 year
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Male reader x zhongli
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You and zhongli were inseparable, swans if one of you guys passed the other would follow and that’s exactly what happened. So when your death came so did zhongli’s or Morax I should said. Of course the old dragon was sad his mate was gone so he tried to move on. He tried with so many people and the closes relationship he had that reminded him for your guy’s relationship was with this ginger male but yet it still felt wrong.
Then when he met the traveler and their travel partner he started to feel happy again yet of course that one piece was missing. So when the traveler asked him if he want to be on his team the old dragon happily accept. And during his travels he met some new people and old friends. He was enjoy his time until he saw it. The shooting stars and that can only mean one thing… your back.
When you opened your eyes you were confused. Why are you alive you thought you died…didn’t you? Has you looked around your surroundings you found out you were stuck in a crystal like rock. As you touch the crystal rock it opens then you step out and see your in a crater. ’how the hell im I going to get out of this’ you ask yourself.
After thinking for some time you decided to rock climb…that was a fucking horrible idea good news your out the crater, bad news you feel like shit. Damn how weak is your body you asked yourself while getting up shaking your head to get the imaginary dirt off your head. . . .“Alright im thirst” you started walking in a a direction in hopes of finding water.
You thought of how good it would feel to drink water and how you mouth wouldn’t be dry like the desert or your lips would be smooth like a babies bums. I felt like you were walking for hours (when it been 5 mins, you lazy dragon…) Hey! I heard that! (Oh shush and get back to the story) anyways you turned to head a different direction but you saw it! WATER! You ran like someone was chasing you and put your whole entire head into the water to take a sip…as you were enjoying your water suddenly you got pulled into a hug.
“My baby, your back home” A deep voice called from behind you. You look down to the hands around your waist and see white and gold ring… you know that ring but who is this person. You turn your head around to see the man’s face. “…Morax..” you desperately called, “Yes my dearest,” he answers but before you can respond he interrupt you, “you look sleepy baby how about we go book a room and we can talk what we can do once we get there, okay.” You nodded your head and you two started to walk to the Wangshu Inn.
“So-“”You know I have been waiting and waiting your for you come back to me dearest” The older dragon started to hungrily look at you.” And it made me very sad” he got front of you and rubbed his hands over your body, exploring every inch of it. “You have such a beautiful body my love” Zhongli whispered lovingly in your ear. He pick you up and put you on the bed, “I think I deserve a treat for waiting patiently dont you think?” He asked you, you were still in shock and mindless nodded. 
You could feel something large and hard against your ass then suddenly you hear a rip and coldness hit your bottom half.”Wait! Why don’t we just talk instead” you were in shock because you know Morax the ruthless god but always gentle with you. So it shocked you that he was being rough with you. “We can talk later right now I need to fill you up with my eggs” He licked at your earlobe and started to rub his cock against your hole spreading the precum too have a “easy entrance.”
With no preparation or stretching he forcefully entered his dick in your ass. Luckily the precum helped a little bit but it still hurts. You let out a painful cry and started to struggle, “Shh I know, I know it hurts but breathe with me and it will feel so m-much better” he started to take deep breaths and wait for you to join in.
You joined in and gave him the ok to move. When he started to move he felt like he was in celestia. You hole was tight and hot, plus you fit to him perfectly. This is why your his mate and no one else. Only his and that is how it’s going to stay. As you moan zhongli just spits complements at you while pounding in you like a animal in heat.
As zhongli drunkenly continues to pound in your ass you start to feel a knot coming up.”C-com~A-hh~ing” you spilled out, tears coming out your eyes. Zhongli wraps his hand around your cock and starts to milk it, “C-cum with me dear~” just as he finishes the sentence you both cum. You can felt the hot cum in your ass as your legs give out. “You did so good baby, so good plus now you’re hold my eggs” he smiles and mouths you a good night as you eyes close.
I miss you so much and now I won’t let you go again.
I do apologize for this not coming out sooner. I got sick and I wasn’t feeling the best. but I hoped it’s okay
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vinndoggy · 4 months
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fun nights ︵ wriothesley x reader
any pronouns reader !! ( headcanons)
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→ Wriothesley gets in the mood when hes more stressful, releaving his stress on you
→ hes very gentle even if mad no matter how many times you ask him he will be gentle
→ he will tease you before actually doing what you want
→ he will whisper praises with every thrust
→ he will kiss your neck and rub your thighs as a way to comfort you
→ sex can be vanilla with him but if you ask to experiment more then he will
→ hes favorite thing is to tie your hands up with his tie
→ he can go quite long without being tired or reaching a climax
→ in after care , he will help you clean up even if you say you can do it yourself
→ he will praise you for how well you did
→ he will shower or bath with you after
→ cuddling eachother is a must
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klayr-de-gall · 1 year
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They are both pretty intense.
ngl genshin hit me like a truck
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1wingedtraveler · 9 months
Such cruel angel
Dom!Reader x Sub! Neuvillete x Dom!Furina
Warnings: afab reader, furina pegs neuvillette, oral sex on reader, double dick, gn reader, squirting, degredation, not proof read
A/N: Merry christmas or happy holidays! This is my little gift for my followers
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Neuvillette gasped, falling face first into your pussy as Furina pushed a double cocked strap deep into his ass.
He let out a pained groan muffed by your crotch, tears slid down his face, he felt a droplet of blood running down his thigh. Being torn up like this shouldnt feel so good
"Aww hydro dragon, hydro dragon dont cry"
Furina mocked, pushing in more, her breast pressing against his back. You gripped his hair, making him look at you. Giving him a smirk you pushed him back into your pussy
"Cmon, get to work. Its not fair only for you to enjoy this"
Furina started pulling back slowly before pushing back in, her hips meeting judges ass, creating loud slap sound. She picked up that strap especially for him to better simiulate a mate for him. Afterall she wanted to meet all his needs so he can do his job the best he can.
