#anti youtube vloggers
ljones41 · 11 months
I just finished a re-watch of the "LOST" episode, (4.04) "Eggtown". One, it's not really a good episode. Two, watching some of the YouTube reactions to the show made me realize how dense some of the "LOST" fandom can be.
Some of the fans and the YouTube reactors were so busy being dictated by their biases over these characters. Kate Austen's mother, Diane Jensen, WAS NEVER worse than Kate. She wasn't even a bad woman. Kate was not only worse than her mother, but also worse than her father, Wayne Jensen.
You know what disgusted me about Kate sometimes? She was the one who had murdered Wayne in COLD BLOOD and all because she was having an emotional crisis over who was her father. Then she had lied to Diane about why she had killed him. Yet in "Eggtown", she had the nerve to pull the guilt trip on Diane for ratting her out? When Diane had a very good reason to rat her out? God, what a piece of shit Kate could be. Then again, she was no different from many of the other "LOST" characters . . . like Jack Shephard, who had committed attempted murder and perjury by this point in the series; James "Sawyer" Ford, who had committed three acts of murder for the slimmest of reasons within a period of three months; Ben Linus for his slew of crimes and manipulations; Sayid Jarrah for his slew of crimes and hypocrisy; and John Locke for murder, the torturing of Miles Straume and manipulating Sawyer into committing murder.
By the way, what kind of lame ass trial was that? The showrunners had allowed the defense attorney to present his case before the prosecutor. Since when did that ever happen in other fictional works, let alone in real life? I get that the prosecutor didn’t have the evidence to convict Kate for murder, due to Diane's refusal to testify. But shouldn't Kate had faced a trial for the New Mexico bank robbery? This is the episode that introduced the crime Kate had committed against Aaron Littleton and his family - pretending to be his mother and keeping him from them for nearly three years.
It's a miracle that I love this show. Because this episode made me realize how truly disgusting many of the characters could be.
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anti-kidfluencers · 2 years
what is "kidfluencing"?
what are "family vloggers" and what are the potential problems?
"kidfluencers" and social media: the evolution of child exploitation in the digital age
sharenting: and no, gentle parenting bloggers aren’t innocent
sharenting and "crunchy moms": online misinformation
what’s so bad about "autism moms"?
topics i haven’t got links for yet, but worth researching
adoption and family vlogging: generally
adoption and family vlogging: children of colour in white families and transnational adoption
adoption and family vlogging: adoption trauma
prank family vloggers
general info: they/them, 19, lgbtq+. no, im not a parent, i just know right from wrong.
boundaries: please do not follow if you’re under 13, you should not be on tumblr (ToS). no bigotry. where possible, i will not be sharing any user handles of people involved, for the childrens’ privacy.
thoughts on this topic: kidfluencing should not exist. you can talk about parenting without giving detailed private information on your kid or sharing videos/photos of them to millions of people. children cannot consent or make informed decisions about being an influencer or vlogger, that’s all you should need to hear to know it’s wrong. adoption is trauma and should only be done when actually necessary.
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kidfluencingadvocate · 3 months
Would die for another drew gooden video where he subtly points out the issues with family vlogging and child actors while also maintaining his commentary format haha I hate this job
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marinamothh · 4 months
radfem youtubers
a list of small radfem/lesbian/feminist adjacent & anti sw youtubers/content creators, rb with additions if you have more!:
🦋 Grace Adetoro (african radfem commentator/video responses)
🖤 feminist vhs archive (a hidden gem, old 80s-90s feminist content reuploader, andrea dworkin & radfem/edits memes!)
🦋 Elly Arrow (focuses on anti porn/prostitution content, video essays, commentary)
🖤 Lisa Michele (active steamer, fitness content, commentator, vlogger, childfree radfem!)
🦋 amy. (terf memes, songs & edits)
🖤 Radical Ramblings (video essays, presentations, livestreams)
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
I have always prided myself on being able to spot red flags, but a few months ago I started watching this YouTuber and I did not notice anything at all. The xenophobia and sexism and grossness hidden in his content didn’t bother me because he seemed very satirical about it (and, is in fact satirical about other things). I really liked watching his videos because he’s a travel vlogger, and I don’t have the means or confidence to go to the places he does, alone. Well, I recently saw some allegations that he’s a sex tourist, and at first I thought they were baseless because it was just a random Reddit comment, but I did my own research and found that he’s even worse. He was active in the pick-up artist community and bragged about assaulting young girls living in underdeveloped countries, and currently loudly proclaims his support for Andrew Tate and “anti-wokeness.” What me and other viewers see as being friendly towards locals is literally just a strategy for him to play rich foreigner and manipulate girls into having sex with him.
