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overheard-at-the-berryworks · 2 months ago
Blueberry Muffin: Hello, Mr. Pieman. My friends and I have locked you in this room. There is no escape. Now I'm going to teach you empathy using the most powerful tool at my, or anyberry else's, disposal.
(Blueberry Muffin is suddenly wearing a hip-hop tracksuit and backwards cap)
Blueberry Muffin: ...90s educational video-style rap.
Purple Pieman: (trying desperately to escape) NOOOOO-
Blueberry Muffin: (rapping) đŸŽ¶My name's Blueberry and I'm here to say, basic consideration for the feelings of others helps society run in a functional way-đŸŽ¶
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lipsmath · 1 year ago
liberando ideias usernames :
 àœČàŸ€  ୚ৎ àœČàŸ€ 
any / anny
@ stannyr
@ anyberrys
@ anniet
@ o4nnie
ana / anna
@ dollna
@ starana
@ i4nna
@ anattia
espero que tenha gostando da minha pequena arte ! 𐔌 á„©àŸ€àœČ. ˔ ی ꒱
ig & ' tm @lipsmath
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bitbc-incorrect-quotes-archive · 10 months ago
Strawberry Shortcake: Nice bench, is that new?
Sour Grapes: (reading Tangerine Smash) No, it's been there since the 90's.
Strawberry Shortcake: ...What are you doing for your birthday on Friday?
Sour Grapes: Nothing. I never-
Sour Grapes:
Strawberry Shortcake: Ah-HA!!
Sour Grapes: Oh guava.
Strawberry Shortcake: (victory singing and dancing) đŸŽ¶Birthday birthday birthday, it's your birthday! It's your birthday and I know when it is!đŸŽ¶
Strawberry Shortcake: Sour refuses to tell anyberry when her birthday is. She's even had it redacted on all her paperwork. Three weeks of investigations, phone calls, begging Aunt Praline for documentation, and still... I had nothing...
Strawberry Shortcake: ...Until a well-placed cookie bribe to Blueberry Muffin revealed Sour's birthday is on Friday! (holds up Dreamery Creamery birthday coupon)
--(end cutaway)--
Sour Grapes: Fruitcake, I was so careful.
Strawberry Shortcake: You blew it, all for a free scoop of Poppin' Papaya!
Strawberry Shortcake: (leans in) Was it worth it, Sour? Was it?
Sour Grapes: Strawberry, do nothing, please.
Strawberry Shortcake: I'm not gonna do nothing, I'm gonna do something! And it's gonna be really big! I have a lot of years to make up for!!
Sour Grapes:
Sour Grapes: I don't like loud noises and berries making a fuss, and I especially don't like berries celebrating because they know a piece of private information about me.
Sour Grapes: ...Plus the whole thing is a scam. Birthdays were invented by American Greetings to sell cards.
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stereksecretsanta · 7 years ago
Merry Christmas, @anyberry!
Merry Christmas Berry! I hope you have a wonderful festive season and I hope you enjoy this Stereky goodness. Love from your Secret Santa
Stiles really hated lacrosse, despite the fact that he was on the lacrosse team. In fact, Stiles probably hated lacrosse mostly because he was on the lacrosse team. It was a perfectly reasonable if slightly nonsensical sport back when he was sitting on the bleachers watching other people run around trying to throw a ball into a netted goal with the aid of another, smaller net at the end of a stick. But now that he was one of those people he was finding it significantly less reasonable.
And the most unreasonable thing about lacrosse? Summer practice sessions. Stiles never would’ve joined the team if he’d known about summer practice sessions. Stiles was expecting after-school practice, it goes with the territory of playing a school sport. He could deal with weekend practice, grumpily, because he could see the benefit of extra training before big, important games.
But summer training? When they wouldn’t actually have a game, important or otherwise, for at least another two months? When he wasn’t even sure he’d make the team again in his junior year? Lunacy. Absolute lunacy.
Which was not really that surprising considering Coach Finstock was a lunatic. But Stiles hadn’t known that when he’d let Scott beg and plead and puppy-dog-eye him into signing up for tryouts last year.
And now he was paying the price for his ignorance. During summer.
“I hate you so much right now,” Stiles muttered to Scott as they packed up their gear, the rest of the team plodding past them towards the locker room.
“Aw c’mon, it’s not that bad! Doesn’t it make you feel alive, being out here, under the sun, feeling the grass beneath your feet and the wind against your face and the solid weight of your crosse in your hands?” Scott said, grin lopsided, arms open wide toward the pitch before them.
Stiles stared at him for a while, because he felt he needed to.
Then, “No.”
There was a noise from behind him and Stiles turned to see the back of Derek Hale moving toward the low, squat wing of the school that housed the locker rooms. If Stiles didn’t know better he might’ve thought Derek had laughed. In reality Derek probably just had gas.
Turning back to Scott he continued, “No, it makes me feel the opposite of alive, because the sun is burning the shit out of my lily white Polish ass, the grass is generally beneath my face not my feet, the wind is usually getting pounded out of my lungs, and I’m far more likely to feel the weight of other dudes’ crosses getting smacked into me.”
Scott gaped at him.
“You realise that sounded, like, aggressively sexual, right?”
“Oh shut the fuck up,” Stiles grunted, and he hauled his bag over his shoulder, stomping off to the locker room.
Apart from unreasonable training schedules, the locker room was the worst thing about lacrosse. Or, more specifically, it was the worst place to have to be, three times a week, during summer, when one was possibly maybe potentially having a small sexuality crisis.