She also found out about his crush on you. That's when an idea popped up in her head. Dragons have a good sense of smell. Scent of a choosen mate surely would make him enjoy this even more. You entertained the idea. Who would refuses? Having such powerful man on all fours you, drooling all over your cunt while being pounded by a attractive "boss" of his
Neuvillette looked like cat, rubbing against your pussy like that. His face was shiny from your jucies but he didnt seem to get enough. He pushed his split serpent-like tounge in. You shiverd feeling as it wiggled inside you. Your fingers in his hair tightened
"Ahh, that's my good boy~ just like that"
Encouraged by your words he gripped your thights tightly, shoving his tounge as deep as he could, Furinas thrusts making his nose bump against your clit
Precome was dripping on the floor from his pale blue cocks. You noticed that the closer he got the more of his draconic features started to apear. Sharper fangs, few scales scattered on his body.
Furinas thrusts got harsher, he loosened up a bit allowing her to go faster
"Hahhh~ mhh"
The hydro dragon moaned as he let go of your leg and started to lead his hand towards his crotch. He felt a harsh slap on his ass before he was able to reach it
"AGH! W-why?"
"No touching yourself" Furina smirked
"You're going to come from being ass-fucked only"
You laughted at his shocked expression. He wasnt expecting you to be so vulgar. You were like an angel for him. And now his angel was treating him like a common whore? He couldnt wrap his head around it- another slap broke him out of his thoughts, making him yelp and arch his back
"Neuvillette, looks like your sweetheart here is about to cum. Show them how good you are"
He nodded his head, looking up into your eyes before leaning down to lick you again. The thrust from behind him were distracting, yet he was motivated to please you. He cant dissapoint you
His breath was heavy and hot against you. You felt his fang grazing your folds. Split tounge wrapped around your clit sucking it
You cursed as you squirted all over his face. You pulled away admiring him. Panting, face flushed with your cum all over his face. You patted his head with a smile
"Good job, now give me a show"
You moved behind him to watch as the hydro archon slams her cocks into him. She giggles spreading his cheeks to give you a better view
"Look how loose he is~"
"I'm sure we could fit in another one"
"Its never enough for him~ what a whore"
Neuvillette's face was beet red listing to you talk about him like this. Like he couldnt hear you. He felt one of the cocks hit his sweet spot
"Mhhhgg- more..more, please!"
Furina angled her hips so both of the cocks would abuse his g-spot. You looked in amusement as the Iduex hole swallowed up anything his Boss had to give him
"I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum!"
Judges eyes rolled back into his head. He moaned through gritted teeth as he felt his cocks twitch and shoot cum on the floor. He fell into a puddle of cum, breathing heavily. He didnt noticed you kneeling down next to him untill you grabbed his hair again
"You know, good boys clean up after themselves~"
Who knew an angel like you could be so cruel
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mishantics · 1 year
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happy birthday bbg <33
@chichikoi, @tiredsleep , @karmawonders , @color-puff-ball , @laireste , @haliyamori , @venusflwers , @aimynx , @mocha-bunbun , @cynoifyy , @kkomaism , @achlysis , @n3r0-1417 , @sleepygamerotaku , @w0rmzfagg0t , @vennnnn-diagram
(Feel free to send an ask to be added/removed!)
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whispereons · 1 year
Oracle!Reader Part 2
Masterlist - Part 1, Part 3
The waves hit the boat gently as you wait for the sound of people to get quieter. Once the cawing of birds is the most prominent sound, you jump out of the boat onto the shore. You walk up Amakane Island and keep your head low as you pass by stalls and people.
You get to mask stall which is thankfully empty at the moment. A jagged fox mask with the lower half missing and gold accents catches your eye. You put it on right as the vendor comes back to the stall.
You smile excitedly at the two men feeling more confident with your identity hidden. The mask showing the bottom half of your face is a necessary sacrifice. Body language is a double-edged sword for lying that you've learned to wield expertly.
"Hello, are you the vendor for these masks? I really like this gold one, I couldn't resist trying it on. How much is it?"
The vendor sees the mask you're wearing and laughs nervously.
"Hello dear customer but I'm afraid it broke when two other customers were fighting over it. You could come back tomorrow, and I could give you a mask with that same color or you could pick a different mask now."
You skirt around the offer and distract him with more questions. It's not like you have any mora to pay with. Your tone is sympathetic and sweet.
"I'm sorry to hear that happened. If you don't mind, I would like to know why they were fighting over it."
"Well as everyone knows, gold is heavily associated with the creator and that happened to be the last mask. The Yashiro guard that usually stands guard is escorting them to the prison."
"Oh, I see. Actually, do you mind answering some of my questions? You see I'm a traveler and I like to listen to stories about the creator. Each region has their own variations about the creator so I'm curious about Inazuma's!"
Your smile is bright, and the man seems to perk up at your words. He begins explaining about acolytes, praying times, the creator's image and even more.
Simply put the playable characters are acolytes and it's a high honor if they have been awakened. Which is a fancy word for saying that you pulled and won them.
No one knows the creators real name meaning you can still live on as Y/N. They believe that after creating the world you were now resting inside a different world. That now that you were awakening acolytes, you would be arriving soon.
It's when he mentions sacrificing that you feel dread pool inside you. This is a cult; you have a fucking cult. Ironic how Ei almost sacrificed you to yourself.
After getting all the information you needed from the man, you walk away. Still wearing the mask without paying for it. The vendor will probably realize in a little while, but you would be long gone by then.
You look back at your boat wondering how you could get rid of it. Ei saw it meaning that she'll be able to recognize it as long as you have it nearby.
You look at Byakko Plain where a teleport waypoint should be. If you could get to it, activate it then your plan of discarding the boat should work.
As you walk across the sand and soft waves from Amakane to Byakko you see 3 treasure hoarders and a nobushi. Right in the middle and right in your way.
Could you outrun them? Probably not. Fight them and win? Maybe the treasure hoarders but that nobushi is dangerous. Your only choice is to retreat and have one of your acolytes defeat them. It felt weird referring them like that but this whole thing is bizarre.
Just as you turn around, you hear them yell. The nobushi pulls out his sword, a treasure hoarder takes out throwing knives, another a crossbow, and the third uses a paddle.
