#anti kishimoney
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naruot · 7 years ago
honestly the thing that i really hate is that Kishimoto stopped caring about Naruto mid-shippuden,and i'm talking about the whole show now.It's so obvious that he doesn't care,and just ended up drawing what people told him that the fan's liked,what would bring more money for him.Honestly,Naruto could have been alot better if he would make everything the way he wanted.But it doesn't matters now
Even when kishimoto cared about shippuden it wasn’t that great The gaara arc was okay I guess and it did show sakura in her element so that’s good plus I like seeing the sand village however after that the show sucks
I don’t exactly remember the arc after gaara but I bet it’s some dumb sasuke retrieval arc then the whole kakazu and hidan arc was just shitty I heard that kishimoto was told to rush that arc for the sake of bringing more sasuke in the series and the arc does seem kind of rushed to me and the ending just doesn’t make any sense how would shikamaru be able to defeat hidan with such an idiotic plan
And after the hidan arc isn’t it another fucking sasuke retrieval arc? To me my favorite arc in shippuden is the pein arc I love everything he stood for he was one of the only characters that actually questioned the hidden leaf and didn’t believe in there wanna be good guys facade but I hate how the arc ended the end of the pein arc didn’t make any sense either how nagato just easily gave up and put all his trust into naruto when he didn’t even have a solution for obtaining peace my mind was blow.
My point is that kishimoto not caring for naruto isn’t the only reason why it’s bad it’s the MAIN reason it’s shitty but I truly believe if kishimoto wrote the manga the way he wanted it would be an okay anime at best
Thanks for the ask 😗
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jeageristsasuke · 7 years ago
It's almost 2018 and I still can't believe Neji died for Naruto to notice Hinata
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lazybutt1990 · 7 years ago
Naruto Vs Sasuke Final Battle Full Fight English Sub - Sasuke's Chibaku ...
Re-watched still dope af, but like holy shit...the way sakura is written in this moment, makes it seem like the entire series Sakura actually thought sasuke cared for her...what the fuck...like Kishimoto what was the point of her getting genjustued in that way if it wasnt supposed to be an aye opener or atleast a like “he he doesnt like you”...wtf. 
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konohaaintshit · 8 years ago
Starting a side blog for my Anti Konoha, Anti Naruto, Anti Ships, Anti Shinobi System. Anti Kishimoney.
Go ahead and send me some ask! Anything you feel salty about, disagree and more!
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testingcheats0n · 8 years ago
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This pannel FUCKED ME UP! Really! I hate Sakura but what I hate even more is blatant sexism, it literally looks like an image from the '50/'60s guides to be the perfect wife (ie. a housewife). Fuck you Kishimoto isn't she supposed to be your main heroine? Or at-fuxking-least a very strong kunoichi which, idk, could pay someone to clean for her? No, because she's broke now, and she faints too now. She could be shown doing anything else, at the hospital, the hokage's office, somewhere not cleaning the house and showing financial stabiliy as expected from "the Uchiha matriarch". No? Something worth showing us anti-Sakuras where to stick it? Anyway I could be doing anything else than defend the pink bitch but this shows how much it possed me off
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theeejay · 8 years ago
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Well, Hinata really ruined the entire series for many Naruto fans... including me.
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snk-ame-chan · 8 years ago
Me: This stupid onion is not gonna make me cry >:D!
Onion: Even though Naruto and Sasuke showed throughout the serie how strong and romantical was their relationship, his creator still succumbs to the presion of his editors and decided to ship them with the hetero available love interest, even thought Sasuke and Naruto never show any reciprocity to their female partner's feelings and ended up in a unhappy, unhealthy and sad relationship were all the members of their respective families are unsatisfied with their current relationship and were Naruto's and sasuke's child are more comfortable with their teammate's father rather than with their own.
Me: D': -cries uncontrollably-
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thefruthiepotatoe29 · 8 years ago
So I watched 500... Ya'll know when a story is shit when it's a worse love story than Twilight.
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narusakuuuu-blog · 8 years ago
Never Forget
Never forget that despite Kishimoto claiming NaruHina was planned early on, he forgot to give the kids Byakugan at a point.
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naruot · 7 years ago
5 and 9 😅😉
SALTY ASK LIST (I fell asleep yesterday sorry lol)
5. Not really I never cared for the pairings I can say the SS fandom made me actually hate SS because they swear the ship is perfect like no that’s the worst ship in the series
9. Naruto he ruined his whole series, obito he’s full of crap can’t stand him, jiraiya just a perverted weirdo, kakashi a hypocrite, itachi his character makes no sense, tobirama hating ass, and I bet there’s more but I can’t remember right now lol
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konohaaintshit · 8 years ago
Sorry to bother you again but what are your thoughts on the new Boruto writers and illustrator also Kishimoto is making a new sci-fi manga
No worries! I like getting asks! 
