gpstudios · 2 months
Commemorating World Day Against Trafficking in Persons: Uniting to End Human Trafficking 🌍🚫
Join us on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 🌍🚫 Raise awareness, support victims, and advocate for stronger protections to combat human trafficking. Together, we can make a difference. #EndHumanTrafficking
Introduction Today, we observe World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, a global initiative held annually on July 30th. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about human trafficking, advocating for the rights of victims, and promoting efforts to combat this heinous crime. Human trafficking affects millions of individuals worldwide, stripping them of their dignity and freedom. Join us as we…
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atarahderek · 1 year
If you're powerful enough that you have the opportunity to buy or even rent slaves if you so please, and you are opposed to abolition, it is because you are indeed buying/renting slaves.
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hamoodmood · 1 year
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Another man another disappoinment
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gachafem · 22 days
i feel like the reason most people still support sex work (prostitution) is because they have a very westernized, unrealistic view of the sex trade
these days, when most people hear the phrase "sex worker," they automatically think of an affluent OF model that's in a western country and treats it as a fun thing to do on the side. however, they don't realize that these type of people only make up 0.1% of women in the sex trade.
the reality is that most "sex workers" are women, sometimes children, who are forced to be in the sex trade— usually out of survival or trafficked into it. if they're "working" for a pimp/trafficker, they usually don't see a cent of the money that johns use to purchase their bodies. they are most suspectible to stds, unwanted pregnancies, and male violence— with little to no way of protecting themselves. they wish to leave the sex trade, but find it impossible.
if people saw the true colors of the sex work and not the glittery girlboss side hustle portrayal of it seen online and in media, more people would definitely feel disgusted by its premise.
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Oh a known sex trafficker who also groomed young boys into being vile misogynists is now openly on the same side as gender critical “feminists”?
How very unsurprising.
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coochiequeens · 3 months
Ladies don't travel to another country with a man if your legal status is uncertain. If you do hold onto your passport and make sure your ticket isn't a one way.
Exit trafficking: Western Sydney man abandons his wife overseas after she fell out with his mum
Western Sydney man convicted over 'exit trafficking'
He took his wife abroad, but only he had a return ticket 
READ MORE: Human trafficking gang that operated a string of brothels jailed
PUBLISHED: 06:40 EDT, 27 June 2024 
A western Sydney man who abandoned his wife overseas after she fell out with his mother has been convicted over what is known as 'exit trafficking'. 
It is a type of modern slavery where women are tricked or coerced into leaving a country, in this case Australia, and prevented from returning.
The 44-year-old man, who lives in Merrylands in Sydney's south-west, took his wife on 'a charity mission' to their home country of Afghanistan in January 2018, police said.
But the man, known as AR to protect his family, only had a return ticket for himself. His wife did not realise that her ticket was one-way to Afghanistan. 
The day after he returned to Australia, AR wrote to the Department of Home Affairs, cancelling the sponsorship of his wife's visa, the Sydney Morning Herald reported.
He did so because his mum didn't like his wife, and it resulted in the woman he had been married to for four years being stranded overseas.
The woman's relatives helped get her back to Australia, where she reported her husband to the police.  
AR's conviction last Friday was the third such exit trafficking conviction in Australia.
He was sentenced to two years jail with 12 months of it to be served in the community on a good behaviour bond.
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Human rights activist Helena Hassani said there has been an increase in such oppression of women, often in migrant communities, in Australia.
While there are many cases involving men from Afghan and other migrant communities taking their wives abroad and leaving them there, she said there are also many cases where 'Aussie men marry women from Asia, bring them here, but marry them into servitude, or treat them like sex workers'.
Many women, such as AR's wife, are only in Australia on partner visas, leaving them reliant on their husband's sponsorship to stay in the country.
Some women in these communities are discouraged from using money, getting an education or working outside the home because the men want a 'servant'.