You have no choice but to fight. Gritting your teeth, you skid across the sand to avoid getting hit by the knives and arrows. The nobushi sprints and slashes his sword to hit you at the same time the paddle treasure hoarder rushes after you.
You jump away just in time to see them hit each other instead of you. The sword stabs the paddle guy right in the stomach and the two other treasure hoarders freeze at the sight. The nobushi pulls the sword out unfazed.
The two treasure hoarders watch in horror as paddle guy coughs up blood and falls to the ground.
"What the hell man?! Why would you stab him like that?!" The treasure hoarders start yelling and aiming at the nobushi. The nobushi glares at them and starts walking toward them. The blood on his blade glints in the sunlight and you try not to think about the blood that is splattered on your shirt.
Using the argument between the nobushi and treasure hoarders, you pick up the paddle. The nobushi will probably kill both treasure hoarders and attack you again.
It's better to take out the nobushi and fight the treasure hoarders then run away. As you sneak up behind the nobushi, the treasure hoarders see you and stay silent.
The nobushi prepares to swing and cut down the treasure hoarders. It exposes the back of his neck, and you swing the paddle hard. Your hit lands and the paddle breaks from the force.
The nobushi falls to the ground leaving you exposed as you pant from the strength needed for the blow to be effective. The treasure hoarders stare at you in some shock as they tremble from their life so close to being over.
"So, uh truce?" You offer as you stand up straight. They look at their weapons and look back at you. Their hesitance unnerves you and you drop the broken paddle remains. They get a dangerous glint in their eyes now that you're unarmed.
You smile and pick up the nobushi's sword in a flash. Pointing it at them, you spoke with a drawl.
"Which do you think is faster? Your shitty aiming knives and arrows? Or this sword that's almost as tall as you?"
You touched the teleport waypoint as you watched the treasure hoarders run away. That sword was heavy as hell and only the adrenaline coursing through you in that moment gave you the strength to lift it so easily.
You held a small bag of mora, an old handguard, and 3 treasure hoarder insignia. You opened the bag that you got from the house you woke up in. You put it all in and close the bag. You didn't expect that enemy drops would still exist. The blood on the materials stained your hand and left you a chill.
Watching the teleport become gold you open the screen and open the map. You click on the first teleport waypoint you opened on Kannazuka. The same one where Ei found you.
There were two options, both had the words 'teleport waypoint' but one was gold. You pressed the gold option, and your vision went white.
Pressing your hands to your eyes, you open them slowly. It actually worked. You teleported to Kannazuka island. In a daze you walk to the waverider and summon the boat. You open the screen and teleport back to Byakko Plain.
Your eyes close automatically as you teleport. When you open them again at Byakko Plain, you look to see the boat gone. Pushing down the relief at it working, you try to remember what you needed to do next.
The cold wet feeling of blood on your clothes was creeping you out. Plus your clothes were so unique that Ei could definitly recognize you from it.
You pace the path as you think. The small amount of mora you put in your bag was all you had. But how much could a shirt, pants, and shoes cost? A potato was like 100 mora so the price should be around 4,500 mora. And even that's the least amount it can cost.
You open your bag to check the mora and instead of seeing inside the bag, a screen is there. It's the same screen you see when you open your bag in Genshin.
Well at least you won't have to worry about weight or food expiring. But unlike the bag you have in Genshin, this one is nearly completely empty. So, it's not connected to the bag you have in your account.
You look to the bottom and see 108 mora. You select the insignia and handguard. You try to trash them to see if you can get any mora from that. The game warns you nothing can be recovered, and you cancel the trashing.
Maybe you should just steal? It's your only option at this point. No one would be willing to accept help from a bloody masked stranger, nor will they accept 108 mora as a down payment. You really wanted to avoid stealing more than this mask. Clothes take a long time to make considering how the technology here isn't as advanced.
You trip over something small and pointy almost falling face first into the ground. You catch yourself and look to see that it's.
The cow moos at you and before mooing at a group of people running towards you.
Itto runs and picks Ushi up in a twirl nearly smacking you in the process. Kuki and his boys catch up as they breathe heavily. The only thing you can think as you watch Itto baby Ushi is.
'Dear god the game did not do him justice.'
Itto is huge, as tall as the nobushi you fought, and his muscles are nowhere near as flat as his game model.
"Boss, be more careful! You nearly hit them when you threw Ushi!"
Kuki scolds Itto as she points at you. Itto stops and looks at you in surprise seeming to finally notice your existence. Putting Ushi down Itto ruffles your hair and laughs.
"You mean this kid? C'mon if Ushi didn't nearly hit them, something else would."
"Sorry about him, he'll call anyone shorter than him 'kid'."
"It's fine, the bull, uh Ushi, you called him? Didn't hit me."
"Either way sorry about that compadre, but it's a good thing it didn't hit you. As an acolyte if he did hit you, you would probably be six feet under."
As gruesome as Itto's words sound, his actions are the opposite. He has an arm slung around your shoulders and a bright smile. Kuki who is usually more composed seems to be smiling judging by the crinkle at the edge of her eyes.
"Wow, you're an acolyte? Makes sense, a lot of vision users are. My name is Y/N, what are yours?"
Itto perks up at that and releases you. He stands in front of his gang facing you. The sun makes his red horns glint as he spreads his arms animatedly.
"I'm Arataki 'The One and Oni' Itto! I have many names but for time's sake I'll skip them this time to introduce you to the Arataki Gang."
He points to each of his members as he introduces them. "This is Shinobu Kuki, my deputy. She has a permit for everything - literally everything and is also an acolyte. Ushi is the auxiliary member; I call him Beefcake. Akira, Genta, and Mamoru are my boys and have been some of the longest standing members of the gang."
"You mean the only other gang members."
Shinobu corrects him. Spinning around to face her Itto shushes her a comically number of times. Not very quietly he whispers to her.
"Hey, hey don't ruin it for me. A new person is the best to get to join the gang."
Those words make you perk up as you watch Itto continue whisper-yelling at Shinobu. Honestly you wouldn't mind living as a member of the Arataki gang. It's not a criminal gang like the one you were in, in your old world. In fact, it would be even more fun than a normal job.