I’m glad I found out when I did because he’s now gone fully public with a lot of his fucked up beliefs and is looking visibly coked up in his recent vids. It was surprising to me that I cared so much, I was just passively watching his videos in the background but when I saw the accusations I immediately started defending him in my head. And although I’ve been wallowing and feeling betrayed since I learned all this, one good thing did come out of it— I have a new passion for language learning so that I can someday travel to my dream destinations by myself, and it’s fueled mostly by spite (which is very, very powerful).
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drdemonprince · 2 years
About a thousand Youtube video essay creators saw the success of Natalie Wynn and completely misunderstood what the reason behind it was. Contrapoints wasn’t a success simply because she had killer lighting, elaborate costume and set changes, and a slick editorial style with good music. Contrapoints was a success because she was (and is) a fascinating, flawed person with quite a few solid ideas and just enough maddeningly off the mark ones to keep people engaged, and she’s honed a hell of a voice for herself that truly marries all her strengths and flaws. 
That kind of personality and wit is rare to find, but a little bisexual lighting, some piano concertos, a few party city wigs and a serious tone of voice are easy enough to co-opt. Youtube video essays these days are all sizzle and no steak, a handful of very bright and self-consciously unaesthetic vloggers (like jenny nicholson and sarah z) and pristinely edited yet substantive ones (like folding ideas and ken perjurer) excluded. it is time my anti aesthetic aesthetic makes the jump right over the shark and into the video form. my videos will always be a place where the quality of the ideas and the passion is prioritized, and the visuals are deliberately, defiantly jank. (though it still takes a hell of a lot of technical work and verve to make it watchably happen, thank fucking god for maddie who gets it and helped me understand what the Vision for our pivot to video should look like)
this is how im justifying my twitch streamer career aspirations to myself lol 
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sunnyreblogsthings · 1 year
milgram characters as youtubers/streamers
es: they barely show they exist. when do you upload are you dead someone ple
haruka: animal videos, him taking care of them, him trying to explain how to take of them the best he can, and many many many videos of him playing with them!
yuno: just every other just chatting streamer/high school vlogger, plain and simple
fuuta: speedrunner, so many yelling and cursing compilations made by his fans because he’s just angry so much. also, his chat keeps calling him a sad wet cat. why do they do this.
muu: fashion youtuber!! almost got cancelled for actually being a bitch but it didn’t work. (not done by fuuta surprisingly)
shidou: just posts videos of him mocking fake medicine tips/hacks. he keeps his calm most times, but when he was introduced to the anti-medicine crowd…ooooh. the rant videos, good god how was my man not age restricted or demonetized
mahiru: love advice and tips! do they work? no! is she trying her best and is very polite? yes!
kazui: old man trying to teach people how to do stuff, we love him for it <3
amane: encourages people to join her religion on youtube, uploads every. single. day. stop. please.
mikoto: who the hell understands what he posts. one day, it’s a meme compilation. the next, it’s a 100% hollow knight speedrun. why are you like this.
kotoko: callout videos. so many callout videos, she even goes to their comments to fight. stop it, you’re being a nuisance.
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In 2007, Owens, a senior at Stamford High School, made headlines for a very different reason: she was the victim of an alleged racial hate crime, which, peripherally, involved the son of Democrat Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, then-mayor of Stamford.
The incident set off a chain of events that, she said, eventually sparked her political ideology. Two years ago, Owens wouldn’t even have called herself a conservative.
The voicemails left on Owens’s phone by four boys in a car altered her life, Owens says.
“They started off by telling me that they were going to kill me ‘just because’ I was black,” Owens wrote in a 2016 op-ed published in Hearst Connecticut Media. “They warned me that if they found me at home, they were going to unload a bullet into the back of my head.”
Owens told the principal and the story spread quickly to state and national media, especially when Malloy acknowledged that his son was in the car.
