marinamothh · 6 hours
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this is a real tiktok and she means it so seriously and all the comments are like “wow i feel so validated that i DO have hobbies! i love to shop and look on instagram! men dont get it because our hobbies are about the social side of life!” … if you guys dont open a fucking book or learn to knit or buy a fucking paint by numbers or SOMETHING you are making us all look completely stupid. you are making women be shopping the basis of your feminism and i HATE YOUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!
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marinamothh · 7 hours
The narrative that acts like feminists inappropriately insert their politics into everything while men mind their business is a farce. Men insert their politics and male agendas into jokes, television, journalism, children’s books and movies, toys, religion, social common sense, cultures, traditions, classrooms, the economy and the entire system of human living . The only difference is that the male has declared himself the voice of objectivity: going against men is challenging nature itself.
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marinamothh · 12 hours
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speaking of the wall and fertility, I saw this really, really good post on a /g/ thread, I'll copy paste it >Here are my thoughts on this whole thing. It is mostly european or western society centric so I cant say I am speaking for entire world. >This whole ageism (The wall) thing is absolute INCEL MOID propaganda and semi-new at that. >Pre 20th century, women were expected to marry young because they were expected to pop out babies until their fourties. Those children were meant to work in the fields or (if sons) become future soldiers to go fight in moid wars. See the problem here? You were basically a brood mare for a moid-led society that treated life of your children as a resource so a king moid could have soldiers in his army or to work in fields so king moid could collect taxes, leaving little for your family to survive on. Also infant mortality rate was high too, and many mothers had at least one child die. This is where the "woman should be young" bullshit originates from. >Around 20th century, after world wars, living standards got higher. There are no needs to birth tons of children anymore and infant mortality rate is WAY smaller. You could focus on your life, career and hobbies more. So could your children, as more care was given to them. Therefore you did not have to start popping kids at 18. Also feminism was on the rise, and as years went on, women gained many rights were able to actually become independent members of society and not husband's property. There are still some comments around being "too old" at 30, but those were influenced by centuries of women subjugation of being a property and a broodmare. >Now moids noticed that because they lost that tiny bit of power and they do not have the same grip on society as they once had. However they are obsessed with power. They want to be kings who powertrip and lead pointless wars where thousands die, bringing ruin to society just for their own ego. They need women to be below them and subjugated to them in every aspect. Also, now that women are free to choose, these genetic trash men do not get their free wife appliance anymore - and they are angry. So now in 21st century they are working hardest to bring back the "old ways". Abortion rights got taken away. Feminism is getting ruined from inside by "liberal feminism" (that is led by moids). Women who are ONLY 25 are getting told they are too old? Too old for what exactly?? >When I was a child/teen, me and other girls actually wanted to become older. Nobody feared 30. Nowadays I see women crying about how they are turning 23. Or girls who fear aging past 16. It is awful that the moid propaganda is working. If you tie your value to your age, you are shitting on everything women in the past have fought for. You are letting moids gain more power and the more power they gain - the more misery they make. They will make the world go back to the dark ages if they can, all for the sake of their peen. So, even if you are being bombarded with propaganda, please remember: >The fact that you are able to turn 30 without being forcibly tied to some moid and forced to birth children since 18 is the proof of your FREEDOM AS A HUMAN BEING.
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https://www.nature.com/articles/nrurol.2016.37[Archived Copy] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4001324/[Archived Copy] https://www.aging-us.com/article/100149/text[Archived Copy] Male and female mating optimas are antagonistic. Judging male reproductive quality by his ability to fertilize is delusional because a male and his worthless gametes are meant to be tested against female choice. Males understandably like to think that continued gamete production into old age is evidence of continued "fertility", when in reality it's something akin to aging and malignancy - an aimless program. Just because growth still occurs past certain age doesn't mean it's desirable, useful or even intended. More deformed sperm with more gain of function mutations is more "virulent" (fertile) and rapidly outcompetes high quality sperm just via passage of time, both in the nutsack and the female reproductive tract, much like cancer by nature outcompetes properly organized tissue. That doesn't make it the prize, quite the opposite. The self soothing delusion in which past prime sperm production is evidence of males being meant to breed after their average pre-agricultural age of death is something the incel sons of old males are now paying for.
the ugly men psyOp discussion on lolcow dot farm
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marinamothh · 12 hours
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marinamothh · 12 hours
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marinamothh · 12 hours
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marinamothh · 1 day
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marinamothh · 1 day
barbie movie's lukewarm feminist messaging was cute and the bit where she was so happy to go the gynaecologist made me laugh but the way conservatives are talking about it you'd think margot robbie started reciting the S.C.U.M. manifesto on screen
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marinamothh · 1 day
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the trolley problem vs. systemic oppression: a comic.
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marinamothh · 1 day
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op disabled reblogs so here
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marinamothh · 1 day
Woman without wearing her mandatory headscarf flashes a victory sign
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marinamothh · 1 day
please reblog and tag if you’re a celibate or febfem radical feminist!! let’s get a radblr roll call of you legends! lesbians can reblog to amplify but make it clear in the tags you’re a lesbian - I plan on making a masterlist of febfems and celibates to follow so make it clear if you are one
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marinamothh · 2 days
I hate men so I limit my interactions with them. You hate women so you... continuously attempt to interact with them to tell them how much you hate them..?
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marinamothh · 2 days
casually debunking some common libfem talking points because i’m based and radpilled :33
“Feminism is about equality of the sexes” nope! feminism is about women’s rights and the liberation of women from patriarchy. simply just giving women the same rights as men will not solve domestic violence, rape, assault, fgm, etc.
“Men can be feminists/feminism is for everyone” like i said previously, feminism is about women’s rights and liberation, this cannot be achieved if men are included into the equation. most movements need to be exclusionary to a certain extent, for example the black liberation movement, LGB liberation , fat acceptance, etc (also men only claim to be feminists so they can reap the social benefits of saying so. but the minute you criticize porn they’ll start calling you misogynistic slurs)
“misandry is real and hurts men” misandry isn’t even real lmao. the biggest misandrist you’ll ever meet will never be able match the hatred men give us on a daily basis. hate is rape, murder, assault, fgm, honor killings, domestic violence. if “misandry” hurts your precious feelings then just log off. misandry simply annoys men, misogyny gets women killed.
“prostitution is empowering for women” this one angers me the most. there is NOTHING empowering about an industry that sees women as nothing but things to put their dicks in. there will never be enough willing sex workers to override the numerous women and little girls trapped in prostitution who are raped, beaten, and killed
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marinamothh · 2 days
The fact that most people with PTSD are sexually abused women, and yet only male soldiers are ever focused on just doesn’t sit right with me
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marinamothh · 2 days
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marinamothh · 2 days
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Hey yall! Life's been hella busy lately (I bought my first apartment!) But here's a new poster for you all!
Sometimes with feminism I feel like it's useless to even try. Our rights are being rolled back and we have to reaffirm ourselves again and again.
But then, it's important to look back and see what the women before us accomplished, and how they made our lives better. And hopefully, we can make it better for girls in the future, too.
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