#anti ramon diaz
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eddiestach87 · 9 days ago
One of the reasons why I think things coming to light that the fans don't know about is Helena and Ramon being shitty is because of this-
Christopher needs a solid reason to FULLY trust Eddie again. I don't want him to be betrayed for another time. But he would feel a sense of betrayal if his grandparents were sabotaging their own son from having access to Chris. He already wants more bodily autonomy. That wouldn't help. Them making that decision FOR him
It would enrage him enough to move back with Eddie
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porkchop200324 · 3 months ago
Billy and Graham Dunne 🤝 Chimney and Albert Han 🤝 The Buckley siblings 🤝 Hen Wilson 🤝 The Diaz Siblings
Having the worst dads.
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annemriex · 5 months ago
I just found a fic in my drafts that I started in the summer before the new season started.
I don’t know if I should continue it or not it definitely won’t be canon compliant but I think if I manage to get it written out it could be so much fun to do.
It’s from Chris’ POV while he’s in Texas getting to know about his parents childhood and his Tia’s.
In this fic Adriana is ten years younger than Eddie and it’s made me realise that although it’s totally different circumstances her and Eddie kind of mirror Chris and Shannon.
Eddie went to war when Adriana was 8/9 was gone for nearly 4 years. Came back for around a year then moved to LA.
Shannon left when Chris was 5/6 was gone for 2 years and then came back for months and then died.
I think it would be neat to have Adriana be like this young woman who just wants her brother to talk to her like he used to because he’s the coolest person she knows. She’ll then realise he’s a massive dork and not actually that cool but you get me.
Sophia I hadn’t got to adding yet but I would have her in the middle of the two age wise so that Eddie still felt the shift from only child to big brother but he and Sophia were a little team and she’s more angry that he left and just cut them off. But she’d be the one to be able to help Chris learn about his parents as kids because she was old enough to remember better than Adriana.
Chris would end up arguing with Helena and Ramon about the way they’ve handled everything.
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cassidyrivers · 8 months ago
I don't know if someone has already spoken this theory in existence (I'm new in the fandom but I'm sure someone's already thought about it at least), but I had a horrible thought that is now basically a headcanon for me.
Say Eddie was openly bi/pan/demi/queer in his teens to his family for one reason or another with their reactions varying. What if when Chris was conceived, one of the reasons the Diaz parents were so insistent that Eddie and Shannon get married was to get their son in a "straight" relationship? I mean, they disliked/hated Shannon and made her life hell, so one more reason for the pressure applied could be that?
I hate my mind for going there, but honestly, I see it from them.
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cassidyrivers · 3 months ago
The fact that the foster care system in 911 (idk how it is irl) cares more about parental reunification than the Diaz parents is actually my villain origin story...
i don’t care if helena & ramon are the most amazing perfect guardians in the universe to chris, it’s shitty that they're not working toward reunification of their son and grandson like they should be
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porque-nolos-dos · 2 months ago
eddie diaz is truly a better person than i could ever be, because if my parents parentified me when i was a child and i was expected to step up and be the "man of the house" at age 10 or whatever that bs was, and then when i had my ACTUAL child whom i am ACTUALLY responsible for and am raising (something that i WANT to do and LOVE doing because hey, i LOVE my kid), and my parents where then like "you have no idea what you're doing. we should raise your kid. how could you think that you could ever do this" el paso simply would no longer exist. it would be burned off the map from the rage of it all. it would be fucking nuclear. if season 8b isn't just eddie eviscerating his parents for 10 episodes straight, then what's the point of it all? just to suffer??