Not that Stiles felt that there was a major crisis to be had. He was 98.3% certain that his dad and his grandma and Scott and Scott’s mom would all be completely accepting of a potentially not-straight Stiles. And Stiles knew he was extremely lucky in that sense, and he was grateful. But still, that 1.7% was enough to keep him up at night.
And it wasn’t as though Stiles really, deeply cared about what other people thought of him, outside of those four that really mattered. But still, he wasn’t naive and he was extremely aware that homophobia was well and truly alive in modern America. Particularly within hyper-masculine environments such as high school locker rooms.
And the most crisis-inducing aspect of Stiles’ not-major and yet also not-insignificant sexuality crisis was the simple fact that Stiles was not who he thought he was. And that’s not at all a bad thing, but it is a confronting thing. Thinking that you knew who you were, that you have known who you are for years, and then slowly realizing that you don’t, in fact, know yourself inside and out. To be certain and then to be suddenly not, it was overwhelming. It felt raw and jangly and new underneath his skin.
So Stiles felt edgy enough as it was, and all those male abs and backs and thighs in the locker room, three times a week, during summer, were doing nothing to help his already frayed nerves.
Stiles faffed and fiddled around his locker, double-checking he had his helmet, carefully wiping off his pads, until most of the rest of the team had finished in the showers. It basically guaranteed that there would be no hot water left for him, but it was worth a cold shower if it meant he wouldn’t be surrounded by naked dudes on all sides. Plus it was the middle of summer, Stiles could not stress this enough, and who was wanting a hot shower anyway?
When he could hear only two or three other people moving around the dark, humid room Stiles stripped the rest of his clothes off and grabbed his towel.
He spent a while in the shower, letting the lukewarm water soothe both his aching muscles and the stinging-hot parts of his skin that were exposed to the sun for too long. He was in there long enough that Scott shouted his goodbyes and left without him, but Stiles didn’t mind. He’d catch up with Scott later, probably to annihilate him in a virtual world. The undisputed natural and proper way to be spending summer vacation.
Once Stiles towelled off he headed for the door and blessed freedom, feeling relief and jubilation, planning to reward himself with an ice cold milkshake on the way home, the rest of that fine summer's day stretched sweet and sticky before him and -
The doorknob wouldn’t turn.
Stiles tried it again.
It still wouldn’t turn. It remained unmoved and unforgiving, like Coach Finstock when Stiles tried to weasel his way out of running suicides.
Stiles rattled and pushed and pulled and still the doorknob wouldn’t turn and the door stayed shut.
“Fuck!” Stiles shouted and kicked the closed door. Which, in hindsight, was a thoroughly idiotic move, so Stiles cursed some more as he hopped around on one foot, a hand clutching at the toe of his other sneaker.
“What’s going on?”
Stiles froze at the voice behind him. Because he knew that voice. And he should’ve known that horrible, embarrassing things come in threes. The locked door, his crumpled toes, and now

“Derek!” Stiles squeaked.
It hadn’t started out as a squeak. But then Stiles had turned around halfway through the word to find Derek Hale, half-naked and wet, staring at him with furrowed eyebrows. His dark hair was plastered to his forehead, water droplets were gliding down his shoulders, his pale eyes seemed even paler in the dim light of the room, and a towel, a tiny scrap of material wrapped around Derek’s hips, was the only thing saving both Derek’s dignity and Stiles’ sanity.
“Uh,” Stiles said, super intelligently.
And then he just stared at Derek. Naked Derek. He ogled, there was no denying it. He was ogling, and he made himself stop.
“Stiles? What’s going on?” Derek repeated.
“The door’s locked,” Stiles mumbled at the floor.
“The door,” Stiles said, slightly louder, no less squeaky. “It is locked. The way is shut. We shall not pass.” And he flailed with one hand to emphasize his point.
“What,” Derek said again, the same word, but entirely different.
He strode forward and Stiles made a garbled sound in the back of his throat, backing himself into the wall next to the door.
Derek grabbed the door handle, twisting it and pulling it, like he thought Stiles was lying to him, or like he thought his superior lacrosse captain strength would prevail where all others before him had failed.
But the door, surprise of all surprises, was still fucking locked.
Derek kept trying to open it though, and he was starting to look panicked, and his breath was beginning to rush in and out of him like frantic waves against a stormy shore.
“Dude,” Stiles said, but Derek either ignored him or couldn’t hear him at all. “Derek.” He put a hand on Derek’s warm, broad shoulder.
Derek stilled, and he looked at Stiles, and he suddenly seemed to notice that he was more or less caging Stiles in against the wall while he fruitlessly pulled at the door handle, and then an even more panicked expression passed across his face and he jumped, literally jumped, backwards.
Stiles held his hands up like he was trying to calm a wild animal, because it felt like he was trying to calm a wild animal. There was something extremely wild about the way Derek was looking at him.
“Hey,” Stiles started softly. “Are you okay? Are you claustrophobic? I have panic attacks sometimes, I could help you through some breathing exercises if you want,” he said, making his hands and his voice as gentle as he could.
Derek was clutching his towel with both hands like it was a liferaft, and at Stiles words his expression shifted, becoming no less panicked but now somehow longing too, like Stiles was the liferaft, and he couldn’t quite reach.
He took two deep breaths and Stiles could see him visibly trying to calm himself.
“I’m fine,” he said, but Stiles could hear the strained hoarseness of his voice.
“How about this,” Stiles said, his brain clicking into gear, “you dry off and get dressed and I’ll make some calls, see if I can get someone to come get us out of here.” Doing something proactive, something physical, working towards a goal always helped Stiles when he felt a panic attack coming on.
“Okay,” Derek said shakily and turned to go to his locker. Just as he was about to round the corner he glanced back at Stiles over his shoulder, and the same panicked, longing look swept over his features again.