The NAACP held press conferences with Owens. Police and FBI investigated the incident and one seventeen-year-old boy, who Owens says was a friend of hers, was arrested.
Owens’s family sued the Stamford Board of Education for failing to protect her and won a $37,500 settlement.
“If I was a leftist or if I was a true Democrat, I would relish in victimhood. I would love that. I would say I’m black, I’m a woman, I can’t do anything and it’s all your fault. That situation in high school would be the pinnacle of my life,” she said. “But I hated it. I cowed away from it. It ate me alive because I felt there was permanence in what was said about me.”
In response to Owens’s experience in high school, she decided to launch an anti-cyberbullying website - essentially a searchable database of offensive speech found on social media. She launched a Kickstarter to fund the effort and received a flood of criticism in response. She somehow jumped to the conclusion that liberals posing as Trump supporters online were behind the attacks because they did not want her to “unmask” them, Owens said.
This experience was Owens’s “red pill” - or conservative awakening, a la “The Matrix.”
She dropped out of the University of Rhode Island in her junior year, and devoted the next year to re-educate herself. She read works by Ann Coulter, Milo Yiannopoulos, Ben Carson and Thomas Sowell.
Now 29, no one would dare mistake Owens for a victim.
In her first YouTube video posted in August 2017, Owens came out as a conservative.
In the parody video, Owens’s parents - played by Owens - are accepting when she says she is a lesbian (she is not), but appalled that she is a conservative. In real life, Owens and her parents did not have a sit-down about her new ideology, Owens said.
“I was not surprised,” said Robert Owens, Candace’s father who now lives in Arizona. “We don’t agree on some issues, which I care not to mention, but I will say I support her in bringing both sides to the table; Democrats should not assume they have our vote because we are African Americans and Republicans should not ignore African Americans because they assume we are going to vote Democrat.”
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hollowboobtheory · 2 years
gwen as a mommy vlogger just made me think of the possibility of there being a 3 hour documentary youtube video about gwen and her family, like with all popular mommy vloggers
in any other au gwen would be so anti family channel like like wow it's exactly like the hell show i was on except with literal infants
but ggae gwen? yeah. chris is gonna be like i'll pay for you to move into a bigger apartment i'll buy you a mom car literally anything you need just give me that good good lucrative baby content
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ezivoteofficial · 2 months
How Are ‘Influencers’ Affecting India’s Political Scenario
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Social media influencers or those who claim to ‘educate’ and ‘influence’ masses using social media platforms including YouTube, Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram are affecting India’s current political scenario. Ezivote, India’s first political fantasy application makes an attempt to know about such influencers and what goes behind political content creation.
Content creators and politics
Youtuber and vlogger Dhruv Rathee recently posted a video titled ‘Is India becoming a DICTATORSHIP?’. Around 30 minutes in duration, the content creator compared India’s current central government with Hitler’s ruling approach in his two-month-old video. The video has 24 million views to date. Rathee, who calls himself a ‘Youtube educator with expertise in breaking down complex words into simple words’, comes up with long videos that often encourage debates and divide the internet into two. One section stands strong with the Youtuber, labeling his content as an ‘eye-opener’ or ‘revolutionary’. The latter accused him of being anti-government or being politically biased.
Another story
To understand it better, let us go to the story of another YouTuber who recently joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Manish Kashyap. On his channel, Kashyap posted videos of various social and political issues in his ‘aggressive’ style that caught viewers' attention. Praised by audiences for his heroic style of reporting in Bihar, the journey of creating political content to enter politics came amid many controversies for the YouTuber.
In March 2023, Manish Kashyap aka Tripurari Kumar Tiwari, was arrested by the Tamilnadu police for posting YouTube videos of Bihari migrant workers being harassed in Tamilnadu. The posted video was fake and his videos resulted in a mass exodus of Bihari migrants from Tamil Nadu as they left their workplace without any prior notice. Amid arrest, he spent nine months in jail. Before this, an FIR was lodged against him for inciting vandalism following damage to the statue of King Edward VII on Maharani Janki Kunwar Hospital in his home district. He was arrested for attacking Kashmiri shawl vendors in Patna after the Pulwama attack.