anyways. good night to everyone except to ramon and helena diaz. you two are always welcome to go fuck yourself.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 27 days ago
Ok so how are we feeling about the Diaz parents
(Full disclosure I don’t like them. I mean you see your son and he tells you he was with the exact doppelgänger of his wife and you don’t stop and think: “Wait this actually might be a cry for help maybe we should stay here and help OUR SON and his son” )
oh i absolutely fucking despise them both as people and as characters
(get ready this is gonna be a long reply
for context, i have to talk about the bts of it all
the way the show handled the whole situation w gavin’s restricted filming schedule due to his family moving really pisses me off as a whole because like- he barely showed up in s7 anyway and no one questioned why we were getting fewer chris scenes bc we as a fandom understood that gavin is getting older and his family moved and thus that creates some scheduling conflicts; so the logical solution would be to just give him less screentime like may and harry as he gets older (even though yeah, it sucks but it’s better than the alternative we got)
but instead of just doing that, they chose to have eddie go off the deep end (and not even for a good reason because nothing about this plot has furthered his character in my honest opinion- 806 did absolutely nothing for him that wasn’t already done in previous arcs and it just felt like “oh we have to give eddie something after hyping him up all season” so they shoe-horned that arc in and it fell completely flat for me.) just to give them an excuse to send christopher away on screen rather than just giving him less screentime to work with gavin’s schedule.
but as far as the diaz parents of it all; it honestly ruins the quality of their characters within the story bc now they’be gone from bad parents who stick their noses into their son’s business a little too much and don’t understand him to now being complete comic book super villains who are hellbent on making their son miserable for their own gain and it’s like… for what reason?
bc before this happened, even though i think the diazes are awful parents, i do think they genuinely love their children (hell we even had that whole plot in s5 w eddie and ramon coming to a little bit of a reconciliation) but tim minear has been using this philosophy of “shock value and drama are more important in this show than the actual storytelling” so he just completely threw out the love that they do have for eddie to replace them with these evil heartless characatures of themselves looming over the narrative.
like i personally have a rocky relationship w my own mother- she’s a super conservative christian woman and im a socialist nonbinary gay person, but at the end of the day no matter how rocky pur relationship is she still loves me and would never do anything to intentionally harm me for her own benefit.
so yeah- i hated the diazes as parents before but they at least were decent characters in eddie’s story, but unfortunately s7/8 have just made me completely hate them even as characters bc tim and the writers have just ruined the dynamic they had going bc they would much rather infuse shock value and cheap, unearned drama into the show to grab people’s attention rather than take the time to create a meaningful story that would in and of itself provide sufficient room for drama within an actually enjoyable narrative.
overall… im super disappointed with how all the diazes have been written since 707… even eddie. it feels like they took a character who has so much potential for interesting storylines snd turned him into a narrative punching bag, snd have kinda turned him into a watered down version of who he used to be all in the sake of cheap tv show drama- and as an (obviously) eddie diaz stan, it disappoints me that my favorite character and his arc are being treated so poorly by the writers to the extent that a story and character dynamic i used to relate to so well has been destroyed in favor of hamming up the plot purely for shock factor purposes (if any of that made sense i’ll be shocked by im literally typing this w one eye open im so tired)
i’m sorry this may not be the exact kind of answer you were looking for but your ask hit me right while i was actually thinking about all of this and i just had to share my whole thought process lol 😭 thank you for the ask bestie <3
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inthecarwithaboy · 1 month ago
Whatever happens with Eddie going to El Paso (or not) I desperately need it to be about Eddie (and Chris). We know Buck is going to have Big Feelings, as he always does (and I do want him to), but for the first time in many seasons, can Eddie's arc actually be about him? And not be taken over by Buck and his feelings and issues? It's not a lot to ask.
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chronicowboy · 5 months ago
in the shower crafting intricate and extensive rants in defense of eddie diaz like i'll ever actually meet fictional Worst Person Alive helena maidenname (she doesn't deserve diaz)
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makorragal-312 · 4 months ago
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Since I'm a Demi!Gay!Eddie truther, I have a theory that Eddie was hesitant to be intimate with Shannon when they were together and Ramon would end up constantly getting on Eddie's ass about it and would question his masculinity to his face and ask if up front if he was "a real man." And Eddie, feeling pressured to conform, would end up finally sleeping with her.