Stiles swiped open his phone with determination. It was just his goddamn rotten luck that he gets trapped inside the boys locker room, during summer, with the one person who was possibly maybe potentially responsible for kicking off Stiles’ not-major and yet also not-insignificant sexuality crisis in the first place. Jesus.
Stiles tried Coach Finstock first, because he had Coach Finstock’s number, because Coach Finstock insisted on each of his players having his phone number and him having theirs in return, because Coach Finstock was a lunatic.
And in keeping with Stiles’ luck, Coach Finstock didn’t answer.
Next Stiles tried his dad, and because his dad was a steady, solid, dependable presence in Stiles’ life he did answer his phone. Of course he spent the first three minutes of the conversation laughing himself to tears about the newest ridiculous predicament that Stiles had found himself in, but after that he came through.
The Sheriff promised that he would try to track down someone with a set of keys to the school locker rooms, and failing that he would send over a locksmith to get them out. It might take awhile, but Stiles and Derek had access to running water and working toilet facilities, and Stiles was pretty sure he had a flattened Cliff Bar or two floating around in the bottom of his bag somewhere, so they could survive in there for a good few hours.
Sure, it wasn’t an ideal way to waste a day of vacation, but things could be worse. And Stiles could be stuck with far worse survival buddies than Derek Hale. All in all Stiles was feeling pretty positive about their situation.
Until he went in search of his survival buddy and overheard Derek on the phone.
“God, why did it have to be him?” Derek was whispering desperately to someone on the other end of the call. “Out of all the guys on the team why did I have to get trapped in here with Stiles fucking Stilinski.”
It took about half an hour but eventually Derek came looking for him.
He found Stiles sat on the cool tile floor, back against the wall, arms curled around his legs and his chin resting on his knee.
He looked confused, and a little bit hurt, but Stiles couldn’t be bothered wondering why that was. Stiles’ stomach still felt all hollowed out and empty, his fingers still tingled with humiliation and unspoken rejection.
Worst of all was the cavernous feeling inside his chest where his bruised heart bounced and echoed around.
In all honesty he never truly believed he ever stood a chance with Derek. Derek Hale was handsome and popular, respected by his teachers and revered by his peers. He was as intelligent as he was athletically gifted, he volunteered at the local animal shelter in his spare time, and he loved his family unabashedly. And he knew who Stiles was. By name, even. Sometimes he’d stop and give Stiles little tips about hand placement and throwing technique when they were on the field during practice, and he always nodded at Stiles when they passed each other in the hallways.
So although it was fun to fantasize, to daydream about holding Derek’s hand, Stiles never honestly believed Derek would ever want to date him.
He had thought they’d been sort of friends, though. Friendly teammates at least. And to hear Derek say his name with such utter anguish, like being forced to spend time with him was the worst punishment in the world, was a fist to the gut that Stiles was entirely unprepared for.
“Where have you been?” Derek asked, and it was such a stupid question that it punched an ugly laugh out of Stiles’ throat.
“I’ve been here,” Stiles replied slowly. “Locked inside the locker room.”
A hint of a smile began to grow on Derek’s lips, but it withered quickly at the sarcasm in Stiles’ voice.
“Well, yeah, obviously,” Derek said. He looked at Stiles in confusion. “I meant, why didn’t you come back to m- um, why didn’t you come and tell me what’s going to happen. Is someone coming to get us out?”
“Yeah, my dad’s working on it.”
Derek nodded.
And then when he seemed to be waiting for more Stiles just couldn’t help adding, bitterly, “And I thought I’d give you some space, seeing as how you wish you weren’t trapped in here with Stiles fucking Stilinski.”
Stiles had never seen Derek’s face get so pale so quickly. In fact, he didn’t think he’d even seen Derek’s face go pale at all.
“You heard that?” Derek asked, and he sounded pained.
“Yep,” Stiles said, popping the P, because his assholish tendencies kick into overdrive when he feels hurt.
“It’s not what you think, I swear.” Derek sounded urgent and he crouched down onto his knees in front of Stiles.
“Really?” Stiles hated it, but he couldn’t help the way his voice went all high and disbelieving. “Because it sounded like being alone with me was the worst possible torment you could ever face. And that’s a real ego boost, dude, thanks.”
“No, that’s not what I meant.” Derek was wringing his hands at this point.
Stiles just raised his eyebrows as if to say, ‘please, do go on’.
Derek sighed, then squared his shoulders.
“The truth is, I like you.”
Stiles snorted. A real, guttural, wholly unattractive snort. “Could’ve fooled me, dude.”
“I’m being serious, doucheface.”
And didn’t that make Stiles sit up and listen. When he finally looked Derek full in the face he could see that Derek was serious. Also kind of pissed, but mostly just very sincere.
“I like you, Stiles. A lot. Probably more than I should considering you’ve never shown any interest in anyone outside of Lydia Martin. But,” and here Derek shrugged helplessly, looking away from Stiles for the first time, “I guess we don’t have much control over these sorts of things.”
Stiles was so shocked he lost the rigid control he’d had over his body, arms unfolding and legs flopping down onto the floor.
Derek’s cheeks were pink, as were his adorable, small, sticky-out ears. He wasn’t making eye-contact and he was picking at a hangnail on one of his fingers.
Derek sighed and glared at him, but hey, at least he was looking at Stiles again.
“Right, sorry, stupid. What I’m trying to say is, I like you too.”
Derek’s mouth dropped open. Stiles could see bunny teeth.
“Yeah,” Stiles said with a spreading grin, slow and unstoppable. “You’re adorable as hell and I like you.”