'It's a cultural practice where the less educated women are, the happier men are, because then no one is challenging them, no one is confronting them, and they just live the way they want to live,' Ms Hassani told the publication.
Acting Detective Sergeant Sarah Manning of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) said exit trafficking often goes unreported.
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No one has the right to 'cancel' another person's visa, including the visa sponsor,' she said. 
'This type of behaviour is a Commonwealth offence and carries a potential 12-year jail term.'
The first exit-trafficking conviction was in 2021, when a man from Lidcombe in western Sydney threatened to murder a woman unless she boarded a flight to India with her infant child.
The horrific interaction was captured on Sydney Airport's CCTV after the anti-human trafficking group Anti Slavery Australia told the AFP what happened.
Anyone with information about potential modern slavery or trafficking is urged to report it to Australian Federal Police on 131 237.
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ramblesofakio · 3 months
If you don’t believe RAMCOA/TBMC is a genuine thing, please block me
I’m tired of seeing people post about how “it doesn’t exist” and say that “ramcoa doesn’t exist but the trauma does.” It’s irritating to be told what I went through doesn’t exist and does exist at the same time.
It’s important to hear survivors and to be able to understand that this shit happens and still does. Cults, trafficking rings, etc. they all happen. Just because you think that someone can’t force a system doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Do you know how much trauma that someone faces within shit like that? How easy it is for someone to see that there’s so much dissociation and use it against them?
I’m tired of so many people thinking that ramcoa survivors aren’t real. We are, we exist.
If you don’t believe it, please block me.
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ex-foster · 6 months
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Former foster kid quote on the foster care to sex trafficking pipeline.
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radicalru · 8 months
Seeing pictures of TIMs in straight marriages is so unnerving. They almost always look like a gross caricature of their wives. I can’t imagine how uncomfortable these women must be watching their husband basically become them.
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dressed2k1ll · 3 months
The defence of pornography is the defence of the right of men to view the genitals, abuse, and rape of poor* women.
*in terms of money, resources, opportunity or support
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ghxst-system · 3 months
as a programmed system i feel i need to say this:
if u EVER think being made to be a system is "cool" (@ THE PEOPLE WHO WANT TO MAKE MORE SYSTEMS????)
i did not get tortured and fucking trafficked for u to destroy the meaning of a *TRAUMA DISORDER*
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redditreceipts · 7 days
as it seems, women had better international solidarity in the 1980s than they have now
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On the sign in the middle, it says: "Stop the export of Norwegian Sex buyers"
Here is an article from that time:
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and the best thing: The women's organisation won the trial! (and Norway has adopted the Swedish model by now)
(source for the first article, source for the second article)
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my-vanishing-777 · 2 months
A hierarchy based on skin tone plays an important role in the UAE’s sex industry, according to interviews with trafficked women and visits to spots where prostitutes congregate. Lighter-skinned women from Europe are generally trafficked into higher-end venues serving wealthier customers. Darker-skinned women are often steered to alleys and street corners, providing sex to low-income migrant workers from South Asia and Africa.
One Nigerian woman described being taken by a trafficker to an open-air brothel in the desert between Dubai and another emirate, Abu Dhabi. She and other women would take off their clothes and spread them on the ground, and men would come to have sex with them from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m.
A Nigerian mother in her 20s said a trafficker led her and two other women to a parking lot in Ajman, one of the emirates that make up the UAE, and forced them to have sex with male clients amid vehicles that were being painted and repaired. At the end of the night, she said, the traffickers took all the money, leaving them with nothing to buy food.
After she broke free of the trafficker, the woman said, she slept in the streets and begged for food. She nearly lost her mind, she said, before a nurse from Nigeria rescued her and helped her get home.
The UAE’s sex industry is shaped by the country’s distinctive demographics and economy.