But there's no way you were staying in Inazuma with Ei hunting you down. You need to steer the conversation away from this into something more productive.
"Sorry if this is rude to say but are your horns real? This is my first time in Inazuma, so I've never seen anything like it before."
Itto abandons Shinobu's side to stand in front of you and comb his hair back with a proud grin.
"Indeed, they are real. Guess you didn't realize my clever wording in my title as the 'One and Oni' Itto. I'm a red oni and the best one there is!"
"That's why you have those red markings right? Plus, your clothing and accessories have all those horns too. So cool!"
Your voice heightens in a way that is similar to a fan. His reaction is just what you wanted. With a smile he juts out his thumb at himself as Shinobu shakes her head.
"Glad to see you recognize my awesomeness! Go ahead and praise me some more!"
"Don't encourage him anymore or else we'll be here for hours."
"Relax Shinobu, an amazing oni like me wouldn't let them stay out here for so long. C'mon Y/N we'll lead you to the city!"
Rubbing the back of your neck, you look down as you sheepishly admit.
"I don't think I can go in with clothes like these. Some treasure hoarders and a nobushi attacked me on my way to the city. So now my clothes are all cut up and dirty."
"What?! That's horrible, I swear if I see them, I'll-"
"Calm down boss, let's get them a change of clothes and then you can go after them."
Shinobu also seems a bit pissed at your story, interesting.
"We should have a spare uniform with the other materials, right? We can get the clothes along with the materials."
"But what if they got hurt? We can't have them walking like this! Akira, Genta, Mamoru! I'm gonna need you three to get the supplies and the old uniform. Shinobu and I will keep our new friend Y/N company in case anyone else tries attacking them."
You inwardly sigh in relief at not having to walk. Your heels still hurt from the electricity.
The boys hesitate as they give you a glance. Unlike Shinobu and Itto who seem to have an instant liking to you, the boys are unsure. Shinobu tries to explain to them.
"I know boss gets scammed nearly every time something like this happens, but I have a good feeling about Y/N. It's like I've meet them before, almost like an old friend."
The boys nod and leave feeling more assured with Shinobu on your side. Itto pats her back with a grin.
"You explained it almost as well as I would have."
"But maybe you should have gone with them. It'll be difficult to carry all those materials by themselves."
"Ah, have more faith Shinobu. They'll be fine. The shrine will look great."
This talk of materials and a shrine give you an inkling of what they're doing but you question them to be sure.
"By shrine, do you mean you're making a shrine for the creator?"
"That's right! It's almost the anniversary of the creator awakening the traveler, so we wanted to do something special. But it'll take some time for the boys to get back with the stuff. Why don't we have some fun in the meantime?"
That smile on Itto's face turns competitive as he stares down at you. It's infectious and before you know it, you have the same grin.
"What game are you suggesting? It would be fun to try an Inazuma game. You'll probably need the extra help of it being familiar too."
"Oh hoho! Shorty's got jokes! I'll take you on in any game. But since you want something Inazuma style then beetle fighting is the obviously best choice!"
Shinobu sighs affectionately as she watches Itto explain how beetle fighting works to you. She can't help but feel drawn to you and Itto feels the same way.
You find a huge purple reddish beetle and carefully carry it to the stage Itto set up.
"That's a good one Y/n, seems like the beetle likes you."
Shinobu comments as you bring it into view. The beetle moves in your hands as docile as a lamb and you pet the hard shell.
"That's great to know. Hope you won't be too mad when I beat Itto's ass."
"As if, just be prepared for him to challenge you to a 100 more matches."
"He wouldn't actually do that right?"
Shinobu adjusts her mask as she stays silent.
She only laughs as Itto bounds up to you both holding a good-sized purple beetle.
"I can tell this little guy has a beetle fighting spirit like no other! Be prepared to lose Y/N!"
With both beetles on the stage, the fight begins. Or that's what you would think if Itto's beetle wasn't immediately defeated.
You give your beetle a nice pat for a job well done as Itto picks up his beetle shocked.
"Alright, I lost that time, but this next round will be different. He just got stage fright is all."
Another round goes and you win again. Itto challenges you again and surprise, surprise you win again. This loop goes on and on until the boys arrive with the clothes and materials.
You cheer tiredly as Itto finally stops challenging you to help his gang with building the shrine. You pick up your tired beetle and hold him close to you as you watch them begin building.
Itto's beetle pinches your leg lightly to get your attention. You smile at the purple beetle and hold him too. Now out of battle the two beetles are friendly with each other.
"Never again Shinobu, that was at least 35 rounds."
"37 actually but hey, who's counting?"
You chuckle at her words and watch as she takes the uniform from the boys. She walks back and hands you the clothes.
"There's a small stall right on the outskirts of Inazuma City. You can change there."
You look at where she's pointing and thank her before going to it. You enter it and take off the mask. After changing clothes, you look at yourself in the mirror.
The outfit itself was Inazuma style with near unnoticeable patches. You never imagined you would be wearing clothes like this in Teyvat. Putting on the mask and looking back into the mirror, you feel more like a part of this world.
Was it because without it you would be hunted? Were you just able to disassociate better with it on? Or were you truly so isolated from the person you wished to be, that living with a mask and an altered identity was more comfortable?
You shake off those thoughts and leave the stall. You get back to where the Arataki gang is building the shrine. Your shrine. And sit beside Shinobu who is supervising to make sure they don't accidentally kill themselves.
You casually chat with Shinobu slowly bringing the conversation to the topic you want. You finally get to say the sentence that will serve as information bait.
"Actually, I'm trying to find a boat to Liyue. I want to keep exploring."
As much as you would love to stay in Inazuma a while longer to look around, Ei isn't the only one you were worried about. Yae, Heizou, and Ayato were all threats in their own right.
They're all good at sniffing out lies and mysteries. And you happen to be the biggest one, especially with this mask.
But Shinobu never got to reply to your comment as Sara approaches you all. Her stare is intimidating as she glares at Itto. Her voice has that same crisp professionalism that you remember her for.
"What is it that you all are doing here? The residents are complaining that your noise is distracting from their daily activities."