Derek leaned closer to him, and Stiles knew what was coming and the air shivered inside his lungs. The meeting of their lips was slow and dry and impossibly sweet. It was a soft kiss, quiet, and it spread through Stiles like the most delicate breeze, soothing the raw parts of him, silencing the jangling. It was still new, but it felt right, and instead of feeling like he didn’t know himself this felt like greeting an old friend.
Derek pulled away from him when Stiles’ smile became too wide, rather than continuing to awkwardly kiss his teeth.
“I knew summer practice sessions were one of my greater ideas,” he sighed.
“Wait, what?” Stiles squawked.
Stiles and Derek were finally released from the locker room after a couple of hours, a severe tongue-lashing from Stiles, and then a different kind of tongue-lashing altogether. The audience to their triumphant emergence included Stiles’ dad, Scott, Coach Finstock, a good half of Derek’s extended family, and a random locksmith.
If Stiles had known they’d attract so many spectators he probably wouldn’t have tumbled out of the door holding Derek’s hand and trying to bite his ear. As it was, Stiles’ coming out of the closet moment was a lot more literal than expected.
That 1.7% had Stiles freezing in fear, but his dad gave Stiles a knowing smirk, Scott gave him a perfectly indiscreet double thumbs up, and Laura Hale cheered “I knew it!” and snapped a photo.
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charmcasters-cove · 7 years ago
Happy Holidays anyberry! Enjoy this with a steaming cup of coffee, okay.
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uzea-ke · 6 years ago
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My piece for the @aftgexchange this summer! A little belated but for the good reasons haha, My piece is for @anyberry! You mentioned the cats and I felt like it would be cute to have a like a cute family picture from around the time where Andrew started to warm up to the two cats. I really hope you like this <3
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hula-zombie · 6 years ago
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Granite: That could make things... more interesting.
Amber: I did study art in college, so I have experience.
Fret: If anyberry is gettin’ in their birthday suit- it’s gonna be me, okay? 
Granite: Please don’t, Fret-
Fret: Hey, if you play your cards right. Who knows? 
*Granite sighing*
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artemistartarus · 6 years ago
10 books i want to read in 2019
I was tagged by @glitterghost, thank you sweetie!
(btw all Goodreads links)
1. Master of Restless Shadows: Book One (Master of Restless Shadows, #1)
2. Pepperharrow (The Watchmaker of Filigree Street, #2)
3. Silver in the Wood
4. The Hanged Man (The Tarot Sequence, #2)
5. Deosil (Whyborne & Griffin, #11)
6. Reticence (Custard Protocol, #4)
7. Wayward Son (Simon Snow, #2)
8. Stormsong (The Kingston Cycle, #2)
9. The Afterward
10. Claws (The Icefjord Saga, #2)
So basically everything that isn’t actually out yet.
I tag: @thelobstermobster, @glitterthegaywitch, @katiekat917, @arituzz, @bookyholic, @anyberry, and anyone who wants to be tagged.
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aftgexchange · 7 years ago
Round up: Winter 2017
Aaaaand here is the round up for all the gifts in the Winter 2017 Exchange.   Thanks so much to everyone who participated, and special thanks for all my pinch hitters for being SUPER ON IT.   If you haven’t already, please go reblog/like/reply/comment on your gift and any other gifts you enjoy. We’ve had an amazing range of pairings, characters and content so there’s bound to be something for you.   Hope you’ve had a good holiday season so far, and that you enjoy what’s left of it!   ART (Aaron & Andrew) winter illness bonding by @communistfireworks (Andreil) Pride & Prejudice AU by @broship-addict (Andreil) Christmas domesticity with kids by @foxhole-court-girl (Andreil) cuddles under the Christmas tree by @startingstriker-psu (Andreil) hot cocoa by @chaotiicneutral (Andreil) in a cafĂ© being soft by @llheji (Andreil) in winter by @still-waiting-for-godot (Andreil) Princess Mononoke AU by @requiemofkings (Andreil) steampunk AU by @viridianjane (Andreil) winter cuddles by @jojen-hewitt (Andreil) with a snow globe by @cielleinthazure (Dan) folklore au by @bluetheking (Foxes) sharing beds by @chitsuu (JereJean) first time cuddling by @cats-are-assholes (Kandreil) magic au by @exyfordays (Kandreil) playing twister by @uzea-ke (Kevin) goes skiing with the Foxes by @kitshunette (Kevin, Andrew, Neil) Hogwarts AU by @katerandomletters (Mary & Neil) on the run by @katerandomletters (Matt & Neil) winter clothes sharing by @cats-are-assholes (Neil) hurt!Neil by @captain-ferid (Neil) wearing a winter sweater by @mixeurants (Riko) Long Live The King by @moosefix (Renison) gift shopping by @some-sort-of-firefly   EDITS/GRAPHICS Andreil/JereJean witch and mermaid au by @yeollie-bells Andreil ‘Don’t look at me like that’ by @humongousvoidbear Andreil werefox fantasy au by @yeollie-bells Andrew by @andrewminyardownsmyass (+playlist) Dan, Neil & Matt by @soft-ravenclaw-apollo Foxes social