But do online political debates mark an offline impact? Amid the digital revolution in India, the answer is yes. The viewers who consume such content are free to express their opinions. But here, it is equally important to focus on the numbers. With millions of subscribers, there can be some significant impact on opinion formation. However, most creators continue to emphasize that they create content to educate the masses and have nothing to do with the political parties.
Impact on elections
The impact of social media platforms and influencers cannot be overlooked during election campaigning. A report by the Election Commission of India (ECI) states that the BJP spent 325 crore and the Congress spent 356 crore for digital advertising during the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. It is quite clear that this figure will be multiplied for the 2024  Lok Sabha elections. Also, the government’s efforts such as the announcement of the National Creators Awards 2024 underline the recognition and importance of creators and influencers. 
Know more ezivote
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crsbysdot · 3 months
"This Community"
I'd like to introduce you all to a little Youtube niche I've come to refer to as "This Community".
This Community is a small, lesser-known sub-segment of Youtube's commentary community. To my understanding it was formed when members of the anti-Katie Joy and anti-mommy-vlogger communities began to overlap during the pandemic. So it's a reasonable new-ish community. It has overlaps in what I will be referring to as the "Krama community" (As a true crime person, I find referring to this group of people as "true crime" to be insulting) and recently, it's started to bleed into the recovery and prison communities as well.
There is A LOT of drama within This Community. If you were on here or Facebook and folowed the drama about Alaskan Bush People, you might have some idea of the kind of nastiness I;m talking about. There's been doxxing, harassment, and lies. Almost no one in this community has clean hands.
Among the cast of characters is...
An aspiring lawyer who made fake screenshots to implicate people in crimes.
A husband and wife team of trolls who faked a pregnancy for views and donations.
A Marilyn Monroe lookalike who hangs out with extraterrestrials.
A woman claiming her husband ran a troll gang that created doxxing.
A robot cat with an attitude problem.
And I know that I've just made that sound perfectly humorous but there's some legitimately heavy, serious, bad things happening within this hole in the wall communtity. This blog is meant to document it.
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nerianasims · 7 months
I've been trying to think of what to say after learning, yesterday, that that horrible child abuser "8 Passengers" YouTube family vlogger Ruby Franke is a high level member of an anti-sex misandrist cult. The leader of said cult, Jodi Hildebrandt, was inspired by 19th century Mormon teachings that say it's better for your child to be dead than "unchaste." This includes in thought.
Hildebrandt taught/teaches (I think she's in jail now?) that to be sexually attracted to your spouse is to be "distorted." (This sounds Scientology-ish.) Also that a man with sexual desires is an active danger to his family and should leave them for their protection. She's broken up a whole lot of marriages -- cults always do this, as they hate romantic and sexual attachment.
I guess I don't really have an analysis. The connections between this way of thinking and what's happening in the broader culture today are all too clear.
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bikekharidoblogs · 9 months
Hero Karizma XMR vs Yamaha R15 Drag Race- First Time on Internet
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Hero Karizma XMR vs Yamaha R15
The brand new 2023 Hero Karizma XMR takes on the Yamaha R15 in a drag race.
YouTubers often use the medium of drag races to match the performances of two bikes these days. Karizma is the latest motorbike out there.
The Yamaha R15 is a motorcycle which is revered by driving lovers because of its driving dynamics.
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Hero Karizma XMR vs Yamaha R15 Drag Race
This video comes from KSC Vlogs on YouTube. It show the two bikes facet by facet. The vloggers start the first round with pulled accelerator levers.
Right from the start, the Karizma takes a major lead. Curiously, it is ready to preserve that lead for the complete race and wins round one. For the second round, the riders decide to swap bikes.
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This ensures that the driver-specific points are resolved and constant outcomes are obtained.
Nonetheless, the end result remained the same. The Karizma zooms past the R15 proper from the phrase go and the latter is unable to catch it thereafter.
Due to this fact, the Karizma is the clear winner of this drag race.
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Specs Comparison
The Hero Karizma XMR is powered by 210cc BS6 engine which develops a power of 25.15 bhp and a torque of 20.4 Nm.
With both front and rear disc brakes, Hero Karizma XMR comes up with anti-locking braking system.
This Karizma XMR bike weighs 163.5 kg and has a fuel tank capacity of 11 liters.
Then again, the R15S has a 155-cc liquid-cooled 4V SOHC engine which develops a good 18.6 PS and 14.1 Nm of peak energy and torque.