Itto gives an annoyed huff and stands up to face her.
"Me and the gang are building a shrine, thank you very much. I never do anything to attract more trouble, seriously what do you take me for? Like obviously I am the trouble, duh."
The way Sara examines the half-built shrine is similar to a stranger looking at a little kid's art piece.
"At least you're doing something productive for once. Despite that, you still need a permit to build one."
Shinobu sighs and stands up. Sara examines the permit from Shinobu before handing it back to her. Just as Sara was about to leave, she finally notices you.
"And who is this? You didn't drag them into your shenanigans, did you?"
The accusatory tone in her voice directed towards Itto made you smile but Itto's sputtered defense was what made you laugh. Sara watches you before approaching you.
"What is your name? I don't think I recognize you as a local or as a frequent traveler. I'm Kujou Sara, general of the Tenryou Commission."
"It's nice to meet you Sara, I'm Y/N. This is my first-time visiting Inazuma."
You smile innocently at her knowing how strict she was at her job. She went silent before saying.
"Your hair, your jaw shape even your smile is so similar to the creator."
Your heart drops when you hear that. Shinobu and Itto look at you too, they can see the resemblance. But your smile stays on your face with ease.
"I've heard that before but thank you for the compliment. Being similar in those features is a blessing."
Your tone is wistful like a shy admirer. Sara's suspicions seem to ease but she becomes curious instead.
"Where are you originally from? How often are you compared to the creator? Were you born with those similar features or did your face naturally change into it?"
With each question Sara gets closer and closer. Her tone has a rare curiosity and just a hint of reverence. It was a good decision to be wary of the cult and all the acolytes. It seems like most of them would react the same way Ei did if they saw your face.
"Your presence. If I'm not wrong, it feels exactly like how the creator would control us."
Her tone becomes cold and as you had no time to answer any of her questions, the suspicion has tripled.
You jump back as lightning flashes right where she was as she retreats a step. She stares at you waiting for your answer. Shinobu and Itto seem to fade in the background as you stare at Sara.
They all want answers. Answers that you don't have. The truth will only be seen as a lie and what lie could you possibly tell them that-
That could work. Yes, it can definitely work.
You sigh and turn your head to the side while lowering it a little.
"I was hoping to keep quiet about this longer until I was sure of it but if you insist then I should tell you all the truth. Especially Itto and Shinobu since they've helped me out a lot."
You spin a story on how you woke up with little to no memories at a little shrine near Ritou. You rest your cheek on your hand as you recall how you heard the most beautiful voice state that you were now the creator's oracle. How you were told that you were not going to be controlled but be a way for everyone to communicate almost directly with the creator.
As you finish, they all stare at you with in slight suspicion but no hostility. You smile to yourself as you realize that they are willing to believe. That they could be convinced of your lie.
You play with your hands as you solemnly tell them that you understand that they may not believe you. That the creator even warned you of this being the most likely possibility.
Your smile is gentle, and your voice is a little hopeful as you explain that by communicating with the creator you could prove your status as an oracle.
"Prove it. Show us that you are truly the chosen oracle of the creator."
Sara says firmly.
"I want to believe you Y/N and I hate agreeing with Kujou chicken but I'm serious about the creator. I'll need to see this proof too or else I'll having to actually knock you with Beefcake as revenge for lying by using the creator. I speak for Shinobu and the gang."
You can see Shinobu roll her eyes at Itto's theatrics, but she doesn't interrupt. You smile and nod your head.
"Of course! Using the creator like that is blasphemous. I just need a small shrine to pray in private. If anybody sees or interrupts me, it could make the process go wrong."
Sara accepts that and leads you to a small temple in the middle of Byakko Plain. Which most definitely did not exist when you were still just a player.
You walk inside and stare at the murals that decorate the walls. It's you, undoubtedly so. Some are beautiful, while others are hauntingly sad. You can't help but let your eyes linger on the mural of you embracing a crying Thunderbird that was slowly becoming a Thunder Manifestation.
Probably Kapatcir, the Thunderbird that bonded with Ruu on Tsurumi Island. You never bothered to really memorize this kind of stuff but perhaps being the creator has made you automatically recall everything.
Sara leads you deeper into the temple until you stop at a alter. The altar itself is beautiful. A cobblestone base with Sakura, Amur Maple, and even some Otogi wood used to make the structure of it.
It reaches almost as high as the ceil and the trees wind around a statue of yourself. The statue depicts you with a peaceful expression and clasp hands.
You try to ignore the blood stains that cover the base of your statue. You go into a kneeling position and clasp your hands. Sara leaves the temple and it's only when the light from the door is gone that you relax.
The candles around your altar keep the temple bright and you open the screen.
You already know from experience that simply telling them private information will just lead you to be more suspicious. Instead, you switch out their weapons. From fully leveled weapons to dull blades, you close the screen.
You leave the temple and head back to where the gang and Sara is waiting. You hear the sounds of Itto trying (and failing) to challenge Sara to a rematch as you get into view.
Shinobu sees you first.
"Y/N! Did you finish praying?"
You nod with a gentle smile.
"I did and they answered my prayer. As we know, the creator can really only affect the acolytes so please take out your weapons."
"Gladly, I mean their grace gave me a wonderful fully upgraded Whiteblind that makes me even more powerful than I already am!"
Itto summons his weapon and holds it over his shoulder in a pose. Yet in his hands is a level 1, one star, Waster Greatsword. Shinobu sighs and breaks it to him.
"Boss look at your weapon."
"What? Why would I? It's fine, the creator gave me it before they even- Oh my archon, this isn't my claymore!"
As Shinobu and Itto squabble, Sara looks at the Hunter's bow that she now has. It's so unlike the Sacrificial bow that she normally wields. She feels weak with it, like the creator deemed her unworthy of their gifts.
Looking back up at you, she speaks with a small sadness that doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"It seems you are telling the truth. I apologize for doubting you. There has never been anything on an oracle appearing, so I was suspicious. Could you please pray and ask-"
"Y/N! You have to speak with the creator again! There's no way I can wield this hunk of junk. Not when I know that my great Whiteblind that was given to me by the creator is somewhere out there."