media au by @annawrites Kevin & Wymack by @holidaywilds (+ headcanons) Renee & Neil; mirror, parallels and winter by @glkprminyard Renison by @rrgunns (+ playlist) Renison in the holidays by @philosophium (+ ficlet) Renison mermaid au by @holidaywilds   FIC (Aaron/Katelyn) Merry Christmas, Baby by @a-case-for-wonder (Aaron/Matt) $3 prophecies are Fate’s mockeries by @elysabeth (Aaron & Andrew) bones of our childhood by @jsteneil (Aaron & Andrew) Identical by @annawrites (Allison/Kevin) Closing Rank by @holidaywilds (Andreil) 5 Things that Made Neil’s Christmas (More Than) Okay by @apprenticedmagician (Andreil) ask me no questions (and i might not cuss you out) by @wingsofwaxx (+ playlist) (Andreil) Bahumpug! by @ahhhnorealnamesallowed (Andreil) Blossom Willow, Grow Your Leaves by @soft-ravenclaw-apollo (Andreil) Christmas Tree Sprinkles by @dysfunctional-college-roommates (Andreil) corresponding shapes by @wilsherejack (Andreil) false alarm by @scepterofstardust (Andreil) Foxes in the Woods by @dkafterdark (Andreil) From the horse’s mouth by @maikoyo (Andreil) Frostbite by @sunrise-and-death (Andreil) Ghosts by @blueminyard (Andreil) Home by @bluewire13 (Andreil) home (is whenever i'm with you) by @nightquills (Andreil) I Can’t Describe the Joy They Bring (cuz joy is something they don’t bring me) by @s0ym1lk (Andreil) i’m going to make this place your home by @niickyhemmick (Andreil) it’s a wonderful life by @that-ship-has-sunk (Andreil) Just the two of us by @neilminyards (Andreil) Mind Your Own Business Cat by @blurredmxnds​ (Andreil) Museums by @jeanmoreauz (Andreil) Neil figuring out his sexuality by @nakasomethingkun​ (Andreil) the night is cold (but my heart is warm) by @baerlii​ (Andreil) not all that glitters is gold by @defractum​ (Andreil) nothing but the truth by @defractum​ (Andreil) one love, one house by @dexinasnapback​ (Andreil) Peppermint Toads by @petalplate​ (Andreil) Raven!Neil’s first Christmas by @followmedown-tohell​ (Andreil) Some things you just can’t bury by @permanentchaos​ (Andreil) Staying by @leahlisabeth​ (Andreil) The Jumper by @dreams-of-andreil​ (Andreil) Unlicensed Magic by @dysfunctional-college-roommates (Andreil) Where the Lovelight Gleams by @eerielake​ (Andreil) Why would I kiss you under some plant? by @kevaaronday​ (Andreil) Wrap Me Up, Keep Me Warm by @c-dragon-pirates (Andrew & Matt) post-canon becoming friends by @spanglebangle (Dan & Neil) winter bonding feat. snowball fights, cuddles, hot chocolate by @spanglebangle (Foxes Gen) the Foxes go skiing by @elyteracy (Indreil) Christmas with the kitties by @followmedown-tohell (JereJean) Home’s Where I’m Going by @find-yourself-in-passion (JereJean) show me the sun (don’t let me hurt you) by @dancyon (JereJean) soulmate au by @carolynthelibrarian (JereJean) the sound of my love, in your hands by @dancyon (JereJean) What Are Friends For? By @officialrichie (Kandreil) Another lonely Christmas by @daddymemeyard (Kandreil) Dirty Santa by @dkafterdark (Kandreil) Home, For The Holidays by @onlycareaboutexy (Kevin/Jeremy/Jean) soulmate AU by @wesawbears (Kevin/Riko) Gold Dust by @softproko (Laila/Alvarez) Mareel MÇ«rueldr Merituli by @rrgunns (Laila/Alvarez) Merry Christmas by @howaremonstersborn (Monsters Gen) Dedicated to boa constrictors who’ve eaten an elephant by @elyteracy (Monsters Gen) Keep In Touch by @yourfriendlyneighorhoodblog (Nerik) Firsts by @agapantoblu (Nerik) kidfic by @wesawbears (Nerik) Take me somewhere nice by @poze-laceen (Neil/Jean) Falls by @nekojitachan (Riko) Canon divergent ending by @softproko   HEADCANONS (Andreil) Christmas by @aftgandreil (Andreil) Neil goes Christmas shopping & part two by @ten-paces-fire (Andrew) The Broken ‘No’ by @anyberry (Kandreil) greek mythology au by @monmouthco (Kandreil) road trip by @kevindxy (Renison) movie night with the Foxes by @palmettofoxden (+ gifset) (The Foxes) post-canon secret gift exchange by @one-eyed-kaneki-kun (The Foxes) Mistletoe by @spookyaisling (The Monsters) Band AU by @boydsten   PLAYLISTS (Andreil) you told me to stay by @scattered-shadows (Andreil) you’ll tell me truths, but promises, i’ll keep by @substantiating-shadows (Jean/Neil) the snow is falling by @officialrichie (+ headcanons) (Renison) by @soft-ravenclaw-apollo  
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overheard-at-the-berryworks · 3 months ago
Orange Blossom: Hey Raspberry, it’s getting pretty late, shouldn’t we be putting the chicken in the oven? Everyberry's coming over soon-
Raspberry Tart: I messed up

Orange Blossom: What?
Raspberry Tart: So I was in the kitchen, I was getting things ready for the Winterswirl dinner, right?
Orange Blossom: Right?
Raspberry Tart: So I got the chicken, got the spices, got it all prepared, got it all stuffed up and put it in the oven.
Orange Blossom: But wait, I just saw the chicken on the counter-
Raspberry Tart: And then I looked in the fridge
 And I saw the chicken that we bought.
Orange Blossom: But I thought you just said you put it in the ove-
Orange Blossom: 
Raspberry Tart: Yeah.
Orange Blossom: There’s no possible way you could’ve-
Raspberry Tart: I messed up

Orange Blossom: Raspberry, did you COOK Apple Dumpling’s PET DUCK?!