So when Chris was inevitably conceived and Eddie and Shannon were forced to get married, Eddie went to his parents and begged them to not have them do it, only for Ramon to tell him to "man up" and go through with it to preserve their family.
And as a result, Eddie has been repressing those memories all this time and they won't end up being reopened until he confronts his queerness and corresponding catholic guilt in his upcoming arc.
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eddiestach87 · 5 months ago
The other alternative-and less nefarious means for Helena is having generational trauma. Ryan has said Eddie isn't used to talking about his feelings.
I lowkey think that they aren't getting Chritopher hardly any therapy. They are distracting him with material thing, like lots of friends, and a pool. I don't think Helena and Ramone have ever gone to therapy.
It kind of shows.
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consumedbyfeels · 9 months ago
I just love how i see all this hate towards Tommy Kinard one of the most loyal, kind, genuine, and good people. Instead of towards Gerrard who is playing prejudice bingo and winning. This man is a bigot in all the ways you can be but we don't hate him. No we hate Tommy who is one of the most genuinely good people ever. Please make it make sense. Point your hate is a valid direction please.
I've seen people hate more on Tommy than Margaret and Philip Buckley. I know they got a redemption arc but they deserve some hate as well. I would argue they were forgiven to easily but that's me.
Hate Councilwoman Ortiz for taking Mara away from Hen and Karen and revoking there foster licence.
Hate Ramon and Helena Diaz for instead of calling Eddie just jumping on a plane and then proceeding to take his son with them. Granted in was what Chris wanted but I wonder if given time to calm down and without the Diaz's there he would have decided to stay. Maybe Buck could have talked his feeling through with him and he might have changed him mind if he wasn't thinking about thing so emotionally fuelled and impulsively, granted his is a teenager and that's kinda what they do, so maybe not.
Point is hate someone who deserves to be hated not Tommy who does not deserve it.
Most of the hate towards Tommy isn't even about Tommy anyway. It's the toxic Buddie shippers who hate that Buck has a boyfriend who is not Eddie. I'm not saying all Buddie shippers are toxic cuz some of y'all are fine but the ones who are loudest on my dash are fucking toxic.
There is absolutely nothing to hate Tommy Kinard for. And Buck and Eddie are just friends, Eddie is straight. Ryan has said that Eddie is Hetrosexual and there is nothing to indicate otherwise in cannon. Buck is dating Tommy and thriving. Eddie is happy for them. You are seriously going to have a problem with the first relationship Buck has ever had that is genuinely good just because it's a guy who isn't Eddie. Come on people enjoy your ship that's fine. But don't be a dick about ours.
And please remember to tag your anti tommy kinard posts with #antitommykinard. Blocking the tag only helps if people use it.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 3 years ago
I received an ask about if Eddies trip to Texas might be because of a family tragedy situation similar to Bucks rather than a queer awakening story and my response got long so I thought it would be better as an actual post rather than an answer to an ask!
My opinion is that its very unlikely that thats the route they'll take - simply for the reason that I can't see the writers repeating a storyline such as Bucks secret family tragedy - especially so close to Bucks (and Maddie's) own family tragedy which is still very much playing out - we've seen some of how the family secret has weighed on Maddie in 5b - how it impacted on her and her own mental health struggles and we really haven't explored how this new knowledge is affecting Buck. Buck is a master of disguise in many ways in that we actually know very little of what is going on with him - he said it himself in season 4 'I hide my true feelings from others' and Buck is very much doing that in season 5 - Hen is probably the person he's revealed the most to and even that is some what superficial. The fact that Buck has spent the season trying to 'fix' everyone else's problems - Maddie, Chimney, Eddie and Chris (and even Taylor) has allowed him to deflect and avoid dealing with his own mental health - I'm fully expecting season 6 to explore this. Once everyone else finds themselves in better places and therefore Buck can't keep 'fixing' everyone else to avoid fixing himself he's going to have to turn his fixing skills inward and I am of the opinion that talking about the shooting with Eddie is actually the first step on that path.