Itto shamelessly cuts Sara off. You laugh and reassure them.
"Don't worry, I'll pray and ask them to change it back. It was only temporary after all."
You leave quickly to the temple and change the weapons back. Shinobu didn't bother taking out her sword, but you still gave her, her correct one back.
You get back in time to hear Sara announce her departure to see Ei.
"I must report this to the Almighty Shogun. The existence of an oracle could mean a great deal of things. Including the chance that the Almighty Shogun can inquire the creator through you as to why she has not been awakened yet."
You didn't pull for her before and you certainly won't after how she chased you. Ei could even take you awakening her as a sign of approval of hunting you.
And there's no way you can let Sara tell Ei about your existence yet either. You would be seen as suspicious due to being found on the same day the 'imposter' was found. You needed a firm reputation as the oracle before you could ever meet Ei again.
"And I have to stop you from doing that. You see there's a reason the creator wants to keep my oracle status quiet. The creator wishes to not only see the world but all the acolytes naturally. Lumine is a famous traveler, people naturally act differently around her. But I'm not well known so everyone's true or normal attitudes are revealed to me. They want to see them as their truest self and warning the Electro Archon beforehand will go against the creators wishes."
Yes, it contradicts how you want people to be aware of you being an oracle, but it's works better than you would expect. Sara is too devoted to go against the creators wishes so she'll stay quiet. Shinobu is trustworthy and will keep quiet to please the creator.
But Itto and the gang? They'll either boast or let it slip easily. Anything that is told to stay quiet or secret almost always gets spread even faster. And since no one would dare speak to Ei casually nor will she actively look for information, Ei will still be oblivious. Only Yae could possibly let Ei know and you plan to be gone by then.
Sara keeps her head down as she speaks.
"Our truest self? Truly, the creator thinks far ahead than anyone else. Can I ask you a favor? How does the creator view me? I treated you with suspicion when you were only doing the creators will. Is that my truest self?"
You reach out your hands and grasp both of hers. She seems so sad and resigned that you can't stop yourself from using your title to speak plainly.
"Sara, the creator has seen you and your truest self is not what you believe. They see just how devoted you are to the Electro Archon and to them. The way you take your job seriously to protect the people of Inazuma, how you do your upmost to preserve their will. They wish that you would grow more when it comes to your emotional state, but they love seeing you take pride in your work. There is nothing to fear."
The way you tilt your head makes it obvious that you're staring directly into her eyes. Your skin, your hold on her hands, that piercing but warm gaze. Your features so similar to the creator. It's like she's looking at the creator in the flesh.
"Your grace..."
Sara whispers before jumping back as you're pulled away from her.
"Hey! Stop hogging Y/N! Weren't you going back to your boring workplace? If you're gonna stay any longer than you should just agree to my rematch."
Itto is holding you by the back of your shirt lifting you above the ground as he glares at Sara. You wanted to laugh at his clear jealousy.
Sara grits her teeth in annoyance.
"I was just conversing with Y/N, but I will be on my way now."
With that Sara leaves with Itto putting you back down as he stomps his foot like a kid.
"That stupid chicken, why did you hold her hand? You could have just held mine, I'm way stronger!"
"Didn't she beat you in a fight?"
"Well yeah, I admit that, but she always refuses a rematch! She's too chicken to accept it because she knows she'll lose!"
"Boss the shrine is done!" "Let's go get the offerings now." "Maybe some candles, candy, and lavender melon."
You struggle not to fall as Itto drapes his whole arm on you. He turns to his boys with a grin as Shinobu helps you escape his grip.
"Good work boys, we'll get the best stuff."
You walk with the Arataki gang as they gather stuff to offer. Sometimes they ask you which one is better to offer since you can communicate with the creator. It's not like anyone will believe that you, a scrappy lying human is their beloved creator.
You smile and shamelessly pick anything you like. You were the creator after all, this totally wasn't self-serving in the slightest.
Taking it back they light the candles and offer the gifts. There's a rare moment of silence as you all pray to the shrine. Well at least they were, you were too busy trying not to fall asleep from such a busy day.
It's only when you are eating roasted lavender melon with them all that Shinobu speaks on topic you needed.
"I almost forgot, Y/N, you planned to leave Inazuma right?"
"What!? You're leaving already? Why?"
Itto's whiny dramatic voice made you smile.
"I'm not leaving yet; I don't have any transportation. I'm following the creators will. As the oracle it's my duty to spread the creator's thoughts and feelings. It's my honor to be one of the bridges between the creator and Teyvat. While Lumine is used to let acolyte be awakened, I am used to communicate."
Itto groans before sighing.
"Fine fine, I understand. You know what? I'm such a great oni that I'll even bring you to meet a guy that can help you. Pretty kind of me, right?"
Perfect, a possible transportation to escape Ei.
"That does sound great! I would love to meet them."
You can basically see Itto's ego grow with every word you say. Before Shinobu can say or do anything Itto lifts you up onto his shoulder. His hand holds you steady as he laughs at your panic.
"Then what are we waiting for? Feel free to admire my greatness as we go to see my guy."
Shinobu waves sympathetically as Itto hauls you towards Inazuma City. He asks you loads of questions about the creator and how they view him.
"Do they think I'm great? Am I their favorite? Of course, I'm their favorite, I am Arataki 'Numero Uno' Itto after all. Just look at me."
"They think it's funny how you always find a way to accidentally consume bean products."
"Oh god no, don't even mention beans. I can't believe they saw me in such a weak moment."
"They also wanted to whack every human who threw beans at you with a beehive to see how they like being allergic."
"You're not lying about that right? Cause that's the best news I've ever heard in my whole life!"
It's fun, the whole walk with Itto was fun. It's even better than you imagined being in Genshin would be like. You wanted to continue living like this. But the looming threat of Ei hanging over your shoulder seemed to stain your mood.
Your hand brushed against your mask. It's a reminder that you probably can't ever live your life here without it. It's still a cult that may attack you at any time.
With that grim reminder, dread pools in your gut as Itto leads you closer to Thoma.