Raspberry Tart: I MESSED UP!!
Orange Blossom: Raspberry, you have enough money to buy every chicken farm that has ever existed in all of time, WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME ANYBERRY EVER ASKED YOU TO SLAUGHTER A LIVE ANIMAL?!
Raspberry Tart: I DON’T KNOW! I forgot that we already bought a chicken!
Orange Blossom: Alright, alright, we’ll salvage this! We will salvage this!! LEMON!! Get in here!!
Lemon Meringue: (enters the room) Yo, wassup? Hey, it’s getting kinda late. Don’t you think you should start preparing the chicken?
Raspberry Tart: I already did

Lemon Meringue: What are you talking about? I just saw it on the coun-
 Oh. Oh! OH! HA-!!
Orange Blossom: Shut up! We don’t have time for you to laugh! Here, take my wallet, go put on a hoodie, go to Fruitleg Alley. By any means necessary, go get an identical looking duck to the one Apple had!
Lemon Meringue: Wait, why do I have to go? I freaking hated that bird!
Orange Blossom: Because, honestly, you are more likely to steal it and we really need the speed right now!
Lemon Meringue: 
 Okay, that’s a fair point. Little hurtful, but a fair point. I’m gonna go.
Strawberry Shortcake: (entering the room) Hey, why’s everyberry in this room right

Orange Blossom: 

Raspberry Tart: 

Lemon Meringue: 

Strawberry Shortcake: 
 You killed fake Ducklin', didn’t you?
Raspberry Tart: I’m so sorry! It was a complete accident!
Orange Blossom: Shortcake, I’m so sorry, Raspberry didn’t mean to do it, it was a total mistake and did you just say fake Ducklin'?
Strawberry Shortcake: Yeah, fake Ducklin'.
Orange Blossom: Yeah, no, explain. Now.
Strawberry Shortcake: Well, it’s Winterswirl, and you guys are both the smartest and the craziest berries I've ever met. No offense, Lemon.
Lemon Meringue: Yep, honestly, some taken.
Strawberry Shortcake: So whenever there’s a holiday associated with the slaughter of an animal tangentially related to my friend’s favorite pet, I always assume that one of you is going to slip up and end up killing her. No offense, Lemon.
Lemon Meringue: Yep, still- still some taken.
Strawberry Shortcake: So, around holiday time, I take Apple Ducklin', put her in an undisclosed location, and then I grab a replacement and let it
 fly around the farm.
Orange Blossom: 

Strawberry Shortcake: Yeah, hasn’t really been useful the last couple of years. But I know what I’m gonna thank Cinnamon Swirl for this year!
Raspberry Tart: Okay, so I didn’t kill Apple Ducklin'?
Strawberry Shortcake: No, Ras, Ducklin’s fine. This time. Let’s go eat!
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superbatsecretsanta · 7 years ago
SUPERBAT SECRET SANTA 2017 - Participant List
EDIT: UPDATED 27th December 2017 (1:07 PM AWST)
Participants are listed in alphabetical order.
to find a user:
for PC: ctrl+f  ;  for MAC: command+f
25th December: Your own URL should link to your gift!
If it’s not too much trouble, please fill out the form above! It shouldn’t take too long, and it would really help out so much into improving this event for next year!
Please only fill out the form AFTER you have received your gift (as there are some questions about it)!
(list under the cut)
boxymilk [1] [2]
Drawingpankake (to AO3)
KatsuyaCrimson (BACK-UP SANTA!)
Lonestarmeowmix (sent item!)
lord-yamada [part 1/3] [2/3] [3/3]
scientificallyfrostedtrenchcoat (sent item!)
sdeeys (to AO3)
Selofain (BACK-UP SANTA!)
teamalphawolfsquadron (BACK-UP SANTA!)
time2pound (to AO3)
zaainart (sent item!)
❆ back up santas!
Thank you so much to the back up santas for their help! Your URL will link to the gift of the participant you covered for, if you would like to see it!
bonehandledknife (to AO3)
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ao3feed-superbat · 7 years ago
Coffee Scented Kisses
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2C2WQ7s
by the_charm_caster
Or five times it was pure coffee and one time it was pure love. Written for the lovely anyberry for the Superbat Secret Santa 2017.
Words: 5968, Chapters: 6/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman), Hal Jordan, Barry Allen
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Romance, 5+1 Things, Humor, SuperBat Secret Santa, Flirting, Sexual Tension, Idiots in Love
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2C2WQ7s
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stereksecretsanta · 7 years ago
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The Sterek Secret Santa - 2017 - The Big Reveal
That’s it for another year my loves! Hope you all had a fabulous Holiday Weekend & that each and everyone of you enjoyed all the Sterek-y goodness!
A special, warm THANK YOU to the following amazing darlings: theydraggedmein, hosio, aredblush, mad-madam-m, candybarrnerd, andavs, vanessawolfie, bitacrytic, gryvon, serenelystrange, menqlu, areiton, hetaliaanimegirl, whatthehellisahoechlin, rightsidethru, neaislove, marauder-mischief, pororeindeer and thisnewjoe. I couldn’t have pulled this off without you guys! You have my everlasting gratitude. 
And THANK YOU for everyone that heeded my cry for help, the response was quite overwhelming and sorry I didn’t reply to everyone, but I was still busy queueing gifts at the same time too and had to celebrate Christmas xD
If you’d like, you can still add your works to the AO3 Collection! You can even add works of the previous editions here :) You can also repost your gift(s) to your own Tumblrs now, of course!
If Sterek truly is Eternal, will I see you all back next year? :)
-xoxo Leonie (leetje)
And here’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for

 the list of Secret Santas!