So that is why I think we have to look elsewhere for Eddies story. Then there is also the fact that the synopsis specified his father - not his family in general, or his parents, but his father. If it was a family tragedy then we would expect them to state it in the synopsis. Instead of ‘Meanwhile, Eddie visits Texas, where he attempts to reconcile with his father’ we would have something like ‘Meanwhile, Eddie visits Texas to deal with a family emergency’ or words to that effect. 
Mexican American families tend to have a fairly defined family dynamic with a set of expectations that everyone is expected to conform to - the patriarch sets the rules and the matriarch enforces - it can be very traditionalist and tends to play to old school gender norms - and Eddie as an only son would definitely be expected to follow his fathers example and not step outside of the narrow lines. He would be expected to ‘be a man’ - not show his emotions and provide for his family. We’ve seen him speak about it - ‘if I hadn’t joined the army I’d still be working with my pop’ and we also know that Ramon was proud of Eddie for serving - in Eddie begins we see him reading the silver star certificate - its implied that this is not for the first time and you can hear the pride in his voice - Eddie is described as a hero - he claims its what anyone would’ve done but Ramon contradicts him saying that ‘if that were true everyone would be walking around with a silver star.’ 
All of this gives us hints at the complexity of that dynamic - Eddie has conformed to family expectation and its made his father proud but it was actually an incredibly  traumatic experience for him - one that continues to be as we’re seeing play out. It goes to suggest that this is something Eddie has been doing repeatedly - conforming but it continuously compounding the trauma and that it is all connected to his father. 
We've also been given enough textual hints this season to be able to figure some things out - the 911 writers are very careful about what words they choose to have their characters say - the scrip has to do a lot of work and so every word is important. Therefore the fact that the word 'repression' was used during Eddies health scare is important, the choice for Eddie to say 'the first woman i've wanted to spend time with' and many other examples are all loaded and designed to give viewers clues if they’re paying attention as to where the story is heading - there is a reason we’ve all been speculating about Eddie queer awaking in fandom for a while - we’ve been reading the clues. 
The whole of Eddies therapy appointment in 5x13 is very loaded - the way the conversation is directed (its exactly how real life therapy works) to push Eddie (and the viewer) in certain directions so that he can begin to connect dots for himself. Now in real world therapy this might happen over several sessions, but 911 doesn’t have the time to do this so they have to ‘speed up the timeline a little’ - so we have Frank choosing to bring up Eddie blowing up at Bobby - Eddies defacto father figure - pushing the idea that in the present we lash out at people who represent an aspect of out past which holds trauma or complexity - the thing which has played a major contributing factor in our present struggles - hence Eddie lashing out at bobby - when he really wanted to lash out at his father.
Franks loaded line ties all of this together - his telling Eddie ’maybe you should talk about your pain with someone who shares it. Think about that first trauma and then talk to someone who can understand what you’ve been through.’ Of course, it plays perfectly into Eddies time in the army - the viewer will naturally go straight there in their mind - because that is where Eddie has gone in his - because he’s still repressing. The thing is the army clearly wasn’t his first trauma - in part Eddies breakdown is as a result of his repression (i’m going to probably explain this very badly, but hopefully it will make sense!). 
Think about it this way - something happened to you in childhood or your teen years - whatever it was lead to big problems - major arguments with you family and possibly the reprobation of the society in which you live, who then started to constantly behave and speak in ways that were unkind, derogatory and made you want to make it stop - so you start repressing that part of you and put huge amounts of energy into trying to fit in. The comments etc never fully go away, but you are able to live more comfortably - as long as you maintain this facade you’ve put up. Then when the first opportunity presents itself you escape (into the army). The thing is your escape route is both freeing and traumatic and so your trauma compounds itself -  the army is a loud kind of trauma - unlike the first trauma it tricks you into thinking that this is actually the first trauma - because that’s what trauma should be right - loud - a big event that has defined perimeters. 