There are disc brakes on both tyres. It weighs 142 kg and has a fuel tank capacity of 11 litres. Therefore, the Karizma has a clear benefit.
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scontomio · 9 months
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💣 Microfono Wireless Lavalier per iPhone, 2, 4GHz Mini Microfoni per Smartphone Cellulare Professionali 🤑 a soli 9,99€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/microfono-wireless-lavalier-per-iphone-2-4ghz-mini-microfoni-per-smartphone-cellulare-professionali/?feed_id=169206&_unique_id=6523d10c2efce&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Microfono%20Wireless%20Lavalier%20per%20iPhone%2C%202%2C%204GHz%20Mini%20Microfoni%20per%20Smartphone%20Cellulare%20Professionali Il Microfono Wireless Lavalier per iPhone è un mini microfono professionale che offre una qualità audio eccezionale. Dotato di un ricevitore lightning e un trasmettitore, si accoppia automaticamente con il tuo dispositivo. Il microfono lavalier integrato ad alta sensibilità riduce efficacemente il rumore di fondo, consentendo registrazioni chiare anche in ambienti rumorosi. Con una batteria integrata da 80mAh, offre fino a 8 ore di lavoro. Ideale per vlogger, youtuber, podcaster e altri appassionati di registrazione video. La sua trasmissione stabile e anti-interferenza raggiunge fino a 20 metri di distanza. Compatibile con iPhone 6, 7, 8, X, 11, 12, 13 e iPad. #coupon #evary #accessorifotoevideocamere #offerteamazon #scontomio
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itsgonnabemagne · 10 months
My acne journey
Disclaimer: my skin isn’t clear ever since I have undergone puberty and during college. This process has been difficult for me to share, but I noticed that my skin improved when I consulted a dermatologist and when I realized that it is important to learn how to take care of it.
This was my skin during college. And as a poor student, I only invested in a good cleanser which was a Clean&Clear anti-acne. Di rin ako masyado gumagamit ng make-up pa non kasi wala naman akong pambili so Johnson’s baby powder is da key.
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I didn’t really pay much attention to it as I was thinking it would just go away. It really did, until my menses got really painful every month and I started noticing my pimples become bigger and bigger too. I remember editing my pictures before I post it on facebook because it was really that bad. I started to buy make-up to conceal it. That’s when I also started to watch youtube videos about beauty products, followed a lot of beauty vloggers and learned how to put on products on my face. Ewan ko ba bakit make-up yung pinambibili ko non di ba dapat skin care? Hahaha
So this was also the time that I get to learn about skin products. But I only used dupes because what I saw from the vloggers were really expensive. In all fairness, my acne went away but it left scars.
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This was when I had enough money to invest in some good drug store make-up but my scars still show up. It got better as I was only having one large pimple every month when I get my period. Plus required samin magmaganda at maglagay ng kolorete sa mukha when I was working in makati med. I remember our managers won’t let us go on duty hangga’t wala kaming blush on and usually I put on something sa station na kapag late na ako haha
Then the COVID pandemic happened. Our hospital provided us with respirator masks na pwedeng palitan yung filters para hindi aksaya sa N95. After weeks of using respirator, I noticed na lalo akong nag oil up sa rubber. I had little pimples growing on the area where the mask is fitted around my cheeks. The only remedy I did was to stop using make-up. Again, dineadma ko.
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Until naging ganito yung pimples ko. It was worse weeks before I took this picture nung pasibol palang at putok na putok yung mga tigyawat. So I decided to consult a dermatologist. She gave me 2 options: If I wanted to just put on products, or take anti-acne pills. I got scared because I researched about it and yung iba sobra magpurge. But I decided to try taking the pills. Before taking it, the doctor made sure that I had no pre-existing problems as it could damage the kidneys and liver so I took some blood tests. And boom, bagsak si accla sobrang taas ng liver enzymes ko non kakainom sa apartment hahaha so ang advise sakin is magpa-abdominal ultrasound and find a gastroenterologist para malaman if anong supplements kailangan ko para bumaba yung enzymes and para ma-clear ako to take the anti acne pills.