Most of you know the drill by now, yes? :) The list is in alphabetical order. The easiest way to find whom your secret santa was, is by hitting Crl+F and then search for your own Tumblr name :D
adventures-in-mangaland was heavy—cream’s secret santa - gift(s) here
aflailureandamasterpiece was caffeine-in-an-iv’s secret santa - gift(s) here
andavs was be-happy-every-day-please’s secret santa - gift(s) here
andavs was herewegohappiness’ secret santa - gift(s) here
annoyinglycute was bibliophile246’s secret santa - gift(s) here
anyberry was thisnewjoe’s secret santa - gift(s) here
aqua-ref was captainpettie’s secret santa - gift(s) here
aredblush was idk-words’s secret santa - gift(s) here
aredblush was rightsidethru’s secret santa - gift(s) here
areiton was gswritings’ secret santa - gift(s) here
areiton was nonbinary-kurt-wagner’s secret santa - gift(s) here
artandphotograph was dontgostakinmyheart’s secret santa - gift(s) here
azurarainstuff was annoyinglycute’s secret santa - gift(s) here
beerwolves was andavs’ secret santa - gift(s) here
bibliophile246 was theonewiththeeyebrows’ secret santa - gift(s) here
bitacrytic was damnfancyscotch’s secret santa - gift(s) here
bitacrytic was squishysterek’s secret santa - gift(s) here
blizgori was scales-not-skin’s secret santa - gift(s) here
caffeine-in-an-iv was quaterdenarius​’ secret santa - gift(s) here
candybarrnerd was theydraggedmein’s secret santa - gift(s) here
candybarrnerd was tonystark1d’s secret santa - gift(s) here
captainpettie was simplyn2deep’s secret santa - gift(s) here
classy2shoes was kaistrex’ secret santa - gift(s) here
cryptomoon was neaislove’s secret santa - gift(s) here
damnfancyscotch was fear-frost’s secret santa - gift(s) here
divinexstiles was awolfinitaly’s secret santa - gift(s) here
dontgostakinmyheart was artandphotograph’s secret santa - gift(s) here
do-what-the-knight-tells-queue was likewiselupin’s secret santa - gift(s) here
fandom-madnessess was marauder-mischief’s secret santa - gift(s) here
fear-frost was idleafterthoughts’ secret santa - gift(s) here
foolishsel was merlshmallow’s secret santa - gift(s) here
freakingmeout was jewicer’s secret santa - gift(s) here
froggydarren was cryptomoon’s secret santa - gift(s) here
frogsandboxes was kaidarknight’s secret santa - gift(s) here
go-n-ef was serenelystrange’s secret santa - gift(s) here
goodoceangonewrong was lacrimadraconis’ secret santa - gift(s) here
gryvon was haletostilinski’s secret santa - gift(s) here
gryvon was lover95’s secret santa - gift(s) here
gswritings was mynuet’s secret santa - gift(s) here
hales-republic was gryvon’s secret santa - gift(s) here
haletostilinski was hosio’s secret santa - gift(s) here
hannars97 was princessabitchessa’s secret santa - gift(s) here
happynglad was adventures-in-mangaland’s secret santa - gift(s) here
hazytuesday was cobrakaisback’s secret santa - gift(s) here
heavy—cream was writerdragonfly’s secret santa - gift(s) here
herewegohappiness was aredblush’s secret santa - gift(s) here
hetaliaanimegirl was missisjoker’s secret santa - gift(s) here
hetaliaanimegirl was peanutbutter-jelly-fish’s secret santa - gift(s) here
hosio was beerwolves’ secret santa - gift(s) here
hosio was whatthehellisahoechlin’s secret santa - gift(s) here
hotaruyuki was thetheoryofaqueer’s secret santa - gift(s) here
idk-words was mad-madam-m’s secret santa - gift(s) here
idleafterthoughts was areiton’s secret santa - gift(s) here
immortal-sterek was mophasia’s secret santa - gift(s) here
inatshej was kevaaronday’s secret santa - gift(s) here
jadorehale was blizgori’s secret santa - gift(s) here
jewicer was s-horne’s secret santa - gift(s) here
jungleride was evetessmachr’s secret santa - gift(s) here
kaidarknight was frogsandboxes’ secret santa - gift(s) here
kaistrex was welshwoman1988’s secret santa - gift(s) here
kaneshirotakeshi was synoaponga’s secret santa - gift(s) here
kevaaronday was pororeindeer’s secret santa - gift(s) here
kittylovessterek was mermaid-reyes’ secret santa - gift(s) here
knownonsense8 was hetaliaanimegirl secret santa - gift(s) here
leothestoryofmylife was not-so-harmonious’ secret santa - gift(s) here
leslieknopeismyshiningstar was leothestoryofmylife’s secret santa - gift(s) here
likewiselupin was leslieknopeismyshiningstar’s secret santa - gift(s) here
lover95 was substanceofmysoul’s secret santa - gift(s) here
lunastories was ohhalenostilinski’s secret santa - gift(s) here
mad-madam-m was comedicdrama’s secret santa - gift(s) here
mad-madam-m was potrix-the-queerschlaeger’s secret santa - gift(s) here
marauder-mischief was hotaruyuki’s secret santa - gift(s) here
marauder-mischief was sydburf’s secret santa - gift(s) here
menqlu was foolishsel’s secret santa - gift(s) here
menqlu was vanessawolfie secret santa - gift(s) here
merlshmallow was lunastories’ secret santa - gift(s) here
mermaid-reyes was anyberry’s secret santa - gift(s) here
missisjoker was thepsychicclam’s secret santa - gift(s) here
mophasia was aqua-ref’s secret santa - gift(s) here
mynuet was rubyredhoodling’s secret santa - gift(s) here
nbstilinski was aflailureandamasterpiece’s secret santa - gift(s) here
neaislove was classy2shoes’ secret santa - gift(s) here
neaislove was do-what-the-knight-tells-queue’s secret santa - gift(s) here
ohhalenostilinski was bitacrytic’s secret santa - gift(s) here
peanutbutter-jelly-fish was menqlu’s secret santa - gift(s) here