Boruto writers are only catering to shippers and new fans. I don’t expect anything amazing out of them at all. They’re just here to milk the series. Kishimoto making another manga? Lmao. He shouldn’t and if he does, it won’t be as popular as Naruto because fuck if he thinks people will trust him after what he did to his own characters. Fuck that. Though I don’t doubt that there will be extreme Kishimoto fans who’ll try to hype his new manga.
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thefruthiepotatoe29 · 8 years ago
You know what's worse than watching Naruto Shippuuden episode 500? Watching episode 500 on Youtube. The comments give me cancer.
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desire-venom · 8 years ago
I hate this so much
Whenever I'm scrolling down on Tumblr and I see lots of filler about Naruhina, Hinata, and such. It's so annoying because they don't even use the right tags, douchebags.
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naruot · 8 years ago
How do you really feel about naruhina
I don’t like naruhina at all
The reason I don’t like NH is because they had no real development the whole series she was just stalking him
And I hate how they keep changing things in the series to make her fit into naruto’s story like the whole her being there for naruto since the beginning isn’t true and naruto getting trapped in a genjutsu to realize he loves her?!?! he’s an jinchuriki he should be immune to genjutsu!
Naruto and hinata never had enough development together for me to believe they were going to be end game
People like to bring up the chunin exams and how he cheered for her during her fight against neji but naruto literally cheers for EVERYONE so that doesn’t count and him getting mad because pein hit her doesn’t count either if any of his friends got hurt he would’ve done the same thing!
And any so call ‘development’ they got during the war arc doesn’t count because once minato asked naruto if sakura was his girlfriend he straight up says YES!!! So your gonna tell me chapter 1-699 there was a time where naruto loved hinata? Nope
And the last movie was just so insulting! the first half of the movie naruto couldn’t care less for hinata he didn’t even want to walk her home… he literally needed the genjutsu (that he should’ve been immune to) to show him that he ‘loves’ hinata the whole movie felt filler-y even the action to me was bleh (but that’s my opinion) also the whole shinobi on the moon thing was just to much
One thing I will give hinata credit for is that she never pushed her feelings and try to make naruto submit to her I feel like if naruto got with someone else she would be sad but she would try to be happy for him and I believe that hinata wants naruto to be happy but right now with his family he doesn’t even seems that way
And I know the anime is ‘canon’ but don’t you see how different naruto is with his family when it comes to manga and the anime?
In the manga he looks tired, fed up, and just over his family and the the anime comes around and tries to do damage control adding scenes where he’s taking care of his family and being a loving husband
And she’s not even that great of a mom in the boruto movie she made boruto go after naruto what did she think boruto was going to do? He’s extremely weaker then naruto and sasuke so I just don’t understand!
The relationship just looks so shitty it’s not the worst one in the series (sasusaku) but it’s still pretty bad
Thanks for the ask 🚼
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jeageristsasuke · 8 years ago
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naruot · 8 years ago
But I thought Itachi was so brilliant that he rivaled that of a Hokage? I thought he was so wise for his age? So why can't he somehow find a loophole? I'm going by how Kishimoto wrote him. Kishimoto wrote him like he was the most intellectual being in the Naruto verse. A saint with a sob story. That his actions were justified because Uchiha are cursed and they wanted to rebel against the village. Someone who was written in such a way can't think outside the box? Itachi just took the easy way out
Well we all know that itachi’s an idiot lol
Kishimoto just can’t write truly brilliant characters we all know this look at shikamaru he’s eh at best
Itachi didn’t take the easy way out he took the stupid way out if we’re being honest because him killing his clan, torturing sasuke for years, joining the akatsuki, and him faking wanting to kill sasuke for his eyes until he dies isn’t easy that’s a lot of damn work
One way he could’ve deal with the whole coup thing was tell his father that konoha knows about it why would you want to overthrow a government who’s already expecting you?
Also he could’ve tell the clan about danzo plan so they can take care of that or itachi could’ve and he could've taken sasuke out of the village with him since they were going to be missing-Nins anyways but itachi would protect and be with him and not orochimaru crazy ass
I think we can all agree that what itachi did was stupid but he honestly didn’t think he had another choice
Thanks for the ask 🕋
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