Nearly 90% of its population comes from somewhere else — mostly foreign workers employed in construction, hospitality and other industries. Most of them are men and they arrive alone. As a result, 69% of the UAE’s population is male. The government deals with these demographic realities by deploying extensive surveillance within the country — and by allowing a bustling sex trade as a way of pacifying male workers, according to two former diplomats who were based in the UAE and monitored sex trafficking.
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nando161mando · 5 months
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Turkish authorities cracked down on an Israeli organ trafficking network in Adana.
Israel has long been at the center of what Bloomberg described in 2011 as a "sprawling global black market in organs where brokers use deception, violence, and coercion to buy kidneys from impoverished people, mainly in underdeveloped countries, and then sell them to critically ill patients in more-affluent nations."
Important to mention that hundreds of Palestinian bodies were found missing organs and skinned following Israeli occupation attacks on Gaza, many of which were found in mass graves.
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moistrodent · 7 months
I love how Hazbin Hotel brushed over Angel Dust’s drug use, because in the eyes of the show drug use isn’t something very traumatic, leads to much more vulnerable to human and sex trafficking, SA, and abusive relationships. Drug use is very complicated but in Hazbin Hotel Angel Dust’s drug problem is mentioned like…four times and one of those three times was a fucking joke. Drug use is often very misrepresented in media, also being an addict doesn’t make you a bad person, drug use shouldn't be criminalised (it makes it much harder to seek help), and rehab shouldn’t expensive as fuck. And also Angel Dust’s name? Weird as shit. That’s like naming your OC crack. It’s treating Angel Dust like he’s only his addiction wich is really horrible representation for obvious reasons. Vivziepop does not know how to represent serious topics, she either uses it for fetish bait or an actual literal joke. Also his name? Doesn’t make any sense. The effects of PCP were discovered over ten years after Angel Dust canonically died. It’s so clear Vivzepop didn’t do any research on the topic she’s trying to represent, it takes five seconds to google this shit.
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receivingtranny · 9 months
just saw a post saying that men shouldn't be allowed to become therapists because they *will* rape women/girls or at best... mentally ill women and girls *will always* catch inappropriate romantic/sexual feelings for a male therapist (not even gonna touch the flaming pile of internalized misogynistic shit lying within the later statement) and just...
what the fuck you guys.
like yeah fuck the "not all men" attitude that's just a fucking scapegoat abusive men love to say for why they never hold themselves or other men accountable, but actually *genuinely* saying all men will rape and abuse if they became a therapist does nothing to offer solutions that will actually make therapy safe for people.
because i'm sorry but i've had nearly 40 therapists in my life and unfortunately i've had a mix of really harmful experiences from both male and female therapists. the best therapist i had was actually nonbinary. the second and third best were male.
i've had both male/female therapists try to convert me to christianity and say my illness was god punishing me for sinning. i've had female therapists enable my father to continue being sexually/psychologically/physically abusive under the guise of "you're probably just being a dramatic teenage genderfuck" they didn't say genderfuck but they definitely thought my queerness had given some reason for why my dad should be the one to help "get me on the right track".
so i ask you radfem bioessentialists, in your utopia without male therapists, what's your solution for people like myself? multigender/nonbinary people who are seeking therapy, or *gasp* perhaps even schooling to become a therapist? do i get a female therapist because i was AFAB? or no since i identify as a man and have a penis now I must be planning on raping her so i'll need a male therapist. but wait, i'm AFAB and i identify as a woman so he must be planning on raping me. so another multigender AFAB person i'm guessing? wait but if i identify as a woman and a man... and they identify as a woman and a man... who's the one planning on raping the other in this situation? I just wanna make sure I know what to do here, being part man and all, is it in my nature to rape her? or is it his nature to rape me? or do we just rape ourselves all the time since we're both men and women simultaneously.
sorry not to sound like an asshole there at the end with the sarcasm, but like, i was human trafficked for several months and am now severly agoraphobic and even i'm not this terrified that everyone i meet is going to rape me. so idk man. get a grip? have some compassion beyond yourself? some critical thinking skills maybe?
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