poetry-protest-pornography was cats4stiles’ secret santa - gift(s) here
pororeindeer was stacinadia’s secret santa - gift(s) here
pororeindeer was stilinski-sourwolf’s secret santa - gift(s) here
potrix-the-queerschlaeger was jadorehale’s secret santa - gift(s) here
pseudoapollonian was knownonsense8’s secret santa - gift(s) here
quaterdenarius was theproblemwithstardust’s secret santa - gift(s) here
rightsidethru was hannars97’s secret santa - gift(s) here
rightsidethru was lucifers-lawyer’s secret santa - gift(s) here
ritarmandi was kittylovessterek’s secret santa - gift(s) here
rubyredhoodling was scientificallyfrostedtrenchcoat’s secret santa - gift(s) here
scales-not-skin was immortal-sterek’s secret santa - gift(s) here
serenelystrange was daddy–oreo’s secret santa - gift(s) here
serenelystrange was froggydarren’s secret santa - gift(s) here
s-horne was happynglad’s secret santa - gift(s) here
simplyn2deep was whenpushkincomestoshove’s secret santa - gift(s) here
squishysterek was nbstilinski’s secret santa - gift(s) here
stacinadia was whitewolvesandtulips’ secret santa - gift(s) here
stilinski-sourwolf was goodoceangonewrong’s secret santa - gift(s) here
sydburf was fandom-madnesses’ secret santa - gift(s) here
synoaponga was ritarmandi’s secret santa - gift(s) here
theonewiththeeyebrows was go-n-ef’s secret santa - gift(s) here
theproblemwithstardust was pseudoapollonian’s secret santa - gift(s) here
thepsychicclam was divinexstiles’s secret santa - gift(s) here
thetheoryofaqueer was infectedcolors’ secret santa - gift(s) here
theydraggedmein was azurarainstuff’s secret santa - gift(s) here
theydraggedmein was dollycravee’s secret santa - gift(s) here
thisnewjoe was kaneshirotakeshi’s secret santa - gift(s) here
thisnewjoe was poetry-protest-pornography’s secret santa - gift(s) here
tonystark1d was hazytuesday’s secret santa - gift(s) here
vanessawolfie was freakingmeout’s secret santa - gift(s) here
vanessawolfie was hales-republic’s secret santa - gift(s) here
welshwoman1988 was wolvesofinnistrad’s secret santa - gift(s) here
whatthehellisahoechlin was jungleride’s secret santa - gift(s) here
whatthehellisahoechlin was leiorossi’s secret santa - gift(s) here
whenpushkincomestoshove was candybarrnerd’s secret santa - gift(s) here
wolvesofinnistrad was jeangvrey’s secret santa - gift(s) here
writerdragonfly was inatshej’s secret santa - gift(s) here
Let me know if I mucked up any names/html or if you’re missing entirely. As usual, I kind of zoned out a few times while coding this list 8-)
Now go forth and smother your Secret Santa in lots of loving for your Stereky Gift(s)!
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snowbaz-fanfiction-library · 7 years ago
Are there any gender swap fanfics?
We found these two:
A Steamy Shower by SkittlesAddict
Sophie and Baz take their first shower. Things get pretty steamy - just not in the way you'd expect.
Girls Do It Better by anyberry
A lot of things are unfair in this world.The Humdrum stealing magic. Illness, poverty, war, discrimination is always on the list. Something unfair is when someone who is so beautiful is an evil plotting vampire. Tryphosia Bastet Grimm Pitch is the vainest, grandiose, and fancy person in the world who has tried to kill me numerous times and even pushed me down the stairs.
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foxsoulcourt · 6 years ago
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This addition? FANTASTIC @anyberry !!!
The Foxes are all over in Matt and Aaron’s room
Andrew and Neil have been in the kitchen together a little too long when Aaron calls from the next room “Could you not have sex in my kitchen?”
The upperclassmen quickly make bets on how injured Aaron is going to get for that comment
Andrew pops into the doorway of the kitchen to argue “We weren’t having sex in the kitchen. But I did give him a blowjob on the couch you’re sitting on.”
Matt does a fucking full blown spit take and definitely ends up with some coffee up his nose
Dan pats him on the back with one hand while he chokes
With her other hand, she takes his coffee out of his hand and sets it on the table so that he won’t spill it
Aaron looks absolutely horrified, which is of course the reaction Andrew is going for and so of course it eggs him on
“You could go for a shower to wash the filth off, but then again I blew him in there too.”
And Aaron already has to hear enough about his cousin’s sex life, he doesn’t need to hear about his twin’s, so he’s like “Stop.”
But Andrew’s just listing off locations that he’s done sexual things with Neil in in the same bored tone a waiter uses when they’re running through their memorized list of specials
And everyone is just staring at him because Andrew doesn’t talk about him and Neil or show any form of PDA and now suddenly he will not shut up about the sexual favours he performs for Neil
“Oh, and I gave him a handjob against that wall, right beside your desk.”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“And don’t forget whose bed that was before you switched rooms.”
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ace-artemis-fanartist · 8 years ago
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Simon Snow in a black shirt from Black Shirt written by my bro @anyberry.
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