Oh god, oh fuck if it's Thoma then it's Ayaka and if it's both its Ayato. And Ayato could definitely figure you out. Maybe you'll be fine, not everyone that meets Thoma will eventually meet Ayato.
"Thoma! My bro, my guy, my dude. This is Y/N, and they need your help getting a boat to Liyue. They're a super sick oracle for the creator and got a big mission to follow the creators will."
Shit. That one little word is repeated in your mind as Itto keeps talking. You were right about how saying 'it's a secret' makes things spread faster but you didn't want it to happen while you were still here! Thoma has a smile frozen on his face as he listens.
"I'm sorry they're the creator's oracle? I really mean no offense, but this is quite hard to believe."
Thoma smiles sheepishly while Itto pushes you in front of him to face Thoma. There's no point in trying to remind Itto to keep your identity on the down low. Holding out your hand you speak cheerfully to Thoma.
"Yeah, you aren't the first acolyte to not believe me. It's understandable since I'm the first."
Thoma shakes your hand, it's a little hot but not burning. It seems visions really do affect their bodies.
"How did you know I'm an acolyte? I'm just a simple housekeeper for the Kamisato Clan."
"Like Itto said, I'm an oracle. The creator grants me knowledge needed to meet and communicate with everyone."
"Well, I'm sorry Y/N but there's no way I can help you with your identity as an oracle so, sorry to say, suspicious."
It makes sense, Thoma while being a nice guy is loyal to Ayato and Ayaka first and foremost. It's one of his key defining traits and that also means he's loyal to the creator too. Itto tries to convince him by retelling how you switched the weapons, but Thoma doesn't believe it.
"Okay if I tell you information that only very few people know that can prove that I'm truly an oracle, will you help me find a boat?"
"Alright but I have very high expectations. I refuse to help someone that might be using the creators title to trick people."
"To the public knowledge, Lord Kamisato was awakened and then you were awakened. But that isn't the truth. That was a switcheroo Lord Kamisato made to avoid enemies using the truth against the Kamisato Clan. You were awakened long before Lord Kamisato but had to stay quiet about it per his instructions."
Thoma looked at you with slight suspicion. Only Ayato, Ayaka, and Thoma knew about this, yet you a stranger did. But he just couldn't shake off the nostalgic feeling you gave him.
"That's honestly really shady but I can't deny that you're impressive. The only people that know about this would never say anything unless they really trust you."
He smiled kindly like you always seen him do in the game.
"I'll honor our agreement and help you find a boat."
Itto cheered at Thoma's agreement and waved goodbye as you and Thoma left. The gang caught up and started walking to God knows where as you and Thoma walked through Byakko Plains.
"An oracle huh? That does explain why the feeling of being awakened seems to surround you."
The grass swayed as the moon rose higher in the sky.
"All you acolytes tell me that. I can't feel it myself, but it sounds amazing."
"It is, like being embraced by the creator themself. Do you truly not remember much about yourself or your life before becoming an oracle?"
The butterflies dance with the fireflies as the sound of hilichurls dancing can be heard faintly.
"Other than my name, my bag and the clothes on my back, I truly had nothing. My only knowledge of Teyvat is the one the creator shows me through dreams, visions, and stories."
"This must feel like a whole new world to you then. But you're adapting quite well. Would it be presumptuous to ask what the creator thinks of me?"
The path splits to two at Konda Village and Thoma leads you to the right. Nerves prick at you as remember that Ritou is on the left. Where is he taking you?
"A malewife."
"A what?"
"It must be some slang from their world. But it isn't an insult from what I've gathered. In fact, I think it's a compliment."
Thoma blushes a little as he stares straight ahead. You turn your head to hide your smile at his cute reaction. Chinju forest surrounds you as you pass under a red gate and walk along the stone path. You really hoped he wasn't taking you where you think it is.
"But if you want a deeper answer, the creator sees you as a loyal person. As kind and helpful you are to others, it's your fierce loyalty that keeps their eye on you. It burns as bright as your flames."
His eyes shine at your words as he looks up at the sky wistfully. The moon seems to reflect in his eyes.
"Do you mind if I tell you something a little personal? I just feel comfortable with you so easily."
"Go ahead."
"When I still lived in Monstadt with my mom, my dad would send me letters from Inazuma. My parents had their differences, but they never failed to speak so highly of the creator. His letters always ended with a reminder to look for the creator in my hard times."
His words made your shoulders heavy. With guilt or responsibility? You don't know yet. You could only take some solace in the glowing blue flowers of the forest.
"When I left Mondstadt to find my dad, I took a little boat and sailed with a bottle of wine. It's a miracle I didn't die. It was the creator's grace."
You remember reading that part of his character story. It was a shame he never found his father nor the bottle of wine.
"When I was on the boat as the storm raged and it was falling apart at the seams. All I could do was pray, pray that I would somehow survive. When I woke up, I was on Inazuma. My lord and lady were the ones who found me and took me in. That's why I gave them my loyalty just like I gave my loyalty to the creator."
You're standing at the front of the Kamisato Estate when Thoma stops and smiles at you. His eyes were almost closed with how hard he was smiling.
You could tell he was happy, you wished you could feel the same. Because at that moment all you could feel was relief. Relief that you wouldn't have to feel responsible for all their misplaced faith.
You were not a God; you did not save them. But if they knew the truth that you were their beloved creator, you don't know if you could actually tell them that.
You trail off, not wanting to lie in such a personal moment. You clutch the strap of your bag. Thoma looks at you with gentle eyes patiently waiting for whatever you have to say.
"The words I'm gonna say right now are mine, not the creators. Even if you didn't sail to Inazuma and almost drown. Even if you didn't meet Lord and Lady Kamisato. I still fully believe that you would be just as great and loyal to whoever you chose. A friend, a lover, even if it was an animal. Anyone would be lucky to have someone like you care for them. You, yourself even without that vision is just as incredible."
You start off softly but feel a rise in your pace as your words come together. You look up at him and smile brightly. All your teeth show, and you feel that happiness he displayed earlier.