So when you reach the point Eddie is at - where you’ve had several loud traumas, you will trick yourself into thinking the army is the first trauma. So you reach out - as Frank has told you to - only you find you can’t - because they’re all dead - so you can’t do you homework and deal’ with that trauma - so you spiral because that loud trauma is no longer in play - its now a new trauma and therefore more recent. That trauma from further back - the quiet one - that now comes into play - almost as if its taunting you - so you lash out because you know that all your trauma stems from this one trauma that you’ve been attempting to outrun since it happened - it was the reason you joined the army, it was the reason that you ran from you family and the society you knew - to LA (its no coincidence you chose somewhere more accepting and diverse) where you start a job which is similar enough to being in the army - the freedom you enjoyed such as the camaraderie - but without the traumatic bits - the getting shot at etc. 
But then - your new job turns out to not be as trauma free as you thought and eventually you get to where Eddie was in 5x10 - where you get a wake up call. Only Eddie, because he is so repressed and conditioned, didn’t seek help - he changed jobs. Now though, he has lots of time to think and cycle through all that trauma - he thinks going back to what he was doing will solve the problem and when that can’t happen lashes out at the person who represents the cause of his first trauma. So you do get help - thinking that will allow you to keep on repressing that first trauma because if you deal with all the other stuff - you’ll be able to get a better grip on the one thing you’ve been working on repressing for the longest - the first thing. After you lash out you feel guilty (both for the misplaced anger, but also at yourself because you know deep down that you lashed out at the wrong person and you know why) so you do what they suggested - you go to therapy - and your therapist tells you ‘go back to the first trauma and talk to someone about your pain’ - and you are still in denial so you go for the loud trauma - the army - only you can’t talk to someone about your pain and that actual first trauma is their waiting for you to lower you guard and the moment it happens - you lash out and break down because now, now you are going to actually have to face up to the real first trauma.
Note what Frank tells Eddie - ‘talk about your pain with someone who shares it’ followed by ‘and then talk to someone who can understand what you’ve been through.’ That is two separate conversations and it doesn’t follow that they have to be had with the same person - in fact its heavily suggesting that they aren’t/shouldn’t the same person - so Eddie going back to Texas is the first conversation - the one to be had with the person who shares the pain - Eddies father. The person who Eddie has ‘disappointed’ because we shouldn’t forget that Ramon will have pain in this as well - the pain of disappointment in having a son who doesn’t conform to his and the family ingrained expectations. You have to look at this from the outside and understand that from his perspective - because he is seeing things very differently - he is right in his thoughts and opinions (his ideology is outdated and wrong, but it is an ideology that unfortunately still exists in the world and the show is telling that story so don’t @me anyone for saying this). 
However that conversation goes, Eddie will then be in a position to have the second conversation - with someone who understands - now we don’t know who that will be but I’m guessing that weight see Hen (and or  Karen) come into play here - because they are the most likely of our cast to understand. Of course it might be Buck, it might be Maddie (although she has her own thing going on so its very unlikely) because they understand about disappointing your parents etc. But we’ve seen the show expanding the Eddie/ Hen dynamic this season and I feel like it’s been done to lead into them having that second conversation and this also slots in nicely with the HenRen vow renewal theory because Hen preparing to celebrate and reaffirm her love for Karen is the perfect premise for Eddie and Hen to have a conversation about being gay and finding love but also acceptance and potentially about learning to live with a family member who doesn’t approve. We don’t know her fathers opinion on Hens sexuality remember - he might’ve been estranged in part because of it and his pride wouldn’t let him accept he was wrong so he followed her life secretly and from afar and there is no reason that Ramon couldn’t be in the same boat - to ingrained in his way of thinking to admit cubically but secretly proud of his son and the life he lives.
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ellelans · 3 years ago
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I am going to be better. For Christopher? For myself.
