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loazerx-blog · 8 years ago
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We're living in a digital world nowadays. Due to this advancement, cybercrime became one of the biggest risks on our lives. Well it is simply a crime that has some kind of computer or cyber aspect. Some of the examples of cybercrime are Theft of personal data, copyright infringement, fraud, child pornography, cyberstalking and cyberbullying. These are the things that might ruin a person’s life that could lead someone on committing suicide. So, it is a big “NO” to do it.
We all know that cybercrime is punishable by law and we live in a world where technology is around us. I can be someone who is against cybercrime by following or complying to the laws that are related to it. As a concerned citizen, I can also act through my own will,by reporting to the authorized sector for the criminal act committed by a person in order to face the consequences.
I will be a good example to others because I know that is the best thing to influence them to prevent these crimes. Sharing my knowledge on how we use the present devices correctly will also do.Avoiding to post any confidential information about myself will also secure me.Knowing the rights of a technology user will give us the courage to fight these kind of crimes.
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loazerx-blog · 8 years ago
Being a Responsible Digital Citizen
Being a responsible digital Citizen To be a digital citizen,I must apply my good behavior and etiquette just like what I am doing in my daily life. Being part of the digital world must be taken with responsibility.We should learn to respect and treat others equally. We should use it without bullying someone because it'll not give us some benefits and that won't make us cool either. Just like in real life, there are also some rules that should be followed in the digital world. We should be aware of those laws for us to know our limitations and for us to avoid causing damage to other people’s work, identity, or property online. As they say, "ignorance of the law excuses no one". Since I am a citizen, I must also know my rights and responsibilities while using it. In that way, I will be aware to the things I post online and I'll also be able to secure myself from different crimes like scams or even cyberbullying because being too much noisy on social medias might bring us into trouble. One of its functions was to access and share sensible informations to help others. And as a responsible citizen,we should always use it in a good way. And everytime you post or share anything,think before you click.
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loazerx-blog · 8 years ago
Technology helps us in communicating with each other easily.Like using phone,to call,text and many more. Then years had passed and it was developed,there were a lot of apps which offers a lot of features,and one of the most popular is "Messenger". For me,the most essential application on my cellphone is Messenger.You can chat with your family, friends and relatives by using it. You can also call or have a video call with them. You can enjoy it by chatting with someone using emojis or by playing games when you are bored while waiting for their replies.You can even send some attachments. And you can also be sure that your message was already delivered . It helps me in communicating with my love ones and it is also fast and reliable. No need for load because nowadays,many telecommunication companies offer us free data access on Facebook and messenger.
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loazerx-blog · 8 years ago
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"I, living in a digital world"
From generation to generation, people are still inventing and discovering new things. Nowadays, technology invaded and became a part of our lives. Sometimes we can see it in our house, mall, school, etc. or we are using them every time. In this world we are living, technology has a big role.It makes our work easier and it helps us explore and discover more. Yes, it has a disadvantage too but it will depend on us, on how we will use it.
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loazerx-blog · 8 years ago
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Technology is one of the most interesting things on earth. And one of its products is gadgets like cellphone, laptop, gameboy, tablet and many more. Having one of these can make you happy and also, you will be able to do a lot of things. Just for example, playing games, writing documents, saving important informations and communicating with others. My first encounter to gadgets is when I was on grade 2. When my father bought us a desktop which we used to learn more. For my brother and sister, they used it to do their paper works instead of going to the internet cafe wherein they spend a lot of money. One more thing is, we had fun with the games that had been downloaded to it. In that year we had the desktop model which has a big box shape screen and the mouse that we were using had a rolling ball. But nowadays,the mouse that we are using is powered by laser. It amazes me and makes me feel cool when I'm using it. Ofcourse I'm still a kid before, so playing games with loud music became my favorite thing. I also remember, my siblings and I had our schedule on using it to be fair.
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loazerx-blog · 8 years ago
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“Comming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success” - Henry Ford
I’m so proud and happy to our team for winning 2nd place in over all. Although we almost break the chair just to cheer our team mate it is ok because all is worth it in the end. Making our props and banner test our patience and make us to be resourceful to make it beautiful. I had a lot of experience on this intrams, like watching my teachers to dance which is my first time to see ma'am Lailanie dancing on the floor, and of-course it is my first time to play badminton in intramural and I got the second place. We did our best and we enjoyed the event. Good Game Well Played!😊 Thanks GOD for making it successful. Congratulations to all and thanks to our teachers.
Proud to be RED VALOR.🔥
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