Thoma sucks in a sharp breath as his heart rate speeds up. His face burns for reasons he can't seem to comprehend. Why did your words have such a strong effect? How do you look so ethereal with the moonlight shining on you?
A guard calls out to you both from the top of the stairs.
"Thoma?! Is that you?"
You peak past Thoma to see a guard walk closer. Before you could see Thomas's face, he turns his head around clears his throat.
"Hey Hirotatsu! This is Y/N a special guest I brought to meet our lord and lady. Depending on how the meeting goes, they might become more than just a special guest."
His words remind you of your situation. He brought you to Ayato and Ayaka. You'll have to lie and use all sorts of tricks to survive with your life and identity intact. You hope desperately that Ayato doesn't ask you to take off the mask.
Thoma turns to you with a apologetic smile.
"I know this isn't Ritou like you were probably expecting but I promise you. If you can prove your oracle status to my lord and lady, they'll provide you with the safest and fastest way to Liyue."
His smile turns almost sad as he says his next words.
"I'm sure you understand why it's important for me to make sure that you travel in a safe boat."
You know what he's saying. You know that this is technically emotional manipulation. But damn it, he's looking at you with warm eyes and a nervous smile that makes you want to pinch his cheeks. You were weak in this area.
"It's fine, I'm no fake. I'll prove it to them just as I proved it to you and everyone else so far."
You speak with casual confidence and face the stairs that lead to hell. Ayaka wasn't the issue, she's sheltered to a degree that you could spin a tale and have a good chance of escaping. But Ayato? That man believes few things and trusts even fewer.
A pleasantly hot fingerless gloved hand takes yours heating you up. Thoma leads you gently up the stairs. You follow him like a moth to a flame knowing that you're close to being burnt to a crisp.
Something to add is that if Y/N changes things that happened or says something that doesn't align with what happened. It was completely intentional. I just don't want to write "You lied, you paraphrased etc at almost every dialogue. I'm riding on my creative high and taking full advantage of it. Plus, I'm finally almost done getting used to writing again. I loved all your comments, reblogs and hearts! And my taglist is open to whoever wants to be in. Just leave a comment and I'll add you.
Taglist: @vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma If you are in italics that means I couldn't tag you! Usually you'll need to check your settings to fix that.
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newroseanna · 1 year
stalker!scaramouche who takes pictures of you without you knowing. He will make sure to print them out stick them on his wall in his bedroom with the rest of your pictures.
stalker!scaramouche who follows you home everyday from school. It doesn't matter if you have a club or your just staying later to study. He will "walk" you home.
stalker!scaramouche eavesdrop on your conversations you have with your friends to know if your going out over the weekends and where your gonna be going so again he can "walk" you home.
stalker!scaramouche watches you through your window from a tree. He likes to watch you sleep and undress.
stalker!scaramouche who stalks you online and makes alt account to follow you. He just wants to see what your doing when he can't physical be there.
stalker!scaramouche who anonymously gave you a teddy with a letter confessing his love. But it's signed as 'Your number one secret admirer'. Little did you know there's a camera inside the teddy.
stalker!scaramouche who sometimes climbs through your window when your not around and steal some of your personal thing. Mainly your panties.
stalker!scaramouche when he's gets home from his little outing immediately goes into his room and locks his door. He pulls off both his pants and boxer and starts using your panties to jerk off. Imagining his hands is your soft velvet wall tightening around his dick.
stalker!scaramouche who likes to jerk right over you while your asleep. He makes sure to come all over you. Taking a picture before he climbs down from the window.
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stale-trash · 7 days
It's Albedo's birthday, and it is Friday the 13th....allow me to humbly suggest creepy Albedo on this blessed day
cw: yandere, voyeurism
GN reader!
A/N: was in a bit of a rush to put this out on time so uh ignore anything that makes no sense (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠)
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I interpret Albedo as rather reserved emotionally. He isn't unfeeling, he just doesn't share much of what he is feeling to those not closest to him. Unless you can perfectly analyze his mannerisms, you wouldn't even know that he's upset or happy or troubled unless he explicitly tells you.
Most wouldn't call Albedo cold though; mysterious is their adjective of choice. He is holed up in his lab, conducting experiments day in, day out like any genius of his stature should.
That's why most give him some grace when he inadvertently insults them with that pleasant voice of his. You can't fault the guy, he spends most of his time in the middle of nowhere - it'd be weirder if he did remember how to properly socialize.
Albedo isn't a fool, he is acutely aware of how he is perceived. He doesn't bother changing it because it's convenient for him.
Especially when it comes to pursuing you.
He can observe you to his heart's content without consequence. From staring unblinkingly at you whenever you run into each other to suddenly noting down your responses, there is little stopping him from treating you like an especially fascinating specimen. Whenever he toes your bottom line too much, all you need is a bashful apology and an empty promise to break the "bad habit".
You get used to it, just like everyone else in Mondstadt. Yet, you can't shake this feeling of...wrongness about him. His stare isn't that one of innocent curiosity but one that burns. It's a stare you can feel from miles away with how it burrows beneath your skin, demanding to know every single thing about you.
It's a stare that desires to strip you bare.
Once you notice it, you can feel it whenever you're alone. It's as if there are thousands of those cerulean eyes trained on you. Sometimes, the sensation vanishes as fast as it arrived, and other times, it follows you for hours. It doesn't matter if you are in the safety of your home - curtains firmly drawn, windows bolted shut, and doors triple locked - or are out and about, it always finds you.
It somehow gets worse whenever you attempt to undress. You can feel it increase in intensity as if encouraging you to continue. You can feel it roaming your skin like a thousand hands. You can feel it memorize every single feature and meticulously transfer it to paper for your viewing displeasure.
You don't know what's worse: the crime, knowing the perpetrator, or the perpetrator knowing you know.
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heartfeltarcher · 7 months
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🎀 Yaoyao from Genshin Impact for day 6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
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imk1ra · 2 years
Diluc: Where is Y/N?
Kaeya: I don't know. They left.
Diluc: What? Why?
Kaeya: We were watching Spongebob, and they stood up and said 'life is too short' and walked out.
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