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reneesfanworks · 3 years ago
you know guys maybe I'm projecting because I'm a closeted non binary bisexual latin person but I really love eddie, specially his arc this past seasons and it CRAZY how easy is to project these feelings in his character.
ive been heavily empathizing with him since Eddie begins and it's only gotten worse. The thing with his parents? How he loves them but they've hurt him lots without even realizing, his whole thing with ramon apologizing for being distant and them promising to do better? Girl I was crying. This wee woo show had me crying in the club that night
maybe that's why I think about eddieana so much. like, I've been trying to find screencaps from 3x01 just to pinpoint how dull eddie looked around ana because, again, RYAN👏 FUCKING 👏GUZMAN👏ACTS👏WITH👏HIS👏 FUCKING👏FACE NOBODY'S GONNA TELL ME THAT WAS THE BEST "BESOTTED" LOOK HE WAS ABLE TO MAKE. YOU CANT TELL ME THAT WAS A STRAIGHT MAN LOOKING AT A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN
i don't really think buddie or even queer eddie will be canon because I don't trust writers by default but if it ever becomes true? I'm going to be insufferable, I'm going to feel madly validated, I'm going to rub it on my whole family's face
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So, Ana heard about annual Diaz family gathering and pushes Eddie to let her go with him. She brings it up so many times, so to shut her up he reluctantly took Ana there. He wasn’t sure it was time to meet family since they have been dating only a few months. It wasn’t serious. And he already was having doubts about their whole relationship because of her behavior: calling him “Edmundo” despite him asking her multiple times to stop doing that, trying to interfere with his (and Buck’s) parenting of Chris, constantly complaining about him spending time with his “coworkers” when he should be hanging out with her. Not to mention that she and Buck are not getting along at all, and Buck refuses to hear about her ever since the uber incident™. Christopher’s not a fan too.
Eddie tries to invite Buck with him for moral support and because he’s Buck. Then promptly finds out that he is already invited by Pepa, Abuela, Christopher and… his parents? Turns out, Ramon and Helena have been keeping in contact with Buck since the Texas wildfires, because how could they not? He’s such a sweetheart and apparently charms every Diaz he meets (what else is new😏).
Helena hears Ana complaining about Buck being here, about how many people are there and “I won’t even see the half of them again, why bother remembering their names? “. And in the first few minutes of the introduction she just knows: she won’t like this arrogant brat. You won’t be dating my boy for long, not on my watch.
Helena strongly dislikes Ana and is not hiding it at all. Ana tries to bond with Helena because she’s Eddie’s mother and her future mother-in-law (ha, in your dreams, lady😂), but Helena is having none of it and outright goes past her and straight to Buck. She wants to catch up with him.
Meanwhile, Eddie have a talk with his dad. He’s thinking he’s doing the right thing by dating a woman, a Latina woman (you poor repressed bi-boi). Ramon is not impressed:
“Mijo, what gave you the impression that we want you to have only Mexican partner? Are you aware that your mother is Swedish, not Latina? All that matters is that they are a good person and you’re happy with them.”
Eddie doesn’t miss the fact that his father keeps saying “they”, not “she”. He points it out. Ramon confesses that they suspected that Eddie is, in fact, not straight since before he was in high school. But because it was Texas they understood why he never came out. Eddie is shooketh.
Back to Buck. Ana tries to eavesdrop on Helena’s conversation, but alas, no such luck: Buck talks with Helena in fluent Swedish.
Eddie saw Ana eavesdropping on his mom and Buck, and got angry, he went to tell her off, but when he nears he sees that she looks constipated and like she has no fucking clue what are they talking about. Then with a jolt Eddie realizes they are speaking Swedish. He knew that Buck speaks Spanish (he lived in South America after all) but Swedish?
Helena and Buck are ✨talking shit✨about Ana right in front of her (you think we didn’t see you?), because they can and no one can call them out on it, except Ramon and Eddie, but those two are too busy swooning over listening how the loves of their lives speaking Swedish (those Diaz men, you sure know how to pick 'em 😄).
Christopher understands a little bit of Swedish (he lived first few years of his life with his grandparents after all, it was bound to happen) and having a blast over what his Abuela and his Buck are saying.
If someone's interested in writing this, please tag me when you're done.
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