Nainip ako and all the blood tests that I had ay hindi covered as an MMC employee so I had to pay for all of it. So ang nangyari, after all those tests, bumaba naman liver enzymes ko. But I wasn’t able to get a clearance from the gastro kasi di ako makahanap ng sched na free ako at free siya. I went back to the derma and told her na magpapahid nalang ako. So she recommended these products:
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So that comprises a gentle cleanser, Clindamycin toner, an Adapalene anti-acne gel and a tinted sunscreen. These cost around around 5,000-6,000 pesos and yan yung pinakamaliit na size. I also used the Luxxe Organix toner which is milder and I only put on the clindamycin toner every other night dahil mahapdi talaga siya.
I religiously used this products and followed the instructions the derma gave me. She also advised me not to use any kind of moisturizer kasi yung goal daw is patuyuin yung skin ko para maglabas ng natural oil but only be careful not to clog the pores. Hirap na hirap akong imaintain to kasi I still use mask when I have work. So what I did was, every time I feel oily, I remove the mask, wash it, and put it back on. Also removing the excess oil on my face.
After 3 months of using these products, this was my skin.
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It’s not a really big change but my face doesn’t feel sore and my acne have already dried up.
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This was my skin after 6 months of using the products. This was March 2021 and started to use them in October 2020. I started to use make-up again but I was careful which products to use kasi iniisip ko baka bumalik huhu but in this picture, I did not use foundation, sunscreen lang kasi we were in Cebu nito and sobrang init ayokong mahulas. Girl I never felt so good about my skin nung time na to. Kasi i dont have to put on much make-up. There was no filter either, i only edited the colors. My scars were still visible but it was better with no acne at all.
My derma also advised that I can stop using the products that she recommended after 6 months when I see results kasi may antibiotic yon which is not really adviseable as a maintenance.
We still used those repirator masks after this but I always made sure that it was thoroughly cleaned before I put it on. I also purchased N95 9320 masks on my own expense kasi para hindi masakit sa pisngi and it was less harsh than the green ones.
Up until now, I still get pimples but it was not the same as before. I also researched products that suits my skin and learned that the harshest formula isn’t the best.
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This is my skin now. No filter, no edit and no make-up on (pero kilay is life talaga). My scars are still visible and i’m still figuring out to get rid of it pero i think kailangan na ng procedure, di kakayanin ng pahid pahid yan. Natutunan ko din na “less is more” so this is my skin care routine now:
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Cetaphil oily skin cleanser (not in the photo nasa banyo lol)
Joseon Ginseng Essence Water as my toner
The Ordinary Salicylic Acid serum - I still get small pimple bumps from time to time and i’m still acne-prone. This is just 2% of salicylic acid so it’s not that harsh and I only use it every 2 nights
The Ordinary Niacinamide + Zinc serum - this is a holy grail. I started with Luxxe Organix Niacinamide serum because it only has 4% of niacinamide then I builded up to this. Natatakot kasi ako magpurge haha
Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Aqua Gel Cream - I started using this here in the UK kasi wala akong makitang Celeteque Acne Solutions Moisturizer which is the one I use in the Philippines. I only use this when I go out in the day. Di ko siya nilalagay as a part of my night routine kasi parang ang dami na.
Thank You Farmer sun cream - I still have the Tizo one which my derma recommended pero kasi tinted siya so I really don’t use it often. I only use Tizo when I put on make-up. I also just use this during the day.
I also make sure that the products I used are non-comedogenic and water-based esp with moisturizers so it won’t clog my pores because my skin is on the oily side. So far, this is my routine and I’m on the process of gaining my confidence back which hit rock bottom during the pandemic.
Taray blogger.
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jeramie-saito · 1 year
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Greetings, everyone! I'm thrilled to share that I now have a Linktree page, which includes a tip jar option. If you're able to contribute any amount to support our cause, which focuses on anti-racism efforts and aiding underprivileged children in the Philippines, your generosity would be immensely appreciated. Half of the proceeds will be dedicated to supporting anti-racism charities, as well as assisting needy children in Cebu. The other half will go towards sustaining my content creation on YouTube and my blogging endeavors on my website. Your assistance means the world to me, and I am deeply grateful for your support. Additionally, I would be grateful if you could consider subscribing to stay updated with my latest endeavors. Thank you so much for your kindness and support! Here is the link to my link tree account: https://linktr.ee/jeramiesaito
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